Ɛ ƩƥƱƼƲ ΑƵƣƯƵƳƴƟƭƯƲ ωƲ ƥƱƬƧƭƥƵƴƞƲ ƴƯƵ ơưƯƳƴƼƫƯƵ ƑơƽƫƯƵ ƪơƩ ƴƯ ưƱƼƢƫƧƬơ ƴƧƲ ơƭƨƱƾưƩƭƧƲ ƳƥƮƯƵơƫƩƪƼƴƧƴơƲ ƑƝƴƱƯƲ ƃơƳƩƫƥƩƜƤƧƲ ƐƩ ƳƷƝƳƥƩƲ ƴƹƭ ƥƪƪƫƧƳƩƾƭ, ƐƱƨƼƤƯƮƧƲ ƪơƩ ƒƹƬơƩƯƪơƨƯƫƩƪƞƲ, Ƴƴơ ƷƟƫƩơ ƪơƩ ưƫƝƯƭ ƷƱƼƭƩơ ƯƵƳƩơƳƴƩƪƞƲ ơưƯƮƝƭƹƳƧƲ ƝƷƯƵƭ ƥưƩƤƥƩƭƹƨƥƟ ƥưƩƪƟƭƤƵƭơ, ưƝƱơƭ ƴƹƭ ƩƳƴƯƱƩƪƾƭ ƣƥƣƯƭƼƴƹƭ, ƪơƩ ơưƼ ƨƥƯƫƯƣƩƪƯƽƲ ươƱƜƣƯƭƴƥƲ ưƯƵ ƳƵƭƝƢơƫơƭ ƳƴƧƭ ơưƯƫƵƴƯưƯƟƧƳƧ ƥƪơƴƝƱƹƨƥƭ ƪƯƱƵƶơƟƹƭ ƨƥƯƫƯƣƩƪƾƭ ơƭơƳƴƧƬƜƴƹƭ ƴƧƲ ƬƩơƲ ưƫƥƵƱƜƲ Ƭƥ ƴơƵƴƼƷƱƯƭƧ ƴƧƭ ƵưƯƴƟƬƧƳƞ ƴƯƵƲ ơưƼ ƴƧƭ ƜƫƫƧ. ƄƩơ ƬƥƣƜƫƯ ƷƱƯƭƩƪƼ ƤƩƜƳƴƧƬơ, ƬƝƷƱƩ ƪơƩ ƴƯƭ 19 Ư ƴƯƵƫƜƷƩƳƴƯ ơƩƾƭơ, ươƱơƴƧƱƯƽƬƥ ƬƩơ ƥưƟƬƯƭƧ ƵưƯƢƜƨƬƩƳƧ ƥƪ ƬƝƱƯƵƲ ƱƹƬơƩƯƪơƨƯƫƩƪƾƭ ƨƥƯƫƼƣƹƭ ƴƧƲ ƨƥƯƫƯƣƩƪƞƲ ƳƵƬƢƯƫƞƲ ƥƭƼƲ ƥƪ ƴƹƭ ƳƴƵƫƯƢơƴƾƭ ƴƧƲ ƐƱƨƼƤƯƮƧƲ ƂƭơƴƯƫƩƪƞƲ ƨƥƯƫƯƣƟơƲ, ƴƯƵ ƄƱƧƣƯƱƟƯƵ ƴƯƵ ƑơƫơƬƜ, Ƭƥ ƴơƵƴƼƷƱƯƭƧ ƢƝƢơƩơ ưƱƯƳưƜƨƥƩơ ơƭƜƤƥƩƮƞƲ ƴƯƵ ƹƲ ƴƯƵ ƪơƴχ ƥƮƯƷƞƭ ς ơƭ ƼƷƩ ƪơƩ ƬƯƭơƤƩƪƯƽ ς ƥƪƶƱơƳƴƞ ƴƧƲ ƐƱƨƯƤƯƮƟơƲ, ơưƼ ƯƱƩƳƬƝƭƯƵƲ ƐƱƨƯƤƼƮƯƵƲ ƨƥƯƫƼƣƯƵƲ. ƑơƱƜƫƫƧƫƧ ƴƜƳƧ, ơƭ ƪơƩ ƼƷƩ ƳƴƯƭ ƟƤƩƯ ƢơƨƬƼ, ươƱơƴƧƱƯƽƬƥ ƪơƩ Ƭƥ ƴƯƭ ƪơƴχ ƥƮƯƷƞƭ ƥƪƶƱơƳƴƞ ƴƯƵ ƫơƴƩƭƩƪƯƽ ƨƥƯƫƯƣƩƪƯƽ ƳƴƯƷơƳƬƯƽ ƪơƩ ƣƩơ ơƩƾƭƥƲ ƪƯƱƵƶơƟƯƵ ươƴƝƱơ ƪơƩ ƤƩƤơƳƪƜƫƯƵ ƴƧƲ ƥƪƪƫƧƳƟơƲ ƴƧƲ ƒƾƬƧƲ, ƴƯƭ ƩƥƱƼ ƂƵƣƯƵƳƴƟƭƯ. ƔƯ ƴƱơƣƩƪƼ ƣƩơ ƴƧ ƳƵƣƪƥƪƱƩƬƝƭƧ ưƥƱƟưƴƹƳƧ ƥƟƭơƩ, ƼƴƩ ƥƭƾ ƯƩ ƬƥƴơƣƥƭƝƳƴƥƱƯƟ ƴƯƵƲ ƥƱƬƧƭƥƵƴƝƲ ưƱƯƳưƜƨƧƳơƭ ƭơ ơƭơƤƥƟƮƯƵƭ ƳƧƬƥƟơ ƨƥƯƫƯƣƩƪƞƲ ơưƼƪƫƩƳƧƲ ƴƹƭ ƤƵƯ ươƱơưƜƭƹ ƬƥƣƜƫƹƭ ơƣƟƹƭ ƴƧƲ ƆƪƪƫƧƳƟơƲ, ƯƩ ƟƤƩƯƩ ƯƩ ƪƯƱƵƶơƟƯƩ ơƵƴƯƟ ƨƥƯƫƼƣƯƩ, ƥƪƶƱơƳƴƝƲ ƴƧƲ ƽƳƴƥƱƧƲ ƢƵƦơƭƴƩƭƞƲ ƪơƩ ƴƧƲ ưƱƾƩƬƧƲ ƫơƴƩƭƩƪƞƲ ƨƥƯƫƯƣƩƪƞƲ ƳƪƝƸƧƲ ơƭƴƟƳƴƯƩƷơ, ƝƤƥƩƷƭơƭ ƳƥƢơƳƬƼ ƪơƩ ƥƪƴƟƬƧƳƧ ưƱƯƲ ƴƧƭ altera pars. Ɛ ƜƣƩƯƲ ƄƱƧƣƼƱƩƯƲ ƑơƫơƬƜƲ ƥưƟ ưƫƝƯƭ Ɲƪơƭƥ ƪơƩ ƥƪƴƥƴơƬƝƭƧ ƷƱƞƳƧ ƴƹƭ ƬƥƴơƶƱơƳƬƝƭƹƭ ƝƱƣƹƭ ƴƯƵ ƩƥƱƯƽ ƂƵƣƯƵƳƴƟƭƯƵ, ƥƭƾ Ư ƴƥƫƥƵƴơƟƯƲ, ơƭƴƟƨƥƴơ ơưƼ ƴƩƲ ƤƩơƴƵưƹƨƥƟƳƥƲ ƪơƴƜ ƪơƩƱƯƽƲ ơƩƴƩƜƳƥƩƲ ưƥƱƟ ƵƩƯƨƝƴƧƳƧƲ ƶƩƫƯƳƯƶƩƪƞƲ ƬƥƨƯƤƯƫƯƣƟơƲ, ƪơƴƜ ƢƜƳƧ ƳƴƧƱƟƦƥƩ ƴƧƭ ƨƥƯƫƯƣƟơ ƴƯƵ Ƴƴơ ƳƵƣƣƱƜƬƬơƴơ ƴƯƵ ơưƯƳƴƼƫƯƵ ƑơƽƫƯƵ, ƝƳƴƹ ƪơƩ ơƭ ơưƼ ưƯƫƫƯƽƲ Ƨ ƥƱƬƧƭƥƟơ ơưƼ ƴƯƭ doctor gratiae ƴƧƲ ươƽƫƥƩơƲ ƳƪƝƸƧƲ ƪƱƟƭƥƴơƩ ƳƞƬƥƱơ ƹƲ ƥƫƫƩưƞƲ. ƈ ươƱƯƽƳơ ƬƥƫƝƴƧ Ƭƥ ƨƝƬơ ƴƧƭ ơƭƨƱƾưƩƭƧ ƳƥƮƯƵơƫƩƪƼƴƧƴơ, ƼưƹƲ ơƵƴƞ ƤƩơƬƯƱƶƾƨƧƪƥ ơưƼ ƴƯƭ ƂƵƣƯƵƳƴƟƭƯ ƬƝƳơ ơưƼ ƴƧƭ ƥƱƬƧƭƥƟơ ƴƹƭ ƥưƩƳƴƯƫƾƭ ƴƯƵ ƑơƽƫƯƵ, ơƶƩƥƱƾƭƥƴơƩ ƹƲ ƥƫƜƷƩƳƴƯ ƤƥƟƣƬơ ƥƪƴƟƬƧƳƧƲ ƪơƩ ƥƵƣƭƹƬƯƳƽƭƧƲ ƳƴƯƭ ư. ƊƹƜƭƭƧ ƓưƩƴƝƱƧ, ơƪơƤƧƬơƺƪƼ ƪơƩ ưƯƩƬƥƭƜƱƷƧ ƴƹƭ ƋơƨƯƫƩƪƾƭ ƴƧƲ ƋƥƱƪƽƱơƲ, Ư ƯưƯƟƯƲ ƳƵƭƝƢơƫƥ ƼƳƯ ƪơƭƥƟƲ ƜƫƫƯƲ ƳƴƧƭ ưƱƯƢƯƫƞ ƴƧƲ ƥƫƫƧƭƩƪƞƲ ƐƱƨƼƤƯƮƧƲ ƨƥƯƫƯƣƩƪƞƲ ƳƪƝƸƧƲ ƳƴƯƭ ƨƥƯƫƯƣƩƪƼ ƪƼƳƬƯ ƴƧƲ ƅƽƳƥƹƲ, ơƫƫƜ ƪơƩ ƳƴƧ ƳƵƬƶƩƫƟƹƳƧ ƪơƩ ƪơƴơƫƫơƣƞ ƂƭơƴƯƫƞƲ ƪơƩ ƅƽƳƥƹƲ, Ƭƥ ươƱƜƫƫƧƫƧ ƴƧƭ ƣƥƶƽƱƹƳƧ ƴƹƭ ơƤƩơƶƩƫƯƭƟƪƧƴƹƭ ƨƥƯƫƯƣƩƪƾƭ ƤƩơƶƯƱƾƭ ƬƥƴơƮƽ ƥƫƫƧƭƩƪƞƲ ƪơƩ ƫơƴƩƭƩƪƞƲ ươƴƥƱƩƪƞƲ ƳƪƝƸƧƲ. Ɛ ƂƱƷƩƥưƟƳƪƯưƯƲ ƴƹƭ ƋơƨƯƫƩƪƾƭ ƴƧƲ ƋƥƱƪƽƱơƲ, ƪơƩ ƢƩƪƜƱƩƯƲ ƴƧƲ ơƣƟơƲ ƝƤƱơƲ ƳƴƧ ƉƥƳƳơƫƯƭƟƪƧ, ƵưƞƱƮƥ ƥƪ ƴƹƭ ưƱƹƴƥƱƣơƴƾƭ ƴƹƭ (ơƱƷƩƪƜ ƥƭƩơƽƳƩƹƭ ƪơƩ ơƱƣƼƴƥƱơ ƤƩƥƭƩơƽƳƩƹƭ) ƤƩơƷƱƩƳƴƩơƭƩƪƾƭ ƨƥƯƫƯƣƩƪƾƭ ƳƵƭƥƤƱƟƹƭ, ưƯƵ ƣƩơ ƥƟƪƯƳƩ ƳƷƥƤƼƭ ƷƱƼƭƩơ ơưƼ ƪƯƩƭƯƽ ƤƩƯƱƣơƭƾƭƯƵƭ ƴƯ ƔƬƞƬơ ƉƥƯƫƯƣƟơƲ ƴƯƵ ƂƱƩƳƴƯƴƥƫƥƟƯƵ ƑơƭƥưƩƳƴƧƬƟƯƵ ƉƥƳƳơƫƯƭƟƪƧƲ ƪơƩ ƴƯ ƑƯƭƴƩƶƩƪƼ ƊƭƳƴƩƴƯƽƴƯ ƑƭƥƵƬơƴƩƪƼƴƧƴơƲ ƴƯƵ ƂƭƴƹƭƩơƭƯƽ ƑơƭƥưƩƳƴƧƬƟƯƵ ƴƧƲ ƒƾƬƧƲ. ƓƴƯ ƴƥƫƥƵƴơƟƯ (2009) ƳƵƭƝƤƱƩƯ, Ƭƥ ƨƝƬơ ƴƯƭ ƜƣƩƯ ƂƵƣƯƵƳƴƟƭƯ ƳƴƧƭ ƂƭơƴƯƫƩƪƞ ƪơƩ ƴƧ ƅƵƴƩƪƞ ươƱƜƤƯƳƧ, ƴƼƳƯ Ư ƂƱƷƩƥưƟƳƪƯưƯƲ ƊƹƜƭƭƧƲ ƼƳƯ ƪơƩ Ư ƵưƯƣƱƜƶƹƭ ƤƩơƳƴơƽƱƹƳơƭ ơƣơưƧƴƩƪƜ ƴƩƲ ƨƥƯƫƯƣƩƪƝƲ ƴƯƵƲ ơưƼƸƥƩƲ Ƭƥ ƳƪƯưƼ ƴƧƭ ơƪƱƩƢƞ ƪơƩ ƥưƩƳƴƧƬƯƭƩƪƜ ơƭƴƩƪƥƩƬƥƭƩƪƞ ƪơƴƜ ƴƯ ƤƵƭơƴƼ ơƭƜƫƵƳƧ ƴƹƭ ƨƥƯƫƯƣƩƪƾƭ ƨƝƳƥƹƭ ƴƯƵ ƪƯƱƵƶơƟƯƵ ƫơƴƟƭƯƵ ƨƥƯƫƼƣƯƵ ƴƧƲ ơƤƩơƟƱƥƴƧƲ ƆƪƪƫƧƳƟơƲ. ƔƧƭ ƤƩƪƞ ƬƯƵ ƳƵƬƢƯƫƞ ƴƯƵ ơƶƩƥƱƾƭƹ, Ƭƥ ƴƧƭ ƥƵƷƞ ƭơ ƳƵƭƥƷƟƳƥƩ ƴƯ ƤƽƳƪƯƫƯ ς ơƫƫƜ ƴơƵƴƼƷƱƯƭơ ƪơƩ ƨƥƜƱƥƳƴƯ ς ƝƱƣƯ ƴƧƲ ưƱƯƳƝƣƣƩƳƧƲ ƴƹƭ ƤƽƯ ƬƥƣƜƫƹƭ ƱƥƵƬƜƴƹƭ ƴƧƲ ƨƥƯƫƯƣƩƪƞƲ ƳƪƝƸƧƲ ƤƩơƷƱƯƭƩƪƜ ƴƯƵ ƷƱƩƳƴƩơƭƩƳƬƯƽ, ơƶƯƽ ƬƼƭƯ Ƭƥ ơƵƴƼ ƴƯƭ ƴƱƼưƯ ƬưƯƱƥƟ ƭơ ƝƷƥƩ ƥƵƴƵƷƞ ƝƪƢơƳƧ ƪơƩ Ư ƥưƟƳƧƬƯƲ ƨƥƯƫƯƣƩƪƼƲ ƤƩƜƫƯƣƯƲ ƴƹƭ ƤƽƯ ƥƪƪƫƧƳƩƾƭ. ***

