J Japan sOc_Hort.Sci.64(4):919-925. 1996. Production of Interspecific Hybrids between Liliwm regale and L. rubelluln vra Ovule Culture Yoshiji N五 mi,Ⅳ Iasaru Nakano and Ken‐ ichiro Maki* F“%′ りげ 4g蔵%ιιππ ,」 Vじ ′α υ πづυι7Stり ,2-8θ 5θルα7aSん じ,Nじ ′α95θ -21 Summary Lilium regale and L. rubellurn were crossed reciprocally to introduce economically and horticulturally desirabletraits of L. regole,such as vigorous growth and disease resist- ance, into L. rubellum. 1. In l. regale xL. rubellutn,seeds containing an embryo were obtainedwith a low fre- quency (3.3 %) by stigmaticpollination at anthesis, but they did not germinate in soil or in vitro. Seedlings were successfully obtained with frequencies of 5.3 to 6.7 7o by ap- plying ovule culture 30 to 60 days after pollination. Z.ln L. rubellumxL. regale,the growth of pollen tubes was inhibited in the style after stigmaticpollination at anthesis; hence, no ovule with an embryo was obtained. Growth of pollen tubes was promotedby stigmaticpollination when the pollinationwas done 2 to 5 days after anthesis. Embryos definitely formed if stigmaticpollination was carried out 5 days after anthesis, but they could not be rescuedeven when ovule culture was utilized. Cut-stylepollination had no effect on production of ovules with an embryo. 3. Hybridity of seedlings resulted from l. regalexL. rubellum was confirmed by nu- clear rDNA analysis. All of the hybrid plants analyzedwere diploid with 2n: 24 chromosomes'and showedpollen fertilities of below 3 7o. Flower color of the hybrids was light pink. A single hybrid cloneproduced a doubleflower. Introduction L. rubellum, generally called'Himesa-yuri' or 'Otome-yuri', is indigenous to Niigata, Fukushima, and Yamagata Pref., Japan (Shimizu, 1987). This species has potential as an ornamental crop be- cause of its beautiful, trumpet-shaped pink flower, pleasant fragrance, and dwarfism. Therefore, some growers have attempted to produce bulbs commer- cially. However, bulb production has not been suc- cessful because L. rubellum is very sensitive to fungal diseases and intolerant of high tempera- tures during the summer. On the other hand, L. re- gale , a species native to China, has desirable traits such as vigorous growth and resistance to viral and fungal diseases. Thus, attempts to intro- duce these traits into the other species are in progress (Van Creij et al., 1992). Received for publication 31 August 1995. * Present address: Japan DelMonteCorp., Ltd., 3748 Shimizu-cho. Numata 378. In the gents Liliurz , interspecific hybridization has been used to incorporate disease resistance and adaptability, as well as flower colors and forms from one species to another. These pro- grams have proved to be successful in developing novel cultivars (Van Tuyl et al., 1988, 1991). Be- cause hybridization between L. regale and L. rubel- lwm has not yet been reported, we attempted and succeededin producing interspecific hybrids via ovule culture. Materials and Methods 1. Plant materiols and pollination erperiments Potted plants of. L. regale and l. rubellurn were grown under natural, forcing or retarding-culture conditions to adjust flowering times. Flowers of female parents were emasculated one day before anthesis. In most pollination experi- ments, fresh pollen was used, but in some cases, pollen stored according to Niimi and Shiokawa 919

Production of Interspecific Hybrids between Liliwm regale and L

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Page 1: Production of Interspecific Hybrids between Liliwm regale and L

J Japan sOc_Hort.Sci.64(4):919-925. 1996.

Production of Interspecific Hybrids between Liliwm regale and

L. rubelluln vra Ovule Culture

Yoshiji N五mi,ⅣIasaru Nakano and Ken‐ichiro Maki*

F“%′りげ4g蔵%ιιππ,」Vじじgα′α υπづυι7Stり,2-8θ5θルα7aSんじ,Nじじgα′α95θ-21


Lil ium regale and L. rubellurn were crossed reciprocally to introduce economically andhorticulturally desirable traits of L. regole, such as vigorous growth and disease resist-ance, into L. rubellum.

