SAMPLE ASSESSMENT REPORT - IT Asset Management · PDF file©2014 International Association of Information page 4 of 39 Technology Asset Managers, Inc. - IAITAM TABLE OF CONTENTS About

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D I S C L A I M E R IAITAM,  Inc.  has  exercised  due  and  customary  care  to  prepare  this  IAITAM  360  Assessment  Report  but  has  not,  save  as  specifically  stated,  independently  verified  the  information  provided  by  Acme  Widget  from  which  the  data  in  this  IAITAM  360  Assessment  Report  is  based.    This  IAITAM  360  Assessment  Report  and  its  contents  is  provided  "as  is"  and  without  warranty  of  any  kind,  expressed  or  implied,  including  (but  not  limited  to)  any  implied  warranties  of  merchantability  or  fitness  for  any  particular  purpose.    In  no  event  shall  IAITAM,  Inc.  be  liable  to  any  person  for  any  special,  indirect  or  consequential  damages  relating  to  this  IAITAM  360  Assessment  Report  and  its  contents  unless  caused  by  gross  negligence  or  intentional  misconduct.  

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T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S About IAITAM ................................................................................................................ 5  

Introduction .................................................................................................................. 7  

Executive Summary ....................................................................................................... 9  

ITAM 360 Assessment Methodology ........................................................................... 12  

Assessment Summary .................................................................................................. 14  

Acquisition Management KPA ...................................................................................... 16  

Asset Identification Management KPA ........................................................................ 18  

Communication and Education Management KPA ...................................................... 20  

Compliance Management KPA ..................................................................................... 22  

Disposal Management KPA .......................................................................................... 24  

Documentation Management KPA ............................................................................... 26  

Financial Management KPA ......................................................................................... 28  

Legislation Management KPA ...................................................................................... 30  

Policy Management KPA .............................................................................................. 32  

Program Management KPA .......................................................................................... 34  

Project Management KPA ............................................................................................ 37  

Vendor Management KPA ............................................................................................ 39  

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About IAITAM International  Association  of  Information  Technology  Asset  Managers,  Inc.  (“IAITAM”)  is  the  professional  association  for  individuals  and  organizations  involved  in  any  aspect  of  IT  Asset  Management  (“ITAM”),  Software  Asset  Management  (“SAM”),  Hardware  Asset  Management,  and  the  lifecycle  processes  for  IT  Asset  Management  in  organizations  of  every  size  and  industry  across  the  globe.  

IAITAM  officially  incorporated  in  2002,  after  years  of  research  and  discussion.    Starting  in  1998,  a  group  of  software  and  hardware  asset  managers  began  meeting  to  discuss  the  need  for  a  centralized  organization  devoted  to  expanding  and  codifying  information  and  knowledge  within  the  IT  Hardware  &  Software  Asset  Management  fields.  The  research  led  to  some  specific  needs  for  the  newly  created  profession  of  IT  Asset  Manager,  including:  

• Advanced  training  programs  needed  to  be  developed  to  build  formal  expertise  and  to  gain  the  professional  recognition  necessary  to  function  effectively  within  the  IT  Asset  field  

• There  was  a  definite  need  on  the  part  of  IT  Asset  Management  and  Software  Asset  Management  professionals  to  obtain  easy  access  to  vendor  neutral  answers  for  specific  questions  as  well  as  neutral  product  reviews  

• Professionals  needed  to  have  a  secure  area  to  frankly  discuss  mission  critical  issues  within  the  IT  Asset  field  with  other  IT  Asset  Managers;    

• There  is  a  defined  need  to  educate  executive  management  regarding  the  benefits  of  acquiring  and  retaining  trained  expertise  in  the  field  of  IT  Asset  Management    

• The  IT  industry  as  a  whole  had  not  recognized  the  value  of  accurately  monitoring  IT  assets  and  consequently  suffered  from  over-­‐investment  and  under-­‐utilized  IT  assets    

IAITAM  milestones  over  the  subsequent  seven  years  include  the  release  of  the  Hardware  Asset  Management  (CHAMP)  course  in  mid  2004  to  accompany  the  existing  Software  (CSAM)  and  IT  Asset  Management  (CITAM)  courses.    The  release  of  the  first  ITAK  magazine  in  December  of  2004  was  also  a  groundbreaking  event  for  the  IT  Asset  Management  industry.    No  other  publication  caters  directly  to  the  educational  needs  of  this  profession.  

