THJE JNEW-YORK TRIBUNE. rTOW-Tt»*« D»IL¥ Tsnilll rviutuE» bveby mobbing abd zwum (s* sd.ti Eicsstso) ¦ t HORACE «REELET k Ca , nlpnl .Hui».- count* l.ni »«¦ sraooa . flirr» (Jl ..IT« tn* citv ?.«:!, to Ctty Buhaortber« al 18} mdu p-. »».i Bf per anuaa, ru a*baoa*| »j for . * axx fBU Hüw .ORIl WIBBJLY TKIBI'MB. A TEET LARHE PAPER FOR THE COUNTRY. MfaarBaasd rrrrj S.vta 11 v i">i u at th« WM ptto* «f Bl Paaren, medvaac*, Thr** Cof4*« fat ft, FW* Capto» fat . Tea CopiVe for t:2, Twenli C.pU* to es* addr*** ivd ¦rp larger auBit-r at bb* rat* of a) f p»r antinm), a*1; Twenty 8*«4 1to .»» a*Wr»e* t*r «arib *oWnb«r (and ¦ > iatger aun»- tatat tk* rat» af §1 *»vta), 824. Aay porwm a*a*a*Jj o* a ¦Mattw*s,ty or aaor* «rfll b* «rjtitled to astr* copy. Sek- aaatJfAaawe aaay aomav-f.** at any Um*. ASwrtWmeaU in T>* Wetai t Tsiscis fX*Jt ON* DO*- BAJk rULUilfcr «Bob c.-rt. ,. TaTB «KPlI tVI t KI V TRim >F M*art*kwi i wwary Tvk*D*T a»d P«in*T Moasiso. Ftte*, $1 raiain Tw* Cook«* tat » f.*. Coyd** lor ttll **. rn IrlW-TORK TUfltlNK FOR EUROPEAN CIRCULATION Jhaked od tk« departure of nach Mali Otcamer for f «r- at 0' P" aaauav p>*'u- Included. Single toptot, 8Li TITat MBW-YOBK TBIRL'rVE POM 4JAJUF0RNIA. OREGON AND fUE BANDWICH Ii LANDS, SjMkbaaBwS mm tae SVyanar* ot *a< h Mali Bt**ur.-r for Arpha- BBBt at IIHan * «. Single C«pie«. Sri C*ai*. Special ftnturo. Jay. Ca*) »V Co., Tribun* B:...dinra. WaesTatt, and Brwwn'¦ Iraa R<.ndi*«*, thiladeipnia, wiu rasetsa and promptly aaaert ADV KaVTJI t MENTH fw CLOTUi NO HOoSES Iii any |t*wip*p*r alraulatiar *iub*r In U* United St*t*>« or Canada, at tk*) p.. kh.tr i. lowrai ra:**. "r*>*|.OPfl>t7n^lCr.-Tt)* MAIL* for CALIFORNIA tat B'MlH PA'IMC COAST, per Unlt-d Btve. ateamT BT A BOP TBE WEIT, trill sfeat at ttia <«.-<¦ «.n MONDAY, Ska Stat day of February, af I a/«io*b p en ISAAC V FOWLER, Porttnaater. «... nrjiuuiiren n.inriiiiija'f ni ION Porautnt to the order of the R.aab loa* ;t*o of th* City and County of N»w- York, an be'd at Cheliea Hail, I otrer '.f Eigb'h-av. and Tklrd Ward Mrpabitcao Aawoctatlca. Ir.e .¦¦!¦,!&: ¦terra« of tbe Third Wart Repnbli an Aaao ..lion la hereby ADJOURNED to tb* Sr.COND MONDAY kt MARC H. In **a**a»eu** of th* deatro. thn of tb* former Hea/1 j .artei» of Ska Aaawrlatlam. Du* notice will be given > i tb* place of meet BBS wktfj a atw room la procured. [kL S. 0o< i.D. Eauaoea Ci aaa, Hearetary. Preaident. Mixib War*) Mapab)llcaaB.-Th*r* wil' b* an EM. tl bebt an MONDAY EVENINO, lb*SlatUat,, at No U Funk Ba-at, agreeably to tbe direction* of tbe Cent ral Corrrr..". ... tj .Sect «Biaera of tb* Aitxiation, and If* delecatee to the K«; .b Baaa Cea,trai Canuiiitte* and bvr deleia'e* to the Taaaa Maa'l EefraklUaa CeeneraJ Ornmilte* for the year IBM PoQi Baa ISB 71 to 9 aAjktafc, Byordarof THOMAS UiTTE, KOBUtr Mf.'RRAY, T. W. K. DI RVP.A, laape.-tort of I^ vttlon. Twraly.Rrat Warn K>pnbllcaua AMaoHattoa.- Tkere will b* a m**tln« f the At. ,i i»tion on MONO A Y. Kef,. H, at Bo. ike 4th at wbieb tiro* an eWtion will be held for mm* rale to Uie t'. -. Oatral » .. » THOMAS B. VAN BUREN, Preaid.nt. ftiii"' mit Pi i i x**, B*c'y. A Ktsalar Mrrtfaf of the Tvaclfib Uerd He-pab- 9kV«> Aaaoctailoa will U held TH - F.\ IMNiJ at 7| .'ravak. In ParriBitoi.'i Hall, i^ir. 3d at and I'.Oh at. By order, W. B. Fama, i** y. JaCOB HBH1 R, Prre't. Mat*erath Ward B>pabllraii~Aaaoclatl »a- PR I MAB Y ELECTION -Pruauti.t to the order . Otlral Commute* alwatioa will be B*yJlt**Ltb at, on MONDAY EVhNiNfJ, Fab. 21, r , Frtaldrat, two \ ie* Preaidenta. two Betuowtaj and a Tu laaret ml tb* An*, la'iof., five Delegat, a to the R'p< bU*aa Central .Sow mitiee, arid fi.e Delegate a t. tb* Kopabll an Young Met'a Cou.wrttee, and a Ward Loaas hta* to aaaabat of thr, * iu-mherf fr*m ***h eiertlon District of Ward. The pi ll* will be opto tram 7J tili Bj o'clock. JOHN J. SiLl/.X K. WILl,'AM A. DORLKY, DA.NiKL MILLER. Inrpeaton Um*k t> d by Central Cotnmlft**. fdraad t rlrhnalloa of WMalasilan'a Bfrthdar eve at tb* Cooper has.tut* on MONDAY EVENIMO, Feb 21, foi akdtag the patrloi,. fund, and under th* Immediate pstr>,nag*"f at* L*Mie*' M*unt V*rnon O^aaSMtam The OettBt JOANNK.it will eraialtou.ly pTSaeaa** Tb* Kirat Oration in Barop* nvn tb« Blattry and Cbarai ter of Waahlngton and tin- Ameri-an E**ere)ti*n: with it* Eifert« In Or»at Britain and Kranit, 177 i,, I7SS." wblah oration waa prohibited by tb* tTtBOJt Imperial Oatrtameat at Paria 4ih July, IbbM la tb* roar** al tb* *r*niug Mr. H B Dodwnith * celebrated Cornet Baid will perform ajprtpriate military M*t* f>*tweetj pari« ol the orati *a (a* al*o befure and after,i and »u. a will b* a*p< ata'ly arranged for that - Tlcketa eiiiy fifty cent* *«yh. u. be obuln« d dai'y at the off Off th* Ladle*' Mount Vernon A.. Ooasa* In.'i: it* Snt fleer; at Dodworth . Mode t-'t. re No 6 aatof p a (by writing of the Count Joanne. No. 9 Carroll ace, B'. bat at, aad at ibe Soora nf the Coop, r luttltnte en the evening of tAa Hat iaetant, at 7 o'i !"i k. To romroeno* at 8 O'SBMR *».> ekkely A limited number only oftirketa will be U«u«d N r*> aeived a*kt«exa> pt for the Ootertor of IBS fftalt, tb> Honorabla tb* M*)i r and Corr mni OaaSMaa, IfeS J .d.ra of |a« Cs ir*.«. tl.* Ctalgy, tb* Chi»f OaWatl of th* Arn; kind N.vy, an' . t n tlhdal y latlted to atUud Ibi. Lotel relebratiou .et] e. ially dc- **rt«d t* filial piety and patriotl.ai The following ttoida «one hid* the letter mi the Laclie.' Mount V*rt*a A**0*t*St**l to the Count Joanne«, ae-*p-.lnc trie pro- i**d« af ki* above named oration throughout the I nitrd Stateu, »1«: ** W* eaarot but f**l -<.i >ie: t that the aaaawSMaai cvlnr«d ley y*a upon th¦. *nb;< t, and which Bat at tbe foundation of *1 BJe«t >u<****t will ..cure jou the xbperation of tbe aabttl to «urpott of tin. »utiiuent, and jataiag patrWtaaa t > liberal- hy, Peter c«.< | i-i, b*. praaaatad la la* G**aM JoaaBo* lbs o«* af the arg* lectnre-rix m ot tie laetttut* free of *u mi, ovary «berge, which Maasalhj BIOS Ti« piaprlatat of tb* Mew Yolk He raid baa, alao, moat geB<rou«i« pieae>ut*d ail tb* soaaeaafw kkTf* pH-i:n« raaaed n aU| at BISO, obUt Mr Dedworth ai.d loa . ir. ilent n. leJoMl . luve all sj»*a tb'lr aer Tic« grau*. . atiu.ated at a.lnn'ar value c.f «*>!'<>, and a.: f tl at reiialr.d for the evening have volunteered, al* 'L>- in aor print an aad decorator*, a* w ell a* tbe orat .r and author of tu* ra¬ tios), to wlo** personal appll. *' loa all parii. a anancrrd ail.ru. ativaly. Ans in th» »ame apirtt. the chief editor* b*vt> geiier- Ouat) pirteut. d advriti. meut* free. ap*Jt from unti. ea The*.* faeta «bouM b* *samplr. fcr oth. ra in the r< pu jlc. and to ill «eii» and ladir* of tl,. ¦alHesolkt asfaaaakfiy, to fo low, for th . above t ..'< hration of the birtb-a*} even' k'a'.hi r of th* CouBtiy I. to aid the national final for the payimntof the guardian pun baa* money of th* Mount Vernoc t inh aud Uta. and « Lich fund la yet d< in Unt uearh one hundred th .ua- aad) Sollara Pt«rwVark and Waakloatoa Prtnttna Telearnph CMsaspony. .Notlj* hereby given, that a Social Mcr Jog of ak* atorkholder* will be held *t the OUioe of tb* Company, on PVRIDtr. tbe ad day of Pebruary tu*t., at 1 n'nlnab m. Dated New-York, Feb. 11, \tS9. _B. W RUSSELL, SerreUry. Prof, t.ayot's I.entire on I'aysicnl Onaraphy will henaeh rth b* iiveu a' r**«ro'clock lu.tcad of ruo ,.u eaou Boh [MY and Tl'ESDAY at the Hlatorlcal » L-v Ta* Leetare. of the Po«t Oraduat* C ora, o' Columbia Col- kaa* »¦ u » arranged, are aafollowe: MONDAY, 3 oVlo-k. Mr. MARSH, FngHeb Unriiaf* MONDAY, 4 o'clock Prof. UL iOT, Payai¦ al O-ography. TliFSUAY, 4 ..'clock, Prof. 0ÜYOT, Pi v., * Oi paphy. Tt'EsbAY. So', lent, Prof LIKrtKK HUtory of Cosai W klONkSDAY, 3 o'clock. Mr MtKSII THLRSDAY, 3 ... a. Prof. NAIA.SE. IuteliVtua! Phil » oaW Tb* . ntirte of lecture* will lait BBtil Mav. Tb* Law Isassl under ttut, DU 111111*, EVERY DAY, *a- arpt Saturday and SiinsBJ. st S o'clock. Th* Bricblinc Cour.e DAILY at th* OsHataSi H 4t>th at CHAB. KINO, Prr«id< ut C'uijinbu College. Leetare mm *fat aasüloB.-Cript J. H~Bi LI w J *T**r tb* third of ti. Beriea of Lecturea un " Navigation a id Maat'.ral Atüwn \ " l'.f.re Br\aut k Stratt.-u a MM-a. III« Calleic, THIS EVftltlNO, at loom No Co ^r lattttote Ä* preaett Lecture wnl pertain to " The Signa ol the /.oilac" BaaUfr»*. B. B PACK \RP, Bad Pits* *' SSwrtln I.nthrr.*'- The Rev. J P NKWMANwill Le tar* en tb* abov* «u»j-ct THIS (Monday) r. \ ENIN9. F-h. 21. a* Tib at M E. Church, near Sd-av. To oonuneuce at Tj o'ohxk. Aduiiaaiao Jo r-ent», at the d..or. A werte« a l**iiiu(r Kanarri't lab i .' th. K. paa tuiy, No 3A1, Br.«dwa ron MONDAY, V- lljtlfOOR Olivet, "Spring Y blwOt*. aWoOt, FUl ta, Treea and Draiuage » Ladlta and alrai irrt are alwaya ap-. i* iy wr.,, as AJ.i.iaaioa sdwtya ft** to all. Club aieat* every Monday at u.-ou. _H. MEIUS. aVsratorp. Brooklya airrrnnlllr l lhrnr ., » Atlaatic ata The nt-at regular l.e.-'ure In U.e Annual Courae wib b* deliver.^ on Tl BSDaY EVENING Feb 22 at . o'aie**, by th* Hon. JOEL T. HKADLY. Subject: - luly " Tiekrta, Bold at th* «!... r tS ru¦*. O. L. H \IOHT. > 8. W. CAREY. J Lecture Couunitt**. _ft D. C. VAN BOKKKWM. S NaUoaal Haaday-rvkaal t oaTeattoa Th* Osama- Uoa will asaembt* to June * Haii, Cbe.tnut at below 7tn. rbuadelpbia, on TUESDAY neat, Feb 22. at 3. o'-kvk p. m aad will continue during day and»v*nucvf WLDNhSDAY aad THI R8DAY. Delegate, from a dlataor* on arriving In th* city, till p'*a*e report tb*ni*e<v** to tt.e Couimitte* oo Kutrrmt mc t, wbowi a* «d at the Had. on Tu**day aller H a. m. Tuo«r who ar¬ rive k. lore that time wi 1 repjrt theautvlve« to Mr. Join. W, BevatuB, Cbalrmau. Nu. 4* | M*rk*t-*t It ta *iarct*d tbat every Sabbat! SVkool in Philadelphia a .d tUtejlitty will appoint on* dtlrgai* Otmare. Tb..a^.i.ld ha auebded to ol Sunday neat. Fiwna« of lk» c*u«. In tb* olt%. who are de.lrous of *nt*r- taimrg delegate, *j \ mX,tm* report to th* Couourttee of Kutrr iaisTbe*' ** " *omib4*' *»)ll-l how many they can acorn Tba me^tlpg* of tb* CotiTwn-loo wtu b* open to aO. CairV^rmila* Notice .-Tb* J.i3t Cm mitt** of tu* t>«unon Couactl apiolnt. d to pr, -e, t tb* 1 tereata of tbe ottj fli^l undue inter', rr.c, t: e | 4l 'at -e ... A -va.-v. ./ill meet In the Chamber of the board c( t^ermen on Tl Ka- DAT EVENING, Ue Slat inst at t e'«4ock. R. » j' ,J, * Cnt.*m*n have b«»u luvit*4 to alte-.d, and awrtieipat, ,Q tbe Bk*ration t,f ti* Comaittoe, vi«.: Meura *T*vl r BSBSat. Braoy, W B A«kr, tV |V H*ve:^.rr, J.,WvV Oarard, J PkiUips Pbuanix. A. T Stewau. \\ i. n Huxt, wFaBaat Ciirtie» Novea, Wm. M. Ev»na tt w l, * »r Jaaaskan W allen, l1* *r Ol .e J. :<e w.v o. a. CrCugy .*. Jame* ELgllah. \\ m ti B.-a-'v B..*a B DaXakaX, u. If Okartevaxt TioalBS T Kerria, A. W Cant. __F.^L A. Soon, Chairman, THOMAS 0 II \LL. Bae'y. T* Balldln« Aasoclallon». V Me-t n cf D-lerat** w*m a.1 tbe Bui .thug A «*.« j»;hi:.> and other* oprvu..: tOtbl ~ a°w Wfor» th* Leauiatur*. To Ahub*o BadMiaa] i«*--i» ¦"^wili b, held «t No. 1ss M«rc*r *t, m WKDNtlSDAY SL a ""^ BBaaM.,81 71 o', lock, A tali aitatuai, * .a -eq ,-«t.d. ^***s*VN H Disaa. 31. II., i-it-r c Turn aMalsai, a-. aäTtk*^, ",u °f"---"- I hjaiy kkvdl I i .hm.,Vi ua fyifaJ m*nurr dlawaae* uf tue fc!\ .. \ k* . ra PflSO, r . 53. «ai»w*^.rTo:,B» .t*o lyapr -reaa .ouipara- .,-gf: r~-i>*a, and without the kr.if* or lt<a; ire, or the *-m.t ¦äste aj__ " * "irr**- 0:.D. mmmntm~marsataaaaaai ^ mmmmi9**rf P*rt of ta* Union, on whom k* ha* *. *raamtoatiV,n^ai??!.'*' SUP?' L'4~A tmlmM> or t«-'"H»* paSSBtBl bbaerver t^tdttko.« ar* alway* appaxent to kh* BfÄT A?aafreT., to ! IP*. «* »to 9 «reafnaa, at No 41 ,Z£'.>Jrv ^mX'.rT'^ >. ^ hi a pr v.u Ho. taaXiSlir?^^ doOka.tt. tlfM. provided t ,r t-o*. »Im, ^^.^^*,,,Wy«"*t**raa>gidJ«rUtl I asUsktoA. V0L- XVIII.Ff* 5,565. New City Uallreatde. Tk» tabaMtanta of ike City of Nr» ', utk wko are eyrtneed to Ugla.alve gnitaof the fght to CONSTRUCT RAILROAD* tu ike Atltl cf tbli city to private an * latljni, wlui t :. peiaatit n lo the .ritt f- r tnch valuable fr« rhltei are r.qoewt-d te meet at Cooyer Imtitute en FRIDAY, IBe töth ...it at M o'el* k p ir.. DAfkfEL LORD. DvN'L f TIKMAW. JObF.PH HOMH, WtJ i.l ttia NOitk, M MORfjAN, J BI. NT. JMi G OHPEN. PETER COOPFR, HOfM TAVI-UR, J A3 RENWICK. J BtiMOlR, CHARLES A DANA, W. F HA "v r MYER, JAME4H »VKLSH, WM. rUCBBB. V. *.TTs bUKRwaN. JAMrK KINO. ANTH'Y L ROBERTSON. New York, Fett IG, It'!'. Kätnern Inatliute ( eurwe or ASTRONOMICAL LECTURES, av PROF O. M. M.'TCHEL. In corrpllu.ee »Ith a reqieet mad* by * large in»k*r of rlti- tent retleinr In tbe rattern aertion of the city, i'rof MITCH- EL ha* 001 .eiit«* f> d*li»»r a eertroi cf Astronomical L«rturei before tie Rut|tri Female Inttlt.te, in the Rut«*ra It. Cburcb. Tlie taivitatiot |o live un Conrae of Leetor-t I* extended to F.'of Mitrfce! hy acme af oi.r molt diitinguiahtd BBawKaBB. A .. : I them ire VMM B CROBBY, Rev T. R SMITH, Re*. THOS AftMITAOE, Rev. B8 ALDRICH, Rev. J M. KRtliS, H»v Dr N IV ( AM?, Rev THPO L CI'YLER, It. v. F O FLaO, JOS. HOXIr, *>n Rev. J S IN«KIP JOHN LEYFRIDUE, e.* R. v. riiOti 11. BI RCH, And other! The comae will »mbri'e Ur diieuMlon of tbe f.'lowing tapir* vir L "Tte Oritln of the Phvtl'-*.! DwtvvMM " I " It the Cr. at..r of toe Ualvwrae the God of the Bible >.. S. "An exarr.itatkn of the AitronomicaJ lliuatrati'ni and Allualcna fon.d in the Bible." 4. " The M. »a Bee* unt of the Creation." TV>e betöre' vaill be delji.red a' Rotfera-at. Cbnrch, on MONDAY ai dlW FDNI:SDA Y EVENINGS Toefirat lector* 11.le MONDAY EvENINo, Feb. 21 Lector- to «.martenr« at 7} ..V,o.k Tickets to the renne, St ¦irgle llrkrt* V'fenta. U'r.ta.ne<! at Wm IItil A Bona, Ne. ö'ihr ad»»v D tawletoa A Co 'a, Hei M8 aad MS Broadway i A. D. f, Rnod< lafc, No MB Broad-ay, Lord *; Taylor, N I J Grand rt ('. Bretiing B* IBI Br a'wav Ivia ,u k Pnlnney, No. iU Walkerat.; Ada.o.i k Bp-n'cr, No fell Oraad-rt., N<>. t Bowery, and at tbe lnititote. No 281 Madia..n it. _HFSRY M. FBI ECK. Friedr-al The inevitable, aucvr*.