1. In l. regale xL. rubellutn, seeds containing an embryo were obtained with a low fre-quency (3.3 %) by stigmatic poll ination at anthesis, but they did not germinate in soil orin vitro. Seedlings were successfully obtained with frequencies of 5.3 to 6.7 7o by ap-plying ovule culture 30 to 60 days after poll ination.

Z.ln L. rubellumxL. regale, the growth of pollen tubes was inhibited in the style afterstigmatic poll ination at anthesis; hence, no ovule with an embryo was obtained. Growth ofpollen tubes was promoted by stigmatic poll ination when the poll ination was done 2 to 5days after anthesis. Embryos definitely formed if stigmatic poll ination was carried out 5days after anthesis, but they could not be rescued even when ovule culture was uti l ized.Cut-style poll ination had no effect on production of ovules with an embryo.

3. Hybridity of seedlings resulted from l. regalexL. rubellum was confirmed by nu-c lear rDNA analys is . Al l o f the hybr id p lants analyzed were d ip lo id wi th 2n: 24chromosomes'and showed pollen ferti l i t ies of below 3 7o. Flower color of the hybrids waslight pink. A single hybrid clone produced a double flower.


L . rube l l um, gene ra l l y ca l l ed 'H imesa -yu r i ' o r'Otome-yur i ' , is ind igenous to Ni igata, Fukushima,

and Yamagata Pref . , Japan (Shimizu, 1987). This

species has potent ia l as an ornamental crop be-cause of i ts beaut i fu l , t rumpet-shaped p ink f lower,p leasant f ragrance, and dwarf ism. Therefore, somegrowers have at tempted to produce bulbs commer-

c ia l ly . However, bulb product ion has not been suc-

cessful because L. rubellum is very sensitive to

fungal d iseases and into lerant of h igh tempera-

tures during the summer. On the other hand, L. re-gale , a species nat ive to China, has desi rable

traits such as vigorous growth and resistance to

v i ra l and fungal d iseases. Thus, at tempts to in t ro-

duce these t ra i ts in to the other species are inp rog ress (Van Cre i j e t a l . , 1992 ) .

Received for publication 31 August 1995.* Present address: Japan DelMonte Corp., Ltd., 3748

Shimizu-cho. Numata 378.

In the gents Lil iurz , interspecific hybridization

has been used to incorporate d isease res is tance

and adaptabi l i ty , as wel l as f lower colors and

forms from one species to another. These pro-

grams have proved to be successful in developing

nove l cu l t i va rs (Van Tuy l e t a l . , 1988 , 1991 ) . Be -

cause hybridization between L. regale and L. rubel-

lwm has not yet been reported, we attempted and

succeeded in producing in terspeci f ic hybr ids v ia

ovule cul ture.

Materials and Methods

1. Plant materiols and pollination erperiments

Potted plants of. L. regale and l. rubellurn were

grown under natura l , forc ing or retard ing-cul ture

condi t ions to adjust f lower ing t imes.

Flowers of female parents were emasculated one

day before anthesis. In most poll ination experi-

ments, f resh pol len was used, but in some cases,

pol len stored according to Ni imi and Shiokawa


Page 2: Production of Interspecific Hybrids between Liliwm regale and L

920 Y NHmi,M NakanO and K Maki

( f 992) was used. In L. regale xL. rubel lum, s t igmat-ic pol l inat ion, in which pol len was appl ied ontothe st igma, was carr ied out only at anthesis . In areciprocal cross, l,. rubellurn xL. regale, stigmaticpol l inat ion was carr ied out 1 and 2 days beforean thes i s , a t an thes i s , and 1 , 2 ,3 ,4 , and 5 days a f -ter anthesis . In the la t ter cross, the cut-s ty le pol -

l inat ion technique as descr ibed in a prev ious pa-per (L i and Ni imi , 1995) was a lso per formed 2days before anthesis , at anthesis , and 5 days af teranthesis .

