ISIS THI eAIHWfllilil SUN I 1 l 1 1901 4 > AMC- CTtaen e IwecBcmewt- 9b Ttri c Week trail year six rerttoetntate a Ila- I aMIO aeata aMI- adwrtieeateate fur three JLA iawi1 V iwf wo- Mi Death acitoea inserted l eafttaliaC Ova Ot year 1 7f- a tha 1 10- MM TJ 4 MM year 110 will aec el a than least TUtam tells la set see 1MM towkatleBe te the WWI XewM 4i f a will feel L Maafce- aL tfctf afk al At ec tvatyfeer heart A t Jet M Mw FMMM eta ftrfete they TWitlwer flylaf asaehtaette they will be all right M lH it M sad te here bees U BjtflB BBatt UMflh aVjai feat ah BB aW- Jalahataia teeea WM a fcsaae ehlMrca ef- fw ftww tatpreriB- gttolrwattMlliM to inaaf penteM- C Ms MM as seedy all the eeheale Mtwafi Ttrra can ae a ten jaJmHf ef knawtalBe Utpeated A All ff BB V MVINIf f OtfM fa verMXB its fer MfMlMllMI I MM ef r will anvtor l Oo 1 W 0 ef taint have 100 iKItriM free lareee Ittt beea inlaid Germay u tIC I r u- t w t Oleo Jr L r 1IIIIu1IIdIa- I 1hOU PiaWr AT t I b1WftM Nell 1- ii V E t jt 4 iflT At par 1 t b i Ao f MP we r Jr II t t the Cuee- Twa fIlM Ie Iae Met c i J these wits wall III tmcooooo ilk Their ten R Se- y ukre tamer r LL idiserwt f a I Irlbe Mrs t sLglepiei lie OATaa- tk fair r Spur issues yj y p wNata Luc th flrlssWeek- w r a t tM At1YM la- CsseNlsli etw Jestttsl sue srl W y AJ a trot saesslaeti fff- LL 11 L 1 1 1 wslilag t He whether M I l bere1IL- c S i i pas INwaee siq hors peas M y peeeh- kee wbei h Msma trap e said Missed with Pill r Ma sbe plsee w sses 1t111Nr stnlebt r tltegb r ekes life weald rasa twsitZ eke ell a sew stay 4 111 turd sal sat They bass sew the jMIN sad ordered seders E Ii + < = = > + fWi u ptottUfal to the waters of flMUhikttt Iff tkty are tkiafhur at richtaleef they will MM kf seers 0MM who MM MuHMtlTt t Hn ra try to MMy MB taU IB a day fMtteaief with the lh- Mwr llMy are eight Bat the IMS- HHMr hM bees added at PeaMeola esaeet te make wfc the supply of aMtcrial for IJhet arMete U 99 aeaadaae ia Jaeksea- fMe that they are theetiaRllieai whir Bter ea the MreeM Where are aw a w sad lh ward at It te aaaeaaeeA with aa air of ex tame aatfefattiea that Allee Beeeevtlt the lady of Jr of Cia aiMBtl te hat a wrath away though ahe hat traveled half aroaad the everywhere received aa a veyal aviaceM is still Demoeratie- hi her Meat aid loyal to her owa eoua- Hf laareef ef this the will have every article ef her troasiean made ia late eeaatry aid though her future eitt viBlaw the Ceaaten de Chain bras get her aaay Mti K aeeeMoriet la sot a thing bride outfit will come from the tea The Cathelie churches are to elimi feattle toleet from their choirs wherever it ray be practicable This may he dear by some eharehet but there are haadrvdt of them that if the ftmale Teieet were there world be a mighty big silence on many- a day ef tverthip While male roices are very well for a change to hear them all alone for a year or more weald beeeme monotonous There are many tweet ferule voices equal to the beet of MUle and mixed voices alike that portion of church worship I aiaeh more latplring Who want to go to choir rehcartal where there were ao girls see re is t Kill teaawoni W if 2 I fuel removed I I would I I s tls pens rase Mar they wigs dse m whets they lib se- at ale 4 sera whose wedding whit Xkbdp weld hoe bees t sesid easily Paris Seethe alto nat I w > μ tAVIMO TUItFCNTINE Tflf ES The recess setlimeaM af the Fer eat ServlM ietfgaf4 te eoat rve the life at gives ef remarkable ta eete It it eli vrd that the tmaveveueati tested la eiaerimeaM wttl in aMitlea te pro kwRiaa the life ef tae trees greatly laereaie their total yield ef When the cup aid getter of terpeatlaiaic war Introduced y the Fret Service tome three years ago the e aeniy which it teeurrd kd in ill adeetlea oa a large veal by Soath era tarpeatiae prodeeert What Lade thU tjitem its great value it the feet that it does away with the old prae ties ef boxing whisk eoaiUct ia sassing a deep cavity or hex at the ef the tree for the parpo of eatchiag sad holding the resin which ewt from the chipped face of the tree traak above In place of a box aa earthenware cap of the tame etpac Ity it fastened to the tree To the lowing reels ft directed by meant of metal gutters The discs e of the