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No 173-191, Taman Kemajuan,Jalan Raja Syed Alwi,01000 Kangar, Perlis.Tel: 04 9761 088Fax: 04 9762 181

A-1-5 Blok A, Jalan Medan Selayang 1,

Medan Selayang,68100 Batu Caves, Selangor.

Tel: 03 6186 2934Fax: 03 6185 5624





1. Memorandum of Agreement (Form A Revised 1998)2. Letter of Appointment3. Letter of Acceptance4. Letter to Start Work


1. Project Team2. Breakdown of Fees & Reimbursable Cost5. Registration with MOF6. Registration with Profesional Board7. Govt service Tax Liscene8. Companies Commision of Malaysia (Form D)

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This MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT is made this _________day of __________20______between Perbadanan Kemajuan Ekonomi Negeri Perlis “, with an office at No 173-191, Taman Kemajuan, Jalan Raja Syed Alwi, 01000 Kangar, Perlis’ (hereinafter called “the PKENPs”) of the one part.

AND NRS ASSOCIATES (Consultant Engineers)

Practising as engineer(s) at A-1-5 Block A,Jalan Medan Selayang 1,Medan Selayang, 68100Batu caves, Selangor.

(hereinafter called “the Consultant Engineer”) which expression includes the legal representatives successors in title and permitted assigns) of the other part.

WHEREAS the PKENPs intends to construct and complete


(hereinafter called “the Project”)

AND WHEREAS the PKENPs is desirous of appointing the Consultant Engineers to provide professional engineering services in connection with (description of intended works) CADANGAN MEMBINA DAN MENYIAPKAN 16 UNIT KEDAI PEJABAT TIGA TINGKAT DI ATAS PELOT PT 5970-5979 DAN PT5988-5993 KAWASAN TEBUS GUNA TANAH, MUKIM KUALA PERLIS, PERLIS.

(hereinafter called “the Works”)

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1. The PKENPs hereby appoints the Consultant Engineer to provide the professional engineering services for the Works subject to and in accordance with the Conditions of Engagement hereinafter set out and the Consultant Engineer hereby accepts the appointment for the purpose of providing the professional services for the same subject to and in accordance with Conditions of Engagement.

2. This Memorandum of Agreement, the Appendix to the Conditions of Engagement and the schedule to the Conditions of Engagement (hereinafter called “the Schedule”) shall together constitute the Agreement between the PKENPs and the Consultant Engineer.

3. For the basic professional services described in Clause 1 of Part A of the Schedule the PKENPs shall pay the Consultant Engineer in accordance with:Clause 1(1) of Part B of the Schedule

4. For the additional professional services not included in basic services described in

clause 2 of Part A of the Schedule the PKENPs shall pay the Consultant Engineer in accordance with :-

(i) Clause 2 (a) of Part B of the Schedule, and the multiplier shall be 2.7 (ii) Clause 2 (b) of Part B of the Schedule, and the multiplier shall be 2.1 (iii) Clause 2 (d) of Part B of the Schedule

5. In addition to the above, the PKENPs shall pay the Consultant Engineer the payments described in Part C of the Schedule.

6. The intervals of payment shall be in accordance with Clause 3 of Part B, Schedule of Fees.

7. The amount referred to in Clause 5(iv) of the Conditions of Engagement on variation works shall be RM nil

8. Estimated fee for Basic Professional Services as prescribed in Clause 3 of Memorandum of Agreement is Ringgit Malaysia ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

9. The whole of the works shall be completed within _________________________

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IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have hereunto caused this Agreement to be duly executed on the day and year first above written.


By : …………………………………………………………………………………….

Name : …………………………………………………………………………………….

Designation : ……………………………………………………………………………

Department’s Seal & Cop : ……………………………………………………………

In the present of:


Name: …………………………..

Ic No: …………………………...

For and behalf of :NRS ASSOCIATES

By : …………………………………………………………………………………….

Name : …………………………………………………………………………………….

Designation : ……………………………………………………………………………

Department’s Seal & Cop : ……………………………………………………………

Registration No with Board of Engineers Malaysia : ……………………………………

Registration No with Ministry of Finance Malaysia: : ……………………………………

In the presence of :


Name: …………………………..

Ic No: …………………………...

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________________________________________________________________________Delete if not applicable



In this Agreement unless the context otherwise requires, the following expressions shall have the meanings hereby assigned to them:

“Consulting Engineer” means the engineer engaged by the PKENPs to perform the professional services;

“Contractor” means any person or persons, firm or company under a contract with the PKENPs to perform the Works or to supply goods in connection with the Works or both and includes a Sub-Contractor;

“Cost of Work” includes the cost to the PKENPs of the Works however incurred (before deduction of any liquidated damages or penalties payable by the Contractor to the PKENPs); a fair valuation of any labour, material, manufactured good, machinery or other facilities provided by the PKENPs, and of the full benefit accruing to the Contractor from the use of construction plant and equipment belonging to the PKENPs which the PKENPs has required to be used in the execution of the Works; the market value, as if purchased new, of any second–hand materials, manufactured goods and machinery incorporated in the Works; the cost of geotechnical investigations and other investigations related to the Works; and a fair proportion of the total cost to the the PKENPs of any work in connection with the provision or diversion of public utilities systems which is carried out, other than by the Contractor, under arrangements made by the Consultant Engineer, assessed with reference to the costs incurred by the Consultant Engineer in making such arrangements. The costs of works shall not include administrative expenses; costs incurred by the PKENPs under this Agreement between the Consultant Engineer and the PKENPs interest on capital during construction, and the costs of raising money required for carrying out the construction, and the costs of raising money required for carrying out the construction of the Works; costs of land way-leaves; and price variation arising from escalation of prices;

“Multiplier” includes a factors derived from the elements covering annual salary; fringe benefits including bonuses, Employees Provident Fund and staff saving funds, subscriptions to professional institutions, leave, medical aid and insurances, seminars, conferences and workshops; office administrative charges and expenses including rentals, promotion, training and scholarships, transport costs, legal and audit fees, bank charges, idle time and profit; but in the case of site staff recruited specially for the project, the multiplying factor shall be derived from the elements covering only the annual salary, gratuity, Employees Provident Fund, medical aid, insurances, overheads and profits only;

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“Project” means the project for which the PKENPs has engaged the professional services of the Consultant Engineer and of which the Works form a part;

“Salary Cost” means the annual salary of any person employed by the Consulting Engineer divided by 1,800 (being deemed to the average annual total of effective working hours of an employee) and multiplied by the number of working hours spent by such person in performing any of the services in respects of which payment is to be made to the Consulting Engineer upon the basis of salary cost; and for the purpose of this definition, the annual salary of a person for a period of less than a full year shall be calculated pro rata to such person’s salary for such lesser period;

“Schedule” means the schedule of Fees annexed to these Conditions of Engagement; and

“Works” means the works in connection with which the PKENPs have engaged the Consultant Engineers to perform professional services.


2.1 The appointment of the Consultant Engineer shall commence from the date of the Memorandum of Agreement or from the time when the Consultant Engineer shall have begun to perform for the PKENPs any of the professional services described in this Agreement, whichever is the earlier.

