同側の腎形成不全と子宮角の分節性発育不全を示した猫の 1例 誌名 誌名 The journal of veterinary medical science ISSN ISSN 09167250 著者 著者 Chang, J. Jung, J.H. Yoon, J. ほか4名, 巻/号 巻/号 70巻6号 掲載ページ 掲載ページ p. 641-643 発行年月 発行年月 2008年6月 農林水産省 農林水産技術会議事務局筑波産学連携支援センター Tsukuba Business-Academia Cooperation Support Center, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Research Council Secretariat

同側の腎形成不全と子宮角の分節性発育不全を示した猫の 1例A nine-month-old, intact female, domestic short haired cat was admitted with the history of acute

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Page 1: 同側の腎形成不全と子宮角の分節性発育不全を示した猫の 1例A nine-month-old, intact female, domestic short haired cat was admitted with the history of acute


誌名誌名 The journal of veterinary medical science

ISSNISSN 09167250


Chang, J.Jung, J.H.Yoon, J.ほか4名,

巻/号巻/号 70巻6号

掲載ページ掲載ページ p. 641-643

発行年月発行年月 2008年6月

農林水産省 農林水産技術会議事務局筑波産学連携支援センターTsukuba Business-Academia Cooperation Support Center, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Research CouncilSecretariat

Page 2: 同側の腎形成不全と子宮角の分節性発育不全を示した猫の 1例A nine-month-old, intact female, domestic short haired cat was admitted with the history of acute

NOTE Surgery

Segmental Aplasia of the Uterine Horn with Ipsilateral Renal Agenesis in a Cat

Ji凶lwaCHANG'), Joo-hyun JUNG'), Junghee YOON'), Min-cheol CHOI'), Jae Hak PARK2¥ Kang-Moon SE03) and

Seong Mok JEONG4)*

I)Departments of Veterinary Radiology, 2)Laboratory Animal Medicine and 3)Veterinary Ophthalmology/Surgery, College ofVeterinary Medicine, Seoul National University, San 56ー1,Sillim-dong, Gwanak-gu, Seou1151-742 and 4iDepartment of Veterinary Surgery, College ofVeterinary Medicine.Research Institute of Veterinary Medicine, Chungnam National University, 220, Gung-dong, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 305-764, Republic of Korea

(Received 1 December 2006/Accepted 19 February 2008)

ABSTRAcr. A nine-month-old domestic short haired cat was admitted with the history of acute vorniting, depression and shivering. Abdorninal ultrasonography revea1ed rninirnum enlargem巴ntof the right ut巴rinehom filled with anechoic fluid. On excretory urography,

functiona1ly and anatomically normal, en1arged left kidney was found, but right kidn巴ywas absent. It was prelirninary diagnosed as hydrometra with right r巴nalag巴nesis.Aiming at the correction of hydrometra, we perforrned ovariohysterectomy. During spaying, we found a rnissing segment of distal part of出eright uterin巴homand absence of ipsilat巴ralkidney and ureter. Compressed ut巴rines町ucωreand segmental aplasia of right uterine hom were found in histopathological inv巴stigation.Taken together, it was diagnosed as a seg-menta1 aplasia of ut巴rinehorn with ipsilatera1 renal agenesis. 阻 YWORDS: feline, rena1 agen巴sis,uterine segmental aplasia.

A nine-month-old, intact female, domestic short haired cat was admitted with the history of acute vorniting, depres-

sion and shivering for出re巴 days.The rise of temp巴rature

(400C) was recorded, and there was azotemia (BUN: 74.0

mg/dl, creatinine: 4.5 mgldl) on the routine blood screening test. Abdorninal radiography showed absence of the right

kidney, while the left one was enlarged (3.2 x length of the

2nd lumbar vertebra). Incidental1y, there was unilateral sac-ralization of the 7th lumbar vertebra with articulation

between right transverse process and the ilium at same side.

Abdominal ultrasonography demonstrated minimum

enlargem巴ntof the right uterine horn (12.5 mm in diameter)

filled with anechoic fluid. Excretory urography revealed出e

normal shape and opacification pattern of出eleft kidney

meaning the normal physiologica1 activities, howeve丸山e

right kidney was absent (Fig. 1). In spite ofunknown causes

of azoternia, this p也tientwas recovered through 2 days sup-

po此ivetreatment including fluid th巴rapyand diuretics, and 出enreceived ovariohyst紅 白tomyunder general anesth巴sia

to prevent further deterioration of the uterine horn. Surpris-

ingly,出erewere no the dista1 p紅 tof the right uterine horn,

the right kidney and the right ureter during surgery (Fig.

2A). The rernnant of the right uterine horn was tortuous and

dilated with fluid, and was not connected to the body of the uterus. The left uterine horn was intact and there was a

small notch as vestige at由ebody ofuterus (Fig. 2B). Gross

and histopathologic exarnination revealed出atboth ovaries, fallopian tubes and the left uterine horn were norma1 (Fig.

