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  • 7/30/2019 PA B.ING




    Clinical information:

    A 70 year old male with solid, large, painless, multiple and lobulated masses in

    the neck, axilla and inguinal, since 6 months ago. The lesions are attached to the

    surrounding tissue. He felt weakness and pale. The biopsy was carried out and

    the specimen was sent to the Department of Pathology.

    Macroscopic examination:

    A solid and encapsulated tissue, 3 cm in diameter, white brownish in color.

    Microscopic features:

    The specimen consists of diffuse, two kinds of large cells. The Large cells are upto four to five times the size of normal lymphocytes. The cells have cleaved and

    non-cleaved nuclei, with prominent nucleoli and relatively abundant cytoplasm.

    Part of the cells, there are some immunoblastic variant cells. The cells have a

    round or multilobulated large vesicular nucleus with one or two centrally placed

    prominent nucleoli. The cytoplasm is deeply stained or clear. A number of

    mitoses rese found.

    The result of immunohistochemistry staining:

    LCA staining : positive

    CD20 staining : positive

    CD3 staining : negative


    Clinical information:

    A 50 year old male with large, solid, painless, multiple and lobulated masses, in

    the neck, axilla and inguinal. The lesions are attached to the surrounding tissue.

    He also suffered from fever and hepatomegaly. Biopsy was carried out and the

    specimen was sent to the Department of pathology.

    Macroscopic examination:

    A solid and encapsulated tissue, 8 cm in diameter, white brownish in colour.

    Microscopic picture:

  • 7/30/2019 PA B.ING


    The specimen consist of numerous Reed-Sternberg cells that are quite evenly

    distributed in a mass of lymphocytic neoplastic cells with prominent mature

    eosinophils, histiocytes, and plasma cells. The Reed-Sternberg cells are big cells

    with abundant, usually slightly eosinophylic cytoplasm and having a multilobate

    nucleus or multinucleated with large, round, prominent nucleoli. Particularly

    characteristics are two mirror image nuclei, each containing a large (inclusion-

    like) acidophilic nucleolus surrounded by a distinctive clear zone. Together they

    impart an owl's eye appearance. The nuclear membrane is distinct. A number of

    mitoses were found in this tumor. Focal necrosis may be present, but fibrosis

    should be minimal or absent.


    Clinical information:

    A 60 year old male suffered from large plaques and generalized scaly

    erythematous skin lesions since a year ago. An exicisional biopsy was done by

    the clinician.

    Macroscopic examination:

    A skin tissue 2x1x0,5 cm in size was received, brown in color with a brown

    plaque in the center of elliptical excised skin.

    Microscopic picture:

    The skin tissue is infiltrated by neoplastic T cells in the epidermis and dermis.

    The cells invade in the epidermis forming Pautrier's microabscess, or even more

    often, to line up individually along the epidermal basal layer.

    The T cells have a small or medium sized lymphocytes with cerebroid nucleus,

    characterized by irregular contour of the thick membrane. A number of mitoses

    can be found.

    The result of immunohistochemical staining:

    LCA staining: positive

    CD 3 staining: positive

    CD 20 staining: negative

    CD 4 staining: positive


  • 7/30/2019 PA B.ING


    Clinical information:

    A 24 year old female with a lymphadenopaty of the neck, 1 cm in diameter,

    mobile, since 2 weeks ago.

    Macroscopic examination:

    A firm, encapsulated tissue, 1 cnr in diarneter, white brownish in color.

    Microscopic picture:

    The specimen consists of lymphoid tissue with follicular hyperplasia, prominence

    of postcapillary venules, increased number of immunoblasts, plasma cells, and

    hystiocytes, and fibrosis. The capsule may appear inflamed and or fibrotic, and

    the process may extend into the perinodal tissues.

    The lymph node architecture is preserved, with normal lymphoid tissue between

    germinal centers of the follicle. The lymphoid nodules have variant in shape andsize. In germinal center, there are mixed population of lymphocytes in varying

    stages of "blast" transformation, and prominent phagocytic activities.


    Clinical information:

    A 48 year old male with solid, multiple masses of the neck. The patient also

    suffered from deafness and epistaxis. Scanning photographs showed a diffuse

    tumor of the nasopharinx

    The biopsy of the lesion was done by the clinician.


    A solid, encapsulated tissue was received, 2 cm in diameter, white brownish in


    Microscopic picture:

    The specimen consists of lymphold tissue with nests of epithelial tumor cells. The

    cells are atypical and polymorphic, with spindle hyperchromatic nuclei or

    vesicular nuclei with prominent nucleoli. Many mitoses can be found in this
