n e w s Walk 07 - 3 Ang_web

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  • 8/14/2019 n e w s Walk 07 - 3 Ang_web


  • 8/14/2019 n e w s Walk 07 - 3 Ang_web



    TheTwingoblogisthe rstSlovenecorporate

    productbloganditwas wellreceivedinthegeneralpublicas wellasin thebloggerscommunity.Theblogprovidesaspace forinformationonthenew Twingoslife,guestbloggers,videosand humorouscontributionsbyJurijZrnec(aliasJurijGara,aHollywoodactorandworldrenownedmodel).Otherpromotional

    featurescouldalsobefoundand commentedupon on the blog: the Tw ingo Hit music contestand events for the young and the young atheart,wherewe,as themainsponsor,gaveawaythenewTwingo.Therewerethreesuch events:

    theconcertofRadioCity,whichtookplaceat thefootofthePohorjemountainrange,thePozdrav

    Poletjueventhostedby RadioHitinLjubljanaandtheconcertof RadioCaprisinKoper.Theexperiencesof thenewTwingosrstdriversalsofoundaspot ontheblog.The favourableresponseexceededeven themostoptimisticofexpectations(toputit bluntly:hadwe beenselling

    advertisingspaceon theTwingoblog,wewouldhavegainedquitesomemoney),whichonlyprovesthesignicanceofusing unconventionalcommunicationtoolsto reachspecictargetgroups.

    Slovene journalists were the rst to letthemselves be carried away by the new Twingo- the small urban car opened its doors to themon May 28th at the Mons hotel, which hostedover 750 foreign journalists taking test drivesover the following weeks.

    The press event was led by the congenialhostess Katarina as and enlivened by a special

    presentation of the new Twingo, per formedby Jurij Zrnec, who got to know the small carbetter already at the Viktorji event. Moreserious subjects, such as prices and sales plans,were introduced by Bruno Benayer, Renaultsmarketing director and Joe Rinik, the productmanager for the Twingo brand.

    Renault Twingo is in a class of its own. It isthe newest (also) Slovene car and as such itdeserves to have a special communicativecampaign.Together with the RenaultNissan Slovenia team,we have begun theelaborate preparations for the arrival of the

    new Twingo far back in the previous year.These preparations encompass a wide rangeof communicative means and channels,entwined into a unied sales promotion.An emphasis on new,interactive and non-classic communicative paths reaching a high

    level of involvement of the target groups isa characteristic of the promotion.Moderncommunicative theories are establishing

    multilogue to be the new paradigm of brand

    discourse.In this multilogue,an important partof communication is left to the consumers orthe users of specic communicative channels.In this way,the communication managerconsciously gives up the control of a partof the communication eld,but,in return,

    gains involvement,affection,WOM (andother,softercommunicative categories).The promotion was designed as an entityand it includes both external and internalcommunication (the production of the new

    Twingo opened up 400 new posts in the factoryin Novo mesto);with varying intensity the

    promotion takes place all year round.

    ...I do know where we will be in 2010.This

    must count for something,wouldn't you

    say? If Lee Clow,who is not only among

    the most creative people,but also the

    president of one of our most creative and

    successful advertising agencies,TBWA

    Chiat Day in Los Angeles,speaks up about

    the year 2010,frankly,you believe what he

    has to say.For 30 years Lee has remained

    loyal,body and soul,to one agency,and

    still knows how to wake up the world

    with surprising ideas,again and again.

    At the beginning of May we gathered togetherwith colleagues from around the world andconsidered many things,including the questionof what exactly we are and where in fact we are

    going."Who does an advertising agency wantto be anyway?" is how Lee Clow concluded theconference of our TBWA network in Los Angeles.If someone who stands for 12,000 people inadvertising agencies around the world sayssomething like this,it is no joke.California was not chosen by accident.And

    the name of the conference - Hang Ten(surng acionados can tell you that this issomething only the best of the best do) - was nocoincidence either.

    Colleagues from TBWA CHIAT DAY received usfor the introductory evening at the agency itself.

