KHUTBAATUL - The Islamic Bulletin · Sayeduna Muhammad ~ lS . Нтз. servant and messenger, who was ~ ~ granted the ability of comprehensive speech, excellent wisdom and ~ ~ excellent

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    Maulana Ashraf Ali Тhanwy (Rah.)

    Ш 3~,L '~..хJ.r.:\.::А~-,~~\"l?'1 .. \: ~/.... - ';.tt' idara IDARA ISHA'AT·E·DINIYAT (Р) LTD.

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    Khutbaatul Ahkaam

    Ву: Maulana Ashraf A1i Thanwy (Rah.)

    First Edition: 2003

    ISBN: 81-7101-477-1

    Published ьу IDARA JSHA'AT-E-DINIYAT (Р) LTD.

    168/2, Jha House, Hazrat Nizamuddin New Delhi-ll0 013 (India)

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    ~ i ~ ~ Hazrat Maulaпa AshrafAli Тhanwy (R.A.)was indeedа very i fj. prolificwriterоп аН aspectsaпd topicsofIslam. Amongа verylarge -% :} sectionofthe Muslimsofthe Indiaп subcontinent, Ье is lookedироп е ~ as а mujaddid-a renovator of the deen, who had tremendous ~ ~ influence ироп the lives aпd thoughtsofmillions. % ~ This book Кhutubaatul Ahkaam is ап anthologyof col1ected ~ ~ Fridaysепnопs writtenaпd compiledЬу him aпd in verymuchin use {: ~ amonglnшап, Pakistani, Baпgladeshi, Mghaniaпd Burmese Muslims, ~ ~ aswellasMuslimsintheWestem World. Тhis traпslation is а ЬumЫе 'fi ~ efforttoputoverinEnglish whatHazratТhanwy епdеаvошs toсопееу .~ ~ in а veryeloquentaпd classicalАтаЫс of а veryhigh quality. ~

    ~ It is hopedthatтапу hnams ofMosques will Ье аЫе to derive .{ti adequate benefit from this humble work Insha Allah. Мау Allah ,~ ~ сопtinие to fillHazratТhaпwy's Qabrwithnoorandblessings. Атееп S ~ YusufКaraan i ~ Straпd, SouthAfrica Rajab 2001 ,

    i ! ~ s ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


  • O~~~~~~~~O~,

    I tbah : 1 о оfi~

    Е TНEEXCELLENCEOFACQLТIRINGКNOWLEDGE ~SAND ТЛЕ OBLIGATORY DUTY OF АСQIЛRING IT ~ ~ АН praises Ье to AHah, the Most Noble Опе. Не Who had ~ f;. created тап and granted honour to him, and taught him the means of '* ~ expression through speech and taught тап that which he did not know. ~ ~ G10ry Ье to Нiт, whose favours аге uncountable, not Ьу the tongue пог {: ~ Ьу the реп. We bear witness that there is попе worthy ofworship except ~ ~ Allah аюпе, Who was no,p~e~ or associate and we bear witness that ~ ~ Sayeduna Muhammad ~ lS Нтз servant and messenger, who was ~ ~ granted the ability of comprehensive speech, excellent wisdom and ~ ~ excellent attributes and character. Мау Allah's choicest blessings ~ ~ descend ироп him, his fami1y and his companions, who are as shining ~ ~ stars ироп the path ofhis ummat. After this, О mus1ims,know that the ~ ~ acquisition of the necessary know1edge of the laws of Is1am is among ~ -а. the major obligations ироп every mus1im. Непсе, every muslim is ~O ~ commanded~ t? acquire it and to .teach it to others. In this regard . ~. Rasulullah ~ lS reported to have sa1d: ~ о:}. 1. "Convey (ту teachings to others) from те even if it Ье а ~ ~. гпеге verse." (В ukh а ry) g ~ 2. Не a1so said: "Whosoever walks in а path wherein he seeks ~ 1li: to ac.quireknowledge, .for him will Allah make easy the path ~ ~. lеаdшg towards рагафзе." (Muslim) ~ ~ ~ ~r 3. And Rasu1ul1ah ~ also said: 'Whosoever Al1ah wishes to ~ ~l favour with His bount~,' to him Не grants the deep t о} uпdеrstапdшg ofthe deen. (Bukhary, Muslim) е

    З 4. Не also said: "Verily the lПата are the heirs of the prophets. ~ ~~ The prophets did not leave behind wea1th to Ье inherited. ~ ~ They опlу left knowledge to Ье inherited. So whoever takes ~ ;t it has taken а major share of goodness." {: ~ (Ahmad, Тirmithi, АЬи Dawood, lbn Majal1, Daarmy) ~

    ~~ 5. And he said: "То seek know1edge is а duty encumbent ироп ~ °L~f everyMus1im." (lbn Majah) ~

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    ~6. Rasulullah $ also said: "When апуопе to whom knowledge ~ has Ьееп granted is asked about it and refuses to answer, 'я' then оп the day ofqiyamat he shall Ье made to Ье garlanded ~ ~ with а garland offire." ~

    ~ 7. And Rasulullah ~ said: "Whosoever seeks knowledge ~i ~through which he seeks the pleasure of Allah and uses that t knowledge with the aim of acquiring some worldly needs, S " such а person :vi11 not ~yen smell the fragrance of paradise ~ ~ оп the day of qlya~ah. .. (Ahmad, АЬи Dawood, Ibl~ ~ajah) {:

    :s 8. And Rasulullah ~ вак]: "Leam the laws реrtашшg to ~ Е inheritance and the Quran and teach it to реорlе for verily 1 ~ ~ shall Ье taken away from this world." (Тirmithi) :5 ~ 1 seek refuge in Al1ah from the accursed Shaytaan. '* ~ Allah says in the Quran: "ls he who worships Allah eamestly ~ ~ during the hours ofthe night, prostrating himselfbefore Him or standing {: ~ in worship, and takes heed ofthe hereafter, while placing his hope in the ~ -а- гпегсу of the Lord. Is this person like him who does not? Say: "Аге ~O ~ those endowed with knowledge the equal ofthose without knowledge? я' It is ошу those endowed with understanding, who receive admonition." i (Surah 34) i i i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I i ~ ~ ~ iS g L~,,~~fi lI)~fi:j

  • O~~~~~~~~O~,

    I tbah : 2 о оii~


    Е АН praises Ье to Allah, the Al1-Knower, the Aware, Who brougl1t ~ ~ to perfection the Universal system ofnature without апу helper. Glory :;,fI Ье to Al1ah, Whose wisdom is overwhelming and His knowledge is * ~ great and Whose favours аге extended to everything, smal1 or big. We ~ ~ bear witness that there is попе worthy of worship except Al1ah аlопе, 8 ~ without апу раппет or associate in creation, not еуеп to the extent of ~ t; the creation of а spot оп а date or the skin covering it. And we bear % :} witness that Sayeduna Muhammad ,~ is Allah's servant and messenger, ~ ~ \vho guided us aright through ап enlightened book, and who invited us :;,fI towards Al1ahthrough wamings and glad tidings. Мау Al1ah'schoicest % ~ blessings Ье ироп him and ироп his offspring and his companion for as ~ g10ng as the stars shall continue to travel in their orbits. After this, О 8 ~ brothers, know that the synopsis ofthe beliefs ofthe Ahlis sunnah wal ~ ~ jamaah is contained in the two kalimahs of Shahaadah and these ~ ~ kalimahs аге опе of the fundamental principles ofIslam. "

    ~ The meaning ofthe first kalimah is that Allah, the Most Exa1ted i ~ is the creator ofthis world. Не is the Опе, the Unique, the Etemal, the ~ :} Ever living, the Powerful,the Al1-knowing, the Неагег, the All-seeing, {t ~ the Thankful, the Intender, the Recorder ofаН fate, Who is ful1yaware ~ ~ ofcverythiog. No опе апс oothiog is like Him anд oothing НеБ outside ~ ~ His knowledge ог His power. Не is the Creator and the Granter of ~ ~ sustenance, the Granter of life and of death. То Him belongs the most {: ~ beautiful names and Не is the Mighty and the Wise.&

    ~ ~ ~ And the meaning of the second part of the kalimah is that ~ ~ Muhammad ~ is his servant and messenger and that he is most truthful ~ ~ in аН the news and information that he brought and also in the laws. It Ъ ~ also means that the Quran, which he brought is the Word ofAl1ah. АН ~ ~ the books revealed to previous prophets, аН the previous prophets and -% ~ the angels ofAl1ahаге the truth and that the ascension ofRasulullah.~ ~

    ~. to the heavens. is ,Ье truth anд БО is the miracles of'ЬС OW!iY".. ~•

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  • ~o~~~~~~~~o~;;t And аl1 the companions of Rasulul1ah ~ are гпеп of justice and the r;

    е5 most excel1entofthem аге those fourrightly-guided Califs in the saтe ~ ~ тanner that they succeeded each other to the office of khilafat...And '& 'О> the questioning in the grave Ьу the angels is also true. The rising from ~O

    the grave is true and so also is the weighing ofthe deeds ofmen оп the о оЕ~ scales оп the day ofqiyaamah. The Book ofdeeds is true and calling of ~ '& men to account оп the day ofqiyamah is true. And so also the апivаl of '* f; the successful ones at the howz is true and as wel1 as their having to ~ ~O pass over the sirat. The intercession ofRasulul1ah ~ оп behalf ofthe 8

    sinners ofhis uттat is also true. The fact that the righteous ones wil1 ~~ ~ see Al1ah is also true. The existence ofparadise and ofhel1 is also true. * :} These two places wi11 Ье everlasting and wi11 never perish and neither еi wil1their inrnates perish. ~ ~ 1 seek refuge in Al1ah from the accursed Shaytaan. g i Allah says: "О уоu who believe, believe in Allah and His ~

    Messenger ~ and the Book which Не revealed upon His prophet and i ~ the Books which Не revealed before them. And whosoever disbelieves 'о> in Allah, His angels, His prophets and the day of qiyaamah, he has оgverily gone far astray." ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ! ~ i ~ ~ ~ g ~ L~~cw~", 13 Ii)~~~~

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    ~ Itbah: 3 S Е СОNСЕRNlNGАСQШRINGСОМРLЕТЕ ig !РПRIТУ AND CLEANLINESS ~ А1l praises Ье to Allah, Who acts gracious1y towards His servants i' ~ and has commanded them that they worship Him in а state ofcomplete ~ ~ cleanliness, and spreads over their hearts His lights and His grace that ~ ~ it тау Ье а cleanser for their inner selves. And we bear witness that {: ~ there is по опе worthy of worship except Allah аюпе, without апу ~ ~ partner or associate. And we bear witness that Sayeduna Muhammad * ~ ~ is His servant and messenger, who covered the comers ofthis world ~ ~ with the light ofguidance. Мау Allah's choicest blessings descend ироп i' ~ him, his поЫе offspring, his righteous companions. Such а blessing that ~ {: wi11 оп the great day of fear save us. And such а blessing that wi11 erect ;, ~ а shield between us and every clamity. ~

    .% 1. Verily Rasulullah.~ said: "Clean1iness is halfofone's Imaan". ~ i ~~i ~ 2. Не a1sosaid: "Verily ту followerS wi11 Ье called оп the day of t О Qiyaamat whi1e their faces and feet wi11 Ье shining with the ~o.

    signs of the effect of wudoo. So whoever amongst уои has о оЕ~ the ability to increase his shine (and lengthen it), let him do ~ ~ so." (Bukhary, Muslim) :S ~ 3. Не also said: ''Тhе adomments оп the body of а Muslim wi11 '& ~ reach as far as the water of wudoo reached." Не also said: ~ ~ "The key to paradise is salaah and the key to the salaah is ~ ~ wudoo." (Ahmad) ~

