Phan Tee Eain 2018

Phan Tee Eain

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Phan Tee Eain2018

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ဖနတးအမအဖြ႕သည၂၀၁၅အေထြေထြေရြးေကာကပြႀကးတြင၊အမးသမးပါဝငပတသကမႈကအထးျပ၍ေရြးေကာကပြေစာငၾကညေလလာမႈကတႏငငလးအတငးအတာျဖငမရေပါငး၈၀၀ေကာတြငေစာငၾကညေလလာခပါသည။ေတြ႕ရခကအစရငခစာကလညးထတျပနခပါသည။ထေစာငၾကညေလလာမႈေတြ႕ရခကအရမရမးမား၏၆၀%ေကာသညအမးသမး(ပညာေရးဝနထမးေကာငးဆရာမ)မား ျဖစေနသညကေတြ႕ခရပါသည။ထ႔ေၾကာငထအမးသမးအမားစႏငအမးသားမရဝနထမးမား၏အေတြ႕အၾကမားအားကား၊မလမႈေရးရာရႈေထာငမေလလာသးသပမႈက၂၀၁၇ၾကားျဖတေရြးေကာကပြတြငမဆႏၵနယေျမ(၆)ခ၌ျပလပခၿပးေတြ႕ရခကအစရငခစာထတျပနခပါသည။ ယခ၂၀၁၈ႏဝငဘာလတြငျပလပခေသာဒတယအႀကမၾကားျဖတေရြးေကာကပြတြင၂၀၁၇ၾကားျဖတေရြးေကာကပြ၌ ေစာငၾကညေလလာခေသာ အေတြ႕အၾကႏင ေတြ႕ရခကမားက အေျခခကာ၊ မဆႏၵနယေျမ (၁၃) ေနရာ အနကမ (၈)ေနရာတြငမရမး၊မရဝနထမးမား၊ေရြးေကာကပြေကာမရငအဖြ႕ဝငမားႏငၿမ႕နယေရြးေကာကပြေကာမရငအရာရမားအားတစဥးခငးေတြ႕ဆေမးျမနးမႈမား၊အပစလကေဆြးေႏြးမႈမား ျပလပခပါသည။ထ႔ျပငမဆႏၵနယမားအပါအဝငအျခားေသာဧရယာမားတြငမရမးႏငမရဝနထမးမားခန႔ထားျခငးအေပၚလထသေဘာထားေလလာမႈေမးခြနးမားကလညးေမးျမနးခပါသည။ေလလာမႈ၏ရညရြယခကမာ -အမးသမးႏငအမးသားမရမးမား၏အေတြ႕အၾက၊အခကအခစနေခၚခကမားႏငပတသကၿပးခငမာေသာ အေထာကအထားအခကအလကမားရေစရန -အမးသမးႏငအမးသားမရဝနထမးမားအတြကသကေသာငသကသာေဆာငရြကႏငမညနညးလမးမားရရေစရန -လာမည(၂၀၂၀)ႏငအနာဂတေရြးေကာကပြမားတြငပမေကာငးမြနေသာမဝါဒမားျပျပငေရးဆြႏငေစရနခငမာသည အၾကျပခကမားတငျပနငရနတ႔ျဖစပါသည။ ဤေလလာမႈတြငမရမး၇၅ဥး(အမးသမး၄၄ဥးႏငအမးသား၃၁ဥး)၊ရပ/ေကးေကာမရငအဖြ႕ဝင၄၀ဥး(အမးသမး၃ဥးႏငအမးသား၃၇ဥး)၊ၿမ႕နယေရြးေကာကပြေကာမရငအရာရ၁၅ဥး(အမးသမး၄ဥးႏငအမးသား၁၁ဥး)တ႔၏ ေျဖဆခက အေတြ႕အၾကမားက အေျခခထားပါသည။ ထ႔ျပင မရတာဝနရသမားက ဖြ႕စညးမႈ၊ တာဝနေပးမႈ တ႔ ႏငပတသကၿပးအမားျပညသသေဘာထားေလလာမႈတစရပကလညးေျဖဆသ၂၂၅ဥး(အမးသမး၁၃၀ဥးႏငအမးသား၉၅ဥး)တ႔ထေမးခြနးလႊာမားျဖငသေဘာထားေကာကခခပါသည။ ယခေလလာမႈသညေရြးေကာကပြတြငပါဝငတာဝနထမးေဆာငခရသမား၏ေရြးေကာကပြအႀက၊ေရြးေကာကပြေန႔ႏငေရြးေကာကပြအလြနအေတြ႕အၾကမားကထတေဖာတငျပထားပါသည။ေျဖဆသမား၏အေတြ႕အၾကမားအရေအာကပါေတြ႕ရခကမားကေတြ႕ရခပါသည။ ႀကတငဆႏၵသေဘာထားရယမႈမရျခငး -အမားစေသာမရမးမားကေျပာၾကသညမာမမတ႔အေနျဖငကနးမာေရးအေျခအေနဆးရြားျခငးမလြ၍အျခားေသာအေၾကာငးမားျဖငျငငးဆခြငမရပါဟဆၾကပါသည။ေဆြးေႏြးခကမားမရလာေသာအခကတစခကမာမရမးမားအားရပရြာလထတြငးမခန႔အပေပးသငပါသည။အကယ၍ေကာငးဆရာ၊ဆရာမမားကသာဆကလကအသးျပေနမညဆပါကလညး ႀကတငေမးျမနးသေဘာတခကယသငပါသည။ကယဝနေဆာငမားႏင ႏ႔တကမခငမားကသ႔အေျခအေနမးရသမားအားမခန႔အပသငပါဟအၾကျပတငျပၾကပါသည။ လထသေဘာထားယခသ၂၂၅ဥးတြင၄၆%၏ဆႏၵမာမရတာဝနမားအတြကငယရြယသ၊ေရြးေကာကပြလပငနးမားတြင ပါဝငရန စတအားထကသနသ၊ မရ အနးအနားတြင ေနထငသ စသညအခကမားက ဥးစားေပးၿပး စတပါဝငစားသမညသမဆအားေလာကလႊာေခၚယကာေရြးခယေလကင၊တာဝနခထားျခငးျဖစသငသညဟသေဘာထားေပးၾကပါသည။လမးပနးဆကသြယေရးမေကာငးျခငးႏငလျခမႈကပပနရျခငး-ေဆြးေႏြးခကမားအရ၊မရမးႏငမရဝနထမးမားသညလမးခရးအေျခအေနအဆငမေျပျခငး၊လျခေရးကပပနရျခငးမးရေသာလညးမမတ႔တာဝနကသညမရသ႔မမတ႔ကယပငအစအစဥျဖငပငသြားၾကရေၾကာငး၊အခ႕မာမသားစမား၊မတေဆြသငယခငးမား၏ကညပပးမႈမားေၾကာငသာအဆငေျပရျခငးျဖစၿပး၊မရဖြငခန

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မတငမသြားရသညအတြကအလြနေစာလြနးၿပး၊မေရတြကၿပးစးခနမာလညးေနာကကလငလမးခရးလျခေရးအတြကစးရမစတျဖငတာဝနထမးၾကရပါသည။ထသမားကအၾကျပ ၾကသညမာမဆႏၵနယေျမတြငးမသမား၊မရႏငအလမးမေဝးသမားကသာထေဒသအတြကမရမးခန႔အပသငေၾကာငး၊မရမးမားအထးသျဖငအမးသမးမားအတြကလျခစတခမႈႏငသကေသာငသကသာျဖစေစႏငသညလပငနးခြငဝနးကငမးျဖစေစရနဖနတးေပးရန၊အခန၊ေနရာ၊တာဝနခြေဝမႈစသညတ႔ကစဥးစားျပျပငစစဥေပးသငေၾကာငးအၾကျပၾကပါသည။ ဘ႑ာေငြႏငအသးျပသညပစၥညးမားမလေလာကျခငး -လကရကငသးေနေသာစနစအရေရြးေကာကပြေကာမရငခြမားသညသတမတခကကနကေငြမားႏငမေလာကငပါကမမတ႔ကယပငေငြကစကထတသးစြၾကရၿပးထအတြကျပနလညထတေပးျခငးမးမရပါ။မပးမား၊မရသးပစၥညးမားစသညတ႔ကသယပ႔ရာတြငမမတ႔အစအစဥေမာေတာဆငကယမားျဖငသာသယၾကရပါသည။သတမတထားေသာေငြပမာဏႏငအသးအေဆာငပစၥညးမားမလေလာကသညေနရာမားတြငေဒသအေျခအေနအရသတမတေပးရနႏငမေမာလငပပကစးသြားေသာအသးအေဆာငမားအတြကအစားထးေပးႏငရနျပညေထာငစေရြးေကာကပြေကာမရငႏငအျခားသကဆငသမားအေနျဖငျပနလညညႏႈငးေပးသငေၾကာငးတငျပၾကပါသည။ တာဝနႏငမခငဘဝ၊အမရငမဘဝ-အမးသမးအပစမားအေနျဖငေဆြးေႏြးၾကသညမာ၎တ႔အေနျဖငသမးတစဥး၊မခငတစဥး၊ အမရငမတစဥး အေနျဖင တာဝနသရမႈမားအျပင အျခားတဘကကလညး လပငနးခြငတြင ေပးအပလာေသာတာဝနမားကထမးေဆာငရမတပါးအျခားေရြးခယစရာမားစြာမရလပါေခ။အထကလႀကးကခမတေပးလာသညတာဝနမားကျပးေျမာကေအာငေဆာငရြကရသညသာျဖစပါသည။အၾကျပၾကသညမာေရြးေကာကပြေကာမရငမားအေနျဖငအမရငမမား၊သကႀကးပငးမားႏငကေလးမခငအမးသမးမားအားမရမးအျဖစတာဝနယေစမညဆလငထသတ႔အတြကလကေတြ႕အေျခအေနတြငလအပခကမားကစဥးစားေဆာငရြကေပးသငသညဟဆၾကပါသည။ မဆႏၵရငမား၏ေရြးေကာကပြအေပၚစတဝငစားမႈႏငသနားလညမႈ-ေရြးေကာကပြေကာမရငခြအဖြ႕ဝငမားႏငမရမးမားသညေရြးေကာကပြကာလအတြငးမဆႏၵရငမား၏ေစာဒကတကမႈမားစြာကေျဖရငးခၾကရပါသည။လာမညေရြးေကာကပြမားတြငလညး ထကသ႔ ႀကေတြ႕ႏငပါသည။ အမားစ ေစာဒက တကၾကသည အေၾကာငးအရာမားမာ နညးစနစမားကနားမလညျခငးေၾကာင ျဖစၿပး မဆႏၵရင အသပညာေပးမႈ အားနညးျခငးေၾကာငးပင ျဖစပါသည။ ထ႔ေၾကာင ျပညေထာငစေရြးေကာကပြေကာမရငအေနျဖင မဆႏၵရငအသပညာေပးမႈလပငနးမားက ပမအရနျမငလပေဆာငရန ဗဟာခသငၿပးႏငငေရးပါတမားအေနျဖငလညးမမတ႔၏ပါတစညးရးေရးလပငနးစဥမားတြငမဆႏၵရငအသပညာေပးျခငးမားကအစအစဥထညသြငးထားသငပါသည။ မဆႏၵရင အသပညာေပးျခငးႏင အျမငဖြငျခငး အစအစဥမားသည အားလးအကးဝငေသာေရြးေကာကပြမားျဖစေစမႈကအေထာကအကျပေစရနကား၊မေရးရာကထညသြငးစဥးစားေသာပညာေပးအစအစဥမားလညးျဖစသငပါသည။ အဆပါေတြ႕ရခကမားအျပငေရြးေကာကပြေန႔တြငမရမား၏အခနသတမတခက၊မရမားတြငအေရးေပၚေရးဥးသနာျပအစအမမား၊မသနစြမးသမားအတြကအထးအစအမမားစသညအခကမားႏငေရြးေကာကပြအလြနကာလတြငမရတာဝနယခသမားအားျပနလညသးသပတငျပႏငသညေဆြးေႏြးပြမားျပလပသငေၾကာငးစသညအၾကျပခကမားကလညးတငျပထားပါသည။အထးသျဖငကား၊မေရးရာမတမႈကတာဝနခႏငေသာေရြးေကာကပြစမခန႔ခြမႈအဖြ႕အစညးပစမားျဖစေစရနႏငဆးျဖတခကခႏငသညေနရာအေနအထားတြငအမးသား၊အမးသမးတ႔၏တနးတညမမႈကအာမခႏငေစရနအၾကျပတငျပထားပါသည။

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ျမနမာႏငငေရး၏ ဒမကေရစေတာလနေရးသည ၂၀၁၀ ခႏစတြင ေရြးေကာကခ အရပသား အစးရတစရပအသြငေပၚေပါကလာျခငးျဖငဒမကေရစအကးအေျပာငးကာလအေရြ႕တစခစတငခပါသည။၂၀၁၆ခႏစဧၿပလတြငစတငတာဝနယခေသာ အရပသားအစးရသစသည ပမပျပငေသာ ဒမကေရစစနစတစရပ ကငသးႏငရန အေျခခကေသာ အေျပာငးအလမားက တြနးအားေပး ေဆာငရြကေနပါသည။ ဒမကေရစစနစတြင ေျဖာငမနေသာ ေရြးေကာကပြမားသည အခရာကပါသည။ျမနမာႏငငတြင(၂၀၁၀)မစတင၍၅ႏစတႀကမအေထြေထြေရြးေကာကပြမားကငးပခၿပး(၂၀၁၅)တြငဒတယအႀကမကငးပခပါသည။လစလပေနရာမားအတြကၾကားျဖတေရြးေကာကပြမားက(၂၀၁၂)ခႏစတြငတစႀကမ၊(၂၀၁၇)ႏင(၂၀၁၈)တြငတစႀကမစ၊ကငးပခၾကပါသည။ တႏငငလး အတငးအတာအေနျဖင ႏငငေရး၊ လမႈေရး ႏင စးပြားေရးမားတြင အေျပာငးအလမား ျမငေတြ႕ရၿပဆေသာျငားလညး လမႈစးပြားအေျခအေနမား ႏင ႏငငေရး အေျခအေနမားအရ လမႈအသကအဝနးတြင မတညျငမမႈမား၊အၾကမးဖကမႈမားႏငလမးေရးပဋပကၡကျဖစေပၚေစသညအေျခအေနမားလညးရေနဆျဖစပါသည။ထသ႔ေသာမျငမမသကအေျခအေနမားမာ ႏငငလးအႏ အထးသျဖင ဖြ႕ၿဖးမႈ နညးပါးေသာ ေဝးလေဒသမားတြင ျဖစေပၚ ေနပါ သည။ ယၾကညထကေသာေရြးေကာကပြမားျဖစႏငေရးတြငလညးႏငငေရးပါတမား၏အရငးအျမစခြေဝသးစြမႈ၊လြတလပၿပးတရားမတမႈ၊ပြငလငးျမငသာမႈႏငအားလးပါဝငႏငမႈစေသာအခကမားမာအျငငးပြားေနၾကဆပငျဖစပါသည။ ၂၀၁၇ခႏစလသားဖြ႕ၿဖးမႈအညြနးကနးအရ1ျမနမာႏငင၏အေျချပတနဖးမာ၀.၅၇၈ျဖစၿပး၊ႏငငေပါငး၁၈၉ႏငငတြင၁၄၈ႏငငအဆငတြငရေနပါသည။ထအညႊနးကနးပါကား၊မတနးတညမမႈအေျချပျခငးတြငအမးသမးႏငအမးသားတ႔၏ဖြ႕ၿဖးမႈမညမျခငးကအဓကအားျဖငက႑၃ခတြငေတြ႕ရပါသည။(၁)မးဆကပြားကနးမာေရး(ေမြးစမခငေသဆးႏႈနးႏငဆယေကာသကအရြယကေလးမးဖြားႏႈနးမားႏငတငးတာပါသည။)(၂)လပပငခြငအာဏာ(လႊတေတာတြငအမးသမးကယစားလယေနရာအခးအစားႏငပညာေရးကလကလမးမမႈမားႏငတငးတာသည။)(၃)စးပြားေရးလပကငႏငမႈ (အမးသမးႏငအမးသားမားအေပၚသတမတပငးျခားထားေသာလပသားေစးကြကႏငလဥးေရပါဝငႏႈနးမားျဖငတငးတာသည။)အဆပါအခကမားေပၚတြင ရႈျမငသးသပထားေသာကား၊ မအေျချပ မညမမႈအညြနးကနး (Gender-base InequalitiesIndex-GII)သညလသားဖြ႕ၿဖးမႈႏငအမးသမး၊အမးသားတ႔၏လမႈေကာငးကးခမးသာတ႔တြငလညးပတသကမႈရေနေစပါသည။ထအစရငခစာအရျမနမာႏငင၏ကား၊မအခြငအေရးမညမမႈအညြနးကနးအေျချပတနဘးသည၀.၄၅၆ျဖစၿပးႏငငေပါငး၁၆၀အနက၊အဆင၁၀၆တြငရေနပါသည။ Bertelsmann Stifftung’s Transformation Index report (2018) ေျပာငးလမႈဆငရာအညႊနးကနးအစရငခစာ၂၀၁၈အရ ျမနမာႏငင၏အေျချပတနဖးမာ ၃.၉၇ ျဖစၿပး ႏငငေပါငး ၁၂၉ ႏငငတြငအဆင ၉၂ ရေနပါသည။ထအခကအလကမားက မးေမာငးထးျပေနသညမာ လမႈစးပြား အညြနးကနးမားသည အပခပစမမႈ အညႊနးကနးမားက ျဖစေစ ၿပးႏငငေရးအခငးအကငးမားႏင အျပနအလန ဆကစပေနသညဆျခငးပင ျဖစပါသည။ ကားမ မညမမႈ အေျခအေနမားသညလညးႏငငအပခပစမမႈမားႏငဆကႏြယပတသကမႈရေနသညဆသညမာယမားသသယရဖြယမဟတေတာပါေပ။ဒမကရကတစ လ႔အဖြ႕အစညး၏ သမာသမတကေသာ ေရြးေကာကပြမားတြင အားလးပါဝငႏငမႈသည အေရးပါလေသာအခကတစခကျဖစသညအတြကေရြးေကာကခကယစားလယေလာငးမား၊မဆႏၵရငျပညသမား၊ေရြးေကာကပြႀကးၾကပသႏငစမခန႔ခြသမား၊စသညအေနအထားအမးမးတြငအမးသမး၊အမးသားအားလး၏ပါဝငႏငမႈသညအေလးအနကထားရမညအေၾကာငးတစရပျဖစပါသည။ေရြးေကာကပြမားႏငမေပးသညလပငနးစဥမာလထအတြကအေရးပါဆးႏငအျမငသာဆးေသာဒမကေရစ၏အေျခခသေဘာတရားတစချဖစလာပါသည။ေရြးေကာကပြမားတြငမညသ႔မညပစမခန႔ခြမႈျပသည၊ေရြးေကာကပြေကာမရငအဆငအသးသးအၾကား၊ မညသ႔လပပငခြငအာဏာခြေဝသည စသညတ႔က၊ ျမငသာထငသာ ရရသာသာမက၊လထကယတငေသာလညးေကာငး၊သတငးမဒယာမားအေနျဖငေသာလညးေကာငး၊ပညာရငအဖြ႕အစညးမားအေနျဖငေသာ


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လညးေကာငး၊ ႏငငတကာ အသငးအဝငးအေနျဖငေသာလညးေကာငး၊ ထထဝငဝင ေစာငၾကညေလလာႏငေသာ လမးေၾကာငးလညး ရလာခပါသည။ ေရြးေကာကပြ ျဖစစဥသည အမးသမးမားႏင အမးသားမားအေပၚ သကေရာကေနသညလကေတြ႕ကေသာလအပခကအေျခအေနမားကမညကသ႔တန႔ျပနေဆာငရြကေပးႏငသလဆျခငးမာေစာငၾကညေလလာမႈ၏အေရးပါေသာယဆခကတစရပလညးျဖစလာခပါသည။အထးသျဖငဖယကဥခ၊ေမေလာခလတနးစားမားအေနျဖငေရြးေကာကပြစနစတြငမညကသ႔ပါဝငခြငရသညဆျခငးႏင ဆးျဖတခကေပးႏငသည၊အေရးပါသညစမခန႔ခြသအဆငမးတြငပါကား၊မပါဝငႏငမႈအေျခအေနမားကေစာငၾကညေလလာသးသပျခငးမားလအပလာပါသည။ ယခေလလာခကျဖစေသာအမးသမးႏငအမးသားမရတာဝနထမးေဆာငသမား၏အေတြ႕အႀကႏငစနေခၚခကမားအေပၚေစာငၾကညျခငး၏ရညရြယခကမာလာမည၂၀၂၀ခႏစတြင၊အားလးပါဝငမႈကေဖာေဆာငႏငေသာယၾကညထကဖြယသမာသမတကသည ေရြးေကာကပြတစရပ ေဖာေဆာငႏငေစရန၊ ပမေကာငးမြနေသာမရ စမခန႔ခြမႈမားအတြကအၾကျပႏငရနႏငတငးျပည၏ကား၊မတနးတညမေရးအေပၚအေလးထား႐ႈျမငေဆာငရြကမႈတ႔အတြကတစေထာငတစေနရာမပါဝငအားျဖညေပးႏငရနပငျဖစပါသည။

