Lesson Eleven Words for Production

Lesson Eleven Words for Production. 1. emergency n. [U, C] 危急;急用 deal with an emergency 處理緊急事件 He is good at dealing with emergencies. in an emergency

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Page 1: Lesson Eleven Words for Production. 1. emergency n. [U, C] 危急;急用 deal with an emergency 處理緊急事件 He is good at dealing with emergencies. in an emergency

Lesson ElevenWords for Production

Page 2: Lesson Eleven Words for Production. 1. emergency n. [U, C] 危急;急用 deal with an emergency 處理緊急事件 He is good at dealing with emergencies. in an emergency

1. emergency n. [U, C] 危急;急用

deal with an emergency 處理緊急事件He is good at dealing with emergencies.

in an emergency = in case of emergency 在緊急時 We can see the true nature of human beings

in an emergency.

Page 3: Lesson Eleven Words for Production. 1. emergency n. [U, C] 危急;急用 deal with an emergency 處理緊急事件 He is good at dealing with emergencies. in an emergency

1. emergency n. [U, C] 危急;急用 emergency aid 緊急援助

MSF provides emergency aid on short notice. emergency room 急診室 emergency exit 緊急出口

I always check where the emergency exits are as soon as I arrive at a hotel room.

emergency supplies 緊急供給 emergency landing 緊急迫降 emergency measures 緊急應變措施

Page 4: Lesson Eleven Words for Production. 1. emergency n. [U, C] 危急;急用 deal with an emergency 處理緊急事件 He is good at dealing with emergencies. in an emergency

2. medical

medical n. [C] 體檢 medical examination / checkup 健康檢查

All the workers in this company have to undergo regular medical exams.

How often do you have a medical checkup? medical practitioner 內 / 外科醫生;開業醫生

medicine chest 家庭用急救箱

Page 5: Lesson Eleven Words for Production. 1. emergency n. [U, C] 危急;急用 deal with an emergency 處理緊急事件 He is good at dealing with emergencies. in an emergency

2. medical

medicinal adj. 醫療的;醫藥的;有藥效的Garlic has proved to have medicinal

properties. Medicare n. [U] 醫療保險制度

Page 6: Lesson Eleven Words for Production. 1. emergency n. [U, C] 危急;急用 deal with an emergency 處理緊急事件 He is good at dealing with emergencies. in an emergency

3. philosophy

management philosophy 管理哲學 Is your management philosophy the reason

why your company is so successful?

philosophy of life 生活哲學,人生哲學 “Seize the day” is my philosophy of life

because I don’t want to waste any time.

Page 7: Lesson Eleven Words for Production. 1. emergency n. [U, C] 危急;急用 deal with an emergency 處理緊急事件 He is good at dealing with emergencies. in an emergency

3. philosophy

philosophical adj. 哲學的;達觀的,看得開的 “I think, therefore I am.” Do you agree with

this philosophical statement?People in ancient times were more

philosophical about death.

philosophically adv. 達觀地,看得開地To everybody’s surprise, Mrs. Chiang

reacted philosophically to her son’s death.

Page 8: Lesson Eleven Words for Production. 1. emergency n. [U, C] 危急;急用 deal with an emergency 處理緊急事件 He is good at dealing with emergencies. in an emergency

4. efficiently

promote efficiency in 促進… .. 的效率What can we do to promote greater

efficiency in the work force? low/high efficiency 低 / 高效率 with efficiency 有效率地

I’m satisfied with Susan; she always does what she is told and works with great efficiency.

be efficient in / at 勝任;有效率She is really efficient at her job.

Page 9: Lesson Eleven Words for Production. 1. emergency n. [U, C] 危急;急用 deal with an emergency 處理緊急事件 He is good at dealing with emergencies. in an emergency

4. efficiently

【類似字】 effectively adv. 有效地,有力地

The new law works effectively in preventing crime.

effective adj. 有效的This medicine will be more effective if you

take it after a meal. effectiveness n. [U] 效力

You cannot know the effectiveness of different study techniques unless you try them.

