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Openbravo ERP 评测


姊妹篇《Openbravo ERP 评测之技术评测》

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1. 初始化流程图...........................................................................................................................5

1.1 登陆...............................................................................................................................8

1.2 全局设置.......................................................................................................................9

1.2.1 应用字典(Application Dictionary) ..............................................................9

1.2.2 通用设置(General Setup) ...............................................................................10

1.2.3 主数据管理(Master Data Management).........................................................11

1.2.4 其他全局设置.................................................................................................12

1.3 创建企业单位.............................................................................................................13

1.4 局部设置.....................................................................................................................17

1.4.1 汉化.................................................................................................................17

1.4.2 添加一个新窗口.............................................................................................19

1.4.3 保留.................................................................................................................19

1.5 新建企业部门.............................................................................................................20

1.6 用户、角色和权限.....................................................................................................21

1.6.1 新建角色.........................................................................................................22

1.6.2 新建用户.........................................................................................................23

1.7 导入业务数据.............................................................................................................23

1.7.1 导入产品数据.................................................................................................24

1.7.2 导入订单数据.................................................................................................26

1.7.3 导入业务伙伴数据.........................................................................................28

1.8 建立产品档案.............................................................................................................29

1.9 建立业务伙伴.............................................................................................................30

1.10 通用设置.................................................................................................................31

1.11 各个业务模块初始化.................................................................................................31

1.11.1 仓库管理初始化.................................................................................................31

1.11.2 采购管理初始化.................................................................................................32

1.11.3 生产管理初始化.................................................................................................32

1.11.4 财务管理初始化.................................................................................................36

1.11.5 销售管理初始化.................................................................................................39

1.11.6 项目和服务管理初始化 .....................................................................................40

1.12 保留.........................................................................................................................43

2. 功能模块.................................................................................................................................44

2.1 功能模块框架.................................................................................................................44

2.2 操作界面.........................................................................................................................45

3. 业务操作流.............................................................................................................................46

3.1. 业务操作流...................................................................................................................47

3.1.1 Order-To-Cash .................................................................................................47

3.1.2 Procure to Pay .................................................................................................48

3.1.3 Bank Statement to Bank Reconciliation .......................................................50

3.1.4 Period End Close to Financial Report ..........................................................50

3.1.5 Customer Return to Credit .............................................................................51

3.1.6 Customer Return to Replacement ................................................................52

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3.1.7 Supplier Return to Debit .................................................................................52

3.1.8 Supplier Return to Replacement ...................................................................53

3.1.9 Collection ..........................................................................................................53

3.1.10 Supplier Payment Management..................................................................54

3.1.11 Wall to Wall Accuracy Physical Count ........................................................54

3.1.12 Asset Acquisition to Dispose........................................................................55

3.1.13 Expense Report to Reimbursement ...........................................................55

3.1.14 Budget to Analysis.........................................................................................55

4. 附录.........................................................................................................................................56

4.1 快捷键.............................................................................................................................56

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在这里我首先要真诚地感谢西班牙的 openbravo 公司,为全世界奉献了这么一套优秀的开源

软件——Openbravo ERP & POS,它的架构灵活、代码质量上乘、文档丰富、二次开发简单、





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深圳微算技术有限公司(www.weisuan.com)友情整理 page:5 of 56 初始化初始化初始化初始化流程图流程图流程图流程图

ERP的初始化至关重要,这是把系统带入业务起飞点的前序工作,也是 ERP实施的主

要工作。 1. Initial Interview 1). Critical Information to Obtain 2). Requirements Template 3). Master Data Import Template 4). Deployment Model 2. Client Follow Up 3. Deployment 1). Openbravo ERP Installation 2). Openbravo Professional Subscription & Activation 3). Cloud Hosting (recommended) 4). Dedicated In-house Server 5). Backup 6). Security 7). QuickStart Template Installation 8). Session Configuration 4. Customer Setup 1). Initial Client Setup 2). Initial Organization Setup 5. Roles and Users 1). Securing Default Configuration 2). Application Users 6. Initial Configuration 1). Customer's Template 2). Customer's Module 3). Company Logo Customization 4). Initial Data Configuration 5). Initial Data Load 6). Email Configuration 7. Functional Implementation 1). Master Data Management 2). Procurement Management 3). Sales Management 4). Warehouse management 5). Financial management 8. Test Environment Creation 9. Printing Forms

1). Purchase Order 2). Sales Order 3). Quotation 4). Goods shipments 5). Sales Invoice 10. Training 1). Basic information (0,5h) 2). Procurement management (4h) 3). Sales management (2h) 4). Warehouse management (1,5h) 5). Payables/receivables management (6h) 6). Asset management (1,5h)

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7). Accounting (2h) 11. Support Phase 1). Defects 2). Adjustments 3). Extensive Customizations 4). Maintenance Packs 12. Country Specific Configurations 1). Spain

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Usually a complete implementation includes, among other things, migration of previous

data, analysis of customer's business processes, integration with already existing systems,

definition of users and roles, setup of windows, or the creating and customization of reporting


全局设置 (system)



新建若干分支机构 (独立财务核算或非独立财务核算单位)

导入业务数据 (产品、业务伙伴、税率、会计科目)





-安排后台任务 -币种 -缺省值 -菜单 -警报


-用户 -角色 -权限








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1.1 登陆登陆登陆登陆



示输入用户和密码,而是直接进入了 OB。

系统默认登录用户和密码是 Openbravo/openbravo,登陆进入后的角色是 System

Adminitrator,进入全局虚拟企业单位 System。首次登陆会引导您完成心跳配置,当然您可

以选择取消,从而终止配置过程,以后可以操作菜单“General � Application � Heartbrat

Configuration”启用心跳配置。不过 openbravo官方建议启用心跳机制,从而可以让他们掌

握世界范围内的 OB使用情况,并协助他们改进软件质量。另外如果不启用心跳,那么一些




击左侧的“Change password”�然后输入一次旧密码和两次新密码。


操作是:点击左上角的小人头像�在新跳出的界面中点击左侧的“Session options”�然后



图的企业单位等,依次点击:General Setup � Security � User � Grid View(点击中间靠上

的那个五行两列的小表格图案)� 双击一个具体的用户打开 Form View(编辑视图):在这


查看查看查看查看当前当前当前当前系统中系统中系统中系统中的的的的全部会话全部会话全部会话全部会话(即正在使用 OB 的用户),如果是管理员角色,那么还可

以杀死其他会话。具体的操作是:General Setup � Security � Session � Grid View:这里列

出了全部的已登陆用户(包括登陆的机器 IP、登陆时间等)� 双击某个会话 �点击按钮

“Kill Session”则可以杀死这个会话。但是自己不能杀死自己。

退出退出退出退出 OB。点击屏幕左上角的红色“××××”即可。

设置会话超时设置会话超时设置会话超时设置会话超时。Application Dictionary � AD Implementation Mapping,找到并选中

Timeout对象,然后点击 Parameters,修改里面的超时时间(默认是 60分钟)。

用户登录安全用户登录安全用户登录安全用户登录安全。从 2.50MP15版本开始,新增了用户登录安全:登录失败延时和用户加


延时也依次加长(相应参数在文件 Openbravo.properties中指定:ogin.trial.delay.increment和

login.trial.delay.max),直到重试次数超过设定的最大次数(由文件 Openbravo.properties中的

参数 login.trial.user.lock指定),这时就锁住该用户。被锁住的用户需要管理员通过菜单

“General Setup || Security || User”解锁,如果是管理员被锁,可以这样处理:把参数”

“ login.trial.user.lock”设为 0,这样就允许登录,然后再去解锁,最后把参数


修改公司的修改公司的修改公司的修改公司的 LOGO。系统中存在 5 个摆放 logo 的位置,分别是登录页面上的公司

logo(197*55)、登录页面上的 IT 技术部门 logo(197*55)、登录后操作页面上的公司

logo(122*34)、登录页面上的公司大 logo(608*217)、公司文档图标(197*55)。图片格式可以

是 png, jpg, gif等。操作路径:General Setup || Application || System Info || System Info。

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1.2 全局设置全局设置全局设置全局设置

在虚拟企业单位 System中做的设置都是全局性的——全部的企业和部门都可见。只有

拥有 System Administrator角色的用户才可做全局设置(比如用户 Openbravo),全局设置主


1.2.1 应用应用应用应用字典字典字典字典((((Application Dictionary))))

只有在虚拟企业单位 System中才有 AD。这里存放了 OB的全部定义(元数据),如表


WAD 和 Template/redning引擎被转换成可执行代码(实际上 90%的 OB代码是从 AD 中产生

的,另外 10%是 MVC 代码)。其实 Openbravo就是一个开发平台,在这个平台上搭建出了

OB ERP,利用这个平台我们可以很方便地做二次开发(直接在 AD 中作配置即可,当然先

要置 OB 处于开发模式:AD�Module�在网格视图上双击核心模块 core进入 Form视图�

勾选“In Development”)——具体的一个开发例子见附录。

� Tables and Columns: Openbravo将信息存储在外部数据库中,同时系统通过“表和

列”功能对数据库进行管理,在 Openbravo中,每个表和列都具有属性、主键和其


先对这张表进行激活(activate)。在 AD 中创建表列信息之前,首先要在数据库中

创建表。AD 中的表列定义实际上是建立从数据库表到标签页字段的映射而已。

� Windows, Tabs, and Fields: 1).窗体窗体窗体窗体((((Windows))))————————窗体是应用程序管理数据的界


标准窗体(standard windows)和表单(forms)。窗体由一个或多个标签页构成。

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然前提是数据库中已存在相应的表。2).标签页标签页标签页标签页((((Tabs))))————————标签页将 Openbravo





