_ __ _ _3 3A ~ rr : 223 3 ,H) fjiL 1 iu r ua v jV Ii { i: ? HI _. . 1 14 J 1 AT a w i t S ? ï ¿½ ,;" , "It1^7 .- 7 ii :lallfft ~T* ,Yi'�t~~�i a n, , ,. r e 3 O~ q ~ ~ 3 ~ l~ p lr e f . h . 1 'I' . ! F. ' ': . . . . 1 . ' ¿ ½' ! tl " . 14 1 Il I s: n W 1 r . 1 Th Yr $� � l b Y W v , �el Bl ' " amI p ., - * t Nj ï ¿½ .. 8onp9�r Hoo d t o F ï¿ ½ , v f Z=; Tnwe 4 Q Y r . . . r a a .t. ''~0 ,y1 7 fl sv. If. V. ' . IP t lf l 4/ i W;~ 44 "H, 04 ift 0 - ï ¿ ½ ' ï¿ ½ a f e es o ee f L ' ï ¿½ M e l t ,,n-,, inC !�M 'e~,i1 � ,~ ',ub a"� uoadqA ,A 9I{ri ln r r t A I v o ï ¿ ½ r in O t a m e s t r ' , i , r t , o r . t , " . sr : , 1 ' 4/ x s o r 1 " ' Z ' a ' I A 4 f l . _ _u r U� - . . ~ ~ . F W _T A ' Ii t ;; . : . VOLUME 11, NEWOLA, U'AI ~QRI~ I ? G;' IR bl 1,; , , ï¿ ½ - - - - - - - - - - - .. , .{ ~ t l" , ~f 1 ` ' '1 ' ' , 'n 'a A A v 4 ï¿ ½ y. b f '_ 5QRenI arARA Awa t aT tO X 4r *i a .p a t q N E W O RL E AN S . B UN D AY, J U NK 6, lsi. e THE THREE HOMES.' W he r e i s t hy ho m e ' " I a s ked a chi l d, - o Who i n t h e m or n in g a i r 14 W ,> t w il n ng ae w er . . m n ost s wee t s a d w il d , I n g ar l an i s f or he r ha i r. My h o me, " the h a o py be a rs re p li e d. A in d ah l u i n a hil n iig Ie5. "Is e i n t he su n ny mo u nt a in si d e, C W he r e s of t w i da d .o o nd e r r ee . "' O h ! blea i ng s talol o n , tiles yo u th , A Wnd an its h r ] ours. , W he n e e ry - wo r us jo y a n di tr o th , A nd tr e as u l e s l iv e is do n ra ! " Wl eh o is th h ln s ï¿ ½ I es a le d -e f o n e h o Iu b en t w i th ru s bi a f e e T o l ua r a wa r ri o rs t en d er to n e. In t he wi l d w oo d 's se o te t p l ac . e S hi e s o ike not . b u t h er va r yi n g c he e k T he ta l e tdi l it t w li n pa _ __ T he h h e h eo "u n n . pi t am o k A l W 'a m i s a kin d re d h e a t [l a I I L b ol s t h ee we l l a ig h t s oa r o b ne , T i o s t tt i oi l l h e a dl y i M egiv A ni d b i iilh . t h ri r hoy e s o p n om a zn p lo r , 14 That l h gh t o u if r mg t le th i ng s W ier " i s to m " i wo .. ,a l d loi i nt e ly ma n s" I i n ke d a p il t ln i m r a- . * 1 , o je u .w i tj i f o rr v ï¿ ½ Se d b r ow an d w a on . 'l I t n o n i h p l a r w t ay: 1 l ie po n ee d n*an d w i Ws h i l ea n qi l ii Up L ture d h i s h ol y r y ta - I i -The la ndll~ 1 s ee ~ tn o u >;e r h ry s t a ge n t H ' L M v i or l e i a i ii the sk t i. ' A h T iles t he r c" h he t he hen r t i in t 1 4 ' 1. wh o misu c h t ho u gh t s l ot . " g ir . ~m - - T ha t w a lk s f e *s r om . .w i ti i y t at t er s f r ee- r Its only h op e l 5 ~l u t~ a te e t. L14)YD 9~NA$T;~ A T al e 'tts t h B. W es e t - I `� -I ,.." Hnol ttaMlei.�o m!fake, ii th e t r rt s ee o f i sl , ' ha n d l ve o te d t e n t hu u sa p d p oua d a ( he r f o rt u ne ) o n a mo r tg a ge re c om m ue i nd e d a s f ir s t- r at e s e cu r it y b y M r . C li p pe r , a nd th e thought struck him that the transfer of this I sum would meet the exigencies of the occa- sion. He felt no hesitation in umaking use of this mtoney, as he had already executed his will i n f av o r o f M is s Bi L ng h am n an d i t s a pp r o- I pri a ti o n w ou l d s av e w h at ul t iu a te l y m us t b e K h e rs , from fur t her legal destruction. lie there- f or e w r ot e . t o Clipp e r, expressing h i s r ea d in i es s .. t o e xe c ut e t h e p ro p os e d m or t ga g e o n h is ow n estate, and to assign t he on e h i e h ad on Jo h n- son' s i n l i qu o id a tion of the sec o nd cl a im on re - ce i vi l ng ba c k t i he su r pl u s. Bu t t o his astonish- n ie n t C lp p te r d e clined l the otiler. "H e c o uld not atijtrd, h e s a id, " to p a Yi th e dli f fer e nce, as all his ready c as h h a d b ee n d i spo s ed of in ac - comnmoihsting h is cl i en t s; ne i th e r w ou l d h is n ec e ss i ti e s e nai l i h in , t o w a it du r in g t h e t im e w hi c h m us t e l ap s e b ie f or e J o hn s on ' s d it et i ta l d b e m ia d e a v ai l ab l e;' ~ ' anid furthe r , h e r ef u sed to d el i ve r u p t h e d ee d s, wh i ch wo u ld en a bl e C o l. B la k e t o c al l h i M i ss Bi n gh a mn's fo r tu n e, un t il t ue su m s 4 uo to i iu s .c l t' asol d b U f l ow li q uid t W ted t . I in tr i ts ' this4lS n el a- p pl h is ha n kd r to bhabl i ni fu r a loan of the Teqais i te s um , s t at i ng at th e t a in l ' t im e t h e p ar t ic o le r s o f t he se c iu i ty he . wee pr t pr e pr l t o .o i 'e r s A n irr i ie d ia t e r ep l y e xp r es s ed th a t g en t lt m an ' s w il l iK n gl e ss to .oec o nn i d5 t e b la i n o n t he te r ms p r op o ue d . A ll l ld a ng e r m ight inow, therefore, ie looked upon a l 5 c 1t r , slad t h e w hol e a f iair c on s id e re d a s d l ef i ni t iv e ly wo u nd up . T h e ba n ke r 's le t te r w a s e nc l ose d t o P e pp e r, wi t h d ir e ct i on s t o h a ve the t ra n sf e r e xc e st e d w it h a ll po s si b le di s pa t ch ; a n d t h e C ol o ne l a n d Mastet Mike d is m is s ed al l f u rt h re r .a r n o n that score ft o m. t he i r m in d s. I t w sk I a g rea t rel i ef - -- n ti l p l ac e d i n i t C ol . B la k e r co u ld no t h a ve real i ze d l t he ml i se r y of the s i tu a tion fro m n w hi c h I he had l j u st es c al p ed l . H e h ad Ib e ce dr a gg e d t o th l c e d ge of t h e p re c i- S i ce , ia n d n ar r owly e sc a pe d b e in g c a st ov e r. h l e excitemen t h a d r ou s ed h i mn fr o iq hi s f o r- m i er st a te of ap a th y , a nd , : t o K at e 's gr e at de - light, be proiponed that they s ho u ld al l t a ke a t ri p t o o n e o f t he fa s liouahle. Es g ia l wa w it e ri n g plac e s. I n d cl u e t ime M r. Cl i pp e ra a nn o un c ed th a t t he d ee d o f m o rt g ag e w a s p re p ar e d, an d w o ul d l i e s en t d o wn in a fkw d a ys o . H e p le a de d m o ti e s o f d el i cacy for no t a f tt e di n g h i ms e lf , but Mr. Sha l rp , t h e s ith.e h er i ff , h a d k i nd l y un d er t ak e n t o s ee it. e x ec u te J d, and p ro p os e d c al l ing a t u - ) n su ' ve r ic k C a st l e f o r t ha t p u rp o se . I t w as on l ly wh e n the sa y st e ri o us l y- w or d ed parchments were s pr e ad be f pr e h i m t hat the ulhtippy gesntlemaniab,.l ott'to pledge his patri- mony , f u lly a p pr e ci a ted the impnlortance pf the proceeding. When h e ie a d t h e c ov e nants and saw th e w i tn e ss e s, he wo u al d , w er e i t p o ss i bl e , h ave re c oi l ed f r om t h e a ct . A mo m en t 's co n - s id e ra t io n , h ow e ve r , c on v in c ed hi m that it wa s t he n u n av o il d abl l e; an d t h e f re e and e a sy ma n - n er of Mr . S h ar p s o d i sg u sn e te d h i m t ha t , t o b ri n g t hei r i n te r vi e w t o a s p ee d y e on o ls i on , h e h ur r ie d ly se i ze d a op e n n d a ff i xe d h i s s ig n a- t ur e . T he ex e cu t io n o f t h e B rA t m o rt g ag e i s a n e ve n t s el d om ob l it e ra t ed *o m th e m e mo r y, a nd th e m r ee n inlc e nce o f t h e fa t al ac s et is ge n er - aly aocompa s by s- s oo o f i edA e pe n de d e lo s t a nd of ra i K1 t p e e m ot i ve. A s t he Col o nel s tr o Ued tr o ug h i s g r ou n ds , a f t 8 " ar t s' s P ai n fu l v i si t , h e d ar e s c ar c el y o l l u Lp n t h e t re e s, of wh o se an t iq n it y a n d g ia n t s i D w a s ,s o j o es t ly ain; a nd wh e n he r e. a hd s ea t , p la c ed be n ea t h a n e no r nm o As ok op wb t hb l ii a ll y rest e d, b e d s il t ae d t o a va i l h ims e lf o f t he sh e lt e r a t t ï¿ ½ 'e.he e re & 'trms o , w he a t h e h ad ja s ob e fe e s ha n de d v r s t t t Se e dr m e r- ies o f s si q poi q a a n y ' T he na o e f yd l - i n h au n te s d ' his s M at ' i i jn t er h ' s th, n o ble l l. T he