Newsletter 2009/10 March, 2010 Issue 3 1 2009/10學年20103月份校訊 (第三期) 1 Newsletter 2009/10 March, 2010 Issue 3 2009/10學年20103月份校訊 (第三期) Principal‘s Message 總校長的話 Celebration in Honor of Prof. Charles Kao Nobel Laureate in Physics 2009恭賀高錕教授獲獎的榮譽 - 2009年度諾貝爾獎 Visit by Prof. and Mrs. Charles Kao 高錕教授和高太回訪 Visit from Primary School Affiliated with Xian Jiao Tong University 西安交通大學附屬小學來訪 Author Visits 作家到訪 Visit from Other Schools 探訪本校 P.1 P.2 P.3 P.4 P.5 P.6 P.7 Winter Carnival 冬季嘉年華 Chinese New Year Celebration 新春慶祝會 University Guidance Office 升學輔導處 Chinese Cultural Center 中國文化中心 Library News圖書館資訊 Secondary Community and Service Teams 中學部社區與服務組 Field Trips 校外硏習 Admission News 招生資訊 PTA News 家教會資訊 P.7 P.8 P.9 P.10 P.12 P.13 P.14 - P.17 P.18 P.19 P.20 P.23 Principal’s Message 總校長的話 Building a Better World: When Values Count development for our school over the next five years. As a community exercise aimed at taking into account the needs and aspirations of our key stakeholders students, parents, teachers, as well as our Foundation Board, the Hong Kong Government, and even the IBO developing and refining a strategic plan is a complex task, demanding both broad vision and fine attention to detail. One of the most challenging steps in the planning process is choosing what to leave out of the plan; if we set out to achieve all things, we will end up producing very little. We nurture and develop potential in our students that may lead to an almost infinite number of future paths and opportunities. We can plan for facilities and learning programs that are optimally flexible, but we cannot cover every possible need. Ultimately, our plan is a commitment to a specific vision of education, one that is clear about our chosen direction and the initiatives to be taken to reach our stated goals. One foundational element of our vision that frames the direction and detail of the strategic plan is the set of core values of The ISF Academy. While many aspects of our school‘s curriculum may undergo incremental or even radical development and change, and buildings and other school facilities may be built and rebuilt, it is the values and attributes that we want our graduates to display that must stand the test of time, reflecting what we hold to be most important about our school. The Independent Schools Foundation Academy is currently developing a strategic plan to chart the course of 重視價值觀 建構更美好的世界 立書院正為學校未來五年的發展方向制定一個策略性的計 劃。由於涉及面廣泛,我們需將所有持份者 學生、家長、 老師、基金董事會、香港政府以至國際文憑組織的需要和期望 列入考慮,因此發展和完善學校的策略性計劃是一項繁浩的工 程:既要有寬廣的願景,也需兼顧到種種細節。 在策劃過程中最困難的步驟之一,就是挑出應當篩除的部分。 要知道我們若將所有的目標都涵蓋在計劃內,最後能達成的目 標肯定不多。我們盡力培育和發展學生的潛能,讓他們在將來 創造出無限的可能;我們可以引入最靈活的設備和課程,但我 們並不能滿足所有的需求。因此,我們的策略性計劃將確立我 們選定的教育願景,為我們清楚指引方向,讓我們能積極地以 行動達到所訂下的目標。 弘立書院的核心價值正是我們教育願景的基本元素之一,規範 著我們策略性計劃的方向和細節。學校的課程可能將經過大大 小小的調整,校舍和學校的設施也將一一興建或重建,然而最 能經得起時間考驗的,是我們的畢業生此刻緊緊抱持的價值觀 以及身為弘立學生的特質,這也反映出我們學校堅守的重要信 念。 PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE 校長的話

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Newsletter 2009/10 March, 2010 Issue 3

2009/1020103 ()

Newsletter 2009/10 March, 2010 Issue 3 Principals Message Celebration in Honor of Prof. Charles Kao Nobel Laureate in Physics 2009 - 2009 Visit by Prof. and Mrs. Charles Kao Visit from Primary School Affiliated with Xian Jiao Tong University Author Visits Visit from Other Schools P.1 P.2 P.3 P.4 P.5 P.6 P.7

2009/1020103 ()Winter Carnival Chinese New Year Celebration University Guidance Office Chinese Cultural Center Library News Secondary Community and Service Teams Field Trips Admission News PTA News P.7 P.8 P.9 P.10 P.12 P.13 P.14 - P.17 P.18 P.19 P.20 P.23

