Linnanmaa 21.1.2016

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Linnanmaa 21.1.2016

Page 2: Linnanmaa 21.1.2016


Ulkomaille työharjoitteluun!

Kielitaitoa ja oman alan kansainvälistä työkokemusta! Verkostoja, kulttuurista osaamista, ymmärrystä maailman moninaisuudesta, uteliaisuutta, tuottavuutta ja sitkeyttä – kaikkea, mitä tulevaisuuden työelämä tarvitsee.

Kesto 3–6 kuukautta • CIMOn apuraha • Suomalaisille tai Suomessa pysyvästi asuville korkeakouluopiskelijoille ja vastavalmistuneille • Kahden viikon hakuajat helmikuussa ja syyskuussa.

Finpron toimistot • Suomen edustustot • Suomen kulttuuri- ja tiedeinstituutit • Suomen kielen ja kulttuurin opetuspisteet • Suomi-kodit • Ulkosuomalaiset lehdet ja The Finnish American Heritage Center Kehitysyhteistyötä tekevät organisaatiot • Tekes • Eri työnantajia Argentiinassa, Brasiliassa, Chilessä, Perussa, Kiinassa, Intiassa ja Venäjällä. Apurahaa ei saa itse hankittuihin paikkoihin.

www.cimo.fi /harjoittelupaikat | www.maailmalle.net | www.cimo.fi /piilotettuosaaminen

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Sisällysluettelo / Contents 4 Pääkirjoitus / Editorial 6 ABB 7 Agnico Eagle Finland 8 Air Liquide Finland 9 Anite 10 Arcusys 11 ARM 12 Bittium 13 Boliden 14 Business Kitchen 15 BusinessOulu 16 Codemate 17 Componenta 18 Destia 19 Digia ja the Qt Company 20 Esju 21 Espotel 22 Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering 23 Fennovoima 24 Freeport Cobalt 25 F-Secure 26 Lidl Suomi 27 LähiTapiola Pohjoinen 28 MediaTek 29 Metso 30 MetsäGroup 31 MSK Group 32 Neste Jacobs 33 Nokia 34 Nordic Semiconductor 35 Osuuskauppa Arina 36 Oucons / Comatec Group 37 Oulun Energia 38 Outokumpu

39 Peikko Group 40 Pohjois-Pohjanmaan työ- ja elinkeinotoimisto 41 Polar Electro 42 Ponsse 43 Ramboll 44 Sito 45 Solita 46 SSAB 47 Stora Enso 48 Studentwork 49 Sweco 50 Symbio Finland 51 Synopsys 52 Tekniikan akateemiset - TEK 53 Teollisuuden Voima 54 Texas Instruments 55 Tietomekka 56 Turun seutu 57 Uranoste 2015 - 2017 58 VR Track 59 Wapice 60 WSP 61 Wärtsilä 62 Yara Suomi 63 Zef 64 Messualue / Fair area map

Ulkomaille työharjoitteluun!

Kielitaitoa ja oman alan kansainvälistä työkokemusta! Verkostoja, kulttuurista osaamista, ymmärrystä maailman moninaisuudesta, uteliaisuutta, tuottavuutta ja sitkeyttä – kaikkea, mitä tulevaisuuden työelämä tarvitsee.

Kesto 3–6 kuukautta • CIMOn apuraha • Suomalaisille tai Suomessa pysyvästi asuville korkeakouluopiskelijoille ja vastavalmistuneille • Kahden viikon hakuajat helmikuussa ja syyskuussa.

Finpron toimistot • Suomen edustustot • Suomen kulttuuri- ja tiedeinstituutit • Suomen kielen ja kulttuurin opetuspisteet • Suomi-kodit • Ulkosuomalaiset lehdet ja The Finnish American Heritage Center Kehitysyhteistyötä tekevät organisaatiot • Tekes • Eri työnantajia Argentiinassa, Brasiliassa, Chilessä, Perussa, Kiinassa, Intiassa ja Venäjällä. Apurahaa ei saa itse hankittuihin paikkoihin.

www.cimo.fi /harjoittelupaikat | www.maailmalle.net | www.cimo.fi /piilotettuosaaminen

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Tervetuloa Linnanmaalle!

Tuoreet osaajat ja työnantajat kohtaavat jälleen tammikuus-sa Linnanmaan kampuksella. Pesti-päivän parasta antia ovat kontaktit ja rekrytoinnin asiantuntijoiden vinkit työnhakuun ja urasuunnitteluun liittyvissä asioissa. Harjoittelumahdol-lisuuksien tarjoaminen on sekä yrityksen että opiskelijan kannalta satsaus tulevaisuuteen. Tekniikan alalla vastaval-mistuneet työllistyvät yleisesti opintojen aikana syntyneiden työelämäkontaktien avulla.

Työharjoittelu on tärkeä osa opiskelijan ammatillista kasvua. Harjoittelun kautta opiskelija pääsee testaamaan osaamis-taan ja oppimaan tarvittavia tietoja ja taitoja käytännön ym-päristössä. Uusi tulokas voi puolestaan tuoda uusia tuulah-duksia työyhteisöön. Harjoittelun kautta löytyvät oman alan verkostot, joista on apua sekä työnhaussa että koko työuralla.

Hyödynnä Pesti-päivän mahdollisuudet! Aktiivisuus ja pe-rusteellinen valmistautuminen tuo tulosta. Tutustu ennak-koon mukana olevien yritysten toimintaan ja osaajatarpei-siin Pesti-lehden ja yritystietokantamme (www.pestipaivat.fi/db/) avulla. Pohdiskele etukäteen omaa osaamistasi ja urahaaveitasi. Tee toimintasuunnitelma ja käytä päivä Lin-nanmaan kampuksen messualueella tehokkaasti hyödyksi. Kysele rohkeasti vinkkejä omia urasuunnitelmiasi varten.

Welcome to meet the employers and young professionals on Pesti Career Day on January 21st 2016 in Linnanmaa!

The largest recruitment fair in the field of technology in Northern Finland has been organized on Linnanmaa cam-pus every year since 1990. The fair is hosted by the Facul-ties in the field of Technology and the engineering students. PESTI Career Day provides an excellent way for students to network with employers and recruiters and to find out what kind of career opportunities the technical branch has to of-fer.


PäätoimittajaOuti [email protected]

Taitto ja kannetAku [email protected]

PainopaikkaRannikon Laatupaino Oy


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Do some preparation before the fair by working out what sort of sector you would like to work in and target compa-nies at the fair. Find out as much as you can about companies attending the fair in advance with help of company profiles on Pesti website (www.pestipaivat.fi/db/).

Outi SimiCoordinatorFaculty of Technology

Lehdessä käytetyt lyhenteet:• AO = Arkkitehtuuri/Architecture• KO = Konetekniikka/ Mechanical Engineering• PO = Prosessitekniikka/Process Engineering• YMP = Ympäristötekniikka/Environmental Engineering• SO = Sähkötekniikka/ Electrical Engineering• CSE = Tietotekniikka/ Computer Science and Engineer-

ing• TUTA = Tuotantotalous/Industrial Engineering and

Management• BIOF = Biofysiikka/Biophysics• FYS = Fysiikka/Physics• MAT = Matematiikka/Mathematical Sciences• TOL = Tietojenkäsittelytiede/Information Processing

Science• TAL = Taloustiede/Economics• AD = Architectural Design• BEE = Environmental Engineering• BME = Biomedical Engineering• ProM = Product Management• WCE = Wireless Communication Engineering• GS3D = Software, Systems and Services Development in

Global Environment

Tämän lehden sisältämät tiedot sekä muuta hyödyllistä tie-toa löydät Pestin verkkosivuilta. Sivuilla julkaistaan myös mahdolliset lehden painon jälkeen tapahtuneet päivitykset ja myöhemmin mukaan tulleiden yritysten esittelyt.

Company presentations and other useful information. Check the latest company updates.


Koulutusohjelmat ja lyhen-teet / Shortened Forms of Degree Programmes


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ABB on johtava sähkövoima- ja automaatioteknologiayhtymä, jonka tuotteet, järjestelmät ja palvelut parantavat teollisuus- ja energiayhtiöasiakkaiden sekä kuljetus- ja infrastruktuurialojen asiakkaiden kilpailukykyä ympäristömyönteisesti. ABB työllistää 100 maassa noin 140 000 henkilöä, joista Suomessa noin 5 400.

Asiakkaiden luottamus ja tyytyväisyys ovat perusedellytyksiä lii-ketoimintamme menestymiselle. Siksi asiakas on aina ensisijalla kaikessa toiminnassamme.

Uskomme yhtiömme kaikkien toimintojen jatkuvaan kehittämi-seen, sillä se, mikä tuo kaupan kotiin tänään, ei riitä enää huo-menna. Niinpä osaamisen kehittäminen on suunnitelmallista or-ganisaation kaikilla tasoilla.

Kun vielä lisätään hyvä yhteistyö niin lähimpien työtovereiden kuin muiden ABB-yksiköiden kanssa, meillä on kaikki edellytyk-set varmistaa yhtiön ja henkilöstön menestys.


ABB is a leader in power and automation technologies that enab-le utility, industry, and transport and infrastructure customers to improve their performance while lowering environmental impact. The ABB Group of companies operates in roughly 100 countries and employs about 140 000 people. In Finland ABB employs about 5400 people.

Customer trust and satisfaction are the foundation of our busi-ness success. Hence, the customer is always a priority in all of our operations.

We believe in continuous development of all our operations, for what closes a deal today might not be enough tomorrow. There-fore, competence development is systematic on all organizational levels.

And when we add in the great cooperation with our colleagues and other ABB business units we have met all the requirements for ensuring the success of our company and our people.


Field of OperationPower and automation technolo-gies

Offices in FinlandFactories in Vaasa, Helsinki and Porvoo. Other operation on 21 locations.

Turnover of the CompanyIn Finland 2,4 billion euros

PersonnelIn Finland about 5400, worldwide about 140 000

Open PositionsSummer trainees, thesis writers and also permanent positions.

Degree ProgrammeSO, KO, PO, TUTA, YMP, TAL

Year of Study1, 2, 3, 4, 5, n

SpecializationPower technology, mechanical engineering, process technology, industrial management, environ-mental engineering

Other Relevant InformationWe are looking for people who are initiative and target oriented. People with cooperation skills, desire to develop oneself and lan-guage skills that like working in an international environment.

Applicationhttp://www.abb.fi/uralle , http://www.abb.fi/kesatyo

Summer Jobs 2016Apply by 29.2.2016


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The Kittilä mine is owned by Agnico Eagle Finland Oy, a subsi-diary of Agnico Eagle Mines Limited, which is a long established, Canadian based gold producer with operations in Canada, Fin-land and Mexico, and exploration in Canada, the USA, Mexico and Scandinavia. It is located in the Lapland region of northern Finland, approximately 900 kilometers north of Helsinki and 150 kilometers north of the Arctic Circle.

The Kittila mine area is one of the largest known gold deposits in Europe with proven and probable reserves* containing almost 4.7 million ounces (32 million tons at 4.6 g/t). Operations in Kit-tilä began with open-pit mining in 2008 from two pits (Suuri and Roura). The first doré bar was poured in January 2009. Under-ground mining was commenced in October 2010. As the open-pit mining was completed in November 2012, Kittilä became an underground-only operation. At current production volumes, the mine’s known ore reserves are expected to produce gold until 2034. The company’s explorers are, however, working to find new ore deposits.

The ore at the Kittila mine is treated through grinding, flotation, pressure oxidation and carbon-in-leach circuits. The Kittilä mine has the company’s only pressure oxidation circuit (autoclave), which is required because of the ore’s refractory nature. Gold from the leach circuit is stripped from the carbon and recovered from solution using electro-winning, and then smelted in a furnace and poured into doré bars.

The 3,000-tonne-per-day operation is expected to pour about 150,000 ounces of gold in 2014 and to average 165,000 ounces of gold a year from 2015 through 2016. An expansion project is un-derway to increase the throughput capacity at the mine by 1,000 tonnes per day, starting the end of 2014.

*As per December 31, 2013

Field of OperationMining industry

Turnover of the Company185 million


Open PositionsYear 2015:Summer workers/trainees about 60Thesis workers 4-6

Degree ProgrammePO, YMP, geology

Year of Study1, 2, 3, 4, 5

[email protected]

Agnico Eagle Finland OyPokantie 54199250 KIISTALA

Puh. +358 (0)16 3380700Fax. +358 (0)16 33807701

[email protected]

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Air Liquide maailman johtava teollisuuskaasuyritys

Air Liquide on maailman johtava teollisuuden ja terveyden kaasujen, tek-nologioiden ja palvelujen tuottaja. Sillä on toimintaa 80 maassa ja sen palve-luksessa on 50.000 työntekijää. Konserni palvelee yli 2 miljoonaa asiakasta ja potilasta.

Happi, typpi ja vety ovat kuuluneet konsernin ydinliiketoimintaan vuodesta 1902 lähtien, jolloin se perustettiin. Air Liquiden tavoitteena on olla toimi-alansa johtava toimija, joka tarjoaa pitkän tähtäimen suorituskykyä ja toimii vastuullisesti.

Air Liquiden ideat tuottavat arvoa pitkällä tähtäimellä. Yrityksen kehityksen ytimenä ovat sen henkilöstön sitoutuminen ja jatkuva innovointi. Air Li-quiden ennakoi markkinoidensa haasteita, investoi paikallisesti ja globaalisti sekä tarjoaa korkealaatuisia ratkaisuja asiakkailleen ja potilailleen sekä tie-deyhteisölle. Yritys tukeutuu toimintojensa kilpailukykyisyyteen, kasvaville markkinoille kohdennettuihin investointeihin sekä innovaatioihin, jotka tuottavat kannattavaa kasvua pitkällä tähtäimellä.

Vuonna 2014 konsernin tulos oli 15,4 miljardia euroa. Elämää ja ympäristöä suojelevien ratkaisujen osuus myynnistä oli yli 40 %. Air Liquide on listattu Pariisin Euronext-pörssissä (ryhmä A) ja kuuluu CAC 40 ja Dow Jones Euro Stoxx 50 -indekseihin.

Creative Oxygen, tunnusmerkkimme

Creative Oxygen on tunnusmerkkimme, jota käytämme kaikissa toiminta-maissamme. Sana ”creative” viittaa Air Liquiden työntekijöiden jatkuvaan innovointikykyyn ja ”oxygen” muistuttaa Air Liquiden historiasta. Happi on konsernin kehitystyön lähde ja tärkeä resurssi teollisuudella ja terveydelle. Happi on enemmän kuin vain molekyyli. Se on inspiraation lähde työnte-kijöillemme, jotka kehittävät uusia sovelluksia olemassa oleville ja tuleville markkinoille.Creative Oxygen viittaa siten liiketoimintaamme ja työntekijöidemme in-novointikykyyn ja luovuuteen. Kaikki tuntevat hapen, joten tunnusmerk-kimme puhuttelee kaikkia yleisöjä. Se tukee sata vuotta vanhaa tavaramerk-kiämme, lisää sen houkuttelevuutta ja luo uutta dynamiikkaa.

