RAIRO A NALYSE NUMÉRIQUE K INJI BABA MASAHISA TABATA On a conservation upwind finite element scheme for convective diffusion equations RAIRO – Analyse numérique, tome 15, n o 1 (1981), p. 3-25. <http://www.numdam.org/item?id=M2AN_1981__15_1_3_0> © AFCET, 1981, tous droits réservés. L’accès aux archives de la revue « RAIRO – Analyse numérique » implique l’accord avec les conditions générales d’utilisation (http://www.numdam.org/ legal.php). Toute utilisation commerciale ou impression systématique est constitutive d’une infraction pénale. Toute copie ou impression de ce fi- chier doit contenir la présente mention de copyright. Article numérisé dans le cadre du programme Numérisation de documents anciens mathématiques http://www.numdam.org/

On a conservation upwind finite element scheme for convective … · in the case (0.3) it is required to consider a suitable approximation for the drift term V.(bu), something like

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    KINJI BABAMASAHISA TABATAOn a conservation upwind finite element schemefor convective diffusion equationsRAIRO – Analyse numérique, tome 15, no 1 (1981), p. 3-25.

    © AFCET, 1981, tous droits réservés.

    L’accès aux archives de la revue « RAIRO – Analyse numérique » impliquel’accord avec les conditions générales d’utilisation (http://www.numdam.org/legal.php). Toute utilisation commerciale ou impression systématique estconstitutive d’une infraction pénale. Toute copie ou impression de ce fi-chier doit contenir la présente mention de copyright.

    Article numérisé dans le cadre du programmeNumérisation de documents anciens mathématiques



  • R A I R O Analyse numenque/Numencal Analysis(vol 15, n° 1, 1981, p 3 a 25)


    by Kinji BABA C) and Masahisa TABATA (2)

    Commumcated by P G CIARLET

    Abstract — The purpose ofthis paper is to present a new class of upwind finite element schemesfor convective diffusion équations and to gwe error analysis These schemes based on an intégralformula have the following advantages

    (i) They are effective particularly in the case when the convection is dominated^(n) Solutions obtained by them satisfy a discrete conservation law,(in) Solutions obtained by a scheme with a particuîar choice satisfy a discrete maximum principle

    {under suitable conditions)We show that the finite element solutions converge to the exact one with rate 0(h) in L2(Q, T, H l(Q))

    and L ro(0,T,L2(a))

    Resumé — Le but de cet article est de présenter une classe nouvelle de schémas d'éléments finisconservatîfs et décentres pour des équations de diffusion avec convection, et de donner des estima-tions d*erreur Les schémas, qui sont basés sur une formule intégrale, ont les avantages suivants

    (î) Ils sont effectifs surtout dans le cas où la convection est dominante,(n) Des solutions obtenues par eux satisfont a une loi de conservation discrète,(ni) Des solutions obtenues par un schéma particulier satisfont au principe du maximum discret

    (sous des conditions convenables)On montre que les solutions obtenues par éléments finis convergent vers la solution exacte en 0(h)

    dans L2(0, T, H 1 ^ ) ) et L°°{0, T, L2(H))


    Consider the convective diffusion équation

    in Q x ( 0 J ) , (0.1)

    (*) Reçu le 16 novembre 1979{) Technical System center, Mitsubishi Heavy Industry, Ltd, Kobe, Japan(2) Department of Mathematics, Kyoto Umversity, Kyoto, Japan

    R A I R O Analyse numénque/Numencal Analysis, 0399-0516/1981/3/$ 5 00© Bordas-Dunod

  • 4 K. BABA, M. TABATA

    where Q is a bounded domain in Un. The solution u{x, t) of (0.1) subject tothe free boundary condition

    d^-b.vu = 0 on ÔQ x (0, T)

    satisfies the mass-conservation law

    f u(x, t)dx= f M°(X) dx + f A f /(x, 0


    The present paper is composed of five sections. In § 1 we present a conser-vative upwind finite element scheme and give two theorems (theorems 1.1and 1.2). Theorem 1.1 states that the finite element solutions of our schemeshare the two properties (a discrete mass conservation law and the non-nega-tivity). This theorem is proved in § 2. Theorem 1.2 is concerned with L2-convergence of the finite element solutions. In § 3 after showing the fundamentalproperties of our approximation (lemma 3.2), we prove theorem 1.2. In § 4we consider the case whendiv b = 0 and b. v |^a = 0. Furthermore, if ƒ = 0,the solution of (0.1) satisfies the maximum principle. We show that ourscheme with a special choice also share this principle (theorem 4.1). We alsodiscuss L00-convergence of the finite element solutions. In § 5 we give someconcluding remarks.