In  2005,  IAITAM  surpassed  the  1000  member  mark  and  in  2006  released  the  first  edition  of  the  IAITAM  Best  Practice  BluePrint,  the  forerunner  to  the  IAITAM  Best  Practice  Library.    In  2007,  IAITAM  introduced  its  Fellowship  program  for  the  membership  to  elect  key  individuals  to  represent  their  needs  for  the  organization  and  the  Employee  Awareness  Program.  

In  the  spring  of  2008,  with  the  release  of  both  the  complete  IAITAM  Best  Practice  Library  and  the  accompanying  10  Virtual  Advanced  Training  courses  that  follow  the  IBPL  volumes,  IAITAM  introduced  the  IT  Asset  Management  Professional  Code  of  Ethics,  which  all  IT  Asset  Management  professionals  should  adhere  to.  

Throughout  IAITAM’s  history  over  the  past  7  years  we  have  striven  to  support  the  IT  Asset  Management  industry  through  expert  training  and  advice  as  well  as  lead  the  profession  down  a  

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path  of  best  practice  to  enhance  the  business  drivers  of  ROI,  Efficiency,  Risk  Avoidance  and  Professional  Development  for  themselves  and  their  organizations.  

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Introduction Information  Technology  is  the  lifeblood  for  most  organizations  in  today’s  dynamic,  global  marketplaces.    Information  Technology  provides  the  foundation  for:  

• Internal  and  external  communication  to  all  stakeholders  

• Corporate  memory  for  analysis  and  decision  making  

• Business  process  automation  

• Competitive  differentiation  through  innovation  

Organizations  make  a  large  investment  in  acquiring  and  using  Information  Technology  capabilities.    They  typically  invest  in:  

• Computers  

• Software  and  subscriptions  to  Software  as  a  Service  

• Monitors  

• Printers  

• Networking  equipment  

The  complexity,  dispersion,  acquisition  methods,  risk  of  improper  management  and  complex  finances  make  it  easy  for  organizations  to  not  achieve  the  maximum  return  on  investment  (ROI)  from  their  Information  Technology.    Developing  an  organizational  core  competency  in  Information  Technology  Asset  Management  (ITAM)  is  critical  for  maximizing  the  ROI  from  investments  in  Information  Technology.  

Fundamentally,  ITAM  is  a  bridge  from  the  financial  world  to  the  operational  world.    It  makes  sure  that  the  money  spent  on  Information  Technology  not  only  brings  value  to  the  organization  but  also  makes  sense  against  the  operation  supported  by  Information  Technology.      

The  International  Association  of  IT  Asset  Managers  (IAITAM)  is  providing  this  assessment  of  your  organization's  ITAM  capabilities  in  the  Program's  twelve  key  process.    IAITAM  is  the  world’s  largest  professional  organization  for  ITAM  professionals  with  over  8,000  members  and  representation  in  over  110  countries.    It  is  also  the  largest  certifying  body  offering  the  following  certifications:  

• Certified  Hardware  Asset  Manager  (CHAMP)  

• Certified  Software  Asset  Manager  (CSAM)  

• Certified  IT  Asset  Manager  (CITAM)  

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• Certified  Mobile  Asset  Manager  (CMAM)  

• Certified  IT  Asset  Disposition  (CITAD)  

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Executive Summary The  IT  Asset  Management  (ITAM)  Program  maximizes  the  value  of  the  organization's  IT  assets  by  aligning  the  IT  assets  with  the  organization’s  business  objectives  and  regulatory  requirements.  IT  assets  can  include:  


Servers     Desktops   Laptops  

Printers   Smart  phones     Copiers    


Applications       Internally  developed  applications    


Software  as  a  service   Cloud  solutions   Warranty  and  service  

ITAM  is  not  about  the  operations  of  a  specific  department;  rather  it's  about  the  operations  of  a  Program.  This  Program  encompasses  all  departments  and  individuals  that  impact  the  decisions  to  adopt  a  technology  or  use  the  technology.  This  would  include  such  departments  as  Finance  (Procurement,  Accounts  Payable),  Legal,  Human  Resources,  IT,  IT  Security,  Facilities  Management,  Vendor  Management,  the  Executive  Team  and  all  users  of  IT  assets.  