bet effected a twofold gala flnt a saving of the deep fatal wound In the of the tree and consequently and tee od mach lose waste ia the gathering of the prodact with a greater yield of tarpCBtla and better grade of resin While this decided improvement tpared the tree very considerably the method of chipping facet to min Row remained uaehanged- Thit IB itself necessitates a deep woaad which it U believed exhausts the vitality of the tree more than ia necessary Exhaustion it evident from the feet that after the tint year the yield quickly falls oft and the to tal predattive period it alto limited A farther step ia advaaee to supple meat the gates already secured by the sap and gutter system was therefore teaght la the aew plan This aimed te reduce the site and number of fee chipped and also the depth of the chipping without diminishing the low ef Ia the experiments carried oat dur- ing the past season the first object wat to show that at lout aa equal flow of resia can be secured from shallower end shorter facet The success of these experiments hat tentatively es- tablished the practicability of this plan A great saving naturally results for by redaeing the depth and the u perSela extent of the woaad the drain ea the vitality of the tree it reduced and at least an equal yield t secured without discounting the product of fu- ture years Under the old system the aaaaal yield gradually falls off large- ly la consequence of the formation of dry face which it a kind of local death affecting the exposed wood of the tree 4 bees NtlHnaio of I serpentine true premise these tarpon tine system this base its virallty stimu- late resin ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ It It highly probable that with this diminution in the severity of the op- eratic the ordinary term of three or years during which a forest it now worked eau be greatly increased This weans not only a larger total return larger profits but alto that the investment period for larpeatiaiag capital It lengthened a fiat which especially appeal to the in- verter The experiments are being conduct- ed la cooperation with the Hillman Sutherland Land Co which last year placed four crops of trees of about 8000 trees each at the disposal of the Forest Service and fur the season of 1906 has consented to supply still more timber to further the study Croup Begins with the symptoms of a com non cold There it achillinrt ne z lug sore throat hot skin quic pulse hoaneness and respiration fre- quent small doses of Ballard lion hound Syrup the child will cry for it and at the first slgi Of a croupy cough apply frequently Ballard Snow Liniment to tli throat Mrs A Vliet sew Castle Colo write March 19 1902 I think Ballards Horehound a wonderful remedy and to pleasant to take Sold by W M Johnson The Fighting the Flames Com- pany which has been at Tampa since the State Fair left on a steamer for New Orleans Sunday after a fight with the manager by some of the female For Biliousness and Sick Headac ia Take Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup If sweetens the stomach aids digestion and acts as a gentle stimulant on the liver and bowels without irritating these organs Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup cures biliousness and habitual constipation Does not nauseate or gripe mild and pleasant to take Remember the name and refute to accept any substitute J W McCollum A Co eon quently Io t oar and dive ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ BOARD OMANIZEO The Geveraer Hea N B State Treasurer Hoc W V Knott and the AtteraeyOeatral Hon H Ellis met ia the executive at Tallahassee oa the 2h day of ivy 1808 and vjrgaaised the Board of Cnmmite ert to examine into all claims la which it is set forth that the State of Florida hat received money from the United States in the settle- ment of the Indian War Claims which money the State never paid out and which is now justly due to the claim en s The Governor was chosen chairman and the AttorneyGeneral secretary of the heard No claims having been flied with the Board it was not deemed necessary to employ any clerical aid for the pres- ent and thereupon the Board adjourn- ed to meet again the second day of April 1906 