    Without any problems whatsoever,500 peoplefrom around the world were able to mingle inan enormous hanger,where approximately 900people otherwise work night and day (literally24 hours a day - yes, they even have regularnight shift teams).For that reason it isn't

    strange to see a basketball court in the middleof it all,simply laid out open spaces, little streetsand even trees - all on the inside.Everythingis done without any hint of glamour,and witha lot of soul.No designer tables,hip lights,orany of that rubbish.No sexy receptionists,ha.Only a lot of pictures,photographs,and papers

    covered with writing on the walls,products fromclients and ideas - everywhere.And the boardroom? Yes,even that is something they can layclaim to - it is literally a room with boards (seephotograph).Four of them,as pertaining to thefour founding members.This is the origin of the

    sometimes difcult to remember letters T,B, W

    and A.

    So,what the heck are we going to be,if not anadvertising agency? The answer is somethingwe heard immediately in the morning of the

    next day.By the year 2010 we will be one of themost creative companies in the world, meaningthat we will be in the same company as Apple,Google,and similar visionaries.At the beginningof the rst day this seemed altogether a littletoo ideal,but by the end it didn't in the least.

    In this day and age there is no argument when

    it comes to the fact that if you are not movingforward,you are falling behind.And if a guruof the TBWA network like Jean Marie Dru isconvinced that the best times are still aheadof us,that is something you can bank on.Today the media is more or less everything andeverybody can collaborate to create ideas.Only

    now it is becoming really interesting.Now it isbecoming important to be a leader and not justa manager.Now even more important ideaswill be born,ideas that cannot be masked bysome kind of ornamental mumbo-jumbo.Eitherthe ideas will be the right ones,and you'll be

    on the winning side,or they won't,and you'lllose.John Hunt,the worldwide creative directorof TBWA,brilliantly and in his own personal

    way came up with an analysis of the currentegocentric advertising world.Naturally,you arefamiliar with the question,who's idea is this?And then appears a little creative gem that

    says:It's my idea.Onlookers say:Yes, that's hisidea.Within a short period of time an adjectivewiggles its way into the sentence.Yes,that'shis damn idea.Given a little more time certainjealous people go so far as to even change theoriginal message somewhat:That damn guy.

    Yes,that was his idea.For this reason Huntrecommended that we begin like so:This is ouridea.And everyone who is connected with "our"idea will collaborate,take the idea on as his orher own,while also adding to it,and amazingthings can happen.This is exactly what occurredat the competition for Singapore Airlines,where

    creative workers,strategists,and managersof TBWA trade marks from all corners of theearth created a winning collective idea.Andthey received a ten year contract (wow,this canstill happen!) and a client,who believes in co-operation,mutual trust,and respect.

    Dru asked us,why are we still able to succeed?Because we have "disruption",our own specicway of speaking,our own philosophy,andmethodology.The easiest way to explain theconcept of disruption is with the example of

    the Olympic athlete Fosbery from 1968.Anexceptional high jumper,who at the OlympicGames lifted the entire sporting world to its feet.While his colleagues and fellow athletes wereattempting to improve the height of the high

    jump using the technique of the time ( jumpingforward),Fosbery decided to use a completely

    new approach.He accomplished a jump overthe crossbeam with his back,seen for the rsttime ever at that point,and he defeated hiscompetitors not only by mere millimetres,butby signicantly more.That is disruption.Torecognize the conventions,which are hampering

    development,and to go beyond them with newideas.Have you ever asked yourselves why themajority of communiqus for something like

    automobiles are so extremely similar? A silvercar,photographed from a certain angle,greatphoto,come on...

    Conventions can quickly put us to sleep,but itis not impossible to resist them. To accomplishthis,work is required.Thoughtfully done,andelementary in nature.The "Tao of doing",beganRob Schwartz,the creative director of the agencyTBWA Chiat Day,is extremely important.A

    creative environment is not brought about bysome far out couch,a crazy coffee machine,pool tables or table football,all present in theworkspace,and also not by carelessly dressedcreative workers,or celestial sculptures at theentrances.A creative environment begins withwork.With thinking,creating, writing,drawing,

    lming,trying things out,improving them...inshort,with work.Confucius was right:By talkingalone we cannot cook rice.Proof of the successof disruptive thinking and work was conrmedby guests of our conferences:Jonathan Ive,forexample,vice-president of the department for

    design at Apple and the "guilty party" behindiMac,iPod, and the up-coming mobile phoneiPhone.With the appearance and content ofhis presentation he emphasised once more thatthe best people are always the most simple andunderstandable,because they don't have tohide behind the ballast of unnecessary words.

    Visionary ideas are not born in focus groups,they are born in the head and in the heart. Theyare born of that incredible energy,which onlya very few acquire,and who in turn are thenable to shift the boundaries of what we know.That is something that was embodied by our

    next two guests,Eric Ryan and Adam Lowery,founders of the young company Method,which bravely made strides in surely one ofthe most demanding categories - and one thatis perceived by most of us as one of the mosthostile - the category of household-cleaningproducts.They succeeded. With ecologically

    friendly products,with the right strategy,byincluding the users (the only true ambassadors)in the process,and with communication,whichowed mainly by means of the web and therebysuccessfully combated big budget competition.The conclusion of Lee Clow's interview with the

    two was simple:buy shares of their companynow.

    Whoever has at sometime participated in asimilar gathering will understand that uniqueenergy,which you can catch from colleaguesthat come from varied,unique places.Germany,

    Malaysia,Holland,Thailand...the world is open,and you can succeed, if you choose to do so.That is why it is constantly necessary to shiftour ideas,perceptions, relations,feelings,pencilsand mice,every day and all year.Until the endand even further.

    Thenew Twingois communicative,dynamic,andtrendy andit lovesmusic.ThereforetheTwingoHitmusiccontest wasdesigned aspartofthe communicativecampaign.Theaim ofthecontestwastoenablelessknownor aspiringmusictalentsa breakthroughtothe Slovenemusicmarket.Atthesametimewewishedthe

    newTwingotogaina hitofitsownwhichwouldtits livelypersonalitybest.Withradioadvertisements,Internetbanners,postersin bars,schoolsand publictoiletsandincooperationwithRadioHitandtheStopmagazineas mediasponsors,we encouraged

    musicianstosend theirdemorecordingsin mp3formtoTwingos e-mailaddress.The responsewasexcellentandinthreeweekswe received101recordings,whichisa recordamongsuchcontests.Allrecordingswe receivedwere carefully

    listenedtoby afour-memberjury.The memberswere:the advertisingdirectoratRenault NissanSloveniaKsenijaHabjan,the programmedirectoratRadio HitMatejpehar -Racman,themusiceditorat theStop magazineMiranInhofandthe well-knownSlovenemusicianMihaGutin- Guti.Fromalltherecordingsthejurychosefour nalists,butthe overallwinnerwas

    chosenby thepublicthrough SMSvotingandviathe Planetportal.TheclearwinnersoftheTwingoHitmusiccontestwere theAbstraktband withtheirsongNadoblaki.Asthemainprize,theAbstraktbandwillreceive

    aprofessionalaudio andvideo productionoftheirwinningsong. Butbefore thattheyalreadyhadanexclusiveliveperformanceonJune21stinfrontofathrongofseveralthousandpeopleatthe Pozdravpoletjuevent.







    BE IN THE YEAR 2048, BUT...




    Boardroom- 4

    boardsfor 4f





    JeanMarie Dru, TB




    LeeClow, announcinghisfirstguest,JonathanIve, Vicepresident

    ofdesigndept. atApple




    pela oblak Luna\TBWA



  • 8/14/2019 n e w s Walk 07 - 3 Ang_web


    Fruc,the mostmixed-updrink ofall, strikesagain.The legendarySmiley,withitsnaturalfruitytaste andtotally mixed-up

    communication,won thepalates andthe heartsofallthosethirsty(offun)alreadyyearsago.Thistimeitintroducesitselfasa refreshingforceone cannotresist.Frucstruckwithnewmixed-upavoursand newcommunicationwhichincludestelevision andradio

    advertisements,billboards,inventiveoutdooradvertisingand equipmentof shops.Followingthevictoriousmarch acrossSloveniaand

    Croatia,Frucbegan conqueringnew marketsinMacedonia,in Bosniaand HerzegovinaandinMontenegro.Andsinceitishighlylikelythatitissizzlinghotoutsiderightatthe momentyouarereadingtheselines,youknowwhatyoursolutionis:the totallymixed-upFruc!

    esigned a brochure for Hansaplast,whiches on feet,changes caused by disease andge and on the appropriate foot care.Our

    ften have to bear our weight for more10 hours daily.Walking on hard surfaces,ently in unsuitable footwear,has its

    equences.These and other problems andauses and solutions for them are de alt

    with in the attractively designed booklet.We involved the Medical department ofrheumatology of the University Medical Centrein Ljubljana in the preparation of the booklets

    contents.The booklet is designed to help alsothe professionals in educating individuals whohave foot problems or foot diseases.