    :} 4. Rasulullah ~ also wamed that whoever leaves а spot the е З. size of а single hair ипс1еап without washing it, wi11 suffer ~ § such and such afflictions in hell- fire." ~ ~ 5. And while passing Ьу two graves опее Rasulullah ~ ~ Е informed the companions that the inmates of those graves ~ ~ were in torment "and they were not being punished for о :} something very big. Onе ofthem was not very carefu1 against ! L

    the drop1ets ofuri~e he w.as passing and the other опе used 00 , to go about sрrеаdшg stопеs about реорlе." (Muslim)

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    r6. And Ье also said: "When уоu reach the places where уоu ~ ьиш уош toiletry needs, do not [асе the qibJah and do not sit {: ~ there with your back to the qiblah". ~

    !~ i~ 1 seek refuge in АllаЬ погп 'Ье accursed Shaytaan. i "As for the (masjid-e-diraar) never stand therein in prayer. ТЬе 'S ~ masjid whose foundations has Ьееп laid uроп the fear ofА]]аЬ fют the 8 :J! beginning is more suitabJe that уоu stand in it. Therin аге теп who love ~ ~ to cleanse themselves. And А]]аЬ loves those who purify themselves." у: :} (Surah Towbah) ~

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    , Itbah: 4 ~ о


    g~ А11 praises Ье to АНаЬ Who showers His servants with His ~ Q; bounties And Who causes the en1ightenment of His deen and its " ~ obligations to sett1e in their hearts. And аН glory to Ье Him, how great is '* ~ Нis authority! And powerfu1 is His sovereignty. How perfect His grace ~ ~~ and how all-encompassing His bounties and favours.We bear witness ~ ~ that there is по опе worthy of worship except АНаЬ а1опе, without ft. ~ partner or associate and we bear witness that Sayeduna Muhammad ~ о) ~ is His servant and messenger.? Мау the choicest blessings of АНаЬ ~ ~ descend uроп him, and his offspring, and his companions, who are the " ~ key-men towards guidance and the shining 1amps in the depths of '* j darkness. ~ ~ о muslims, Veri1y the sa1aahis the very foundation ofdeen. It is {: ~~ а strongho1d offaith, and the most important acts ofworship whereby ~ ~ to draw nearer to АllаЬ and it is a1so the best among the acts of ~ ~ obedience towards АllаЬ. ~

    f ~ g ~i 1. Rasu1ullah ~ has said: "Is1amis bui1tuроп five pillars: i) the ~ o~ bearing of wi:?:ss t~at there is по god except ~llаЬ and t~at :S~. ~ Muhammad ~ lS Нзв servant and messenger, 11) реrfоrmшg ~ о ~ Sa1aah,iii) the paying ofzakaah, iv) performing ofhaj, and v) .{: ~ the fast of Ramadaan." (Bukhary, Musliт) & ~~ ~ g е ~~ 2. Не a1so said: "АllаЬ has made five sa1aahscompu1sory uроп ..~O ~ уоu. Whosoever performs ргорег ablution for them and :в ~ performs them punctually, proper1yperforming the rukoo' and 'f1 ~S with proper devotion and sincerity, will have а covenant ftom 8 ~ АНаЬ that Не will forgive them. And whosoever does not so ~

    'I) so, has по such covenant. IfАllаЬ so wishes, Не mау forgive ~o f them and ifHe wishes, Не mау punish them." о' оЕ ~~ (Ahтad, АЬи Dawood) ! ~~O~~~(8 19 j}~~~O~~

  • I)~O~~~~~~~~O~~

    ~3. Не also said: "1 swear Ьу Him in whose Hand is ту life: 1 ~ intended to order that wood should Ье brought and to give the ~ ~ order that salaah should Ье performed and that the azaan ~ О should Ье given and then order а person to lead the people in ~O

    salaah. Then 1wanted to proceed to the houses ofthose who о оЕ~ remained absent from the salaah and burn down their houses ~ '& upon them." ~

    i i ~ ~i 1 seek refuge in AlIah 1Iort,·the accursed Shaytaan. ~ ~ Аllау says: "And perform salaah at the ends of the day and ~ ~. during the approaches of the night. Verily good deeds removes evil ~ ~ deeds. This is ап admonition for those who гететЬег Al1ah." ~

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ !g g i ~ i ~ Е ~ g ~ з ~ i i ~ i Е ~

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  • O~~~~~~~~O~,

    I tb ah : 5 ri~


    о о g Аll praises is due to Allah, Who grants good fortune and '~ ~ misfortune, Who causes death and gives life, Who causes laughter and " ~ causes опе to cry, Who originates and creates and destroys, Who grants %' ~ poverty and riches. Не is the Опе Who causes harm to соте to апуопе ~ ~ and causes gain and benefit to others. And Не is the Опе Who chooses 8 ~ some of His servants for comfortable conditions and riches And then ~ '!1 Не has made the institutions ofzakaah опе ofthe principles ofthe deen 16 :} and опе of its fundamentals. And Не has explained that through His ~ Q grace those who desire to purify themselves through giving zakaah. " ~ And those who desire to cleanse their wealth do so Ьу giving zakaah. -% ~ 1bear witness that there is п.опе worthy of,,:orship except AHah Е ~ alone without~~y раппет or аввостате and 1bear w1tness that Sayeduna {: ~ Muhammad ~ 1S Allah's вегуапт and messenger, the chosen опе, the ~ O leader of аН mankind, the sun of hidaayah. Мау Allah's choicest ~

    ~ blessings Ье оп him, his family and his companions, those who аге (. . especially blessed with the special qualities ofknowledge and piety. ~ о о

    fj, О muslims, know that Allah has declared zakaah to Ье опе ofthe ~ З,' fundamentals ofIslam and Не has mentioned itjointly with salaah, which :$ ~ is the most important of these fundamentals. And so Не says: "And ~ ~~ perform the salaah and give zakaah." S ~I i ~: 1. And Rasulullah ~ has вак]: "Islam 1S founded uроп five ~ ~: principles (firstly) the declaration "that there is попе worthy ~ о

    ~ of worship except Allah and that Muhammad ii is His t} -е. messenger, (secondly) the establishment ofthe institution of ~ R;f salaah, (thirdly) the giving of zakaah, (fourthly) to perform ~ ~ Haj and (fifth1y) fasting the month of Ramadaan." And !{ ~r Rasulullah ~ has sounded а severe waming to апуопе who i ~t is negligent in the performance of апу of these. .% ~ ~

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    r2. Rasulullah ~also said: "WhomsoeveI Allah has given wea1th ~ and he fails to give the zakaah dlle оп that wealth, then оп the {: ~ day of qiyaamat that wealth will Ьееоте а huge роisопоus ~ ~ snake with two blaek spots, whieh will wгap itself around his -* ~ neek апd then get hold ofhim Ьу its ja\vs and say to him: "1 ~ f: ат уоuг wealth, 1 ат уоuг treasure." Then Rasulullah ~ ~ ~ геспеё this verse: "And тпове who aets miserly with the % ;g bounties which Allah had given them should not think that it (j.g is good for them. No, it will Ье worse for them. Оп the day of 8 ~ qiyaamat that whieh they with held will Ье twisted around ft.g theirneeks." (3:180) -g ~ 3. Rasulullah ~ опее told а тап: "Уоu should take out zakaah ~ % from уоur possessions beeause it is а purity, whieh purifies ~ " уоu and eause good relations to соте about between yourself ~ ~ and уоuг close relatives and уоu will know the rights of the {:! роог, the neighbour апс the Ьеввзr." . (ra'gheeb) I :} 1 seek refuge in Allah from the aceursed Shaytaan. ~oo ~o~

    Э Аllау says: "And establish salaah and give zakaah and bow down ~~: with those who bow down (before Allah).

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  • O~~~~~~~~O~,

    I tbah : 6 о оfi~

    i HOLDINGFIRМLYUNTOTHEQUR'AN ~ ~ ANDIТSТЕАСШNGS g ~ All praises Ье to Allah, Who has favoured His se.rvants Ьу :;, ~ sending to them His Messenger Muhammad ~ and has also favoured ~ ~ them Ьу sending to them His revealed Book, whereby Не has opened ~ ~ the way towards reflection for теn of intellect, throu.gh what is {: ~ contained in it of stories and infоrmаtiоп. And through this book the ~ ~ road towards the соттест way of life Ьесате clear and so also the -% :} straight path Ьесате manifest through what it contains of rules and ~ ~ regulations. And distinguishes between what is permissible and what is :;, ~ пот. We Ьеаг witness tha' thcre is по отлег deity worthOf.W.orship ~ ~ except Al1ah alone without аnу раппет or associate and we bear ~ ~ witness that Sayeduna Muhammad ~ is the servant an..d messenger of ~ ~ Allah, the оnе оп whom was revealed the Furquan so that it тау Ье а ~ ~ warner for the whole world. Мау Allah's choicest blessings Ье цроп i ~ Ьпп, his [атilу and аН his companions, who were admonished Ьу the , ~ Qur'an and admonished others with it. ~

    ~ 1. After this, О muslims Rasulullah ~ has said: "The best of ~ ;,; уои is he who leams 'he Quran and 'hen теаслев i' (то S ~ others)." ~

    i ~ i 2. Rasulullah ~ also said: "А person who had Ьееn devoted to ~ Е reciting the Quran will Ье told: Recite the Qur'an and Ье ! ~ raised in rank thereby, and read as уои had Ьееn used to read '6 ~ it in the world, because your rank in the hereafter will Ье :t ~ determined Ьу the last verse that уои recite." ~ ~ (Ahmad, Тirmithi, Nasai. АЬи Dawood) ;

    ~. ~ ~ 3. Rasulullah ~ also said: "That person in whose heart there is -% :} по portion ofthe Qur'an is like а ruined house." ~ ~ (Тirmithi. Daarmy) ~

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    4. Rasulullah ~ said: "Whosoever recites опе letter of the 00 Qura'n for him shall Ье опе blessing (in reward) and cvery оо ~ blessing shall Ье magnified ten times." (Тinnithi, Daarmy) ~

    S s

    i 5. Rasulullah ~ also said: "Whoever recites the Qura'n and ~ ~ memorises it and acts ироп that which it makes halaal and ~ ~ with holds himself from what has Ьееп made haraam for ~ ~ him, him will Allah enter into paradise and grant him ~ ~ permission to intercede оп behalf of ten persons from his .% :1 familyofthose who are alreadydestined to enter jahannam." ~ ~ (Ibn Majah, АЬи Dawood) ~

    i 1 seek refuge in Allah from Shaytaan the rejected опе. g Е ~ O ~

    Allah says: "1take ап oath Ьу the orbital positions of the stars. ,~ And that is indeed а mighty oath ifyou only knew it. This is indeed а ~iо fj. Qur'an, most honourable in а Book well guarded. None shall touch it ~

    exceptthose who аге сlеan and рцге." . ~

    i s ~ i ~ ~ i i

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    I tbah : 7 fi~


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    Е Аll praises аге due to Allah Whose compassion is аll inclusive ~ ~ and Whose mercy covers аll and Who rewards His servants for their :} ~ remembrance of Him with His remembrance. And Не says: Яr ~ "Remember Ме and 1will remember уоu." And Не has ordered them ~" and encourages them to ask ofHim. And Не says: "Ask ofMe and 1 ~

    will answer уоu." And thus Не has made the obedient ones and the sinners, ~i~ and the good hearted ones and the wicked ones 10desire а granting oftheir ~ :} needs and their hopes as Не tells them in his further statement: "Verily1am ~ ~ nearby and 1answer the саН ofhim who begs ofMe." :}