Air Liquide Finland Oy on osa Air Liquide –konsernia. Yhdessä Norjan, Ruotsin ja Tanskan tytäryhtiöidemme kanssa muodostamme pohjoismaisen organisaation. Air Liquide Finland Oy´n liikevaihto vuonna 2014 oli noin 50 miljoonaa euroa. Tuotantolaitoksemme sijaitsevat Oulussa, Raahessa, Kittilässä, Kokkolassa, Harjavallassa, Joutsenossa, Äänekoskella ja Nokialla.

Field of OperationIndustrial Gas company

Offices in FinlandTyppitie 1, Oulu, Fredriks-berginkatu 2, Helsinki, Liekokatu 1, Nokia

Turnover of the Company50 million Euros


Degree ProgrammeKO, PO, YMP, SO, TUTA

Year of Study4,5

[email protected]

HR Manager Tommi Heikkinen, [email protected]

Tel. 040 180 7899


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Anite plc is a leading supplier of test and measurement solutions to the interna-tional wireless market. It provides testing, measurement, optimization and ana-lytics systems based on its specialist sector knowledge and its proprietary soft-ware and hardware products. Customers include major manufacturers of mobile devices, chipsets and network equipment, mobile network operators, regulatory authorities, and independent test houses. Its 500+ staff work from headquarters in the UK and from offices in 14 countries across Europe, the Americas, Asia and the Middle East. Anite is now part of Keysight Technologies.In Finland there are two offices of Anite; head office of business unit Anite Net-work Testing and office of business unit Device & Infrastructure Testing, both are located in Oulu.

Anite Network Testing (Anite Finland Oy)

Anite Network Testing provides cutting-edge wireless network testing and anal-ysis systems and solutions globally. Our Nemo-branded products are used by more than 400 mobile operators, network equipment manufacturers, service contractors, and regulatory bodies from over 100 countries worldwide. Nemo tools combined with our world-class customer support enable our customers to optimize the quality of wireless voice and data networks and to maximize their revenue stream.

We provide solutions for wireless network optimization, benchmarking, CEM, monitoring, analytics, and reporting. Our products scale from handheld data collection tools to big data analytics solutions and support all the latest wireless technologies including 4G/LTE, LTE-A Carrier Aggregation, and VoLTE.To get to know us better, please visit our website at www.anite.com/nemo and follow us on LinkedIn , YouTube, and Twitter.

Anite Device & Infrastructure Testing (Anite Telecoms Oy)

Anite Telecoms Oy develops testing solutions for the wireless industry. Product portfolio includes Propsim radio channel emulators, (Propsim F32, Propsim FS8 and Propsim F8) and Virtual Drive Test Toolset solutions. The products are used in testing of various wireless devices such as chipsets, mobile terminals, base sta-tions and Wi-Fi terminals. Propsim products enable realistic testing of advanced wireless access systems including LTE and LTE-A.

Our laboratory-based test systems enable manufacturers to verify their products against industry standards and network operators to meet their end-customers’ expectations by ensuring that devices perform efficiently in real-life situations. With Propsim radio channel emulators the customers can emulate the character-istics of real-world conditions in the laboratory environment.

To get to know us better, please visit our website http://www.anite.com/business-es/device-infrastructure-testing and follow us on LinkedIn and YouTube.

Field of OperationLeading supplier of test and mea-surement solutions to the interna-tional wireless market.

Offices in FinlandAnite Finland Oy: Yrttipellontie 10, 90230 Oulu Anite Telecoms Oy: Tutkijantie 6, 90590 Oulu

Turnover of the Company118 M£ FY 2015

PersonnelAnite Finland Oy: 75Anite Telecoms Oy: 52

Open PositionsAnite Finland Oy: 1-5Anite Telecoms Oy: 1-3

Degree ProgrammeAnite Finland Oy: M.ScAnite Telecoms Oy: M.Sc

Year of StudyAnite Finland Oy: 3Anite Telecoms Oy: 3 -

SpecializationAnite Finland Oy: Software Tech-nology, TelecommunicationsAnite Telecoms Oy: Telecommu-nications, Software Technology, RF Technology, Electrical engi-neering

ApplicationAnite Finland Oy: Wireless network testing Nemo product family, Anite Telecoms Oy: Radio Channel emulator Propsim pro-duct family

Anite Finland Oy: Kimmo Savolainen 050 3957756

Anite Telecoms Oy: Seppo Salonen040 1988712

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Arcusys is an internationally growing Liferay Developer Company specialized in the digitalization of learning. Arcu-sys is established in 2003 and our headquarters is located in Joensuu. In addition, we have offices in Oulu, Helsinki, Lap-peenranta, Petrozavodsk and Boston. Currently we employ 100 competent professionals, whose daily work is guided by our values; customer orientation, responsibility, develop-ment and sense of community.

Apply as a Trainee!

We offer internships for software developer students in our Joensuu and Oulu offices. Trainees at Arcusys get to work with inspiring and challenging tasks in interesting customer projects and among talented colleagues. Moreover, half of our current employees have started their careers at Arcusys via internships. Trainees belong tightly to our work com-munity and their development is supported throughout the Trainee period. Each Arcusys Trainee gets an own Arcusys friend for the internship period. This way we ensure that the learning and development of our Trainees is supported the best possible way.

The length of our internships varies from three to six months. After the internships many of our Trainees have continued at Arcusys as part-time employees alongside studies and dur-ing summer periods. In addition, our Trainees get to par-ticipate in all different Arcusys events such as beer tasting, sports events and game nights, just to mention a few.

Additional information: www.arcusys.com

Field of OperationIT Service Company

Offices in FinlandJoensuu, Oulu, Helsinki, Lappeenranta

Open Positionswww.arcusys.fi/web/en/-/open-positions-at-arcusys

Applicationwww.arcusys.fi/web/en/-/open-positions-at-arcusysor open application:www.arcusys.fi/web/en/-/an-open-application

Arcusys OyArkadiankatu 16 B 2600100 HelsinkiIsokatu 32 B 4. krs90100 OuluKoskikatu 5 C80100 JoensuuKirkkokatu 14, LH 202, 2. kerros53100 Lappeenranta


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ARM is known for low cost efficient microprocessor designs, shipping in over 8.7 billion devices in just the last year. Con-necting all of those devices in an Internet of Things is one of the most important trends in technology. ARM has a fast-growing team of engineers in our Oulu office working on making this a reality.

The Internet of Things is driving the requirement for a chan-ge in the way embedded devices are created and deployed. Our mission is to build a modern full stack open-source OS and tools focused on developer productivity, low power, IP communication and security that can be used by 100,000s of developers creating connected IoT devices.

We have 2016 summer trainee and graduate opportunities in our embedded, web, networking and support teams.

If you’re interested in building new businesses by taking on the biggest problems in the Internet of Things, we have op-portunities for you.

Field of OperationSemiconductor IP Company - Software and Hardware Engineering

Offices in FinlandOulu

PersonnelApproximately 4000 world-wide, 100 in Oulu

Open Positionswww.arm.com/careers

Degree ProgrammeCSE, TOL, SO, WCE

Year of Study1, 2, 3, 4, 5


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Bittium Corporation, formerly known as Elektrobit Corporation, changed its name to Bittium Corporation on July 1, 2015 after sel-ling its Automotive business and the rights to brand name Elektrobit on July 1, 2015.

Bittium offers innovative products and solutions based on our own platforms for defense, public safety and other authorities markets, IoT markets (Internet of Things) as well as for industrial use. For the wireless communication markets and other companies who need wireless connectivity to their products, Bittium offers R&D services based on the latest wireless technologies and applications. Bittium also offers high quality information security solutions for mobile devices and portable computers.

Bittium’s products are: Bittium Tough Mobile LTE smartphone for demanding Mobile Security and Public Safety needs, Bittium Tactical Wireless IP Network, Bittium Tough VoIP products and Bittium Tactical LTE Access Point for tactical communications. Bittium’s product platforms are Bittium Special Device Platform for Android-based devices and Bittium IoT Device Platform for development of different kind of products that need wireless con-nectivity and various sensors. Bittium SafeMove solutions enable secure, seamless connectivity for mobile workforce.

As an employer Bittium is able to offer interesting projects with latest technologies. At Bittium you will have the opportunity to work alongside highly qualified professionals and learn from the best.

As a publicly listed Finnish company Bittium is one of the few whose headquarters are in Oulu. We have app. 400 engineers of our wireless business working at Oulu Technopolis. We are always looking for the best future talents!

For more information on the career possibilities we offer, please visit our job portal at http://jobs.bittium.com/

Field of OperationWireless technologies

Offices in FinlandOulu Kajaani Tampere Espoo

Turnover of the Company53 MEUR

Personnelapp. 520 persons globally

Open PositionsThesis workers, trainees, part- and full time designers according to project needs.

Degree ProgrammeSO, CSE, TOL, KO

Year of Study3

Other Relevant InformationIn our international teams you will need fluency in written and spoken English language.




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Boliden is a metals company with a commitment to sustai-nable development. Our roots are Nordic, but our business is global.

The company’s core competence is within the fields of exp-loration, mining, smelting and metals recycling. We supply our customers with top grade zinc, copper, lead, gold and silver.

The Boliden Group operates mines and smelters in Sweden, Finland, Norway and Ireland. In Finland Boliden has three sites: Boliden Kylylahti (copper and zinc mine), Boliden Har-javalta (copper smelter) and Boliden Kokkola (zinc smelter).

A total of 4 900 people work for Boliden, 1 000 of whom are in Finland.

Field of OperationExploration, mining, smelting and metals recycling

Turnover of the CompanyAppr. 4 055 MEUR (36 891 MSEK) in 2014

Personnel4 900

Open PositionsSummer trainees: appr. 250 an-nually (in Finland)Thesis work: 4 - 5 annually (in Finland)Open vacancies: appr. 40 annu-ally (in Finland)

Degree ProgrammePO, SO, KO, TUTA, YMP

Year of Study1, 2, 3, 4, 5, n


Other Relevant InformationApplication period for sum-mer jobs is in January - Febru-ary (in Finland). Information about application periods in Sweden, Norway and Ireland can be found from our website www.boliden.com



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Interested in gaining practical experience from company assignments and learn vital skills needed in today’s working life? Do you want to build a business? Come and visit us in the Business Kitchen!

Business Kitchen is an open innovation and co-working space; located both in the University’s TellUs Innovation Arena and in the entrepre-neurship hub in the city center. In the center on the fourth and fifth floor in Torikatu 23, you’ll find for example Demola Oulu (company assign-ments to students), AVANTO Accelerator (turning ideas into startups), Oulu Student Entrepreneurship Society (OuluES), and numerous other services, such as the Finnish Enterprise Agency.

PUT YOUR KNOWLEDGE TO PRACTICEWant to work in a multidisciplinary team to create innovative solutions for real-world needs? Come to Demola where students and companies co-create solutions to companies’ problems. It could mean a new pro-duct, or a service concept, or even something that is totally new. Not only do you get to practice in real business projects, develop future products, create connections, but also earn credits.

BUILD YOUR BUSINESS IDEA INTO A BUSINESSDo you know how to turn your idea or competence into a company and create your own job? Apply into our 3-month AVANTO Accelerator pro-gram and get inspiration, advice and tools for building a business.

PARTICIPATE IN EVENTS AND TRAININGSWe facilitate meetings of students and entrepreneurs through variety of events, trainings, seminars, workshops, courses, and business idea com-petitions. Join Business Kitchen, OuluES and Demola Oulu on Facebook to learn more and to stay tuned!

NETWORK IN OPEN INNOVATION AND CO-WORKING SPACEThe doors are open for all both in Linnanmaa campus TellUs Innovation Arena and in Torikatu – whether you are a student or an entrepreneur. When you are working on your business idea or looking for a team to put your ideas into practice, come and utilize our inspiring collaborative space.


Field of OperationCompany assignments, En-trepreneurship and Business Development


Degree ProgrammeAll

Year of StudyAll


Other Relevant InformationWelcome to Business Kitch-en! Our doors are open for all thinkers and doers who want to build networks, develop business ideas, get practical experience from company assignments, or who want to learn more about entrepreneurship in general.

ApplicationWalk in to TellUs Innovation Arena or our premises in the center of Oulu!

Business KitchenTorikatu 23, 4th and 5th floorFI-90100 Oulu

TellUs Innovation ArenaLinnanmaa, Oulu


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Oulu, Capital of Northern Scandinavia, is the capital of a region of intense growth in Northern Europe.

BusinessOulu is in charge of implementing the City of Ou-lu’s industry policies, and providing growth companies with the services they require, in addition to promoting export, import, investments, and employment. With the help of its international partner network, BusinessOulu acts as a part-ner to companies and helps them grow, particularly in the north, where it leads and participates in the operations of Finnish Business Hub (Suomi-talo). Oulu’s innovation envi-ronment, ecosystems and think tanks create innovations in a bold and productive manner. The aim is to rapidly develop business opportunities and significantly increase start-up in-vestments. BusinessOulu also makes a determined effort to develop tourism and provides assistance in running success-ful meetings, conferences and events.

BusinessOulu supports you and your company in all stages: from starting the company to generating growth and creat-ing international opportunities. As a partner and as an en-abler of growth, we want to offer Oulu-based companies overall solutions that meet the particular needs of their cus-tomers as well as a competitive business environment with surrounding networks. BusinessOulu offers high-quality business services for companies in the Oulu region:- Business idea and model- Starting up a business- Business finance- Export- Changes of ownership- Business training

Take a look at our services at www.businessoulu.com and visit our stand at TellUs Innovation Arena to hear more!


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Codemate is specialized in developing web-based services and mobile applications according to the visions of our cli-ents. We work at four offices internationally and are growing all the time. Codemate headquarters is in Oulu.

Codemate guys and girls are hardcore software profession-als. Our web developers are able to handle complex back-end systems and the latest front-end technologies, all open-source. Creative Technologists design the UX and participate in front-end development when needed. Our mobile devel-opers create native apps for iOS, Android and WP8.

Most of our guys work on projects as a part of a team at our own premises. Sometimes we go to strengthen our clients’ teams on the client premises as well.

Our work atmosphere is relaxed and fun, yet the tasks are challenging enough to keep us learning all the time. We have personal development plans for all our employees, be it be-coming a full-stacker, architect or a project manager.

We are looking for talents who love to code and have a posi-tive attitude. Open Source web techs, iOS and Android are important, but you don’t have to know everything from the start.

Codemate welcomes all applicants interested in mobile and web development to visit us on the stand number 31!

Field of OperationSoftware development services

Offices in FinlandOulu, Helsinki

Turnover of the Company3 milj.


Open PositionsWeb DeveloperCreative TechnologistMobile DeveloperWeb Architect

Year of StudyPätevät pärjää aina

Specialization-Software development-Web-based software-Responsive web services-Mobile applications-Hybrid apps

Other Relevant InformationWe take in students and gradu-ates through a tailored intern-ship.

ApplicationSend your CV to [email protected]


Codemate Ltd.Kasarmintie 2190130 Oulu

[email protected]


Page 17: Linnanmaa 21.1.2016


Componenta is a major casting solutions provider in Europe.

Componenta personnel comprises of 4,200 people working in several countries. The Group has production in Turkey, Finland, the Nether-lands and Sweden. Componenta customer service centers are located, in addition to the mentioned countries, also in France, Germany, Italy, UK and USA. Componenta has a lean and transparent operational structure and Way to Operate, with a strong focus on customer service. Our per-formance is based on common values and sustainability.