口的所有标签页。用户可以隐藏、复制、修改标签页。3). 字段和字段顺序字段和字段顺序字段和字段顺序字段和字段顺序((((Fields

and Field Sequence))))——数据在标签页上表现为字段,字段是特定种类数据的存


应后台数据库中某个表中的一列,字段也是姓名、日期等项目插入的地方。 字段


� Element : 数据库中名称相同的字段,其帮助、描述、术语都可以集中维护,这在

系统中是默认的,例如,“error ”这个字段的抽象名称是 ad_error_id。因此,如果



中引入 Element来维护公共字段名是一个创举,这对于给那些公共字段添加帮助信


� Form : 表单是手工生成的用于数据录入、修改、删除的窗体。与标准窗体不同,


以创建和编辑表单(手工窗体),此后可以在 OB 的其他地方使用这些表单。

� Module : 在模块界面中可以创建和注册一个新的扩展模块。

1.2.2 通用设置通用设置通用设置通用设置(General Setup)

如果说 AD 是面向 OB 本身的基础架构的话,那么 GS就是面向应用设置了(具体包括

应用设置、企业单位设置、安全设置、部门设置和进程调度设置五大部分)。在 System中,

GS 设置是全局的——作为其他企业单位的默认值。登陆其他企业单位,同样也有 GS,但

这两个 GS有两点不同:一是作用域不一样——System.GS是全局的,而其他 GS是局部的,

同样的 GS 设置项,局部值覆盖全局值;二是设置项数目不同——其他 GS 的设置项只是


GS 中。特定于全局的设置项有:Application————————Instance Activation, Module Management,

System Info, Language Setup, Language, Import/Export Translations, Session Variables, Data File

Type, Heartbeat Configuration, Register;Client——Initial Client Setup(其他.GS.Initial Client

Setup Review), Delete Client, Import Client。当然其他 GS中也有一些特殊项在 System.GS中

没有,比如 Enterprise�Initial organization setup和 Enterprise�Enterprise module management,


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1.2.3 主数据管理主数据管理主数据管理主数据管理(Master Data Management)

这个模块用来定义和编辑与业务伙伴、价格和产品有关的信息,与 GS一样,在虚拟企

业 System和其他真实企业(以下简称 Other)中都有主数据库管理模块(一下简称为 MDM),

但是 System.MDM的设置是全局的,比如设置了一种产品计量单位 PCS,那么在 Other.MDM



中设置个性属性。下面的图是 Other.MDM的菜单介绍:

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1.2.4 其他全局设置其他全局设置其他全局设置其他全局设置

� Sales Management�Setup�Mail Template: 设置邮件模板。

� Financial Management:

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1.3 创建企业单位创建企业单位创建企业单位创建企业单位


� 在您的企单位里,需要多少个企业?如果您的单位由许多具有独立核算职能的分支


� 在一个企业里,有多少个部门?这些部门之间的关系是什么?都是企业下的平等的


� 对于一个企业下的所有部门,它们都是一个独立的法人实体吗?

� 您需要启用 Openbravo ERP的会计记账功能吗?

OB 能支持多企业多部门的应用环境,这里的企业(client-entity)就是指单独使用 ERP的

企业或企业部门,在 Openbravo ERP中还定义了一个虚拟企业 system(真实情况是一个Client

0),因此对于一个生产环境中的 Openbravo ERP,必须具备两类企业——虚拟企业 system和

真实企业(至少要创建一个真实企业,否则这个 ERP就没有价值了)。这两类企业的示意图


i)、虚拟企业的名字就是 System(上图左边),全部的结构定义(或称 Schema),如表、

表的列、窗口、窗口中标签页、域(field)、菜单等等统称为模型数据(model data),模型数

据保存在虚拟企业 System的 Model库中,其他的真实企业都将采用这些模型数据,从而可



Source库中,存放在 Source库中的数据称为源数据,源数据可以理解为所有真实企业的公



实就是用于保存数据字典的——即 AD。具备 System Administrator角色的用户都可以操纵

System中的数据,安装 Openbravo ERP生成的默认用户 Openbravo(密码是 openbravo)就

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是可以赋予 System Administrator角色的用户,该用户登录后默认的角色就是 System

Administrator,这是一个超级用户权限,相当于 linux 操作系统的 root用户,可以为所欲为。





基于虚拟企业单位 System的全局设置完了之后可以开始新建真实的企业单位了,ERP

业务主要是在真实企业单位中跑的。Openbravo登录并切换到 System Administrator角色(切

换角色请参见上文的“登录”章节),操作菜单路径:General Setup�Client�Initial Client



Report Summary Create client process completed successfully Create accounting process completed successfully Create document types process completed successfully ***************************************************** Starting create client Client=Moodisk Client=Moodisk Accounting report Client=Moodisk Activity Client=Moodisk BoM Client=Moodisk Bus Partner Client=Moodisk Campaign Client=Moodisk Element Value (Account, etc.) Client=Moodisk Instructions Client=Moodisk Organization Client=Moodisk Product Client=Moodisk Product Category Client=Moodisk Project Client=Moodisk Sales Region Client=Moodisk Tax report Role=Moodisk Admin Role=Moodisk Admin User/Contact=MoodiskAdmin/MoodiskAdmin Create client process completed successfully ***************************************************** Starting create accounting Calendar=Moodisk Calendar Accounting Element=Moodisk Account

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Account Element # Accounting Schema=Moodisk US/A/Yuan Renminbi Acct.Schema Element=Account Acct.Schema Element=Bus.Partner Acct.Schema Element=Organization Acct.Schema Element=Product Acct.Schema Element=Sales Region Create accounting process completed successfully ***************************************************** Starting create document types GL_Category=Standard GL_Category=None GL_Category=Manual GL_Category=AR Invoice GL_Category=AR Receipt GL_Category=Material Management GL_Category=AP Invoice GL_Category=AP Payment GL_Category=Settlement GL_Category=Bank Statement GL_Category=Cash GL_Category=Inventory GL_Category=Movement GL_Category=Production GL_Category=MatchInv GL_Category=MatchPO C_DocType=GL Journal C_DocType=AR Invoice Template=AR Invoice Report template C_DocType=AR Invoice Indirect Template=AR Invoice Indirect Report template C_DocType=AR Credit Memo Template=AR Credit Memo Report template C_DocType=AR Receipt C_DocType=MM Shipment Template=MM Shipment Report template C_DocType=MM Shipment Indirect Template=MM Shipment Indirect Report template C_DocType=MM Receipt Template=MM Receipt Report template C_DocType=AP Invoice Template=AP Invoice Report template C_DocType=AP CreditMemo Template=AP Credit Report template C_DocType=AP Payment C_DocType=Purchase Order Template=Purchase Order Report template C_DocType=Purchase Requisition C_DocType=Settlement C_DocType=Manual Settlement C_DocType=Bank Statement C_DocType=Cash Journal C_DocType=Physical Inventory C_DocType=Inventory Move C_DocType=Production C_DocType=Matched Invoices C_DocType=Matched Purchase Orders C_DocType=Debt Payment Management C_DocType=Depreciation C_DocType=Quotation Template=Quotation Report template C_DocType=Proposal Template=Proposal Report template C_DocType=Prepay Order Template=Prepay Order Report template C_DocType=Return Material Template=Return Material Report template C_DocType=Standard Order Template=Standard order report template C_DocType=Credit Order Template=On Credit Order Report template C_DocType=Warehouse Order Template=Warehouse Order Memo Report template C_DocType=POS Order Template=POS Order Report template Create document types process completed successfully


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任务任务任务任务 1::::建立建立建立建立““““架构数据架构数据架构数据架构数据””””完成如下步骤完成如下步骤完成如下步骤完成如下步骤::::


B)、创建一个初始用户和一个角色,并且把这个角色添加给用户 Openbravo,也就是说

此后 Openbravo用户可以赋予这些角色,从而访问本企业内的数据;角色命名为“<企业名

|| Admin”,比如在上面的例子中,将创建用户:MoodiskAdmin,角色:Moodisk Admin。显

然用户 MoodiskAdmin是企业“Moodisk”的管理员(默认密码与用户名一样,登录的默认

角色是“Moodisk Admin”,此后该管理员可以在本企业中创建更多的机构、用户和角色。

任务任务任务任务 2::::建立建立建立建立““““会计数据会计数据会计数据会计数据””””完成如下步骤完成如下步骤完成如下步骤完成如下步骤::::





如果没有勾选“Include Accounting”,那么本任务是不会执行的。这一点对于纯管理的


任务任务任务任务 3::::建立建立建立建立““““财务数据财务数据财务数据财务数据””””完成如下步骤完成如下步骤完成如下步骤完成如下步骤::::

Creates all the document types and their sequence. This is something mandatory to be able to

create transactional documents.