Principals MessageBuilding a Better World: When Values Count


Independent Schools Foundation Academy is currently developing a strategic plan to chart the course of development for our school over the next five years. As a community exercise aimed at taking into account the needs and aspirations of our key stakeholders students, parents, teachers, as well as our Foundation Board, the Hong Kong Government, and even the IBO developing and refining a strategic plan is a complex task, demanding both broad vision and fine attention to detail. One of the most challenging steps in the planning process is choosing what to leave out of the plan; if we set out to achieve all things, we will end up producing very little. We nurture and develop potential in our students that may lead to an almost infinite number of future paths and opportunities. We can plan for facilities and learning programs that are optimally flexible, but we cannot cover every possible need. Ultimately, our plan is a commitment to a specific vision of education, one that is clear about our chosen direction and the initiatives to be taken to reach our stated goals. One foundational element of our vision that frames the direction and detail of the strategic plan is the set of core values of The ISF Academy. While many aspects of our schools curriculum may undergo incremental or even radical development and change, and buildings and other school facilities may be built and rebuilt, it is the values and attributes that we want our graduates to display that must stand the test of time, reflecting what we hold to be most important about our school.



Newsletter 2009/10 March, 2010 Issue 3

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Principals Message

At the 2010 International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO) Asia Pacific Annual Regional Conference, I have been asked to speak at a school leadership seminar on the topic of reconciling the IB Learner Profile to our own Eight Virtues + One. The IB Learner Profile consists of ten attributes that all IB World Schools aspire to inculcate in their students. All IB students are expected to be balanced, caring, communicators, inquirers, knowledgeable, openminded, principled, reflective, risk-takers, and thinkers. The IB vision is that these attributes are to be used by IB students to create a better and more peaceful world. Curiously, and perhaps reflecting the cultural context in which the Learner Profile was developed, these attributes are largely individual. They say very little about what a better world looks like. Only two of the attributes, caring and communicator, specifically describe what social interaction might look like in a better world. Our own system of values, the Eight Virtues + One, on the other hand, is strongly focused on building a community with a clear set of values and expectations. Loyalty, respect, compassion, love, harmony and balance are to be the hallmarks of a just society, in which courtesy and etiquette are universally practised, and wisdom is prized above all. These traditional values transcend the individual to reflect what we believe a better world might be like. Of course, both individual and collective values are needed. We build a better world one day at a time, one person at a time. We need to nurture individual attributes, while keeping a keen eye on what each individual might contribute to the overall vision of a better world. Similarly, we build a great school, not just with values, visions and plans, but one lesson at a time, one student at a time.


Mr. Malcolm Pritchard Principal



Newsletter 2009/10 March, 2010 Issue 3

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Celebration in Honor of Prof. Charles Kao Nobel Laureate in Physics 2009 - 2009

On Thursday, December 10, 2009, the2009 Nobel Prize Award Ceremonies took place in Stockholm, Sweden. To cerebrate the honor bestowed on Prof. Charles Kao, our Founding Chairman, the school organized a series of activities for all the students, teachers and staff. Two of our governors, Prof. Matthew Yuen and Dr. William Lo, gave talks to our secondary students at The Inaugural Prof. Charles Kao Seminar at Cyberport on Thursday, December 10, 2009 on the development and application of fiber optics. The primary students learnt about Prof. Charles Kaos contribution to society during a special Guided Discovery Lesson as well as enjoyed a wonderful piano recital by Russian Pianist Mr. Kirill Gerstein. Present with us to celebrate the occasion was Mr. Peter Wong, the Vice Chairman of our Board of Governors, and our Principal, Mr. Malcolm Pritchard. (Contributed by: Ms. Mimi Yeung, Manager of Admission, Development and Community Relations)

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Newsletter 2009/10 March, 2010 Issue 3

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Visit by Prof. and Mrs. Charles Kao

On Wednesday, March 17, 2010, the school had the honor ofhosting a visit from the 2009 Nobel Laureate in Physics and our Founding Chairman, Prof. Charles Kao and his wife Mrs. Gwen Kao. Hundreds of students gathered at the schools Secondary entrance and warmly greeted Professor Kao and Mrs. Kao on their first visit back to the school since Professor Kao was awarded the Nobel Prize for his groundbreaking achievements in fiber optics. Happy students led the couple to the Secondary Square, where other guests were gathered, including Ms. Frances Wong, Founding Member and current Chairman of the Board of Governors, Professor Cheng Kai-ming, Board of Governors and former Chairman, Mr. Malcolm Pritchard, Principal, and hundreds of supporters from the wider ISF Academy community. In a joyful ceremony, the Secondary Square was renamed The Professor Charles Kao Square and Professor Kaos achievements were highlighted and celebrated. A mini-exhibition was also unveiled. Now on permanent display at the school, it covers the science behind fiber optics and Professor Kaos role in the global communications network that we now enjoy. (Contributed by: Ms. Mimi Yeung, Manager of Admission, Development and Community Relations)

Prof. Charles Kao with The ISF Academy bear presented during the visit.