O ι.Αυγουστίνος Ως Ερμηνευ-libre

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    30Tom Hopko (ed.), Women and the Priesthood, SVS Press: Crestwood 19992, introduction. 31

    4 5 .. ., , . Vittorino Grossi, : , (. . 3 ). .

    32 Vladimir Lossky, , 1968 (http://www.myriobiblos.gr/texts/greek/lossky_prosopo.html). J. Meyendorff Byzantine Theology. Historical Trends and Doctrinal Themes, FUP: New York 1974. .

    33 . . . , (- .), 2002, 53 . , . , 19912, 257., .

    34 Vita s. Augustini, PL 45. . , , (Vita Augustini). ---, (- .) , 2008.

  • 7

    .35 , , . (irresistible 36) .

    , , . , . : , , .37 . :38 (cupiditas) , caritas ( ), , cupiditas .

    ,39 , (concupiscentia carnis) . 40 , . Elizabeth Clark : () ( ) , () ,41 () .42 35 . . , The existential and ontological meaning of mans created existence is precisely that

    God did not have to create, that it was a free act of Divine freedom. Butand here is the great difficulty created by an unbalanced Christianity on the doctrine of grace and freedomin freely creating man God willed to give man an inner spiritual freedom. In no sense is this a Pelagian or Semi-Pelagian position. The balanced synergistic doctrine of the early and Eastern Church, a doctrine misunderstood and undermined by Latin Christianity in general from St. Augustine onalthough there was always opposition to this in the Latin Churchalways understood that God initiates, accompanies, and completes everything in the process of salvation. What it always rejectedboth spontaneously and intellectuallyis the idea of irresistible grace, the idea that man has no participating role in his salvation (George Florovsky, The Ascetic Ideal and The New Testament Reflections on the Critique of the Theology of the Reformation, The Collected Works of Georges Florovsky, Vol. X, The Byzantine Ascetic and Spiritual Fathers (Buchervertriebsanstalt: Vaduz Europa 1987), 17-59).

    36 . 37 da mihi castitatem et continentiam, sed noli modo, Confessiones, 8.7.17. 38 . Confessiones, 8.5.10: , ,

    . . 39 Michel Foucault (.

    The History of Sexuality, Penguin Books, 1976), , , , ( John Milbank, Theology and Social Theory. Beyond Secular Reason, Blackwell: Oxford/Boston 19932, 1990, 290).

    40 Eclanum , . . Peter Brown, Augustine Hippo: A Biography, UCP: Berkeley (19671 20002) . 32, . . .

    41 Elizabeth A. Clark, () (Vitiated Seeds and Holy Vessels: Augustine's Manichean Past, Ascetic Piety and Women's Faith, Mellen Press, 1986, 313), . , (309 .., ) , , 345 .. ( ). (. ).

    42 Elizabeth A. Clark, Vitiated Seeds and Holy Vessels.., 306. , , , ( 2 . : , , 293).

  • 8

    2. - .

    ,43 , Eclanum . , .

    419, , 44 . , ,45 .46 , , , , ,47 . .

    David G. Hunter 48 , . , , , . ,49 De bono coniugali, .50 : , () , 51 , .52 De virginitate, 53 .54 43 H .

    : N. Cipriani, "Una teoria neoplatonica alla base delletica sessuale di s. Agostino", Augustinianum 14 (1974), 351-361. W. Alexander, Sex and Philosophy in Augustine, Augustinian Studies 5 (1974), 206. G.C. OBrien, Neoplatonism and the Marriage Doctrine of the early Augustine, . Fordham University, 1974. P. Brown, Augustine on Sexuality, Berkeley 1983. E. A. Clark, St. Augustine on Marriage and Sexuality, Washington 1996. A. Pieretti (.), SantAgostino: Sessualit e amore. Il dono reciproco nel matrimonio, Roma 1996. .

    44 Possidius, Vita s. Augustini, xviii. 45 - ( )

    , . .

    46 416 431 .