任务任务任务任务 4::::建立建立建立建立““““基础数据基础数据基础数据基础数据””””完成如下步骤完成如下步骤完成如下步骤完成如下步骤:::: Creates a sample data (all the data is created with the name standard) to be able to start doing

things with the application. It would be like a little configuration. All this data is created under this

new entity and with organization * so it can be used by any other organization that belongs to this


检查会计科目是否导入:以新的用户(例子中 MoodiskAdmin,默认密码也是

MoodiskAdmin)登录,然后操作:Financial Management�Accounting�Setup�Accounting


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1.4 局部设置局部设置局部设置局部设置


MoodiskAdmin),接下来就可以用该用户登录 OB做针对于该企业的设置了(主要的功能菜

单在 General Setup、Master Data Management中),比如创建新的部门、用户和角色。具体


1.4.1 汉化汉化汉化汉化

OB 支持多语言,添加一种新的语言变得如此简单——只要手工编写或者翻译 xml 文件


1)、在 OB中创建一种语言或者激活以前已经定义的语言,默认安装的 OB中已经定义

好了目前世界上使用普遍的 98种语言,其中中文语言就是其中之一,现在我们只要激活它

即可(切换到 System Administrator角色,操作 General Setup || Application || Language:在 grid

视图中找到 zh_CN那一行并双击):

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点击上图中的“Verify Language”按钮会把把英文的全部记录拷贝过来产生中文记录(尽

管此时的内容还是英文),为以后导出为 xml 文件做好准备。

2)、导出到 xml 文件(General Setup || Application || Import/Export Translations):

这样就在目录/opt/OpenbravoERP/attachments/lang/zh_CN下生成全部的 xml 文件: AD_ELEMENT_TRL_zh_CN.xml �翻译 AD_Element表,这个表存放了全部的元素。

AD_FIELDGROUP_TRL_zh_CN.xml �翻译 AD_FieldGroup表,此表用来分组一个窗口中的字段。

AD_FIELD_TRL_zh_CN.xml �翻译 AD_Field表,此表登记了全部窗口中显示的字段信息。

AD_FORM_TRL_zh_CN.xml �翻译 AD_Form表,此表存放了所有表单中的名字、描述和帮助信息。

AD_MENU_TRL_zh_CN.xml �翻译 AD_Menu表,此表保存了左侧的菜单树内容。

AD_MESSAGE_TRL_zh_CN.xml �翻译 AD_Message表,这个表存放了所有的提示信息。

AD_MODULE_TRL_zh_CN.xml �翻译 AD_Module表,这里存放的是模块和许可证信息。

AD_PROCESS_PARA_TRL_zh_CN.xml �翻译 AD_Process_Para表

AD_PROCESS_TRL_zh_CN.xml �翻译 AD_Process表,此表存放了在 OB中执行的任务过程(processes)


AD_REFERENCE_TRL_zh_CN.xml �Translations for AD_Reference table. In this table are all the references.

References are used to define data types, lists of values or tables.

AD_REF_LIST_TRL_zh_CN.xml �Translations for AD_Ref_List table. In this table are found the values for

the references of list type

AD_TAB_TRL_zh_CN.xml �Translations for AD_Tab table. This table contains the name, description

and help for all the tabs in the application.

AD_TEXTINTERFACES_TRL_zh_CN.xml �Translations for AD_TextInterfaces table. This table holds the texts that

will be displayed in all the manually generated windows

AD_WF_NODE_TRL_zh_CN.xml �Translations for AD_WF_Node table. This table contains the workflow


AD_WINDOW_TRL_zh_CN.xml �Translations for AD_Window table. AD_Window has names,

descriptions and helps of the WAD generated windows

AD_WORKFLOW_TRL_zh_CN.xml �Translations for AD_Workflow table. Name, description and help for the

defined workflows

C_COUNTRY_TRL_zh_CN.xml �Translations for C_Country table. This table holds a list of countries.

C_CURRENCY_TRL_zh_CN.xml �Translations for C_Currency table. This table holds a list of currencies

C_DOCTYPE_TRL_zh_CN.xml �Translations for C_DocType table. Description of the document types.


C_UOM_TRL_zh_CN.xml �Translations for C_UOM table. This table contains the Units of Measure

3)、采用第三方工具编辑 xml 文件,进行手工翻译。Xml 文件的格式如下:


•对于表中的每一行,都对应一个 row 标签,包含 id 和 trl 两个属性,前者表示行的

顺序,后者等于 Y 表示已经做了翻译,等于 N 表示还没做翻译;

•在 row 标签内表记录的每一列对应一个 value标签,属性包含列名、用原始语言表


例如: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?|| <compiereTrl language="es_ES" table="AD_TASK"|| <row id="102" trl="Y"|| <value column="Name" original="Java Version"||java版本</value|| <value column="Description" original="Displays the version of the default Java VM"||显示默认的 java虚拟机的版本</value|| <value column="Help" original="The java version used by the application might be different."/|| </row|| <row id="103" trl="N"|| <value column="Name" original="Database Export"||Exportar BD</value|| <value column="Description" original="Export (save) the database"||Exportar (guardar) la base de datos</value|| <value column="Help" original="Run this command from the server"||Run this command from the server</value||

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</row|| </compiereTrl||

4)、导入到 OB中:General Setup || Application || Import/Export Translations:

5)、编译 OB(可选):

service tomcat stop

ant compile.complete

ant war

ant deploy

service tomcat start

1.4.2 添加一个添加一个添加一个添加一个新新新新窗口窗口窗口窗口


注意:表中必须包含字段 AD_Client_ID, AD_Org_ID, IsActive,Created, CreatedBy,

Updated和 UpdatedBy,这些字段 OB内部会用到;上例中 DOCUMENTS_ID可以置为主键,


2)、在 OB的 AD 中注册这个表:Application Dictionary || Tables and Columns

3)、新建一个窗口:Application Dictionary || Windows, Tabs, and Fields: New Windows:

New Tab: New Field

4)、新建一个菜单并与上一步新建的窗口关联:General Setup || Application || Menu:New

Menu:: 输入参数:Action=Window,Window=上一步创建的窗口名。保存后点击 调整新


1.4.3 保留保留保留保留

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1.5 新建新建新建新建企业部门企业部门企业部门企业部门



Setup � Enterprise � Initial ogranization setup:

系统默认的部门类型具有的特征: Organization Type Legal Entity Legal Entity with Accounting Business Unit Transactions Allowed

Organization N N N N

Legal with accounting Y Y N Y

Legal without accounting Y N N Y

Generic N N N Y

点击‘OK’后执行的结果如下: Report Summary Create organization process completed successfully Create accounting process completed successfully ***************************************************** Starting create organization Organization=MoodiskOrg1 User/Contact=MoodiskOrg1/MoodiskOrg1 Create organization process completed successfully ***************************************************** Starting create accounting Accounting Element=MoodiskOrg1 Account Account Element # Accounting Schema=MoodiskOrg1 US/A/Yuan Renminbi Acct.Schema Element=Account Acct.Schema Element=Bus.Partner Acct.Schema Element=Organization Acct.Schema Element=Product Acct.Schema Element=Sales Region Create accounting process completed successfully


经创建的部门可以通过菜单 General Setup�Enterprise�Organization修改属性,比如是

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否是Summary Level部门,具有Summary Level属性的部门通常位于组织树的中间节点,



General Setup�Enterprise�Organization设为就绪状态才能营业(Set as Ready)(可置为


1.6 用户用户用户用户、、、、角色和角色和角色和角色和权限权限权限权限

OB 把安全分为操作安全(又成为垂直安全——即是从展示层到应用层的垂直方向)和





限的集合,通过给用户赋予或者剥夺某个角色来实现授权和撤权。一个用户能登陆 ob,它









System, System/Client, Organization, Client/Organization, All。


Client Org Description

System 0 * 只可访问 client 0 和 Org *中的数据。比如应用字典

(Application Dictionary)。

System/client Non 0 * 除了 client 0外的任何企业和 Org *中的数据都可访问。

比如主数据(master data)。

Organization Non 0 Non


除了 client 0和 Org *之外的任何企业和部门中的数据

都可访问。比如交易菜单(transactional documents)。

Client/Organization Non 0 Any

除了 client 0 之外的任何企业和部门的数据都可访

问,比如交易菜单(transactional documents)和主数

据(master data)。

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All Any Any 可以随心所欲。


Client 0:保存共享数据的虚企业;

Organization *:在一个企业内用于保存供本企业内的其他任何部门共享的数据;

Non 0/Non *:指非 client 0和非 Org *内的数据。




数据安全级别数据安全级别数据安全级别数据安全级别 用户安全级别用户安全级别用户安全级别用户安全级别

System System

System/Client System or Client

Organization Organization

Client/Organization Client or Organization

All System, Client or Organization

1.6.1 新建角色新建角色新建角色新建角色

以企业管理员登录,然后操作:General Setup � Security � Role�点击“New Record”



在 Org Access页上改变角色的归属部门;在 User Assignment页上可以把角色分派给用

户;给角色指派权限的标签页有* Access:在 Window Access页上可以控制此角色允许访问



么创建的角色没有任何权限,此时就需要添加能访问的窗口了,其他的标签页如 Process

Access,Workflow Access ,Form Access,Task Access操作类似。

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1.6.2 新建用户新建用户新建用户新建用户

点击 User Roles页,在这里可以给新建用户添加更多的角色。一个用户可以具有多个角


1.7 导入业务导入业务导入业务导入业务数据数据数据数据

如果您有大量的业务数据,比如产品档案和客户资料,最简便的方法是直接导入 OB 中,

否则也可以手工通过 OB界面输入。可以导入的数据类型有:

� 业务伙伴档案(客户档案、供应商、员工、辅助商如银行等)(Business Partners);

� 产品档案(Products);

� 银行账号(Accounts);

� 销售订单(Orders);

� 预算(Budgets);

� 税率(Taxes)。

导入数据的一般步骤是:生成数据文件.csv�在 OB中定义.csv文件的格式(Master Data

Management||Import Data||Import Loader Format)�把.csv 文件导入临时表中(Master Data

Management||Import Data||Import File Loader)�导入到正式表里(Master Data Management ||

Import Data || Import Products|Business Partner|Account|Orders|Budgets|Taxes)。

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1.7.1 导入产品数据导入产品数据导入产品数据导入产品数据