pr o ud ea e sd l oa n ie s s o f e x el u si v e o wn e rs h bi p was S ed . ' " Tr e es . and e as t le , t h ey ar e n o l o ng rally sl*," haae m emyie ax - qlaimed, "for auothier may now legally claim a - t h em." a, The peiesing affairs of-business being con- h - elnded, and the necessary preparatiois for their a journey completed, iost-horses were ordered, o to the great satisfaetion of Tim, who was fond w of traveling, and of the lady's maid, who tl longed to see "foreign parts" 8 and f o reign rn beaunx. Mike declined to join the party.. lie Iad no wish to visit the haunts of fashion, and a besides his presence would be required at the o castle during its master's absence. a On t he ev e o f their departure Kate Binghalnm a sat alone in the drawing-roonm. It was the dusk of a still, calm e ve n is n g i n J uly , a n d t he pervading loneliness seetlhed to have atfeeted her spirits. She took - h e r harp and sung , b u t panesed fpeu ently while aturggiHug to restrain a: r feelings. So absorbed wa s e, by her l teag'bts - Mike estered the roomt uinper- ceived, and stood behind her for some minutes in ailente. . S h e conunsaced a favorite air of tl Peuuau'ns; her first notes were firnm tnh per- fooet as when be hung upin them with delight, e' but soon her voicp wavered. She paused. P stojtpped, and burst into tears. Mike could n stanui it, no lingei - He had hefetofore studll- " ousfy .avoided inquiring as to what extent mat- c' ters had been carried betweeon enunept Uand L hesapfi , H u q had , noticed, her il-disgnised bpxiety, ulld bl often endeavored to comfbrt herty tnrdirect 'allusibns, although heT''had never ve\ntured to speak openly on the paislnfull subject. Now, however, he abandoned, alL P reierve. Pnlacing his h an d s u I po n t i le w ee u ta t sg girl's heads he bmeeswght her tveheer up-in hl, f' own umsopistiecated wa , seoekisg : ,to eemfort t her .&L. wll Be we b l .�l .and pq a y tiScar ctfihlld ttbn't'tet.' Piron tfry lktant'l'1ity you, e a; ni tast'spothing ena this. dairth I wb'at d to nende4ed hope springing up in her hear, e e edawi her tears. - isa "No, my dear, tioi ng; but I never lost l s courage or hope." A e. " lie may be dead. I can conceive no otber t is caIe for his absence." * t "- No, no; no fear of that. There are other of anses, which I cal't as yet disclose." f is "Do tell me," cried the excited girl, seizing r , - h is hand ; do tell me, consin Mike. You know , not how I have sufftired, acid what a relief it J� i- would be to my mind to know he were living is_ anti well, even though I shoultd never see hinm l u inuore-although." she addedl in a subdued tone, I - " t hat indeed would embnlitter ,ny liti." s "I can't bireak counfldence," replied Mike; a "but I promise you that I shall leave no stone c d unturnedt to discover hirnm." is "'Thank yon, dear consin, for that, andti all e- your tther kindltnesses. And von will write to is Ite, wnont yot, and tell tue all that hl'nl" us i te And yoe'll let n.e hear from you often, for you Id know how impatient I shall be. I to "Yot ttay depend, on me," said Mike. i But 1. now retire to rest-sleep well, and Ie a good il Iirl. I go before you ill the morning to Creek Isto upLr me-ee-yotu hearty tiandsherfai, : ulo,1 rsw aboVe all things, be sure you don't menltion 1 1n the tonvbraktion 's-e have had, eitherto Mrs., 's ffdlinghri1kb or ydoliuncle." as Mike kissed her foreheadl, and prayed a Wless- C , I n g on her. As they parted, his heart ftTt:tie air Tigter fbr having in some degree consoled the be dcema..wn o.,iirl; wJille iEatesa. hopies revjvel' th from avin earnoed (although ignorant o i ft h e th .palitilts?< Irrinant l 's a ulei"odll loed ad accounted for other ' 1Ao than by itmputing it to at itlitdelity. She hadt also found 'a conlidt pIs-. sessedof her secret, to whom are might 'freeJy l. unburlden her minud, anid in whose unfitiling of dlevotion she could repose the most ,ubountled s. trust. ei- ('ol. Blake was t he fi r st of the famnily Afnot r. it the umtorning-his ittatieince to he off in- ir- cuseiug sitce he had signed the deeds, andi I Iby le- 10 o'ctlock all wnas ready for the start. Tiitn or- sa dered tihe carriage rotund witlh a air of tIhe rig most dlignited imtportance. The colonel de- layed, arranging sote plapers in the liblrary ; he M'rs. tolingbroke sat ready in the drawing- te rooms ; Katte was adjusting her clonk andi. boi- xs net. The imperial and boxes had been regularly fr. arranged, aud the pos't-boys were muouitetii, en alter Ihaving tied utp their broken Lardtes�, nod at b,,rrowed all the bits of spare strings to, he fund anmoingst tilhe bystuntlers, in nutcipation ed of future ruptulres. The stepls were down, the he lady's maid already in the rumbnle, and Tim ri- pricoeded to annontce that all was readty, he when' Mr. Sharp, attendedl by two other men nd on horseback, rode hurriedly up. All three le, dismounted and entered the hall. Mr. Shar p in- asked to see the colonel. A servant, who took rae the message, returned with his master's oomn- an- pliments, to say he Itati not then time to re- to oeive the gentleman; but, as he presumed iis on, visit was connected with bIusinessq, ie beggetY oa- to refer hint to Mr. Michael Blake, who would be at home next day. Mr. Sharp, while await- an ing the answer, had, uninvited, bntered the ry, parlor, and when ite received it, ronghly re- o r- plied. "That won't do-I must see him." 'Then, e whispering something to his companions, ote wel noiselerely followed the footman, who, aston- p's ished at such rudeness, went back to his mas- thq ter, while the other mounted the stairs, and rae rushed towards a room in which he heard per- sat, sons talking. The refMan nahesitatingly burst be open the door and presented himself to the of astonished cate, with a pinted paper in one he hmnd and aocked ptol in the other. ,tr- " Spasn*'- . spars my unce, 'f o r merc s' el. sake scried the sffait girl , a she fell hIe upon her knees and grasped his eat-skirts. Ise "Yon shall have all our money, but spare our bey lives!" O- " I want neither your lives nor your meney," said the brutal bailiff, as.hedisengaged hin*t self from her hold.' You heedn't make such s habbb ; It's only a writ and an execution," hb onutinued, as he peered under the bed and. opened the wardrobe. " Yon may as well tell where the gentleman is at once-it'll save trouble. He can't escape, as the house is eour- rounded." The olqnel, meantime, had been arrested on a writ, muarked against his person, at the suit of Mr. Clipper, for onue portlon of his claims, while his ouods and clhattels were seized under I an e xe c ut i on , i s su e d a g ai n st hi m by the same n person for another. He sat pale as death when Kate entered and threw herself into his arms. There were many of the peasantry and re- tainers about the place when the sub-sheriff arrived ; .but the possibility of their master 1 being in his power never once entered their heads. When the fact of his arrest transpired, I "boys" were sent off n every direction to rouse the neighbors, and efect a resdne. Mr. Sharp, who seemed flurried by a conmmunication re- ceivedl from one of his people, 1bttintly told the prisoner that they mest-be e-ff at -oane -as-e- uunderstood an attack was about to by made upon the -bailiffs. The thought of a rescue re- called the scene he had witnessed at Squire 1 Uliok's execution to the colonel's muind. He imuuediately recovered his self-posses- sIon,, and after ofering somne-- eensobtion J ,t� I4 e 1lies,, h e followed ta m4e u rill: and littied his bringe. 