AGMQlfttf s* ^•;.»:' ®: »' . Gfeot.God afM&IMpS$A tfyji '•'••'•' ^ H tft(: i#ii»4W' >V.* .Tftf(i^«M^pf6wis% harvelW store, "j&ulnfafepks to heaven. * "fe %4 . ,^d^«W(gj>9»f! ToTlieoafpV u , ." s* 4^^^r^.3^i<H0>r thanks and praise^ * , , \^i&n'hipt8ite grateful labor's done,',,!.„ , » M l o«r bcafte ^guVon. rest, , 1 1 J*S|tiy syce we will ajl^g" ' ,-*,• •* SHraa'thankthat Godflrhd&imerelybtbsf .^SwdnrW'fcet.niKloap'Kbfe. -•M^|qpoTE.-~Sftme years^agh, a-iady-oo- s 1 4% m K-f* ::.*' * ,>*ufo ho/rne.^o >>$ui<e #hatshau,ld detain so ^gnQ^?fe.,an,.^|)itoy / ..,On entering the hou$^^^ fpiM%e?fittiUy 'busy' at worlt.|h SheVi»S sy^ri^cTOjeijiier family addressed ' J ^Mf^#by^a>^ ! where have you a^ , ^yi v ^ re88 -|i on ' t ' in J -0 " 1 " Sunday Pc^tneeting!" wT^at'dayisit?" "Slalibath day!" '.'Sal,;s,to|» washing jn a minute!—Sab- bath day! Well, I did'nt know it, for my •husband ha's got'so stiDgy he w.op't take the J.papers .now, and we can't learn nothing. W#H, <vho preached ?" ••Mr. ." - 4 *.^y]iat'did he preach about ?" •'jr^'wag on the death of our Saviour." £W&y, is he dead ?t-rwell, all Boston might be dead, and we fifow nothing about it;' icwon't do, weannst have the newspaper agajn, for etfety thing goes wrong wiiuoirt the,pa|ier,,> BilL'htili'most lost his,reading, and Polly has g^tPn^e mopish again, be- catis.fJshe has no iiWriM to read. Well, if w(y|jg$te r to. take a can-load of onions and pdtftOMi-.'to raarket, I am resolved to have a '.;4Js!ECDOT>ij.-^We beard the "other, day a Very goadjgnecdote of a certain eccentrio preacher idli neighboring State,—a shrewd, ia|ented man wjthaj, and of unbounded in- fluence among his people. One long warm summer afternoon, his congregation—as .all congregations.will on summer afternoons— gotdrpwsy, and not a few went off into a regular doze. The orator went on apparently undisturbed by their apathy, and finished his discours's. He paused—the silence as is often the case, after the humdrum of a not very animated-speaker, roused up the con- gregation. Some, rubbed their .eyes, and all staged.'ft>£there stood the minister, ser- mon* in 'hand; , He waited fill he saw,them all fairly awake, and then very calmly said i 1 My good friends, this sermon cost me a deal of labor, rather more than usual; you do not seem to have'paid it quite as much intention as it- deserves. I'think I will go over It again," and he was as good as his wotd, from text to the exhortation.—Boston Travtller. pr«ftfb!e«b.te t£5ln,Q**ec8i*ii pgeadjmign* [Wblio gesneraJty; a | ^ R v j t e 4 imioo, $tftoag''ihe#witt be allowing j. • '.v , .... trie^ds ai to call founds! Ru$«"eflVJffadern Uurane,^ vols. Gtt.fcp.1 ooCijdJjiaisjafe', ., } Malqolm's Kt^m P L Poetical Works or Miss Landon. 'W^J&^wt*^ nJ Bi,, ^ 8i the ^ eor y BfSijfftiS tljj^edlfetates, 2 v. 8 vo. Mi|too'a Works, 2 v. 8 vo. .Ferdinand and Isabella, 3 vols. 8 vo.- Gibbon's Rome, 4 v, 8 vo. .Irviog's Columbus,, 2 y. 8 v,o. .Griei.'s Mechanical .Calculator, CMife Twjst, 2 v. cheap editiop. » Nicholas tNtickleby^.' / ' ' ' ' . . .. ' Bubbles in C.aiiadMpy (.be. author„of Sam • Slick; ... . \ ,\ Rogers' Italy,; .,,..- ; , . ,, Sparlfs Am^icanBingirapJjyvlOyol^. 12. mo; BlpffmjfteW's, GriseU T.estament, 2 v. *8 vn; > Pictiopary oftbe Churpb!^ '• , '.• < The WQmeu o^Kpgtapd, tjhteii* social.duties and domestic habits, by Mrs. J?&j Jate Miss Stijukftey ; .. . '„ \Wm Cowper's Poems, .Ivpfs. finsfedition; •Life and Correspondence of mrs. Hawkcs ; Romatneon FaTOi; Hare's Sermons, 1 vo-1. 8 w.new; McClelland's Geology of India, published at Calcutta ? Taylor's ttvty Living and Pying; . Minister's Family—cxcglltnV; v Life of Wilberforce. by his Sons; . Symington on the Atonement; , . , jio, do. , Dominion, of Christ; Boston's Cropk in .the Lot \ new tdit. Advice to a^Yoiiog Christian, by Waterbury; Basket of Flower's, l>y Bedell; Life of Mrs. Isabella Graham ", ' *" Letters of ; do. Doddridge's-Rise, and Progress, 12 mo James 1 Anxioa^Efttfltirer; ' Holiday lionse, by Miss Sinclair; . Young Lady's Home ; , Jenk's Devp^ions; Hannah More's Spirit of Prayer; do. Private Devotion; , Thomas-A'Kempis' Christian Pattern; Bridge on 119th Psalm ; Sacra Privata j -• Drooping Lily—Lily of the Valleys •, ^ David'sPsa[ras ihMetr.ewith Browb'gjlii^&j, Pastor's Daughter; ,..,,' '*-'<;!. Beauties of Le5gh RLchmotrf? Memoir of do". Salathiel, 2 v. by Croly ; Mary Green : Butl of Promise ; History ot a PrayerBook; Ellen, si i lk l gilt; Hours for Heaven ; Recognition of Friends; Fig Tree; BBS mM*:, Browns'',, Bulierwariii's and Cruden's Con ~»w^n„jj | iij, i ",jiiiu ii u>m i ". i w '»raturel# e ' - ' " ' ^ > ? 'f° ' <£; 'wjm'9- -Theoi'Sgy ? ilp.wiih PqMdnYlllus^ •'Vilfedn^.and.Nbtes'?, '"" •"•'•*•• , W^|j|{eyjs, Jamieson's, and Hedge's Logic; Davjes', TDay's, Ryan's, Bridges' and Bail- •W$P*~Algeb,ra'a; Brown's, Smith's, Kirkham'a and Btillion's Grammars; '•• %{ . •< Davies 1 , Stojih's, Adams', Emerson's,Will- ,spn'8, Os^iander's and Coiburn's Ariih- «tejj/js ,• ' - Butlfr's Ancient Geography and Atlas? Worcester's and Willard's Ancient Atlas; Porter's Analysis^-do. Rlietorical Header ; Willson's and Paley's Evidences of Chris' ' tianity ; Butler's Analogy; Boucharlat's Mechanics. Worcester's Elements of Ancient and Mfrcj' • em History ; ' ' do. Chart'to '' dp.; Vose's Astronomy—Young Astrohoriipr'; Burritt's Geo^rapay aud Atlas^of*the Hea- vens ; Cotrtstock s'Natural PhUospphy; Comstpcb's and Beck's Che'mi'stry ; '; Eaton's, Mrs. Lmc'plo'a and t Cemstock's * Botany's; ' ' • ' • ' • . Comstock's Physiologyt-dp'. Geology; Smiifie's Philosophy of Natural History ; Blair's,' Whatpley's, J.ar»ieson*s, Campbell's and Nerfman's Rhetorics; P*rinc,ipjes of pen^rammar, by De Lacy,' Wayland's and Newnjan's. political Beon- omy's; 'Adam's Roman Antiquities; Potter's Grecian,do; Cleveland'^ do; Schcjlar'? ICorrfpanjon^, Cobb's Reader's, Nos. 1, 2 and H ; American Manual, or New English Reader; Olney's, Hale's, Goodrich's and Webster's United States'Histories; Book Of Commerce; First. Second-and Third Books of History; Bache's Treatise on Opti'es.;' 'Science of Government; Mason*on Self knowledge; Watts on the Mind; ^ Reading Book for Girls, By Mrs. Sigqumey.; r Spefling l Biieksand Minor GeogYaphfes, va- rious ; first Lessons in Natural Philosophy; Goldsmith's Rome and Greece ; Pinnock's Rome, Greece and England; Key and Supplement to Davies' Arithmetic;. Cbild^ Geology; Child's Botany ; Wilson's American Class Reader ; United Stales. Speaker; American Speaker; Lempriere's Classical Diotioqary j Davis' Bourdon's Algebra; " Brewster's Geometry ; " Analytical " " Calculus-;•- "v Descriptive Geometry; , "• Surveying'; •"' , " on Shades and Shadows; Karnes* Elements of Criticism; Elements of GerteralHistory, by Barber; Paley'S Moral'Philosophy ; ' ! •' Tytler's History- Irving's'ColurnbuS, &c»- - GRJSEK. fo Medical Advertisements. •'•Rather wet iveatkitr," as the man said wbe"n fie had a pail of wafer thrown on his head frqro th^ second story window. ^ "TCake cate of the paint," as the city gals' say. when a chap goes to kiss 'em. AGENCY FOR PERIODICALS. N. BQG^EJRT is Agents and will receive subscriptions for the New-York Quarterly Review, edited by Prof. C. S. Henry, $5 per year. New York Mirror weekly, §5 per year, Spirit of 'Missions monthly, §1, Old Countryman, weekly, $3. New-Yorker, do $3. A1 Dion, quarto, do $6. Peony Magazine, monthly, $2 per year. Penny Cyclopaedia do $ljj per vol. Knickerbocker, do $5 pet year. • l^pgiisji Review, re-published by W. Le- wtjri successor to T. Foster, consisting of Ltjnclon Quarterly, Edinburgh, Foreign, London and Westminster REVIEWS ; also Blackwood's and the Metropolitan Monthly Magazines. Tenns-rFor the four Reviews, $8 ; three of them $7; two of them S3; one of them §2; Blackwood $5; Metropolitan $4; both $8; Payable in all cases in advance. Geneva, Nov. 1, 1837. 81 Caution! iWHY will you suffer from Coughs and Colds, when for TWENTY Eiyr CEtfTS you can get cured ? *^ The BALSAM of HOREHOBMB is curing every body who tries it! "Only make the " experi mew," anqWll on L, KELLY & CO. ;y. r. ** 332I ..»~ *. London and Paris CJ*0"A ; PS ; rich and fragrant, at low prices, Rp>y , L. KELLY & cq. <. Water Colors, SBORNE'S genuine, in separate cakes by L. KELLY fcqo. P ' 4PBH HANGINGS—A heavy lot, eBeap and exp.Basiv%, with borders to suit., Forsale.hy ,.'%' ^ L. KELLY & CO. November 20. 35 ^Esohines' and Demosthenes' Orations; t History, in 1 and 2 vols. 8V; ,9 r " k Te8tamepte,I2 tho. and pocket; 's Manuel• . ''Anthops, Fisk's, and Goodrich's Greek -'*-' ' Grammais.f Fisk's Greek Exercises; Antho'n's Gteelt Prosody; Homeri'Ilfas, J2nio. Vetus Testslmentum Grsecutni^ v. jpocket; do. 1 v, 8 vo. edited by Van Ess; '• Jacob's Greek Reader; Rutftnitn's Greek Grammar, 8 vo.; Donnegan and Groves'" Greek and English Lexicoos; Stuart on Greek. Accents and Quantity. •' Leipsic.editionsof Homeri llias, 2v.; Ho'meri Odyssea, 2 v.; Aristophanis Comu'dtap, 3 v.; Herodotus, 3 v.; Platonis Opera, 8 v.; Xenophontis Cyrop&dia and AnabasiB ; Tbucydldis,2-v; Euripidis Tragiedise, 4 v. ? LATIN. Certain Cure for Mhekn^atism. •A NEW artielejlust reeejtvecWCob.en's iluOel^brate^BMBRGCATlON, is re» commended as si eore *emedy for RHEU- MATISM. 'It isaiso used snccqssfully for Sprains zv^ Swellings of the Joints,. While Swellings, Spina fendou}, Affections of the <Vertebrplgim^Jkm£^?>M §*•» " : P,rfpeip™-pe.%l(attle.. ,. 0 ^ « l h » ) t t l e ' of-the tEmbTpqaUon is aoeompanieWy printed directions for use, aqdiiifloe^ genuine unless bearing the tug' natureof'M.B; Cohen.' .'•.-. .'' • • .' TO THE PUBLIC. " tfj^ijohen's Rheumatic Emltfocatian.^ Tbis preparation has now been sufficiently long before the public to have its merits fully and fairly tested, and if ever good fortune attended ttfe career of any medical discov- ery, then has this been most signally suc- cessful. No quack npsttuof; or useless com- pound,' could have gained"so many friends "as has this Embrocation! and so'maoy highly respectable persons as have given certificates of its e.fli'cacv' could, not have been found to permit a free use of tfieir names., as refer- ences; ff'the lotion werjrbttt a mere empyr- ical' speculatiob. ^R'heumatista of'years' staridl&g, as well"as in its incipient state, has given" way to its effects,, and in'hundreds of instances, of which' proofs dan be given, per-' sods who were crippled to utter infirmity, have, in a f§W days, been restored to health, activity and Strength. Respectfully present- ing these facts to t'be public, and referring 'them to the following testimonials. Which are selected from the hundreds in his pos- session, the proprietor subscribes himself the public's obedient servant, M. B. COHEN, 210 Hudson-St.,N r Y. Frederick 2W-, of Thomas-Si., had the Rheumatism in the summer of 1836, and suffered severely ; and by applying Cohen's Rhtettmatic Embrocation for a few times, was entirely cured. He consequently strongly recommends it to the unfortunate, who labor under that tormenting complaint: FREDERICK TARR,No.20 Thomas-St. TO THE PUBLIC—READ THIS !! New-York, August 3, 1838. Dear Sir—Having frequently witnessed the application of your Rheumatic Embro- cation, and the beneficial effects arising therefrom,, it affords me pleasure to state that I most cheerfully recommend it a9 an invaluable remedy, and the best known, for the cure of that painful and distressing com- plaint, either in its acute or chronic form. WM. P. PIATT, M. D., Corresponding Resident of the Medical So- ciety of the City and County of N. York. M. B.Cohen, Esq. Qj^Thfe above valuable Embrocation is for sale by L. KELLY & CO., No. 12, Seneca-st. Geneva, Dec. 5, 1838. lyJL537 U^mtrii ivertisejjK Rags. ''£0$ add tjie hjghest price paid fot LA Cretin eotton and linen Rags, by ./'££ \.ll - J,N.Bt)GERT. NV V 1. l;&ffr. 81 :'.