    SMS, Si.mobilsprepaid tariffis designedlwhofrequentlyuse theSMSserviceandsersofothernetworks.This,aboveall,aregpeople, withnimblengers, whomoved

    oundaries ofconventionalcommunication

    ationary andmobiletelephones tonewons.Short messagesor SMSshave replaced

    alcommunicationwiththeir symbols,aspecialalphabetfromwhicha languagealonlyofSMSsendingdeveloped.Inother


    mouthsto speak,replacingthem withtheir

    ngersinstead.Andsodidwe.We designeda marketingcampaignwherewe saideverythingloudandclearandwe didsowithngers.Wegavethengersfaces, dressedthem intocolourfulclothesandbroughtthemtolife,sotheycould

    conveythemessageinourstead:SayitwithyourngerswithHaloSMS.ThusaclearmessageaboutthebestprepaidtariffontheSlovenemarket,theHaloSMStariff,wasdeliveredtoSi.mobil-Vodafonesusers and



    YOUR FINGERS..mobil Luna\TBWA


    TwixTopixisa newbrandofchocolatewaferbiscuitwhichMasterfoodslaunched ontheSlovenemarketin theprevious months.Thenewdeliciouswaferbiscuitis designedtobesharedand crunchedin company,sowe decided

    tosharetherstTwixTopixwaferbiscuitswithyou.Besidesthe classicadvertisingcampaignwegavestrollersin LjubljanaandMaribora chancetopick theirown waferbiscuit,availablein threedeliciousavours.Theadvertisingcampaignthus beganwithveteaserbillboardsat variouslocationsin thecity

    centresof LjubljanaandMaribor.On thefthday,thebillboardschanged intorealchocolateydesserts.Approximately3000 Topixsweregiven

    topleased onlookers.Thetasty waferbiscuitgotthehighestlevel ofinterestat alocationnearMaximarket,wherepromotersdistributedover800wafer biscuits.Samplingtookplacealso inthe *xyzclothesshopinthe Cityparkshoppingcentre,where buyers

    weregivena Topixatthecashdesk.ThesalesteamworeTopix T-shirtsandwe alsodecoratedtheshop windowsand themirrorswithintheshop.The campaignwasaccompaniedby aradioshowon RadioCenter,whichfollowed thedevelopmentofthe campaignandsearched for

    themost impressiveadventuresoffriends -theauthorofthe winningstorywas presentedwithaholidayinthe mysticEgypt.

    She came.She seduced.She conquered.N issanMicra introduced herself as a city slick,a

    temptress,a rened beauty and in just ashort while she completely won us over and

    conquered our roads.Due to her trendyequipment,her safe embrace and seduction

    with an attractive offer,nothing else can besaid of the charming miss apart from the fact

    that she is devilishly attractive.And,to tellthe truth,who would not want to have such a

    beauty at home?

    Devilishly attractive

    OnJune 14th,aftera goodmonthof activities,acharity appealghtingforequal rightstoschooling,for whichtheBeiersdorf company,withits NIVEAbrand,and ZvezaprijateljevmladineSlovenije(ZPMS;SlovenianAssociationofFriends ofYouth)joinedtheir hands

    andforces forthe secondconsecutiveyear,reachedits nale.Theorganisersprepared anexhibitionof theselectedhands, hungacrosstheLjubljanicariver atthe Tromostovjebridge,andanInternetexhibitionwhere peoplecoulddrawpicturesinthe providedhand-shapedoutlines

    withthe helpof aspecial computerprogram.Theexhibitionwas openedwith asymboliccuttingofa ribbonbythemayorofLjubljanaZoranJankovi,thedirector ofBeiersdorfMitjaZupaniandthe directorofthe ZPMSFrancHoevar.Lastyeara helpinghandwasofferedby

    knownSlovenes,mayorsof Slovenetownsandnumerousinhabitantsof Slovenia,andthus42,606imprintsof handswere collected.Beiersdorfcontributednancialmeansto theteachingfundfor eachimprint.The favourableresponseandthesuccessoftheappealgavethe

    organiserstheincentiveto continuetheirgood

    workalso thisyear.

