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    Optics & Laser Technology 40 (2008) 113119

    Impact on textile properties of polyester with laser

    C.W. Kan

    Institute of Textiles and Clothing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong, China

    Received 14 November 2006; received in revised form 2 March 2007; accepted 16 March 2007

    Available online 30 April 2007


    Modification of the textile properties of polyester due to laser irradiation were studied and these properties included fibre weight and

    diameter, tensile strength and elongation, yarn abrasion, bending, surface lustre, wetting, air permeability as well as crystallinity.Properties such as wettability and air permeability were positively affected while properties of fibre weight and diameter, tensile strength,

    yarn abrasion and bending were adversely affected. In this study, laser irradiation used was not found to affect the bulk properties of

    polymer due to its low penetration depth, and hence, the effect of laser irradiation on bulk and structural properties was limited.

    However, the performance and comfort properties of the laser-irradiated polyester could be significantly affected by laser irradiation.

    r 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    Keywords: Polyester; Laser; Textile

    1. Introduction

    In the last decade, considerable effort has been made in

    developing surface treatments such as UV irradiation,plasma, electron beam and ion beam to modify the

    properties of textile materials. Laser modification on

    material surface is one of the most studied technologies.

    It has been shown that materials like polymers, woods,

    metals, semiconductors, dielectrics and quartz modified by

    laser irradiation often exhibit physical and chemical

    changes in the materials surface. In the case of polymers,

    some well-oriented structure of grooves or ripple structures

    with dimensions in the range of micrometre are developed

    on surface with irradiation fluence above the so-called

    ablation threshold, e.g. a polyester irradiated by a laser of

    wavelength 248 nm with energy of about 30 mJ/cm2 [1,2].

    The laser irradiation of highly absorbing polymers such as

    polyester can generate characteristic modifications of the

    surface morphology [3,4]. The physical and chemical

    properties are also affected after laser irradiation [57].

    Hence, it is reasonable to believe that such surface

    modification of a polymer may have an important impact

    on its textile properties [810]. In order to find out which

    property of polyester is affected by laser irradiation,

    different experiments and testing instruments were used

    to characterize the treated samples.

    In this paper, the influence of laser irradiation on someof the important textile properties of polyester was studied.

    These properties include fibre weight and diameter, tensile

    strength and elongation, yarn abrasion, bending, surface

    lustre, wetting, air permeability and crystallinity.

    2. Experimental

    All measurements were undertaken with 5% tolerance


    2.1. Material

    Commercially available poly(ethylene terephthalate)

    (polyester) fibre, yarn and fabric were used for the study.

    All samples were conditioned for at least 24 h prior to

    experiment under the standard conditions at 20 1C and

    65% relative humidity.

    2.2. Laser irradiation

    Both high- and low-fluence laser irradiations were con-

    ducted [810]. Irradiation was performed using a commercial


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    pulsed UV excimer laser (Lambda Physik COMP EX 205)

    under atmospheric conditions in air. The laser was operated

    with KrF gas and a wavelength of 248 nm was produced. In

    high-fluence laser irradiation, samples were irradiated directly

    from the laser beam without using either special photomask

    or focusing lens. The laser energies in terms of applied fluence

    and number of pulses varied in different experiments.The laser fluence was regulated in the range from 50 to

    150 mJ/cm2 and the number of pulses varied between 0 and

    200. In low-fIuence laser irradiation, only the highly

    polarization beam method was employed and the fluence

    was controlled to 2000 pulses at 6 mJ/cm2. For both types of

    laser irradiation, the pulse repetition was kept constant at

    1 Hz to avoid any possible heat accumulation.

    2.3. Morphological study

    The morphology of samples was investigated by Scan-

    ning Electron Microscopy (SEM) (Lecia Stereoscan 440).

    2.4. Bulk and structural properties

    The degree of crystallinity was determined by integrating

    the peak area of a differential scanning calorimetry curve.

    This method is based on a thermodynamic definition of

    order and it requires the absolute value of the ideal

    polymer crystals heat of fusion (DH of melting peak of

    ideal polyester crystal 119.8 J/g) [11]. The heat of fusion

    obtained from this is directly proportional to the crystal-

    linity. The measurement was conducted by using a Mettler

    DSC Model 25 under thermally controlled conditions

    with a heat rate of 10 1C/min in a nitrogen atmospherewith the scanning ranging from 30 to 300 1C. The degree of

    crystallinity was calculated based on the following equa-

    tion [11]:

    degree of crystallinity

    DH of melting peak

    DH of melting peak of ideal polyester crystal


    2.5. Weight and fibre diameter change

    These experiments were designed to compare the sample

    weight and fibre diameter before and after laser irradiation;

    the percentage change of the sample weight and fibre

    diameter could then be obtained. The fibre diameter was

    obtained directly from microscopic measurement.