    ~ We bear witness that there is по others being worthy ofworship ~~ except Allah alone without апу раппет ог associate and we bear о· оi~ witness that Sayeduna Muhammad ~ is Allah's servant and messenger, ~ ~ the leader ofthe prophets. Мау Allah's choicest blessings descend uроп ", O him, and his family and his companions, who were the best ofthe chosen ~

    ~ ones.Кnow О, brothers and sisters! Verily the remembrance of Allah , and to beg ofНim the fulfilment ofour needs through du'aa is the best ~ # forms ofworship, which сап Ье delivered wit.h the tongue, second only t :} to the recitation of the Quran. {t

    i _ ~ w 1. Verily Rasulullah ~ has said: "Whenever а group ofpeople 'fY3 sit together remembering Allah through zikrullah, the angels 8 ~ surround their gathering and Allah's mercy covers them while ~

    i tranquility descends uроп them and Allah remembers them ~ in the assembly ofthose who are with Him." Iо

    2. And Rasu1ul1ah JIj, said: "Тhe example ofthat person who Iо

    " remembers Allah and the опе who does not is as the ехатрlе ; Е ofа living person and а dead person." (Bukhary, Musliт) i о о

    E 3. Rasulullah ~ also said: "Du'aa is the very essenc:Je1

    of ~ worship." (Тirтithi, IЬn Majah)

    ~~O~~~(W 31 ~~~~O~O

  • ~O~~~~~~~~O~~ 4. ~d Rasulullah ~ said: "There is noth~ng more noble in the R~ Slght of Allah than to make Du'aa to Нlт." (Tirтithi) {:

    %~ ~ ~~ 5. Не also said: "Verily Du'aa is ofbenefit to уоu in those cases ~ ~ pertaining to what Не sends down (of calamities) and with :$ l.~ regard to that which Не does not cause to descend. О ~ ~~ servants of Allah continue steadfastly to make Du'aa. 'S ~ (Tirтitbl) ~

    ~~ 6. Rasulullah ~ also said: "Whoever does not make Du'aa to i ~ Allah, Allah becomes displeased with Ьпп." ~

    ~ ~ IJ. 1 seek refuge in Allah from Shaytaan the rejected опе. ~

    i ~ 1 ~t Allah says: "О уоu who Ьейесе, remember Allah abundantly and ~ ~ glorify Him in the momings and the evenings." 1: ~ ~ g ~ ! ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ t ~ е

    i ~ ~ ~ ~~ i ~ ~ ~ ~

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  • ~~о~~~-tW~~~~о~,

    ~~t"ttbah : 8 ~ о

    R РЕRFОRNПNGVОLUNТARУАСТSОF ~ ~ RIGHTEOUSNESSBYDAY ANDВУ NIGHT $ ~~ All praise is due to Allah abundant1y for all His favours and :;, ~ blessings And we remember Him in such а way that leaves по sign of * ,.- pride in our hearts and по aversion. And we thank Allah, Who has ~ ~ made the night and the day to follow each other вошаг the person who iOО ~ wishes тау remember Him and express gratitude towards Him. Eо о ~ And we bear witness that there is по опе worthy of worship ;г; ~ e~cept Allah аюпе without апу p~r~er or associate and we bear g ~ wltness that Sayeduna Muhammad ~ тв the servant and messenger of ~ ~ Allah whom Не has sent with the truth as а bringer ofgood news and а ~ ~ warner to all mankind. Мау Allah's choicest blessings descend ироп ~ ~~ him, his family and поЫе companions who strove their utmost in the {: :~ worship ofAllah in the mornings and the evenings until such time that ~ 1i each опе of them Ьесате а guide and а shining lатр in the darkness. 1:

    i 1. О brothers and втвтегв, verily Ra,ulullah !!I. has said: "Verily i ~ Allah says: Му servant will continue to draw nearer to Ме {t ~ through voluntary deeds ofrighteousness until such time that ~ ~ 1wil1start loving him." ~

    ~ ~ ~ 2. Rasulullah .~ said: "1 exhort уои towards standing ир in ~ I~ voluntary prayers Ьу night, for this is the practice of the ~ ~ righteous ones before уои and is for уои а means ofdrawing о о

    ~ near to yo~r Lord: It is ~lso ап atonement for your sins and а ~ ~ strепgthешпg аgашst SШS." (Тirmithi) ~

    1· I i 3. Не .1'0 ,aid: "О ,ervant ofАllаЬ, Ье not like 50 -and- ,о, who iS used to stand in worship Ьу night but has now left it." ~ ! (Вuklюry. MUS/.'iтт)) о~~~O~~~~ 35 n~~O~~

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    ~ 4. Rasulullah ~ also said: "Verily this deen is easy and w~~:~ ~ o~ person makes it difficult upon himselfhe will Ье overcome Ьу ~ ~ it. Hence Ье moderate (in уоu affairs), seek Allah's nearness ~ ~ and Ье happy and seek assistance Ьу worshipping Allah in ~ tt) the mornings and the evenings and during а part of the ~ ~ darknessofnight." (Вияпаку) ~

    i . ~ ~ ~ ~ 5. Rasulullah ~ also said: "Whoever was unable to recite his ~ ~. section ofthe Qura'n bynight and recites itbetween Fajr and .% ~ Zuhr, it will Ье written down as if it was recited Ьу night." ~

    I ~~B i ~ ~ ~~~ 1 seek refuge in Allah from Shaytaan the rejected оnе.

    ~ ~ ~ ! g Allah says: "Remember your Lord within yourself with g ~ humbleness and fear in а low voice in the morning and the evening and ~ ~ Ье not of the neglectful ones." ~

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ! I ii ~ i ~ g ~

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  • O~~~~~~~~O~,

    I tbah : 9 о оfi~


    Е Аll praise to АllаЬ, Who has excellently planned the affairs of ~ f;t this Universe, and Не created these heavens and the earth. And Не ~ .g, sends down sweet waters from the clouds, and through this water ~ ~ causes grains and plants to flourish, And Не is the оnе Who decrees ~ , the sustenance of His creatures and their nourishment needs. And Ье ~ ~ has preserved the strength of living being through edibles and Не has ~ ~ assisted them in the performance of deeds of obedience and deeds of ~ :} righteousness through the eating ofgood foods. е

    i ~ We bear witness that there is попе worthy of worship except ~

    АllаЬ alone, without an~ p.artneror associate and we bear witness that i Sayeduna Muhammad ~ IS the servant and messenger of АllаЬ, who

    :о :о

    ~ was assisted in his mission through shining miracles. Мау Allah's {: ~ choicest blessings descend uроn Ьпп, his family and his companions, ~ ~ such blessings that wi1l continue to descend throughout the coming of ~ ~ time and will continue to Ье doubled with the passing ofevery hour. t i i t: 1. О brothers and sisters, abstinence in this world does not теan " ~ making haraam uроn yourselfthe permissible things and also :S ~ does not теаn the destruction of halaal wealth. No true W ~ abstinence means to Ьауе more faith and reliance оп that 8 ~ which is with АllаЬ than оп that which is with уоu. ~

    I 2. Rasulullah!!j, ваув: "ЛЬrееl "'" Ьав inspired into ту heart ! ~ that по soul shall die until such time that it had received its full :s ;г: decreed sustenance. So Ье fearful of АllаЬ and Ье moderate ~! in your search after sustenance and do not allow the delay in 8 ~ the атуаl of sustenance to cause уои to resort to sinful ~ О means to aCQUi.re it. Verily the bounties of .t,11ah are only !О

    obtained through obedience towards His ways. :о :оЕ~ ' (Shar-h.us Sunnah. Ваilшqi) ~

    ~~O~~~(8 39 8)~~O~~

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    3. It is reported from Ibn Abbaas ~ that а тап сате to ~ Rasulullah ~ and said: "О messenger of Allah, when 1 eat {: ~ meat, 1Ьесоте fat and so 1 have made it haraam оп myself. ~ ~ Thereupon Allah revealed the verse: "О уои who believe do ~ :1 not make prohibited upon yourselfthe good things, and do not ~ Q ехсееd h lmlts........" ~~ t е 1·· . ~

    i i i i ~ 4. And Rasulullah ~ said: "The person who receives ~i sustenance and is grateful is in the same category as the g ~ fasting person who is patient." ~

    I~ ~j1 scckrefugc in Allah from Shaytaan thc rejcctcd опе, О О

    ~ Allah says: "And do not fabricate falsehood with your tongues 1: ~ Ьу saying: 'Тhis is lawful and that is forbidden, contradicting the law of ,%' Allah. Verily those who fabricate lies against Allah will never Ье ~ ~ successful. 11 ~

    i i j ~ Е ~ ~ ~ i ~ i i Е i

    S ~ L~"~~R 41 n~~J

  • O~~~~~~~~O~,

    I tbah : 10 о оJi~


    Е Аll praise to АllаЬ, Who created тап from water and then ! ~ granted him blood relationships and relationships through marriage. And ~ ~ Не has granted тan and аll creatures the inclination (towards the я! ~ opposite sex), which forces them towards procreation and through that ~ ~ system has overseen the continuation of their species. And Не has ~ ~ honoured the question oftheir lineage and granted respect to it. And Не {: ~ Ьав prohibited fomication and adultery and greatly emphasized its i ~ ugliness through rebuke and censure. And Не has greatly encouraged ~ ~ t:he entering into тапiаgе, Ьу praising it as being ап act of merit and ~ ~ commanded it. ~i We bear. witness that there is по опе worthy of wors~ip except i 1} АllаЬ alone, wlthout апу' p.artn~r or associate and we bear wltness that {: ~ Sayeduna Мцпапппас ~ IS H1S servant and messenger, whom Ье has ~ O sent as а wamer and а bringer of glad tidings. Мау Allah's choicest 10'

    ~ blessings and greetings descend uроп him and his offspring and his сотпрапюпв in such abundance and in uncountable number. I Verily АllаЬ says: "{О Muhammad !II>} We муе indeed sent i ~ prophets before уои and granted to them wives and offspring." :1

    ~ ~ ~ 1. Rasulullah ~ said: "О young теп (ofIslam), whosoever of {: ~ уоu possesses the means to get married, let him get тапiеd. ~ ~ This is the best way of safeguarding your gazes and а great е ~ protection for your private parts. And whosoever does not 6 ~ poss~ss,~he means let him fast, for that мll Ье а protection :1 ~ for ы1.. . (Bukhary, Muslim) ~

    Е i

    о о'! 2. Rasulullah ~ also said: "Тhe marriage tOOt holds the greatest ~ ~ blessings is the опе in which the expenses are least."(Baihaqz)' ~