    Howwellthisyearsappealwasacceptedisbestattestedby thenumberof theparticipatinginhabitantsofSlovenia,whodrew orwrote onthehand-shapedoutlinesand sentthemviapostor theInternet.50,643people gavelifetothehand-shapedoutlineswith thehelp oftheir

    imaginationand inthis wayexpressed theirsolidaritywithchildrenfromsocio-economicallydeprivedfamilies.Foreach handthey received,Beiersdorfcontributedhalfa euroto theNIVEAteachingfundfor theeducationof childrenandadolescentsfromeconomicallydisadvantagedfamilies.Thenalsum, writtenonthe cheque

    giventotheZPMSattheend oftheappeal,was25,322euros.Thatimaginationandagoodheartgohandinhandisprovedby trueworksofartcreatedwithcolouredpencils,felt-tippens,pencils, glueorthecomputermouse andmany hand-shaped

    outlinesonwhich goodwishesand intentionswerewritten.Ahelpinghandanda creativestreakwere offeredalsoby knownSlovenesalongwiththeir families,namely,BrigitaBukovec,AlenkaStrnad- Reza,RobertPenik -Peoand JureSeek.



    Twix Topix

    Crunchy for twoMARS Luna\TBWA




  • 8/14/2019 n e w s Walk 07 - 3 Ang_web


    Thehighestforcegoverningthe worldofentertainmenttodayis thePlayStation.Yes,

    youhaveread correctly.The rulerofthe industryofgamesconsoles,whichis worthover12billiondollars,conqueredtheworldand todayitrepresentsa culturalphenomenon,proudlyownedby thecorporategiantSony.

    Despitepowerfulcompetitivebrands that,inthe1990s,presentedgames consolesastoysforchildren,Sonyemergedwith aproductthatcrossedtheboundariesofa toyandatthesametimeoffereda gamethatpromisedmore.ThePlayStationofferednot onlya gamebutalso,and

    aboveall,an experience.Thegameas suchfellintohistory,andthe experienceonegot fromthegamebecamean alternativewhichoffered more.

    Thisadvantageofthe PlayStationbecamealsotheessentialpart ofits advertisingcampaign.Thequestionastohowandwhypeopleshould

    trustthenew inventionand abandontheirconventionalopinionof thegamesconsolesemerged.Inthe industryaswell asamongconsumers,gamesconsoleshavethusfar beenunderstoodas atoyandnotasa personalexperienceofentertainment.Assuch,the gamesconsolescouldnotcompetewith other,real

    formsofentertainmentas,for exampleTV,lmandsportsandtheycouldnotapproachawideraudience.

    Forthe majorityof enterprisesthatwouldbe aninsurmountableobstacle.Sony,however,turned

    theproblemof theconventionalperceptionofgamesconsolestoits ownbenet.The companydecidedon theso calleddisruptiveadvertisingwhich,onceagain,provedto bethe rightkeytosuccess.The PlayStationand itsadvertisingagencyovercametheimpossible.They

    succeededinchangingthe valuesof theentireindustryof gamesconsolesandinpersuadingvariousgenerationsfromvariouscultureswithan experienceofferedsolelyby thePlayStation.

    Disruptiveadvertisinghas becomethecommonthreadofdevelopmentfor manyPlayStationcampaignsall aroundtheworld.Comingontothemarket,thePlayStation1 wasintroducedto

    thepublicas aculturalphenomenonwhichtheconsumershadto discoverallon theirown.Thecampaignwas setintomotionon alllevelsandthemysteriousmessageswaitedto bedeciphered.Theleadingstatementof thecampaignwasURNote,withtheletterebeingwritteninred,

    whichmeantyouare notready,notready togobeyondthelimitsof conventionalentertainment.Whenthe PS1hitthe shops,peoplewere callingoutweare ready!Thesales ofthe PlayStation

    vetimesexceeded thesalesof itscompetitiveproduct,Sega.

    Thenew millenniumbroughtthePlayStation2.Sonystruckwith newtechnologyandfaced newchallengesonthe market.Variouscampaignsroundtheglobe carriedthesame message.ThePS2invitedpeopleto anew world,aworld limitedbyimaginationonly.Theleadingstatement

    Liveinyour world.Playin ours.wasbased upontheidea ofblurringthe boundariesbetweentherealisticandthe real.Theprintedadvertisementwitha womangivingbirthto agrown-upmanreceivedthe titleofthe bestprintedadvertisementat the2003 Cannesfestival.Inthe

    rstyear,morethan 8.5millionpiecesof thePS2weresoldin theUSA.New usersrepresentedmorethan50%of sales.