- Bhy$c and Surgery. B k .^.''$>.Jc1'jtO , Ejl.'$ Office, south- I. eojrheriOfthePubliCSquare. ^njqa/.l'StJa May. 1839. east 1(1 J GuUmfb Qualities, from $10 to $ 3 0 ; Jjf ^"ferp'i'^uita'r j?i-eceptor; ihi&fMi "• * - dp-! .Guttaf Music add Strings, Fp^a'Lby , J.N. BOGERT. Gg#%|:lJrov.lQ,1838. 35 PdrfflWs^Tahe Notice.' ,, £$ 60D i?JEldl>UCE will at alt times be I f t r received at tbis offioe in exdhange for suTtBdrrotibs; .)* , " Jfi^h 6,1839. eprdaqces; Rollin's Aoeient Todd's Student do. Sunday School Teacher; MiHoer's Church History, 2 v. Moshiem's do. American Education, -by Beers ; Rochester and Western New York; The "Werks, Life and Letters of- Charles Lamb, 2 vols. ' • . VVordsworthWPoetical Works, I vol; Fisher's Marrow of Modern Divinity ;• Coles on God's Sovereignly; Calmet's Bible Dictiopary-, Wilberforoe's Practical Vie,ws; Home Education, by Isaac Taylor; How shall I govern my School? by E C. Wines; . . Letters from Rome, 2 vols; do. Palmyra..2.'vols; Burke's Works, 3 v« 8 vo. H. More's Work||f,vol3.12 mo. Memoirs of Hannah More; Cranbe's Synonymes ; Bryant's Poems ; Keith on Prophecy; Stephen's Travels in Egypt, &C. 2 vo. do. do. Greece, &c. 2 vo. Abercrombie on the Christian Cbaraeter, and the culture and discipline ef the Mind; The Wisdom and Geniir* of Shakspeare;' • Perioles and Asphasia, 2v. by W. S. Laudor; Winter Studies and Summer Rambles in Canada, 2 v. by Mts. Jamiesoa j Johnson's Economy of Health ; Ticknnr on Medical Philosophy; Health and Beauty, by John Bell. M. D. Live and Let Live—The Rich Poor Man, and Poor-Rich Man; Combe on Digestion; Recollections of a Housekeeper, by Mrs. Gilman; Patent's Assistant, 1 vol; Probus.2 vols; Physical Man, by Mundie; The Little Frenchman aud his Water Lots, by (J. P. Morris ; Southey's Life of Cowper; Cariyes' French Revolution.; Tales and Ballads, by Mrs. Oilman ; Rollo, at Work, at Play, at School, and Learning to Read ; American in Paris; American Lady—do. Gentleman—do. Me- ebstrtc; Ho;m«, b-y-Miss-Sedgwick.; . . _j Story's.Miscellaneous Writings; Advice to a Young Gentleman; Coleridge's Poetical Works, 3 vols; Lawyer's Cornmon.Place Book ; Todd's Index Rerum; Young Mao's Aid, by Winslow ; < Faber on Infidelity ; Dennis'Silk Manuel,new; Lefevre's Architecture; Po.rter'-s, Musical Cyclppajdia ;, Dolbeac'sChirurgical Atla9 ; Smart's ^Horace, 2 vols; De Tpcqueville's Democracy in America •, . Bigelow's. Technology; Sketch Book ; Knickerbocker's New-York; Miss Leslie's Cookery, new edition; Fruit Garden Companion; Stewart's Sandwich Islands; Young Ladies' Friend, by Mrs. Farraf;» Etiquette tor Ladies; Laws of Etiquette, fot;Gentlemen,; Parlor Letter Writer; Advice to Mothers; Practical Agriculture,-by Low } Ifarley's Landscape Drawing Book; Kcirh's Demonstration of the.Truth of the Christian Religion ; Smart's Horace, 2 vols ; Buckland's Geology, 2v. 8 vo. Sigoumey's Letters to Young Ladies. Barnes' Notes on Gospels, Acts, Romans, and Corinthians • Church Psalmody; Winchell's Watts; Ref. Dutch Church Psalms and'Hymns*'. Commoil Prayer Books, *||great. variety in ^.plain ami elegant bindings.,". Methodist Hymns; BIBLES various qualities and sizes, &c. SCHOOL. yUPERIOUtothp^^aft^BfapdTetli's, f3 Evans', loclian Pojcjtyfeie,, the BJatcblssf; fpricedj Sanative,, oraoypther Pills or.Com- pound before, the public! aspertified by phy- sicians and others; ,1Tj^Le$n^oecoodemi!. ,them until tbey iave tried.ihem, and then we are certain.they >viU o o U ^ J ,I r ,ia now a settled ppint »vith 'ajil w|to4tave used the Vegetable Persian PUkv thai they are pre- eminently tbe best.apd;mfst efficacipu.s Fam~ ily Medicine that has yet beep used in, Amer- ica. If every family could become acquaint- ed with their sovereign* powder oyer disease, they would keep them, and be prepared vvjth a sure remedy to apply on the fiVs.t.appear- ,ance.of disease, aod Lbephow much-disitcessa would be avoided and money -saved, as,w.ell.as Thousands of Lives, who are hurried put,of time, by neglecting disease Ip itei firstjitajges, or by not bding in possessio.a of i -.remedy which they can.plaoe dependence upon. .* The Resurrection or Peesian Pills.-~The name' of these fjills originated from t-heohv. cumstance of the medicine being found'only ip tbe cemeteries of Persia. ' ^his vegetable productio.n being of a'pecwliar'kincl, l'ed,to experiments as to ttg-'medical 'qualities and virtues; In half a.century it became an-es- tablisbed mediefe'e for the diseases of'that countryj The extract of this singular pro- duction was introduced imp some,parts of. Europe in the year 1783, and used bytmafiy celebrated physicians in curing Pertain dis eases, where all other mPdjctnes -bad-,been used in vaia. < " - '" ' •'•••' Early io the year 1792, the Estraot was combined with certain, vegetable medicines imj^rted from Dura Paca, in the East In- dies, and formed into pills.' The admirable effect of this compound ttpon'the human systemV leu'' physicians afld families into"its general use. The long established'charac- ter, their universal and'healing virtues, the detergent and cleansing qualities' of their specifical action upon the glabdulitr "part ot the system, are such as will sustain the\r reputation and general use'in the American 1 Republic. ' . ' Certificates -r-1 certify that*! have, by Way p«£-fexperirnent, used the Hygeian, atid«most of the? various kinds as 'pills.'m my practice, which have borne the highest repute«in the" public estimatttin, that have been offered, for sale in this' vicraity for the last-five years, in- cluding those called the Rfesufreetion or Persian Pills; and the public may rest assu- red that none among the whole' catalogue has answered a better fjurpose than thp Res- urrection or Persian Pills, rn mo'sfCases of disease. ' CHA'S BACKUS", M-.D. Rochester, N>Y.', : Sept. 20-,'1837.- , •, ^fSlrt* 6 ' ' b ' ec 'r b koo,VD " —„, to #ie' J fJ»pHe3o^!fely by"their virtues. Their powerfaF inllientfe-ill relieving and curing diseases Kav'dVi*p^6"repeatedly test- ed, that the prbp'tfetoTf'wlijfaiuped to "comply with the solicitation of friends, in thus noti- cidgxheta, extending*tlt^BbJya/lfn^wledge of the means of relreT'to the"public gene- rally. They are highly appreciated for the relief they afford in' affection's pHfcVliver and digestive org&nsi. The worst c^seKof chronic dyspepsia, inveterate costiventes, ip- digestipn, dyspeptic, ponsumption, rBPum^- tism, ne'rvmis or sick headache, and scurvy; have been entirely cured by a proper nsebt ,hem. Also liver complaints, fever and ague, bilious fpver, jaundice^ .dysentery or bloody flux, the premonitory symptoms Of cholera, dropsical swen'tngs, p'ilesi^o^ms'ra cbildrelj', fits, looseness and i?regula)f£ty' o(%ii^ bowfels, occasioned by ifntatipnit'egtnih-gi'&'c Ihey •act, as an alternative, cathartic, pr laxatiye, accprrling to the raantipr'of tafeibg'th'eni.— Families having occasion to test their dfip|i- cyy -will-ever after esteem them top'highly.to bs without them. Particular attention" should; be' glvenvto -thp ample, directions whjrih ac- company, them. Twenty Pills in a boxr- eatih pill is a dose far an adult.', ' { .' {^Orders 1 (post paid) for thi above arti- cles, executed.promptly by T.^R-, IfibhaFd, my principal Ag^nt, 22B Bwvery.Ne.'sy-Yoi'k. A suitable.-4isppuntnllp,«ed those, who pur- chase to' sell again'. . B. HIBBARD. % Batsdrn of Hbrehounty b&m$dbEl» and mseqW*d in CUT _ ing Colds, *Obughs, Astntna; iDfltten aa, Whooping Cough, *an(T all dispaBes o- \he breast and lu|gs',' leading to ttons,uatp-> tion, composed of the concentrated *l|paj of the herbs ofiHorehoundy.Sfoftp.^ety and* several othejr vegetable B,upstoces,.w8«;anJ; ed pure from any mineral" whatever; p*** pared only by J. M- WJNSLOW, druggft, Rocheptpr.N.Y. , . " , \ •'\., i;jf - This invaluablemedicijnewasfirstpriP^d. by the subscriber, about 4 yearssinpe^'ph'|he desire only to meet the wants of 'hjsi&raej; ^iate.cBstoniars, ivithbut .th'e*leas.t,' '#pitS:* sive haf:be6tiits saje dwhg thi/'sMthe^ riod, and So ijnportppt;a'jinpdioke ftal ifWel- come ih^be*estlffiaf).pn of all'whp h a v ' ^ e d it, that'the •proptj^ prepare tt vejy large. quahi| ; yya,nd ta.He.t!hie earliest oppprtuyiiiy to/Vin" ! * «-"'- v *»*«*6» v Anthon's editions of Sallust, Horace, Ca; Sar and Cicero; Anthon's First4jattn Lessons, new > flbitia Latina j Latin Tutor; "Levereti's Latin Lexicon; Ainw.orth's Latin'Dictionary; Andrew's and Stoddard's Latin Grammar Lessons; Exercises-; Key and Readers; Gould's Grammar and Virgil; Cooper's Virgil-; Virgil De;lphini; Cicero De Offipiis; Cicero De Qratare ; Folsom's Livii; Jacob's Latin Reader; Leipsic editions of Juvenal i Tacitus, 2 v.- Terrence; Ovidii Opera, 3 v. FRENCH. Beyer's, Nugent's, Meadow's and Stoned .Dictionaries ; Bolmar's Colloquial Phrases; Levizac's French Grammar; French Guide; Addick's French Elements; Gil Blaas, 2v.; Anaoljarsis, 4 v.; Racine, 2 v.; Sevigp*| Letters; Moliere ; Charles XII; Nuroa^rb'Tiipilius; > Henriade ; Le Brun's Telemaque ; ^ French Testaments, tigress MmSkeMhiefs, Gp; aytfrtofeBt p'f »J6t»s kinds, M e | p | o n , ju-^J^ceivPrrBy' tJB. C'/silE'LYE.' on Astronomy, .by W& Elementary Treatise Prof. Norton; Way land's Moral Science, 12 ma. and nVgd. Worcester's, Webster's and Walker's Dic- tionaries ; Woodbridge's and Willard's Geography and Atlas; - /"' Olney's, Huntington's, Malte ,Bi\an J s, and Comstock's Geographies; Child's Guides; Intellectual Reader* Town's Analysi|^do. ! Spei>ing Book; Farfne' '* School Book j Foster s Writing Books, Nos. 1 to 8 ; Parker's Exercises in Composition ; •>> 4$ B Y Order of Hon. JESSE CHAUK, Su- preme Court Commissioner, and Fii;st Judge of Seneca county, Notice 1s hereby given, that an AttaoHment tjas issued against the estate of William Fulton, as a non-resi- dent debtor, on due proof, made to the said Supreme Court Coramisstofter and First Judge, pursuant to the directions of tbe stat- ute concerning "Attachments against ab- sconding, concealed, or non.resident debt- ors;" .and that the 'same wilt be sold for the payroentof his debts, unless he, the said William Fulton, appear and discharge such attachment, according to law, within nine months from the first publication of this No- tice.