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    r3. And Rasulullah ~ said: "When there сотпев to уои а оо proposal from someone of whose piety and character уои Ъ Е approve, then let him тапу for ifyou do not do so, there will ~ ~ Ье тисЬ сопuрtiоп and evil." g ~ ~ %' 4. And Rasulullah ~ said: "When а child is Ьот to апуопе, he S ~ should Ье given а good пате and Ье taught good manners. ~ ~ And when he becomes ап adult, let him get тапiеd, because ~ !1 if that child becomes of mature age and not тапiеd as а * :} result of which he commits а sin, the father will Ье held ~ ; responsible for that sin." (Baihaqi) ~

    i i ~ ~ я! 1 seek refuge in Al1ah from Shaytaan the rejected опе. ~ о о

    ~ Al1ah зауз in 'Ье Оцгап: "Мапу thoseamongуои who аге single I ~ and unтапiеd or the virtuous ones from among your slaves, male or ~ (;; female; if they аге in poverty, Al1ah will give them means out of HlS :$ ~ grace, for Allah encompasses аН and Не knows аН things." ~

    i i ~ ~ ~ ~ ! ~ ~ ~ Е i

    S ~ L~~~45~~~~

  • O~~~~~~~~O~,.Itbah: 11 о оfi~

    Е ONEARNINGALIVINGANDEМPLOYМENT ~ ~ % ~; Аll praises are due to Allah. We praise Him the praise of опе .~ Q: who believes in the One-ness of Allah, Such а belief that destroys the ~ ~ worship of апуопе besides Him. And we glorify Him, in such а '* ~ glorification whereby we emphatically declare that everything besides (1~ Allah is useless, and not to Ье feared. We thank Him for having raised 8 ~r the heavens as а сап ору аооуе His servants and for having laid down ft. ~ the earth as а carpet and а bedding for them. And Не has made the .% :} night to follow the day and has made the night as а covering and has ~ ~ created the day as а means of eaming sustenance.We bear witness :;, ~ that there is по other being worthy of worship except Allah alone, % ~ without апу раппет or associate. And we bear witness that our master (1~ Muhammad.~ is Allah's servant and messenger, from whose fountain ~ ~ the believers will go away having completely quenched their thirst after ~ ~ having arrived there thirsty for а drink. Мау Al1ah's choicest blessings .а:~, Ье uроп him, his family and his companions, who did not leave aside апу ~ ~~ effort ог energy for the sake ofhelping the deen ofIslam. ~ ~ 1. О muslims, Rasulul1ah ~ has said: "Verily the acquisition of %' ~ halaal eamings is а compulsory duty ироп every muslim after {ti . ~the other compulsory duties." (Baihaqi)i 2. RasuJul1ah!i1! a1so said: "None ofyou has ever еатеп а bctter i ~ meal than that which he eamed with his hands. (Bukhary) ~

    f ~ ~ 3. Rasulul1ah .. aJso said: "Тhe honest and trustworthy trader :S IJ. and merchant shal1Ье raised ир with the prophets, the truthful ~i Sones, and the martyrs." (Тiпnithi, Daarmy, IЬn Majah) i 4. Rasulullah.~ also said: "Nabi Moosa ~\ hired himselfout in .~ ~ employment for а period of 8 to 1О years for the sake of ~ °L'6 keeping his private parts chaste and for acquiring food:Jand~

    • for stomach." (Ahmad, IЬn Majah) , O~OМ}~~.(8 47 i}~~~O~

  • O~~~~~~~~O~~


    5. Rasulullah ~ also told а person to go and cut wood and to ~ sell it and told him: "that is better for уои than that уои should Ъ .9.! арреаг оп the day of qiyaamat with your [асе scarred due to ~ f1 begging." (АЬu Dmvood, lЬn Maja11) % ~ Yes it is permissible for that person who is strong and self ~ ~ sufficient to leave aside the earning of а livelihood оп Р ~ condition that Ье does not neglect апу ofhis responsibilities. ~ ~ It has Ьееп reported that there used to Ье two brothers during ~ ~ the time of Rasulullah ~. Опе of them used to present himself to the {:

    ~ presence of Rasulullah ~ at all times while the other опе used to Ье ~ ~ busy in his profession, earning а living. This second brother опсе ~ (;: complained to Rasulullah ~ about his brother to which Rasulullah.~ ~ ~ said in reply: "Perhaps уои are receiving your sustenance through the ~ ~ acts committed Ьу him." - i ~ ~ ~ 1 seek refuge in Allah from Shaytaan the rejected опе, ~

    ~ ~ ~ АllаЬ says in the Quran: "And when the Friday ргауег has Ьееп i ~ performed, then spread forth in the land, seeking Allah's bounty. And % :, remember Allah abundantly that уои тау Ье successful." {t

    i ~ ~ ~ Е i ~ ~ i ~ i s ~ i

    S ~ L~~~~ 49 8}~~~~

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    ! Itbah: 12 S i ON AВSTAININGFROM EARNING iS ~НARAAМEARNINGS f;; All praises to Allah, Who has created тап пот а sticky clay ~ ~ and then forтed тап in the best forт and with the perfect nature. ~ ~ Thereafter тап was nourished with рше milk that was palatable, ~ ~ produced from between excreta and blood (in the bodies of catt1e)and ~ ~ yet is like cold water. Allah then protected тап Ьу what Не granted ~ '!;. Ьпп of pure riziq as а protection against weakness and exhaustion. ;г: :} And Не then commanded him to always look for permissible ~ ~ sustenance. We bear witness that there is попе worthy of worship ~ ~ e~cept Allah alone, without аnу pa~~r ог associate. And we bear 'S~ W1tness that Sayeduna Muhaттad ~ 1S Allah's chosen servant and ~ ~ messenger, the опе who guides us from going astray. Мау Allah's {::! спотсеыblessings descend ироn hiт, his offspring and his companions, ~ ~who were the best of offspring and the best of companions. ~

    ~ J g ~ i 1. Thereafter, О musliтs, Rasulullah ~ said: "VerilyAllah has ~ ~ prohibited the sale ofliquor, the bodies ofdead animals (who ~ ~ died oftheir own accord), swine and idols."(Bukhary, Muslim) ~

    ~ s ~ 2. Rasulullah ~ also said: "The traders and merchants wi1l Ье W :} brought forth оп the day of qiyaamat as evildoers, except е . ~ those who feared Allah, worked righteousness and were ~t Itrustworthy." (Л,mitЫ. Пт Majah, Пааппу, Baihaqi) ~ 3. Rasulullah ~ has cursed the person who takes interest, the i ~ оnе who gives interest, the оnе who writes down the о' :} ~

    transaction in which interest is involved and the witnesses to ~ the contract." (Muslim) !

    ~~O~~~{8 51 j}~~~O~~

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    4. Rasulullah ~ also said: "When а person sel1s something :~~c~ irоо is faulty without informing the buyer of the fault, such а {:Е person wil1remain in the anger of Allah and the angels wil1 -&g continue to curse him." (Ibn MajahJ g ~ 5. Rasulullah ~ said: "Whosoever unjustly and dishonestly ~ % usurps а piece ofland the size ofthe span of опе hand, then 'S ~ оп the day ofqiyaamat seven earths wil1 Ье entangled around ~ ~ his neck." . (Bukhmy, Muslim) i '!1 6. It is reported that Rasulullah ~ has cursed the опе who gives -% :} а bribe and the опе who accepts а bribe as well as the опе ~ ~ who acts а go-between between the two of them." ~

    ~ (Ahmad, Baihaqi) '* ~ 7. Rasulullah ~ also said: "Do not deceitfully increase the price ~ ~ of ап article at ап auction and do not in the sale of animals, {:.% [еауе the udders of camels and cows unmilked, thereby to ~ "ii deceive the buyers." (Bukhary, Muslim) ~ ~ 8. Rasul~,l1ah ~ also said: "Whosoever deceives (others) is not t ~ ofme. ~

    ~~ 1 seek refuge in Allah from Shaytaan the rejected опе. ~ ~

    ~ АllаЬ says: "О уои who Ьейеее, do по! еат your ргорепуamong ~ ~ yourselves Ьу false and dishonest means, except lf it Ье among уоur ~ 'S dealings and trade Ьу mutual goodwil1. And do not destroy yourselves, ~ ~ Ьу engaging in prohibited activities. Verily Allah has always Ьееп most е

    З merciful to уои." ~

    ~ ~ Е ig g L~.~;t:'N~~ j)~~o~~53

  • · ~~О~~~~~~~~О~,


    ~ АН praises аге due to Allah, Who has overwhe1med the chosen а ~ ones from among his servants with His grace and favours. And Не has ~ f}. caused [оме and brotherhood to соте to exist between their hearts and % ~ through that has caused them to Ьесоте brothers and sisters, through ~ ~ His grace. And Не has removed from their hearts аll гпайсе and thereby 8 ~ caused them to Ье friends and confidants in this world and in the ft. '!; l1ereafter they wil1 Ье even сювег friends and mates. * ~ We bear witness that there is попе worthy of worship except ~ ~ AHah alone, without any_p~rtner or associate and we bear witness that ~ %Sayeduna Muhammad ~ lS H1S servant and messenger. Мау Allah's ~ ~ choicest blessings Ье ироп Ыт and his offspring and his companions аН ~ ~ those who foHowed his path in word and deed and in actions ofJustice f;: ~ and righteousness. ~

    ~ о muslims, know that to observe the rights ofothers, the ordinary 1: ~ ones as well as the special ones among them is опе of the greatest , ~ deeds whereby опе draws пеаг to Allah. And the carefu1 consideration fJ. ~ ofthese rights is something which purifies аН brotherhood and friendship ~8[roт аl1 impurities. And ABah and His Rasul has encouraged us to\vards g ~ that. ~

    ~ Allah says: "Do not ki11 your chi1dren for [еаг ofpoverty." ~ ~. And Al1ah says: "And to women аге due rights зппйаг to the {: ~ rights due цроп them." And Al1ahsays: "And ABah orders ...that уоu Ье ~ 'fif kind towards parents and to the next of kind and towards near t :} neighbours, companions, travellers and to those slaves whom your right ~

    ~ hand possesses.", . . .. ~ § 1. Rasu1ul1ah ~ sюd: "Оп every Mus1lmthere are SlX nghts due ~ ~ towards another Mus1im: to visit him when he is sick, to attend ~R his funeral when he dies, to answer his invitation when he {: ~O invites тт, to greet Ыт when he meets тт, when he ~ g sneezes and says Alhamdu-lillah, he rep1ies "Мау Allah ~ °L·~ have mercy оп уои," and to sincerely protect his inte::Jrests~

    when he is absent." (Na.si/l)

    ~~O~~~{8 55 ~~~O~O

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    ~2. Rаsulпllа11:!ff, also said: "Allah does not show тегсу uроп ~ him who does not show тегсу towards people." ~ 9.! (Вuk/шrу, Мизйт) ~ ~. ~ ~

    3. Rasulullah ~ also said: "The believers аге like а single person. If the еуе pains the whole b~dy feels that pain. ~d when l1is head pains the whole body lS affected Ьу that раш."