Page 10: Lesson Eleven Words for Production. 1. emergency n. [U, C] 危急;急用 deal with an emergency 處理緊急事件 He is good at dealing with emergencies. in an emergency

6. relief n. [U] 寬心;寬慰 She shed tears of relief after hearing the

good news. on relief 接受救濟的

The family is still on relief. to one’s relief 令某人感到欣慰的

To our relief, everyone was safe. What a relief! 終於鬆了一口氣! relief fund 救濟基金 relief pitcher 救援投手

Page 11: Lesson Eleven Words for Production. 1. emergency n. [U, C] 危急;急用 deal with an emergency 處理緊急事件 He is good at dealing with emergencies. in an emergency

6. relief

relieve v. [T] 使舒適;使寬慰;使得到解脫An aspirin did relieve my headache.

relieved adj. 寬心的;寬慰的We were all relieved to hear that he had

come home safely.

Page 12: Lesson Eleven Words for Production. 1. emergency n. [U, C] 危急;急用 deal with an emergency 處理緊急事件 He is good at dealing with emergencies. in an emergency

7. spotlight

spotlight v. [T] 以聚光燈照射;把焦點轉向… ..The main character was spotlighted as she

spoke while the rest of the stage was dark.Residents thanked the reporter for his story,

which spotlighted the beauty of their neighborhood.

Page 13: Lesson Eleven Words for Production. 1. emergency n. [U, C] 危急;急用 deal with an emergency 處理緊急事件 He is good at dealing with emergencies. in an emergency

7. spotlight

step into the spotlight 走到聚光燈下Hamlet stepped into the spotlight and started

his famous soliloquy. in / under the spotlight 成為眾人焦點所在

Famous actors and singers must get used to their private lives being always under the spotlight.

put / turn the spotlight on ... 把焦點放到 / 轉移到… .. Police found new evidence that turned the

spotlight on the victim’s husband.

Page 14: Lesson Eleven Words for Production. 1. emergency n. [U, C] 危急;急用 deal with an emergency 處理緊急事件 He is good at dealing with emergencies. in an emergency

8. wound

be badly / critically / seriously wounded 傷勢嚴重More than ten thousand soldiers were badly

wounded during the battle. be mortally / fatally wounded 傷勢可能致命Jack was mortally wounded in a gunfight.

be deeply wounded 深深受到傷害 I’m deeply wounded by your distrust in me.

Page 15: Lesson Eleven Words for Production. 1. emergency n. [U, C] 危急;急用 deal with an emergency 處理緊急事件 He is good at dealing with emergencies. in an emergency

8. wound a bullet wound 子彈傷口

My uncle still has a scar from an old bullet wound.

a gunshot / knife / stab wound 槍傷 / 刀傷 / 刺傷The victim died from a series of stab wounds

in his back. lick one’s wounds 舔自己的傷口

Linda was recently divorced, but she decided to start dating again instead of staying home and licking her wounds.

Page 16: Lesson Eleven Words for Production. 1. emergency n. [U, C] 危急;急用 deal with an emergency 處理緊急事件 He is good at dealing with emergencies. in an emergency

8. wound

open old wounds 打開舊傷口Many war veterans refuse to talk about their

past experiences, as it only opens old wounds.

rub salt in the wound 在傷口上灑鹽Not only did Jack beat me at chess, but he

rubbed salt into the wound by telling people that I had tried to cheat!

Page 17: Lesson Eleven Words for Production. 1. emergency n. [U, C] 危急;急用 deal with an emergency 處理緊急事件 He is good at dealing with emergencies. in an emergency

10. volunteer

volunteer v. [T, I] 自願 I volunteered to help with the extra work.My brother decided to volunteer for the Air

Force. a volunteer worker 義工 a full-time / part-time volunteer 全職 / 兼職義工My mother became a full-time volunteer after

she retired from her job.

