Contents Ⅰ. Introduction Ⅱ. Nuclear issues in Iran Ⅲ. Nuclear issues in North Korea Ⅳ. Conclusion 韓國中東學會論叢, 第32-2號 韓國中東學會, 2011, 47-79 Nuclear Issues in Iran and North Korea* 1)2) Chang, Byung-Ock** * This work was supported by Hankuk University of Foreign Studies Research Fund of 2011. ** HUFS

Nuclear Issues in Iran and North Korea* · 2012-12-04 · has refused to resume aid shipments or six-nation talks on ending North Korea’s nuclear weapons development before North

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  • Contents

    Ⅰ. Introduction

    Ⅱ. Nuclear issues in Iran

    Ⅲ. Nuclear issues in North Korea

    Ⅳ. Conclusion

    韓國中東學會論叢, 第32-2號

    韓國中東學會, 2011, 47-79

    Nuclear Issues in Iran and North Korea*1)2)

    Chang, Byung-Ock**

    * This work was supported by Hankuk University of Foreign Studies Research Fund of 2011.

    ** HUFS

  • 48 韓國中東學會論叢 第32-2號

    이란과 북한의 핵 문제



    오늘날 이란과 북한의 핵 문제는 국제정치의 주요 이슈이다. 양국은 국제

    사회의 압력에도 불구하고 핵 프로그램을 중단하지 않고 있다. 본 논문은 이

    란과 북한의 핵 개발의 역사적 배경과 현재 상황을 조사하고, 중동-북아프리

    카 비핵화 전략을 포함한 미국의 핵 정책 분석하고 있다.

    이란의 핵 개발은 중동의 지정학적 패권을 장악하고 미국이나 이스라엘로

    부터의 안보 위협에 대응하기 위한 것이다. 즉, 자국의 안보를 확보하기 위해

    핵을 전략적으로 활용하여 미국 및 이스라엘의 압박과 패권에 도전해온 것이

    다. 반면 북한의 핵 개발은 공산독제체제의 유지를 위해서 적대적인 한미일

    동맹세력의 위협으로부터 안보 억제력을 확보하기 위한 것으로 분석된다. 즉,

    핵 무장을 통해 한반도 및 주변국에는 핵 위협을, 미국 등 강대국에 테러 불

    안을 조장함으로서 경제적 보상이나 체제 유지를 추구해온 것이다. 따라서 미

    국에게 양국의 핵 문제는 세계 전략의 수행과 핵 확산 억제 정책의 성패를

    좌우하는 사안이다.

    미국은 이란과 북한에 대해 매우 강경한 핵 억제 정책을 유지해왔다. 미국

    은 러시아, 중국, 일본, 서유럽, 그리고 최근에는 한국에까지 이란과 북한에

    대한 기술 및 금융 지원 제한을 요구하는 등 양국을 정치, 경제적으로 철저히

    고립시키는 정책을 펴고 있다. 그러나 미국은 핵 문제에 대해 이중 잣대를 적

    용하고 있다. 미국은 인도, 파키스탄의 핵 개발에 대해서는 침묵하고 있으며,

    미국의 지원을 받는 이스라엘은 중동의 유일한 핵 보유국으로 7개의 핵시설

    및 최대 200기의 핵무기를 보유하고 있다.

    사실 6자회담이라는 협상의 틀이 갖춰져 있고, 핵 개발 자체보다는 체제유

    지와 경제적 이유가 목적인 북한에 비해 이란 핵 문제는 그 해결이 더욱 어

    렵다. 이란은 자체적인 우라늄 농축 프로그램에 우선순위를 두고 있기 때문이

    다. 따라서 이란 핵 문제의 해결을 위해서 미국은 이중잣대를 버리고 국제사

    회의 합의로 이루어진 핵 억제 정책을 제시해야만 할 것이다.

    주제어: 핵 문제, 이란, 북한, 비핵화 전략, 이중잣대

  • Nuclear Issues in Iran and North Korea : 장 병 옥 49

    I. Introduction

    Nowadays the nuclear issue in the Middle East, especially in Iran as

    well as in North Korea is elevated to the top of the world political

    agenda. Both countries do not stop developing their nuclear program in

    spite of the external pressure, such as economic sanctions of the UN

    and the United States.

    The United States tolerated the Israel's stance insisting on the

    indefinite Extension of the Treaty, whereas it has only lately curbed

    Iran and North Korea's drive to acquire nuclear technology. The US

    administration has been trying, in public and private, to prevent Russia,

    China, Japan, Western Europe, and recently South Korea from

    supplying Iran and North Korea with nuclear technology or the funds

    to buy it. The effort was designed to augment the US "dual -

    containment policy" of isolating Iran and North Korea politically as well

    as economically. It is obvious that the US attitude towards proliferation

    of nuclear arms reflects double standards between Israel and

    Iran-North Korea.

    Iran is continuing its uranium enrichment activities in defiance of

    UN Security Council resolutions(UNSCR) 1929 in June 2010. The

    United States has also independently imposed new sanctions against

    Iran and has urged other countries including Japan and South Korea

    to follow suit. In spite of this crisis, Iran has finally opened its first

    nuclear power plant at Bushehr on August 21, 2010 thirty-six years

    after construction began under Shah. South Korea said on September

    8, 2010 that it will ban unauthorized financial dealings with Iran and

    impose other penalties as part of UNSCR and a US-led campaign to

    enforce sanctions against Iran over its disputed nuclear enrichment

  • 50 韓國中東學會論叢 第32-2號

    program. Moreover, since Iran has been a major trading partner and a

    fourth largest crude oil provider for South Korea, there are concerns

    that South Korea's independent sanction against Iran would cause

    severe damage to its economy and long-standing ties between two


    Meanwhile China, the North’s main ally and the leader of the

    six-nation nuclear talks, has urged both Koreas to shift from

    confrontation to dialogue by rejoining the talks. After making various

    threats including the sinking of a South Korean Cheonan warship,

    which killed 46 sailors, North Korea has begun offering conciliatory

    gestures. On August 2010, it freed an imprisoned American during

    former President Jimmy Carter’s diplomatic trip to Pyongyang. It also

    released a seven-man crew of a South Korean fishing boat seized a

    month ago. In a surprise gesture of reconciliation, North Korea

    proposed to South Korea on September 11, 2010 that they arrange

    reunions of families separated by a war sixty years ago. But the South

    has refused to resume aid shipments or six-nation talks on ending

    North Korea’s nuclear weapons development before North Korea

    apologizes for the sinking of a South Korean warship in March. And

    after Yeonpyung Island attack in November 2010, on Janunary 1, 2011

    North Korea made another surprise gesture of reconciliation that could

    ease tensions on the Korean Peninsula.3) South Korea agreed to

    high-level military talks with the North,4) after months of tension on

    the peninsula, and both set date for military talks. In April, Former US

    President Jimmy Carter has arrived in the North Korean capital

    Pyongyang as part of a push to resolve the stand-off over the

    country's nuclear programme.5) In July, South Korea’s nuclear envoy

    3) BBC News January 1, 2011.