* el naythla« baaed apoa tar-Lb aril etrl . .li.e la we'l imn'rated kytb" great reputa- Bea of Uve Orerfrnoeig Kan Medic.uea Toe reader L* re¬ ferred to oar g. ueral euvert»air.a column* jOSfitTA F. BRIDGE, M. D., Secretary and Attendli.*- Pi.yilrltn, Oriefeuberg Cmpany, No. IT.- Park row, New-York. Plkr'e I'enk (.eld JMlayee. Tbe a I.» r > .. pro, ae to tranaport any given Bomber of Bound* from Leavenworjb City, or other point* on the M.«- ibat may be agieed Ma tc. the Gold Mines of Plke'a Peak, Oberrv Oteek ar d the >'.«. di.Hng the montha of APRIL add MAY, with dl*p*t;h, on favrst.ie terme. For aa> prarri.aJ axperlence aa Tragiap..rtere on u « Plains, ar A oar reap, nalbiiity ae Common Garrlera, we refi r k* OnL Dar lei D Tompklua Aa rlatant Cli artermaater Oeneral; J.T. Bo it>r, Preeident of the Bank «I toe Republic WilHaea Van lie Venter, No. I*i Fu.'Um- lt Benjamin Hellte«*, Tonttne B'illdinga, Wall vt and J B. aio.paoti, C' ctinei.tal Bank Building*, Noa. I and 7 Ntaae i-at., SewY'rk City. Tote» latter gentleman, our General Agent, ee refer for full particulars. Early application will meat with aver. (Signed) R( SSF.LL, MAJORS A WADDELL. bseveiiwanb City, K T., _ Jan. 28, ItM. _,_ ~I»r. H. r»7~Kltrli»« «. HlHnrr C orrerior la a reeaady for BiLioi'SNKSB, in ml ita f iu.a, it earaa SICK Hf A DACHE, COBVIVBNBBS. BILIOCI BTSPBP StA, I.II I HKAllACIir,. HO. II broMACH.all "after tum' INDIGESTION, TaaaWaeyof tea Bi ...d * tbe Heed, and Dtaatvaei leaaatne (... >.. . -, Liver, Ptiu la the St..mach or Bi well, Cotnuioi. O.Ida. a.c It prevei ta F> v> ra, aud both ouTe* and preventa Fever and A « e in moat caaea rlcai aea tbe 3stem from bad bile, aud elrer* the oompieai >. For aale by r»ar>ectali'e Dmiraitt*, ai d Wmt Iciaie ar. 1 Retail by 8. S EITCil a Co Bo. Iii ttroadvay, propnetora. I'alrnl Doable Ire Plfherw.-R.'b'y ailver p'ated <id i Ti.r...»aeO ICE PITCHERS. Ala. p'ain OBOt mid, eg Br.U' la metal. Th< ae Wmt InteiM to anrj.lf tbemaelvea will do li to li ply ei rly for them at tro a" " | Uli II S HART No I Burling allp. Nplrllnal T*»t .Hrillom.. v\ riüu« am Tra'i«e.-Mra i<. l. r a.-i. 11 Beetee aril atra *a*la*na. BaaJBaaaaa, No. ]b Hi Ld at in :r. « Itj lArd.-Jl DUE IKOl HB ILL'S DECISION.-la reporting the pi. gr.a< "1 n.y SO* I fa toe N, w York Circuit agaicat Carey, Howii i a. BaaBBe, BI a etfeoia, real |«rtiea who era trying to defraud Bag ol my title are unaing aid oau.iog to be mane van- out tabr etioae ealealaaed laastalead anen baute aud n*uufac- turrra. Tbe OBO* luaalf boa been bo* partially prraenied on mo- IBM lor preliminary haJaurllllaB. I am aivlaed bf all my coun¬ sel that, apt,n lull o{ ray title up.,n nnal beating, the reault inuat be in my favoi and lurtiirr, I am taking meat- urea to hav,- the u alter br.i.p'it to t.uat adjudlcati.IB aa aeou aa Kaalble. latlie m>-au time, 1 am advlaed la proaee>.'e a1! In- ngara upou u v rigbta. and to pmae-ute toe i.ar'i, a win BBBB been aud are rndeiioriug to defraud me of tbe title and eiclu- .Ive rial t, pun h&teu by rnr from Ct ailea O.-ody, ar, and bv nm ponveyed to rr.e, BaBBBB af ¦TBaV b tui, a ran be procured at my oftice, No. StCoortlaadt-et., bv [ eraou* lntereateo New-Yi.-k Citv. Bak )\ \>-'<¦ HORACE H DAY. Kt*u> Pcblicalions. l>OOK E>UBLI8HEB9 trialuaf to ADVERTISE A F their worki In any at tion cf the cm.try r an do ao on ti.e i Sv. ral.le t,'mi'li"..n the Vdver'ia.ng Ag.-n. y of JOY. t OF A I n Tn' .:ie Building«, Niw-York, and Browa'i IroD Builcliiga, Philadslpl.l*. _ Now ileadf: AVALTAHLK BOOK FOR JUSTICES AND LAW YERS. AP.BOIT BROTHKRS" R.vlaed Ed'tl^n of BLATfIHBOBO a sbvvaRHS NKW-TOIK CIVIL and CRIMINAL .1 II STIC E I a Complete Treatlae on tbe C1VII (RIÜINAL atu SPECIAL POVVEI8 tSD DUTIES JUSTICES OF THE PEACE Is tii a Statb New- Yuan; With 2W7 Fract'.-al forma, AND A COPIOI'S INDF. X. In the prrtrrt new »ditl, n of N-w oik .1 ri'«, no pttna have been . pared to make tha avert orapiale ant oorrec*. aVara trotbe aaeaiat aota, Baae* a leefl edition, man; important i har.g, a have beeu Biae» la ti e lew regulating the powen aad dmliaof J.iatlcea and tli« IdailBaallwflaB of J .i* e in t Ir Coii.ta. The vain na ateiutee a«d aw at.... a by wtaiob to* law kaa BwBB bc«n audit'..J hive t.«ea tally Incorporated intoth* P'c-Lt e,littou » bile in a briefer wiy many deelavoni eaas nrciing or iMu.tralmg tn* principle* laid down la the original t, at hav, Lee iu'r ^ ed, wi,. e thoae par'.a wblcb tree- I :i:..ted Sen ice. M«. bici. a'I.lena, Pro-erd.uga to Bever** Judgment! in Ciltnlual Caan, and Eacit» and Ti«> rui, are iua- atsxUa 'y n< w tr.ro.If) o it. In Bfwet to n.ake room for Jiiae ai eitioti tie alaa of lb* paaj* naa t ru in' rraaed, aud a aunber of the formt f Pr. ceedi-.ga In Civil A.'tlou*, wBicb were ortgt nally (elected fn m " Tne New Clerk'a aVaBataat," by Mr. J-n- kina. have l.< en t mi'.'., u, itl'reu.e i them being made, bow- eve In ail aaei ^ ,i i IIVABI » Al'Xll.lAkv TrBBB THE WORK MARbd BI ...... Prl.a, *.» Bold by ail h ke e:a C. M SAXTON, * .iber. No. Para row, Mew Yjtk. C M. 8. alaa aabBaaea THE Ni W CLERK I ASSISTANT." By J.-nn t>. JeuAlna. page*. Ivo. Price, BI A". Sold Hy ill Book aeUare. Till: ATLANTIC MONTHLV FOR M VRCH. N O \V RE V U Y ( INTENTS: Hoi sais an raa Paai * at ukath Lur v BatawerLa i Ttaaaaaei*usa. a i ii win ABB hu Mab a. ftllgBI P* LtMt »vi. BtusKV Smith. BitLCI ABB B> aks. Th| \\ ati »i all. Tut u ivraa Hiki*. "The Nih Liri"u> DilTB. Thk Dot si i llRttiKn Stavar oi Niwraar. A Pi »a raa tm Fuiui Toi I'hoi leeea tr TBS Bri iKinrTm i. Tub Utah Etriuino*. Tu* w ¦. k Wootaa. Rkviiws. Sawyer t New Teatamest RivVkT AMlllial Pisi.lcaTiol*. THE MINISTER'* W O O I N 0 BY HARRIET Bi I CHER STOWE Z:. .< i beguu in ibe I>ec,-muer oumatr cf the ATLW TIC, baa been received wiu unlvertal tav r aad bid* fiu to bt ona tbe greateat work of tbe «i.>d novrliet. The tie.d I* Dew lor the New-England of t. r last oeutary i* far away from the New England of to-ctv and t£. pawrea of toe atory already re.bliibed abow bow completely 15. a^iUior ba* eatered Into 'ce quaint and tin.pie life of that almott fc.-eotteu period. Her C.rtralturea ot obaracter aie Ml cf ipirit.equally rem art* Bit their firm ouUtnca and U> the minut toraobti vbi.'l none bat the rand of getlui ran frvw. " Tae Miiiaatet'* W»ottv| " wtZ be ootlinurd Uirotigb to* vear Ti im» Thieo Doi'ara per aueim, of twenty five rent* * cumber Upvc lie re I pi ut tae . .ba>Ttp'Aoo price, the Pjb- llab. rt w .1 mail the w >rt |a a: part of tae Ui.tt.-i State«, pre¬ paid. BuBecnpt.oiui :. ay legi., wiia eiUrt the firatei a.y .-!> .eqnenl n.mbe: Tbe pott_ge of tit* ATI, ANTIC ta M rta a year, ere Baud. Toe pagea of ue ATLANTiC aie aiereotjpeu. lud rtacA c m- ten ran be n Cci'Bt..For Ten l> Cart the I'.bither* wU *e»d five noaie* of ib» ATLANT IC lor one yetu. ue aubeenbera to pay uieax owe poatage Clergymen. Treben, and Pcwtaaatteri will receive tue work Ar "Two IK. Jari a »»«vr Bouktvufraa » :air tbe term* b;. ta*BBB dreat, *t,., uaot a, p.. a-: t: r> i.nera rUiiaUr* SAMPSON k C>) No. IS WiiSer at B.woa. I \ I SON rft PH 1NNEY, Et»li. aTIuNAL PI BLISH^RB, In c.vnaeq er - n' tba Inrieaaed d.irva..d for ._> eB .-i iH.L AM» OOLIaBOE TKXT BOOKS. HiredeeiOed to giv.ta.ir r».i.i v. »«vn-». t to EDI CATION- AL WiiRr.s. Kr u.^.iaLi.,i u.r geuere! »ook trade, aad taking Ai their er large* b_wti.ee* tb* new barfe tarkli aoobio aware 48 AND 50 WALtKEB STREET, Tia Dea.ai Win or Bao*bw*r, U.r- they will ut- r graatiy UEsror*4 faetbilei for tbe acoom- a^.k' of * t»e Teari, -a ai.d MerrAanU IVläON b PHINNET, Not a .v » WiimiiT., II iwn etat of Inavlwiy NEW-YORK, MONDAY I>UBLIFHED THIS DAY. CEOköL I.lEJ'ARDd LA -T WORK. THM LADYE OP ALBABuNEj On. ThE POISON O JÜLK.T. A Bowes** ' f tre Dark A let. B* Or. 1u» L'»r>»tn. arthwr of "The Qui-rCltT tr The Mo-ki af Monk H... Boc ur . f Briniwie., " Earn Arntubrim, 16r Moat ..' t% laaahickon, "The Huirrif. 01 ta* L~t' cf -.a* w **niugtoü*,'' " L»i»cdtof M'iie*,' 4«. Coapletr ix one large octavo VjhaiBe. Ma 1 tetka. " AdaVtO »iarieeij trrund BM throng: be aiarkrd ' ach ru ttr I a- at arr/.». run atj r ..i had .». MO ai t... guard, aud U*»U Mi rb»at M>d ar.d hit *}> t!i>ha4aj ktd Hkk irea «f Albarnte ari/* am tuorderar mi yo.r k***l!'".Be* pag* J>. Tkit woik wii th* mm) rr.i- written hy O*org» Lippard prh r to hit traih, a d is now :.'>'. j » .. i. It U by all o'dt IB* L*tt aud BOM tiatti't work ever penned bj thla popular Auk." Iras anther, and w. adviae a t> ft H tr. i r*ad I*, at nrc*. G..OR(iK L.'PPARD'B OTHER U (JRK9. LEGENDS or THE AMERMAN ÄE'> OLLTION, Or VA aMUATSM aU His Origin v Two volume*, Prio* AI. THE QUAKER CITY; Or. Tue Moss* or Moxa Hath. Two ti.nui.fi. paper BOWOa Price t> t. PAUL ARDENHEIM. Tut Moil or Wiaaamckos. Two vclun.. a, a*ytr n'er. Pr e Si¬ ft ^A^ ("H E OE BRANDY WiNE. Two Tolujiea. paper acter. fur* $1. THE NA/ARENi:. Ou* Tolurn*. Price .V e»r.t». 1. i <, f N D.» OF M E XI < 0 On* volum*. Pri etS *nta. B<« kteiiera, N> wa Agent*, and ail otb* ra, will plea** t>ud h rkeir order* at od«*. toptia tt tag mi th* at* te wurka will b* sent to sriy ;*-rt'n. to any part < tie United lUUi, fre* sf poa'.age, on their rm.it til % the prlie af the S84S aWf ln*y with to th* puMiahera in a tetter. Addf t* ».1 crdera, to receive immediate attention, to t',e p.i T B Pi TV RSON fc BROTHER« H". Wei Ukealnut-tt., Philadelphia. PUBLISHED THIS DAY.. THE SWAMP DOUTOK S AD\ENTIRES IN THE ¦01 rH-WI IT ( nr.tali ii g i»e wbol* si the Louiaiai a Swamp Do. . r S:r»*ki bi\ artei ISSa ai far W. areru S< - Sag uj a ¦< riet .'Po.ly. T»" H' um root a rtaara ai d tVaatot* hk-t.Boa, urt. Motive of in.ir.it pad i ara ter By " Mar..- T.i.a». MD. .'gslbsiii." a .»h r ii BwaUowtas Oystan Ali»*, kr. Whm Fourteen .atratu na, from »r.gina. Ur.igua by Darley. Cloth. Pr.. * 8I St II MAJOR TM'iRPi U ICXNBI IN ARKAN*AW GmfaiB- Ing the wf n> .,f ta« ¦..I kVtet Bare i:. K. t .. ky.' and "Bob Her- . Araaasaa Rear HaaSsr,N as well as **Cast, ing ou the 8t> .nun.," " Playin; Poker in Arkanaaa " M d other * ei*a, loci dsats and caarasti is, UuraamawsS "tba aSfwaaal PaajSaM Na¬ tion t" wt,i< h u ».: i. d tL* " Drama in P .kerviii*," " A N r-: in i Sirii: p. and Sthag ttorirt By J M. Kiei.l, «n \\ .tn Mrtars llaaaTaSkaas fcsss agjaMtal sengna ty Darley. Coo> | Sil in Cue sal ..nie, cloth. Price §1 25. LATELY PUBLISHED: I. MIM BRiVVf R S NKU WORK. PATIilK AM) DAUOHTJUL By Kre 'ribs Br^i*r. Tranelaled by Ma-) Hewitt Cou plet, in two tounwa, p*p*r .over. Price (I or in cloth, f .r AI ti¬ ll. TH E KOUR SISTERS. A Tale of So-U! and D m. atlc Life MaWsaaa. By Pr snka Bremer. TraLalated fiom the orig¬ inal Rwssiaal ey Mary Bawatl Two aaaSaaMS, paper cover. Pri<e S>. or bound in one volume, cloth, for S>1 ~>. III. MAJOR JONi S8 COURTSHIP AND TRAVELS. Brgn Uil y111 a:j»fd Oi. x isas.t Ik Price $1 2A. MAJOR JON» b SO.Nr'S IN OEoKOU. KuUof beau fnl illoittatirus. O'ie volume. *',th. Prir.-a.i25. SIMON PI Ci.> S ADV ENI RK* AND TIlAtKLS. II idilrated. Ou* vo.nine tltth PTtsS Bl 9S HI Hi 'BS OE PSLCOBIBIMB. Two ;«rc* ynlnmea. pap«ri.\er Pile* § I or |u one vniurri*, els IstBlaV PINKY WOODS TAVrKN Or, HaMM.nk ik Ti.x»«. C otl Bl *.".: or two reloSBta. paper rover, for +1. SAM 8lliK, 7 II I Cl.or KMaKKR By J dg* Haiibur ton. llnttr*t<d. Obs .¦¦ .n.e, .<h, Bl IB] or tw. vulun.ea, aapsr, The Saasa b- oka are si! j'ltt pnkilahed. ird for SSM hy all Br«kaeli*raail o\ti the country, and are the beat boob* pninuhed f< i yi ara. Crpiia of any of In* above work* »ill be »*nt U ki.y |eiuu fo any part ml tie I uited Statea, ire* of p.^tag». tbiir r*- ruitt'ng tie atbaaM th* or.ea they may via*, tn the p bllihert :i SlsSbar. Addrraa all oroera tSe publiahera, T B PKTPhMON a. BROTH I RH. No. SM CHEBTNI T 8tki ET, Kii 11. ADglLPH I A. BKOiDWAY. DELISSER k PROCTER'S RECENT PUBLICATIONS. I. ERNESTINE: Or, Tin IU*rt'»Lov&ixi. By Aleth, I2ran. . i 2.V 11 baa mm ). l.riilai.cy, and a certain >nd< lir.able tou* whicn lift* tt beyi nd th* ord i *r\ rale o| novel* ".| Albion. " It hue not beeu *i.rpa**>-a hy any aimilar w jrk in our Lid- giii.ge.'.[Newa. BRANDOS Or, AHniBSaB» TSABl Aoo By O. T Ifai.y, ivmo. si m\ " a ttory f rare ii tereat, arcmpanh d with nmr harm lag j ictnre* cf toe olden time '.|n E. Parm«r. " I* lOaatratsa iba moat IiiIsibbH*| i^iimi of ojr hbtory." -letrmrf.eid Btpitttran tt oitby a place among Ui> e.^ ... l.tc;«ture of the Und -[Ne«*. III. BDDIBS BOUND TBT. BECTORY ByOwsaVana. lassBi '1 Tlej are 'Edout' cl a awe.-' au.i ItwlvBaS curreuU ". I Newa nr. THE INTERPRETER: A Im: or i.:r Hit. By Ma^t M.hi. e, i:ti Ec.tiou. MBaals. "Ma Me.vii e |*j*a*e*es the advantag'' of b*lr.f a: on- e a geti> n.a- a-jinit-mau. a r< biliar, a travel, r k.di aoUjier, »ad be wntea li»e all lur. "- London Prt as. CI1RONC LE8 OK THE i.ikSTlLK. Ill ..tratel. Ivo., ik m i ' The dark ard thr t 1 Isfa rr f las Ba^ll ,t her* told SJ a ayspbii and krilliaal mann, r.". It t>un bman. '<Assrartabatteamicrkwsaadst^srMsjtkass Chrorjl.-ie* a q Ire a giaud and a BSaasaa v* aa |Ctui*-.*.. Inteüigrnorr. joan op arc. Utk Lira usllaailaaaav By Mi' n*i*;. Mi cents. " Th* narrat've ia wdikrd ip In th* n at ir teaely int»-. «*....i at ti.-, sad sabeaUaa sssas new uetail. wtt- h biicb*i*i * re Baaraasa hue dia.i.m red ".(Commercial AIv.-rti»rr. Now Re*.<y THE BMPISl OF AUSTRIA; BSaVIBB \Ni> PRESENT POWLU. Bi Jo..* b. c. Abbott. Or.* »oL. err wu »\o. H 7 pp Ckth. Prlo*, Bl Ba "1l re arc al'iin.iait n a:-r... %% tu a **SfjL lot life of I ..[ a ¦ Ira . II r.at 'a w...i and w. :.d.ktBsl M hit* .ry. V: rarly etrufg ee fur aggraudisrmeut.th* lie re atiif* with ti>* T rkt, atwavi aft. r u! M ».ei- BrTasMS ro led 'ip th* I'auube.tue uc and bi»ody p.-raecut..ua cf tbi Re for v atlon the thirty yt art r..» at war las oie:*c ri. carver uf 0 fn i A4 phua and Catatlcg XII. »I. voting athwart the lur'd a'orm. of battle.the intrignra of P. p»« th* rncrmou* pride, pow.-r ail c-rro*» :.¦ ..'. f L- uia XIV. -be warfare of the BratiIan raoassaasa. Bad to* P. h«a al»».m.l» t-- ec.t.a'' v.«.* eveLta o.nbiir u. a eublltn* tragedy which fiction akay In vata attempt *o parvileL '.author a Preface. AUSTRI A u tue brtt of » aerlea ul t!