    47 d Florum (PL 45 CCL 85), Ad Turbantium (CCL 88), Epistula ad Romanos (CCL 88) . B. A. ruckner, Julian von Eclanum, Leipz 1897.

    48 Augustinian Pessimism? A New Look at Augustine's Teaching on Sex, Marriage and Celibacy, Augustinian Studies 25 (1994), 153-77, Augustine, Sermon 354A: Its Place in his Thought on Marriage and Sexuality, Augustinian Studies 33 (2001), 39-60), Reclaiming Biblical Morality: Sex and Salvation History in Augustine's Treatment of the Hebrew Saints, Paul M. Blowers-Angela Russell Christman-David G. Hunter-Robin Darling Young (ed.), In Dominico Eloquio. In Lordly Eloquence: Essays on Patristic Exegesis in Honor of Robert Louis Wilken, Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2002, 317-35.

    49 Confessiones 2.2.3, 6.12.22. 50 De bono coniugali 4.4, 5.5, 9.9, 11.12, 18.21. 51 , Adversus Jovinianum I.5, PL 23, 228. 52 . 53 . Sermones 9.18, 354A.12, 278.9-10, Epistulae 127 (ca. 411) 262 (ca. 418), 54 Vittorino Grossi

    (. 31), Nelo Cipriani, L influsso di Aristotele sulla concezione agostiniana nel matrimonio, Il matrimonio dei cristiani: Esegesi biblica e diritto romano,

  • 9

    Mathijs Lamberigts, , De nuptiis et concupiscentia, Contra duas epistulas Pelagianorum, Contra Iulianum, Opus imperfectum, . , 1/10 corpus Augustinianum, 1/3 concupiscentia.55 , ,56 , . , , () , ( ) .57

    concupiscentia , , . concupiscentia . .58 (concupiscentia carnis) , . , , (poena reciproca), , .

    ( ) , , , (venialis culpa) , , . , ,59 ,60 .61

    , , . ,62 63

    Rome 2009, 617-638, , . , , , (. . Trap, Introduzione generale Matrimonio e verginit).

    55 Mathijs Lamberigts, A Critical Evaluation of Critiques of Augustines View of Sexuality, 177. 56 , 182. 57 . Ph.L.Barclift, In Controversy with Saint Augustine: Julian of Eclanum on the Nature of Sin,

    RThAM 58 (1991) 10. 58 Peter Brown, O

    , (Peter Brown, Augustine of Hippo: A Biography, Faber & Faber: London 2000, 393).

    59 . . 55. , (P. Brown, The Body and Society, 376).

    60 Sermones 354.9. 61 De virginitate 18.18. 62 . . 63 , ,

    ( ) (Vita, xviii)

  • 10

    .64 ,65 .66

    , . ,67 .68 .69 , , .


    - ( 70) , -. .71 J. Meyendorff, , , , . .72 , , , .

    64 Peter Brown, ,

    , . , (The Body and Society, 409).

    65 . Clark, , . Contra Julianum Opus imperfectum, , . (Vitiated Seeds and Holy Vessels, 314).

    66 . (. G. Lettieri, L altro Agostino. Ermeneutica e retorica della gracia dalla crise alla metamorfosi del De Doctrina Christiana, Morcelliana: Brescia 2001). C. Harrison, (Rethinking Augustine's Early Theology. An Argument for Continuity, OUP: Oxford, 2006.

    67 . G. Bonner, St. Augustine of Hippo, 328 P. Brown, Augustine of Hippo, 353. , , . Vittorino Grossi, (. 37 ).

    68 , , , , . . N. Cipriani, La morale pelagiana e la retorica, Augustinianum 31 (1991), 309-327.

    69 , (. J. Meyendorff, Byzantine Theology, 156).

    70 . . 71 P. Brown, Body and Society, 255. (-;) ,

    ... (7,23) , , . ( , 303).

    72 J. Meyendorff, Byzantine Theology, 2.

  • 11

    , .73 .74 , , .