2.2 The Consultant Engineer shall not, without the consent of the PKENPs, assign the benefit or in any way transfer the obligation of this Agreement or any part thereof.

2.3 If at any time the PKENPs decides to the Works, the PKENPs shall, by notice in writing to the Consulting Engineer terminate his appointment under this Agreement, provided that the PKENPs may, in lieu of so terminating his appointment require the Consultant Engineer in writing to suspend the carrying out of his professional services under this agreement for the time being. In such event, the Consultant Engineer shall be paid in accordance with Clause 6 of Part of the Schedule.

2.4 If the PKENPs does not have required the Consultant Engineer to resume the performance of his professional services in respect of the postponed Works within a period of 12 months from the date of the PKENPs requirement to Consulting Engineer to suspend the carrying out of his professional services, the Works shall be considered to have been abandoned and this Agreement terminated.

2.5 If the PKENPs fails to comply with any of its fundamental obligations under this Agreement, the Consultant Engineer may by not less than sixty (60) days notice in writing to the PKENPs terminate his appointment under this Agreement,

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provided that in lieu of so terminating his appointment, the Consultant Engineer may :

(a) Forthwith upon any such failure suspend the carrying out of his professional services hereunder for a period of sixty (60) days provided that he shall as soon as practicable inform the PKENPs in writing of such suspension and the reason thereof;

(b) at the expiry of such period of suspension either continue with the carrying out of his professional services under this Agreement or, if any of the reasons for the suspension the remain, forthwith in writing to the PKENPs terminate his appointment under this Agreement.

2.6 The Consultant Engineer shall immediately notify the PKENPs in writing of any situation or occurrence of any event beyond the reasonable control of the Consultant Engineer to carry out his obligations hereunder. If the PKENPs agrees in writing of any such situation or avert exists, the PKENPs may terminate this Agreement by giving not less than thirty (30) days written notice and shall pay such charges due to the Consulting Engineer up to the date of termination of this Agreement as still outstanding at the time of the situation or event.

In the event of disagreement between the parties as the existence of such situation or event, the matter shall be submitted to arbitration in accordance with Clause 4.

2.7 The Consultant Engineer shall, upon receipt of any notice or requirement in writing in accordance with sub-clause (3) or the termination by him of his appointment in pursuance of Sub- clause (5), proceed in an orderly manner but with all reasonable speed and economy to take such steps as are necessary to bring to an end his professional services under this Agreement.

2.8 Unless terminated under this clause the Consultant Engineer appointment under this Agreement shall terminate when the Consultant Engineer shall issue the certificate authorizing the final payment to the Contractor. Provided always that in the event of arbitration or other proceeding after the completion of construction, if so required by the PKENPs, the Consultant Engineer shall assist the PKENPs in any manner whatsoever under the same conditions of engagement as are applicable to this Agreement.

2.9 Notwithstanding any provision in this Agreement, the PKENPs may terminate this Agreement at any time by giving thirty (30) days written notice and without assigning any reason.

2.10 Any termination of the Consultant Engineers appointment under this Agreement shall not prejudice or affect the accrued rights or claims of either party to this Agreement.

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(a) If any accident, failure or other event occurs due to any cause whatsoever to, in or in connection with the Works or any part thereof either during the execution of the Works or during the Defect Liability Period/Period of Maintenance the Consultant Engineer shall immediately report the accident, failure or event to the PKENPs, and unless otherwise directed by the PKENPs generally or in any particular respect, conduct a full investigation into the said accident, failure or event in order to determine the cause or reason for the accident, failure or event and submit a report thereon to the PKENPs.

(b) The Consultant Engineer shall not, however, because remedial work to be carried out in respect thereof until directed to do so by the PKENPs in writing. And upon being so directed by the Consulting Engineer shall proceed with the remedial works within fourteen (14) days from the date of such direction.

(c) Where the PKENPs, its employee or any person or body appointed or authorized by it carries out any investigation in relation to such accident, failure or event, the Consultant Engineer shall render all such necessary assistance and facilities as may be required by the PKENPs, its employee or such person or body, including the giving of access to all specifications, designs, records and other available information relating to the works. Nothing in this Sub-clause, and nothing done under this Sub-clause, shall in any manner be construed as derogating from the liabilities of the Consultant Engineer under Sub-clauses (a) and (b).


3.1 All reports and relevant data such as maps, diagrams, plans, drawings, statistics and supporting records or materials compiled or prepared in the course of this agreement shall be the absolute property of the PKENPs throughout their preparations and at all times thereafter. The Consultant Engineer shall deliver all these documents to the PKENPs upon the completion or earlier termination of this agreement. The Consultant Engineer may retain a copy of such documents for his own record but shall not use any confidential information therein for purpose unrelated to this Agreement without the prior consent of the PKENPs.

3.2 The Consultant Engineer may with the consent of the PKENPs, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld, publish alone or in conjunction with any other person any article, photograph or other illustration relating to the works.

3.3 The PKENPs reserves the right to make use of all documents including drawings and specifications relating to the projects at any time it so wishes.


4.1 If at any time any question, dispute or difference of opinion shall arise between and the PKENPs the Consultant Engineer upon or in relation to or in connection with this agreement or any part thereof either party may forthwith give to the other notice in writing to the existence of such question, disputes or difference of opinion and the same shall be referred to the arbitration of a person

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to be mutually agreed upon or failing agreement within two (2) months from the date of the notice then to some person appointed by the president of the Board of engineers, Malaysia and such reference shall be deemed to be submission under the Arbitration Act 1952, and any statutory modification or re-enactment thereof for the time being and the award of the arbitration shall be final and binding upon the parties. Pending the award of the arbitration, the Consultant Engineer, upon being directed by the PKENPs at any time, shall continue to perform the remaining part of the services in accordance with the programme as set out in the work schedules and no payment the liability for which is not in issue or contingent upon the result of the proceedings shall be withheld on account of such proceedings.

4.2 The arbitration shall be held t the Regional Centre for Arbitration at Kuala Lumpur using the facilities and assistance available at the Centre.


5.1 The Consultant Engineer shall exercise all reasonably skill, care and diligence in the discharge of his professional services. If in the performance of his professional services the consulting Engineer has discretion exercisable as between the PKENPs and the Contractor, the Consultant Engineer shall exercise his discretion fairly.

5.2 The Engineer shall not divulge any confidential information communicated to or acquired by him in the course of carrying out the work, duties and obligations under the terms of this agreement. Such information shall not be used by the Consultant Engineer on other projects without the written approval of the PKENPs.

5.3 The Consultant Engineer shall not have any direct or indirect interest in any of the construction or supply contracts for the Works that are the subject of this agreement without first divulging his interest to the PKENPs and obtaining the written consent of the PKENPs.

5.4 Except as the PKENPs shall otherwise specifically agree in writing, the Consulting Engineer shall not permit his staff or subsidiary or associates to engage in any activities related to the project other than the specified professional services.

5.5 The Consultant Engineer shall not accept any tender in respect of the Work unless shall the have given him instruction in writing to do so, and any acceptance so made by the Consultant Engineers on the instructions of the PKENPs shall be on behalf of the PKENPs.