« or more voli:m**. La pr. aasMtoa hy Mr Abbott, t ba publiahed in'.urfi r-i atyle, SM IBs lerer», title. "The MoBOTisaai af (' Qtineotal Eyror*" Tie Sr.!.* it d.s'rsed ta iorlude AUSTRIA. RUS¬ SIA. SPAIN. PR.t.NtE. uERMANV mmi ITALY, each ia a t, parate BBS me. The Pub.tkh*r» believe that the** worke w.:. preornt hittory apenanove. i SSI apiaa. Tue purp te i*'. giv* la each vaa* tfie Biography of the ReiguLot Dyuasty. Th* perv.'uai inter**'. »f bi. grape v m tlu* *.: i*d to th* f-a*>ral a:- tractk t. of eveutf^: hiaU'ty Tt a olh-r vo.um** are oapeet.ed to k.* w at hat* r.a.* af a** u--« m< uta*. Published by B1AJON BROTHERS. .No. «b Walker st, N«w-T'Tk._ TI1K Late WM. H. rßESCiUT.-A tio- STEEL PORTRAIT of the late Mr Pr**r.>tt. üb* H^- tartan, with Men. ir. arlfl appear in THE LIUNiJAClE'' Eeb 2b. EaeS wr*k*y cumb*r cf this popular Periodic*, wtl rastaia a fiue etc*] portrait c acm* 'e,*brat*d character. " I aay vBBsal kaOatSStos mat if 1 coaid have but oua Maga line BAocg all that are publiahed or repubUsbed in oar couarry, 1 abr-Jd a*>krri Lrtt»l! « Lirh.e Age ".(Katract from Letter to th* P: t.uh.rk, from H*tr} Ward B*eöh*t. Early order* *ol. tt« i. DELJS8ER PROCTER, No. MB Broadway . 6 per annum. Special terms to Clerfyoien, Teaetara and G ka_ 1MIE BEST JLTEMLE MAUAZLNL I'Lii- LlbHED THE WO YS' AND OIKLS' OWN, FOR MARCH It Pü-aln* a a-w Fa*** by laaac M L*l!*o." and an ortg.aai detign by P-iia O C. DarWy. with n-:n . i_-T**tiug Sto¬ ne*, W. i.iue*rat*d. Al*r. Enunsaa. Purzlsa, ha. sxTaacTt rar m ths rags*. It m nicely nhiatra'a*. and h* articlaa aasuains. Instr-ettrs ard we wrttiea Hi ¦.*. coua^euuoaaly rwouomeul it.". |N. Y. Ccmr^rcih! Ttmea "A euer and euisr.au.u.g work for javegu.**.".(Hook* Jaanal "It -i'*«»* M BaSJss SMt r^tt'ly advocate for pabJc fav. r. B4 a. -, P r.r: . »p^-ii of uw Time*. ¦¦ It apf ar. w-u and r-aaa we- . LaatertMa- WatervlTe, Hi "We r*com3eot tin p»r. 4\atj Ui tet J u-v«oU* HaaSBfc '. [DaCyTlce*. Dub-.^... Uw*. T-i» :ttl. J iBXBo) '.LU a v :.i L. pertadkal tttaratur* whxb itianld have beae fiU.d Ion: tin.* mat w* ha: tu appaarv- « « k fk {Bl r--w Baa, D J j i- i->wa. PrVe 6r t-itu .:.. .".. UM. i, JONES. P.bo.a.r. No. IjSSU av N. Y. CHAMBERS'' JOrRXAL f..r JANUARY. Now Ren-» -Tt.a number cximm*aoMs aaw lubiea* sf tin pep_Ur r».'«',''* Pnr' ml £> ?*r annum. C. S FRANCIS A Co «*. SM Broadway, Aienutor Ergrtao and Aaieneac P-nowtoala A NKW WORK on tac HEART. iU D0- . . EASES, APOPLEXY, DYSPEPSIA. ae,-Proef of 04.tr C .rabmtv. Ba. »y Dr. S S. Fit. b of No. 714 Broadaray. B*w- T Ik- 117 kUv page* s I.. j: ....... 1 demgiied f .r tb* gei.»ral reader and of ta* v*ry ..iaB**t Inker*.t to Invalids. Price at our oft.*, 2so*6t*: *eat by mail, piaupak*. for JS ceo.a, remitted (hi eta...pa) *rtbar wb*n oraWrtna aAver receiving and approvtag th* W->a. Appty. with uU mmAn**. Sa S. *- I ITCH 4 Co Nc 714 Br.iadway New Y^L C4LLENDRR b Co.. Jk Ajeats ia Pbiud*batÄ roe S4 aad Wala it at*. FEBRUARY 21, 1859. *'V\'AS tie ATLANTIC cable* humbug'.. BiaJTHE 8\T: RDA» PRESS 'f TO-D AT, tan it*. r ..»'». ».. N ... A|'iKi ia ..<¦ Ctty. and at ».! th- r - Bo ii BbVm of Pa^U-at'on, Hr. S irr»"* ft. Branch Oi » »« Br.r **« 'f Bo kitor- aad Nrwi Exporiuin, coin.: of Broad¬ way- tnd Hctuu a ». _PUCE FIVE CENT*._ KEADY n WEDNESDAY, the 3Stk.. halls journal of hevlth. a For M».- j, IBSS, ~*1 Tab)» of Con'en't: Ll» Im .reore, a Korohlii« arti*'».'" The «-. - of M*d.cin». T»aukful. H-ai;i and Dl»ee»e. W aria, treu Cur». Il the Blood Wei' tat] Spriut c;< v.:nt B read w leaoul i »eit Ai.d a imair.fr r( aajaai article* ue»fnl to .-.try family. Itbicripik n, I' P*' ,r»r- M*aaa**a njinbera, .t H. B' PHI PjS'iiber. No. I Eve'e.t iloUK, Nr» fi It. I^hk TRIB1NE AlMANat^o"r~l-.'i'j. .The K. jib fit.it. ii i.ow r-edy, a. i «..ta.-.a. A STRONOM 11 AL C a Li U L-\ T10NS »nu C \ L rJN D VRS frrtbe year lifo. OOVF.RNMF.NT CF THE UNITED ST \TES.ExeeatiTe ar.d Judicial. A LIST OF THE MUMPERS UK THE UNITED STATES SI N ATE, pobttrally r!erai5. d. A LIST OF TU'-: MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE OF RKPRESFNTaTI VE8, pr mammy eaawaaW. A POLITICALLY CLASSIFIED LIST OF THE XXXVIra CONGRESS ». far at yet ...tea. A I HATCH OF THE TROUBLES IN UTAH. ABSTRACT OK THE LAU 5 PASSED AT THE LAST SF.MION OF CONi.RFBS. OOV ERNMENTS OF EUROPE - RULINO SOVE REION8. Ac. HOW TUET ELECT bogus l'. S. SENATORS IN IN- DMM ELECTION RETURNS FROM ALL THE STVTU.S HOLDINO HENERAI. ELECTIONS IN ;»!«. ar. fully ooru- pi.ed and compared with former tl-etion*, ciprctaly for Tut Tain a* Ai.Mtatc. ELECTION SET! RNS of THE STATE OF NEW- YORK BY TOWNSHIPS AND WARDS. LIST OF STATK.e, CAPITALS, 001 ERNORS. TIMES OF LEGISLATIVE MEETl.NOS, HOLDINO OF ELTC TIONS, |a V\itb other matter »f fennel aoi permanent Itttrtrt T- ¦¦ ¦..».- prapaid), liri'e roplea. 11 c. uU, American coin T»»l»e ca, Bl M opi»«, B*. If wrat by Eipna*. Superior), 13 cepif I for BL Orden, a* aaaaaBaai wiia u,» uu. r-tp» tfuiiy laaayaHwX Addrra* HORACE OREELEY A Co.. TribuBc Build f.»*, New Yirk. T"llE SaYbÄtTdSCI 100 LB E ll..A new colltvtiou of civilre Hymut tod Tuoea, nHf'ual tod I'anJ trd, iarrfu.ly and tlmpty a'raaied at 9o|..«, Dmli, Tri», BwaaV Ckorutet «ud Ctomaea, did fir Organ. M i- or P »v Ttli book '..u'alst nearly 2"" Hymrji aud Tiuta, and i* or* of ttr Beat aaalaaajaaa (or ilaeba'h s .-. < ataa laned. Aa*oea |aa lain* rnu,k»r of i »w aud popular T ii.fi n.iy l>e found ..K.r.d aVataaaaa lattaa Die,'1 Soiui « Shore," *Baaatlfal /i i. tc. fltta i.' tut., or t P'r b udred. Elegantly L-i.bd, cectt tUllle m\S per Imodred J:«t pul.rUbed ay _Horace waters, Be MaBeaaBway, M I ILKKAH Knit PIKE*- PEAK." I 1 ALL ABOARD FOR THE li'U.D MINEA i .:-.<.,.¦. t itt htat i .. .. .! a 01 IDF. ar.d MAP for P|KB*fl PEAK" OOLD mines by wblrhall tuformaiton can be otdalaed for partiei ound fur th» Oold DtaBhaga, wltb tli . belt r utei I r-cettary titirl.f mi camp tnd proTUloa, and tt/x-d Map of tbe MiL^a. ftie tut.» r.brr would adriae peraoi.a not to buy aa| pür. i r ttart'i t o- i>- ordrrini tbti t tbey ran be i btainedu ap brrcaa Eut, witb .*. ..< t:.t. A refn- lar F.tprr.a runa I. r Pik> 'a p. - a from Mt L< ii* For all parti- i alan Pffcl to the OUIDE Pric- -onu. bVi.! tree of puat- Bja Addrtta PHILO N STONE. St. l.onia. Mo._ THE VALLEY STAR (New\ilk Pa. i. ia U et.elb-ut adreitiaing ruediuin. 8. m. PEXTENUILL A Co., AgeaU._ 1MIK SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN OFFICE.. Ml NN b Co, Amerlctn tnd Foreltn PaUnt SoHcitoTf, bare REMOVED from I.H Fi.lt. n at. iS .n b'liMlnf) to |Ba Park Buildlai, eatrai «w No. 17 Park r .w aud No. laANataau iL SOLD ONLY by SUBSCRIPTION.-COOP¬ ER'S NOVELS .Derlrj'i ,..¦».¦ ¦! EdiU.u, in utoutbly to'uiora, at Bl 6" «wob- THE PIONEERS new rrUy. Sam pin, ».it paid, aeLtfor Bl 30. EXPERIENCED CAM'. ASSERS wanted In til* and ail the principal eitle*. A ^ TOWNSF.ND 1 Oi PabHahen, No. V> Wa.a ., .... New York. H()(»K PUBLISHERS.Have roar work* no- ucrd iu THE V ALLEY STAR. AadreM J. M. MILLER, Ni-wtllle, Pa. IEITERS TO THE PRESIDENT, OS tne J FORFON AND DOM fSTir POLICY OF THB UNION, AND ITS EFFECTS, AS EXHIBITED IN THE CONDI¬ TION OF THE PEOPLE AND THE STATE. ByH*u/yC Care,. For tale at THIS OFFICE PrVe 18 oeiita. rpHl VALLEY STAR ia the only paper pub- X llabrd In Newtille, Pa Adrertia,- ,n it. %Printing. At EVEBDELL**..WstUiBf Canln. N.itfs. A <. 1 ri.te ...I rated > ar<n a," -i <iia:y e-*Tjved, anoB'r b< I id !n Broadway, & t. of [. .a at Ord.rt received by mail. ßtationcrri anb famn <3oobe. THE ADVERTISING orders of station« ER8 ai.d FaNO OOODS HOUSEBaaa r.tr.tfullf ao .. i by IUY. COE A Co, AdvertliinaT. Air. u, Tllb.« B lUaiaaaj New York, and Blown'* Iron Buu.i'ng*, Pbiladelpuia r~(TpY"R~CE¥'T \Tm\TED^ rulinsP ? JXF by thr a!J f I r new PatfBt Bt.^a R.iho| M»-i.iue Dia«K.r.d Pointed PENB ro'in« i tbeeu per hour. Waran ' n th ptp.r Jralera, Iwv Vanteri. (tstlonart aiid prluten R .lud BiJ H< aoi ft r p-'it^i I *, « tM IIa *h»et, in q .atWtlet; a'yle of It ..i. i -tori aBBBat, tofether » a i»r»e tin. k it Writiof Pa¬ per* CARnO.N A HARD. N". 44 Ueekmao rt. <Tloti)ing. JOB. COE A CO.. Tribune BiiiMinu*, NV^- Tatl i Br< aii'i Iron Bulldlofi Pblla-i,ilaMa, »111 reeel»» au.d piomriiy Inaert ADV EBTISr.VlENTS for CLOTHING tin' IRSia aty N wtpoper elrru'atln* rirber iu tu» LultrJ Sutet or Ca; ada at th* put..whera' kMPMl rstea UEMfTVAL..S. CHAMBERS, haa reinove.1 to Ska "pa. toua atore. No. I 3 Broadway, by th» St R a* II .*: ead will open a lull «*e r : of LADIES' *--d « HO REN a ¦¦ictit-.d. of .a* u*m( atyl.. and beat BaaBBp. Wanted. Sewen. 0> 4 ONLY.-Fr. nch Calf DRES8 BOOTS, at JONES'S Icnat; B«| Donble tola Water proof m w«a^^a^^^jrj^o^J^f*ieJVt^^ _Sine arte._ TX) MANTI'ACTUBEB8 and DBALEBfl in h: ;-1 s Materials -If aaa wl»u to adeerti** paaja b .iteaa a;;'yto JoY, COE k Co Adfertuac» Attenta. Trik> ¦ ¦ B aHaäajBi New Yc.-k, and Browa a Irou Buiidtoa*, Paila- de.pou. a ARUSTS, TEACUERS and SCHOOLS *re reap. tfuliy InArmed that tb* *ub*erib»r la now aali- In* tne beat , ,.. Catva*. Oti and Water Colon, Br.. .-». Paatela DrawtLB Papon. Ac., at lower price* than any other r> -te in Ibo cay. W. SCHALS, Artut*' C ,rm*n. No. CS Broadway. JJtotcBBional NotixiTfl. JOE. COE A Co., ADVERTISING AGENTS, Maori aUVF.RT1bF.ME.NTS for PROFESSIONAL MEN in ar.y c jiil pi.bliabed la North America. Otfioee, Trieuno B*iMa*a*i New York. Brewt t Iroe Buieunaa, PhUadelpnia. Off.. * for pror .ring A MBBICAB and FOREIGN PATENTS. J. P. PIRSRON, No. r> WALL ST., N. Y. _A BBBBBjMBj ol utforiaalioa font fr»» ky mai^ AL. B0B1V80H, a Aocrnoy-et-Law. Evar.**tUe, Indiana. Ref'r tc Mr. Jobb H. Macaaa, Bo. ., So-iUi Wlkfi. ANEW LISCOVERY.-DR. CHARLES EELLb'lTZ eat arr rrd from Par. a .4 other met 'idea No more. No more, fto crrrr of tbaae Duetwet Sor» Eyeo, Riauoiat.an-.. »Ten i.t .taridbsa Dy»en>ry, Serofakaad Oaa4- a ar arJ«-t*oM, Cort*. and tu» File* ure4 m loor doya Dr K. warra-Ua ras>..-al r^e, at If ;uat by aaaaBB, No coere» wM be aatdo aTroatody taala Toe Dort'* ba* at tb* aaaae time a won¬ derful aal»e-Lvr: ted wnicb heaie old eoree of twenty year* atataJute. (k.r Do tri'^i And tbe IV/ctor cure* aiwi many Oft.» Brun from * to Itt n., nr frooi I lot p in Ha .jr.. t-_, t. f.- do.ery ©TocnicB, prwisiiriis, tJi *TO GROCERIES and PROVISION DEAL- R F.R8 -Your A DV ERTISEMCNTS arfll a* Intwrtod mtdo N'Werepert beet adtMed to yotir botdneo*. tbro'^* tae Adeer- t >u f Atrary of JOY. COE b Co Tneon» B -ijd-aa», Nrw York, and Brown'» Iron BoUatnB*. PkiJaaerpaia. OHI D W I 0 H T dt Co., Marfa.-ti.ren of DOÜBLB REFINED AND FAMILY BALEBATUS, aLao, 8UPEA CA ABONATt OF BOOA. SAL BOCA, ETC, bto 11 Old a.la Hanoeor aw^an, New Y a FCRX CREAM Or TARTAB ALWAYS ON HAB». PRICE TWO CENTS. Drn ©ooöf. *yiIE merc1lants mi New-York esn make M their buata.sa known Lbro.igb th* os*di uro of Lb brat Com- ¦an la Par-era af the couitry. bv applying to JOY, CUE a Co , >....Saasas, Tnbas* Buüdiugs. New-York, a.. Broarn'a <!!«. »o» .. a 8 P R I N G TRADE NOTICE.. lUi'.M.TAM EVERY' DRY-GOODS MERCHANT IN THE UNION. dt; FOREST. AKWSTKONO a Co. tat nw kBcaivlBO thbib BftUSS mromiioii, *\u an BXaiBtTtSO it THait IALIIBOOMI, NOB. *»0 AND (BJ CHAMBERS ST N. T rut hrSST BkTtativf, ELrtatT. tabibm, »tu cosirLlTt .tock or EOREIGN AND DOMESTIC GOODS *v*r before tiered for sal* by tbrsn, ao4 presenting attractloaa and advantage* to tb* trad* (ao'ral y, a d from an pairs, aura at are io br- m*t with in very lew placaa. Their*it*ustv*storaat, in Chambera at which la*y oecipy entire #i abl* to-m to ap- rroptiate to each rlaaa of gooaa a separat* department, and to have in fai t .¦> many diatiu. t ato. ks in tktur warerooma. each of which wKI be compels. VV'iuk nt specifying th* a.-. . an- brace, thay would name toe «v «,?. nei.ti, tu: DRCSS GOODS, BILKS. WHITE GOODS AND LIVENS, CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES, ELANNELS SHaWLS AND MANTILLAS, HOSI FRY AND OLOV EB, YANREE NOrloNB, HIKSh TRIMMINGS, PARASOLS, DOMESTICS AND PRINTS. To thetr Dern-etle and Print Department they oa.1 parti. '.lar attention, embracing aB the Ve-iing mat's and atylea, which will be aold at the eery re-it rate*. They have tAa eutire p.- due tic n cf the WARRF.N PRINTS, A print wblab has done more ... .i u :t . retailers thro eg h tha ";. ihe last eeaeou, than peruaps any other low priced print. Their si. ... a. Coebeeo e Oaraer. Dunoell, and PA¬ CIFIC AMARANTH PRINTS, ara of th» eery beat sale-none CLINTON, GLASGOW, LANCASTER and SCOTCH GINGHAMS, in etery ranety. Tb.u DOMESTICS embrae* the 'oil.wing braads: WaMstTTTAS, Hi Mastr »cti sikii CowraKr, BitiVi Mills, Nbw-Yobk Mills, Miiiioic, LoaePaLC, AbSWBIBBT, PoctMtT, NaiMKtac, Parrtt-os, PBrrtiu.l, White k i, Hbhion, Caiott, MlTlwott, Law -r\. I, ATl.AkTIC. AH the well known maket ,.f TICKS, STRIPES and DE¬ NIMS, such as York, Hamilton. Pember-on. etc. Sou.Jtin| trade on liberal tern s, they invite notice to their House.street and Lumber as ab->v*. ^Yiln^üjTcö^täTiiTe Sc CoT, Hare n. w in STORE 'helpful; SPRING BTOCK of LINEN SHEETINGS T<iWELINGS. NAPKINS, TABLE CLOTHS and DIM ISK9, (OTToN SHEETINGS and SHIRTINGS, BRILLIANTS, CAMBRICS, JACONETS, SU188 -id Ml I.L MUSLINS. MARSEILLES Ul'ILTS. BLANKETS, PLAN NE LS, Ac Also. LACE and MtsSLIN CI'RTAINS, DRAPERY MUSLIN, As., A of which will be offered tt the lowest market ra'e. CANAL, corner of MERCER BT. Keal india cam els7 hair SUA W LS, 8QI VRE and LONG, A fine sssortmoLt NOW OI'EN. These Oocda wtre porch*,, d tt tne re, SSS large auction sties in London, and are well worthy of the attention cf buyers. ARNOLD, CONSTABLE A Co., Cans', corner of Mereer-st. Ol'KMNC GOODS. ARNOLD CONSTABLE k Co will OPEN ON MONDAY, F-b. It, Their entire SPRINO IMPORTATION -f MOI RNING DRESS OOODB. U t.l h win cental tnany ttjleg of Quods mau ifa rtured at- rea 'y for their R. tall Trade, ant never before offered in thla market CAN4L, corner of MERCKK-BT DOUGLAS & SHERWOÖTj7» PATENT TO URNUItK CORSET. This article combines la one garment a OORSET of SfPE RIOR SHAPE and FINISH, and a HUSTLE of PERFECT MODEL, insuring free and healthful action to the lungs, and imf >rtahle support to the tplne. It has been nraonuitned by ail wbo have aeen it (among whom are several eminent members of the Medl. al Faculty!, to be the only t> raet without tu .