၂။ေလလာမႈေနာကခသမငး ျမနမာႏငင၏၂၀၀၈ဖြ႕စညးပအေျခခဥပေဒအခနး(၉) ေရြးေကာကပြဆငရာတြင ျပဌာနးခကအရ၊ ေရြးေကာကပြေကာမရငအဖြ႕ကႏငငေတာသမၼတမတကရကခန႔ထားျခငးျဖစပါသည။ျပညေထာငစေရြးေကာကပြေကာမရင၏တာဝနမားတြငလႊတေတာေရြးေကာကပြမားကငးပေပးျခငး၊ေကာမရငအဖြ႕ခြအဆငဆငကဖြ႕စညးျခငး၊မဆႏၵနယေျမမားသတမတျခငးႏင ျပငဆငသတမတျခငး၊မစာရငးမား ျပစျခငးႏင ျပငဆငျခငး၊ေရြးေကာကပြဝငမညကယစားလယေလာငးမားအားစစစျခငးစသညတ႔ပါဝငပါသည။ မရမးခန႔ထားေရးႏငပတသက၍လႊတေတာနညးဥပေဒမား၊အခနး(၁၀)ဆႏၵမေပးျခငး၊အပဒ၃၉(ဂ)ႏငၿမ႕နယေရြးေကာကပြေကာမရငအဖြ႕ခြလပငနးလမးညႊန၊ဆႏၵမေပးျခငးေခါငးစဥအပဒ၂၃(ဃ)တြင“ၿမ႕နယေကာမရငအဖြ႕ခြသညမရကႀကးၾကပကြပကရန၊လႊတေတာကယစားလယေလာငးႏငေဆြမးရငးခာေတာစပျခငးမရပ၊ပါတႏငငေရးကငးရငးေသာဝနထမးမားကမရမး၊ဒတယမရမးႏငမရအဖြ႕ဝငမားအျဖစဥးစားေပးအစအစဥအတငးခန႔အပႏငသည။မရအဖြ႕ဝငမားအျဖစဝနထမးမားအျပင၊ယငးမရမစာရငးတြငပါဝငၿပးျဖစသည၊အမားျပညသယၾကညေလးစားျခငးခရေသာ၊မဆႏၵရင(သ႔မဟတ) ယငး မဆႏၵနယေျမတြငးရ၊ ေဒသချပညသမားျဖင၊ ေကာမရငက သတမတေပးေသာဥးေရအတြငး၊ ဖြ႕စညးတာဝနေပးအပႏငသည။ပကကြကမႈရပါကအထကေဖာျပပါမအတငးအစားထးခန႔ထားႏငသည”ဟေဖာျပထားပါသည။သ႔ေသာလညး မရႀကးၾကပရနတာဝနက ပညာေရးဝနႀကးဌာနမ ဝနထမးမားကသာ တာဝနခထားေပးေလရၿပး အမားစမာေကာငးဆရာမ အမးသမးမား ျဖစေနေလရပါသည။ အခ႕ေသာ မရဝနထမး ကညမႈေပးသညေနရာမားတြငမ ေစတနာဝနထမးမားrအနညးငယပါဝငသညကေတြ႕ရပါသည။ ေလလာမႈမားစြာတြငေဖာျပၾကသညမာအပခပေရး၊ဥပေဒျပေရးႏငတရားစရငေရးအပငးမားတြငအမးသမးမားကယစားျပပါဝငလာသညအေရအတြကမာ တးတကလာသညဟ ဆျငားေသာလညး ႏငငေရးႏင ေခါငးေဆာငမႈအပငးတြငအမးသားမားသာစးမးေနဆပငျဖစပါသည။ျမနမာႏငငေရးနယပယတြငအမးသမးမားပါဝငမႈရာခငႏႈနးမာအေရ႕ေတာငအာရႏငငမားႏငႏႈငးယဥပါကနမကေနဆျဖစသည။(၂၀၁၂)ခႏစတြငလႊတေတာသးရပလး၏အမးသမးပါဝငမႈမာ၄.၆ရာခငႏႈနးရခပါသည။(၂၀၁၅)အေထြေထြေရြးေကာကပြရလာဒအရဥပေဒျပေရးက႑တြငအမးသမးပါဝငမႈႏႈနးမာ၁၀.၂ရာခငႏႈနးသ႔တးတကလာခသည။ဤအေျခအေနမာျမနမာႏငငေရးနယပယတြငအမးသမးပါဝငမႈအတြကအခးအေကြ႕တစခပမာသသာခပါသည။သ႔ေသာလညးအမးသမးထကကယစားျပႏငမႈအခးအစားအရ၊ပါဝငမႈအေရအတြကမာနညးေနဆပငျဖစကာ၊ကမာၻတစဝမးလႊတေတာမားဆငရာအခကအလကမားအရျမနမာလႊတေတာမားတြငအမးသမးပါဝငမႈအဆငမာ၁၈၉ႏငငအနက၁၇၀အဆငတြငရေနပါသည။ ျမနမာႏငင၏ဖြ႕စညးပအရႏငငေရးတြငဗဟအစးရႏငေဒသႏရအစးရမားအေနျဖငခြျခမးေလလာႏငပါသည။ေလလာခကမားအရဗဟအဆငႏငငေရးက႑တြငအမးသမးပါဝငမႈမာအထကအေလာကတးလာေသာလညးေဒသႏရ

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အဆင ႏငငေရးတြငမ အမးသမးပါဝငမႈအတြက အကန႔အသတမား ရေနဆ ျဖစပါသည။ ကလသမဂၢဖြ႕ၿဖးမႈ အစအစဥ(UNDP)၏ေလလာခကအစရငခစာအရ၂၀၁၂ခႏစတြငျမနမာႏငင၏ေဒသဆငရာအစးရမားတြငအမးသမးပါဝငမႈမာ၀.၂%သာရပါသည။(ျမနမာႏငငရရပကြက၊ေကးရြာအပစအပခပေရးမးေပါငး၁၆၇၈၅ ဥးတြငအမးသမးအပခပေရးမးမာ၄၁ဥးသာပါဝငပါသည။)ထစာရငးဇယားမားမာ(၂၀၁၆)ခႏစရပကြကေကးရြာအပခပေရးမးမားေရြးေကာကမႈမား ျပးသညအခါတြင ၀.၅%သ႔တးတကလာခပါသည။ (ျမနမာႏငငရ ရပကြက၊ေကးရြာအပစအပခပေရးမး ၁၆၇၈၅ ဥးတြငအမးသမးအပခပေရးမး၈၄ ဥးပါဝငလာပါသည)2ျမနမာႏငင၏ရပကြကေကးရြာအပခပေရးမးဥပေဒပါလပပငခြငမားအရေဒသအပခပေရးပငးတြငအမးသမးမားကယစားျပ ပါဝငမႈတးတကလာေစရနမာအေရးႀကးပါသည။အေျခခလထ၊လတနးစားမား၏ေန႔စဥအေရးကစၥမားတြငရပကြက၊ေကးရြာအပခပေရးမးမား၏ပါဝငပတသကမႈမာအရာေရာကလပါသည။ အျခားေသာအေနအထားတစခမာလညးေရြးေကာကပြလပငနးစဥမားကေလလာမႈအရမရႀကးၾကပသညတာဝနယၾကရသမား၏အမးသမး၊အမးသားပါဝငမႈကႏႈငးယဥၾကညရာ၊တဝကေကာသညအမးသမးမားျဖစေနပါသည။သ႔ေသာလညးထကသ႔ပါဝငၾကရသညမာမမတ႔ဆႏၵအေလာကတာဝနယေဆာငရြကလ၍ေကနပစြာပါဝငရျခငးမးမဟတပါ။ထအမးသမးမားမာမမတ႔၏မရငးတာဝနပညာသငၾကားေပးေရးႏငအတမရမားတြငအဓကကေသာတာဝနမားကယၾကရေသာလညးအေရးပါသည ေလးနကေသာဆးျဖတခကမားကခခြငရသမား မဟတၾကပါ။ စရငဆးျဖတခြငရသည၊ မဝါဒျပခြငရသညအဆငတြငရေသာေရြးေကာကပြေကာမရငအဆငဆင၏ရာထးေနရာမားတြငမအမးသားမားသာအမားစျဖစပါသည။ ဖနတးအမမထတျပနခေသာ(၂၀၁၇) ၾကားျဖတေရြးေကာကပြအစရငခစာအရ၊မရမးမားမာမားစြာေသာစနေခၚခကမားႏငရငဆငရသညကေလလာေတြ႕ရခပါသည။မလေလာကေသာေထာကပမႈမား၊လျခေရးလအပခကမား၊သကေတာငသကသာမရေသာအလပခြငႏင စတဖစးမႈမားစြာကရငဆငခၾကရသညဟဆၾကပါသည။ေရြးေကာကပြဆငရာမဝါဒမားႏငလပထးလပနညးမားစြာတ႔သညမရမးမားႏငမရဝနထမးမားကစတဖစးမႈေလာနညးေစႏငေအာငကညမႈမေပးႏငပါ။ထ႔ေၾကာငပငဖနတးအမအေနျဖငပမေကာငးမြနေသာေရြးေကာကပြစမခန႔ခြမႈျဖစေစရနပါဝငပတသကသမားအားလး၏အျမင၊အေတြ႕အၾကအၾကျပခကမားျဖငပမခငမာေသာတငျပေဆြးေႏြးမႈမားရႏငေစရနမရမးမား၏အေတြ႕အၾကစနေခၚခကမားကေလလာေစာငၾကညမႈအားဒတယအႀကမအေနျဖင(၂၀၁၈)ၾကားျဖတေရြးေကာကပြတြငထပမျပလပခပါသည။ယခေလလာခကသည (၂၀၁၈) ခႏစ၊ ႏဝငဘာလ ၾကားျဖတေရြးေကာကပြ၏အၾကကာလႏင ေရြးေကာကပြအၿပးကာလမားတြငေလလာထားေသာေတြ႕ရခကမားျဖစပါသည။

၃။ေစာငၾကညေလလာျခငးရညရြယခက၊နညးလမးမားႏငအကန႔အသတမား ဖနတးအမသည ၾကားျဖတေရြးေကာကပြ နယေျမ ၁၃ ေနရာအနက ၈ ေနရာတြင ေစာငၾကညေလလာမႈ ျပလပခပါသည။ေတြ႕ဆေမးျမနးခသဥးေရမာမရဝနထမး၇၅ဥး(အမးသမး၄၄ဥးအမးသား၃၁ဥး)ေရြးေကာကပြေကာမရငအဖြ႕ဝင၄၀ဥး(အမးသမး၃ဥး၊အမးသား၃၇ဥး)ၿမ႕နယေရြးေကာကပြအရာရ၁၅ဥး(အမးသမး၄ဥး၊အမးသားး၁၁ဥး)တ႔ျဖစပါသည။ထ႔အတမရစမခန႔ခြမႈႏငသကဆငေသာလထသေဘာထားေမးျမနးေလလာမႈမားကလညးမဆႏၵရင၂၂၅ဥး(အမးသမး၁၃၀၊အမးသား၉၅ဥး)တ႔ထမရယခပါသည။ေလလာမႈျပလပရသညရညရြယခကမာေအာကပါအတငးျဖစပါသည။

၃.၁။ေလလာမႈရညရြယခက -အမးသမးႏငအမးသားမရမးမား၏အေတြ႕အၾက၊အခကအခစနေခၚခကမားႏငပတသကၿပး ခငမာေသာအေထာကအထားအခကအလကမားရေစရန။ -အမးသမးႏငအမးသားမရဝနထမးမားအတြကသကေသာငသကသာေဆာငရြကႏငမည နညးလမးမားရရေစရန။

2. https://www.facebook.com/UndpMyanmar/posts/1491586894214550

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-လာမည(၂၀၂၀)ႏငအနာဂတေရြးေကာကပြမားတြငပမေကာငးမြနေသာမဝါဒမားျပျပငေရးဆြ ႏငေစရနခငမာသညအၾကျပခကမားတငျပနငရန။

၃.၂။အသးျပခေသာနညးလမးမား ယခေလလာမႈသညအရညအေသြးကေလလာသညနညးလမးမးျဖငခဥးကပထားၿပးမရမးမား၊မရဝနထမးမားႏငေကာမရငအဖြ႕ဝငမားအားအပစေဆြးေႏြးပြပစမးျပလပျခငး၊တစဥးခငးေတြ႕ဆျခငးျဖငသတငးအခကအလကရယျခငးစသညနညးလမးမားကအသးျပထားပါသည။လထအားေမးခြနးမားေပး၍ထငျမငခကေတာငးခသညနညးလမးကလညးအသးျပထားၿပး ထအခကအလကမားအားျဖငလညး၊ ပမေသခာသည သးသပခကမား ရရေစခပါသည။ လထထငျမငခကေကာကခမႈအတြကေမးခြနးမားကစစတမးေကာကျခငးအတြကအသးျပခၿပးအပစေဆြးေႏြးရာတြငအသးျပရမညေမးခြနးမားကအပစလကေဆြးေႏြးပြမားတြငေမးျမနးခပါသည။ထသ႔ျပလပျခငးမားအတြကသကဆငရာမဆႏၵနယေျမတစခစအတြကအခကအလကေကာကခေမးျမနးသ၂ဥးစေရြးခယၿပးစစေပါငး၁၆ဥးကနညးစနစမားသငၾကားေလကငေပးခပါသည။ သတငးအခကအလကအတြကအဓကကေသာပဂၢလမားျဖငတစဥးခငးစေတြ႕ဆေမးျမနးသညနညးလမးကလညးယခေလလာမႈတြင အသးျပထားကာ၊အမးသမး ၄ ဥး၊ အမးသား ၁၁ ဥး စစေပါငး ၁၅ ႀကမေတြ႕ဆမႈျပလပခပါသည။ထေမးျမနးမႈတြငအဓကအားျဖငၿမ႕နယေရြးေကာကပြေကာမရငအဖြ႕ခြအရာရမား၊ေကာမရငဥကဌမားျဖငေတြ႕ဆမႈမားျပလပခပါသည။ အပစေဆြးေႏြးမႈမားအေနျဖင စစေပါငး အႀကမ ၂၀ ျပလပခၿပး၊ အမးသားမားျဖင ျပလပေသာ အပစေဆြးေႏြးပြ၆ႀကမ၊အမးသမးမားျဖငျပလပေသာအပစေဆြးေႏြးပြ၅ႀကမ၊အမးသမး၊အမးသားမရမးမားေရာေႏာပါဝငေသာအပစေဆြးေႏြးပြ၅ႀကမႏငေကာမရငအဖြ႕ခြအဖြ႕ဝငမားျဖငျပလပေသာအပစေဆြးေႏြးပြ၄ႀကမပါဝငခပါသည။

၃.၃။ေလလာမႈအတြကအကန႔အသတမား ေအာကပါအခကအလကမားသညယခေလလာမႈအတြကအခကအခမားျဖစေစခပါသည။ -ေလလာမႈျပလပခသညနမနာအေနအထားမကယျပန႔လသညအတြကသးသပခကမားမာျဖစစဥတစခလးက မားစြာမလႊမးျခႏငျခငး၊ -ေတြ႕ဆေမးျမနးမႈမားကဥးစးေဆာငရြကရေသာသမားမာအေတြ႕အၾကႏငေလကငခနနညးပါးသညအတြက သတငးအခကအလကရရမႈအားနညးချခငး၊ -အပစေဆြးေႏြးပြမားႏငေတြ႕ဆေမးျမနးမႈအခ႕တြငေျဖဆရမညသမားမပြငလငးစြာစတပါလကပါဝငေရာက ေဆြးေႏြးမႈမရချခငး၊ -အခ႕ေဒသမားတြငမရဝနထမးမားမာေရြးေကာကပြေကာမရငထမခြငျပခကမရဟဆကာအပစေဆြးေႏြးပြမားတြင ပါဝငေဆြးေႏြးမႈမျပချခငး။

၄။ပါဝငေဆြးေႏြးေျဖဆသမား၏အေျခအေနေဖာျပခကမား ယခေခါငးစဥေအာကတြငပါဝငေဆြးေႏြးသမား၏နယေျမေဒသအပါအဝငအျခားေသာအေျခအေနအခကအလကမားကေဖာျပထားပါသည။

၄.၁။ေျဖဆသမားႏငနယေျမဧရယာမား အစပငးတြင ေဖာျပခသညအတငး ၾကားျဖတေရြးေကာကပြ ကငးပသည နယေျမ ၁၃ ခအနက၊ ၈ ေနရာတြငေစာငၾကညေလလာမႈျပလပခပါသည။ဤေလလာခကတြငပါဝငေျဖၾကားေဆြးေႏြးေပးသစစေပါငး၁၃၀ဥးရၿပးအမးသမး၅၁ဥးႏငအမးသား၇၉ဥးပါဝငပါသည။ထေျဖၾကားသ၁၃၀ဥးတြငမရမးအေရအတြကမာ၇၅ဥး(အမးသမး၄၄ဥးႏငအမးသား၃၁ဥး)၊ရပကြကေကးရြာေရြးေကာကပြေကာမရငအဖြ႕ဝင၄၀ဥး (အမးသမး၃ဥးႏငအမးသား၃၇ဥး)၊ၿမ႕နယေရြးေကာကပြေကာမရငအဖြ႕ခြအရာရ၁၅ဥး(အမးသမး၄ဥးႏငအမးသား၁၁ဥး)ျဖစပါသည။

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၄.၂။ေျဖဆသမား၏အမေထာငသညျဖစျခငး/မျဖစျခငးအေျခအေန ေျဖဆသ၁၃၀တြငအမားစမာအမေထာငသညမားျဖစၿပးအနညးငယသာအမေထာငသညမဟတသမားျဖစပါသည။ေလလာမႈတြငပါဝငခသညမရဝနထမး၇၅ဥးတြငအမေထာငသညအမးသမး၃၇ဥးႏငအမေထာငသညအမးသား၂၉ဥးပါဝငခပါသည။ပါဝငခသရပကြကေကးရြာေရြးေကာကပြေကာမရငအဖြ႕ဝငအားလးမာအမေထာငသညမားျဖစၾကပါသည။ တစဥးခငး ေတြ႕ဆမႈတြင ပါဝငခသည ေရြးေကာကပြ အရာရမားတြင အမေထာငသည အမးသမး ၁ ဥးႏငအမေထာငသညအမးသား၁၀ဥးပါဝငခပါသည။

၄.၃။ေျဖဆသမား၏မရတြငတာဝနယမႈအခနးက႑ ေလလာမႈတြငမရတာဝနထမးေဆာငသမားႏငေကာမရငအဖြ႕ဝငမား၏တာဝနခထားျခငးခရမႈကလညးေလလာခပါသည။ မရတစခတြင ရရန သတမတထားသည ဝနထမးအမးအစားမားမာ မရမး၊ ဒ မရမး၊ မစာရငး စစေဆးသ၊မလကမတထတေပးသ၊ မငတ႔ေပးသ ႏင မရ လျခေရးး တ႔ ျဖစပါသည။ ပါဝငေျဖဆသမားတြင အမးအစား အမးမးပါဝငခေသာလညးအမားစမာမရမးမားျဖစၿပးအမးသမးမရမး၁၈ဥးႏငအမးသားမရမး၁၉ဥးပါဝငပါသည။ ေကာမရငအဖြ႕ခြ မားကေလလာရာတြင ဥကဌတာဝနယသ ၁၃ ဥးရၿပးအားလးမာအမးသားမား ျဖစပါသည။ပါဝငေဆြးေႏြးသမားတြငအမးသမးတစဥးသာေကာမရငအတြငးေရးမးျဖစၿပး၊အဖြ႕ဝငျဖစသအမးသမး၂ဥးပါဝငပါသည။ေကာမရငတြငရာထးတာဝနအမးမးတြငအမးသားမားသာအမားစျဖစပါသည။



မရမး ေကာမရငအဖြ႕ခြအဖြ႕ဝင


ကား မ ကား မ ကား မ

မငးဘးၿမ႕နယ မေကြးတငးေဒသႀကး ၃ ၉ ၆ - ၂ - ၂၀

ျမငးျခၿမ႕နယ မႏေလးတငးေဒသႀကး ၄ ၈ ၂ ၂ ၁ ၁ ၁၈

အတတြငးၿမ႕နယ ပခးတငးေဒသႀကး ၅ ၇ ၅ - ၁ ၁ ၁၉

လခားၿမ႕နယ ရမးျပညနယ - ၅ ၆ - ၂ - ၁၃

သပတကငးၿမ႕နယ မႏေလးတငးေဒသႀကး ၆ ၈ ၉ - ၁ ၁ ၂၅

ျမစႀကးနားၿမ႕နယ ကခငျပညနယ ၄ ၅ ၁ ၁ ၁၁

ကနပကလကၿမ႕နယ ခငးျပညနယ ၄ ၇ ၄ - ၂ - ၁၇


ရနကနတငးေဒသႀကး ၅ - - - ၂ - ၇

စစေပါငး ၃၁ ၄၄ ၃၇ ၃ ၁၁ ၄ ၁၃၀

Page 12: Phan Tee Eain



မရတာဝန ကား မ

မရမး ၁၉ ၁၈

ဒမရမး ၁ ၈

မငတ႔သ ၁ ၃

မလကမတထတေပးသ ၁ ၇

မစာရငးစစေဆးသ ၁ ၆

အဖြ႕ဝင ၂ ၂မရလျခေရး ၆ -

စစေပါငး ၃၁ ၄၄


ေကာမရငအဖြ႕ခြတာဝန ကား မ

ဥကဌ ၁၃ -

အတြငးေရးမး ၉ ၁

အဖြ႕ဝင ၁၅ ၂

စစေပါငး ၃၇ ၃

၄.၄။ေျဖဆသမား၏မလတာဝနမား ပါဝငေျဖဆသမား၏မလတာဝနမားကလညးေလလာတငျပထားပါသည။ဇယားကြကမားျဖငျပထားၿပးဇယား(၄)မာမရတာဝနယသမား၏မလတာဝနမားျဖစၿပးဇယား(၅)မာေရြးေကာကပြေကာမရငအဖြ႕ခြမားတြငပါဝငသမား၏မလတာဝနမား ျဖစပါသည။စာရငးဇယားမားအရမရတာဝနယရသအမားစမာေကာငးအပဆရာ၊ဆရာမႀကးမားအပါအဝငေကာငးဆရာ၊ဆရာမမားျဖစၾကၿပးေျဖဆသ၇၅ဥးတြငအမားစမာအမးသမးမားျဖစၾကပါသည။


မရငးအလပအကင ကား မ

ေကာငးဆရာ(မလတနးမအထကတနးထ) ၂၁ ၄၄

လကသမား ၁

မေျဖပါ။ ၁ ကယပငလပငနး ၄

လယ ၁ ဆယအမ/ရာအမမး ၃ စစေပါငး ၃၁ ၄၄

ရပကြကေကးရြာအပစေရြးေးကာကပြေကာမရငအဖြ႕ဝငမားႏငပတသကၿပးေလလာရာတြငအမားစမာလယယာလပငနးျဖင အသကေမြးၾကၿပး အေရာငးအဝယ ျပလပသမားမာ ဒတယအပစတြင ရပါသည။ အနညးဆးမာ အငယတနးအစးရဝနထမးမားျဖစၾကပါသည။

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ေကာမရငအဖြ႕ခြအဖြ႕ဝငမား၏မရငးအလပအကင ကား မ

အျငမးစား(စစမႈထမးႏငအျခား..) ၃ ၁

လယ ၁၂

အစးရဝနထမး ၈ ၁

အေရာငးအဝယ ၁၀ ၁

ေကးရြာအပခပေရးပငး ၃

ပဂၢလကကရင ၁

စစေပါငး ၃၇ ၃

၄.၅။ေျဖဆသမား၏ပညာေရးၿပးေျမာကမႈအေျခအေန မရဝနထမး အမားစမာ ပညာတတေျမာက ေအာငျမငခၿပးသမား ျဖစပါသည။ ဇယား ၆ တြင ေဖာျပခကအရအားလးေသာမရဝနထမးမားမာပညာေရးဝနထမးမားျဖစၿပးအမးသမး၄၂ဥးႏငအမးသား၂၁ဥးမာအဆငျမငပညာေရးၿပးဆး၍ဘြ႕ရသမားျဖစၾကပါသည။အနညးငယေသာလျခေရးတာဝနႏငအကအဖြ႕ဝငတာဝနယသတ႔မာအေျခခပညာအထကတနးႏငအလယတနးအဆငျပးဆးသမားျဖစၾကပါသည။ ဇယား၇တြငေရြးေကာကပြေကာမရငအဖြ႕ခြအဖြ႕ဝငမား၏ပညာေရးအေျခအေနကေဖာျပထားၿပး၊အမားစမာအေျခခပညာအထကတနးအဆငၿပးဆးသမားျဖစပါၿပးဒတယအပစမာတကသလမားမပညာၿပးေျမာကခသမားျဖစပါသည။တကသလပညာၿပးေျမာကခသ၉ဥး(အမးသား၈ဥးႏငအမးသမး၁ဥး)မာႏငငဝနထမးမားျဖစၿပးရပကြကေကးရြာေရြးေကာကပြေကာမရငအဖြ႕ခြမားတြငအတြငးေရးမးတာဝနယရသမားျဖစပါသည။ေလလာေတြ႕ရခကမားအရရပကြကေကးရြာေရြးေကာကပြေကာမရငအဖြ႕ခြမားကရပကြကေကးရြာအပခပေရးဌာနမာေရြးခယခန႔အပတာဝနေပးျခငးျဖစၿပးအမားစမာအေျခခပညာအထကတနးႏငအခ႕မာထ႔ထကပ၍နညးေသာပညာေရးအဆငၿပးေျမာကခသမားျဖစပါသည။