Column name Description Recommended

Data Type

AD_Client_ID The name of the client String

AD_Org_ID The name of the organization String





CostPerOrder The cost per order value for this product Number

Created The date that the product record was created Date

CreatedBy The user who created the product record String

C_UOM_ID The unit of measurement used for the product String

DeliveryTime_Promised The promised date for the product, if applicable Date

Description Brief description of the product String

DescriptionURL Link to the product URL String

Discontinued Flag showing if the product has been discontinued String

DiscontinuedBy User who discontinued the product String


Help Brief help text about the product



ImageURL Link to an image of the product String


IsActive Flag showing if the product is active String

ISOCode The ISO code of the product Number

Manufacturer The manufacturer of the product String


M_Product_ID ID code for the product if applicable Number

Name Name of the product String

Order_Min Minimum order quantity Number

Order_Pack Number of product items in shipped pack Number

PriceEffective Date from which price is effective Date

PriceList Price list which applies to the product String

PricePO Price per order Number




ProductType The product type that the product belongs to String

RoyaltyAmt The royalty payment amount applicable to the Number

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ShelfDepth The shelf depth required to store the product Number

ShelfHeight The shelf height required to store the product Number

ShelfWidth The shelf width required to store the product Number


UnitsPerPallet The number of products that can be stored in a

single pallet Number

UPC The UPC code for the product Number

Updated The date when the product record was last updated Date

UpdatedBy The user who last updated the product record String



VendorProductNo The product number as supplied by the product's

vendor Number

Volume The volume of the product Number

Weight The weight of the product Number

2)、定义文件格式:Master Data Management || Import Data || Import Loader Format:Click



4)、导到正式表中:Master Data Management || Import Data || Import Products:Click New ||

Click Import Products

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1.7.2 导入订单数据导入订单数据导入订单数据导入订单数据


Column name Description Suggested

Data Type

AD_Client_ID The name of the client String

Address1 The address of the customer placing the order String

Address2 The second line of the address of the customer

placing the order String

AD_Org_ID The name of the organization String


AD_User_ID The user placing the order String

BillTo_ID The billing destination for the order





C_BPartner_ID The business partner placing the order String




C_Country_ID The country in which the order was placed String

C_Currency_ID The currency used to place the order String


City The city where the customer placing the order is

based String

C_Location_ID The business partner location String

ContactName The contact person placing the order String

C_Order_ID The order number Number

C_Orderline_ID The line number of the order Number

CountryCode The country code of the

C_PaymentTerm_ID The payment term if applicable String

C_Project_ID The project associated with the order String

Created The date the order was placed Date

CreatedBy The user who created the order record String




DateOrdered The date the order was placed Date

DatePromised The promise date for the order Date

Description Description of the order String


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DocumentNo The order number Number

Email The e-mail address of the contact placing the

order String




IsActive Flag to state whether the order is active or not String


LineDescription Description of the line item String

M_PriceList_ID Pricelist which applies to the order String


M_Shipper_ID The

M_Warehouse_ID The warehouse where stock for the order is

stored String


OrderReferenceno The order number Number

Paymentamount1 Payment due on the order Number







Postal Postal code to which the order will be shipped String


Processed Flag stating whether the order has been

processed String



QtyOrdered The number of items ordered Number




TaxAmt The amount of tax payable on the order Number


UPC The UPC code for the ordered item String

Updated The date that the order was updated Date

UpdatedBy The user that updated the order String

Vendor_Upc The vendor's UPC code String

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1.7.3 导入业务伙伴数据导入业务伙伴数据导入业务伙伴数据导入业务伙伴数据


Column name Description Suggested

Data Type

AD_Client_ID The name of the client String

Address1 First line of the business partner address String

Address2 Second line of the business partner address String

AD_Org_ID The name of the organization String

AD_User_ID The name of the user who created the Business Partner

record String

Birthday The date of birth of the business partner Date

BPContactGreeting The greeting used for correspondence with this business

partner. String

C_BPartnerID The name of the business partner String

C_BPartner_LocationID The location of the business partner String

C_BPGroup_ID Any grouping to which the business partner belongs String

C_Country_ID The country where the business partner is based String

C_Greeting_ID The greeting used in correspondence with this business

partner String

City The city in which this business partner is based String

Comments Any comments about this business partner String

ContactDescription Description of the contact person for this business partner String

ContactName The name of the contact person for this business partner String

CountryCode The ISO country code for the country where the business

partner is based String

Created The date that the business partner record was created Date

CreatedBy The person who created this business partner record String

C_Region_ID The region in which the business partner is based String

Description Description of the business partner String

DUNS The Dun and Bradstreet code for this business partner Number

Email The e-mail address for this business partner String

Fax The fax number for this business partner String


I_BPartner_ID Business partner code, if applicable Number




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Name The first name of the business partner String

Name2 The second name of the business partner String

Password String

Phone The phone number for this business partner Number

Phone2 An alternative phone number for this business partner Number

Postal The postal code of the business partner String

Postal_Add The postal address of the business partner String

Processed String

Processing String

RegionName The region in which the business partner is based

TaxID The tax code of the business partner Number

Title The title of the business partner contact person String

Updated Date

UpdatedBy The user who last updated the business partner record String


1.8 建立产品档案建立产品档案建立产品档案建立产品档案


� Warehouse and Storage Bins: 操作 Warehouse Management || Setup || Warehouse and

Storage Bins: Click New Record

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� Unit of Measure: Master Data Management || Product Setup || Unit of Measure;

� Product Category: Master Data Management || Product Setup || Product Category;

� Tac Category: Financial Management || Accounting || Setup || Tax Category;

� Product: Master Data Management || Product

1.9 建立业务伙伴建立业务伙伴建立业务伙伴建立业务伙伴


� Business Partner Category(业务伙伴类型): Master Data Management || Business

Partner Setup || Business Partner Category;

� Title(头衔): Master Data Management || Business Partner Setup || Title;

� Payment Term(付款期限): Master Data Management || Business Partner Setup ||

Payment Term;

� Invoice Schedule(发票清单): Master Data Management || Business Partner Setup ||

Invoice Schedule;

� Business Partner:

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1.10 通用设置通用设置通用设置通用设置

1.11 各个业务模块初始化各个业务模块初始化各个业务模块初始化各个业务模块初始化

1.11.1 仓库仓库仓库仓库管理初始化管理初始化管理初始化管理初始化





2)、定义储存货柜(storage bin);



1)、定义仓库: (1).From the Application menu, select Warehouse Management || Setup || Warehouse and Storage Bins. (2).Click New. (3).From the Organization list, select the organization that the warehouse belongs to. Small companies with no

organizations can select *. (4).In the Search Key field, type a short expression that can be used as a quick search term. (5).In the Name field, type the name of the warehouse. (6).In the Description field, type a short description of the warehouse, if required. (7).To make the warehouse visible and available for selection, select the Active checkbox. Clear the checkbox to

deactivate the warehouse. (8).The Location field is populated automatically with the Client address. To edit the address, click the location button

and edit the address in the Location Selector box. (9).In the Storage Bin Separator box, type the symbol you want to use as a separator in storage bin locations, for

example -, / or :. (10).If the warehouse is a vehicle as opposed to an actual building, select Shipment Vehicle. (11).Click Save. Repeat the warehouse setup process until you have setup all the warehouses you require.

2)、定义储存货柜类型,以便分类管理储存货柜: (1).From the Application menu, select Warehouse Management || Setup || Storage Bin Type (2).Click New. (3).If the storage bin type is available to only one organization, select it from the Organization list. Otherwise, select *

to make the storage bin type available in all organizations. (4).In the Name field, type the name of the storage bin type, for example small plastic hopper. (5).In the Description field, type a brief description of the storage bin type, if required. (6).Click Save

3)、定义储存货柜: (1).From the Application menu, select Warehouse Management || Setup || Warehouse and Storage Bins. (2).In grid view, select the warehouse where the storage bin is located. (3).Select the Storage Bin tab and then click New. (4).In the Search Key field, type a brief expression to be used as a quick search term. (5).To make the storage bin visible and available for selection, select the Active checkbox. Clear the checkbox to

deactivate the storage bin. (6).In the Relative Priority field, select the priority of the storage bin in terms of retrieving and putting away stock. The

higher the number, the lower the priority. (7).Specify the position of the storage bin in terms of Row (x) Stack (y) and Column (z). Row(x): The X dimension indicates the Aisle a product is located in.

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Stack(y): The Y dimension indicates the Bin a product is located in. Column(z): The Z dimension indicates the Level a product is located in. (8).To set the storage bin as the default, select Default. (9).Click Save. Repeat the process until you have added all the storage bins you require.

4)、给库存(stock)分配储存货柜: The product record holds the information on that product's location in the warehouse. (1).From the Application menu, select Master Data Management || Product. (2).From the Storage Bin field, select the storage bin where the product is kept. (3).Click Save

5)、定义运输分类(可选): (1).From the Application menu, select Warehouse Management || Setup || Freight Category (2).Click New. (3).If the freight category is available to only one organization, select it from the Organization list. Otherwise, select *

to make the freight category available in all organizations. (4).In the Name field, type the name of the freight category, for example water transport. (5).In the Description field, type a brief description of the freight category, if required. (6).To make the freight category visible and available for selection, select the Active checkbox. Clear the checkbox to

deactivate the freight category. (7).In the Freight UOM field, select the unit how the quantity is given, for example Product Unit. (8).In the Round Line field, select the way how units are rounded for each of the in-out lines. (9).In the Round Total field, select the way how units are rounded for the whole in-out.. (10).Click Save


(1).From the Application menu, select Warehouse Management || Setup || Shipping Company. (2).Click New. (3).If the shipping company is available to only one organization, select it from the Organization list. Otherwise, select

* to make the shipping company available in all organizations. (4).In the Name field, type the name of the shipping company. (5).In the Description field, type a brief description of the shipping company, if required. (6).To make the shipping company visible and available for selection, select the Active checkbox. Clear the checkbox

to deactivate the shipping company. (7).In the Business Partner field, select a vendor partner related with the shipping company. (8).Click Save. Repeat the process until you have added all the shipping company you require.