2010317()2009 ( ) The Secondary Square was renamed The Professor Charles Kao Square where a mini-exhibition has been established to commemorate Prof. Charles Kaos Achievements.



Newsletter 2009/10 March, 2010 Issue 3

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Visit from Primary School Affiliated with Xian Jiao Tong University


have had several successful exchanges with the Primary School Affiliated with Xian Jiao Tong University (PSAXJTU) and their visit on Wednesday, February 24, marked yet another fruitful visit. The warm welcome for the 40 students and teachers was quickly followed by an ice-breaking activity for the students to know each other better. It was conduct by our own teacher, Ms. Lillian Tan. Thereafter, our students brought them on a tour of our campus and facilities, sharing classes, sporting activities, lunch, library periods, visiting Cyberport, as well as learning more about each others lives. Xian students shared about Xian Local Culture with our students. The ISF Academy Chinese teachers and Xian teachers also shared their teaching experiences. At the end of the visit, students exchanged gifts with each other and took a group photo. The exchange allowed our students to experience being taught by a teacher from Xian and to be exposed to the study habits of Xian students. Our students had a great time interacting with our visitors in Putonghua. Likewise, the Xian students learnt more about Hong Kong and experienced The ISF Academy style of learning. (Contributed by: Ms. Caroline Xu, Head of Year (Grade 6))

Students discussing how to compose their English poem during the English Lesson.

Students exchanging gifts

224() 40 Dr. Levi Gao, Acting Secondary Head, exchanges gifts with our guests from Xian. (())Group Photo from the Xian Exchange Program A language teacher from Xian having a lively discussion with our students during the Chinese lesson.



Newsletter 2009/10 March, 2010 Issue 3

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Author Visits

Ms Sarah Brennan, the author of the best-selling Chinese Calendar Tales, visits the Primary Division - "Chinese Calendar Tales" Sarah Brennan

The ear-piercing roar of Tiger Temujin and the scream of PrincessPrecious echoed in the S.K. & Margaret Wong Gymnasium when Ms. Sarah Brennan visited The ISF Academy Primary Division on Thursday, February 25, 2010! Ms. Brennan told her enthusiastic audience a brief history of Genghis Khan and how she got her ideas to write about him in the book The Tale of Temujin. Students were not just attentive listeners during Ms. Brennans presentations but they were also involved in the storytelling performance when they roared and screamed like the main characters in the humorous story! The fun and educational event was well received by the students and teachers in the Primary Division! (Contributed by: Ms. Tam Lai Ha, Teacher Librarian)

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Ms. Deborah Ellis, a renowned writer of children and young adult literature from Canada, visits the Secondary Division

Ms. Deborah Ellis, a renowned writer of children and young adult literaturefrom Canada, visited the Clifford C. F. Wong Secondary Library on Thursday, February 4, 2010, to share her experiences with Grade 6 to 9 students. She was well-received by all the students. In her talk, Ms. Ellis discussed the difficulties faced by children all over the world: living in war zones, human rights abuse, child and drug trafficking, poverty, and HIV/AIDS in Southern Africa. Ms. Ellis highlighted the ways in which children around the world overcome the challenges in their lives and many of her novels focus on this theme. She also shared some insights on creative writing with Grade 6 students. Grade 7 and 8 students particularly enjoyed the opportunity to meet an author whose book they had read in class. To the delight of her audience, Ms. Ellis ended her talk with an autograph session. (Contributed by: Ms. Annie Tam, Teacher Librarian)

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Newsletter 2009/10 March, 2010 Issue 3

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Visit from Other Schools St. Francis of Assisis English Primary School Visit to the ISF Academy

On March 5, 2010, teachers and the education psychologist from St. Francis of AssisisEnglish Primary School visited the Primary Division. Throughout the morning, Ms. Farrah Ching, Dean of Curriculum, Ms. Cui Jin Di, Subject Head of Chinese (Primary), and Ms. Mary Jew, Deputy Head of Upper Primary and Bilingual Immersion Curriculum Coordinator shared our curriculum settings, Chinese teaching and learning, and bilingual immersion teaching. The highlight of their visit was the opportunity to conduct classroom observations, giving the visitors the chance to see our curriculum and instruction methods in operation. (Contributed by: Ms. Shan Ning, Primary Head) Ms. Chan from St. Francis of Assisis English Primary School exchanging gifts with our Principal Mr. Malcolm Pritchard.

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Winter Carnival

This years Winter Carnival was held on Friday, December 18, 2009. 20091218()

Foundation Zhi Students receive avisit from Santa Claus.