မရအဖြ႕ဝငမား၏ပညာေရးေနာကခ ကား မ

ဘြ႕ရ(BA,BSc..) ၂၁ ၄၂

အထကတနး ၄

အလယတနး ၅

မေျဖဆ ၁ ၂စစေပါငး ၃၁ ၄၄



ကား မ

ဘြ႕ရ ၁၃ ၂

အထကတနး ၁၇ ၁အလယတနး ၆ မလတနး ၁ စစေပါငး ၃၇ ၃

Page 14: Phan Tee Eain


၄.၆။ေျဖဆသမား၏အသကအရြယအပငးအျခား ေျဖဆသမား၏အသကအပငးအျခားကေလလာရာတြငအပစ၄စခြျခားသတမတထားပါသည။၂၄ႏစမ၃၅ႏစထ၊၃၆ႏစမ၄၅ႏစထ၊၄၆ႏစမ၅၅ႏစထႏင၅၅ႏစအထကဟ၍ျဖစပါသည။ေဖာျပခကမားအရမရမးမားတြငအမားဆးမာ၄၆ႏစႏင ၅၅ႏစအတြငး ျဖစၿပးပမးမ၄၁.၃%ရပါသည။ထ႔အတပငေရြးေကာကပြ ေကာမရငတြငပါဝငသမား၏အမားဆးအပစမာအသက၅၅ႏစအထကတြငျဖစၿပး၃၅%ျဖစပါသည။ဒတယအမားဆးအပစမာမရမးမားတြင၃၆ႏစႏင၄၅ႏစအတြငးျဖစၿပးေရြးေကာကပြေကာမရငအဖြ႕ဝငမားတြင၂၄ႏစႏင၃၅ႏစအတြငးျဖစပါသည။မရဝနထမးမားတြငအမးသမးမား၏အသကကပငးျခားရာတြင၄၆ႏစႏငအထကမာအမားစျဖစၿပးအမးသားမားတြင၄၅ႏစေအာကပမပါဝငပါသည။


မရအဖြ႕ဝငမား၏အသကအပစ ကား မ စစေပါငး %

၂၄-၃၅ ၆ ၉ ၁၅ ၂၀

၃၆-၄၅ ၁၂ ၈ ၂၀ ၂၆.၇

၄၆-၅၅ ၉ ၂၂ ၃၁ ၄၁.၃

၅၅အထက ၄ ၅ ၉ ၁၂.၀စစေပါငး ၃၁ ၄၄ ၇၅



ကား မ စစေပါငး %

၂၄-၃၅ ၁၁ - ၁၁ ၂၇.၅

၃၆-၄၅ ၈ ၁ ၉ ၂၂.၅

၄၆-၅၅ ၆ - ၆ ၁၅

၅၅အထက ၁၂ ၂ ၁၄ ၃၅

စစေပါငး ၃၇ ၃ ၄၀

၅။အဓကေလလာေတြ႕ရခကမား ဤက႑သညအားလးပါဝငႏငမႈႏငယၾကညရေသာေရြးေကာကပြမားျဖစေစမႈႏငပတသက၍ေယဘယေလလာေတြ႕ရခကမားကေဖာျပထားၿပးအမးသမးႏငအမးသားမရတာဝနထမးေဆာငရသမား၏အေတြ႕အၾကမား၊ပမေကာငးမြနေသာနညးလမးေဆာငရြကခကမားျဖစေပၚလာေစရနမရတြငတာဝနယခသမားႏငေကာမရငအဖြ႕ခြမား၏အၾကျပခကမားပါဝငပါသည။

၅.၁။ေရြးေကာကပြေကာမရငအဖြ႕ခြမားႏငမရဝနထမးမားကဖြ႕စညးျခငး (၂၀၁၅)မစ၍ျမနမာႏငငတြငအားလးပါဝငႏငၿပးယၾကညႏငေသာေရြးေကာကပြမားတာဝနယေဆာငရြကႏငခသညဟအသအမတျပခထားရပါသည။မဆႏၵရငအမားစႏငေလလာသပညာရငမား၊သတငးမဒယာသမားမား၊ျပညတြငးျပညပေစာငၾကညေလလာသမားမျမနမာႏငငေရြးေကာကပြမားအေပၚအာရစကလာၾကၿပး(၂၀၁၅)အေထြေထြေရြးေကာကပြႀကးေနာကပငးတြငအေျခခကေသာတးတကေျပာငးလမႈမားရလာခပါသည။

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ေရြးေကာကပြေကာမရငအဖြ႕ခြမားဖြ႕စညးေပးျခငး-ေရြးေကာကပြမားကငးပႏငေစရနျမနမာႏငငအစးရသည၂၀၀၈ ဖြ႕စညးပအေျခခဥပေဒအခနး(၉)အပဒ၃၉၈တြင ျပဌာနးထားသညႏငအည ေကာမရင အဖြ႕မားက ဖြ႕စညး ထားပါသည။ ျပညေထာငစ ေရြးေကာကပြ ေကာမရငအဖြ႕၊ တငးေဒသႀကး ႏငျပညနယေရြးေကာကပြေကာမရငအဖြ႕ခြ၊ကယပငအပခပခြငရေဒသေရြးေကာကပြေကာမရငအဖြ႕ခြ၊ခရငေရြးေကာကပြေကာမရငအဖြ႕ခြ၊ၿမ႕နယေရြးေကာကပြေကာမရငအဖြ႕ခြႏငရပကြကေကးရြာေရြးေကာကပြေကာမရငအဖြ႕ခြမားဟ၍ျဖစပါသည။ ေလလာခကမားအရ ဖြ႕စညးပ အေျခခဥပေဒ တြင ေရြးေကာကပြေကာမရင ဥကဌ ႏင အဖြ႕ဝငမားအတြက သတမတခကမား ေဖာျပထားေသာလညး မရမး မားႏင မရတြင တာဝနထမးေဆာငရမညသမားအတြကသးျခား ေဖာျပခက မပါရပါ။ သ႔ေသာ (ျပညသ႔၊အမးသား၊တငးေဒသႀကးႏင ျပညနယ)လႊတေတာေရြးေကာကပြ ဥပေဒအခနး (၉)အပဒ ၃၉တြင ၿမ႕နယေရြးေကာကပြ ေကာမရငမ မရႀကးၾကပမညသမားကခန႔အပရၿပး၊မရမးအျဖစအစးရဝနထမးမားအားဥးစားေပးခန႔အပရနေဖာျပထားပါသည။မရအဖြ႕ဝငမားအျဖစေဒသခမားႏငရပရြာမေလးစားသအျခားသငေတာသမားကခန႔အပႏငေၾကာငးလညးေဖာျပထားပါသည။ ရပကြကေကးရြာ ေရြးေကာကပြ ေကာမရငမားက ဖြ႕စညးရာတြငဥကဌအမားစႏငအဖြ႕ဝငမားက၊ရပကြကေကးရြာအပခပေရးအဖြ႕မားမတကရကေရြးခယခန႔ထားပါသည။ေကာမရငအတြငးေရးမးကမအေထြေထြအပခပေရးဥးစးဌာနမတကရကေရြးခယခန႔အပျခငးျဖစၿပးထသမားမာအစးရဝနထမးမားျဖစ၍သတမတလစာခစားရသမားျဖစပါသည။ထအခကသညဥပေဒတြငျပဌာနးထားသညႏငမကကညသညကေတြ႕ရပါသည။

မရဝနထမးမားဖြ႕စညးတာဝနေပးျခငး-ေလလာခကမားအရမရဝနထမးမားအျဖစတာဝနေပးရာတြငအမားအားျဖင ပညာေရးဌာနမ သမားက တာဝနေပးထားျခငးျဖစၿပး အမားစမာ အမးသမးမားျဖစၾကပါသည။မညသညအတြကေၾကာင ပညာေရးဝနထမးမား (သ႔) ေကာငးဆရာ၊ဆရာမမားကသာမရႀကးၾကပသညတာဝနေပးရမညဟေသာျပဌာနးခကမးကအခကအလကရာေဖြမေတြ႕ရေသာလညးၿမ႕နယပညာေရးမးမားသညမမတ႔ၿမ႕နယတြငးရဆရာ၊ဆရာမမားႏငေကာငးအပမားစာရငးကခရငေရြးေကာကပြေကာမရငထပ႔ေပးရၿပးခရငေကာမရငမမရမး၊ ဒ မရမး၊ ႏငအျခားေသာ မရတာဝနမားကသတမတထမးေဆာငေစပါသည။ ေကာငးဆရာ၊ဆရာမ မားသညအစဥအလာအရခမတေပးေသာတာဝနမားကမျငငးမဆနထမးေဆာငေလရသမားျဖစေနသညအတြကထတာဝနမားကလကခထမးေဆာငၾကရပါသည။ ေတြ႕ဆေမးျမနးခသအမားစ၏ေျဖၾကားခကအရမရမးတာဝနမားကေကာငးဆရာ၊ဆရာမမားအားအထကမတာဝနခထားေပးျခငးသညထသမားအတြကဝနထပဝနပးျဖစၿပးတာဝနပေစပါသည။အနာဂတကာလေရြးေကာကပြမားတြငရပရြာအတြငးရ ပညာတတေျမာကၿပး၊ ႏငငအေရး ေဆာငရြကေပးရန စတပါဝငစား သတ႔အား လပအားေပးအေနျဖငမရတာဝနမားထမးေဆာငၾကေစသငေၾကာငးအၾကျပၾကပါသည။ အထကတြင ေဖာျပခသည ရပကြက၊ ေကးရြာ အဆင ေရြးေကာကပြ ေကာမရင အဖြ႕ခြဝငမား၏ ေယဘယအေျခအေနတြငညြနျပေနသညမာဘြ႕၊ဒဂရရရသနညးပါးျခငးျဖစပါသည။အမားစမအထကတနး(သ႔)အလယတနးပညာတတေျမာကသမားသာျဖစၿပးအခ႕မာထ႔ထကပ၍နမေသာအတနးပညာၿပးေျမာကသမားလညးပါရပါသည။ေရြးေကာကပြေကာမရငအဖြ႕ခြမား၏တာဝနမားတြင စာရြကစာတမးအသးျပရမညတာဝနအမားအျပားပင ပါဝငပါသည။အခ႕ေသာေကာမရငအဖြ႕ဝငမားမာထကသ႔ စာရြကစာတမးမားတြင ျဖညစြကေရးသားရမညအလပမးကအကၽြမးတဝင ရေကာငးမရႏငမညလညး ျဖစပါသည။ ထ႔ျပင ေရြးေကာကပြေကာမရင ဥပေဒ၊ နညးဥပေဒ လပ ထးလပနညးမားတြငေရးသားေဖာျပခကမားမာလညးသာမနမသာေရးတတဖတတတသမားအတြကနားလညရနခကခႏငပါသည။အထးသျဖငဗမာစာႏငရငးႏးကၽြမးဝငမႈမရသတငးရငးသားေဒသမားမသမားအတြကပမအဟန႔အတားျဖစေစပါသည။

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အငတနညးပညာပငးတြငပမအသးျပႏငေသာလငယမားစြာရပါသည။ ျပညေထာငစေရြးေကာကပြေကာမရငအေနျဖငထကသ႔နညးပညာႏငရငးႏးကၽြမးဝငၿပးစတဝငစားမႈရေသာပညာတတသမားႏငညႏႈငးကာယၾကညစတခရေသာအလကထေရာနစေရြးေကာကပြပစမးျပျပငေျပာငးလလာႏငေအာငႀကးစားသငပါသည။ေရြးေကာကပြေကာမရငအဖြ႕ဝငလႀကးတစဥးေျပာျပခကအရသရေသာအျခားအေျခအေနတစခမာမမတ႔ေဒသတြငေရြးေကာကပြေကာမရငအဖြ႕ခြမား ဖြ႕စညးရနအတြက သငေလာမညသမားအား ေလာကလႊာေခၚယခေသာလညး ေလာကထားသတစဥးမ မရသညကႀကရပါသည။ထ႔ေၾကာငေကးရြာသားမားအားမေပးေရြးခယသညစနစကအသးျပ ၿပးေကးရြာေရြးေကာကပြေကာမရငအဖြ႕ခြကဖြ႕စညးခရသညဟဆပါသည။အကယ၍မပညာေပးႏငႏငငသားပညာေပးလပေဆာငမႈမားကကယကယျပန႔ျပန႔ေဆာငရြကႏငမညဆလင၊ အျခားတဖကကလညး လပငနးမား ေဆာငရြကရနအတြက ေကာငးမြနေသာ အေထာကအပအခငးအကငးမားဖနတးေပးၾကမညဆလငႏငငေရးႏငေရြးေကာကပြ ျဖစစဥမားတြငစတပါဝငစားသအမးသမး၊အမးသား၊မးဆကသစလငယလရြယမားရရလာႏငမညျဖစပါသည။

အပစဖြ႕စညးျခငးႏငကား၊မေရးရာ-အစအဖြ႕မားဖြ႕စညးျခငးႏငပတသက၍ကား၊မအေနအထားမာေရြးေကာကပြ ေကာမရငအဖြ႕မားတြငအမးသားမားအမားစျဖစေနၿပးမရမးႏငမရဝနထမးမားတြငအမးသမးမားအမားစျဖစေနပါသည။ေတြ႕ဆေမးျမနးမႈျပလပခသညစာရငးဇယားမားအရေရြးေကာကပြေကာမရငအဖြ႕ခြဝင၄၀တြင၃၇ဥးမာအမးသားမားျဖစပါသည။ေတြ႕ဆေမးျမနးခသမရမးႏငမရဝနထမး၇၅ဥးတြင၄၄ဥးမာအမးသမးမားျဖစပါသည။ေလလာမႈျပလပခသည(၇)ၿမ႕နယလးတြငေရြးေကာကပြေကာမရငဥကဌေနရာမားတြငအမးသားမားသာျဖစပါသည။ ေလလာမႈမားကညႊနးျပေနသညမာ ေရြးေကာကပြ ျဖစစဥတစခလးတြင ပါဝင ေဆာင ရြကရသတစဝကေကာမာအမးသမးမားျဖစေသာလညးဆးျဖတခကခရသညရာထးအဆငမားတြငပါဝငမႈအလြနနညးပါးေနပါသည။အားလးပါဝငႏငမႈႏငအမားလကခႏငေသာေရြးေကာကပြမားအျဖစပမအသအမတျပႏငရနမာဆးျဖတခကခႏငေသာရာထးေနရာမားတြငအမးသမးမားပါဝငႏငမႈယခထကပမတးတကလာမသာျပညစယၾကညထကေသာေရြးေကာကပြအေျခအေနမားဟသတမတႏငမညျဖစပါသည။


၅.၂.၁)မလတာဝနမားႏငထပေဆာငးတာဝနမားအၾကားဝနပမႈ ႏငငဝနထမးမားအားမရမးမားခန႔အပရာတြငမလတာဝနအဆငေပၚမတညၿပးတာဝနခေပးေလရပါသည။ဥပမာ-အားလးထတြငမလရာထးတာဝနအျမငဆးသအားအသကအရြယႏငအေတြ႕အၾကႏေသာလညးမရၾကးၾကပစမခန႔ခြသညေနရာတြင တာဝနေပးတတပါသည။ ေလလာမႈမားအရ အေထြေထြ ေရြးေကာကပြႀကးတြငျဖစေစ၊ ၾကားျဖတေရြးေကာကပြမားတြငျဖစေစ၊အပငး၃ပငးလပေဆာငရသညကေတြ႕ရပါသည။ေရြးေကာကပြအႀကကာလလပငနးစဥမား၊ေရြးေကာကပြေန႔လပငနးစဥမားႏငေရြးေကာကပြလြနကာလလပငနးစဥမားျဖစပါသည။မရမးတာဝနယရသညအမးသမးေရာအမးသားမားပါ ႀကေတြ႕ရသညမာ ေရြးေကာကပြ မတငမ ျပငဆငရသည လပငနးတာဝန အမားအျပား ရေၾကာငး၊ သငတနးမားတကရျခငး၊ အတတာဝနက မရဝနထမးမားအား ျပနလည ပ႔ခေပးရျခငး၊ မရ ေနရာမား မလကမတမားႏင အသးျပမညပစၥညးမားစစေဆးျခငးျပငဆငျခငးမားကေရြးေကာကပြေကာမရငမားႏငအတပးေပါငးလပေဆာငရျခငး၊ညႊနၾကားခကမားလကစြစာအပမားက ဖတရႈေလလာရျခငး စသညတ႔ ျဖစပါသည။ မရမး လမးညႊနခကတြင မရမး၊ ဒမရမး အပါအဝငမရဝနထမးမားအားလးသညမေပးသညေန႔နနက(၆)နာရမရဖြငခနမတငမကပငမရသ႔အေရာကလာ၍နနက(၆)နာရတြငမရစတငဖြငလစႏငရနအသငျပငဆငထားရပါသည။ညေန(၄)နာရမရပတသညအထေစာငရပါသည။မရပတၿပးသညေနာက မေရတြကသည အလပက ဆကလကတာဝနယ ရပါသည။ ခငလမ၊ ပယမ သတမတ ေရတြကျခငးက မရအဖြ႕ဝငမား၊ေရြးေကာကခကယစားလယေလာငးမားႏငမဒယာအပါအဝငေစာငၾကညေလလာသမားေရ႕တြငသတႀကးစြာျဖင ေဆာငရြကရပါသည။ ၎တ႔သည မေရတြကၿပးစး၍ စာရငးဇယားမား၊ မလကမတမား ႏင အျခားေသာ မရအသး

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အေဆာငပစၥညးမားကရပကြက၊ေကးရြာေကာမရငမားထစနစတကအပႏၿပးမအမျပနၾကရပါသည။ေလလာမႈတြငေျဖဆမႈမားအရမရမးမားသညထလပငနးမားကအေလအကငရေနျပးတညစြာပငလပခၾကပါသည။သ႔ေသာသတမတတာဝနမားတြင မပါေသာအျခားေသာလပငနးမားကလညးလအပသလ အေရးေပၚလပေဆာငရပါေသးသည။ ဥပမာ - သတငးမဒယာမားႏငေတြ႕ဆျခငးမား၊ႏငငေရးပါတအသးသးမကယစားလယေလာငးမား၊မသားစမားႏငဆကဆရျခငးမားအျပငမဆႏၵရငမားတြငႀကေတြ႕လာသညျပနာမားကတာဝနခေျဖရငးာငရြကရျခငးမားလညးလပၾကရပါသည။ ေျဖဆသ တဝကေကာက ေျပာၾကသညမာ မမတ႔အေနျဖင မလ သငၾကားေရး တာဝနမားအျပင မျပညစေသာသတမတညြနၾကားခကမားျဖင၊မရမးတာဝနမားကေဆာငရြကရျခငးေၾကာငဝနပ၂ဆျဖငစတဖစး၊ပပနရပါသညဟဆၾကပါသည။ ေရြးေကာကပြကငးပသညေန႔သည အမားျပညသ ရးပတရက ျဖစေသာလညး ေရြးေကာကပြမတငမ ျပငဆငေဆာငရြကမႈမားစြာအတြက မရမး တာဝနယရသည ေကာငးအပႏင ဆရာမအခ႕မာ မမတ႔ အတနးမားက ဖကရျခငး၊ေကာငးပတထားရျခငးမားလပရၿပး၊ လစဟာသြားေသာသငခနးစာမားက မမတ႔၏ကယပငအားလပခနမားမ ျပနလညအစားထးသငၾကားေပးၾကရပါသည။ အမားစမရမးမားေျပာၾကသညမာမမတ႔ကသေဘာထားေတာငးချခငးမရပအထကမတာဝနခထားေပးျခငးကျငငးဆႏငေသာအခြငအေရးနညးပါသညဟဆပါသည။ အပစေဆြးေႏြးပြမအမးသမးတစဥးေျပာသညမာ “မရမာတာဝနကတဆရာမေတြထမာကယဝနေဆာငေတြန႔ႏ႔စ႔ကေလးအေမေတြေတာငပါတယ။သတ႔အေနန႔က အလပမာေႏာငေႏးေပမၿပးေအာငေတာလပၾကရတာပေလ။ကမတ႔ကၿမ႕နယပညာေရးမးကခငးတာဆေတာ ဒါကလညးကမတ႔တာဝနပေပါ။” အခ႕ေသာမသားစမားတြငခငပြနးသညေရာဇနးသညပါႏစဥးစလးမရမးတာဝနေပးျခငးခရပါသည။ထအေျခအေနမးတြငသားသမးရေသာမသားစမားအတြကပမအခကအခ ႀကေတြ႕ရပါေတာသည။ကေလးမားအတြကစားေသာကရနႏငစတခထားခႏငရနၾကတငစမၾကရျခငး၊အမနးခငးႏငေဆြမးနးစပမားထအပႏအကအညေတာငးရျခငးမားျပလပၾကရပါသည။ အသကအရြယအပစမားက ေရ႕တြင ေဖာျပထားခသညအတငး မရဝနထမးအမးသမးအမားစ၏အသကအပငးအျခားမာ၄၆ႏစႏင၅၅ႏစအတြငးမားျပားပါသည။သကႀကးပငးအမးသမးမားအေနျဖငမမတ႔တာဝနကေသာမရမာေဝးလေခါငဖားေဒသျဖစၿပးသငေလာေသာပ႔ေဆာငေရးစနစမရသည၊လမးခရးလျခေရးမရေသာေနရာမးသ႔သြားရသညအခါအခကအချဖစၾကရပါသည။ထအေျခအေနမးတြငမမတ႔မသားစဝငမားအားလကပ႔ေပးရန(သ႔မဟတ)ျပငပမာတစဥးဥးကလကပ႔ရနငားၾကရပါသည။ေဝးလေခါငဖားေသာလမးခရးတြငမမႏင မကၽြမးဝငသတစဥးႏငအတသြားရသညမာလညးလျခေရးအတြကစးရမၾကရသညပငျဖစပါသည။သပတကငးၿမ႕နယမေတြ႕ဆေမးျမနးခသတစဥးေျဖၾကားခသညမာ- “ကမတ႔ကေမာေတာဆငကယမေမာငးတတဘးေလ။အေနရာကသြားဖ႔လငးကားဆတာမးလညးမရေတာ ကမတ႔ကလကေမာငးပ႔ေပးမသငားရတာေပါ။ေရြးေကာကပြလပမေန႔မာမရကမနက၆နာရမထးခငေရာကေအာင သြားရမယဆေတာအငားသမားန႔ကမမနကအေစာႀကးသြားရတာေပါ။အဒအခနဆေမာငတနးပေလ။ လမးကလညးေဝးတယဆေတာအငားသမားန႔၂ေယာကတညးသြားရတာစးရမတာေတာရတာေပါ။ဒါေပမ တာဝနပဆေတာလညးသြားခရတာပါပ။” ဆခသညအတငးပင၊မရတာဝနယရသညသမားထတြငႏ႔တကမခငမားႏငကယဝနေဆာငမားလညးပါဝငပါသည။ထကသ႔ကေလးမခငမားအတြကကေလးကေခၚလာ၍ရသညထနးေကာငးရနေနရာမး၊ႏ႔တကရနအနားေပးသညအခန၊ေနရာစသညအစအမမးမရသညအတြကမားစြာအခကအခႀကၾကရပါသည။ ေတြ႕ဆေမးျမနးမႈကေျဖၾကားခသအမားစကေျပာၾကသညမာမရမးမားကအဓကအားျဖငေကာငးဆရာ၊ဆရာမမားအားတာဝနချခငးကျပနလညသးသပသငေၾကာငးႏငအကယ၍တာဝနေပးမညဆလငလညးႀကတငၿပးသေဘာထားေတာငးခညႏႈငးသငေၾကာငးအၾကျပၾကပါသည။ထ႔ျပငေနာငေရြးေကာကပြမားတြငတာဝနခထားသမားကသကဆငရာအပစအလကမတညေသာလအပခကမားအရ၊ ျဖညဆညးေထာကပေပးသငေၾကာငး(ဥပမာ-ႏ႔တကမခငမား၊ကယဝန