—And tbat the payment of any debts due to him by residents of this Sfate, and the delivery ta him or for his use! of any property wirbin this State belonging to him, and the transferof any such property by him, are forbidden by law and are void. Dated February 15th, A/D. 1839. BIRDSALL& CLARK, 9m4 Attorneys far Attaching Creditors. Messrs. E. \ I think it mv SPANISH. Sale's Spanish Grammar; . ,NeutYiab aud Barreili Dictionary, abridged Don Quixote. '. " ' ' HEBREW,.' Hebrew Bibles;Stuart's Hajjfew Grammar Stuart's Chrestomaibjy. MUSIC: VIOLJNS ironi $4 ro $20; GUITARS FLUTES 1,"4, and 8 Kevs; vario-us quali ties; Violin "Bows from 62^ to §10,00 \ Vio- loncello Bows, Bridges and Strings;'Violin Strhjtgs.BtidgeSf Pegs; Finger Boards and Tail Pegs":.Fifes; Clarinets; Refined Rosin; ClarinetReeds; Music'Paper. INSTRUC- TION BOOKS for Flute, Violin, Violon- cello, Clarinet, Flageolet, Guitar, Fife and Piano Forte, various. STATIONARY. " ' ; Coronation, Victoria, Embrossed Red and fancy colored Sealing Wax best quality; Gillot's celebrated Steel Reus, for Ladies or Gent; White,Yellow and Opake QUILLS, various; Bonds & Kidders Indelible'IpV; UlaokSand; Red Tape; Indian Rubber; Wafers; 'Silver and German Silver pencil Cases; Ca;nol and Sable Brmhes.iOsborne's & Newman's COLORS in Box ; a variety of Newman's in separate cakes; Bristol^ Londqn Drawing Boards; Port Folios with and without Lock and Key ; PinkygP^rpie and Blue Saucers; Chessmen; Pfjj|p!ta''|> ons; Motto Seals; Pen and PoekeMMplijes fine quality; Silver aod Steel Tweezers.;' Patient School and Counting Ro&nil||ok- 8tand.s;'Glass Inks; ChalksCrayons; Draw- ingijfencils and Paper; .Letter and other Papers fine and common; blue, Bfack'arid Red INK; Ink Powders; Sand Boxes; Fold- ers; Slates'; Silk Purses; Wallets; Scissors; Canes, &c. &c- • '• . PERFUMERY; Tooth and Hair Brush- es; Combs; Shaving and Fancy Sc-ap; Ra- sors ; Shaving Glasses ; &c.'&c. A gopdassortm.entof ALBUMS; BLANK BOOKS; Attorney's, Justice's and Milita- ry BLANKS. . . Additiop^constabtly making. * JOHN JW . BOGERT. May 21,1839. . , , ' " 17 Lamp Oil! LampOM'! O NE Tierce bleached Speum Ojl, jusf received and for sale by May 15. H. & B. F. STAGG. fm Ncio Hardware Store, T HE Subscriber having re-opetred the Store on the corner of Seneca and Wa- ter Streets, (forrneily occupied by Messrs. DeGraff k. Townsen das a Hardware store,) takes the liberty to' inform the citizens of Geneva and the public generally, thai he.has opened a general assortment of HARDWARE, consisting of Bar Ron, of everv description, English Blister, German, American, Cast, . and. Spring Steel, Wrought and Cut Nails, ADviiSr.Vices, and Sledges, Rotary Cooking, Parlor, Franklin, Oven, Plate, and Box Stoves. Also v a general assortment of SHELF GOODS, comprising almost every article ip the hardware line. The abbve Goods are of the latest fash-> ions', having arrived among the last importa- tions. The Subscriber flatters himself th^t by making bis esertions to please unceasing, and his prices exceedingly low, to receive a sh'are of public patronage. N. B.—All kinds of Copper, Tin, and Sbeet-ilron .manufactured, flj 3 Also, re- pairing done at tiie shortest notice. II. B. BUSHNFLL. Geneva, Oct, 10, 1838. tf29 One Horse Power, F OR Threshing, Sawing. Wood,.Driving Circular Saws, Turning Lathes, &c. A description of the superiority of ibis Horse Power over any oibpr now in use is unne- cessary, as reference will be given to persons in this vicinity who have purchased it and know its Value. SuffiWi't to say, that it will thresh twenty-five bdshels of wheat in one •hour, w,ithout tiring the horse above ordi- nary-.Iabor on the. plough or wagon. • The subscriber has taken the shop lately occupied by E.' P. Earf, as a sash shop, and will furnish said Horse Power,»with the most approved Threshing Machines, cheap for cash or approved notes. This horse power is entirely different from any thing which has been before offered in this vicinity, and is free from the objectiohs brought against those horse powers before ta use, of being hard for the horse, as those who have used them will testify. The subscriber, confidently-believing that no other power will be used after the intro- du'ciion of this, would invite those who wish to.secure town rights for threshing and, mak- ing powers, or for private use, to call soon. JL ZEBtNAJUDDi, jfggjgjfteva, Feb. 20, 1839. ' ' 3mi ( jl OLOGNE, Honey Watg| Milk pf Ro- y/.ses^Pre8ton Salts, Sj' * LITHOGRAPHED View.jrf Ge.neva, . taken from the foot of toe 'Lake, col- ored and plain, foVsale by V ' ' J . N. BOGERT. Geneva; DecN 5,1838, .;;.',_ " 37 Perjfymeri/,'%p ; 's, 3NE, Honey Wat$ ,, " , - , Preston Salts, Sjal Makassar Oil, Be.ars' Oil, H o | Boqriet. de Caroline, Perslaf* Fancy Soaps, &c„ for sale b* '.•H.&B^JJ Geneva, Marchffl. . , -"y\ v w Musical t^truMw0'.< 'KitIfU-TES."'Fife8, Clarpnets, 4ccot-dion9, JD. . M^sip Boxes, Instraction Books, for. sale cheap by >. , f. ,"•' H.&B.F.STAGiG, Vinegar, erior, Wt Ba ^ 8 ' GG, n-Street. March 27. Main-street; ChaseM duty' to' let you know w ^ ^ ^ f e a t cure your Pills have performed^ffin.^ I had'been siclt about 7 year's ; aob'trtji years and a Jaalf confined to my bed. I ha'd been given over as incurable with Consumption, by 12 phy- sicians 6f the first standing; my lungs were seriously affected; 1 had 3 ulcers gather and break ; my cough was dry and harsh, most of the time: my liver was much swollen, and my stomach very dyspeptic. I 'had chills, fever, and pisht sweat, "accompanied with extreme irritableness-of tbe nervous sysera, and other difficulties, which I for- bear to. mention.. After I was given over, I tried almost all medicines which rtere ad- vertised, bauto rid advantagp, until I tried your Vegetable Persian Pi'is.' I began to gain a short time after I GqromedCe'dta'kjag them; and. to be brief, before I t6ok 3 box- es, I was able to ride out and take consider- able exercise, and at this time I enjoy good health, and am able to do a good day's work. If any one wishes a more particular history of my sufferings, he may call on me,'at the corner of Main juyi "Clinton-streets, 'Roch- ester. .. . RUEY ADj\MS. v To E, Chase k Co.: Gent. Shs^Thi? is to inform you that, we have nSea 1 yotar Per- sian Vegetable,Piljs for a'year past in our practice, and are well pleased with their ope/- ratipn. Believing them to fulfil their'adver- tisement in answering as a substitute wjjere calomel is indicated', we can recommend them to the puolip. ' •• Drs. Brown,' WfCerizie $r Hatsf'e'd, Rocji. Fits Cured.—The lindersigned hsretjy, certify tligt we are the parents, of two chil-. dren who have been afflicted with fits more, or less from their id.faircy, and that we'.ljave spared no paips of expense in gn|leafbrlbg to effect a cure, but without success? until hearingof the ResurieSlpn or Persian Pill's. when 4 boxes were irnmediately .procored, and before 3 boxes tve» taken, the fits aba- ted in frequency,' and every sympton^ much' improved, and now.,wf ace happy to 1 , state, that our children, by Jie use-of,the Persian Pills, with the blessing of God, are entirely cured, apd have no igymptom or appf^ranee of fits; aod we conlSaenify believe that per- sons afflicted whh fits, will find in the Per- sian Pills, a sure and perfect cure. JpAtv & MARIA J^fiHSON. CantoD, N. Y., Dec. Ifl, 1837. „ - - O^TO MOTHERS, Messers. E. Chase fy Go.-*-Gents-: Hear- ing much said abon-t-tha ext&brdtttary-ef-" fectsxif the""Resurrectiou or Persian Pill upon those about to become mothers werekiduced- to make trial of them. My wifewa.3 st'thar time the mother of five children, and bad suffered the most tedious and excriiciadng pains during and after her confinement of each. She had'tried every'means'.and ta- ken much medicine,but fo'und' little or no' re- lief. She "(Commenced ta'blng the Persian pills about'3 mouth's before her confinment, [her health being \fery poor about this lengih of time previous] and in a short time she was enabled by their tise ta ia$"epd'*ta the-cases of'a rtdtheftt) her'family until her conflow m'ent. At that tiftie sfyedammericed taking the Persian piils,-'and fix seeeral-weeks pre- vious she' w'asiafflieVed-with'a.dry hard cough of freqiieot'severe cramps,'which the use of the pills entittelyj&nioved befdi'fe usibg half a boV«' Jt isVith'tfie greatest confidence that we advise all those" about to become moth- ers to make 1 'use-of the Persian* pills- All those that 'have takeftf^henj in our neighbor' h'oodhave.got along rathe same easy man-J -oer.'and'ate about house-in a few days. We unitedly say, let nope' neglect taking them for. they arif with^b the reaoh of the poor as yeH a« the rich..tWe"are truly thankful that '"^'•JB a remedy wWch fethales can easily Ifi^e, whloh bids.fair to lessen the world ^ in'g, "which rn'apy" of "thern have to lliar^ and perhaps save the lives of thousands which Otherwise would be lost. .'Rochester), May 14th, i 8 3 8 ; corner of Caledonia"'squatP, Edinburgh st., for^ further .particulars see subscribers. S . &ANN G.ROBE».?PS>. This is to pertifyfhat i have receitel more 1 henefitfrdta lhe-.Resurrectiob o*Per^ sfan pillstjthan all otheVs thatrlbavigusedv or rh'ediciae' thaf I have taken from? tntt^y fihysciciansjfjpr the 'la.s"t seven yearsr«> The difficulties thafl baye iSbored'ufa|f>rwett\ many 1 ; ahdof. sucit a nature^,- that 'io'nie'di- Btne but 4be ItesuVrectlpn <»r Pfers|an pills, was ever 5 able, ito reach 'and remove. I be- lieve thpy are all th<$ are yecomrflended to| be, the very bestYniediBine for .ftfe" diseases dflhisconntry. K'evUiME.s G. HAVB'NS. ' For sale by ' V •' - BtOomjkld. , AMOS BRUNSON, East Blnomfield, "M.BE^fAg, CimUmtnir ' #&j: I-WHEELER, Geneva, Geneva, Dec 5, 1838. 1537 ; ,. v -"",' CMT.fFiC4 TE$' '. I have used,'Hib,bard's.Faiaily Pills, in my family, and do not hesitate.tp give them the preferenbe to'any Ve~ever"usep'. Thiey are much. esjteemed,by. alljwho have*' tried them in o'tir neighborhood. . ... ' . • ."JULIUS HOU.SE. . Perkins, Huron.<#•, Jfulyl£, 1836. I have us£d Hibbard's Pills ialmy femiljy, and am satisfied they are an excellent fam'iby medicine. • , " 'JOHN Hi POWER. Norwal^-Mq^ymfy[., ' .1 hereby certify tliatt have' uped Hibbard's_ Family-Pills in various" instanceiin my fam- ily; witli very de.tided benefit, and unhesita- tingly recommend the uSje of.them to all those afflibted frpn» liver complaints, or an pther'diseases for which said pills are re commended. MARCUS Y. GRAFF. Tifiin, Ohib, July 8,1836. Hibbard's Piljjs are the best medicine 1 have ever-used. G- W. GIST. • We have used with entire satisfaction.Hib- ba'rd's Pills, in our family. "1 consider the best recommendation,is their trial. . • . - , . . . H. O,-SHELDON. I have.jjts.ed'Hibbardjs^ills.anjd find them superiotl^hilipus complaints and dyspep- sia, to'another I have made\use of.- When they can be obtained, \ would employ no other for similar com plaints. DR. MOSES SHAFFER. Wboster, Ohio, MajfZ, 1836. 