1.11.2 采购管采购管采购管采购管理理理理初始化初始化初始化初始化

采购管理模块本身没有个性化设置,但依赖其他模块的设置:Master Data Management ||

Pricing || Price List,Master Data Management || Business Partner,General Setup || Application ||

Currency,Master Data Management || Product

1.11.3 生产管理初始化生产管理初始化生产管理初始化生产管理初始化





3)、定义车间中的工作区(work centres);

4)、定义成本控制点(cost centers);


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8)、定义周期控制点(Periodic control point);

9)、定义质检控制点(Quality control point);

1)、定义机器设备分类和机器; You can set up each machine used in a manufacturing process in order to record its cost and maintenance requirements,

and also to manage its usage and capacity. You can also group similar machines together in machine categories. A. 定义设备类型: (1).From the Application menu, select Production Management || Setup || Machine Category. (2).Click New. (3).If the machine category is used only in a particular organization, select it from the Organization list. If the machine

category is used across all organizations, select *. (4).In the Name field, give the machine category a name. (5).In the Description field, type a brief description of the machine category if required. (6).Click Save. B.定义机器设备: 1.From the Application menu, select Production Management || Setup || Machine. 2.If the machine is only used by one organization, select an organization. Otherwise, select * for all organizations. 3.In the Search Key field, type a brief expression for use in searching. 4.In the Name field, type the name of the machine. 5.If the machine belongs to a machine category, select it from the Machine Category list. 6.In the Purchase year field, type or select the date that the machine was purchased. 7.In the Lifespan field, type the lifespan of the machine in years. 8.Click Save. To specify the cost of a particular machine (1).Select the Cost tab (2).Click New (3).In the Valid From Date, type the date from which the cost of the machine was incurred. (4).In the Purchase Amount, type the purchase amount. (5).In the Toolset Amount, type the Total amount of the toolsets. (6).In the Amortization Amount, type the amortization amount(分期付款次数). (7).In the Value/Year, ??????. (8).In the cost field, you can specify the cost amount. (9).In the UOM Annual Cost field, you can specify the annual cost of the machine in terms of:

◦Percentage of its total cost. ◦Per hour ◦Per kilogram ◦Per units produced.

(10).Specify the unit of measurement used for the annual cost in the Cost UOM field. (11).Click Save.

2)、定义流水线上的车间(sections); Sections are a way of dividing the production area into meaningful units. For example a bakery with three production lines

for bread could create a section for each production line. Or, a factory making shoes could be divided into a section where the leather is cut, a section where the leather is stitched, and a section where the upper shoe is glued to the lower.

(1).From the Application menu, select Production Management || Setup || Section. (2).Click New. (3).From the Organization list, select the organization where the section is located. (4).In the Name field, give the section a name. (5).In the Description field, type a brief description of the section if required. (6).Click Save.

3)、定义车间中的工作区(work centres); You can divide sections into work centres where specific production activities are taking place: (1).From the Application menu, select Production Management || Setup || Work area. (2).Click New. (3).From the Organization list, select the organization where the work area is located. (4).In the Search Key field, type a brief expression for use in searching. (5).In the Name field, type the name of the work area. (6).From the Section list, select the section where the work area is located. (7).Click Save.

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When you have set up machines you can specify which machines comprise a work centre: (1).Select the Machine Station tab. (2).From the Machine list, select the machine you want to add to the work centre. (3).Click Save Add further machines to the work centre, as required

4)、定义成本控制点(cost centers); Cost centers are areas of a business which do not directly generate profit and add to the running costs of the business.

Setting up cost centers enables you to monitor and manage the manufacturing costs within your operation. (1).From the Application menu, select Production Management || Setup || Cost Center. (2).Click New. (3).If the cost center is connected to a particular organization, select it from the Organization list. Otherwise, select *. (4).In the Search key field, type a brief expression for use in searching. (5).In the Name field, give the cost center a name. (6).Select the Calculated checkbox if costs for the cost center are calculated by Openbravo ERP(根据其他参数计算出

来). (7).If you selected the Calculated checkbox, specify how the calculation is made. Select the By Default checkbox to use

the work requirement to calculate the costs. Clear the By Default checkbox to use the work effort. (8).Click Save. (9).Select the Version tab. (10).Click New. (11).Select the Cost UOM(unit of measurement) in which costs for this cost center are measured. You can choose from:

◦Percentage ◦Per hour ◦Per kilogram ◦Per unit produced.

(12).In the Cost field type the cost per unit of measurement specified. The cost will be used to calculate the total cost incurred by the cost centre.

(13).In the Valid from Date field, type the date from which costs will be counted, or use the calendar tool to select a date. (14).Click Save. 另外可以通过 Employee、Machine 和 Indirect Cost 标签页分别计算人工费、机器损耗费和间接费用等。

5)、定义工具箱(toolsets); Toolsets are combinations of tools required to do a particular task. For example a mould, saw and chisel. To create a

toolset: (1).From the Application menu, select Production Management || Setup || Toolset. (2).Click New. (3).In the Name field, give the toolset a name. (4).In the Description field, type a brief description of the toolset if required. (5).In the Lifespan field, type the lifespan of the toolset in years. (6).Click Save. (7).Select the Toolset tab. (8).Click New. (9).In the Search Key field, type a brief expression used for searching. (10).In the Storage Bin field, type or look up the warehouse storage bin where the toolset is stored. (11).Selecting the Discarded checkbox Indicates that it's no longer used. (12).Click Save.

6)、为一类机器设备或者具体的机器设备定义维护任务; If a machine requires maintenance, you can specify the nature and frequency of the maintenance required, by machine

category or individual machine. A.定义维护任务:

(1).From the Application menu, select Production Management || Setup || Maintenance Task. (2).Click New. (3).In the Name field, give the mainenance task a name. (4).In the Description field, type a brief description of the task. (5).Click Save.

B.给机器设备指派维护任务: (1).From the Application menu, select Production Management || Setup || Machine. (2).In grid view, select the machine you want to work with. (3).Select the Maintenance tab, then click New. (4).If the maintenance is carried out in a particular organization, select it from the Organization list. Otherwise, select

*. (5).In the Name field, give the maintenance activity a name. (6).In the Description field, type a brief description of the maintenance activity if required. (7).From the Maintenance Type select the type of maintenance activity. You can choose from: ◦Preventive: routine maintenance to keep the machine working correctly. ◦Corrective: correcting a fault with the machine.

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◦Corrective (urgent): correcting an urgent fault, for example where there are health and safety implications if the fault is not repaired as soon as possible.

(8).From the Maintenance Task list, select the maintenance task required. (9).In the Planned Time field, type the amount of time, in hours, to perform the maintenance task. (10). Click Save. (11).Select the Periodicity tab. (12).Click New. (13).From the Periodicity Type list, select how often the maintenance work must take place. You can choose from: ◦Bi-Monthly ◦Daily ◦Half-yearly ◦Montly ◦Quarterly ◦Weekly

(14).From the Shift list, select the shift(轮班) on which the maintenance work should take place. You can choose from: ◦Morning shift(早班) ◦Swing shift(小夜班:下午 4:00 到下午 12:00)

(15).In the Starting Day field, type the starting date for the maintenance work, or use the calendar tool to select it. (16).To exclude weekends from maintenance work,select the Exclude Weekends tab.Clear the tab to enable

maintenance work to be scheduled any day of the week. (17).Click Save.

7)、定义工序(activity); Activities are specific actions that contribute to an item being manufactured. (1).From the Application menu, select Production Management || Setup || Activities. (2).Click New. (3).In the Name field, give the activity a name. (4).In the Description field, type a brief description of the activity if required. (5).To allocate the activity to a particular cost center, select it from the Cost Center list. (6).To allocate the activity to a particular work center, select it from the Work Center list. (7).Click Save. (8).To allocate a particular toolset to the activity, select the Toolset tab. (9).Click New. (10).In the Utilization Coefficient type the number of times that the toolset will be used for each instance of the activity. (11).Click Save. 注意:工序是根据半成品的状态改变来划分的——“产品”在流水线上流动的过程中其状态会发生改变。而工作区(work


含多个工序,但是一个工序不能属于多个成本控制点。 8)、定义周期性质检控制;

The periodic control points are tests performed to a product after is manufactured. Many manufacturing processes require periodic quality control tests to ensure that the product meets required quality or safety standards. You can use Openbravo ERP to factor in quality checks in the manufacturing process and log the results.

Periodic quality control means that quality control checks are performed at intervals, for example every hour. For example, a production line making computers may want to schedule a check point to verify that the machine powers up, and a subsequent checkpoint to verify that the final shipped products are complete (mouse, keyboard, cables etc).

(1).From the Application menu, select Production Management || Setup || Periodic Quality Control. (2).Click New. (3).If the quality control activity occurs only in a particular organization, select it from the Organization list. Otherwise,

select *. (4).In the Name field, type the name of the quality control activity. (5).In the Description field type a brief description of the quality control activity if required. (6).Click Save. (7).Click the Check Point tab. (8).Click New. (9).In the Name field, type the name of the checkpoint. (10).In the Description field type a description of the checkpoint. (11).In the Waiting Period type the length of time, in hours before production can continue while the test is taking place. (12).Click Save.

9)、定义质检控制点(Quality control point); Quality control points feature is designed to take the measures during the manufacturing process while the periodic

quality control is mean to make the tests after the product is manufactured. The Quality control points are not directly linked to a process plan so they can be used in any manufacturing process. The different control points are grouped in sets of groups. In each group it is defined the frequency in which the points are checked.