    In this paper we use the following function spaces. For 1 ^ p < + oo anda non-negative integer m,

    « U n = Z j [ | £ N l d x lI P I U )


    " L , p , n = Z l" l / ,p ,n>j=Q

    W™(Q) = { u ; u is measurable in Q, \\ u \\m>PtQ < + oo } ,

    Hm(Q) =

    For 0 < a ^ 1 and a non-negative integer m,

    « L,oc,n = sup { | Dl u(x)\; \ P | = m, x e Q } ,m

    II w i l m a n = E Iwb.oo.n»j=o

    II « llm+^oca = II u L,oo,n + I u l«+ot,oo,n >Cm(Q) = { u ; u is continuously differentiable up to order m in Q } ,

    Cm+a(Q) = {u;ue Cm(Q), || W ||m+aj00)n < + oo } .Let X be a Banach space with norm || . ||x.

    Cm(0, T ; X) = { u ; u is continuously differentiable up to order m

    as a function from [0, T] into X } ,

    II u \\C^O,T;X) = £ max { || D/ w(0 | |x ; t e [0, T]},j=0

    vol. 15, n° 1, 1981

  • 6 K. BABA, M. TABATA

    Cm+a(0, T ; X) = { u ; u e Cm(0, T ; X), Dtm u{t) is Hölder continuous

    with exponent a as a function from [0, T] into X },


    Let Xi9 i = 1,..., m, be Banach spaces, The norm of Banach space Z = Ç\ Xtis given by I=1

    u | | z =

    We use c as a generic positive constant independent of h, and we dénoteby c(Au..., i4J a positive constant dependent on 4̂is i = 1,..., m.


    Let fibea simply connected bounded domain in Un with a C3-class boun-dary F or a polyhedral domain in IR", and T be a fixed positive number. Considerthe convective-diffusion problem,

    ;bu)+ / in

    = 0 on E

    0 in Q at

    Q = O.

    = r x (

    t = o,


    0, T),





    . l fe)


    where d > 0 is a given diffusion constant, v is the unit outer normal to F,b = (6x(xX 62(xX ..., 2>„(x)) e C

    0+ i(S) is a given flow, ƒ G C(0, T ; L2(Q)) is agiven source function, u° = u°{x) e L2(Q) is a given initial function and

    As was mentioned in the introduction, the solution u of (1.1) satisfies themass conservation law (0.2) and u is non-negative if so are ƒ and u°. Ouraim is to present a finite element scheme, effective also in the case (0.3), whosesolution is discrete mass conservative and non-negative (if so are ƒ and w°).

    We first triangulate Q and obtain a set of closed w-simplices { T} }Iji1 and

    a set of nodal points { Pt}J^ 1 satisfying the following conditions :

    (i) the interiors of Tt and Tp i ^ j , are disjoint,(ii) any one of the sides of 7] is a side of another n-simplex TJ. or a portion

    of the boundary of the polyhedron U Tp

    R.A.I.R.O. Analyse numérique/Numerical Analysis


    (iii) every nodal point P{ is a vertex of an n-simplex,NE ,

    (iv) all the nodal points Iying on the boundary of the polyhedron IJ *T.

    exist on T.Define h{T}), p(Tj\ h, K and Qh :

    h(Tj) = the diameter of the smallest bail containing Tj,

    p(T7) = the diameter of the largest bail contained in T , ,

    h = mzx{h(Tj);j = 1, , . , J V £ } ,

    K = the minimum perpendicular length of all the simplices,

    Qh = the interior of the polyhedron U Tr

    Denoting by 5~ft( = { 3} }Jtx) a triangulation of Q satisfying the aboveconditions (NE and Np may, of course, vary depending on a triangulation),we consider a family of triangulation { yh}, h \ 0.

    DÉFINITION 1 . 1 : (i) We say that {3Th} is y-regular ifthere exists a constanty(> 1) such that


    (ii) We say that {£~h} is of acute type if

    a(Tk)^0 forany Tk


    a(Tk) = max { cos (Vkb V^) ; 0 < i < j ^ n },

    and lt, i — 0,..., n, are the barycentric coordinates with respect to the verticesof the n-simplex Tk.