    ~ g~

    ~ ~~~ ~ 4. Rasulullah ~ also said: "1 wam уоu against harbouring ~ ~: ~. ~:

    suspicions against апуопе, [ог suspicion is the worse form of {: speech and do not spy uроп each other, do not deceive each f:. other, do not harbour j ealousy against each other and do пот ~

    ~... hold hatred in уоuг hearts against each other but Ье brothers ~ ~. of each other in опе brotherhood." ~

    ~ ~ Е 1 seek Allah's protection against the Shaytaan the rejected опе. ~

    О О

    ~: And Allah says: "Verily {О Muhammad~} уоu аге the bearer ~ ~r of the most noblest character." ~

    ~ ~ i t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i i ~t ~

    ~; ~ ~~ g L~...it'W}~"" ~~~O.it'W}J57

  • O~~~~~~~~O~,

    I tbah : 14 о оfi~

    ~ ONPREFERRINGSOLITUDETOTНECOMPANY ~ g gOF AN EVIL COMPANION ~ Аll praise Ье to Allah Who has granted the chosen ones from " ~ among his creation the great favour Ьу directing their attentions towards ~ ~ true amiable relations with Him. And Не granted tranquility to their ~ ~ souls through their вестет and ппппате conversation with Him and Ьу ~ .Э! His showering upon them His grace. So much so that those fют whose ~ ~ thoughts the veils have been removed have ргеfепеd solitude and to ~ ~ Ьесоте detached from the world and its beings. And so they have ~ ~ Ьесоте estranged пот familiarity with meneven though those гпеп Ье " ~ of their closest and пеагезг relatlves. % ~ We Ьеаг witness that there is по other being worthy of worship ~ ~ than Allah alone, without any~p~rtner ог associate and we Ьеаг witness {: ~ that Sayeduna Muhammad ~ lS Allah's servant and messenger, the --s. ~ leader of the prophets and the chosen опе пот among His creation. ~ ~ Мау Allah's choicest blessings and salutations continue to descend цроп ,%him, his offspring and his companions, the leaders among mankind. О ~ ~ muslims, the scholars ofIslam hold different opinions as to which ofthe ~ :, following, being secluded пот теп оп the опе hand and regarding ~ ~ mixing with them is most ргеfепеd. The truth of the matter is that the ~ ,§' reply differs according to the difference in conditions around us in times ~ ~ of реасе and upheavals, and also according to the strong ог weak ~ ~ attitudes of the persons involved and according to the companions опе {: ~ keeps with their different states of piety and hannfulness. ~

    ~ ~ i 1. Rasulullah о/. hassaid: While describing the evil situations ~ ~ that will arise one day. The sahabah then questioned him as ~ ~ to what wou1dЬе his instructions at that time, Не said: "(At {:% that time) Ье attached to your homes (thereby avoiding mixing ~ '& with people, except in cases ofnecessity)." -% ~ (Jam-ul Fawaaid, АЬu Dawood, Тirmithi) е.

    L")(;:W)~~(8 59 ~~~o)(;:W)~

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  • O~~~~~~~~O~,

    I tb ah : 15 о оfi~


    Е All praises are due to Allah Who has opened the mind's eyes of ~ ~ His friends through wisdom and various lessons learnt. And Не has ~ fJ. especially directed their energies towards observing His creation while *' f5 being at Ьоте and оп ajourney and has blessed them with them taking ~ " lessons from what the еуе sees. And we bear witness that there is по ~

    other being worthy ofworship except АНаЬ alone, without апу partner ~~ ~ ог associate and we bear witness that Sayeduna Muhammad й is ~ :} Allah's servant and messenger, the chosen опе from among mankind. ~ ~ Мау Allah's choicest blessings and salutations descend ироп him, his ~ ~i offspring and his companions. АН those who follow his character and i~

    his pattern oflife. о о

    ~ О muslims, verily АНаЬ and the shariah has given репnissiоп for {: ~ travel1ing and had ordered that it Ье undertaken ifthere is а need cal1ing ~ ~ for it, which is obligatory or репnissiЫе. And the Shariah has laid down -r: ~ certain mles and also mention certain virtues of it. ~

    % In this regard Al1ah says: And whosoever leaves his house оп а fi. ~ hijratjourney towards Al1ah and then death overtakes him, his reward ~ ~ shal1Ье with АНаЬ. "Verily АllаЬ is Most Forgiving, Merciful." i ~ Al1ah also says: "So whosoeverofyou is sickoron ajourney, let ~i him fast а number of other days at another time." ~ ~ . And Al1ah says: "And ifyou аге sick or оп ajourney or опе of ~ .9.! уои comes from having answered the саП of nature от has Ьееп in ~ ~ contact with а woman, and уои find по water, then take for yourself t :} сlеап sand as purification (tayaттuт). е

    J ~ i 1. And Rasulullah ЩI; said: "Verily Allah revealed to те [оо! .~ ~ whosoever sets forth in а path to seek knowledge for him 1 ~g will ease the path towards paradise." (Baihaqi) ~ L~..~~" б3 A~~~~

  • {WO~~~(W~~~~O~~

    ~2. And said Rasulullah~: "А person опее set forth to visit his ~ 9.!

    Ьгошег in another vi11age. Allah posted ап angel оп his path ~ who asked him:" Whieh way are уоu going?" Не answered: -&

    ~ "It is ту intention to visit ту brother in this vil1age." The .; :} angel then inquired" "Науе уоu апу other favour that уоu ~ ~ wish to Ье rewarded for?" Не replied: "No, nothing exeept ~ ~

    %! that 1 10уе him for the sake of Allah." The angel replied: "1 ~ ат а messenger from Allah (to inform уоц)." "Verily Allah 's [оуев уоu in the same way that уоu [оче him for His sake." 8

    ~ (Muslim) ~

    ~ 3. Rasulullah ~ said: "Travelling is а part ofpunishment, for it .w :} deprives опе of his sleep, his food and his drink and thus ~ ~ wh~ апу опе ofуоu h~ve ful~l1edhis need through his travel, ~i let Ьпп hurry baek to hlS fam11y." (Bukhary, Muslim) ~ Е ~ ~ 1seekrefuge ш Allah ftom the accursed Shaytaan. fi ~ And АIIаЬ оауо: "And Ье по! of those who ое! forth ftom their ! :, homes, boastfully to Ье seen ofmen and who prevent from the path of ~i АIIаЬ and know tha!Allah is fuIIy awareoftheir аспопв." i i. ~ i i ~ i i i ~ ~ Е i

    S ! L~o;t1i)~fi O)~~Ok8)~6s

  • O~~~~~~~~O~,

    I tbah : 16 о оfi~

    Е ONWITH-HOLDINGONESELFFROM ~ g gUNLAWFUL SINGINGAND LISTENING ТО IT ~ Аl1 praises ате due to Аl1аЬ Who has prohibited us from p1acesof ~ ~ amusementwhichpuHs us towards sin andtowards the forЪidden acts. ~ ~ We bear witness that there is по other being worthy ofworship ~ ~ e~cept АllаЬ аюпе, without апу ~:~tner ог associate and we bear {: ~ wltness that Sayeduna Muhammad $ тв Allah's servant and messenger ~ Е who has c1eansed us from evils pertaining to pride and тагпе and has ~ (: a1so saved us from temptations and ca1amities. :s ,g, Мау Allah's реасе and blessings descend uроп Ьпп and his :?! t fami1yand his companions Ьу whom we seek perfection for ourse1ves ~ gandthroughwhomwe асе just1y proud.Мау these sa1uta6ons Ье without 8 ~ number and unto etemity, ~

    O Verily there shall Ье по Ыатпе attached to these research ~O scholars and jurists who went beyond the bounds of permissibility in their endeavors of singing in order to reach certain levels of spiritual ~

    ~ development. But some of the general masses as well as some of the -%' :} leamed ones definitely went beyond the boundaries of permissibility {t ~ followi~g their own fancies and placed themselves in the line of ~ ~ destructlOn, .% ! ~i 1. Rasu1ullah ~ said: "Singing creates hypocrisy in this heart ~ i ju~t as wat,erbri~gs forth vege!:.ltlO~s." (Baihaqi) And y~t in ~ j врпе ofthls saymg ofRasu1ullah ~ these persons сопвшег о о such а person as а saint. ~ i . ~ Е 2. Rasulullah ~ said: "Donot sel1 singing girls ог purchase them, ~ 6. for price received is haraam." (Ibn Majah) In this regard ~O

    the following verse was revealed: "And among теп are those о оЕ! who buy amusement (Уаin speech)." ! ~~O~~~~ 67 8}~~~O~~

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    r3. Rasulullah .~ also said: "Allah has sent те as а гпегсу to the ~ entire creation and aguidance unto them and ту Lord has ' .9.! commanded те to destroy all musical instruments, flutes and -& ~ idols and crosses and to destroy all the pagan customs ofthe ~ :1 days ofignorance." (Allmad) ~

    i ~ g 4. And Rasulullah '" м. mentioned of the signs ofthe coming ~ ~ of qiyaamat saying: "And arnong those signs is the ~ '!j. арреагапсе ofsinging girls and musical instruments." §' ~ (Тirmithi) ~

    ~ ~i i1 seek refuge il1 Allah from the rejected Shaytaan. Е ~ о ~ ~ And Allah says: "Ате уои surprised at these talks and уои laugh ~ ~ and do not cry and yet lift уош heads in pride." i i ~ i i ~ ~ R ~ ~ i i i

    i ~ Е ~ g g L~;t:8)~~ i)~~~ff)

  • ~~O~~~~~~~~O~,sltbab: 17 • Е ON ENJOINING GOOD AND FORВIDDING EVIL iS gFORTHOSEWНOAREAВLETODOSO ~ All praises аге due to Allah Who has made the enjoining ofgood ~ ~ and the forbidding ofevil опе ofthe most important aspects ofdeen and ~ ~ for this purpose, Не has sent the messengers. And 1bear witness that ~ ~ there is по other being worthy ofworship except Allah аlопе, without {::t апу раппет or associate and 1bear witness that Sayeduna Muhammad ~ f9 ~ is Нis servant and messenger, who had delivered that which was % ~ revealed to him from his Lord, the Lord ofthe Universe. Мау the реасе ~ ~ and blessings ofAllah Ье ироп him and his fami1y and his companions, ~ ,g, who ореп1у expressed the truth and in the affairs of Allah did пот fear ~*

    апу rebuke or Ыате from апу of those who Ыатпе and rebuke. о о ~ ~ Veri1y Al1ah says.: "Let there Ье among уои а group of реорlе ~ .% who invite towards goodness, who enjoin the doing of good and forbid ~ 'ii the doing of evi1and these are those who will Ье successfu1." ~ ~ AndAllahsays: "WhуdопоtthеAl1ah-fearingandthе(rabЬis) t -s. leamed ones forbid them from their evil talks and eating unlawful ~ :} wealth? evilis thatin whichtheyindulge." {t

    i ~ ~ 1. Rasu1ul1ah ~ said: "Whoever ofyou sees ап evi1 ас! being ~ ~ committed, let him stop it with his hands and ifhe is unаЫе to ~ я! do so, 1ethim change it with his tongue and ifhe had not the ~ ~ power to do so, then let him detest it with his heart, and this t! ratter line Of~action is tbe lowest fопn ofbnaап." (Mu,lim) ! ;g 2. Rasulullah ~ also sюd: "Inеуету commUnlty whегеш there ~ ~ is а тап who commits evil deeds and while they are аЫе to ~ ~ stop him fют such deeds, they refrain from prohibiting him {:i from such deeds, then before they die Allah wil1inflict ироп ~ ~ them а harsh punishment because of him." ~! ~(АЬи Dawood, Ibn Majah) ~~o.itW}~~(8 71 8}~~~O~~

  • ~O~~~~~~~~O~~

    r:3. Rasulullah i3 also said: "When а sin has Ьееп committed 01.·· ,\ ~ earth, then he who witnessed it and d.isliked and detested it, {:.9.! shall Ье as if he had Ьееп absent when it was done; and the ~ ОО опе who was absent when it was committed but is pleased ~O

    with it shal1Ье as ifhe was present when it was committed. о оЕ ~ (АЬи Dawood) ~

    ~ 4. Rasulullah ~ also said: "Allah revealed to Jibreel: "ао and Ii ~ tum such ап such а town upside-down ироп its inhabitants." *


    :} Jibreel remarked; "О ту Lord, in that town there is опе who ~ ~ has not disobeyed уои not етеп for as long as а twinkling of i' f;;. ап еуе." Allah replied: "Overtum that town ироп him and аll % ~ ofthe~, for his face never changed colour in dissatisfaction ~I ат thelf deeds for ту sake." (Baihaqi) i O ~