Componenta’s customers are manufacturers of vehicles and machines and equipment in various industries. Most customers are global players and market leaders in their sectors. The Group’s offering to them is based on knowledge of the customers’ business and excellence in engineering, casting and machining services.

Componenta shares are quoted on the NASDAQ OMX Helsinki. The share of the Group’s subsidiary Componenta Dökümcülük AS is listed on the Istanbul Stock Exchange.

What do we have for you?

- We offer challenging and interesting career opportunities for example in engineering, finance, production and quality management.

- The opportunity to grow as a professional with the help of a named mentor and together with your motivated and talented colleagues.

- Possibility for summer jobs, internships and master thesis position du-ring your studies.

If you have the ability to make it happen and drive to succeed - you may be the one for us.

Cast your future with Componenta!

For further information please visit www.componenta.com/careers

Field of OperationMetal industry

Turnover of the CompanyIn 2014 the Group’s net sales were EUR 495 million

PersonnelApprox 4,200 people

Open PositionsWe offer summer jobs and thesis topics, together with interesting challenges at Componenta after the graduation.

Degree ProgrammeKO, PO, TUTA, TAL

Year of Study1, 2, 3, 4, 5, n

SpecializationAll the above-mentioned degree orientation options.


[email protected]

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Destia - Toimivampi maailma

Destia on suomalainen infra- ja rakennusalan palveluyhtiö, joka raken-taa, ylläpitää ja suunnittelee liikenneväylien ja ratojen sekä liikenne- ja teollisuusympäristöjen lisäksi kokonaisia elinympäristöjä. Palvelumme ulottuvat maanalaisesta rakentamisesta kattavaan maanpäälliseen toi-mintaan sekä energia- ja insinöörirakentamiseen. Monipuolisen osaami-sen ansiosta destialaiset toteuttavat suuria ja merkityksellisiä ratkaisuja. Ratkaisuja, joilla luodaan edellytykset turvalliselle ja sujuvalle liikkumi-selle ja tehdään ympäröivästä maailmasta pala palalta toimivampaa.

Destian asiakkaita ovat teollisuus- ja liikeyritykset, kunnat ja kaupungit sekä valtionhallinnon organisaatiot. Kattava toimipaikkaverkko Suo-messa takaa, että Destia on aina lähellä asiakkaitaan.

Harjoittelupaikat ja opinnäytetyöt Destiassa

Tarjoamme opiskelijoille vuosittain lukuisia harjoittelupaikkoja ympäri Suomea. Harjoittelupaikkaa voi hakea täyttämällä avoimen hakemuksen internetsivuillamme www.destia.fi.Teetämme myös useita diplomi- ja opinnäytetöitä vuosittain.

Destia - Building the Bigger Picture

Destia is a Finnish infrastructure and construction service company. We build, maintain and design traffic routes, industrial and traffic environ-ments, as well as complete living environments. Our services cover the whole spectrum, from comprehensive overground operations to subter-ranean construction. Thanks to our well-rounded expertise, we at Destia implement major solutions on a large scale, paving the way for safe and smooth mobility. We build the bigger picture, piece by piece.

Destia’s customer base includes industrial and business companies, ci-ties, municipalities and government agencies. An extensive network of regional offices in Finland ensures that Destia is always close to its cus-tomers.

Destia offers students several traineeships around Finland. Traineeships can be applied for by submitting a free-form application by e-mail to [email protected].

Field of OperationInfra- ja rakennusala

Offices in FinlandPäätoimipaikat: Espoo, Jyväs-kylä, Kouvola, Kuopio, Oulu, Rovaniemi, Tampere, Vantaa.

Turnover of the Companynoin 430 milj. euroa vuonna 2014


Open PositionsDestia tarjoaa mielenkiintoisia haasteita ammattilaisille raken-tamis- ja hoitotehtävissä turval-lisessa työympäristössä. Meillä on tarvetta myös teknillisen koulutuksen saaneille osaajille johtamis- ja esimiestehtävissä sekä erilaisissa asiantuntija-, konsultointi- ja suunnitteluteh-tävissä.

Degree ProgrammeAO, KO, PO, YMP, SO, CSE, TUTA, TAL

Year of Study2, 3, 4, 5, n

ApplicationHakemukset www.destia.fi kautta



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Huipputason osaaminen. Kiinnostavat asiakasprojektit. Hyvät kehittymismahdollisuudet ja työporukka, jossa on tekemisen meininki. Muun muassa näitä asioita tarjoaa Digia, suomalainen ohjelmisto- ja palveluyhtiö. Autamme alansa johtavia toimijoita palveluiden kehittämisessä, toiminnan ohjaamisessa ja tiedon hyödyntämisessä kotona ja kansainvälisesti.

Työpaikalla meitä digialaisia yhdistää osaaminen ja tekemisen ilo. Laitamme itsemme likoon. Meillä pidetään huolta kaverista, kan-nustetaan ja iloitaan onnistumisista yhdessä. Tiedonjakaminen ja osaamisen kehittäminen ovat meillä arvossaan. Hyvää yhteishen-keä ylläpitää myös aktiivinen harrasteyhteisömme. Työn ja muun arjen tasapaino on tärkeää. Siksi haluamme pitää hyvää huolta työntekijöistämme, ja tukea heitä erilaisissa elämäntilanteissa joustavin työehdoin.

Voit herättää mielenkiintomme lähettämällä videohakemuksen nuorille suunnattuun ohjelmaamme Digia Career Compass: www.digia.com/careercompass tai täyttämällä perinteisen työpaikka-hakemuksen: www.digia.com/tyopaikat


The Qt Company, a wholly owned subsidiary of Digia Plc., is res-ponsible for all Qt activities including product development, com-mercial and open source licensing together with the Qt Project under the open governance model. Together with our licensing, support and services capabilities, we operate with the mission to work closely with developers to ensure that their Qt projects are deployed on time, within budget and with a competitive advan-tage.

Qt is created by developers for developers where making deve-lopers’ lives easier is top priority. We strive to provide an incom-parable developer experience with the tools necessary to create amazing user experiences. Qt is platform agnostic and believes in making sure that all developers are privy of being able to target multiple platforms with one framework by simply reusing code. We believe in providing freedom to the developer. Code less. Cre-ate more. Deploy everywhere. www.qt.com/careers

Field of OperationSoftware and services

Offices in FinlandHelsinki, Tampere, Jyväs-kylä, Rauma, Oulu

Turnover of the Company97,4 MEUR

Personnelapprox. 1000 (in Oulu 50)

Open PositionsHaemme joukkoomme mo-tivoituneita ja kehittymis-haluisia tiimipelaajia, joilla on tekninen suuntaus.

Degree ProgrammeTOL, CSE, SO

Year of Study4, 5, n

Other Relevant InformationFacebook & Twitter: @digia-online @qtbydigia


Digia Oyj / The Qt CompanyElektroniikkatie 1390590 OULU

Tel + 358 10 303 3000

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Esju is a privately owned high-tech company founded in 1991. Our offices are located in Oulu. Our enterprise cov-ers electronics product development, consultancy, research, training, and EMC laboratory services.

Company overview

Esju’s edge is in our competitiveness, rapid growth and in our ability to deliver complete design projects. We combine RF, EMC, electromechanics, and embedded systems know-how into a unique package. Moreover, we have collaborated on an increasing number of patents and we regularly pub-lish in telecommunication industry publications. Among our clients, we boast several international telecommunica-tion companies both in Finland and abroad. We also count defence industries in our important customer segments. In recognition of our work, Esju was awarded the ISO 9001 quality certificate in 2003.

Esju’s top expertise guarantees our ability to compete in global markets. We have our own EMC laboratory that com-plies with current standards and an electronics laboratory containing high-quality RF measuring equipment. We also have powerful RF and EMC design and simulation tools.

Our company’s operation is dedicated and sustainable. Our financial status is good, we have a competent staff, and our processes are sound. Dun & Bradstreet has given Esju Oy the highest credit rating (Highest Credit Worthiness Clas-sification). All of our commissions comply with our ISO-9001-certified quality system.

Field of OperationElectrical Engineering

Offices in FinlandOulu

Turnover of the Companyabout 5,0 M€ (2014)

Personnelabout 60

Open PositionsR&D testing engineers (RF/HW, BB/HW)

Degree ProgrammeSO, CSE

Year of Study3

SpecializationElectronics Design, Tele-communication Engineering

Other Relevant InformationMeidän arvomme ovat: val-pas avuliaisuus, leikkimie-lellä tosissaan, osaaminen ja hyväksyminen.

[email protected]

Esju OyKonekuja 890620 OULUFinlandpuh. +358 400 681 500fax +358 8 882 1570email: [email protected]


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Espotel is the leading provider of engineering services in the field of embedded systems in Finland. We create innovative, high quality embedded and Industrial Internet solutions for our Customers in the technology industry. We provide a full range of services from concept creation to development and manufacturing of embedded systems with latest technolo-gies and know-how. We are 300 professionals based in sev-eral locations across Finland and in Poland.

Espotel seeks capable employees to work in our innovative team. We expect an enthusiastic, creative and adaptive atti-tude. Our staff is mainly engineers with either B.Sc. or M.Sc. degrees engaged in project management, embedded soft-ware and electronics design.

Along with interesting projects, Espotel offers a pleasant environment, a team of top-level experts, development and training opportunities, together with a competitive benefit package.

Currently, we are looking for software engineers (juniors to seniors) for our software projects (embedded linux, And-roid, Full Stack).

Visit www.espotel.com for more information about us.

Field of OperationElectrical and Software engi-neering including IoT system design and electronic pro-duct development.

Offices in FinlandEspoo, Jyväskylä, Kuopio, Oulu, Tampere, Vaasa

Turnover of the Company25 MEUR (2014)

Personnelc. 300

Open PositionsSoftware Engineers (Juniors to Seniors)www.espotel.com/fi/career

Degree ProgrammeSO, CSE, TOL, MAT

Year of Study4, 5, n

[email protected]

Espotel OyElektroniikkatie 890590 Ouluwww.espotel.com

Tel. +358 9 8565 8600

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The Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical En-gineering brings ICT training and research under one roof. Consisting of 11 research groups, it offers world-class train-ing and internationally recognised research in the following key research areas:

- wireless systems and networks- radio technologies- sensors, smart environments & big data- ubiquitous services & ecosystems- participatory and user-centered design- pervasive design and technology- empirical software engineering- high-speed electronics- ICT electronics components- optical and visual measurements- printed intelligence

We are constantly hiring students for trainee and master’s thesis positions in our ongoing research projects. We also offer attractive positions for doctoral students for those in-terested in research work. Constant project cooperation with the industry and other research organisations all over the world provide you with skills and connections that give the ultimate competitive edge for your future career.

Field of OperationICT

Turnover of the Company30 M€


Open PositionsTrainees: changes annuallyMaster thesis students: changes annuallyDoctoral students: changes annually

Degree ProgrammeEE, CSE, WCE, TOL, BME, MAT, BIOF, FYS, GS3D, MUU (hyvinvointitekniikka)

Year of Study1, 2, 3, 4, 5, n

Other Relevant InformationApplications in English

ApplicationInformation about available positions at: www.oulu.fi/itee/pesti

Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical EngineeringUniversity of OuluP.O. Box 4500, Linnanmaa90014 University of Oulu



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Fennovoima will build a new nuclear power plant to a green-field site in Pyhäjoki in Northern Finland.

A large group of Finnish companies in need of their own en-ergy supply established Fennovoima in 2007. Through them, new companies and branches are participating in the pro-duction of nuclear power.

Fennovoima has two owners: Finnish Voimaosakeyhtiö SF and Rosatom’s subsidiary RAOS Voima Oy. Voimao-sakeyhtiö SF owns 66 percent of Fennovoima and RAOS Voima Oy 34 percent.

Voimaosakeyhtiö is owned by Finnish regional and local en-ergy companies as well as companies in industry and trade.

We are continuously looking for new talents to join our growing company. Fennovoima offers work for experienced professionals as well as for those who are just starting their careers.

Our headcount is currently about 260 employees.

More information about Fennovoima as a employer and open positions can be found from our recruitment page: www.fennovoima.fi/rekry.

Field of OperationEnergy


Open PositionsFennovoima grows fast. People from various dif-ferent fields are needed in our big international proj-ect. Mostly we are recruit-ing people from different technical fields but we also need new people to join our project management, quality, administration and commu-nications units.


Fennovoima OySalmisaarenaukio 100180 Helsinki

Phone 020 757 [email protected]

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Kuulumme Freeport-McMoRan Inc. -konserniin, jossa työskentelee maailmanlaajuisesti noin 36 000 henkilöä. Kokkolassa Freeport Cobalt Oy työllistää yli 420 henkilöä. Valmistamme laadukkaita kobolttipulvereita ja -kemikaaleja käytettäväksi mm. pulverimetallurgiassa, ladattavien akku-jen valmistuksessa sekä kemiallisissa katalyyteissä.


Freeport Cobalt Oy is a subsidiary of Freeport-McMoRan Inc. which has approx. 36000 employees globally. In Kokkola Freeport Cobalt Oy employs more than 420 people. We pro-duce high quality cobawl powders and chemicals to be used in powder metallurgy, rechargeable batteries, chemicals and catalysts.

Field of OperationKemianteollisuus

Offices in FinlandKokkola


Open Positions110 kesätyöntekijää haetaan kesätöihin ja haku voimassa 14.2 asti.

Degree ProgrammePO, TUTA

Year of Study2, 3, 4

SpecializationKemian prosessitekniikka, automaatiotekniikka, tuo-tantotalous

Sirpa SaastamoinenPL 28667101 KOKKOLA050-363 [email protected]


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F-Secure is an online security and privacy company from Finland. We offer millions of people around the globe the power to surf invisibly and share stuff, safe from online threats. We are here to fight for digital freedom. Join the movement and switch on freedom.

We offer cyber security solutions for modern businesses. Developed by a European pioneer in security and data pro-tection. Trusted by millions.

Working at F-Secure

A career with F-Secure combines the opportunity of a global organization with the spirit and energy of a small company. We look for people, who can combine forward-looking view on their area of expertise with an ability to apply practical improvements along the way. Most of all people who are in-spired by our mission to fight for digital freedom!

Field of OperationSecurity software and ser-vices

Offices in FinlandHelsinki, Ruoholahti and Oulu, Elektroniikkatie

Turnover of the Company137 million


Open Positionswww.f-secure.com/en/web/about_global/careers

Degree ProgrammeCSE, TOL, GS3D

Year of Study3,4,5

ApplicationThrough website



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Lidl on yksi Euroopan suurimmista päivittäistavaraketjuista ja mer-kittävä työllistäjä Suomessa. Olemme tunnettuja vahvasta kasvusta, suomalaisen päivittäistavarakaupan dynamiikan muuttamisesta sekä kekseliäistä toimintaratkaisuistamme. Konseptimme ydin on parhaan hinta-laatusuhteen tarjoaminen asiakkaillemme iloisesti palvellen.

ODOTAMME PALJON – TARJOAMME ENEMMÄN!Työllistämme Suomessa yli 4600 henkilöä. Myymälöidemme taustalla toimiva organisaatio kehittää ja tukee kansainvälistä Lidl –konseptia Suomessa tarjoten mielenkiintoisia uramahdollisuuksia eri alojen am-mattilaisille. Työnantajana olemme kansainvälisiä, reiluja ja vastuullisia. Haluamme luoda työntekijöillemme motivoivan ja kannustavan työil-mapiirin, jossa on ilo työskennellä. Kasvavassa ja nuorekkaassa organi-saatiossamme pidämme tärkeänä henkilöstön sitouttamista sekä osaa-misen jatkuvaa kehittämistä.

