MVDR, MPDR and LMMSE Beamformers Bhaskar D Rao University of California, San Diego Email: [email protected]

MVDR, MPDR and LMMSE Beamformersdsp.ucsd.edu/home/wp-content/uploads/ece251D... · FFT based processing for ULA I MPDR based spatial power spectrum estimation: Measure power at the

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Page 1: MVDR, MPDR and LMMSE Beamformersdsp.ucsd.edu/home/wp-content/uploads/ece251D... · FFT based processing for ULA I MPDR based spatial power spectrum estimation: Measure power at the

MVDR, MPDR and LMMSE Beamformers

Bhaskar D RaoUniversity of California, San Diego

Email: [email protected]

Page 2: MVDR, MPDR and LMMSE Beamformersdsp.ucsd.edu/home/wp-content/uploads/ece251D... · FFT based processing for ULA I MPDR based spatial power spectrum estimation: Measure power at the

Reference Books

1. Optimum Array Processing, H. L. Van Trees

2. Stoica, P., & Moses, R. L. (2005). Spectral analysis of signals (Vol.1). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.

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Narrow-band Signals

x(ωc , n) = V(ωc , ks)Fs [n] +D−1∑l=1

V(ωc , kl)Fl [n] + Z[n]


I Fs [n], Fl [n], l = 1, ..,D − 1, and Z[n] are zero mean

I E (|Fs [n]|2) = ps , and E (|Fl [n]|2 = pl , l = 1, . . . ,D − 1, andE (Z[n]Z[n]) = σ2

z I

I All the signals/sources are uncorrelated with each other and overtime: E (Fl [n]F ∗

m[p]) = plδ[l −m]δ[n − p] and E (Fl [n]F ∗s [p]) = 0

I The sources are uncorrelated with the noise: E (Z[n]F ∗l [m]) = 0

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Interference plus Noise signal Covariance

I[n] =D−1∑l=1

VlFl [n] + Z[n], ; where Vl = V(ωc , kl)

Properties of I[n]

I I[n] is zero mean

I The covariance of I[n] is given by

Sn = E (I[n]IH [n]) =D−1∑l=1

plVlVHl + σ2

z I

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MVDR Beamformer

Distortionless constraint on beamformer W : W HVs = 1Implication:

W Hx[n] = W HVsFs [n] + W H I[n] (1)

= Fs [n]︸ ︷︷ ︸distortionless constraint

+q[n], where q[n] = W H I[n] (2)

Minimum Variance objective: Choose W to minimize

E (|q[n]|2) = W HSnW

MVDR BF design


W HSnW subject to W HVs = 1.

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MVDR beamformer

MVDR BF design


W HSnW subject to W HVs = 1.

Solution: Wmvdr = 1VH

s S−1n Vs

S−1n Vs

Derivation: Can be Obtained using Lagrange multipliers or by maximizingthe SINR (Signal to Interference plus Noise Ratio)

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Wmvdr = 1VH

s S−1n Vs

S−1n Vs tries to minimize

E (|q[n]|2) = E (|W H I[n]|2) = W HSnW , where Sn =∑D−1

l=1 plVlVHl + σ2

z I

It will try to place nulls at angular locations consistent with theinterference plane waves if σ2

z is small.

If the number of antennas is greater than or equal to D, i.e. N ≥ D, theMVDR BF can null out all the (D − 1) interferers.

If N < D, the MVDR BF will attempt to control the depth of the nulls tominimize interference.

If σ2z is large compared to the power in the interfering plane waves, then

Sn ≈ σ2z I and hence Wmvdr ∝ Vs

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Array Gain

Input SINR at each sensor

SINRI =ps∑D−1

l=1 pl + σ2z

SINR at the output of the array after MVDR (MPDR) beamformer

SINRo =ps

E (|W Hmvdr I[n]|2)



−1n Vs

Array Gain

Amvdr =SINRo


∑D−1l=1 pl + σ2



−1n Vs

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Challenges with MVDR

Wmvdr =1


−1n Vs

S−1n Vs

The main challenge is estimating Sn?

This requires coordination and may not always be possible.