    1 seek refuge in Al1ah from Shaytaan the accursed. , .оI ~

    And Allah says: "о Muhammad iJIiO keep 10 forgiveness enjоin I~ ~ goodness and tum away from the ignorant ones. " ~

    i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i ! ~ ~ i g !i

    L~Мi)~ 73 f)~~~oJ

  • O~~~~~~~~O~,

    I tbah : 18 q qfi~

    Е ONTНEETIQUETТESOFSOCIEТYWITH ~S gRASULULLAН'S f3МANNERAS ITS BASIS ~ АН praises аге due to Allah Who created everything in perfection ~ €. and Не endowed His messenger with the best character in finest form ~*

    and Не purified his attributes and chose him as his chosen опе andi~ be1oved. And Не granted others the abi1ity to emu1ate his ways, for {: ~ those who intended to Ье beautified thereby and Не deprived those ~ ~ fют following his ways who desired to destroy himself. R; ~ 1bear witness that there is по other being worthy of worship ~i except Allah a1one,without апу partner or associate and 1bear witness ~ ~ that Nabi Muhammad ~ is his chosen messenger and servant who had W ~ been sent to teach the best of character. Мау Allah's chosen and ~ ~ choicest blessings Ье uроп him, his fami1y and his companions, who had ~ .% taught and cu1tured the peop1e from аН various parts ofthe wor1d. ~ 'ii Thereafter, here аге а few of the socia1 manners of Rasu1ullah ~ ~ ~. So that member of his flock тау follow and thereby gain good ~.i reward from them: i i ~ R; 1. Rasu1ullah ~ was the best, the most generous and the bravest '!J g.o ofаН реорlе. (Bukhary, Musliт) ;

    ~ ~ i.. 2. Rasulullah ;jj, never ever lifted his hands to hand ош heatiog I ~ uроп anything, not то а,', отап, пог а slave, except when he ~i fought in the path ofАцап. (Musliт) ~ i 3. Rasulullah ~ was never obscene in speech пог indecent and i Е neither was he loudmouthed in the bazaars. Не did not repay R; O evil with evil but instead he forgave and over1ooked. :J~


    O~OМ}~~~ 75 8}~~~OМ}OL

  • ~O~~~(W~~~~O~:::,

    r4. Rasulullah ~ used to visit the sick, attend the funerals ofthei$ deceased and еуеп accepted the invitations of slaves. {: ~ (Ibn Majal1) ~

    g ~ i 5. Не used to тпепо his own sandals, sew his own clothes, he ~ t used to do his o~ domestic \vork, сlеап his clothing, milk his ~ Е goa's and attended то his persona1 needs. (Пrmithi) i О

    _ 6. It was his habit to remain silent for 10ngperiods of time." wЕ ~~ ~ (Sharhus Sunnah) ~ ~ 7. Anas 4, says: "1 served Rasulullah ~ for twenty years. During g ~ this period he never used to say: "ОоГ' (ьу way ofexpressing ~ ~ disgust or rebuke) and never did he ever ask те: "Why did уои ~ -а- do that?" or "Why did уои not do that?" ~ ~ ~~~~,'* 8. Опсе Rasulullah JI, was told: "О messenger of Allah, curse ~ "f'1 the polytheist." Не replied: "1have not Ьееп sent to curse 1 ~i Ьауе only Ьееп вепг as а mетсу (о аН." (Мизйт) ! i 9. Rasulullah ~ was гпоге modest than а virgin in her private ~ ~ secluded space. When he was displeased with anything we {::i! would perceive it пот the expression of his face.(Bukhary) ~ ~ Моге details of his character are found in the books of t :} hadeeth. е

    З 1 seek refuge in Allah пот the accursed Shaytaan. :;, ~ ~

    g And АНаЬ ваув: "Veri1y iodeed уои (О Muhammad) ате ироп 8 ~ уои the most поЫе character." ~

    S g L~o~~"" 71 t}~~~

  • O~~~~~~~~O~'

    I tbah : 19 о оfi·~


    ~ АН praises are due to АНаЬ, Who is АН informed of еуеп the ~ ~ most сопсеа1ед апд secretive ofintentions, Who is the Кnower ofthe ~ ~ mind's perception, is the Director of the hearts (of теп) апд the ~ ~ Forgiver ofsins. I testify that there is по deity besides АllаЬ а1опе, Who ~ ghas по partner. I a1so testify that our 1eader, Muhammad~, His servant 8 ~ and messenger is the 1eader of аН the prophets, that Ье has ~ ~ encompassed the entire Deen (Re1igion of IsHlm) апд that Ье is to у; :} terminate the strепgЪ of the apostates. ~

    З Мауап аЬuпдапсе ofAllah's sa1utations and blessings Ье uроп ~ ~ him апд his поЫе апд pure fami1y. ~

    " Indeed, rectification ofthe intema1 апд spiritua1 se1f is the pillar ~ ~ to reform one's extema1 se1f. This is extracted from the teachings of (: ~ the Оцг'ёп and Sunnah (life pattem) ofhim who was the messenger to ~ ~ тап апд jinn. Indeed Allah says "Rather say -We Ьаее submitted I ~ ourse1ves". АНаЬ a1so says "Inдеед it is not the eyes (senses - that аге%blind to rea1ities) but the hearts in the breast ofmen Ьауе fai1ed to take o ~ consideration." In other simi1ar verses, Allah says "We swear Ьу the ~ ~ sou1and Не Who has fashioned it, Who has a1so inspired it to it's evi1or .~ ~ piety. Sure1y, successfu1 has Ьееп the individua1 who has purified it and ~ у; fai1ure is the 10tofhim who has destroyed it (its pure attribute - Ьу sin). 'fY. " 1. Rasu1ullah ~ said: "Indeed, there is а piece of flesh in the ~ ~ Ьоду, when it is in order, the entire Ьоду remains in order and ~

    when it ~s corrupted, the entire body becomes corrupt. Кnow ~

    ~ оi 2. well! It IS the heart. . (Bukhiil-i and Musliт) . Rasu1ullah ~ said to Wabisa 4if, "Уоu Ьауе соте questioning о ~ ;ь about virtue апд sin". Не answered "Yes". Rasu1ullah ~ then ~ ~ c1enched his fingers апд struck his (Wabisa's) chest with ~ ~ them saying thrice to him. "Question your sou1,question your {: ~ heart. Virtue is that to which your sou1 and heart finds ~ ~ contentment. Sin is that which disturbs your sou1 and excites У; :} your consciousness, еуеп though реор1е counse1 уоu (to the ~ о contrary)." (Ahтad and Daariтi) ~

    °{irJ;.,o~~~~ 79 18}~~{irJ;.,O~~L 0

  • ~O~~~~~~~~O~;;, 3. Rasulullah iIif; said: "Deeds are judged in ассогёапсе to the

    ;$r: intentions fo~ Wh.iCh they were made. (Bukhiiri and Muslim) ~ ~ 4. Rasulullah ~ зак]: "Some people would Ье of those who ~ о о ~ perform SaHih, kept fast, performed the Haj and Urnrah, etc., i'i Rasulullah .~ mentioned all the divisions ofvirtue), but (Du'a g ~ to his other misdeeds) he will not Ье rewarded оп the Day of ~ % ~iy~mah except ~othe extent and size ofhis intelligence (i.e., 'S~ ш hlS соттест bellefabout Allah). (Baihaqi) ~

    Е 5. Rasulullah .~ "The inhabitants of the sky (i.e., the angels) i О will respectively (when the souls ofbelievers and disbelievers ~'"

    are uplifted to it) say: "А good soul" and "An evil soul". Ео'Q (Мизпаа o/Imiim А hтеа] ~О ~i 6. Rasulullah ~ said: "Тhe angels of death (woulc) likewise say ~~

    "Opure soul" or "О Evil soul" о о'

    Е ~ ~ 1 seek refuge with Allah from Shaytaan, the accursed. i 1°* оg ~Allah says: "Indeed in that (the issue mentioned in Surah Qaaf ~ pertaining to the Оцг'йп, death, the hereafter, the creations of the :$ i:. heavens and earth, the rains and crops, the various prophets, the ~ ~ creation of тап, etc.), there exist а reminder for those who have а ~ " (perceptive) heart or attentively listen (and evaluate) the truth and ~ ~ testify (to the power of Allah). ~

    ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ Е ~ S g L

  • O~~~~~~~~O~,

    I tbah : 20 Q ОJi~


    Е Аl1 praises are due to АllаЬ Who has beautified the form ofтап ~ ~ through granting unto him the best standing and size. And Не has ~ fJ. protected him against becoming overgrown and against being under- ~ ;е; developed in his shape and size. And Не has made the beautification of ~ ~ man's character subject to his great efforts and Не has encouraged "i тап towards adoming his character through injunctions from Himself ~ ~ and wamings. ~

    i ~ We bear witness that there is попе ofworship except Allah alone, ~ З. without anya.s~oci~te or раппет and we bear witness that Sayeduna ~

    Muhammad ~ lS нь servant and messenger, from whose forehead the i rays of prophethood shone forth. And the reality of truth could Ье о· о

    ~ observed from his character and his prophecies. ~

    *" Мау Al1ah'schoicest blessings Ье uроп him and his family and ~ ~ his companions who purified Is1am fют the darkness of Kufr. Thеу ~ ~ completely uprooted аl1 falsehood and Ьесате completely unaffected '* Ьу falsehood, the little and the тuсЬ thereof. Q ~ . There~fter, О muslim! Verily good char.~cter is а. s~ecial quality g ~ of Ь1т who lS the leader of аl1 the prophets ~. And п lS the best of ~ ~ deeds of the Siddeeqs-the truthful ones. And bad character is ап evil :S R; which removes опе fют nearness to Аl1аЬ; the Lord ofаl1. 1t diverts its ~ " perpetrator towards the ranks of the Shaytaans. It is as Аl1аЬ says: ~ ~ "Successful indeed is that опе who purifies his soul and а failure is Ье i ~ who corrupts or spoils it." f:


    :} 1. Rasulul1ah~ said: "Verilythe heaviest thing to Ье p1acedin а еi be1iever scan of deeds оп the day of Qiyaamah will Ье good i character. And Аl1аЬ greatly dislikes ап obscene person." ~

    (Tirтithi) Q "1\

    ~ 2. Rasulul1ah ~ a1so said: "Verily, through good character, а {: ~ believer attains the rank of а person standing in ibadah ~ Е throughout the night and also fasting throughout the day.": ~ ~ (АЬu Dawood)!