Page 18: Lesson Eleven Words for Production. 1. emergency n. [U, C] 危急;急用 deal with an emergency 處理緊急事件 He is good at dealing with emergencies. in an emergency

11. technician a laboratory technician 實驗室技術員 a hospital technician 醫院技術員 technical adj. 技術的

technical college (= polytechnic) 理工學院 technical support 技術支援

The IT department provides technical support for computer users.

technical training 技術訓練 All of the software engineers in our companies

have to receive two weeks of technical training before they can start work.

Page 19: Lesson Eleven Words for Production. 1. emergency n. [U, C] 危急;急用 deal with an emergency 處理緊急事件 He is good at dealing with emergencies. in an emergency

11. technician

technicality n. [C] 學術名詞,技術名詞 I want to set up a blog, but I don’t need to

know all the technicalities of how blogs work.

Page 20: Lesson Eleven Words for Production. 1. emergency n. [U, C] 危急;急用 deal with an emergency 處理緊急事件 He is good at dealing with emergencies. in an emergency

12. sanitation

sanitation worker 垃圾清潔工;清掃員 public sanitation 公共衛生

The government spent a lot of money to improve the country’s public sanitation.

sanitary conditions 衛生狀況

Page 21: Lesson Eleven Words for Production. 1. emergency n. [U, C] 危急;急用 deal with an emergency 處理緊急事件 He is good at dealing with emergencies. in an emergency

13. reward

in reward for 作為… . 的獎賞He was given a new watch in reward for his

services. ask no reward 不圖回報

He asks no reward for whatever he does for others.

rewarding adj. 有益的;值得做的;有報酬的 Is it a rewarding job?

Page 22: Lesson Eleven Words for Production. 1. emergency n. [U, C] 危急;急用 deal with an emergency 處理緊急事件 He is good at dealing with emergencies. in an emergency

14. refugee

refuge n. [U, C] 慰藉的人 / 事物 a refugee camp 難民營 a refugee government 流亡政府 take / seek refuge 避難到… ..

After a week of noisy city life, it’s great to take refuge in the country for the weekends.

find refuge in 躲在…… . ;逃避於…… She found refuge in music.

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15. experience

learn by / from experience 從經驗中學習 be lacking in / lack experience 缺乏經驗 have /acquire / gain / get experience 獲得經驗How can you gain experience if you never

try? direct / first-hand / bitter / painful

experience 直接/第一手/痛苦的經驗 It was really a painful experience. I never

want to think of it again.

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16. response

response to 對… .. 的反應What was Amy’s response to the news about

her sister?

in response to 反應……Seven students raised their hands in

response to the teacher’s question.

Page 25: Lesson Eleven Words for Production. 1. emergency n. [U, C] 危急;急用 deal with an emergency 處理緊急事件 He is good at dealing with emergencies. in an emergency

16. response

an automatic / immediate response 本能 / 立即反應Our automatic response to bright light is to

close our eyes.When someone is hurt, your immediate

response should be to call for help. a positive / negative / favorable response 正面 / 負面 / 有利反應The company hoped for a positive response

to its latest product.

Page 26: Lesson Eleven Words for Production. 1. emergency n. [U, C] 危急;急用 deal with an emergency 處理緊急事件 He is good at dealing with emergencies. in an emergency

16. response

little response 沒什麼反應Helen’s proposal to organize a bowling team

met with little response from her friends.

make no response 不作任何反應Making no response, Judy turned and

walked out of the room.

Page 27: Lesson Eleven Words for Production. 1. emergency n. [U, C] 危急;急用 deal with an emergency 處理緊急事件 He is good at dealing with emergencies. in an emergency

16. response

respond to 對… . 作反應、作回答Mike never responds to my e-mails--I give up.

respond with 以……來反應Whenever the speaker said something positive,

the audience responded with applause. respond by V-ing 透過…… .. 來作因應

As the forest fire spread, the government responded by sending military personnel to help fight it.

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17. advance

an advance notice / warning / booking / planning 事先通知 / 警告 / 預定 / 計劃Advance warning of earthquakes would be

very important. an advance team / party 先遣部隊 advance v. [I] 向前推進

Some of the troops are advancing across the desert.