This leads to MPDR, minimum power distortionless responsebeamformer.

Most books refer to MPDR as MVDR.

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MPDR, minimum power distortionless responsebeamformer

MPDR very similar to MVDR with respect to the constraint.

Distortionless constraint on beamformer W : W HVs = 1Implication:

W Hx[n] = W HVsFs [n] + W H I[n] (3)

= Fs [n]︸ ︷︷ ︸distortionless constraint

+q[n], where q[n] = W H I[n] (4)

Minimum Power objective: Choose W to minimize E (|W H |x[n]|2), thepower at the output of the beamformer

E (|W Hx[n]|2) = W HSxW , where Sx = psVsVHs + Sn

MPDR BF design


W HSxW subject to W HVs = 1.

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MPDR beamformer

MPDR BF design


W HSxW subject to W HVs = 1.

Solution: Wmpdr = 1VH

s S−1x Vs

S−1x Vs

Derivation: Same as MVDR with Sx replacing Sn


I Sx is easier to determine making it computationally attractive

Sx ≈1



x[n]xH [n]

I Same Sx is needed if you change your mind on direction of interest.Can deal with multiple signals of interest with considerable ease.

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Relationship between MPDR and MVDR

For uncorrelated sources Wmpdr = Wmvdr

Proof is based on the Matrix Inversion Lemma

(A + BCD)−1 = A−1 − A−1B(DA−1B + C−1)−1DA−1

Note thatSx = psVsV

Hs + Sn = Sn + VspsV


Using the matrix inversion lemma

S−1x = S−1

n − S−1n Vs(VH

s S−1n Vs +



s S−1n

S−1x Vs = βS−1

n Vs where β =



−1n Vs + 1



Wmpdr =1


−1x Vs

S−1x Vs =


βVHs S

−1n Vs

βS−1n Vs =



−1n Vs

S−1n Vs = Wmvdr

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Sx = psVsVHs +


plVlVHl + σ2

z I

Sx could be close to singular, particular in a low noise (σ2z ) scenario,

making the inversion of Sx problematic.Regularization:


W HSxW + λ‖W ‖2 = minW

W H(Sx + λI)W subject to W HVs = 1.

where λ ≥ 0.

Solution: W robustmpdr = 1

VHs (Sx+λI)−1Vs

(Sx + λI)−1Vs

SVD truncation: Replacing S−1n by S+

n , particularly with the smalleigenvalues set to zero.Not very effective (Bad Idea):

S−1n Vs =




Does not work because we want W to align with the eigenvectors elcorresponding to the small eigenvalues to null out interference.

More when we discuss subspace methods.

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Spatial Power Spectrum using MPDR

I Beamsteering and measuring power at the output of BF, i.e.E (|(Wd �V(ψT ))Hx[n]|2) = E (|V(ψT )H(W ∗

d � x[n])|2). FFT basedprocessing for ULA

I MPDR based spatial power spectrum estimation: Measure power atthe output of the MPDR BF given by Wmpdr = 1


−1x Vs

S−1x Vs

Pmpdr (ks) = E (|W Hmpdrx[n]|2) = W H





−1x Vs




(S−1x Vs



−1x Vs




−1x Vs


s S−1x SxS

−1x Vs

) 1


−1x Vs



−1x Vs

Can be efficiently computed for a ULA exploiting the Toeplitzstructure of Sx .


1Musicus, B. (1985). Fast MLM power spectrum estimation from uniformlyspaced correlations. IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and SignalProcessing, 33(5), 1333-1335.

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Bayesian Options

Problem: Estimate random vector X given measurements of randomvector Y

I Posterior Density Estimation

I Maximum Aposteriori Estimation (MAP)

I Minimum Mean Squared Estimation (MMSE)

I Linear Minimum Mean Squared Estimation (LMMSE)

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Minimum Mean Squared Estimation (MMSE)

Objective: Compute an estimate of x as x̂ = g(y) to minimize the meansquared error E (‖x− x̂‖2)Optimum minimum mean squared estimate is given by the conditionalmean

x̂mmse = E (X|Y = y) =


Linear Minimum Mean Squared Estimation: Optimum estimate isconstrained to be an affine estimate X̂ = CY + D.