Organizations  have  invested  a  significant  amount  of  money  in  the  IT  infrastructure  and  IT  has  become  a  core  competency.  However,  with  the  transition  from  centralized  IT  (mainframes)  to  decentralized  (desktops,  laptops,  smart  devices),  the  complexity  of  managing  IT  assets  has  increased  exponentially.  Furthermore,  the  decrease  in  cost  of  IT  assets  has  made  IT  seem  easily  affordable  to  business  units,  departments  and  even  individuals  within  organizations.  Add  to  this  the  risk  of  data  loss  and  security  violations;  it  becomes  quickly  apparent  that  IT  assets  need  to  be  managed  centrally.  However,  managing  IT  assets  from  a  centralized  physical  location  will  not  work  in  today's  global  economy.  Therefore,  the  management  must  come  from  a  program  and  that  program  must  be  owned  and  managed.  The  ITAM  Program  is  designed  to  be  the  program  that  manages  these  assets'  financials,  inventory  and  contractual  agreements.  The  ITAM  Program  enables  the  flexibility  needed  by  today's  business  units  to  control  or  influence  IT  decisions  while  ensuring  the  organization’s  overall  objectives  of  customer  and  shareholder  satisfaction  are  met.  This  flexibility  is  achieved  through  the  centralization  of  ITAM  processes  and  the  ITAM  mission.  

Since  its  inception  in  2002,  IAITAM  has  aggregated  information  on  how  to  successfully  manage  IT  assets  from  organizations  worldwide,  public  and  private,  all  industries  and  organizations  from  

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the  largest  to  the  smallest.  This  unique  position  has  afforded  IAITAM  the  opportunity  to  define  an  ITAM  Program  architecture  based  on  organizations’  successes  and  void  of  organizations'  failures.  Quite  frankly,  IAITAM  knows  what  works  and  what  does  not  work.  This  report  is  the  result  of  IAITAM's  ITAM  360  Assessment  conducted  by  employees  of  Acme  Widget  and  analysis  conducted  by  IAITAM.  The  report  includes  recommendations  for  improving  Acme  Widget's  ITAM  Program  and  a  roadmap  for  implementing  the  initiatives.  The  value  of  this  report  to  Acme  Widget  includes  a  baseline  of  the  organization's  ITAM  Program's  performance  and  a  roadmap  for  which  Acme  Widget  can  develop  short  term  and  long  term  plans  for  improvement.  Furthermore,  Acme  Widget  can,  at  a  later  date,  re-­‐assess  the  ITAM  Program  and  compare  progress  of  their  Program  initiatives.  The  implementation  of  the  recommended  changes  to  the  Program  is  entirely  up  to  Acme  Widget.  IAITAM  does  not  conduct  long-­‐term  service  engagements.  

The  assessment  covers  twelve  key  process  areas  (KPA)  that  make  up  the  ITAM  Program  architecture.    The  following  diagram  depicts  the  overall  score  for  Acme  Widget's  ITAM  Program.  


The  complexity  of  the  ITAM  Program  warrants  a  rating  in  each  Key  Process  Area.  An  overall  single  score  will  convey  little  useful  information.  Definitions  of  the  levels  1  through  5  can  be  found  in  the  ITAM  360  Assessment  Methodology  on  page  12  of  this  report.  

The  organization  has  strengths  in  the  areas  of  Policy  Management,  Communication  and  Education  Management,  Documentation  Management  and  Vendor  Management  that  can  be  leveraged  by  the  ITAM  Program.    

The  ITAM  Program  has  weaknesses  in  the  areas  of  Project  Management,  Asset  Identification  Management,  Compliance  Management  and  Financial  Management.  

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The  remainder  of  this  report  drills  down  further  into  each  of  the  key  process  area’s  strengths  and  weaknesses.  

All  ITAM  Programs  depend  greatly  on  the  performance  of  several  functional  areas  or  departments  that  the  ITAM  team  may  not  have  the  authority  over  within  the  organization.  However,  the  ITAM  Program  can  act  as  that  authority  with  the  proper  support  from  the  Executive  team,  including  an  executive  sponsor  who  owns  the  ITAM  Program,  and  the  ITAM  group  who  is  empowered  to  manage  the  ITAM  Program.  