URAMAHDOLLISUUDETInternational Trainee -ohjelmaHaemme kahdesti vuodessa eri aloilta (osto, myynti, tavaranhallinta, talous, HR, laki- ja riskienhallinta, IT, hankinta ja logistiikka) tuoreita korkeakoulusta valmistuneita osaajia International Trainee -ohjelmaam-me. Asiantuntija- ja esimiestehtäviin valmentava kaksivuotinen ohjelma tarjoaa traineille loistavan mahdollisuuden kehittää ammatillista osaa-mistaan ja tutustua päivittäistavarakaupan alaan niin Suomessa kuin ul-komailla.

Assistentti-, asiantuntija ja esimiestyötEtsimme jatkuvasti uusia tähtipelaajia menestyvään joukkoomme assis-tentti-, asiantuntija ja esimiestehtäviin. Olet sitten myynnin, HR:n tai talousasioiden määrätietoinen tulevaisuuden lupaus, löytyy meiltä mo-nenlaisia mahdollisuuksia edetä urallasi kansainvälisen päivittäistavara-kaupan ytimessä.

Kesä- ja osa-aikatyö opintojen ohessaMyymälätyö on Lidlin toiminnan ydintä ja menestyksemme kulmakivi. Reilun palkan lisäksi saat monipuolista ja arvokasta työkokemusta suu-resta ja kansainvälisestä kaupan alan toimijasta, mikä puolestaan avaa ovia moniin erilaisiin urapolkuihin.

LÖYDÄ MAHDOLLISUUTESI!Tutustu tarkemmin Lidliin työnantajana sekä uramahdollisuuksiimme nettisivuillamme: http://tyopaikat.lidl.fi

Field of OperationPäivittäistavarakauppa

Offices in FinlandLidl Suomi Ky:llä on Suomessa lähes 150 myymälää, Janakkalassa ja Laukaassa sijaitsevat jake-lukeskukset sekä pääkonttori Vantaalla.

PersonnelHenkilöstöä Suomessa yli 4600.

Open Positionshttp://tyopaikat.lidl.fi



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LähiTapiola on suomalainen, vakavarainen yhtiöryhmä, joka palvelee henkilö-, maatila-, yrittäjä-, yritys- ja yhteisö-asiakkaita. Meiltä löydät saman katon alta kaikki tuotteet ja palvelut vahinko-, henki- ja eläkevakuuttamiseen sekä sijoit-tamiseen. Lisäksi kumppaniemme kautta tarjoamme myös työeläke- ja pankkipalvelut.

LähiTapiola Pohjoinen on yksi LähiTapiola-ryhmän kah-destakymmenestä itsenäisesti toimivasta alueyhtiöstä. Olemme keskinäinen, asiakkaiden omistama alueyhtiö. Keskinäisyys tarkoittaa, että jokainen asiakkaamme on myös Pohjoisen alueyhtiön osakas – omistaja-asiakas. Yhtiössämme on lähes 138 000 omistaja-asiakasta. Maan-tieteellisesti LähiTapiola Pohjoisen alue kattaa puolet Kes-ki-Pohjanmaan ja suurimman osan Pohjois-Pohjanmaan maakunnasta.

LähiTapiolan visiona on olla Suomen johtava turvallisuuden, hyvinvoinnin ja talouden kumppani, lähellä asiakkaitamme. Toiminta-ajatuksena on turvata asiakkaiden elämää ja menestystä. Toimintatapamme perustuu kolmelle arvolle, jotka ovat: onnistumme yhteistyöllä, toimimme yrittäjähen-kisesti sekä edistämme omistaja-asiakkaidemme etua.

Olemme alueellamme merkittävä työllistäjä ja taloudellinen toimija ja edistämme näin koko Pohjoisen alueen elinvoi-maisuutta. LähiTapiola koetaan vakaaksi ja halutuksi työan-tajaksi. LähiTapiola-ryhmässä työskentelee yhteensä noin 3550 ja Pohjoisen alueyhtiössämme noin 200 asiantuntijaa erilaisissa tehtävissä. Otamme vuosittain meille työsken-telemään harjoittelijoita, lopputyöntekijöitä sekä kesätyön-tekijöitä. Tule mukaan innostavaan työyhteisöön rakenta-maan kotimaisen finanssialan tulevaisuutta!

Field of OperationFinanssiala


Open Positionswww.lahitapiola.fi/rekrytointi


Other Relevant InformationJos olet kiinnostunut opin-toihin liittyvästä harjoit-telusta, opinnäytetyöstä tai kesätyöstä alueyhtiössämme, voit ottaa yhteyttä hen-kilöstöpäällikkö Johanna Laitilaan [email protected]

ApplicationAvoimen hakemuksen voi lähettää nettisivujen kautta http://careers.fi/tapiola/


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MediaTek is one of the largest chip-design companies in the world. Since 1997, MediaTek has been a pioneering fabless semiconductor company and a market leader in cutting-edge systems-on-chip (SoC) for mobile devices, wireless networking, HDTV, DVD and Blu-ray.

Our tightly-integrated, innovative chip designs help manufacturers op-timize supply chains, reduce the development time of new products, and extend a competitive edge in both developing and mature markets around the world. Through MediaTek Labs, the company is also building a developer hub that will support device creation, application develop-ment, and services for the Internet of Things era.

By building technologies that help connect individuals to the world around them, MediaTek is enabling people to expand their horizons and more easily achieve their goals. We believe anyone can achieve some-thing amazing. And we believe they can do it every single day. We call this idea Everyday Genius and it drives everything we do.

MediaTek is always looking for talented people to work in our corporate offices around the world. We believe that life-changing technology, and all its extraordinary benefits, should be for everyone. All 12,000 of us in 26 international offices believe that high-performing technology should be affordable and accessible enough to make millions of people Every-day Geniuses, enriching and enhancing everyone’s life – right around the world.

Would you like the chance to work at a company that’s shaping the world of wireless communication and digital entertainment? We’re expanding our Oulu office and we’d love to hear from graduates and students who have skills and experience in some of the following areas:

- 3GPP cellular protocols- Cutting-edge radio technologies- C/C++ - Embedded systems- Cellular algorithms design- L1 SW- RF SW- LTE-A, 5G- Testing and validation- IMS (VoLTE, ViLTE, RCS, VoWifi)- TCP/IP, IPSEC

Field of OperationInformation and communi-cations technology

Offices in FinlandOulu

Turnover of the CompanyUS$ 7.019 bn (2014)


Open Positionshttp://careers.mediatek.com

Degree ProgrammeCSE, WCE

Year of Study3,4,5

SpecializationEmbedded Systems, Infor-mation Processing Engineer-ing, Applied Computing

[email protected]

[email protected]


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Metso is the world’s leading industrial company in the min-ing and aggregates industries and in the flow control busi-ness. Our knowledge, people and solutions help drive sus-tainable improvements in performance and profitability in our customers’ businesses. Metso is listed on the NASDAQ OMX Helsinki, Finland. In 2014, Metso’s net sales totaled EUR 3.7 billion. Metso employs approximately 14,000 in-dustry experts in 50 countries. This is what makes Metso a unique place to work.


Global career opportunities

We are global yet tight-knit network of 14,000 colleagues in 50 countries. Working as a part of our global professional network means many possibilities to interact and collabo-rate with colleagues and customers from a very wide range of countries and cultures. The opportunities and challenges that come with working in a global company is something that Metso people hihgly value.

Our international working environment enables us to share our knowledge, learn together and get support from each other. That makes an excellent basis for groving and de-veloping yourself personally and professionally, and taking ownership of your career.

To find more about Metso and the opportunities we offer, please visit our fair stand and www.metso.com/careers

Field of OperationTechnology and services

Offices in FinlandHead office in Helsinki, biggest sites in Tampere and Vantaa, offices also in Oulu, Kemi, Lappeenranta, Jäm-sänkoski, Jyväskylä, Pori and Rauma

Turnover of the Company3.7 billion (2014)

Personnel14 000

Open PositionsAll of your open jobs can be found at www.metso.com/careers

Year of Study1, 2, 3, 4, 5...



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Metsä Group is a Finnish forest industry company operating in interna-tional markets and offering products and services that uniquely combine renewable raw material, a customer-oriented approach and sustainabili-ty. The high-quality products have been developed for the needs of cor-porate customers and consumers. The main raw material is sustainably grown Nordic wood. Metsä Group focuses on tissue and cooking papers, consumer packaging paperboards, pulp and wood products as well as wood supply and forest services.

Metsä Board is Europe’s leading producer of fresh forest fibre carton-boards and the world’s leading manufacturer of coated white-top kraft-liners. It offers premium solutions for consumer and retail packaging, graphics and office end-uses. Metsä Board is listed on the NASDAQ OMX Helsinki.

Metsä Board Kemi’s production capacity is 400,000 tonnes/a. The mill produces coated and uncoated white top kraftliner, and employs 100 people.

Metsä Fibre is a world-leading producer of softwood pulp in a globally growing market. The company’s four mills in Kemi, Äänekoski, Joutseno and Rauma produce 2.3 million tonnes of pulp. The company employs a total of around 900 people. Metsä Fibre is committed to sustainability and the promotion of safety at work. The company is a leader in the ef-ficient production and use of bioenergy: Did you know that Metsä Fibre mills account for over 10% of all wood-derived electricity generated in Finland?

The construction of the Metsä Fibre bioproduct mill in Äänekoski began in May 2015. The mill is the first next-generation bioproduct mill in the world. In addition to high-quality pulp, it will produce a broad range of bioproducts, such as tall oil, turpentine, lignin products, bioelectrici-ty and wood fuel. Potential new products created from production side streams include product gas, sulphuric acid, textile fibres, biocomposi-tes, fertilisers and biogas.The new mill with an annual pulp production capacity of 1.3 million tonnes will begin its operations in the third quarter of 2017.

Come and find your path at Metsä Group!

Field of OperationForest industry

Turnover of the CompanyMetsä Group’s sales totalled EUR 4.9 billion in 2014

Personnel11,000 globally

Open PositionsTake a look at our current needs at www.metsagroup.com/Careers.

Summer traineeships and thesis worker positions for students.

Degree ProgrammePO, SO, YMP, TUTA, TAL

Year of Study1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Other Relevant InformationWe value good communica-tion and language skills as well as positive and active attitude.


METSÄ GROUPP.O Box 10, 02020 METSÄRevontulenpuisto 2, 02100 ESPOO



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MSK Group on monialainen korkean teknologian perhe-konserni Etelä-Pohjanmaalla, Kauhavalla. Konserniin kuu-luvat MSK Cabins Oy, MSK Plast Oy, Junkkari Oy ja Juncar Oy. Tytäryhtiöiden toiminta jakautuu sopimusvalmistuk-seen ja omien tuotteiden valmistamiseen.

MSK Cabins valmistaa Valtra traktoreiden turvaohjaamot. MSK Plastin tuotannon pääprosessit ovat ruisku- ja reak-tiovalu sekä niiden monipuoliset jatkojalostuspalvelut. Junk-kari on kokenut eurooppalainen maa- ja metsätalousammat-tilaisen kumppani, kylvämisen ja biohakkeen erikoisosaaja. Lapualla toimiva Juncar on Suomen suurimpia henkilöau-ton perävaunun valmistajia.


MSK Group is a high technology family-owned company in South Ostrobothnia, Kauhava. The four subsidiaries are MSK Cabins Oy, MSK Plast Oy, Junkkari Oy and Juncar Oy. MSK Group is divided under subcontracting and own prod-ucts manufacturing.

MSK Cabins manufactures fully trimmed Valtra safety cab-ins. The main production processes of MSK Plast are injec-tion moulding and reaction injection moulding components with further services. Junkkari is a supplier of agricultural and forestry machines that designs, markets and manufac-tures machines for sowing and forestry. Juncar is one of the biggest trailer manufacturers in Finland and the factory is located in Lapua.

Field of OperationMetal Industry

Turnover of the Company91,2 M€


Open Positionswww.mskgroup.fi/rekry-tointi

Degree ProgrammeKO, TUTA

Year of Study3, 4, 5



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Neste Jacobs is a preferred solution provider of high-qual-ity technology, engineering and project services for a wide range of industries in the fields of oil and gas, petrochemi-cals, chemicals, biorefining, biochemicals, biopharma and industrial infrastructure.

We have 60 years of experience in technology development and industrial investment projects as well as maintenance and performance improvement in Europe, North and South America, Asia and the Middle East. In addition to our home market Nordic countries we are looking to grow in the global expanding markets. We employ 1300 professionals globally.

The over 1300 employees of Neste Jacobs are our greatest as-set. We support and encourage people to perform their best, we respect their experience and value fresh thinking. We be-lieve that with committed and passionate people great things can be achieved.

We offer versatile career opportunities for both experienced professionals and recent graduates in process development and design, automation technology, project management and in other engineering disciplines.

Each year around 15 talented and ambitious students join Neste Jacobs to carry out their Master´s or Bachelor´s thesis work. The subjects can vary from chemical process design to project management practises and beyond. We also employ some 40 summer trainees to get familiar with our operations and engage in real-life project work in various customer projects.

Make the difference with us.

Field of OperationTechnologies, Engineer-ing, Consulting and Project services

Offices in FinlandPorvoo (head office), Turku, Kotka

Turnover of the Company140,0 MEUR

PersonnelOver 1300

Open Positionswww.nestejacobs.com/ca-reers




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Nokia is a leader in the fields of network infrastructure, lo-cation-based technologies and advanced technologies. We have three strong businesses: Nokia Networks, our network infrastructure business; HERE, our location intelligence business; and Nokia Technologies, which is focused on tech-nology development and intellectual property rights activi-ties. We believe in the human possibilities of technology for everyone.

We will challenge you to find new ways to apply your ex-pertise every day. As your skills and experience develop, there are always new opportunities to grow and make a dif-ference in exciting new areas. Working at Nokia, there are no boundaries to our business and the same is true of your career with us.

We are headquartered in Espoo, Finland, employing around 57,000 people globally. Many of our people have built flour-ishing international careers and so can you.

In Finland, we have operations in Espoo, Oulu and Tampere. We have approximately 6000 employees in Finland, more than a half of them work in research and development.

Interested in a job in Nokia?www.nokia.com/careers

Field of OperationTelecommunications

Offices in FinlandEspoo, Oulu, Tampere

Turnover of the Company12.7 billion EUR

Personnel57 000 globally, over 6 000 in Finland

Open PositionsTake a look at our current needs at www.nokia.com/ca-reersSummer traineeship and thesis worker positions for students. In summer 2015 we had over 200 summer trainees.

Degree ProgrammeKO, PO, SO, CSE, TUTA, FYS, MAT, TOL, TAL

Other Relevant InformationEnglish skills. Teamwork skills. Interest in learning new skills. Open mind for challenges.

ApplicationApplication period for summer trainees starts in February. Please send your application in English via www.nokia.com/careers


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Nordic Semiconductor is a fabless semiconductor company specializing in ultra low power (ULP) short-range wireless communication. The company’s range of 2.4GHz transceiver and transmitter devices are employed by some of the world’s leading brands in a wide variety of applications like wire-less keyboard and mouse, game controllers, and intelligent sports equipment.