    4) The Wallstreet Journal, January 21, 2011.

  • Nuclear Issues in Iran and North Korea : 장 병 옥 51

    said he had “constructive” talks with North Korea on the sidelines of

    the Asean summit.6) It is the first such contact since six-party talks

    on North Korea's nuclear programme collapsed two years ago, and in

    August, North Korea said it is eager to resume six-party talks on its

    nuclear programme “at an early date” and “without preconditions.7)

    This paper seeks to investigate the historical background of

    developing nuclear arms of two problematic countries, which were

    once considered as the axis of evil. Then, it also evaluates US policy

    towards nuclear question including US strategy of the denuclearization

    of the Middle East and the North East Asia.

    II. Nuclear issues in Iran

    In its geostrategic setting and external environment, Iran has been

    surrounded by quite a few hostile countries including a superpower

    Russia. Over the centuries, its strategic location as a land bridge

    between Asia and Europe has made it vulnerable to migratory forces

    and to pressures from expanding military powers-as represented by

    Greek, Roman, Arab, Mongol, Turkic, Russian, and England invasions.

    The discovery of oil in Iran and elsewhere in the Persian Gulf

    enhanced its strategic importance and intensified imperial rivalries

    including England. The change of regime in Russia in 1917 and the

    rise of the United States after World War II did nothing to end great

    power competition; Iran's geostrategic predicament remained


    5) BBC News, April 26, 2011.

    6) BBC News, July 22, 2011.

    7) BBC News, August 1, 2011.

  • 52 韓國中東學會論叢 第32-2號

    Iran was gassed into surrender and truce in the Iran-Iraq War.

    Pakistan, Iran's proselytizing Sunni neighbor to the southeast, probably

    having nuclear bomb. Saudi Arabia, its most ardent and reviled

    religious rival in the Islamic World, has longer-range missiles under

    the nuclear umbrella of the United States. Syria is engaging in a major

    military buildup, courtesy of Saudi-American largesse during the

    Persian Gulf War in 1991. Israel and Russia has nuclear arms.9) Given

    all this, Iranians live in a rough neighborhood having deadly weapons.

    That's why Iran is compelled to construct or purchase weapons of

    mass destruction(WMD), especially nuclear bombs as possible as it

    can. Hardly anyone else but Tehran regime denies that the Iranians

    want the bombs. "The surprise would be if they weren't going after

    nuclear weapons," says one senior British diplomat.

    The early beginnings of the Iranian nuclear program were linked to

    German in the period of 1970s during the reign of the Shah

    Mohammad Reza Pahlavi as a symbol of modernization. The late Shah

    entertained considerable nuclear ambitions, and in the years before his

    overthrow, he dispatched numerous young Iranian scientists to study in

    the United States and Europe. Iran's unfinished Bushehr nuclear

    complex beside the Persian Gulf has stood rearly abandoned since the

    1979 Islamic Revolution, when Germany ordered the primary

    contractor, Siemens, to suspend work on the project. The Iranians

    meticulously preserved the equipment the Germans left behind,

    erecting temporary structures to keep it out of the weather. The

    complex was hit by Baghdad's bombers in 1981 during the Iran-Iraq

    War, and sections of the inner containment walls were breached. Even

    8) Shireen T. Hunter, Iran and the World(Bloomington & Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 1991), pp. 6-20.

    9) Foreign Policy, No.96(Fall, 1994), p.77.

  • Nuclear Issues in Iran and North Korea : 장 병 옥 53

    when the complex did not generate a watt of electricity or a gram of

    plutonium, the Bushehr complex has been producing huge amounts of

    energy in another form: political and diplomatic heat before August


    It was reported that in 1995 China was dropping plans to sell two

    nuclear reactors to Iran instead of America's not recognizing Taiwan

    as an independent state.10) In this regard, the Iranian Embassy

    strongly denies the report. But Russia made it clear that the reactor

    would be implemented. The US position was that the sale of any

    nuclear technology, even for civilian power generation, could have

    dangerous consequences. The Russian official underlined the economic

    importance that Tehran-Moscow nuclear deal had for Russia. Russian

    Foreign Minister Andrei Kozrev stressed that Moscow sees no reason

    to stop its nuclear deal with Iran. He further said Moscow will not

    take any measure to enhance Iran's potentials to produce nuclear

    weapons, emphasizing that there will be nothing wrong with supplying

    Iran with nuclear reactors. Russian Deputy Minister of the Atomic

    Energy, Sidorenko also said that its experts are normally working to

    complete the unfinished Bushehr nuclear power plant without any plan

    to stop the project.11)

    Iran through establishment and completion of its atomic power

    plants, is in fact pursuing peaceful purposes, said substitute Friday

    prayer leader of Qom, Ayatollah Ebrahim Amini.12) Referring to

    allegations made by Western media on Iran's military objectives behind

    completion of Bushehr Atomic Power Plant, he said that Iran has

    repeatedly voiced readiness for the inspection of its installations by

    10) Korea Herald. September 29, 1995.

    11) Dong-Ah Daily News, October 1, 1995.

    12) Tehran Times, January 22, 1995.

  • 54 韓國中東學會論叢 第32-2號

    experts of International Atomic Energy Agency(IAEA).

    In 2002, Russia signed an $800 million contract to build and install a

    light-water reactor that would occupy one of the two domes begun by

    the Germans at Bushehr. The United States has vowed to block the

    deal, insisting that Iran's real goal is to get the technology and

    materials needed to develop nuclear weapons. The White House has

    been pressing Russia and China to cancel contracts to build nuclear

    power plants in Iran.