Luckiest Man In Arkansas Im the luckiest man in Arkansss Stanley of Bruno since the restoration of my wifes health af ter fire years of continuous soughing and bleeding from the lungs and I owe my good fortune to the worlds greatest medicine Dr Kings New Dis- covery for Consumption which I know from experience will cure consumption- if taken in time My wife improved with tint bottle and twelve bottles completed the cure Cares the coughs colds or money refunded At all stores 60c and 1100 Trial bottles free A Great Fertilizer Elsewhere we print the advertise- ment of the F S Royster Guano Co and call the attention of our readers- to the same The Royster fertilizer people are the largest of the independ- ent manufacturers remaining These people Have had a meet wonderful suc- cess in their sales Farmers Bone it their leading brand of cotton fer- tilizer and wo are told that itt tale exceeds that of any other tingle brand of fertilizer told in the South Owing to the fact that they use fish for their goods are popular everywhere they are sold They claim theirs to be the original guano They have large works at Norfolk Va Tarboro N C two factories in South Carolina and one at Macon Ga and their goods are on sale in nearly every town in the South where fertilizers are u ed readers will find it to their interest to consider Roysier fertilizer before making their purchases Broward W Jan writes H L worst fish of lee i am- moniates Our ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ A Card This a card to certify that all druggists are authorized to refund your money if Foley Honey and Tar fails to cure your cough or cold It stops the cough heals the lungs and prevents serious results from a cold Cures la cough and pneumonia and consumption Con no The genuine is In a package Refuse substitutes W McCollum A Co Justice Colmana Court James Carolina charged with the larceny of 25 rents the price of haul- ing a trunk was held in Justice Col mans court Wednesday in the sum of tJOO for hit appearance before the grand jury Bond was immediately secured and the defendant released Carolina who Is a porter at the Brown through some of orders took a trunk which to be transferred to the Gaines ripe and Gulf depot from the wagon of Sam Reid another drayman and placed Si into the wagon of the city transfer The arrest was caused at the instigation of Reid who swore out a warrant charging Carolina with lar- ceny B A represented Reid while C C Thomas appeared for the defendant There is more catarrh in this section- of the country than all other put togethr and until the last few years it was supposed to be incurable For a grunt many years doctors pro nnunceil it a local and local remedies and liy con otautly failing to cure with local treat- ment pronounced it incurable Scienc has proven catarrh to be a and therefore constitutional treatment Halls Catarrh Cure manufactured by F J Co Toledo Ohio is the only constitutional cur on the mark- et It is taken internally in from 10 drops to H It acts directly on the and mucous sur- faces of the system They titter ICO for it fails to cure Send for circular and testimonials Address F J CIIKNEY A Co To ledo Ohio Sold by druggists 76a Take Family Pill for contti Patton I J house Thrasher disease dOff an I I I yellow misunder- standing was disease pre- scribed con- stitutional disease re- quires Cheney teaspoonful case ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ FURNITURE and ChairsJU- ST RECEIVED THIS WEEK buy in large quantities ship in Carloads SAVE about TWENTY PER CENT- in freight get ROCK BOTTOM Prices because of the quantity in which we buy Are these not SUFFICIENT REASONS WHY WE UNDERSELL ALL COMPETITORS Compare Our PRICES and be Convinced that we are the Cheapest Furniture House in This Country MIDDLE FLORIDAS LARGEST ANT MOST COMPLETE FCRNITURE HOUSE Gainuvillt Florida To Arrive THIS WEEK A Mule with a guarantee THAT GUARANTEES is worth more than oue without es- pecially so when it costs no more We never misrepresent OUR GUAR- ANTEE PROTECTS YOU MULE WORKS OR MONEY SACK R THOMAS Gainesville Fla FOUR SOLID CARLOADS u W E h OAlnfSYIUf FURMITURF 0 iIi it t 1 f W j i t 4 P I- I WRITE k ANOTBER CARr of r 1 4 y y ¬ ¬ > = =