(1).From the Application menu, select Production Management || Setup || Quality Control Point : Check Point Set

Tab. (2).Click New.

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(3).If the quality control activity occurs only in a particular organization, select it from the Organization list. Otherwise, select *.

(4).In the Name field, type the name of the quality control activity. (5).In the Description field type a brief description of the quality control activity if required. (6).In the Frequency field type the time period between measure gathering. (7).Click Save. (8).Click the Check Point tab. (9).Click New. (10).In the Name field, type the name of the checkpoint. (11).In the Description field type a description of the checkpoint. (12).In the Value Type field type the value type expected for the point. Possible options are: Yes/No, String or Number. (13).Select the Critical checkbox to indicate the point is critical and/or mandatory. (14).In the Number of Measurements field type the number of times that the point is measured each gathering. (15).Click Save.

1.11.4 财务管理初财务管理初财务管理初财务管理初始化始化始化始化



1)、定义会计年度(Fiscal Calendar):企业的会计账目按年度划分,一个会计年度包含若

干账期(accounting periods,通常用月份表示),另外,每一个账期都对应一些在该账期内可


� 打开(Open):在该账期内可以提交;

� 关闭(Closed):在该长期内不允许提交,但是在将来的账期内可以提交;

� 从未打开过(Never Opened):一个账期内的初始状态。在转变成“打开”状态前不


� 永久关闭(Permanently Closed):再也不允许提交了。比如会计年度已经关闭并且会

计账目已经结转到新的会计年度。 For accurate accounting it is important to define the start and end of the financial year and specify how the year is

divided into periods. (1).From the Application menu, select Financial Management || Accounting || Setup || Fiscal Calendar. (2).Click New. A new calendar record appears, with the Client field populated by default. (3).In the Organization field, select the organization that will use the calendar. If you want the calendar to apply to all

organizations within the client, select *. (4).In the Name field type the name of the new calendar, for example Accounting Calendar

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(5).In the Description field type a brief description of the calendar if required. (6).To make the calendar applicable immediately, select the Active checkbox. (7).Click Save. (8).Select the Year tab. (9).Click New. A new Year record appears. (10).In the Fiscal Year field, type the name of the fiscal year for example 09/10. (11).Click Save. (12).To automatically create 12 standard accounting periods for the year, click Create Periods. A confirmation box

appears to confirm the creation of the periods. (13).Alternatively, to create custom accounting periods, select the Period tab. (14).Click New. A new period record appears. (15).In the Period No. box type the period number. For example if the period is the first in the year, type '1'. (16).Specify the Starting Date and Ending Date of the period. (17).Click Save. (18).Continue to add periods until you have defined the whole year.

定义非工作日(Non-business days): Non-business days can affect when an invoice (either a sales or purchase invoice) is payable. For example, the terms

of an invoice can state that it is payable within 30 working days. It is therefore important do set up non-working days correctly so that invoices are paid on time.

(1).From the Application menu, select Financial Management || Accounting || Setup || Fiscal Calendar. (2).Select the Non-business Day tab. (3).Click New. A new non-business day record appears. (4).In the name field, specify a name for the non-business day, for example Christmas Day (5).In the Non Business Day Date box, specify a date for the non-business day or select it from the calendar(周末要

不要在这里定义呢?) (6).Click Save.

2)、定义科目树(Account Tree):会计科目表中的科目通过 Parent列组织成树形结构,



据的数据库表。 (1).Log into Openbravo ERP using the Client admin account. (2).From the Application menu, select Financial Management || Accounting || Setup || Account Tree || Element (3).Click New.A new account tree record appears: (4).In the Name field, give the account tree a name. (5).In the Value Format field, type the format the value will be displayed with (6).From the Type menu, select Account. (7).From the Tree menu, select client name ElementValue (Account, etc.) where client name is the name of your client.

For example if the client name is MyCompany the menu option would read MyCompany ElementValue (Account, etc) (8).Click Save.



3)、定义套帐(Accounting Schema):The account schema provides the structure for your

accounts in Openbravo ERP. There are three ways to implement an account schema:

•Using only the .csv file.

•Using a reference data module.

•Manually create.


Manually create accounting schema: (1).Log into Openbravo ERP with the client admin role. (2).From the Application menu, select Financial Management || Accounting || Setup || Accounting Schema. (3).Click New. (4).The Client and Organization fields are populated by default. (5).In the Name field, give the account schema a name. (6).In the Description field, type a brief description of the account schema if required. (7).From the GAAP list, select the accounting rules you want to use. For most enterprises, US GAAP is suitable. (8).From the Currency list, select the currency you want to use for this accounting schema. (9).To allow negative transaction values in transaction reversal, select Allow negative. Clear the checkbox to ensure

that debits and credits are reversed with positive values. Note you can override the schema setting at document type level. (10).Click Save.

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4)、定义总分类账类型(G/L Category):给每个总科目定义类型(在以后的总分类账中会

用到),类型有三种,它们分别是 Document、Import和 Manual。(The Category Type indicates

the source of the journal for this category. Journals can be generated from a document, entered

manually or imported)。操作路径是:Financial Management || Accounting || Setup || G/L


5)、定义自增长计数器(Document Sequence):Define an auto numbering system to uniquely

identify document types。操作路径:Financial Management || Accounting || Setup || Document

Sequence || Sequence: (1).Log into Openbravo ERP with the client admin role. (2).From the Application menu, select Financial Management || Accounting || Setup || Document Sequence ||

Sequence. (3).Click New. (4).The Client and Organization fields are populated by default. (5).In the Name field, give the document sequence a name. (6).In the Description field, type a brief description of the document sequence if required. (7).Select the Auto Numbering checkbox meaning the system will assign the next number automatically. (8).Select the Used for Record ID checkbox meaning the document id will be used as the key to the record. (9).In the Increment By field, type the number to increment the last document number by to arrive at the next

sequence number. (10).In the Next Assigned Number field, type the next number to use for this document. (11).In the Prefix field, type the characters to print in front of the document number. (12).In the Suffix field, type the characters to append to the document number. (13).Click Save. 注意:如果在创建企业单位的时候导入了会计文件,那么这一步不用操作。

6)、定义单据类型(Document Type):Create and manage document types to be used for all

application transactions


7)、定义税率类型(Tax Category):Create tax categories to manage tax rates with

similar characteristics or attributes。操作路径 Financial Management || Accounting || Setup

|| Tax Category || Tax Category

8)、定义产品档案:Master Data Management || Product || Product,具体操作参


9)、定义税率(Tax Rate):Financial Management || Accounting || Setup || Tax Rate ||


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1.11.5 销售管理初始化销售管理初始化销售管理初始化销售管理初始化


1)、创建业务伙伴:Master Data Management || Business Partner,具体操作参考上文“创


2)、创建用户(销售员):General Setup || Security || User,具体操作参见上文“新建用


3)、创建销售区域:Sales Management || Setup || Sales Region;

4)、建立销售佣金:确定佣金计算的方法和时间以及佣金发放给谁(The commissions can

be applied to a business partner, a business partner group, a product, and/or group of products.

Also a sales region or organization can have a designed or associated commission level)。

A.Sales Management || Setup || Commission || Header:

B.Sales Management || Setup || Commission || Header |||| Lines:

Business Partner : Anyone who takes part in daily business operations by acting as a customer, employee, etc. Business Partner Category: A classification of business partners based on defined similarities. Commission only specified Orders: Commission only Orders or Invoices, where this Sales Rep is entered. Line No.: A line stating the position of this request in the document. Multiplier Amount: Multiplier Amount for generating commissions Multiplier Quantity: Value to multiply quantities by for generating commissions. Positive only: Do not generate negative commissions Product: An item produced by a process. Product Category: A classification of items based on similar characteristics or attributes. Sales Region: A defined section of the world where sales efforts will be focused. Subtract Amount: Subtract Amount for generating commissions Subtract Quantity: Quantity to subtract when generating commissions

5)、定义分销渠道:Create specific sales channels to be used in sales operations。

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Sales Management || Setup || Sales Channel || Sales Channel

6)、定义促销活动(Sales Campaign):Create specific sales campaigns to be used in sales

operations。Sales Management || Setup || Sales Campaign || Sales Campaingn: Marketing Channel: The Sales Channel identifies a channel (or method) of sales generation. Start Date: A parameter stating when a specified request will begin. Ending Date: The End Date indicates the last date in this range. Costs: Costs in accounting currency.

1.11.6 项目和服务管理项目和服务管理项目和服务管理项目和服务管理初始化初始化初始化初始化

This module is used to manage the people, materials, budget and time associated with a

project. There are two kinds of project in Openbravo ERP: multiphase projects and service

projects. A multiphase project is broken into phases and tasks. A phase is a period of time during

which a particular task or tasks take place. For example the production phase of manufacturing a

table could include the tasks:

1.Make table top.

2.Make table legs

3.Fix table legs to table top.

Each task and phase can result in a particular deliverable whether that is something physical,

like the manufacture of a particular item, the delivery of a service or the achievement of any other


A service project is not divided into phases and tasks but instead manages the materials, labor

and expenses required to complete a particular deliverable. For example implementing a new

computer system would require the various hardware items (computers, switches, cables, hubs etc)

and the labor hours of the engineers installing the system.


