Introduction to Introduction to Anglo-American Anglo-American Law Law (2007/09/17) Dr Meng-Chang Yao 姚姚姚姚姚 School of Law, Catholic Fu Jen University

Introduction to Anglo- American Law Introduction to Anglo- American Law (2007/09/17) Dr Meng-Chang Yao 姚孟昌博士 School of Law, Catholic Fu Jen University

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I: New Challenges and New Lawyers

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Page 1: Introduction to Anglo- American Law Introduction to Anglo- American Law (2007/09/17) Dr Meng-Chang Yao 姚孟昌博士 School of Law, Catholic Fu Jen University

Introduction to Anglo-Introduction to Anglo-American LawAmerican Law

(2007/09/17) Dr Meng-Chang Yao姚孟昌博士

School of Law, Catholic Fu Jen University

Page 2: Introduction to Anglo- American Law Introduction to Anglo- American Law (2007/09/17) Dr Meng-Chang Yao 姚孟昌博士 School of Law, Catholic Fu Jen University

Lesson One: New Era, New Challenges and

New Lawyers

Page 3: Introduction to Anglo- American Law Introduction to Anglo- American Law (2007/09/17) Dr Meng-Chang Yao 姚孟昌博士 School of Law, Catholic Fu Jen University

I: New Challenges and New Lawyers

Page 4: Introduction to Anglo- American Law Introduction to Anglo- American Law (2007/09/17) Dr Meng-Chang Yao 姚孟昌博士 School of Law, Catholic Fu Jen University

“The Law, like the traveler, must be ready for the tomorrow. It must have a principle of growth.” –

• Grand Justice Cardozo

Benjamin Nathan Cardozo

(May 24, 1870–July 9, 1938)

Page 5: Introduction to Anglo- American Law Introduction to Anglo- American Law (2007/09/17) Dr Meng-Chang Yao 姚孟昌博士 School of Law, Catholic Fu Jen University

• Therefore, if you want to overcome any challenges in the new century, you must know what challenges are first.

Page 6: Introduction to Anglo- American Law Introduction to Anglo- American Law (2007/09/17) Dr Meng-Chang Yao 姚孟昌博士 School of Law, Catholic Fu Jen University

• What Challenges We are Facing ! Challenge I- Globalization;

Page 7: Introduction to Anglo- American Law Introduction to Anglo- American Law (2007/09/17) Dr Meng-Chang Yao 姚孟昌博士 School of Law, Catholic Fu Jen University

• Challenge II:Mulitpalization and Highly Professionali


Page 8: Introduction to Anglo- American Law Introduction to Anglo- American Law (2007/09/17) Dr Meng-Chang Yao 姚孟昌博士 School of Law, Catholic Fu Jen University

• Challenge III:Inter-disciplinarisation

Page 9: Introduction to Anglo- American Law Introduction to Anglo- American Law (2007/09/17) Dr Meng-Chang Yao 姚孟昌博士 School of Law, Catholic Fu Jen University

• How to respond such serious Challenges stated above?-

Perspective From Taiwanese Lawyers

Page 10: Introduction to Anglo- American Law Introduction to Anglo- American Law (2007/09/17) Dr Meng-Chang Yao 姚孟昌博士 School of Law, Catholic Fu Jen University

• Challenge IV:

Legal Education

Page 11: Introduction to Anglo- American Law Introduction to Anglo- American Law (2007/09/17) Dr Meng-Chang Yao 姚孟昌博士 School of Law, Catholic Fu Jen University

II: New Lawyers and New Skills

Page 12: Introduction to Anglo- American Law Introduction to Anglo- American Law (2007/09/17) Dr Meng-Chang Yao 姚孟昌博士 School of Law, Catholic Fu Jen University

• What Goals a Lawyer Aims for! • To Know Law;• To Practice Law;• To Fulfill Law

Justice Oliver W. Holmes, Jr. (1841 –1935)

Page 13: Introduction to Anglo- American Law Introduction to Anglo- American Law (2007/09/17) Dr Meng-Chang Yao 姚孟昌博士 School of Law, Catholic Fu Jen University

• What a Lawyer should learn form the University?

Ability to reason;

Ability to think;

Ability top evaluate and appraise


Ability to Argument and Present;

Page 14: Introduction to Anglo- American Law Introduction to Anglo- American Law (2007/09/17) Dr Meng-Chang Yao 姚孟昌博士 School of Law, Catholic Fu Jen University

• Now, Please let us rethink-What capacities we need to reinforce and what basic skill we need to develop more?

Page 15: Introduction to Anglo- American Law Introduction to Anglo- American Law (2007/09/17) Dr Meng-Chang Yao 姚孟昌博士 School of Law, Catholic Fu Jen University

III: Why we can develop the basic Skills from the studies of Anglo-

American Legal Subjects?

Page 16: Introduction to Anglo- American Law Introduction to Anglo- American Law (2007/09/17) Dr Meng-Chang Yao 姚孟昌博士 School of Law, Catholic Fu Jen University

• What are the Difference between Civil Law System and Common Law system?

• What is the different legal thinking or legal reasoning between Civil Law System and Common Law system?