ISIS 4 THI 1 R Se- I u-ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/02/82/98/01382/00717.pdf · ISIS THI eAIHWfllilil SUN l I 1 4 1 1901 AMC-CTtaen e IwecBcmewt- 9b Ttri c Week trail year six rerttoetntate

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Page 1: ISIS 4 THI 1 R Se- I u-ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/02/82/98/01382/00717.pdf · ISIS THI eAIHWfllilil SUN l I 1 4 1 1901 AMC-CTtaen e IwecBcmewt- 9b Ttri c Week trail year six rerttoetntate




1 19014



CTtaen e IwecBcmewt-9b Ttri c Week trail year six

rerttoetntate a Ila-

I aMIO aeata aMI-

adwrtieeateate fur threeJLA iawi1V iwf wo-

Mi Death acitoea insertedl eafttaliaC

Ova Ot

year 1 7f-a tha

1 10-

MMTJ 4 MM year 110

will aec el athan least

TUtam tells la set see1MM towkatleBe te the WWI

XewM 4i f a will feel




tfctf afk al At ec tvatyfeer heartA tJet M Mw FMMM eta ftrfete they

TWitlwer flylaf asaehtaettethey will be all right

M lH it M sad

te here bees

U BjtflB BBatt UMflh aVjai feat ahBB aW-

Jalahataia teeea WM a

fcsaae ehlMrca ef-

fw ftww tatpreriB-gttolrwattMlliM to inaaf penteM-

C Ms MM as seedy all the eehealeMtwafi Ttrra can ae a

ten jaJmHf ef knawtalBe UtpeatedA All ff BB


OtfM fa verMXB itsfer MfMlMllMI I MM ef

r will anvtor l Oo

1 W 0 ef tainthave 100

iKItriM free lareeeIttt beea inlaid Germay

utIC I

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IIt t the Cuee-

TwafIlM Ie Iae Met


iJ these




Their ten





LL idiserwt

f a I

Irlbe Mrs t sLglepiei lie


tk fair

rSpur issues


p wNata Lucth flrlssWeek-

w r

at tM At1YM la-CsseNlsli etw

Jestttsl suesrl W y


a trotsaesslaeti



L 1 1 1

wslilag t He whether


I l bere1IL-

c Si i pasINwaee siq hors

peas M y peeeh-kee wbei h Msma trap

e saidMissed with Pill


Ma sbe plseew sses1t111Nr stnlebt

r tltegbr ekes


weald rasa

twsitZ ekeell a

sew stay4 111 turd sal sat They

bass sew thejMIN sad ordered seders









fWi u ptottUfal to the waters offlMUhikttt Iff tkty are tkiafhur at

richtaleef they willMM kf seers 0MM whoMM MuHMtlTt t Hn ra try to

MMy MB taU IB a dayfMtteaief with the lh-

Mwr llMy are eight Bat the IMS-

HHMr hM bees added at PeaMeolaesaeet te make

wfc the supply of aMtcrial forIJhet arMete U 99 aeaadaae ia Jaeksea-fMe that they are theetiaRllieai whirBter ea the MreeM Where areaw a w sad lh ward at

It te aaaeaaeeA with aa air of extame aatfefattiea that AlleeBeeeevtlt the lady of

Jr of CiaaiMBtl te hat a wrath away thoughahe hat traveled half aroaad the

everywhere receivedaa a veyal aviaceM is still Demoeratie-hi her Meat aid loyal to her owa eoua-