2. Ouule culture

Ovar ies co l l ec ted I0 , 20 , 30 , 40 , 50 , and 60days af ter pol l inat ion were sur face-dis infectedwi th 70 % ethanol for 1 min, wi th a commercia lb leach solut ion conta in ing 1.8 7o chlor ine for 10min, and r insed three t imes wi th s ter i l ized, d is-t i l led water . Thi r ty , 40, and 50 days af ter pol l ina-

t ion, ovules were excised f rom ovar ies and cul -tured on a medium composed of B-5 macronutr ient(Gamborg et a l . , 1968), a hal f s t rength MS micro-nutrient (Murashige and Skoog, 1962), amino acidsby P rakash and G i l es (1936 ) , 0 .1 mg . l i t e r - r NAA,5 % sucrose and 0.7 o/o D,gar at pH 5.7. For ovanesharvested 10 and 20 days af ter pol l inat ion, ovary-s l ice cul ture pr ior to ovule cul ture was used be-cause ovules were too smal l to be excised. Ovary-s l ice d isks were prepared by cut t ing ovar iest ransversely in to sect ions 5 mm th ick and p laced

wi th the basal cut end down on the medium. Onemonth af ter inoculat ion, the enlarg ing ovules wereexcised f rom cul tured ovary-s l ice d isks and sub-cul tured onto a f resh medium. Al l cu l tures beforeembryo germinat ion were kept at 25"C and in thedark; the germinated ovules were p laced undercont inuous i l luminat ion (1000 to 1 2 00 lx) sup.p l ied by whi te f luorescent lamps.

3. Obsenations of pollen tube growth and embryo de-uelopment

To trace pollen tube growth in the style afterst igmat ic pol l inat ion, s ty les were f ixed in FAA(formal in : acet ic ac id : 70 Vo ethanol : 5 :5:90) ,s ta ined wi th a 0.1 % cot ton-b lue solut ion for about40 m in (N i im i , 1991 ) , and then d i ssec ted . Po l l entubes were observed under a l ight microscope, andrelat ive length of pol len tubes as a percentage ofsty le Iength was recorded as previously descr ibed(Li and Ni imi , 1995). Development of embryos af -

ter pol l inat ion was examined h is to logical ly on se-r ia l , longi tudinal , paraf f in-embedded sect ions(Wakizuka and Nakaj ima, I97 5) .

4. Ribosonal DNA (rDNA) analysis

Tota l DNA was iso lated f rom leaves of pot tedplants us ing a sodium dodecyl su l fate (SDS) ex-t ract ion method according to Honda and Hira i(1990). Iso lated DNAs were d igested wi th rest r ic-tion enzymes and separated on agarose gels fol-lowed by blotting onto nylonmembrane fi l ters(Hybond-N, Amersham, UK). Analyses of rDNA us-ing a non-radioact ive DNA label ing and detect ionki t (Boehr inger Mannheim, IN) were per formed bythe method previously descr ibed (Nakano and Mi i ,1993). The DNA f ragment conta in ing the ent i rerDNA sequences of r ice (Takaiwa et a l . , 1985)was prepared f rom plasmid pRR217 and used as aprobe.

5. Chrornosome counts and, determinatiqn of pollen fertility

Root tips were excised from seedlings grown inv i t ro and pretreated wi th 2 mM 8-hydroxyquino-I ine at room temperature for 4 to 5 hr . They were

then f ixed in a solut ion of absolute a lcohol-acet icacid (3:1, v /v) at 4 "C for at least 24 hr , and hy-d ro l yzed w i th 1N HCI a t 60 'C fo r 10 m in . Roo tt ips were then r insed wi th d is t i l led water , s ta inedwi th 2 % aceto-orcein, and observed under a l ightmlcroscope.

To assess pol len fer t i l i ty , mature pol len gra ins

were taken from potted plants grown under nat-ural conditions, stained with 2 o/o aceto-carmine.and observed under a l ight microscope.

Results and Discussion

ln L. regale xL. rubellum, relative length of pol-

len tubes after stigmatic poll ination at anthesiswas 100 7o 96 hr af ter pol l inat ion, and a f ru i tproduct ion f requency of 80.6 7o was obta ined 80days af ter pol l inat ion. Al though the seeds in thesefru i ts looked t ransparent and d id not have anyhardened t issue, 3.3 o/o were observed to conta in

an embryo. The seeds d id not germinate in soi l orin v i t ro on ovule cul ture medium. Embryos f rom l .regalexL. rubel lum normal ly developed in v ivo as

do those from self-poll inated L. regale about 30

days af ter pol l inat ion (F ig. 1A), but thei r develop-ment gradual ly became retarded and stopped 60

Page 3: Production of Interspecific Hybrids between Liliwm regale and L

days af ter pol l inat ion (F ig. 1B). This observat ionindicates that fer t i l izat ion may occur normal ly butthat a post- fer t i l izat ion barr ier ar ises. To over-

come th is barr ier , ovule cul ture was used on sam-ples col lected at var ious in tervals af ter pol l inat ion

to rescue the in terspeci f ic hybr id embryos (Table

1 ) .

Young ovu les i n ova ry -s l i ce d i sks , 10 to 20

days af ter pol l inat ion, grew s l ight ly even af ter

they were subcul tured on a f resh medium. Using

the ovary-s l ice cul ture technique, seedl ings were

successfu l ly obta ined f rom very young embryosrescued 10 days (N i im i e t a l . , 1995 ) and 20 days(Hayashi et a l . , 1986) af ter pol l inat ion in an in-

t raspeci f ic cross of L. fonnosanwrn; but in ourstudy young embryos of L. regale x L. rubellunt

could not be rescued by th is technique. We at t r ib-ute the fa i lure to the d i f ferences in embryo v igor .A s imi lar resul t was repor ted for in terspeci f ic

crosses among Li l ium species by Okazaki et a l .( 1 9 9 4 ) .

From 5.3 to 6.7 7o of ovar ies cul tured 30 to 60days af ter pol l inat ion y ie lded hybr id seedl ings. Amicroscopic examinat ion of ser ia l sect ions of the

cul tured ovules showed that some embryos con-

t inued thei r normal development 120 days af terpol l inat ion (F ig. 2) . However, seedl ings obta ined

by ovule cul ture 50 and 60 days af ter pol l inat ion

of ten exhib i ted some abnormal i t ies such as cal lus-ing and swel l ing. Therefore, rescuing ovules 30 or40 days af ter pol l inat ion seems opt imum forobtaining normal seedlings in L. regale x L. rubel.l u m .

Table 1. Seedling production from l. regale X L. rubellwmcrosses by ovule culture at various times after poll i-nation'.


In the rec iprocal cross, l . rubel lum xL. regale,no capsules were obta ined by st igmat ic pol l inat ion

at anthesis . A microscopic observat ion revealed

that growth of. L. regale pollen tubes was inhibited

soon after germination on the stigma of. L. rubellum

; the re lat ive length of pol len tubes was below 10

% even 96 hr af ter pol l inat ion (Table 2) . Thus,uni la tera l incongrui ty (Hogenboom, 1984) was

observed in the rec iprocal crosses between I .

rubellum and l. regale ; it has also been reported

for several in terspeci f ic combinat ions in the genus

Lil ium, including those between L. longiflorum andL. dawr icum (Asano, 1982), L. rubel lum and L.xfor-rnolongi (Okazaki et a l . , 1992), / - x 'Or ienta l ' hyb-

r ids and I . x 'As iat ic ' hybr ids (Okazaki et a l . ,1994), and L. x 'Asiat ic hybr ids ' and l . concolor(Okazaki et a l . , 1995). The b iochemical bases for

these unilateral incongruities in the genus Lil iumneed to be c lar i f ied.

To promote pollen tube growth in L. rwbellwrn xL. regale, two pol l inat ion methods, s t igmat ic andcut-sty le pol l inat ion, were t r ied us ing f lowers of

Table 2. Relative length of pollen tubes and swell ing ovar.ies after stigmatic or cut-style poll ination at varioustimes before or after anthesis in L. rubellum X L. re-gale

RelatiVe length of

p o l l e n t u b e s ( % ) X Swell ingovaries*( % )48 hr after 96 hr after

pol l ination pol l ination

mlltt lttly

+ 4

+ 5- 2


+ 5

O a



8 5a





O a















33 3





6 . 3

6 . 7

5 . 3

6 . 0










Days afterpol l ination 龍憔y盗11

No. of %of ovulesseedlings developing

obtained seedlings

Stigmatic pol l ination was carr ied out at anthesis. Data

were recorded 6 months after pol l ination

SL * OL; ovary-sl ice culture for 1 month fol lowed byovule culture. O: ovule culture

ST, st igmatic pol l ination; CS, cut.style pol l ination0, at anthesis; -, day (s) before anthesis; +, dav (s)after anthesis.Values represent the mean of at least 5 repl icates. Meansin the same column fol lowed by the same letter are notsignif icantly dif ferent (p ( 0.05; Duncan's mult iplerange test).Each pol l ination treatment consisted of 6 repl icates. Datawere recorded 40 days after pol l ination.Not determined