    Remark 1.1 : (i) Obviously it holds that K < h.(ii) In the case when Q is a polyhedral domain, we can take

    (iii) In n = 2, a family of triangulation { $~h } is y-regular and of acutetype if and only if every angle 9 of any triangle Tj e 2Th satisfïes that

    90 ^ 0 ^ T T / 2 ,

    where 90 is a positive angle independent of ft.

    vol. 15, no 1, 1981

  • 8 K. BABA, M. TABATA

    With each nodal point P t î i = 1,..., Np, we associate fonctions Ih e H1(Q.h)

    and P l l5..., Pln,the vertices of Tk.

    Let K^bethelmear span of cj)lh, / = 1, 2, ..., Np, and let - be a lumping ope-rator from Fh into L

    2(Qft) defined byNp _

    We now define three bilinear forms (., .) to ah(., •) and bft(., .) from Fft xmto IR1. The first two are defined by

    («te vh) t = «hW üfc(x) dx ,

    To define bft5 we prépare the following. Let Pt and P7 be adjoining nodalpoints. Let TXJ be the intersection of the boundaries dDx and dD} and let

    Yy = mes r y (the measure of r y ) .

    fLet (3y be an approximation of b{xf).vl}(x

    f) dx\ where vy is the unit outer

    normal vector to r y considered as the boundary of Dr (Therefore, vJt = — vy.)Suppose that $XJ satisfy

    K + h = 0 , (1.3)

    I Py I < II b llo.oo.n Y,,, (1.4)

    I, S c l|b||0+1>00,QA"(2'lk), (1-5)R A I R O Analyse numenque/Numerical Analysis


    where Tk is an n-simplex containing the side Pt Py Then, bh is defined by

    K(uh, vh) = I v^) X { p+ uh{Pt) - % uh(Pj) } (1.6)i = 1 j e At

    where (3j = max (p0-, 0), PJ = max ( - Po-, 0) and A£ is a set of nodal pointsdefined by

    A£ - { Pj;Pj9 1 < j < Np, is adjacent to Pt } .

    Let x be a time mesh and NT — [T/x].Defme an operator Qh fromL

    1(Q)into Vh by

    Now, our finite element scheme correspondmg to (1.1) is as foliows :Find { u\\ k = 0, ..., NT }

  • 10 K. BABA, M. TABATA

    Figure 1. Fy in the case n = 2 .

    THEOREM 1.1 : (î) Equation (1.8) Zzas « unique solution uh, which satisfiesthe discrete mass conservation law^

    k n — ii°( f(xjx)dx for k=l,„nNT. (1.10)

    (ii) Suppose that the triangulation is of acute type and that x and K satisfythe condition


    c„ zj ö positive constant defined by (2.11) (c2 = 4, c3 = 6). r/ien, //*ƒ are non-negative, so is uh.

    Remark 1.3 : If u° e C(Q) and ƒ e C(0, T ; C(Q)), we can replace (1.8) by

    T ui h)h = - dah(ul ^ - bh(tl 4>ft) + {Ih f(kz\ heVlpk = 09l9.^NT - 1 , (1.12a)

    where /^ is an interpolating operator from C(Q) into Kft defmed by

    In this case we have in place of (1.10),

    ( 4 1), = (Ih u°, 1), + T Y (Ih f(kx% l)h for k = 1, ..., N r .

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    THEOREM 1 .2 : Suppose {^h} be a y-regular family of triangulation of Q.Suppose also that x and K satisfy the condition

    (nr (1 - e) if{#~h}is of acute type ,

    2 K2(1.13)

    (n + If d(1 — e) otherwise,

    z{< 1) is a positive number independent of h. If the solution u of (1.1)belongs to

    5(0, T ; L2(Q)) n C 1 ^ , T ; /^(Q)) n C(0, T ; Hm(Q)), m > n/2 ,

    J V T - 1


    ^ c(y, d, s, Q, n, m, || b ||0+ loo>n) i

    , u(fex) and u\ is a solution of (1.8).