'But 'the test-bouys poqtiivpa y refused to stir aund proceeded to. qrygokt . their cattle. Hforns were heard soungisa ona a ll sidel. and men .were dasend=l ing'front the hills in every directlin. There wa ino time to be lost. It was onlyIty the eit6ettppntreaties of thle cOlolu4l l, ho hassred them that tie-had but to drive otkreek' s;wn, oa epati~erm 4 � 1 multitude. Mike had succeeded in aseomoplllhing his business, luncheon was ready, and he stoi4u in lhigh spirits at tihe inn door, on tihe look-out. As the I)unuseveriuk equipage dashed dowj- the street, he entered the holuse to nnuumu'u the servaute, when, to his astonishment, tlhe carriage swept quickly past. and, after halting fr a uuu'inenut w h ile Tiiuu d e seeudled front t h e rutuble, then followed tihe road leading to the jail. It-would hbe ditffcult to say what feeling pro- douiniated in Mike's min d a s , a ft e r halving learned the truth, lie strode forward in pur- suit. Compassion for his relative's uupleas- ant posiion aIlternated with indignation at tihe c , 4i d it c t uof the scoundtrel, by lwhose negluct he hald len left se 1 etnplletely at lthe mercy of his enetuies. When lie saw the colonuel, his rage grew tsnutuless. He vowedu all aorts of vuen- ,caunce a gainst Pelpper; alnd cursedl the ingrat- itode of t heo cowards who had tarmely allowed their tutaster to be carried of t B u t relief was at hanld. A neightloritug gentleman, whio uaitI- perud o hbe in town, and -whose solventicy conul inot be doubltedl, at once piroceeded to ,uhet lis lee n d' tressed. lie shook " tlhe friend illn uceld" by the and uitillic had nearly dislociaited his nurut., aid r a lliied the jirisouer ou his dejectione Sltim't fret, Miutricee, at what Inhs Inpthiunud to rhoe best of fellows. I mananged to avoid it myself, being always lirepared and ruiedly for Isuch all emuergency, wlieI you were not, Never having anticipated it. Now that yon'r ou at, I a may say, you can go on to town, and I'll go r with yon; for I just want to sec how Pepper I managed to negleet matteit'after splc '1 tash- - . o s. - As to the exentin "agant the t uh r aniture, SI think nothing abut t tlhat. Leek at tat; I Shave been soihl uit seven ti d ioe s , ;tai n . Iatgis*' he I to Heaven, t'm notuta- bit the worse for it to- dlay." t Mike anad his fri'end imtmn'ediately fillowed - S h ar p to hi is oflice , an l t o sil e n e ' all iobjtetio n ts , , } thelatter -proposed to pass his bonutd, ipayabSle in one week, for the amount of the writ. Shlarp assured them, with extreme civility, that be shouldnyt for a moment hesitate in ; accept.ing thei phaposeed security tere he acting Sfor himself, huttre was only tbhe subordinate t' - anotherll. lie inten'dedl dinuing at tilhe 1lig1l y Slherif's, and woi uldl nention the matter to hu 1, I d u ring the evening. If the unatter could he d settled naccordling to their wishes, he would let e them know nUixt mornitig. n Mikecould iot-turduresuch a dlaiy. Every e h o ur the colotnel passed i ltprison .was one of n Intolerable anguiish to him; lie therefore de- , termnlinedl at once tat ride to (Castlcmtnore,only a n few mites dlistant, and have an interview with a Pintcher Martin himiself. He was soon in the p saddle, ant had the gratification to learn, oil k his arrival, that the personI he songhlt iafter u - w as at home. A footauan took his card and - compliments with a message saying that he is wished to see the High Sheriff. 'Thlere was -iT bosturott mirth in the parlor as the mian en- d tred. He returned almost ionstsntly. L- " Mr. Pinuclher Martin couild not then see Mr. to Blake, asbo was going tq ride, after luncheon, e- with his uncle, Justioe Blatherwell," a, "But," said Mike, "toell him I did not come to to pay' a visit, but to speak with him on bust- a- ness connected with his odee." 5 s- After a very brief del'the mgan swaggered id back, with asmirkg Aia tifapertinent air, to r- say that " the High Sheriff who never inter- st fered with the baiuness of the office, referred ie him to Mr. Sharp,"' to "B u t . -- , remuonstrated Muke.' " Theres no use In four talking," interrupt- "a id the tfootman. I wo't ge hi again. I tell it you, I daren'i do it. - He turned to joke with s . a. hosenmatd w iog 'Wrough thu Jal, and ir when he had his laugh deliberately opened the door, ad reqeested Mike toge On, as " the , " q ua l ity" were just eesiog oat. A -ds betibrs ad diKitM utid he tiied t t ab fe i io w on the spoai a44wtr etei rol pMra o tioaddt asee t ils o so=Iaw - lent baster, btlt ibri d' of Ti ttr tilonel or delaying Ih weMrrirqaY'hh now. He walked trom the h6 "4rhei is Ii&+'hood, he had imeald rptanly " a' idep hour' S with the blndh of shaN>}me utad; hilh'ljr..iW' At L lie' pdnonted sdis horuie;:i be sawir the win4oes filled with ladies, gratifying 'their curiosity at his expense, and he reoogrllzed the satauio lee of Pincher, as he glared"on hlniar;vqt I shoulders of his wife. Aht e canter! l bat% he decided on his future ptro.di.ins. detst sheriff r e jected ttie arres a ree that the nmatter was leda ienurel ti 0 s e tion,; he 4Ite iedO to atir-* txtiaikelf ' fir ' ui lin: - t-horses had' 'ltiad� 'been ' 'ne e slengsthe road.' B rttt ivltng night and djy' he Lshoalad iake more speed tban the' oaChq and he enabled toireleesthepprieoner with-fb own: moley, by far the ott desirabjhe thod of winding artke affair.: ' SHis lerk could not say'whete Mr: harp ia' gone te,-'nd-witen Mike intercepted that W- 1 teman qndeavesing to 'make his emspe by' I back wat, he hemmed ' d a d> irnWle so, arsd talked so mriach of his tepdasibiMty ind' of'hti i dread of c on m ni t tin g h i s p ri n ci p al , t h ba t Iike' turned abrauptly from him, omttranniettlal'thlo 'a yesalt.of his interview, add tIlts Tessllf6it which lie hadl taken to th eeoltth- wri ta 1'r consolatrynttory nte to' td; d taittlou ' t6fhf b poet-haise, on his' i're-' din@'IoW'hky and eash, Judticiorust tadlmls Bred to te' boys, he made rrap'd slris' L 'e itp sutttalued somra iihalf - otn' let I JaNelyat the metrnifotc-ibo thti] Ow. paring briefs for a most i nt' r fo , Lie on to-morrow morning, which e irf e y capeal my recollection until about sn' houp 4 ago." '' I'll not wait an instant, yen in hnal rae- cal!" roared Mike, as, seizing Pepp 6r by the throat, he dragged hint across the desk which 1 stood betweena them. "What the devil are yti at, srdr? cried the attorrney, during his transit. " If you want a meeting, sir, you have diude enoosgh; let as not diserace ourselvecs by' roxing." Ilis arrailant at once let go his hdld. "You are right, sir; I do 'want a meeting,' and I'll not tarnisai you with an' excuse for avoiding it-neither limb'41or eye shall be damaged." e "'T'hen," exclaimed the 'tttorney, with inm petnosity, "consider a mestdige 'delivefed, and aname time and place'Tlhii 'iribment -the soonarr and ne a ar e r t ia : b e tt e r, a a )t h af 6 a great deal to ldo thias evening, a nd d lo n r't wish to negket6 my clients." " At on c e, si r ," replied Mike; "the Lots, irn half an bhour. It a dirty spot,' but quite gaood enourgh to shoot an attorney ill; a rascal of yonr sort doesn't deserve a threet aod -tnd if: Tihe arrahgetand o t stade, Mike jampeiF lati the chaise and rave off in search nf a friend. Mr. Pepper put aside'the briefs so essential to his client's succese, trad taking up.m alkanabog. an y I b ox fror hi s desk,ae.thr-at it inuf a black, bag, and dir'oat' a shabby looking boy, halt- clerk, ihalf-servairt, to go op before hire to the place of meeting; he next deriret a persm fromr thin back ofice to run to Mr. Racket, 'the lnrriater, iandre1iiauest tlj jho iottitIfe't wait dlinner fo'r tiua.att'r halpt oei; siu'si alp to t re g th a t l ie wouldl aralpy, at the sitting on the Couirt. max't mrorning,'t�o bare the onlon p ost - prn'ed, in case the briefs sllauld not reach him , before tera tCa t night. Then, butto n irng his ,nartout It, hii tIhroat, and