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  • 8/12/2019 Osteo Sarko Ma 1


    MARCH 15, 2002 / VOLUME 65, NUMBER 6 www.aafp.org/afp AMERICAN FAMILY PHYSICIAN 1123

    adjuvant (postoperative) chemotherapy pro-

    tocols have improved the ability to performsafe limb-sparing resections, and disease-freeand overall survival rates have risen. Today, 90to 95 percent of patients with osteosarcomacan be treated with limb-sparing surgery, and60 to 80 percent of patients with localized dis-ease are long-term survivors. 5-7

    Biologic Behavior of OsteosarcomaAn osteosarcoma grows in a radial manner,

    forming a ball-like mass. When it penetratesthe bony cortex, it compresses the surroundingmuscles into a pseudocapsular layer referred toas the reactive zone. Tumor nodules repre-senting microextensions of the primary massinvade the reactive zone. These nodules aretermed satellites. The entire tumor mass,including the reactive zone (satellites),must beresected to ensure removal of all gross tumor.Thus, the surgical margin must be wide.

    The tumor may metastasize regionally (within the same extremity) or systemically (to other organs, such as the lung). With

    metastasis, the prognosis worsens dramati-

    Bone sarcomas are rare mesen-

    chymally derived high-gradetumors. Approximately 2,500cases per year are diagnosed inthe United States. 1 Osteogenic

    sarcoma is the most common bone sarcomaand the third most common malignancy inchildren and adolescents. The most frequentsites of origin are the metaphyseal regions of the distal femur, proximal tibia and proximalhumerus, although the tumor can develop inany bone. 2,3

    Family physicians and pediatricians areoften the first clinicians to encounter patientswith osteosarcoma. Consequently, thesephysicians need to be familiar with the clini-cal presentation and overall management of this malignancy.

    Most osteosarcomas are classified as conven-tional, high-grade tumors. 2-4 Before 1970,amputation was the sole treatment for a high-grade osteosarcoma,and 80 percent of patientsdied of metastatic disease, most commonly tothe lungs. 2 Over the past three decades, effec-

    tive induction (neoadjuvant/preoperative) and

    The treatment of osteosarcoma requires a multidisciplinary approach involving the fam-ily physician, orthopedic oncologist, medical oncologist, radiologist and pathologist.Osteosarcoma is a mesenchymally derived, high-grade bone sarcoma. It is the thirdmost common malignancy in children and adolescents. The most frequent sites of ori-gin are the distal femur, proximal tibia and proximal humerus. Patients typically presentwith pain, swelling, localized enlargement of the extremity and, occasionally, patho-logic fracture. Most patients present with localized disease. Radiographs commonlydemonstrate a mixed sclerotic and lytic lesion arising in the metaphyseal region of theinvolved bone. Computed tomography and bone scanning are recommended to detectpulmonary and bone metastases, respectively. Before 1970, osteosarcomas weretreated with amputation. Survival was poor: 80 percent of patients died from meta-static disease. With the development of induction and adjuvant chemotherapy proto-cols, advances in surgical techniques and improvements in radiologic staging studies, 90to 95 percent of patients with osteosarcoma can now be treated with limb-sparingresection and reconstruction. Long-term survival and cure rates have increased tobetween 60 and 80 percent in patients with localized disease. (Am Fam Physician2002;65:1123-32,1135-6. Copyright 2002 American Academy of Family Physicians.)

    Osteosarcoma: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Diagnosis and TreatmentJAMES C. WITTIG, M.D., JACOB BICKELS, M.D., DENNIS PRIEBAT, M.D., JAMES JELINEK, M.D.,KRISTEN KELLAR-GRANEY, BARRY SHMOOKLER, M.D., and MARTIN M. MALAWER, M.D.,Washington Cancer Institute,Washington Hospital Center, Washington, D.C.

    O A patient informa-tion handout onosteosarcoma, writtenby the authors of thisarticle, is provided on

    page 1135.