    2 i , (1.14)

    § 2. PROOF OF THEOREM 1.1

    In this section, we prove theorem 1.1. We first transform (1.8) into thefollowing form (2.1). Substituting each base function lfc into the test func-tion

  • 12 K. BABA, M. TABATA

    b y ^ O ifiïjand 0 < ^ < £ | | b H 0 > c o > n , (2.4)

    where cn is a positive constant defined by (2.11) (c2 = 4, c3 = 6).(ii) Suppose the triangulation is of acute type. Then,

    £iy < 0 i f i ^ j a n d O< — < ^ - i . (2.5)mi Kf

    Proof : The assertions concerning ai}- are now well-known (cf. [4], [5,lemma 1]). From (2.2) we have

    *>ü= I P i * y = - E Pil Ôjfc (i±j). (2.6)fc e At IceAj

    Noting (1.3), we obtain

    - z p; •- z z ps

    - Z Pö - Z Pwk A i A

    = 0.

    The first part of (2.4) is a direct conséquence of (2.6).From (1.4) and (2.6) we have

    fcii/mi < II b ||Oi„.n I Yi>£ . (2.7)

    Let Tk be an w-simplex containing Pv Let P j be another vertex of Tk and let R{.be the set of the other n - 1 vertices. We dénote Tk by Tk = ^[P£, P;, jRy].Let My be the midpoint of side Pt Pr Define three (n — l)-simplices SQJ, Sf̂Sij by

    P Rtj] .

    Since Mi} is the midpoint, we have

    mes S%j -f mes S^ > 2 mes S^ . (2.8)

    We set

    7cB = mes (Tij n Sf^/mes S^-. (2.9)

    Obviously 7t„ is a constant which dépends only on n.

    R.A.I.R.O. Analyse numérique/Numerical Analysis


    Noting that

    mes Tk^Y~{ mes S$j + mes S%} } ,

    we have by (2.8) and (2.9),

    mes (Tij n S^) = nn mes S^

    Since Pj is an arbitrary vertex of Tk except Pb we obtain

    mes (Ty n S\}) < — mes Tk. (2.10)j 'N

    Summing up (2.10) with respect to k, we have

    Ki k

    n„n\n + l)

    By settingcn = n„n

    2(n + l), (2.11)

    we get (2.4). Since n2 — 1/3, TT3 = 1/6, we obtain c2 = 4, c3 = 6.q.e.d.

    Proo/ o/ theorem 1.1: Multiplying xm̂ on both sides of (2. la) and summingup over all the nodal points Pb we obtain in virtue of (2.3),

    S m, iF\Pà - "i m, t&Pd = T f /(x, kx) dx,*=i i = 1 Jnh

    which is equivalent to the formula

    (uT S 1), - (i£ l)h = T f fix, kx) dx. (2.12)

    Summing up (2.12) and noting that

    («?,lfc= f !i°(x)dc,

    we obtain (1.10).

    vol. 15, n° 1, 1981

  • 14 K. BABA, M. TABATA

    From (2.1a) we have


    + £Ï f(x,kT:)(blhdx for i = 1,..., JVr - 1 . (2.13)

    By (2.4), (2.5) and (1.11) all the coefficients of ifh of the right-hand side arenon-negative. Therefore, if u° and ƒ are non-negative, so is uh. q.e.d.

    § 3. PROOF OF THEOREM 1.2

    In this section we prove theorem 1.2. It can be proved along similar linesto [12, theorem 1.2] if some properties of bh are shown. Therefore main effortsare devoted to show them (lemma 3.2).

    For later référence we begin by stating the following lemma.

    LEMMA 3 . 1 : Let { 2Th } be a y-regular family of triangulation of Q. in Un.

    Let Tj G 3~h be any n-simplex and let h} = HT).

    (i) For every vh e Vh and 1 ^ p < + oo we have

    max { | vh(x) \ixeTj} ^ ch;nlp || o, \\OtPtTj, (3.1)

    max { | \)h(x) - vh(y) \ ; x, y e T, } ^ ch)-njp | u, |1>p>Tj, (3.2)

    where c = c(y,p, n).

    (ii) Let P be any point in Tj and U be the intersection of T, and any hyper-plane through P. Then we have

    u(P) - u(x') | dx' ^ c(y, p, n) hn~nlp | u |1JPJTJ (3.3)

    for u G Wp(Tj% p > n.

    Remark 3 . 1 : u(R) in (3,3) is meaningful by Sobolev's imbedding theorem,

    where G is a Lipschitz domain in R".