Ms. Jenny Shao, the mother of AlexShao, played games with the students. Jenny

Ms. Abi Tyrrell, the mother of PoppyTyrrell, taught students in Foundation Zhi how to decorate a ginger cake. It looked beautiful and tasted really yummy!

Poppy Abi, !

(Contributed by: Ms. Rebecca Sung, Teacher) (: )



Newsletter 2009/10 March, 2010 Issue 3

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Chinese New Year Celebration Our Chinese New Year Celebration was held on Friday, February 5, 2010. This article is a reflection from Ho, Yan Ni of Grade 3 Ren. In order to keep the originality of the student work, we do not provide a translation. 2010 2 5 ()

25 Grade 3 students made a paper cut Tiger to celebrate the CNY Festival. -

(()) (Contributed by: Ms. Shek Wai Wai Shek, Head of Year (Grade 3) )

Grade 3 students making dumplings during the CNY celebration.

Everyone enjoyed our student performances during the CNY celebrations.



Newsletter 2009/10 March, 2010 Issue 3

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University Guidance Office

Greetings from The University Guidance Office!

I joined The ISF Academy in January 2010 as the Director of University Guidance and am very excited to be part of this school community. Some background information on myself: and I am a graduate of Georgetown University (Washington, DC) and Harvard University (Graduate School of Education); an IB Diploma holder; and have had experience working with top universities around the world through my previous position in International Partnerships at The University of Hong Kong. Prior to my time at HKU, I lived and worked in Shanghai and Zhuhai to help set up two new IB international schools and have also had experience working with New York City public schools. Some of the events that we have held since January this year relating to university guidance include: Introduction to UCAS (Universities Colleges and Admissions Services) and UK UniversitiesPresented by UCAS and the British Council Hong Kong representatives; Spotlight on Canada: Introducing Canadian Universities Presented by University of British Columbia (UBC) representative; and Spotlight on Health Professions: Introducing Health Studies at The University of Newcastle, Australia Presented by The University of Newcastle Associate Professor of Medical Radiation Science, Dr Helen M. Warren-Forward. Other developments that are occurring in University Guidance include: Individualized Counseling Meetings with Grade 10 students; Introduction to the University Guidance Process Information Session (to be held in mid-April); Introduction of University Guidance News and Summer Opportunities Boards in the Prof. Charles Kao Square; New University/College Guidance Section and New Library Resources in the Clifford C.F. Wong Secondary Library; and Development of Parent Careers Network.

--( ) --( University of British Columbia ) ( )

() / Patricia Tung [email protected].

With regards to the last item, the development of a Parent Careers Network, we are looking for parents who would be willing to volunteer to speak to our upper secondary students about their respective universities, update the Guidance Office with information on HK alumni events, and also to speak to our students during future Career Days about careers and professions. If you would like to help out in this regard, please contact Ms. Patricia Tung at [email protected] am very excited to be part of the secondary school team of educators working to develop the school. I appreciate your suggestions and ideas, and do look forward to meeting you in person soon!


(Contributed by: Ms. Leslie Tam, Director of University Guidance)



Newsletter 2009/10 March, 2010 Issue 3

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Chinese Cultural Center

2010312( )

Grand Opening Ceremony of The ISF Academy Chinese Cultural Centerthan 100 students, teachers, parents, and guests from our community attended the grand opening ceremony of The ISF Academy Chinese Cultural Center at the Clifford. C. F. Wong Secondary Library on Friday, March 12, 2010. Mr. Malcolm Pritchard, Principal, emphasized the necessity promoting Chinese culture at The ISF Academy community, while Chairman of the Board Ms. Frances Wong pointed out that amidst the rapid change of information and technology today, Chinese culture remains a treasure grove for innovative ideas. Parent Representative Ms. Yu-Hwei Chen explained that based on the vision of our school, Rooted in Chinese culture with a global prospective, the mission of the Chinese Cultural Center and Acting Secondary Head, Dr. Levi Gao, thanked parents Ms. Lin Wei, Ms. Luk Ning, and Ms. Wang Hao for their tremendous efforts in helping to set up the Center and introduce activities already held and to be held by the Center. Dr. Gao also stated that the Center is for everyone and he welcomes ideas from all for future events. He hopes that all members of The ISF Academy will embrace and appreciate Chinese culture through the series of activities hosted by the Center.




Newsletter 2009/10 March, 2010 Issue 3

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Chinese Cultural Center

Seminar: Confucius and Rusim -- Did Confucius establish Rusim or did Rusim bring Confucius to light?