seizinrg his caane, hb Ia iskly promwdedaad tow:ards the appointed reon- dezvious, taking the hlrouse of a brother-chip, who irsually acted as his a idiis7ilr, on tin way. Both parties were punctual to th mo- ment. ' Any use in trying to settler" demanded Mikek friend, (who was altogrdlherignorantt of tihe cause of quarrrel,) tas he drew forth a small paper of lpowdrter frori his waistoaot'DOcest, aad agavae his principal a knowing wirnk, as aaauchl ara to say, " you see I'm never taken an- ara'par-e it's hone dry." o S pat tire least!" shouted both belligerents in concert. " in that case," adadeda Pepper's iuman of Tasi- noes, " we mary as well toss for chloice ot'place, andI signal, andl proceed to work at once."' - All Iparties being as feait as to the reipdctivre abatics, but little time was Idotin preparation. Pistols were handed to the principals when placed, the seconds retired, the word was giveno -bang togethcr-beti no hit. "-Bad luck to you, Tedd". cried Pepper to the boy who carried the 5, eas he walled for his second pistol. " If you dried her as you. arghrt, she wouldn't hava hung fire, and I'd have somethingt fbr tay trdiibfe. Bang, again--both hits. Mike's pistol span into the ar ; he staggered back, and his right arm fell powirless by his side. Pepper sprung upwardsr and la ted on the ground in a stting Irneitiarn. Wiile the surgeon was being called from his plnace of conrcearlent'close ay, the combatants conrtined glarirg'Iet'ely t 'aeth 'other- Mike's arm bletdlaig fthe attorney panthlg heoa as, s if hit trehabows, As length he sesemd to secover e.breath, saad' y 1 h is hand on his fob: " Bad locd to your , e ded), yeaU're made stirabout of pry hatt now layt l y i en m ligt have spareid& n4r te. ee. Iat -A L Lw. Is itranch hart ye are 1f1" ?to," replied Mike, grimly "I' m glad ef tat, for I moat beef. I ap- tIie Ae thd d attv-~i ï ¿½ ï ¿½ ï¿ ½ ` " u fib is i 'anJill in cubdit b sirof s a tr j ' j hin to leave after the Tom 5i so M o van't retUrn until to-m ew. You L50 iu he's obliged to di ` sppohq his own frelands? Ar re. airt atwhile has bee, humabegging wees these !eateayhs nuder eeution ?" wi " So 7 understand," replied the mau calmir; ki s R i 1 t i e' s yc so i l w o e to gu s e t e b I . c tf r le d , o io n q w on th oi ' so e nth eturvnes untteil u hn to-m w . Yu ge" preceod in hto iame. If yoh n feiends.ks Airce, you cay tse aounut of the krt bnd exerutn; n n briewe letter to the "ffect that athe lirenssati its p clilyuded, tik Johnson mozrtgage wlfl hbnanded pver to you." a t i , .;; � iMo$ aticipating say disappointieset on tihe a grand linnoer gs Peppet ai arratged withW w the bhoeds s solicitor that thepattlos airteetf ped eald ein l at the bank, whorehe ao ald be tn attelalance toreoelve the tiesinsfr ~aaiLpa the money. Thithe Mikeamnd of csnpan a wut tot eeded, to eplatm the nausaof ded , omhso n e mortgae hal use promen oeemonyou. W bl u te ' s busipatwing kyisedati the r ttheiat ment of him old friend, al direjitedhi pd feasoionir ioan to discharge the atbgt wewtbI tay ftwtrmsildelay. Thily foduid uta1kw lvhb olisen, weceived veceitse,-which hdbeen drawp t un4 left' ly Clipper, togethtriwit adestterd@ the hbslefi, aethorimi t g the disehasrgh of hig priacear, w~htel Mike forwarded by thttaight' s pnst to a the boanktry' They low retwrned t e'i Clipper's. only to learn that al~es boouse welt a everi aend th tthe terrk he:aid nlft. d, . ta the meoney . - . :T h it h er Mike and l e is oer tpaono d oWelt oue&dtt eed Mike, wixth tlenohl teeth, 1 Cwhtxm-r dewnesirtten - - - - r - t' Akyes, when i wie d iaiet hnlmesthee t Pepipoor . Thasorvant informedithsn m that. the' oed 11 mewould hisl old dand, an t tea neis ierning., eami tiel tw t go dtlonae trero on te e dooratepgt. asth y e e lkry. Tble thisfodi r bhe. SNot-t reeiaed. of- hebsiness here yet," snid a 1 SPepper, set'he wiite ethe -leetdhtter t ia tandahe barif.ttean ng knee swithartellditiog Ch I Inn sanwer. ' Nst, up yet. Therm, I supoe Safter the tgtf and bi e fragain appbl hilmhmeet' p to t the kno tre. The qare resounded wit th Sthe force of his 'blowa-etili no onte stirred. L Sliper a few minuts a wonthan appeafi red in the a Svare, and thasked what kthey wanted. I re A. SWthrinquiraes, she told thAn haisthe teeth, a had letttowa, tai d she didn't know whien- th "Aye, when ee "--r-- him,"echoed Pepper zl wound relara. The poaes oftb a akillt ld - b r oght her'.ito the door, and, oten entering, they , discovered thwat the homs e had been doorip-eptdr Severy srtiete of fernatere. . "De h o h ebowt' 'a thie attoorne p s at o- e .ervpptn, t dene brotee, str. ie's e f f , andt a most itely has augade naof Johnein's nirt-iog I anm a tanwer. d o ayt. Ta suPpot hi et.. r trava the etyeof anibinge ainppler ha eref e diecovteda would have brog to hmto the Sscafoldt. The threaten e resonded in of Miss ioehaorca , ' ofhe oplo ed--htill no one tired t s Afds a fe e w ainutes ; n thmen appearen in the c t na imepf, and ed abeeate & . Setitionay i geedto heir iatisfy her guardian. This the fo was g soon aseertalmed, inn appllicaltio tothesoflcitor of the aupposeuLhorioesr. llerp was avothet a heavy lef uexpc les todidn't now ertunate a onuld rme r On.ben prome of .sh feile, Mr. bIIroughtlder-to~tbe door, cud, on enteriimg, they - D o oket delred thathe ho bed m triadvaned f 1 g without esferenoe taris lr see - ri 4 "hIsoe broweed' e'wa the iatorney. s Bre at Of r- Iesldmetio4 ; "d o ne he o la4, s it ab s 3df, oa n a mosta likdleth h mbde tie oalJohr aadn eorttd- n gagea for his ownl purposes." tAd u o ie ut med hape. Te sappt his eta . o e trvealekdthse of livingalipp, her the pserpe r. trat~ed many ' frauds aa forgeries,, which, if ' n. discava would have brought him to the d scaffold. he~b threatened od og .in of ']ilea Bingham ' *s money compelled bim' to By the. I i n k i g loml. He tad used fibs ten tba sand I At pouada hlmsol nd fabricatd a i 6oitiou g dead to satsf her guardian This fact was sooen aaoertainsd, na �ppirooation totb.esolicito g of te suppunal(bonatswer Heap was seeths r heavy anr~cd a Ia " l o ssse onfmonetnte C o CeneL Ow be Teemeird of Abe tact, Mr. D IOoke t daela r od th a t I be mo d e- he ddoo witihout srboee sto this pstiiwlr $ b s ee i tty a a a d e xp r es s e h igneltluite. e ri s tt o a wa i td d his old friend's oonvpei use 10 am"5~1 s r fehit rei.Y. nag lw disma time 1 - o e ok t I h i I i ï ¿½ h ie d b y t L ft ; Ul a i ï¿ ½ � t t t au t p r os . I t no h ap p en e d is " h i s leg i a r . . .s l oh e d t iu a es r ty a ed wh o se ls La b sl - misti pet ere noll m. or yh ,f Wii$l whbce hii pess f so kindly a4vaosed by Ifs S s te we s s t b ,d le o t wb i1e a aTuh- b ri d ge W. U .- . 'a d lr u l asly beau t y ri ht A fs o ct a fo t su p .; ha t Jhr es wI be sakicen by any ot Mg twr &htes who awmbl1ned the cq n wo- re s ' se n h d h h b ï¿ ½ tb e " t t 6. and ft ' w a lw t tk ' r etizotsaa 6 a i rs woi t h e' i n . a Dk pregr e. K'bk ' li i tt 1 tq chs a gelb9 r ese 4 S w~ e � " t he t v lis i wore bbeered by tb led to greet - them. .W h oes l1p n fi udistwre vpatniLjtho $i I4 e lne s IutlbI o:- b ad lu c k t o his *n*~i~ a�snwI tyrtlloiIset . = y ~ bi�a to ' t he ea s t{e. I I re oil. ties of th~e Irish eharacter that .the. the tfifes of ti tnp d. hai this IW i~o wsgr " Ijtf fad her th. o ( sf the" te~ �. o l i ï¿ ½ Y ea r b o ï ¿ ½I ) Snd heart :hit neigh' Uhb v front snoh a nngoaat tomtigae tbe; o( and corushed jaidej~O~ *R d to t ii d' on of 'his ublic . o . ï ¿ ½` m r stab , e o b pfinp e*td:, '! ï ¿½ i arr� ION-l rings 0iaL ~il' i'dhj , ., _I s f: l ; ' ,1#plao ~di p p b p " t s a S wo ia oft~ '&et r gneral, and dos. � twucai." bin~ t ot ~ X s h -y*'xu w.)1 s dozie ttheir' 1yh 5 ;-' z~'c"-*I~ t ï ¿ ½b s '