>, j. etiim. either trtlstlc or physiological. No lady caa Wall So without it D. A 8. still snan-ifacfnre their well known EXPANSION Shi KT. Also the celebrated MATINEE SKIRT, wbleb for COMFORT and ELKOANCK Is v .-.-passed, to gether with over severity other dittereut style*, ail of which ara f rawest sH the prinolpa stires Id the I uited Htataa and Canada. AH artlce* of th*lr manufaatur* ARE STAMPED WITH TliEIH TRADE MARK. N ECK-TIE8 ONLY. BMITH at BROUWER. IMPORTERS aodl f MAM SACTl BI-ItB .»ei Thla is th* SOJbj aotisa of N£CK-T1KS of Iba A.:.en a f s»*ry stearrutlon. I WAIU'.K.V ¦' ¦' > lo ('¦ u.i. ..¦?r.ga: a* .u Uti.,: ni per dosen. I STREET. | SKIRTS. ÜKIttTS. FOR THE SPRING TRi.DE. OSBOBM & VINCENT, NO. (Pi WARREN-8T., N. Y. invite mcrenauts generally to eaamlne tha PATENT IMPERIAL SKIRT, Manufactured eidusively by them, and for aale by all leadlnf holiaeS. JOBBERS -a.... SUPPLIED. OSBORN V VINCENT, PtnrtifToti or Tin Extessiui Stiar Pitiit, No. 9J Warren st, New York. D I I I I 0 0 0 0 s BOOTH * TETTI.E. Csmar Chambers, Caureh aud War rea-sti Are coastant!) re^«lving freab suppll.s of NEW and DESIRABLE DREBH OOODB, to which t.-.e lUVlt* to* StteotJon of CLOSE BUYERS, for raah or short credit AT \MiuLEflALE. PARIS PLOWER9 COIPH RES and BRIDAL WREATHS, U a raiabe* macafaetauers. that mpply Ths Isirtaist Cot'tri or Ecsoet. JAA1ES TUCKER, No. »1 Broadwty, Nett door to ThoaaBsxHi's. ILLINEBY g0öd8. MAATIN iL LAWSON, No. %et Broadwty, Comer of Pranklin-at,, up stairs, Ar* now prepared to »ibibit their Spring Impxtttbiaa of J- ,¦. r. ., MILLINERY GOODS, oonaistuig of AUBBON8. PLAIN AND FANCY MILKS. LACES. CRAPF8. FLOWERS, STRAW BONN ETI, Ac. Also a large asaorment of MOURNING OOODi. B.a. k En cilah ICRAPES of Uve beat maauiaeture, Mouruag Ribbons, lesai-a, Flowsrs, Ac AUBUSI carpets. OEO E. L. HYATT, Mo. 373 Canal at and No. SI How¬ ard st.. six doors tsat of Broadway, agent Bay telling Aabura, . ) Ihfrain and '. so«:lan Carpeta. als i, Philip*'a Extra Pias Insjratu*, all in Improred '(isditlr* and uasirahi* sty las. Sp r IN G tlTl Mill N 0 8 AND RIBBONS. JOHN MORRISON kl)1 a* - opeaed THIS DAY, UraCali. a fuii assortaaent of the abov* goods, to which they would caul the attention of .adle« as belüg .:. » d :: t-v... --. e MORRISON S .-KIRTS, Beeoad Saor abov* Wnlte-at._No a*3 Broadway, HI MODEL 8KIBT. fTo Jobbers osiiy ) J. WTLCOX A Co s STANDARD IMPERIAL WATCH- SPRING STEEL PATENT EXTENSION 8KIRP, wtth AD¬ JUSTABLE BUaTLC. aiAawwi*^da*d by all to ba tba'aa rtvs vtrtu of all Bants Th* naoty of this Skirt la r:aerl*r to any In tha avtrket sal St no algaar oat thaa ths, ordk-vry Skirt mad* by other MMm Sjcttwara. Ab», snaajfa-torera oftk* Staadaxd LEATHER BELTS, as well kwawni. for Lad.e. atlsawt a i Bors Bel- TrfaarM-as. Ca^L,d M>* Al*. Traveling Bagj Black, Water PreX Tsswetry. Velvet, Pelt, At, Afl. Macufay-ory at WEST MERIDEH, Cotw. 8T0RE aad DEPOT, No. MB CHAMBERS-ST NEW- Y6RR. SKIRTS. [2 Sprits' SkerMou SkirU, Se-lf-ad- rating Baatl* , b*«t pattercaBl SI; It syartogs. DI SS, and 17 tpnngs, BJS MMBBSri i «prluaa, 24 cents. Dsrahrra suppuei wlta yepri ga for a »r ; - u .artnga. «II, aad 14 tarings fjr Sit per tea. C L. HARDING, No 2l.i a>ela<^L, cor. Uaa- * N -.ctie.w;«a -.oe -a-, sv-i. FOUNTAIN7- INDIA 8T0R>:, No. W Bmvi w»T .Mere Van-.a azd Btraas*r. will find a new stock of INDIA FINE-APPLE DRESS OOODB, by BBS yard lo any quantity, or by the ptx-e, aasl many very strahle ert; ..«s wku-k are otuy ta be fa -ud at :"a abw** I . « 8:. No. BMJ BROADWAY BIO*, of »Torr kiod, for Criwejre and MDlMtl *»«»¦»»bbbbI wfLtiN ead ei/Nwr baosi Boro u4 CO&UAOB. w '.iVj'Än No. IV Weet-w. tTJOTUfl ALADY fa fYaajaaaJaaMj SrrBjyr of rep«tf») »..'». to EMI ioi aa pis*** bopk ÜtO, «in« om* . day. frU.i »orair.« .| .v.utrg iu 14« Cfcoer of . tVeelb» CkureA Addrwao, by tetter tnaming tarnt.i, to A. H. C, N*. # ll>«v>»t«t_ AYOI X(i l.A!>Y. an Ep:«,-..iv»lien, wmlm » etiiiel.-o m TEACHER o( tho...-< oary K-jg-we Bear .ha», with tfle KnciafCt cf Fl :.<-b and M .. M M HO\ FIN KS. In »'»n,i » 8at»'.tr*«ry rri reo.-e» |ir»3 eud aeeeUoaL a4 die»* L. B.. Boa No. J,o»,i' f,»t Oft.. Nr« Yoik. \VrANTKI». Pv b neat, ti.iv dirt, a aitaatioaTaAi ? F CB AMBEBM A ID «¦! WAITKfV, or PABU)I MAID Mit« So FINK VV'ABHlNUj liiiTti.r<l)tlii,«it,»rii N rteaad hm > ¦ aami.a» Wege» mi. Oh MkV.tu* E*et S33 iL Cty rrfeience*._ \\\\NTED. A «ittiAtion by a TBSM Wouaan, m TT CHAMBERMAID, . J h 'n . ».fat»g »od Irrmmt, «r etaut lo Cat* of Chil.'r.i.. Hu M ohjtvo.» M Be .i.e.- uit-T for the 8jir>b>-r. Hta g**>J ity reterajtao». Call et No. 1 j* *».'- 1Mb tA f«r two Heye. \i;r\r WANTED.Toohtmtm ordert and co!- Wrt Inf, rmtl.or. > » « .: i> p »r Work. F»r farther iBt.rme'i b apply toJ. PIBTI RNKLL. No. «!¦*> Broadway.^ Aixfamilii S \\ an Fi Nt7»;i ->d"s K K V a NTS Ireb. Scotch. TogU-B. k*. call »I :h» largo ISSTITI TF. tod MOMk OK 1' >MI >Tl CS, N IM KU ob. i;-r I ttt av. Tb |, \ » nti»e Haaa I.e. ot uueoooe of elvi', »;«b> hatpin ¦ lit »II, *'. oi« lerat» » »<ea i 1 by . r»- tp»rt»b ' Aui.il. tn lady. CAU tnd e*e. Job phi VrEK.-\Va:;t.>d. 1 y-urt» MAN who hui-i» kniwird«* of Job Frlatiaa . .J l< de uro**» of . i* brado. ot ¦ g.od pUin lOM Pi >tj| tor w bo » ata* toocem-ee kn. w'e.tge at ,.ik «oik. Apply to B f. CALLA- HAN Na. TS P . Nr JA Dl es in iFBatOl K<«hI Halo, and llotvla and 4 r.ti.iiri Bon«!, eto kr aopatkad with th* bril of BBRV A NTS »'. Mit \OBhSTON A crli. o. No «M Ith »*.. »brr. gnm V anaWta Baaa akaaAbaaaaaa aai 'or city ai i-ouatry. No .lithotf«! dialiao pra< .1 at Üut oft. «. Sv.RvAN i S öl ÜM FIRST c'i.ass. in p-reat tbin cat -r, of toTrral nation*, ricluduig Firm h au« Oer- man, «Ith brat of city r.-.-tie. a. may W nVta n-d ai tbo rc. mm f tbr KMFMWmF.NT BOCIBTT, N « IS and It Bib - Houar. fth at., krtorro .VI Batd tikava A laty apraklog tbr Frrrrh aail O » lao(ua«>'i ¦ >n at'rndaaoo. Ol KAM Hell. KR WAN it P. A t'.r^i ijualitv Ö FL1 y or .. I K BOII.kr. aaaj or a-c- .1 Sand, w.lb Sil' to mal fr»t loa aufface la «autr at lew < AA- Ciraa O *V. WINTKB, AuioaU. U*., »l»Ug fuU Jaa.-i.-t* n. aknChM and aprrideoUoaa. and loar.at pfloo_ T~^(M"iEB^WÄNTKI)-A~i.ai»y. fully com- pairut totra. h Drawlnf, Crayon, Fa>t>l«nd ini Paiotlaaj, la a aVinmary D.ai :.. Altv,. aamai LaAtaa In tbo Set*.of Virginia. Matyland. Noith Caro.iu«. Urorgia. fta prooebael fae t,a. n.i g Mu»ic, Plane», lattn. Uiauing. and KcgSal krau<k,-a Call «r ad.ira.a PRI NC IP A 1.8, at Ihr Nadoaal TMcboraMuoU tote. Ho. 1*9 Broadway. N Y._ IV'ÄTCn-HANi) MAKERS..i want Bret- T T rar«, WaTCil ÜANO man' IM abba one do. Iwtaa HAND FlNISItrJI. (1F.o. HASriNUS. _At tbo Weich Factory, Wallbatat, ataaa. \1"ANT Slman.uf »iH>d^aJdr<-ae;tu MAKE TT SILK, lor an am. a it. ah uawtby rluilOeiaaud Flunabwa. Addrraa P A w "ti *._I_ WANTEI»- v V -.7t 7^FT)iaEMTN~iir» MACrilSK Mil ', ... ,i: < >> htuda, and doio« Siek» .'aaa woik Tom» nwotoal a U««iel «alar* WUl bagWae. Add'ra. PO i » It r S . »Ith r.foraao«, Bj tbe Trlbaua Office, Mardil. t \)anu* Cot öttBiruBf Ät». T> notary rrmjrs, ro^iis^öviiw a 1 Btbote.J (i IRRErT'B IMPROVBO BCAlt l'HK i nea-ly eiigravad, Nu. W Bioad.-ay. up. a.»ic N T OA 1. "YAH I MiTSALE öTtiTUaT^hi Twif c known at Robinaoe.'a Yard, Noa. 304, »Iii tea | with <dbe H Utli-at., bt-twern evt. A and H, 7.i f«»t bf BW, with .Atee ou latb-t* Alto, fee rial., two lloretw, Carte, Sleda Seaura, ke. Iiaaaeuiei* po.arttl .ii girea and trrina liberaL Apply tu A 8 CASK t Co , No, tMBioadfaf«. )R SA LE-Tli^STOCrrimd~Fi[XTIIRpalBf tLe Boot and ilorr 11» If av u.«« d t.. tSaabt^ <itki.Vi.i.r~änd~i-T i;NTi iM{Tri^sALK." .The H' 'el knowa aa th. FRANKLIN H H <t\ Bhn, loOaiil ld2 Chtnibert at, opp laito tli. BadaMI Biaor Rabowat Stainn ^pp'jr oa the preiuiare, at to ACKKR, Bf SIR ALL It Co., No. \Xi til auibert-at., nett door. IATHEfi, looiTsTnd maoiiinery-T* bet U HOLII at prhtte aale, by order of A*ai«ooe, at th* Metro potttai. W. ikt, .V M Kaai Irtbac, near Arenito C. Caara tL Pant.u»m i a* mi Aacairr., r is mtr, t Fifth Aeeaue, at Tflth at. NOT I CE ta CONTRA(T<)RS.-SEALKU PROPOSALS will be received at thla .iffioe until tbar twM teat, at 121 v.l.» k.at aoon.f oRaDIN .*» h a-., adj >irbMttV< Cotir'ai Park, between tbe Mb olid Bab-aaa to an aalBMatttl widiri of in lent, tbe preaeut glad.i g b-iu| abo ,t I) vat Ba artntii, atd th* wid>ii. wuru eeesabwVei, t ¦ '>- 1"<I ie The work to he ,. mi,. ii. «d bp tie Mb da; of M». A. acdi cogiiplrtrd hy the lat day of Ju'y. l*Sr». Monrl. y ttbtwatoa will u>a.le at the work progrma aad l!> per enal el the velu. of tbe tame at iwiUaut pr ooa wil Bo re. teiWd ntil the whol It completed. BawtM atloua..»tli* manner of uniforming the work. t-BJgtkwr wito ai y Infoiuiatloi. draurrd, will h. f.. ,lar..-.| a, lb « ol ate Be* tween ti.e hour* or U to. and t p. m. P opoaa.'a ahonld be aa aipauiod with tha «- .* of ao r*> tpoi alble peran, t»f a*, uiliy fir the .'a.J.f.l porfur.uttieo art Mm mmttt, Tha O uiinlael.inera f tk. Central Park reaeive tue riakt ha reject ar y or a prop, ttla. Pr»po.a.a to Uidoraed, " Pr p.aa'a fjr WMoeleg MSB ft,* aaa addr.twed Ac the t> ¦ ¦ ItawaBWri hf tea OoaWei Pa>A- F.h. I', Itaf FaVCD. LAW oLMBTBD, _ArobtW,ii>-«awt_ I>ABTNEB»llJP or OTIIERWiSE..An op- portui.ity. wbu.li can ooly vary galdom owe ox, tu «uga^ttu i a tjjUr-lLArM HUSINRaB with an erwaka .tod hi fa- uy neatly at mm k a. bread, that can be a,Id wholeaaU, fur a.o, iu alruoat Bahrarbtd entntl. i»a. e' a pron: of two la three eeni* |er piund. There win he uo li.a aid m coap'i'tiou. OaJ v he i. at reape. »»b r partite will be treat, d with. Addreet BBVVABP CBF.F.SKMAH, PoatOSlea_ SEALED I'ROi'osaes will bi- r.-wivinl br the* radoetasawS, Comoiitte. ..¦ Priatiai of Übe u ,ard »f Bdu.ia- ti a'. :*ie crTi- e of tha l lert ..f ti..- BoeH, .r,.«r o/Uraad and F.liu atrreta, miül IV P.: Mr a IIA . tue aJd .lay wf f.bruarv lit. gta at 12oolok ,. ..m. for PRINflftO «od BINOINlf t >. P . Ii i KS, JO UNA L and doci MKN TS of the .r I -,i F. 11- t| tog i' /l Prop.«al. mutt atate the pri « for o-no-^ltn n BBTI BBad mi, the on. I of pre*, work per tihao, tb« »¦ and Woi|bt per ream r tl.e piper, wh'.b In all aata. u. ao d ...... in; and the pn - prr alnjle ropy, aundrod, a ad tk leaod for MaeUaa Ike Meeooaid laaaa, > nal mi De * a. Satupleeof tue .1 Fri.iUng mi Blodlae. elao . ! inaMty ofpepor ti lea. vle t of yVa work u# b-i 1 »t*. ^l e* ae'- a'tbe CUrk'a eft.. af .reaald. Tbe Co o.it'eo reoarva the right to reject aap ort'li' propoeel* odere.l if deemed for the paMa lutortwt. to m James >v. farr. j JAMKB MAItRINER, ComiiiHtoo DANIEL aLOTE, > oa JAMBB FAIRMAN, Prlaatos. _CHARLES E. UILDF.RSLEVE, /_ TöTaimTr^mani FÄCll-reiwt-OiM» of Iba brat kea'iin. lo taw State for tha aweufa. tore of n, r '¦an be found within Vt n, lie a from New-York City, oa the Ifa/ieat Kaimatd. The eon-.. .a of tbe .. * ., lor tba kawj .a are very gupnorior. Tue bulldiag* can let Ux ttad at er Beat Bae depot t/iereby .a' Uta ir«c There i* a fall of BeaVet WBBeg p w*». and Bpr ngt wi,l. A never fail. For parUeulora, lac i'oy of imitii k rr;ir im. n ia w. or a.b. mar<i 7. ..... r ktaltou, II e«. Railroad. N Y. rjpO l'RACTICÄL MINERS..Wanted to Owa X "t lor ttuAIni a Shalt W> feet la depth th/.ig'i BBBaa Addreae_ALLKOHAtY. Trtbua. Offi^w. rV<Mil-: SOLD.In mi vtr.'ki, a very vJiTVry 1 BOABDI.NO SCHOOL, »e|ltluax-4»u4p'«.A-. \ BaaMWaaVjatteaa fur into an boy*. T.rrm very low Ald.ata PR'lPRIKTOR Win. better Centra, Coon. V~A L U A II I. rT^CHOOL PRoi'T:^Y"Ter HALE -A varv dratrabU BCHOfJL FROPBRatf. wak a FA KM of OA a. tea of .tneUent l.a/.d, la of«r»d for ¦ «U oo If v rebt. ter ... Location baautlfol aod very boettev i t uiAUe. ¦MBtat land well f .rnlaiaod, end Scb-'d » ... . - 1. It will be gold for % " eat than tu ooat, end If i* ntt tie aatitfa u.iny mad-, tbe ua. of eoaaldaraV- BeAnol Fa'titiir* wlb as allowed tos. one year wttaout , Tue health of Iii. preoeu*. ,\ tWu.i makea an loame i . > iia-ig. Ee.aatary r r r .rtn»r ptr'.U ..a/t. ouuail A. CORNWALL, 'to, No 1 Broadway. tkj rj\i\ .1'ARTNER WAN-BED-Iii oim w,» Ft Ft the largeotacd bait peytng REeTAUaV ANTS, BjMatai la ibe lower pert of tk. etty. For perl- «ave, apply uiUtU BA< EES, No. <J> Na,aau at. Co Pjpg it mm tsmnn. TaTOTICE..All pr>raona haviag elaima saainit the 11 lato STEPHEN SCHAPPERT, deed, era "oowaatod to pr.atnt tba aaino with voorbrr* f e* efao tAwoa wbo 0*1 to tbe eaid 8.n.ppart are roootrod to call aad pop, wttAwa faea* a-eta fron, toe date of tlia ootico F|b8 3aw4w_jacob era i MBB, No. iti Eaawa-et, CPECIAL NOTIC E..I)r>«J>rala^OODTEAE'" t~ PATENT tor VULCANIZED RUBBER BL'SPUDEBB, BRAIDS '.VEBS and aU other fabric, and BBBBBBI aaado rp civ ...¦itiiuji.artL.M wttb tbretdj ot ahnte mf Velnao- bted Rr. ,o»f, ate nobbed that aaioae tbo aaoto are Beafatlf raoia.d or labeled with mj oovto. and by BJf aatAvaTIIe. tbavp CA '.NOT BE UCOALLT DISPOSED Of la the tialraA Statea MereaWaU and jaBBwB era Invited to aaeoMao avota now In atoro, ana to (ire Uolr oruert for tha Beaiaa t to Lue :n i-ra't... C .xcluafe. owner of tbo UtloB and takab d*bu U tbo Petost fer kbooe >/ d* w >.« aaakraii all Mm Ry!-t rrv.fr re o.e -fa'.-.d or lea potted, egad BBBBf eBboea. Ai> *uta* to oaaaofaotoro aad tola, aod the lereae. oaay kg) abtaanodoaeiBiaallaa to aaa, at tea. » C^ualkiiWat w.~|faaw. York. HOaUCBBlgayX *to faxmexz anb ©tljeTS. I/OR SALE.H.OOti FRUIT TREE .1, ewtb*tat- 1 leg ' f I nt») St e k Lborry. 10,000 ,S>> k Appw. 2.»» Ant/ar (1 . LMo) Daarf Ap; le, l.WXr Sugar Map.., all of wbJaa U tbito ytaia .A. For par'.. ..»-. tppTv to _OTIS PENDLErON, No » Wmmtsfrm*. APES . SUPERPHOSPHATES of LIME. Tge be*t tnd -xoapeot manure, known OtrrwAga^aJJawat ¦ reo. »od. Add oae CHAS V. MA PBS. Office of T*.o Working Fanaer, No. laYtvwMaaai M JELIZABETHAN ALE-WhoLeaoroo mad J ^hlng. Uk. tie la oleoa t'otoe. Reo eertttVero »d I eal|aka. Sold at preoect fat pint botdeo uely. BetaiL B S5 par IbBBS Tic. allew.d fcr retuned bAtiea. Car-fu it aa. ted (or tay part tf jj* .o -uuy. J. BAJtLOW. djs f«an et, H vt