    2.6. Performance properties

    The tensile strength and elongation-at-break of the fibres

    were measured in accordance with ASTM D2101-2005

    using an Instron Tensile Tester 4466. The yarn abrasion of

    the fibres was examined by a Shirley Yarn Abrasion Tester

    with a silicon carbide waterproof abrasive paper 100

    (etectro-coated) for the creation of abrasion against the

    specimens. KES-F (Kawabata Evaluation System for

    Fabrics) Bending Tester was employed for measuring both

    the bending rigidity, B, and hysteresis, 2HB, of the yarn

    samples. Specimen each comprised of 82 ends was tested.

    The glossiness of the fabric samples was measured by aGoniophotometer (Model VG-ID, Nippon Denshoku

    Kogyo Co. Ltd.) designed according to Japanese Industrial

    Standard 28741. During the experiment, the incident angle

    of light was always fixed at 601 while the receiving angle

    varied from 01 to 851 at the interval of 51. This

    measurement method is widely used since it facilitates

    subjective evaluation in which the incident light and the

    fabric sample are both fixed while the position of the

    observer is varied. The glossiness index expressed in

    terms of percentage was measured in both warp and weft


    2.7. Comfort properties

    The vertical drop test of fabrics was measured in

    accordance with BS 4554. A drop of distilled water was

    placed onto the fabric sample and the time, Ts, for which

    the liquid required to sink into the fabric completely (i.e.

    the liquid is no longer visible from the surface of the fabric)

    was recorded. The shorter the time, the more wettable was

    the fabric. A Shirley air permeability tester was employed

    to measure the air permeability of the fabric samples based

    on BS 5636 and the air permeability in this test is defined as

    the volume of air in milliliters passed in 1 s through


    of the fabric at a pressure difference of 10 mmhead of water. Specimens with size 15cm2, avoiding

    selvages, crease and fold, were used. The equation shown

    below was used to calculate the air permeability of the


    Air permeability Air flow


    3. Results and discussion

    3.1. Degree of crystallinity

    Table 1 shows the degree of crystallinity of the laser-

    irradiated polyester. The change of crystallinity of polye-

    ster as a result of laser irradiation was 2% for high fluence;

    no change was observed under low-fluence irradiation. It

    seems that the overall change in the degree of crystallinity

    is insignificant. The relatively small difference in the degree

    of crystallinity between the laser-irradiated and untreated

    polyester is expected and explainable, although it is

    reasonably believed that the surface of the high-fluence-

    irradiated polyester would become highly amorphous due

    to ablation. The small change may be due to the nature of

    laser irradiation as it generates only surface morphological


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    modification where the bulk properties of polymer remain

    unchanged. In fact, the penetration depth of laser energy is

    limited to a few micrometres under high-fluence irradiation

    and even less for the low-fluence counterpart, while

    crystallinity is a bulk internal property of polymer.

    3.2. Morphological study

    Fig. 1 shows the surface structure of the untreated

    polyester fibre and a smooth surface is noted. With the

    influence of laser irradiation under high fluence, certain

    roughness or periodic roll was developed on the polyester

    fibre surface as shown in Fig. 2, which is called roll-like or

    ripple-like structure. The orientation of this kind of ripple-

    like structure is strictly perpendicular to the fibrillar

    orientation of the fibre. On the other hand, periodic

    surface structure of sub-micrometre size was developed

    when the polyester surface was irradiated with low fluence

    as shown in Fig. 3. In Fig. 3, the polyester has sub-

    micronmetre ($

    200 nm) ripple spacing on the surface andsome with granule structure on the two sides after laser

    irradiation. The granules are distributed quite randomly

    which may be due to the geometry effect of the curved


    3.3. Weight and fibre diameter change

    The weight change of polyester caused by high-fluence

    laser irradiation is shown in Fig. 4. It can be observed that

    the weight change correlated well with laser fluence and the

    number of pulses applied during laser irradiation, i.e. an

    increasing fluence and number of pulses resulted in an

    increasing level of weight loss. In the first few pulses, the

    weight loss was insignificant but increasing the pulse counts

    would further increase the weight loss. However, no

    saturation of weight loss was seen against the pulse counts.