1)、定义项目类型(project type):Project TypesThe project type acts as a template that you

can apply to subsequent multiphase projects and defines generic phases and tasks. For example an

IT training company could create a project type called "Training course" with the following


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•Write training materials

•Print training materials

•Prepare training course

•Deliver training course

By setting up these phases as standard phases within a project type called "Training courses",

every time the company begins a new project to deliver a training course, the standard phases and

tasks of the project are already set up and can be configured to suit each individual project. You

cannot set up project types for service projects。

To create a new project type, follow these steps: (1).Log into Openbravo ERP with a client admin role. (2).From the Application menu, select Project & Service Management || Setup || Project Type || Project Type. (3).Click New. (4).From the Organization list, select an organization that the project type belongs to. Alternatively, select * to make

the project type available to all organizations within your client. (5).In the Name field, give the project type a name, for example "Training course". (6).In the Description field, type a brief description of the project type. (7).In the Help / Comment field, type a more extensive description if required. (8).Click Save. Once you have created a project type, you can add phases to it (9).Select the Standard Phase tab. (10).Click New. (11).In the Name field, give the project phase a name. (12).In the Description field, type a brief description of the project phase if required. (13).If the project phase results in the manufacture of a particular product, select it using the Product selector. (14).In the Standard Quantity field, type the number of products resulting from this phase. (15).In the Standard Duration in Days field type how long the phase takes to complete. If the phase takes a variable

amount of time depending on the tasks that comprise it, you can either leave the field blank or type an estimate that you can then edit when you create the multiphase project.

(16).Click Save.

If a standard phase includes particular standard tasks, you can add them to the phase. For

example, in the Training Course project has a phase called "Create training manuals" it might

include the following tasks.

•Print manuals

•Collate manuals

•Bind manuals

To add tasks to a project phase, follow these steps: (1).Log into Openbravo ERP with a client admin role. (2).From the Application menu, select Project and Service Management > Setup > Project Type. (3).In grid view select the project type that you want to add phases to. (4).Select the Standard Phase tab. (5).In grid view, select the standard phase you want to add tasks to. (6).In the Name field, type the name of the standard task. (7).In the Description field, type a brief description of the task. (8).If the task results in a product being made, select it using the Product selector. (9).In the Quantity field, type the number of products resulting from this task. (10).In the Standard Duration field, type how long the tasks takes to complete. If the task takes a variable amount of

time depending on the tasks that comprise it, you can either leave the field blank or type an estimate that you can then edit when you create the multiphase project.

When you have finished creating the project type it will appear for selection when you

create a multiphase project.

2)、定义分阶段项目(Multiphase Project):If you regularly complete projects that follow the

same standard process, it is recommended that you set up a project type which will populate your

project with the basic information required, and that you can re-use from project to project.

However, it is not mandatory and you can set up each multiphase project from the beginning each

time if you prefer.

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(1).From the Application menu, select Project & Service Management || Transactions || Multiphase Project || Multiphase Project.

(2).Click New. (3).In the Search Key field, type a short name for the project for use in searching. (4).If the project is a summary level project, select the Summary Level checkbox. Note that the information fields

for the project become unavailable if the project is at summary level. (5).In the Name field, type the name of the project. (6).In the Description field, type a brief description of the project. You can use the Comments field to record

additional information about the project as it progresses. (7).If you have set up project types, click Set Project Type and select the Project Type from the list. The project

phases are automatically created for your project. Note that once you have set the project type, you cannot change it. (8).Select Project Status from the list. There are normally three status:

Open: The budget is sent. The project has not been won yet. Order: The project has been won by a partner we have sent a budget. Order closed: All the products agreed have been delivered.

(9).In the Starting Date field, type the starting date for the project or select it with the calendar tool. (10).In the Ending Date field, type or select the ending date for the project. (11).In the Contract Date field, type the date when the document becomes effective. This is usually the contract

date. The contract date is used in reports and report parameters. (12).From the Sales Representative list, select the sales representative. (13).From the Person in Charge list, select the user in charge of the project. (14).From the Business Partner list select the business partner for whom the project is being delivered. (15).From the User / Contact list, select the user acting as the contact point for the project. (16).From the Form of Payment list, select how the project will be paid for. (17).In the Order Reference field, type a reference code for orders generated by this project. (18).From the Payment Terms list, select which payment terms apply to payments due on the project. (19).In the Planned Amount field, type the planned billing amount for the project, i.e. the amount you plan to

charge the customer for the delivery of the project. (20).In the Planned Quantity field, type the planned quantity of goods that the project will manufacture, if

applicable. (21).In the Planned Margin field, type the anticipated percentage margin(利润) that the project will generate. (22).If the project is subject to a legally binding contract, select the Legally Binding checkbox. If you select the

checkbox, the Contract Amount and Contract Quantity fields become available. (23).In the Service Revenue field, type the estimated revenue that the project will generate. (24).In the Services Provided Cost field, type the estimated cost of the services delivered during the project (for

example the personnel hours). (25).In the Outsourced Cost(外包服务费用) field,type expected cost of services outsourced. The real number will

originate from all expense sheets (lines marked as Time Sheet) related to this project. (26).In the Planned Expenses field, type the estimated expenses to be incurred during the project. (27).In the Reinvoiced Expenses field, type how much of the estimated project expenses will be reclaimed from

the customer. (28).Click Save.

3)、定义费用表(Expense Sheets):Expense sheets record the time and financial expense

incurred by an employee. Expenses can be goods (for example a cellphone) or services (hotel

accomodation). You can use expense sheets to manage the costs of a project. Processing an

expense sheet creates the appropriate document based on two factors:

•Whether or not the expense is a time expense.

•Whether or not the expense can be reinvoiced to the customer.

If the expense sheet item is for a time expense :

•Reinvoiceable expenses generate a sales order to the customer.

•Non reinvoiceable expenses generate no document but are logged on the project profitability


If the expenses sheet item is for a physical item or service:

•Reinvoiceable expenses generate a sales order to the customer, a purchase invoice in the

name of the employee, and are logged in the project profitability report.

•Non-reinvoiceable expenses generate a purchase invoice and are logged in the project

profitability report

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(1).From the Application menu, select Project & Service Management || Transactions || Expense Sheet || Header. (2).Click New. (3).In the Description field, type a brief description of the expense sheet if required. (4).From the Employee list, select the employee claiming the expenses. A employee is a Busines Partner checked as

Employee (5).Click Save. (6).Select the Lines tab. (7).Click New. (8).If the expense is a time sheet item (to log labor hours against a project), select the Time Sheet checkbox. (9).To invoice the expense to a customer, select the Reinvoicing checkbox. (10).From the Product list, select the product being claimed as an expense. If the expense line is for a physical product,

only products of the product type Expense are available for selection. If the expense line is a time sheet item, the Product list displays only products with a product type of Service. For more information on product types, see setting up a product.

(11).In the Quantity field, type the quantity of items being claimed as an expense, if appropriate. (12).From the Currency list, select the currency which was used to pay for the expense item. (13).From the UOM select a unit of measurement for the expense item. If the item is a timesheet line, select a unit of

measurement related to the time spent on the task, for example days, hours or minutes. (14).In the Invoice Price field, type the billing amount that you intend to invoice the customer for. (15).In the Expense Date field type the date that the expense was incurred. (16).In the Description field, type a brief description of the expense item, if required. Users with access to the project can

also comment on (17).From the Project list, select the project that you want to charge the expense item to. (18).If you have selected a reinvoiced expense, the business partner field is automatically populated with the business

partner of the project. (19).Click Save. (20).Continue adding lines, until you have completed the expense sheet. (21).When you have finished the expense sheet, click Process Expenses to create the expense sheet. The Process

Expenses window appears. Click OK to finish processing the expense sheet. Processing the expense sheet marks the expenses as being approved by the supervisor. Only processed expense sheets can be converted to sales orders.

1.12 保留保留保留保留

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2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 功能模块框架功能模块框架功能模块框架功能模块框架

Openbravo ERP的功能包括基本功能和扩展功能,基本功能是系统默认安装后具有的功


主数据管理(Master Data Management)、采购管理(Procurement Management)、库存管理

(Warehouse Management)、生产管理(Production Management)、物料需求计划(Materials

Requirement Planning)、销售管理(Sales Management)、项目和服务管理以及财务管理(Project

& Service Management)。


Master Data Management Products, components, bills of materials, customers,vendors, employees, etc.

Procurement Management Rates, purchase orders, goods receipts, invoice registration and accounting, purchase

planning, etc.

Warehouse Management Warehouses and bins, warehouse units, lots, serial numbers,packages, labels, receipts

and deliveries, movements between warehouses, inventories, stock valuation,transport,


Production Management Plant structure, production plans, BOM's, MRP,manufacturing orders, job reports, costs of

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production,work incidences, preventive maintenance types, etc.

Sales Management and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Prices, rates, varying quantity sales orders, shipments,invoicing, volume discounts,

commissions, CRM, etc.

Project and Service Management Projects, phases, tasks, resources, budget, expenses and expense invoicing, related

purchases, etc.

Financial Management and Accounting Chart of accounts, accounts, budgets, taxes, general accounting, accounts payable,

accounts receivable, bank accounting, balance sheet, P&L, _xed assets, etc.

Business Intelligence (BI) Reporting, multidimensional analysis (OLAP), balanced scorecards.