    Theworldfollowedthe trendand thePlayStationtrulybecamea culturalphenomenon.In

    2003,thePSwason agoodway

    tothe title

    entertainmentof future,but stillithadoneaw:the usersmissedthe componentofsociallife.Thiswas amajordrawbackand itwasquicklygrowingintoa seriousproblem.However,asit wasalreadysaid, everyproblem

    presentsa newsolutionand againSonyknewhowto turntheproblemto itsown advantage.Disruption!A newleadingstatement,FunAnyone!,was createdandit summoneduserstoattenda PlayStationfestivalwhere computergameswouldbe madepartof theirsociallife.ThefamousTV



    arebuildingahumanpyramidwonover alsoadvertisersandagain thePlayStationwasawarded



    becamepartof massentertainment.Thesales surpassedallinitialgoals andthe PScontinuestobe theleadingforce onthe marketofgamesconsoleswithan 80%share.Finally,thePSisalso thedrivingforceof Sonysinceit represents40%of thecompanysprots.

    ThePlayStationhasremainedtrue toits originaldisruptiveidea ofbeingmore thana game.

    And,youwill notbelieveit,the PS3is alreadyhereandhasrecentlywonanawardforthenewdisruptivecampaignThisis Living.Yes,theentertainmentofthe futurehasgrown toa

    pleasureofthe present!

    June 2007 saw the distribution of theDisruption Awards,which were created someyears ago with the intention of recognizing

    and awarding advertising campaigns whichfollow methods of disruptive advertising.Among the campaigns that won awards in theprevious years one must mention Adidas andits Vertical Footballcampaign,PedigreesWe Are for Dogsand SONYs Shadow of the


    Successful disruptive advertising is based on anoriginal and in-depth strategy which informedand inspired advertisers all around the world.This year,the main prize was for the rst timegiven to the Nissan company for their Qashqai

    campaign.The campaign followed the idea ofdisruptive advertising more than excellently.

    The collective effort of creativesand the successful

    cooperation of all European TBWA networks,which effectively adapted the campaign,led tothe following result:Qashqai is sold out all till2008!

    Disruption Awards were awarded also to thecreators of the following campaigns:

    PS3 - This is Living - TBWA\London Adidas - Kahn\Fresco - TBWA\Germany

    Apple - Mac vs. PC - TBWA\Media Arts Lab Taxi Service - Toot-n-Scoot -

    TEQUILA\Johannesburg Pedigree Dog Adoption - TBWA\Chiat\DayLos Angeles

    Eco Store - TBWA\Whybin

    Nissan - Sentra - TBWA\Chiat\Day LosAngeles & TEQUILA\ Los Angeles

    Anti Piracy Foundation - Tsotsi -TBWA\Hunt Lascaris

    Finnish National Betting Company - Go

    Togo - TBWA\PHS Nissan - Pino - TBWA\Hakuhodo

    InFrance,the largestadvertisingfestival,CannesLions2007,concludedat theend ofJune.80countriestookpartin the54thfestivalandtherewerea record25,700workssubmitted,whichcompetedforthe prestigiousprize innine

    categories.The largestnumberofworks wascontributedby theUSA (3569works);amongEuropeanparticipants,Germansshone with2310

    submittedworks.Slovenesalso contributedto therichnessofthe festivalandthis timesubmitted37worksinall.WhileLuna/TBWAmissedthe mostprestigious

    awardbyan inch(andwearealreadyworkingonwinningit thefollowingyear),we nonethelesshada reasonforcelebration.TheTBWAadvertisingnetwork,part ofwhichis alsoLuna/TBWA,won28statuettes- thoseof themostadvertisingof lions.