    ~~O~~~A 83 8),u.:\~j·~l"O~O~~

  • ~O~~~~~~~~O~;,

    ~3. Rasulul1ah fJ; also said: "The person who mixes with реорlе and tolerates their harm with рапепсе is better than him who {:~ ;ъ does пот mix with реорlе and does not tolerate their harm ~g Stowards him." (Тirmithi. Ibn Majah) ~ 4. Rasulul1ah ~ also said: "The believer with the most complete ~ %' faith is the опе with the best character." 11 ~ (АЬи Dawood, Daarmy) ~i ~1 seek refuge in Al1ah from Shaytaan, the accursed. i And AHah says: "And avoid аН outward sins а, weH а, зесгет I ~ sins. Verily those who commit sins, wi1l soon Ье rewarded (punished) :Ъ ~ [от the sins they committed." ~

    Е I

    6 ~ ~ J g ~ i i ~ ~ R ~ J I ! ~ j ~ ~ ~ s ~ L~o~~fi' II)~~~~85

  • O~~~~~~~~O~,

    I tbah : 21 о оfi~


    ~ АН praises are due to АНаЬ Who has taken ироn Himself the ~ {: responsibility ofprotecting His servants in аН his arrivals and movements ~

    ~ and Не is the Опе Who feeds and gives him to drink and the protects *' ;r; him against destruction and guards him. And Не preserves him with '1i ~ food and drink from that which causes his destruction. And Не enables ~ Е him to Ье satisfied with little food and through that destroys his passions I ~ and saves him from the evils ofhis passions and lusts and then Ье will .§ ~ \vorship his Lord and fear Нiт. ~

    ~ And we bear witness that there is попе worthy ofworship except ~ ~ АНаЬ alone, without аnу associate or раппет and we bear witness that ~ ~ Sayeduna Muhammad ~ is AlIah's servant and His messenger and His ~ ~ chosen prophet. Мау Allah's choicest blessings Ье ироn him and pious {::! offspring and relatives and ироп the chosen ones from among his ~ O companions and those who folIowed them. ~

    ~ Verily the most feared ofthe passions and lusts is the passion oftheо stomach and the private parts. О people, fear АlIаЬ, fear АlIаЬ that уои do t f1 not commit excesses inthese two. For verily Allah has said: "Eat, and drink t ~ and do not waste for verily АllаЬ does not love those who waste." {ti And АНаЬ says: "Verily those who unjustly devour the possessions ~ R; ofthe orphans, they only devour fire (ofhel1) in their bellies." '&g And АНаЬ says: '~And уои devour inheritance-all Wl.th greed." 8 ~ And АllаЬ says: "And do not соте near to adultery, for it is а -& ~ shameful deed and аn evil opening the road (to other evils)." ~ O And АНаЬ says: "Do уои теп соте to other теп from this world ~o

    (leaving aside women?)"i~ оR; And Rasulullah ~ said: "1Ьауе not left апу trial more harmful to '&i Ithe men ,Ьan ,Ье tПаl ofwomen" о- о'

    '&- And RasululIah ~ said to Sayeduna АН ~: "О Ali, do not folIow ;о O~1:: theир опе look with another glance, for the first one.is for уои and n0:Jt~

    second glance."

    . o~o.it;1i}~~{8 Ю a}~~~O~O

  • ~O~~~~~~~~O~;,

    r: And Rasulullah ~ heard а тап burping and said to Ыт: "Reform ~ from burping Ьу eating less for оп the Day ofQiyaamat those who will {: я! Ье most hungry will Ье those who were most satiated and filled to ~Scapacity." (Sharhus Sunnah) ~ ! ~ f: о brothers, know that just аз extravagance is blameworthy and ~ ~ condemned in the case ofthese two passions, in that Allah's rights are ~ ~ neglected Ьу being too much involved with these passions, so also is the i ~. excessive diminishing of these passions also condemned because -% :} through it the rights ofthe 'self or the rights of the [атilУ is neglected. ~

    I And Rasulullah JiI, said: "Verily уоцг wife Ьав а right over уои i .~ and the опе visiting уои has а right over уои and your body also has а ~ Е right over уои." . ~

    ~ i~ ~ 1seek refuge in АllаЬ from Shaytaan, the accursed. Е Allah says: "And Allah desires that Не should accept your ~ ~ гереагапсе And those who fol1owtheir passions desire that уои should ~ ~ turn away (from Him), far far away." (Surah 4:27) ~

    ~ i ~ i ~ ~ i i

    i t Е ~ g g L~~~~ &9 t)~~~J

  • ~~O~~~~~~~~O~~


    ~ АН praises are due to Allah Who has created mankind most ~ Q beautifully and fashioned him. And Не granted man's heart the treasures ~ fl. ofknowledge and perfected it. And Не blessed him with а tongue with '* .i[; which he interprets what the heart hides and what the heart thinks. And ~ ~~. we Ьеаг witness "'а! шеге is попе worthy of worship ехсерт Аl1аЬ ~

    alone, without апу partner or associate and we bear witness that ~

    ~ Sayeduna Muhammad ~ is the servant al1d messenger ofAllah whom ~ :} Не has honoured and granted respect, the prophet, whom Не sent with ~ Q the Qur'an, which Не revealed. Мау Allah's choicest blessings and ~ ~ salutations Ье uроп him, his family and his companions for as long as а %'

    тап тау recite takbeer and tahleel. ~ о ~f~ Thereafter, О muslims, verily the size of the tongue is smaH but ~ :! the wound it creates is very big. For this reason, the Shariah praised the ~ -а- virtue of silence and encouraged it except in cases of uttering i ~~~ ,'* 1. Rasulullah ~ said: "Whosoever guarantees те the safety of t;.Е that which lies between his lips (i.e., the tongue) and that Wf: which lies between his legs (i.e., his private parts) to him 1 g ~ give the guarantee ofparadise." (Bukhary) ~

    ~ 2. Rasulullah ~ also said: "То swear at а muslim is impiety and ~! !,О fight wi'h him with 'Ье ют ofkil1hig him is unbelief." ~ 3. Rasulullah ~ said: "А slanderer wi1l not enter paradise ~i i(ехсерт after being punished)." ~ ~R 4. Rasulullah ~ also said: "Verily truthfulness is а virtue. Virtue f;: О leads to paradise, while falsehood is а sin and leads to the ~~

    fire." (Musliт) о оЕL~~,"* 91 j)~~O~

  • ~O~~~~~~~~O~~ . 5. And Rasu1ullah 1f>, said: "Do Уоu know waht is backbiting?" 00 ~ The companions rep1ied: "Allah and His messenger know оо ~ best" Then h~ said: "Н is that уоu mention something about ~ ~ your brother which he des1ikes. "Then it was asked: "What is ~ ~ the position if that which 1mention about ту brother is really е ~ in him?" Не replied: "In that case уоu have really backbited ~ '& him, for ifthat which уоu mentioned is not in him, уоu have in ~ ~ fact s1andere~ him." . . (МU~lim) ~ ~ 6. Rasulullah ~ a1so sa1d: "Не who observes sI1ence wI11 Ье {: ~ safe." (Аптаа, Птийи, Пааппу, Bailzaqi) ~

    g ~ ~ 7, Rasulullah ~ also said: "The beauty of а person's Islam is to ~ f}. discard those things which do not сопсет Ьпп." * ~ ..~ . . (Malik,':»: Ah~ad) ~ ~ 8. Rasu1ullah ~ вак]: "Не who 1S two faced ш th1S world w111 оп f;:.% the day of Qiyaamat have а tongue of fire." ~ Ч 9. Rasulullah $ also said: The person who degrades а person ~ ~ for а sin of which he had repented, wi1l not die until he i commits the same sin." (Тirmithi) ~ i 10. Не a1so said: "Do пот display pleasure at your brother's ~ i

    mis~ortune or el~e Al.lahwi1l shower His blessings uроп him ~D and шvоlvе уоu ш гшвюгшпез." (Тirmithi)

    о о

    R ~Ii а ~ 1!. Rasulullah iJ1, a!so said: "When faasiq (evildoer) is being ~ praised Allah becomes angry and the throne of Al1ahi itrembles." (Baihaqi) ~ .~~ 1 seek refuge in Allah fТoт Shaytaan the accursed. ~ о о

    ~k:0О And Al1ah says: "Never does а тап utter а word excep:Jtthat ~ there is а guard ready at hand (to record it)."

    O~O~~~{8 93 1}~~~O~o

  • o~~~~~~~~o~,

    I tbah : 23 о iоfi~

    Е ТНЕ CONDEMNATION OF ANGER, S gНAТREDANDJEALOUSY ~ АН praises Ье to AHah, Whose pardon and mercy is not hoped " ~ except Ьу those having fuH hope. And по опе fears His wrath and His i ~ authority except him who truly fears. And Не has saddled his servants ~ ~ with равзюпв and desires and has commanded them. to abstain from {:& these. And Не has tested them with anger and Не order them to subdue ~ f}. their anger in cases where anger besets them. * i I Ьеаг witness that there is ПОпе worthy ofworship except AHah g ~ alone, without апу partner or associate. And I bear witness that ~ :f: Sayeduna Muhammad ~ is His chosenservant and messenger, the опе ~ ~ under whose banner аН the prophets' will march. Мау AHah's choicest ~ ~ blessings descend ироп him, his family, and in suchnumbersof аl1 that {: ~ existed in the past and what will exist in future for through his blessings f;. ~ both the former generations and the later generations receive the i ~ bounties ofAl1ah. ,

    % After this, О muslims, Verily angerwithout due cause and its ~ ~ subsequent results ofhatred andjealousy are things that destroyed тапу ~ ~ peoples. And in condemnation thereof Al1ah has said. in the Quran: :$ ~ "When those who disbelieved had set ир in their hearts zealotry, the :в*zealotry of the age of ignorance, then Al1ah sent down His реасе and ~ ~ tranquility ироп His messenger and the believers and imposed ироп ~ ~ them the testification to piety, for they were most worthy of it. And ~ ~ Al1ahis aware ofаll things." ~ :} In another verse Allah says: "And let not hatred of а peopleei induce уои to deal unjus~~y, deal justly. Тhat is neare~ topiety."p .§ And AHah says: Say I seek refuge ш the lord of the ~ " daybreak. ..... from the jealous опе when he practises his jealousy." ~

    ~ 1. ~ ce~in Sa~abi опсе asked for some advice and Rasululla~ {: ~ ~ advlsed hlm: "Do not Ьесоте angry." The same Sahabl ~ Е repeated his question and again RasuluHah ~ told him: "Do ~ ~ not Ьесоте angry." (Bukhary) ~

    ~~o;t;;i}~~(8 95 i'}~~~o;t;;i}~

  • ~O~~~~~~~~O~~

    ~2. Rasulullah ~ also said: "When anуопе becomes angry while ~ he is standing ир, let him sit down. And if the anger subsides, {: ~ good and well, otherwise let him lie down." ~"*~ (Тiпmthi, Ahmad) :; 3. Rasulullah ~ also said: "Do not harbour jealousy for опе ~ ~ another and do not have hatred for опе another." ~i i(Вukhшу, Muslim) Е 4. And Rasulullah ~ said: "Verily the illness of other nations ~ ~ before уои have соте into уои, namely, jealousy and hatred. * :; They are very destroying factors. 1 do not say that they cut ~ ~. off the hair but they in fact destroy your deen." ~ ff (Ahmad, Тirmithi) :; ~ 5. Rasulullah ~ said: "1 wam уои against jealousy for verily ~ ~ jealousy eats ир good deeds like fire eats ир wood." i ~ 1 ~ 6. And Не said: "The doors ofjannah аге opened every Monday ~ ~ and Thursday and then everyone who did not ascribe апу ~ :, partners unto Allah аге forgiven except that person between ~ Э whom and his brother there was enmity and hatred about ~ O them i.s sa~d: "Leave these two alone until they Ьесоте ~D

    reconcl1ed. (Muslim)

    !jо о

    ~ ~ 1 seek refuge in Allah from Shaytaan the accursed. ~

    ~ And Allah says ш the Quran: "Those who spend (ofthat which ~*Allah has given them) in times of ease and times of adversity, those ~ ~ who control their anger and pardon mankind for faults committed. And ~ Е verily Allah loves those who do good to others." ~

    g g L~o~~,", '" ~~~O~~

  • ~~O~~~~~~~~O~~

    ~ Itbab:24 S i СОNDЕМNАТIОNОFТШSWОRLD ~ о о.