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5.6 The Consultant Engineer shall not without the prior written approval of the PKENPs give any instruction which in the opinion of the Consultant Engineer

is likely to increase the cost of the works by more than that stated in Clause 7 of the Memorandum of agreement unless the variations are of an emergency nature and any delay in carrying such variations works can cause claims against the PKENPs or involve danger to life and property and in the circumstances it is impracticable for the Consultant Engineers to obtain such approval. In such circumstances, the Consulting Engineer shall seek the approval of the PKENPs as soon as possible of such variation works.

5.7 The Consultant Engineer shall obtain the written consent of the client before commencing his basic and additional services as specified herein.


The Consultant Engineer, whenever he sees fit, shall advise the PKENPS as to the need for the PKENPs to be provided with any of the additional professional services not included in the basic services as described in clause 2 of Part A of the Schedule.


Where any of the professional services described in clause 2(b) of Part A of the schedule are in the opinion of the Consultant Engineer shall obtain the prior agreement of the PKENPs to the arrangements which he proposes to make on the PKENPs behalf for the provision of such professional services. The PKENPs shall be responsible to any person providing such professional services for the cost thereof. The fees for such professional services shall be the fees to be agreed upon between the PKENPs and the Consultant Engineer.


8.1 If in the opinion of the Consultant Engineer the nature of the Works, including the carrying out of any geotechnical investigation pursuant to clause 1(a) (iii) of Part A of the Schedule, warrants full time or part-time engineering supervision on site the PKENPs shall not unreasonably object to the appointment of such site staff.

8.2 Persons appointed pursuant to Sub-clause (1) shall be either employed by the Consultant Engineer or, if the PKENPs and the Consultant Engineers shall so agree, provided by the PKENPs directly.

8.3 The terms of services of all site staff to be employed by the Consultant Engineer shall be subject to the approval of the the PKENPs, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld.

8.4 The PKENPs shall ensure that the Contracts of employment of site staff employed by the PKENPs shall stipulated that the person employed shall act upon

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instructions of the Consultant Engineer with regards to all matters connected with the execution of the Works under the administration of the Consultant Engineer.

8.5 Site inspection visits by the Consultant Engineer as describes in Clause 1(d) (vii) of part A of the Schedule are entirely distinct from the continuous and or detailed

Supervision which would be secured by the employment of full-time and part time engineering supervisors on the site.

8.6 Only the Consultant Engineer or his representative shall have authority to give instructions to the Contractor, resident engineer, superintending engineer, clerk of work and/or inspectors with regard to all matters connected with the execution of the Works under the administration of the Consultant Engineers. All instruction from the the PKENPs shall be given to the Consultant Engineer or his representative.


In the event of the termination of this agreement by the Consultant Engineer and upon the payment of the sums determined under Clause 7 of part C of the schedule, the Consultant Engineer shall deliver to the the PKENPs such completed drawings, specifications and other similar documents relevant to the Works as are in the possession of the Consultant Engineers who shall be permitted to retain copies of any documents so delivered to the the PKENPs


10.1 PKENPs shall, upon request, supply to the Consultant Engineer, without charge and within a reasonable time, all necessary and relevant data and in information in the possession of the PKENPs and shall give such assistance as shall reasonably be required by the Consultant Engineer in The Performance of his professional services under this Agreement.

10.2 Any data, report, map, photograph, plan drawing, record or information given or forwarded by the PKENPs to the Consultant Engineers shall not relieve the Consultant Engineer of his obligation under Clause 5(1). The PKENPs gives no warranty in any manner whatsoever for the data, report, map, photograph, plan, drawings, record or other information either as to the accuracy or sufficiency or as to how the same should be interpreted and the Consultant Engineer, when makes use of and interprets the same, shall do so entirely at his own risk and shall not constitute a breach of obligation on the part of the PKENPs under Sub-clause (1) is such data, reports, map, photograph, plan, drawings, record and information is not accurate or sufficient for the purpose of performing the Consultant Engineers obligations under this Agreement.

10.3 The PKENPs shall gives its decision on all sketches, drawings, reports, recommendations, tender documents and matters properly referred to it for decision by the Consultant Engineer in such reasonable time so as not to delay or

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disrupt the performance by the Consultant Engineer of his professional services under this Agreement.


11.1 The Consultant Engineer may be engaged for the performance of any or all of the professional services in Part A of the schedule.

11.2 The fees applicable to the relevant professional services rendered by the Consultant Engineer shall be as described in Part B and Part C of the schedule.

11.3 Where professional services of the Consultant Engineer are rendered, the Consultant Engineer shall be paid in accordance with either Clause 1(1), 1(2), 1(3) of Part B of the Schedule.

11.4 Whenever payment is made on the basis of salary cost times multiplier as described in Clause 1(3) of part B of the Schedule, the Consultant Engineer shall submit to the PKENPs at the Time of Submission of the Monthly Accounts such supporting data as may be required by the PKENPS.

11.5 For the purpose of determining the payment due to the Consultant Engineer under Clause 6(1) (a) of part C of the Schedule following the termination or suspension by the PKENPs of the Works in which it is necessary to access the payment to be made by reference to the cost of the Works, then to the extent that such cost is not known, the assessment shall be made upon the basis of the Consultant Engineer best estimates of cost to be agreed to by the PKENPs.

11.6 Where the Consultant Engineer is of the opinion that site staff should not be appointed, or where the necessary site staff is not available at site due to sickness or any other reasonable cause, the Consultant Engineer, shall subject to Clause 1(3) of Part B of the schedule be paid in accordance with Clause 2 of part B of the Schedule for site visits which would have been unnecessary but the absence or non-availability of site staff.

11.7 All sums due to the Consultant Engineer in accordance with the terms of this agreement, unless the Consultant Engineer of his accounts shall pay disputes by the PKENPs, within forty two (42) days of the submission to the PKENPs.

11.8 If any item or part of any item of an account rendered by the Consultant Engineer is disputed or subject to question by the PKENPs the payment by the PKENPs in respect of the undisputed amount shall not be withheld on those grounds and provision of Sub-clause (7) shall apply to such amount.

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Basic Professional Services (for civil and structural engineering works other than structural engineering works in buildings, mechanical engineering works and electrical engineering works other than the engineering systems in buildings)

The professional services to be rendered by the Consultant Engineer in this clause include the provision of all expert technical advice and skills, which are normally required for the Class of Works for which the Consultant Engineer has been engaged.

(a) Preliminary Stage

The professional services to be provided by the Consultant Engineer at this stage include :-

(i) investigating data and information relevant to the Works and considering any report relating to the Works;

(ii) advising the PKENPs on making any further topographical survey of the proposed site of the Works which may be necessary to supplement available topographical information;

(iii) advising the PKENPs on the need to carry out any geotechnical investigation which may be necessary to supplement the available geotechnical information, arranging for such investigation, certifying the amount of any payment to be made by the PKENPs to the persons, firms or companies carrying out such investigation under the Consultant Engineer direction, and advising the PKENPs on the results of such investigation;

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(iv) Advising the PKENPs on the need for arrangements to be made, in accordance with Clause 2 of this Part, for the carrying out of special surveys, special investigations or model tests and advising the PKENPs of the results of any such surveys, investigations or tests carried out;

(v) consulting any local or other approving authorities on matters of principle in connection with the works.

