Lesson 3 Why Not Take a Bike? Words for production Phrases And Idioms Reading

Lesson 3 Why Not Take a Bike? W ords for production Phrases And Idioms Reading

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Lesson 3Why Not Take a Bike?

• Words for production• Phrases And Idioms

• Reading

1.associate v. 聯想 Chinese people associate

red with something lucky.

2.consider 認為 ; 視做為 ; 考慮

We all consider the brave man

(to be) a hero.

He considered changing his job.

3.means n. 媒介 ; 工具 ; 方式

Body language is a global

means of communication.

4. transportation n. 運輸

Many people are not happy

about the rising transportation


5. license n. 執照 ; 許可

In Taiwan, a person who is over

twenty years old can get a

driver’s license after he or she

passes the driving test.

6. regard v. 認為 ; 將 A 視為

He regarded my smile as an act

of agreement.

7. commute v. 通勤

I spend about an hour

commuting to school by bus.

8. benefit n. 好處 ; 益處

An apple a day keeps doctors

away. This is one of the benefits

people can get from apples.

9. reduce v. 降低 ; 減少

Because Tom got a bad grade,

he reduced his time on TV and

the computer.

10. risk n. 風險 She always carries an umbrella

with her because she doesn’t

want to run the risk of getting

wet in the rain.

11. disease n. 疾病

My father decided to give up

smoking when he found he had

lung disease.

12. pressure n. 壓力 Before the exam came, many

students were under a lot of


My parents don’t put much

pressure on me when I make a


13. weight n. 重量

Her husband put on a lot of

weight but she lost pretty

much weight.

14. depressed adj. 感到沮喪 Although the player lost the

game, he didn’t feel depressed

at all.

15. improve v. 改善 ; 促進 Taking exercise can improve

people’s health.

Keep practicing, and your skills

of playing the guitar will be


16. mood n. 心情 I am in a good mood when I

listen to my favorite songs.

I am in no mood to read books

in a noisy place.

17. once conj. 一旦

Once you form a bad habit, it

will be difficult to break.

18. Fuel n. 燃料

Drivers are encouraged to save


19. resident n. 居民 A large number of resident don’t

agree on the government’s plan

to build a new road.

20. tourist n. 遊客

Tourists in Taiwan must visit

some beautiful mountain views,

such as Mt. Ali, Yangming Shan

National Park, and Taroko Gorge.

20. tour v. 在 ---- 度假 We are planning to tour Kyoto this

March to view the beautiful cherry


21. rent v. 租賃

We are going to buy a house, not

rent a room in an apartment.

22. design v. 設計

The smart car was designed by a

senior high school student.

23. Illusion v. 誤解 ; 錯覺

Many people still have the illusion

that women don’t need a job.

24. achieve v. 完成 ; 達成 He achieved his dream of traveling

to Japan all by himself when he

was just 19.

25.belief n. 信念

As my brother’s supporter, I had

a strong belief in his idea.

Phrases And Idioms

1. come to mind 浮現腦海 ; 浮上心頭

Stephan Chou came to mind when

I heard my friend’s joke.

2. belong to 屬於

The money doesn’t belong to me, so

who(m) does the money belong to?

3. Burn off 燃燒 ( 能源 ; 熱量 )

Swimming can help people burn off

calories fast.

4. lead to 造成 ; 導致

Too much pressure may lead to

poor health.

5. hop on 跳上 ( 下 )

I hop on the bus at the last moment.

6. get rid of 擺脫 ; 屏除

He turned off his cell phone to

get rid of his friend’s call.

7. hang onto/hang on to 堅持

Just hang onto your plan and don’t

give up.

P.41-42 Reading


What will come to mind when you think of riding a bicycle? Some

people may associate the image with

people living in China because they

consider a bicycle to be a “cheap”

means of transportation.

Others may think that bicycles belong to those who are not old enough to get a license to ride a scooter or drive a car. Both answers seem quite wrong.


Nowadays, people regard bicycles as the healthiest means of transportation. Many people living in big cities commute or travel by cycling because of its benefits.

Cycling is good for a rider’s heart. It can help people reduce the risks of heart disease and high blood pressure. A rider can also control his or her weight.

A study shows that a 15-minute bike ride to and from work or school three times a week can burn off the equivalent of five kilograms of fat in a year!

Besides, cycling won’t leave riders depressed. Instead, it can improve our mood. Once you find yourself thrilled about riding your own bike, you will love carrying it with you on a train or when you fly.


Taking a bike a eco-friendly. Cycling won’t lead to air pollution and noise pollution. It doesn’t need any fuel but your calories to make a bike run.

People of different ages choose a folding bike because it also saves a lot of space. Many European cities, such as Paris and Amsterdam, are encouraging their residents and tourist to rent a bicycle to tour the city.

Back in Taiwan, many big cities also design bicycle-friendly routes or bike paths for riders. Taking a bike is a lot of fun and a way to make the environment greener.


Why don’t we hop on a bike more often and get rid of those illusions? Many people have pursued their dreams of bicycling across different countries for many years and some have achieved them.

Hang onto your belief, and get your bike tour planned. A bicycle can take you around your neighborhood and around the world.