    Themostsought-afterandalso themostprestigiousaward waswon byTBWA/WhybinfromNewZealand thatbeatthe competitionwiththeircampaignfor Adidas,titledBondedbyBlood,andso earnedthetitle CannesLionsPromoGrandPrix.TBWA/Whybinmorethanjustiedtheirgrand victoryalsoin the

    remainingcategories.Amongothers,theywereawardedtheMedia LionsGrandPrix forthe ASB

    Bankcampaign,MoneyGoesDigital,andtheOutdoorLionsGrandPrix,again forthe Adidascampaign,Bondedby Blood.TBWA/Chiat/DayNew Yorkalsoemergedvictoriousand wasawardedtwo goldenlions,namely,a goldenlionfor theradioadvertisementGrowthSpurt,France,Wrestling,

    Doug(clientCombosPretzels)anda goldenlion

    inthe PRcategoryfor Snickers.TheFilmLionsGrand Prixwas awardedtotheTBWAagencyin Paris.TheBelgianagencyTEQUILA/Agency.comwasalsodelightedby thepreciouscolourandwas awardedtheDirectGold

    Lion.SoTBWAenrichedthe largestadvertisingfestivalalsothistime andgladdenedthe advertisersandothervisitorsof thefestivalalikewith theircreativesolutions.They broughttotheircages afewmoreCannes lions,whichingreat numbersdefendthe well-earned,prestigiousreputation

    ofthe TBWAadvertisingnetwork.



    2007 Disruption



    LIONS 2007


    FROM SARAJEVOThe southern part of the TBWA Adriaticnetwork has had a very creative period.Theywere involved in a new project for a very

    recent client,the Nova Banka bank.They designed brochures,

    available to

    everyone visiting the Nova Banka branches.There are also ongoing arrangements for acorporate campaign which would containmostly TV advertisements.One of their new clients is also the Prismaorganisation, which deals with small loans.

    Luna\TBWA Sarajevo created a new,creative image of posters and fliers for theorganisation.



    wing the excellent response to the

    sales campaign made for the leadingne newspaper Delo,we decided, alongthe Delo team,to create a sequel toampaign.Contents-wise we focused onements which a buyer or a subscriberlo gets free of charge every day and

    h are a source of good,inter esting and

    compelling reading for the whole family.Elected Slovene households were thus offered

    a chance to receive Delo together withsupplements for two weeks,free of charge andwithout any obligations.Communicatively,the campaign was supported with a televisiontelop,rad io and printed advertisements anddirect mail.

    ng the trendy avours of the Bandidosa special place is reserved for BandidosLemon.Due to its lower content ofol and calories,Bandidos Light Lemonladden above all the gentler sex andcally active men who wish,after a

    out,to quench their thirst with a

    modern and refreshing social drink.The lightyellow colour reects the gentle character ofBandidos.Owing to the lower content of bitter,the taste is milder and additionally roundedoff by the avours of lemon,lime and apple.Sograb a chilled bottle and let yourself be takenaway by this light summer enjoyment!





    Grab a

    light one!

  • 8/14/2019 n e w s Walk 07 - 3 Ang_web


    The Renault brand introduced the new

    Twingo, which is manufactured exclusively

    in Slovenia, to the European market. This

    unique event rattled the entire Slovene

    cream of the automotive world and offered

    us a considerable advertising challenge.

    We undertook it in cooperation with our

    partner and client of many years, Renault,

    and on this occasion we present the

    director of marketing at Renault Nissan

    Slovenia, Bruno Benayer.

    How well did you know Slovenia when

    you took on a new challenge in

    2003 and became the director of

    marketing at Renault Slovenia?

    I was in charge of the introduction of a Renault

    project in Slovenia and Croatia already in 2000,so Slovenia was not completely unknown to mewhen I moved here. However, I must confess -

    when I rst heard that I was going to work inSlovenia, I knew absolutely nothing about it!I even had problems with nding appropriate


    Was it difcult to persuade your

    family to move to another country?

    Not at all, since we did not have children backthen. My wife also likes getting to know new

    cultures, people and their customs. And, anyway,we are not that far from our home in Provence.

    How long have you been

    employed at Renault for?

    17 years.

    What are your plans for the future,

    considering that Renault is among the leading

    car manufacturers in Slovenia?

    We will continue working hard and strivingfor innovative communication processes.Something along these lines was done with the

    introduction of the new Twingo. We were a stepahead of our competition because we insisted onan emotional relationship between the brand

    and the consumers. Besides, we are planning

    a continual introduction of new models to theSlovene market. By December 2008, we will haveintroduced a new model to the market every

    month. Of course, the continuation of the good

    relationship with our consumers is also of greatimportance, and this can be achieved above allby offering a high quality of cars and services in

    the entire service-sales network.

    Which are the main differences between the

    Slovene and French car markets?