    At that time, in 2003, Iran said it was suspending its uranium

    enrichment program and will allow tougher UN inspections of its

    nuclear facilities. And, after the inspection, IAEA concludes there was

    no evidence of a weapons program.13) However, in 2005, Iran

    announced that it has resumed uranium conversion at its Isfahan plant

    and insisted the program is for peaceful purposes. However, the

    United States questions whether Iran's desire for a reactor has

    anything to do with peaceful uses. "The United States believes there

    is no legitimate basis for Iran to seek a nuclear reactor," the US

    secretary of state, Warren Christopher said. "They do not have a

    shortage of energy."

    Iran, one of the biggest oil producers in the world, produces

    1.25billion barrels of oil a year, and has untapped reserves of roughly

    115 billion barrels. Iran is now the world's third-biggest oil exporte

    r.14) But Iran's proven oil reserves will be exhausted by 2042.15) Iran

    also lacks refinery capacity to meet domestic demand and must

    repurchase fuel on international markets.16) Tehran's permanent

    13) news.bbc.co.uk, Timeline in Iran. June 9, 2010.

    14) Business Week, March 20, 1995.

    15) Newsweek, May 15, 1995

    16) Korea Herald, August 23, 2010.

  • Nuclear Issues in Iran and North Korea : 장 병 옥 55

    representative to the IAEA, Mohammad Sadegh Ayatollahi, contended

    that sound energy planning requires the widest possible range of

    power sources. By his estimate the correct proportion of nuclear

    power for Iran would be around 20 to 25 percent-meaning four or five

    1,000 mega watt plants.17)

    At that time, the Clinton administration, however, had a distrust of

    Iran, honestly fearing Iran's nuclear program. The administration

    conceded that Iran's civilian nuclear program is hampered by a

    shortage of supplies, expertise and hard currency. But "The Iranian

    military program is more serious, better run, more advanced and more

    thorough than the civilian program," said a senior intelligence official.

    According to US officials's report in 1993, Iran sent a purchasing

    team to Kazakhstan - shopping for enriched uranium. The Iranians'

    visit helped prompt a secret Pentagon airlift last year that removed

    500 kilograms of enriched uranium-enough for 25 bombs - from a

    poorly guarded Kazakh facility and delivered it to Oak Ridge,

    Tennessee. US intelligence said several dozen Iranian front companies

    are combing world markets for materials, components and plans to

    build devices such as nuclear triggers. The Russian Press had carried

    reports of former Soviet scientists offered $5,000 a month to help Iran

    develop nuclear arms, comparing Russian atomic physicists' salaries of

    $67 a month. But Russian Atomic Energy Ministry Spokesman, Georgy

    Kaurov said that no one has taken the bait, and that all their scientists

    are at home.

    At that time Iranians were trained at out-of-date nuclear facilities in

    China and Russia. Russia was talking about training Iranian nuclear

    specialists at Moscow Physical Engineering Institute, a top school in

    17) Newsweek, May 15, 1995

  • 56 韓國中東學會論叢 第32-2號

    the field. Chinese Shinhwasa news agency reported that Russia sent

    150 atomic physicists in advance to research into Iran's nuclear

    facilities before selling nuclear reactors and submarines.18)

    Some Iranians in exile estimated that hundreds of Russian and

    Chinese nuclear specialists now are in Iran to train young Iranian

    engineers, and that hundreds of Iranians are going to Moscow and

    Beijing for study. But Ayatollahi denied those estimates. Only two

    groups have gone to Moscow, he insists, with fewer than 20

    technicians in each group. The Tehran regime has also approached

    Iranian-born nuclear scientists who stayed in the Western countries

    after Islamic Revolution with offers to come back and serve the

    homeland, Iran. This is exactly what happened with Pakistan and China

    in the 1970s. Building an educated think tank of nuclear experts is

    key to any weapons program.

    In response to with the nervous reaction of the United States, Iran

    has always announced its opposition to production and stockpiling of

    nuclear weapons. Tehran was the initiator of the plan for declaring the

    Middle East Nuclear Weapon Free Zone(NWFZ). Iran is also a

    signatory to the nuclear NPT and its nuclear program is of peaceful


    Later, IAEA votes to report Iran to the UN Security Council over its

    nuclear activities in 2006. Meanwhile, Iran continued to develop its

    program, and finally Iran declared that it has succeeded in enriching

    uranium at its Natanz facility. In the same year, even though UN

    Security Council deadline for Iran to halt its work on nuclear fuel

    passes, Tehran has failed to suspend the program. Even in 2007, IAEA

    said that Iran could develop a nuclear weapon in three to eight years

    18) Kayhān, March12, 1995.

    19) Kayhāne Havāi, May 10, 1995.

  • Nuclear Issues in Iran and North Korea : 장 병 옥 57

    if it so chooses, but a new US intelligence report plays down the

    perceived nuclear threat posed by Iran.

    In the meantime, the US, for the first time in 30 years, imposed the

    toughest sanctions against Iran. In 2008, UN Security Council passes

    unanimously a new resolution reaffirming demands that Iran stop

    enriching uranium. The new resolution was agreed after Russia said it

    would not support further sanctions. Until this time, for Iran, no UN

    ban existed, so the US can only plead with its allies not to do deals,

    as not only a way to penalize the Iranians for strong anti-US policies

    but also to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons.

    At the beginning of the year 2010, even though Iran said it was

    ready to send enriched uranium abroad for further enrichment under a

    deal agreed with the West, western states responded with scepticism,

    saying the agreement will not stop Iran from continuing to enrich

    uranium. And finally, in June 2010, UN security Council voted in favor

    of a fourth round of sanctions against Iran over its nuclear program,

    including tighter finance curbs and an expanded arms embargo.20) At a

    meeting at the UN in New York, the Security Council voted by 12

    votes to two in favor of a fourth round of coercive measures. Brazil

    and Turkey voted against the sanctions, while Lebanon abstained.

    They argued that the sanctions were counter-productive and

    endangered a diplomatic solution.

    The resolution singles out the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, who run

    much of the economy - including the national shipping line which

    Western diplomats say is trying to evade sanctions by setting up front

    companies. The sanctions also prohibit Iran from buying heavy

    weapons such as attack helicopters and missiles. They toughen rules

    20) news.bbc.co.uk, Timeline in Iran. June 9, 2010.

  • 58 韓國中東學會論叢 第32-2號

    on financial transactions with Iranian banks, and increase the number

    of Iranian individuals and companies that are targeted by asset freezes

    and travel bans. But the sanctions were passed after being watered

    down during negotiations with Russia and China on the day before the

    meeting. In the end there were no crippling economic sanctions and no

    oil embargo.

    The vote for sanctions came almost 18 months after US President

    Barack Obama promised a new strategy of engagement with Iran when

    he took office. Yet the US eventually pushed for tougher sanctions21).