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ေဆာငမား၊အသကအရြယႀကးသမား)စသျဖငသးျခားစဥးစားၿပးလကေလာညေထြသညတာဝနသာေပးသငေၾကာငးလညးအၾကျပၾကပါသည။ ႀကတငအသေပးညႏႈငးမႈမားမျပလပပါကေရြးေကာကပြေကာမရငအဖြ႕ခြမားအေနႏငလညးေျမျပငအေျခအေနတြင မရမး/မရဝနထမးမားအား မၾကာခဏ လစားလေပးရျခငး၊ အခနပေၾကးမား ျပငဆင သတမတ ေပးရျခငး၊ စသည႔အခကအခမားကၾကေတြ႕ရႏငပါသည။ စစတမးေကာကယခသည အေျဖလႊာ ၂၂၅ ေစာငတြင ၄၆ % (အမးသမး ၂၈% ႏင အမးသား ၁၈.၆၇%)ကမရမးမားအား ေကာငးဆရာ၊ ဆရာမ မားမဟတပ အျခားသမားအားလညး ခန႔အပသငသညဟေသာ သေဘာထားကေထာကခၾကပါသည။လထအျမငေကာကယခကတြင ျဖညစြကအၾကျပၾကသညမာမရတာဝနမားကလထတြငးမ စတပါဝငစားသ၊လပႏငစြမးရသလငယမားအားဖတေခၚေလကငေပးၿပးတာဝနေပးသငေၾကာငးသေဘာထားေပးၾကပါသည။

၅.၂.၂)မရမးတာဝနမားႏငအမရငမတာဝနမားအၾကားခနညရသညစနေခၚခက သမငးေၾကာငးအစဥအလာမားအရျမနမာႏငင၏အမးသားႏငအမးသမးတ႔အေပၚကား၊မလမႈရႈေထာင(ဂနဒါ)ဆကဆမႈမာညမမႈမရပါ။အလပတာဝနခြေဝမႈတြငကား၊မလမႈရႈေထာင(ဂနဒါ)အားျဖင ၾကညပါကအမမႈတာဝနမားတြငအမးသမးမားကအမးသားမားထကအခနမားစြာပမတာဝနယလပေဆာငၾကရပါသည။အမးသမး(အမရငမ)တစဥးသညခကျပတ၊ေလာဖြပ၊သန႔ရငးေရးလပျခငး၊မသားစရသကႀကးရြယအမားႏငကေလးငယမားအားျပစေစာငေရာကရျခငး၊မသားစဝင အားလး၏ အေရးကစၥမားတြင ေအာကေျခသမးပါဝငေပးရျခငး စသျဖင လပၾကရပါသည။ ထ႔ျပင မသားစစားဝတေနေရးဖလမႈအတြကလညးစဥးစားပပနစမရေလရပါသည။ ေလလာမႈတြငမရမးအမးသမး၄၄ဥးအနက၃၇ဥးမာအမေထာငသည/အမရငမမားျဖစၾကပါသည။အမေထာငသညအမးသမးမရမးမားအေနျဖငမမတ႔၏အမေထာငမႈတာဝနမားႏငမရမးတာဝနမားအၾကားခနညေဆာငရြကရသညအခကအခမာအျခားသမားထကပပါသည။အမးသမးမား၏တာဝနပမႈႏငဖစးမႈမားမာအမးသားမားထကလညးပပါသည။၎တ႔မာ မသားစမား စားေသာကေရး၊သားငယသမးငယမားအားအပႏခေရး စသည အမမႈေဝယာဝစၥမားအား ႀကတငစမေဆာငရြကမႈမားလပၾကရပါသည။အပစေဆြးေႏြးပြတစခတြငအမးသမးမရမးတစဥးေျပာသညမာ “ကမမနက၄နာရမထးခငထၿပးကမကေလးေတြစားဖ႔ထမငးဟငးေတြခကျပတခရတယ။ၿပးေတာ ကေလးေတြကသတ႔ဥးေလးန႔အပထားခရၿပးတေနကနမရေစာငရတယ။ကမအမးသားကလညးအေဝးမာ အလပလပရေတာကေလးေတြန႔မရေနဘးေလ” အျခားတစဥးကထပမျဖညစြကေျပာသညမာ “ကမတ႔အမးသမးေတြအေနန႔ကမသားစေတြန႔ဆငတလမႈေရးတာဝနေတြလညးလပရေသးတယ။အလပက ေပးတတာဝနေတြလညးေကပြနဖ႔လပရတယ။ကမကေတာမနက၅နာရမထးခငမာမရကအငားဆငကယန႔ သြားရတယ။ဆငကယလညးကယတငမေမာငးတတဘးေလ။မသြားခငမာလညးကေလးေတြစားဖ႔န႔ကမအတြက ေန႔လညစာထမငးဘးထညဖ႔ျပငဆငခရေသးတယ။” ေဆြးေႏြးရာတြငမရမးအမးသမးမားတြငကယဝနေဆာငမားႏငႏ႔တကမခငမားလညးပါၿပးထသမားမာလညးအျခားသမားကသ႔ပငအခနျပညတာဝနယၾကရပါသည။ျမနမာႏငငတြငအလပလပသညမခငမား၏ကေလးငယမားအားၾကညရႈေစာငေရာကေပးႏငသညအစးရအစအမမားလေလာကမႈမရသညျပင၊ေဆြမးအသငးအဝငးကလညးအားကးႏငရနမလြယကသညအတြကအလပခြငဝငရသညကေလးငယမခငမားမာမားစြာအခကအခေတြ႕ၾကရပါသည။ထအေျခအေနသညမခင၏မးပြားမႈဆငရာကနးမာေရးႏငရငေသြးငယမားကနးမာေရးအတြကထခကမႈမား ျဖစေစပါသည။ေျဖဆသအမးသမးတစဥးကေျပာသညမာ-မမတ႔အေနျဖငသငတနးတကရသညအခနမားႏငမရေစာငရသညေန႔တ႔တြငကေလးမားအားထနးေကာငးထားရမညအခနးေနရာမရသညအတြကအခကအခၾကခရသညဟဆပါသည။ အတတြငးၿမ႕နယမမရမးအမးသမးတစဥးေျပာျပခသညမာ “မရမးေတြအတြကသငတနးေပးတနးကသငတနးမာႏ႔စ႔ကေလးအေမေတြပါတာေတြ႕ရတယ။သတ႔ကေလးႏ႔တက

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ခနကရငအဆငမေျပၾကဘး။ဒါေပမဘယသမာဒါကျပနမတငျပၾကပါဘး။မရေတြက စစဥျပငဆငခနမာကယဝနပကကတဆရာမအတြကလညးလစားလခရတာႀကခရပါတယ။” ကနပကလကမေျဖဆခသတစဥးေျပာသညမာ “တစဥးခငးစအခကအခအေနန႔အစရငခတငျပတာမးမရေပမကေလးႏ႔မျပတေသးတအေမေတြပါရင ေရြးေကာကပြမတငခငမာသငတနးတကရေတာႏ႔တကဖ႔အခကေတြ႕ပရတယ။မရေစာငတေန႔မာဆလညးမနက ၆နာရမထးခငကေနညေန၄နာရေကာထဆေတာကေလးမခငေတြကယဝနသညေတြမာဒကၡမားတာေပါ။ အားလးေတာမဟတပါဘးေလအထးသျဖငႏ႔စ႔ကေလးအေမေတြန႔ကယဝနသညေတြေပါ။” အမးသမးအပစေဆြးေႏြးပြတစခတြငတငျပသညမာ- “မရေတြကမားေသာအားျဖငစာသငေကာငးေတြမာပလပၾကတာဆေတာ၊ေရြးေကာကပြကာလဆရင သငတနးတကရတာန႔မရပစျပငရဆငရတာန႔ေကာငးေတြကပတထားရတာမားတယ။ကေလးအေမဆရာမေတြ ဆလညးကေလးႏ႔တကဖ႔တ႔၊ကေလးေတြကထနးဖ႔တ႔ေနရာသးသန႔မရေတာခကတာေပါ” မားစြာေသာမရမးအမးသမးမားသညအလားတျပနာမားႀကေတြ႕ၾကရပါသည။အသက၅၈ႏစရၿပျဖစေသာအမးသမးတစဥး၏အေတြ႕အၾကမာ “မရမာကမကမစာရငးစစတတာဝနကတယ။ေရြးေကာကပြေန႔မာေနမေကာငးျဖစေနေပမလစားလဖ႔မရေတာ တေနကနေနမေကာငးပလပေပးခရပါတယ” အျခားတစဥးကေျပာသညမာလညး "မေပးတေန႔မာကမန႔အတတာဝနယရမေကာမရငအဖြ႕ဝငတစေယာကကရတတရကေနမေကာငးလ႔ မလာႏငဘး။တျခားသလအစားထးဖ႔မရေတာသ႔တာဝနကပါလပေပးခရတယ။၂ဆပငပနးသြားတာေပါ”ဟေျပာပါသည။ေဆြးေႏြးသမားမအၾကျပၾကသညမာေရြးေကာကပြေန႔သညတာဝနႀကးၿပးအခနၾကာထမးေဆာငရသညအတြကတာဝနခထားေပးျခငးကအလညကစစဥရနႏငအရလမားသတမတထားၿပးလအပပါကအစားထးေဆာငရြကႏငရနစစဥသငေၾကာငးေျပာၾကပါသည။အျခားအၾကျပခကတစရပမာမရေစာငျခငးႏငမေရတြကျခငးမားကအဆငး၂ချဖငတာဝနခြေဝသတမတေပးရနျဖစပါသည။ စစတမးေကာကယခသညအေျဖလႊာ၂၂၅ေစာငတြင၃၂%(အမးသမး၂၂.၅၂%ႏငအမးသား၁၁.၂၁%)မရဝနထမးမားကအပစ၂စျဖငတာဝနေပးျခငးသညသငေတာသညဟသေဘာထားေပးခပါသည။ပထမအပစမာနနက(၆)နာရမတငမ မရ ျပငဆငသညအခနမစ၍ ညေန မေပးျခငး ၿပးဆးသညအထ တာဝနယရန ႏင ဒတယ အပစမာ မစတငေရတြကသညမမရပတသမးၿပးသကဆငရာေရြးေကာကပြေကာမရငမားထမစာရငးမားေပးပ႔ၿပးသညအထတာဝနယရနသတမတသငသညဟဆပါသည။အမးသမးမရဝနထမးမားအပစေဆြးေႏြးရာတြငအခ႕မရတာဝနကအမးသမးမားမာနနက၄နာရကပငမမတ႔ကေလးမားကအမတြငထားခၾကရသညဟဆပါသည။အခ႕ကအမနးခငးမား(သ႔)ေဆြမးမားထအပႏခၿပးအခ႕မခငမားမာကေလးငယမားကမရမားသ႔ေခၚခ ၾကရသညဟဆပါသည။အမားစေသာမရဝနထမးမားမာမားျပားလေသာတာဝနမားကေရြးေကာကပြေန႔တေန႔လးေဆာငရြကၾကရပါသည။မရမးမားအေနျဖငမေပးျခငးမားျပးဆးသြားေသာလညးမေရတြကျခငးမားကေစာငၾကညေလလာသမား၊သတငးသမားမားႏငလအမားေရ႕တြငေရတြကရပါသည။စာရငးဇယားမားမနကနေအာငျဖညစြကရသည။အသးျပခသညပစၥညးမားကသမးဆညးထပပးၿပးမရသန႔ရငးေရးလပၾကရသည။သမးဆညးၿပးသည စာရြကစာတမးႏင ပစၥညးမားကသကဆငရာ ေကာမရငရးမားသ႔အေရာက ေပးပ႔ၾကရသည။မေပးစဥကာလအတြငးလညး မစာရငးႏင မလကမတမား ကကညျခငးရမရ မေပးသ ၁၀ ေယာကလင တခါ တကဆငစစေဆးၾကရပါသည။ႏ႔စ႔ကေလးမခငမားႏငကယဝနေဆာငမရမးအမးသမးမားမာအျခားသမားထကပမပငပနးၾကရပါသည။ အကယ၍ ေကာငးဆရာမ မားကသာ မရမးမားအျဖစ ဆကလကအသးျပမညဆလငလညး ႏ႔တကမခငမား၊ကယဝနေဆာငမားႏငမလပႏငသမားအားအထကမတာဝနခထားျခငးမးမျဖစေစသငပါ။

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၅.၂.၃)ပးေပါငးေဆာငရြကျခငးႏငလပပငခြငအပႏငးျခငး ဤက႑တြငတငျပလသညမာေရြးေကာကပြေကာမရငအဖြ႕ခြမားႏငမရဝနထမးမားအၾကားတြငလညးေကာငး၊ေရြးေကာကပြေကာမရငအဖြ႕မားအၾကားတြငလညးေကာငးပးေပါငးညႏႈငးေဆာငရြကမႈပမထေရာကေစရနလအပခကမားရေနဆျဖစပါသည။လကေတြ႕ေအာကေျခအေနအထားတြငေရြးေကာကပြေန႔၌အဓကတာဝနယၾကရသမားမာေကာမရငအဖြ႕ခြမားႏငမရမး၊မရဝနထမးမားျဖစၾကပါသည။ပးေပါငးေဆာငရြကမႈအားေကာငးျခငးျဖငႏစဘကစလးအတြကပမအဆငေျပေခာေမြ႕ေသာလပငနးစဥမားေဖာေဆာငႏငမညျဖစပါသည။ ေဆြးေႏြးခကမားအရ၊ မေပးပငခြငရသ အမညစာရငးျပစရျခငး၊ မစာရငးမားကပၿပး လထအားျပသေၾကျငာရျခငး၊မရမားျပငဆငရျခငး၊အစရသညလပငနးမားအားေရြးေကာကပြေကာမရငအဖြ႕ခြမားမေဆာငရြကရသညတာဝနမားျဖစပါသည။သ႔ေသာလညးထကာလတေလာကတြငမရမးမားႏငေကာမရငအဖြ႕ခြဝငမားအၾကားအျပနအလနဆကသြယသတငးဖလယရန လပါသည။ အခ႕ မရမးမားသည မမတ႔ ကၽြမးဝငသည ေဒသမဟတပ အျခားေသာေဒသသ႔ ေစလႊတတာဝနခထားျခငးမးလညး ႀကရပါသည။ ထအေျခအေနမးတြင ေအာကေျခေကာမရငအဖြ႕ခြမားႏင အခတအဆကေကာငးစြာမရပါကေဒသခမဆႏၵရငမားကမရငးႏးေသာမရမးမားအေနျဖငအခကအခႀကရႏငပါသည။ အကယ၍ ေရြးေကာကပြေန႔တြင အေၾကာငးကစၥ တစစတစရာ ျဖစေပၚခပါက ေဒသခအာဏာပငမား၏ ပးေပါငးေဆာငရြကမႈသညလညးအေရးႀကးပါသည။မရႀကးၾကပသသညထးျခားျဖစစဥတစစတစချဖစပါကမမတစဥးတညးေျဖရငးရနလပပငခြငမားစြာေပးမထားပါ။သကဆငရာေရြးေကာကပြေကာမရငအဖြ႕ခြမားထအေၾကာငးၾကားအစရငခရပါသည။ အမးသမးမားအပစေဆြးေႏြးဝငးတစခတြငေျပာသညမာ “မရဝနထမးေတြတာဝနခေပးတာကမရမာလာထညမလစာရငးအရတာဝနေပးတာမဟတဘး။ကမတ႔မရမာဆ ဝနထမးအားလး၅ေယာကပရတယ။တျခားမရေတြလညးအလမးပ။မေပးတေန႔မာမလာေပးတသေတြက အျငငးပြားတာေတြ၊မစာရငးမာမပါလ႔ျပနာတကတာေတြ၊တျခားပမနမဟတတကစၥေတြအမားႀကးပ ေတြ႕ရတာ။ဒါေတြကကမတ႔ကေကာမရငေတြဆတငျပၿပးသတ႔အၾကေပးတအတငးပဆးျဖတေပးရတာေပါ” ေလလာခကမားအရေရြးေကာကပြစမခန႔ခြမႈအဖြ႕က၊အစးရဌာနဆငရာမားျဖငပါဝငဖြ႕စညးထားပါသည။အဓကပးေပါငးပါဝငရေသာဌာနမားမာပညာေရးဌာန၊အေထြေထြအပခပမႈဥးစးဌာန၊ျပညသ႔ရတပဖြ႕တ႔ျဖစၿပး၊ေရြးခယခန႔အပေသာေရြးေကာကပြေကာမရငအဖြ႕ဝငမားႏငပးေပါငးတာဝနယၾကရပါသည။ေကာမရငတြငပါဝငေသာအဆပါဌာနမားအခငးခငးလညး ႀကတငညႏႈငးမႈရၿပး ပးေပါငးေဆာငရြကမႈ အားေကာငးရန လပါသည။ လာမည ေရြးေကာကပြမားတြင ႀကတငညႏႈငးျခငးျဖင၊မရတာဝနေပးမညသမားကကယဝနရသမား၊ႏ႔တကမခငမားႏငအမးသမးျဖစေစ၊အမးသားျဖစေစတာဝနထမးေဆာငရနမသငေတာသမားကေရာငရား၍တာဝနခထားေစလပါသည။ ၿမ႕နယအဆငေရြးေကာကပြေကာမရငအဖြ႕ခြအဖြ႕ဝငတစဥးေျပာၾကားသညမာ“ေရြးေကာကပြဆတာေကာမရငအေနန႔စစဥရတာမနေပမကေနာတ႔ခညးလပလ႔မရပါဘး။ဌာနဆငရာေတြအေနန႔လညးပးေပါငးေဆာငရြကေပးဖ႔လပါတယ။အေထြေထြအပခပေရးဥးစးဌာန၊ပညာေရးဌာနန႔ရဌာနစတာေတြကလညးပးေပါငးပါဝငေပးရပါတယ။တကယတမးျပနာတစခချဖစလာရငေတာေကာမရငကပအျပစတငခရတာပါ။ဒါေပမတခ႕ျပနာေတြကေကာမရငတစခတညးန႔ေျဖရငးလ႔မရတာေတြရပါတယ။” ၿမ႕နယေရြးေကာကပြေကာမရငအဖြ႕ဝငေနာကတစဥးကေျပာသညမာ “ေရြးေကာကပြအတြကျပငဆငရတအခနမာနယေျမေတြမာတကယတမးအလပမားတာကေကာမရင အဖြ႕ခြေတြပါ။အဆငတငးမာအလပလပႏငမေကာမရငအဖြ႕ခြဝငေတြပၿပးလပါတယ။အေထြေထြအပခပေရး ဥးစးဌာနကဝနထမးကေကာမရငအေနန႔ပါရပါတယ။ဒါေပမတခါတေလသတ႔ကေကာမရငကေနၿပးစမခန႔ခြလ႔ မရပါဘး။သတ႔ကေထြအပေအာကကပေထြအပညႊနၾကားတာပလပပါတယ။လာမေရြးေကာကပြေတြမာ ပေကာငးတပးေပါငးေဆာငရြကမႈေတြအတြကနညးလမးရာသငပါတယ။” ရပကြက၊ေကးရြာေရြးေကာကပြေကာမရငအဖြ႕ခြအဖြ႕ဝငတစဥးကျဖညစြကေျပာသညမာ

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“ရပ/ေကးေကာမရငေတြမာေထြအပရးစာေရးကအတြငးေရးမးေလ၊သတ႔ကလညးအလပေတြရႈပေနေတာ တခ႕ေကာမရငအလပေတြကေနာကကကနတာမးေတြရတယ” မရဝနထမးတစဥးေျပာသညမာ “ကမတ႔ကမျပညမစေတြန႔လပေနၾကရတာ၊ေငြေၾကး၊သယယပ႔ေဆာငေရး၊ဆကသြယေရးကအစအခကအခ ေတြခညးပ။တခ႕ေနရာေတြမာဖနးလငးကမမဘး။မရေစာငတေန႔မာၿမ႕နယအပခပေရးမးရးကမလာထညတ ဥးေရကတနာရတခါေလာကဖနးဆကဖ႔ေျပာတယ။ကမတ႔မာကအလပပလပေနရသလပ။မလအပတ ညႊနၾကားခကေတြကေလာေပးေစခငပါတယ။” မရတာဝနထမးေဆာငရမညသမားက ေန႔တြကခ ႏင ခရးစားရတ ထတေပးေသာလညး အခ႕ေဒသမားမာ ထေထာကပေငြသညမလေလာကပါ။မညသထမ ျပနလညထတယရမညက မသသညအတြကမမတ႔ ေငြေၾကးျဖငပငစကထတသးစြရသညမားလညး ရခၾကပါသည။ထအခကကမရတာဝနယမညသမားအတြက ျပညစရငးလငးေသာဆကသြယညႊနၾကားမႈမားအားနညးေနသညကေဖာျပေနပါသည။ ေလလာမႈအရသရသညအခကမာမရမးမားသညမမတ႔၏လအပခကမားျဖစေသာ၊သြားလာေရး၊သယယပ႔ေဆာငေရး၊ဆကသြယေရး၊လျခေရးႏငေငြေၾကးမလေလာကမႈမားကတငျပၾကပါေသာလညးတာဝနယေျဖရငးေပးသညမးကမခၾကရပါ။ေလလာမႈတြငပါဝငသေျဖၾကားသအမားစကအၾကျပသညမာလာမညေရြးေကာကပြမားတြငေရြးေကာကပြကာလတြငးတယလဖနးဆကသြယမႈစနစမားကပမစနစတကေသာစစဥေထာကပမႈမားလပေပးသငသညဟတငျပၾကပါသည။

