PRIPREMA ZA IZVOĐENJE NASTAVE OPŠTE INFORMACIJE: Škola: OŠ “Mustafa Ejubović-Šejh Jujo” Razred: 7 th c (devetogodišnji plan i program) Nastavnik: Žetica Jasmina Datum: 22 nd , April,2015 Predmet: English Nastavna tema: U6, Problems Nastavna tematska jedinica: Unit 6D,Kids, Pete, obrada CILJEVI I ZADACI: 1. Obrazovni – Učenici će moći: - da uoče izraze i riječi koje se čuju u svakodnevnom govoru. - da koriste svakodnevne izraze (uzvici) - da odbijaju prijedloge 2. Funkcionalni - razumjeti priču; razvijati vještine čitanja i slušanja 3. Odgojni - učiti i uvježbavati izraze koji se koriste u svakodnevnom govoru - razvijati kreativnost i imaginaciju - razumjeti da nesporazumi mogu da poremete nečije odluke i odnose među ljudima NASTAVNE METODE Slušanje s razumijevanjem, čitanje s razumijevanjem, usmeno izražavanje, pitanje- odgovor, dijalog, razgovor, vježbe izgovora, domaća zadaća, predviđanje završetka priče; stvaranje dijaloga; role-play OBLICI RADA Frontalni rad Individualni rad Rad u paru NASTAVNA SREDSTVA I POMAGALA Udžbenik, radni list, sveska, tabla, kreda, školski pribor, CD player

Priprema Za Cas - Kids-Pete

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Priprema Za Cas - Kids-Pete

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PRIPREMA ZA IZVOENJE NASTAVEOPTE INFORMACIJE:kola: O Mustafa Ejubovi-ejh Jujo Razred: 7th c (devetogodinji plan i program)Nastavnik: etica Jasmina Datum: 22nd, April,2015Predmet: EnglishNastavna tema: U6, Problems

Nastavna tematska jedinica: Unit 6D,Kids, Pete, obradaCILJEVI I ZADACI:

1. Obrazovni Uenici e moi:

- da uoe izraze i rijei koje se uju u svakodnevnom govoru.- da koriste svakodnevne izraze (uzvici)- da odbijaju prijedloge2. Funkcionalni - razumjeti priu; razvijati vjetine itanja i sluanja 3. Odgojni - uiti i uvjebavati izraze koji se koriste u svakodnevnom govoru- razvijati kreativnost i imaginaciju- razumjeti da nesporazumi mogu da poremete neije odluke i odnose meu ljudima

NASTAVNE METODESluanje s razumijevanjem, itanje s razumijevanjem, usmeno izraavanje, pitanje- odgovor, dijalog, razgovor, vjebe izgovora, domaa zadaa, predvianje zavretka prie; stvaranje dijaloga; role-playOBLICI RADAFrontalni rad

Individualni rad

Rad u paru NASTAVNA SREDSTVA I POMAGALA Udbenik, radni list, sveska, tabla, kreda, kolski pribor, CD playerARTIKULACIJA ASA:

Uvod (8 minuta)

Nastavnik/ica pozdravlja uenike, upisuje as u dnevnik i pita da li ima odsutnih uenika. Nastavni/ica zajedno sa uenicima provjerava domau zadau ukoliko su imali zadatak domau zadau.Obrada (25 minuta)

Aktivnost 1 Udbenik, strana 74, zadaci 1 a, b. itanje / sluanje i odgovaranje na pitanja. Listen and read. Answer the questions. (Sluanje broj 2. 37)1 a Nastavnik/ica podsjea uenike na dogaanja iz prole epizode What happened in the last episode? (Lewis overheard trish telling Sonia that Pete had died. Lewis thought it was Pete Dickens, but it was Pete in Trishs computer game)1 b Nastavnik/ica kae Read the questions in 1b. Read and listen to the story and answer the questions. Work with your partner. Uenici sluaju i prate tekst, odgovaraju na pitanja. Provjera se radi sa cijelim odjeljenjem.

1 What is Martin's news about Pete?2 What does Lewis think the news about Pete is?Odgovori:

1 Hes moving to Canada.

2 Hes dead.Aktivnost 2 Udbenik, strana 74.Uenici dobivaju uloge iz teksta i itaju tekst.Broj 1

MARTIN Hi, Pete. Are you moving ?PETE Yes, we are. Actually, we're going to live in Canada.

MARTIN Wow! Has your dad got a job out there?PETE Yes, he has, and it's a very important job, too.

MARTIN Sounds good. When are you leaving?

PETE Oh, we aren't going till the summer.

MARTIN Oh, right. Well, see you.Broj2MARTIN Hi, Lewis.Have you heard news aboutPete?

LEWIS Yes, I have. Sonia and Trish were talking

about it.

MARTIN Really? Where did you see them?

LEWIS Here at the sports centre about an hour ago.

They were going swimming.

MARTIN Oh, I see. It's a pity about Pete. I'll miss him.