    In the meantime, South Korea, one of the strongest allies of the

    United States is also under pressure to act in line with the

    international efforts to curb the nuclear ambition of Iran. The major

    issue for the South Korean government's own sanction against Iran is

    to freeze the assets of bank Mellat Seoul branch or to shut it down.

    Bank Mellat is an Iranian bank that has its only East Asian branch in

    Seoul. Bank Mellat was under suspicion that it has facilitated hundreds

    of millions of dollars of transactions involved in the Iran’s nuclear

    weapons program.

    Dan Glaser, US Treasury deputy assistant secretary on terrorism

    financing and financial crimes, stressed sanctions against Bank Mellat

    were becoming the “international norm” and said that it was

    “absolutely vital” for South Korea to impose measures against Iran on

    his visit to Seoul on August 2, 2010.22)

    The Korean government has been auditing Bank Mellat since June

    as part of a regular inspection of all foreign banks in the country. A

    diplomatic source said since the act took effect on July 1, transactions

    between Bank Mellat's Seoul office and major Korean companies and

    21) BBC News, June 10, 2010.

    22) Financial Times, US presses Seoul on sanctions, August 4, 2010

  • Nuclear Issues in Iran and North Korea : 장 병 옥 59

    banks were already suspended, "but it's up to the Korean government

    to decide on whether to close it down, whatever U.S. law says."23)

    Meanwhile in spite of this crisis, Iran has finally opened its first

    nuclear power plant at Bushehr on August 21, 2010 after thirty-six

    years. Sergei Kirienko, the chief Rostam, the Russian state nuclear

    power company, said "Congratulations." Ali Akbar Salehi, head of the

    Iranian nuclear program said "Despite all pressure, sanctions and

    hardships imposed by Western nations, we are now witnessing the

    startup of the largest symbol of Iran's peaceful nuclear activities."

    Another conservative Iranian lawmaker Arsalan Fathipour struck a tone

    defiance. "The startup at Busheher proved the ineffectiveness of

    sanctions," he said.24) Russia emphasizes the Busheher nuclear power

    plant facilities can't be used for nonpeaceful purposes. But the opening

    was sure to upset US diplomats, who had encouraged Russia to delay

    it as a way to add to economic sanctions imposed.25)

    In August 2010, the financial authorities announced that they have

    reasonable suspicion that Bank Mellat traded with Iranian counterparts

    that are subject to the U.S.-led sanctions. If the evidence about Bank

    Mellat is confirmed, it could be subject to a suspension of business for

    up to one year, or even closure. However, an official of the Ministry

    of Strategy and Finance said evidence of wrongdoing found was not as

    strong enough to justify severe punishment, such as the closure of the


    23) Chosun Ilbo, 3 Firms in Seoul Subject to U.S. Sanctions Against Iran, August 19, 2010.

    24) Iran starts nuclear reactor, says intent peaceful, Korea Herald, August 23, 2010.

    25) With help, Iran opens first nuclear power plant, International Herald Tribune, August 23, 2010

    26) JoongAng Daily, Evidence of illegal deals at Mellat’s Seoul unit, August 19, 2010.

  • 60 韓國中東學會論叢 第32-2號

    Recently, Japan decided to impose more sanctions on Iran.27) In

    reaction to Japan's announcement, Iran's Foreign Ministry spokesman

    Ramin Mehmanparast publicly said that any country that imposes

    sanctions on Iran will create problems for their companies, waste their

    national interests and pass on business opportunities to their rivals. He

    said the UN sanctions are imposed because of denial to Iran’s right to

    make use of nuclear science for peaceful purposes. The diplomat

    explained that unfortunately some countries under the influence of the

    US are taking bigger measures than the unlawful resolution which is

    by no means justifiable for the great people of Iran.28) He also added

    that the countries which impose sanctions against Iran will not make

    any profit from this country which has great potential.29)

    Ahead of this, Iranian ambassador to Korea in the interview with

    Kyunghyang Daily had also said that if Korean government set more

    sanctions on Iran, it would be the Korean medium-sized businesses,

    not Iran, which suffer a great loss.30) Iran threatened to boycott South

    Korean cars and electronics in retaliation for any new sanctions.

    On August 28, a senior government official said after a trip to

    Washington that South Korea will announce details of its planned

    sanctions on Iran to comply with a relevant UN resolution. Vice

    Foreign Minister Chun Yung-woo said that the government's

    independent sanctions on Iran will be implemented at an early date

    once preparations are completed in line with the UN Security Council

    Resolution 1929.31)

    27) VOANews Persian, September 3, 2010.

    28) Tehran Times, Iran reacts to Japanese sanctions, September 6, 2010.

    29) radiofarda.com, September 6, 2010.

    30) Kyunghyang Daily, August 9, 2010.

    31) Yonhap News Agency, S. Korea soon to announce new sanctions against Iran: official , August 28, 2010.

  • Nuclear Issues in Iran and North Korea : 장 병 옥 61

    South Korea on September 8, 2010 announced sanctions against

    Iran as part of global efforts to quash Tehran's suspected nuclear

    program. Korean inter-ministerial task force team told reporters that

    they considered key criteria — joining the international effort to

    prevent proliferation; the role of Korea in the international community

    as a responsible state; and trade with Iran — when mapping out the

    new measures. The team added the threat posed by the Iranian

    nuclear program was as dangerous as that of North Korea.32)

    Seoul targeted 102 entities, including the Iranian Revolutionary

    Guard Corps and the Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Lines, as well

    as 24 individuals, Foreign Ministry spokesman Kim Young-sun said.

    Seoul has been cautious in taking action against Iran, trying to balance

    its diplomatic interests with the United States and its economic

    interests with Iran. Iran is South Korea's third-largest trading partner

    in the Middle East, with two-way trade totaling nearly $10 billion last

    year, according to the Korea International Trade Association.33) It is

    also South Korea's fourth-biggest supplier of crude oil, accounting for

    9.8 percent of its oil imports, according to the Korea National Oil


    32) KOREAN TIMES, September 8, 2010.