Page 29: Lesson Eleven Words for Production. 1. emergency n. [U, C] 危急;急用 deal with an emergency 處理緊急事件 He is good at dealing with emergencies. in an emergency

17. advance

advance n. [U, C] 前面;進步,進展 in advance 事先

I should warn you in advance that he is a bad-tempered man.

two weeks / three months... in advance 在兩個星期 / 三個月 / …… 之前To get a room at the popular seaside hotel,

we had to make reservations three months in advance.

Page 30: Lesson Eleven Words for Production. 1. emergency n. [U, C] 危急;急用 deal with an emergency 處理緊急事件 He is good at dealing with emergencies. in an emergency

17. advance

technological / scientific / medical advances 技術 / 科學 / 醫療方面的進展 Amazing technological advances took place

during the twentieth century.

Page 31: Lesson Eleven Words for Production. 1. emergency n. [U, C] 危急;急用 deal with an emergency 處理緊急事件 He is good at dealing with emergencies. in an emergency

18. arrange

arrange sth. with sb. 與某人安排某事Ms. Kim arranged a meeting with her son’s

math teacher to discuss the boy’s poor performance.

arrange + for N 安排某事When Carrie was in the hospital, I arranged

for some flowers to be delivered to her room.

Page 32: Lesson Eleven Words for Production. 1. emergency n. [U, C] 危急;急用 deal with an emergency 處理緊急事件 He is good at dealing with emergencies. in an emergency

18. arrange

arrange + to V 準備去做… .. I’ve arranged to have dinner with an old

friend when I visit Hong Kong next month.

arrange for sb. to V 安排讓某人去做…… . Rose has arranged for a babysitter to look

after her kids while she attends a party tonight.

Page 33: Lesson Eleven Words for Production. 1. emergency n. [U, C] 危急;急用 deal with an emergency 處理緊急事件 He is good at dealing with emergencies. in an emergency

18. arrange

come to an / some arrangement (with sb.) (與某人)達成一個 / 某種安排When couples divorce, they must come to

some arrangement about spending time with their children.

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19. transportation

public transportation 公共運輸系統 means / mode / form of transportation 運輸工具 In Taipei, the MRT system is the most

convenient means of transportation.

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20. membership

其它同樣是名詞字尾加上 ship 變成另外一個名詞的例子: friend n. [C] 朋友

→ friendship n. [U] 友誼citizen n. [C] 公民

→ citizenship n. [U] 公民身份champion n. [C] 冠軍

→ championship n. [C] 冠軍;冠軍的地位scholar n. [C] 學者

→ scholarship n. [C] 獎學金

Page 36: Lesson Eleven Words for Production. 1. emergency n. [U, C] 危急;急用 deal with an emergency 處理緊急事件 He is good at dealing with emergencies. in an emergency

21. contents

contents n. [pl.] (容器內的)容納之物;(書籍的)內容;目錄; [U] 滿意We can know what a book is about from the

table of contents. in peace and content 滿足平靜 to one’s heart’s content 心滿意足地;盡情地 Tonight, I’m going to eat to my heart’s

content. I’ll start my diet tomorrow.

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21. contents

content adj. 滿足的;心甘情願的;樂意的;欣然的

be content with + N 滿足於… ..You seem quite content with your present job.

be content to + V 滿足於做….. I am content to remain in this job until I retire.

Page 38: Lesson Eleven Words for Production. 1. emergency n. [U, C] 危急;急用 deal with an emergency 處理緊急事件 He is good at dealing with emergencies. in an emergency

21. contents

content v. [T] 使滿足

content oneself with something 使滿足於……You’ll have to content yourself with a bowl of

instant noodles. I don’t have time to fix anything else.