    Е Аl1 praise is due to Al1ah, Who causes His friends to know and ~ ~ recognise the dangers of this world and its disasters. And Не also ~ ~ unveiled to them the faults ofthe world and its defects. And thus they i~ )(} realize that the evils of the world exceed the good things therein. Тhe ~ things in this world which аге desired and hoped for аге not void of ОО ~ dangers. And they also realize that the beautiful aspects of this world i ~ are not free from stains ofinpurity and neither are moments ofhappiness :} free ofaspects which are disturbing. This world makes its occupants to О ~ hope for happiness but promises them deception. ~

    fJ. 1bear witness that there is попе worthy ofworship except Al1ah ~ ~ alone, without апу раппет or associa:e ~d 1bear witness that our master ~ ~ and leader Sayeduna Muhammad ~ IS the servant and messenger of {: ~ Al1ah, who has Ьееп sent to аl1 the nations as а wamer and а bringer of ~ ~ good news as wel1 as а shining lamp ofguidance. Мау Al1ah's blessings ~ ~ Ье ироп him, his family and his companions in great abundance. *' Тhereafter, О muslims, verily тапу аге the verses revealed in о. ~ the Qur'an condemning this world and its evils. Тhe Qur'an is ful1·of Wi verses condemning this world and ofdiverting тап from it and inviting g ~ тап towards the hereafter. That was the major objective of the :s ~ prophets and they were not sent to this world but for this object. The ~ " verses in which this was expounded are тапу indeed and аН wel1 1}i known. А few hadeeth in this regard are mentioned here: ~ ~ 1. Rasulul1ah ~ said: "1 swear Ьу Allah this world in comparison f: :} with the hereafter is like опе ofуои putting his finger into the е ~ sea o~ а river: Let him see how much of the water of the river ~ ~ rеташs оп his fmger when he removes the fшger." (Musliт) :si 2. An? Rasulul1ah g{t; s~id: "Verily this ~orld is а prison for the ~ ~ bel1ever and а paradlse for the unbel1ever." (Musliт) '=' i 3. Rasulullah ~ also said: "Ifthis world in the sight ofAJlah had ~ :} Ьееп worth еуеп the wing of а mosquito, A11ah would never ~°L have given ап unbeliever еуеп а drop of water to drink:J"00

    (Ahтad, Тirтithi)



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    4. And Rasulullah ~ said: "Whosoever loves this world сацзев ~ harm to his hereafter and whosoever loves his hereafter, ~ ~ causes harm to his world therefore give preference to that ~ O which is eternal over that which will perish." ~o

    ~ (Ahmad, Bai/zaqi) о о

    i ~ 5. Rasulullah ~ said: "What do 1have to do with this world?" ~

    Myrelationship with this world is that ofа rider (in the desert) ~ who comes to seek shelter under the shade of а tree, (rests а

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    ~ ~ittle) and then leaves the тгее to depart (further оп his ~ ~ [ошпеу)." (Ahmad, Тiгmithi, IЬn Majah) ~

    '& 6. And Rasulullah.~ said: "The love ofthis world is the root of ~i geveryevil." (Baihaqi) f}. 7. And Rasulullah.~said: "Ве ofthe children ofthe hereafter % ~ and Ье not ofthe children ofthe world." (АЬи Nuaim) Е

    Е ~ ~ 1 seek refuge in АllаЬ from Shaytaan the accursed. i ~ And Allah says: "But уои prefer the life ofthis world while the tghereafter is better and everlasting." i i ~ i ~ I ~

    i Е ~ i Е iS а L~..~~~ 101 f)~~~O~

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    I tbah : 25fi~


    g ~ОFLОVEFОRТШSWОRLD ~ Аll praises is due to Allah Who reserves praise for His extended " fl. sustenance to His servants. And Не removes harm from them after * ~ they had reached the 1imits of despair. And Не has created the creation ~ ~ and provides sustenance for them generous1y. And Не has granted to {: ~ this Universe тапу kinds of wealth and Не tests the creation with ~ ~ various changing conditions so as to ascertain as to who is the best of * :} them in action and grants respite to those who give ртелетепсе over the ~ ; hereafter to this wor1d." ~

    t And 1 bear witness that there is попе deserving of worship ~ ~ except АНаЬ а1опе, without апу partner or associate and 1bear witness ~ ~ that Sayeduna Muhammad ~ is His chosen servant and messenger, {:*who through his re1igion has abrogated аН other religions and has ~

    inc1udedin his shariah the truths ofаН re1igionsand creeds. Мау Allah's ~ choicest blessings descend ироп him, his family and his companions, ~о those who trod the path oftheir Lord di1igent1y. Q

    Е Тhereafter, О muslims, АllаЬ commands us in the Qur'an: "О ~ f: уои who be1ieve 1et not your wea1th and your chi1dren divert уои :$ ~ from the remembrance of АllаЬ. And whoever does that will Ье of ~ ;г; the [озегз." ~

    g And АllаЬ says: "Those who act miser1y and command others " ~ towards stinginess and сопсеа1 that which АllаЬ had granted them of i ~ His grace and bounty." ti 1. Rasu1ullah ~ said: "The son ofAdam says: "Му wea1th, Му i ~ wea1th!" О son of Adam ~ notmng is yours except that :t R: which уои Ьауе consumed and finished ир and which уои ~ " Ьауе worn and caused to Ьесоте tatters and what уои Ьауе ~ Е spent in charity and uti1ized." ~

    О 2. Не a1sosaid: "Beware ofstinginess for veri1ystinginess has ~o destroyed тапу of those before уои. (Muslim)

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    ~ 3. Rasulullah ~ also said: "А swindler and а miser and on~, :~~ i ~ reminds others of.his goodness towards them in charity will {: я! never enter рагафве." (Тirmithi) ~

    ~ 4. Rasulullah ~ said: "О son ofAdam ~', it is better foт уоu to ~ :} spend уош surplus wealth than to hoard it. Hoarding for уоu ~ ~ is harmful. Уоu саппот Ье condemned for that which is ~

    i su.fficient for your needs and whe~ giving in charity begin ~ wlth those who ате your close тегатгсев." (Muslim)6 о ~ Ве aware of the fact that the аооче applies to when the ~ ~ hoarding and eamings and for something other than for deen. ~ Е As regards saving for the sake of deen, АllаЬ has said in the ~ ~ Qur'an: "And your Lord desired that they should геасп ~ ~ maturity and bring forth their treasure as а гпегсу from their ~ t Lord." This verse proves that wealth should not Ье needlessly ~ ~ squandered and that it will Ье permissible to save for ~

    ~ economic ne~ess~ties.. .. . ~ O 5. Rasulullah ~ saId: "Venly а шпе wl11 соте over mаnkшd ~O

    when nothing will Ье beneficial to mankind except the dinar (gold coin) and the dirham (silver coin). (Ahmad) ~

    ~ ii 6. Rasulullah ~ Said: "ТЬете is по harm in being rich for that ~ ~ person who truly fears АllаЬ." (Ahmad) t ~ 7. Sufya~n Thowri ~ use~ t.o say: "~reviously ~ealth used to {: ~ Ье dlsllked.А. тог now, I t lS the shleld о[ а Ьейеуег." i ~ ~i i1 seek refuge in АllаЬ from the accursed Shaytaan. ~ And АllаЬ says: "Spend your wealth for the cause of АllаЬ and i 1f cast not yourselfinto destruction Ьу your own hands and do good. АllаЬ * :} loves those who do good." ~

    L~~~'08 105 ~~O.it>QJ

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    I tbah : 26 о оfi~

    Е CONDEМNATIONOFLOVEFORHONOUR ~S iANDFORNAМEANDFAМE ~ Аll praise Ье to Allah, the Кnower ofthe unseen, the Оле Who is ~ ~ completely aware of the secrets of the heart Не ассерта only those ~

    actions which are perfect and complete and pure and clean from аll ~~ с5 blemishes ofshirk and 1bear witness that there is попе worthy ofworship (:.% except Allah alone, without :n~ partner ог associate and 1bear witness ~ 'fY that Sayeduna Muhammad ~ IS the chosen servant and messenger of ;г: ~ Allah who has cleansed us from аll atains of shirk. Мау Allah's choicest ~ ~ blessings descend ироп him, his family and his companions who were ~ ~ free from аll forms of treachery, deception and falsehood. % " Тhereafter, О muslims, Verilyriya (the doing ofthings for show ~ ~ and for achieving fame among теп) is indeed а very destructive thing {: ~ in the life ofа muslim, еуеп ifit is practised in his daily forms ofworship. ~

    q- 1. Rasulullah ~ has said: "Whosoever dons clothing of show ~ !! and fame in this world, Allah wi1l оп the day of qiyamah ; O dress him in clothing ofhumiliation. ~o

    ~ (Ahmad, АЬи Dawood, IЬn Majah) о о ~ 2. And Rasulullah ~ said: "Sufficient is it as evil that fingers ~ ~~ should point at а person in worldly affairs as well as deeny ~~

    matters, except that person whom Allah protects."(Baihaqi) о о

    ~ 3. Rasulullah ~ said: "Verilytwo hungry wolves let loose among (: ~ а flock of goats аге not тпоге harmful to than the harm ~ :} caused to а man's deen Ьу greed for wealth and for honour." ~ ~ (Тirmithi, Daarmy) 6 ~ 4. RasuluHah ~ said: "Verily Allah loves the righteous ones, ~ ;г: who fear Him and remain unknown and hidden from people. 'fY! They are not searched for when they area bsent, nor are ! ~ they called for when they are present and neither are they ~ ~ being befriended. Their hearts are lamps of guidance and ~ :} theyare protected Ьу Allah from аН evils.(IЪn Majah, Baihaqi). ~

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  • ,~~O~~~~~~~~O~;' : 5. Rasulullah ~ was asked about а тап who does а good deed ; as а resu1tofWhlCh реорlе ргатзе Ьпп, or 10уе Ьпп, Не repl1ed: ~ .Ir "That is а glad tiding hastened towards а believer." ~

    i ~~i ~ ~i 6. Sayeduna АЬu Hurayrah ~ опсе said to Rasulullah~: Whi1e ~ ~ 1was in ту house (репоппшя salaah) in ту рlасе of salaah, {::s а тап сате to те and found те performing salaah. 1 found ~ f9. pleasure in myself for the гпаппег in which he found те. ~ ~ (Кindly inform те about this fee1ing which 1 felt within ~ ~ myself). Rasulullah ~ replied: "Мау Allah have гпегсу цроп ~ t уои, о АЬи Hurayrah ~.Yoи have gained double reward ~ g ~for having performed your deed in secret and secondly for ~ having done your deed орепlу." (Тirmithi) ~ D ~

    ~ 1 seek refuge in Allah from Shaytaan the accursed. , о ~ Е And Allah says in the Quran: "Тhat is the abode ofthe Hereafter, g ~ which We grant to those who do not seek exaltedness in the earth nor ~ ~ corruption. Тhe sequel of good outcome is for those who fear Allah". ~

    ~ ~ ~ i g ~ i i ~ ~ ~ ig g L~~~(8 109 8}~~~~

  • O~~~~~~~~O~' r!lutbah: 27

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    ~ CONDEМNATIONOFPRIDEANDVANITY ; о . %Е Al1 praises are due to Al1ah, the Creator, the Producer, the ~ f: Fashioner, the Powerful, the Mighty, the Exalted, the High Whose ~ fi. greatness саппот Ье lessened Ьу Anуопе who denounces. Не is the *' )(; Al1-Powerful before Whom al1 tyrants are submissive. His greatness is ~ ~ such that it broke the backs ofthe mighty Persian emperors. And was ~ Е such that it destroyed the might ofthe Caesers. Greatness is His lower i11 cloth and Majesty is his upper cloth. Whosoever chal1enges Him in ;г; :} these two qualities, Не inflicts with а sickness from which there is по ~ f: eure. Most great is His Magnificence and Most sanctifies аге His names. ~ fi. 1 bear witness that there is по other being worthy of worship *' ~ except АllаЬ alone, without~~y p~rtner or associate and 1bear witness ~ ~ that Sayeduna Muhammad ~ lS Нтв servant and messenger ироп whom {: ~ was revealed the great light of ever-