(vi) consulting any architect appointed by the client in connection with the architectural treatment of the works: and

(vii) preparing such reports and documents as are reasonably necessary to enable the PKENps to consider the Consultant Engineer proposals, including alternatives for the construction of the Works in the light of the investigations carried out by him at this stage, and to enable the PKENPs to apply for approval in principle for the execution of the Works in accordance with such proposals from the appropriate authorities.

(b) Design Stage

The professional services to be provided by the Consultant Engineer at this stage comprise all or any of the following as may be necessary in particular case:

(i) preparing designs including reinforced concrete and structural steel works designs, and tender drawings in connection with the works: and

(ii) preparing such conditions of contract, specifications, schedule and bills of quantities as may be necessary to enable the PKENPs to obtain tenders or otherwise award a contract for carrying out the Works.

(c) Tender Stage

The professional services to be provided by the Consultant Engineer at this stage include advising the PKENPs as to the suitability for carrying out the Works of the person, firms or companies tendering and as to the relative merits of tenders, including relative merit of alternative tenders, prices and estimates received for carrying out the Works.

(d) Construction Stage

The professional services to be provided by the Consultant Engineer at this stage include:-

(i) advising on and preparing normal contract document, including Letter of Acceptance for carrying out the Works or part thereof:-

(ii) inspecting and testing during manufacture and installation such electrical and mechanical materials, machinery and plant supplied for incorporation

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in the Works as are usually inspected and tested by the Consultant Engineer, and arranging and witnessing acceptance tests;

(iii) advising the PKENPs on the need for special inspection or testing other than that referred to in Sub-clause (ii);

(iv) advising the PKENPs on the appointment of site staff in accordance with Clause 3 of this Part;

(v) preparing any further designs and drawings relating to the works:

(vi) examining and approving the Contractor’s proposal and workings drawings;

(vii) making such visits to site as the Consultant Engineer considers necessary to satisfy himself as to the performance of any site staff appointed pursuant to Clause 3 of this Part and to satisfy himself that the Works executed generally according to the contract and otherwise in accordance with good engineering practice;

(viii) giving all necessary instructions to the Contractor;

(ix) issuing all certificates as required in the contract;

(x) performing any duties which the Consultant Engineer may be required to carry out in any contract for the execution of the Works;

(xi) delivering to the PKENPs on the completion of the works such records and manufacturer’s manuals as are reasonably necessary to enable the PKENPs to operate and maintain the works; and

(xii) deciding any dispute or difference arising between the PKENPs and the Contractor referred to the Consultant Engineer for his decision provided that this professional service shall not extend to advising the PKENPs following the taking of any step in or towards any arbitration or litigation in connection with the Works.

1.(2) Basic Professional Services (for structural engineering works in buildings)

The professional services to be rendered by the consulting engineer in this paragraph comprise the provision of all technical advice and skills which are normally required for the works for which the consultant engineer has been engaged.

(a) Preliminary Stage

The professional services to be provided by the consultant engineer at this stage comprise all or any of the following as may be necessary in a particular case:

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(i) investigating data and information relevant to the works and considering any reports relating to the works;

(ii) advising the PKENPs on making any further topographical survey of the proposed site of the works which may be necessary to supplement available topographical information;

(iii) advising the PKENPs on the need to carry out any geotechnical investigation which may necessary to supplement the available geotechnical information, arranging for the investigation, certifying the amount of any payments to be made by the PKENPs to the persons, firms or companies carrying out the investigation under the consultant engineer direction, and advising the PKENPs on the results of such investigation;

(iv) advising the PKENPs on the need for arrangements to be made, in accordance with subparagraph 2(2) of this Part, for the carrying out of special surveys, special investigations or model tests and advising the PKENPs of the results of any the surveys, investigations or tests carried out;

(v) consulting any local or other approving authorities on matters of principle in connection with the works’

(vi) consulting the architect appointed by the PKENPs in connection with the architectural treatment of the works

(vii) providing sufficient structural information to enable the architect to produce his sketch plans; and

(viii) preparing such reports and documents as are reasonably necessary to enable the PKENPs to consider the consultant engineer proposals, including alternative proposals, for the construction of the works in the light of the investigations carried out by him at this stage, and to enable the PKENPs to apply for approval in principle from the appropriate authorities for the execution of the works in accordance with the proposals.

(b) Design Stage

The professional services to be provided by the consultant engineer at this stage comprise all or any of the following as may be necessary in a particular case:

(i) developing the design of the works in collaboration with the architect and others, preparing calculations, drawings and specifications for the works to enable a bill of quantities to be prepared by others, consulting any local or other approving authorities in connection with the design of the works, and preparing typical details and calculations; and

(ii) preparing such calculations and details relating to the works as may be required for submission to any appropriate authority, preparing all other drawings in sufficient details to enable construction to be carried out, and advising on conditions of contract and specifications relevant to the works and on forms of tender and invitations to tender invitations to tender as they relate to the works.

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(c) Tender Stage

The professional services to be provided by the consulting engineers at this stage comprise advising the PKENPs as to the suitable for carrying out the works of the persons, firms or companies tendering and as to the relative merits of

tenders, but excluding relative merits of alternative tenders, prices and estimates received for carrying out the works.

(d) Construction Stage

The professional services to be provided by the consultant engineer at this stage comprise all or any of the following as may be necessary in a particular case:

(i) advising on the preparation of formal contract documents relating to accepted tenders for the works;

(ii) advising the PKENPs on the appointment of site staff in accordance with paragraph 3 of this Part;

(iii) preparing any further designs, specifications and drawings to enable the contractor to carry out the works but shall not include the preparation of any shop details relating to the works or any part of them;

(iv) examining and approving the contractor’s proposals and working drawings relating to the works;

(v) checking shop details for general dimensions and adequacy of members and connections;

(vi) approving the contractor’s testing procedures and inspecting the works on completion;

(vii) advising the PKENPs or the architect as to the need to vary any part of the works;

(viii) making such visits to site as the consulting engineer considers necessary to satisfy himself as to the performance of any site staff appointed pursuant to paragraph 3 of this Part and to satisfy himself that works are executed generally according to contract or otherwise in accordance with good engineering practice;

(ix) giving all necessary instructions relating to the works to the contractor ;

(x) advising on certificates of payment to the contractor;

(xi) inspecting and testing during manufacture and installation such materials supplied for incorporation in the works as are necessary where the

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inspection and test are within the technical competence of the consulting engineer, and arranging and witnessing the acceptance tests;

(xii) performing any duties which the consultant engineer may be required to carry out under any document which he has prepared for the execution of the works;

(xiii) advising the PKENPs on the need for special inspection or test other than that referred to in sub-sub-subparagraph I (2)(d)(xi) of this Part;

(xiv) advising the PKENPs on the need for special inspection or test other than manufacturer’s manuals as are reasonably necessary to enable the PKENPs to operate and maintain the works; and

(xv) delivering any dispute or difference arising between the PKENPs and the contractor in connection with the works and submitted to the consulting engineer for his, decision, provided that this professional service shall not extend to advising the PKENPs following the taking of any step in or towards any arbitration or litigation in connection with the works.