၅.၂.၄မဆႏၵရငမား၏ေရြးေကာကပြအေပၚစတဝငစားမႈႏငအသအျမငရမႈ မရမးမားေရာ၊ ေရြးေကာကပြ ေကာမရငအဖြ႕ဝငမားပါ ႀကေတြ႕ရသည စနေခၚခကတစခမာ မဆႏၵရငမား၏ေရြးေကာကပြအေပၚ စတမဝငစားမႈ ႏင မဆႏၵရင မားသသငသထကသညမားက မသျခငးပင ျဖစပါသည။ ေရြးေကာကပြမတငမကာလမားတြင မဆႏၵရငမား၏အခြငအေရးအရမစာရငးမားတြင မမတ႔အမညပါဝငျခငးရမရ ႏငအခကအလကမားယြငးပါကျပငဆငခြငရရနအတြကမစာရငးစစေဆးေပးပါရနေၾကညာျပသထားေသာလညးလာေရာကၾကညရႈစစေဆးသအလြနနညးပါးခပါသည။အကးဆကအေနျဖငမေပးသညေန႔တြငမရတာဝနရသဝနထမးမားမာ ျပနာမားစြာရငဆငေျဖရငးေပးခရပါသည။မမအမညမစာရငးတြငမပါဝငသညအတြကအျငငးပြားမႈမား၊ကယစားမထညေစျခငးမား၊မညသ႔မေပးရမညကမသျခငးမား၊စသညမားအျပငအခ႕ကမေပးၿပးေၾကာငးအေထာကအထားျဖစသညလကသနးမငတ႔သညကျငငးဆနျခငး၊မသပေကာသြားျခငးစသညတ႔ ၾကခၾကရပါသည။အခ႕မဆႏၵရငမားမာမမတ႔အမညမစာရငးတြငပါေသာလညးလာေရာကမမထညျခငးမားလညးရပါသည။ ျပညေထာငစေရြးေကာကပြေကာမရင၏စာရငးဇယားမားအ�ရၾကားျဖတေရြးေကာကပြတြငမေပးခြငရသလဥးေရ၏ထကဝကထကနညးေသာ လဥးေရသာလာေရာကမထညခၾကသညဟဆပါသည။ မဆႏၵေပးျခငး နညးဥပေဒမားအရညေန၄နာရမရပတခနမေရာကမခငး၊မစာရငးရလကနမလာေသးပါကမရပတသမးခြငမရပါ။အခ႕မရမားတြငတေနကနလမရေသာလညးညေန၄နာရထးကာနးမလာေရာကမထညသမားကလညးဥပေဒအရခြငျပၾကရပါသည။မရမးမားအေနျဖငထအေျခအေနမးတြငတေနကနအခနျဖနးသကသ႔ခစားၾကရေသာလညးသတမတခကမားအတငးလကနာေဆာငရြကရသညသာ ျဖစပါသည။ မဆႏၵရငမား၏ ေရြးေကာကပြအေပၚ စတဝငစားမႈအားနညးျခငးႏင မေပးျခငး ဆငရာ အသပညာရရမႈအားနညးခကေၾကာငေရြးေကာကပြေန႔တြငႀကလာရသညျပနာမားအေပၚမမတ႔မရမးမားကသာအနးကပေျဖရငးၾကရပါသည။ဥပမာ-မစာရငးတြငအမညမပါသညအတြကမဆႏၵရငမားကအျပစတငျခငး၊မေရတြကရာတြငပယမမားမားျပားေနပါကေရြးေကာကခကယစားလယေလာငးႏငႏငငေရးပါတဝငမားမအျပစတငျခငး၊တခါတရသတငးဌာနမားကပါမမတ႔ခ႕ယြငးခကမားကပႀကးခ႕ေရးသားၾကျခငးစသညတ႔ကရငဆငၾကရပါသညဟဆပါသည။ လခားၿမ႕မတစဥးခငးေတြ႕ဆေမးျမနးမႈတစခတြငေျဖဆသညမာ “တခ႕မဆႏၵနယေျမေတြကတစေယာကန႔တစေယာကတစေနရာန႔တစေနရာဆကသြယရတာအရမးခကတယ။ ဖနးလငးေတြမမဘး။တခ႕ေနရာေတြဆလျခေရးစတမခရတေနရာေတြ၊ေျခလငကလြလ႔ဘာန႔မသြားလ႔

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မရတေနရာေတြရတယ။အမးသမးမရမးေတြအလေနရာေတြေရာကရငပစးရမရတာေပါ။သညေဒသမာဆရင တကပြျဖစေနတနယေျမမာမရ၂ရရတယ။အသညကမရတစရမာမေရတြကေတာေပးထားတမ(၃၂၅)မမာ ပယမက(၁၅၆)မျဖစသြားတယ။အဒကဝငၿပငတႏငငေရးပါတကယစားလယန႔မရမးၾကားမာအျငငးအခနေတြ ျဖစတာေပါ။မဆႏၵရငေတြကသတမတခကေတြကေသခာမသေတာပယမေတြျဖစကနၾကတာဒါေပမ အျပစတငခရေတာမရမးပအျပစတငခရတာေပါ”ဟဆပါသည။ IFES အဖြ႕အစညး၏ အစရငခစာအရ3 ျပညေထာငစေရြးေကာကပြ ေကာမရငသည မဆႏၵရင အသပညာေပးျခငးလပငနးမားကလထထကယကယျပန႔ျပန႔ေရာကရေစရနအသလႊငအစအစဥမား၊ရပျမငသၾကားအစအစဥမားႏငေၾကာျငာဆငးဘတႀကးမားစကထၿပးေဆာငရြကခသညဟေဖာျပထားပါသည။ေရြးေကာကပြအသပညာေပးလကကမးေၾကာျငာမား၊ပစတာစာရြကမားကလညးေထာငႏငခ၍ထတေဝျဖန႔ခခသညဟဆပါသည။သ႔ေသာလညးျပညသလထအားအသပညာေပးမႈလပငနးမားမဆကလကလအပေနဆျဖစသညကရလာဒမားကေဖာျပေနပါသည။ေလလာမႈတြငပါဝငခသအမားစကေျပာၾကသညမာမဆႏၵရငအသပညာေပးလပငနးမားကပမကယကယျပန႔ျပန႔ႏငထေရာကေသာနညးမားျဖငဆကလကလပေဆာငသငပါသညဟဆပါသည။မစာရငးမတပတငျခငးႏငစစေဆးျခငးလပငနးမားကလညးလထပမသနားလညၿပးပးေပါငးပါဝငလာေစရန၊တႏငငလးအတငးအတာႏငပညာေပးလပေဆာငသငေၾကာငးအၾကျပၾကပါသည။

၅.၂.၅။ကား၊မေရးရာစဥးစားရမညအခကမားကလစလရႈျခငးႏငပပးမႈလအပျခငး ဤေခါငးစဥေအာကတြင ေငြေၾကးသးစြမႈ မလေလာကျခငး၊ မရသးပစၥညးမား မျပညစျခငး၊လအငအားလအပျခငး၊ခရးလမးပနးအဆကအသြယႏငလျခေရးအစအမမားအားနညးျခငး၊အမးသမးမရဝနထမးမား၏သးသန႔လအပခကမားကျဖညဆညးမေပးႏငျခငးစသညအခကအခမားသညအမးသမးႏငအမးသားမရဝနထမးမားအတြကစနေခၚမႈမားတးေစသညကတငျပထားပါသည။ အမးသမးအပစမတငျပေသာ စနေခၚခကမားမာလမးပနးဆကသြယေရး၊လျခေရးႏင အမးသမးတ႔၏သးသန႔လအပခကမားအေပၚ အထးအေလးေပးၿပး အမးသား အပစ တငျပၾကသည စနေခၚခကမားမာ ေငြေၾကးအသးျပမႈ မလေလာကျခငး၊လပပငခြငအျပညအဝမရျခငးႏငမရသးပစၥညးမားမျပညစျခငးတ႔အေပၚေဇာငးေပးတငျပၾကပါသည။သယယပ႔ေဆာငမႈ စနစမရေသာ ခရးလမးမားႏင ေဝးလေခါငဖား မဆႏၵနယမားတြငတာဝနခထားခရျခငး- ေရြးေကာကပြ ျဖစစဥအတြငးထကသ႔ေသာနယေျမမးတြငတာဝနယၾကရေသာမရဝနထမးမားအထးသျဖငအမးသမးမားမာသြားလာေရးႏငဆကသြယေရးအတြကအခကအခမားႏငရငဆငၾကရပါသည။ ေလလာမႈတြင ပါဝငေျဖဆသမား၏ အခကအလကမားတြင ေဖာျပထားသညအတငးပင ေျဖဆသ ၃၁ ဥးတြငအသက၄၅ႏစႏင၅၅ႏစအၾကား၏၇၀%မာအမးသမးမားျဖစၾကပါသည။ထသမားမာခရးသညပ႔ေဆာငသညကားရထားစသညတ႔မရသညေနရာမးတြငတာဝနကသညအခါမမတ႔ကယတငလညးေမာေတာဆငကယမေမာငးတတသညအတြကအငားေမာငးပ႔သညသမားႏငသြားၾကရပါသည။အခ႕ကေျပာၾကသညမာမမတ႔တာဝနကသညမရရရာေဒသသညအလြနေဝးၿပး လမးကလညး ဆးသညအတြက မေရတြကျခငးလပငနးမား ၿပးသညအခနတြင ည ၈ နာရေကာျပျဖစသညအတြကမျပနႏငေတာပထမရတြငပငအပရနေဒသခဆရာမမားႏငအေဖာစပခရသညဟဆပါသည။အခ႕မာလမးခရးလျခမႈအတြက မမတ႔၏ မသားစဝငတစဥးဥးက အၾကအပ႔ တာဝနယေပးရန အကအည ေတာငးၾကရပါသည။အမးသမးမရမးမားက ျဖညစြကတငျပသညမာထအခကအခအတြကသကဆငသညပဂၢလမားအားတငျပေသာလညးမညသ႔မအေရးတယေဆာငရြကေပးျခငးမခရပါဟဆၾကပါသည။ မရမးအခ႕ေျပာသညမာမမတ႔ႏငလးဝရငးႏးကၽြမးဝငမႈမရေသးေသာနယေျမစမးမာသ႔တာဝနခထားခရသညအခါမမတ႔မာပ၍အခကေတြ႕ၾကရပါသည။လအပခကမားအတြကမညသ႔အားတငျပရမည၊မညသႏင ခတဆကေဆာငရြကရမည စသညကမသသည အျပငေဒသအေျခအေနက မသသညအတြက မရလပငနးမား ေဆာငရြကသညကာလအတြငး


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မဆႏၵရငမား၏ယၾကညမႈႏငေလးစားမႈရေစရနမာလညးစနေခၚမႈတစခဟတငျပၾကပါသည။ အလားတအေျခအေနမးကအမးသားမရမးမားမလညးတငျပၾကပါသည။အကယ၍သာမဆႏၵနယေျမ၏အေျခအေနကနားလညၿပးမဆႏၵရငမားႏငသကၽြမးသေဒသအနးအနားရသမားအားမရမႈးႏငမရဝနထမးမားအျဖစတာဝနေပးျခငးသညစားရတသကသာျခငး၊အခနကနလပငပနးမႈသကသာေစျခငးေၾကာငပမထေရာကေသာစမခန႔ခြမႈျဖစႏငပါသည။

၅.၂.၆)ျဖစႏငေျခအႏရာယမား(သ႔)အမးသမးတ႔၏လျခမႈႏငလအပခကမားကလစလရႈထားျခငး လမးခရးၾကမးတမးျခငး၊ဆကသြယမႈဧရယာျပငပတြငရေနျခငးႏငအငားေမာေတာဆငကယသမားမားႏငေဝးလေသာခရးလမးကသြားရျခငးစသညတ႔သညအမးသမးမားအတြကလျခေရးကစးရမေနရေသာအေျခအေနမားျဖစေစပါသည။အမးသမးႏင အမးသားၾကား ကြာျခားသညက မဆထားႏင အမးသမးမား အခငးခငးတြငပင လမႈဘဝ၊ မတညေသာအပစမားရပါသည။ ခငပြနးသညေသဆးသြားသ၊တစကယတညး မခငအျဖစ ရပတညေနသ၊ဆငးရသ၊ ခမးသာသ၊ ပညာသငခြငရခသ၊ပညာသငခြငမရခသ၊မသနစြမးသစသျဖငျဖစၿပးအမးသားမားအၾကားတြငလညးထကသ႔ပငျဖစပါသည။အမးသမးႏငအမးသားမားအၾကားကြာျခားမႈပငျဖစေစ၊အျခားေသာမတညမႈမားတြငျဖစေစမတညမႈအလကလအပခကမားက ျဖညဆညးေပးရန စမႏငရပါမည။ ယခေလလာမႈ၌ပင ကေလးႏ႔တကမခငမား၊ ကယဝနေဆာငမား ႏင ေမာေတာဆငကယမစးတတသမားစသျဖငအထးပပးေပးမႈလအပေနသမားကေတြ႕ရပါသည။ သကဆငရာတာဝနရသမားအေနျဖငထကသ႔အထးလအပမႈရသမားအတြက ၾကတငျပငဆငမႈမားစမထားသငပါသည။ မရအနးတြင မခင စတခႏငေသာကေလးေစာငေရာကသည အခငးအကငးမး၊ ကယတင ယဥမေမာငးတတသ(သ႔) မသြားလသမားအတြက ယၾကညစတခရသည သယယပ႔ေဆာငေရး အစအမမး လပေဆာင ေပးသငပါသည။ကေလးႏ႔တကမခငမားအတြကကေလးႏ႔တကရနေနရာ၊အခန၊ကယဝနသညမားအတြကအနားယရနအခနေနရာစသညတ႔ စစဥေပးသငပါသည။ နနကအေစာၾကး မရသ႔လာရသညအခန၊ မရပတသမးၿပးပါက စာရငးဇယားမား ႏင မရသးပစၥညးမားက ျပနပ႔ရသည မးခပေနဝငခနတ႔တြင၊ ဆငကယ အငားလကသမား ႏငသာ အတျပနရသညအခါ၊ လမးခရး၌အၾကမးဖကမႈမးစ ႀကေတြ႕ႏငျခငးက ျဖစလာႏငေသာအႏရာယမားအေနျဖငထညသြငးေဆြးေႏြးမႈမးမညသညသငတနးတြငမမျပလပခဖးပါ။အခ႕မာထအေျခအေနမးကတငျပေဆြးေႏြးလေသာလညးသကဆငရာေကာမရငမားမမညသ႔မအေရးတယေဆာငရြကျခငးမရေၾကာငးသရပါသည။ အခ႕မရမး အမးသားမားက မမတ႔အေနျဖင ေန႔လညစာ စားရနေခတနားခနပင မရၾကပါဟ တငျပၾကပါသည။တခါတရမထညရနလာသမားႏငသကဆငရာလညလညစစေဆးသမားသညႀကတငအေၾကာငးၾကားျခငးမရပေန႔လာစာစားခနတြငေရာကလာပါကမမတ႔စားလကစကပငရပခရပါသညဟဆပါသည။ထ႔ေၾကာငမရမားတြငေန႔လညစားစားခနေခတမထညျခငးရပနားထားရနႏငမဆႏၵရငမားအားထအခနဇယားမားကႀကတငေၾကျငာထားပါကေန႔လညစာစားခနကေရာင၍မလာထညႏငမညျဖစသညအတြကထသ႔စမေပးသငေၾကာငးလညးမရမးမားမအၾကျပၾကပါသည။

၅.၂.၇)မရသးပစၥညးမားႏငေငြေၾကးခြေဝသးစြမႈမလေလာကျခငး ေရြးေကာကပြ ဥပေဒအရေရြးေကာကပြအတြကေငြေၾကးသးစြမႈက ျပဌာနးသတမတထားပါသည။အမနတကယကနကစားရတမားက စစမနေသာ အေထာကအထား စာရြကစာတမးမားျဖင ေနျပညေတာရ၊ ေရြးေကာကပြေကာမရငသ႔တငျပေလာကထားႏငပါသည။သ႔ေသာအမနတကယကနကမႈမားကမကာမေသာလညးတခါတရျပနလညထတေပးသညအခါတြင၊သငတနးမား(သ႔)လပငနးမားၿပးဆးသညအခနတြငမျပနလညထတယႏငသညအတြကစကထတသးစြရသညအခကအခမား ရသညဟ ဆပါသည။ ရပကြက၊ ေကးရြာ ေကာမရငမားႏင မရမးမား အားလးက တငျပၾကသညမာေန႔လညစာ၊ခရးစားရတႏငအျခားေသာအေရးေပၚသးစြရနသတမတခကျဖငလေလာကေအာငေန႔တြကသတမတေပးၿပးေန႔စဥရငးေပးသငေၾကာငးတငျပၾကပါသည။ ေဆြးေႏြးတငျပခကမားအရ၊ေထာကပေပးေငြမာအမနတကယကနကသညေငြကလေလာကမႈမရပါဟဆပါသည။တစဥးခငးေတြ႕ဆခသည ၿမ႕နယေကာမရင အရာရ တငျပသညမာ အမနတကယ ကနကစားရတ ၄၂၀၀၀၀ ကပတငျပေသာလညးျပနလညထတေပးသညမာ၁၀၀၀၀၀ကပသာျဖစပါသည။အျခားတစဥး၏အေတြ႕အၾကမာကနကစားရတ

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ေဘာကခာအစစမားကတငျပရာအားလးက သမးဆညးလကခထားေသာလညး ျပနလညထတေပး မည၊ မေပးမညကမမေသခာပါဟဆပါသည။ေျဖဆသမားကျဖညစြကေျပာသညမာႀကတငေငြအသးစားရတထတေပးသညတငထေငြသညအမနတကယကနကစားရတကကာမမညမဟတသညအတြကမမတ႔ေငြျဖငစကထတသးစြၾကရမညသာျဖစလမမညဟဆပါသည။ မရသးပစၥညးမားႏင မလကမတစာရြကစာတမးမားသယပ႔ရန ခရးစားရတအတြကတမငလင ၅၀၀ကပႏႈနးျဖငတြကေပးေသာလညးလမးခရးဆးရြားေသာေဒသမားတြငထစားရတျဖငမေလာကငေပ။ထ႔ေၾကာငနယေျမအေနအထားကလက၍သတမတႏႈနးထားမားကသတမတေပးသငေၾကာငးလညးအဆျပၾကပါသည။ တစဥးခငးေတြ႕ဆေမးျမနးခသမရမးဆရာမတစဥးတငျပသညမာ “တခ႕ေနရာေတြမာမရမးေတြအတြကျပနာႀကရတာကမရသးပစၥညးေတြန႔စာရြကစာတမးေတြလလျချခ ျပနပ႔ေပးႏငဖ႔ပါ။ျပနပ႔တအခနမေတာလမးကလညးမသာရငလမးမာေမာေတာဆငကယပကသြားႏငတယ။ အလေနရာမးမာဖနးလငးကလညးမေကာငးရငအရမးစးရမရတယ။ဒါေၾကာငပ႔ေဆာငဆကသြယေရး မေကာငးတေနရာေတြမာခရးစားရတကတမင၅၀၀ကပသတမတထားတာထကပေပးသငပါတယ။၂၀၂၀မာေတာ ရပ/ေကးေကာမရငေတြရ႕ေန႔တြကစားရတေတြကလညးပသးသငပါတယ” ထ႔ျပင ရပ/ေကး ေရြးေကာကပြ ေကာမရငအဖြ႕ခြဝငတစဥးက ေျပာသညမာ ၿမ႕နယေရြးေကာကပြ ေကာမရငကအခါအားေလာစြာ လပတ အစညးအေဝးေတြက တကရသညအခါမာလညး ခရးစားရတ၊ စားေသာကေနထင စားရတ မားမရပ၊ မမတ႔ စားရတျဖငသာ သးစြၾကရေၾကာငးႏင ေငြေၾကးမလေလာကသညသာမက မရသးပစၥညးမား ေထာကပမႈလညးမလေလာကသညမားရသညဟဆပါသည။စာရြကစာတမး၊ေဘာပငခတေပတစသညစာေရးကရယာမားလအပခကရေၾကာငး၊တခါတရမပးမားမလကမတႏငတဆပတးမားစသညတ႔ကေမာေတာဆငကယျဖငသယရသညအခါမေတာတဆပကစးမႈမား ရႏငေၾကာငး၊ ထအခါ အစားထးရန ပစၥညး လလေလာကေလာကမရသျဖင အခကေတြ႕ရေၾကာငးႏငျပညေထာငစ ေရြးေကာကပြ ေကာမရငအေနျဖင ေအာကေျခတြင ေဆာငရြကေနသမားႏင ေတြ႕ဆေဆြးေႏြးကာ၊ ထကစၥမးျဖစႏငသညက ထညသြငးစဥးစားၿပး၊ မညကသ႔ ကငတြယေျဖရငးရမညဆသညက လမးညႊနမား၊ နညးဥပေဒမားျဖငညႊနၾကားထားသငေၾကာငးေဆြးေႏြးပါသည။

၅.၂.၈)မဝါဒႏငနညးစနစမား ေရြးေကာကပြျဖစစဥဆငရာမား၊စမခန႔ခြမႈနညးစနစမား၊ေကာမရငအဆငဆငဖြ႕စညးပႏငေကာမရငခြအသးသးအတြကတာဝနခြေဝမႈ ႏငတာဝနခႏငမႈမား၊ ေရြးေကာကပြအျငငးပြားမႈဆငရာကငတြယ ေျဖရငးျခငး ႏင ျပစဒဏမား စသျဖငဥပေဒမဝါဒမားေရးဆြျပဌာနးထားပါသည။ထမဝါဒလမးညႊနခကမားသညမားယြငးစမမႈမားမျဖစေစရနႏငယၾကညစတခထကေသာ ေရြးေကာကပြမား ကငးပႏငမႈက အေထာကအကျပရန ရညရြယေသာလညး၊ ေရြးေကာကပြ ျဖစစဥတြငပါဝငေဆာငရြကေနရသမား၏ လသားလျခမႈႏငအႏရာယကငးေစမႈကအေလးထား စဥးစားထားပါသညဟ မဆ ႏငပါေပ။အထးသျဖငအမးသမးမားစြာပါဝငေနရေသာေရြးေကာကပြ(မရ)စမခန႔ခြမႈလပေဆာငေနရသမားအတြကပဂၢလတစဥးခငးဆငရာအႏရာယကငးေရးႏငလျခစတခမႈရေစေရးမာအေလးေပးေဆာငရြကသငပါသည။လပငနးခြငတြငးႀကေတြ႕ႏငေသာျဖစႏငေခရသည အၾကမးဖကမႈမး၊ လငပငးဆငရာ ထပါးေႏာငယကမႈမးအတြက ဥပေဒအကာအကြယမားျဖငလညးေဆာငရြကေပးသငပါသည။ ၆။လထသေဘာထားေကာကယမႈရလာဒမား ဖနတးအမသည မရမးမား၊ မရအဖြ႕ဝငမား ႏင ေရြးေကာကပြ ေကာမရငတာဝနရသမား၏ အေတြ႕အၾကမားကေမးျမနးေလလာခသလႏငငသားမား၏သေဘာထားထငျမငခကေလလာမႈတစရပကလညးျပလပခပါသည။ထေလလာမႈတြငမရစမခန႔ခြမႈ၊မရမးႏငမရအဖြ႕ဝငမားစေဆာငးတာဝနေပးမႈ၊မရမးႏငမရအဖြ႕ဝငမားတြငရသငေသာအရညအခငးမား၊မေပးျခငးႏငမေရတြကျခငးဆငရာတာဝနခထားျခငးစသညအေၾကာငးအရာမားအေပၚတြငအေျခခေသာေမးခြနးလႊာ

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မား ျပငဆငခပါသည။ပါဝငသေဘာထားေပးသ(၂၂၅)ဥးရခၿပးအမးသား(၄၂%)ႏငအမးသမး(၅၈%)ျဖစပါသည။အသကအရြယအားျဖင၁၈ႏစမ၃၅ႏစအၾကားေျဖဆသ(၁၁၀)ဥးျဖစၿပးအမားဆးအပစျဖစပါသည။ဒတယအမားဆးအပစမာ၃၆ႏစမ၅၀ႏစၾကားျဖစၿပး(၈၉)ဥးရပါသည။ကန(၂၆)ဥးမာအသက၅၀ႏစအထကျဖစၾကပါသည။ သေဘာထားဆနးစစခကမားအရ၊ေကာငးမြနထေရာကေသာစမခန႔ခြမႈအတြကမရမးမားတြငရသငသညအရညအခငးမားမာ ေကာငးစြာ ေလကငမႈေပးရနအဓကကသညဟသေဘာထားေပးသ ၅၂.၂၂% (အမးသား ၂၀.၄၄%ႏငအမးသမး ၃၃.၇၈%) ရၿပး ထအခကသည စနစကေသာ မရစမခန႔ခြမႈမား ျဖစလာရန အေရးအႀကးဆးဟ အခကဟသေဘာထားထငဟပေနပါသည။မရမးမား၏ပညာအရညအခငးအေပၚအဓကထားသ၁၇%(အမးသား၇.၅၆%ႏငအမးသမး၉.၇၈%)ရပါသည။မဆႏၵရငမား/မဆႏၵနယေျမႏငရငးႏးကၽြမးဝငမႈအားအဓကထားသႏငမရမးမား၏အသကအရြယအေပၚအဓကဟသေဘာထားသ၈ရာခငႏႈနးစသာရၿပးႏငငဝနထမးျဖစမႈအေပၚအဓကထားသ၇%သာရပါသည။ကား၊မျဖစျခငးအေပၚအဓကထားသမာ၃%ျဖစပါသည။