J AT S ~T*chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86086284/1869-06-06/ed...3A~rr: 223 3 _3 fjiL ,H) r ?jV _.. 1iu uav Ii {i: HI 114 J1

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Page 1: J AT S ~T*chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86086284/1869-06-06/ed...3A~rr: 223 3 _3 fjiL ,H) r ?jV _.. 1iu uav Ii {i: HI 114 J1


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bf'_5QRenI arARA Awa taT tOX 4r *ia .pa t q

NE W O RLE ANS. B UN D AY, J UNK 6, lsi.


W here i s t hy hom e ' " I asked a chi ld, - oWho i n th e m or n ing ai r 14

W ,> t w iln ng aew er. . mn osts weet sa d w il d ,I n g arl an is for her ha ir.My home, " the h a opy bears rep lie d.A ind ah l u in

ahiln iig Ie5.

"Is ein t he sun ny mou nt ain sid e, CW here soft w i dad .o o nder r

ee."'Oh ! blea ings talol o n , tiles you th ,

AWnd an its hr ]ours.

,W he n e e ry

-wor us joy an di tro th,

A nd tre asu l e s l ive is do n ra !

" Wl eho is th hln s� I esa led -e f oneho Iub ent w i th rusbia f e e

T o l ua r a war ri o rs t end er ton e.In t he wil d w ood 's seo tet pl ac .e

Shie so ike not. b u t h er var ying c heekT he ta l e tdil it t w li n pa_ __

T he h he heo "unn .pi t amo k AlW'a m i s a kind red h ea t[l a I

I Lb ol s t h ee wel l a igh t s oar obne ,T i o s

ttti oil l

h ea dly i M egiv

A nid biiilh. t h ri r hoy es o p nomaznp lo r , 14That lhgh t ou if rmg tle thi ng s

W ier " i s tom " iwo .. ,al d loiinte ly mans"I i nked a p il tln im r a- .

* 1 , o jeu

.w i tji forrv �Sed br ow and waon .'l It n o n i h

p la r wt

ay: 1l ie pon eedn* and w i Wsh i l ea n qi l iiUpLture d hi s h oly r y ta- I i-The la ndll~ 1 see~tno u >;e r h ryst

agen t H 'LM v i orl e ia i ii the skti. 'A h T iles t herc" h he t he henr t i int 14

'1. who mi such t hou ght s lot." g

ir. ~m - -T hat wa lks f e*s rom..witi i y t at ter s f ree- r

Its only h ope l5 ~l ut~ate et.

L14)YD 9~NA$T;~A T ale 'tts th B.W eset - I

`� -I ,.." Hnol ttaMlei.�o m!fake, ii th e tr rtseeof isl ,' hand l ve oted t en t huu sapd poua da( her f ortu ne) on a mor tga ge recom muei nded a sf irst-r ate securit y by Mr . C lip per, a nd thethought struck him that the transfer of this Isum would meet the exigencies of the occa-sion. He felt no hesitation in umaking use ofthis mtoney, as he had already executed hiswill i n fav or o f M iss BiLngh amn and i t s a ppr o- Ipri ati o n w oul d sav e wh at ul tiu ate ly mus t be Khe rs, from fur t her legal destruction. lie there-

f or e w rote .t o Clipp er, expressing h is r ead ini ess..

t o e xe c ut e t h e p ro p ose d m or t gag e o n h is ow nestate, and to assign t he one hi e h ad on Jo h n-son' s i n l i quoid a tion of the sec o nd cl a im on re -ce i vi lng ba c k t ihe sur pl us. But t o his astonish-

nien t C lp pter declinedl the otiler. "H e couldnot atijtrd, h e sa id, " to p aYi the dlif fer ence, asall his ready cash ha d b een d i spo sed of in ac-comnmoihsting h is cl i en t s; nei th e r w oul d h is

n ece ssities enai li h in, to wa it dur ing th e tim ew hi c h m us t el ap se bie f ore J o hn son ' s dit et i ta l d

b e mia d e a v ai lab le;'~' anid further , h e r efu sed to

d el i ve r u p t h e d ee d s, wh i ch wo u ld en a ble Co l.

B lak e to call h i M iss Bin gha mn's fortu ne, unt ilt ue sum s4 uo to i iu s.c l

t' asold

bU f l ow liq

uidt Wtedt . I in tr i ts ' this4lS n el a-pplh is han kd r to bhabl i ni fur a loan of the Teqais ite

sum, stat i ng at the ta in l ' t ime t h e p articoler sof the sec iui ty he . wee pr tprepr l to .oi 'er s A nirr i ied iat e r epl y exp ressed tha t g entlt man' sw ill iKn gl e ss to .oec o nn i d5t e blai n o n t he ter msp ropo ue d . A ll l lda ng e r m ight inow, therefore,ie looked upon al 5 c1t r , slad t h e w hole a f iair

considered as dl efi ni t iv ely wo und up. Th eba n ke r 's le t te r w a s e ncl osed t o P e pper, wi t hd ir e ct i on s t o h a ve the t ra n sf e r e xc est e d w it h

a ll possi b le dis pat ch ; a n d t h e C ol o nel a n dMastet Mike d ism is s ed al l f u rt hre r .a rn o n thatscore ft om. t he ir m ind s.

I t w skI a g reat rel ief--- n ti l p l ace d i n i t C ol .B lak e rcould not ha ve reali zedl t he mli sery ofthe s i tu a tion from n w hi c h Ihe hadl j u st esc alp edl .H e h ad Ibece dra gge d to thl c e d ge of t he preci-Si ce, ian d n ar r owly e sca ped be in g ca st ove r.

hl e excitemen t h a d rous ed h imn fr oiq hi s f o r-mi er sta te of apath y , a nd ,: t o K at e 's gre at de-light, be proiponed that they sho u ld al l t a ke a

t rip to one o f t he fasliouahle. Es g ial wawit erin gplace s.

I n dclue time M r. Cl ipperaa nno unced th a t t hed eed of m o rt g ag e w a s p re p are d, an d w o uld l i es en t d o wn in a fkw d a yso . H e p le a ded mo ti e so f d el i cacy for no t a ftt e di n g h i ms elf , but Mr.Shal rp , t h e s ith.eh er i ff, h a d k i nd l y un d er t ak e nt o s ee it. e xecu te Jd, and p ro p ose d c al l ing a t

u- ) n su'ver ic k Ca st l e fo r t hat p u rp o se.I t w as onl ly wh e n the say ste ri o usl y-w ord ed

parchments were s pr e ad be fpre h i m that theulhtippy gesntlemaniab,.l ott'to pledge his patri-mony , f ully a p pr e cia ted the impnlortance pf theproceeding. When h e ie ad t he covenants andsaw the w i tnesses, he woual d , w ere i t possi bl e,h ave rec oi l ed from t h e a ct . A mom en t 's co n -s ide ra t io n , h owe ver , c onv in c ed hi m that it wa sthen un avoild ablle; and t h e free and easy man -n er of Mr . S h ar p so d i sgu sne ted hi m t hat , t obri n g t hei r inter vi ew to a speed y e onols ion ,h e h urr ie d ly sei ze d a ope n n d a ffi xe d hi s s ig n a-ture .