1. (3) Basic Professional Services (for engineering systems in buildings)

The professional services to be rendered by the consulting engineer in this paragraph comprise the provision of all technical advice and skills which are normally required for the works for which the consulting engineer has been engaged.

(a) Preliminary Stage

The professional services to be provided by the consulting engineer at this stage comprise all or any of the following as may be necessary in a particular case:

(i) consulting any local other approving authorities on matters of principle in connection with the design of the works;

(ii) providing sufficient preliminary information and approximate estimates based on unit volume, unit surface area or similar bases of estimation) regarding the works to enable the PKENPs or the architect to prepare architectural sketch plans and budget estimates for the project;

(iii) investigating data information relevant to the works and considering any reports relating to them;

(iv) consulting the architect and other appointed by the PKENPs in connection with the architectural treatment of the works; and

(v) preparing such reports and documents as are necessary to enable the PKENPs to consider the consultant engineer proposals, including the alternative proposals for the installation of the works in the light of the investigations carried out by him at this stage, and to enable the PKENPs

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to apply for approval in principle from the appropriate authorities for the execution of the works in accordance with the proposals.

(b) Design Stage

The professional services to be provided by the consulting engineer at this stage comprise all or any of the following as may be necessary in a particular case:

(i) preparing designs and tender drawings, and providing information as to plant rooms, main service ducts and other similar elements to be incorporated in the building structure, and information as to the approximate weights of items of heavy plant and equipment which are to be incorporated in the works; and

(ii) advising on conditions of contract, preparing specifications and schedules as may be necessary to enable the PKENPs to obtain tenders or otherwise award a I contact for carrying out the works, and preparing such calculations and details relating to the works as may be required for submission to any appropriate authorities.

(c) Tender Stage

The professional services to be provided by the consulting engineer at this stage comprise advising the PKENPs as to the suitability for carrying out the works of the persons, firms or companies tendering and as to relative merits of tenders, but excluding relative merits of alternative tenders, price and estimates received for carrying out the works.

(d) Construction Stage

The professional services to be provided by the consultant engineer at this stage comprise all or any of the following as may be necessary in a particular case:

(i) advising on the preparation of formal contact documents relating to accepted tenders for carrying out the works or any part of them

(ii) advising the PKENPs on the appointment of site staff for the purpose of paragraph 3 of this Part;

(iii) providing the contractor with such further information as are necessary, in the opinion of the consulting engineer, to 1 enable the installation drawings to be prepared;

(iv) examining the contractor’s proposals;- 20 -

(v) making such visits to the site as the consulting engineer considers necessary to satisfy himself as to the performance of any site staff appointed pursuant to paragraph 3 of this Part and to satisfy himself that the works are executed generally according to his designs and specifications or otherwise in accordance with good engineering practice;

(vi) checking shop details and installation drawings;

(vii) giving all necessary instructions to the contractor;

(viii) advising the PKENPs or the architect as to the need to vary part of the works;

(ix) approving the contractor’s commissioning procedures and performance tests and inspecting the works on completion;

(x) advising on interim valuation, issuing certificates for payment to the contractor where appropriate and advising on the settlement of the contractor’s final accounts;

(xi) performing any services which the consulting engineer may be required to carry out under any document which he has prepared in relation to the works;

(xii) delivering to the PKENPs on completion of the works, copies of records drawings, contractor’s operating instructions, manufacturer’s manuals, and where appropriate, the certificate of works tests, and arranging for the delivery of spares and tools, if necessary;

(xiii) deciding any dispute of difference arising between the PKENPs and the contractor in connection with the works and submitted to the consulting engineer for his decision, provided that this professional service shall not extend to advising the PKENPs following the taking of any step in or towards any arbitration or litigation in connection with the works;

(xiv) inspecting and testing during manufacture and installation such materials and equipment supplied for incorporation in the works where the inspection and test are within the technical competency of the consulting engineer, and arranging and witnessing acceptance tests; and

(xv) advising the PKENPs on the need for special inspection or test other than that referred to in sub-sub-subparagraph 1(3)(d)(xiv) of this Part.

2.(1) Additional Professional Services Not Included In Basic Services (for civil and structural engineering works other than structural engineering works in buildings, and mechanical engineering works and electrical engineering works other than engineering systems in buildings)

The additional professional services to be provided by the consulting engineer, if requested or consented to by the PKENPs, include the following:

- 21 -

(a) (i) preparing any report other additional documents required for consideration of proposals for the carrying out of alternative works;

(ii) carrying out work consequent upon a decision by the PKENPs to seek or comply with amendments to existing laws affecting the works;

(iii) carrying out work in connection with any application made by the PKENPs for any order, sanction, license, permit or other consent, approval (not including the normal approval required from the relevant technical authorities, such as building authorities, water-works authorities, electricity authorities and telecommunications authorities) or authorization necessary to enable the works to proceed;

(iv)carrying out work arising from the failure of the PKENPs to award a contract in due time;

(v) preparing details for shop fabrication of ductwork, metal, plastic and timber framework;

(vi) carrying outwork consequent upon any abandonment of a contract by the contractor or upon the failure of the contractor to properly perform any contract or upon delay by the PKENPs in fulfilling his obligations or in taking any other step necessary for the due execution of the works;

(vii) carrying out work in conjunction with others employed to provide any of the services specified in sub-subparagraph 2(1)(b) of this Part;

(viii) providing project management services; and

(ix) carrying out such other additional services, if any, as are specified in the Memorandum of Agreement.

(b) (i) obtaining specialist technical advice on any abnormal aspects of the works;

(ii) obtaining architectural, legal, cost consultancy, financial and other professional services;

(iii) providing services in connection with the valuation, purchase, sale or leasing of land and the obtaining of wayleaves;

(iv) carrying out of marine, air and land surveys other than those referred to in sub-sub-subparagraph 1(1)(ii) of this Part and making model tests or special investigations; and

(v) carrying out special inspection or test advised by the consulting engineer under sub-sub-subparagraph 1(1)(d)(iii) of this Part.

- 22 -

2.(2) Additional Professional Services Not Included In Basic Services (for structural engineering works in building)

The additional professional services to be provided by the consulting engineer, if requested or consented to by the PKENPs, include the following:

(a) (i) preparing any report or other additional documents required for consideration of proposals for the carrying out of alternative works;

(ii) carrying out work consequent upon a decision by the PKENPs to seek or comply with amendments to existing laws affecting the works;

(iii) carrying out work in connection with any application made by the PKENPs for any order, sanction, license, permit, consent

(iv) checking and advising on any part of the project not designed by the consulting engineer;

(v) carrying and advising on any part of the project not designed by the consulting engineer;

(vi) carrying out work arising from the failure of the PKENPs to award a contract in due time;

(b) (i) obtaining specialist technical advice on any abnormal aspects of the works;

(ii) surveying the site or existing works and installations;

(iii) providing investigation on the nature and strength of existing works and the making of model tests or special investigations;

(iv) providing services in connection with the valuation, purchase, sale or leasing of land and the obtaining of wayleaves;

(v) carrying out marine, air and land surveys and making model tests or special investigations; and

(vi) carrying out special inspection or test advised by the consultant engineer under sub-sub-subparagraph 1(2)(d)(xiii) of this Part.