1 have used Hibliard's Vegetable Family, Pills for three years, and have fpwnd -them exceedingly valuable among all classes^-ne- groes as Well its whites. They have suc- ceeded in every case of fever, and in all oth- er complaints in which I have employed them. JAMES ROBERTS Mill Haven, Qeofgia. - ' • • Hibbard's Pills out-do any other medicine that 1 have ever tried, in> their operation up on the bile. I have broken several seve attack'sof the bilious fever on myself, tyitL one and two of the pills, and seen them pro- duce the same effect on more than twehty others. These.pilfc? proved to- "he ai certain cuje for ^he bowel complaint, which was ve- ry'severe- among the negroes last year. . I have also seen two inveterate cases 'of dys pepsia of long standing'entirely enrecj. by using your pills according to the directions. " v HENRV ft*. V-IDETO. Burton's< Ferry*- &abnnriah fiver, Geo.,, --Vjng^feidy.Mor-*!' '$«3!P$i&3#, ivjfhin the pjUbli'c, and place theieaph of all, with a w&rrab'iy'bBSed"$">06 his owS* experience and.fen'owledfp^f beiftg theratfatspeedy and'oerfam ?erfledy ^vp.iMl?i ' cover*eff for"<7o»n»n(iK "colds, QoygM^sflmii, Influenza,\r7hop}>ii>gcbvgh;iijid all atfe'e'tten of the- Breast and Lungs-leading to C<fR- '• suptioh, which<ow-hig^othej'eudfleneWo^e < of our pli'wate t so' aj.arroib|ly;'prt|va|)i|,' l jija|4 : by-which'tppnsands' fevery year arehurrte tpthe'ir graves/'- \ '". " '" Cfl8tioa.-s-T.he genuine Compound BUf samof HoretmundYwill be ehveloppd.in'is" bill of directions,; upon which 5s^^engmvW|v view of thfe.Fropriptpr^ gs^bjisbni^l.| ' * « ' elpsed in a zylogiraphic .wraBper,hdviij| WfflM signatpre of the Proprietor.; Th^ej-plaw have been obtained at' a great, e.xjiepsej' guard, •agitmst . coupterfeitsl arid mtr nil which none pani possibly be genuine". fX^Tbeabove'Vatuable Medicine may}b| obtained at the Brng'gistStore ;of ,-' •"' 'f™ .>••>?? .-.''Si R> HALU; Geneva, Janhbry IS; 1889y-. -.*'* "" "''" T> imSfe*:-*-**.* °—i RBV. B V B I i » t > ' ^ CAEMINATIVfi' §AI,VB. HIS-^fliOT'E'' for upwards'.of- thirty Joflfr ba%|)epfi 'employed ' in curing phleg'nionpns ^ ^ o t h V painful affections, as felons, -bUes; bruises, sprains, ulcers, carbun- cles, ague ih the fiice^ OccasioneW by cold oi decayed teeth,^gtfe In the breast^milk cake, painfu) glandular swellings, sci'pfula en-King's evil, stiff nCck' ea^-'ticte, chilblains or frost- ed feet arid }iai!ids, corns «jn the fee$, salt rheum, burns, stfalds/rheusnatic pains of the joint accompanied with swelling, and painful affection^ generally. The penetrating and extraprdipary rj&ty,e.jrspossessed by, thls'salve in relrefingvind cutibgtbe most paihfii.1'IP- cal affections, IndnBedftoe proprijetof to give to it tlie name Carminative, being derived from carmen, a'verse, (becausecharms usu- ally eon'sisted of a v^rse, ) therefore physi cians in ancifent tjmpi applied 'th.e' tgxtn "to those reqiedips, whic'fi were supposed to pos sess fhe power of "a,fejiarm in allaying paip.' Many pfaysjc[a hpyens prescribed .this salve with d§etd£d'''a!vant3ge ia a variety'""©!* ae» nte and cfirWic : disorde*rs, 'in relieving' the pain of old ftecfu;red s "pone«V.c'!!'lou8 tumors; indurated or hardened swellings, irysipelasT. St. Anthpnl fixGy' It has also beefi employ- ed with gteat'hen'efitas a strepgtbening plas- ter tbrweaKfles^ of the chest, bafe"k, orside, and also iotnevaftpupjaffectiprisof the tupgs consumptions, coughs, colds, influenza, ca- tarrh, asthma, vyhooping 'eod'gh, hives or croup, Sia.. In ttiijk cake^.and ague Pf the breast, this salve'Will be, fou'ndasppfedy and certain leure. *Tbfe^ proprietor; has*applied it in many hundred ceases of the kind, some p. the mpst.painflif rJesi^ipMon, and ip bo. one case has he ever kppw„n it to ftil of' relieving the paio fn .a'fe'w hoars, and in a few days perfecting a! ctir,e»' .pirpptions acco'mpan'v each box- ' '; I; ' ' ' "A/'.-*-. ' The abo.ve .medicines are for sate,by LUTH^B; ^jpjLLY "&'.C'o. V . 1 ' - W .. V'^neca^t'. Geneva. . A-lso ioK-salp'hy' v • -.;'\ ' ' L^A^Eilri. REDDY, J JV» Van,' ^p^f>'MAY, Pafmyig. . " August 8tA.„ 1838.. . r lyl52Q \. jft^i-B,®WARE OF C-0UNTEK- '11^' FEITB.'lijgO -Ask for Bristol's Balsam, of JHofehoiind. Price 25. cents.— fjC^^pM&bt'her arb-..geriuine;.-4A Spifrious articl^^^the market^-owlbg to the' great succcss^nlc'hthe fialsam'ofHorehonnp has had in Coughs, Colds, Asthmas. Spitting of B ood, Consumption, &c. &c. Be on your guard. Sold in thi^yillage on'why • i -, •. U. KELLY & CO. . Decisrnbe'i:8.1838. 38 S UGAlt^.—-;Part,o-Rico, VVHit^ Slaw, Hastar, cj;U3,hed A Loaf and Loaf Sugars, ji^st received and for,sale by , . - , „ £.-KF-LLt &CO.,.. - ,s •>„ . No. 12, Spneca-street. . Npve'rn.b^r'^0,1"8$8. ' . ' , 25- PERM O-I-tS.^Winter and Fall.oHhe 'finesfquality,•at' 1'. ., L, KELLY & G&.^J' November 20. •; "• ,gg' ALM SOAP*«-HuII and Sari's'^e •;JL PaIn»:SOAF, jm>t opened" and"fo'r saje WLi\ A ._/fe , L. KELLi" &W- ' im B AILEY'S Compdw& ! Cfe^M J!*%0. Extruct of SttrshparUlfa- is x$g MH offered 'for sale irithis vilIagey'.~9C'heii(c«,i%3 which has follcrwed it wherever it has-been introduced, is aUpost' unprecedented,. A few certificates are annexed tp.show'the es-r timation in,which it is"held p^"tbpsp wjbo have used it. ' More thah,'{?Q tes'tiawnials. from Physicians of< every^art of the conn- try, are attached to the direotipnf.'jqap^ful- ly to establish its efficacy : • From the Buffalo Baily Journal of J*n, 3p,'IS3P^. " It is a a ngulw fact, Uiat rppst porsone who have3aA|S "Duileyf Flui^Extractor SaVsapnrrilW," manufnofured by C. C ( liristol, iiove rjecuvered from their iSmnplaijiU. We ore nssurodof its moat'extroorrtimiry etilcocy in, Ifeg- ring discusij. • .' ' '' Ji- - BBFFAI.0, Maty ft I838, s Mr. C. C BRISTOL, ' *" Sir, Afylinle boy, now three years oPj^ge, hhd berf» afflicted with a tScRoroiti's ^Joiiop?, aince heWa.» six 'momqs old; three moutlle siuce I was ioduced to coai- ' ~ ~ ' "" "" repa i, pi omm 2.0. "M ( R%NJD' .JoplCES4j r -'V!Z ;, Fepper, Pimentd, CToves and Clnnarhpp.— Also, ground Coiffee', pure, aad of thesfirst quality. L. K,^Lt & CO November 20. 85 hum,'-.-, - ••---.-»,_• .. .......... by Bome-df our BhysiciaPR. Mer WghV)aerMtfjttllj ttnjrotn ihsHttlo the hip, and her lungsittahili ted. Hocfathcraecidetituily fed in ntoar shop™"! m'-ncethe ua£of Battel's Extract of Sarsaparit'a,i redt " " •'' ' ---*•- v - '-•• - r ha; Teefrt Yours, f&c. . ,, ClURlES C. tiAPDQCK. M, I), .. ' "i '» • o , 3B<t"gKlst).iiltf!l JUalu street. The following extract is' frow' a letter p< Gen. A. Gridley, Anburpi l " '•'• Aynungsirl r about 11 years, daughter .of B F.^rig- nn, wqs abouUhe JstlVjbruaJyf gjveno^ver as irtc\ft«jiS •™ , —- * - v - 'e\*V?J ningand delailedtttecaso- saidttie i doctore,hBU,iwnijpn> od lier as InoursblS. The daughter Is an.only ^}w*,' MJ} u very inteieslihg'girl. ' . L I . ' •,''•;•' , I presented bihj«boU!ooTthBSarsapnriila. Ittooervtew she wae very sensibly hotter,, aiju has almostjefioveteit-— but ho is in perfect agony to pf odure another T)0Hlb^tf<jai; Inga relnpae Tlier-6 are several others wiroiaiei*.erJ«la«. ious to procure U. • , -, , <i)</ .*, Kesppetfully-yoijirs, A. GIUDLEY, - Auburn,April5lh,.1888.' ' ''•• ' • * » ? From the FretlontA Censor,MayQSfc ' Having made use of the. article in our awn /Bm|Jy»;WB- jsnnrhi-erfulry recommend it to othBtjB.tinfl'for' ntifber- tesitmonialsol its merits -tie refer the rcaaej;.t0 a.hfcw*j?i venisement In this dny's paper. ' ,i v»~. .., .. rf .V B3~The following notice is copieq frcm-.tfteMf^rli Guxetto--tlieoldestand mostcespetitabledall/J,onrtB,l . tilB TJflfOn. ' ."« V.'.lvu' ' ,i_n "We apprehend tBaUrVoutdbB^iaeolflfthuKt m-r better hater of humbjig than ourseltes, b* ta antMpodf' disposed to look with more contempt np£Tv4w 0 1 ("" ^ all sorts, but we verily believe that tye onafti^W^ltisft-, - voint.ly oTa pi'epaTation which has galrf|3. ! CW^efeWW* at the-West, nntt whtcli "comes. tecommifrpetIi^B%Uil>p ted oertificahis Df all the loading membeti dfjlhespia}*!- medi^iil profession .at BuitalPi foYtifled by tbeHCsJinjflW of a very great lUnnbec of the most respeCtaMftjpi'eS ifl ilmtrVj' ,„,..J^i^«ithi Its own viftu«|,wUl r e ' f i » | } j<0p|^g^giy^ i _ Full.direvitiohs'^^aHac^.W^i&n^f]!^. tie, wit,h additionalCertigjatss. ^ '^ .* For sale by- ' . ^ "plLBY "fc^Cb! Geneva, Oet.,10,-1833. "•'I •Ml .Ml ill DOCTOR, -^EN J #.,0«V:EHSA&'i, STRENTG"THBN1NG V mjtBRml% iiVfeTVF.l.tfep AND ]pfl"if#ALI.Et) i• **" ^.UrbratnH for cutin jrPalni, or,-n'^jtin.tliMi^iSki ^ iMd*. Ikpk.or J.imb8| also fdr Goat, <ShMB«3tKv' ..<vnr (Joranjpiot *nd Dyspopsiiu-.^n.J^iicliV. Coid*. 1tUA_*'t.£_^ ^LU. ft.lJ .*..L^ ^i. . li-.Uvtthp'ttlnsiiiWshloOr _ « tlmsattiaquUful nj>4 anrivalied SP^itertti*b*y,»j»Siirjf.. r,'r,Mit frowotllers.-nnsl fro? ftomieWoeiBaii Whioh &i' tminraUy mnde afeimst Plsitors.- .*e?Jap«.thore is fin.' linulirat obj.eryMi(ip,betti-r »abl|»he4.«)Sn ffittA'Con*.. sitmptjon originate in apgle'cled,C6l(|.-" Itf» (limUifil "Kwai-iullleiisbiii-ssft l^e[lUire»»nlol^e•ieare , snd,)iUerSiiS to gattrdAgiij)itt.ilw attacis,o?,U)is ; too oaM,fttJi|,i5i» ; r, M«>, OVaii Mosf persons ore aMe^ndwiliiptf t3 BK/WW It iiionot thoi-ofofe but be a gratifioati6«*b'&V»ubi<iriI>efe v to be enabled to oflbr to oil pf consumptive hsbifaj, b * tlw?c oillicted WiHi.diatrcssiDg pains in tho side or. brewii or any. offnetton of the breast; 6r lijiigsXii feaW"" ' wet of tellof jjy using hU ^IJalveraat SlMngtiS rjuster.", •• ' v .' •"•- !•<>' In ilje course of mol-e than tWnty yebra' pr 1 *^- practice, of tbe-many who-htHlo u8edlhMtJEtf£l>. ¥ ouo^oliiary corapjam.ti oh Jhd con(racy,«t nuffiB^^. tiie pnrea thoy hpx^- elfec^ed, so ablinoarit a?ifjntfS posiflvo and eoncTifilve proofs of theilr effic«®tvnlMM reoejvuig.r—•*--'• ''*--"' * •-•'"' • ofnhDsB wl jliom »s-*le< unrWallodb. . . , _ ... , Tiie Ladies are respectfully informed that they wmmti pared with roforonce-als'O.to-'a naaberbf dedicate mU- plaints, pecidia.r to the eox, thatflioy, are sptead in,a set. '•iitilic mahtihr, on-Uio hlos.C beautiful, soft and plhibl* lunibfUiii, will not soil or stain the vvhn^tlmiiJ^dSf* boVorii bjJ ; the"hiost de!Jcnte a p*eraoiijl In,alhsSJEsjair. with base apa comfort, and, withpot removal for oneiBmi' withftlensurp. ... r f r -~W"lB, Frihtea dftoctiohs signed " WILUAJI B D ^ A ' a i f e .0)vnSW,9dJrriUng, will bo plaqed upon the b»|jl " r PlasteV # Persons Wishlhtr to pufoliaso w i l f i a Inr to nsl( for " POCTOR EUXJN'S' BSISSfi..^,*. . STRENGTHENING ptASTER," onds B eth»Mti2(*it - mile direcyons thuswgned, without which none eapiSSiDii' ' begonumei Tlieyaropatup in boxes ofoneor&oWalsB' ' eni pach, with large and attractive •howbills'yWlhm&k witliout mjury m any cliftiate, and wilt-lieVa&Ho#r prdmptly as por order. Druggists, SiialeftvW-Ct^M Merchants, will find, them a yery saleable WtrcteA,at« times and JU all places, and Witt find It aaobiepfct«pf&. • pnrehnsers. **rFy*^gpjp£.i They may be had at the principal -DrugSt8rei,fli>WigK- iut the TJnitod States andtlte Cana'dasi^BehjleMfeaivSta ing further ihlbrmation.will evmmoit&FiMt^mtf totter, directed.to- WILLIAM BURGER, imr^ -~ O/uggift, No. 50 ConrUandt stree^ fleW-yo!« O i ^ T h o above valuable P l ^ e ^ l ^ J a f e "J S> .It.' % my >:•* ."SK •$fr- *f^; % §0 ,