    This article

    exemplifies the AAFP 2002 Annual Clinical Focus on cancer:

    prevention, detection,management, support,and survival.

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    cally. Tumor nodules growing outside thereactive rim but within the same bone oracross a neighboring joint are termed skiplesions and represent regional intraosseousor transarticular metastases, respectively (Fig-ure 1).8 Systemic metastases have a predilec-tion for the lungs. The bones are the secondmost common site of metastasis and usually become involved only after pulmonary metas-tases have occurred. Distant bone metastasesrepresent the latest stage of disease and areassociated with the poorest prognosis. 9-11

    Clinical PresentationMost conventional osteosarcomas develop

    in patients 10 to 20 years of age (Table 1) .

    Approximately 80 percent of these tumors arenonmetastatic at the time of presentation. Ahigh index of suspicion for osteosarcomaenables early diagnosis, which can have a pos-itive effect on survival.

    Patients typically present with dull, achingpain of several months duration that may suddenly become more severe. The increase

    1124 AMERICAN FAMILY PHYSICIAN www.aafp.org/afp VOLUME 65, NUMBER 6 / MARCH 15, 2002

    Most osteosarcomas develop in patients 10 to 20 years of age. Patients typically present with dull aching pain of several months duration that may suddenly become more severe.

    FIGURE 1. Biologic growth pattern of osteo-sarcomas. Locally, an osteosarcoma growsradially and compresses the surrounding softtissues, forming a pseudocapsular layerreferred to as the reactive zone. The reac-tive zone contains microscopic extensions ofthe main tumor mass, termed satellites.Regional metastases within the same bone(intraosseous) or across the adjacent joint(transarticular) are referred to as skip metas-tases. An osteosarcoma can also metastasizeto distant sites, most commonly the lungs andother bones.

    Reprinted with permission from Bickels J, Jelinek JS,Shmookler BM, Neff RS, Malawar MM. Biopsy of musculoskeletal tumors: current concepts. Clin

    Orthop Rel Res 1999;368:212-9.

    Skip lesion

    Satellite lesion

    Bone sarcoma

    Reactive zone

    Skip lesion

    Soft tissue sarcoma

    Reactive zone

    TABLE 1

    Clinical Presentation of Patients with Osteosarcoma

    HistoryPatient age: 5 to 30 years (most commonly,

    10 to 20 years)Dull, aching pain (occasionally, referred

    pain, especially in children)Night pain, growing painsHistory of minor trauma, injury, sprain or

    muscle strainFever, night sweats, weight loss*

    *Uncommon features.

    Physical examinationLocal tendernessSwelling, mass, deformityLimp, muscle atrophy, decreased joint motion

    Pathologic fractureLymphadenopathy*

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    PLAIN-FILM RADIOGRAPHSMost conventional osteosarcomas originate

    in the metaphyseal region of bone and presentradiographically as mixed sclerotic and lyticlesions (Figure 2), although primarily scleroticor lytic lesions also occur (Figure 3). Sclerosisis the result of tumor osteoid production andtypically appears as small, irregular, cloud-likedensities. Most osteosarcomas present withdestruction of the bony cortex and the forma-tion of a soft tissue mass. The soft tissue com-ponent may demonstrate ossification andthus may be detectable on radiographs.Patho-

    logic fractures can also be identified .

    1126 AMERICAN FAMILY PHYSICIAN www.aafp.org/afp VOLUME 65, NUMBER 6 / MARCH 15, 2002

    FIGURE 2. Anteroposterior radiograph of atypical mixed sclerotic and lytic osteosarcomaarising from the right proximal humerus in a16-year-old girl. The tumor has penetratedthe bone and formed a soft tissue mass (stage

    IIB; see Table 4). Note the ossifications in thesurrounding soft tissue (arrows) .

    The AuthorsJAMES C. WITTIG, M.D., is currently an attending orthopedic oncologist in the Hospi-tal for Joint Disease at New York University Medical Center, New York City. Previouslyhe was an orthopedic fellow at Washington Cancer Institute, Washington HospitalCenter, Washington, D.C.