Nordic is a member of the ANT+ Alliance and has success-fully collaborated with ANT Wireless of Cochrane, Canada, since 2005. ANT devices– using Nordic 2.4GHz transceivers and the proven ANT protocol – have been used in millions of wireless sensor nodes across the world. ANT is perfectly suited for any kind of low data rate sensor network topolo-gies in personal area networks (PANs) and practical wireless sensor networks (WSNs).

Nordic is an associate member of the Bluetooth SIG, and has contributed core expertise in ULP RF design to Bluetooth Smart wireless technology. Bluetooth Smart is a short range RF communication technology featuring ultra low power consumption, a lightweight protocol stack and simple inte-gration with Bluetooth chips.

Nordic’s products are all manufactured in state of the art semiconductor process technologies through strong, long-term relationships with world-best manufacturing facilities. Nordic is listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange. All operations are managed according to the ISO 9001:2000-approved quality assurance system.

Field of OperationUltra low power (ULP) wire-less technology

Offices in FinlandOulu and Turku

Personnel400+ worldwide

Open Positionswww.nordicsemi.com/eng/About-us/Career

Degree ProgrammeCSE, SO

Year of Study3+


Sonja KusminYrttipellontie 1 D90230 OuluTel. +358 [email protected]/eng/About-us/Career


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Osuuskauppa Arina on lähes 160.000 pohjoissuomalaisen kotitalouden omistama osuuskunta. Arinan tehtävänä on tuottaa palveluja ja hyötyjä omistajille sekä huolehtia Poh-jois-Suomen ja pohjoissuomalaisten hyvinvoinnin kehit-tämisestä.

Arina tuottaa Pohjois-Suomessa monipuolisia market- ja erikoisliikekaupan, liikennemyymälä- ja polttonestekaupan sekä matkailu- ja ravitsemiskaupan palveluja. Arinan vuo-den 2014 myynti oli 890 miljoonaa euroa. Myynnistä lähes 80 % oli bonusmyyntiä eli myyntiä omistajille. Uusiin palve-luihin investoitiin viime vuonna lähes 40 miljoonaa euroa ja Arinan omistajat saivat omistajahyötyjä yhteensä 107 miljoonaa euroa, keskimäärin 697 euroa taloutta kohden. Osuuskauppa Arinan kasvusta ja menestymisestä syntyvät hyödyt kohdistetaan aina suoraan tai välillisesti pohjois-suomalaisten omistajien hyväksi.

Arinan palveluksessa on noin 2500 työntekijää. Meillä on mahdollisuus jatkuvaan oppimiseen, hyvät kouluttautumis-mahdollisuudet, luotettava palkanmaksu ja loistavat hen-kilöstöedut. Työympäristömme on nykyaikainen ja koko ajan kehittyvä. Löydä oma paikkasi hyvässä seurassa!

Field of OperationKauppa

Turnover of the Companyn. 730 miljoonaa euroa v. 2014


Open PositionsOletpa sitten opiskelija etsimässä ensimmäistä työharjoittelu-, työssäoppi-mis- tai kesätyöpaikkaasi tai oman alasi rautainen am-mattilainen, saattaa Arinassa olla juuri sinun osaamisellesi tarvetta.

Other Relevant InformationKäy Avoimet työpaikat –sivulla, tutustu ja hae sinua kiinnostavia tehtäviä tai jätä avoin hakemus. Kun lähetät hakemuksen, voit pian löytää itsesi S-ryhmän ammattilaisten kasvavasta joukosta.


Osuuskauppa ArinaNuottasaarentie 190400 Oulu

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Oucons Oy:llä on Oulussa 30-vuoden perinteet kone- ja laitossuunnit-telusta, jota vahvistaa 2014 ostettu vuonna 1986 perustettu Insinööritoi-misto Kisto Oy Kankaanpäästä. Yhdessä Oucons ja Kisto muodostavat todellisen koneensuunnittelun asiantuntijan. Oucons tarjoaa konetek-nisiä suunnittelupalveluja teollisuudelle, erikoisalueena materiaalin-käsittelylaitteet; kuljettimet, syöttimet, siilot ja purkaimet sekä erilaiset teräsrakenteet ja teollisuuden kunnossapitoon liittyvä konetekninen suunnittelu. Ouconsin osaamiseen kuuluu myös staattisten teräs- ja ris-tikkorakenteiden suunnittelu ja tekninen laskenta.

Oucons kuuluu Comatec Groupiin, joka on alansa johtava kone- ja lai-tesuunnitteluun erikoistunut asiantuntijaorganisaatio, jonka toimialaan kuuluvat liikkuvat työkoneet ja erikoisajoneuvot, materiaalinkäsitte-lyjärjestelmät, tuotantolaitteet ja -järjestelmät sekä kattilat ja voimalai-tokset. Comatecin palvelut koostuvat ideointi- ja konseptipalveluista, projektin hoito-ja johtopalveluista sekä suunnittelu- ja asiantuntijapal-veluista. Suunnittelupalvelut kattavat mekaniikka-, sähkö-, ja automaati-osuunnittelun. Muita konsernin asiantuntijapalveluita ovat mm. testaus, tekninen laskenta, tuoteturvallisuus sekä elinkaaripalvelut.

PALVELUT:Esiselvitykset ja esisuunnittelut, tarjousasiakirjojen ja -erittelyiden luon-ti, layout- ja perustussuunnittelu, laite- ja järjestelmäsuunnittelu, työpii-rustukset, lujuuslaskenta, kunnossapitosuunnittelu, sähkö- ja automaa-tiosuunnittelu, asennusvalvonta ja työmaa- ja projektinhallintapalvelut.


Oulu-based Oucons Oy has 30 years’ experience in machine and plant design, and has reinforced this knowhow in 2014 with the acquisition of Insinööritoimisto Kisto Oy. Together Oucons and Kisto, which was established in 1986 and is based in Kankaanpää, form a genuine expert in machine design. Oucons provides mechanical design services for in-dustry, with a focus on material handling: conveyors and feeders, silos and reclaimers, as well as various steel structures and mechanical design relating to industrial maintenance. The Oucons portfolio also includes the design and technical calculations for static steel and lattice structures.

Comatec Group is a leading company specialised in machine and equip-ment design offering ideation and concept services, project manage-ment, as well as design and expert services for industry needs.

Field of OperationInsinööritoimisto

Turnover of the CompanyOuconsin ja Kiston vuoden 2014 liikevaihto 1,1 M€, Comatec Group 26 M€

PersonnelOucons ja Kisto 26Comatec Group 380

Year of Study≥ 4 TAI 4, 5, n

SpecializationToivomme hakijoiden suun-tautuneen koneen-suunnitteluun tai teknil-liseen mekaniikkaan. Etsimme myös sähkö- ja automaatiosuunnittelijaa, joka hallitsee mekaniik-kasuunnittelun. Voit myös tiedustella DI-, insinööri- tai kandintöitä tilanteesi mu-kaan.

ApplicationAvoimet työpaikat ja hake-musten toimitus: www.comatec.fi/avoimet-tyopaikat/

Oucons OyKaarnatie 1490530 OULU

Sami LuhtaanmäkiToimitusjohtajaPuh. 0400 542 547


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Oulun Energia – Northern Power

Oulun Energia is a leading energy group in Northern Fin-land. Oulun Energia incorporates an integrated group of en-ergy companies with a focus on serving the Oulu region and other parts of northern Finland. The group operates across the entire value chain of the energy sector: production of raw materials, generation of heat and electricity, power sales and distribution, services including smart energy services, network management, subcontracting and maintenance.

The group includes following companies: Oulun Energia Oy, Oulun Sähkönmyynti Oy, Oulun Energia Siirto ja Jakelu Oy, Oulun Energia Urakointi Oy and Turveruukki Oy. To-tal number of employees is around 380 and the net sales is about EUR 230 million.

Northern Power – Pohjoista voimaa – describes the essence and operations of the Oulun Energia Group. The Group re-lies on the natural resources and expertise of the north, it produces key commodities and services for the people and enterprises in the region, and it channels the proceeds of its operations for the benefit of its own economic region.

Field of OperationEnergy

Offices in FinlandHead office is near the city center of Oulu, in Kasarmintie 6. The group´s biggest production units are the Toppila CHP plant, the Merikoski hydro power plant and the Laanila eco power plant.

Turnover of the Company230 million


Open PositionsWe are interested in young talents of the future. We offer inspiring and challenging tasks in the wide energy sector. We recruit summer trainees, trainees and thesis/diploma workers in various positions every year.

Year of Study1, 2, 3, 4, 5, n

Other Relevant InformationWe are looking for energizing, ambi-tious and goal oriented people. We expect our employees to be eager to constantly develop their personal and professional skills. Your good communication and social inter-action skills are important success factors in Oulun Energia group.

ApplicationThe online recruitment system for summer job search can be found on our career page from January until February. Take a look at our open positions at: www.oulunenergia.fi


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Outokumpu is a global leader in stainless steel. We create advanced materials that are efficient, long lasting and re-cyclable – thus building a world that lasts forever. Stainless steel, invented a century ago, is an ideal material to create lasting solutions in demanding applications from cutlery to bridges, energy and medical equipment: it is 100% recycla-ble, corrosion-resistant, maintenance-free, durable and hy-gienic. Outokumpu employs more than 12 000 professionals in more than 30 countries, with headquarters in Espoo, Fin-land and shares listed in Nasdaq Helsinki.

Outokumpu’s biggest site is located in the Tornio and Kemi region in the northern Finland. Outokumpu Tornio site is the most integrated stainless steel production facility in the world providing stainless steel coil and plate for the glob-al market. With the nearby Kemi Mine providing the vital chromite ore for the start of the process, to the Port of Tornio marking the beginning of the journey to market, every step of the stainless steel production process is in one location.The unique integrated production process in Tornio deliv-ers many benefits for example in production efficiency, envi-ronmental performance and energy efficiency and is a clear example of Outokumpu’s strategy of sustainability.

Field of OperationMetal Industry, Stainless Steel

Offices in FinlandTornio, Espoo

Turnover of the Company6844 million euro

PersonnelMore than 12 000 professionals in more than 40 countries

Open PositionsTornio siteSummer trainees 600/yearDiploma thesis 20/year

Degree ProgrammeKO, PO, YMP, SO, TUTA, KEM, TAL

Year of Study1, 2, 3, 4, 5, n


Other Relevant InformationOutokumpu offers you the opportunity to move straight from the classroom into the working life. Application period for summer jobs is in January - February.




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Peikko Group Corporation is a leading global supplier of concrete connections and composite structures. Peikko’s innovative solutions make the customers’ building process faster, easier and more reliable. Peikko has subsidiaries in 30 countries in China, Europe, the Middle East, and North America, with manufacturing operations in 9 countries. Peikko’s net sales in 2014 were EUR 147 million. Peikko is a family-owned and run company founded in 1965, and is headquartered in Lahti, Finland.

Peikko’s aim is to serve its customers locally with leading so-lutions in the field in terms of quality, safety, and innovation. Peikko has a clear focus to regularly introduce new, tested innovative solutions and services. That is why Peikko’s in-vestments in R&D are among the highest in the field.

Peikko’s international team consists of some 1 100 people representing some 40 nationalities, located in some 30 coun-tries. Our core values are an open international atmosphere, respect and trust in each other, continuous development and customer orientation. Peikko is simultaneously both inter-national and local. The personnel around the world is famil-iar with local conditions and practices, and is able to offer customers best possible service, in local languages.

Field of OperationMetalliteollisuus

Turnover of the Company147 MEUR

PersonnelIn Finland about 250, alto-gether globally over 1 100

Open PositionsTrainees at the end of their studies, master’s thesis work-ers and permanent person-nel.

Open positions:R&D Engineer (tuotekehitysinsinööri)Technical Support Engi-neer (asiantuntija, tekninen asiakaspalvelu)Project Engineer (projekti-insinööri)

Degree ProgrammeKO

Specializationrakennesuunnittelu- ja rakentamisteknologia

ApplicationSähköpostitse avoin hake-mus ja CV osoitteeseen [email protected].

Minna LähteenmäkiVoimakatu 315170 LahtiPuh. 044 7123 567Email: [email protected]

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The Employment and Economic Development Office (työ- ja elinkei-notoimisto, TE-toimisto, TE office) is the Finnish Ministry of Employ-ment and the Economy’s employment office for the public domain. We offer services to job seekers and employers. Our free services for job seekers include information on: open vacancies, guidance for seeking work in Finland and abroad, information for job training op-portunities, continuing education, assistance with professional devel-opment and employment procedures. Almost all services provided to the public can be accessed via e-services at www.te-palvelut.fi............................................Työ- ja elinkeinotoimisto (TE-toimisto) palvelee sinua, kun etsit työtä, haluat kehittää osaamistasi, harkitset yrittäjyyttä ja etsit laa-jempaa tukea työllistymisellesi. TE-toimisto palvelee myös työnan-tajia.

TE-toimisto välittää kaikkien toimialojen työpaikkoja ja työntekijöitä Suomessa ja koko Euroopan laajuisesti. Meiltä saat myös ammatinva-linnan, uraohjauksen ja koulutusneuvonnan palveluita.

Yhä suurempi osa palveluistamme on käytettävissä sähköisesti osoit-teessa www.te-palvelut.fi. Tutustu esimerkiksi avointen työpaikkojen tarjontaan, työpaikkavahtiin ja CV-netti -palveluun.

Mikäli haluat rekisteröityä työnhakijaksi, voit tehdä niin jo opintojen loppuvaiheessa ennen tutkintotodistuksen saamista. Täytä työnhaki-jalomake verkkopalvelussamme ja odota yhteydenottoamme.

Pohjois-Pohjanmaan TE-toimiston asiointipaikat sijaitsevat Oulussa, Haapajärvellä, Kuusamossa, Pudasjärvellä, Raahessa ja Ylivieskassa. Voit vapaasti valita asiointipaikkasi. Voit hoitaa osan asioinnista myös TE-toimiston palveluita tarjoavan yhteispalvelupisteen kautta.

Tutustu palveluihimme osoitteissa:www.te-palvelut.fiwww.te-palvelut.fi/pohjois-pohjanmaa

Kansainvälisen työnhaun ja rekrytoinnin palvelut (EURES):www.te-palvelut.fi/eureswww.eures.europa.eu

Field of OperationPublic Employment Service

Open PositionsVacancies at www.te-palvelut.fi/tyopaikat

Degree ProgrammeAll programs

ApplicationMost services can be ac-cessed via e-services at www.te-palvelut.fi

Pohjois-Pohjanmaan työ- ja elinkeinotoimistoTorikatu 34-4090100 OuluPuh. 0295 056 501 (henkilöa-siakkaat, Individual Client Ser-vices), 0295 056 500 (vaihde, General Switchboard)


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Listening to your body is one thing, understanding what it is telling you is an altogether different story. Polar helps you get under the skin of your training. We put it down to a com-bination of expertise in sports, physiology and electronics, coupled with a deep understanding of customer needs. It’s no surprise then that we’ve been leading the way in techno-logical innovations and heart rate monitors since 1977.

And we cater for all levels of fitness by offering a comprehen-sive product range, along with essential support and advice. Everything from improving an athlete’s sports performance to helping people enjoy a healthier lifestyle, and aiding reha-bilitation and weight management.