LEWIS Me too. He was a bit of a bighead at times,

but he was a good friend.

MARTIN Yes, that's true. He's a good footballer and

Broj3SONIA Hi, boys.

MARTIN Hi! Did you have a good swim?

TRISH Yes, thanks. It was fun.

SONIA And guess what. There's going to be a disco here

on Saturday. Shall we go?MARTIN Oh, yes. Thal'lI be great!TRISH What about you, Lewis?

Broj4LEWIS I don't think I'll bother.

MARTIN Why not?LEWIS I just don't feel like it, after what happened to Pete Dickens.

SONIA What on earth are you talking about, Lewis?

Nastavnik/ica objanjava nepoznate rijei:pity-/pti/-The feeling ofcompassioncausedby thesufferings of others.a bit of aan expresion used to state considerable amount of somethingbighead - someone who believes that they are clever or very good at an activity and who thinks that the other people should admire them.bother- means to spend time and energy doing something. It is often used negatively, when people dont want to do something.Ukoliko uenici ve poznaju ove rijei, nastavnik/ica ih ne objanjava kako ne bi oduzimao/la vrijeme uenicima. Ukoliko uenici imaju nekih drugih nepoznatih rijei nastavnik/ica objanjava.

Aktivnost 3 - Udbenik, strana 74, zadatak 2. itanje i biranje tanog odgovora dvostruki izbor. Choose the correct endings.

Instrukcija glasi Choose the correct endings. Work with your partner. Nastavnik/ica obilazi i provjerava.

1 Pete's parents are selling their house / car.

2 They're moving to Canada / Australia.

3 They're going next week / at the end of term.

4 Lewis is at the sports centre / shopping centre.

5 He saw Sonia and Trish an hour ago / ten minutes ago.

6 They were going swimming / running.

7 The disco is on Friday / Saturday.

8 It's at the sports centre / school.Odgovori:

1 house 2 Canada 3 at the end of the term 4 sports centre 5 an hour ago 6 swimming 7 Saturday 8 sports centre.Provjera se radi sa cijelim odjeljenjem.Aktivnost 4 Udbenik, strana 74, zadaci 3 a, b. Predvianje nastavka prie. Answer the questions. What do you think might happen next? (Sluanje broj 2. 38)

3 a Nastavnik/ica zapoinje razgovor Why does Lewis think Pete is dead? (He heard Trish telling Sonia about his death.) Which Pete were Trish and Sonia talking about?(the Pete from Trishs computer game) Read the questions in 3 a. What might be the answers? What do you think might happen next? Talk to your partner. Nastavnik obilazi, slua, ne pomae. Na kraju uenici govore svoje ideje.3 b Listen and see whether your ideas were correct. Puta se CD. Uenici sluaju i uporeuju. Nastavnik/ica pita Why doesnt Lewis want to go to the disco? (Because he thinks Pete is dead and he is sad.) What did the others tell him? (that it was the Pete in Trishs computer game who died).Dodatna aktivnost:

- Nekoliko parova izvodi dijaloge pred odjeljenjem.Zavretak (15 minuta)

Aktivnost 5 - Uoavanje svakodnevnih izraza. Udbenik, strana 75, zadatak 4 a. Svakodnevni izrazi. Read the expressions. When do we use them? Nastavnik/ica objanjava kada se koriste izrazi ukoliko uenici ne znaju i izraze pie na tabli.Wow.- You use it when we hear something we thnk is great.Sounds good. When you think something we hear is good.

Oh, right. When you hear something you didnt know, but it is not good or bad news.

Really? When you hear something you didnt think was true, and you want the other person to confirm it.

Oh, I see. When you hear something you didnt know and a situation becomes clear.

Me too. When somebody says something about themselves and it is true for you too.

Yes, thats true. When you agree with an opinion.

What on earth are you talking about? When you hear something you dont understand and you want it explained again.

4 b Nastavnik/ica kae Go through the sentences and decide on the best possible expressions that can go after them. Work with your partner. Nastavnik/ica obilazi, slua, pita, pomae po potrebi. Poto zavre, radi se provjera sa cijelim odjeljenjem.

1 Sonia and Trish like swimming.

2 Pete's going to live in Canada.

3 We'll need tickets for the disco.

4 Have you heard the news about Lewis?

5 The disco's going to start at 9 o'clock.

6 Pete's good at football.

7 I think he's a bit of a bighead.

8 Trish wants to dance with Lewis.

9 Pete Mancini is a character in Virtual Soap.Odgovori:

1 Me too. 2 Wow! / Really? / Oh right. / Oh, I see. 3 Yes, thats true. / Oh, I see. 4 What on earth are you talking about? 5 Oh right. / Oh, I see. 6 Yes, thats true. / Really? 7 Yes, thats true. / Really? 8 Oh right. / 9 Oh, I see /Really?IZGLED TABLE:

Schoolwork22nd April,pity-/pti/-a bit of a



Sounds good. Oh, right..

Really? Oh, I see.

Me too.

Yes, thats true.

What on earth are you talking about?