    JACOB BICKELS, M.D., is an attending orthopedic oncology surgeon at Tel-AvivSourasky Medical Center, Israel. He completed an orthopedic oncology fellowship atWashington Cancer Institute.

    DENNIS PRIEBAT, M.D., is director of hematology/medical oncology at the WashingtonCancer Institute and program director for the medical oncology fellowship program atWashington Hospital Center.

    JAMES JELINEK, M.D., is chairman of the Department of Radiology at WashingtonHospital Center.

    KRISTEN KELLAR-GRANEY, is clinical research coordinator for the Department ofOrthopaedic Oncology at the Washington Cancer Institute.

    BARRY SHMOOKLER, M.D., is director of surgical pathology and immunochemistry atWashington Hospital Center.

    MARTIN M. MALAWER, M.D., is director of orthopaedic oncology at the WashingtonCancer Institute.

    Address correspondence to James C. Wittig, M.D., New York University Medical Cen-ter, 550 First Ave., NB 10N-27, New York, NY 10016 (e-mail: [email protected]).

    Reprints are not available from the authors.

    FIGURE 3. Lateral radiograph of a scleroticosteosarcoma (arrow) arising in the proximalmetaphyseal region of the right tibia in a16-year-old boy.

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    Radiographs are used to differentiateamong the possible causes of a bone mass(Table 3) . They are also used to detectmetastatic pulmonary disease, although com-puted tomographic (CT) scanning of thechest is more sensitive for this purpose.


    With magnetic resonance imaging (MRI),standard T 1- and T 2-weighted and fat-sup-pressed images are obtained to demonstrate theaffected bone and the area across the adjacent

    joint. MRI studies are most useful for deter-mining the intraosseous and extraosseousextent of the tumor 12,13 (Figure 4).

    Based on the MRI studies,the relationship of the tumor to the neurovascular bundle can bedetermined, and resectability can be estimated.Neurovascular encasement is rare; when pre-sent, it generally necessitates amputation orwide resection with vascular reconstruction.

    Obtaining an MRI study at the time of sur-gical resection permits accurate planning of the osteotomy site through the involvedbone, 2 to 3 cm away from the tumor, for thepurpose of achieving a wide surgical margin.Skip lesions that occur within the same boneor across the adjacent joint (transarticularskip metastases) are readily identified onMRI scans. When skip lesions are present,more extensive resection is required.


    CT scanning of the affected extremity is use-ful in demonstrating the extraosseous and

    intraosseous extent of the tumor. When exten-

    sive necrosis and surrounding edema are pre-sent, CT scanning may be superior to MRI foraccurately determining the extent of soft tissueinvolvement and the proximity of the tumor toneurovascular structures. When contrastmedium is used, adjacent vascular structurescan be identified.

    All patients with osteosarcoma shouldundergo CT scanning to detect metastatic pul-monary disease. After surgery has been per-formed in patients with nonmetastatic tu-mors, CT studies should be repeated every three to six months for two years. (Most dis-tant metastases occur within two years afterthe termination of treatment.) Patients whopresent with metastatic pulmonary diseasehave a much poorer prognosis. However, curecan be achieved in a small number of patientswho respond well to chemotherapy andundergo pulmonary metastatectomy. 10,11,14


    MARCH 15, 2002 / VOLUME 65, NUMBER 6 www.aafp.org/afp AMERICAN FAMILY PHYSICIAN 1127

    FIGURE 4. Osteogenic sarcoma in the right distal femur of a 15-year-oldboy. (Left) Sagittal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) demonstratesthe metaphyseal origins of the tumor and its extensive soft tissue com-ponent (large arrow) . MRI studies can be used to determine theintraosseous and extraosseous extent of the tumor (small arrow) .(Right) Pathologic specimen after en-bloc resection of the osteosar-coma. To achieve a wide surgical margin, the osteotomy site throughthe involved bone was made at a distance proximal to the

    intramedullary extent of the tumor.