Page 17: Introduction to Anglo- American Law Introduction to Anglo- American Law (2007/09/17) Dr Meng-Chang Yao 姚孟昌博士 School of Law, Catholic Fu Jen University

1. Language

2. Comparative Legal Thinking

3. To Think like a English Lawyer

4. Multiple Capacities of Arguments and Legal Thinking

5. Prepare for International law and Interdisciplinary Legal Courses

6. Study Abroad

Page 18: Introduction to Anglo- American Law Introduction to Anglo- American Law (2007/09/17) Dr Meng-Chang Yao 姚孟昌博士 School of Law, Catholic Fu Jen University

IV: How to set the Teaching Goals and Recognize the limitations in Anglo-American Legal Courses

Page 19: Introduction to Anglo- American Law Introduction to Anglo- American Law (2007/09/17) Dr Meng-Chang Yao 姚孟昌博士 School of Law, Catholic Fu Jen University

1. Know the Limitations First! Marginal Courses?

Difficulty of Comprehension Psychological Problems

Thinking Method vs Knowledge

Page 20: Introduction to Anglo- American Law Introduction to Anglo- American Law (2007/09/17) Dr Meng-Chang Yao 姚孟昌博士 School of Law, Catholic Fu Jen University

• 2 . How to set your Goals?• Know my Students First, • Encourage them to Overcome language

difficulty Second.

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V: How to teach & how to Learn?

Is Socratic Method Necessary?

Page 22: Introduction to Anglo- American Law Introduction to Anglo- American Law (2007/09/17) Dr Meng-Chang Yao 姚孟昌博士 School of Law, Catholic Fu Jen University

VI: Is it Possible to Study Anglo-American Law in the Non-English

Specking World ?

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VII: The Teaching of Anglo-American Law in

Fu Jen Catholic University

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• Teaching Subjects:• Part I: Basic Issues• Part II: Case Studies

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• Why Case Study is so Critical?

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• Challenges and Solutions

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VIII: How to get a Sketch of Anglo-American Law in one


That Could Be a Big Challenge!

Page 28: Introduction to Anglo- American Law Introduction to Anglo- American Law (2007/09/17) Dr Meng-Chang Yao 姚孟昌博士 School of Law, Catholic Fu Jen University

• What are we going to do in the next five days?

• 1. Introduction • 2. Know-how before Know-what • 3. History and Institutions of Anglo

American Law• 4. Legal Methodology• 5. The Judicial System and the Adversary


Page 29: Introduction to Anglo- American Law Introduction to Anglo- American Law (2007/09/17) Dr Meng-Chang Yao 姚孟昌博士 School of Law, Catholic Fu Jen University

• 6. Constitutional Law and Judicial Review• 7. Civil Rights and Liberties• 8. Contract Law• 9. Torts Law• 10. Criminal Law• 11. Procedural Law• 12. Legal Education

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IX: References• 1. 英美法導論﹐ William Burnham 著﹐ 林利芝譯 , 2005 。• Burnham's Introduction to the Law and Legal S

ystem of the United States, 3d (American Casebook Series and Other Coursebooks) (Paperback)

• 2. 望月禮二郎 英美法,五南, 2004 。 • 3. 潘維大﹐劉文琦﹐ 英美法導讀﹐ 1998 • 4. 傅利曼﹐美國法導論。• Friedman, L.M. American Law: An Introductio

n, 2nd edition (March 1998)

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• 5. 《元照英美法词典》 法律出版社 2003 年 5月第一版

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附記﹕• 在英美法的教學中﹐教學最主要的目的是希望學生能夠像個真正的法律人﹐而什麼才是英語世界中法律人應有的形像﹖

Page 33: Introduction to Anglo- American Law Introduction to Anglo- American Law (2007/09/17) Dr Meng-Chang Yao 姚孟昌博士 School of Law, Catholic Fu Jen University

• 在美國社會裡,一位理想的、受尊重且值得肯定的法律人經常被稱為 --• A Lawyer/Statesman ﹐Why?

• Statesmanship : the ability, qualifications, or practice of a statesman; wisdom, character and skill in the management of public affairs.

Page 34: Introduction to Anglo- American Law Introduction to Anglo- American Law (2007/09/17) Dr Meng-Chang Yao 姚孟昌博士 School of Law, Catholic Fu Jen University

• 顧維鈞( Wellington Koo , 1888-1985) 1912 年任袁世凱英文秘書,之後代表中國出席 1919 年巴黎和會。歷任中華民國北洋政府國務總理,國民政府駐法國、英國大使,駐聯合國首席代表、駐美大使,海牙國際法院法官及副院長。被譽為中國現代史上最卓越的外交家之一。

• 。

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• 他在哥倫比亞大學就讀時 (1905-1912) 曾受業於法學家 John Bassett Moore.

John Bassett Moore (1860 – 1947) was an American authority on international law who was a member of the Hague Tribunal (1912-1938) and the first US judge to serve on the Permanent Court of International Justice from 1921 to 1928.From 1885 to 1886 he was a law clerk at the Department of State, then an Assistant Secretary of State. In 1891 he took the first full professorship of international law at Columbia University; he stayed there until 1924.

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• Professor Moore 強調法律系學生應該作好兩件事﹕• 1 、無論是研究或是求知,不需要讓自己花腦筋去記誦事實、日期、人名或數字。而是應該學會到那裡可以得到自己想要的資料與數據。• 2 、必須學會推理,隨時保持頭腦清醒。並養成理性地、獨立地思考習慣。

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• 如果你已經具備這樣的能力。老師除了恭喜你外也要進一步與你相勉。是不是我們不應該自滿於只作一個 Jurist or Lawyer 。而是應該作一個 Honorable Statesman 。

所以啊﹗是否我們預備好面對 the test of leadership, dependability and statesmanship?

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The EndThe End