Page 39: Lesson Eleven Words for Production. 1. emergency n. [U, C] 危急;急用 deal with an emergency 處理緊急事件 He is good at dealing with emergencies. in an emergency

23. educate

education / educational reform 教育改革 get a good education 獲得良好的教育 compulsory education 義務教育 moral / intellectual / physical education 德 / 智 / 體育

adult / vocational education 成人 / 職業教育

the Ministry / Minister of Education 教育部 / 部長

Page 40: Lesson Eleven Words for Production. 1. emergency n. [U, C] 危急;急用 deal with an emergency 處理緊急事件 He is good at dealing with emergencies. in an emergency

23. educate

educational expenses / background 學雜費 / 教育背景;學歷

an educational film / television 教育性電影 / 電視節目 The teacher is showing an educational film

about environmental protection.

Page 41: Lesson Eleven Words for Production. 1. emergency n. [U, C] 危急;急用 deal with an emergency 處理緊急事件 He is good at dealing with emergencies. in an emergency

23. educate

educated adj. 受過教育的John was born in Taiwan but educated in

London. well-educated adj. 有教養的 educationally adv. 教育上地 educator n. [C] 老師

An educator is a person who teaches.

Page 42: Lesson Eleven Words for Production. 1. emergency n. [U, C] 危急;急用 deal with an emergency 處理緊急事件 He is good at dealing with emergencies. in an emergency

24. humanitarian

human adj. 人的;人類的;有人性的To err is human, to forgive divine.

human n. [C] (human being) 人;人類 human nature 人性 the human race 人類 human relations 人際關係 human resources 人力資源

Page 43: Lesson Eleven Words for Production. 1. emergency n. [U, C] 危急;急用 deal with an emergency 處理緊急事件 He is good at dealing with emergencies. in an emergency

24. humanitarian

human rights 人權 Human rights refer to the basic rights that

every person should have, such as the freedom to say what one thinks, the right to vote, etc.

human immunodeficiency virus = HIV 人體免疫缺損病毒

Page 44: Lesson Eleven Words for Production. 1. emergency n. [U, C] 危急;急用 deal with an emergency 處理緊急事件 He is good at dealing with emergencies. in an emergency

24. humanitarian

humanity n. [U] 人性;人道We all should show some humanity toward

the underprivileged.

humane adj. 有人情味的;人性的 I think the government should find a more

humane way to deal with stray dogs.

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26. lack

for lack of 由於缺乏Jim didn’t go abroad with them for lack of

money. lack v. [T, I] 缺乏

He just lacks a little confidence. All we have to do is to help him build up his confidence and everything will be fine.

lack for 缺乏 I don’t really lack for friends.

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26. lack

lacking adj. 不足的;缺乏的To tell the truth, up to now nothing is lacking

in my life.

be lacking in sth. 缺乏……的 It’s a pity to see someone who is so lacking

in common sense.

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27. tropical

a tropical island 一座熱帶小島My new classmate Britney comes from a

tropical island in the Pacific. tropical fruit 一種熱帶水果

The durian is a tropical fruit. tropical rainforest/rain forest 熱帶雨林 tropical ecosystem 熱帶生態系統

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27. tropical

【補充】 the tropical zone 熱帶地區 the semitropical / subtropical zone 亞熱帶 the temperate zone 溫帶 the cold / frigid zone 寒帶

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28. drug

drug test 藥物檢測The athlete failed a drug test, so he was not

allowed to keep his gold medal. do / use drugs 吸毒

I want to have a healthy mind and body, and that’s why I’ll never do / use drugs.

be on drugs 在吸毒 I’ve heard that John used to be on drugs.

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28. drug

drug addict 有毒癮的人 I've heard that John used to be a drug addict.

drug dealer 毒販 drug abuse 毒品問題 drug overdose 吸毒過量 drug trafficking 毒品走私

Page 51: Lesson Eleven Words for Production. 1. emergency n. [U, C] 危急;急用 deal with an emergency 處理緊急事件 He is good at dealing with emergencies. in an emergency

31. individual

individual adj. 個別的,單獨的;一個人(用的);獨特的

individual instruction 個別教導Each student in this class gets some

individual instruction. children with individual needs 有個別不同需求的孩子Teachers should pay more attention to

children’s individual needs.