    33) Washington Post, September 9, 2010

    34) Trade between Iran and South Korea grew to $9.6 billion last year, up from $2.9 billion in 2001. In the first seven months of 2010 it rose 53 percent over the same period of last year to $7.4 billion — thanks mainly to increased oil exports to South Korea and a growing Iranian appetite for Korean electronics and vehicles. Iran is the fourth-largest source of crude oil for South Korea, accounting for 10 percent of its oil imports. South Korea said it would not curtail oil imports from Iran, but it prohibited new investment, technical services, financial services and building contracts for Iran’s petroleum and gas industries. South Korean companies are a major player in the construction and engineering markets in Iran, with an estimated $1.9 billion worth of current contracts (International Herald Tribune, September 8, 2010).

  • 62 韓國中東學會論叢 第32-2號

    The South Korean actions included effectively hamstringing the

    Seoul office of Bank Mellat35), which handles transactions for 70

    percent of South Korean exports to Iran. Bank Mellat’s Seoul branch

    will now need approval from the Bank of Korea, the central bank, to

    carry out any financial deal. In the end, South Korea’s sanctions were

    similar to those previously announced by Japan and the European


    So far, the European Union, Australia, Canada and Japan have

    joined the international campaign against Iran. The United States

    welcomed Korea's decision. "These actions strengthen the growing

    international resolve to prevent proliferation and Iran's development of

    nuclear weapons and to press Iran to return to serious negotiations on

    its nuclear program and meet its international obligations," U.S.

    Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Treasury Secretary Timothy

    Geithner said in a joint statement.37)

    III. Nuclear Issues in North Korea

    North Korea boasts a 1.1 million man army in forward positions

    bearing down on the border separating the two Koreas (Demilitarized

    Zone or DMZ). It is infamously known as an aggressive exporter of

    ballistic missile technology to regimes like Iran and Pakistan. Its drive

    35) South Korea will also heavily penalize the Seoul branch of Bank Mellat, one of the 15 targeted Iranian banks, for violating laws on foreign exchange transactions. The United States has accused the bank of facilitating hundreds of millions of dollars in transactions for Iranian nuclear, missile and defense entities.

    36) South Korea Aims Sanctions at Iran (International Herald Tribune), CHOE SANG-HUN,: September 8, 2010

    37) LA TIMES, September 8, 2010.

  • Nuclear Issues in Iran and North Korea : 장 병 옥 63

    for nuclear weapons in earnest dates back to the 1980s, and was

    being pursued even before then. Many experts believe the North

    Korea holds on of the largest stockpiles of biological and chemical

    agents in the world.

    At the same time that the regime empowers itself militarily, it

    starves its citizens at home. The North Korea regime "is a closed,

    unpredictable, irrational, bellicose group, the likes of which are hard to

    find." According to others, the regime is "mad," "rogue," and "a

    country full of 'crazy' people"(Cha & Kang 2003, 2-3).

    Moreover, some even argued that the United States was

    encouraging North Korean aggression with its policy of appeasement

    that rewarded bad behavior and "encouraged all these crazy people

    over in North Korea to believe we are weaklings because we are

    giving them everything they want." In order to change their bad

    behavior, the only policy worth pursuing is isolation and containment,

    abandoning the "sunshine" policy of unconditional engagement made

    famous by former president Kim Dae-Jung and Roh Moo-Hyen.

    A more hardline view sees no reason to compromise American

    values and negotiate with a brutal and morally repugnant dictator. This

    perspective sees Pyongyang as attempting to blackmail and extort

    concessions from the United States through threats and brinkmanship.

    In this view, the United States should not engage in dialogue with

    North Korea under any conditions. At its core, this perspective sees a

    more confrontational strategy as the best way to pursue a conclusion

    to the situation on the peninsula.

    At the other extreme, there are those who view North Korea as

    essentially a victim of great-power politics. In this view, the United

    States has consistently overlooked the wholehearted attempts of the

    North to reform its system. This perspective views carrots as more

  • 64 韓國中東學會論叢 第32-2號

    worthwhile than sticks, and emphasizes the responsibility that the

    world's most powerful nation has in resolving crises through


    A former commander of U.S. forces in Korea, General Gary Luck,

    offered a sober but succinct estimate of the bottom line if things go

    badly awry on the Korean peninsula: "one million and one trillion."

    That is, the costs of going to war over North Korea's nuclear program

    would amount to one million casualties and one trillion dollars in

    estimated industrial damage and lost business(Cha & Kang 2003, 5-6).

    North Korea has been considered to be one of the axis of evil

    countries since Bush administration because of its terrorist activities

    and nuclear program. Since the end of the Korean War, 31 North

    Korean terrorist activities have been recorded. Hijacking of a KNA

    airplane with 34 passengers in 1958 was the beginning. Among the

    thirty-one recorded cases, the four assassination attempts on South

    Korean presidents in 1968, 1974, 1981 and 1983 respectively, and the

    three hijacking and bombings of airplanes in 1958, 1969, 1987 were

    extreme provocations that received international condemnation(Kim

    2002, 49-50).

    North Korea was included on Washington's list of terrorism

    supporting countries in 198838) following its bombing of a Korean Air

    passenger aircraft in 1987. North Korea is one of seven countries on

    Washington's list, which also includes Iran, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Sudan,

    and Cuba. Inclusion on the list invariably involves international

    economic sanctions including the denial of financial assistance. In

    addition, Washington's 2000 Annual Report on the Patterns of Global

    Terrorism indicated that there is evidence that North Korea maintained

    38) In October 2008, the United States removed North Korea from its list of state sponsors of terrorism.

  • Nuclear Issues in Iran and North Korea : 장 병 옥 65

    ties with various terrorist groups, including the sale of arms and

    munitions. Meanwhile, the 1999 annual report specifically outlined

    North Korea's connections with Osama bin Laden and his al Qaeda

    terrorist organization. Under these circumstances, North Korea is likely

    to be closely scrutinized for its past dealings with various terrorist

    groups (Park 2002, 64).

    And North Korea's nuclear development program and ballistic missile

    threat stand out as the most serious proliferation challenges in today's

    era of terrorism(Kim 2002, 121). Moreover, the ex-president George

    W. Bush's remarks that North Korea, along with Iran and Iraq,

    constitute an "axis of evil" and his stern warning of North Korea over

    its development of weapons of mass destruction amid starvation of its

    people will pose a stumbling block as well (Park 2002, 63).

