KELOMPOK 2 Nama: annisa Nim: Nama: dharma Nim: Nama: nely Nim: Nama: rana Nim:

Populasi Dari Tomat

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Nama: annisaNim:

Nama: dharmaNim:

Nama: nelyNim:

Nama: ranaNim:

Nama: rynaldiNim:


1. Tomat yang dijual di pasar merupakan sebuah contoh. Rumuskan populasi dari contoh tersebut!

Jawab:Populasi dari tomat yang dijual di pasar terdiri dari, beberapa tomat berwarna merah, hijau, orange, dan gradasi warna kuning dan hijau. Begitupun dengan bentuk terlihat berbeda. Ada yang besar ada yang kecil ada yang bulat dan ada yang cacat begitupun dengan kualitas ada yang segar ada yang busuk. dan dari data populasi di atas dapat disimpulkan bahwa semua tomat yang ada di pasar tidak semuanya memiliki bentuk, kualitas dan warna yang sama.

2.Jelaskan perbedaan antara statistika dengan statistic!Statistik adalah kumpulan data dalam bentuk angka maupun bukan angka yang disusun dalam bentuk tabel (daftar) dan atau diagram yang menggambarkan atau berkaitan dengan suatu masalah tertentu.Contoh :Statistik penduduk adalah kumpulan angka-angka yang berkaitan dengan masalah penduduk.Statistik ekonomi adalah kumpulan angka-angka yang berkaitan dengan masalah ekonomi.Statistika adalah pengetahuan yang berkaitan dengan metode, teknik atau cara mengumpulkan, mengolah, menganalisis dan menginterprestasikan data untuk disajikan secara lengkap dalam bentuk yang mudah dipahami penggunaannya.

3.Bagaimana cara mengetahui rata rata harga bawang putih di masyarakat? Pertama kita melakukan survey jumlah produksi bawang putih di daerah tersebut lalu kita melakukan survey harga secara acak di pasar pasar setempat, kemudian kita survey jumlah bawang yang di konsumsi oleh masyarakat. Setelah data terkumpul kemudian kita jumlahkan harga yang kita survey tadi dan membaginya dengan jumlah produksi dan konsumsi di masyarakat.

4. Express 5 statements of descriptive and infrence statistics each other. Find them from magazines, news leter, journals, etc. Please!, write it all in English.

a. Descriptive statistics is the discipline of quantitatively describing the main features of a collection of data, or the quantitative description itself. Descriptive statistics are distinguished from inferential statistics (or inductive statistics), in that descriptive statistics aim to summarize a sample, rather than use the data to learn about the population that the sample of data is thought to represent.


Means: the population of facebook users are increasing every months and every years.


Means: chinas and indias population growth is the biggest and fastest than Europes and usas population growth from 1950 until 20503. WORLDS BIGGEST ECONOMIES (CHINA AND USA)Means: usas economies is bigger than china eventhough the china exports is bigger than usa.


Means: Africas is the country who get the highest rate of poverty on 2010 while china got the highest poverty rates on 1981.


Means: Asia is a continent which got the biggest internet usage rather than Europe, North America, Latin America, Africa and Australia.

b. Inference statistics is the process of drawing conclusions from data that is subject to random variation, for example, observational errors or sampling variation. More substantially, the terms statistical inference, statistical induction and inferential statistics are used to describe systems of procedures that can be used to draw conclusions from datasets arising from systems affected by random variation such as observational errors, random sampling, or random experimentation.Example: 1. Because of the decreasing of oil production from oil producer countries, it expected that the oil cost will become twice more expensive for the next few years.

2. With the issue that said the adversity of Toraja coffee plants will decreasing about 30% because of the wet season so that the coffee cost will not be more than Rp. 2.500,- / kilogram.3. A psychology department wants to know if it is doing a better than average job of preparing its students for graduate study. The average GRE score for the 76 students from the department is 1094. The average GRE score for the population in general is 1042 points with a standard deviation of 86 points.

4. A professor wants to know if the mean score on the second exam was reliably different from the expected mean score, 82. The mean score on the exam was 84.97 with a standard deviation of 9.657. N = 37.

5. A basketball coach wants to know if the average height of his team is getting taller. The current mean height of the 32 team members is 6.73 feet with a standard deviation of 0.51 feet. The mean height of the 1990 team of 32 members was 6.47 feet with a standard deviation of 0.48 feet.

6. 24 students participated in an experiment. Each student memorized an equal number of nouns and verbs and later recalled them. The researcher wants to know if the mean number of nouns that were recalled (M = 8.19, s = 2.13) was different from the mean number of verbs that were recalled (M = 6.51, s = 1.97). The correlation between the number of nouns and verbs recalled was 32.

7. According to our recent poll, 43% of Americans brush their teeth incorrectly.

8. Our research indicates that only 33% of people like purple cars.