Page 52: Lesson Eleven Words for Production. 1. emergency n. [U, C] 危急;急用 deal with an emergency 處理緊急事件 He is good at dealing with emergencies. in an emergency

31. individual

an individual writing style 獨特的寫作風格 This novelist is known for his individual writing

style. in one’s own individual way 以自己特有的方式

Mrs. Emerson teaches in her own individual way.

an individual way / style of dressing 具有個人特色的穿著風格 Susie makes her own clothes to suit her

individual way / style of dressing.

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32. president

Presidential Palace 總統府There is going to be a demonstration in front

of the Presidential Palace. the presidential suite 總統套房

A night in this hotel’s presidential suite will cost you an arm and a leg.

Presidential Election 總統大選 Are you planning to vote in the coming

presidential election?

Page 54: Lesson Eleven Words for Production. 1. emergency n. [U, C] 危急;急用 deal with an emergency 處理緊急事件 He is good at dealing with emergencies. in an emergency

32. president

presidency n. [C] 總統的職位Three men and two women ran for the

presidency in the country’s last election.

Page 55: Lesson Eleven Words for Production. 1. emergency n. [U, C] 危急;急用 deal with an emergency 處理緊急事件 He is good at dealing with emergencies. in an emergency

33. tie tongue-tied adj.張口結舌的

Selina got tongue-tied when she met her favorite actress.

tie one’s shoelaces 綁鞋帶 I have been teaching my son to tie his

shoelaces. tie one’s necktie 打領帶

Mom helped Dad tie his necktie before he left for the office.

tie a knot / bow 打一個結 / 蝴蝶結 There are many ways to tie a knot; this is just

one of them.

Page 56: Lesson Eleven Words for Production. 1. emergency n. [U, C] 危急;急用 deal with an emergency 處理緊急事件 He is good at dealing with emergencies. in an emergency

33. tie

tie n. [C] 領帶,領結 bow tie 蝴蝶結

Few men wear a bow tie with a suit these days.

a black-tie event 需穿西裝打領帶的正式場合Why are you wearing jeans? This is a black-

tie event.

Page 57: Lesson Eleven Words for Production. 1. emergency n. [U, C] 危急;急用 deal with an emergency 處理緊急事件 He is good at dealing with emergencies. in an emergency

33. tie

ties n. [pl.] 緣分;關係 business ties 生意上的關係 family ties 家族關係 ties of blood 血緣關係

Page 58: Lesson Eleven Words for Production. 1. emergency n. [U, C] 危急;急用 deal with an emergency 處理緊急事件 He is good at dealing with emergencies. in an emergency

34. accomplish

impressive / great / significant accomplishment 偉大不凡的成就People in Taiwan are proud by Wang Chien-

Ming’s great accomplishments in Major League Baseball.

accomplished adj. 精通的,技術高超的Tiger Woods is a highly / very accomplished

professional golfer.

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Lesson ElevenWords for Recognition

Page 60: Lesson Eleven Words for Production. 1. emergency n. [U, C] 危急;急用 deal with an emergency 處理緊急事件 He is good at dealing with emergencies. in an emergency

9. administrator

system administrator (電腦)系統管理員 A system administrator has a lot of duties,

one of which is to troubleshoot the system environments.

administration n. [U, C] 管理,行政;行政部門;內閣,政府;(法律,藥物等的)施行 Sheila is in charge of the administration of

this medical center.

Page 61: Lesson Eleven Words for Production. 1. emergency n. [U, C] 危急;急用 deal with an emergency 處理緊急事件 He is good at dealing with emergencies. in an emergency

9. administrator

military administration 軍政The military administration is very secretive

about the destination of this mission. business administration 企業管理

My major in college is business administration, not finance.

Master of Business Administration (= MBA) 企管碩士

Page 62: Lesson Eleven Words for Production. 1. emergency n. [U, C] 危急;急用 deal with an emergency 處理緊急事件 He is good at dealing with emergencies. in an emergency

9. administrator

the college administration 大學行政部門 The college administration hereby welcomes

you to our campus. the George W. Bush Administration 小布希政府 Some say that the war with Iraq is the biggest

mistake that George W. Bush has made during his administration.

administration of a new law 新法的施行 Administration of the new traffic law has

caused confusion for drivers in the city.