    In 2000, Pyongyang regime has removed seals and disabled

    monitoring cameras at nuclear facilities that had been mothballed under

    the Agreed Framework, which was made in 1994, with the United

    States. Under the 1994 Agreed Framework, North Korea stopped

    building a 50-megawatt reactor in Yongbyon, 80km north of

    Pyongyang, and another 200-megawatt reactor in Taechon, west of

    Yongbyon, which experts believe could produce fuel for hundreds of

    weapons. The 1994 agreement called for the United States to form a

    consortium for building twin light-water reactors to fulfill North

    Korea's energy needs in return for abandonment by North Korea of its

    effort to build nuclear weapons. Under the agreement the United

    States had been shipping 500,000 tons of heavy fuel oil a year as a

    stopgap measure during construction of the twin energy reactors. But

    as following recent North Korea's nuclear crisis the United States

    suspended the shipment of fuel oil for its power plant.

    Against this measure of US, North Korea removed UN Seals from

  • 66 韓國中東學會論叢 第32-2號

    more nuclear facilities and began repair work at a reactor that had

    been frozen since 1994. North Korea will need "a month or two" to

    make their Soviet-designed, 5-megawatt reactor at Yongbyon

    operational, said Mar Gwozdecky, chief spokesman at the UN

    International Atomic Energy Agency(IAEA). Bush Administration has

    issued a clear warning to North Korea that it must comply soon with

    its obligations to the IAEA and allow the IAEA to conduct full-scope

    inspections of nuclear installations that Pyongyang agreed to in 1992.

    Furthermore in spite of Bush's warning North Korea declared to

    withdraw from NPT on January 10, 2003.

    In response to this provocation, the Bush administration was justly

    resisting pressure to offer North Korea what would amount to rewards

    for its behavior. It also was playing down the seriousness of the

    crisis. The second tactic may serve the first, but it carries risks of its


    It is probable that officials at the U.S. State Department simply do

    not trust North Koreans whatever they say. Or they have actually

    been too busy with Iraq. Whatever the reason the North's repeated

    overtures for dialogue have failed to bring the United Sates back to

    the negotiating table. The North Korea's demand for a nonaggression

    pact, as a possible safeguard for its sovereignty and security, has

    fallen on a deaf ear. In the meantime, Washington has been insisting

    that Pyongyang give up its nuclear programs40).

    Back in June 1994, North Korea defied IAEA by removing fuel rods

    from its nuclear reactor(Niksch 2002, 52). At that time a nuclear crisis

    on the Korean Peninsula pushed the United States and North Korea to

    the brink of war41).

    39) The Washington Post, Decemer 24, 2002

    40) Korea Herald, December 26, 2002.

  • Nuclear Issues in Iran and North Korea : 장 병 옥 67

    The Clinton Administration succeeded in forging a coalition in the

    United Nations to impose economic sanctions on North Korea. Japan

    was prepared to cut off financial flows to North Korea, and China was

    prepared to allow the UN Security Council to approve a sanctions

    resolution. North Korea's knowledge of this was a major factor in its

    invitation to Jimmy Carter to visit Pyongyang and begin the process of

    negotiating a compromise. The subsequent negotiated compromise, the

    October 1994 Agreed Framework, was flawed. Nevertheless, this does

    not negate the Clinton Administration's success in gaining international

    support for sanctions. A key reason, probably the most important

    reason for this success, was that other governments perceived that the

    Clinton Administration had made a concerted diplomatic effort for a

    year to negotiate a resolution of the nuclear issue with North Korea.

    After the failure of the 1994 Agreed Framework, the United States

    and North Korea agreed to hold trilateral talks with China in Beijing.

    The talks began in Beijing between the U.S. and North Korea, hosted

    by China on April 23, 2003. The delegations were led by the US

    Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian affairs, James Kelly, and

    the deputy director general of North Korea's American Affairs Bureau,

    Li Gun.42) The first round of talks adjourned without much progress.

    In August, 2003, North Korea agreed to six-way talks on its nuclear

    program and the first Six-party talks including South Korea, US, Japan,

    China and Russia was held in Beijing on August 27-29, 2003. Second

    and third rounds of Six-party talks were held in February and June

    2004, where the US made a new offer to allow North Korea fuel aid if

    it freezes then dismantles its nuclear programmes but North Korea

    rejected the offer.43)

    41) The Japanese Times, December 26, 2002.

    42) BBC News, April 24, 2003

  • 68 韓國中東學會論叢 第32-2號

    The fourth round of talks began in Beijing on July 25, 2005 but the

    talks came to a standstill and a recess is called. The second phase of

    the talks resumed on September 13, 2005 and concluded on September

    19, 2005 with adopting the joint statement of six nations. Six parties

    agreed on the establishment of five working groups on the

    denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, normalization of DPRK-US

    relations, normalization of DPRK-Japan relations, economy and energy

    cooperation as well as Northeast Asia peace and security mechanis


    However, the following day, the DPRK Foreign Ministry issued a

    statement that cast doubt on the implementation of the statement of

    principles. The Foreign Ministry spokesman interpreted the statement

    of principles to mean that Pyongyang would "return to the NPT and

    sign an IAEA safeguards agreement immediately upon the US provision

    of light-water power reactors (LWRs)," as had been stipulated by the

    Agreed Framework of 1994. The Foreign Ministry spokesman declared

    that "the US should not even dream of the issue of the DPRK's

    dismantlement of its nuclear deterrent before providing LWRs."

    Pyongyang considers the LWRs to be a confidence-building measure

    that is necessary to complete any denuclearization deal, but

    Washington disagrees. The US position has been that North Korea

    must verifiably abandon all of its nuclear programs before any

    discussion can be held on Pyongyang's peaceful use of nuclear

    technology.45) On November 11, 2005 the fifth round of six-nation

    talks ends without progress.

    43) BBC News, June 23, 2004

    44) China.org.cn, September 19, 2005

    45) Daniel A. Pinkston, North Korea's Nuclear Weapons Program and the Six-party Talks, http://www.nti.org/e_research/e3_76.html#fn14

  • Nuclear Issues in Iran and North Korea : 장 병 옥 69

    The second phase of six-party talks resumed in December 2005.

    After a week of negotiations, the parties managed to reaffirm the

    September 19 declaration. The six-party talks resumed in Beijing on

    February 8, 2007 aimed at denuclearizing the Korean Peninsula. At the

    meeting in a last-minute deal, North Korea agreed to close its main

    nuclear reactor in exchange for fuel aid within 60 days. This was a

    positive move on North Korea’s part, and the deal to be completed

    before April 14th.

    In July 2006, North Korea test-fired seven missiles, including a

    long-range Taepodong-2 despite international condemnation. In

    October, North Korea says it would conduct its test of a nuclear

    weapon in the future as a war deterrent against the US hostile policy.