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ITAM 360 Assessment Methodology The  ITAM  360  Performance  model  was  created  from  the  data  collected  by  IAITAM  since  its  inception  in  2002.  This  has  put  IAITAM  in  a  very  unique  position  to  aggregate  best  practices  based  on  real-­‐world  experiences  of  ITAM  practitioners.  The  result  was  ITAM  360,  which  includes  the  IAITAM  Best  Practice  Library  and  the  assessment  of  the  ITAM  Program's  performance.  The  questions  are  aligned  to  each  of  the  12  Key  Process  Areas  (KPA)  that  make  up  IAITAM's  ITAM  Program  architecture.    

The  result  of  the  assessment  is  not  a  single  vector  (i.e.  1  through  5)  but  twelve  vectors  -­‐  one  for  each  KPA.  The  reasoning  behind  this  approach  is  the  ITAM  Program  is  too  complex  to  assign  a  single  scalar  value  and  would  yield  little  understanding  of  where  the  strengths  and  weaknesses  lie  within  the  ITAM  Program.  So  for  example,  IAITAM  could  assign  an  overall  score  of  3  to  the  Acme  Widget  ITAM  Program,  but  how  does  that  rating  apply  to  the  key  process  areas  of  the  ITAM  Program?  

Additionally,  this  is  an  assessment  of  the  current  performance  of  the  ITAM  Program  and  the  ability  to  perform  based  on  the  organization’s  infrastructure.  For  example,  an  ITAM  Program  that  has  applied  bar  codes  to  all  hardware  assets  but  does  not  use  bar  code  readers  has  greater  potential  then  an  ITAM  Program  that  does  not  bar  code  any  of  its  assets.  

Answers  were  weighted  by  Acme  Widget  based  on  the  importance  of  the  area  represented  in  the  questions.  The  weighting  of  high,  medium,  low,  unknown  and  not  applicable  was  applied  to  the  result  of  the  calculation  of  score  for  each  question.  The  score  is  based  on  IAITAM's  proprietary  algorithm  that  utilizes  the  ITAM  industry's  performance  data.  

Level  1  through  5  are  defined,  however,  the  interpretation  of  the  levels  depends  on  the  answers  provided  in  the  assessment.  IAITAM's  analysis  of  the  answers  led  to  the  conclusion  that  some  strengths  represent  the  strength  of  the  organization's  process  but  the  ITAM  Program's  requirements  where  not  being  met.  Therefore,  these  level  definitions  are  open  for  interpretation  depending  on  how  the  rating  was  applied,  either  to  the  organization's  process  or  the  ITAM  Program's  use  of  the  organization's  process.  Also,  there  exists  dependencies  between  KPAs  so  while  one  KPA  may  appear  strong,  the  results  of  the  KPA's  processes  may  be  lacking.  

L EVEL 1 : AD HOC No  processes  are  defined;  functions  and  policies  exist  only  in  silos;  Internal  communication  is  at  minimum;  Reactive  instead  of  proactive  actions;  Compliance  risk  exists;  Productivity  is  minimized;  and  Value  is  minimized.    

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L EVEL 2 : REPEATABLE Major  processes  are  being  repeated  throughout  the  organization;  Processes  are  beginning  to  show  financial  successes;  Processes  are  beginning  to  be  defined  and  repeatable,  yet  still  function  independently;  Policies  are  defined  and  executed;  Procedures  are  established;  Interdependencies  are  at  a  minimum;  Alignment  with  business  needs  are  at  a  minimum;  Roles  are  emerging;  and  Executive  buy  in  is  achieved    

L EVEL 3 : AL IGNMENT Major  processes  are  well  defined  and  interaction  with  other  processes  and  KPAs  is  clearly  understood;  Efficiencies  exist  within  the  program  but  are  not  yet  maximized;  Interdependencies  exist  but  are  not  yet  maximized;  ITAM  Program  is  beginning  to  function  as  a  core  competency;  Communication  effectiveness  is  maximized  throughout  the  organization;  Compliance  risks  are  markedly  reduced;  and  Roles  are  defined  and  executed.      