    The reduction in weight with increased laser irradiation

    may be due to the etching effect induced by the high-

    fluence ablation as the polyester fibre was etched pulse-by-

    pulse during fluence above the ablation threshold [12]. In

    the case of high-fluence irradiation, materials were etched

    away and ejected from the surface into the atmosphere

    during ablation. On the other hand, no significant weight

    change was recorded for the low-fluence irradiation. The

    energy involved in low-fluence treatment was limited to a

    very low level and hence no obvious ablation was resulted

    and no material would be removed or etched from the

    polyester surface significantly under such irradiation [13].

    Fibre diameter measurement is shown in Fig. 5 for high-

    fluence-irradiated samples only as no significant change in

    fibre diameter was recorded for low-fluence counterparts.

    In the high-fluence irradiation, an increase in the number

    of pulses was resulted with an increase in diameter

    reduction. For the first 10 pulses, the reduction was almost

    insignificant but once the pulse count went beyond 20, the

    reduction became more severe.

    3.4. Tensile strength and elongation

    The results of the breaking load and elongation-at-

    break of the polyester samples with and without laser

    irradiation are listed in Table 2. Under the high-fluence


    Table 1

    Degree of crystallinity of laser irradiated polyester: high fluence 5 pulses

    at 70 mJ/cm2 and low fluence 2000 pulses at 6 mJ/cm2

    Degree of crystallinity


    % Changes over


    Control 44



    43 k2




    Fig. 1. Surface structure of untreated polyester fibre.

    Fig. 2. Surface structure of polyester fibre under high fluence (5 pulses at

    100 mJ/cm2).

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    laser irradiation, irradiation could reduce both the break-

    ing load and elongation of the sample. The rate of

    reduction for both properties was similar in terms of

    percentage, which was about 10%. The reduction could be

    due to the fact that the induced high-fluence ripples on the

    surface, as shown in Fig. 2, created more weak points to

    the fibre and eventually reduced both strength and

    extensibility. Another reason may be due to the deposition

    of debris as the debris could give a harder surface to

    polyester, making it more rigid resulting in lower strength

    and elongation.

    After low-fluence irradiation, no significant change in

    tensile strength and elongation was observed. The small

    reduction in the breaking load and elongation of the

    irradiated sample has little meaning statistically. It may beargued that the ripples induced by irradiation will result in

    more weak points to the fibre; hence the tensile strength

    should be reduced [8]. However, bearing in mind that the

    depth of ripples is in the range of the sub-micrometre level,

    as shown in Fig. 3, the weakening effect to the strength and

    elongation should be very little.

    3.5. Yarn abrasion

    Table 3 shows the yarn abrasion results; a reduction of

    approximately 13% and 10% for high- and low-fluence-

    irradiated polyester yarn was recorded, respectively. Unlike

    previous results, no obvious difference was noted between

    both the high and low fluence of laser irradiation. The yarn

    abrasion tester employs the principle of using a rotary rod

    wrapped with abrasive paper creating abrasion against the

    yarn specimen. Hence, laser-irradiated yarn would ob-

    viously have a lower abrasion resistance since it is full of

    periodical ripple-like structures and these structures would

    largely reduce the contact areas between the abrasive paper

    and the yarn [9]. Also, these laser-developed structures

    induced more weak points to the yarn sample and therefore

    when the yarn was under tension, the fibre arrangement

    would be changed resulting in lower yarn abrasion









    0 50 100 150 200

    No. of laser pulses


    Fig. 4. Weight reduction of polyester after laser irradiation (~: 50 mJ/cm2,: 150 mJ/cm2).







    0 50 100 150 200 250 300

    No. of laser pulses


    Fig. 5. Fibre diameter change after laser irradiation: at 50 mJ/cm2.

    Table 2

    The breaking load and elongation-at-break of laser-irradiated polyester:

    high fluence 10 pulses at 50 mJ/cm2 and low fluence 2000 pulses at

    6 mJ/cm2

    Breaking load (N) Percentage of elongation-

    at-break (%)

    Control 0.106 11.67



    0.095(k10%) 10.44(k11%)



    0.103(k3%) 11.30(k3%)

    The percentages in the parentheses indicate the increase/decrease in the

    value of irradiated samples compared with the control.