m T> - nyshistoricnewspapers.orgnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031120/1839-08-21/ed-1/seq-4.pdfAGMQlfttf s* ^•;.»:' ®: »' . Gfeot.God afM&IMpS$A tfyji '•'••'•' ^Htft(:i#ii»4W

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AGMQlfttf s ^ bull raquo



GfeotGod afMampIMpS$A tfyji

bullbullbullbull ^ H t f t ( i i i raquo 4 W

gtV Tftf(i^laquoM^pf6wis harvelW store jampulnfafepks to heaven fe


^d^laquoW(gjgt9raquof ToTlieoafpV u s 4 ^ r 3 iltH0gtr thanks and praise^

^ iampnhipt8i te grateful labors donebdquo bull

raquo M l olaquor bcafte ^ g u V o n rest 1 1 JS|tiy syce we will aj l^g -bull bull

SHraathankthat God flrhdampi merelybtbsf ^SwdnrWfcetniKloapKbfe

-bullM^|qpoTE-~Sftme years^agh a-iady-oo-

s 1 4



gtufo horne^o gtgt$uilte hatshauld detain so ^gnQ^fean^|)itoy On entering the h o u $ ^ ^ ^ fpiMefittiUy busy at worlt|h SheViraquoS sy^ri^cTOjeijiier family addressed

J ^ M f ^ b y ^ a gt ^ where have you

a ^ ^ y i v ^ r e 8 8 - | i o n t i n J-01 Sunday

Pc^tneeting wT^atdayisit

Slalibath day Salsto|raquo washing jn a minutemdashSabshy

bath day Well I didnt know it for my bullhusband has gotso stiDgy he wopt take the

Jpapers now and we cant learn nothing WH ltvho preached

bullbullMr -4^y]iatdid he preach about bulljr^wag on the death of our Saviour poundWampy is he dead t-rwell all Boston

might be dead and we fifow nothing about it icwont do weannst have the newspaper agajn for etfety thing goes wrong wiiuoirt thepa|iergt BilLhtilimost lost hisreading and Polly has g^ tPn^e mopish again be-catisfJshe has no iiWriM to read Well if w(y|jg$terto take a can-load of onions and pdtftOMi-to raarket I am resolved to have a

4JsECDOTgtij- We beard the other day a Very goadjgnecdote of a certain eccentrio preacher idli neighboring Statemdasha shrewd ia|ented man wjthaj and of unbounded inshyfluence among his people One long warm summer afternoon his congregationmdashas all congregationswill on summer afternoonsmdash gotdrpwsy and not a few went off into a regular doze The orator went on apparently undisturbed by their apathy and finished his discourss He pausedmdashthe silence as is often the case after the humdrum of a not very animated-speaker roused up the conshygregation Some rubbed their eyes and all stagedftgtpoundthere stood the minister sershymon in hand He waited fill he sawthem all fairly awake and then very calmly said i 1 My good friends this sermon cost me a deal of labor rather more than usual you do not seem to havepaid it quite as much intention as it- deserves Ithink I will go over It again and he was as good as his wotd from text to the exhortationmdashBoston Travtller

prlaquoftfbelaquobte tpound5lnQec8iii


[Wblio gesneraJty a |^Rvjte4 imioo $tftoagihewitt be

allowing j bull v

trie^ds ai to call founds

Ru$laquoeflVJffadern Uurane^ vols Gttfcp1 ooCijdJjiaisjafe

Malqolms Kt^m P L

Poetical Works or Miss Landon

W^Jamp^wt^nJ Bi^8i the ^eory BfSijfftiS tljj^edlfetates 2 v 8 vo Mi|tooa Works 2 v 8 vo Ferdinand and Isabella 3 vols 8 vo-Gibbons Rome 4 v 8 vo Irviogs Columbus 2 y 8 vo Grieis Mechanical Calculator CMife Twjst 2 v cheap editiop raquo Nicholas tNtickleby Bubbles in CaiiadMpy (be authorbdquoof Sam bull Slick bull Rogers Italy - bull Sparlfs Am^icanBingirapJjyvlOyol^ 12 mo BlpffmjfteWs GriseU Testament 2 v 8 vn gt Pictiopary oftbe Churpb^ bull bull lt The WQmeu o^Kpgtapd tjhteii socialduties

and domestic habits by Mrs Jampj Jate Miss Stijukftey bdquo Wm

Cowpers Poems Ivpfs finsfedition bullLife and Correspondence of mrs Hawkcs Romatneon FaTOi Hares Sermons 1 vo-1 8 wnew McClellands Geology of India published

at Calcutta Taylors ttvty Living and Pying Ministers FamilymdashcxcglltnV v

Life of Wilberforce by his Sons Symington on the Atonement bull

jio do Dominion of Christ Bostons Cropk in the Lot new tdit Advice to a^Yoiiog Christian by Waterbury Basket of Flowers lgty Bedell Life of Mrs Isabella Graham Letters of raquo do Doddridges-Rise and Progress 12 mo James1 Anxioa^Efttfltirer Holiday lionse by Miss Sinclair Young Ladys Home Jenks Devp^ions Hannah Mores Spirit of Prayer

do Private Devotion Thomas-AKempis Christian Pattern Bridge on 119th Psalm Sacra Privata j -bull Drooping LilymdashLily of the Valleys bdquo bull ^ DavidsPsa[ras ihMetrewith Browbgjlii^ampj Pastors Daughter -lt Beauties of Le5gh RLchmotrf Memoir of do Salathiel 2 v by Croly Mary Green Butl of Promise History ot a PrayerBook Ellen siilkl gilt Hours for Heaven Recognition of Friends Fig Tree



Browns Bulierwariiis and Crudens Con


raquo r a t u r e l e - ^ gt f deg ltpound wjm9- -TheoiSgy ilpwiih PqMdnYlllus^ bullVilfedn^andNbtes bullbullbullbullbull W^|j|eyjs Jamiesons and Hedges Logic Davjes TDays Ryans Bridges and Bail-bullW$P~Algebraa Browns Smiths Kirkhama and Btillions

Grammars bullbull bulllt Davies1 Stojihs Adams EmersonsWill-

spn8 Os^ianders and Coiburns Ariih-laquotejjjs bull -

Butlfrs Ancient Geography and Atlas Worcesters and Willards Ancient Atlas Porters Analysis^-do Rlietorical Header Willsons and Paleys Evidences of Chris tianity Butlers Analogy

Boucharlats Mechanics bull Worcesters Elements of Ancient and Mfrcj bull em History

do Chartto dp Voses AstronomymdashYoung Astrohoriipr Burritts Geo^rapay aud Atlas^ofthe Heashy

vens Cotrtstock sNatural PhUospphy Comstpcbs and Becks Chemistry Eatons Mrs Lmcploa and t Cemstocks Botanys bull bull bull

Comstocks Physiologyt-dp Geology Smiifies Philosophy of Natural History Blairs Whatpleys Jarraquoiesons Campbells

and Nerfmans Rhetorics Principjes of pen^rammar by De Lacy Waylands and Newnjans political Beon-

omys Adams Roman Antiquities Potters Greciando Cleveland^ do Schcjlar ICorrfpanjon Cobbs Readers Nos 1 2 and H American Manual or New English Reader Olneys Hales Goodrichs and Websters

United StatesHistories bull Book Of Commerce First Second-and Third Books of History Baches Treatise on Opties Science of Government Masonon Self knowledge Watts on the Mind ^ Reading Book for Girls By Mrs Sigqumey

rSpeflinglBiieksand Minor GeogYaphfes vashyrious

first Lessons in Natural Philosophy Goldsmiths Rome and Greece Pinnocks Rome Greece and England Key and Supplement to Davies Arithmetic Cbild^ Geology Childs Botany Wilsons American Class Reader United Stales Speaker American Speaker Lemprieres Classical Diotioqary j Davis Bourdons Algebra

Brewsters Geometry Analytical Calculus-bull-v Descriptive Geometry

bull Surveying bull on Shades and Shadows

Karnes Elements of Criticism Elements of GerteralHistory by Barber PaleyS MoralPhilosophy bull Tytlers History- IrvingsColurnbuS ampcraquo-


bull f o Medical Advertisements

bullbullRather wet iveatkitr as the man said wben fie had a pail of wafer thrown on his head frqro th^ second story window ^

TCake cate of the paint as the city gals say when a chap goes to kiss em

AGENCY FOR PERIODICALS N BQG^EJRT is Agents and will receive subscriptions for the

New-York Quarterly Review edited by Prof C S Henry $5 per year

New York Mirror weekly sect5 per year Spirit of Missions monthly sect1 Old Countryman weekly $3 New-Yorker do $3 A1 Dion quarto do $6 Peony Magazine monthly $2 per year Penny Cyclopaedia do $ljj per vol Knickerbocker do $5 pet year

bull l^pgiisji Review re-published by W Le-wtjri successor to T Foster consisting of

Ltjnclon Quarterly Edinburgh Foreign London and Westminster REVIEWS also Blackwoods and the Metropolitan Monthly Magazines

bull Tenns-rFor the four Reviews $8 three of them $7 two of them S3 one of them sect2 Blackwood $5 Metropolitan $4 both $8 Payable in all cases in advance

Geneva Nov 1 1837 81

Caution iWHY will you suffer from Coughs and Colds when for TWENTY Eiyr

CEtfTS you can get cured ^ The BALSAM of HOREHOBMB is curing every

body who tries it Only make the experi mew anqWll on L KELLY amp CO

y r 332I raquo~ London and Paris

CJ0APS rich and fragrant at low prices

Rpgty L KELLY amp cq lt Water Colors

S B O R N E S genuine in separate cakes by L KELLY fcqo

P 4 P B H HANGINGSmdashA heavy lot eBeap and expBasiv with borders to

suit Forsalehy ^ L KELLY amp CO

November 20 35

^Esohines and Demosthenes Orations t History in 1 and 2 vols 8V 9 r k Te8tamepteI2 tho and pocket s Manuelbull Anthops Fisks and Goodrichs Greek