L EVEL 4 : STRATEGIC Process  performance  is  optimized  as  is  the  interaction  between  processes  and  KPAs;  Proactive  decision  making  is  becoming  a  standard  action;  Roles  are  functioning  toward  a  common  goal;  Projects  are  planned  according  to  needs;  Business  goals  are  being  achieved;  Program  is  aligned  with  business  needs  and  goals;  and  Organizational  buy  in  is  achieved.    

L EVEL 5 : ADAPT IVE VALUAT ION Process  outcomes  are  predictable;  Process  outcomes  are  adjustable  as  necessary;  Program  is  functioning  as  a  core  competency  within  the  organization;  and  Compliance  risks  are  understood  or  eliminated.      


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Assessment Summary The  diagram  below  shows  the  ratings  for  each  of  the  ITAM  Program's  KPAs.  It  utilizes  a  classic  radar  diagram  with  each  axis  representing  a  KPA.  


The  Policy  Management  KPA  and  Communication  &  Education  Management  KPA  show  the  highest  level  of  performance  and  this  can  be  misleading  since  for  example  it  is  difficult  to  get  policies  enforced  within  the  organization.  However,  what  is  reflected  here  is  a  solid  infrastructure  for  policy  management,  communication  and  education.  The  ITAM  Program  can  further  leverage  these  strengths  to  advance  the  adoption  of  the  ITAM  Program's  initiatives.  

Similarly,  the  Program  Management  KPA,  Vendor  Management  KPA  and  Document  Management  KPA  show  good  strength  but  not  all  outcomes  of  these  KPAs  work  in  favor  of  the  ITAM  Program.  

At  the  bottom  of  the  performance  scale  is  the  Project  Management  KPA  and  Asset  Identification  Management  KPA.  While  there  exists  a  Project  Management  Office  (PMO)  within  the  organization,  the  ITAM  Program  has  not  been  able  to  capitalize  on  this  service.  The  greatest  concern,  however,  is  in  the  performance  of  the  Asset  Identification  KPA  where  the  inventory  of  IT  assets  and  associations  to  the  IT  asset's  documents  is  proven  to  be  weak.  This  impacts  the  next  lowest  rated  KPAs  -­‐  Financial  Management  and  Compliance  Management.  

Financial  Management  and  Compliance  Management  depend  strongly  on  the  ability  to  track  the  location,  use  and  ownership  of  the  IT  assets.  

Finally,  the  middle  performers  are  the  Acquisition  Management  KPA,  Disposal  Management  KPA  and  Legislation  Management  KPA.  The  one  that  is  of  most  concern  in  this  group  is  the  Acquisition  Management  KPA.  Acquisition  is  the  gatekeeper  for  how  all  IT  assets  are  acquired  and  this  process  area  has  a  major  impact  on  all  process  downstream.  

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The  remainder  of  this  report  will  address  each  KPA  in  more  detail  and  will  conclude  with  a  proposed  roadmap  for  strengthening  the  ITAM  Program.  

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Acquisition Management KPA

Score: 3


DEF IN I T ION The  IT  Acquisition  Process  Area  is  the  gatekeeper  for  the  application  of  all  IT  Asset  Management  strategies  determined  by  your  organization,  including  policies,  standards  and  life-­‐cycle  processes.    An  effective  IT  acquisition  process  empowers  the  rest  of  your  IT  asset  program  by  applying  process,  determining  pathways  for  exceptions  and  generating  the  initial  records  for  the  IT  assets  before  acquisition  is  complete.    The  goal  of  IT  acquisition  is  to  acquire  the  IT  assets  that  are  required  by  the  organization,  in  the  most  cost-­‐effective  and  productive  manner  for  the  organization.    

SCOPE The  scope  of  Acquisition  Management  KPA  starts  with  the  identification  of  a  need  for  the  asset  through  approval  or  rejection  of  the  request.  If  approved,  a  Purchase  Order  may  be  approved  and  an  order  placed  or  if  the  item  is  in  inventory,  an  order  is  placed  internally.  Other  functions  that  appear  in  the  KPA  include:  

Request  process   Approval  process  

Evaluation     Projected  ROI  and  TCO  calculations  

Risk  analysis   Impact  analysis  

Vendor  negotiations    


STRENGTHS • There  exists  an  Acquisition  KPA  owner  and  the  process  is  periodically  reviewed  

• Software  licenses  available  to  the  SAM  and  Vendor  Manager    

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• Projected  ROI  for  non-­‐standard  hardware  assets  is  calculated  

• Volume  purchasing  agreements  are  leveraged.  