2.(3) Additional Professional Services Not Included In Basic Services (for engineering systems in building)

The additional professional services to be provided by the consultant engineer, if request or consented to by the PKENPs, include the following:

(a) (i) preparing any report or other additional documents required for consideration of proposals for the carrying out of alternative works;

- 23 -

(ii) carrying out work consequent upon a decision by the PKENPs to seek or comply with amendments to existing laws affecting the works;

(iii) carrying out work in connection with any application made by the PKENPs for any order, sanction, license, permit, consent, or other approval

(not including the normal approval required from the relevant technical authorities such as building authorities, waterworks authorities, electricity authorities and telecommunications authorities), or authorization necessary to enable the works to proceed;

(iv) checking and advising upon any part of the project not designed by the consultant engineer;

(v) negotiating and arranging for the provision or diversion of utility services;

(vi) negotiating any contract or sub-contract with a contractor selected otherwise than by competitive tendering including checking and agreeing on the quantities and nett cost of materials and labour, arithmetical checking and agreeing on the added percentages to cover overhead cost and profit;

(vii) carrying out work arising from the failure of the PKENPs to award a contract in due time;

(viii) carrying out work consequent upon any abandonment of a contract by the contractor or upon the failure of the contractor to properly perform any contract or upon delay by the PKENPs in fulfilling his obligations or in taking any other step necessary for the due execution of the works;

(ix) carrying out special cost investigations or detailed valuations including estimates or cost analysis based on measurement or forming an element of cost planning service;

(x) providing manuals and other documents describing the design, operation and maintenance of the works;

(xi) advising the PKENPs and carrying out work following the taking of any step in or towards any litigation or arbitration relating to the works;

(xi) carrying out work in conjunction with any other persons employed to provide any of the services specified in sub-subparagraph 2(3)(b) of this Part;

(xiii) providing project management services;

(xiv) preparing builder’s work drawings, records drawings or any detailed schedules where necessary; and

- 24 -

(xv) carrying out such other additional services, if any, as are specified in the Memorandum of Agreement;

(b) (i) obtaining specialist technical advice on any abnormal aspects of the works;

(ii) obtaining architectural, legal, cost consultancy, financial and other professional services;

(iii) surveying the site or existing works and installations;

(iv) carrying out special inspection or test advise by the consulting engineer under sub-sub-subparagraph 1(3)(d)(xv) of this Part; and

(v) carrying out commissioning procedures or performance tests.

3. Supervision On Site

(1) Unless otherwise agreed to by the approving authorities concerned, the consultant engineer shall be in full control of, and be responsible for, construction supervision of the works on site.

(2) If in the opinion of the consultant engineer the nature of the work including the carrying out of any geotechnical and other investigations, topographic survey, and tests warrants full-time or part-time supervision on site in addition to the site visits made by the consultant engineer under to sub-sub-subparagraphs 1(1)(d)(vii), 1(2)(d)(viii) and 1(3)(d)(v) of this Part, whichever is applicable, he shall advise the PKENPs of the fact and also the desired qualification and experience which the site staff shall possess.

(3) All site staff shall be under the control of, and take instruction from, the consultant engineer only.

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1. Scale Of Fees For Basic Professional Services

The consultant engineer in performing the professional services described in subparagraphs 1(1), 1(2) and 1(3) of Part A shall be paid in accordance with only one of the following modes or remuneration as described in subparagraphs 1(1) and 1(2) of this Part.

(1) Payment Depending Upon the Cost Of The Works

(a) The fee to be paid to the consultant engineer shall be an amount equal to the product of the total cost of the works times the percentage determined from the Scale of Fees set out in sub-subparagraph I(I)(b) of this Part.

(b) The Scale of Fees referred to in sub-subparagraph I(I)(a) of this Part shall be as follows:

Total Cost Of Components Of The Works In The Respective Type in RM

P (max) P (min)

100,000 & below250,000500,0001,000,0002,500,0005,000,00010,000,00020,000,00025,000,00050,000,00075,000,000100,000,000150,000,000200,000,000250,000,000300,000,000



- 26 -

350,000,000, 3.20% 2.90%

Total Cost Of Components Of The Works In The Respective Type in RM

P (max) P (min)

400,000,000500,000,000600,000,000700,000,000800,000,000900,000,0001,000,000,000 & above



Intermediate values shall be interpolated linearly from the adjacent percentages of P (max or P (min), as the case may be.

The actual percentage to be used in sub-subparagraph 1(1)(a) of this Part shall be a value within the range P (min) to P (max), and shall be agreed to between the PKENPs and the consultant engineer prior to the engagement. Selection of the actual percentage shall be based on the complexity of the works.

(c) If bar bending schedules for reinforced concrete work are prepared and furnished by the consultant engineer he shall be paid an additional fee calculated at ¾ (three quarters) percent of the cost of the reinforced concrete work for which the bar bending schedules are prepared and furnished. In this context, reinforced concrete work comprises concrete, reinforcements, prestressing tendons and anchorages, formwork, inserts and all labor, together with the relevant portion of the preliminaries.

(d) If the works are to be constructed in more than one phase and as a consequence the services which the consultant engineer has to perform under subparagraphs 1(1), 1(2) and 1(3) of Part A have to be undertaken by the consultant engineer separately in respect of each phase, then these provisions for payment shall apply separately to each phase as if the expression “the works” as used in this paragraph means the works comprised in each phase.

(e) If the design of any unit of works is adopted again in the construction of subsequent units by the same client under one

- 27 -

works contract or under other works contracts at the same site or other sites under the same consultancy agreement, and the consultant engineer’s same drawings, specifications and other documents are used with or without modification of foundations to suit site conditions, the fees shall be reduced for each of the second and subsequent units in accordance with the following Tables A or B:

Unit Concerned

Fees as % of the full fee for all stages for First UnitFor design copyright only

Up to & including tender stage

Up to & including construction stage

First Unit

Second Unit

Third Unit

Fourth Unit

Each of the fifth and Subsequent Units

(Apply subparagraph 1(1) or 1(2) of this Part, whichever is applicable)




Free of charge









Unit Concerned Fee A for Structural engineering Works (As % of fee for First Unit)

Fee B for Engineering Systems (As % of fee for First Unit)

First Unit

Each of the Second to Fifth Units

Each of the Sixth to Tenth Units

Each of the Eleventh to Twentieth Units









- 28 -

Each of the Twenty First & Subsequent Units

30 30

(f) The scale of fee for repetitive work mentioned in sub-subparagraph 1(1)(e) of this Part shall be applied subject to the following conditions:

(i) a block of shops, flats, apartments or condominium shall be considered as a unit;

(ii) the cost of a single unit shall be computed by including the apportioned preliminaries;

(iii) if it is necessary to modify the design of the standard unit to accommodate the ground level for the substructure of any repetitive unit or part of any’ repetitive unit due to variation in site conditions or other reasons, the modified unit shall still be considered as a repetitive unit provided that the additional work involved in modifying the design and preparation of additional drawings is paid for by the PKENPs to the consultant engineer on a time basis (i.e salary cost times a multiplier) together with relevant disbursements as provided in paragraphs 2 and 3 of Part C; and

(iv) if a development has units comprising different numbers of shops, flats, apartments or condominiums of similar designs in each unit (i.e. the intermediate shops, flats, apartments or condominiums of the units having identical or mirror plans each to each), then for the proposed of application of the Scale for repeated works prescribed in sub-subparagraph 1 (1)(e) of this Part, the cost of every one of the units shall be taken as equal to the average cost of all such units of similar design including apportioned preliminaries.