SL ttO





Page 4: Production of Interspecific Hybrids between Liliwm regale and L


di f ferent ages. The resul ts on the re lat ive length of

pol len tubes and swel l ing ovar ies are summarized

in Table 2; the re lat ive pol len tube length was not

determined af ter cut-s ty le pol l inat ion. In s t igmat ic

pol l inat ion, pol len tube growth was promoted s ig-

n i f icant ly when pol l inat ion was delayed. The re la-

t ive length reached 100 %o 96 hr af ter pol l inat ion

when st igmat ic pol l inat ion was carr ied out 5 days

af ter anthesis . About 33.3 7o of ovar ies became

swol len when st igmat ic pol l inat ion was carr ied out

4 and 5 days af ter anthesis , but these ovar ies

stopped growing 20 to 25 days la ter . Ovar ies

which had been pol l inated 1 and 2 days before

anthesis , at anthesis , and 1 to 3 days af ter anthe-

s is by the st igmat ic method turned brown, wi thout

enlarg ing, soon af terward and eventual ly d ied.

Y N五 mi,M NakanO and K Maki

Thus, inh ib i t ion of pol len tube growth in L.

rwbel lum'xL. regale can be overcome i f f lowers are

pol l inated 4 to 5 days af ter anthesis . Ascher and

Peloquin (1966) repor ted that , in the genus L i l iwm ,

pol len tube growth was promoted when o lder f low-

ers were sel f -pol l inated in sel f - incompat ib le p lants,

t,. tongiflontm 'Ace'. They suggested that the prin-

c ip le const i tuents of se l f - incompat ib i l i ty seemed to

become mi t igated wi th the onset of f lora l senes-

cence. Therefore, an incompat ib le pol len at th is

t ime might escape i ts in f luence. A s imi lar mecha-

nism may a lso be involved in an in terspeci f ic

cross of L. rwbellu'm xL. regale .

On the other hand, cut-s ty le pol l inat ion, which

has been demonstrated to be ef fect ive in overcom-

ing bo th se l f ( L i and N i im i , 1995 ) and c ross - tn -



Fig. 1. Longitudinal sections of 30-(A) and 60 (B) day-old ovaries st igmatic-pol l inated at anthesis in l .

regale x.L rubel lu'm. Bar:0 1 mm

Fig.2. A longitudinal section of a cultured ovule 120 days afLer st igmatic pol l ination at anthesis in l .

regale xL ntbel lum Bar:0.1 mm

FiS. 3. Longitudinal sections of 20 (A) and 40-(B) day-old ovaries st igmatic-pol l inated 5 days after

anthesis in L. rubel l t tm r.L regale. Bar:0.1 mm

”ば ヽ.●


Page 5: Production of Interspecific Hybrids between Liliwm regale and L

J. Japan. Soc. Hbrt Sci .64(4) : 919-925. 1996. 923

compat ib i l i ty (Asano and Myodo, 1977\ , had no

effect on the swell ing of ovaries in L. rubellum xL.regale . Ovaries poll inated at all 3 stages of f lower-

ing by the cut-s ty le method exhib i ted browning

soon af ter pol l inat ion and eventual ly d ied.An examinat ion of ser ia l sect ions of ovules de-

rived from l. rubellum x L. regale which werest igmat ic-pol l inated 5 days af ter anthesis and col -lected 20 days la ter revealed that they had a fewovules, each wi th an embryo (F ig. 3A). However,these embryos grew a l i t t le , developed no endo-

sperm t issue, even 40 days af ter pol l inat ion (F ig.

3B). To rescue embryos, ovary-s l ices were cul -tured for 1 month and the growing ovules excisedfrom the slices were subcultured onto a freshmedium. However, no embryos grew into seedl ingseven 6 months af ter pol l inat ion. Ser ia l sect ionsdisc losed no developing embryos in the ovules cul -tured for BO days. Fur ther exper iments need to beconducted to establ ish an ef f ic ient cu l ture systemfor rescuing young embryos oI L. rubellum xL. re.gale .