Seminar: The Cultural Scene in Hong Kong Past, Present and Future: Reflections on the West Kowloon Cultural District

Thursday, January 21, The ISF Academy Chinese Cultural Center organized its debut seminar -- "Confucius and Ruism: did Confucius establish Ruism or did Ruism bring Confucius to light? delivered by Professor Chen Zhi. More than 60 participants attended the seminar, including parents, teachers, students, and guests from our community. During the seminar, Professor Chen not only clarified the relationship between Confucius and Ruism but also introduced the various angles from which this subject can be explored. The audience listened attentively and raised profound questions, such as whether Ruism can be viewed as a religion. The Chinese Cultural Center Committee is extremely impressed and encouraged by the enthusiasm of the audience, and it looks forward to bringing more cultural programs to our community at The ISF Academy.

On the evening of Tuesday, March 2, 2010, The ISFAcademy Chinese Cultural Center was honored to have Ms. Ada Wong, JP, conduct a seminar on Hong Kong culture and the West Kowloon Cultural District. Ms. Wong is a practicing solicitor in Hong Kong and a promoter for creative education, sustainable development and culture. She was in public service for 13 years and is currently a member of the Consultation Panel of the West Kowloon Cultural District Authority. In the audience were our Principal, teachers and parents of The ISF Academy, as well as guests from our community. Ms. Wong gave an introduction of the heritage and the current status of Hong Kong's culture scene, explored the validity of the statement which calls Hong Kong a "cultural desert", and discussed the potential impact of the West Kowloon Project - the largest cultural project in Hong Kong for the next 30 years with an approved budget of HK$21.6 billion. She also encouraged us, as citizens of Hong Kong, to re-think our expectations and responsibility for Hong Kongs culture development in the future.

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Newsletter 2009/10 March, 2010 Issue 3

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Chinese Cultural Center Exhibition: Mothers Art Chinese Patchwork

To celebrate the Chinese New Year and the year of Tiger, The ISFAcademy Chinese Cultural Center has invited Mothers Art Foundation from Taiwan to bring us a unique selection of traditional Chinese patchworks and folk arts. The "Mothers' Art Chinese Patchwork Exhibition will be on display in the Clifford C.F. Wong Secondary Library from Monday, February 1, 2010 to Wednesday, May 5, 2010. The exhibition shows us how traditional and modern elements can be interwoven into fantastic art pieces. Mrs. Cecilia Chen, founder of The Mothers Art, has worked to preserve this artistic heritage and has mounted exhibitions in the Taiwan Museum of History, Shanghai Public Library, and the ancient city of Cicheng in Ningbo, China. We have also invited Mrs. Chen to give a seminar on traditional Chinese needlework and organize a workshop to demonstrate how to make tiger toys and tiger mobile bags in May 2010. We will inform The ISF Academy community of the date and venue in due course.

Demonstration and Introduction: A Close Encounter with Chinese Musical Instruments


than 50 teachers, parents and children attended the Chinese musical performance hosted by The ISF Academy Chinese Cultural Center on Friday, March 12, 2010. Erhu Master Mr. Ching Sau-wing and other members of the Hong Kong City Chinese Orchestra Ms. Yu Wing-ka, Ms. Yu Hong and Ms. Cheng Chawen gave us a special performance with the Erhu, Pipa, Zheng and Dizi. The masters not only performed both classical and popular pieces, but also demonstrated each instruments unique sound quality and playing techniques. They also introduced the cultural backgrounds of the pieces they played. Children were mesmerized by the masters techniques as parents held their breath, waiting for the best moment to ask the question: At what age can kids start to learn these Chinese musical instruments? The answer by Master Ching was simple: not too early, not too late; only when a child is ready.


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(Contributed by: The ISF Academy Chinese Cultural Center Committee) ()



Newsletter 2009/10 March, 2010 Issue 3

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Library NewsIn which book ?

Chinese Reading Relay


which book is there a sentence: Swords are for paladins, rouge for ladies? This was one of the questions at the first Chinese Reading Relay held on Friday, March 5, 2010, for our secondary students. In order to stimulate students reading interests and promote Chinese culture, with the help of the Chinese Department, the Secondary Library organized this interhouse event. The atmosphere was heated and tense for the whole duration of the two-part-competition: relay and jeopardy, and ended with a tie between Wood House and Fire House. In the end, all five houses gained a highly commendable number of points; members of winning teams received book coupons; and all participants will get a set of four bookmarks designed by Ms. Niu Jun as a souvenir. (Contributed by: Ms. Jun Niu, Librarian)

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Enneagram parent workshop II