(2) Payment On The Basis Of Salary Cost Times Multiplier

(a) In respect of the provision by the consultant engineer of professionalServices described in the following paragraphs:

Subparagraphs 1(1), 1(2) Basic Professional ServicesAnd 1(3) of Part A

Subparagraphs 2(1), 2(2) Additional Professional ServicesAnd 2(3) of Part A Not Included In Basic Professional


Part C Other Payments,

The consultant engineer shall be paid:

- 29 -

(i) salary cost times the multiplier in respect of the time-5 spent in providing the services by partners, consultants, and technical supporting staff; and

(ii) the fee for the use of computers or other special equipment under paragraph 1 of Part C.

(b)The consultant engineer shall not be entitled to any payment in respect of time spent by secretarial staff or by staff engaged on general accountancy or administration duties in consultant engineer’s office.

3. Scale Of Fee – Additional Professional Services Not Included In Basic Services Payment For additional Services

The consultant engineer who has tendered any of the additional professional services described in subparagraphs 2(1), 2(2) and 2(3) of Part A shall be paid in accordance with the following scale of fees:

(a) the input of partners and consultants shall be paid for at the hourly rate or rates agreed between the PKENPs and the consultant engineer or at rates derived from the salary cost times the appropriate multiplier:

(b) the input of technical and supporting staff shall be paid for at the rates derived from the salary cost times the appropriate multiplier;

(c) the time spent by partners, consultants, technical and supporting staff in traveling in connection with Additional Professional Services shall be paid for as provided in subparagraphs 2(a) and 2(b) of this Part;

(d) consultant engineer shall not be entitled to any payment in respect of time spent by secretarial staff or by staff engaged on general accountancy or administration duties in the consultant engineer office;

(e) if the consultant engineer has obtained the advice of a specialist under sub-subparagraphs 2(1)(b), 2(2)(b) and 2(3)(b) of part A, the consultant engineer shall be paid by the PKENPs a coordinating fee of 5% of the specialist fee paid to the specialist by the PKENPs provided that such coordinating fee shall not be applicable when the method of payment for the professional services rendered is agreed between the consultant engineer and the PKENPs to be as described in subparagraph 1(2) of this Part.

4. Stages of Payment of Fees

The proportions of the total fee for the works to be paid to the consultant engineer against the relevant stages of professional services shall be as follows:

- 30 -




1. Preliminary Stage2. Design Stage (i)3. Design Stage (ii)4. Tender Stage5. Construction Stage6. Certificate of Fitness7. Defect Liability Period8. Final Account




Unless otherwise specified or mutually agreed beforehand between the PKENPs and the consultant engineer, the fee apportioned to each stage shall be paid in full even if, under the circumstances in a particular case, the consultant engineer is not required to perform some of the professional services listed under that stage in Part A.

- 31 -



1. Payment for Use of Computer or Other Special Equipment

If the Consultant Engineer is to be paid by the PKENPs:-

(a) in accordance with subparagraph 1(2) of Part B for the performance for his basic professional services described in subparagraphs 1(1), 1(2) and 1(3) of Part A or of any additional professional services described in subparagraphs 2(1), 2(2) and 2(3) of Part A; or

(b) in accordance with subparagraph 1(1) of Part B for the performance of his basic the professional services described in subparagraphs 1(1), 1(2) and 1(3) of Part A and with subparagraph 1920 of Part B for the performance of any additional professional services described services subparagraphs 2(1), 2(2) and 2(3) of Part A,

and in both instances computers or other special equipment had been utilized for specialized designs and studies with the prior approval, or at the request, of the PKENPs, the Consultant Engineer shall be paid for :-

(i) the time spent in connection with the use of the computers or other special equipment, the development and writing of programs, and the operation of the computers and other special equipment in trial and final runs, in accordance with subparagraph 1(2) of Part B, whenever applicable, or in

- 32 -

accordance with the scale of fees described in subparagraph 2 of Part B; and

(ii) the actual hiring charge for the use of the computers or other special equipment.

2. Disbursement

The Consultant Engineer shall in all cases be reimbursed by the the PKENPs for the disbursement actually incurred in connection with:

(a) the printing, reproduction and purchase of all documents, drawings, maps and records:

(b) telegrams, telex, facsimile, courier service and telephone calls other than local calls;

(c) traveling, hotel expenses and other similar disbursement;(d) the advertisements for tenders and for site staff; (f) the provision of additional professional services to the the PKENPs

under sub-subparagraphs 2(1)(b), 2(2)(b) and 2(3)(b) of Part A.;

(g) any fees, cost or charges paid by the consultant engineer to the local authority or other authorities in connection with the seeking and obtaining of statutory approvals.

3. Payment For Alteration Or Modification To Design

If after the completion by the Consultant Engineer of his professional services under sub-subparagraphs 1(1)(a), 1(2)(a) and 1(3)(a) of Part A or, whichever is applicable, any design whether or in progress or any specifications, drawings or other documents prepared in whole or in part by the Consultant Engineers is required to be modified or revised by reason of instruction received by the Consultant Engineer from the PKENPs, or by reason of circumstances which could not reasonably have been foreseen, the consultant engineer shall be paid an additional payment by the PKENPs as provided in subparagraph 1(2) or Part B calculated in accordance with paragraph 2 of Part B, and also any appropriate reimbursement provided in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Part for making any necessary modification or revision and for any consequential reproduction of documents

4. Payment for Site Supervision

In addition to any other payments to be made by the PKENPs to the Consultant Engineer under Part B, the consultant engineer shall be –

- 33 -

(a) reimbursed for all salary cost made by the consultant engineer to his own staff seconded to the site in the discharge of the consultant engineer’s responsibilities under paragraph 3 of Part A times a multiplier; and

(b) reimbursed for all salaries and wage payments made by the consultant engineer to site staff specially recruited by the consultant engineer in the discharge of his responsibilities under paragraph 3 of Part A times a multiplier, and for all other expenditures actually incurred by the consultant engineer in connection with the selection, engagement and employment of the site staff.

(c) The consultant engineer shall also in all cases be reimbursed for the actual cost of providing such site office accommodation, furniture, telephones, equipment and transport as shall be reasonably necessary for the use of the consultant engineer site staff, and for the actual running costs of the site accommodation and other facilities including those of any stationery, telephone calls, telegrams, telex, facsimile, courier services and postage unless they are provided by the PKENPs.