    TABLE 3Differential DiagnosisBased on Radiographic Findings

    OsteosarcomaEwings sarcomaOsteomyelitisOsteoblastoma

    Giant cell tumorAneurysmal bone cystFibrous dysplasia

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    Triple-phase, whole-body bone scintig-raphy can help determine the sites of meta-static disease, polyostotic involvement andthe intraosseous extent of the tumor. It may also detect skip lesions, although MRI is moreaccurate for this purpose. Nuclear medicinescintigraphy can image the entire axial andappendicular skeleton to detect distant sitesof osseous metastases.


    Thallium Tl 201 is a potassium analog thatis actively transported via the sodium-potas-sium adenosine triphosphatase pump. Thisradioisotope, which accumulates in bothbenign and malignant tumors, reflects tumormetabolic activity. Thallium scintigraphy isuseful for monitoring the response of atumor to induction chemotherapy and fordetecting local recurrence, especially whenMRI is not helpful 15 (Figure 5).


    Angiography can assist in surgical planningand in estimating the response of the tumorto preoperative chemotherapy. 16 High-gradeosteosarcomas promote extensive neovascu-larization and thus enhance with contrastmedium. This enhancement, referred to astumor blush, usually reflects viable tumor.The complete disappearance of tumor vascu-larity after preoperative chemotherapy corre-lates with a good treatment response.

    Biplanar angiography accurately deter-mines the relationship of vessels to the tumor,along with the vascular displacement thatoccurs with a large soft tissue component.Vas-cular anomalies can also be detected, which isespecially important for resection of proximaltibial tumors, in which the anterior tibialartery is routinely ligated. Arteriography isessential to ensure the presence and patency of the posterior tibial artery before ligation of theanterior tibial artery.

    Angiography is an invasive study. Depend-

    ing on the surgical complexity of the case andthe patients response to induction chemo-therapy as determined by other less invasivestudies, some surgeons may decide to foregoangiography.

    BiopsyBiopsy is the key step in the diagnosis of an

    osteosarcoma. Improperly performed biop-sies are a frequent cause of misdiagnosis,amputation and local recurrence, and they may have a negative effect on survival. All

    biopsy samples should be obtained by the

    1128 AMERICAN FAMILY PHYSICIAN www.aafp.org/afp VOLUME 65, NUMBER 6 / MARCH 15, 2002

    Figure 5. Thallium Tl 201 scintiscan in a15-year-old boy, showing an osteosarcoma ofthe right proximal humerus (arrow) withactive uptake of thallium Tl 201. This scan wasobtained before the institution of inductionchemotherapy.

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    orthopedic oncologist who will perform thedefinitive procedure or by a physician directly under the oncologists supervision.

    Staging studies are helpful in planning thesurgical approach to the tumor and specifyingthe region of the tumor that will most likely yield representative pathologic material. Inmany instances, a percutaneous needle biopsy may be recommended, because it is minimally invasive, does not require wound healing andis associated with a lower risk of infection,contamination and postbiopsy fracture.

    Pathology and StagingOsteosarcomas can be divided into high-

    grade and low-grade variants, depending oncellularity, pleomorphism, anaplasia andnumber of mitoses. Tumor osteoid produc-tion is characteristic of each subtype. Micro-scopically, conventional osteosarcomas arecomposed of malignant-appearing spindlecells that produce osteoid.

    The most common orthopedic staging sys-

    tem is the Enneking system (Table 4) .17

    Mostconventional osteosarcomas present as stageIIB tumors (i.e., nonmetastatic with an asso-ciated soft tissue mass).

    ChemotherapyChemotherapy is vital in the treatment of

    osteosarcoma. Advances in chemotherapy over the past 30 years have been responsiblefor improved limb salvage and higher survivalrates. 5-7,18,19 Chemotherapy has also beenshown to reduce the number of pulmonary metastases or to delay their appearance,possi-bly facilitating surgical removal. 20

    Standard regimens now include preopera-tive (induction) and postoperative (adjuvant)chemotherapy. Preoperative chemotherapy induces tumor necrosis in the primary tumorand provides early treatment of micrometa-static disease. It helps to facilitate surgical

    resection with wide margins and therefore hasbeen one of the main factors contributing toimproved limb salvage rates.