2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 操作界面操作界面操作界面操作界面

点击点击点击点击““““ ””””展开或者收缩全部菜单展开或者收缩全部菜单展开或者收缩全部菜单展开或者收缩全部菜单,,,,在展开全部菜单后可以按在展开全部菜单后可以按在展开全部菜单后可以按在展开全部菜单后可以按 ctrl+F 搜索某项菜单项搜索某项菜单项搜索某项菜单项搜索某项菜单项;;;;

点击点击点击点击““““ ””””退出退出退出退出;;;;点击点击点击点击““““ ””””更改密码更改密码更改密码更改密码、、、、角色角色角色角色、、、、语言等语言等语言等语言等;;;;点击点击点击点击““““ ””””取得在线帮取得在线帮取得在线帮取得在线帮

助助助助;;;;点击点击点击点击““““ ””””列出所有的包含列出所有的包含列出所有的包含列出所有的包含本属性的其他对象本属性的其他对象本属性的其他对象本属性的其他对象;;;;


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本小节主要介绍 OB中各个功能模块的具体操作,这是侧重于菜单操作说明,具体的操

作说明参考用户手册。 业务操作流业务操作流业务操作流业务操作流

前面讲解了 OB的初始化和各个功能模块的操作,这些其实都是一次性性的,静态的概






图图图图 3.1 一条业务操作流一条业务操作流一条业务操作流一条业务操作流


菜单完成,比如“菜单 2”和“菜单 3”。没有被箭头链接的两个菜单项且前序菜单路径互相


单 3”和“菜单 4”就是并行的,但是“菜单 3”和“菜单 6”就不是并行的,因为“菜单 3”

的前序菜单路径(菜单 1�菜单 2�菜单 3)是“菜单 6”的一条前序菜单路径(菜单 1�菜

单 2�菜单 3�菜单 5�菜单 6)的前缀,所以它们就不是并行的了。没有被箭头指向的菜单




菜单 1 菜单 2

菜单 4

菜单 3

菜单 5

菜单 6

菜单 7




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3.1. 3.1. 3.1. 3.1. 业务业务业务业务操作操作操作操作流流流流

3.1.1 Order-To-Cash

The blood flowing through every commercial entity is customers orders. All

businesses are exist to make money from selling products (or a service, which can be

considered as a type of product in our context). Like other core processes, Order-To-Cash

can be broken down into two main sub-processes

-- 01.1 Order To Shipment : The information included typically an order number and

date, shipping and receipt dates, a customer purchase order number, the buyer's name

and address, the shipping address (if different), and a list of the items ordered, including

quantity and warehouse storage location.


1). Price Lists: Master Data Management || Pricing || Price List || Price List;

2). products: Master Data Management || Product || Product;


1). Sales - the main role in this chapter (will also manage Business Partners);

2). Material Management - needed to manage the shipments;


1). Selecting the Business Partner (or creating if needed): Master Data Management

|| Business Partner || Business Partner (sales 角色);

2). Requesting and managing quotation: Sales Management || Transactions || Sales

Order || Header (sales 角色);

3). Generating Sales Order: Sales Management || Transactions || Sales Order ||

Header (sales 角色);

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4). Managing pending orders and shipping: Sales Management || Transactions ||

Create Shipments from Orders || Create Shipments from Orders (Material

Management 角色);

5). Generating the invoice

-- 01.2 Customer Invoice To Cash: Billing a sales order creates a record of debt

owed to you by your customer for a sale. When you bill a sales order, your accounts

receivable ledger increases by the amount of the bill. When the bill has been paid, the

Cash is increased.


1). Payment Terms: Master Data Management || Business Partner Setup || Payment

Term || Header, To assign a particular payment term to a customer, navigate to the

Master Data Management || Business partner;


1). Sales - the main role in this chapter (will also manage Business Partners);

2). Finance - all of the invoicing and payment collection is done by the finance staff;


1). Issuing the invoice: Sales Management || Transactions || Sales Invoice ||

Header�Click “Create Lines From” button (sales 角色);

2). Managing payments: Financial Management || Receivables & Payables || Analysis

Tools || Payment Report || Payment Report (Finance 角色);

3.1.2 Procure to Pay

This process refers to an external supplier. It usually starts with a purchase requisite

from one of the departments in your organizations (for smaller companies that step is

often omitted), which is converted, after some price and terms negotiation with your

vendor, to a purchase order which is sent to your vendor. The vendor, usually upon

receiving your order will ship you the ordered products (not necessarily all the products

you ordered are shipped to you as it depends on the products’ availability) together with

an invoice. The invoice will be paid by your accounting team, and the process will be

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•Requisition to receipt - indirect for accounting: Demonstrates the business

processes for creating and authorizing requisitions, issuing, authorizing and distributing

purchase orders, and receiving goods for Indirect Materials (For Ex: Consumables,

Expense Items).

•Supplier invoice to payment: Demonstrates the business processes of receiving,

recording and paying its supplier invoices. This flow enables users to enter, approve and

manage supplier invoices, credit memos and debit memos, resolve invoice holds, and

issue Employee and Supplier payments.


1). Tax categories and rate: Financial Management || Accounting || Setup || Tax

Category || Tax Category : Financial Management || Accounting || Setup || Tax Rate ||

Tax(Finance 角色);

2). Payment terms: Master Data Management || Business Partner Setup || Payment

Term || Header, To assign a particular payment term to a customer, navigate to the

Master Data Management || Business partner (Company Admin 角色);

3). Vendors: Master Data Management || Business Partner || Business Partner�

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[Vendor/Creditor] tab (Company Admin 角色);

4). Product categories: Master Data Management || Product Setup || Product

Category || Product Category (Company Admin 角色);

5). Purchase products and prices: Master Data Management || Product ||



1). Finance - in charge of ordering required goods and paying for them

2). Material Management - in charge of receiving ordered goods and placing them

into storage

3). Company Admin - role used for configuring various elements;


1). Managing requisitions (not done in Openbravo ERP)

2). Requesting and managing quotations

3). Ordering the goods

4). Receiving the goods: Procurement Management || Transactions || Goods Receipt

◦ Updating inventory

5). Receiving supplier invoices: Procurement Management || Transactions ||

Purchase Invoice

3.1.3 Bank Statement to Bank Reconciliation

Demonstrates the business processes for entering and reconciling bank statements

with cash transactions from accounts payable and accounts receivable and cash balances

in the general ledger.


1). Banks and Bank Accounts with the underlying accounting: Financial Management

|| Receivables and Payables || Setup || Bank;


1). Finance - in charge of ordering required goods and paying for them;


1). Read Bank Statement:

2). Compare to ERP Records: Financial Management || Receivables and Payables ||

Transactions || Bank Statement

3). Reconcile:

3.1.4 Period End Close to Financial Report

Demonstrates the business processes for entering journals, importing all subsystems

journals, generating recurring, allocation, reversals and suspense journals, posting

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journals, and reconciling account balances and closing accounting periods. It also

contains business processes for the production of internal and external financial reports.


1). Fiscal Calendar and Periods: Financial Management || Accounting || Setup ||

Fiscal Calendar � [Year] tab;


1). Finance - in charge of ordering required goods and paying for them;


1). Open Period: Financial Management || Accounting || Transactions || Open/Close

Period Control;

3.1.5 Customer Return to Credit

Demonstrates the business processes for returning items from a customer for credit.

This flow enables users to create a return authorization of a damaged or defective product

and record a credit memo for the return transaction.

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3.1.6 Customer Return to Replacement

Demonstrates the business processes for returning items from a customer for

replacement of a damaged or defective product, receive the product back to the

warehouse, and process the receipt of a replacement product

3.1.7 Supplier Return to Debit

Demonstrates the business processes for returning items to a supplier for debit. This

flow enables users to create an RMA for return of a damaged or defective product and

record a debit memo for the return transaction.

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3.1.8 Supplier Return to Replacement

Demonstrates the business processes for returning items to a supplier for

replacement of a damaged or defective product, send the product back to the supplier,

and process the receipt of a replacement product.

3.1.9 Collection

Written notification of the pending amounts, meant to prod past-due customers to

make a payment. Collection letters are sent usually one after another, with the tone and

language getting more direct with each successive letter, until at least some payment is

received. An effective letter of collection achieves its purpose without destroying the

customers' goodwill that was painstakingly acquired over the years. Also called dunning


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3.1.10 Supplier Payment Management

Manage proposals and send payments to vendors

3.1.11 Wall to Wall Accuracy Physical Count

Scheduled inventory of all material in a warehouse. This type of inventory is

recommended only at those activities where the range and depth of stock is small and a

complete inventory can be easily performed.

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3.1.12 Asset Acquisition to Dispose

Global asset life, from acquisition to dispose, with its specific depreciation rules.

3.1.13 Expense Report to Reimbursement

Manage and reimburse expenses.

3.1.14 Budget to Analysis

all about taking a holistic approach for managing budget to achieve a single view of

the company. It will provide an opportunity to meet the business goals emphasizing

aligning strategic and operational objectives in addition to monitoring and managing

business measurements.

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4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 快捷键快捷键快捷键快捷键


快捷键快捷键快捷键快捷键 功能功能功能功能

Ctrl+U 进入用户选项窗口

Ctrl+Q 退出

F8 查看报警信息

Ctrl+I 打开“关于”窗口

Ctr+H 取得帮助

Ctrl+R 刷新当前窗口

Ctrl+Shift+Backspace 返回上一页

Ctrl+G 切换到“网格”窗口


快捷键快捷键快捷键快捷键 功能功能功能功能

F9 展开/收缩菜单树

F10 使“文件”菜单成为焦点

Ctrl + M 显示/隐藏菜单

Ctrl+Shift+M 展开/收缩菜单树


快捷键快捷键快捷键快捷键 功能功能功能功能

Ctrl+N 创建新的记录

Ctrl+S 保存

Ctrl+Shift+S 保存记录并新建一个记录

Ctrl+D 删除记录

Ctrl+Z 撤销改动

Ctrl+A Attach files to transaction

Ctrl+F 搜索

Ctrl+Home 跳到第一条记录

Ctrl+End 跳到最后一条记录

Ctrl+ArrowLeft 前一条记录

Ctrl+ArrowRight 下一条记录

Ctrl+L 浏览链接项