မရတာဝနထမးေဆာငသမားသည (နငငေရး ပါတ၀င မဟတေစရန သတမတခကျဖင) မညသ႔ေသာ သမးျဖစသငသညဟေသာဆနးစစခကအတြကသေဘာထားျပၾကရာတြငေျဖဆသ၂၂၅ဥး၏၃၆.၇%(အမးသား၁၅.၂၅%ႏငအမးသမး၂၀.၈၂%)ကေကာငးစြာေလကငမႈေပးထားသမားျဖစသငသညဟသေဘာထားေပးၾကကာအမားဆးအပစျဖစပါသည။ဒတယအမားဆးအပစမာႏငငအေရးေဆာငရြကရနစတပါဝငစားသလငယမားျဖစသငသညဟသေဘာထားေပးသမာ ၃၂.၂၂% (အမးသား ၁၃.၁၆% ႏင အမးသမး ၁၉.၀၆%) ျဖစပါသည။ ပညာေရးဝနထမး ေကာငးဆရာ၊ ဆရာမမားျဖစသငသညဟသေဘာထားေပးသ၁၄.၀၈%ျဖစၿပး၊အျငမးစားဝနထမးမားအား၈%ႏငလကရႏငငဝနထမးမားအား၇%ဟေတြ႕ရပါသည။

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ႏငငသားမား၏ သေဘာထား ေကာကယရာတြင မရတာဝနထမးေဆာငမညသမားအား ေရြးခယခန႔ထားမညလပငနးစဥ ႏင ပတသက၍လညး ေမးျမနးခပါသည။ ေရ႕အခနးမားတြင ေဖာျပထားသည ေတြ႕ဆေမးျမနးမႈ မားအရမရတာဝနမားကလပခငသည ျဖစေစ၊မလပခငသည ျဖစေစအထကမေအာကသ႔တာဝနခထားေပးျခငးျဖငမျငငးမဆနတာဝနယၾကရပါသညဟဆၾကပါသည။ထအခကႏငဆကႏြယ၍မရမးမားအျဖစလကရ ႏငငဝနထမးမားအားတာဝနမေပးပ စတပါဝငစားသလငယမား၊ အျငမးစား ဝနထမးမားအား ေလာကလႊာေခၚယၿပး ေလကင တာဝန ေပးျခငးသညသငေတာပါသလားဟေသာဆနးစစခကအတြကအလြနသငေတာပါသညဟသေဘာထားေပးသ ၄၆.၆၇% (အမးသား၁၈.၆၇%ႏငအမးသမး၂၈%)ႏငျဖစသငပါသညဟသေဘာထားေပးသ၃၇%(အမးသား၁၆.၄၄%ႏငအမးသမး၂၁.၃၃%)ရပါသည။သပမသငေတာပါဟေျဖဆသ၃%ႏငလးဝမျဖစသငပါဟေျဖဆသ၂%ရပါသည။


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ေလလာေတြ႕ရခကမားအရ မရမး မားအျဖစ တာဝနထမးေဆာငရသ အမားစမာ ပညာေရးဌာနမ ေကာငးဆရာ၊ဆရာမမားျဖစၾကပါသည။ေတြ႕ဆေမးျမနးခကမားအရေရြးေကာကပြမားတြငမရတာဝနယၾကရျခငးေၾကာငးေကာငးတြငကေလးမားအားသငၾကားေရးကထခကေၾကာငးေျဖဆၾကပါသည။ထ႔ေၾကာငလကရႏငငဝနထမးမားအေနျဖငေရြးေကာကပြမားတြငပါဝငကညေဆာငရြကရသညအတြက၎တ႔၏မလတာဝနမားတြငလစဟငးမႈမားရႏငလမမညဟထငပါသလားဟေသာဆနးစစခကအတြကေသခာေပါကလစဟငးပါသညဟေျဖဆသ၃၃.၇၈%(အမးသား၁၄.၂၂%ႏငအမးသမး၁၉.၅၆%)ရပါသည။ေျဖဆသ၂၂၅ဥး၏၃၀.၂၂%(အမးသား၁၄.၂၂%ႏငအမးသမး၁၆%)တ႔ကမထငပါသညဟေျဖဆၾကပါသည။

ဇယား၁၃။လကရႏငငဝနထမးမားအေနျဖငေရြးေကာကပြမားတြငပါဝငကညေဆာငရြကရသညအတြက၎တ႔၏မလ တာဝနမားတြငလစဟငးမႈမားရႏငပါသလား။

မရတစရတြင မရမး ႏင မရဝနထမးမား အား တာဝနခထားရာတြင အဆငး ၂ ဆငးခြ၍ (ပထမ အဆငးသညမေပးျခငးကာလမရစမခန႔ခြသညတာဝနယရနႏငဒတယအဆငးသညမေရတြကျခငးႏငစာရငးမားျပနအပျခငးကတာဝနယရန)လပကငေစျခငးသညပမေကာငးမြနေသာနညးလမးဟထငပါသလားဟေသာသေဘာထားစစတမးအတြကေျဖဆသ၂၂၅ဥး၏ထကဝကေကာကျဖစသငပါသညဟသေဘာထားေပးၾကပါသည။အလြနျဖစသငပါသညဟသေဘာထားေပးသ၃၂.၇၃%(အမးသား၁၁.၂၁%ႏငအမးသမး၂၁.၅၂%)ရၿပး၊ ျဖစရငလညးေကာငးပါသညဟသေဘာထားေပးသ၃၀.၅%(အမးသား၁၄.၈%ႏငအမးသမး၁၅.၇%)ရပါသည။မျဖစသငပါဟသေဘာထားေပးသ၁၇%ႏငမထးျခားပါဟသေဘာထားေပးသ၁၀%ရပါသည။

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ဇယား၁၄။မရတစရတြငမေပးသညအခနအတြငးတာဝနယရမညအပစႏငမေရတြကသညအခနတြငးတာဝနယရမည အပစ၊၂စခြ၍တာဝနယေစျခငးသညပမေကာငးမြနေသာနညးလမးဟထငပါသလား။

၇။အၾကျပတကတြနးခကမား တငျပခၿပးေသာေဆြးေႏြးမႈမားႏငေတြ႕ရခကမားေပၚမတည၍ကား၊မေရးရာထညသြငးစဥးစားမႈရသညအားလးအကးဝငမႈကအာမခႏငသည ေရြးေကာကပြတစရပက ၂၀၂၀တြင စမႏငရန ေအာကပါအၾကျပတကတြနးခကမားကတငျပအပပါသည။

-မရမးႏင မရ ဝနထမးမား ဖြ႕စညးပႏင တာဝနခထားေပးမႈ ပစ - ျပညေထာငစ ေရြးေကာကပြ ေကာမရငႏငသကဆငရာဝနႀကးဌာနမားသညမရအဖြ႕ဝငမားကမဖြ႕စညးမသကဆငရာမဆႏၵနယေျမမားတြငမရဝနထမးမာဖြ႕စညးမညအေၾကာငးက ႀကတငသတငးေပးၿပးသငေတာသမားရာေဖြသငသည။ယခကသ႔အထကမ ေအာကအဆငဆငတာဝနခ ခငးေစျခငးမးမဟတပ ေဒသတြငးရ၊ စတပါဝငစားသ၊ မညသမဆ ေလာကထားႏငေၾကာငးေၾကညာၿပး၊ လပႏငစြမးရသ၊ သတမတခကႏင ကကညသ တကၾကြ ႏးၾကားသ မားက ေရြးခယ ေလကငတာဝနေပးသငပါသည။

-ကား၊မ ေရးရာ မဝါဒမား (သ႔) ေရြးေကာကပြျဖစစဥတြင ကား၊မ ပါဝငမႈရေရး နညးဗဟာ မေဘာငမား ခမတေဆာငရြကျခငး - ျပညေထာငစ ေရြးေကာကပြေကာမရငအေနျဖင ေရြးေကာကပြ ျဖစစဥမားတြငကား၊မ ပါဝငမႈအပငးတြငထေရာကေသခာေစရနကား၊မေရးရာမဝါဒမား (သ႔)အားလးအကးဝငမႈကအေထာကအက ျဖစေစသညကား၊မပါဝငမႈဆငရာနညးဗဟာမားကခမတအေကာငအထညေဖာေဆာငသငပါသည။

-ေရြးေကာကပြအလြန ျပနလညသးသပမႈမား - ေရြးေကာကပြလပငနးစဥတြင ပါဝင ပးေပါငးေဆာငရြကခသ၊ပတသကခသတငးအတြကမမတ႔၏အေတြ႕အၾက၊စနေခၚခကမားကျပနလညတငျပ၊အႀကျပေဆြးေႏြးႏငမညေနရာအေနအထားမးကယႏရားတစရပအေနျဖင ေရြးေကာကပြလြနလပငနးစဥမားတြငထညသြငး ေဆာငရြကသငပါသည။ ထျပနလညသးသပျခငးမားတြင ကား၊မ ေရးရာ အခနးက႑ မညသ႔ရသည၊ လျခစတခမႈ ႏငလပငနးခြငအေျခအေနမားကမညသ႔စမခန႔ခြမႈမား၊နညးစနစမားရသငသညစသညတ႔ကပါထညသြငးေဆြးေႏြးၿပးက႑အားလး၏အသမားလညးပါဝငေစသငပါသည။

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-ေရြးေကာကပြေန႔တြင မရဖြငခန၊ ပတခန သတမတခကႏင အဆငးခြတာဝနယေစျခငး - ေရြးေကာကပြေန႔တြငမရမားကနနက(၆)နာရမညေန(၄)နာရထသတမတထားသညအတြကမရတာဝနကသမားသညနနက (၆)နာရမထးမအလငးေရာငမလာမကပငမရမားသ႔ႀကတငသြားရသညအတြကလမးခရးအခကအခမားရပါသည။အထးသျဖငအမးသမးမရမးမားမာ လျခေရးအတြက စးရမၾကရပါသည။ မရမားတြငပင မလကမတမားကတခါတညးေရတြကရသညအတြကလညးတေနကနပငပနးမႈျဖစရပါသည။ထ႔ေၾကာငမရဖြငခနက ျပငဆငသတမတရနႏငမေရတြကျခငးကလညးအဆငးခြတာဝနယေစျခငး(သ႔)မပးမားကမဖြငပ၊ၿမ႕နယေကာမရငရးသ႔ပ႔ထားၿပးေရတြကေစျခငးစသညပမေကာငးမြနေစမညအစအမမားကစဥးစားသငပါသည။

-မစာရငးျပစျခငးႏင မဆႏၵရင အသပညာေပး အျမငဖြင လပငနးမား တးျမငေဆာငရြကျခငး - ရလာဒမားအရမေပးျခငးႏင ေရြးေကာကပြမားအေပၚ လထအျမငပြငမႈမာ လအပေနေသးေၾကာငး ေကာကခကခႏငပါသည။ထ႔ေၾကာင ျပညေထာငစ ေရြးေကာကပြ ေကာမရင အေနျဖင ျပညသလထအား ေရြးေကာကပြဆငရာ အျမငဖြငလပငနးမားႏငႏငငသားအသပညာေပးျခငးမားကအထးလပေဆာငခကမားခမတလပေဆာငသငပါသည။

-အလကထေရာနစ ေရြးေကာကပြစနစ ႏငအားလးအကးဝငမႈ - ၂၀၂၀အေထြေထြေရြးေကာကပြႀကးတြင ေခတမအလကထေရာနစနညးပညာမားကအသးျပႏငမညဆပါကလ႕စြမးအားမားအသးျပမႈကေခၽြတာႏငမညျဖစသလရလာဒမားကအခနႏငတေျပးည ပမထငသာ ျမငသာတငျပႏငမည ျဖစၿပး၊ ေငြေၾကးကနကမႈကလညး ေလာခေပးႏငမည ျဖစပါသည။ထလပငနးစဥတြငဝနထမးမားႏငေကာမရငအဖြ႕ဝငမားကေခတမနညးစနစမားႏငပမရငးႏးကၽြမးဝငမႈရေအာင ေလကငေပးရမည ျဖစၿပး၊ ဆကသြယေရး နညးပညာဆငရာ ကမၸဏမားႏင ပးေပါငးေဆာငရြကရနအၾကျပလပါသည။မရမားႏငအနးတဝကရအေရးႀကးေသာေနရာမားတြငဆကသြယေရးကြနရကမားကထနးခပႏငသညဆာဗာစခနးမားတညေဆာကၿပးနညးပညာအားျဖငပမတကျမနဆနေသာရလာဒမားကထတျပနႏငမညအလကထေရာနစေရြးေကာကပြမးစစဥရနစဥးစားသငေၾကာငးလညးအၾကျပလပါသည။ျမနမာႏငငသည မသနစြမးသမား အခြငအေရးဆငရာ သေဘာတစာခပ CRDP က လကမတေရးထးထားသညႏငငတစချဖစသညအတြက ျပညေထာငစေရြးေကာကပြ ေကာမရငႏင သကဆငရာတာဝနရသမားသည ေရြးေကာကပြေန႔တြင မသနစြမးသမားလညး ႏငငေရး ျဖစစဥတြင ပါဝငႏငေရးႏငအဆငေျပစြာ မေပးႏငေရးအတြကေခတမနညးပညာမားအသးျပၿပးစမေဆာငရြကသငပါသည။

-အမးသမး မရဝနထမးမားအတြက လျခေရးႏင ေဘးအႏရာယကငးရငးေရးအပါအဝင အျခားေသာ အထးျပစမေပးမႈမား -မရဝနထမးအမားစသညအမးသမးမားျဖစေနသညအတြကထအမးသမးမားအတြကအမနတကယလအပခကမားက ျဖညဆညးေပးႏငမည သးသန႔ အစအမမား ေဆာငရြကေပးရန အၾကျပလပါသည။ ဥပမာ -လမးခရးလျခမႈအတြကသယယပ႔ေဆာငမႈဝနေဆာငေပးသညအစအမမား၊အခနေနာကကမတာဝနၿပးဆးသမားအတြကညအပညေနလျခမႈရသညေနရာထငခငးအစအမမား၊ႏ႔တကမခငမားအတြကကေလးႏ႔တကရနနားေနခနမား၊ကေလးငယမားရသည မခငမားအတြကကေလးငယမားကကညၾကညရႈေပးသညအစအမမား စသျဖငေဆာငရြကေပးသငပါသည။

-ကား၊မေရးရာထညသြငးစဥးစားထားသည ျဖစႏငေခ အႏရာယေလာခေရး အစအမမား - ျပညေထာငစေရြးေကာကပြ ေကာမရင ႏင သကဆငရာ တာဝနရသမားသည ကား၊မ ေရးရာ ထညသြငးစဥးစားမႈ ရသညေရြးေကာကပြကာလတြင ျဖစႏငေခရေသာအႏရာယမားက ႀကတငစဥးစားသးသပမႈမား ျပလပထားသငပါသည။ထသ႔ေဆာငရြကထားျခငးျဖငမေတာတဆ ျဖစလာႏငသညျပနာမားကေနရာတြငပငေျဖရငးႏငမညဆပါကမရအဖြ႕ဝငမား၊ ေကာမရငအဖြ႕ဝငမား၊ ေရြးေကာကခကယစားလယေလာငးမား၊ မဆႏၵရငမား ႏင ေစာငၾကညေလလာသမားစသျဖငမညသ႔အတြကမဆအမးသမး၊အမးသားအားလးအတြကထခကမႈမားကေလာခႏငမညျဖစပါသည။

-မရသးပစၥညးမားႏင ဘ႑ာေငြ လေလာကေအာင ေထာကပမႈ - အထကတြင ေဖာျပခသညအတငး ေငြေၾကးသးစြရနလာထားမႈႏငမရသးပစၥညးမားေထာကပမႈမာလေလာကမႈမရေၾကာငးေဆြးေႏြးခၾကပါသည။ျပညေထာငစ

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ေရြးေကာကပြ ေကာမရငႏငသကဆငရာတာဝနရသမားသညဘ႑ာေငြလာထားရာတြငလေလာကမႈရေအာငလာထားသငၿပးမရသးပစၥညးမားမေမာလငပပကစးမႈမားရပါကအစားထး ျဖညဆညးႏငေအာငအပေဆာငးၿပးပပးထားသငပါသည။

-မရမားတြငအေရးေပၚေဆးေသတာမားထားရေစျခငး -ေဆြးေႏြးခကမားအရမေပးသညေန႔၌၊မဆႏၵရငမားတြင၊ရတတရကမကနးမာျခငး၊ ဖားနာ ထခက မးေဝျခငးမား ရတတေၾကာငး ႏင မရမးမားသည ထအေရးေပၚကစၥမားကလညး လစလရႈထား၍ မရေၾကာငး၊ အခကအခေတြ႕ရေၾကာငး ေဆြးေႏြးၾကပါသည။ ထ႔ေၾကာငမရမးမား၏အေတြ႕အၾကအၾကျပခကမာမရမားတြငေရးဥးသနာျပစႏငသည၊အေရးေပၚအသးျပရနေဆးေသတာမားထားရေပးသငပါသည။

-ဂနဒါကအေလးထားေဆာငရြကမႈရေသာ ေရြးေကာကပြ စမခန႔ခြသညအဖြ႕ ျဖစျခငး - ေရြးေကာကပြ စမခန႔ခြမႈကေဆာငရြကၾကသညအဖြ႕အစညးမားတြငဂနဒါအေနအထားအရကား၊မပါဝငမႈ ျပနလညသးသပသငပါသည။ေနျပညေတာရ ျပညေထာငစေရြးေကာကပြေကာမရငအပါအဝငအဆငဆငေသာေကာမရငအဖြ႕ခြအသးသးႏငအျခားေသာ ေရြးေကာကပြဆငရာ စမေဆာငရြကမႈေနရာမားတြင အဆငတငး၏ ကား၊ မ ပါဝငမႈ အခးအစားမာတဖကေစာငးနငး မျဖစသငပါ။ ပါဝငမႈအတြက ေသခာ သတမတ ေဆာငရြကျခငးမား ရသငသည။ ဥပမာ (၁)ေကာမရင အဆငတငးတြင အမးသမး၊ အမးသားပါဝငမႈ အနညးဆး ရာႏႈနး(သ႔) ဥးေရ မညမပါဝငရမည ဟသတမတခက။(၂) ေရြးေကာကပြအတြက စမခန႔ခြမႈ အစညးအေဝးမားတြင တကေရာကသ ဥးေရအခးအစားမာအမးသမးႏငအမးသားမေျခရရမည။(၃)ေကာမတမားဖြ႕စညးရာတြငအမးသမးပါဝငမႈရာခငႏႈနးမားသတမတျခငး၊စသညတ႔ျဖစပါသည။

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An analysis on the experience and challenges of women and men polling station officers/staffs during By-Election 1

Rethinking Power & Role: An analysis on the experience and challenges

of women and men polling station officers/staffs during By-Election

Phan Tee Eain2018

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Executive Summary .................................................................................................................... 4

1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 62. Background of the study………………………………………………………………………………... 6

3. Purpose, Methodology and Limitation of the Study ................................................ 83.1 Purpose of the syudy…………………………………………………………………………………………... 83.2 Methodology Employed .............................................................................................................. 83.3 Limitation of the study ................................................................................................................ 8

4. Respondents Demographic ................................................................................................. 84.1 Respondents and Areas Coverage ............................................................................. 84.2. Marital Status of the respondents .......................................................................... 94.3 Roles of Respondents at Polling Booth ................................................................... 104.4 Primary Occupation of the Respondents ............................................................... 104.5 Educational Attainment ........................................................................................... 114.6 Age Composition ....................................................................................................... 12

5. Main Findings of the study ........................................................................................... 125.1 Constituting Sub-commissions and Polling Station Staff ................................................. 125.2 Challenges of Female and Male Polling Station Staff ......................................................... 14

5.2.1 Conflicting Between Tasks of origin and newly assigned tasks .......................................... 145.2.2 Balancing Duty of Housewives Vs. Polling Station Staff ......................................................... 165.2.3 Collaboration and Delegation of Power ......................................................................................... 175.2.4 Interest and Knowledge of Voters on By-Election .................................................................... 185.2.5 Limited Support and Ignorance of Practical Gender Needs ................................................. 19

5.3 Mitigation Vs. Suggestions.......................................................................................................... 22

6. Result from citizen interview ............................................................................................ 22

7. Recommendation ........................................................................................................... 26

References: ................................................................................................................................... 28

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The study “Rethinking Power and Role”- An analysis on the experience and challenges of women and men polling station staff dring 2018 By-Election intends to upcoming the gender responsic election in Myanmar for future. The study was commissioned by the Phan Tee Eain (PTE). PTE special thank to Union Election Commision and all sub- commisioner for accrediation and permission.

We are thankful to the Agtha Nu Nu (Consultant of gender specialist) for her technical support. We would also like to thank the enumeration team, the polling station members, and the election sub-commissioners who participated in focus group discussions and key informant interviews in this study.

We would like to express our sense of gratitude to National Democratic Institute (NDI) for their financial support which made us possible carrying out the study.

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Executive Summary

Phan Tee Eain conducted the election observation in 2015 general election thematically in women participation coverage over 800 polling stations as nation wide level. PTE piblished the observation report and submitted it to UEC. According to the finding, over 60% of polling station officers were women and they were also school teachers. The experience from 2015 General Election pushed PTE to conduct Election observation to learn the experience of male and female polling station officers towards gender perceptive in 2017 By-Election at 6 constituencies. In November 2018, PTE continued the study to collect experiences and challenges of females and males polling staff and sub-commissioners. This report was based on the results and findings from 8 out of 13 constituencies in 2018 By-Election through focus group discussion, key informant interview and gathering public opinion poll. The objectives of the study included i) collecting evidence based information related to experiences and challenges of female and male polling station staff, ii) assessing mitigation strategies of both female and male polling station staff and the last one was to provide concrete recommendation for policy change in upcoming 2020 Election.

This study covered the respondents of 75 polling station staff (with 31 males and 44 females), 40 (37 males and 3 females) of village/ ward sub-commissioners and 15 (with 11 males and 4 females) township election commission officer in total. In order to validate the data, PTE also collected public opinion regarding the constituting of sub commissioners and polling station staff, in which 225 respondents (130 females and 95 males) represented. The study revealed the experiences of polling station staff pre, during and post-Election particularly. The following were major challenges discussed by the respondents.

Lack of informed consent: Majorities of polling station officers said there was no condition to refuse the top-down order except they were in bad health thus it had to follow the order. Further suggestions arose from the discussion that the polling officers should be appointed from the public. If there is no option to use schoolteacher, they should be either consulted or informed consent. Lactating mother, pregnant women and persons who are in weak should also be left out. 46% out of 225 respondents from public opinion poll also suggested appointing interested individuals who are young, energetic, and living nearby. The volunteers should be proactively selecting and camping through open call.