• Contracts,  including  licenses  are  summarized    

• Contracts  are  digitally  archived  and  retrievable  

• The  contract  negotiating  team  has  the  ability  to  negotiate  terms  and  conditions  

• Contracts  are  reviewed  for  their  financial  terms  and  the  fixed  asset  database  is  updated  to  reflect  new  acquisitions  

WEAKNESSES • The  ITAM  Program's  requirements  are  not  well  represented  in  the  contract  negotiation's  


• Historical  IT  vendor  performance  is  not  considered  in  the  negotiating  process  

• Contracts  are  not  summarized  based  on  ITAM  roles  

• Order  fulfillment  does  not  take  into  account  existing  inventory  

• TCO  and  ROI  is  not  estimated  for  new  or  non-­‐standard  assets  

• Requests  and  acquisition  of  non-­‐standard  IT  assets  does  not  follow  a  single  process  

• Vendor  evaluation  units  are  not  formally  acquired  

• Hardware  asset  acquisitions  rarely  are  part  of  the  standards  

• Too  much  focus  on  price  versus  value  when  acquiring  IT  assets  

• Asset  sales  tax  needs  to  be  reviewed  

• Risk  analysis  of  IT  contracts  is  not  performed  

CONCLUS IONS This  score  can  be  deceiving.  The  negotiation  processes  are  there  to  support  formal  negotiations  (which  is  very  positive)  however;  the  ITAM  Program's  requirements  are  not  represented.  Focusing  on  just  this  subarea  of  the  Acquisition  KPA,  the  score  could  be  a  one  (1).  



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Asset Identification Management KPA

Score: 1


DEF IN I T ION The  Asset  Identification  Management  Process  Area  encompasses  the  activities  that  uniquely  identify  and  validate  the  physical  presence  of  IT  assets.    Asset  Identification  is  a  key  enabler  of  many  related  activities  in  the  Software  Life-­‐cycle,  Hardware  Life-­‐cycle  and  IT  Acquisition  and  Documentation  Management  Process  Areas.  

SCOPE The  scope  of  the  Asset  Identification  Management  KPA  starts  with  receiving  through  ready  for  deployment  and  includes  support  for  IT  asset  lifecycle  management.  Other  functions  that  appear  in  the  KPA  include:  

Receiving  process   Acceptance  process  

RMA  process   Inventory  management  


STRENGTHS • There  exists  an  Assed  Identification  KPA  owner  and  the  process  is  periodically  reviewed  

• The  physical  audit  process  is  defined,  conducted  annually  and  reconciled  against  e-­‐discovery  and  the  repository  

• Received  assets  are  recorded  

• RMA  process  is  followed  

• Help  Desk,  IMAC,  IT  has  access  to  the  information  they  need  to  fulfill  their  duties  

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• Assets  are  linked  to  the  user  and  department  

• Asset  tags  are  removed  prior  to  disposal  

• Hardware  assets  are  discoverable  and  data  secured  

WEAKNESSES • No  centralized  receiving  and  acceptance  process  

• Hardware  asset  tagging  is  not  uniformly  applied  

• All  returns  are  not  accurately  tracked  

• Fixed  asset  database  is  not  always  updated  when  changes  occur  

• Not  all  assets  that  should  be  managed  are  being  managed  

• Not  all  IMAC  operations  are  being  recorded  

• Contracts  need  to  be  associated  with  their  respective  assets  

• All  software  should  be  discovered  

• The  ITAM  repository  needs  to  be  updated  to  reflect  receiving  and  acceptance  

• Re-­‐usable  IT  assets  need  to  be  placed  back  into  inventory  

• Assets  need  to  be  secured  and  losses  /  thefts  need  to  be  detected  and  the  ITAM  repository  updated  

• Licensed  software  is  installed  on  hardware  in  inventory  

• The  Asset  ID  KPA  needs  to  be  documented  and  communicated  

CONCLUS IONS The  Asset  Identification  KPA  is  one  of  the  weakest  KPAs  in  the  entire  ITAM  Program.  This  KPA  is  the  gatekeeper  for  how  all  assets  arrive  in  the  organization  and  then  are  tracked  or  managed.  It  is  within  this  KPA  that  the  IT  asset  inventory  is  managed  which  enables  reuse.  This  becomes  even  more  critical  given  the  size  of  Acme  Widget  and  the  number  of  different  geographic  locations.  