JNEW-YORK TRIBUNE. BIO*, THJEchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030213/1859-02-21/ed... · 2011-06-28 · TaTB «KPlI tVI t KIV TRim>F M*art*kwi i wwaryTvk*D*Ta»d P«in*T Moasiso

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Page 1: JNEW-YORK TRIBUNE. BIO*, THJEchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030213/1859-02-21/ed... · 2011-06-28 · TaTB «KPlI tVI t KIV TRim>F M*art*kwi i wwaryTvk*D*Ta»d P«in*T Moasiso


rviutuE» bveby mobbing abd zwum(s* sd.ti Eicsstso)


nlpnl .Hui».- count* 0» l.ni »«¦ sraooa. flirr» (Jl ..IT« tn* citv ?.«:!,to Ctty Buhaortber« al 18} mdu p-. »».i

Bf per anuaa, ru a*baoa*| »j for . * axx


MfaarBaasd rrrrj S.vta 11 v i">i u at th« WM ptto* «f Bl

Paaren, medvaac*, Thr** Cof4*« fat ft, FW* Capto» fat. Tea CopiVe for t:2, Twenli C.pU* to es* addr*** ivd

¦rp larger auBit-r at bb* rat* of a) f p»r antinm), a*1; Twenty8*«4 1to .»» a*Wr»e* t*r «arib *oWnb«r (and ¦ > iatger aun»-

tatat tk* rat» af §1 2» *»vta), 824. Aay porwm a*a*a*Jj o* a

¦Mattw*s,ty or aaor* «rfll b* «rjtitled to *» astr* copy. Sek-aaatJfAaawe aaay aomav-f.** at any Um*.ASwrtWmeaU in T>* Wetai t Tsiscis fX*Jt ON* DO*-

BAJk rULUilfcr «Bob c.-rt. ,.

TaTB «KPlI tVI t KI V TRim >F

M*art*kwi i wwary Tvk*D*T a»d P«in*T Moasiso. Ftte*, $1raiain Tw* Cook«* tat » f.*. Coyd** lor ttll **.

rn IrlW-TORK TUfltlNK

FOR EUROPEAN CIRCULATIONJhaked od tk« departure of nach Mali Otcamer for f «r-

at 0' P" aaauav p>*'u- Included. Single toptot, 8Li


IiLANDS,SjMkbaaBwS mm tae SVyanar* ot *a< h Mali Bt**ur.-r for Arpha-BBBt at IIHan * «. Single C«pie«. Sri C*ai*.

Special ftnturo.Jay. Ca*) »V Co., Tribun* B:...dinra. WaesTatt, and

Brwwn'¦ Iraa R<.ndi*«*, thiladeipnia, wiu rasetsa and promptlyaaaert ADV KaVTJI t MENTH fw CLOTUi NO HOoSES Iii any|t*wip*p*r alraulatiar *iub*r In U* United St*t*>« or Canada, at

tk*) p.. kh.tr i. lowrai ra:**.

"r*>*|.OPfl>t7n^lCr.-Tt)* MAIL* for CALIFORNIAtat B'MlH PA'IMC COAST, per Unlt-d Btve. ateamT

BTABOP TBE WEIT, trill sfeat at ttia <«.-<¦ «.n MONDAY,Ska Stat day of February, af I a/«io*b p en

ISAAC V FOWLER, Porttnaater.

«... nrjiuuiiren n.inriiiiija'f ni

ION Porautnt to the order of the R.aab loa*;t*o of th* City and County of N»w- York, anbe'd at Cheliea Hail, I otrer '.f Eigb'h-av. and

Tklrd Ward Mrpabitcao Aawoctatlca. Ir.e .¦¦!¦,!&:¦terra« of tbe Third Wart Repnbli an Aaao ..lion la herebyADJOURNED to tb* Sr.COND MONDAY kt MARC H. In**a**a»eu** of th* deatro. thn of tb* former Hea/1 j .artei» ofSka Aaawrlatlam. Du* notice will be given > i tb* place of meetBBS wktfj a atw room la procured. [kL S. 0o< i.D.Eauaoea Ci aaa, Hearetary. Preaident.

Mixib War*) Mapab)llcaaB.-Th*r* wil' b* an EM. tl >¦bebt an MONDAY EVENINO, lb*SlatUat,, at No U FunkBa-at, agreeably to tbe direction* of tbe Cent ral Corrrr..". ... tj

.Sect «Biaera of tb* Aitxiation, and If* delecatee to the K«; .bBaaa Cea,trai Canuiiitte* and bvr deleia'e* to the Taaaa Maa'lEefraklUaa CeeneraJ Ornmilte* for the year IBM PoQi BaaISB 71 to 9 aAjktafc, Byordarof THOMAS UiTTE,


laape.-tort of I^ vttlon.

Twraly.Rrat Warn K>pnbllcaua AMaoHattoa.-Tkere will b* a m**tln« f the At. ,i i»tion on MONO A Y. Kef,.H, at Bo. ike 4th a» at wbieb tiro* an eWtion will be held formm* rale to Uie t'. -. Oatral » .. »

THOMAS B. VAN BUREN, Preaid.nt.ftiii"' mit Pi i i x**, B*c'y.A Ktsalar Mrrtfaf of the Tvaclfib Uerd He-pab-

9kV«> Aaaoctailoa will U held TH - F.\ IMNiJ at 7|.'ravak. In ParriBitoi.'i Hall, i^ir. 3d at and I'.Oh at. By order,W. B. Fama, i** y. JaCOB HBH1 R, Prre't.

Mat*erath Ward B>pabllraii~Aaaoclatl »a- PR IMAB Y ELECTION -Pruauti.t to the order .

Otlral Commute*alwatioa will h« beB*yJlt**Ltb at, on MONDAY EVhNiNfJ, Fab. 21, r ,

Frtaldrat, two \ ie* Preaidenta. two Betuowtaj and a Tu laaretml tb* An*, la'iof., five Delegat, a to the R'p< bU*aa Central.Sow mitiee, arid fi.e Delegate a t. tb* Kopabll an Young Met'aCou.wrttee, and a Ward Loaas hta* to aaaabat of thr, * iu-mherffr*m ***h eiertlon District of Ward. The pi ll* will be optotram 7J tili Bj o'clock. JOHN J. SiLl/.X K.


Inrpeaton Um*k t> d by Central Cotnmlft**.

fdraad t rlrhnalloa of WMalasilan'a Bfrthdar eveat tb* Cooper has.tut* on MONDAY EVENIMO, Feb 21, foiakdtag the patrloi,. fund, and under th* Immediate pstr>,nag*"fat* L*Mie*' M*unt V*rnon O^aaSMtam The OettBt JOANNK.itwill eraialtou.ly pTSaeaa** Tb* Kirat Oration in Barop* nvntb« Blattry and Cbarai ter of Waahlngton and tin- Ameri-anE**ere)ti*n: with it* Eifert« In Or»at Britain and Kranit, 177 i,,

I7SS." wblah oration waa prohibited by tb* tTtBOJt ImperialOatrtameat at Paria 4ih July, IbbMla tb* roar** al tb* *r*niug Mr. H B Dodwnith * celebrated

Cornet Baid will perform ajprtpriate military M*t* f>*tweetj

pari« ol the orati *a (a* al*o befure and after,i and »u. a will b*a*p< ata'ly arranged for that -

Tlcketa eiiiy fifty cent* *«yh. u. be obuln« d dai'y at the off .«

Off th* Ladle*' Mount Vernon A.. Ooasa* In.'i: it*Snt fleer; at Dodworth . Mode t-'t. re No 6 aatof p a

(by writing of the Count Joanne. No. 9 Carroll ace, B'. batat, aad at ibe Soora nf the Coop, r luttltnte en the evening oftAa Hat iaetant, at 7 o'i !"i k. To romroeno* at 8 O'SBMR *».>ekkely A limited number only oftirketa will be U«u«d N r*>aeived a*kt«exa> pt for the Ootertor of IBS fftalt, tb> Honorablatb* M*)i r and Corr mni OaaSMaa, IfeS J .d.ra of |a« Cs ir*.«. tl.*Ctalgy, tb* Chi»f OaWatl of th* Arn; kind N.vy, an' . t n

tlhdal y latlted to atUud Ibi. Lotel relebratiou .et] e. ially dc-**rt«d t* filial piety and patriotl.aiThe following ttoida «one hid* the letter mi the Laclie.' Mount

V*rt*a A**0*t*St**l to the Count Joanne«, ae-*p-.lnc trie pro-i**d« af ki* above named oration throughout the I nitrd Stateu,»1«:

** W* eaarot but f**l -<.i >ie: t that the aaaawSMaai cvlnr«dley y*a upon th¦. *nb;< t, and which Bat at tbe foundation of *1BJe«t >u<****t will ..cure jou the xbperation of tbe aabttl

to «urpott of tin. »utiiuent, and jataiag patrWtaaa t > liberal-hy, Peter c«.< | i-i, b*. praaaatad la la* G**aM JoaaBo* lbso«* af the arg* lectnre-rix m ot tie laetttut* free of *u mi,ovary «berge, which Maasalhj BIOS Ti« piaprlatat of tb*Mew Yolk He raid baa, alao, moat geB<rou«i« pieae>ut*d ail tb*soaaeaafw kkTf* pH-i:n« raaaed n aU| at BISO, obUt MrDedworth ai.d loa . ir. ilent n. leJoMl . luve all sj»*a tb'lr aer

Tic« grau*. . atiu.ated at a.lnn'ar value c.f «*>!'<>, and a.: f tl atreiialr.d for the evening have volunteered, al* 'L>- in aor printan aad decorator*, a* w ell a* tbe orat .r and author of tu* ra¬

tios), to wlo** personal appll. *' loa all parii. a anancrrd ail.ru.ativaly. Ans in th» »ame apirtt. the chief editor* b*vt> geiier-

Ouat) pirteut. d advriti. meut* free. ap*Jt from unti. ea The*.*faeta «bouM b* *samplr. fcr oth. ra in the r< pu jlc. and to ill«eii» and ladir* of tl,. ¦alHesolkt asfaaaakfiy, to fo low, for th .

above t ..'< hration of the birtb-a*} even' k'a'.hi r of th*CouBtiy I. to aid the national final for the payimntof theguardian pun baa* money of th* Mount Vernoc t inh aud e«

Uta. and « Lich fund la yet d< in Unt uearh one hundred th .ua-

aad) Sollara

Pt«rwVark and Waakloatoa Prtnttna TelearnphCMsaspony. .Notlj* I« hereby given, that a Social McrJog ofak* atorkholder* will be held *t the OUioe of tb* Company, on

PVRIDtr. tbe ad day of Pebruary tu*t., at 1 n'nlnab m.

Dated New-York, Feb. 11, \tS9._B. W RUSSELL, SerreUry.

Prof, t.ayot's I.entire on I'aysicnl Onaraphywill henaeh rth b* iiveu a' r**«ro'clock lu.tcad of ruo ,.u eaou

Boh [MY and Tl'ESDAY at the Hlatorlcal » L-vTa* Leetare. of the Po«t Oraduat* C ora, o' Columbia Col-

kaa* »¦ u » arranged, are aafollowe:MONDAY, 3 oVlo-k. Mr. MARSH, FngHeb Unriiaf*MONDAY, 4 o'clock Prof. UL iOT, Payai¦ al O-ography.TliFSUAY, 4 ..'clock, Prof. 0ÜYOT, Pi v., * Oi paphy.Tt'EsbAY. So', lent, Prof LIKrtKK HUtory of CosaiW klONkSDAY, 3 o'clock. Mr MtKSIITHLRSDAY, 3 ... a. Prof. NAIA.SE. IuteliVtua! Phil »

oaWTb* . ntirte of lecture* will lait BBtil Mav.Tb* Law Isassl under ttut, DU 111111*, EVERY DAY, *a-

arpt Saturday and SiinsBJ. st S o'clock.Th* Bricblinc Cour.e DAILY at th* OsHataSi H 4t>th at

CHAB. KINO, Prr«id< ut C'uijinbu College.Leetare mm *fat aasüloB.-Cript J. H~Bi LI w J

*T**r tb* third of ti. Beriea of Lecturea un " Navigation a idMaat'.ral Atüwn \

" l'.f.re Br\aut k Stratt.-u a MM-a. III«Calleic, THIS EVftltlNO, at loom No ?» Co ^r lattttoteÄ* preaett Lecture wnl pertain to " The Signa ol the /.oilac"BaaUfr»*. B. B PACK \RP, Bad Pits* p»

*' SSwrtln I.nthrr.*'- The Rev. J P NKWMANwill Letar* en tb* abov* «u»j-ct THIS (Monday) r. \ ENIN9. F-h. 21.a* Tib at M E. Church, near Sd-av. To oonuneuce at Tj o'ohxk.Aduiiaaiao Jo r-ent», at the d..or.

Awerte«a l**iiiu(r Kanarri't lab i .' th. K.paa tuiy, No 3A1, Br.«dwa ron MONDAY, V- lljtlfOOROlivet, "Spring Y blwOt*. aWoOt, FUl ta, Treea and Draiuage »

Ladlta and alrai irrt are alwaya ap-. i* iy wr.,, as AJ.i.iaaioasdwtya ft** to all. Club aieat* every Monday at u.-ou.

_H. MEIUS. aVsratorp.Brooklya airrrnnlllr l lhrnr ., »

Atlaatic ata The nt-at regular l.e.-'ure In U.e Annual Couraewib b* deliver.^ on Tl BSDaY EVENING Feb 22 at .

o'aie**, by th* Hon. JOEL T. HKADLY. Subject: - luly "

Tiekrta, Bold at th* «!... r tS ru¦*.O. L. H \IOHT. >8. W. CAREY. J Lecture Couunitt**.

_ft D. C. VAN BOKKKWM. SNaUoaal Haaday-rvkaal t oaTeattoa Th* Osama-

Uoa will asaembt* to June * Haii, Cbe.tnut at below 7tn.rbuadelpbia, on TUESDAY neat, Feb 22. at 3. o'-kvk p. maad will continue during day and»v*nucvf WLDNhSDAYaad THI R8DAY.

Delegate, from a dlataor* on arriving In th* city, till p'*a*ereport tb*ni*e<v** to tt.e Couimitte* oo Kutrrmt mc t, wbowia* «d at the Had. on Tu**day aller H a. m. Tuo«r who ar¬rive k. lore that time wi 1 repjrt theautvlve« to Mr. Join. W,BevatuB, Cbalrmau. Nu. 4* | M*rk*t-*t

It ta *iarct*d tbat every Sabbat! SVkool in Philadelphia a .dtUtejlitty will appoint on* dtlrgai* Otmare. Tb..a^.i.ld haauebded to ol Sunday neat.Fiwna« of lk» c*u«. In tb* olt%. who are de.lrous of *nt*r-

taimrg delegate, *j \ mX,tm* report to th* Couourttee of Kutrr

iaisTbe*' ** " *omib4*' *»)ll-l how many they can acorn

Tba me^tlpg* of tb* CotiTwn-loo wtu b* open to aO.

CairV^rmila* Notice.-Tb* J.i3t Cm mitt** of tu*t>«unon Couactl apiolnt. d to pr, -e, t tb* 1 tereata of tbeottj fli^l undue inter', rr.c, t: e | 4l 'at -e ... A -va.-v../ill meet In the Chamber of the board c( t^ermen on Tl Ka-DAT EVENING, Ue Slat inst at t e'«4ock. R. » j' ,J, *

Cnt.*m*n have b«»u luvit*4 to alte-.d, and awrtieipat, ,Q tbeBk*ration t,f ti* Comaittoe, vi«.: Meura M» *T*vl r

BSBSat. Braoy, W B A«kr, tV |V H*ve:^.rr, J.,WvVOarard, J PkiUips Pbuanix. A. T Stewau. \\ i. n ,» Huxt,wFaBaat Ciirtie» Novea, Wm. M. Ev»na tt w l, * »rJaaaskan W allen, l1* *r Ol .e J. :<e w.v o. a. CrCugy.*. Jame* ELgllah. \\ m ti B.-a-'v B..*a B DaXakaX, u. IfOkartevaxt TioalBS T Kerria, A. W Cant.

__F.^L A. Soon, Chairman, THOMAS 0 II \LL. Bae'y.T* Balldln« Aasoclallon». V Me-t n cf D-lerat**

w*m a.1 tbe Bui.thug A «*.« j»;hi:.> and other* oprvu..: tOtbl~ a°w Wfor» th* Leauiatur*. To Ahub*o BadMiaa] i«*--i»

¦"^wili b, held «t No. 1ss M«rc*r *t, m WKDNtlSDAYSL a ""^ BBaaM.,81 71 o', lock,

A tali aitatuai, * .a -eq ,-«t.d.

^***s*VN H Disaa. 31. II., i-it-r c Turn aMalsai, a-.

aäTtk*^, ",u °f"---"- I hjaiy kkvdl I i .hm.,Vi ua

fyifaJ m*nurr dlawaae* uf tue fc!\ .. \ k* . ra PflSO, r .

53. «ai»w*^.rTo:,B» .t*o lyapr -reaa .ouipara-.,-gf: r~-i>*a, and without the kr.if* or lt<a; ire, or the *-m.t

¦äste aj__" * "irr**- 0:.D. mmmntm~marsataaaaaai

^ mmmmi9**rf P*rt of ta* Union, on whom k* ha*

*. *raamtoatiV,n^ai??!.'*' SUP?' L'4~A tmlmM> or t«-'"H»*

paSSBtBl bbaerver t^tdttko.« ar* alway* appaxent to kh*

BfÄT A?aafreT., to ! IP*. «* »to 9 «reafnaa, at No 41,Z£'.>Jrv ^mX'.rT'^ >. ^ hi a pr v.u Ho.taaXiSlir?^^ doOka.tt. tlfM. provided t ,r t-o*. »Im,

^^.^^*,,,Wy«"*t**raa>gidJ«rUtl I asUsktoA.

V0L- XVIII.Ff* 5,565.New City Uallreatde.

