MAY 2010 ISSUE 17 Jardine Engineering Corporation www.jec.com Pioneering Green Building Technologies in Asia Southeast Asia’s First Carbon-Neutral Residence Hong Kong Institute of Education Equipped with New Energy Saving Thermal Storage System

Pioneering Green Building Technologies in Asia · 2011. 3. 28. · MAY 2010 ISSUE 17 Jardine Engineering Corporation Pioneering Green Building Technologies in Asia Southeast Asia’s

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Page 1: Pioneering Green Building Technologies in Asia · 2011. 3. 28. · MAY 2010 ISSUE 17 Jardine Engineering Corporation Pioneering Green Building Technologies in Asia Southeast Asia’s

MAY 2010 ISSUE 17

Jardine Engineering Corporation www.jec.com

Pioneering Green Building Technologies in AsiaSoutheast Asia’s First Carbon-Neutral Residence

Hong Kong Institute of Education Equipped with New Energy Saving Thermal Storage System

Page 2: Pioneering Green Building Technologies in Asia · 2011. 3. 28. · MAY 2010 ISSUE 17 Jardine Engineering Corporation Pioneering Green Building Technologies in Asia Southeast Asia’s

Projects 項目探討

Hong Kong Institute of Education Equipped with New Energy Saving Thermal Storage System香港教育學院 備全新蓄能系統

Energy Efficient Chiller Systems Yield Significant Yearly Savings節能冷水機組系統  年省大量電力


04CEO’s Message 行政總裁的話

14Feature Story 特寫

Pioneering Green Building Technologies in Asia 亞洲環保建築科技先鋒


Values in Action 核心價值模範獎

JEC launches 'Values in Action' Awards怡和機器推出「核心價值模範獎」

Green Product Solutions 環保產品介紹

JEC’s Innovative and Green Lighting Solutions怡和機器之創新環保照明方案

The RGF Photohydroionization (PHI) System for Indoor Pure Air RGF光氫離子化(PHI)空氣淨化系統為室內帶來淨化空氣

Sustainable Flooring for the Environmentally-Aware Customers可持續地台物料 滿足客戶的環保需要

Water Recycling Solutions水資源回收方案



MAY 2010 ISSUE 17

18Environmental, Health & Safety環境、健康與安全

Safety First: Everyone’s Responsibility 安全第一 人人有責


23Personality 人物

Philip Chiu – Developing Human Capital at JEC趙志基 – 於怡和機器拓展人力資本

News 簡訊

JEC Singapore Awarded Mechanical and Electrical (M&E) Operations Contract for Marina Bay Financial Centre新加坡怡和機器奪得濱海灣金融中心之機電操作合約

JEC Thailand Contracted to Outfit New Bangkok Rama 9 Complex in Thailand泰國怡和機器取得曼谷全新Rama 9項目工程合約

Leading Golf Ball Production Site now Cooled by Largest CDQ in Asia著名高爾夫球製造工場 


JEC Provides Engineering Expertise for the New North Lantau Hospital怡和機器為全新北大嶼山醫院提供專業工程技術

Southeast Asia's First Carbon-Neutral Residence東南亞首個碳中立住所







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Alex Newbigging艾力.紐璧堅

26Community Care 關懷社區

Walk Up Jardine House 2010: The Height of Success齊步上怡廈2010 成績理想

Celebrating JEC's Caring Team 5th Anniversary 慶祝怡和機器義工隊成立五周年

JEC Cares - Hike for Hospice 2010怡和機器關懷行動-2010登山善行

Skipping Lunches to Make a Difference公益行善 「折」食日

Major Contracts Listing 工程合約28



24Training & Development 培訓及發展

Coaches and Mentors Build Key Learning Platforms for JEC Staff教練師傅同心協力 為員工建立學習平台

JEC’s core values are what make JEC successful, and it is the implementation of these values that underpin our brand. In order to recognise our employees and reward good examples in our operations at all levels, a new awards programme - “Values in Action” has been introduced within our Company. The purpose of the programme is to encourage our employees to put JEC’s core values of being “Globally Minded”, “Customer-Orientated”, “Technically Proficient”, “Dependable” and “Responsible” into practice, and to communicate internally good examples of these values being delivered in our day-to-day activities. In this issue, our main feature highlights JEC’s green building technologies and our involvement in projects throughout Asia that showcase our wide range of sustainable products and energy efficient solutions which meet our customers’ needs. I hope that you enjoy this issue of the magazine.


怡和機器核心價值模範獎」。 設立該計劃的目的是鼓勵我們的員工將怡和機器的核心價值觀,包括「環球視野」、「以客為本」、「精湛技術」、「值得信賴」及「承擔責任」都化為行動,身體力行地實踐有關信念,並應用於日常工作中,成為公司內的模範例子。 今期,我們特寫介紹怡和機器的環保建築科技,與及報導在遍佈亞洲的項目工程,這展示我們的產品及解決方案範圍廣泛、可持續發展及具能源效益,滿足客戶的需求。 希望您喜歡今期雜誌。





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JEC launches 'Values in Action' Awards怡和機器推出「核心價值模範獎」

JEC’s core values represent who we are and how we operate as an organisation. In this new section of the JEC magazine, we hope to articulate where such values are reflected in our everyday activities, be it through JEC’s teams, partners, or customers. To encourage everyone to recognise and implement these values, we have launched a new awards programme, ‘Values in Action’.



Values in Action












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Introducing the 'SuperOxygenation Technology' to Hong KongAn example of the core value ‘Globally Minded’ is the recently sourced innovative and highly effective new SuperOxygenation technology from the United States, a technology developed to prevent odours in and around wastewater sources by increasing the levels of dissolved oxygen in the waste water. The project is an example of JEC keeping abreast of global best practices, and is a leader in introducing them into the markets where we operate. JEC introduced this new technology to the Drainage Services Department (DSD) to prevent the formation of foul odours at Hong Kong’s Tung Chung Sewage Pumping Station. This solution is more cost effective and environmentally friendly than traditional chemical dosing systems, which only serve to treat odours after they have formed.







We keep abreast of global best practices

and are a leader in introducing them into the markets where we operate.


We take pride in our technical skills and our

ability to combine engineering know-how with

the management abilities of our people.


We act with integrity and take responsibility for the safety of everyone involved in our activities, whilst caring for the environment and making a positive impact in the communities and territories where we operate.


We are proactive in addressing the needs

of our customers and committed to

introducing them to new technologies and methodologies that provide real value.我們積極解決客戶需求,致力於為客戶提供可提高實際價值的新技術及方法。

We understand our strengths and capabilities, communicate these transparently to our customers, and always deliver on our commitments.我們了解自身優勢及能力,並向客戶清晰傳達,一貫履行我們的承諾。

SuperOxygenation Technology is used to dissolve pure oxygen in water to raise its dissolved oxygen (D.O.) level.超飽和溶氧技術能把純氧溶解於水中,提高溶氧量。


A side stream is pumped through a side stream pump into the Speece Cone, where pure oxygen is added to the water flow. Depending on the pressure in the system, the maximum amount of pure oxygen will be dissolved in the water without any gaseous oxygen leaving the cone.利用側流式水泵,可把一股側流泵進Speece錐體反應器,並把純氧加進水流之中。視乎系統的壓力,有關過程可把最高的純氧量溶解於水中,使離開錐體反應器時不帶任何氣體氧氣。




JEC's CORE VALUES 怡和機器核心價值


JEC's management encourages each member of the JEC team to consider how we can further improve and demonstrate our global-mindedness, customer orientation, technical proficiency, dependability and responsibility on a day-to-day basis. JEC is proud of our core values and understands how they are crucial in assisting us to remain a market leader and bring added value for our customers. 05




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Marina Bay Financial Centre (MBFC) is the new first-class waterfront business centre in downtown Singapore jointly developed by three of Asia’s most experienced and trusted property developers – Cheung Kong (Holdings) Ltd/Hutchison Whampoa, Hongkong Land and Keppel Land Ltd, and managed by Raffles Quay Asset Management (RQAM). With three office towers offering 3 million square feet of Grade A office space, two residential towers of 649 luxury apartments and approximately 176,000 square feet of retail space, MBFC is designed as the place to work, live and play. Home to the regional and global headquarters of the world’s leading financial institutions, MBFC achieved the Green Mark Gold for its office towers 1 & 2, Marina Bay Residences and Marina Bay Suites and the Green Mark Gold Plus for its office tower 3 by the Building and Construction Authority (BCA) of Singapore for its sustainability features. This makes MBFC one of the few developments to win more than one BCA Green Mark award.

JEC Singapore has been awarded the M&E operations contract for the two office towers which begins operations progressively from April 2010. JEC Singapore will again be working with RQAM, our partner for the M&E operations of One Raffles Quay, the 1.3 million square feet development tailored for the world’s leading businesses.

濱海灣金融中心(簡稱MBFC)是新加坡市中心全新頂級臨海商業中心,由亞洲最具經驗及可靠的地產發展商-長江實業(集團)有限公司/和記黃埔、 地公司及吉寶 業共同發展,並由Raffles Quay Asset Management(簡稱RQAM)管理。項目共有三幢辦公大樓,提供三百萬平方呎甲級寫字樓面積;另外亦設有兩幢住宅大廈,提供649個豪宅單位及176,000平方呎商場。整個規劃周全完善,是工作、生活及消閒的理想地方,而多家頂尖金融機構更已把區域及環球總部設於該處。新加坡建設局剛向MBFC的辦公大樓一及二期、濱海灣居 (Marina Bay Residences)及Marina Bay Suites頒發綠色標誌金獎,以及向其辦公大樓三期頒發綠色標誌Gold Plus獎,以表揚項目的環保設施。這使MBFC成為少數奪得多於一項由建設局發出的綠色標誌獎的發展項目。

新加坡怡和機器成功奪得該二幢辦公大樓的機電操作合約,而該等大樓將於2010年4月開始逐步啟用。此外,怡和機器將再度夥拍RQAM,這家公司在One Raffles Quay的機電操作上與怡和機器合作,為該個佔地130萬平方呎、專為頂級企業而設的項目提供優質服務。

JEC Singapore Awarded Mechanical and Electrical (M&E) Operations Contract for Marina Bay Financial Centre新加坡怡和機器奪得濱海灣金融中心之機電操作合約







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With the two sites in close proximity, JEC Singapore expects to draw from the synergy of the two teams working closely together, covering a total area of approximately 3 million square feet (One Raffles Quay and MBFC Phase one). In preparation for the operations at MBFC, JEC Singapore has deployed our MBFC team at One Raffles Quay since the beginning of the year to gather hands-on experience working alongside RQAM.

JEC Singapore’s two teams of about 60 mechanical & electrical engineers and technicians will be working round the clock to ensure that the offices continue to run at optimal efficiency. During the initial defects liability period for MBFC, JEC Singapore together with RQAM will address tenants’ feedback, ensuring the building systems are in smooth operation.

As the JEC Singapore teams at these two locations align themselves to the client, we aim to bring our extensive M&E operations experience to MBFC, the centerpiece of the new downtown at Marina Bay.

由於上述兩個項目位置相近,新加坡怡和機器期望加強兩個工作團隊的合作,發揮協同效應,以便為總面積約300萬平方呎的地方提供服務(One Raffles Quay and MBFC一期)。事實上,為了妥善營運濱海灣金融中心而作好準備,新加坡怡和機器自年初開始,已派遣MBFC團隊成員(當中包括新員工及其他地點的現職員工)前往One Raffles Quay,藉此與RQAM一同工作,吸取經驗。




Marina Bay Financial Centre, Singapore新加坡濱海灣金融中心






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JEC Thailand Contracted to Outfit New Bangkok Rama 9 Complex in Thailand泰國怡和機器取得曼谷全新Rama 9項目工程合約

JEC Thailand has been contracted to commission, supply and install the air-conditioning, ventilation, electrical, sanitary and fire protection systems for the new Central Plaza Rama 9, an 8-level building near the new Bangkok Airport Express Rama 9 station, located on Ratchadapisek-Rama 9 intersection road. This new complex boasts three distinctive areas offering leisure, entertainment and flagship retail.

泰國怡和機器剛取得合約,負責為全新Central Plaza Rama 9項目供應空調、通風、電力、衛生及消防系統,並進行安裝及測試。該項目為一幢八層高樓宇,位於Ratchadapisek與Rama 9道路的交匯點,鄰近全新曼谷機場快線巴士Rama 9車站。這個全新項目設有三個特色區域,消閒娛樂及名店購物一應俱全。

Acushnet, a leading manufacturer of name brand golf-related accessories, has expanded its golf ball production site to the Hemaraj Eastern Seaboard Industrial Estate in Rayong, Thailand.

The new plant will feature a Trane air quality control system and a fully integrated Building Automation System (BAS) to maintain the plant and the warehouse at the optimum temperature and relative humidity level for producing and storing premium golf balls of consistently high quality. The Trane system comprises two units of 500 tonnes CVHG with a low chilled-water temperature supply (5/11) and five units of Cool Dry and Quiet (CDQ) (~20,000-25,000 cfm). The production lines have to be controlled in an environment with 30-40% relative humidity at all times to ensure premium quality golf balls.

Having yielded excellent results, the CDQ was awarded the Innovation of the Year award in 2006 from Frost & Sullivan in the United States. With the expertise and support of Trane Thailand this project is currently the largest CDQ in operation in Asia. Acushnet has expressed great satisfaction with this system, hailing it as more convenient than other separate air conditioning and humidity control systems that they have employed in the past.

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Acushnet golf ball production factory is now cooled by Trane's technologies. At the controlled level of humidity to ensure premium quality golf balls.特靈的冷卻技術,為Acushnet高爾夫球製造工場提供合適的濕度,確保生產之高爾夫球達致最高質數。


Trane Thailand team supporting Acushnet project.泰國特靈Acushnet項目團隊。


Leading Golf Ball Production Site now Cooled by Largest CDQ in Asia著名高爾夫球製造工場  備亞洲最大型CDQ冷卻器


其新廠房將 備特靈空氣質素控制系統及綜合式樓宇自動化系統(BAS),藉此把廠房及倉庫保持於最佳溫度及相對濕度,以便製造及儲存優質的高爾夫球。這個特靈系統包括兩台500噸的CVHG, 備低冷水溫度供應器 (5/11)及五台CDQ(涼快、乾爽及安靜)裝置 (∼20,000-25,000 cfm)。憑藉這套先進系統,生產線的環境可時刻控制於30-40%的相對濕度,確保高爾夫球達致最高品質。

事實上,由於成效卓著,CDQ裝置曾於2006年獲美國Frost & Sullivan頒發年度創新大獎。憑藉泰國特靈的專業知識及強大支援,上述項目現已成為亞洲最大型的CDQ運作場地。Acushnet對有關系統深表滿意,認為操作方便,遠勝從前所採用的獨立式空調及濕度控制系統。







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JEC Provides Engineering Expertise for the New North Lantau Hospital怡和機器為全新北大嶼山醫院提供專業工程技術

Southeast Asia's First Carbon-Neutral Residence東南亞首個碳中立住所

JEC is providing design, supply, delivery and installation of five building services systems for the new North Lantau Hospital in Hong Kong. Work on the first phase of the hospital has begun, and JEC engineers are working to provide sound integrated solutions specifically for this hospital, the systems include a burglar alarm and security system, drop arm barriers system, pneumatic tube transport system, mobile elevating platforms and gondola system.

The North Lantau Hospital was planned to be constructed with capacity and capability to deliver public hospital services to meet the demand of the population in North Lantau, as well as providing emergency care support to the Hong Kong International Airport and some major tourist facilities in the Lantau Island. Phase 1 of the project will be a community hospital which is a neighbourhood health care facility providing accident and emergency care and non-complex secondary in-patient care including step down extended care for the local community.

On 1st April 2010, along with other leading green technology and solution providers, JEC Singapore signed the Technical Collaboration Agreement for the Sime Darby Idea House project at the Kuala Lumpur Golf & Country Club in Malaysia.

The Idea House is a carbon-neutral concept dwelling set to be a benchmark in sustainable design that will create Southeast Asia's first carbon-neutral residence.

Developed as a prototype, the Idea House incorporates green technologies such as 100% recyclable kitchen cabinets and roofing products, Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified timber products, certified energy efficient appliances and lighting systems, and solar panels. It was designed using prefabrication and modularisation, modern methods of construction, and has fully adaptable void spaces that can be filled or removed as the size of the family living inside expands or contracts.

JEC Singapore will supply and supervise the installation of the Exterpark’s FSC certified timber decking in the Idea House. Exterpark’s market leading outdoor decking brand features a patented invisible fastening system which provides a perfect visual finish, merging sustainable and desirably aesthetic features in the development of this carbon-neutral prototype.



2010年4月1日,新加坡怡和機器加入其他頂尖環保科技及方案供應商的行列,就馬來西亞Kuala Lumpur Golf & Country Club之Sime Darby Idea House項目簽訂技術合作協議。

Idea House實踐碳中立居所理念,將成為東南亞首個碳中立住所,樹立可持續設計的新典範。

作為設計原型的Idea House,匯聚多種綠色技術,例如100%可循環再用的廚櫃及屋頂產品、森林管理委員會(FSC)認可的木材產品、認可的節能電器及照明系統、太陽能板等等。其設計採用了預製及模組化等現代建築方式,所有空位均可任意填補或移除,以適應居住人數的增減。

在Idea House項目中,新加坡怡和機器將負責供應Exterpark之FSC認可木材地板,並監督其安裝工作。Exterpark的戶外地板品牌一直領導市場,備有專利隱藏式扣件系統,使外觀整潔無瑕。有關系統使這個碳中立設計原型既具環保特質,又別具美感。



Partners including Mr. P.C. Chan, General Manager of JEC Singapore (third from right front row) bringing together some of the world's leading green technology and solution for Southeast Asia's first Carbon-Neutral Residence Project.世界各地的環保技術先鋒雲集,包括新加坡怡和機器總經理鍾璧全(前排右三),為東南亞建造首個碳中立住所。


Pneumatic tube transport system: high speed transport of packages up to 5 kg. 氣動管道輸送系統高速運輸達至5公斤的物料。






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JEC’s Innovative and Green Lighting Solutions怡和機器之創新環保照明方案

Innovations in lighting technology have brought about significant opportunities for enhancing energy efficiency and lowering maintenance costs. JEC carries a comprehensive range of some of the world’s leading energy efficient lighting brands and is also an expert in installing intelligent lighting systems.

LED lights produce more light per watt than incandescent bulbs and also radiate very little heat. Building operators thus save on both lighting energy costs and air-conditioning costs. In addition to their energy saving benefits, LED lights have useful lifetimes of 35,000 to 100,000 hours. Bulbs do not have to be changed as often which means that less manpower is required. LED’s contain no mercury, are inherently dimmable and the colour is more natural than incandescent or compact fluorescent lights.

Lighting systems can be configured according to specific schedules, incorporating sensors using the latest infra-red, ultrasonic and microwave technology. Such systems can be conveniently operated within JEC’s Integrated Building Management Systems (IBMS), providing significant energy savings of up to 80%.












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The RGF Photohydroionization (PHI) System for Indoor Pure Air RGF光氫離子化(PHI)空氣淨化系統為室內帶來淨化空氣

Poor Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) is a significant environmental health risk. In addition to providing advice on how to improve IAQ, JEC provides a range of products that filter air, eliminate viruses and control odours.

One of the most innovative products that JEC provides is the RGF Photohydroionization (PHI) Air Purification System. This system is designed to eliminate sick building syndrome by reducing odours, air pollutants, VOCs, smoke and bacteria. The HVAC-PHI Cells are mounted into HVAC air ducts and when the system is in operation HVAC-PHI Cells create an Advanced Oxidation Process consisting of Hydro-peroxides, super oxide ions and hydroxide ions. All of these are friendly oxidizers which means that they revert back to oxygen and hydrogen after the oxidation of the pollutant. JEC has installed the product in a variety of locations, including Three Pacific Place in Hong Kong, with considerable success.



The RGF PHI Air Purification System reduces bacteria, air pollutants and VOCs.RGF光氫離子化空氣淨化系統能減少細菌,空氣污染物等物質。


JEC brings the world-class solar LED Street lights to Asia.怡和機器為亞洲引入世界級的LED太陽能街燈。


LED marine lanterns can be used for dock lighting, port lighting and hazard marking.海事用的LED照明,可用於碼頭,港口及用作危險標記。







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Sustainable Flooring for the Environmentally-Aware Customers可持續地台物料 滿足客戶的環保需要

Developers and tenants are increasingly concerned with the source and sustainability of building materials. Selecting the right flooring has an important impact on occupants’ health and a building’s environmental credentials.

JEC supplies and installs high quality flooring products that produce less harmful Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), last longer, and are manufactured sustainably. Among these are Milliken carpets (eligible for LEED credit consideration), outdoor decking materials made from a composite of recycled plastic milk bottles and reclaimed pine wood waste, and durable flooring materials, often with guarantees of a life span of up to 50 years. A particularly innovative product is designed by Parador who have created the first system for laminate and engineered wood flooring that absorbs, breaks down and neutralises harmful airborne substances.



JEC can suppy carpets made from sustainable materials.怡和機器可提供可持續性物料的地氈。


Engineered wood flooring that absorbs, break down and neutralises harmful airborne substances.層壓及複合木地板系統,能有效吸收、分解及中和空氣中的有害物質。









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Water Recycling Solutions水資源回收方案

Water shortages are an increasing global challenge and are likely to become progressively more acute in densely populated areas of Asia. One solution is to recycle greywater for reuse in areas such as irrigation, toilet flushing, and car washing. Greywater can come from sources such as rainwater, air-conditioning, steam from cooking, dishwashing, and others. Different types of wastewater must be treated in different ways and JEC provides a variety of greywater solutions.

On the one hand, the treatment of rainwater and air-conditioning is relatively straightforward and can be achieved with filters, ultra-violet sterilisers and membrane bioreactor. On the other hand, treating water from washing or sewage is more complicated and requires a relatively advanced treatment plant. JEC designs a range of greywater systems and works with suppliers to provide solutions that are tailored to the unique needs of a particular development.

Low-flow bathroom fixtures can reduce the usage of water up to 33,000 litres per person per year.安裝低流量浴室設備可減少每年每人33,000公升耗水量。


The greywater system is one of the efficient water recycling solutions.中水回收系統乃是其中一個有效的水資項目回收方案。



Water feeds from the basin, bath and shower by gravity into the

Using patented cyclonic technology water is treated and then pumped back up to a

header tank to be used for toilet flushing.

treated water header tank

(supplies waterto lavatory only)蓄水箱收集已處理過用水(只提供廁


greywaterfrom rainfall中水來自降雨

treated watersupplied tothe cistern


treated water已處理過的水

waste from thetreatment unit處理裝置內之廢物

greywater from shower, bath and basin從淋浴,洗澡和洗臉盆得來的中水

treatment unit (can be located in the kitchen, laundry room, garage or

under the stairs)處理裝置(可設於廚房、洗衣房、車房








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FEATURE STORYPioneering Green Building Technologies in Asia亞洲環保建築科技先鋒







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JEC Green Building Technologies

IndoorAir Quality


Optimised BuildingMaterials


Building IntegratedPower


Building AssessmentBuilding assessment and certification has become an increasingly important means of tracking and understanding building performance. Gaining a better understanding of how a building currently functions paints a picture of what steps need to be taken to improve performance.

Building assessments can take a variety of forms. In an energy audit, specialists collect and analyse data to identify energy management opportunities. System improvements are identified and the time frame and potential cost savings are mapped out. Advice can also take the form of reviewing compliance with local building regulations and the achievement of green building certifications such as LEED, HK-BEAM PLUS, and Green Mark.

Environmental concerns, increasing energy costs, and innovative new technologies have led to a new dynamic in the building industry. Buildings currently consume 40% of the world’s energy and there are huge opportunities to reduce buildings’ resource consumption.

Green building involves planning, building and operating buildings in a way that is more sustainable, efficient, and healthy than traditional buildings. Achieving these goals requires three factors of sustainable design, user education, and green building technologies. Of these three JEC is a specialist in providing green building technologies.

JEC provides assistance at different stages of a green building project from initial building assessment, to solution installation, to ongoing technical facilities management.





大廈評估可以多種方式進行。就能源審計而言,專家們會先收集及分析有關數據,找出需要改善能源管理的地方。接著,專家們將識別需改善的系統,制訂時間表及計算可節省的成本。此外,專家們亦會提供意見,例如檢討大廈在地方建築規例上的合規表現,或建議申請各種綠色建築認證, 例如綠色建築環保節能設計標準(LEED)、

「香港建築環境評估」標準(HK-BEAM PLUS)及「綠色建築標誌」 (Green Mark)等。

JEC's Green Building Technologies Value Chain怡和機器環保建築科技連鎖價值





Building Integrated Power


OptimisedBuilding Materials





Indoor Air Quality


Testing &Maintenance測試及保養



Technical Advice /Proposal








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Energy EfficiencyEnergy efficiency solutions have favourable life cycle economics and can significantly reduce the environmental impact of buildings. JEC is partner to a wide range of world leading producers of energy efficient technologies such as LED lighting and advanced air-conditioning equipment. In addition to providing installation expertise JEC can integrate these systems through building automation. Building automation systems provide intelligence that forms the basis of an effective energy management strategy.

Building Integrated Power SolutionsThere have been rapid advances in solar, wind, and combined heat & power technology. JEC’s solutions are focussed on sourcing cutting edge technologies and providing the engineering expertise to integrate these technologies with buildings.

Water EfficiencyModern changes in lifestyle have resulted in a 55% increase in human water consumption over the past 25 years, and water efficiency is now a growing concern. JEC provides greywater solutions that recover wastewater for filtration and reuse in suitable areas such as toilet flushing or plant watering. JEC is also partner to innovative producers of low-flow bathroom fittings that can dramatically reduce water wastage.

Optimised Building MaterialsEnergy, water, and raw materials used in building product manufacturing constitute a substantial portion of the net life cycle impact of a building. JEC is partner to a range of leading building product suppliers that use low-impact manufacturing techniques and sustainably sourced materials. Many of these products last longer than conventional products meaning that they do not have to be replaced as often which further reduces their environmental impact.

Waste Management SolutionsWhilst crucial for efficient building operation, waste management strategies rarely receive the necessary level of attention. To achieve streamlined operations, JEC designs innovative centralised waste management systems, incorporating centralised refuse rooms and pneumatic tube conveyancing systems, to handle waste efficiently and cost effectively.






Green Building Technologies環保建築科技







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For a building to be truly green it is not enough to merely install green technologies. For these technologies to work at their full potential they must be properly operated, maintained, and managed. Technical facilities management is a proactive approach to operating buildings that constantly seeks out best practice. JEC’s engineers and technicians draw on a combined pool of years of experience to provide this support through either direct facilities management or indirectly by providing ad-hoc support and training when required.


Green building technologies form a critical aspect of the drive towards greater building efficiency. Whether it is a whole green building development or simply the upgrade of a small outdated system, green building technologies present an opportunity to reduce costs and improve the planet.


Technical Facilities Management設施技術管理

Applications for JEC Green Building Technologies:環保建築科技適用於

Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)As outdoor air pollution levels rise, the management of indoor air quality is a growing priority for building owners and managers. JEC provides location-specific solutions such as air conditioning system upgrades and engineering products, building products, and active absorption materials to aid in maintaining high quality clean indoor air. JEC is also committed to providing clients with periodic monitoring and servicing of their IAQ solutions to ensure air quality is continually optimised.


■ Commercial Offices■ Retail & Shopping Centres■ Hotels■ Hospitals■ Residential Developments■ Schools and Universities■ Industrial Buildings■ Data Centres■ Municipal Buildings

■ 商業辦公室■ 購物商場■ 酒店■ 醫院■ 住宅項目■ 小、中及大學■ 工業用樓宇■ 數據處理中心■ 市政大樓





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Safety First: Everyone’s Responsibility 安全第一 人人有責JEC always considers the safety and health of the working environment as a top priority. “The prevention of injuries and illnesses lies at the heart of JEC’s core value of ‘responsibility’; for whilst safety systems and procedures are a necessary tool, they will not be truly effective unless there is a clear culture within the organisation wherein each individual sticks first and foremost to their own human principles in wishing to keep other human beings safe, and recognises that decisions they take, and examples that they set, have an impact on others further down their ‘chain of command’. With this in mind, the safety of our subcontractor’s employees should be treated with the same priority as that of our own employees.” explains Mr Alex Newbigging, Chief Executive of JEC.

It is JEC’s ongoing intention to provide and maintain a safe and healthy environment for our employees, our contractors and all other partners at our workplaces, through safe work behaviours, practices and systems. We want every employee to return safely to their homes and families after a day’s work.

With the Chief Executive’s commitment and under the Executive Director’s and Chief Operating Officer’s guidance, the accident rate has dropped sharply through the implementation of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Management System in 2004. The accident rate in 2009 was 1.18/1000, fallen heftily by 28% since 2008. Our regional offices, in particular, succeeded in achieving the impressive goal of zero accidents in 2009. These results are encouraging and evidence of the fact that JEC has well devised and effectively implemented health and safety procedures in workplaces.

怡和機器一直重視工作環境的安全與健康。怡和機器行政總裁艾力 ● 紐璧堅說:「防止受傷及疾病是怡和機器核心價值中『承擔責任』的重要因素;雖然安全系統和程序是建立工業安全必備工具,但公司也要 合建立一個良好的安全文化,否則效用不會得以發揮 。每一位員工也應該為別人設想,並明白各人的決定、行為和樹立的榜樣也會對同事和下屬有『連鎖影響』。 我們承包商員工的安全, 與自身的安全是同等重要的。」









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JEC’s Roadmap to SuccessIn 2004, top management recognised the need for strategies for safety awareness, accountability, and ongoing improvement.

In 2006, our “Group Health and Safety Management Committee” was reorganised and renamed the “Group Environmental Health and Safety Management Committee” to commence the enhancement of the safety culture. The original Committee members comprising junior administrative and clerical staff at the outset were replaced by managerial grade members. This significant change has allowed direct decision making and stronger focus on addressing the root causes of accidents and promoting wider commitment in safety efforts. Today, the Committee has a strong presence and effective operation. In early 2007, JEC fulfilled the international standards set for the management of environment systems and achieved certification for ISO 14001: 2004. Since then, we have achieved the Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series 18001: 2007 (OHSAS18001) requirements set by the Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency.

In 2009, JEC reorganised the Environmental, Health and Safety Management Committee so as to ensure the effective implemenation of safety work behaviours and practices in prevention of any accidents. The Headquarters is also fully supportive of the regional offices in developing their own professional safety teams to accommodate new safety circumstances.

JEC’s Health and Safety Strategies Through 2012While we are proud of our safety record, we are committed to improving our safety standards and will continue to strive to accomplish better results. In the future, we will be faced with greater challenges and opportunities for the continuous growth of our business. In view of this, there is a compelling need for us to modify and enhance the existing activities through better co-ordination and collaboration.

There are six key themes in the Health and Safety Strategy which can be summarized as follows:

Encourage the building of better working environmentsEnhance the contribution of workplace health and safety to productivity and competitivenessEncourage and secure the engagement of subcontractorsPromote a preventive workplace safety culture of self-regulation through integration of health and safety within management systemsPromote greater participation in health and safety issue, between employers, employees, and other health and safety playersHeadquarters leading workplace health and safety improvement by demonstrating best practice and promoting this to the regional offices

The successful record will provide JEC with extra drive to continue to meet and even exceed expectations in demonstrating the highest possible safety standards for staff and partners.


2006年,公司重組「集團健康安全管理委員會」,改稱「集團環境健康安全管理委員會」,正式推動安全文化。此外,原先的委員會由初級行政及文職人員組成,其後也改由經理級員工擔任成員。這項重大轉變,使委員會能直接作出決策,針對性地解決意外的根源,同時也鼓勵大家努力提升安全表現。時至今天,該委員會已成為重要組織,而且運作完善。在2007年初,怡和機器成功符合多項有關環境系統管理之國際標準,取得ISO14001: 2004認證。此後,我們還通過香港品質保證局的規定,符合職業健康和安全管理體系規範18001:2007


2009年,怡和機器重組「環境健康安全管理委員會」,以有效落實安全工作習慣及良好實務,防 止 意 外 發 生 。 公 司 總 部 亦 全 力 支 持 地 區辦 事 處 , 協助它們建立專業的安全小組,以應付新的安全問題。









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JEC recently installed a new Thermal Storage System for the Hong Kong Institute of Education. The system is connected to the existing chilled water supply system and has a storage capacity of 1,400 Ton-Hour. The Thermal Storage System is an energy saving method of air-conditioning which applies Phase Change Material (PCM) technology.


Hong Kong Institute of Education Equipped with New Energy Saving Thermal Storage System香港教育學院  備全新蓄能系統







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Phase Change Material TechnologyIn this project, PCM with an 8 oC (+/-0.5 oC) phase change temperature was used and permanently sealed inside chemical inert plastic containers. The material has a high heat of fusion which is capable of storing and releasing large amounts of energy.

During off peak periods, water from the existing chiller plant is supplied to the thermal storage system. The water is supplied at 6oC which provides a 2oC temperature difference across the thermal tank. This lower temperature causes the PCM to solidify. The solid PCM is then stored at 6oC and later used to chill water during peak periods. The chilled water thus charges the Phase Change Material during off-peak periods when energy is cheaper with an estimated energy saving of 8%.

Building Management Control of the Thermal Storage SystemThe existing chiller plant’s demand charge is monitored in real time, with the data continuously transmitted to the existing Building Management System (BMS). If chiller demand exceeds a limiting value then a control signal is transmitted to the BMS and the Thermal Storage System. This signal controls the chiller plant load and triggers the Thermal Storage to release its stored cooled water. Cooled water stored at night can thus supplement the air-conditioning system at peak times, which reduces the system’s required capacity and saves energy.

相變化物質技術上述項目採用了相變化溫度為8 oC (+/-0.5 oC)之相變化物質,並永久地封存於無化學作用的塑料容器之內。有關材料的熔解熱(heat of fusion)甚高,能透過相變化物質在相變化過程中儲蓄或釋放大量潛在熱能。


蓄能系統之樓宇管理控制現有冷水機房之負荷費乃以實時監察,有關數據並不斷傳送至現有的樓宇管理系統。如冷水機組的負荷超出限制數值, 樓宇管理及蓄能系統會收到控制訊號,藉此控制冷水機房的負荷,以及觸發蓄熱系統釋放已儲存的冷水。因此,晚間儲存的冷水,可於高峰時段用來支援空調系統,這大大降低了系統的所需效能及節省能源。


JEC installed a new Thermal Storage System to the Hong Kong Institute of Education, which is an effective way to lower energy cost.怡和機器為香港教育學院裝設全新蓄能系統,有效減低能源開支。









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Energy Efficient Chiller Systems Yield Significant Yearly Savings節能冷水機組系統  年省大量電力

空調設備的能源效益,日益受到香港業主重視。多年來,香港特靈一直致力為客戶提供卓越的能源方案,以高效能冷水機組更換過時的空調設備。 在更換過程當中,可以加入冷水機房控制系統(CPC)及一次泵變流量(VPF)等強化裝置,提升整個空調系統的製冷量,藉此降低總能耗量,減少污染物及CO2的排放。 結合各個特靈裝置,整個製冷系統可發揮更佳的能源及成本效益。與傳統系統相比,特靈系統能每年節省逾30%電力。


Completion date完工期


Energy saving per annum每年可減少之耗電量

Festival Walk又一城 12 / 2009

Designed and installed three R123 chillers, one R134a chiller, in addition to CPC and VPF


> 35%

113 Argyle Street亞皆老街113號 4 / 2009

Installed two R123 chillers, one R134a chiller, in addition to CPC and VPF


> 35%

625 King’s Road英皇道625號 4 / 2008 Installed two R134a chillers in addition to CPC

更換2台R134a冷水機組及CPC > 30%

Island Place Shopping Mall

港運城購物商場5 / 2005 Installed two R134a chillers in addition to CPC

更換2台R134a冷水機組及CPC > 30%

Trane energy efficient chiller system.特靈節能冷水機組系統。


The energy efficiency of air-conditioning has become an increasing area of focus for property owners in Hong Kong. Over the years Trane has had a continuing commitment to provide clients with energy solutions to replace outdated air-conditioners with high-performance chillers.

During the replacement process, various enhancementssuch as Chiller Plant Control (CPT) and Variable Primary Flow (VPF) can be incorporated to boost the cooling capacity of the whole air-conditioning system, thereby reducing overall energy consumption as well as pollutant and CO2 emissions.

Together, Trane’s units can improve the entire coolingsystems significantly to become more energy efficient andcost effective. These systems yielded over 30% more inenergy savings per year compared to conventional systems.

The following projects have been fitted with new air-conditioning systems:以下項目均已 備嶄新的空調系統:







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What did you do before joining JEC?I began my career 16 years ago with Towers Watson being a HR Consultant before moving on to HSBC. I spent the first few years learning HSBC’s key human resource strategies in their corporate head office before a series of secondments that took me from Sri Lanka, to Bangladesh, India, Japan, and Mainland China. Working in these diverse locations gave me invaluable experiences in working with different cultures. For example, Sri Lanka was quite dangerous when I was working there but the hotel where I lived had an emergency escape route that could take me off the island within a few hours!

After 8 years with HSBC I moved to Dairy Farm in 2008 where I was the Senior HR Manager in charge of Compensation & Benefits, Payroll, Account Management, and Recruitment. Retail had its own particular challenges such as finding and retaining good talent and planning for major issues such as the minimum wage. Working closely with the business units was crucial to success.

What are you initial thoughts on how you would like to develop human capital at JEC?There are several key areas that I would like to develop in JEC. First, I would like to ensure that we grow and nurture our talent pipeline. I will further develop the Management Trainee programme and ensure that our staff get good exposure to different businesses. Second, I would like to enhance our staff’s skills and competencies through training and by implementing solid development plans.

I was lucky to experience a wide range of different businesses during my early career and I would like to foster a culture of job rotation and secondment at JEC. Ultimately, Human Capital will support the business units to continue to develop staff and grow the business.

What do you enjoy outside of work?I am a keen traveller and enjoy going on a few trips each year to see new places. I also have a group of close friends in the UK from my university days and I try to stop over to see them on my way to Europe. My other great hobby is hiking in the Hong Kong hills.

Philip Chiu – Developing Human Capital at JEC趙志基 – 於怡和機器拓展人力資本

Philip Chiu joined JEC in March 2010 as the Director of Human Capital.趙志基於2010年3月加入怡和機器,擔任人力資本董事。



對於拓展怡和機器的人力資本,你初步有何想法?我希望在怡和機器拓展數個主要範疇。首先,我希望公司能夠壯大及栽培人才。我將會改進管理見習生計劃,並讓員工接觸不同業務。第二,我希望提升員工的技能,方法包括提供培訓及制訂良好的發展計劃。 我很幸運於事業發展初期便接觸不同業務,所以我很想在怡和機器建立職位輪替及職位借調的文化。此外,人力資本部將全力支持業務單位繼續培育人才,拓展業務。


Trane energy efficient chiller system.特靈節能冷水機組系統。






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In the last issue of the JEC magazine, we recounted the process by which JEC engineers glean additional education and practical experience outside of the classroom through observing, studying and practising new techniques when assigned to different regions and positions. We are once again stepping outside of the classroom and would like to illustrate how JEC’s managers, engineers and technicians build various learning platforms through mentoring and coaching. Our own mentors and coaches encourage staff in their continued learning by providing unique work experience and sharing their own knowledge and insights with their colleagues.

Coaches and Mentors Build Key Learning Platforms for JEC Staff教練師傅同心協力 為員工建立學習平台

JEC mentors meet their mentees regularly to teach them and share their experiences.怡和機器「師傅」定期與其「徒弟」見面,指導他們的工作,並分享經驗。









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Mentoring is often provided by executives, as effective one-to-one mentoring is the most efficient way of working within their hectic schedules. At JEC, we are fortunate that we have many executives who are capable and willing to offer this kind of tailored mentoring. To make this approach more time and cost-effective, we usually assign one mentor for several mentees. For instance, Chief Executive (CEO) Alex Newbigging, Chief Operating Officer (COO) SH Wu, and Chief Development Officer (CDO) Penn Yeung have taken on such roles, offering informal teaching and mentoring to staff at breakfast meetings. At such meetings, staff are able to raise questions and express difficulties, and the directors, apart from addressing their mentees’ queries and offering advice, have the opportunity to explain the company’s development, performance and challenges in the form of anecdotes to maintain an informal, yet conducive, learning environment. The directors have even been known to cite anecdotes from novels along with poems and lyrics to share their wisdom on doing business and dealing with people – just like a talk show hosted by our very own CEO, COO and CDO.

In terms of coaching, JEC management trainees enjoy the guidance of two coaches during their training period – namely the engineering supervisor and the engineering tutor – who are responsible for assessing their learning progress under HKIE Scheme A and offering assistance when needed. All trainees are encouraged to take advantage of such training when it is available in order to make the most out of their time with these coaches.

Many of the participants find this mentoring and coaching initiative to be greatly rewarding. In light of today’s highly competitive professional environment, JEC firmly believes this is one of the best ways of training, for a team to learn and succeed and to provide better service and support to our clients and customers.








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COMMUNITY CAREWalk Up Jardine House 2010: The Height of Success齊步上怡廈2010 成績理想Once again, the annual ‘Walk Up Jardine House’ charity event was a success. This fun, annual fundraising event involves walking or running up 49 floors, covering 947 steps to a height of 183 metres. On 21st March 2010, JEC participated in support of Hong Kong’s first MINDSET home, located in Fanling, and helped raise HK$2.6 million to provide care for those with chronic mental illnesses.

JEC’s team and participants won several races at this year’s event. JEC Team 1 was the first runner up in the men’s interdivisional relay, Ms Zoe Kwan was once again the champion of the female individual race, and Mr Wong Hing Wah and Mr Finn Carew were the first and second runners-up, respectively, in the male individual race.

Congratulations to all of the ‘Walk Up Jardine House’ 2010 winners! Thank you to all JEC runners and supporters for your efforts and participation in this meaningful event.

JEC staff actively participated in the Walk Up Jardine House 2010 and won several races怡和機器員工積極參與 「齊步上怡廈」及贏得各項賽事


Walk Up Jardine House - an annual fundraising event for Mindset 「齊步上怡廈」-「思健」一年一度的籌款活動










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JEC Cares - Hike for Hospice 2010怡和機器關懷行動-2010登山善行

Skipping Lunches to Make a Difference公益行善「折」食日

Caring and making a positive impact on the community is one of JEC’s core values. On 31st January 2010, a JEC team completed the Hike for Hospice in Tai Lam Country Park. This event aimed to raise funds for the Society of the Promotion of Hospice and Palliative Care and is the society’s biggest fundraising event of the year.

The team successfully completed the 18-km “arduous course” in a respectable time of three-and-a-half hours. Led by Mr Alex Newbigging, Chief Executive of JEC, the JEC Team consisted of Mr Joshua Chetwode, Chief Financial Officer of JEC, Mr Matthew Bishop from Jardine Matheson, and Mr David Ching, Jardine Executive Trainee.

JEC would like to thank all who participated in and donated to the Community Chest ‘Skip Lunch Day’ on 23rd March 2010. The theme for this year’s event was “Skip Lunch to Make a Difference for the Needy.” Thank you for your generous gifts, which will make a difference in the lives of those in need.



怡和機器謹此多謝所有參與2010年3月23日公益行善「折」食日的人士,並感謝各捐款人。今年活動主題為 「全港『折』食,『膳』款不絕」,再次多謝你們的慷慨捐助,令有需要的人得到幫助。

JEC hiking team: (from right) Alex Newbigging, Joshua Chetwode, David Ching of JEC and Matthew Bishop, Jardine Matheson.怡和機器登山團隊:(由右至左)行政總裁艾力.紐璧堅、卓穎德、程子樂及怡和集團李雄華。






JEC’s Caring Team was formed in 2005 and is made up of a group of staff who dedicate their time to serving children, the elderly and the ex-mentally ill.

The team focuses on understanding the needs and planning activities for each group to create a memorable experience for the participants.

In 2009 alone the team put in 900 hours of community services, and five caring team members served more than 50 hours each in the year. The team reflects our core value of being "Responsible" by making positive impact to the Hong Kong community. Their contribution in our community was recognised by the JEC management. Through the volunteering efforts of the Caring Team, JEC has been awarded the Caring Company award since 2006 for five consecutive years.

Celebrating JEC's Caring Team 5th Anniversary 慶祝怡和機器義工隊成立五周年






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Page 28: Pioneering Green Building Technologies in Asia · 2011. 3. 28. · MAY 2010 ISSUE 17 Jardine Engineering Corporation Pioneering Green Building Technologies in Asia Southeast Asia’s



Client NameAble Engineering Co., Ltd.

ATAL Engineering Ltd.

Balfour Beatty Co., Ltd.

Credit Suisse Holdings (HK) Ltd. Dragages Hong Kong Ltd.Equinix (HK) Ltd. / Newtech Technology Co., Ltd.Gammon-Hip Hing JV / BSY JV

Grand Tech Construction Co., Ltd. Hip Hing - Chun Wo JVHKSAR - Drainage Services Department

Huns Engineering Co., Ltd.Krueger Engineering (Asia) Ltd.Lik Kai Engineering Co., Ltd.

Newtech Technology Co., Ltd.Newtech Technology Co., Ltd.NTT Com Asia Ltd.Paul Y Builders Ltd.Penta-Ocean Construction Co., Ltd.

The Majestic Electrical Engineering Co., Ltd.The Majestic Electrical Engineering Co., Ltd.Westwood Ltd.Yau Lee - Hsin Chong JVYau Lee Construction

ProjectGeneral Outpatient Clinic and a Long Stay Care Home in Tin Shui Wai Area 109Ocean Park Summit Redevelopment - Thrill Mountain & Polar Advanture CS03The University of Hong Kong - Centennial Campus DevelopmentCredit Suisse Data Centre, 78/F at ICC Civil Aviation Department Headquarters at Lantau IslandGlobal Gateway Hong Kong, No. 168 Yeung Uk Road, Tsuen WanTamar Development Project

I-Tech Data Centre Expansion, Phase 4Tseung Kwan O Hospital ExpansionShek Wu Hui

Poly University Redevelopment of Pak Sui YuenDisney Theme Park Resort Expansion (Phase 1)Urban Renewal Authority Redevelopment at Larch Street & Tai Kok TsuiBarclays Data Centre at Cheung Kong CentreShibusawa Data CentreNTT Tai Po Data CentreResidential Development at Yau Kam Tau, Tsuen WanHong Kong Design Institute & IVE (Lee Wai Lee) New Campus, Tseung Kwan OLam Tin North Municipal Services BuildingTsing Yi Godown at TYTL 128, 35-47 Tsing Yi RoadShek Kip Mei Housing Estate - Phase 2Prince of Wales Hospital ExtensionLo Wu Correctional Institution

Business TypeSupply and installation of gensets

Supply and installation of gensets

Supply and installation of gensets and supply of central battery systemSupply and installation of gensetsSupply and installation of gensetsSupply and installation of gensets

Supply and installation of gensets, and supply of seawater pumpsSupply and installation of gensetsSupply and installation of gensetsSupply and installation of H2S removal system & on-grid arrangement study of combined heat and power (CHP) generating systemSupply and installation of gensetsSupply and installation of gensetsSupply and installation of gensets

Supply and installation of gensetsSupply and installation of gensetsSupply and installation of gensetsSupply and installation of timber doorsSupply and installation of raised floor

Supply and installation of gensetsSupply and installation of gensetsSupply and installation of gensetsSupply and installation of timber doorsSupply for steel & timber doors and ironmongery

Manager Involved Peter Long

Peter Long

Peter Long

Peter LongPeter LongPeter Long

Peter Long / Keith LamPeter LongPeter LongPeter Long

Peter LongPeter LongPeter Long

Peter LongPeter LongPeter LongLawrence WongDaphne Wu

Peter LongPeter LongPeter LongLawrence WongLawrence Wong

Building Equipment & Products

Client NameAirport Authority Hong Kong

Airport Authority Hong Kong

Airport Authority Hong Kong

Airport Authority Hong Kong

Airport Authority Hong Kong

Airport Authority Hong Kong

HKSAR - Architectural Services Department

HKSAR - Architectural Services Department

HKSAR - Architectural Services DepartmentHKSAR - Drainage Services Department

HKSAR - Drainage Services Department

HKSAR - Drainage Services Department

HKSAR - Drainage Services DepartmentHKSAR - Electrical and Mechanical Services Department

HKSAR - Hospital AuthorityMTR Corporation Ltd.

Paul Y Construction Company, LimitedShenzhen Metro

ProjectHong Kong International Airport - Baggage Handling System Enhancement Project Contract No. M609Hong Kong International Airport - Baggage Handling System Enhancement Project Contract No. M610Hong Kong International Airport - Baggage Handling System Enhancement Project Contract No. M613Hong Kong International Airport - Baggage Handling System Term Contract No. M240Hong Kong International Airport - Baggage Security Screening System Term Contract No. M028-8Hong Kong International Airport - Replacement of UPS for Power Supply System at Baggage HallSun Yat Sen Memorial Park and Swimming Pool ComplexTin Shui Wai Swimming Pool Complex

Wo Hop Shek CrematoriumHarbour Area Treatment Scheme 2A

Shatin and Tai Po Sewage Treatment Works Upgrading

Shui Chong Street Sewage Pumping Station

Tung Chung Sewage Pumping Station Sheung Shui Slaughterhouse Upgrading

Chai Wan Laundry UpgradingMTR Station Facilities Upgrading

Kennedy Town Swimming Pool (Phase I)Shenzhen MTR Line 4 Phase 2

Business TypeUpgrading of automatic baggage sortation system for enhancement of baggage handling systemDesign and build of additional direct feed conveyor systems for enhancement of baggage handling systemConstruction of additional steel platform for baggage handling system enhancementMaintenance services for automatic sortation systems of baggage handling systemsMaintenance services for baggage security screening systemReplacement of uninterruptible power supply system for power panels in Baggage HallDesign and installation of swimming pool filtration system and associated facilitiesDesign and installation of swimming pool filtration system and associated facilitiesSupply and installation of cremators systemConstruction of disinfection system for sewage treatment worksDesign and construction of additional UV disinfection works for sewage treatment worksSupply and installation of E&M equipment for sewage pumping stationSupply and installation of superoxygenation facilityUpgrading of pre-screening plant in wastewater treatment plant and programmable logic controller system for slaughtering lineSupply and installation of laundry equipmentReplacement of station sump pumps & sewage pumps at various MTR stationsInstallation of swimming pool water treatment plantSupply and installation of under floor wheel lathe

Manager Involved H F Wong

H F Wong

W T Tang

K C Chan

K C Chan

K C Chan

Alex Law

Alex Law

Spencer LiAlex Law

Alex Law

Alex Law

Alex LawAlex Law

Spencer LiAlex Law

Alex LawRoy Leung

Electrical & Mechanical Contracting







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Page 29: Pioneering Green Building Technologies in Asia · 2011. 3. 28. · MAY 2010 ISSUE 17 Jardine Engineering Corporation Pioneering Green Building Technologies in Asia Southeast Asia’s

Client NameAsia Society

Chan Sum Kee Construction Ltd.Consulate of United States of America

EC Harris

Fancy Talent Ltd.Hang Seng Bank Ltd.Harriman Property Management Ltd.HKSAR - Electrical & Mechanical Services DepartmentHKSAR - Electrical & Mechanical Services DepartmentHKSAR - Hong Kong Housing AuthorityIBI Ltd.Kum Shing (K.F.) Construction Co. Ltd.Kum Shing (K.F.) Construction Co. Ltd.

Kum Shing (K.F.) Construction Co. Ltd. Maxim's Caterers Ltd.

MTR Corporation Ltd.MTR Corporation Ltd.MTR Corporation Ltd.MTR Corporation Ltd.MTR Corporation Ltd.

MTR Corporation Ltd.Paul Y General Contractors Ltd.

Savills Property Management Ltd.Swire Properties Management Ltd.

Synergis Management Services Ltd. The Dairy Farm Co., Ltd.

The Dairy Farm Co., Ltd.The Hongkong Electric Co., Ltd.The Hongkong Land Property Co., Ltd.

The Hongkong Land Property Co., Ltd.

The Hongkong Land Property Co., Ltd.

The Hongkong Land Property Co., Ltd.The I/O of Kam Ling BuildingThe Link Management Ltd.The Link Management Ltd.

Wellcome Company Ltd. Wellcome Company Ltd.

ProjectAsia Society

Fortress TowerBarker Road, Garden Road and Shouson Hill Road (residential)HSBC Building

Retail ShopsHang Seng Bank HeadquartersChina Insurance Group BuildingAberdeen Services Building Bowrington Road Cooked Food Centre

HAHQ BuildingQueen's Road Central No. 139HK Electric CentreLek Yuen Substation, Tseung Kwan O Industries Substation, Kam Tin Substation Shatin Centre Kowloon & New Territories Regions

Tin Hau & Quarry Bay (West) StationTelford PlazaLuk Yeung GalleriaIFC II Sea Water Pump Cell-4Paradise Mall

Metro TownThe University of Hong Kong, redevelopment of Li Shu Fun Phase 1Lippo Centre3 Pacific Place

King Shan CourtIKEA, L5, L6 & L7 of Shatin Grand Central Plaza

IKEA shop at Mega BoxHKE Various Station Buildings Valve Chamber at Connaught Road, Central & Metering enhancement works for seawater system, CentralPrince's Building

Prince's Building

Prince's Building Kam Ling Building, JordanFu Tung, Shek Lei (II) & Sheung Tak Shopping CentreNew Territories, Kowloon & Ma On Shan Districts, Shatin & Tsing Yi Districts and Tseung Kwan O & Hong Kong DistrictsVarious sites at Hong Kong Island

Wellcome Supermarket – Wan Tsui

Business TypeSupply and installation of electrical low voltage and security systemsFire service improvement development worksAir-conditioning system maintenance services Air-conditioning retrofit job - variable air volume system upgrade Fire services maintenance workMaintenance of MVAC installation Installation of water-cooled chillerReplacement of chillers

Replacement of cooling towers Replacement of chillersMVAC installation work MVAC renovation work Air-conditioning system upgrading

Renovation work for indoor air quality systemMechanical ventilation air-conditioning maintenance servicesChiller plant replacementReplacement of condenser coilsReplacement of chillersRepairing air-conditioning equipment Maintenance services for mechanical ventilation air-conditioning systemElectrical system maintenance servicesFire service installation

Fire services improvement direction worksSupply and installation for emergency generators and electrical system upgradeConsultant for energy efficiency project Mechanical ventilation air-conditioning installation workElectrical renovationReplacement of split type air-conditioningAir-conditioning improvement

Electrical and mechanical renovation - floor upgradeElectrical and mechanical renovation - toilet upgradingPodium renovationFire services improvement workAir-conditioning chiller plant improvement workAir-conditioning and ventilation services installation operation and maintenance contract for 2 years

Maintenance services for mechanical ventilation air-conditioning systemReplacement of mechanical ventilation air-conditioning system

Manager Involved Adrian Hui

W S LeeTaylor Wong

K W Ho

W S LeeTaylor WongTaylor WongTaylor Wong

Taylor Wong

Eric LoTaylor WongTaylor WongTaylor Wong

Taylor WongEric Lo

Eric LoEric LoEric LoTaylor WongTaylor Wong

Ronny LoW S Lee

W S LeeRonny Lo

Taylor WongEric Lo

Ronny LoTaylor WongK W Ho

K W Ho

K W Ho

W S LeeW S LeeEric LoEric Lo

Taylor Wong

Eric Lo

Maintenance & Renovation

Client NameCapitania dos PortosDireccao dos Servicos de Educacao E JuventudeEC Harris (HK) Ltd.HK Katswing Engineering Ltd.Le Royal ArcSan Heng Lun Construction Engineering Ltd.Interior Contract International Ltd.Macau Government Tourist OfficeMelco PBL Entertainment

One Central MacauSavills Property Management (Macau) Ltd.Servicos de Saude Tenacity Assets Management c/o Savills Property ManagementGalaxy Project Management Co., Ltd.Leighton - China State JVMHK Electrical & Telecom Engineering Ltd.Venetian

ProjectMacau Maritime MuseumDSEJ 11 Schools

HSBC (Macau)Oceanus, MacauLe Royal ArcMacau Science CentreOne Central MacauTourism Activities CentreCity of Dreams

One Central MacauZhukuan Mansion16 Health Centres and StationsCentral Plaza

Galaxy Resort and Casino in Cotai, MacauWynn Diamond SuiteWynn Diamond HotelVenetian Cotai Parcel 5&6

Business TypeMaintenance of air-conditioning systemMaintenance of air-conditioning system

Maintenance of air-conditioning systemSupply of fire rated coatingSupply and installation of flooringSupply of raised floor systemSupply and installation of flooringMaintenance of air-conditioningSupply of pumps and valves for HVAC and fire fighting systemsSupply and installation of vertical liftMaintenance of chiller plantMaintenance of air-conditioning systemMaintenance of building management system

Supply and installation of gensetsSupply of ironmongerySupply and installation of gensetsSupply and installation of gensets

Manager Involved H M NganH M Ngan

H M NganTony WongDaphne WuDaphne WuDaphne WuH M NganKeith Lam

Andy TongH M NganH M NganH M Ngan

Peter LongLawrence WongPeter LongPeter Long






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Client NameCredit SuisseJones Lang LaSalle - Morgan StanleyManila Mandarin Inc.United LaboratoriesUniversal Robina Corporation - Bagong IlogUniversal Robina Corporation - RosarioUniversal Robina Corporation - Canlubang

ProjectFacilities Management GroupFacilities Management GroupHotelPharmaceuticalFood Manufacturing

Food Manufacturing

Food Manufacturing

Business TypePreventive maintenanceIntegrated mechanical and electrical contractOperation and maintenanceOperation and maintenanceOperation and maintenance

Operation and maintenance

Operation and maintenance

Manager Involved Jenie EllosoJenie EllosoEvelyn Leviste / Jenie EllosoRaffy Jularbal / Jenie EllosoRaffy Jularbal / Jenie Elloso

Raffy Jularbal / Jenie Elloso

Raffy Jularbal / Jenie Elloso


Client NameChulalongkorn University

CPN Pattaya Beach Hotel Company Limited

Italian-Thai Development Public Company LimitedItalian-Thai Development Public Company LimitedItalian-Thai Development Public Company Limited

Kempin Siam Company LimitedNarai Hotel Company Limited

NL Development Public Company LimitedPTT Public Company Limited

Syntec Construction Public Company Limited

Delmon Siam Company Limited

Thai Obayashi Corporation Limited

Thai Obayashi Corporation Limited

Thai Public Broadcasting Service

Central Pattana Nine Square Company Limited

ProjectCU Block L

Central Festival Pattaya Beach Hotel

50 Years Prathep Building

Government Office Complex Centre

River City Shopping Center Complex

Siam Kempinski HotelHoliday Inn Maikhao Beach Phuket

National Library

Petroleum Research and Technology InstituteEnergy Complex

Sofitel Sukhumvit Hotel

Park Ventures

Bangkok Bank (Building Service Upgrade)Thai Public Broadcasting Service Headquarters Office

Central Plaza Rama 9

Business TypeSupply and installation of air-conditioning and ventilation system, electrical and communication system, sanitary and fire protection systemSupply and installation of air-conditioning and ventilation system, electrical and communication system, sanitary and fire protection systemSupply and installation of air-conditioning and ventilation systemSupply and installation of air-conditioning and ventilation systemSupply and installation of air-conditioning and ventilation system, electrical and communication system, sanitary and fire protection systemRoom control unitsSupply and installation of air-conditioning and ventilation system, electrical and communication system, sanitary and fire protection systemSupply and installation of electrical and communication system, sanitary and fire protection systemOperation and maintenance

Supply and installation of air-conditioning and ventilation system, electrical and communication system, sanitary and fire protection systemSupply and installation of air-conditioning and ventilation system, electrical and communication system, sanitary and fire protection systemSupply and installation of air-conditioning and ventilation system, sanitary and fire protection systemBuilding automation system

Supply and installation of air-conditioning and ventilation system, electrical and communication system, sanitary and fire protection systemSupply and installation of air-conditioning and ventilation system, electrical and communication system, sanitary and fire protection system

Manager Involved Weerapong U.

Suradech S.

Suradech S.

Weerapong U.

Weerapong U.

Wuttichai K.Terapong R.

Terapong R.

Somwang A.

Terapong R.

Weerapong U.

Terapong R.

Wuttichai K.

Suradech S.

Suradech S.


Client NameCredit Suisse SingaporeFar East OrganisationGammon ConstructionGammon ConstructionHongkong LandKen-Jo IndustriesLas Vegas SandsLas Vegas SandsLas Vegas SandsMCST 1521Raffles Quay Asset ManagementRJ ServicesSayyar Trading AgenciesSuntec City Management United Group

ProjectCredit Suisse Data CentrePacific PlazaITE College WestITE College WestOne Raffles LinkRegency Suites Marina Bay Sands SingaporeMarina Bay Sands SingaporeMarina Bay Sands SingaporeThe OctagonOng Raffles QuayMobitel CambodiaDurrat Al-Bahrain, BahrainSuntec CityAustralian Embassy

Business TypeMechanical and electrical facility managementACMV maintenanceSupply and installation of doors & ironmongeriesSupply and installation of raised flooringMechanical and electrical operation & maintenance serviceSupply of XpressII inclined platform liftDesign, supply and installation of movable partition (4km long)Supply of ironmongeriesDesign, supply and installation of linen chute for 3 hotel towersReplacement of chilled & condenser water pipeworksMechanical and electrical operation & maintenance serviceSupply of 6000 units of solar panelsSupply of shower screens & accessoriesElectrical system maintenance serviceFire, plumbling, ACMV, electrical maintenance

Manager Involved P C ChanP C ChanP C ChanP C ChanP C ChanP C ChanP C ChanP C ChanP C ChanP C ChanP C ChanP C ChanP C ChanP C ChanP C Chan














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Page 31: Pioneering Green Building Technologies in Asia · 2011. 3. 28. · MAY 2010 ISSUE 17 Jardine Engineering Corporation Pioneering Green Building Technologies in Asia Southeast Asia’s
Page 32: Pioneering Green Building Technologies in Asia · 2011. 3. 28. · MAY 2010 ISSUE 17 Jardine Engineering Corporation Pioneering Green Building Technologies in Asia Southeast Asia’s

Jardine Engineering Corporation

Hong Kong Headquarters13/F Somerset HouseTaikoo Place, 979 King’s RoadHong KongTel 852 2807 1717 Fax 852 2887 9090Email [email protected]

ChinaRoom 2513-2514 Shenhua Commercial BuildingNo. 2018 Jiabin RoadShenzhen 518005. PRCTel 86 755 8238 3928Fax 86 755 8238 3938

MacauAlameda Dr. Carlos D’Assumpcao. No. 180Edf. Tong Nam Ah Centre Com 18/U-V. MacauTel 853 2825 3077Fax 853 2825 3076

PhilippinesG/F Jardine Building2901, JM Compound, Faraday Street CornerOsmeña Highway, 1234 Makati CityThe PhilippinesTel 632 843 6020Fax 632 844 2235

Singapore178 Paya Lebar Road#03-10 Singapore 409030Tel 65 6305 6388Fax 65 6747 6340

Thailand22/F Times Square Building246 Sukhumvit Road, KlongtoeyBangkok 10110, ThailandTel 66 2 253 8821Fax 66 2 254 0218

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