Hf laareef ef this the will haveevery article ef her troasiean made ialate eeaatry aid though her futureeitt viBlaw the Ceaaten de Chainbras get her aaayMti K aeeeMoriet la sot a thing

bride outfit will come fromthe tea

The Cathelie churches are to elimifeattle toleet from their choirs

wherever it ray be practicable Thismay he dear by some eharehet butthere are haadrvdt of them that if theftmale Teieet were thereworld be a mighty big silence on many-a day ef tverthip While male roicesare very well for a change to hearthem all alone for a year or moreweald beeeme monotonous There aremany tweet ferule voices equal tothe beet of MUle and mixed voicesalike that portion of church worship I

aiaeh more latplring Whowant to go to choir rehcartal wherethere were ao girls



t Kill








would I



tls pens rase

Mar theywigs dse


whets they lib se-at ale4


whose weddingwhit Xkbdp

weld hoe beest

sesid easilyParis








The recess setlimeaM af the Fereat ServlM ietfgaf4 te eoat rve thelife at givesef remarkable ta eete It it eli vrdthat the tmaveveueati tested laeiaerimeaM wttl in aMitlea te prokwRiaa the life ef tae trees greatlylaereaie their total yield ef

When the cup aid getter ofterpeatlaiaic war Introduced y theFret Service tome three years agothe e aeniy which it teeurrd kd inill adeetlea oa a large veal by Soathera tarpeatiae prodeeert What LadethU tjitem its great value it the feetthat it does away with the old praeties ef boxing whisk eoaiUct iasassing a deep cavity or hex at the

ef the tree for the parpo ofeatchiag sad holding the resin which

ewt from the chipped face of thetree traak above In place of a boxaa earthenware cap of the tame etpacIty it fastened to the tree To thelowing reels ft directed by meant ofmetal gutters The discs e of thebet effected a twofold gala flnt

a saving of the deep fatal wound Inthe of the tree and consequently

and teeod mach lose waste ia the gatheringof the prodact with a greater yield oftarpCBtla and better grade of resin

While this decided improvementtpared the tree very considerably themethod of chipping facet to

min Row remained uaehanged-Thit IB itself necessitates a deepwoaad which it U believed exhauststhe vitality of the tree more than ianecessary Exhaustion it evidentfrom the feet that after the tint yearthe yield quickly falls oft and the total predattive period it alto limitedA farther step ia advaaee to supplemeat the gates already secured by thesap and gutter system was thereforeteaght la the aew plan This aimedte reduce the site and number offee chipped and also the depth of

the chipping without diminishing thelow ef

Ia the experiments carried oat dur-ing the past season the first objectwat to show that at lout aa equal flowof resia can be secured from shallowerend shorter facet The success ofthese experiments hat tentatively es-

tablished the practicability of thisplan A great saving naturally resultsfor by redaeing the depth and the uperSela extent of the woaad the drainea the vitality of the tree it reducedand at least an equal yield t securedwithout discounting the product of fu-

ture years Under the old system theaaaaal yield gradually falls off large-ly la consequence of the formation ofdry face which it a kind of local

death affecting the exposed wood ofthe tree



NtlHnaio of


serpentine true premise





baseits virallty






It It highly probable that with thisdiminution in the severity of the op-

eratic the ordinary term of three oryears during which a forest it now

worked eau be greatly increased Thisweans not only a larger total return

larger profits butalto that the investment period forlarpeatiaiag capital It lengthened afiat which especially appeal to the in-

verterThe experiments are being conduct-

ed la cooperation with the HillmanSutherland Land Co which last yearplaced four crops of trees of about8000 trees each at the disposal of theForest Service and fur the season of1906 has consented to supply still moretimber to further the study

CroupBegins with the symptoms of a com

non cold There it achillinrt ne z

lug sore throat hot skin quic pulsehoaneness and respiration fre-

quent small doses of Ballard lionhound Syrup the child will cry forit and at the first slgi Of a croupycough apply frequently Ballard SnowLiniment to tli throat Mrs A Vlietsew Castle Colo write March 19

1902 I think Ballards Horehounda wonderful remedy and to

pleasant to take Sold by W MJohnson

The Fighting the Flames Com-pany which has been at Tampa sincethe State Fair left on a steamer forNew Orleans Sunday after a fight withthe manager by some of the female