Seedlings of L. regale xL. rubellum were exposedto cold for more than 12 weeks to break thei r dor-mancy, and then they were grown in a pot undernatura l condi t ions. To conf i rm thei r hybr id i ty ,nuclear rDNA of some c lones were analyzed. Tota lDNAs of both parents, L. regale and L. rubellum ,and putative hybrids were digested with severalrest r ic t ion enzymes and subjected to analys is .Among the restriction enzymes tested, I l ir dll l wassuper ior to Eco RI and EcoRV for d iscr iminat ingrDNA fragments of both parents (Fig. a). Hin dll l .d igested nuclear DNAs f rom al l putat ive hybr idsconta ined the 23.0 kbp f ragment f rom L. regaleand the 6.4 and 6.1 kbp f ragments f . rom L. rubel -lum , which indicates that these seedlings are in-terspeci f ic hybr ids between L. regale and L. rwbel-lzzn. . Resul ts of chromosome counrs revealed thata l l o f t he hyb r i d p lan ts we re d ip lo id ,2n :2x :24(Fig. 5) . Several hybr id p lants bore l ight p inkf lowers; the color was intermediate between thatof the white L. regale and pink l. rwbellum . Onehybr id c lone produced a double f lower wi th nor-mal s tamens (Fig. 6) . Less than 3 % of the pol len

col lected f rom the hybr ids were fer t i le as deter-mined by aceto-carmine sta in ing.

In the present s tudy, hybr id p lants betweenthese two species were obtained when L. regalewas used as a female parent but none f rom the re-

: : '1 : : t : / t t i ! : : : ; . . : : . , ' r i , : . i . i : : , . : r t i : .

Fig. 4. Blot-hybridization of digoxigenin-labeled rDNA fragments to HindIIIdigested nuclear DNAs of the parentalspecies and their hybrids Arrowheads, from top to bottom, indicate23.0, 6.4 and 6.1 kbp fragments. re.spectively. Lane 1, L. rubel lum; lane 2,L. regale; lanes 3 to 6, interspecifichybrids.

Fig. 5. Chromosomes in a root tip cell ofterspecif ic hybrid (2n: 2x:24\.

an in‐

Page 6: Production of Interspecific Hybrids between Liliwm regale and L

Y Niimi. M Nakano and K. Ivlaki

Fig. 6. An interspecific hybrid with a doubledf lower.

c iprocal cross. Exper iments should be conducted

in the future to character ize these hybr id p lants

wi th respect to d isease res is tance and envi ronmen'

ta l adaptabi l i ty , and to backcross them to both

parents af ter thei r pol len fer t i l i ty is recovered by

ch romosome doub l i ng (Asano ' 1982 ) '

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リーガルユ リ (Ltιづγπ″gα″)の 強健な性質をヒメ

サユ リ (L.物うι′ιππ)に 導入することを目的として,

両種間で相互交雑 を行った.

1.リ ーガルユ リ×ヒメサユ リにおいては,開 花当

日の柱頭受粉により低率 (33%)な が ら有胚種子が

得 られた.し か し,そ れらの種子はバーミキュライ ト

および試験管内に播種 して も発芽 しなかった。 リーガ

ルユ リ×ヒメサユ リの雑種実生は受粉 30~60日 後に

胚珠培養 を行 うことにより得 られ,そ の頻度は 53~

67%で あった.

2.ヒ メサユ リ×リーガルユ リにおいては,開 花当


J Japan Soc Hort Sci 64(4):919-925. 1996. 925

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胚珠培養によるリーガルユリとヒメサユ リの種 間雑種 の作 出

優 。牧 健 一郎*

新潟市五十嵐二の町 8050

上 し,受 精が起こらなかった。 しかし,開 花 2~5日


開花 5日 後の受粉では胚形成が確認された。花柱切断

受粉は胚形成に効果がなかった。開花 5日 後の受粉に

より得られた胚は,胚 珠培養を行っても救出すること


3.リ ーガルユ リ×ヒメサユリから得られた個体の

雑種性は rDNA分 析により確認された。調査 したす

べての雑種は三倍体であり,花 粉稔性は3%以 下であ

った。雑種4固体の花色は淡桃色であった。また,二 重


新美芳二 ・中野

新潟大学農学部 950■21

*現在 :日本デルモンテllk1 378 沼田市清水町 3748.