    R A I R O Analyse numenque/Numencal Analysis


    Proof of lemma 3 . 1 : We only prove (3.3) since (3.1) and (3.2) are well-known results. Let A be a référence «-simplex with vertices A0(0y...,0\Ax (1, 0, ..., 0),..., An (0,..., 1) in U\ and let F, : R£ -• U

    nx be a linear transfor-

    mation converting A onto Tj. We dénote

    uo(Q = u(F&))y P0 = F]-\P) and Uö = Fr

    Let oc be any real number and we set ua — u — a.

    Using (3.4) with G = A, we have

    I | U(P) - U{X') I dx' = I I Ma(P) - U\X') | dx'JU JU

    I u«0(P0) - uSfé'Jtt/o

    rh"~1 II na II

    Since a is an arbitrary number, we have

    | u{P) - u(x') I dx' ^ cW]~l inf { || u% \\UPA ; a e R }£

    here we have used the fact that the norm of the quotient space JVp(A)/U ,

    inf{ | | ï ? - a | | 1 ( P i A ; a 6 l R } ,

    is equivalent to \v\ltPA (see [2; theorem 1]). q.e.d.Eilinear form bh satisfies the following fundamental inequalities. Although

    the inequality (3.7) is required in § 4, we state it here since it leads to (3.6).

    LEMMA 3 . 2 : Let { 2Th} be a y-regular family of triangulation of Q in Un.

    (i) For every uh and §h e Vh we have

    «S c(y, n) || b IIO^.Q || uh \\Ot2tQh | ^ | l j 2 s n h . (3.5)

    (ii) For every u e Hm(Q), m > n/2, and $h e Vh, we have

    bh(h u,

  • 16 K. BABA, M. TAB ATA

    (iii) For every u e W J(Q), p > n, and §h e Vh we have

    bh(Ih u, h) + f (bu).(V(J),) dx

    ^ c(yy Q, p , n) h || b | | 0 + i ,« , p n II " | | 1 ( p > n I » 11*.*,> (3 - 7 )

    / 1 , 1w h e r e — I — = 1.

    P qRemark 3.2 : In (3.6) and (3.7) u and b are supposed to be extended

    smoothly from Q to Qfc.Proof of lemma 3.2 : Let Th be the set consisting of all the internai boun-

    daries rij5

    By using Th, bh can be written as follows,

    **(«», H(PJ) } { Py uh(Pd - py M,(P,) } • (3.8)

    Hence, by (3.2) with p = 2» (1.4) and (3.1) with p = 2, we have

    | bh{uh, „) dx = - f V,(bW)4),Jx+ f (b.v)u^Jx'

    = { - f V.(b«)^ dx + f (b.v) «


    By the usual way (cf. [3, theorem 5]), we can estimate I2 as follows,

    \l2 | < c(y,p9 n)h\\b ||0 + i,co.Q II * II i.p,o I fc(Pj) - W j ) } ( Po ~ b-v dx')r.jerh \ J r i J /

    x { a+ w(P£) + h(I*i) ~ ^fc^i) } x

    j ^ b . v { a («(PJ-i^xB + a (u(Pj)-


    a+ = sgn p.+ , a "= 1 - a+

    vol. 15, n° 1, 1981

  • 18 K. BABA, M. TABATA

    By (3.2) with p = q, (1.5) and (3.4) with G = Q, we have

    I J m K c || b ||0+lftf)>n || u \\Up^ Ç * J+ « " I * li*Tfc

    qc/i || b ||o+i,co.« II u | | l ï P , a{ E « }1 / P { Z I h \\,q>Tk}

    q ( 3 J 3 )

    c h || b l i o + i , a o , n il M l l i . p . n l 4>A l i i f l f f t h '

    where Tfc is an n-simplex containing side PtBy (3.2) with p = ^ and (3.3), we have

    A = - daM, ») - bh« , II i.2 A

    for ^ e K , fc-O,...,JVr~ 1, (3.15)

    where 8(/z) is a non-negative function of /i and 0fc, fc = 0, ..., NT — 1, arefunctionals on Vh such that | 0fc | ^ 1.

    Then, under the condition (1.13), we have

    N T - 1 1/2

    ( 3 - 1 6 >^ c { II wh llo,2,Qh +

    where c = c(y, d, 8, n, T, || b | | 0 o D ^ } .