For Biliousness and Sick Headac iaTake Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup If

sweetens the stomach aids digestionand acts as a gentle stimulant on theliver and bowels without irritatingthese organs Orino Laxative FruitSyrup cures biliousness and habitualconstipation Does not nauseate orgripe mild and pleasant totake Remember the name andrefute to accept any substitute J WMcCollum A Co

eon quently

Io t











The Geveraer Hea N B

State Treasurer Hoc W V Knottand the AtteraeyOeatral HonH Ellis met ia the executive atTallahassee oa the 2h day of

ivy 1808 and vjrgaaised the Board of

Cnmmite ert to examine into allclaims la which it is set forth that theState of Florida hat received moneyfrom the United States in the settle-ment of the Indian War Claims whichmoney the State never paid out andwhich is now justly due to the claimen s

The Governor was chosen chairmanand the AttorneyGeneral secretary ofthe heard

No claims having been flied with theBoard it was not deemed necessary toemploy any clerical aid for the pres-

ent and thereupon the Board adjourn-ed to meet again the second day ofApril 1906

Luckiest Man In ArkansasIm the luckiest man in Arkansss

Stanley of Bruno sincethe restoration of my wifes health after fire years of continuous soughingand bleeding from the lungs and Iowe my good fortune to the worldsgreatest medicine Dr Kings New Dis-

covery for Consumption which I knowfrom experience will cure consumption-if taken in time My wife improvedwith tint bottle and twelve bottlescompleted the cure Cares thecoughs colds or money refundedAt all stores 60c and 1100 Trialbottles free

A Great FertilizerElsewhere we print the advertise-

ment of the F S Royster Guano Coand call the attention of our readers-to the same The Royster fertilizerpeople are the largest of the independ-ent manufacturers remaining Thesepeople Have had a meet wonderful suc-cess in their sales Farmers Boneit their leading brand of cotton fer-tilizer and wo are told that itt taleexceeds that of any other tingle brandof fertilizer told in the South Owingto the fact that they use fish for

their goods are populareverywhere they are sold They claimtheirs to be the original guanoThey have large works at Norfolk VaTarboro N C two factories in SouthCarolina and one at Macon Ga andtheir goods are on sale in nearly everytown in the South where fertilizers areu ed readers will find it to theirinterest to consider Roysier fertilizerbefore making their purchases




writes H L



of lee












A CardThis a card to certify that all

druggists are authorized to refundyour money if Foley Honey and Tarfails to cure your cough or cold Itstops the cough heals the lungs andprevents serious results from a coldCures la cough andpneumonia and consumption Con

no The genuine is In apackage Refuse substitutes

W McCollum A Co

Justice Colmana CourtJames Carolina charged with the

larceny of 25 rents the price of haul-ing a trunk was held in Justice Colmans court Wednesday in the sum oftJOO for hit appearance before thegrand jury Bond was immediatelysecured and the defendant released

Carolina who Is a porter at theBrown through some

of orders took a trunk whichto be transferred to the Gaines

ripe and Gulf depot from the wagonof Sam Reid another drayman andplaced Si into the wagon of the citytransfer The arrest was caused atthe instigation of Reid who swore outa warrant charging Carolina with lar-ceny

B A represented Reidwhile C C Thomas appeared for thedefendant

There is more catarrh in this section-of the country than all otherput togethr and until the last fewyears it was supposed to be incurableFor a grunt many years doctors pronnunceil it a local and

local remedies and liy conotautly failing to cure with local treat-ment pronounced it incurableScienc has proven catarrh to be a

and thereforeconstitutional treatment Halls

Catarrh Cure manufactured by F JCo Toledo Ohio is the

only constitutional cur on the mark-et It is taken internally infrom 10 drops to H It actsdirectly on the and mucous sur-faces of the system They titter ICOfor it fails to cure Send forcircular and testimonials

Address F J CIIKNEY A Co Toledo Ohio

Sold by druggists 76aTake Family Pill for contti

















stitutional disease re-

















buy in large quantities ship in CarloadsSAVE about TWENTY PER CENT-in freight get ROCK BOTTOM Prices

because of the quantity in which we buy Are thesenot SUFFICIENT REASONS WHY WE


Compare Our PRICESand be Convinced that we are the

Cheapest Furniture House in This Country



Gainuvillt Florida


A Mule with a guarantee

THAT GUARANTEESis worth more than oue without es-

pecially so when it costs no more

We never misrepresent OUR GUAR-


R THOMASGainesville Fla










W j


















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