Following the enthusiastic response to the first Enneagram parent 200911workshop in November 2009, a second Enneagram parent workshop entitled Nurturing your child through Enneagram hosted by Mr. Jacob Yu, Training Director of Spiritual Stepping-Stone, was held on Wednesday, February 3, 2010. Parents who participated in this workshop welcomed the insights the lecturer gave into children behaviors and corresponding parenting skills in the realm of Enneagram. In addition, parents acquired a better understanding and appreciation of the use of Enneagram in parenting through real cases shared by the speaker and small group discussion. We thank the PTA for their help in organizing the event. (Contributed by: Ms. Penny Ho, Senior Counselor) 20102 3() ()



Newsletter 2009/10 March, 2010 Issue 3

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Secondary Community and Service Teams

Community and Service: Grade 6

The Grade 6 community and service project took place on March20, 2010. The theme of this years project was Different Perspectives. During the October Camps, the students were encouraged to look at the world through the eyes of their peers, their camp leaders, and of the creatures around them. Throughout the school year, the students have examined what it means to live in a community, what it means to live in Hong Kong, and who are some of the more vulnerable people in Hong Kong. On Saturday, March 20, during Open Day, the students finally put their knowledge into action by hosting a party for some underprivileged students in Hong Kong. During the party, The ISF Academy and visiting students participated in games, shared snacks, and learned about different types of music and instruments. This was the culmination of a lot of hard work by many students and teachers as all the details for the party were handled by them. A great day was had by all! The Grade 6 students will continue to reflect on the idea of Different Perspectives and work on this theme through their subject work and homeroom activities.


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(Contributed by: Ms, Clare Alcock, Community and Service Coordinator) ( Clare Alcock)



Newsletter 2009/10 March, 2010 Issue 3

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Secondary Community and Service Teams Community and Service: Grade 7

Our Grade 7 students have been working on their community and service projectsince the beginning of the year. The theme of this years project is Environmental Citizenship Exploring, Reflecting, and Protecting. During the October Camps, the students were encouraged to explore the environment of Hong Kong and how pollution affects the environment in which they live.During the week of March 22 to 26, 2010, the Grade 7 students conducted an Earth Week Campaign. The weeks activities included things such as trivia questions, displays of environmentally-themed work, electricity black-outs to encourage participation in Earth Hour on Saturday, March 27, and a secondary school assembly to encourage all students to be environmentally responsible. Earth Week is the culmination of a lot of hard work by our students and teachers. It was a great event and the Grade 7 students hope that The ISF Academy community will strive to live in an environmentally friendly way.


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Community and Service: Grade 8 and 9

Like our Grade 7 students,

our Grade 8 and 9 students have also been working on their community and service projects since the start of the year. The Grade 8 campaign focuses on Human Rights and their key question is, What are the basic human rights and how can we ensure that they are met? The Grade 9 students are focusing on Student Leadership and they look to answer the question, How can we create a positive learning environment and a sense of community within our school and our city? Students in both grades have created projects on these topics in all subject areas. Some students have gone even further and developed their own projects outside of the subject areas. Many of these projects, both curriculum based and individual, were on display during Project and Open Day. The students put their heart and their soul into the projects, both during class time and on their own time, to make the community and service themes come to life this year. Well done!


? ? ! (Contributed by: Ms, Clare Alcock, Community and Service Coordinator) (Clare Alcock)



Newsletter 2009/10 March, 2010 Issue 3

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Secondary Community and Service Teams

This article is a reflection from Edward Leung, Grade 9 Zhong. In order to keep the originality of the student work, we do not provide a translation.

My name is Edward Leung, and I am a student of The ISF Academy. I'm a Grade 9 student and I am working on a project that helps save energy. Did you know: Chinas thermal power generation has risen by 800% since the 80s 78% of all the energy generation in China comes from burning coal China, having the worlds third largest coal reserve, was the worlds number one producer and consumer of coal in 2005 According to Monte Enbysk, instead of saving energy, 3-D screensavers can use up to 114.5 watts of energy Even when turned off, our computers use 2.3 watts of energy Our computer monitors consume more energy than the computers themselves Hairdryers use over 1,500 watts a year Refrigerators use up approx. 1,750 watts of energy a year Over 40% of the energy used in American homes come from space heating I think we can fix this. I think we can do better. I want to ask everyone in our community to work together to solve the energy crisis. By asking you to join, I am also looking forward to the bond we can share -- student to student, parent to student, teacher to students, and beyond.

(Contributed by: Ms, Clare Alcock, Community and Service Coordinator) (Clare Alcock)

Earth Hour for 2010 has just ended. This occurred on Saturday, March 27 from 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. This was a really important hour for the whole world. We told our governments and each other that this issue is important to us. It affects our lives now and in the future. I would like to encourage everyone in The ISF Academy community to continue to spread the message of Earth Hour and to continue to live a low carbon lifestyle. Small changes today can mean big rewards tomorrow. Thank you for caring about the Earth.