    , . , , , ( Meyendorff . ), ( ), .75

    4. - -

    . ( -)76 ( , ). 77 , ( , 78) -,79 .80 - , (extra nos-pro nobis) ,81 .82

    73 , 143. 74 , 138. ( , , .

    ) . , , , ( ).

    75 , 3. , - . ( ).

    76 J. Meyendorff, On the Platonism of St. Augustines Quaestio de ideis, New Scholasticism 16 (1942), 14-45. . Nelo Cipriani, L influsso di Aristotele (. 60 ).

    77 . . , , 25 (1980), 212 , , 64 (1981), 265.

    78 O Lewis Ayers , , (The Fundamental Grammar.., 68).

    79 . , To , . . , , : 2003.

    80 J. Zizioulas, Being as Communion: Studies in Personhood and the Church, SVS Press: Crestwood, 1985, 88, Communion and Otherness: Further Studies in Personhood and the Church, T & T Clark: Edinburgh/New York 2006, 33. Cornelius Plantinga, . () , ( ) (C. Plantinga Jr, Social Trinity and Tritheism, R. J. Feenstra -C. Plantinga Jr. (eds.), Trinity, Incarnation and Atonement: Philosophical and Theological Essays, NDP: Notre Dame 1989, 21-47.

    81 . . , . , , 31, : 2005, 51. 82 - O G. E.

    Depacopoulos - A. Papanikolaou, Augustine and the Orthodox: The West in the East, A. Papanikolaou - G.

  • 12

    - ( ), , , . - , - .83 , , 14 . , , .84

    ( , - ), , . . . 85 ( - , , ) , , .86 , (.. ) , . . , , .87

    E. Demakopoulos (eds.), Orthodox Reading of Augustine, 11-40. , , - - , (38). 19 ., - 60, ( , 36.). A. Papanikolaou, Being with God: Trinity, Apophaticism, and Divine-Human Communion, UND Press: Notre Dame 2006.

    83 . Orthodox Reading of Augustine. . .

    84 Reinhard Flogaus, Inspiration-Exploitation-Distortion: The Use of St Augustine in the Hesyhastic Controversy, A. Papanikolaou-G.E.Demakopoulos (eds.), Orthodox Reading of Augustine, 63-80, 79. - , , . J. Meyendorff, Introduction a letude de Gregoire Palamas, Editions du Seuil : Paris 1959, 56, , Byzantine Theology, 139, 188. J. Lsst, Augustine in Byzantium, JEH 51 (2000), 267-295. , Flogaus. . .. . , , 80 (2009) 5-25, . , . , : 1997.

    85 , 1957. 86 John S. Romanides, Original Sin According to St. Paul, SVSQ 4, 1 2, (1955-6). 87 whether or not belief in the present, real and active power of Satan appeals to the Biblical

    theologian, he cannot ignore the importance that St. Paul attributes to the power of the devil. To do so is to completely misunderstand the problem of original sin and its transmission and so misinterpret the mind of the New Testament writers and the faith of the whole ancient Church. In regard to the power of Satan to introduce sin into the life of every man, St. Augustine in combating Pelagianism obviously misread St. Paul. y relegating the power of Satan, death, and corruption to the background and pushing to the foreground of controversy the problem of personal guilt in the transmission of original sin, St. Augustine introduced a false moralistic philosophical approach which is foreign to the thinking of St. Paul (Col 2,8) and which was not accepted by the patristic tradition of the East (e.g., St. Cyrill of Alexandria, PG 74 . 788-789) ( ).

  • 13

    , , , . , ,88 , , .89 ,90 - corpus paulinum. , ( , , . ), - .91

    5. ,92

    , , , , . , , , , ( H. Schlier, R. Bultmann ). ( 4,16), ( 61,1 ), , .

    ( 13), ( o 7,21; ), ( o 14,34., E 5,22, o 3,18 ). (Haustafeln, o 3,18 ). , ( 7 7), . .