    Table 3

    Yarn abrasion of laser-irradiated polyester: high fluence 10 pulses at

    50mJ/cm2 and low fluence 2000 pulses at 6 mJ/cm2

    Mean revolutions % Changes over control

    Control 68

    High-fluence irradiated 59 k13

    Low-fluence irradiated 61 k10

    Fig. 3. Surface structure of polyester fibre under low fluence (2000 pulses

    at 6 mJ/cm2).

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    3.6. Bending property

    The bending properties have important effects on both

    the handle and tailoring performance of textile materials.

    Table 4 shows the bending properties of the laser-irradiated

    polyester yarn, including bending rigidity and bending

    hysteresis. The results in Table 4 indicated that the bendingrigidity and bending hysteresis increased for both types of

    laser irradiations. A higher increment was observed for

    high-fluence-irradiated samples as the bending rigidity and

    bending hysteresis increased by 20% and 50% respectively.

    Under low-fluence irradiation, the increment was relatively

    small. The bending rigidity and bending hysteresis in-

    creased by 7% and 25% respectively.

    The increase in the bending properties may result in

    difficulties in manufacturing, especially for the dramatic

    increase in bending hysteresis. Generally speaking, the

    smaller the values of the bending hysteresis, the better will

    be the fabric bending recovery ability. The tremendous

    increase in the bending properties of the laser-irradiated

    yarn may finally decrease the fabric flexibility and elastic

    recovery from bending action [14], which may in turn affect

    the fabric tailorability, draping quality and wear. Highly

    skill operators may therefore be needed to deal with the

    problem and thus the cost of manufacturing may increase.

    Although the fibre diameter was reduced after laser

    irradiation, the ripples were formed on the polyester fibre

    surface. Thus, during the bending process, the ripples so

    formed on the polyester fibre surface may increase the

    friction between the fibre in the yarn which restricts the

    bending moment of yarn and hence the bending property


    3.7. Surface lustre

    Surface lustre is the term generally accepted to describe

    the glossiness of a textile material and is defined as the

    intensity of directionally reflected light from a surface. The

    glossiness indexes of the polyester fabrics before and

    after laser irradiations were measured in both warp and

    weft directions as shown in Figs. 6 and 7 respectively.

    The glossiness distribution curves in warp and weft

    directions produced similar trends for the sample tested.

    No prominent peak value appeared in either directionwhere the glossiness in warp was slightly higher than that

    of the weft.

    Fig. 2 illustrates the effect of high-fluence laser irradia-

    tion on the polyester fibre surface. It was observed that the

    ripples structure was formed perpendicularly to the fibre

    axis with the mean roll distance of approximately 1mm.

    While in the low-fluence laser treatment, ripples were also

    formed but the effect was not as significant as in the high-

    fluence treatment. High-fluence-irradiated sample would

    have a lower level of glossiness index, whereas low-fluence-

    irradiated counterparts would increase the overall glossi-

    ness index. Laser irradiation is claimed to largely lower the

    glossiness index of textile material with sharp peaks thus

    making the material more silk-like [15] because the surface

    of laser-irradiated area would diffuse the incident light

    more evenly and eventually reduce the specular reflection.

    However, it is not known that why there would be an

    overall increase in the glossiness index for the low-fluence-

    irradiated sample. At the present stage, the most possible

    explanation would be because the process of low-fluence

    irradiation could be able to clean up the surface of the

    irradiated part such as removing the dust particles and

    minimizing the manufacturing defect by smoothing the

    surface. Such effects would eventually increase the glossi-

    ness index.


    Table 4

    The bending properties of laser-irradiated polyester: high fluence 10

    pulses at 50 mJ/cm2 and low fluence 2000 pulses at 6 mJ/cm2

    Bending rigidity, B


    Bending Hysteresis, 2HB


    Control 0.0015 0.0004



    0.0018 (m20%) 0.0006 (m50%)



    0.0016 (m7%) 0.0005 (m25%)

    The percentages in the parentheses indicate the increase/decrease in the

    value of irradiated samples compared with the control.








    5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85

    Recevier angle


    Fig. 6. The glossiness distribution curve (warp direction) of laser-

    irradiated polyester. n Control, } 5 pulses at 100 mJ/cm2 and

    o 2000 pulses at 6 mJ/cm2.