This desire to be the best is made possible by ambitious and highly talented professionals who still believe as passion-ately in what we do today, as we did over 30 years ago. And our success is clear to see. Today, Polar employs 1200 peo-ple worldwide, has 26 subsidiaries globally and manages a distribution network supplying over 35,000 retail outlets in more than 80 countries. Now that’s what we call the power behind Polar.

Field of OperationElectronics industry

Turnover of the Company150 million


Open PositionsSummer trainees: 5- 10 /yearPermanent/part-time employment: 5-10 /year

Degree ProgrammeKO, CSE, SO, TUTA, BIOF, TAL, TOL

Year of Study4, 5

SpecializationWe expect you to have active and positive working style and good communication skills to success in an inter-national business environ-ment.

ApplicationOpen vacancies: www.polar.com/en/about_polar/jobs

Polar Electro OyProfessorintie 590440 Kempele

tel. (08) 5202 100

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Ponsse Oyj on tavaralajimenetelmän metsäkoneiden tuo-tekehitykseen, tuotantoon, jälkimarkkinointiin ja teknolo-giaan erikoistunut yritys, jonka toimintaa ohjaa aito kiin-nostus asiakasta ja tämän liiketoimintaa kohtaan.

Yhtiö kehittää ja valmistaa kestävän kehityksen mukaisia, innovatiivisia puunkorjuuratkaisuja asiakastarpeiden mu-kaisesti. Se on koko historiansa ajan ollut tavaralajimene-telmään perustuvien puunkorjuuratkaisujen edelläkävijä.

Metsäkoneyrittäjä Einari Vidgrén perusti yhtiön vuonna 1970. Ponssen kotipaikka on Suomessa Vieremällä. Konser-niin kuuluvat emoyhtiö Ponsse Oy:n lisäksi tytäryhtiö Epec Oy Seinäjoella sekä tytäryhtiöt Ruotsissa, Norjassa, Rans-kassa, Isossa-Britanniassa, USA:ssa, Venäjällä, Brasiliassa, Uruguaissa, Kiinassa ja Hong Kongissa.

Yrityksen osakkeet noteerataan NASDAQ OMX:n pohjois-maisella listalla.


Ponsse Plc specialises in the sales, production, maintenance and technology of cut-to-length method forest machines and is driven by genuine interest in its customers and their business operations.

Ponsse develops and manufactures sustainable and in-novative harvesting solutions based on customers’ needs. Throughout its history, Ponsse has been the pioneer of tim-ber harvesting solutions based on the cut-to-length method.

Field of OperationMetsäkoneiden tuotekehitys, tuotanto, myynti ja jälkimark-kinointi sekä puunkorjuuseen liittyvät eri tietojärjestelmät

Turnover of the Company390,8 Meur (2014)

PersonnelNoin 1 349

Open PositionsHaemme työntekijöitä lyhyt- ja pitkäkestoisiin tehtäviin ja kesäharjoitteluun.

Degree ProgrammeKO, TUTA, TOL

Year of StudyKaikki vuosikurssit

SpecializationToivomme hakijoiden suuntau-tuneen koneensuunnitteluun, tuotantotalouteen, hydrauliik-kaan, elektroniikkaan, ohjel-mistotuotantoon tai tieto-järjestelmiin.

Other Relevant InformationArvostamme hakijoiden tietotekniikkataitoja, vuorovai-kutus-, kieli- ja viestintätaitoa sekä mahdollista aiempaa työkokemusta.


Ponsse OyjPonssentie 2274200 VieremäPuh. 020 768 800www.ponsse.com


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Ramboll on johtava kansainvälinen suunnittelu- ja konsul-tointialan yritys. Säätiöomisteisessa yhtiössämme työsken-telee 13 000 eri alojen ammattilaista globaalisti. Suomessa toimimme maanlaajuisesti yli 2 000 asiantuntijan voimin.Tarjoamme infrastruktuurin, ympäristön ja rakennusten suunnitteluun, rakennuttamiseen, rakentamiseen ja ylläpi-toon sekä johdon konsultointiin liittyviä asiantuntijapalve-luita. Työmme tavoitteena on luoda aidosti koko yhteiskun-nan toimintaa kehittäviä ratkaisuja. Tässä onnistumisen takaa osaava ja näkemyksellinen henkilöstömme.

Ramboll is a leading international engineering, design and consultancy company with 13,000 experts worldwide. In Finland Ramboll employs 2,000 people throughout the coun-try. We offer our customers a comprehensive set of services related to infrastructure, water, environment, construction management, buildings, and management consulting. With the help of our experts and strong insight, we aim to create solutions that truly strengthen the whole society.

Field of OperationEngineering and consulting company.

Offices in FinlandOffices in 26 cities in Fin-land.

Turnover of the CompanyRamboll Finland: 160 milj. €

PersonnelIn Finland 2000, worldwide 13 000

Open PositionsSummer jobs and trainee positions in many locations.

Degree ProgrammeAO, PO, YMP, SO, KEM, AD, BEE

Year of Study3, 4, 5, n

ApplicationPlease send your application via our website www.ram-boll.fi/tyopaikat


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Sito is a multitalented company in the field of infrastructure, traf-fic solutions, logistics, land use, environment and digital services. Nearly 500 experts offer high-quality services at 10 different loca-tions. Our versatile services cover all stages of the design process, from consultation to project management.

Experience. We began in 1976 as an engineering office design-ing roads, railways and waterways. Today, we are a multitalented company in infrastructure ubiquitously offering consulting, de-sign and planning, maintenance and project management as well as information services. Sito has over 35 years of experience in the infrastructure sector.

Know-how. We are nearly 500 professionals. Our experience and educational background is versatile. Most of us have a technical education. Also among us are architects, landscape architects, ge-ographers, biologists, horticulturists, and sociologists. A wide and diversified range of professionals are Sito’s strength.

Best workplace. Our aim is to be the most sought-after employer in the infrastructure sector. We strive for a better work environ-ment by developing our leadership and cooperation skills. Em-ployees have the opportunity to influence their own work and the company’s operations.

Quality. Our quality system has RALA Certification (RALA = The Construction Quality Association). Our project operations are based on Sito’s own PROSITO project model which combines the best forms of project operations in a practical way. We are pas-sionate about our work, operations, and results.

Owned by the employees. We are the biggest Finnish consulting and engineering company that is owned by its employees. Our 10 offices are located in Espoo, Joensuu, Kouvola, Kuopio, Lappeen-ranta, Oulu, Raisio, Rovaniemi, Tampere and Vaasa.

Results. We aim for results, and our operations have to be profit-able. Only then, can we ensure a motivating work place and de-velop our know-how for the benefit of our client.

Field of OperationInfrastructure, traffic solu-tions, logistics, land use, environment and digital services

Offices in FinlandIn addition to our office in Espoo, we have 9 other local offices in Joensuu, Kouvola, Kuopio, Lappeenranta, Oulu, Raisio, Rovaniemi, Tampere and Vaasa.

Turnover of the Company44 million € (year 2014)


Open Positionswww.sito.fi/en/recruiting/vacancies/

Degree ProgrammeAO, YMP, CSE, Kaivannais-ala, Maantiede, Biologia

Year of Study1,2, 3, 4, 5, n


SITOLekatie 690140 OULUtel. +358 20 747 6691mob. +358 40 579 8218fax. +358 20 747 [email protected]


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Olemme digitaalisen liiketoiminnan asiantuntijayritys. Tavoitteemme on toimia asiakkaidemme matkaoppaina digitaalisessa murroksessa. Suomalaiset kohtaavat meidät päivittäin esimerkiksi vähittäiskaupan verkkopalveluiden tai julkishallinnon sähköisten palveluiden kautta.

Kaikkein tärkeintä meillä on välittäminen. Sinusta, kolle-goista, asiakkaista ja yhteisestä työyhteisöstämme.

Opiskelijat saavat meillä mainion startin työelämään. Työ onnistuu osa-aikaisesti, saat osaamistasi kehittävää vastuuta, voit tehdä diplomityösi meille ja tavoitteena on vakituinen työ valmistumisesi jälkeen.

Opiskelijoita olemme hakeneet seuraaviin rooleihin.

Junior Java DeveloperJunior .NET DeveloperJunior Clojure DeveloperJunior Business Analytics ConsultantJunior UX DesignerJunior Front End DeveloperJunior Web Developer

Parhaiten tutustut meihin livenä ständillä tai verkossa Face-bookissa, Twitterissä meitä seuraamalla. Nähdään!

Field of OperationOhjelmistokehitys, sähköiset palvelut, online, tietojohta-minen ja analytiikka

Offices in FinlandHelsinki, Tampere, Oulu

Turnover of the Company36,8 M€


Open PositionsKatso avoimet työpaikkamme verkosta www.solita.fi/hae-meille.

Degree ProgrammeCSE, TOL, TUTA, TAL, ...

Year of StudyLähellä valmistumista olevat opiskelijat.

Other Relevant InformationJos juuri nyt ei ole sinulle sopivaa tehtävää avoinna, voit lähettää meille avoimen hakemuksen tai jättää verkossa yhteystietosi Avoimet työpai-kat –sähköpostilistalle, jolloin kuulet uusista tehtävistä ensim-mäisten joukossa!

ApplicationTutustu tarkemmin hakuo-hjeisiin verkossa www.solita.fi/hae-meille

Tutustu avoimiin työpaik-koihin verkossa www.solita.fi/hae-meille tai laita avoin hakemus [email protected]

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SSAB is a Nordic and US-based steel company with 17,000 employees in 50 countries.

We are a leading producer on the global market for- Advanced High Strength Steels (AHSS)- Quenched & Tempered steels (Q&T)- standard strip, plate and tubular products- construction solutions

SSAB´s steels contribute to lighter weight of the end product and also increase the strength and life length of the product.

Steel production sites are located in Raahe and Hämeenlin-na (Finland), Oxelösund, Borlänge and Luleå (Sweden), and Montpelier and Mobile (USA).

Read more about our personnel and practices and check open positions:www.ssab.com/careers

Come and meet SSAB employees at PESTI Career Day!

Field of OperationMetals industry

Offices in FinlandHead office in Stockholm. Produc-tion units in Raahe and Hämeen-linna. Other units (processing, stock, sales offices) in Seinäjoki, Vimpeli, Alajärvi, Kankaanpää, Lappohja, Järvenpää, Hyvinkää, Pulkkila, Oulainen, Ylivieska, Espoo, Kouvola, Vaasa, Pie-tarsaari, Oulu, Kuopio, Turku, Uusikaupunki, Toijala, Tampere and Pori.

Turnover of the Company€ 5 billion (2014)

Personnel17 000

Open PositionsSummer employees: around 800 / year in various positions at our different sites in Finland. We also offer thesis opportuntities, appr. 30 / year.

Degree ProgrammeKO, PO, TUTA, CSE , YMP, TAL

Year of Study1, 2, 3, 4, 5, n

SpecializationStudies in process metallurgy appreciated.




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Stora Enso is the global rethinker of the paper, biomaterials, wood products and packaging industry. We always rethink the old and ex-pand to the new to offer our customers innovative solutions based on renewable materials.

The Group has some 27 000 employees in more than 35 countries worldwide, and is a publicly traded company listed in Helsinki and Stockholm. Our customers include publishers, printing houses and paper merchants, as well as the packaging, joinery and construction industries.

Stora Enso’s annual production capacity is 5.6 million tonnes of chemical pulp, 7.1 million tonnes of paper, 3.8 million tonnes of board, 1.3 billion square metres of corrugated packaging and 5.6 mil-lion cubic metres of sawn wood products, including 2.8 million cubic metres of value-added products. Our sales in 2014 were EUR 10.2 billion, with an operational EBIT of EUR 810 million.

Stora Enso uses and develops its expertise in renewable materials to meet the needs of its customers and many of today’s global raw mate-rial challenges. Our products provide a climate-friendly alternative to many products made from competing non-renewable materials, and have a smaller carbon footprint. Our solutions based on wood there-fore have wide-reaching benefits for us as a business, for people and for the planet. Being responsible – doing good for the people and the planet – underpins our thinking and our approach to every aspect of doing business.

The world is full of challenges - and so is Stora Enso. Actually, every employee at Stora Enso has challenges in their job. We need dedi-cated people with the right attitude who can rethink and turn chal-lenges into opportunities. With united efforts we will create an even stronger and more responsible business.

Stora Enso is transforming to a value-creating, growth markets re-newable materials company. We will focus more on growth markets in China and Latin America.

Stora Enso motivates it’s personnel into continuous development by offering challenging internal training programmes. Also the Global company provides many global career challenges globally. Mobility is appreciated. Career challenges: www.storaenso.com/careers.

Field of OperationForest Products Company

Turnover of the CompanySales in 2014 were EUR 10.2 billion

PersonnelStora Enso Group 27 000

Open PositionsIn Finland:Summer trainees: 1000/yearMaster thesis, other: 100/yearCareer challenges: www.storaenso.com/careers

Degree ProgrammeKO, PO, TUTA, YMP, TAL, Chemistry

Year of Study1, 2, 3, 4, summer trainee

SpecializationAll earlier mentioned degrees.

Other Relevant InformationCooperation skills and abil-ity to rethink appreciated.



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Talent relations

Studentwork on erikoistunut osaajasuhteisiin. Meille se tarkoit-taa sitä, että tunnemme parhaat ihmiset ja mielenkiintoisimmat yritykset.

Mikä sitten on osaaja? On tiettyjä henkilökohtaisia ominaisuuk-sia, jotka ovat arvokkaita riippumatta siitä, minkälaista työtä etsit. Vastuunkanto, reippaus ja halu tarttua toimeen, nöyrä asenne ja tekemisen meininki. Näitä asioita ei opeteta koulussa. Juuri nämä tekevät sinusta nuoren osaajan meidän silmissämme.

Laitamme paljon energiaa työntekijätarpeiden kartoitukseen asiakasyrityksissämme. Voimmekin hyvällä omallatunnolla sanoa, että tarjoamme valtavan määrän mielenkiintoisia uramah-dollisuuksia ja vaihtelevia työympäristöjä.

Rekisteröi CV:si ja tule osaksi verkostoamme. Selaa työpaikkoja kotisivuiltamme ja hae – teemme parhaamme, jotta urasi lähtee meillä hyvin käyntiin!


Talent relations

Studentwork is a talent relations company. And talent relations to us is simply knowing the best people and the best companies.

What is a talent then? There are certain personal characteristics that are always valuable, regardless of what job you are looking for. That you are responsible and willing to dive in when needed, that you are humble and not afraid to roll up your sleeves to get the job done. This is something that no school can teach you. It’s a mindset. And this is what makes you a talent in our eyes.

We put a lot of energy into keeping an updated network of com-panies, and we are pleased to say that there are plenty of exciting employers and career possibilities out there. So register your CV and become a part of our network. Browse through our vacancies and we will do our best to help your career take off.

Field of OperationNuorten osaajien hen-kilöstöpalvelut

Offices in Finland6

Turnover of the Company20 miljoonaa euroa


Open PositionsLinkki suoraan avoinna ole-viin työtehtäviimme:www.studentwork.fi/tyopaikat/

Degree ProgrammeCSE, TUTA, TAL, SO, PO

Year of Study1, 2, 3, 4, 5


StudentworkTuija RyynänenHallituskatu 13-17 E 4690100 OULU

[email protected]


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Kansainväliseen Sweco-konserniin kuuluva Sweco Finland on rakennetun ympäristön ja teollisuuden innovatiivinen ja arvostettu asiantuntija Suomessa ja maailmalla.