    In a statement issued by the Foreign Ministry, the DPRK said "(for)

    scientific research, the DPRK will in the future conduct a nuclear test

    under conditions where safety is firmly guaranteed," the official

    Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) reported.46)

    The third phase of fifth round of Six-party talks resumed in Beijing

    in February. North Korea agreed to take the first steps towards

    nuclear disarmament. The IAEA inspectors arrived in North Korea and

    they confirmed that North Korea has shut down Yongbyon.

    In May 2008, North Korea agreed to blow up the cooling tower at

    Yongbyon nuclear facility if the United States removes North Korea

    from the list of state sponsors of terrorism. On June 27, 2008, the

    cooling tower in Yongbyon was exploded. Destruction of the cooling

    tower was more than a symbolic gesture, the US officials said, noting

    that the demolition would make it harder for the North Koreans to

    revive their nuclear program.47) In October, the Bush administration

    46) www.chinaview.cn, Oct. 3, 2006

    47) Washington Post, June 27, 2008

  • 70 韓國中東學會論叢 第32-2號

    removed North Korea from its list of state sponsors of terrorism.48)

    On April 5, 2009, however, North Korea launched its

    Kwangmyŏngsŏng-2 satellite. As UN resolution denounced its missile

    launch, North Korea declared on April 14 that it would permanently

    pull out of nuclear disarmament talks and restart its nuclear program.

    It also expelled United Nations inspectors from the country.49)On April

    25, North Korea says it has reactivated its nuclear facilities.

    By the fall of 2009, international pressure was increasingly placed

    on Pyongyang—particularly by China and the United States—for

    resumption of the Six Party Talks process. In December 2009, U.S.

    special envoy Stephen Bosworth visited North Korea to explore the

    renewal of the Six-Party Talks. Pyongyang called for the lifting of

    UN-imposed sanctions before returning to the Six-Party Talks, a

    request that was refused by the United States and the other Six-Party

    Talk participants.50)

    Under the threat of sanctions, North Korea kept trying to develop

    or test nuclear program, and in 2009, North Korea conducted its

    second nuclear test. After that, the UN imposed sanctions on North

    Korea and since it happened, North Korea quit the negotiating talk.

    However, in May 2010, North Korean leader Kim Jong-il was

    committed to ending the North's nuclear program, Chinese state media

    said. Mr Kim's secretive visit to Beijing was only confirmed once it

    was finished. He told Chinese President Hu Jintao he would work with

    China "to create favourable conditions" for talks, state news agency

    Xinhua reported. Six-party negotiations to dismantle the North's

    48) Washington Post, October 12, 2008

    49) The New York Times, April 14. 2009

    50) NTI Website, North Korea Profile, http://www.nti.org/e_research/ profiles/NK/index.html

  • Nuclear Issues in Iran and North Korea : 장 병 옥 71

    nuclear capability are hosted by China and involve the two Koreas, the

    US, Japan and Russia51).

    On the other hands, there was a case which the Korean Cheonan

    warship was attacked, and North Korea was pointed out as a suspect.

    The US and South Korea shows the strongest ties ever. When Seoul

    blamed North Korea for the March sinking of the Cheonan warship,

    Washington backed the findings of an investigation that said as much.

    As Pyongyang now plans a hereditary power transfer, raising fears of

    further belligerence, the US and South Korean militaries have held

    joint military exercises as a show of solidarity. And last month,

    Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and Defense Secretary

    Robert M. Gates visited Seoul and discussed new sanctions against the


    On August 30, 2010, the United States announced that it would

    impose new sanctions against North Korea. The government blacklisted

    several more North Korean entities and North Korean citizens for their

    involvement in weapons of mass destruction and other activities

    banned by UN resolutions. Among the five North Korean entities and

    four North Korean individuals newly listed by executive orders 13466

    and 13382 are "Office 39" of the North's ruling Workers Party,

    believed to manage slush funds for North Korean leader Kim Jong-il,

    and Ri Je-son and Ri Hong-sop of the General Bureau of Atomic

    Energy. Also included in the list are the Reconnaissance General

    Bureau, North Korea's premiere intelligence organization, suspected of

    being involved in the sinking of the South Korean warship Cheonan,

    and Green Pine Associated Corp., the Korea Taesong Trading Co. and

    51) BBC, May 7, 2010

    52) The Washington Post, Iran sanctions challenge South Korea to balance interests, August 20, 2010.

  • 72 韓國中東學會論叢 第32-2號

    Korea Heungjin Trading Co.53)

    The US Treasury Department said the sanctions were aimed at

    freezing the assets of [weapons of mass destruction] proliferators and

    their supporters thereby isolating them from the US financial and

    commercial systems.54)

    China, the North’s main ally and the leader of the six-nation

    nuclear talks, has urged both Koreas to shift from confrontation to

    dialogue by rejoining the talks. Although Washington stood by the

    South, a crucial Asian ally, in the standoff over the ship sinking, and

    bowed to keep sanctions on the North, it is also looking for ways to

    bring North Korea back to the talks, a central part of its global

    nonproliferation efforts.

    Meanwhile, during his visit to China from August 26 to 30, 2010,

    North Korean leader Kim Jong-il expressed their commitment to the

    denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and said to the President Hu

    Jintao he wished for an early resumption of the Six-Party Talks.

    However, despite his positive attitude toward the Six-Party Talks,

    some experts are sceptical of reopening of talks saying that North

    Korea wants to get the UN sanctions on it lifted. The six-nation talks

    were last held in December 2008. South Korean officials have voiced a

    deep skepticism of the talks. Without a concrete North Korean

    commitment to denuclearization, any such talks would simply give

    North Korea a tool to weaken an international resolve to enforce

    sanctions on the North while buying time to perfect its nuclear

    arsenal, they said.55)

    53) The Korean Times, US slaps new sanctions on North Korea, August 31, 2010.

    54) BBC, US imposes new North Korea sanctions, August 30, 2010.55) China Daily, China, DPRK seek restart of nuclear talks, August 31, 2010.

  • Nuclear Issues in Iran and North Korea : 장 병 옥 73

    After making various threats, North Korea has recently begun

    offering conciliatory gestures. In August 2010, it freed an imprisoned

    American during former President Jimmy Carter’s diplomatic trip to

    Pyongyang. It also released a seven-man crew of a South Korean

    fishing boat seized a month ago.