T he execut ion of t h e BrAt mo rtg age is aneven t seldom obl it erated *om the m emor y,a nd th em r een inlce nce o f t h e fa tal acs et is ge n er -aly aocompa s by s-soo o f i edAe pen ded elost a nd of ra iK1 t pe e mot ive. A s t he Colonels troUed tr o ugh i s g roun ds, af t 8" art s'sP ain ful v isit , h e d are scarcely ol l uLp n t h etrees, of whose an tiqn it y and g ia nt s i D wa s

,s o j oest ly ain; a nd wh e n he r e. a hd s ea t ,p lac ed beneath an e nor nmoAs ok op wbt hbl ii all y reste d, b e dsilt ae d to a vai l himself ofthe shelt er a t tï¿ ½ 'e.hee re&'trms o, wheat heh ad jasob e fe es ha n ded v rs t t tSee dr m e r-ies of s si q poiq a an y 'T he nao e fyd l -

i n h aun tesd 'hiss M at 'i ijn t erh 's th, no blel l. T he proud ea esdl oa nies s o f ex el usi ve

o wne rshbi p was Sed. ' " Tr e es. and eastle , th eyare no long rally sl*," haaem emyie ax -

qlaimed, "for auothier may now legally claim a- t h em." a,

The peiesing affairs of-business being con- h- elnded, and the necessary preparatiois for their ajourney completed, iost-horses were ordered, oto the great satisfaetion of Tim, who was fond wof traveling, and of the lady's maid, who tllonged to see "foreign parts"

8and fo reign rn

beaunx. Mike declined to join the party.. lieIad no wish to visit the haunts of fashion, and abesides his presence would be required at the ocastle during its master's absence. a

On t he eve of their departure Kate Binghalnm asat alone in the drawing-roonm. It was thedusk of a still, calm e ven isn g i n J uly, an d t hepervading loneliness seetlhed to have atfeetedher spirits. She took - h e r harp and sung , b u tpanesed fpeu ently while aturggiHug to restrain a:

r feelings. So absorbed wa s e, by her lteag'bts - Mike estered the roomt uinper-ceived, and stood behind her for some minutesin ailente. . S h e conunsaced a favorite air of tlPeuuau'ns; her first notes were firnm tnh per-fooet as when be hung upin them with delight, e'but soon her voicp wavered. She paused. Pstojtpped, and burst into tears. Mike could nstanui it, no lingei - He had hefetofore studll- "ousfy .avoided inquiring as to what extent mat- c'ters had been carried betweeon enunept Uand Lhesapfi , H uq had , noticed, her il-disgnisedbpxiety, ulld bl often endeavored to comfbrtherty tnrdirect 'allusibns, although heT''hadnever ve\ntured to speak openly on the paislnfullsubject. Now, however, he abandoned, alL Preierve. Pnlacing his h an d s uI pon t i le wee uta tsggirl's heads he bmeeswght her tveheer up-in hl, f'own umsopistiecated wa , seoekisg :,to eemfort ther .&L. wll Be we b l .�l .and pq a y tiScarctfihlld ttbn't'tet.' Piron tfry lktant'l'1ity you, ea; ni tast'spothing ena this. dairth I wb'at d to

nende4ed hope springing up in her hear,e e edawi her tears. -isa "No, my dear, tioi ng; but I never lost ls courage or hope." Ae. " lie may be dead. I can conceive no otber tis caIe for his absence." * t

"- No, no; no fear of that. There are otherof anses, which I cal't as yet disclose." fis "Do tell me," cried the excited girl, seizing r

,- h is hand ; do tell me, consin Mike. You know, not how I have sufftired, acid what a relief it J�

i- would be to my mind to know he were livingis_ anti well, even though I shoultd never see hinm l

u inuore-although." she addedl in a subdued tone, I

- " t hat indeed would embnlitter ,ny liti." s"I can't bireak counfldence," replied Mike; a

"but I promise you that I shall leave no stone cd unturnedt to discover hirnm."

is "'Thank yon, dear consin, for that, andti alle- your tther kindltnesses. And von will write to

is Ite, wnont yot, and tell tue all that hl'nl" us ite And yoe'll let n.e hear from you often, for youId know how impatient I shall be. Ito "Yot ttay depend, on me," said Mike. i But

1. now retire to rest-sleep well, and Ie a goodil Iirl. I go before you ill the morning to Creek

Isto upLr me-ee-yotu hearty tiand sherfai, : ulo,1rsw aboVe all things, be sure you don't menltion 11n the tonvbraktion 's-e have had, eitherto Mrs.,'s ffdlinghri1kb or ydoliuncle."as Mike kissed her foreheadl, and prayed a Wless-

C, I n g on her. As they parted, his heart ftTt:tieair Tigter fbr having in some degree consoled the

be dcema..wn o.,iirl; wJille iEatesa. hopies revjvel'th from avin earnoed (although ignorant o ift h e

th .palitilts?< Irrinantl 's a ulei"odll loedad accounted for other ' 1Ao than by itmputing it to

at itlitdelity. She hadt also found 'a conlidt pIs-.sessedof her secret, to whom are might 'freeJy

l. unburlden her minud, anid in whose unfitilingof dlevotion she could repose the most ,ubountled

s. trust.ei- ('ol. Blake was t he fir st of the famnily Afnot

r. it the umtorning-his ittatieince to he off in-ir- cuseiug sitce he had signed the deeds, andi I Ibyle- 10 o'ctlock all wnas ready for the start. Tiitn or-sa dered tihe carriage rotund witlh a air of tIhe

rig most dlignited imtportance. The colonel de-

layed, arranging sote plapers in the liblrary ;he M'rs. tolingbroke sat ready in the drawing-te rooms ; Katte was adjusting her clonk andi. boi-

xs net. The imperial and boxes had been regularly

fr. arranged, aud the pos't-boys were muouitetii,en alter Ihaving tied utp their broken Lardtes�, nod

at b,,rrowed all the bits of spare strings to, hefund anmoingst tilhe bystuntlers, in nutcipation

ed of future ruptulres. The stepls were down, thehe lady's maid already in the rumbnle, and Timri- pricoeded to annontce that all was readty,he when' Mr. Sharp, attendedl by two other men

nd on horseback, rode hurriedly up. All threele, dismounted and entered the hall. Mr. Shar pin- asked to see the colonel. A servant, who took

rae the message, returned with his master's oomn-an- pliments, to say he Itati not then time to re-

to oeive the gentleman; but, as he presumed iison, visit was connected with bIusinessq, ie beggetYoa- to refer hint to Mr. Michael Blake, who would

be at home next day. Mr. Sharp, while await-

an ing the answer, had, uninvited, bntered thery, parlor, and when ite received it, ronghly re-

o r- plied. "That won't do-I must see him." 'Then,e whispering something to his companions, otewel noiselerely followed the footman, who, aston-

p's ished at such rudeness, went back to his mas-thq ter, while the other mounted the stairs, and

rae rushed towards a room in which he heard per-sat, sons talking. The refMan nahesitatingly burstbe open the door and presented himself to theof astonished cate, with a pinted paper in onehe hmnd and aocked ptol in the other.,tr- " Spasn*'- .spars my unce, 'f o r merc s'

el. sake scried the sffait girl, a she fellhIe upon her knees and grasped his eat-skirts.Ise "Yon shall have all our money, but spare ourbey lives!"

O- " I want neither your lives nor your meney,"

said the brutal bailiff, as.hedisengaged hin*tself from her hold.' You heedn't make such shabbb ; It's only a writ and an execution," hbonutinued, as he peered under the bed and.opened the wardrobe. " Yon may as well tellwhere the gentleman is at once-it'll savetrouble. He can't escape, as the house is eour-rounded."

The olqnel, meantime, had been arrested ona writ, muarked against his person, at the suitof Mr. Clipper, for onue portlon of his claims,while his ouods and clhattels were seized under Ian e xe c ut ion , i s sue d a g ai n st hi m by the same nperson for another. He sat pale as death whenKate entered and threw herself into his arms.

There were many of the peasantry and re-tainers about the place when the sub-sheriffarrived; .but the possibility of their master 1being in his power never once entered theirheads. When the fact of his arrest transpired, I"boys" were sent off n every direction to rousethe neighbors, and efect a resdne. Mr. Sharp,who seemed flurried by a conmmunication re-ceivedl from one of his people, 1bttintly told theprisoner that they mest-be e-ff at -oane -as-e-uunderstood an attack was about to by madeupon the -bailiffs. The thought of a rescue re-called the scene he had witnessed at Squire 1Uliok's execution to the colonel's muind.He imuuediately recovered his self-posses-sIon,, and after ofering somne-- eensobtion J

,t� I4 e1lies,, h e followed ta m4eurill: andlittied his bringe. 'But 'the test-bouys

poqtiivpa y refused to stir aund proceededto. qrygokt .their cattle. Hforns were heardsoungisa onaa ll sidel. and men .were dasend=ling'front the hills in every directlin. Therewa ino time to be lost. It was onlyIty theeit6ettppntreaties of thle cOlolu4l l, ho hassredthem that tie-had but to drive otkreek' s;wn,

oa epati~erm 4 � 1

multitude.Mike had succeeded in aseomoplllhing his

business, luncheon was ready, and he stoi4u inlhigh spirits at tihe inn door, on tihe look-out.As the I)unuseveriuk equipage dashed dowj-the street, he entered the holuse to nnuumu'uthe servaute, when, to his astonishment, tlhecarriage swept quickly past. and, after haltingfr a uuu'inenut w hile Tiiuu d eseeudled front t h erutuble, then followed tihe road leading to thejail.