    Drugs that have been shown to be mosteffective against osteosarcoma include doxo-rubicin (Adriamycin), cisplatin (Platinol),ifosfamide (Ifex) with mesna (Mesnex) andhigh-dose methotrexate (Rheumatrex) withleucovorin calcium rescue. The mechanismsof action and side effects of these chemother-apeutic agents are summarized in Table 5.

    Most standard protocols use doxorubicinand cisplatin, with or without high-dosemethotrexate, for both induction and adjuvantchemotherapy. Recent trials have incorporatedifosfamide into their protocols. However, thebenefit of ifosfamide over conventional regi-mens in improving patient survival has not yetbeen confirmed.

    Modern multiagent, dose-intensive chemo-therapy regimens have resulted in long-termdisease-free survival rates of approximately60 to 80 percent in patients who present with

    localized (nonmetastatic) disease.6,7

    The best


    MARCH 15, 2002 / VOLUME 65, NUMBER 6 www.aafp.org/afp AMERICAN FAMILY PHYSICIAN 1129

    TABLE 4Enneking System for StagingOsteosarcomas

    Stage Grade and anatomic extent

    I Low-grade tumorIA IntracompartmentalIB ExtracompartmentalII High-grade tumor

    IIA IntracompartmentalIIB ExtracompartmentalIII Either grade with metastases

    Adapted with permission from Enneking WF, Spanier SS, Goodman MA. A system for the surgical stagingof musculoskeletal sarcoma. Clin Orthop 1980;153:106-20.

    Modern multiagent, dose-intensive chemotherapy regimenshave resulted in long-term disease-free survival rates of approximately 60 to 80 percent in patients who presentwith localized (nonmetastatic) disease.

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    long-term survival statistics have beenreported in patients who achieved greaterthan 90 percent histologic tumor necrosis inthe resected specimen. 5,21-23 Consequently, theamount of tumor necrosis achieved withinduction chemotherapy is routinely esti-mated for all specimens following resection.

    Radiologic Estimation of TumorResponse to Induction Chemotherapy

    Preoperative radiologic assessment of theresponse of the tumor to induction chemo-

    therapy permits an estimation of prognosisand facilitates surgical planning. Patients whodemonstrate a poor response require a widermargin of resection. Presently, radiography,CT scanning, thallium scintigraphy andangiography are the most useful tests for esti-mating the response to induction chemother-apy, and their findings should be interpretedcollectively (Figure 6).

    SurgeryLimb salvagerefers to successful resection of

    a tumor and reconstruction of a viable, func-tional extremity. In the setting of inductionchemotherapy, limb-sparing resection andreconstruction, rather than amputation, can besafely performed in 90 to 95 percent of patients. 6

    Studies indicate that compared with amputa-tion, limb-sparing surgery using a wide margin

    does not appear to compromise survival.24,25

    1130 AMERICAN FAMILY PHYSICIAN www.aafp.org/afp VOLUME 65, NUMBER 6 / MARCH 15, 2002

    Computed tomographic scanning of the chest, plain-filmradiography of the reconstructed extremity and serial physi-cal examinations are recommended every three months for the first two years after the treatment of osteosarcoma.