    In a surprise gesture of reconciliation that could ease tensions on

    the divided Korean Peninsula, North Korea proposed to South Korea

    on September 11, 2010 that they arrange reunions of families

    separated by a war sixty years ago. The last round of family reunions

    was held in the North’s Diamond Mountain resort around the Sept. 22

    Chuseok fall-harvest holiday in September of last year for the first

    time in nearly two years. The Koreas then failed to agree on a new

    round of reunions.56) Family reunions have usually been proposed by

    the South, not the North. The North’s initiative showed how the

    humanitarian program is used as a chip in the complex diplomacy

    surrounding the peninsula.57)

    But the South has refused to resume aid shipments or six-nation

    talks on ending North Korea’s nuclear weapons development before

    North Korea apologizes for the sinking of a South Korean warship in

    March, which killed 46 sailors. The North has denied involvement in

    the sinking, but the South has insisted on the North making gestures

    to mollify South Koreans. The proposal came a day before Stephen W.

    Bosworth, Washington’s top envoy on North Korea, was to arrive in

    56) Korea Herald, South Korea positively considers family reunion with the North, September 11, 2010.

    57) About 20,000 Koreans have been temporarily reunited since the two Koreas held their first summit meeting in 2000. Thousands of older South Koreans wait for a chance to meet relatives not seen for 60 years. The scenes of teary people hugging long-lost parents and children have previously helped sway South Korean opinion in favor of engaging the North. Meanwhile, North Korea has used the reunions to win economic concessions from the South.

  • 74 韓國中東學會論叢 第32-2號

    Seoul in the first leg of a regional trip aimed at resuming the nuclear


    IV. Conclusion

    After the 9/11 attacks on New York and Washington, early in 2002,

    the Bush Administration proclaimed Iran, Iraq and North Korea as the

    states of "axis of evil". Iran and North Korea seem to have intention

    to have talk with other countries. Especially, Iran keeps announcing

    that it has no intention to possess nuclear weapons causing threats.

    However, some conditions should be met to succeed in having

    multilateral negotiations.

    The first and the most important point is the attitude of the US

    toward the nuclear in Iran and North Korea and in Israel. Israel

    backed by the US, the only nuclear power in the Middle East, has

    remained excluded from NPT while no Muslim country in the region is

    equipped with nuclear weapons, Israel has seven nuclear installations

    and up to 200 nuclear weapons. It is clear by the nuclear issue that

    the US strategy has been revealed to have double standards,

    discriminating between Iran, North Korea and Israel.

    However as we can see from Iran and North Korea's case, even

    though the arguments on the nuclear issued has continued for several

    years, these institutional strategy cannot solve the problem. We need

    more strict restrictions on the nuclear program, which do not contain

    any double standards, but the same standards should be applied for all

    the countries so that any country cannot raise objections to the

    international treaty.

  • Nuclear Issues in Iran and North Korea : 장 병 옥 75

    The Korea tried to walk a fine line between maintaining its trade

    interest with Iran and playing a responsible role as one of the closest

    allies of the United States in preventing the proliferation of WMD, The

    Korean government official said that in considering the sanctions

    announced, the government strongly considered four factors: 1)

    actively participating in international non-proliferation efforts, 2)

    responding as an extension of the North Korean nuclear issue since

    the Iran nuclear issue and North Korean nuclear issue are connected,

    3) laying the role of a responsible nation in the international

    community and 4) minimizing the damage to legal business and trade

    between South Korea and Iran.

    The Lee Myung-bak government is generating a lot of debt with

    the Obama administration regarding sanctions on North Korea after the

    sinking of the Cheonan and delaying the timing of the transfer of

    wartime operational command. He said the government could not

    ignore the strong US request for sanctions on Iran, but as a sovereign

    nation, it would weaken South Korea’s diplomatic position and

    strengthen its bad imagine especially in the Middle East as well as in

    the Islamic World.

    North Korean leader Kim Jong-il expressed their commitment to

    the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and he wished for an

    early resumption of the Six-Party Talks. After making various threats,

    North Korea has recently begun offering conciliatory gestures. It freed

    an imprisoned American and also released a seven-man crew of a

    South Korean fishing boat, suggesting that it arranges reunions of

    families separated by the Korean war. In a surprise gesture of

    reconciliation that could ease tensions on the Korean Peninsular, on

    January 1, 2011 North Korea said it wanted to improve relation with

    the South. However, despite its positive attitude toward the Six-Party

  • 76 韓國中東學會論叢 第32-2號

    Talks, some experts are sceptical of reopening of talks saying that

    North Korea wants not only to get the UN sanctions on it lifted but

    also to get big economic aids from South Korea.

    North Korea is openly candid about its nuclear intentions, and

    always has been much further along the back end of the nuclear fuel

    cycle. That is, North Korea emphasizes a plutonium program, while

    Iran is putting most of its resources into uranium enrichment. Another

    distinction: Iran claims it is working within the legal framework of the

    NPT and repeatedly says it seeks nuclear energy for peaceful

    purposes only, but North Korea develop the nuclear program as a

    means of getting economic aid from the world including South Korea.

    However, they have one thing in common in developing nuclear

    program. That is, both countries use this program for a succession of

    their present regimes, Kim Jong Il dictatorship which is sure to

    succeed to his son, Kim Jong Eun and the Islamic regime(also noted

    as dictatorship). The United States has negotiated with North Korea in

    the framework of Six-Party Talks but refrained from dealing directly

    with Iran.

    In fact, difficulty of solving the Iranian nuclear problem is

    understandable when compared to that of North Korea. The

    fundamental problem is related to the fact that Iran regulates uranium

    enrichment program as inalienable rights. This makes Iranian issue

    different from that of North Korea which uses nuclear issue for its

    bargaining chip. Unlike North Korea aims at achieve political,

    economic, and security goals through the nuclear issue, Iran put a

    priority on uranium enrichment program itself.

    Key Words: Nuclear Issue, Iran, North Korea, Strategy of the

    Denuclearization, Double Standard

  • Nuclear Issues in Iran and North Korea : 장 병 옥 77


    Cha, Victor D. & Kang, David C., Nuclear North Korea - A debate on

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    Shireen T. Hunter, Iran and the World, Bloomington Indianapolis,

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    Hankeyrea, September 9, 2010.

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    International Herald Tribune, August 23, 2010.

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    Kayhanehavai, May 10, 1995.

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  • Nuclear Issues in Iran and North Korea : 장 병 옥 79

    장병옥소 속 한국외국어대학교 이란어과이메일 [email protected]

    논문접수일 2011년 8월 17일심사완료일 2011년 10월 4일게재확정일 2011년 10월 14일