Tk» tabaMtanta of ike City of Nr» ', utk wko are eyrtneed to

Ugla.alve gnitaof the fght to CONSTRUCT RAILROAD*tu ike Atltl cf tbli city to private an * latljni, wlui t :.

peiaatit n lo the .ritt f- r tnch valuable fr« rhltei are r.qoewt-dte meet at Cooyer Imtitute en FRIDAY, IBe töth ...it at Mo'el* k p ir..


New York, Fett IG, It'!'.

Kätnern Inatliute ( eurweor


PROF O. M. M.'TCHEL.In corrpllu.ee »Ith a reqieet mad* by * large in»k*r of rlti-

tent retleinr In tbe rattern aertion of the city, i'rof MITCH-EL ha* 001 .eiit«* f> d*li»»r a eertroi cf Astronomical L«rtureibefore tie Rut|tri Female Inttlt.te, in the Rut«*ra It. Cburcb.Tlie taivitatiot |o live un Conrae of Leetor-t I* extended toF.'of Mitrfce! hy acme af oi.r molt diitinguiahtd BBawKaBB.A .. : I them ire

VMM B CROBBY, Rev T. R SMITH,Re*. THOS AftMITAOE, Rev. B 8 ALDRICH,Rev. J M. KRtliS, H»v Dr N IV ( AM?,Rev THPO L CI'YLER, It. v. F O FLaO,JOS. HOXIr, *>n Rev. J S IN«KIPJOHN LEYFRIDUE, e.* R. v. riiOti 11. BI RCH,

And other!The comae will »mbri'e Ur diieuMlon of tbe f.'lowing

tapir* virL "Tte Oritln of the Phvtl'-*.! DwtvvMM "

I " It the Cr. at..r of toe Ualvwrae the God of the Bible >..

S. "An exarr.itatkn of the AitronomicaJ lliuatrati'ni andAllualcna fon.d in the Bible."

4. " The M. »a Bee* unt of the Creation."TV>e betöre' vaill be delji.red a' Rotfera-at. Cbnrch, on

MONDAY ai dlW FDNI:SDA Y EVENINGS Toefirat lector*11.le MONDAY EvENINo, Feb. 21 Lector- to «.martenr« at

7} ..V,o.kTickets to the renne, St¦irgle llrkrt* V'fenta. U'r.ta.ne<! at Wm IItil A Bona, Ne.

ö'ihr ad»»v D tawletoa A Co 'a, Hei M8 aad MS Broadway i

A. D. f, Rnod< lafc, No MB Broad-ay, Lord *; Taylor, N I JGrand rt ('. Bretiing B* IBI Br a'wav Ivia ,u k Pnlnney,No. iU Walkerat.; Ada.o.i k Bp-n'cr, No fell Oraad-rt., N<>. tBowery, and at tbe lnititote. No 281 Madia..n it.

_HFSRY M. FBI ECK. Friedr-al

The inevitable, aucvr*.* el naythla« baaed apoatar-Lb aril etrl . .li.e la we'l imn'rated kytb" great reputa-Bea of Uve Orerfrnoeig Kan Medic.uea Toe reader L* re¬

ferred to oar g. ueral euvert»air.a column*jOSfitTA F. BRIDGE, M. D.,

Secretary and Attendli.*- Pi.yilrltn, Oriefeuberg Cmpany,No. IT.- Park row, New-York.

Plkr'e I'enk (.eld JMlayee.Tbe a I.» r > .. pro, ae to tranaport any given Bomber of

Bound* from Leavenworjb City, or other point* on the M.«-ibat may be agieed Ma tc. the Gold Mines of Plke'a Peak,Oberrv Oteek ar d the >'.«. di.Hng the montha of APRILadd MAY, with dl*p*t;h, on favrst.ie terme. For aa> prarri.aJaxperlence aa Tragiap..rtere on u « Plains, ar A oar reap, nalbiiityae Common Garrlera, we refi r k* OnL Dar lei D Tompklua Aarlatant Cli artermaater Oeneral; J.T. Bo it>r, Preeident of theBank «I toe Republic WilHaea Van lie Venter, No. I*i Fu.'Um-lt Benjamin Hellte«*, Tonttne B'illdinga, Wall vt and J B.aio.paoti, C' ctinei.tal Bank Building*, Noa. I and 7 Ntaae i-at.,SewY'rk City. Tote» latter gentleman, our General Agent,ee refer for full particulars. Early application will meat withaver. (Signed)

R( SSF.LL, MAJORS A WADDELL.bseveiiwanb City, K T.,


Jan. 28, ItM. _,_~I»r. H. r»7~Kltrli»« «. HlHnrr C orrerior '» la a

reeaady for BiLioi'SNKSB, in ml ita f iu.a, it earaaSICK Hf A DACHE, COBVIVBNBBS. BILIOCI BTSPBPStA, I.II I HKAllACIir,. HO. II broMACH.all "aftertum' INDIGESTION, TaaaWaeyof tea Bi ...d * tbe Heed,and Dtaatvaei leaaatne (... >.. . -, Liver, Ptiu la the St..machor Bi well, Cotnuioi. O.Ida. a.c It prevei ta F> v> ra, aud bothouTe* and preventa Fever and A « e in moat caaea rlcai aea tbe

3stem from bad bile, aud elrer* the oompieai >. For aale byr»ar>ectali'e Dmiraitt*, ai d Wmt Iciaie ar. 1 Retail by 8. S

EITCil a Co Bo. Iii ttroadvay, propnetora.I'alrnl Doable Ire Plfherw.-R.'b'y ailver p'ated <id

i Ti.r...»aeO ICE PITCHERS. Ala. p'ain OBOt mid, eg Br.U' lametal. Th< ae Wmt InteiM to anrj.lf tbemaelvea will do li toli ply ei rly for them at tro a" " |

Uli II S HART No I Burling allp.Nplrllnal T*»t .Hrillom.. v\ riüu« am Tra'i«e.-Mra

i<. l. r a.-i. 11 Beetee aril atra *a*la*na. BaaJBaaaaa, No.]b Hi Ld at in :r. « ItjlArd.-Jl DUE IKOl HB ILL'S DECISION.-la reporting

the pi. gr.a< "1 n.y SO* I fa toe N, w York Circuit agaicat Carey,Howii i a. BaaBBe, BI a etfeoia, m« real |«rtiea who era trying todefraud Bag ol my title are unaing aid oau.iog to be mane van-

out tabr etioae ealealaaed laastalead anen baute aud n*uufac-turrra. Tbe OBO* luaalf boa been bo* partially prraenied on mo-

IBM lor preliminary haJaurllllaB. I am aivlaed bf all my coun¬

sel that, apt,n lull o{ ray title up.,n nnal beating,the reault inuat be in my favoi and lurtiirr, I am taking meat-

urea to hav,- the u alter br.i.p'it to t.uat adjudlcati.IB aa aeou aa

Kaalble. latlie m>-au time, 1 am advlaed la proaee>.'e a1! In-ngara upou u v rigbta. and to pmae-ute toe i.ar'i, a win BBBB

been aud are rndeiioriug to defraud me of tbe title and eiclu-.Ive rial t, pun h&teu by rnr from Ct ailea O.-ody, ar, and bv nmponveyed to rr.e, BaBBBB af ¦TBaV b tui, a ran be procured at myoftice, No. StCoortlaadt-et., bv [ eraou* lntereateoNew-Yi.-k Citv. Bak )\ \>-'<¦ HORACE H DAY.

Kt*u> Pcblicalions.l>OOK E>UBLI8HEB9 trialuaf toADVERTISEA F their worki In any at tion cf the cm.try r an do ao on ti.ei Sv. ral.le t,'mi'li"..n the Vdver'ia.ng Ag.-n. y of JOY.t OF A I n Tn' .:ie Building«, Niw-York, and Browa'i IroDBuilcliiga, Philadslpl.l*.


Now ileadf:


AP.BOIT BROTHKRS" R.vlaed Ed'tl^n ofBLATfIHBOBO a sbvvaRHS


a Complete Treatlae on tbeC1VII (RIÜINAL atu SPECIAL POVVEI8 tSD DUTIES

JUSTICES OF THE PEACEIs tii a Statb o» New- Yuan;

With 2W7 Fract'.-al forma,AND A COPIOI'S INDF. X.

In the prrtrrt new »ditl, n of N-w oik .1 ri'«, no pttnahave been . pared to make tha avert orapiale ant oorrec*. aVaratrotbe aaeaiat aota, Baae* a leefl edition, man; importanti har.g, a have beeu Biae» la ti e lew regulating the powen aaddmliaof J.iatlcea and tli« IdailBaallwflaB of J .i* e in t IrCoii.ta. The vain na ateiutee a«d aw at.... a by wtaiob to*law kaa BwBB bc«n audit'..J hive t.«ea tally Incorporated intoth*P'c-Lt e,littou » bile in a briefer wiy many deelavoni eaasnrciing or iMu.tralmg tn* principle* laid down la the originalt, at hav, Lee iu'r ^ ed, wi,. e thoae par'.a wblcb tree-I :i:..ted Sen ice. M«. bici. a'I.lena, Pro-erd.uga to Bever**Judgment! in Ciltnlual Caan, and Eacit» and Ti«> rui, are iua-atsxUa 'y n< w tr.ro.If) o it. In Bfwet to n.ake room for Jiiae aieitioti tie alaa of lb* paaj* naa t ru in' rraaed, aud a aunber ofthe formt f Pr. ceedi-.ga In Civil A.'tlou*, wBicb were ortgtnally (elected fn m " Tne New Clerk'a aVaBataat," by Mr. J-n-kina. have l.< en t mi'.'., u, itl'reu.e i them being made, bow-eve In ail aaei ^ ,i i IIVABI » Al'Xll.lAkv TrBBBTHE WORK MARbd BI ...... Prl.a, *.»Bold by ail h ke e:a

C. M SAXTON, * .iber.No. 2» Para row, Mew Yjtk.

C M. 8. alaa aabBaaeaTHE Ni W CLERK I ASSISTANT."

By J.-nn t>. JeuAlna.page*. Ivo. Price, BI A". Sold Hy ill Book aeUare.



Hoi sais an raa Paai * at ukathLur v BatawerLa i Ttaaaaaei*usa.a i ii win ABB hu Mab a.ftllgBI P* LtMt »vi. BtusKV Smith.BitLCI ABB B> aks.Th| \\ ati »i all.Tut u ivraa Hiki*."The Nih Liri"u> DilTB.Thk Dot si i llRttiKn Stavar oi Niwraar.A Pi »a raa tm FuiuiToi I'hoi leeea tr TBS Bri iKinrTm i.Tub Utah Etriuino*.Tu* w ¦. k Wootaa.Rkviiws. Sawyer t New TeatamestRivVkT AMlllial Pisi.lcaTiol*.


Z:. .< i beguu in ibe I>ec,-muer oumatr cf the ATLWTIC, baa been received wiu unlvertal tav r aad bid* fiu tobt ona tbe greateat work of tbe «i.>d novrliet. The tie.d I*Dew lor the New-England of t. r last oeutary i* far away fromthe New England of to-ctv and t£. pawrea of toe atory alreadyre.bliibed abow bow completely 15. a^iUior ba* eatered Into 'ce

quaint and tin.pie life of that almott fc.-eotteu period. Her

C.rtralturea ot obaracter aie Ml cf ipirit.equally remart* Bittheir firm ouUtnca and U> the minut toraobti vbi.'l none bat

the rand of getlui ran frvw. " Tae Miiiaatet'* W»ottv| " wtZ beootlinurd Uirotigb to* vearTi im» Thieo Doi'ara per aueim, of twenty five rent* *

cumber Upvc lie re I pi ut tae . .ba>Ttp'Aoo price, the Pjb-llab. rt w .1 mail the w >rt |a a: part of tae Ui.tt.-i State«, pre¬paid. BuBecnpt.oiui :. ay legi., wiia eiUrt the firatei a.y .-!>

.eqnenl n.mbe:Tbe pott_ge of tit* ATI, ANTIC ta M rta a year, ere Baud.Toe pagea of ue ATLANTiC aie aiereotjpeu. lud rtacA c m-

ten ran be nCci'Bt..For Ten l> Cart the I'.bither* wU *e»d five noaie*

of ib» ATLANT IC lor one yetu. ue aubeenbera to pay uieax

owe poatageClergymen. Treben, and Pcwtaaatteri will receive tue work

Ar "Two IK. Jari a »»«vrBouktvufraa » :air tbe term* b;. ta*BBB

dreat, *t,., uaot a, p.. a-: t: r> i.nerarUiiaUr* SAMPSON k C>)

No. IS WiiSer at B.woa.


In c.vnaeq er - n' tba Inrieaaed d.irva..d for ._> eB.-i iH.L AM» OOLIaBOE TKXT BOOKS.

HiredeeiOed to giv.ta.ir r».i.i v. »«vn-». t to EDI CATION-AL WiiRr.s. Kr u.^.iaLi.,i u.r geuere! »ook trade, aad takingAi their er large* b_wti.ee* tb* new barfe tarkli aoobio aware

48 AND 50 WALtKEB STREET,Tia Dea.ai Win or Bao*bw*r,

U.r- they will ut- r graatiy UEsror*4 faetbilei for tbe acoom-a^.k' of * t»e Teari, -a ai.d MerrAanU

IVläON b PHINNET,Not a .v » WiimiiT., II iwn etat of Inavlwiy




A Bowes** ' f tre Dark A let. B* Or. 1u» L'»r>»tn. arthwrof "The Qui-rCltT tr The Mo-ki af Monk H... Boc ur

. f Briniwie., " Earn Arntubrim, 16r Moat ..' t% laaahickon,"The Huirrif. 01 ta* L~t' cf -.a* w **niugtoü*,'' " L»i»cdtofM'iie*,' 4«. Coapletr ix one large octavo VjhaiBe. Ma 1tetka.

" AdaVtO »iarieeij trrund BM throng: be aiarkrd ' ach ru ttr

I a- at arr/.». run atj r ..i had .». MO ai t... guard, aud U*»UMi rb»at h« M>d ar.d hit *}> t!i>ha4aj ktd Hkkirea «f Albarnte ari/* am tuorderar mi yo.r k***l!'".Be*pag* J>.Tkit woik wii th* mm) rr.i- written hy O*org» Lippard prh r

to hit traih, a d is now :.'>'. j » .. i. It U by all o'dt IB*L*tt aud BOM tiatti't work ever penned bj thla popular Auk."Iras anther, and w. adviae a t> ft H tr. i r*ad I*, at nrc*.


VA aMUATSM aU His Origin v Two volume*, Prio* AI.THE QUAKER CITY; Or. Tue Moss* or Moxa Hath.

Two ti.nui.fi. paper BOWOa Price t> t.PAUL ARDENHEIM. Tut Moil or Wiaaamckos. Two

vclun.. a, a*ytr n'er. Pr e Si¬ft ^A^ ("H E OE BRANDY WiNE. Two Tolujiea. paper

acter. fur* $1.THE NA/ARENi:. Ou* Tolurn*. Price .V e»r.t».

1. i <, f N D.» OF M E XI < 0 On* volum*. Pri etS *nta.

B<« kteiiera, N> wa Agent*, and ail otb* ra, will plea** t>ud hrkeir order* at od«*.

toptia tt tag mi th* at* te wurka will b* sent to sriy ;*-rt'n.to any part < tie United lUUi, fre* sf poa'.age, on their rm.it

til % the prlie af the S84S aWf ln*y with to th* puMiahera in a

tetter. Addf t* ».1 crdera, to receive immediate attention, to

t',e p.iT B Pi TV RSON fc BROTHER«

H". Wei Ukealnut-tt., Philadelphia.


¦01 rH-WI IT( nr.tali ii g i»e wbol* si the Louiaiai a Swamp Do. . r S:r»*ki

bi\ artei ISSa ai far W. areru S< - Sag uj a ¦< riet .'Po.ly.T»" H' um root a rtaara ai d tVaatot* hk-t.Boa, urt. Motive ofin.ir.it pad i ara ter By " Mar..- T.i.a». MD..'gslbsiii." a .»h r ii BwaUowtas Oystan Ali»*, kr. WhmFourteen .atratu na, from »r.gina. Ur.igua by Darley. Cloth.Pr.. * 8I St


Ing the wf n> .,f ta« ¦..I kVtet Bare i:. K. t .. ky.' and "Bob Her-. Araaasaa Rear HaaSsr,N as well as **Cast, ing ou the

8t> .nun.," " Playin; Poker in Arkanaaa " M d other * ei*a, locidsats and caarasti is, UuraamawsS "tba aSfwaaal PaajSaM Na¬tion t" wt,i< h u ».: i. d tL* " Drama in P .kerviii*," " A N r-:in i Sirii: p. and Sthag ttorirt By J M. Kiei.l, «n \\ .tn

Mrtars llaaaTaSkaas fcsss agjaMtal sengna ty Darley. Coo>| Sil in Cue sal ..nie, cloth. Price §1 25.



Tranelaled by Ma-) Hewitt Cou plet, in two tounwa, p*p*r.over. Price (I or in cloth, f .r AI ti¬

ll.TH E KOUR SISTERS. A Tale of So-U! and D m. atlc Life

MaWsaaa. By Pr snka Bremer. TraLalated fiom the orig¬inal Rwssiaal ey Mary Bawatl Two aaaSaaMS, paper cover.Pri<e S>. or bound in one volume, cloth, for S>1 ~>.


Uil y111 a:j»fd Oi. x isas.t Ik Price $1 2A.MAJOR JON» b SO.Nr'S IN OEoKOU. KuUof beau

fnl illoittatirus. O'ie volume. *',th. Prir.-a.i25.SIMON PI Ci.> S ADV ENI RK* AND TIlAtKLS. II

idilrated. Ou* vo.nine tltth PTtsS Bl 9SHI Hi 'BS OE PSLCOBIBIMB. Two ;«rc* ynlnmea.

pap«ri.\er Pile* § I or |u one vniurri*, els IstBlaVPINKY WOODS TAVrKN Or, HaMM.nk ik Ti.x»«.

C otl Bl *.".: or two reloSBta. paper rover, for +1.SAM 8lliK, 7 II I Cl.or KMaKKR By J dg* Haiibur

ton. llnttr*t<d. Obs .¦¦ .n.e, .<h, Bl IB] or tw. vulun.ea,aapsr,The Saasa b- oka are si! j'ltt pnkilahed. ird for SSM hy all

Br«kaeli*raail o\ti the country, and are the beat boob* pninuhedf< i yi ara.Crpiia of any of In* above work* »ill be »*nt U ki.y |eiuu

fo any part ml tie I uited Statea, ire* of p.^tag». sä tbiir r*-

ruitt'ng tie atbaaM th* or.ea they may via*, tn the p bllihert:i SlsSbar. Addrraa all oroera t» tSe publiahera,



I.ERNESTINE: Or, Tin IU*rt'»Lov&ixi. By Aleth, I2ran.. i 2.V

11 baa mm ). l.riilai.cy, and a certain >nd< lir.able tou* whicnlift* tt beyi nd th* ord i *r\ rale o| novel* ".| Albion." It hue not beeu *i.rpa**>-a hy any aimilar w jrk in our Lid-

giii.ge.'.[Newa.BRANDOS Or, AHniBSaB» TSABl Aoo By O. T Ifai.y,ivmo. si m\" a ttory f rare ii tereat, arcmpanh d with nmr harm lag

j ictnre* cf toe olden time '.|n E. Parm«r." I* lOaatratsa iba moat IiiIsibbH*| i^iimi of ojr hbtory."

-letrmrf.eid Btpitttrantt oitby a place among Ui> e.^ ... l.tc;«ture of the Und


'1 Tlej are 'Edout' cl a awe.-' au.i ItwlvBaS curreuU ".

I Newa nr.THE INTERPRETER: A Im: or i.:r Hit. By Ma^tM.hi. e, i:ti Ec.tiou. MBaals."Ma Me.vii e |*j*a*e*es the advantag'' of b*lr.f a: on- e a

geti> n.a- a-jinit-mau. a r< biliar, a travel, r k.di aoUjier, »adbe wntea li»e all lur. "- London Prt as.