- - Grammaisf Fisks Greek Exercises Anthons Gteelt Prosody HomeriIlfas J2nio Vetus Testslmentum Grsecutni^ v jpocket do 1 v 8 vo edited by Van Ess bull

Jacobs Greek Reader Rutftnitns Greek Grammar 8 vo Donnegan and Groves Greek and English

Lexicoos Stuart on Greek Accents and Quantity bull Leipsiceditionsof Homeri llias 2v Homeri Odyssea 2 v Aristophanis Comudtap 3 v Herodotus 3 v Platonis Opera 8 v Xenophontis Cyropampdia and AnabasiB

Tbucydldis2-v Euripidis Tragiedise 4 v

bull LATIN

Certain Cure for Mhekn^atism bull A NEW artielejlust reeejtvecWCobens i luOel^bra te^BMBRGCATlON is reraquo commended as si eore emedy for RHEUshyMATISM It isaiso used snccqssfully for Sprains zv^ Swellings of the Joints While Swellings Spina fendou Affections of the

ltVertebrplgim^Jkmpound^gtM sectbullraquo Prfpeiptrade-pel(attle 0 ^ laquo l h raquo ) t t l e of-the tEmbTpqaUon is aoeompanieWy printed directions for use aqdiiifloe^ genuine unless bearing the tug natureofMB Cohen bull- bull bull

TO THE PUBLIC tfj^ijohens Rheumatic Emltfocatian^

Tbis preparation has now been sufficiently long before the public to have its merits fully and fairly tested and if ever good fortune attended ttfe career of any medical discovshyery then has this been most signally sucshycessful No quack npsttuof or useless comshypound could have gainedso many friends as has this Embrocation and somaoy highly respectable persons as have given certificates of its eflicacv could not have been found to permit a free use of tfieir names as refershyences ffthe lotion werjrbttt a mere empyr-ical speculatiob ^Rheumatista ofyears staridlampg as wellas in its incipient state has given way to its effects and inhundreds of instances of which proofs dan be given per- sods who were crippled to utter infirmity have in a fsectW days been restored to health activity and Strength Respectfully presentshying these facts to tbe public and referring them to the following testimonials Which are selected from the hundreds in his posshysession the proprietor subscribes himself the publics obedient servant

M B COHEN 210 Hudson-StNrY

Frederick 2W- of Thomas-Si had the Rheumatism in the summer of 1836 and suffered severely and by applying Cohens Rhtettmatic Embrocation for a few times was entirely cured He consequently strongly recommends it to the unfortunate who labor under that tormenting complaint

FREDERICK TARRNo20 mdash Thomas-St

T O THE PUBLICmdashREAD THIS bull New-York August 3 1838

Dear SirmdashHaving frequently witnessed the application of your Rheumatic Embroshycation and the beneficial effects arising therefrom it affords me pleasure to state that I most cheerfully recommend it a9 an invaluable remedy and the best known for the cure of that painful and distressing comshyplaint either in its acute or chronic form

WM P PIATT M D Corresponding Resident of the Medical Soshy

ciety of the City and County of N York M BCohen Esq

Qj^Thfe above valuable Embrocation is for sale by L KELLY amp CO

No 12 Seneca-st Geneva Dec 5 1838 lyJL537

U^mtrii ivertisejjK

Rags pound0$ add tjie hjghest price paid fot

LA Cretin eotton and linen Rags by poundpound l l - JNBt)GERT

NVV1 lampffr 81

- Bhy$c and Surgery

Bk^$gtJc1jtOEjl$ Office south-I eojrheriOfthePubliCSquare

^njqa l S tJa May 1839




GuUmfb Qualities from $10 to $30

Jjf ^ferpi^uitar ji-eceptor ihiampfMi bull - dp-

Guttaf Music add Strings F p ^ a L b y J N B O G E R T Gg|lJrovlQ1838 35

PdrfflWs^Tahe Notice pound$ 60D iJEldlgtUCE will at alt times be I f t r received at tbis offioe in exdhange for suTtBdrrotibs ) Jfi^h 61839

eprdaqces Rollins Aoeient Todds Student

do Sunday School Teacher MiHoers Church History 2 v Moshiems do American Education -by Beers Rochester and Western New York The Werks Life and Letters of- Charles

Lamb 2 vols bull VVordsworthWPoetical Works I vol Fishers Marrow of Modern Divinity bull Coles on Gods Sovereignly Calmets Bible Dictiopary- Wilberforoes Practical Views Home Education by Isaac Taylor How shall I govern my School by E C

Wines Letters from Rome 2 vols

do Palmyra2vols Burkes Works 3 vlaquo 8 vo H Mores Work||fvol312 mo Memoirs of Hannah More Cranbes Synonymes Bryants Poems Keith on Prophecy

Stephens Travels in Egypt ampC 2 vo do do Greece ampc 2 vo

Abercrombie on the Christian Cbaraeter and the culture and discipline ef the Mind

The Wisdom and Geniir of Shakspeare bull Perioles and Asphasia 2v by W S Laudor Winter Studies and Summer Rambles in

Canada 2 v by Mts Jamiesoa j Johnsons Economy of Health Ticknnr on Medical Philosophy Health and Beauty by John Bell M D Live and Let LivemdashThe Rich Poor Man

and Poor-Rich Man Combe on Digestion Recollections of a Housekeeper by Mrs

Gilman Patents Assistant 1 vol Probus2 vols Physical Man by Mundie The Little Frenchman aud his Water Lots

by (J P Morris Southeys Life of Cowper Cariyes French Revolution Tales and Ballads by Mrs Oilman Rollo at Work at Play at School and

Learning to Read American in Paris American Ladymdashdo Gentlemanmdashdo Me-

ebstrtc Homlaquo b-y-Miss-Sedgwick _j StorysMiscellaneous Writings Advice to a Young Gentleman Coleridges Poetical Works 3 vols Lawyers CornmonPlace Book Todds Index Rerum Young Maos Aid by Winslow lt Faber on Infidelity DennisSilk Manuelnew Lefevres Architecture Porter-s Musical Cyclppajdia DolbeacsChirurgical Atla9 Smarts Horace 2 vols De Tpcquevilles Democracy in America bull Bigelows Technology Sketch Book Knickerbockers New-York Miss Leslies Cookery new edition Fruit Garden Companion Stewarts Sandwich Islands Young Ladies Friend by Mrs Farrafraquo Etiquette tor Ladies Laws of Etiquette fotGentlemen Parlor Letter Writer Advice to Mothers Practical Agriculture-by Low Ifarleys Landscape Drawing Book Kcirhs Demonstration of theTruth of the

Christian Religion Smarts Horace 2 vols Bucklands Geology 2v 8 vo Sigoumeys Letters to Young Ladies Barnes Notes on Gospels Acts Romans

and Corinthians bull Church Psalmody Winchells Watts Ref Dutch Church Psalms andHymns Commoil Prayer Books ||great variety in ^plain ami elegant bindings

Methodist Hymns BIBLES various qualities and sizes ampc


yUPERIOUto thp^^af t^BfapdTet l i s f3 Evans loclian Pojcjtyfeie the BJatcblssf fpricedj Sanative oraoypther Pills orCom-pound before the public aspertified by physhysicians and others 1Tj^Le$n^oecoodemi them until tbey iave triedihem and then we are certainthey gtviU o o U ^ J Iria now a settled ppint raquovith ajil w|to4tave used the Vegetable Persian PUkv thai they are preshyeminently tbe bestapdmfst efficacipus Fam~ ily Medicine that has yet beep used in Amershyica If every family could become acquaintshyed with their sovereign powder oyer disease they would keep them and be prepared vvjth a sure remedy to apply on the fiVstappear-anceof disease aod Lbephow much-disitcessa would be avoided and money -saved aswellas Thousands of Lives who are hurried putof time by neglecting disease Ip itei firstjitajges or by not bding in possessioa of i -remedy which they canplaoe dependence upon

The Resurrection or Peesian Pills-~The name of these fjills originated from t-heohv cumstance of the medicine being foundonly ip tbe cemeteries of Persia h i s vegetable production being of apecwliarkincl ledto experiments as to ttg-medical qualities and virtues In half acentury it became an-es-tablisbed mediefee for the diseases ofthat countryj T h e extract of this singular proshyduction was introduced imp someparts of Europe in the year 1783 and used bytmafiy celebrated physicians in curing Pertain dis eases where all other mPdjctnes -bad-been used in vaia lt - bull bull bull bull

Early io the year 1792 the Estraot was combined with certain vegetable medicines imj^rted from Dura Paca in the East Inshydies and formed into pills The admirable effect of this compound ttponthe human systemV leu physicians afld families intoits general use The long establishedcharac-ter their universal andhealing virtues the detergent and cleansing qualities of their specifical action upon the glabdulitr part ot the system are such as will sustain ther reputation and general usein the American1

Republic Certificates -r-1 certify that have by Way

plaquopound-fexperirnent used the Hygeian atidlaquomost of the various kinds as pillsm my practice which have borne the highest reputelaquoin the public estimatttin that have been offered for sale in this vicraity for the last-five years inshycluding those called the Rfesufreetion or Persian Pills and the public may rest assushyred that none among the whole catalogue has answered a better fjurpose than thp Resshyurrection or Persian Pills rn mosfCases of disease CHAS BACKUS M-D

Rochester NgtYSept 20-1837- bull

^ f S l r t 6 becrb bullkooVD mdashbdquo to ieJfJraquopHe3o^fely bytheir virtues

Their powerfaF inllientfe-ill relieving and curing diseases KavdVip^6repeatedly testshyed that the prbptfetoTfwlijfaiuped to comply with the solicitation of friends in thus noti-cidgxheta extendingtlt^BbJyalfn^wledge of the means of relreTto thepublic geneshyrally They are highly appreciated for the relief they afford in affections pHfcVliver and digestive orgampnsi The worst c^seKof chronic dyspepsia inveterate costiventes ip-digestipn dyspeptic ponsumption rBPum^-tism nervmis or sick headache and scurvy have been entirely cured by a proper nsebt hem Also liver complaints fever and ague bilious fpver jaundice^ dysentery or bloody flux the premonitory symptoms Of cholera dropsical swentngs pilesi^o^msra cbildrelj fits looseness and iregula)fpoundty o(ii^ bowfels occasioned by ifntatipnitegtnih-giampc Ihey

bullact as an alternative cathartic pr laxatiye accprrling to the raantiprof tafeibgthenimdash Families having occasion to test their dfip|i-cyy -will-ever after esteem them tophighlyto bs without them Particular attention should be glvenvto -thp ample directions whjrih acshycompany them Twenty Pills in a boxr-eatih pill is a dose far an adult

^ O r d e r s 1 (post paid) for thi above artishycles executedpromptly by T^R- IfibhaFd my principal Ag^nt 22B BwveryNesy-Yoik A suitable-4isppuntnllplaquoed those who purshychase to sell again B HIBBARD

Batsdrn of Hbrehounty bampm$dbElraquo and mseqWd in CUT

_ ing Colds Obughs Astntna iDfltten aa Whooping Cough an(T all dispaBes o-he breast and lu|gs leading to ttonsuatp-gt tion composed of the concentrated l | pa j of the herbs ofiHorehoundySfoftp^ety and several othejr vegetable Bupstocesw8laquoanJ ed pure from any mineral whatever p pared only by J M- WJNSLOW druggft RocheptprNY bullijf-

bull This invaluablemedicijnewasfirstpriP^d by the subscriber about 4 yearssinpe^ph|he desire only to meet the wants of hjsiampraej ^iatecBstoniars ivithbut theleast p i tS

sive hafbe6tiits saje dwhg t h i s M t h e ^ riod and So ijnportpptajinpdioke ftal i f Welshycome ih^beestlffiaf)pn of allwhp h a v ^ e d it thatthe bull p r o p t j ^ prepare tt vejy large quahi|yyand taHethie earliest oppprtuyiiiy toVin laquo--v raquolaquo6raquov

Anthons editions of Sallust Horace Ca Sar and Cicero

Anthons First4jattn Lessons new gt flbitia Latina j Latin Tutor Leveretis Latin Lexicon Ainworths LatinDictionary Andrews and Stoddards Latin bull Grammar

Lessons Exercises- Key and Readers Goulds Grammar and Virgil Coopers Virgil- Virgil Delphini Cicero De Offipiis Cicero De Qratare Folsoms Livii Jacobs Latin Reader Leipsic editions of Juvenal i Tacitus 2 v-Terrence Ovidii Opera 3 v