3A-C). There wer芭 manyfollicles showing various stages

and the majority of the follicles und巴rwentdegeneration in

* CORRESPONDENCE下0:JEONG, S. M., Department of Veterinary Surgery, College of Veterinary Medicine.Research Institute of Veterinary Medicine, Chungnam National University, 220, Gung-dong, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 305-764, Republic of Kor官a.e-mail: [email protected]

J. Vet. Med. Sci. 70(6): 641-643, 2008

Fig. 1. Ventrodorsal radiogram of the cat. The right kidney is not visua1ized and白巴 leftkidney is enlarged but appears ana-tornically and functionally norma1 on由巴 excretoryurogram There is unilateral sacra1ization of自己 7thlumbar v巴rtebrawith articulation between right町ansverseprocess and出eilium at same side (町ow).

Page 3: 同側の腎形成不全と子宮角の分節性発育不全を示した猫の 1例A nine-month-old, intact female, domestic short haired cat was admitted with the history of acute


Fig.2. A; Intraoperative photograph of出ecat. The missing segment of distal part of the right uter-ine hom is not connected to the uterine body (whit巴 arrow).Blind ended right uterine hom is dilated (diameter, 12.5 mm) and tortuous. Both ovaries reveal normal appe紅 ance(black arrows) B; The left ut巴rinehom is intact and there is a small notch at the uterine body (釘rowhead)

Fig. 3. Histological findings of the cat with uterine segmental aplasia (H&E st釘n).A; There are many follicles showing with degeneration and no co中usluteum in the ovaries. B; Both fal10pian tubes are normal. C; The left uterus shows normal appearance wi白 thickendometrium and muscular layers. D; On the dilat巴dright uterine hom,出enumber of endometrial glands are markedly reduced and most of出emare compressed. The muscular and vascular layers became slightly thin.

the ovaries. No corpus luteum was seen in both ovaries

(Fig. 3A). The right uterine hom showed sterile hydrometra

with compressed uterine structure and distal segmental apla-

sia (Fig. 2A, Fig. 3D).

ments of出euterus, cervix, andJor vagina of the genital tract [1, 5, 8]. These rare disorders of the reproductive tract are seen most frequently in the cow and sow, occasionally in the cat as well [3, 7]. The m司jorityof uterine congenital anom-

alies involve the uterine homs [5]. Segmental aplasia of a Segmental aplasia of genital tract means missing seg-

Page 4: 同側の腎形成不全と子宮角の分節性発育不全を示した猫の 1例A nine-month-old, intact female, domestic short haired cat was admitted with the history of acute


portion of a uterine hom results from segmental defects in paramesonephric, or Mullerian duct development [2, 3, 5,

9]. Congenital developmental abnormalities such as bilat-eral agenesis, unilateral agenesis including uterus unicomis or hemiuterus, and segmental aplasia is mainly due to mal-formation (agenesis, hypoplasia) of Mullerian duct [2, 3].

Embryologically, Mullerian ducts are differentiated into oviducts, uterus, uterine tube and vagina [2, 6]. Absenc巴orsegmental aplasia of one or both uterine tubes, one uterine hom, the uterine body, or vagina is due to abnormal differ-entiation of Mullerian duct development [7]. These congen-ital defects are associated with hermaphroditic conditions or with ipsilat巴ralrenal ag巴nesisbecause of the close develop-mental association of the urinary and genital systems [7]. In human wi出Mullerianduct anomalies, a range of coexisting

renal anomalies including renal agenesis, renal ectopia, horseshoe kidney or pelvic kidney can be seen [1]. The Mullerian anomaly with secondary ipsilateral renal agenesis is almost twice more common on the right than the left side of body [10]. Similar defects with出istrend in the urogeni-tal system of feline have also been reported [7-9]. The coexisting association between urinary and genital malfor-mation has long been recognized, however, they have not been properly studied.

In case of unilateral renal agenesis, there was commonly compensatory hyper仕ophyof the contralateral kidney [4, 9]. A suitable procedure should be conducted in advance of uri-nary system investigation in those patients suspected to have genital malformation. In general, excretory urography has been practiced to confmn anatomic abnormalities, and the functional status of出ekidney.

This patient suffered from segmental aplasia had anechoic fluid in the affected uterine hom. It was due to accumulation of secretes in the blind-巴ndedsegments. There might be several potential causes; hormonal influ-

巴ncesafter estrus cycle, chronic cystic巴ndometrialhyper-plasia, structural malformation [2, 7]. Segmental aplasia of the uterine hom is a rare developmental disorder出atis dif-ficult to trace without invasive investigation, and too hard to predict obvious genital clinical signs. Unless it is bilateral, fertility is not necessarily impaired. However, the exact prevalence and ac凶alclinical profiles are not reported du巴to its peculiar characteristics. It is commonly found by exploratory laparotomy or the incidental finding in ovario・hysterectomy. It is necessary to perform histopathologic examination to assess the type ofuterine anomaly, and addi-tional attention should be drawn towards the concomitant mveStIgatlOn on unnary system.


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