5. Payment When Works Are Damaged or Destroyed

If at any time before completion of the works, any part of the works or any materials, plant or equipment whether incorporated in the works or not are

damaged or destroyed, resulting in additional work being required by the PKENPs to be carried out by the consultant engineer, then the consultant engineer shall be paid by the PKENPs on a time basis (i.e. salary cost times a multiplier) for the additional works together with any reimbursements as provided in paragraph 2 of this Part.

6. Payment Following Termination or Suspension by Perbadanan Kemajuan Ekonomi Negeri Perlis.

(1) In the event of the termination or suspension by the PKENPs of the works of

the consultant engineer services (unless in the case of the latter where the termination or suspension had been occasioned by the default or negligence of the consultant engineer), the consultant engineer shall be paid the following sums (less the amount of the payments previously made to the consultant engineer):

(a) a sum deductible from the stage professional services completed at the time of termination or suspension;

(b) a disruption charge equal to one sixth of the difference between the sum, which could have been payable to the consultant engineer under

- 34 -

subparagraphs 1(1) and 1(2) of Part B, whichever may be applicable (as if the full scope of professional services has been completed by the consultant engineer under the terms of his engagement), but for the termination or suspension, and the sum payable under sub-subparagraph 6(1)(a) of this Part, provided that the professional services have advanced beyond the preliminary stage; and

(c) amounts due to the engineer under any other paragraphs of Part B.

(2) If the consultant engineer id required to recommence his professional services for the works suspended by the PKENPs, the consultant engineer shall be paid for the performance of his professional services the sum payable to the consultant engineer under subparagraph 1(1) and/or subparagraph 1(2) of part B, whichever may be applicable, the payments under subparagraphs 6(1)(a) and 6(1)(c) of this Part being treated as payments on account, provided that the consultant engineer shall retain as an additional payment the disruption charge referred to in sub-subparagraph 6(1)(b) of this Part.

(3) If tendering for the works (or any part of them) is or is likely to be delayed for more than nine months or postponed at the request of the PKENPs, then for the propose of computing the fee to be paid to the consultant engineer for the performance of his professional services the

cost of the works applicable shall be the estimated cost of the works (or any relevant part of them) at the time of completion of the design.

(4) If the works are suspended or postponed after tenders have been called, the fees payable to the consultant engineer shall be as follows:

(a) for the preliminary stage, design stage and tender stage, the fees shall be computed on the lowest acceptable tender provided that if no acceptable tender is received then the fees shall be computed on the estimate made by the consultant engineer of the cost of the works at the date of calling for tenders;

(b) if the works subsequently resumed and the tenders recalled, the

total fees payable to the consultant engineer, inclusive of the fees paid under sub-subparagraph 6(4)(a) of this Part, shall be as follows

(i) for the preliminary stage, design stage and tender stage - be as computed in sub-subparagraph 6(4)(a) of this Part; and

(ii) for the construction stage – the fees shall be computed on the final contract sum of the works at the time of completion of the works.

(5) If the consultant engineer is required to perform any additional services in connection with the resumption of his professional services in accordance

- 35 -

with subparagraph 6(2) of this Part, the consultant engineer shall be paid for the performance of the additional professional services on a time basis (i.e. salary cost times a multiplier) and also any appropriate reimbursements in accordance with paragraph 2 of this Part.

7 Payment Following Termination by The Consultant Engineer

If there is a termination by the consultant engineer of his professional services (unless the termination had been occasioned by the default or negligence of the consultant engineer), the consultant engineer shall be entitled to be paid the sums specified in sub-subparagraphs 6(1)(a) and 6(1)(c) of this Part 1 less the amount of payments previously made to the consultant engineer.

8 Service Tax

The consultant engineer shall pay to the Government Services Tax upon receipt from the PKENPs in accordance with and in the manner prescribed under the Services Tax laws in Malaysia and lay any regulations or procedures make under it.



Class IAirports with extensive terminal facilities;Water, waste water, and solid/liquid waste treatment and disposable plants;Bridges which are asymmetric or are otherwise complicated;Thermal/nuclear power plants;Large dams or complicated small dams, reservoirs and water towers;Urban and suburban arterial streets;Grade crossing elimination;Highway and railway tunnels;Pumping station;Major incinerators;Large intercepting and relief sewers;Marine works and terminal facilities, dry docks, jetties, quays and wharves;Heavy foundation, piling and coffer dams;Large sports staid, swimming polls, grandstands, marinas and zoos;Large hangers;Major irrigation and drainage structure and large water distribution networks;Oil tanks, refineries and collieries;Off-shore installation, and satellite stations;Underground, and defense works;Gantries;Silos, and tall chimneys;Silos, and tall chimneys;

- 36 -


Bulk handling installations;Mass rapid transit works; andMajor and complicated coastal protection works;

Class IIPublic and office buildings;Industrial buildings, warehouses, garages, hangars and comparable structures;Bridges and other structure of conventional design;Simple water front facilities;Railways;Rural roads JKR 01 standard and private streets;Embankments, flood walls and retaining walls;Small dams and small reservoirs;Sewer and water tunnels (free-air);Storm sewers and drains;Sanitary sewers;Water distribution lines, ad hot/cold water services;Irrigation and drainage works, except pumping and major works under Class I;Airports except as classified in Class I works;Transmission and other towers; andLight foundation including piling.

Class IIIMass earthworks and site clearing;Dredging reclamation works;Gravity retaining walls and gabions;Sub-soil drainage and turfing;Road pavements, parade grounds and hardstands;Roadside furniture;Minor drainage culverts;Residential and shophouse building not exceeding 4 storeys in height;Stand sub-stations;Proprietary standard beams, trusses, etc;Prefabricated structures; andFarm roads and kampong/estate roads.

- 37 -


Class IFire fighting and prevention systems;Air-conditioning and mechanical ventilation system;Refrigeration and cold stores systems;Lighting, power and electrical distribution systems;Generating plant installation;Water treatment and filtration (mechanical and electrical systems)Stage lighting systems;Design of pressure vessels;Plant and production systems including layout;Pollution control systems;Cable cars systems; andBulk liquid and solid handling storage systems.

Class IIElectrical load dispatching and control systems;Abattoir plants;Steam generating systems;Hot and cold water systems;Compressed air systems;Medical vacuum piping;Medical gas services;Cooling water systems;L.P. Gas systems;Telephone distribution and intercommunication systems;Lightning protection systems;

- 38 -

Electrical no break lighting systems;Stage mechanism;

Heating and thermal installations;Electrical sub-stations;Street lighting;Public address systems, personal location and call systems, and radio and TV systems;Security systems;Food preparation, cooling, conveying and surveying systems;Transmission lines; andVacuum systems.

Class IIILifts, hoist, dumbwaiters and escalators;Laundry equipment and service;Sterilizing and bed pan washing or disposal equipment;Standby generators;Clock installations;X-ray equipment;Pneumatic tube conveyor systems;Conveyors;Solid waste collection and disposal systems;Quarry and mining installations;Surgical lighting; and Lighting fitting.


- 39 -