Newsletter 2009/10 March, 2010 Issue 3

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Secondary Community and Service Teams This article is a reflection from Edward Leung, Grade 9 Zhong and Keith Mak, Grade 9 Ren.

We are Grade 9 students and we would like to introduce to you an important topic. For our community and service project this year, we hope to raise awareness about an endangered species, the Blue Fin Tuna, to our community. As many of you know, the Blue Fin Tuna has been dramatically over-fished. Blue Fin is a specific breed of deep sea tuna that is sweeter and fatter than other tuna. It is especially tasty when made into sushi or sashimi. Many sushi restaurants in Hong Kong sell Blue Fin Tuna meat for a high price as it is considered a delicacy. Blue Fin Tuna has been supplied to restaurants for over a decade, and their numbers have decreased dramatically. Fisheries have been fishing Blue Fin Tuna without any limit. The Northern Pacific Blue Fin Tuna population has decreased by 95%; while the Southern Pacific Blue Fin Tuna population by 85%. These alarming numbers are rising! Soon, the Blue Fin Tuna will be no more. We want to do something to stop the extinction of the species. World Wildlife Fund (WWF) has started a campaign called Save the Blue Fin Tuna. It is a campaign to raise awareness and to encourage people to stop consuming Blue Fin Tuna. They have an online petition site that introduces the campaign in further detail, and also allows individuals to make a pledge to refrain from consuming Blue Fin Tuna so that this species can be saved from extinction. They will also petition restaurants to stop selling the tuna. Your signature makes a difference. We would like to encourage everyone to look at the website and make a pledge to not eat Blue Fin Tuna. Please help us in our efforts to save this noble creature. We thank you in advance for your support! http://apps.wwf.org.hk/seafood/eng/bluefintuna/consumer.php 85-90 ! http://apps.wwf.org.hk/seafood/chi/bluefintuna/consumer.php (Contributed by: Ms, Clare Alcock, Community and Service Coordinator) (Clare Alcock )



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Field Trips


to Hong Kong Science Museum on Tuesday, February 23, 2010 by Grade 3 students


Below are reflections from the Grade 3 students who visited the Hong Kong Science Museum. In order to keep the originality of the student work, we do not provide a translation.

Students taking notes after their experiments. Look! They are so diligent!


Students understand the concept of magnetic polarity as they move the train using magnets.

Teh, Kiana Hui Yu, Grade 3 Ai

Cheng, Tsz Grade 3 Li Ching Hilarie,

Students learn about the dispersion of light.

Students learn about electric and magnetic fields through an experiment.

Leung, Soen Ryan, Grade 3 Zhong

Grade 3 Students Hong Kong food tasting activity on Thursday, December 17, 2009 20091217( )

Contributed by: Ms. Shek Wai Wai, Head of Year (Grade Three) ) (() )



Newsletter 2009/10 March, 2010 Issue 3

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Open Day

Admission News

Our Annual Open Day on Saturday, March 20, was a hugesuccess and saw around 500 prospective parents visiting the school. They were treated to performances by our primary and secondary students, school tours conducted by our parent volunteers and student ambassadors, as well as admission briefing and Q&A sessions in English and Putonghua/Cantonese conducted by our Principal, Mr. Malcolm Pritchard, our Vice Principal (Development), Ms. Jo-Ann Seow, our Primary Division Head, Ms. Shan Ning, and Manager (Admission, Development and Community Relations), Mr. Coleman Chau. As visitors walked around the school they were able to discuss the projects which our Foundation Year to Grade 10 students had prepared for Project Day that were displayed all over the campus. Our visitors left the school with a better understanding of our curriculum and an appreciation of why our students enjoy learning at The ISF Academy.

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Open Campus Day

Since our last

newsletter we have welcomed more than 150 parents to our two Open Campus Days on Tuesdays, December 15, 2009 and January 19, 2010. The visiting parents very much enjoyed talking to our parent volunteers as well as our student ambassadors. The remaining Open Campus Days for the rest of this academic year will be on Tuesdays, April 20, May 11 and June 8, 2010. Interested parties please contact our Admission Office, Telephone no.: 2202 2028 or email [email protected].