Poor transportation system and security concerns: It was learned that majority of polling officers and members have solved such on their own ways in dealing with family members, friends and colleagues. It is suggested to assign polling officers who are local and stay nearby the constituencies so that polling station officers particularly women officers may not be faced such difficulties. Creating enabling environment and working condition would enhance safety and security of polling station officers particularly women. In order to create enabling environment, special Measures including safety and security for Women Polling Station staff should be planned. Since majority of polling station staff are

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women, special measures should reflect women’s practical needs such as plans/ measures for security concerns, transportation arrangement, childcare facilities and breastfeeding time for lactating mother, and arrangement of accommodation for the late return.

Insufficient Budget and Polling Materials: Majorities of the respondents said that the provided budget and polling resources were not sufficient. For some sub-commissioners, they have covered their own for some expenses that were not reimbursed by the relevant authority. They also had to carry things (such as polling boxes and materials) by their own motorbike carefully. Thus, UEC and respective persons should readjust the budget allocation and support adequate polling materials and budget for unintentional damage.

Duty Vs. As mother and As Housewives: Majorities of women group mentioned that they had no option to overcome on their socially assigned tasks thus, prior to their duties, they had fulfilled their roles of mother, daughter and housewives on one hand, and they had accomplished their duty given by seniors or authoritative persons on the other hands. There is suggestion occurred on the use of housewives, elderly women and mother with children that the UEC should arrange practical needs for them to be able to free from burden and worry.

Interest and understanding of voters on Election: Although both polling station officers and sub-commissioners solved unexpected complaint from voters due to voter’s limited understanding on Election or lack of interest in Election, it would be occurred in upcoming Elections. There is in need of having a strategic plan for the advancement of voter education and awareness to all citizens. Not only the increased public awareness on voter registration and voter education by UEC, the candidates from various political parties need to be adding voter education programmes in their own plan. One of the highlights is that all education and awareness programme should be gender responsive to be Inclusive Election.

The study also revealed that the needs to reconsider Polling Booth Schedule for Election Day, plan for First Aid Support at Polling Station, special measures for person with disability and the plan to review post Election.The final recommendation made from this study is to form Gender Responsive Electoral Management Bodies to ensure equal rights and spaces are given to both women and men in decision making level equally. To conclude, the findings and recommendations would give some “food for thoughts” and measures to apply in policy change and inclusive Election in the future.

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An analysis on the experience and challenges of women and men polling station officers/staffs during By-Election6

1. IntroductionMyanmar has undergone revolutionary changes in its democratic transition process in 2010. The new democratically elected government came to power in April 2016, aims to push for fundamental transformation. One part of democratic society normally stresses its Credible Election that was taken place in Myanmar since 2010 and it was obvious in 2015 General Election. There were two By-Elections taken place in 2017 and 2018.Despite there has been made changes in terms of political, social and economic landscape within the country, there are still many issues related to socio-economic status, and the political situation has also continued to contribute to a form of institutional violence and communal conflict across the country, particularly in the remote regions. Resources allocation, free and fair, transparency and inclusiveness are still debatable within its Credible Election.According to the 2017 Human Development Index1, Myanmar still has a value of 0.578 and the position of HDI rank is 148 out of 189 countries. The gender-based index of the HDI comprises of three dimensions: i) reproductive health (measured by maternal mortality and adolescent birth rate), ii) empowerment (measured by the share of parliamentary seats held by women and the attainment of education) and iii) economic activity (measured by the labour market participation rate for women and men). The gender-based inequalities index (GII) on these three dimensions contributes to the human development and social well-being of women and men. According to the report of UNDP (2017), Myanmar’s Gender Inequalities Index value is at 0.456, and the country is at position 106 out of 160 countries. The report of Bertelsmann Stifftung’s Transformation Index report (2018) shows that the Governance Index value is at 3.97 and the country is at the position of 92 out of 129 countries. It is also highlighted that the correlation of political landscape and socio economic index causes the governance index. There is no doubt that the interconnection of gender development index and governance index. The full participation of women and men in decision-making and political process as voters, candidates, elected officials and electoral management bodies is crucial in Credible Election and Democratic society. The concept of democracy becomes the most tangible to the public on Election Day and voting process. The way that an electoral management bodies manages the Election and power sharing among commissions not only becomes visible but, highly observed by the public, media, academia, candidates and international community. It is also the key concept that how electoral process responses the practical needs of women and men and specifically to the most marginalized groups as well as how the system includes the equal participation of women and men electoral management bodies and its decision making level. The current study on challenges and experiences of female and male polling station staff aims to contribute to the Credible and Inclusiveness Election in upcoming 2020 General Election as well as to contribute to the country’s gender development index.

2. Background of the Study According to the Myanmar’s 2008 Constitution, chapter 9, the President directly appointed the chair of Union Election committee. The roles of Union Commission include constituting sub-commissions and its

1 UNDP, Myanmar Human Development Index Report, 2017

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affiliated members, holding Hluttaw Elections and designating/ re-delineating constituencies, compiling voter lists and issuing candidates..etc. One of the roles of Township sub-commissioners referring to the chapter (10), sub-section (39 – C) of PyiThu Hluttaw’s Election law and by law and the handbook of Township Level Election Commissioners, chapter (23-D) mentioned that the sub-commissioners could assign members, deputy officers, polling station officers and other team members of polling booth.Although there was no specific statement for assignment of schoolteachers as polling station officers either in the constitution or Union Election Law, majority of the polling officers were recruited from staff of ministry of education, mostly teachers who are women. There were some volunteers involved in the process and assisting polling booth during Election period. In relation to the equal representation of women and men in leadership and decision making position in politics, many studies highlighted that women’s representation in executive, legislative and judiciary branch has increased on one hand, men were the ones who still dominate in political affairs on the other hands. The percentage of Myanmar women in the political sphere is still relatively low compared to countries in the South East Asia Region. The representation of women in all levels of Parliament increased up to 4.6% in 2012. After 2015 General Election, women’s representation in legislative branch was increased up to 10.2 % in all levels of Parliament, it was a turning point for Myanmar women to participate in the political domain. These numbers are however still low. According to the Inter-Parliamentary Union database, Myanmar ranks 170th out of 189 countries in the globe.

As observed, the political structure consists of two major dimensions: national and sub-national governance. Women’s representation has increased at national level, but on sub-national level still a limited number is observed. According to the report of UNDP, there was only 0.24% women representation in local governance after 2012 Election (41 women out of 16785 ward/ village tract administrators) and it increased up to 0.5% of women (84 women out of 16785 seats) after 2016 Election of ward/ village tract administrators2. As per Myanmar village and ward administration act, it is very important to increase women’s participation and representation at sub national governance, as this is a key role at the ground level.

Aside of that, women’s participation in Election process is comparatively higher than men as over half of polling station staff are women observed. It doesn’t mean that this participation is a voluntary and satisfactory. While majorities of men are at decision making level of Election commissions, women who have primary workload on teaching and play a key role at the polling station with lack of decision making power. According to the report of PTE’s By-Election (2017), polling officers were also faced challenges during Election period due to limited support, insecure and uncomfortable working condition. Policies and procedures of Election were also not supportive to reduce stress and burden of polling station staff. Again, there were factors pushed PTE to continue studying of the experiences of polling station officer to get strong evidence and validate facts and recommendation to add-on for further advocacy work. That is because PTE has put its effort on its second study on experience of polling station staff during 2018 By-Election. The study was carried out in November 2018, pre and post By-Election. The next sessions will

2 https://www.facebook.com/UndpMyanmar/posts/1491586894214550

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be explained purpose, methodology, limitation and detail findings of the study.

3. Purpose, Methodology and Limitation of the Study PTE has conducted the study in 8 constituencies out of 13. Total respondents covered by 75 polling station staff (with 31 males and 44 females), 37 male and 3 female sub-commissioners and 15 (with 11 males and 4 females) Township Level sub-commissioners. PTE also collected public opinion in relation to constituting of sub commissioners and polling station staff, in which 225 respondents (130 females and 95 males) represented. The study has conducted according to the following objectives.

3.1. Purpose of the studyTo collect evidence based information related to experiences and challenges of female and male

polling station staff To assess mitigation strategies of both female and male polling station staffTo provide concrete recommendation for policy change in upcoming 2020 Election and further

3.2 Methodology EmployedThe methodology employed in this study was a qualitative method by conducting Focus Group Discussion with polling station officers and sub-commissioners. Public opinion survey was combined in this study to validate the data and analysis. A set of survey questions was used in public opinion poll and FGD guide questions was used in conducting FGD. Two enumerators form each constituency, 16 enumerators were recruited and trained to conduct FGD and survey. Data Screening and validation were done. Although a qualitative analysis was done for interviews, “KOBO” application was used for the analysis of public opinion survey in this study as well.Key informant interview was included in this study, which covered 15 KII (with 4 females and 11 males) mainly from Township Election Commission Officers. Of 20 FGDs, 5 mixed FGDs, 6 male FGDs, 5 female FGDs and 4 FGDs with village/ ward sub-commissioners included.

3.3 Limitation of the studyLimitations of the study encountered;

- Small sample size meant the findings has limited representation.- Experiences of enumerators lead the receiving of limited information.- Unwillingness of respondents for open discussion caused data validity.- Limited permission from UEC to conduct FGD with polling station staff in some areas.

4. Respondents DemographicThis session explains the demographic information of the respondents including areas coverage.

4.1 Respondents and Areas CoverageIt was explained in earlier session, the study covered eight constituencies out of 13. Total respondents covered in the study was 130 with 51 females and 79 males. Of 130 respondents, 75 polling station

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officer (44 females and 31 males), 40 village/ward sub-commissioners (3 females and 37 males) and 15 township level sub-commissioners (4 females and 11 males) represented (see Table 1).

Constituencies State/ DivisionPolling Station


Village/Ward Sub-


Township Sub-Commissioner Total

Male Female Male Female Male FemaleMinbu Magway 3 9 6 2 20Myingyan Mandalay 4 8 2 2 1 1 18Oktwin Bago 5 7 5 1 1 19Loilem/ Lechar Shan 5 6 2 13Thabeikkyin Mandalay 6 8 9 1 1 25Myitkyina Kachin 4 5 1 1 11Kanpetlet Chin 4 7 4 2 17Tamwe Siekkan Yangon 5 2 7

Total 31 44 37 3 11 4 130Table 1 Respondents Coverage by Gender

Aside of focus group discussion with polling station staff and sub commissioners, public opinion poll was reached to a total of (225) public including 130 females and 95 males. Public opinion poll was conducted in the same constituencies, the place where focus group discussion was conducted. As explained already, public opinion poll was to support the data validation of the study.

4.2. Marital Status of the respondentsOf 130 respondents, majority of them were married and only few single respondents represented. Of 75 polling station staff, 37 married female and 29 married males involved. All respondents from village and ward sub-commissioners were married. There were 10 males and 1 female married participated as key informants in this study. (See Figure 1)

Graph1. Marital status of the Respondents by Gender

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4.3 Roles of Respondents at Polling BoothThe study also assessed assigned roles of polling station staff and sub commissioners. The roles of polling

station staff presented as polling station officer, deputy officer, ink maker, ballot paper issuer, ballot paper

checker, security and member. Of different categories, majority of them (18 female polling officers and 19

male polling officers) were polling officer. (see table 2)

In relation to the roles of sub-commissioners, 13 chairpersons have involved in the interview and no

women represented in the position of chair. There was one female represented as secretary of the Election

commission and 2 women participated as member. Majority of men occupied all levels of the position of

the commission.

Roles of Polling Station Staff Male FemalePolling Station Officer 19 18Deputy Officer 1 8Ink Maker 1 3Ballot Paper Issuer 1 7Ballot Paper Checker 1 6Member 2 2Security 6 Total 31 44

Table 2 Roles of Polling Station Staff by Gender

Roles of Sub - Commissioner Male FemaleChair 13 Secretary 9 1Member 15 2Total 37 3

Table 3 Roles of Sub-commissioner by Gender

4.4 Primary Occupation of the Respondents The study revealed primary occupation of the respondents, which was presented in two tables; table

(4) was for polling station staff and table (5) was for sub-commissioners. As the table shows, majority

of polling station staff was employed by schoolteacher (including headmaster/mistress), who mostly

women out of 75 interviewed respondents.

Primary Occupation of Polling Station Staff Male FemaleSchool Teachers (from primary to high school) 21 44Carpenter 1No Answer 1 Own Business 4 Farming 1 10/100 HHs Leaders 3 Total 31 44

Table 4 Primary Occupation of Female and Male Polling station staff

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In relation to the original occupation of the village/ ward sub-commissioners(see table 5), the first high group was earned by farming, the second group followed by small business dealer/ own businesspersons and the third group was civil servant/ government staff.

Occupation of Sub-commissioner Male FemaleRetired (Army, other..) 3 1Farming 12 Government Staff 8 1Shop/ Seller/ Business Dealer 10 1Administrative bodies (village level) 3 Private Tuition 1 Total 37 3

Table 5 Primary Occupation of Sub-commissioners

4.5 Educational AttainmentIn terms of educational attainment, majority of polling station staff are educated persons. As table 6 shows 42 females and 21 males have higher education; of which, all are school teachers. Few persons represented as security and members of polling station attained their high school/ middle school education.According to the table (7), it is observed that the first majority of sub commissioners attained their high school and the second group finished their university. Of university graduate, 9 (8 males and 1 female) are government staff, involved as secretary in ward/ village sub-commission. It is also learned that majority of members of village/ ward commission are directly appointed from village/ ward administrative bodies and majority of who have their high school and some are less than that.

Education Background of Polling Station Staff Male FemaleUniversity Graduate (B.A, B.Sc. and others) 21 42High School 4 Middle School 5 No Answer 1 2Total 31 44

Table 6 Education Background of Polling Station Staff

Education Background of Sub-commissioner Male FemaleUniversity Graduate 13 2High School 17 1Middle School 6 Primary School 1 Total 37 3

Table 7 Education Background of Sub-commissioner

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4.6 Age CompositionIn relation to the age group of the respondents, it is grouped as four categories; 24-35, 36 – 45, 46-55 and 55 –above. The first higher age group was revealed, on average, 41.3 % of polling station staff were aged between 46 and 55, while 35% of sub commissioners were at aged between 55 and above. While the second highest average age group followed by aged between 36-45 in polling station staff, it was aged between 24-35 in sub commissioner. In relation to the aged group differences between women and men, more women are comparatively higher in the aged of over 46, while men’s aged group was under 45 on average. (See table 8 and 9)\

Age Group of Polling Station Staff Male Female Total %24-35 6 9 15 2036 - 45 12 8 20 26.746 - 55 9 22 31 41.355 - above 4 5 9 12.0Total 31 44 75

Table 8 Age Group of Polling Station Staff

Age Group of Sub Commissioner Male Female Total %24-35 11 11 27.536 - 45 8 1 9 22.546 - 55 6 6 1555 - above 12 2 14 35Total 37 3 40

Table 9 Age Group Of Sub-commissioners

5. Main Findings of the study This chapter provides main findings from field study and general observation on the process of Credible and Inclusive Election, it includes the experience and challenges faced by female and male polling station staff and their mitigation strategies. The findings also illustrates upon suggestions and feedback received from polling station staff and sub-commissioners.

5.1 Constituting Sub-commissions and Polling Station Staff It is said that credible and inclusive election was undertaking in Myanmar, remarkably the year started from 2015. Majority of voters, academia, media personnel and outside/ inside observers have got interest in Myanmar’s Election and fundamental transformation has been made after 2015 General Election. Constituting of Sub-commissions: To be able to conduct Elections, the Government of Myanmar has constituted its Election Commission in accordance with 2008’s Constitution, sub-section 398-399 of chapter 9. There are levels of Commissions formed such as Nay Pyi Taw Sub Commission, Region or State Sub commission, Self Administered Division or Self Administered Zone Sub commission, District Sub commission, Township Sub commission and ward/ village tract Sub commission. As mentioned already in previous session, neither specific statement nor criteria for constituting of polling booth officers and its relative booth team in both Constitution and Union Election Law, although there was criteria set for chair and its members of Election Commission. However, according to the “Pyithu

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Hluttaw Election Law, chapter 10, sub-section (39-C) ”, the Township Level Sub-commission shall be formed polling booth team in order to manage polling booth at various constituencies. The law also said that the polling booth officers should be from civil servants and it could be in compilation of natural citizens as booth members3. In relation to the appointment of ward/ village tract sub commission, majority of chair directly appointed from ward/ village tract administrative bodies. The secretary of such sub commission was appointed staff from general administrative department, who already received compensate/ salary from the department. This is also a controversial criteria mentioned in Union Election Law, chapter – 2, sub section (5 – I) and in practice. There is inconsistency among Union, Pyithu Hluttaw, Amyotha Hluttaw and State/Ward Election law/ by law of constituting commissioners. The chapter from Union Election Law mentioned that chair of Election and members shall not be salaried staff. In practice, some of salaried staff was appointed as village/ ward sub-commissioners. Constituting of Polling Station Staff: The study also highlighted that majority of polling station officers were appointed from education sector, mostly female teachers. As per criteria set for Chair and Members of Election Commission, either chair or members shall no salaried staff, that statement was controversial with the reality. Although there is limited information provided on why schoolteachers are assigned as polling station officers, there are said however Township level Education Department collected the lists of schoolteachers through various level of school headmaster/mistress and their lists were submitted to the District Level Sub-commission whether they agreed. Based on the schoolteachers list, the District sub commission assigned them as polling officers, deputy polling officer and members in accordance with by-law of UEC and by original position of schoolteachers. They also accepted and fulfilled their duty, as they were already royalty staff of the country.Majority of the respondents mentioned regarding to the appointment of schoolteachers as polling station officers that created increased workload and burden to them and majority of them suggested to be seeking educated and voluntarily persons who interested in politic for the future. The profile of sub-commission highlighted in previous session, there are limited numbers who graduated from university and majority of them have finished high school and middle school some attained lesser than that. As the tasks of sub-commission contain lots of paper work, some of the commission members may or may not be familiar with this. At the same time, the texts contain in the handbooks and Election Law is highly conventional that may create limited understanding of other ethnic people who are not belonged to Burmese on the procedures and guidelines. As there are younger generations who know the IT and are adaptable, UEC should engage with other educated and interested persons to create credible and E-Election. On the other hands, some commissioners said that there was open announcement for potential members to be parts of Sub-commission but no one applied and only voting system had to do to form village sub-commission. If voter education and awareness on active citizen are in place on one hand, creation of supportive and healthy working condition on the other hands, women and men, younger generations will be getting interest in politic and Election Process.

3 Phyithu Hluttaw Election Law (2012), page 16.

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Gender and Team Composition: In relation to the team composition, there are more men in Sub-commissions, while more women constitute in polling station team. As per the interviewed results, there are 37 men out 40 represented in Sub-commissions and 44 women out of 75 respondents participated as polling station staff. Adding to this, only (3) women participated as members of sub commissioners in the interview. Of 9 sub-commissioners represented as secretary, only 1 woman involved as secretary and (2) women out of (15) sub-commissioners were involved as members. Of 13 village/ ward sub-commissioners represented as chair in the interview, all men occupied to that position and of (7) surveyed Township Level Sub-commissioners, all were men in that position either. Again, in relation to the post of polling station officers, only 18 female polling officers involved out of 44 interviewed female polling staff, while 19 male polling officers constituted in 31 interviewed male polling staff. As per the results of interview with Key Informants, majorities of interviewed men occupied senior position at Township, District and Union level Sub-commissions. The result highlighted that there are low participation of women in decision making level although over half of women participated in Election Process. It would be more credible and inclusive election if both women and men were given equally to participate in decision-making level of Election process.

5.2 Challenges of Female and Male Polling Station Staff

5.2.1 Conflicting between tasks of origin and newly assigned tasksIt is said that the polling officers are also appointed according to their original position. For example, the teacher, who has higher position compared to the rest, is assigned as polling station in charge whether she/ he has limited experience or is younger.As observed, there are three main phases of each election either it is General or By-Election; these include; pre-election period, Election Period and Post Election. Both Female and Male polling officers said that there were lots of preparatory tasks in pre-election period; such as attending training, sharing back to the other members, planning for polling booth, preparation voting roll together with sub commissioners, studying handbook of polling officers, studying voters list, preparation for polling station and booth and so on. As per polling officers’ guidelines, all polling officers including deputy and all members had to be ready by 6:00 am and wait until 4:00 pm on Election Day. After 4:00 pm, polling station officers had to do counting of ballot papers and declaration of valid and invalid votes under the presence all polling booth members and candidates as well as observers and media personnel. They returned home only after submitting ballot boxes and polling materials to Township Sub-commissioners. As per the results of interview with polling officers, they did the same in practice. Sometimes, they had to perform aside of TOR prescribed in the handbook as dealing media, family members, candidates from various political parties and voters based upon urgent issues. Over half of the respondents said that the participation of election process made worry and double burden to them due to their original tasks of teaching as well as incompetent of Election related tasks. Although the Election Day was happened on public holiday, the preparatory works had to undertake during school time thus, some polling officers said that they had to close school and had to replace teaching in their

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private time. Majority of polling officers said that they had limited rights to refuse and they were assigned without informed consent. One female from FGD said,

“There are lactating mother and pregnant women involved. Although this could make the delay of the work, we had to accomplish our duty as this was ordered from Township level Education Officer. So this is our duty.”

In some cases, both husband and wife are assigned as polling officers. These couples could encounter more difficulties than the others on leaving children, making arrangement for food and security of their children in advance. According to the aged group presented in earlier session, more women polling station staff, who were aged between 46-55, given the duty of polling station staff, they might be encountered mobility concerns due to unfavorable transportation system, remoteness, and distance of home and assigned place and insecure condition. They however have accomplished their duty with the supports of family members and hiring outside transporters. There is security issue can occur when using outside transporter. Female respondents from Thabeikgyin said,

“ we don’t know how to ride a motorbike and there is no transport system, we have to hire outside transporters. On the day of Election, we have to go before 6:00am and it is still dark but we have to use those carriers. We have our safety and security concerns but we have to hire in order to fulfill our duty.”

As said, some lactating mother and pregnant women involved in Election Process that created uncomfortable for both mother and children due to the existence of neither breastfeeding time, room nor child care support. Thus, majority of the respondents mentioned that the recruitment of polling station staff mainly from schoolteacher should be reconsidered and it should be proper informed consent before assignment. It is also in need of reconsidering the different needs of different social groups (such as lactating, pregnant and elderly teachers) and should be supported based on the different needs if they will have been using in the future. Without informed consent and proper consideration, the sub-commissions may also be encountered challenges in frequent replacing, correcting expenditures over time, confirming polling station staff over time and recruiting new officers.Of 225 surveyed respondents, (46%) of them (28% of women and 18.67% men) supported the idea to hire polling station staff outside of schoolteacher. The respondents from public opinion also added that the future polling station staff should be hired the individual interested persons who were young, energetic and interested in politic.

5.2.2 Balancing Duty of Housewives Vs. Polling Station StaffTraditionally and historically, gender relations between women and men in Myanmar are considered as asymmetric relations. Gender division of labour at household level, women spend more of their time on

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domestic work than men. They are the ones who are mainly responsible for cooking, cleaning, washing, caring of elders and children, managing the affairs of family members. Aside of that, women also have to take part in the productive roles to subsidy family expenditures.As the result showed, 37 women out of 44 polling station staff were married women. Women polling officers particularly married women have tried to be balance between their roles of tradition and duty of polling station staff. Women’s workload and burden have comparatively increased than men, as they had to make arrangements of child bearing, food for family, and household chores in advance. One woman from FGD said,

“ I have to get up at 4:00 am and do arrangement for my children and cook food for them. After that, I have to leave my children with their uncle as my husband was working outside of the town.”

Another woman added that “as we, women have to fulfill our socially assigned tasks of the family members on one hand, we also need to accomplish our assigned duty from work. As for me, I have to go to the polling station before 5:00 am with carrier, as I don’t know how to ride a motorbike. I also have to prepare food for my families and prepare my lunch box before going to the polling station.”

As discussed, pregnant women and lactating mother were also parts of the members, they did the same duty with others women with limited childcare support systems by the government of Myanmar and family members. This can be caused women’s reproductive health and infant health. The respondents said that they have faced difficulty during attending training and Election Day as there was no childcare room. One KII from Okktwin said that

“I have observed the challenges of pregnant women and lactating mother during the trainings but this was not reported. They seem uncomfortable in breastfeeding and caring of their children. There was one case of replacing polling officer due to abortion of pregnant women during making arrangement of polling station.”

One KII from Kanpetlet added that “There was no individual challenge reported but there were lactating mothers attended the training in pre-election, they seemed difficult for breastfeeding. They also had to be at the polling booth from 6:00 am to 4:00pm, they might also have challenges in relation to breastfeeding and child rearing. This is issue for lactating and pregnant women not for all polling officers”.

Women group also added; “When placing polling booth at school, we have to close the school during Election period. There are also lactation mother joined with our team, she faced difficulty to do breastfeeding to her child, as there is no separate room for breastfeeding and childcare.”

There can be many more polling station officers who faced similar challenges due to their limited mobility, physical inability and unhealthy condition. Those women have extra burden on being fulfilling their duty on one hand, continue worrying about their infant on the other hands. One female respondent, aged 58, said that she had to come and accomplish the tasks/ duty as per prescribed in the handbook despite she was not feeling well on the Election Day. Another respondent said that there were some commission

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members got sick on the Election Day, as there was limited alternative plan to replace, it made over burden on the others. Thus, it is suggested to have alternative plan for duty replacement for urgency. Another option can replace for this is to segregate two groups on Election Day. Of 225 surveyed respondents, 32% of them (22.52% of females and 11.21 % of males) reported that they agreed the change the working structure of polling station staff on Election Day by allocation of two assigned groups; one group to be working from 6:00 am to 4:00 pm and the second group to be starting from counting of ballot papers and sending ballot boxes to the respective electoral commissions.On Election Day, women group said that some of them have made food arrangement for their left behind children since 4:00 am, some have left their children with neighbor and close relatives and some brought their infant to the polling station. Majority of polling station staff were responsible for staying at polling station until things was finished such as tidy up the polling station, counting of vote and, declaring/ confirming of valid and invalid votes in front of all candidates, media and observers. They also had to do sending ballot boxes as well as polling materials to the Township Sub-commission within the Election Day. During Election Day, polling officers had to check voter lists from ballot paper checkers and issuers in every 10 voters. This made more burdens to lactating mother and pregnant women than those who were not.Given that situation, pregnant women, lactating mother and incapable persons should be left out if schoolteachers will be continued recruiting as polling officers.

5.2.3 Collaboration and Delegation of PowerIt is said that collaboration between polling station staff and sub-commissioners is still needed to improve. Sub-commission and polling station staff are playing key roles at the ground level, strong collaboration can be making easier life for both. It is discussed that Sub-commission had full authority on preparing voting roll, declaring eligible voters list and designating polling booth. However, there is back and fourth communication between polling booth officers and Sub-commissioners needed. Sometimes, polling booth officers were assigned from other places that they were sometimes difficult to assess information of the villagers and time might need to be aware of the condition of constituencies if there were lack of collaboration from sub-commission. Although, there are collaboration and delegation of authority, if something happened on the Election Day, the polling station in charge didn’t have authority to solve alone, she/ he had to inform sub-commissioners. One Female Group discussed

“ The polling booth team is set not in accordance with numbers of eligible voters thus, our polling booth are five together, this is likely to be similar with others. On the day of Election, there is some argument happened with voters, as the voters list is not prescribed on the voting roll and need to inform to the sub commissioners. We have solved the problem with voters based on the suggestion of sub commissioners.”

It is learned that the Electoral Management Bodies is constituted with more than four different departments such as Education sector, general administration department, police department and Election Commission. These groups should have prior collaboration in terms of selecting polling booth

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officers and practical experiences women and men polling officers to avoid selection of pregnant women, lactating mother and person who is weak in the future.One of the township sub-commissioners how they have faced challenges in working together;

“As the Election is not implemented by Election Commission alone, it includes members from different departments such as general administrative department, education, and police. If something happens, we, Election Commissions are blamed and put pressure only to commission. We, Election Commission can not solve alone, we all have to be together.”

Another one from Township Level Sub-commission explained;“During preparation time, the sub-commission play a key role on the ground, the working members should be increased in all levels. There is staff from general administration department involved in Election Process. Sometimes, the commission could not able to manage directly to them. Thus, we should seek ways to collaborate better in the future.”

One respondent from ward/ village tract sub-commission added that “ In ward/village tract sub-commission, there is secretary represented from general administrative department, sometimes, difficult to work together and it causes the work delay.”One of the commission staff added,

“We all are struggling with insufficient of supports such as budget, transports, and communication. In some areas, there is limited network and difficult to access to network that can occur communication gap. However, one of the local administrative bodies forcibly asks for the lists of voters on Election Day. That is sometimes giving annoying us and disturbance of the work by unnecessary conduct.”

It was mentioned that there were provided allowance for travelling and daily rate but it was not enough for them as well as they didn’t know who would reimbursed the fee and sometimes they have to use their own pocket. This means that there is lack of clear instruction and information sharing.It is also learned that there were polling station officers reported on poor transportation system, communication, limited budget and security issues but these were not solved. This ignorance can also be caused future collaboration and community among actors. Majorities of respondents also suggested that telecommunication system should be supported during Election period in the future.

5.2.4 Interest and Knowledge of Voters on By-Election One of the challenges faced by both polling station staff and sub-commissioners was limited understanding of voters on Election and voter education as well as voters did not show their interest on it. Although there was announced voter’s rights publicly, the voters didn’t come and check whether they were either on the list or any error related to their name prescribed on the voting roll due to their low interest on vote and limited understanding on Election. This was reflected on polling station staff on Election Day in a way that voters were coming but their list was on the board, some voters replaced to vote, some didn’t know how to vote, some showed disagreement of making ink on the little fingers and some voters didn’t come although they were on the list.

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According to the UEC information4, only half of the eligible voters came and voted for the candidates. Statistically, there were only 38% of voters who voted for Pyithu Hluttaw candidate and less than half of the eligible voters came and voted in this By-Election. This is meant that voters have shown their less interest over Election or lack of understanding of how importance of Election of the country.According to the guidelines for polling station staff and Sub-commissioners, they would have to wait until 4:00 pm whether voters came to the polling station. Some voters arrived at nearly closing time of polling station, in which, polling station officers and members had to let them in to cast. Given that situation, polling booth officers said that it was a waste of time but voters were allowed to cast as per procedure prescribed in the law. Due to limited understanding of the voters and low level of interest over Election, there were cases of polling booth officers who faced challenges in blaming by candidates from political parties, blaming by voters (if something made error with voter lists during Election Day), and sometimes by media personnel. One KII respondent from Loilem mentioned “it is very difficult to communicate to each other in some constituencies due to limited access to mobile network. In some areas, we are also concerned about security issue and lack of transport areas to areas. These affect more to female polling station officers. If something happened, they are the ones who have been targeted. In our areas, there are two polling booth located in army battalion camps. On the day of election, there were (325) eligible voters casted, of which, 156 votes became invalid. In the case of that, there was dispute between candidate and polling officers, the candidate of political party blamed targeting to polling officer.”According to the report of International Foundation for Electoral System (2015)5, UEC has conducted voter education and awareness through mass media, TV, radio and billboard advertisements. Voter education materials distributed over thousands of voter pamphlet and motivation and informational posters across the country. However, the results showed that there was still in need of continuation of voter education and campaigns. Majorities of respondents mentioned that voter education should be continued and expended. It is also needed to do voter registration campaigns/ education across the country.

5.2.5 Limited Support and Ignorance of Practical Gender NeedsUnder this session, insufficient budget and polling materials, human resources, transportation and communication, limited plan for security and women’s specific needs generated challenges for both women and men in By-Election.While women group reported challenges more on transportation, security and women’s specific needs, men group discussed on challenges related to budget, delegation of power, and insufficient of polling materials. Limited Public Transportation System, and Far-Distance of the Assigned Constituencies: During Election Process, polling station officers particularly women polling officers faced challenges in relation to limited transportation support and poor communication system. It was explained already in respondent profile, of 31 respondents aged between 45-55, 70% of them were

4. More information can be seen at http://www.uecmyanmar.org/pages php?pagename=၂၀၁၈ခႏစၾကားျဖတေရြးေကာကပြ5 https://www.ifes.org/sites/default/files/myanmar_voterlistupdate_october_2015.pdf

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women, who didn’t know how to ride motorbike as well as there was no public transports in some areas thus women group have used the individual carrier. At the same time, some women group reported that their assigned places were far-distance from their home and the road was bad and rough. When they finished their duty, it was up to 8:00 pm, this made impossible to come back home due to bad road and unskilled on riding motorbike thus they requested the local teachers to be staying with them a night. Some female polling officers said that they have asked their family members to transport them to the polling station to ensure their security.Female polling officers also added that there was no action taken even though they have reported this to the concerned persons. Some women group said that they were assigned the place that they were not familiar with. This also made them for difficulty of absorbing all the condition of voters within a given time. Men’s group also reported similar challenges. It would be more cost effective, safe energy and time as well as able to avoid unintended obstacles, if the persons who stay nearby the constituencies and who know the local context were assigned as polling station officers. Ignorance of potential harms/ Security and Women Specific Needs: Women group said that they have encountered feeling insecure due to rough road, incompetence to ride motorbike and limited supports for transportation and communication during By-Election. Among women and men, they may not be homogeneous groups, even within a specific group of women, they have diverse social groups such as widow, poor, rich, educated/ uneducated, single mother, and women with disabilities and so do as men. According to the de-facto condition of women and men, different and special needs may be needed to supports. Similar to this study, there are lactating mother, pregnant women and women who didn’t use motorbike observed. The concerned and responsible persons should have prior plan for those special groups and need to consider women’s specific needs. By creating of childcare place nearby polling station, arrangement of transportation for those who didn’t use motorbike, flexible time for lactating mother for breastfeeding and pregnant women for take a break as they might not be able to stand for long. Women group who used individual carriers can meet with potential harms such as abuse and accidents and sexual harassment during travelling to polling station and sending back of ballot boxes and polling materials. It is discussed that there is plan for neither solving potential harms nor discuss on potential harms during trainings. Sometimes, the specific needs of women and men were reported but no action taken from the respective commissions.Some men’s group highlighted that there was not specific time set for lunch. Sometimes, there were voters and disorientated visit from respective authorities during lunchtime in which some polling station officers had to stop eating. It is suggested to set lunch break for polling station officer and reconsider for time management/ schedule for Election Day. If this is informed to the voters in advance, they will avoid coming at lunchtime. Insufficient of budget allocation and Polling Material: As per Union Election Law, Budget for Election is allocated. The actual expenditures can claim to the NayPyiTaw Sub commission with supporting documents and other allowance is provided. The budget provision however is insufficient and sometimes

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it was reimbursed only at the end of the event or trainings. Both ward/village tract sub commission and polling station officers expressed that the allowance should be enough for lunch, transportation and incidental expenses and it should be paid in daily basic. It is said that the provided allowance was not paid in actual. One KII respondent said that the total budget, amount on (420000 MMK) was claimed, only (100000 MMK) amount returned back to them. Another respondents explained that the actual vouchers and receipts were kept but it was not so sure when it would get back. The respondents added that the expenditures were paid in advance from their own pocket money in the mean time.In relation to the expenditures of security personnel, they sub-commission had to spend allowance for security personnel by their own. It is also said that the rate of transportation charges has been set as 500 MMK/ mile when sending back polling materials to sub commission. And the set rate may not work for some areas due to bad condition of travel route and road. It is suggested to increase for some areas. One KII respondent said,

“It is very difficult for some polling officers to carrying polling materials due to bad transportation. The motorbike can be broken/ smashed on the way they travel. And another thing is that there is limited network to access. They can be in trouble if something happens on their way with the condition of inaccessible network. Thus, the transportation charges should be exceeded than the normal set rate of 500MMK/ mile. Adding to that, the expenses for daily allowance of ward/village tract sub-commission and security personnel should be provided in coming 2020 Election.”

Adding to this, the ward/ village tract sub-commission mentioned that they had to attend meeting each and every time that invited from Township Sub-commission. They added that there was no travel allowance reimbursed for every time and they had to spend their own.It was widely discussed not only about the limited budget but insufficient support of the Election related materials (such as stationaries, copiers, printers, polling utensils..etc). Some polling officers and sub-commissions have to carry things with their own motorbike. The remoteness, isolated and rough road can something cause to the materials when carrying with motorbike in accidentally. If the provided ballot boxes and other materials are unintentionally damaged, there will have no extra to replace. The UEC should reflect the experience faced from the ground and should amend law, procedures and by law to respond the reality of the ground.Policy and Systems: There are policies and law for Election process, management and constituting, roles and delegation of power for each of sub-commission and conflict handling mechanism including punishment. The polies and guidelines are set to protect mismanagement and promote Credible Election, the law and policies however not reflecting of human security and safety. Safety and security of electoral management bodies, particularly female members should be protected from anticipated violence and sexual harassment at the workplace by law.

5.3 Mitigation Vs. Suggestions Lack of informed consent: Majorities of polling station officers said there was no condition to refuse the top-down order except they were in bad health thus it had to follow the order. Further suggestions arose

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from the discussion that the polling officers should be appointed from the public. If there is no option to use schoolteacher, they should be either consulted or informed consent. Lactating mother, pregnant women and persons who are in weak should also be left out. Poor transportation system and security concerns: As discussed in previous session, majority of polling officers and members have solved such on their own ways in dealing with family members, friends and colleagues. It is suggested to assign polling officers who are local and stay nearby the constituencies. Creating enabling environment and working condition would enhance safety and security of polling station officers particularly women.Insufficient Budget and Polling Materials: As discussed, there were limited support on budget and polling materials. In order to mitigate of that situation, some of sub-commissioners, they have covered their own for the expenses that were not reimbursed by relevant authority. In relation to insufficient of polling materials, both sub-commissioners and polling station officers said that they have to carry things with their own motorbike carefully. Duty Vs. As mother and As Housewives: As said, women group also seemed no option to overcome, they had fulfilled both their roles of mother, daughter and housewives on one hand, and they had accomplished their duty given by seniors on the other hands. There is suggestion on the use of housewives, elderly women and mother with children, the UEC should arrange practical needs for them to be able to free from burden and worry.Interest and understanding of voters on Election: Although both polling station officers and sub-commission solved unexpected complaint from voters, it would be occurred in coming Elections. There is in need of having a strategic plan for the advancement of voter education and awareness. The candidates from various political parties need to be adding voter education programmes in their plan. The education and awareness programme should be gender responsive to be Inclusive Election.

6. Result from citizen interviewAlong with interviewing of polling station staff and members of Election commission, PTE also conducted the public opinion poll in relation to the polling station management, recruitment of polling station officers and members, criteria and/ or skill requirements of polling station staff, suitable persons of polling station staff and duty assignment or tasks allocation between voting and ballot counting time of the staff. Of 225 surveyed respondents, 42% of them are male and 58 % is female. In relation to the age coverage, (110) respondents, age between 18 and 35, represent as the largest group and 89 respondents involved as the second largest group, age between 36 and 50 and the rest, 26 respondents are age of above 50.According to the result of public opinion poll, majorities of the respondents (54.22% of respondents in which 20.44% of male and 33.78% female) highlighted to provide effective management training to polling station staff. This is the most important thing to be effective and systematic management of polling station. The second majorities of respondents (17% in which 7.56 % male and 9. 78% of female) agreed that educational level of polling station officer

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is important in effective management of polling station. The third important thing is that the familiarity of polling station staff to his/her constituencies. (See Figure - 10)

Graph 2. Result of Respondents’ Answer on Most Important Facts to be Effective Management of Polling


Regarding to the opinion of criteria to recruit polling station staff, 36.7% of the respondents (15.25 % of male and 20.82% of female) out of 225 surveyed respondents mentioned to recruit well-trained persons who are young and energetic. The second is to recruit the person who is interested in politic, which is recommended by 32.22% of respondents (13.16% male and 19.06% female). Off 225 respondents, 14.08% of these is still highlighting to recruit schoolteachers as polling station staff. The detail can be seen at figure 11.

Graph 3. Result of Respondents Opinion on the Criteria to Recruit Polling Station Staff

There was also question included in the public opinion poll in relation to the opinion on the recruitment process of the polling station staff. Experience of polling station staff highlighted in previous session that there has no option to avoid top down order on the assignments of polling

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station duty. That is because the opinion on selection of polling station staff collected whether interested and skillful persons should be recruited publicly. The result showed that 46.67% of (in which 18.67% of male and 28% of female) respondents strongly agreed to recruit polling station staff openly and 37% of them (16.44% male and 21.33% of female) supported to recruit openly. Only few of them ranked at their disagreement on the statement. Thus, in sum, it is obviously learned that the polling station staff should be recruited the persons who are skillful, energetic and interested through advertisement.

Graph 4. Result of Respondents’ Opinion on Recruitment of Polling Station Staff Openly

As finding showed, majorities of polling station officers were already educational salaried staff. Therefore, the survey collected public opinion on whether polling station officers have been disturbed their original duty due to the Election related duties. As per the result, 33.78% of respondents (14.22% of male and 19.56% of female) strongly supported that the polling station duties have disturbed the original duty of polling station officers. Of 225 surveyed respondents, 30.22% of them (14.22% of male and 16% of female) also supported that the original duties of polling station officers have disturbed due to Election. (See figure 13)

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Graph 5. Result of Respondents’ Opinion Whether Election Disturbed Original Duty of Polling Station staff

Opinion on creating two shifts to manage polling station during Election Day (one shift is management of polling station and voting period and one shift is for counting ballot and sending back polling materials to the Commission) has collected from the public in order to reduce burden of polling station staff. According to the result, over half of the respondents agreed to have two shifts of assignment during Election Day. Of 225 respondents, 32.73% of these (in which 11.21% of male and 21.52% of female) expressed the strong recommendation to have two shifts of duty assignment during Election Day, 30.5% of these (in which 14.8% of male and 15.7% of female) also supported in having two shift.

Graph 6. Result of Respondents’ Opinion on Having Two shifts of Polling Station Duties

7. Recommendation

Based on the findings revealed in previous sessions, the following recommendation provided for inclusive,

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gender responsive and credible election in upcoming 2020 Election.

o Constituting Polling Officer and Designating Duty Station: The UEC and concerned ministry should seek informed consent before constituting of the polling station member, instead of employing top down modality. Instead of constituting schoolteacher as polling officers, it is also suggested to appoint interested individuals who are young, energetic, and living nearby. The volunteers should be proactively selecting and camping through open call.

o Gender policy or strategic framework for gender inclusion in Election Process: The UEC needs to ensure gender inclusion in Election process in way of developing gender policy for Election and gender strategic framework to be inclusiveness.

o Review of Post Election: It should have a mechanism to review post election and create spaces for all stakeholders to voice out their challenges and experiences. It needs to review how gender is included and how systems/ procedures and management making working environment safe and to voice out for all.

o Increased public Awareness on Voter Registration and Voter Education: As results showed, there are still in need of public awareness on voting and election. The UEC should have adequate measures to increase public awareness on voter education/civic.

o E-Election and Inclusiveness: Aiming for 2020 general election, there should be planned for a technology advanced electoral system in order to save human energy, cost effective and to issue news/ results in timely manner. In order to advance E-election, election commission should be expended and staff should be trained. In order to report and release results in timely manner, communication should be advanced. It is suggested to work with Telecommunication Company to set up network server in some of main and nearby areas of polling stations. Myanmar is one of the signatory states of Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), UEC and respective responsible persons should understand the political participation rights of persons with disabilities and should do arrangement for them to participate in Election Day.

o Special Measures including safety and security for Women Polling Station staff: Since majority of polling station staff are women, special measures that reflect women’s practical needs such as plans/ measures for security concerns, transportation arrangement, childcare facilities and breastfeeding time for lactating mother, and arrangement of accommodation for the late return.

o Reconsideration of Polling Booth Schedule for Election Day: : As finding showed that majorities of the respondents highlighted on the distract of starting and end time of polling booth station during election day as they had to be at the polling station before 6:00 am and left after 4:00 pm. For some

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polling station officers particularly female polling officers faced transportation barriers and lack of safety along their travel to polling station during Election Day. Although the polling booth was closed at 4:00 pm, the staff still needed to work on counting votes, release eligible votes and ensure all votes and polling station materials were sent back to the Election Commission on the same day. Thus, it was also suggested that the relevant authority should be in place of better measures for Election Day by setting two shifts of polling station duty or wait the counting of votes and validation of eligible votes until reaching to the Election Commission..etc. This would also reduce extra burden of all polling station staff and sub-commissioners.

o Gender Responsive Risk Management: UEC and the concerned persons should conduct gender responsive risk analysis prior to the Election. So that risk mitigation strategies will be able to be in place and reduce unintentional obstacles for women and men to actively participates as sub-commission, polling station staff, candidates, voters and observers.

o Support Adequate Polling Materials and Budget: As explained already, budget support was not adequate as well as polling materials; UEC and respective persons should readjust the budget allocation and have alternative plan for polling materials for unintentional damage.

o Plan for First Aid Support at Polling Station: The results pointed out that there were variety of voters, who could cause illness suddenly during casting. There is suggestion arose from polling officers that first aid kit or emergency rescue should be in place at polling station for any emergency.

o Gender Responsive Electoral Management Bodies: In terms of gender inclusion in electoral management bodies, the UEC should reconsider team composition of sub-commissions and ensure equal rights and spaces are given to both women and men in decision making level of all Electoral related bodies including compliant redress committees and Union (Nay Pyi Taw) Election Commission equally. Having gender quota, such as, i) at least (% (or) number) of women to get involve in all levels of commissions, ii) equal participation of women and men in electoral management and planning meetings and iii) % of women in compliant redress committee would enhance inclusive and fair Election in the future.


2008’s Constitution of Myanmar (2008).

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BTI’s Country Report, Myanmar, 2018.Handbooks for Polling Station Officers and members, and Sub-commissionershttp://www.uecmyanmar.org/pages.php?pagename=၂၀၁၈ကြားဖြတြရြေးကောကြပြhttp://www.uecmyanmar.org/pages.php?pagename=ဥပဒေ&menu=ဥပ Union Election Commission Website Union Election Law (2012) Phyithu Hluttaw Election Law (2012)

https://www.ifes.org/sites/default/files/myanmar_voterlistupdate_october_2015.pdf IFES. Gender Equality & Electoral Management Bodies: A best practices guide, 2014UNDP, Inclusive Electoral Process: A Guide for Electoral Management Bodies on promoting gender equality and women participation, 2015