Palvelemme asiakkaitamme rakennetekniikan, talotek-niikan, teollisuuden sekä ympäristö- ja yhdyskuntatekniikan aloilla ja tarjoamme myös projektinjohto- ja rakennuttamis-palveluita, arkkitehtisuunnittelua sekä asiantuntijapalvelui-ta.

Kaikkiaan 14 500 swecolaisesta lähes 2 000 työskentelee Suomessa.


Sweco Finland is an innovative and recognized specialist of the built environment in Finland and around the world.

We cater to our clients in the fields of structural engineer-ing, building service systems, industrial engineering as well as environmental and civil engineering. We also offer proj-ect and construction management, architectural design, and specialist services.

Sweco Finland is part of the international Sweco Group. Of the total 14,500 Sweco employees about 2,000 work in Fin-land.

Field of OperationTeollisuus-, infra-, ympäristö- ja talonra-kentamisen suunnittelu sekä projektinjohto- ja asiantunti-japalvelut

Offices in FinlandToimistoja 25 paikkakun-nalla

Turnover of the Company165 Milj. € (2014)

Personnel14 500, joista Suomessa lähes 2 000

Open PositionsKatso avoimet työpaik-kamme sivuiltamme: www.sweco.fi/tyopaikat

Degree ProgrammeAO, KO, PO, YMP, SO, AD, BEE

Year of Study3, 4, 5, n

ApplicationIlmoitamme avoimet kesä-työpaikkamme kotisivuil-lamme www.sweco.fi


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Symbio, founded in 1994, is one of the world’s biggest software companies offering product development, quality assurance and BPO services. By combining cutting-edge technological know-how, customer insight, advanced global delivery networks and customized solutions, we enable innovative and cost-efficient software product development. Our clients include ABB, Alibaba, Google, Intel, Microsoft, Sandvik, Suunto, Volvo and YLE. Sym-bio has eight development centres and 16 BPO centers, which employe 18.000 professionals in the US, Europe, Asia and Latin America.

For students of information technology Symbio offers a fun place to work as well as interesting projects and excellent learning op-portunities. With us you get to work in a team with the most ex-perienced developers who’ll teach you tons about coding as well as agile project work. At Symbio you find opportunities to deepen and widen your skills in embedded systems, web development, QA and test automation.

You’re probably aware of the superiority of Oulu compared to other places and we definitely acknowledge this at Symbio also. In Oulu we have about 50 employees and are actively seeking new talents to join our laid back team. However, when in need of a change in scenery, with us you have the possibility to do just that by joining a project overseas. How would you feel about starting your day with a morning surf in the Pacific or in the stimulating environment of Silicon Valley?

Currently we are especially keen on finding future web develop-ment wizards. If you think you might be the person we are looking for and would like to join our not-so-serious team of profession-als, we have a secret mission for you. Complete the mission and you might just find yourself working at Symbio. Interested to learn more? Pop by our stand number 75 during Pestipäivä and don’t forget to come meet us in lecture hall L9 at 1:30 pm! You will learn more about careers within web development and gain some useful tips that will better your chances in the job hunt.

Field of OperationSoftware development, QA

Offices in FinlandHelsinki, Tampere, Oulu

Turnover of the Company75 M


Open PositionsWeb Specialists and JuniorsiOs and Android developersMobile developer (NDK/C++)http://symbio.com/fi/ura/

Degree ProgrammeTOL, CSE

Year of StudyAnything goes as long as you’ve got the talent and drive

SpecializationSoftware developmentWeb development

ApplicationSee our open positions and send us your CV http://sym-bio.com/fi/ura/

[email protected] (recruiting)http://symbio.com/fi/ura/ (open positions)

SymbioElektroniikkatie 890590 Oulu


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Company Synopsys, Inc. (Nasdaq: SNPS) is the Silicon to Software™ partner for innovative companies developing the electronic products and software applications we rely on every day. As the world’s 15th largest software compa-ny, Synopsys has a long history of being a global leader in electronic design automation (EDA) and semiconductor IP, and is also a leader in software quality and security testing with its Coverity® solutions. Founded in 1986, the company had revenues of $2B in FY 2014 and employs nearly 9,500 employees in approximately 90 worldwide locations across North America, Europe, Japan, the Pacific Rim, India and Israel. The company is headquartered in Mountain View, CA and is publicly traded on NASDAQ under the symbol SNPS.

Software Integrity Group

With its flagship acquisition of Coverity and more recent-ly the acquisition of Codenomicon, our Software Integrity group is changing the way companies develop software. For years companies and consumers tolerated software that was full of functional defects and security holes. In today’s world this is no longer acceptable. Coverity spun out of Stanford University in 2003 with a new method of Static Analysis able to catch functional and security defects at the very begin-ning of the development cycle. The ability to automatically detect defects combined with a uniquely low false positive rate has led to rapid developer adoption, and Coverity has become the leader in static analysis for quality and security. Codenomicon is the market leader in dynamic fuzz test-ing for finding security vulnerabilities in a wide variety of protocols. It independently discovered the well-publicized “Heartbleed” bug using its own technology. The mission of the Software Integrity Group is to expand from Coverity’s and Codenomicon’s highly differentiated point tools and build a full platform solution to address quality, security, privacy, and safety problems with fundamental and highly innovative products and services.

Field of OperationSoftware security and quality assurance

Offices in FinlandOulu, Helsinki

Degree ProgrammeSO, CSE, TOL, ProM, GS3D, WCE

Open Positionswww.synopsys.com/company/synopsyscareers

Year of Study1, 2, 3, 4, 5, n

SpecializationTelecommunication En-gineering, Information Processing Engineering, Embedded Systems, Applied Computing

ApplicationThrough website


Oulu Office:Tutkijantie 4 E90590 Oulu+358 424 7431

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Tekniikan akateemiset TEK edistää tekniikkaa ihmisen, elinympäristön ja yhteiskunnan parhaaksi. TEK on yksi Akavan suurimmista jäsenjärjestöistä.

TEK on noin 73 000 jäsenellään maamme suurin diplomi-insinöörien ja arkkitehtien järjestö. Työikäisistä diplomi-insinööreistä TEKiin kuuluu lähes 70 prosenttia. Liittoon kuuluu myös kasvava määrä arkkitehteja ja luonnontieteellisen yliopistotutkinnon suorittaneita. Jäsenistä noin 22 000 on teekkareita ja matemaattis-luonnontieteellisten alojen opiskelijoita.

TEKIn opiskelijajäsenyys on maksuton. Opiskelijajäsenenä saat seuraavat palvelut ja edut:

Teekkarin Työkirja on työhakuopas kaikille tekniikan alan opiskelijoille. Löydät Työkirjasta työnhakuun liittyen mm. CV-mallit, hakemusohjeet ja paljon muita vinkkejä ja ohjeita. Tule hakemaan omasi TEKin messuosas-tolta 34! Voit tutustua kirjaan myös www.teekkarintyokirja.fi

Tee työsopimus aina kirjallisena! TEKin lakimiehet auttavat sinua työ-sopimuksen kiemuroissa. Saat heiltä apua myös muissa työelämään liitty-vissä oikeudellisissa asioissa. www.tek.fi/lakitieto

Tutustu TEKin diplomityö- ja harjoittelupalkkasuosituksiin! Ne ovat hyvä lähtökohta neuvotteluun. www.tek.fi/palkat

Vakuuta itsesi työttömyyden varalta ja liity IAET-kassaan jo opiskeluaikana-si! Mikäli joudut työttömäksi valmistumisesi jälkeen, olet oikeutettu hake-maan ansiosidonnaista työttömyysturvaa, edellyttäen että työssäoloehtosi täyttyy. Jotta ehdit täyttää työssäoloehdon opiskeluaikanasi, kannattaa liit-tyminen tehdä heti ensimmäisten kesätöiden alussa. Liittymishetkellä sinun on oltava työsuhteessa. Kassan jäsenyys on maksullinen, tarkista maksu: www.tek.fi/fi/jasenyys/tyottomyysturva

Hyödynnä alennukset ja edut! TEK-lehden lisäksi saat käyttöösi Tekniikka & Talous ja Talouselämä -lehdet Talentumin Summa-palvelussa. Tutustu myös jäsenedut.fi - palvelun tarjontaan. http://lehti.tek.fi/, www.tek.fi/opkys, www.jasenedut.fi

Lisätietoja TEKin jäseneduista opiskelijoille löydät osoitteesta www.tek.fi/fi/jasenyys/opiskelijajasenyys

Teekkariyhdysmies eli tykki vastaa sinua askarruttaviin työelämäkysymyk-siin kampuksellasi. Jokaisella teekkaripaikkakunnalla on oma tykkinsä sekä joukko kiltayhdyshenkilöitä eli kyhejä. Tarkista oman paikkakuntasi tykki tai kyhit: www.tek.fi/fi/jasenyys/opiskelijajasenyys/opiskelijatoimijat

You will find additional information about the members’ benefits: www.tek.fi/en/jasenyys/join-tek (TEK student membership)

Field of OperationEtu- ja palvelujärjestö / Non-profit Organization Manage-ment


Open PositionsTeekkarin työkirjan pää-toimittaja (only finnish language)

Degree ProgrammeKaikki koulutusohjelmat

Year of Study3, 4, 5, N

ApplicationEmail: [email protected]

TEK Oulun AluetoimistoTeknologiantie 190590 Oulu

Jukka OravaPuh. 040 - 5070736



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Teollisuuden Voima Oyj (TVO) is a Finnish nuclear power company founded in 1969. TVO produces electricity to the Finnish society in a safe and reliable manner.

In 2014, the nuclear electricity produced by TVO in Olkiluo-to accounted for about one sixth of the electricity consumed in Finland. Approximately half of the electricity produced by TVO is spent by the industry. The other half is used at homes, in service production and in agriculture via power utilities. The clean energy production contributes to the re-duction of the global environmental impact.

During their 38 years of operation, the Olkiluoto plant units have produced a total of 450 billion kWh of climate-friendly electricity. Every year, the nuclear power produced at Olki-luoto helps prevent approximately 12 million tonnes of car-bon dioxide emissions in Finland compared to producing the same amount of electricity using coal. The saved amount corresponds to the total annual CO2 emissions of all road traffic in Finland.

Through its direct owners, TVO’s nuclear electricity brings well-being to 135 municipalities. These municipalities are shareholders in more than 50 energy companies that serve as a route for distributing electricity from Olkiluoto through-out Finland.

Field of OperationEnergy

Turnover of the CompanyAbout 325 million

PersonnelAbout 800

Open PositionsTrainees: about 130/yearThesis: a few/year

Degree ProgrammeApplicable programmes

Year of Study1, 2, 3, 4, 5

SpecializationApplicable orientations


Teollisuuden Voima OyjOlkiluoto27160 EURAJOKIPuh. (02) 83 811


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We are visionaries. We are differentiators. We are TIers.

As a global semiconductor company operating in 35 coun-tries, Texas Instruments (TI) is first and foremost a reflec-tion of its people. From the TIer who unveiled the first work-ing integrated circuit in 1958 to the more than 30,000 TIers around the world today who design, manufacture and sell analog and embedded processing chips, we are problem-solvers collaborating to change the world through technol-ogy.

Here in Oulu TI develops wide range of Lighting and Power management ICs for Automotive and Mobile markets. We have also team developing SW and Test for Embedded Pro-cessors.

Field of OperationSemiconductors (electronics and software)

Offices in FinlandOulu, Helsinki

Personnel31 000 worldwide, 70 Oulu

Open Positionswww.ti.com/careers

Degree ProgrammeSO, CSE

Year of Study3,4

SpecializationElectronics DesignEmbedded Systems


Johanna [email protected]


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Tietomekka has offered software solutions and information services for customers since 1988. The most important cus-tomers have been the road management authorities as well as infra-sector contractors and consultants in Finland. Our information services and software solutions have achieved widespread recognition for good practice and innovative so-lutions for customers in the usefulness of the operation.

Our competitiveness is based on the continuous develop-ment of knowledge, our customers’ business knowledge and creativity to combine the latest technology for customer-specific software solutions. Tietomekka aims to be widely networked, leading information service and software pro-vider in the infra-sector of Finland. Our operation is based on active following of global advancements, innovation and developing.

Tietomekka Oy provides advanced information services for improving working efficiency. Our business idea is that cus-tomers who use our services benefit in terms of increased efficiency, reduced expenses and improved customer ser-vice. Our information service is a package which includes software solutions for working on the road as well as in the office, software maintenance and development, and custom-er support. Information services offered by Tietomekka are based on wireless data transfer, GPS, and map-based infor-mation management. Services can be used on mobile phone, tablet and computer.

Field of OperationSoftware solutions and information services

Offices in FinlandOulu

Turnover of the Company1400000


Open PositionsSoftware designers

Degree ProgrammeCSE

Year of Study4, 5, N

SpecializationInformation Processing Engineering or Applied Computing

ApplicationOpen application with cv as attachment

Keijo PulkkinenKiviharjuntie 1190220 Oulu040 [email protected]

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Turun seutu tarjoaa loistavat mahdollisuudet suorittaa työharjoittelu ja saada yhteyksiä sekä suhteita työelämään. Meillä on useita kansallisesti ja kansainvälisesti tunnettuja yrityksiä, jotka mielellään palkkaavat tulevaisuuden lupauk-sia yritystensä riveihin.

Turku toivottaa teekkarit tervetulleeksi. Miksi sitten teekkari valitsisi Turun?

Turku on useiden tapahtumien ja kauniiden ihmisten kaupunki. Kuuden korkeakoulun opiskelijat pitävät huolta siitä, ettei kaupungin yössä ole koskaan tylsää. Kesäkaudella Turussa järjestetään monenlaista tapahtumia, ja erityisesti jokiranta vetää ihmisiä puoleensa. Turku on myös kuului-sa useista festareistaan, joihin lukeutuvat muun muassa Ruisrock ja DBTL. Turun seudulla on tarjolla monenlaista aktiivisemmallekin opiskelijalle, kuten esimerkiksi mahdol-lisuus purjehdukseen kuvankauniissa saaristossa, golfiin ja moniin muihin harrastuksiin. Tule siis sinäkin Turkuun, toivottavasti tapaamme pian!

Kesäteekkariksi Turkuun?

Turku tukee kesätöihin tulevia teknillisen alan opiskelijoita kesällä 2016 Kesäteekkarikampanjalla, jossa työsopimusta vastaan opiskelijoille tarjotaan ilmaiseksi kolmen kuu-kauden vuokra-asunto ja kaupunkiliikenteen bussikortti. Ensimmäinen kampanja toteutettiin Turussa kesällä 2015, jolloin mukana oli 21 teekkaria. Turun seudun teknologiay-ritykset ovat kiinnostuneita teknillisten alojen opiskelijoista, joten mahdollisuudet työllistymiseen ovat erinomaiset.

ProjektipäällikköSami PietiläTurun Seudun Kehittämiskeskus

[email protected]. 040 503 6292


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Uranoste 2015-2017 -hankkeen ydintoimintaa ovat sisällöltään kattavat urahallintaa ja työelämää koskevat koulutukset ja webi-naarit sekä Uranostajat-työnhakuryhmät. Keskeisen kohderyh-män muodostavat korkeakoulutetut sekä loppuvaiheen yliopisto- ja korkeakouluopiskelijat.