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9. administrator

an administrative district 一個行政區Taipei City is an administrative district of

Taiwan. administrative assistant / secretary 行政助理 / 秘書Laura has been working as my father’s

administrative assistant for years. administrative support 行政支援

Some of the staff was sent to the overseas branch to provide administrative support.

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12. helicopter

helicopter = chopper 各種不同功能的軍用飛機:

fighter 戰鬥機bomber 轟炸機 tanker 加油機

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13. kit

a makeup kit 一個化妝包 a bike repair kit 一個修理腳踏車工具箱 a shaving kit 一個刮鬍刀工具箱 first aid kit 一個急救箱 survival kit 一個求生裝備箱 tool kit 一個工具箱

Page 66: Lesson Eleven Words for Production. 1. emergency n. [U, C] 危急;急用 deal with an emergency 處理緊急事件 He is good at dealing with emergencies. in an emergency

15. generator

an emergency generator 緊急發電機 Does this building have an emergency


generate v. [T] 產生;發電 generate profit / income / revenue 帶來利潤 / 所得 / 收入 The rise in tourism is expected to generate a

lot of revenue for the city government.

Page 67: Lesson Eleven Words for Production. 1. emergency n. [U, C] 危急;急用 deal with an emergency 處理緊急事件 He is good at dealing with emergencies. in an emergency

15. generator

generate excitement / interest / support 引起、招來刺激 / 興趣 / 支持The exhibition of his new works has

generated a lot of interest.

a generating station 發電廠 The Taipower Company is planning to build a

generating station near our village.

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15. generator

generation n. [U, C] 產生;同時代

generation gap 代溝She tried to bridge the generation gap

between her and her teenage daughter by learning the so-called Martian language (火星文) .

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16. malaria ※其它常見的傳染病名稱: smallpox 天花 chicken pox 水痘 measles 麻疹 German measles/rubella 德國麻疹 tetanus 破傷風 diphtheria 白喉 whooping cough (= pertussis) 百日咳 Japanese encephalitis 日本腦炎 mumps 腮腺炎 rabies 狂犬病

Page 70: Lesson Eleven Words for Production. 1. emergency n. [U, C] 危急;急用 deal with an emergency 處理緊急事件 He is good at dealing with emergencies. in an emergency

16. malaria

※預防注射卡上常見的混合疫苗: 1. MMR三合一疫苗:

腮線炎( mumps )、麻疹( measles )、德國麻疹( rubella )

2. DT二合一疫苗:白喉( diphtheria )、破傷風( tetanus )

3. DTP三合一疫苗:白喉( diphtheria )、破傷風( tetanus )、百日咳( pertussis )

Page 71: Lesson Eleven Words for Production. 1. emergency n. [U, C] 危急;急用 deal with an emergency 處理緊急事件 He is good at dealing with emergencies. in an emergency

17. tuberculosis

tuberculosis = TB TB (Skin) Test 肺結核桿菌皮膚測試,如果結果為陽性,則還要進一步做檢查看是否有罹患肺結核。這個測試在美國非常重要,因此到美國唸書的學生,除非可以提出證明,證明自己以前已經測試通過,否則都得要接受此測試。

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Lesson ElevenIdioms & Phrases

Page 73: Lesson Eleven Words for Production. 1. emergency n. [U, C] 危急;急用 deal with an emergency 處理緊急事件 He is good at dealing with emergencies. in an emergency

1. regardless of

with / in regard to 與……有關The country has very strict laws with regard

to smuggling. send one’s regards to sb. 請代我向某人問好Please send my regards to your parents.

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3. sum up

to sum up 總結來說To sum up, this project has been a total

failure. a lump sum 一次付清,總金額

Did you pay a lump sum for the car, or are you paying for it in installments?

that (about) sums it up 大概就是如此 “So you only went out with Linda because

you didn’t want to break her heart?” “Yeah, that about sums it up.”