    The main difference is in the percentage of smallcars on the roads (in Slovenia, there are 50%

    of small cars, in France only 30%). Differencescan be seen also in the manner of car sales: inFrance, more and more consumers hire cars

    and they also change cars more often, while inSlovenia a consumer wishes to be the car owner.During the time we have been observing the

    Slovene consumers needs, we came to realisethat French and Slovene consumers have similartastes or similar patterns of behaviour.

    Renault introduced a new brand of cars to the

    market - eco2, with ecological and economical

    advantages. Are you convinced that the

    Slovene market is ready for such an approach?

    Certainly, Slovenia is closely connected with itsnature and with a healthy lifestyle. Renault has

    committed itself to manufacturing a millioncars with a low emission of greenhouse gasesor with a biological carburation by 2009. The

    new Twingo already has the eco2 label, sinceit is manufactured in accordance with threefundamental ecological standards (the factory

    in Novo mesto has the eco2

    certicate, thevehicles emission of greenhouse gases does notexceed 140 g/km and 17% of the plastic parts

    used in the car are made from recycled plastic).

    Renault manufactures the worlds safest

    cars. Are you planning on becoming also the

    leading manufacturer of ecological vehicles?

    According to independent research, we are

    among the three leading manufacturers ofecological vehicles in Europe. However, our goalsare higher. We wish to create ecological cars or

    vehicles adapted to bio fuels, accessible to thewidest possible group of consumers.

    What kind of car do you drive?

    I have been driving an Espace with an automatic

    gearbox for four years now. I highly recommendit!

    Do all members of your family

    drive a Renault?

    No. Some of them, just like Lunatics, prefer otherbrands.

    What part of a cars equipment is, in your

    opinion, absolutely essential?

    I think that all security equipment should bepart of the mandatory equipment since this isthe only way to ensure a complete active and

    passive security on the road. Besides that, I thinkthat the new technologies, such as Bluetooth,MP3 and navigation system, are very important

    for guaranteeing a satisfaction of driving.

    Which project in Slovenia was most important

    to you, perhaps the introduction

    of the new Twingo?

    Thats right. I must admit that we have put a lotof energy into nding new ways of introducingthe car to the Slovene market. The entireteam was more than fantastic in researching

    new aspects of our work, such as for exampleinteractive marketing, the cooperation with JureZrnec, etc.

    Have you discovered your favourite part ofSlovenia yet, do you and your family ever go

    for a trip to places near you?

    I like the Alpine region most, especially theTriglav National Park. I feel very good alsoon the urban banks of the Ljubljanica river,especially during spring and summer, when they

    are lled with life. Moreover, twice a month myfamily and I travel round Slovenia or its nearvicinity - Croatia and Italy

    To round off, as France is famous for its

    exquisite food, what is your opinion of

    Slovene food? Are you still faithful to the

    French cuisine?

    Being completely honest, good food is not what

    I am going to remember about Slovenia. I am aMediterranean man and I adore Mediterraneanfood, everything from Moroccan, Greek, and

    Lebanese to French. Nevertheless, you can ndme in a restaurant from time to time, tastinggrilled ceps, mushroom soup or goulash.

    PORTRAITRenault Nissan Slovenija Luna\TBWA

    The introductory season of the bowling

    league of advertising agencies (BOA) was

    successful also for the Luna\TBWA bowlingteam. In the six rounds of the competition,

    Jerneja Radovi, Ale Deisinger and DamijanRi were ranked near the top, which led to thethird place in the end. Jerneja Radovi proved

    especially successful and with constant formshe won the fth place overall and the secondplace among the representatives of the

    gentler sex. Fourteen teams attendedthe competition, brilliantly organised

    by the marketing department of Kolosej

    Kinematogra Ltd., which was held at the

    Arena Vodafone live! centre. The undisputedchampions of bowling among advertisingand media agencies come from Celovka

    cesta 32. The Arih agency team, led by IgorHauptman and Tom Petruccelli, easily wonthe rst place and thus set the standard for

    challengers. According to the organizers, thewinners and their challengers will meet againthe following season. And we, Lunatics, will

    certainly be there. Just strike it!

    Lunatics on the

    winners podium!BOA luna\tBWA




    All requests, comments, advice, compliments, criticism, ideas... are welcome at oure-mail: [email protected] Editor in charge: Helena o, e- mail: [email protected] tel.: 01/200 41 70Published by: LUNA\TBWA, Koprska 106a, 1000 LjubljanaINFO point: