A .Political communication =>the analysis of the political life 15 themes (Denis McQuail) = the process of communication can be defined as: 1. Transmission = the purpose of communication is to deliver messages, 2. Intention of the communicator – gestures and expression, 3. Effect/cause of the political relations/interactional structures, 4. Linear, circular or interactive processes, 5. Source of cohesion/ conflict 6. Active/reactive dimension B. Political communication in practice (The emergence of strategic communication = a new explicative factor of the electoral results: Segolène Royal, Tony Blair (Peter Mandelson What is (not) Political Communication? Propaganda/ Persuasion – propaganda is commonly understood as dissemination to the general public of a doctrine or an ideology. Political propaganda is part of the whole structure and process of institutions. But negative, connotation related with Nazi mythology and imaginary, war (Jowett Garth, Victori O’Donnel,Propaganda and Persuasion, Sage, 2006). --- white, black, gray DeVito (1986) neutral technique, “to disseminate and to promote particular ideas” – related with a clear institutional ideology and objective, “organised persuassion” Sproule (1994:8): “Propaganda represents the work of large organisations or groups to win over the public for special interests through a massive orchestration of attractive conclusions packaged to conceal both their persuasive purpose and lack of sound supportive reasons” Anthony Pratkanis, Elliot Aronson (2001) Propaganda- abuse of persuasion, a mass suggestion or influence through the manipulation of symbols and the psychology of individual(11) Shawn J Parry Giles(2002) Propaganda - strategically devised messages that are disseminated to masses of people by an institution for the purpose of generating action benefiting its sources (Truman, Eisenhower/ mobilize propaganda as official peacetime institution) Pratkanis&Turner(1996) Propaganda vs persuasion -difference the general type of manipulation Propaganda=attempts to move a recipient to a predetermined point of view by using simple images and slogans that truncate through by playing on prejudices and emotions 1990. Persuasion implies deliberation, propaganda manipulation of the mob by the elite

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A .Political communication =>the analysis of the political life 15 themes (Denis McQuail) = the process of communication can be defined as: 1. Transmission = the purpose of communication is to deliver messages, 2. Intention of the communicator – gestures and expression, 3. Effect/cause of the political relations/interactional structures, 4. Linear, circular or interactive processes, 5. Source of cohesion/ conflict 6. Active/reactive dimension

B. Political communication in practice (The emergence of strategic communication = a new explicative factor of the electoral results: Segolène Royal, Tony Blair (Peter Mandelson

What is (not) Political Communication? Propaganda/ Persuasion – propaganda is commonly understood as dissemination to the general public of a doctrine or an ideology. Political propaganda is part of the whole structure and process of institutions. But negative, connotation related with Nazi mythology and imaginary, war (Jowett Garth, Victori O’Donnel,Propaganda and Persuasion, Sage, 2006). --- white, black, gray

DeVito (1986) neutral technique, “to disseminate and to promote particular ideas” – related with a clear institutional ideology and objective, “organised persuassion”

Sproule (1994:8): “Propaganda represents the work of large organisations or groups to win over the public for special interests through a massive orchestration of attractive conclusions packaged to conceal both their persuasive purpose and lack of sound supportive reasons”

Anthony Pratkanis, Elliot Aronson (2001) Propaganda- abuse of persuasion, a mass suggestion or influence through the manipulation of symbols and the psychology of individual(11)

Shawn J Parry Giles(2002) Propaganda - strategically devised messages that are disseminated to masses of people by an institution for the purpose of generating action benefiting its sources (Truman, Eisenhower/ mobilize propaganda as official peacetime institution)

Pratkanis&Turner(1996) Propaganda vs persuasion -difference the general type of manipulation

Propaganda=attempts to move a recipient to a predetermined point of view by using simple images and slogans that truncate through by playing on prejudices and emotions 1990. Persuasion implies deliberation, propaganda manipulation of the mob by the elite

MOSCOVICI (theory of leadership) – 3 strategies of propaganda: 1. representational strategy, refers to the spatial arrangements –large crowds, big squares 2. ceremonies that include displays of weaponry 3. the leader and the dramatic use of strongly persuasive language.

Political marketing- the use of marketing concepts and techniques in politics. How the organisations behave in relation to their customers. Political marketing- moved beyond the narrow focus on communication (overlapping dimension), concerned with the demands of the market and political behaviour in a broader sense, political organisations adapting techniques (D. Lilleker, J.Lees-Marshment, Political marketing, Manchester Univ Press,2005, p,6)

Lees Marshment 2001- how parties might behave if they followed a product, sales or market orientation. Product oriented party 1. product design, 2. communication (campaign or institutional) 3.strategies

Jennifer Lees-Marshment, Political marketing: principles and applications, (2009) The key difference between political communication and marketing. "Political marketing is now seen as potentially affecting the way politicians, parties and governments behave, not just how they communicate that behaviour.” Newman (1999:39) Marketing reasearch is used by political leaders to shape policy

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Lilleker (2007): “Political marketing is the reaching and influencing of decisions and the formulation of strategies and creation of offerings that satisfy the needs and wants of a society that exchanges its own representative capacity for this satisfaction”

Hughes and Dann (2004): “Political marketing is a political communications [organisational function] and a set of processes for creating, communicating and delivering promises of value to customers, and for managing customer relationships in ways that benefit the political organisation and its stakeholders”

Lees Marshment (2001): “Political marketing is about political organisations (parties, governments, parliaments) adapting techniques (market research and product design) and concepts (such as desire to satisfy the voter demands) originally used in business world to help them to achieve their goals (ex win the elections)

PR (public relations) and Political advertisement

PR = propaganda = increasing efficiency of the political message PR Specialists:

Media management= medialities = media exposure = event creation, controlling the media

Image management = public image & political marketing = ad placement, logos, controlling the language etc.

Internal political communication = internal party channel of communication = coordination and multiplying the message

The informational management = controlling the dissemination of information and its form=controlling the meaning and the way in which the message is disseminated

The Evolution of Political Communication

Bob Franklin, Packaging Politics: Political Communications in Britain's Media Democracy, 2nd ed, 1995

The professionalization of politics =>advertisement of political leaders and their policies=>public cynicism

Increasing role of political communication:

• Media evolution and the political discourse change (the role of charismatic leadership, Ansell & Fish, The Art of Being Indispensable, 1999)

• Professionalization of politics = professional advisors (P. Webb, T. Poguntke, The presidentialisation of politics in democratic societies, 2002. )

• The emergence of alternative channels of communication (blogging, Facebook, twitter etc),

• Political advertisement as a campaign strategy (talk shows, Matthew Baum, Talking the Vote: Why Presidential Candidates Hit the Talk Show Circuit, 2005 )

• Political transparency (media access)

Definitions of political communication

Several dimensions:

Def1: Technical tools. Political communication in practice

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Def2: A form of exchange between political leaders & electorate. Politics = the expression of political communication

Def3: Effects/outcomes. Policy dimension in political communication

Def4: A form of “political degradation”

Def5: The expression of the symbolic uses of politics

Def 1: Political communication as practice

[Practitioners of political communication]

• Political communication = tools employed by different groups and individuals emphasizing their differences and their unity (Thomas Hollihan, 2001)

• Royal Cayrol = a market oriented approach in studying political communication

• Strategic communication: “involves a coordinated plan which sets out party objectives, identifies target voters, establishes the battleground issues, orchestrates consistent key themes and images, prioritizes organizational and financial resources and lays out the framework within which campaign communications operate.” (Pippa Norris 1999 )

Def 2: Political exchange between leaders and followers

Party politics scholars such as Pippa Norris focusing on public opinion/civic engagement// J. M. Cotteret, Gouvernants et gouvernés, PUF, 1973

Paul F. Lazarsfeld; Bernard Berelson and Hazel Gaudet, The People's Choice: How the Voter Makes Up His Mind in a Presidential Campaign, Duell, Sloan and Pearc, New York, 1944. “The people who did most of the reading and listening not only read and heard most of their own partisan propaganda but were also most resistant to conversation because of strong predispositions” (Lazarsfeld 1948)

Political Communication = interaction between different groups that influence the political decision-making

Party de-aligment => increasing role of political communication (Evans & Norris 1999)

Socialization theories & Civic culture (Almond and Verba 1963)

Contemporary studies: Political communication= new form of civic engagement

The hope that television and the press can help to mobilize and energize voters generates effective public deliberation which informs citizens, and produce enlightened preferences (Gelman and King 1993).

Other authors = sensationalism rather than serious policy debates can lead to civic disengagement (Putnam 1995)

Def 3: Policy dimension of political communication

Political Communication = discussion in terms of effects on public policies. How the message and actions are covered by mass media and disseminated by the larger public and its discourse? Teleological definition of communication

(Jean W. Ceaser and Andrew E Busch, Red Over Blue: 2004 Elections and American Politics, 2005)


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The Schematic Model of Political Communication (Norris 1999)

Def 4: A form of political degradation

The manufacture of consent & art of persuasion = seen as harmful for democracies: “Persuasion has become a self-conscious art and a regular organ of government…” (Walter Lippmann, 1922)

Political Communication = Discursive process by which political information is shared and promotes awareness, ignorance, manipulation, consent, dissent, action and passivity. Communication as an artifact

Roger-Gérard Schwartzenberg, The superstar show of government. A bold and cynical look at world leaders as big-time stars// L'Etat spectacle. Essai sur et contre le Star System en politique, 1977

Def 5: The expression of the symbolic uses of politics

Governing communication” (G. Balandier, 2006) = dramaturgical effects of political communication,

„Politics is a spectacle, reported by the media and witnessed by parts of the public. It attracts attention because, as an ambiguous text, it becomes inflused that reassure or threaten. The construction of diverse meanings for describing political events shapes support for causes and legitimizes value allocation.” (Murray Edelman, Reflections on Symbolism and Politics; 1984)

Communication is a new form of political domination (symbolic violence Pierre Bourdieu/ Norbert Elias)