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Communication and Education Management KPA

Score: 5


DEF IN I T ION Communication  is  the  process  that  by  means  of  a  commonly  understood  language,  information  and  ideas  can  be  effectively  imparted  between  entities.    Education  encompasses  the  process  of  teaching  and  learning  specific  skills,  tasks,  processes,  etc.    Education  is  also  the  imparting,  and  acceptance  of  knowledge.  

SCOPE The  proper  way  to  view  the  Communication  and  Education  Management  KPA  is  as  a  service.  The  KPA  is  responsible  for  all  communication  and  education  initiatives  within  the  ITAM  Program.  By  viewing  this  as  service,  the  other  ITAM  KPAs  can  focus  on  their  areas  of  responsibility  knowing  that  the  communication  and  education  requirements  can  be  handed  off  to  this  KPA.  Note  Human  Resources  or  a  formal  education  department  may  perform  the  functions  of  this  KPA.  

STRENGTHS • There  exists  a  Communication  and  Education  KPA  owner  and  the  process  is  periodically  


• Processes  changes  are  communicated  throughout  the  organization  

• Existing  communication  and  education  internal  services  are  leveraged  

• Communication  and  education  needs  are  assessed  when  processes  are  changed  

• Employee  records  reflect  education  received  

• Education  initiatives  are  assessed  to  determine  their  effectiveness  

• Communication  and  education  initiatives  are  funded  

• A  feedback  mechanism  exists  within  the  communication  and  education  process  

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• The  benefits  and  consequences  of  the  ITAM  Program  are  part  of  communication  and  education  initiatives  

• Strong  communication  between  ITAM  and  the  Executive  team,  legal,  IT  operations  and  Help  Desk  

WEAKNESSES • Communication  and  education  of  the  ITAM  Program's  policies,  procedures  and  

processes  need  to  occur  when  the  information  is  needed  

CONCLUS IONS There  exists  a  strong  communication  and  education  infrastructure  within  the  organization.  This  infrastructure  is  being  utilized  to  convey  the  purpose  of  the  ITAM  Program.  The  existing  infrastructure  should  be  leveraged  further  to  capitalize  on  just  in  time  communication  and  education.  It  should  also  be  leveraged  to  increase  employee  awareness  and  buy-­‐in  in  hopes  of  reducing  the  need  for  policy  enforcement.  Also  consider  quarterly  news  digest  that  discusses  hot  topics  in  the  ITAM  Program  and  recognizes  departments  and  individuals  who  provide  exceptional  support  and  cooperation  to  the  operations  of  the  ITAM  Program.  

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Compliance Management KPA

Score: 2


DEF IN I T ION The  Compliance  Management  area  is  the  focal  point  for  risk  avoidance  and  audit  response.  As  part  of  this  process  area,  the  organization  prepares  a  response  to  compliance  events,  performs  periodic  internal  asset  discoveries,  and  ultimately  settles  non-­‐compliance  matters.  

SCOPE The  scope  of  the  Compliance  Management  KPA  is  to  conduct  all  compliance  activities  involving  the  ITAM  Program.  This  not  only  includes  answering  external  audits  but  also  includes  audits  of  ITAM  processes  and  service  organizations  such  as  disposal  vendors  and  cloud  service  providers.  

STRENGTHS • There  exists  a  Compliance  Management  KPA  owner  and  the  process  is  periodically  


• Defensible  compliance  terms  and  conditions  are  included  in  contracts,  but  not  always  for  software  

• Policies  are  reviewed  for  support  of  compliance  

• Audit  response  team  is  trained  

• Information  from  the  discovery  process  is  available  to  the  audit  response  team  

• Hardware  asset  are  locked  down  to  prevent  installation  of  rogue  software  assets  

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WEAKNESSES • Not  all  software  is  known  to  be  compliant  according  to  the  terms  and  conditions  of  the  

licensing  agreement  nor  is  there  a  direct  relationship  between  the  software  asset  and  the  licensing  agreement  