    Proof : Substituting $h = —— 5 into (3.15), we apply (3.5). Aftera brief calculation we have

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    where e1 > 0 is a constant less than d/4. Since it holds that for wh e Vh,


    + 1 „ —

    11 wft ||o if {^ f c } i so f acute type,


    (cf. [5, lemma 2]), condition (1.13) and GronwalPs inequality lead to (3.16).q.e.d.

    Scheme (1.8) approximates the weak form of (1.1) in the following way.

    LEMMA 3.4 : Let { STh } be a y-regular family of triangulation ofQ. Supposethat uisa solution of(l. 1) belonging to

    Z = Ci +a(0, T ; L2(Q)) nCl(O,T; H1^)) n C(0, T ; Hm(Q)),O < a < 1, m > n/2.

    Then we have

    (Dz Ih u(kx), 4>h)h = - dah(Ih u(kz), $„) - bh(Ih u(kx), 4>h)

    f{x, kx) Wx) dx + c0 %(h + T") || c|>» || 1>2,nh, (3.17)

    where Qk is a number satisfying \ Qk \ < 1 and

    O "" C O U ' " , " I , H » II 0+1,00,0^ II M !12 •

    The proof of lemma 3.4 is like that of [12, (3.19)], except that we use (3.6)for estimating the term bh. So we omit the proof.

    Proof of theorem 1.2: Since u belongs to Z l 5 (3.17) is satisfïed with a — 0.5.Subtracting (3.17) from (1.8), we observe that { ekh\ k = 0, ..., NT } satisfïesthe assumption of lemma 3.3 with

    5(/i) = c(y, d, s, Q, n, m, || b ||o+ifoo,n) h \\ u \\Zi

    by the fact

    x1/2 ^ c(d)K ^ c(d)h.

    Noting that

    we obtain (1.14). q.e.d.

    vol 15, n" 1, 1981

  • 20 K. BABA, M. TABATA

    § 4. THE CASE WHEN DIV h « 0

    We now consider the case when (1.1) satisfies the additional conditions

    divb = 0 in O and b.v = 0 on F . (4.1)

    Furthermore, if there is no source

    ƒ = 0, (4.2)

    the problem (1.1) is reduced to

    ~ = dàu- (b.V)u inÖ, (4.3a)

    §~ = 0 on E, (4.3b)

    u = u° i n Q a U - 0 . (4.3c)

    The solution M of (4.3) satisfies the maximum principle

    min { M°(Q); xeQ } < u(x, t) < max { u°(x);x eQ} for (x,1) e g .


    Let us show that a suitable choice of Pfi in the seherne (1.8) enables us toobtain approximate solutions possessing not only discrete mass conservationlaw (1.10) but also discrete maximum principle (4.7).

    For each boundary element Tk e J ^ ie., a face of Tk is a portion of dQh,we correspond an curved element fk with a corresponding portion of F. IfTh is not a boundary element, we set fk — Tk,

    Thus, we obtain { fk } such that the interiors of f t and fp i ^ j , are dis-joint and that

    N* „ —U Tk = Cl.

    We define Df by replacing Tk by fk in (1.2). Likewise we define Dt, Then, theinteriors of Di and Dp i # j , are disjoint and it holds that

    UA=fl, (4.5)

    Defining f y by

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    we set


    Figure 2. f tj in the case n = 2.

    THEOREM 4.1 : Assume the conditions oftheorem 1.1 (ii). Then, the solutionuh of (1.8) with (4.6) satisfies the discrete mass conservation law (1.10) and themaximum principle

    min { M°(X) ; x e Q } < u\{x) < max { u°{x) ; x e Q }

    for xeQh,k = 0,...,NT. (4.7)

    In this case we can show uniform convergence of uh to u.

    THEOREM 4.2 : Let { ̂ } be a y-regular family. Assume the conditions oftheorem 1.1 (ii). If the solution u of (4,3) belongs to

    Z2 = C1 + o-5(0, T;C(Q)) n Cl(0, T;C1 n C(0, T; C2 + 1(Q)),

    { || c£ ||OiOO)fih; /c = 0 , . . . , NT } < ch \\ u \\Zl,

    cî = lij - /ft M(/CT) and c = c(y, d, Q, n, || b ||0+lj0o,n) •

    For the proofs of these theorems we prépare the following lemma.