It-would hbe ditffcult to say what feeling pro-douiniated in Mike's min d as , a ft e r halvinglearned the truth, lie strode forward in pur-suit. Compassion for his relative's uupleas-ant posiion aIlternated with indignation at tihec , 4i d itct uof the scoundtrel, by lwhose negluct hehald len left se

1 etnplletely at lthe mercy of his

enetuies. When lie saw the colonuel, his ragegrew tsnutuless. He vowedu all aorts of vuen-,caunce a gainst Pelpper; alnd cursedl the ingrat-itode of t heo cowards who had tarmely allowedtheir tutaster to be carried of t B u t relief wasat hanld. A neightloritug gentleman, whio uaitI-perud o hbe in town, and -whose solventicy conulinot be doubltedl, at once piroceeded to ,uhet lis

lee n d' tressed. lie shook " tlhe friend illn uceld"by the and uitillic had nearly dislociaited hisnurut., aid ra lliied the jirisouer ou his dejectione

Sltim't fret, Miutricee, at what Inhs Inpthiunudto rhoe best of fellows. I mananged to avoid itmyself, being always lirepared and ruiedly forIsuch all emuergency, wlieI you were not, Neverhaving anticipated it. Now that yon'r ou at, I

a may say, you can go on to town, and I'll gor with yon; for I just want to sec how Pepper

I managed to negleet matteit'after splc '1 tash-

- . o s.- As to the exentin "agant the t uh r aniture,SI think nothing abut t tlhat. Leek at tat; IShave been soihl uit seven tid ioes , ;tai

n. Iatgis*' he

I to Heaven, t'm notuta- bit the worse for it to-dlay."

t Mike anad his fri'end imtmn'ediately fillowed

- S h ar p to hi is oflice , anl t o sil e n e

' all iobjtetio nts,,} the latter -proposed to pass his bonutd, ipayabSle

in one week, for the amount of the writ.Shlarp assured them, with extreme civility,that be shouldnyt for a moment hesitate in

; accept.ing thei phaposeed security tere he actingSfor himself, huttre was only tbhe subordinate t'

- anotherll. lie inten'dedl dinuing at tilhe 1lig1ly Slherif's, and woi uldl nention the matter to hu1, I d u ring the evening. If the unatter could hed settled naccordling to their wishes, he would let

e them know nUixt mornitig.n Mikecould iot-turduresuch a dlaiy. Every

e ho ur the colotnel passed i ltprison .was one ofn Intolerable anguiish to him; lie therefore de-

, termnlinedl at once tat ride to (Castlcmtnore,only an few mites dlistant, and have an interview witha Pintcher Martin himiself. He was soon in thep saddle, ant had the gratification to learn, oil

k his arrival, that the personI he songhlt iafter

u- w as at home. A footauan took his card and-compliments with a message saying that he

is wished to see the High Sheriff. 'Thlere was-iT bosturott mirth in the parlor as the mian en-

d tred. He returned almost ionstsntly.L- " Mr. Pinuclher Martin couild not then see Mr.to Blake, asbo was going tq ride, after luncheon,e- with his uncle, Justioe Blatherwell,"a, "But," said Mike, "toell him I did not cometo to pay' a visit, but to speak with him on bust-a- ness connected with his odee."


s- After a very brief del'the mgan swaggeredid back, with asmirkg Aia tifapertinent air, tor- say that " the High Sheriff who never inter-st fered with the baiuness of the office, referredie him to Mr. Sharp,"'

to "B u t . -- , remuonstrated Muke.'" Theres no use In four talking," interrupt-

"a id the tfootman. I wo't ge hi again. I tellit you, I daren'i do it. - He turned to joke withs . a. hosenmatd w iog 'Wrough thu Jal, andir when he had his laugh deliberately opened

the door, ad reqeested Mike toge On, as " the

," q ual ity" were just eesiog oat.

A -ds betibrs ad diKitM utid he tiiedttab fe iiow on the spoai a44wtretei rol pMrao tioaddt asee t ils o so=Iaw-lent baster, btlt ibri d' of Ti ttr

tilonel or delaying Ih weMrrirqaY'hhnow. He walked trom the h6 "4rhei isIi&+'hood, he had imeald rptanly "a' idep hour' Swith the blndh of shaN>}me utad; hilh'ljr..iW' At Llie' pdnonted sdis horuie;:i be sawir the win4oesfilled with ladies, gratifying 'their curiosity athis expense, and he reoogrllzed the satauio leeof Pincher, as he glared"on hlniar;vqt Ishoulders of his wife. Aht e canter! l bat% hedecided on his future ptro.di.ins. detstsheriff re jected ttie arres a reethat the nmatter was leda ienurel ti 0 s etion,; he 4Ite iedO to atir-* txtiaikelf ' fir ' ui

lin: - t-horses had' 'ltiad� 'been ' 'ne eslengsthe road.' B rttt ivltng night and djy'he Lshoalad iake more speed tban the' oaChqand he enabled toireleesthepprieoner with-fbown: moley, by far the ott desirabjhe thodof winding artke affair.:

'SHis lerk could not say'whete Mr: harp ia'

gone te,-'nd-witen Mike intercepted that W- 1teman qndeavesing to 'make his emspe by' Iback wat, he hemmed

' da d> irnWle so, arsd

talked so mriach of his tepdasibiMty ind' of'hti idread of conmni t ting h i s p rin cipal , t hbat Iike'turned abrauptly from him, omttranniettlal'thlo 'ayesalt.of his interview, add tIlts Tessllf6itwhich lie hadl taken to th eeoltth- wri ta 1'rconsolatrynttory nte to' td; d taittlou ' t6fhf bpoet-haise, on his' i're-' din@'IoW'hkyand eash, Judticiorust tadlmls Bred to te'boys, he made rrap'd slris' L 'eitp sutttalued somra iihalf- otn' let IJaNelyat the metrnifotc-ibo thti]

Ow.paring briefs for a most i nt'rfo ,Lie on to-morrow morning, which e irf e ycapeal my recollection until about sn' houp 4ago."

'' I'll not wait an instant, yen in hnal rae-cal!" roared Mike, as, seizing Pepp 6r by thethroat, he dragged hint across the desk which 1stood betweena them.

"What the devil are yti at, srdr? cried theattorrney, during his transit. " If you want ameeting, sir, you have diude enoosgh; let as notdiserace ourselvecs by' roxing."

Ilis arrailant at once let go his hdld."You are right, sir; I do 'want a meeting,'

and I'll not tarnisai you with an' excuse foravoiding it-neither limb'41or eye shall bedamaged." e

"'T'hen," exclaimed the 'tttorney, with inmpetnosity, "consider a mestdige 'delivefed, and

aname time and place'Tlhii 'iribment -the soonarrand nea ar e r t ia : b e tt e r, a a )t haf 6 a great deal toldo thias evening, and dlo nr't wish to negket6 myclients."

" At on ce, sir ," replied Mike; "the Lots, irnhalf an bhour. It a dirty spot,' but quite gaoodenourgh to shoot an attorney ill; a rascal ofyonr sort doesn't deserve a threet aod -tnd if:

Tihe arrahgetando t stade, Mike jampeiF latithe chaise and rave off in search nf a friend.Mr. Pepper put aside'the briefs so essential tohis client's succese, trad taking up.m alkanabog.an y Ibox fror his desk,ae.thr-at it inuf a black,bag, and dir'oat' a shabby looking boy, halt-clerk, ihalf-servairt, to go op before hire to theplace of meeting; he next deriret a persmfromr thin back ofice to run to Mr. Racket, 'thelnrriater, iandre1iiauest tlj jho iottitIfe't waitdlinner fo'r tiua.att'r halpt oei; siu'si alp to

t reg th a t l ie wouldl aralpy, at the sitting on theCouirt. max't mrorning,'t�o bare the onlon post-prn'ed, in case the briefs sllauld not reach him

,before tera tCa t night. Then, button irng his,nartout It, hii tIhroat, and seizinrg his caane, hb

Ia iskly promwdedaad tow:ards the appointed reon-dezvious, taking the hlrouse of a brother-chip,who irsually acted as his aidiis7ilr, on tinway. Both parties were punctual to th mo-ment.

' Any use in trying to settler" demandedMikek friend, (who was altogrdlherignorantt oftihe cause of quarrrel,) tas he drew forth a smallpaper of lpowdrter frori his waistoaot'DOcest,aad agavae his principal a knowing wirnk, asaaauchl ara to say, " you see I'm never taken an-ara'par-e it's hone dry." o

Spat tire least!" shouted both belligerentsin concert.