CI1RONC LE8 OK THE i.ikSTlLK. Ill ..tratel. Ivo.,ik m i

' The dark ard thr t 1 Isfa rr f las Ba^ll ,t her* told SJ a

ayspbii and krilliaal mann, r.". It t>un bman.'<Assrartabatteamicrkwsaadst^srMsjtkass Chrorjl.-ie* a

q Ire a giaud and a BSaasaa v* aa |Ctui*-.*.. Inteüigrnorr.

joan op arc. Utk Lira usllaailaaaav By Mi' n*i*;.Mi cents." Th* narrat've ia wdikrd ip In th* n at ir teaely int»-. «*....i

at ti.-, sad sabeaUaa sssas new uetail. wtt- h biicb*i*i * re

Baaraasa hue dia.i.m red ".(Commercial AIv.-rti»rr.

Now Re*.<y


Bi Jo..* b. c. Abbott.Or.* »oL. err wu »\o. H 7 pp Ckth. Prlo*, Bl Ba

"1l re arc al'iin.iait n a:-r... %% tu a **SfjL lot life ofI ..[ a ¦ Ira . II r.at 'a w...i and w. :.d.ktBsl M hit* .ry. V:rarly etrufg ee fur aggraudisrmeut.th* lie re atiif* with ti>*T rkt, atwavi aft. r u! M ».ei- BrTasMS ro led 'ip th*I'auube.tue uc and bi»ody p.-raecut..ua cf tbi Re forv atlon the thirty yt art r..» at war las oie:*c ri. carver uf0 fn i A4 phua and Catatlcg XII. »I. voting athwart the lur'da'orm. of battle.the intrignra of P. p»« th* rncrmou* pride,pow.-r ail c-rro*» :.¦ ..'. f L- uia XIV.-be warfare of theBratiIan raoassaasa. Bad to* P. h«a al»».m.l» t-- ec.t.a'' v.«.*eveLta o.nbiir u. a eublltn* tragedy which fiction akay In vataattempt *o parvileL '.author a Preface.AUSTRI A u tue brtt of » aerlea ul t!« or more voli:m**. La

pr. aasMtoa hy Mr Abbott, t ba publiahed in'.urfi r-i atyle,SM IBs lerer», title. "The MoBOTisaai af (' Qtineotal

Eyror*" Tie Sr.!.* it d.s'rsed ta iorlude AUSTRIA. RUS¬SIA. SPAIN. PR.t.NtE. uERMANV mmi ITALY, each ia a

t, parate BBS me.The Pub.tkh*r» believe that the** worke w.:. preornt hittory

apenanove. i SSI apiaa. Tue purp te i*'.giv* la each vaa* tfie Biography of the ReiguLot Dyuasty. Th*perv.'uai inter**'. »f bi. grape v m tlu* *.: i*d to th* f-a*>ral a:-

tractk t. of eveutf^: hiaU'ty Tt a olh-r vo.um** are oapeet.edto k.* w at hat* r.a.* af a** u--« m< uta*.

Published by B1AJON BROTHERS..No. «b Walker st, N«w-T'Tk._

TI1K Late WM. H. rßESCiUT.-A tio-STEEL PORTRAIT of the late Mr Pr**r.>tt. üb* H^-

tartan, with Men. ir. arlfl appear in THE LIUNiJAClE''Eeb 2b. EaeS wr*k*y cumb*r cf this popular Periodic*, wtlrastaia a fiue etc*] portrait c acm* 'e,*brat*d character.

" I aay vBBsal kaOatSStos mat if 1 coaid have but oua Magaline BAocg all that are publiahed or repubUsbed in oar couarry,1 abr-Jd a*>krri Lrtt»l! « Lirh.e Age ".(Katract from Letter to

th* P: t.uh.rk, from H*tr} Ward B*eöh*t.Early order* *ol. tt« i.

DELJS8ER PROCTER, No. MB Broadway. 6 per annum. Special terms to Clerfyoien, Teaetara and



FOR MARCHIt Pü-aln* a a-w Fa*** by laaac M L*l!*o." and an ortg.aai

detign by P-iia O C. DarWy. with n-:n . i_-T**tiug Sto¬ne*, W. .» i.iue*rat*d. Al*r. Enunsaa. Purzlsa, ha.

sxTaacTt rar m ths rags*.It m nicely nhiatra'a*. and h* articlaa aasuains. Instr-ettrs

ard we wrttiea Hi ¦.*. coua^euuoaaly rwouomeul it.".|N. Y. Ccmr^rcih! Ttmea"A euer and euisr.au.u.g work for javegu.**.".(Hook*

Jaanal"It -i'*«»* a« M BaSJss SMt r^tt'ly advocate for pabJc

fav. r. B4 a. -, P r.r: . »p^-ii of uw Time*.¦¦ It apf ar. w-u and r-aaa we- . LaatertMa- WatervlTe,

Hi"We r*com3eot tin p»r. 4\atj Ui tet J u-v«oU* HaaSBfc '.

[DaCyTlce*. Dub-.^... Uw*.T-i» :ttl. J iBXBo) '.LU a v :.i L. pertadkal tttaratur* whxb

itianld have beae fiU.d Ion: tin.* mat w* ha: tu appaarv- «

« k fk {Bl r--w Baa, D J j i- i->wa.PrVe 6r t-itu .:.. ."..

UM. i, JONES. P.bo.a.r. No. IjSSU av N. Y.

CHAMBERS'' JOrRXAL f..r JANUARY.Now Ren-» -Tt.a number cximm*aoMs aaw lubiea* sf

tin pep_Ur r».'«',''* Pnr' ml £> ?*r annum.C. S FRANCIS A Co «*. SM Broadway,Aienutor Ergrtao and Aaieneac P-nowtoala

A NKW WORK on tac HEART. iU D0-. . EASES, APOPLEXY, DYSPEPSIA. ae,-Proef of 04.trC .rabmtv. Ba. »y Dr. S S. Fit. b of No. 714 Broadaray. B*w-T Ik- 117 kUv page* s I.. j: ....... 1 demgiied f .r

tb* gei.»ral reader and of ta* v*ry ..iaB**t Inker*.t to Invalids.Price at our oft.*, 2so*6t*: *eat by mail, piaupak*. for JS ceo.a,

remitted (hi eta...pa) *rtbar wb*n oraWrtna 0» aAver receivingand approvtag th* W->a. Appty. with uU mmAn**. Sa S. *-

I ITCH 4 Co Nc 714 Br.iadway New Y^L C4LLENDRRb Co.. Jk Ajeats ia Pbiud*batÄ roe S4 aad Wala it at*.

FEBRUARY 21, 1859.

*'V\'AS tie ATLANTIC cable*f» humbug'..BiaJTHE 8\T: RDA» PRESS 'f TO-D AT,

tan it*.r ..»'». ».. N ... A|'iKi ia ..<¦ Ctty. and at ».! th-

r - Bo ii .¦

BbVm of Pa^U-at'on, Hr. S irr»"* ft. Branch Oi » »«

Br.r **« 'f Bo kitor- aad Nrwi Exporiuin, coin.: of Broad¬way- tnd Hctuu a ».


halls journal of hevlth.a For M».- j, IBSS, ~*1

Tab)» of Con'en't: Ll» Im .reore, a Korohlii« arti*'».'" The«-. - of M*d.cin». B» T»aukful. H-ai;i and Dl»ee»e.W aria, treu Cur». Il the Blood Wei' tat] Spriut c;< v.:nt

B read w leaoul i »eit Ai.d a imair.fr r( aajaai article* ue»fnl to

.-.try family. Itbicripik n, I' P*' ,r»r- M*aaa**a njinbera,.t H. B' PHI PjS'iiber.

No. I Eve'e.t iloUK, Nr» fi It.

I^hk TRIB1NE AlMANat^o"r~l-.'i'j..TheK. jib fit.it. ii i.ow r-edy, a. i «..ta.-.a.

A STRONOM 11 AL C a Li U L-\ T10NS »nu C \ L rJN D VRSfrrtbe year lifo.OOVF.RNMF.NT CF THE UNITED ST \TES.ExeeatiTe


SI N ATE, pobttrally r!erai5. d.A LIST OF TU'-: MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE OF


CONGRESS ». far at yet ...tea.




HOLDINO HENERAI. ELECTIONS IN ;»!«. ar. fully ooru-

pi.ed and compared with former tl-etion*, ciprctaly for TutTain a* Ai.Mtatc.ELECTION SET! RNS of THE STATE OF NEW-


OF LEGISLATIVE MEETl.NOS, HOLDINO OF ELTCTIONS, |a V\itb other matter »f fennel aoi permanentItttrtrt

T- ¦¦ ¦..».- prapaid), liri'e roplea. 11 c. uU, American

coin T»»l»e ca, Bl M opi»«, B*.If wrat by Eipna*. Superior), 13 cepif I for BLOrden, a* aaaaaBaai wiia u,» uu. r-tp» tfuiiy laaayaHwX

Addrra* HORACE OREELEY A Co..TribuBc Build f.»*, New Yirk.

T"llE SaYbÄtTdSCI 100LBEll..A newcolltvtiou of civilre Hymut tod Tuoea, nHf'ual tod I'anJ

trd, iarrfu.ly and tlmpty a'raaied at 9o|..«, Dmli, Tri», BwaaVCkorutet «ud Ctomaea, did fir Organ. M i- or P »v

Ttli book '..u'alst nearly 2"" Hymrji aud Tiuta, and i* or* ofttr Beat aaalaaajaaa (or ilaeba'h s .-. < ataa laned. Aa*oea|aa lain* rnu,k»r of i »w aud popular T ii.fi n.iy l>e found..K.r.d aVataaaaa lattaa Die,'1 Soiui « Shore," *Baaatlfal/i i. tc. fltta i.' tut., or t P'r b udred. ElegantlyL-i.bd, cectt tUllle m\S per Imodred J:«t pul.rUbed ay

_Horace waters, Be MaBeaaBway,M I ILKKAH Knit PIKE*- PEAK."

I 1 ALL ABOARD FOR THE li'U.D MINEAi .:-.<.,.¦. t itt htat i .. .. .! a 01 IDF. ar.d MAP for

P|KB*fl PEAK" OOLD mines by wblrhall tuformaiton can

be otdalaed for partiei ound fur th» Oold DtaBhaga, wltb tli .

belt r utei I r-cettary titirl.f mi camp tnd proTUloa, and tt/x-dMap of tbe MiL^a. ftie tut.» r.brr would adriae peraoi.a not to

buy aa| pür. i r ttart'i t o- i>- ordrrini tbti t a« tbey ran

be i btainedu ap brrcaa Eut, witb .*. ..< t:.t. A refn-lar F.tprr.a runa I. r Pik> 'a p. - a from Mt L< ii* For all parti-i alan Pffcl to the OUIDE Pric- -onu. bVi.! tree of puat-Bja Addrtta PHILO N STONE. St. l.onia. Mo._

THE VALLEY STAR (New\ilk Pa. i. ia Uet.elb-ut adreitiaing ruediuin. 8. m. PEXTENUILL


Ml NN b Co, Amerlctn tnd Foreltn PaUnt SoHcitoTf,bare REMOVED from I.H Fi.lt. n at. iS .n b'liMlnf) to |BaPark Buildlai, eatrai «w No. 17 Park r .w aud No. laANataau iL

SOLD ONLY by SUBSCRIPTION.-COOP¬ER'S NOVELS .Derlrj'i ,..¦».¦ ¦! EdiU.u, in utoutbly

to'uiora, at Bl 6" «wob- THE PIONEERS new rrUy. Sampin, ».it paid, aeLtfor Bl 30.EXPERIENCED CAM'. ASSERS wanted In til* and ail the

principal eitle*. A ^ TOWNSF.ND 1 Oi PabHahen,No. V> Wa.a ., .... New York.

H()(»K PUBLISHERS.Have roar work* no-

ucrd iu THE V ALLEY STAR. AadreM J. M. MILLER,Ni-wtllle, Pa.



rpHl VALLEY STAR ia the only paper pub-X llabrd In Newtille, Pa Adrertia,- ,n it.

%Printing.At EVEBDELL**..WstUiBf Canln. N.itfs.

A <. 1 ri.te ...I rated > ar<n a," -i <iia:y e-*Tjved, anoB'rb< I id !n Broadway, & t. of [. .a at Ord.rt received by mail.

ßtationcrri anb famn <3oobe.

THE ADVERTISING ordersofstation«ER8 ai.d FaNO OOODS HOUSEBaaa r.tr.tfullf ao

.. i by IUY. COE A Co, AdvertliinaT. Air. u, Tllb.«B lUaiaaaj New York, and Blown'* Iron Buu.i'ng*, Pbiladelpuia

r~(TpY"R~CE¥'T \Tm\TED^ rulinsP? JXF by thr a!J f I r new PatfBt Bt.^a R.iho| M»-i.iueDia«K.r.d Pointed PENB ro'in« i tbeeu per hour. Waran' n th ptp.r Jralera, Iwv Vanteri. (tstlonart aiid prluten R .ludBiJ H< aoi ft r p-'it^i I *, « tM IIa *h»et, in q .atWtlet; a'yle ofIt ..i. i -tori aBBBat, tofether » a i»r»e tin. k it Writiof Pa¬

per* CARnO.N A HARD. N". 44 Ueekmao rt.

<Tloti)ing.JOB. COE A CO.. Tribune BiiiMinu*, NV^-

Tatl i Br< aii'i Iron Bulldlofi Pblla-i,ilaMa, »111 reeel»»au.d piomriiy Inaert ADV EBTISr.VlENTS for CLOTHINGtin' IRSia aty N wtpoper elrru'atln* rirber iu tu» LultrJSutet or Ca; ada at th* put..whera' kMPMl rstea

UEMfTVAL..S. CHAMBERS, haa reinove.1to Ska "pa. toua atore. No. I 3 Broadway, by th» St

R a* II .*: ead will open a lull «*e r : of LADIES'*--d « HO REN a ¦¦ictit-.d. of .a* u*m( atyl.. and beatBaaBBp. Wanted. Sewen.

0> 4 ONLY.-Fr. nch Calf DRES8 BOOTS, atJONES'S 1» Icnat; B«| Donble tola Water proof

m w«a^^a^^^jrj^o^J^f*ieJVt^^_Sine arte._

TX) MANTI'ACTUBEB8 and DBALEBfl inh: ;-1 s Materials -If aaa wl»u to adeerti** paaja

b .iteaa a;;'yto JoY, COE k Co Adfertuac» Attenta. Trik>¦ ¦ B aHaäajBi New Yc.-k, and Browa a Irou Buiidtoa*, Paila-de.pou. a

ARUSTS, TEACUERS and SCHOOLS *rereap. tfuliy InArmed that tb* *ub*erib»r la now aali-

In* tne beat , ,.. Catva*. Oti and Water Colon, Br.. .-».

Paatela DrawtLB Papon. Ac., at lower price* than any otherr> -te in Ibo cay. W. SCHALS, Artut*' C ,rm*n.

No. CS Broadway.

JJtotcBBional NotixiTfl.


in ar.y c jiil pi.bliabed la North America. Otfioee, TrieunoB*iMa*a*i New York. Brewt t Iroe Buieunaa, PhUadelpnia.

Off.. * for pror .ringA MBBICAB and FOREIGN PATENTS.J. P. PIRSRON, No. r> WALL ST., N. Y.

_A BBBBBjMBj ol utforiaalioa font fr»» ky mai^

AL. B0B1V80H,a Aocrnoy-et-Law.

Evar.**tUe, Indiana.Ref'r tc Mr. Jobb H. Macaaa, Bo. ., So-iUi Wlkfi.

ANEW LISCOVERY.-DR. CHARLESEELLb'lTZ eat arr rrd from Par. a .4 other met 'idea

No more. No more, fto crrrr of tbaae Duetwet Sor» Eyeo,Riauoiat.an-.. »Ten .¦ i.t .taridbsa Dy»en>ry, Serofakaad Oaa4-a ar arJ«-t*oM, Cort*. and tu» File* ure4 m loor doya Dr K.warra-Ua ras>..-al r^e, at If ;uat by aaaaBB, No coere» wM beaatdo aTroatody taala Toe Dort'* ba* at tb* aaaae time a won¬derful aal»e-Lvr: ted wnicb heaie old eoree of twenty year*atataJute. (k.r Do tri'^i And tbe IV/ctor cure* aiwi many

Oft.» Brun from * to Itt n., nr frooi I lotp in Ha .jr.. t-_, t. f.- do.ery

©TocnicB, prwisiiriis, tJi*TO GROCERIES and PROVISION DEAL-R F.R8 -Your A DV ERTISEMCNTS arfll a* Intwrtod mtdoN'Werepert beet adtMed to yotir botdneo*. tbro'^* tae Adeer-t >u f Atrary of JOY. COE b Co Tneon» B -ijd-aa», NrwYork, and Brown'» Iron BoUatnB*. PkiJaaerpaia.OHI D W I 0 H T dt Co.,



bto 11 Old a.la Hanoeor aw^an, New Y a



Drn ©ooöf.

*yiIE merc1lants mi New-York esn makeM their buata.sa known Lbro.igb th* os*di uro of Lb brat Com-¦an la Par-era af the couitry. bv applying to JOY, CUE a Co ,

>....!« Saasas, Tnbas* Buüdiugs. New-York, a.. Broarn'a<!!«. »o» .. a



dt; FOREST. AKWSTKONO a Co.tat nw kBcaivlBO thbib BftUSS mromiioii, *\u an

BXaiBtTtSO it THait


rut hrSST BkTtativf, ELrtatT. tabibm, »tu cosirLlTt.tock or

EOREIGN AND DOMESTIC GOODS*v*r before tiered for sal* by tbrsn, ao4 presenting attractloaaand advantage* to tb* trad* (ao'ral y, a d from an pairs, aura

at are io br- m*t with in very lew placaa. Their*it*ustv*storaat,in Chambera at which la*y oecipy entire #i abl* to-m to ap-rroptiate to each rlaaa of gooaa a separat* department, and to

have in fai t .¦> many diatiu. t ato. ks in tktur warerooma. each ofwhich wKI be compels. VV'iuk nt specifying th* a.-. . an-


To thetr Dern-etle and Print Department they oa.1 parti. '.larattention, embracing aB the Ve-iing mat's and atylea, whichwill be aold at the eery re-it rate*. They have tAa eutire p.-due tic n cf the

WARRF.N PRINTS,A print wblab has done more ... .i u :t . retailers throegh tha

";. ihe last eeaeou, than peruaps any other low priced print.Their si. ... a. Coebeeo e Oaraer. Dunoell, and PA¬CIFIC AMARANTH PRINTS, ara of th» eery beat sale-noneCLINTON, GLASGOW, LANCASTER and SCOTCH

GINGHAMS, in etery ranety.Tb.u

DOMESTICSembrae* the 'oil.wing braads:WaMstTTTAS, Hi Mastr »cti sikii CowraKr,BitiVi Mills, Nbw-Yobk Mills, Miiiioic,LoaePaLC, AbSWBIBBT, PoctMtT,NaiMKtac, Parrtt-os, PBrrtiu.l,White k i, Hbhion, Caiott,MlTlwott, Law -r\. I, ATl.AkTIC.AH the well known maket ,.f TICKS, STRIPES and DE¬

NIMS, such as York, Hamilton. Pember-on. etc.

Sou.Jtin| trade on liberal tern s, they invite notice to theirHouse.street and Lumber as ab->v*.

^Yiln^üjTcö^täTiiTe Sc CoT,Hare n. w in STORE 'helpful; SPRING BTOCK of





DRAPERY MUSLIN, As.,A of which will be offered tt the lowest market ra'e.

CANAL, corner of MERCER BT.

Keal india cam els7 hair SUAWLS,8QI VRE and LONG,

A fine sssortmoLt NOW OI'EN.These Oocda wtre porch*,, d tt tne re, SSS large auction sties

in London, and are well worthy of the attention cf buyers.ARNOLD, CONSTABLE A Co.,

Cans', corner of Mereer-st.



MOI RNING DRESS OOODB.U t.l h win cental tnany ttjleg of Quods mau ifa rtured at-

rea 'y for their R. tall Trade, ant never before offered in thlamarket CAN4L, corner of MERCKK-BT


TOURNUItK CORSET.This article combines la one garment a OORSET of SfPE

RIOR SHAPE and FINISH, and a HUSTLE of PERFECTMODEL, insuring free and healthful action to the lungs, andimf >rtahle support to the tplne. It has been nraonuitned by

ail wbo have aeen it (among whom are several eminent membersof the Medl. al Faculty!, to be the only t> raet without tu .>,

j. etiim. either trtlstlc or physiological. No lady caa Wall Sowithout it

D. A 8. still snan-ifacfnre their well knownEXPANSION Shi KT.

Also the celebratedMATINEE SKIRT,

wbleb for COMFORT and ELKOANCK Is v .-.-passed, together with over severity other dittereut style*, ail of which araf rawest sH the prinolpa stires Id the I uited Htataa andCanada. AH artlce* of th*lr manufaatur*



BMITH at BROUWER.IMPORTERS aodl fMAM SACTl BI-ItB .»ei Thla is th* SOJbj aotisaof N£CK-T1KS of Iba A.:.en a fs»*ry stearrutlon. I WAIU'.K.V ¦' ¦' > lo('¦ u.i. ..¦?r.ga: a* .u Uti.,: ni

per dosen. I STREET. |



invite mcrenauts generally to eaamlne thaPATENT

IMPERIAL SKIRT,Manufactured eidusively by them, and for aale by all leadlnf

holiaeS.JOBBERS -a.... SUPPLIED.