Invitation for Early Admission (2011/12 Foundation Year Program)

Assessment 19() 150

Nominees of Capital Note Holders who are born between the 201042051168() period September 1, 2005 to December 31, 2006 are eligible for 2202 the Early Admission Assessment for our 2011/12 Foundation [email protected]. Year Program. We are now inviting capital note holders whose nominees are eligible for our 2011/12 Foundation Year Program 2011/12 to submit an admission application. The Early Admission Assessment gives the child an additional opportunity for 200591200612 assessment and should the child pass the assessment test, 312011/12 parents can be assured that their child has a place in the 2011/12 Foundation Year Program at least six months earlier than those who are not nominees of Capital Note Holders. The completed admission application form together with the required documents should be submitted to our Admission Office before Friday, April 30, 2010. The admission assessment is tentatively scheduled for 20104 mid-May / early June 2010 and all applicants will be notified of 30() the scheduled date in due course. 201056 The admission application form can be downloaded from our website http://www.isf.edu.hk/eng/admissions_ape.html or obtained from our Primary or Secondary Division Office. Should you have any queries, please feel free to contact our Admission Office at 2202 2028. (Contributed by: Mr. Coleman Chau, Manager of Admission, Development and Community Relations) http://www.isf.edu.hk/eng/admissions_ape.html 2202 2028

(: )



Newsletter 2009/10 March, 2010 Issue 3

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PTA News

PTA Autumn Outing

More than 70 families of The ISF Academy community joined infor a day of fun with animals and nature at Tai Tong Lychee Valley in the New Territories on Sunday, December 13, 2009. Family members of all ages enjoyed activities ranging from horseback riding, feeding small animals (including rabbits, fish and goats), visiting the stables, riding a carriage pulled by an ox, riding bicycles on a really bumpy surface, and just being in touch with nature. A few of the Grade 2 students felt compelled to perform their wushu routine in this natural setting -- it would definitely make Yu Lao Shi proud. A few people even went on for a small adventure and found a dead snake. All in all, everyone had a relaxing day and was happy to doze off on the bus ride back.


PTA evenings

Be it a frigid and windy January 14 or a warm and calm March18, parents came out to enthusiastically support the Thursday PTA Evening gatherings and to meet Principal Malcolm Pritchard and some members of his senior management team (Ms. Sheila Klein, Mr. Andy McHugh, Dr. Levi Gao, Mr. Nick Forde and Ms. Leslie Tam). In a relaxed outdoor setting over a glass of wine, they engaged in lively discussions about the schools development. Parents from Foundation Year to Grade 10 were joined by their hosts, the PTA Representative Council members, who were there to listen to those parents concerns, thoughtful opinions and constructive suggestions. Come join us for the final two PTA Evenings of the school year on April 15 and June 3.

114318 () Sheila Klein Andy McHughNick Forde

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Newsletter 2009/10 March, 2010 Issue 3

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PTA News PTA Spring Dinner

On March 12, 2010, close to 600 members of The ISFAcademy community gathered at The S.K. & Margaret Wong Gymnasium, the Covered Playground, and the Dining Hall to enjoy a festive evening together. Prior to the PTA Spring Dinner, more than 50 parents and teachers got together in the Food Technology Room, rolled up their sleeves and wrapped an impressive 1,000 dumplings which were cooked and served as part of the buffet dinner.At the Dinner, while adults enjoyed the Fun Competition on stage which pitched teachers, parents and students against one another, children were busy lining up for a bite of Chinese snacks or one of the many Chinese handicrafts that were available. The lantern riddles and colorful decorations added to the general festivity of the night; the Shop in the Corner ran a buzzing business as teachers and parents shopped for low-priced items; and the Tea House was a sanctuary for those who looked for a quiet corner to enjoy Chinese tea. Thanks to parents generosity, we had more than 100 Lucky Draw prizes, which were drawn by Chairman of the Board Ms. Frances Wong, Principal Mr. Malcolm Pritchard, and PTA President Ms. Lisa Gove. The PTA thanks all the parent volunteers, school staff and vendors who helped to make this event such a success. We look forward to continuing this annual community building event in the future.

2010312600 1,000 Lisa Gove



Newsletter 2009/10 March, 2010 Issue 3

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Newsletter 2009/10 March, 2010 Issue 3

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PTA News PTA support to School Teams

The PTA believes that School teams are a great way to nourish students strengths, enrich their experiences and buildschool spirit. During the last few years several school teams have been formed; teachers, coaches, and parents have gone the extra mile to organize the students, arrange training and practice sessions, and enter the teams in competitions. To show our support to the School teams, the PTA has made an amount of funds available to the School teams - all teams are welcome to apply for funding as a one-off subsidy to help build up the teams. The funds could be used for team outfits, equipment, teaching materials, and specialized expert coaching that are considered by the leader or coach of the teams to be important and essential to the teams. The Chess Team and the Swimming Team have, through this channel, received funds to support their activities. (Contributed by: PTA)


The Independent Schools Foundation Academy 1 Kong Sin Wan Road, Pokfulam, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2202 2000 Fax: (852) 2202 2099 Website: www.isf.edu.hk Email: [email protected] Editorial Team: Department of Admission, Development and Community Relations

1 : (852) 2202 2000 : (852) 2202 2099 : www.isf.edu.hk : [email protected] :