" in that case," adadeda Pepper's iuman of Tasi-noes, " we mary as well toss for chloice ot'place,andI signal, andl proceed to work at once."' -

All Iparties being as feait as to the reipdctivreabatics, but little time was Idotin preparation.Pistols were handed to the principals whenplaced, the seconds retired, the word was giveno-bang togethcr-beti no hit.

"-Bad luck to you, Tedd". cried Pepper tothe boy who carried the 5, eas he walled forhis second pistol. " If you dried her as you.arghrt, she wouldn't hava hung fire, and I'dhave somethingt fbr tay trdiibfe.

Bang, again--both hits. Mike's pistol spaninto the ar ; he staggered back, and his rightarm fell powirless by his side. Pepper sprungupwardsr and la ted on the ground in a sttingIrneitiarn.

Wiile the surgeon was being called from hisplnace of conrcearlent'close ay, the combatantsconrtined glarirg'Iet'ely t 'aeth 'other-Mike's arm bletdlaig fthe attorney panthlgheoa as, s if hit trehabows, As length hesesemd to secover e.breath, saad' y1 h is handon his fob: " Bad locd to your , e ded),yeaU're made stirabout of pry hatt now layt l y

i en m ligt have spareid& n4r te. ee. Iat -AL Lw. Is itranch hart ye are 1f1"

?to," replied Mike, grimly"I' m glad ef tat, for I moat beef. I ap-

tIie Ae

thd d attv-~i

ï ¿½ï¿½ � ` "ufib is i

'anJill in

cubdit b sirof s a tr j ' j

hin to leave after the Tom 5i

so M o van't retUrn until to-m ew. You L50 iuhe's obliged to di` sppohq his own frelands?

Ar re. airt atwhile has bee,humabegging wees these !eateayhs

nuder eeution ?" wi" So 7 understand," replied the mau calmir; ki

s R i

1 ti e's yc soi l w o e to gu se t e b

I . ctf rle d , o ion q won th oi'so e nth eturvnes untteil u hn to-m w . Yu ge"preceod in hto iame. If yoh n feiends.ks

Airce, you cay tse aounut of the krt bndexerutn; n n briewe letter to the

"ffect that athe lirenssati its p clilyuded, tikJohnson mozrtgage wlfl hbnanded pver to you." at i , .;; �iMo$ aticipating say disappointieset on tihe agrand linnoer gs Peppet ai arratged withW wthe bhoeds s solicitor that thepattlos airteetfped eald ein l at the bank, whorehe ao ald betn attelalance toreoelve the tiesinsfr ~aaiLpathe money. Thithe Mikeamnd of csnpan a

wut tot eeded, to eplatm the nausaof ded,omhso n e mortgae hal use promen oeemonyou. Wbl u te's busipatwing kyisedati the r ttheiatment of him old friend, al direjitedhi pdfeasoionir ioan to discharge the atbgt wewtbItay ftwtrmsildelay. Thily foduid uta1kw lvhbolisen, weceived veceitse,-which hdbeen drawp tun4 left' ly Clipper, togethtriwit adestterd@the hbslefi, aethorimit g the disehasrgh of higpriacear, w~htel Mike forwarded by thttaight' spnst to a the boanktry' They low retwrned t e'i

Clipper's. only to learn that al~es boouse welt aeveri aend th tthe terrk he:aid nlft. d, . tathe meoney . -.:Th ith er Mike and l eis oer tpaono doWelt oue&dtt eed Mike, wixth tlenohl teeth, 1

Cwhtxm-r dewnesirtten - -

- -

r -t' Akyes, wheni wied iaiet hnlmestheet Pepipoor.

Thasorvant informedithsn m that. the' oed 11mewould hisl old dand, an t tea neis ierning.,

eami tiel tw t go dtlonae trero on te e dooratepgt.asthy e elkry. Tble thisfodi r bhe.

SNot-t reeiaed. of- hebsiness here yet," snid a 1SPepper, set'he wiite ethe -leetdhtter t ia

tandahe barif.ttean ng knee swithartellditiog ChI Inn sanwer. ' Nst, up yet. Therm, I supoe

Safter the tgtf and bi e fragain appbl hilmhmeet'p to t the kno tre. The qare resounded wit th

Sthe force of his 'blowa-etili no onte stirred. LSliper a few minuts a wonthan appeafi red in the aSvare, and thasked what kthey wanted. I re A.

SWthrinquiraes, she told thAn haisthe teeth,a had letttowa, taid she didn't know whien- th

"Aye, when ee "--r-- him,"echoed Pepper zlwound relara. The poaes oftb a akillt ld- b roght her'.ito the door, and, oten entering, they, discovered thwat the homs e had been doorip-eptdrSevery srtiete of fernatere. .

"De h o hebowt' 'a thie attoornep s at o- e

.ervpptn, t dene brotee, str. ie's e f f , andta most itely has augade naof Johnein's nirt-iog

I anm a tanwer. d o ayt. Ta suPpot hi et..r trava the etyeof anibinge ainppler ha erefe diecovteda would have brog to hmto the

Sscafoldt. The threaten e resonded in of Missioehaorca,' ofhe oplo ed--htill no one tired t

s Afds a fe e w ainutes; n thmen appearen in the ct na imepf, and ed abeeate & . Setitionay igeedto heir iatisfy her guardian. This the fo was

g soon aseertalmed, inn appllicaltio tothesoflcitorof the aupposeuLhorioesr. llerp was avothet

a heavy lef uexpc les todidn't now ertunatea onuld rme r On.ben prome of .sh feile, Mr.bIIroughtlder-to~tbe door, cud, on enteriimg, they

- D ooket delred thathe ho bed m triadvaned f 1g without esferenoe taris lr see- ri

4 "hIsoe broweed' e'wa the iatorney. s Bre at Ofr- Iesldmetio4 ; "d one heo la4, s it ab s3df, oan

a mosta likdleth h mbde tie oalJohr aadn eorttd-n gagea for his ownl purposes."tAd u o ie ut med hape. Te sappt his eta .

o e trvealekdthse of livingalipp, her the pserper. trat~ed many 'frauds aa forgeries,, which, if '

n. discava would have brought him to thed scaffold. he~b threatened od og .in of ']ileaBingham '*s money compelled bim' to By the. I

i n k i g loml. He tad used fibs ten tba sand IAt pouada hlmsol nd fabricatd a i 6oitioug dead to satsf her guardian This fact was

sooen aaoertainsd, na �ppirooation totb.esolicitog of te suppunal(bonatswer Heap was seeths

r heavy anr~cd a Ia" l ossse onfmonetnteC o CeneL Ow be Teemeird of Abe tact, Mr.D IOoket daelarod that I be mo d e- he ddoowitihout srboee sto this pstiiwlr $b seei tty

a aa d expr esse higneltluite. eri stto a wai tdd his old friend's oonvpei use 10 am"5~1s r fehit rei.Y. nag lw disma time

1- oeokt I h i I iï ¿½ hied by tL ft;Ul a i��ttt aut pr os . I t no h app ened is " hi s leg i a

r . . .s l oh ed t iua esr ty aed whose ls Lab sl -

misti pet ere noll m.

or yh ,f Wii$lwhbce hii pess f sokindly a4vaosed by Ifs

Ss te wes s t b ,d le o t wb i1ea aTuh-brid ge W. U .- .'ad lru l asly beauty ri htA fso ct a fotsu p.; hat Jhr es wIbe sakicen by any ot Mg twr &htes whoawmbl1ned the cq n wo-


p d a u l wl ,


' sen h d h h b � tb e " t t6. and ft 'w a lw ttk ' r etizotsaa

6 airs woi th e' in . a

Dk pregr e. K'bk'li i tt 1tq chsa gelb9rese4S w~ e � " the t v lis i wore bbeered by tb ledto greet -them. .Whoes l1p nfi udistwre vpatniLjtho $iI4 e lne sIutlbI o:-

bad luc k to his *n*~i~a�snwI tyrtlloiIset. = y ~bi�a to't he east{e. I Ire oil. tiesof th~e Irish eharacter that .the. the

tfifes of ti tnp d. hai thisIW i~o wsgr"Ijtf fad her th.

o(sf the" te~ �. o l i


Year b o ï ¿½I)

Snd heart:hit neigh' Uhb vfront snoh a nngoaattomtigae tbe; o( andcorushed jaidej~O~ *Rd to t ii d' on

of 'his ublic . o . ï ¿ ½` mr stab , eob pfinp e*td:, '!� iarr� ION-l

rings 0iaL ~il' i'dhj , ., _I s f:l ; ' ,1#plao

~dip p b p " t sa

S wo ia oft~

'&et r gneral, and dos. �twucai."




s h -y*'xu w.)1s dozie ttheir' 1yh

5 ;-' z~'c"-*I~tï ¿ ½bs'