FRENCH Beyers Nugents Meadows and Stoned

Dictionaries Bolmars Colloquial Phrases Levizacs French Grammar French Guide Addicks French Elements Gil Blaas 2v Anaoljarsis 4 v Racine 2 v Sevigp| Letters Moliere Charles X I I Nuroa^rbTiipilius gt Henriade Le Bruns Telemaque ^ French Testaments

tigress MmSkeMhiefs Gp aytfrtofeBt pf raquoJ6traquos kinds

M e | p | o n ju-^J^ceivPrrBy tJB Csi lELYE

on Astronomy by


Elementary Treatise Prof Norton

Way lands Moral Science 12 ma and nVgd Worcesters Websters and Walkers Dicshy

tionaries Woodbridges and Willards Geography and

Atlas - Olneys Huntingtons Malte BianJs and

Comstocks Geographies Childs Guides Intellectual Reader Towns Analysi|^doSpeigting Book Farfne School Book j Foster s Writing Books Nos 1 to 8 Parkers Exercises in Composition

bull bullgtgt


BY Order of Hon JESSE CHAUK Sushypreme Court Commissioner and Fiist

Judge of Seneca county Notice 1s hereby given that an AttaoHment tjas issued against the estate of William Fulton as a non-resishydent debtor on due proof made to the said Supreme Court Coramisstofter and First Judge pursuant to the directions of tbe statshyute concerning Attachments against abshysconding concealed or nonresident debtshyors and that the same wilt be sold for the payroentof his debts unless he the said William Fulton appear and discharge such attachment according to law within nine months from the first publication of this NoshyticemdashAnd tbat the payment of any debts due to him by residents of this Sfate and the delivery ta him or for his use of any property wirbin this State belonging to him and the transferof any such property by him are forbidden by law and are void Dated February 15th AD 1839

BIRDSALLamp CLARK 9m4 Attorneys far Attaching Creditors

Messrs E I think it mv

SPANISH Sales Spanish Grammar

NeutYiab aud Barreili Dictionary abridged Don Quixote

HEBREW Hebrew BiblesStuarts Hajjfew Grammar Stuarts Chrestomaibjy


FLUTES 14 and 8 Kevs vario-us quali ties Violin Bows from 62^ to sect1000 Vioshyloncello Bows Bridges and StringsViolin StrhjtgsBtidgeSf Pegs Finger Boards and Tail PegsFifes Clarinets Refined Rosin ClarinetReeds MusicPaper INSTRUCshyTION BOOKS for Flute Violin Violonshycello Clarinet Flageolet Guitar Fife and Piano Forte various


Coronation Victoria Embrossed Red and fancy colored Sealing Wax best quality Gillots celebrated Steel Reus for Ladies or Gent WhiteYellow and Opake QUILLS various Bonds amp Kidders IndelibleIpV UlaokSand Red Tape Indian Rubber Wafers Silver and German Silver pencil Cases Canol and Sable BrmhesiOsbornes amp Newmans COLORS in Box a variety of Newmans in separate cakes Bris tol^ Londqn Drawing Boards Port Folios with and without Lock and Key PinkygP^rpie and Blue Saucers Chessmen Pfjj|pta|gt ons Motto Seals Pen and PoekeMMplijes fine quality Silver aod Steel Tweezers Patient School and Counting Roampnil||ok-8tandsGlass Inks ChalksCrayons Draw-ingijfencils and Paper Letter and other Papers fine and common blue Bfackarid Red INK Ink Powders Sand Boxes Foldshyers Slates Silk Purses Wallets Scissors Canes ampc ampc- bull bull

PERFUMERY Tooth and Hair Brushshyes Combs Shaving and Fancy Sc-ap Ra-sors Shaving Glasses ampcampc

A gopdassortmentof ALBUMS BLANK BOOKS Attorneys Justices and Militashyry BLANKS

Additiop^constabtly making

JOHN JW BOGERT May 211839 17

Lamp Oil LampOM

ONE Tierce bleached Speum Ojl jusf received and for sale by

May 15 H amp B F STAGG


Ncio Hardware Store

THE Subscriber having re-opetred the Store on the corner of Seneca and Washy

ter Streets (forrneily occupied by Messrs DeGraff k Townsen das a Hardware store) takes the liberty to inform the citizens of Geneva and the public generally thai hehas opened a general assortment of HARDWARE consisting of

Bar Ron of everv description English Blister German American Cast

and Spring Steel Wrought and Cut Nails ADviiSrVices and Sledges Rotary Cooking Parlor Franklin Oven

bull Plate and Box Stoves Alsov a general assortment of SHELF

GOODS comprising almost every article ip the hardware line

The abbve Goods are of the latest fash-gt ions having arrived among the last importashytions The Subscriber flatters himself th^t by making bis esertions to please unceasing and his prices exceedingly low to receive a share of public patronage

N BmdashAll kinds of Copper Tin and Sbeet-ilron manufactured flj3 Also reshypairing done at tiie shortest notice

II B BUSHNFLL Geneva Oct 10 1838 tf29

One Horse Power

FOR Threshing Sawing WoodDriving Circular Saws Turning Lathes ampc

A description of the superiority of ibis Horse Power over any oibpr now in use is unneshycessary as reference will be given to persons in this vicinity who have purchased it and know its Value SuffiWit to say that it will thresh twenty-five bdshels of wheat in one bullhour without tiring the horse above ordi-nary-Iabor on the plough or wagon bull The subscriber has taken the shop lately occupied by E P Earf as a sash shop and will furnish said Horse Powerraquowith the most approved Threshing Machines cheap for cash or approved notes

This horse power is entirely different from any thing which has been before offered in this vicinity and is free from the objectiohs brought against those horse powers before ta use of being hard for the horse as those who have used them will testify

The subscriber confidently-believing that no other power will be used after the intro-duciion of this would invite those who wish tosecure town rights for threshing and makshying powers or for private use to call soon J L ZEBtNAJUDDi

jfggjgjfteva Feb 20 1839 3 m i

(jl OLOGNE Honey Watg | Milk pf Ro-yses^Pre8ton Salts Sj

LITHOGRAPHED Viewjrf Geneva taken from the foot of toe Lake colshy

ored and plain foVsale by V J N B O G E R T

Geneva DecN 51838 _ 37

Perjfymerips 3NE Honey Wat$ -

Preston Salts Sjal Makassar Oil Bears Oil H o | Boqriet de Caroline Perslaf Fancy Soaps ampcbdquo for sale b

bullHampB^JJ Geneva Marchffl -y

v w Musical t^truMw0lt KitIfU-TESFife8 Clarpnets 4ccot-dion9 JD M^sip Boxes Instraction Books for sale cheap by gt f bull

H amp B F S T A G i G

Vinegar erior

Wt Ba^8 GG


March 27 Main-street

ChaseM duty to let you know w ^ ^ ^ f e a t cure your Pills have performed^ffin^ I hadbeen siclt about 7 years aobtrtji years and a Jaalf confined to my bed I had been given over as incurable with Consumption by 12 physhysicians 6f the first standing my lungs were seriously affected 1 had 3 ulcers gather and break my cough was dry and harsh most of the time my liver was much swollen and my stomach very dyspeptic I had chills fever and pisht sweat accompanied with extreme irritableness-of tbe nervous sysera and other difficulties which I forshybear to mention After I was given over I tried almost all medicines which rtere adshyvertised bauto rid advantagp until I tried your Vegetable Persian Pi is I began to gain a short time after I GqromedCedtakjag them and to be brief before I t6ok 3 boxshyes I was able to ride out and take considershyable exercise and at this time I enjoy good health and am able to do a good days work If any one wishes a more particular history of my sufferings he may call on meat the corner of Main juyi Clinton-streets Rochshyester RUEY ADjMS v

To E Chase k Co Gent Shs^Thi is to inform you that we have nSea1 yotar Pershysian VegetablePiljs for ayear past in our practice and are well pleased with their ope-ratipn Believing them to fulfil theiradvershytisement in answering as a substitute wjjere calomel is indicated we can recommend them to the puolip bullbull

Drs Brown WfCerizie $r Hatsfed Rocji Fits CuredmdashThe lindersigned hsretjy

certify tligt we are the parents of two chil- dren who have been afflicted with fits more or less from their idfaircy and that weljave spared no paips of expense in gn|leafbrlbg to effect a cure but without success until hearingof the ResurieSlpn or Persian Pills when 4 boxes were irnmediately procored and before 3 boxes tveraquo taken the fits abashyted in frequency and every sympton^ much improved and nowwf ace happy to1 state that our children by Jie use-ofthe Persian Pills with the blessing of God are entirely cured apd have no igymptom or appf^ranee of fits aod we conlSaenify believe that pershysons afflicted whh fits will find in the Pershysian Pills a sure and perfect cure

JpAtv amp M A R I A J^fiHSON CantoD N Y Dec Ifl 1837 bdquo - -

O ^ T O MOTHERS Messers E Chase fy Go--Gents- Hearshy

ing much said abon-t-tha extampbrdtttary-ef- fectsxif theResurrectiou or Persian Pill upon those about to become mothers werekiduced-to make trial of them My wifewa3 stthar time the mother of five children and bad suffered the most tedious and excriiciadng pains during and after her confinement of each She hadtried everymeansand tashyken much medicinebut found little or no reshylief She (Commenced tablng the Persian pills about3 mouths before her confinment [her health being fery poor about this lengih of time previous] and in a short time she was enabled by their tise ta ia$epdta the-cases ofa rtdtheftt) herfamily until her conflow ment At that tiftie sfyedammericed taking the Persian piils-and fix seeeral-weeks preshyvious she wasiafflieVed-withadry hard cough of freqiieotsevere crampswhich the use of the pills entittelyjampnioved befdife usibg half a boVlaquo Jt isVithtfie greatest confidence that we advise all those about to become mothshyers to make1use-of the Persian pills- All those that have takeftf^henj in our neighbor hoodhavegot along rathe same easy man-J

-oerandate about house-in a few days We unitedly say let nope neglect taking them for they arif with^b the reaoh of the poor as yeH alaquo the richtWeare truly thankful that ^bullJB a remedy wWch fethales can easily

Ifi e whloh bidsfair to lessen the world ^ ing which rnapy of thern have to

lliar^ and perhaps save the lives of thousands which Otherwise would be lost Rochester) May 14th i838 corner of CaledoniasquatP Edinburgh st for further particulars see subscribers S ampANN GROBEraquoPSgt bull

This is to pertifyfhat i have receitel more1 henefitfrdta lhe-Resurrectiob oPer^ sfan pillstjthan all otheVs thatrlbavigusedv or rhediciae thaf I have taken from tntt^y fihysciciansjfjpr the last seven yearsrlaquogt The difficulties thafl baye iSboredufa|fgtrwett many1 ahdof sucit a nature - that ioniedi-Btne but 4be ItesuVrectlpn ltraquor Pfers|an pills was ever5 able ito reach and remove I beshylieve thpy are all thlt$ are yecomrflended to| be the very bestYniediBine for ftfe diseases dflhisconntry KevUiMEs G HAVBNS

For sale by V bull bull - BtOomjkld AMOS BRUNSON East Blnomfield

M B E ^ f A g CimUmtnir bull amp j I -WHEELER Geneva

Geneva D e c 5 1838 1537

v- CMTfFiC4 TE$ I have usedHibbardsFaiaily Pills in my

family and do not hesitatetp give them the preferenbe toany Ve~everusep Thiey are much esjteemedby alljwho have tried them in otir neighborhood

bull JULIUS HOUSE Perkins Huronltbull Jfulylpound 1836 I have uspoundd Hibbards Pills ialmy femiljy

and am satisfied they are an excellent famiby medicine bull bull J O H N Hi POWER

Norwal^-Mq^ymfy[ bull 1 hereby certify t l ia t t have uped Hibbards_ Family-Pills in various instanceiin my famshyily witli very detided benefit and unhesitashytingly recommend the uSje ofthem to all those afflibted frpnraquo liver complaints or an ptherdiseases for which said pills are re commended MARCUS Y GRAFF

Tifiin Ohib July 81836 Hibbards Piljjs are the best medicine 1

have ever-used G- W GIST bull We have used with entire satisfactionHib-

bards Pills in our family 1 consider the best recommendationis their trial bull

- H O-SHELDON I havejjtsedHibbardjs^illsanjd find them

superiotl^hilipus complaints and dyspepshysia to another I have madeuse of- When they can be obtained would employ no other for similar com plaints

DR MOSES SHAFFER Wboster Ohio MajfZ 1836 1 have used Hibliards Vegetable Family

Pills for three years and have fpwnd -them exceedingly valuable among all classes^-ne-groes as Well its whites They have sucshyceeded in every case of fever and in all othshyer complaints in which I have employed them JAMES ROBERTS