    TABLE 5Chemotherapeutic Agents Used in the Treatment of Osteosarcoma

    Agent Mechanism of action Side effects

    Doxorubicin Doxorubicin intercalates at points of local Cardiomyopathy, transient(Adriamycin) uncoiling of the DNA double helix; it also electrocardiographic abnormalities,

    inhibits the synthesis of DNA and RNA. emesis, alopecia, mucositis,myelosuppression

    Cisplatin (Platinol) Cisplatin inhibits the synthesis of DNA Acute renal failure, chronic renalthrough the formation of DNA cross-links; failure, peripheral neuropathy,it binds directly to tumor DNA and ototoxicity, emesis, myelosuppression,denatures the DNA double helix. alopecia, hypomagnesemia

    Ifosfamide (Ifex), Ifosfamide causes cross-linking of DNA Hemorrhagic cystitis, renal failure,with mesna strands, inhibiting the synthesis of DNA myelosuppression, alopecia, emesis,(Mesnex)* and protein. encephalopathy

    High-dose methotrexate Methotrexate is a folate antimetabolite; Renal failure, mucositis, mild(Rheumatrex), with it inhibits the synthesis of purine myelosuppression; rarely, centralleucovorin and thymidylic acid by binding nervous system effectscalcium rescue dihydrofolate reductase.

    *Mesna is a prophylactic agent used to prevent hemorrhagic cystitis; it has no intrinsic cytotoxicity. Mesnabinds with acrolein (urotoxic metabolite of ifosfamide), inactivating it.Leucovorin is a tetrahydrofolic acid derivative that acts as a biochemical co-factor for carbon transfer reac-tions in the synthesis of purines and pyrimidines. Leucovorin does not require the enzyme dihydrofolate reduc-tase; therefore, it is able to rescue normal cells and prevent severe myelosuppression and mucositis.

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    It should be emphasized, however, that theprimary objective of overall treatment is toachieve long-term disease-free survival(cure). Preserving limb function is a sec-ondary objective. If an adequate limb-sparingresection cannot be performed, amputationshould be considered. However, with modernchemotherapy regimens, limb removal is sel-dom necessary.

    After tumor resection, the large bony andsoft tissue deficit must be reconstructed. Many orthopedic surgeons prefer metallic endo-prostheses for reconstruction. These prosthe-ses provide immediate stable fixation andallow early ambulation and weight bearing.They provide joint stability, with good toexcellent function in most patients. 26-29 Metal-lic endoprostheses are associated with only minimal early postoperative complications.

    Postoperative Follow-upAfter chemotherapy has been completed,

    the patient should be followed closely by the

    orthopedic oncologist and medical oncolo-gist. Occasionally, this may not be feasible,and follow-up then becomes the responsibil-ity of the family physician.

    The patient should be monitored for localand systemic recurrence, as well as complica-tions related to the reconstruction. The mostcommon complications associated with pros-thetic reconstruction are loosening, infectionand mechanical failure.

    CT scanning of the chest,plain-film radiog-raphy of the reconstructed extremity and ser-ial physical examinations are recommendedevery three months for the first two years aftertreatment, at least every six months from thesecond through the fifth years, and subse-quently on a yearly basis.Annual bone scintig-raphy is recommended for the first two yearsafter treatment.

    During physical examinations, the extrem-ity should be palpated carefully for masses.Patient complaints of extremity pain, jointinstability, joint effusion, prosthetic locking

    and warmth or redness of the extremity may

    represent prosthetic failure, loosening orinfection. Radiographic findings of progres-sive radiolucent lines surrounding the pros-thetic stem or areas of osteolysis also suggestprosthetic loosening or infection. If any con-cerns arise, the patient should be promptly referred to the orthopedic oncologist.

    The authors indicate that they do not have any con-flicts of interest. Sources of funding: none reported.


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    MARCH 15, 2002 / VOLUME 65, NUMBER 6 www.aafp.org/afp AMERICAN FAMILY PHYSICIAN 1131

    FIGURE 6. Osteosarcoma arising from the right proximal humerus in a16-year-old girl. (Left) Anteroposterior radiograph of the tumor(arrow) obtained before the institution of induction chemotherapy.(Right) Anteroposterior radiograph of the same tumor after two cyclesof induction chemotherapy. Extensive calcification of the lesion (arrow)indicates a good response to treatment.

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    1132 AMERICAN FAMILY PHYSICIAN www.aafp.org/afp VOLUME 65, NUMBER 6 / MARCH 15, 2002