Urahallinta- ja työelämäkoulutukset ovat pääsääntöisesti kestol-taan puolipäiväisiä tilaisuuksia, joissa osallistujia koulutetaan ak-tiiviseen työnhakuun muiden muassa ansioluettelojen ja työhake-musten laatimisessa, työhaastatteluihin valmistautumisessa, sosiaalisen median hyödyntämisessä, omien vahvuusalueiden kartoittamisessa, omien verkostojen hyödyntämisessä, kommuni-kaatiotaidoissa sekä yleisessä työelämätietoisuudessa.

Koulutuksia pitävät urahallinnan ja rekrytoinnin ammattilaiset sekä hankkeen taustalla olevien ammattijärjestöjen asiantuntijat. Myös Oulun yliopisto on yksi Uranosteen rahoittajista.


The goal of the Uranoste 2015-2017 project is to improve employ-ment, networking and innovation in the field of commerce and technology. In addition to the unemployed, also those who are currently working or about to graduate and are fit in the target group, may take part in the project. The target group consists mainly of engineers either with or without a university level de-gree, Masters of Economic Sciences and Bachelors of Business Administration.

The project itself is based on different forms of education, both on-site courses and webinars, including such as Curriculum Vi-tae workshops, job interview coaching sessions, professional net-working in the social media, communication and management orientated lectures and field trips to corporations. The aim is to increase the professional skills and know-how of the target group. Also, we are able to offer specially tailored education by request.

Attn. - All of our courses at the moment are in Finnish.

Field of OperationTyönhakukoulutukset ja työelämäosaaminen

Offices in FinlandOulu

Turnover of the CompanyNon-profit


Degree ProgrammeKO, PO, YMP, SO, CSE, TUTA, TOL, TAL, FM

Year of Study4, 5, n

Uranoste 2015-2017Isokatu 28 TO 790100 Oulu

info(a)uranoste.fiPuh. 045 - 2373 206

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VR Track Oy on infrahankkeisiin erikoistunut suunnittelutoimis-to, rakennusliike ja kunnossapitoyritys. Suomen lisäksi toimimme Ruotsissa ja Virossa, joissa meillä on paikalliset tytäryhtiöt. Par-haillaan yhtiöissämme työskentelee runsaat 1800 infrahankkeiden elinkaaren eri vaiheissa toimivaa ammattilaista.

Suomessa olemme yksi suurimmista infra-alan suunnittelu- toimistoista ja rakennusliikkeistä, radanrakentajana olemme Suomen suurin. Kotimaan palvelumme kattavat myös ratama-teriaalien toimitukset ja kalustopalvelut. Olemme myös vahvasti mukana kehittämässä inframallinnusta ja alan teknologiaa.

VR Track Oy on osa VR Groupia, joka on monipuolinen, ympäristöystävällinen ja vastuullisesti toimiva matkustuksen, lo-gistiikan ja infrarakentamisen palveluyritys.


VR Track Oy is one of the largest infrastructure sector construc-tion companies and engineering offices in Finland. Our services cover the whole infrastructure project’s life cycle: design, con-struction and maintenance.

We have also a subsidiary operating in the railway market in Swe-den and we are now entering on the Swedish infrastructure mar-ket with our design and consulting services. VR Track employs approximately 1,800 experts in dozens of different positions in these two countries.

Our competitive advantages in the infrastructure field are our unique overall expertise in complete project life-cycles, our solid experience in railway systems and project management of large contracts. We design increasingly with model based methods and use the latest technology.

VR Track Oy is part of VR-Group which is a versatile, environ-mentally friendly and responsible travel, logistics and infrastruc-ture engineering service company.

Field of OperationInfrastructure (design, con-struction, maintenance)

Offices in FinlandHelsinki, Tampere, Oulu & Kouvola

Turnover of the Company322 M€

Personnel1800 globally, 1500 in Fin-land

Open PositionsStudents are offered final thesis and summer jobs.

Degree ProgrammeAO, KO, PO, YMP, SO, CSE, TUTA, TOL, TAL

Year of Study1 - n

Other Relevant InformationWe want you to succeed and to feel happy at work. That’s why we invest in people.



Twitter: @VRtrack

Youtube: VR Track channel


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Wapice is a leading technology partner for industrial business. We mas-ter the art of software development, electronics design and industry best practices. We integrate smoothly into organizations by offering wide range of software services: Embedded systems, industrial systems and business solutions. We build innovative solutions and are the forerun-ners in industrial software in Finland.

Industrial Internet overturns the conventions in industrial companies worldwide. Intelligent machines, big data, data collection, data visualiza-tion, data analytics and secure data transfer enable the building of next generation Industrial Systems. Wapice has strong experience and proven competence in this rapidly developing area, take look at our IoT plat-form: https://www.iot-ticket.com/.

Currently Wapice employs 300 software experts in six locations is Fin-land (Vaasa, Tampere, Oulu, Seinäjoki, Hyvinkää and Jyväskylä).

We have continuous need of new experts - experienced full stack devel-opers and students finalizing their studies. At Wapice your responsibili-ties will be tailored based on your experience. Our focus is the indus-trial software – we understand the industrial domains, we work in agile teams, we value high quality end results and are proud of what we do. We have international company culture thus we offer career possibilities also for non-Finnish speaking software enthusiasts.

To join us, we expect you to have knowledge or experience on one or more of the following areas:

• C/C++, Qt/QML• Embedded Systems and Linux• Industrial Cyber Security• Industrial Internet and Data Analytics• Java• Microsoft .NET• Software test automation• SQL and NoSQL Big data Solutions and Databases• Web technologies (JavaScript, HTML5 and Angular.js)

Come and meet us at Pestipäivät on stand 71!For more information! www.wapice.com

Field of OperationICT

Offices in FinlandVaasa, Tampere, Seinäjoki, Hyvinkää, Jyväskylä & Oulu

Turnover of the Company17,3 Me on 2014


Open PositionsSeveral SW Developers. For more, check our webpage http://w3.wapice.com/open-positions/open-positions

Degree ProgrammeCSE

SpecializationComputer engineering and programming. Knowledge of usability, machine automa-tion, energy technology or industrial management is considered as advantage.

Kati Korolainen-KujalaHR Manager+358 10 277 [email protected]

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WSP on monialainen, luova ja luotettava suunnittelu-, kon-sultointi-, tutkimus- ja muotoilupalveluja tarjoava yritys. WSP on yhtä kuin WSP:n osaajat ja menestyksemme rakentuu asiantunte-vasta kumppanuudesta asiakkaidemme kanssa.

Aito yhdessä tekeminen yli osaamisrajojen on osa jokapäiväistä tekemistämme. Näin kykenemme luomaan innovatiivisia ja asiak-kaan tarpeet tyydyttäviä ratkaisuja.

Ydinosaamisalueitamme ovat yhdyskuntasuunnittelu, rakenne-suunnittelu ja korjausrakentaminen.

WSP:ssä työskentevillä asiantuntijoilla on monenlaisia opiskelu-taustoja. Eniten meillä on AMK- ja diplomi-insinöörejä. Pääasia on, että tähtäät kovan luokan tekijäksi jollain WSP:n tarjoamalla palvelualueella.

Pidämme hyvää koulutusta tärkeänä, mutta työn tohinassa hanki-taan kuitenkin se ammattitaito, jolla projektejamme toteutetaan. Opiskele siis monipuolisesti ja ole aina valmis oppimaan lisää – niin mekin olemme!

Tutustu työpaikkoihimme:www.wspgroup.fi/tyopaikat

Seuraa meitä facebookissa:www.facebook.com/wspfinland


WSP is a multi-disciplinary consultancy company. We offer sus-tainable planning, consulting, inspection and design services. Our core competencies are Urban planning, Buildings, Industry and Bridges.

WSP in Finland is a part of global WSP employing about 31.000 experts in over 500 offices in all over the world. In Finland, WSP employs an average of 350 experts.

Field of OperationRakenne- ja yhdyskuntasuun-nittelu

Offices in FinlandToimistot Oulussa, Helsingissä, Tampereella, Jyväskylässä, Rovaniemellä ja Turussa.

Turnover of the Company29 M€


Open PositionsKesäharjoittelijoita: 10/vuosiDI-töitä: 5/vuosiVakituisia/osa-aikaisia: 13/2/vuosiHenkilöstötarve vuoteen 2017 mennessä: 30 orgaanisena kasvuna.

Degree ProgrammeKO, YMP, AO

Year of Study3, 4, N

SpecializationRakennesuunnittelu, vesi- ja yhdyskuntatekniikka,yhdyskuntasuunnittelu

ApplicationInternetin kautta osoitteesta www.wspgroup.fi tai sähkö-postitse [email protected]

WSPKiviharjunlenkki 1 D90220 Oulu


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At Wärtsilä, People are the Ultimate Power Source

Wärtsilä is a global leader in complete lifecycle power so-lutions for the marine and energy markets. By emphasising technological innovation and total efficiency, Wärtsilä maxi-mizes the environmental and economic performance of the vessels and power plants of its customers.

In 2014, Wärtsilä’s net sales totalled EUR 4.8 billion with ap-proximately 17,700 employees. The company has operations in more than 200 locations in nearly 70 countries around the world. Wärtsilä is listed on Nasdaq Helsinki, Finland.

Wärtsilä operates globally. Markets are in Europe, Asia, the Americas and Africa. Every third ship sailing the oceans is powered by Wärtsilä. Every second ship is serviced by us. Entire countries are powered by us.

Wärtsilä’s locations in Finland include Helsinki (headquar-ters), Vaasa and Turku. Altogether, Wärtsilä has about 3500 employees in Finland.

Field of OperationComplete lifecycle power solutions for the marine and energy markets

Offices in FinlandWärtsilä’s locations in Finland include Helsinki (headquarters), Vaasa and Turku.

Turnover of the Company4.8 billion

Personnel17 700 globally, 3500 in Finland

Open PositionsStudents in technical, business and legal study fields are offered final thesis and summer jobs at Wärtsilä. In 2015 we had 500 summer trainees in Finland.Take a look at our open positions at: www.wartsila.com/careers

Degree ProgrammeKO, PO, YMP, SO, TUTA, TAL

Year of Study1, 2, 3, 4, 5, n

SpecializationMechanical engineering, process engineering, environmental engineer-ing, electrical engineering, computer science and engineering and industrial engineering and management.

Other Relevant InformationWe are looking for people who capture opportunities and make things hap-pen. People with teamworking and English skills that like working in an international environment.



SUMMER JOBS 2016Application deadline 28.2.2016

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Yara Suomi produces fertilizers, industrial chemicals, prod-ucts and solutions for environmental protection as well as feed phosphates. Yara has following production plants in Finland: Uusikaupunki, Siilinjärvi and Kokkola. The Siilin-järvi site also contains the only phosphate mine in Western Europe. The head office of Finland is in Espoo. Yara also has a research station in Kotkaniemi where fertilization ex-periments are carried out. Yara employs abt. 900 people in Finland in production, sales and marketing positions. Yara Suomi is the daughter company of Yara International ASA.

Yara International ASA has a worldwide presence with op-erations and offices in more than 50 countries, and sales to more than 150 countries. Our global activities range from phosphate mining and ammonia production, through com-modity trade and energy arbitrage, to building local market knowledge and developing customer relationships.

The revenues of Yara were NOK 95.3 billion (USD 15.1 bil-lion) in 2014 and EBITDA NOK 16.4 billion (USD 2.7 bil-lion). The number of employees worldwide is abt. 12.000.

The company is actively cooperating with various educa-tional institutions. Yara offers challenging internships and thesis/ diploma work for students, especially in production and maintenance, as well as in mining and environmental technology, in international business environment.

Field of OperationChemical industry

Offices in FinlandSiilinjärvi, Uusikaupunki, Kokkola, Espoo, Kotkaniemi (Ojakkala)

Turnover of the CompanyNOK 95.3 billion (USD 15.1 billion)

PersonnelGlobally 12.000, in Finland 900

Open PositionsSeveral summer job and trainee positions in many Yara locations.For more information, see www.yara.fi

Degree ProgrammePO, KO, TUTA, YMP, SO

Year of Study1, 2, 3, 4, 5

SpecializationProcess EngineeringMechanical EngineeringEnvironmental EngineeringElectrical EngineeringIndustrial Engineering and Management

ApplicationPlease send your application through website www.yara.com/careers/



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Short bio of ZEF? Ever used a voting aid? You know, those apps where there are statements that you answer and then it tells you the most suitable candidate for you? We do those at ZEF. We also do product selectors. Like VotingAid for stuff. Cool!

But, enough of the non-tech talk. Is your heart packed with love, passion and bravery? You want to be in the bravest tech team in the world?!

Now’s your chance!

We are looking for amazing guys and girls who love modern web development. You like people? Great, so do we! Oh, you wanted keywords, right. Here’s the thing: If you find yourself enjoying one, two or many of the following things, let us know!

Keywords:Front-end- Javascript- Data visualization- D3.js / RaphaëlBack-end- Google Cloud- NoSQL- Java- Node.js- Apache Hadoop / Spark / Storm

If our values love, passion and bravery and our dream to help peo-ple with decision-making sound like your thing send us a short story about yourself or check out our open positions on http://careers.zef.fi/

Cheers! See ya!With love, passion and bravery,Team ZEF

Psst. You can follow our journey on Twitter (@zefstories), Insta-gram (@zefstories) and Facebook www.facebook.com/zefsolu-tions)!

Field of OperationSoftware solutions and ser-vices

Offices in FinlandOulu and Espoo

PersonnelAt the moment we have an innovative team of 35 people

Open PositionsBack End DevelopmentFront End DevelopmentData VisualizationJunior Developer Program

Degree ProgrammeSO, TOL, MAT

Sallamari Nissilä050 455 7788

Janne Julkunen050 409 5951

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PESTI 2016NÄYTTELYALUELINNANMAA19 ABB15 Agnico-Eagle Finland68 Air Liquide Finland58 Anite Network Testing47 Anite Telecoms64 Arcusys43 ARM40 Bittium21 Boliden32 BusinessKitchen33 BusinessOulu31 Codemate55 Componenta57 Destia 25 Digia & Qt Company26 Esju10 Espotel44 F-Secure37 Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering20 Fennovoia70 Freeport Cobalt52 Lewel Group53 Lidl Suomi54 LähiTapiola Pohjoinen36 MediaTek 22 Metso23 Metso Group13 MSK Group49 Neste Jacobs35 NOKIA38 Nordic Semiconductor Finland27 Osuuskauppa Arina56 Oucons / Comatec Group39 Oulun Energia28 Outokumpu63 OY, Kielikoulutus, harjoittelu ja vaihto-opiskelu11 Peikko Group9 Pohjois-Pohjanmaan työ- ja elinkeinotoimisto42 Polar Electro48 Ponsse

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46 Ramboll14 SITO59 SOLITA61 SSAB24 Stora Enso50-51 Studentwork17 Sweco75 Symbio Finland41 Synopsys34 Tekniikan Akateemiset TEK18 Teollisuuden Voima ja Posiva12 Texas Instruments45 Tietomekka7 Turun seutu34 Uranoste69 Vaimo Finland67 VR Track71 Wapice16 WSP Finland29 Wärtsilä65 Yara Suomi30 ZEF

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