Mill Haven Qeofgia - bull bull Hibbards Pills out-do any other medicine

that 1 have ever tried ingt their operation up on the bile I have broken several seve attacksof the bilious fever on myself tyitL one and two of the pills and seen them proshyduce the same effect on more than twehty others Thesepilfc proved to- he ai certain cuje for ^he bowel complaint which was ve-rysevere- among the negroes last year I have also seen two inveterate cases of dys pepsia of long standingentirely enrecj by using your pills according to the directions

v HENRV ft V-IDETO Burtonslt Ferry- ampabnnriah fiver Geo

--Vjng^feidyMor- $laquo3P$iamp3 ivjfhin the pjUblic and place

theieaph of all with a wamprrabiybBSed$gt06 his owS experience andfenowledfp^f beiftg theratfatspeedy andoerfam erfledy vpiMli covereff forlt7oraquonraquon(iK colds QoygM^sflmii Influenzar7hopgtiigtgcbvghiijid all atfeetten of the- Breast and Lungs-leading to CltfR- bull suptioh whichltow-hig^othejeudfleneWo^e lt of our pliwatetso ajarroib|lyprt|va|)i|ljija|4 by-whichtppnsands fevery year arehurrte tptheir graves-

Cfl8tioa-s-The genuine Compound BUf samof HoretmundYwill be ehveloppdinis bill of directions upon which 5s^^engmvW|v view of thfeFropriptpr^ gs^bjisbni^l| laquo elpsed in a zylogiraphic wraBperhdviij| WfflM signatpre of the Proprietor Th^ej-plaw have been obtained at a great exjiepsej guard bullagitmst coupterfeitsl arid mtrnil

which none pani possibly be genuine bull fX^TbeaboveVatuable Medicine mayb|

obtained at the BrnggistStore of - bull ftrade gtbullbullgt -Si Rgt HALU

Geneva Janhbry IS 1889y- -

Tgt imSfe-- degmdashi

RBV B V B I i raquo t gt ^ CAEMINATIVfi sectAIVB HIS-^fliOTE for upwardsof- thirty

bdquo Joflfr ba|)epfi employed in curing phlegnionpns ^ ^ o t h V painful affections as felons -bUes bruises sprains ulcers carbunshycles ague ih the fiice^ OccasioneW by cold oi decayed teeth^gtfe In the breast^milk cake painfu) glandular swellings scipfula en-Kings evil stiff nCck ea^-ticte chilblains or frostshyed feet arid iaiids corns laquojn the fee$ salt rheum burns stfaldsrheusnatic pains of the joint accompanied with swelling and painful affection^ generally The penetrating and extraprdipary rjamptyejrspossessed by thlssalve in relrefingvind cutibgtbe most paihfii1IP-cal affections IndnBedf toe proprijetof to give to it tlie name Carminative being derived from carmen averse (becausecharms usushyally eonsisted of a v^rse ) therefore physi cians in ancifent tjmpi applied the tgxtn to those reqiedips whicfi were supposed to pos sess fhe power of afejiarm in allaying paip Many pfaysjc[a hpyens prescribed this salve with dsectetdpounddavant3ge ia a varietycopy aeraquo nte and cfirWic disorders in relieving the pain of old ftecfuredsponelaquoVclou8 tumors indurated or hardened swellings irysipelasT St Anthpnl fixGy I t has also beefi employshyed with gteathenefitas a strepgtbening plasshyter tbrweaKfles^ of the chest bafek orside and also iotnevaftpupjaffectiprisof the tupgs consumptions coughs colds influenza cashytarrh asthma vyhooping eodgh hives or croup Sia In ttiijk cake^and ague Pf the breast this salveWill be foundasppfedy and certain leure Tbfe proprietor hasapplied it in many hundred ceases of the kind some p the mpstpainflif rJesi^ipMon and ip bo one case has he ever kppwbdquon it to ftil of relieving the paio fn afew hoars and in a few days perfecting a ctireraquo pirpptions accompanv each box- I A--

The above medicines are for sateby LUTH^B ^jpjLLY ampCo

V 1 - W V ^ n e c a ^ t Geneva A-lso ioK-salphy v bull -

L^A^Ei l r i REDDY J JVraquo Van ^ p ^ f gt M A Y Pafmyig

August 8tAbdquo 1838 r bdquo lyl52Q

j f t ^ i - B reg W A R E O F C-0UNTEK- 1 1 ^ FEITBlijgO -Ask for Bristols Balsam of JHofehoiind Price 25 centsmdash fjC^^pMampbther arb-geriuine-4A Spifrious a r t i c l ^ ^ ^ t h e market^-owlbg to the great succcss^nlchthe fialsamofHorehonnp has had in Coughs Colds Asthmas Spitting of B ood Consumption ampc ampc Be on your guard Sold in thi^yillage onwhy

bull i - bull U KELLY amp CO Decisrnbei81838 38

SUGAlt^mdash-Parto-Rico VVHit Slaw Hastar cjU3hedALoaf and Loaf Sugars

ji^st received and forsale by bdquo - bdquo pound -KF-LLt amp C O

- s bullgtbdquo No 12 Spneca-street Npvernb^r^018$8 25-

PERM O-I-tS^Winter and Fall oHhe finesfqualitybullat 1

bull L KELLY amp Gamp^J November 20 bull bull gg

ALM SOAPlaquo-HuII and S a r i s ^ e bullJL PaInraquoSOAF jmgtt opened andfor saje WLi A_fe L KELLi ampW-


BAILEYS Compdwamp C f e ^ M J0 Extruct of SttrshparUlfa- is x$g MH

offered for sale irithis vilIagey~9Cheii(claquoi3 which has follcrwed it wherever it has-been introduced is aUpost unprecedented A few certificates are annexed tpshowthe es-r timation inwhich it isheld p^tbpsp wjbo have used it More thahQ testiawnials from Physicians oflt every^art of the conn-try are attached to the direotipnfjqap^ful-ly to establish its efficacy

bull From the Buffalo Baily Journal of Jn 3pIS3P^ It is a a ngulw fact Uiat rppst porsone who have3aA|S

Duileyf Flui^Extractor SaVsapnrrilW manufnofured by C C( liristol iiove rjecuvered from their iSmnplaijiU We ore nssurodof its moatextroorrtimiry etilcocy in Ifeg-ring discusij bull Ji-

- BBFFAI0 Maty ft I838s Mr C C BRISTOL

Sir Afylinle boy now three years oPj^ge hhd berfraquo afflicted with a tScRoroitis ^Joiiop aince heWaraquo six momqs old three moutlle siuce I was ioduced to coai-

~ ~ repa i pi

omm 20 M

(RNJD JoplCES4jr-VZ Fepper Pimentd CToves and Clnnarhppmdash

Also ground Coiffee pure aad of thesfirst quality L K^Lt amp CO

November 20 85

h u m - - - bull bull - - - - raquo _ bull by Bome-df our BhysiciaPR Mer WghV)aerMtfjttllj ttnjrotn ihsHttlo the hip and her lungsittahili ted Hocfathcraecidetituily fed in ntoar shoptrade

m-ncethe uapoundof Battels Extract of Sarsaparitai r e d t bull - - - bull - v- - bull bull -r

ha Teefrt

Yours fampc ClURlES C tiAPDQCK M I) i raquo bull bull o 3BlttgKlst)iiltfl JUalu street

The following extract is frow a letter plt Gen A Gridley Anburpi l bullbull

Aynungsirlrabout 11 years daughter of B F^rig-nn wqs abouUhe JstlVjbruaJyf gjveno^ver as irtcftlaquojiS

bulltrade mdash- -v- eVJ ningand delailedtttecaso- saidttieidoctorehBUiwnijpngt od lier as InoursblS The daughter Is anonly ^w MJ u very inteieslihggirl L I bullbullbull

I presented bihjlaquoboUooTthBSarsapnriila Ittooervtew she wae very sensibly hotter aiju has almostjefioveteit-mdash but ho is in perfect agony to pf odure another T)0Hlb tfltjai Inga relnpae Tlier-6 are several others wiroiaieierJlaquolalaquo ious to procure U bull - bull bulllti)lt

Kesppetfully-yoijirs A GIUDLEY -AuburnApril5lh1888 bullbull bull raquo

From the FretlontA CensorMayQSfc Having made use of the article in our awn Bm|JyraquoWB-

jsnnrhi-erfulry recommend it to othBtjBtinflfor ntifber-tesitmonialsol its merits -tie refer the rcaaejt0 ahfcwji venisement In this dnys paper bdquo i vraquo~ rfV

B3~The following notice is copieq frcm-tfteMf^rli Guxetto--tlieoldestand mostcespetitabledallJonrtBl tilB TJflfOn bull laquo V l v u i_n

We apprehend tBaUrVoutdbB^iaeolflfthuKt m-r better hater of humbjig than ourseltes b ta antMpodf disposed to look with more contempt nppoundTv4w0fpound1( ^ all sorts but we verily believe that tye onafti^W^ltisft- -vointly oTa piepaTation which has galrf|3CW^efeWW at the-West nntt whtcli comes tecommifrpetIi^BUilgtp ted oertificahis Df all the loading membeti dfjlhespia-medi iil profession at BuitalPi foYtifled by tbeHCsJinjflW of a very great lUnnbec of the most respeCtaMftjpieS ifl


bdquoJ^i^laquoithi Its own viftulaquo|wUl r e f i raquo | j lt 0 p | ^ g ^ g i y ^ i _

Fulldirevitiohs^^aHac^W^iampn^f]^ tie with additionalCertigjatss ^ ^

For sale by- p lLBY fc^Cb Geneva Oet10-1833

bullI K laquo

bull M l Ml

i l l


iiVfeTVFltfep AND ]pf l i fALIEt) ibull ^UrbratnH for cutin jrPalni or-n^jtintliMi^iSki ^ iMd Ikpkor Jimb8| also fdr Goat ltShMBlaquo3tKv ltvnr (Joranjpiot nd Dyspopsiiu-^nJ^iicliV Coid

1tUA_tpound_^ ^LU ftlJ L ^ ^i

li-UvtthpttlnsiiiWshloOr _ laquo tlmsattiaquUful njgt4 anrivalied SP^iterttibyraquojraquoSiirjf rrMit frowotllers-nnsl fro ftomieWoeiBaii Whioh ampi tminraUy mnde afeimst Plsitors- eJaplaquothore is fin linulirat objeryMi(ipbetti-r raquoabl|raquohe4laquo)Sn ffittACon sitmptjon originate in apglecledC6l(|- Itfraquo (limUifil

Kwai-iullleiisbiii-ssft l e[lUireraquoraquonlol ebullieare snd)iUerSiiS to gattrdAgiij)ittilw attacisoU)istoo oaMfttJi|i5iraquor Mlaquogt OVaii Mosf persons ore aMe^ndwiliiptf t3 BKWW It iiionot thoi-ofofe but be a gratifioati6laquobampVraquoubiltiriIgtefev

to be enabled to oflbr to oil pf consumptive hsbifaj b tlwc oillicted WiHidiatrcssiDg pains in tho side or brewii or any offnetton of the breast 6r lijiigsXii feaW wet of tellof jjy using hU ^IJalveraat SlMngtiS rjuster bullbull bull v bullbull- bullltgt

bull In ilje course of mol-e than tWnty yebra pr1^-practice of tbe-many who-htHlo u8edlhMtJEtfpoundlgtyen ouo^oliiary corapjamti oh Jhd con(racylaquot nuffiB^ tiie pnrea thoy hpx - elfec^ed so ablinoarit aif jntfS posiflvo and eoncTifilve proofs of theilr efficlaquoregtvnlMM reoejvuigrmdashbull--bull -- mdash bull-bull bull ofnhDsB wl jliom raquos-lelt unrWallodb _

Tiie Ladies are respectfully informed that they wmmti pared with roforonce-alsOto-a naaberbf dedicate mU-plaints pecidiar to the eox thatflioy are sptead ina set bulliitilic mahtihr on-Uio hlosC beautiful soft and plhibl lunibfUiii will not soil or stain the vvhn^tlmiiJ^dSf boVorii bjJthehiost deJcnteaperaoiijl InalhsSJEsjair with base apa comfort and withpot removal for oneiBmi withftlensurp bullrfr-~WlB

Frihtea dftoctiohs signed WILUAJI B D ^ A a i f e 0)vnSW9dJrriUng will bo plaqed upon the braquo|jl r

PlasteV Persons Wishlhtr to pufoliaso wi l f ia Inr to nsl( for POCTOR EUXJNS BSISSfi^

STRENGTHENING ptASTER ondsBethraquoMti2(it -mile direcyons thuswgned without which none eapiSSiDii begonumei Tlieyaropatup in boxes ofoneorampoWalsB

eni pach with large and attractive bullhowbillsyWlhmampk witliout mjury m any cliftiate and wilt-lieVaampHor prdmptly as por order Druggists SiialeftvW-Ct^M Merchants will find them a yery saleable WtrcteAatlaquo times and JU all places and Witt find It aaobiepfctlaquopfamp bull pnrehnsers bull bull rFy^gpjppoundi

They may be had at the principal -DrugSt8reifligtWigK-iut the TJnitod States andtlte Canadasi^BehjleMfeaivSta ing further ihlbrmationwill evmmoitampFiMt^mtf totter directedto- WILLIAM bull B U R G E R i m r ^ - ~ Ouggif t No 50 ConrUandt stree^ fleW-yolaquo

Oi^Tho above valuable P l ^ e ^ l ^ J a f e J Sgt It


gt bull

SK bull$fr- f sect0