OSBORN V VINCENT,PtnrtifToti or Tin Extessiui Stiar Pitiit,

No. 9J Warren st, New York.

D I I I I 0 0 0 0 sBOOTH * TETTI.E.

Csmar Chambers, Caureh aud War rea-stiAre coastant!) re^«lving freab suppll.s of


to which t.-.e lUVlt* to* StteotJon ofCLOSE BUYERS,

for raah or short credit


COIPH RES and BRIDAL WREATHS, U a raiabe*macafaetauers. that mpply

Ths Isirtaist Cot'tri or Ecsoet.JAA1ES TUCKER, No. »1 Broadwty,

Nett door to ThoaaBsxHi's.


No. %et Broadwty,Comer of Pranklin-at,, up stairs,

Ar* now prepared to »ibibit their Spring Impxtttbiaa of J- ,¦. r. .,




STRAW BONN ETI, Ac.Also a large asaorment of MOURNING OOODi. B.a. k En

cilah ICRAPES of Uve beat maauiaeture, Mouruag Ribbons,lesai-a, Flowsrs, Ac

AUBUSI carpets.OEO E. L. HYATT, Mo. 373 Canal at and No. SI How¬

ard st.. six doors tsat of Broadway, agent Bay telling Aabura,. ) Ihfrain and '. so«:lan Carpeta. als i, Philip*'a Extra PiasInsjratu*, all in Improred '(isditlr* and uasirahi* stylas.

Sp r IN G tlTl Mill N 0 8AND


a* - opeaed THIS DAY, UraCali. a fuii assortaaent of the abov*goods, to which they would caul the attention of .adle« as belüg.:. » d :: t-v... --. e MORRISON S .-KIRTS,Beeoad Saor abov* Wnlte-at._No a*3 Broadway,HI MODEL 8KIBT.


SPRING STEEL PATENT EXTENSION 8KIRP, wtth AD¬JUSTABLE BUaTLC. aiAawwi*^da*d by all to ba tba'aa rtvsvtrtu of all BantsTh* naoty of this Skirt la r:aerl*r to any In tha avtrket sal

St no algaar oat thaa ths, ordk-vry Skirt mad* by other MMmSjcttwara. Ab», snaajfa-torera oftk* Staadaxd

LEATHER BELTS,as well kwawni. for Lad.e. atlsawt a i Bors Bel- TrfaarM-as.Ca^L,d M>* Al*. Traveling Bagj Black, Water PreXTsswetry. Velvet, Pelt, At, Afl.Macufay-ory at WEST MERIDEH, Cotw. 8T0RE aad


SKIRTS. [2 Sprits' SkerMou SkirU, Se-lf-ad-rating Baatl* , b*«t pattercaBl SI; It syartogs. DI SS, and

17 tpnngs, BJS MMBBSri i «prluaa, 24 cents. Dsrahrra suppueiwlta yepri ga for a »r ; - u .artnga. «II, aad 14 tarings fjrSit per tea. C L. HARDING, No 2l.i a>ela<^L, cor. Uaa-* N -.ctie.w;«a -.oe -a-, sv-i.

FOUNTAIN7- INDIA 8T0R>:, No.W Bmviw»T .Mere Van-.a azd Btraas*r. will find a new stock of

INDIA FINE-APPLE DRESS OOODB, by BBS yard lo anyquantity, or by the ptx-e, aasl many very strahle ert; ..«swku-k are otuy ta be fa -ud at :"a abw** I . « 8:.


BIO*, of »Torr kiod, for Criwejre and MDlMtl*»«»¦»»bbbbI wfLtiN ead ei/Nwr baosi Boro u4

CO&UAOB. w '.iVj'Än No. IV Weet-w.


ALADY fa fYaajaaaJaaMj SrrBjyr of rep«tf»)»..'». to EMI ioi aa pis*** bopk ÜtO, «in« om* .

day. frU.i »orair.« .| .v.utrg iu 14« Cfcoer of . tVeelb»CkureA Addrwao, by tetter tnaming tarnt.i, to A. H. C, N*. #ll>«v>»t«t_AYOI X(i l.A!>Y. an Ep:«,-..iv»lien, wmlm »

etiiiel.-o m TEACHER o( tho...-< oary K-jg-we Bear .ha»,with tfle KnciafCt cf Fl :.<-b and M .. M M HO\ FIN KS.In »'»n,i » 8at»'.tr*«ry rri reo.-e» |ir»3 eud aeeeUoaL a4die»* L. B.. Boa No. J,o»,i' f,»t Oft.. Nr« Yoik.

\VrANTKI». Pv b neat, ti.iv dirt, a aitaatioaTaAi? F CBAMBEBMA ID «¦! WAITKfV, or PABU)I MAIDMit« So FINK VV'ABHlNUj liiiTti.r<l)tlii,«it,»riiN rteaad hm > ¦ aami.a» Wege» mi. Oh MkV.tu* E*etS33 iL Cty rrfeience*._\\\\NTED. A «ittiAtion by a TBSM Wouaan, mTT CHAMBERMAID, . J h 'n . ».fat»g »od Irrmmt,

«r etaut lo U» Cat* of Chil.'r.i.. Hu M ohjtvo.» b» M Be.i.e.- uit-T for the 8jir>b>-r. Hta g**>J ity reterajtao». Call etNo. 1 j* *».'- 1Mb tA f«r two Heye.

\i;r\r WANTED.Toohtmtm ordert and co!-Wrt Inf, rmtl.or. > » « .: i> p »r Work. F»r farther

iBt.rme'i b apply toJ. PIBTI RNKLL. No. «!¦*> Broadway.^Aixfamilii S \\ an Fi Nt7»;i ->d"s K KVaNTS

Ireb. Scotch. TogU-B. k*. call »I :h» largoISSTITI TF. tod MOMk OK 1' >MI >Tl CS, N IM KU ob.

i;-r I ttt av. Tb |, \ » nti»e Haaa I.e. ot uueoooe of elvi',»;«b> hatpin ¦ lit »II, *'. oi« lerat» » »<ea i 1 .¦ by . r»-

tp»rt»b ' Aui.il. tn lady. CAU tnd e*e.

Job phi VrEK.-\Va:;t.>d. 1 y-urt» MAN whohui-i» kniwird«* of Job Frlatiaa . .J l< de uro**» of

. i* brado. ot ¦ g.od pUin lOM Pi >tj| tor w bo » ata*toocem-ee kn. w'e.tge at ,.ik «oik. Apply to B f. CALLA-HAN Na. TS P . Nr

JA Dl es in iFBatOl K<«hI Halo, and llotvla and4 r.ti.iiri Bon«!, eto kr aopatkad with th* bril of BBRV

A NTS »'. Mit \OBhSTONA crli. o. No «M Ith »*.. »brr. gnmV anaWta Baaa akaaAbaaaaaa b» aai 'or city ai i-ouatry. No.lithotf«! dialiao pra< .1 at Üut oft. «.

Sv.RvAN i S öl ÜM FIRST c'i.ass. in p-reattbin cat -r, of toTrral nation*, ricluduig Firm h au« Oer-

man, «Ith brat of city r.-.-tie. a. may W nVta n-d ai tborc. mm f tbr KMFMWmF.NT BOCIBTT, N « IS and ItBib - Houar. fth at., krtorro .VI Batd tikava A laty apraklogtbr Frrrrh aail O » lao(ua«>'i ¦ >n at'rndaaoo.

Ol KAM Hell.KR WAN it P. A t'.r^i ijualitvÖ FL1 y or .. I K BOII.kr. aaaj or a-c- .1 Sand,w.lb Sil' to mal fr»t loa aufface la «autr at lew < AA-Ciraa O *V. WINTKB, AuioaU. U*., »l»Ug fuU Jaa.-i.-t* n.aknChM and aprrideoUoaa. and loar.at pfloo_

T~^(M"iEB^WÄNTKI)-A~i.ai»y. fully com-

pairut totra. h Drawlnf, Crayon, Fa>t>l«nd ini Paiotlaaj, laa aVinmary D.ai :.. .» Altv,. aamai LaAtaa In tbo Set*.ofVirginia. Matyland. Noith Caro.iu«. Urorgia. fta prooebael faet,a. n.i g Mu»ic, Plane», lattn. Uiauing. and KcgSal krau<k,-aCall «r ad.ira.a PRI NC IP A 1.8, at Ihr Nadoaal TMcboraMuoUtote. Ho. 1*9 Broadway. N Y._IV'ÄTCn-HANi) MAKERS..i want .» Bret-T T rar«, WaTCil ÜANO man' IM abba one do. IwtaaHAND FlNISItrJI. (1F.o. HASriNUS.

_At tbo Weich Factory, Wallbatat, ataaa.

\1"ANT Slman.uf »iH>d^aJdr<-ae;tu MAKETT SILK, lor an am. a it. ah uawtby rluilOeiaaud Flunabwa.Addrraa P A w "ti *._I_

WANTEI»- v V -.7t 7^FT)iaEMTN~iir»MACrilSK Mil ', ... ,i: < >> htuda, and doio« Siek»

.'aaa woik Tom» nwotoal a U««iel «alar* WUlbagWae. Add'ra. PO i » It r S . »Ith r.foraao«, Bjtbe Trlbaua Office, Mardil.

t \)anu* Cot öttBiruBf Ät».

T> notary rrmjrs, ro^iis^öviiwa 1 Btbote.J (i IRRErT'B IMPROVBO BCAlt

l'HK i nea-ly eiigravad, Nu. W Bioad.-ay. up. a.»ic N T

OA 1."YAH I MiTSALE öTtiTUaT^hi Twifc known at Robinaoe.'a Yard, Noa. 304, »Iii tea |with <dbe


Utli-at., bt-twern evt. A and H, 7.i f«»t bf BW, with .Atee oulatb-t* Alto, fee rial., two lloretw, Carte, Sleda Seaura, ke.Iiaaaeuiei* po.arttl .ii girea and trrina liberaL Apply tu

A 8 CASK t Co , No, tMBioadfaf«.

)R SA LE-Tli^STOCrrimd~Fi[XTIIRpalBftLe Boot and ilorr N» 11» If av u.«« d t.. tSaabt^<itki.Vi.i.r~änd~i-T i;NTi iM{Tri^sALK.".The H' 'el knowa aa th. FRANKLIN H H <t\ Bhn,

loOaiil ld2 Chtnibert at, opp laito tli. BadaMI Biaor RabowatStainn ^pp'jr oa the preiuiare, at to ACKKR, BfSIR ALL ItCo., No. \Xi til auibert-at., nett door.

IATHEfi, looiTsTnd maoiiinery-T* betU HOLII at prhtte aale, by order of A*ai«ooe, at th* Metro

potttai. W. ikt, .V M Kaai Irtbac, near Arenito C.

Caara tL Pant.u»m i a* mi Aacairr., r is mtr, tFifth Aeeaue, at Tflth at.

NOT I C E ta CONTRA(T<)RS.-SEALKUPROPOSALS will be received at thla .iffioe until tbar twM

teat, at 121 v.l.» k.at aoon.f oRaDIN .*» h a-., adj >irbMttV<Cotir'ai Park, between tbe Mb olid Bab-aaa to an aalBMatttlwidiri of in lent, tbe preaeut glad.i g b-iu| abo ,t I) vat Baartntii, atd th* wid>ii. wuru eeesabwVei, t ¦ '>- 1"<I ie

The work to he ,. mi,. ii. «d bp tie Mb da; of M». A. acdicogiiplrtrd hy the lat day of Ju'y. l*Sr».

Monrl. y ttbtwatoa will k« u>a.le at the work progrma aad l!>per enal el the velu. of tbe tame at iwiUaut pr ooa wil Bo re.teiWd ntil the whol It completed.BawtM atloua..»tli* manner of uniforming the work. t-BJgtkwr

wito ai y Infoiuiatloi. draurrd, will h. f.. ,lar..-.| a, lb « ol ate Be*tween ti.e hour* or U to. and t p. m.P opoaa.'a ahonld be aa aipauiod with tha «- .* of ao r*>

tpoi alble peran, t»f a*, uiliy fir the .'a.J.f.l porfur.uttieo art Mmmmttt,Tha O uiinlael.inera f tk. Central Park reaeive tue riakt ha

reject ar y or a prop, ttla.Pr»po.a.a to I» Uidoraed, " Pr p.aa'a fjr WMoeleg MSB ft,*

aaa addr.twed Ac the t> ¦ ¦ ItawaBWri hf tea OoaWei Pa>A-F.h. I', Itaf FaVCD. LAW oLMBTBD,

_ArobtW,ii>-«awt_I>ABTNEB»llJP or OTIIERWiSE..An op-

portui.ity. wbu.li can ooly vary galdom owe ox, tu «uga^ttu


a tjjUr-lLArM HUSINRaB with an erwaka .tod hifa- uy neatly at mm k a. bread, that can be a,Id wholeaaU, fura.o, iu alruoat Bahrarbtd entntl. i»a. e' a pron: of two la three

eeni* |er piund. There win he uo li.a aid m coap'i'tiou.OaJ v he i. at reape. »»b r partite will be treat, d with. AddreetBBVVABP CBF.F.SKMAH, PoatOSlea_SEALED I'ROi'osaes will bi- r.-wivinl br the*

radoetasawS, Comoiitte. ..¦ Priatiai of Übe u ,ard »f Bdu.ia-ti a'. :*ie crTi- e of tha l lert ..f ti..- BoeH, .r,.«r o/Uraad andF.liu atrreta, miül IV P.: Mr a IIA . tue aJd .lay wf f.bruarv lit.gta at 12oolok ,...m. for PRINflftO «od BINOINlf t >.

P . Ii i KS, JO UNA L and doci MKN TS of the .» .r I -,i F. 11-t| tog i' /l Prop.«al. mutt atate the pri « for o-no-^ltn n

BBTI BBad mi, the on. I of pre*, work per tihao, tb« »¦

and Woi|bt per ream r tl.e piper, wh'.b In all aata. u. aod ...... in; and the pn - prr alnjle ropy, aundrod, a adtk leaod for MaeUaa Ike Meeooaid laaaa, > nal mi De *

a. Satupleeof tue .1 Fri.iUng mi Blodlae. elao .

! inaMty ofpepor ti lea. vle t of yVa work u# b-i 1 »t*.^l e* ae'- a'tbe CUrk'a eft.. af .reaald.Tbe Co o.it'eo reoarva the right to reject aap ort'li'

propoeel* odere.l if deemed for the paMa lutortwt. to 4» mJames >v. farr. jJAMKB MAItRINER, ComiiiHtooDANIEL aLOTE, > oaJAMBB FAIRMAN, Prlaatos.

_CHARLES E. UILDF.RSLEVE, /_TöTaimTr^mani FÄCll-reiwt-OiM» of

Iba brat kea'iin. lo taw State for tha aweufa. tore of n, r

'¦an be found within Vt n, lie a from New-York City, oa the Ifa/ieatKaimatd. The eon-.. .a of tbe .. * ., lor tba kawj .a

are very gupnorior. Tue bulldiag* can let Ux ttad at er Beat Baedepot t/iereby .a' Uta ir«c There i* a fall of BeaVet WBBegp w*». and Bpr ngt wi,l. A never fail. For parUeulora, lac i'oyof imitii k rr;ir im. n ia w. or a.b. mar<i 7.

..... r ktaltou, II e«. Railroad. N Y.

rjpO l'RACTICÄL MINERS..Wanted to OwaX "t lor ttuAIni a Shalt W> feet la depth th/.ig'i BBBaaAddreae_ALLKOHAtY. Trtbua. Offi^w.

rV<Mil-: SOLD.In mi vtr.'ki, a very vJiTVry1 BOABDI.NO SCHOOL, »e|ltluax-4»u4p'«.A-. \BaaMWaaVjatteaa fur into an boy*. T.rrm very low Ald.ataPR'lPRIKTOR Win. better Centra, Coon.

V~A L U A II I. rT^CHOOL PRoi'T:^Y"TerHALE -A varv dratrabU BCHOfJL FROPBRatf. wak a

FA KM of OA a. tea of .tneUent l.a/.d, la of«r»d for ¦ «U oo Ifv rebt. ter ... Location baautlfol aod very boettev i t uiAUe.¦MBtat land well f .rnlaiaod, end Scb-'d » ... . - 1. Itwill be gold for % " eat than tu ooat, end Ifi* ntt tie aatitfa u.iny mad-, tbe ua. of eoaaldaraV- BeAnolFa'titiir* wlb as allowed tos. one year wttaout , Tuehealth of Iii. preoeu*. ,\ tWu.i makea an loame i . > iia-ig.Ee.aatary r r r .rtn»r ptr'.U ..a/t. ouuailA. CORNWALL, 'to, No 1 Broadway.

tkj rj\i\ .1'ARTNER WAN-BED-Iii oimw,» Ft Ft F« the largeotacd bait peytng REeTAUaV

ANTS, BjMatai la ibe lower pert of tk. etty. For perl- «ave,apply uiUtU BA< EES, No. <J> Na,aau at.

Co Pjpg it mm tsmnn.TaTOTICE..All pr>raona haviag elaima saainit the11 lato STEPHEN SCHAPPERT, deed, era "oowaatod topr.atnt tba aaino with voorbrr* f e* efao tAwoa wbo 0*1to tbe eaid 8.n.ppart are roootrod to call aad pop, wttAwa faea*a-eta fron, toe date of tlia ooticoF|b8 3aw4w_jacob era iMBB, No. iti Eaawa-et,

CPECIAL NOTICE..I)r>«J>rala^OODTEAE'"t~ PATENT tor VULCANIZED RUBBER BL'SPUDEBB,BRAIDS '.VEBS and aU other fabric, and BBBBBBI aaado rpciv ...¦itiiuji.artL.M wttb tbretdj ot ahnte mf Velnao-bted Rr. ,o»f, ate nobbed that aaioae tbo aaoto are Beafatlfraoia.d or labeled with mj oovto. and by BJf aatAvaTIIe. tbavpCA '.NOT BE UCOALLT DISPOSED Of la the tialraAStatea MereaWaU and jaBBwB era Invited to aaeoMaoavota now In atoro, ana to (ire Uolr oruert for tha Beaiaa tto Lue :n i-ra't... C .xcluafe. owner of tbo UtloB and takabd*bu U tbo Petost fer kbooe >/ d* w >.« aaakraii all MmRy!-t rrv.fr re o.e -fa'.-.d or leapotted, egad BBBBf eBboea.Ai> *uta* to oaaaofaotoro aad tola, aod the lereae. oaay kg)abtaanodoaeiBiaallaa to aaa, at tea. » C^ualkiiWat w.~|faaw.


*to faxmexz anb ©tljeTS.I/OR SALE.H.OOti FRUIT TREE .1, ewtb*tat-1 leg ' f I nt») St e k Lborry. 10,000 ,S>> k Appw. 2.»» Ant/ar(1 . LMo) Daarf Ap; le, l.WXr Sugar Map.., all of wbJaa Utbito ytaia .A. For par'.. ..»-. tppTv to

_OTIS PENDLErON, No » Wmmtsfrm*.APES . SUPERPHOSPHATES of LIME.Tge be*t tnd -xoapeot manure, known OtrrwAga^aJJawat ¦

reo. »od. Add oae CHAS V. MAPBS.Office of T*.o Working Fanaer, No. laYtvwMaaai


JELIZABETHAN ALE-WhoLeaoroo madJ ^hlng. Uk. tie la oleoa t'otoe. Reo eertttVero »d I eal|aka.

Sold at preoect fat pint botdeo uely. BetaiL B S5 par IbBBSTic. allew.d fcr retuned bAtiea. Car-fu it aa. ted (or tay parttf jj* .o -uuy. J. BAJtLOW. djs f«an et, H vt