    , , . , ( , ), 88 ,

    . . ilo Trevizanato, , (h) , 2003. . P. Grech, I principi ermeneutici di s. Agostino: una valutazione, Lateranum 48 (1982), 209-223, , Principi ermeneutici di sant'Agostino nel De doctrina Christiana, Sant Agostino, La dottrina cristiana. Testo latino dell'edizione maurina confrontato con il Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum, Roma 1992, lxi-lxxii. . Simometti, Lettera e/o allegoria. Un contributo alla storia dell'esegesi patristica, Roma 1985, B. Prete, I principi esegetici in S. Agostino, Sapientia 6 (1955), 552-594 G. Ripanti, Agostino teorico dell interpretazione, Brescia 1980.

    89 .

    90 . J. Wetzel, Snares of Truth, 124 (Augustines provocative way of reading Paul). 91 Peter Brown .. (Body and Society, 55)! 92 Petros Vassiliadis, Paul on Freedom, (cura di Luigi Padovese), Paolo di Tarso. Archeologia-Storia-Ricenzione, vol. II,

    Effat Editrice Torino 2009, . 263-276.

  • 14

    , , - , . ( ) .93 , .. - (-, ) , . , () , , .

    -, , , , . , , . , , .94 , , . , . . , , . , , , .95

    , , corpus paulinum, . 5-8 , ,96 . 5,12 .97

    93 . . , , 243. 94 5,12

    , (. J. Meyendorff, (Rom. 5,12) chez Cyrille dAlexandrie et Thodoret, Studia Patristica 4 [1961], 157-161. , Byzantine Theology, 143. , . , , . . , . , : 19862, . , Original Sin according to the Orthodox Tradition, Il Peccato Originale. Una prospettiva interdisciplinare, 2009, 145-164), (), , (. J. A. Fitzmeyer, The Jerome Biblical Commentary, Englewood 1968, ad loc.), .

    95 R. H. Gunday, Sma in Biblical Theology: with Emphasis on Pauline Anthropology, CUP: Cambridge 1976.

    96 , , . W. S. Babcock, Augustines Interpretation of Romans (AD 394-396), AS 10 (1979), 55-74, P. Friedriksen, Augustines Early Interpretation of Paul, PhD Disserrtation in Princeton, 1979, C. P. Bammel Augustine, Origen and the Exegesis of St. Paul, Augustinianum 32 (1992) 342-368, M. G. Mara, L Influso di Paolo in Agostino, J. Ries (ed.), Le epistole paoline nei Manichei, i donatisti et il primo Agostino, Augustinianum: Roma (1989), 125-162,

    97 . 7 : , (14) , (15) (17 & 20) , (19 ,


  • 15

    ( 6,12), ( 8,8), , , ( 6,6).98

    . . , . . ( ) , . , . H. Conzelmann,99 . . Sanders.100

    : () , , , , . .101 () , .102 , , , ( 8,1923).

    6. corpus paulinum,

    ,103 ,

    (22) (23).

    98 T. L. Carter , , , (T. L.Carter, Paul and the Power of Sin: Redefining Beyond the Pale, SS Monograph Series 115, CUP: Cambridge 2002, 207). , , , . .

    99 H. Conzelmann, An Outline of the Theology of the New Testament (. . J.Bowden), London 1969, 195198. 100 E. P. Sanders, Paul and Palestinian Judiasm, Philadelphia 1977, Sin, Anchor Bible Dictionary. 101 E. P. Sanders, Paul and Palestinian Judiasm, 44247 47475, ( )

    : .

    102 . . . 5,5, o 11,14 (. 1QS 3.174.1). (o 4,4), , (o 2,6) .

    103 ( 2) , ( VI. 27), . ( , PG 63, 227, 13,4), . ,

  • 16

    ( 15,24-26) .

    , , . , - (post-lapsarian), - (;) .

    , , , - , - , ( , [ ], . , , 1,27-28), ( 6), .104

    , , , . :

    , . , . , , , ( 15,20-26).

    , ,

    , , , , , , . , , , , , , , , , , , ; ( ).

    , , , .

    104 Valerie Karras (Orthodox Theologies of Women and Ordained Ministry, A. Papanikolaou E. Prodromou (eds.), Thinking through Faith: New Perspectives from Orthodox Christian Scholars, SVS Press: Crestwood 2008, 113-158).

  • 17

    : , , , , , .