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  • 2 2 K. BABA, M. TABATA

    LEMMA 4 . 1 : We have

    »y = 0 for i= l,...,Np. (4.9)

    : The first part is trivial. By (2.6), (4.1) and (4.6), we have

    \i = E fó " Z £ Pi SjkteA, j^i ke At

    = E P*fceA,

    b(x').v(x') rfx'

    -j.= 0 . q.e.d.

    Proof of theorem 4 . 1 : Since the coefficients of u^ of (2.13) are non-negativeby (1.11), we obtain (4.7) by (4.9). q.e.d.

    For the proof of uniform convergence we first consider an elliptic problem :

    - d Av + (b.V) v + \w =f in Q, (4.10a)

    %g = g on r 5 (

    where u is a real constant. We approximate (4.10) by the scheme *Find vh e Vh such that

    K $h)h - f$h dx +Jnh Ja

    h rfx'

    fo rany ^ G K, . (4.11)

    PROPOSITION 4 .1 : Let {^h} be a y-regular family. Suppose { STh } is ofacute type. Then, there exists a constant ^0(7, n, \\ b ||0f0o,n)

    sucn that for every\x ^ |a0 we have

    l|üfc-/fcü||ofco,nhfl, (4.12)

    wherec = c(y9 Q, n, p, m II b Ho+i.oo.n) »

    i;h w ?fe solution of (4.11) ara/ u iy ?/ïe solution of (4.10) belonging to }¥*(£!),p > n.

    R.A.LR.O. Analyse numérique/Numerical Analysis


    The proof of proposition 4.1 is lüce that of [13, theorem 3.1] whose keypointswere those corresponding to the estimate (3.7) and lemma 4.1. Therefore weomit it.

    Uniform convergence of fïnite element solutions of parabolic problems isproved if the following two conditions are satisfïed (c/ [13, 14]) :

    (i) Uniform convergence of fïnite element solutions of the correspondingelliptic problem.

    (ii) Non-negativity of the scheme for the parabolic problem.

    Proposition 4.1 ensures (i) and theorem 1.1 (ü) does (ii). Thus theorem 4.2 isobtained.

    Remark 4.1 : To obtain a scheme whose solution satisfîes the discrete massconservation law (1.10) and the (discrete) maximum principle (4.7), we haveto take fî determined by (4.6). If we defïne bh by

    bh(uh vh) = i vh(Pt) X P y K W - uh(pj))i (4-13)

    where /?y satisfy only (1.4) and (1.5), the solutions obtained by this schemesatisfy the maximum principle (4.7) and converge uniformly to the exactsolution (theorem 4.2).

    This result can be shown by using the fact that btj derived from (4.13)satisfy (4.9) since it holds that

    if je


    Especially if we take $tj by (4.6), (4.13) is equivalent to (1.6).

    f - Py

    fe?A, Pl7c' bij = { 0 otherwise.


    We have assumed hitherto that the flow b does not depend on time t. Nowwe consider the case b = b(x, t). Let { b\ }, k = 0,..., JVr, be a set of bilinearforms on Vh x Vh defined by

    (uh, vh) = J vJLP,) I {(P^)+ uh{Pt) - (P*y)- uh(Pj) } ,

    i=l je Ai

    vol. 15,n° 1, 1981

  • 24 K. BABA, M. TABATA

    where $kip k = O,..., NT9 satisfy that

    b(x', /CT).VO.(X') dx' - $j


    where Tt is an n-simplex containing nodal points Pt and P,.If we replace bh in (1.8a) by b\, theorems 1.1 and 1.2 are valid also in this

    case.A feature of the bilinear form bh is that the différence scheme derived from

    this form is not locally consistent in L °°-sense, i.e.,

    ^ ^ ) as MO,

    where u is a smooth function. But bh{Ih u, h) approximates

    in the sense (3.7), which is sufficient for obtaining convergence of the finiteelement solutions. On the other hand an upwind finite element scheme proposedin [12] is locally consistent in L^-sense. So it is easy to applicate it to first orderhyperbolic problems (see [15]).

    The rates of convergence given in theorems 1.2 and 4.2 are best possible inthis type of approximations since the upwind bilinear form corresponds to aone-sided différence approximation.


    The authors wish to express their sincère thanks to Professor Masaya Yamaguti of KyotoUniversity for his continuous interest and stimulating discussion.


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    R.A.I.R.O. Analyse numérique/N urnerical Analysis


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