    5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85

    Recevier angle


    Fig. 7. The glossiness distribution curve (weft direction) of laser-

    irradiated polyester. n Control, } 5 pulses at 100 mJ/cm2 and

    o 2000 pulses at 6 mJ/cm2.

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    3.8. Wetting

    Table 5 shows the vertical drop test result for both high-

    and low-fluence-irradiated samples. It was observed that

    high-fluence laser irradiation increased greatly the wetting

    time of the polyester fabric from 470 to 4900 s (exceeding

    900 s). The large increment in the wetting time was believedto be closely related to the ripple-like structure. The ripple

    structure increased the roughness of the surface and this

    kind of increased roughness enhanced the unwettability of

    the fabric, resulting in an increase in the wetting time.

    Researchers have experimentally proved that surface

    roughness decreases the wettability of a hydrophobic

    material [15]. Many models have been proposed in

    explaining this phenomenon. Besides, if the surface is

    sufficiently rough, a liquid with a large contact angle may

    not completely wet the surface. This incompletely wetted

    surface provides room for air to be trapped between the

    liquid and solid interface (Fig. 8), resulting in a composite

    interface. This composite interface prevents water penetra-

    tion and this mechanism has already been adopted by some

    Japanese manufacturers in producing high-tech water

    repellent textile materials.

    In addition, under high-fluence laser irradiation, the

    surface of aromatic polymer-like polyester will normally

    result in the deposition of some yellow to black materials

    often known as debris. This debris was ionized and carbon-

    rich materials finally condensed to form high aggregates

    [16,17], resulting in a more hydrophobic surface. Such

    reduced surface oxygen content may also be part of the

    reason for the increase in the wetting time.

    A reduced wetting time was observed for the low-fluence-irradiated sample, which is completely opposite to

    the high-fluence result. It means that the wettability of low-

    fluence-irradiated sample has increased (hydrophilicity

    increased). The ripples induced by low fluence were in the

    range of nanometer level and it is reasonable to believe that

    air could not be able to be trapped inside the gaps between

    ripples due to size constraints. Hence, the effect of a

    composite interface could not take place. The increased

    surface oxygen content and the reduced contact angle

    measurement could help reduce the time for the droplets of

    water to sink into the sample. This is because the polar

    radicals of the low-fluence-irradiated polyester have

    increased. This increased polarity will lead to the increase

    in the attraction force between the modified surface and the

    polar water molecules.

    4. Air permeability

    Air permeability is one of the major properties of textile

    materials and is governed by factors like the fabric

    structure, density, thickness and surface characteristics.

    Table 6 indicates that both laser irradiations could increase

    the air permeability of the fabric samples. It is believed that

    the contributing factor is the surface modification of the

    fibres [10]. The laser irradiation induced ripple structures

    on the surface of the fibres, which eventual1y providedmore air space between fibres and fabric and therefore it is

    possible for more air to pass through the fabric resulting in

    better air permeabi1ity. No obvious difference between

    high- and low-fluence irradiations was noted.

    5. Conclusions

    In this paper, some common textiles properties of

    polyester were studied after the high- and low-fluence laser

    surface morphological treatment. Some properties were

    affected significantly while the others were found un-

    changed. In fact, depending on the end-uses of the

    materials, for example, increased wettability of polyester

    may be good for ordinary textile functions but bad for

    water resistant functional garments. It is therefore sug-

    gested that the correct selection of surface treatment

    parameters is of prime importance. In general, laser

    irradiation could not affect the bulk properties of a

    polymer due to its low penetration depth, and hence, the

    effect of the treatment on the bulk and structural properties

    are limited. However, the performance and comfort

    properties of the irradiated polyester could be largely

    affected by laser irradiation as these properties could have

    been changed considerably if the surface is modified.


    Table 5

    Results of vertical drop test of laser-irradiated polyester: high fluence 10

    pulses at 50 mJ/cm2 and low fluence 2000 pulses at 6 mJ/cm2

    Seconds % Changes over control

    Control 470 s

    High-fluence irradiated 4 900 s ImmeasurableLow-fluence irradiated 330 s 30

    Fig. 8. The effect of surface roughness on wetting.

    Table 6

    Air permeability of laser-irradiated polyester: high fluence 10 pulses at

    50mJ/cm2 and low fluence 2000 pulses at 6 mJ/cm2

    ml/(cm2s) % Ch ange s ove r co ntro l

    Control 19.6

    High-fluence irradiated 20.9 m 6.6

    Low-fluence irradiated 21.1 m 7.7

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