Assumption Y has mean E (Y) = µy and CovarianceΣyy = E (Y − µy )(Y − µy )H = ΣH


X has mean E (X) = µx and CovarianceΣxx = E (X− µx)(X− µx)H = ΣH


The cross covariance is denoted by Σxy = E (X− µx)(Y − µy )H = ΣHyx

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LMMSE Estimation

Solution: Co = ΣxyΣ−1yy , Do = µx − Coµy .

X̂lmmse = µx + Co(Y − µy ) = µx + ΣxyΣ−1yy (Y − µy )

Error X̃lmmse has Covariance matrix given byE (X̃lmmseX̃H

lmmse) = Σxx − ΣxyΣ−1yy Σyx


I For zero mean random variables X̂lmmse = ΣxyΣ−1yy Y

I X̂lmmse is an unbiased estimate, i.e. E (X̃lmmse) = 0.

I X̃lmmse ⊥ BY, i.e E (X̃lmmse(BY)H) = 0

I If Q = BX, then Q̂lmmse = BX̂lmmse

I If X and Y are jointly Gaussian, MMSE estimate = LMMSEestimate

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LMMSE Beamformer

x(n) = V(ks)Fs [n] +D−1∑l=1

V(kl)Fl [n] + Z[n]

= [Vs ,V1, . . . ,VD−1]

Fs [n]F1[n]


+ Z[n]

= VF[n] + Z[n]

where V ∈ CN×D , and F[n] ∈ CD×1.

Note that E (F[n]) = 0D×1, E (F[n]ZH [n]) = 0D×N .

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Goal: LMMSE Estimate of F[n]

Additional assumption

SF = E (F[n]FH [n]) = SH =




,where SF ∈ CD×D , SH

s ∈ C 1×D and the diagonal elements areps , p1, ..., pD−1.

For uncorrelated sources SF is a diagonal matrix, i.e.SF = diag(ps , p1, . . . , pD−1). and SH

s = [ps , 0, . . . , 0]

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LMMSE Beamformer

LMMSE estimate of F[n] given array output x[n] is given by

F̂[n] = ΣFxΣ−1xx x[n]


ΣFx = E (F[n]xH [n]) = E (F[n](FH [n]VH + ZH [n])) = SFVH

andΣxx = Sx = VSFV

H + σ2z I


F̂[n] = SFVHS−1

x x[n] and F̂s [n] = W Hlmmsex[n] = SH

s VHS−1

x x[n]

The LMMSE BF is Wlmmse = S−1x VSs .

For uncorrelated sources, since Ss = [ps , 0, .., 0]H , we have

Wlmmse = psS−1x Vs

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Relationship between LMMSE and MPDR beamformers

Wmpdr = 1VH

s S−1x Vs

S−1x Vs and Wlmmse = psS−1

x Vs


Wlmmse = psS−1x Vs = ps(VH

s S−1x Vs)



−1x Vs

S−1x Vs

= ps(VHs S

−1x Vs)Wmpdr = cWmpdr

with c = ps(VHs S

−1x Vs) being real and a positive scalar.

The LMMSE BF operation can be viewed as MPDR BF followed byscaling with c = ps(VH

s S−1x Vs).

x[n]→ r [n] = W Hmpdrx[n]→ F̂s [n] = c r [n]

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Interpretation of the scalar c

Note Wlmmse also maximizes the SINR because it is a scaled version ofWmpdr .

r [n] = W Hmpdrx[n] = Fs [n] + q[n], where q[n] = W H

mpdr I[n]

Note q[n] is zero mean and uncorrelated with Fs [n].

E (|r [n]|2) = ps + E (|q[n]|2) ≥ ps

So the MPDR overestimates the power in direction ks .

Now we find a LMMSE estimate of Fs [n] given r [n].

F̂s [n] = ΣFrΣ−1rr r [n]

where ΣFr = ps and Σrr = 1VH

s S−1x Vs


This results inF̂s [n] = c r [n]

with c = ps(VHs S

−1x Vs)

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