• Open  source  and  "free"  software  is  not  managed  for  compliance  

• Software  is  not  secured  against  unauthorized  use  

• Music,  movie  and  font  intellectual  property  is  not  managed  

• Smart  devices  are  not  managed  for  compliance  

• Physical  inventory  results  are  not  represented  in  the  ITAM  repository  in  a  reasonable  amount  of  time  following  the  physical  audit  

• Software  contracts  do  not  contain  language  to  support  the  organization's  audit  requirements  

• There  needs  to  be  a  feedback  mechanism  for  employees  to  report  non-­‐compliance  events  

• Software  is  not  audited  on  a  regular  basis  

• Compliance  processes  need  to  be  documented  

CONCLUS IONS The  Compliance  Management  KPA  is  a  major  challenge  in  many  organizations.  Improving  performance  in  the  Acquisition  Management  KPA  and  Asset  Identification  KPA  can  actually  strengthen  this  KPA.  This  is  one  KPA  that  is  strongly  dependent  on  the  data  generated  in  other  KPAs.  This  KPA  will  need  to  drive  improvements  in  the  other  KPAs  (other  departments)  by  clearly  defining  the  mission  of  this  KPA  and  getting  executive  management  to  approve  the  mission.  This  KPA's  mission  should  align  with  the  ITAM  Program's  overall  mission  statement.  

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Disposal Management KPA

Score: 3


DEF IN I T ION The  Disposal  Process  Area  defines  process  and  procedures  for  properly  removing  assets  from  your  environment.    A  mature  disposal  process  will  allow  your  enterprise  to  avoid  costly  storage  of  unused  assets,  mitigate  risk  associated  with  disposal,  reallocation  of  software,  security  of  information  maintained  before  the  disposal  process,  while  increasing  return  on  investment.  

SCOPE The  scope  of  the  Disposal  Management  KPA  starts  when  it  is  determined  that  asset  has  reached  its  end  of  life.  This  includes  both  software  and  hardware  assets.  Other  functions  that  appear  in  the  KPA  include:  

Disposal  requirements   Disposal  security  

Software  harvesting   Data  backup  

Recording  of  the  asset's  disposition    


STRENGTHS • There  exists  a  Disposal  Management  KPA  owner  and  the  process  is  periodically  reviewed  

• Due  diligence  is  performed  on  Disposal  vendors  

• Disposal  regulations  are  well  understood  

• Lost  or  stolen  assets  during  the  disposal  process  are  identified  

• Final  disposition  of  assets  is  recorded  

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WEAKNESSES • No  formal  disposal  process  for  software  assets  

• Software  harvesting  is  not  performed  during  the  disposal  process  

• Inability  to  track  assets  after  they  are  transferred  to  the  disposal  vendor  

• No  reconciliation  between  assets  shipped  to  the  disposal  vendor  versus  assets  received  by  the  disposal  vendor  

• Assets  are  not  secured  prior  to  the  disposal  process  

• Disposal  policies  are  not  well  understood  

• Disposal  budget  is  inaccurate  

CONCLUS IONS While  the  disposal  process  is  strong  for  hardware  assets,  it  is  imperative  that  software  assets  be  disposed  of  properly  and  software  licenses  are  harvested  from  hardware  assets  that  are  being  disposed.  Many  larg  organizations  have  a  zero  cost  disposal  directive  and  the  size  of  Acme  Widget  should  make  this  possible.  It  is  also  imperative  that  the  disposal  processes  ensure  the  security  of  the  organization's  data  so  working  in  tandem  with  IT  Security  may  be  mutually  beneficial.  

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Documentation Management KPA

Score: 4


DEF IN I T ION The  Documentation  Management  Process  Area  encompasses  management  capability  for  all  IT  asset  related  documents  throughout  most  of  their  life  cycle,  from  request,  through  acquisition  and  onward.  

SCOPE The  proper  way  to  view  the  Documentation  Management  KPA  is  as  a  service.  The  KPA  is  responsible  for  managing  all  documents  associated  with  IT  assets  including  version  control,  access  control  and  enforcing  document  standards.  

STRENGTHS • There  exists  a  Document  Management  KPA  owner  and  the  process  is  periodically  


• Financial,  contractual  and  human  resource  documents  are  accessible  

• Procurement  has  access  to  appropriate  documentation  

• Hardware  assets  are  linked  to  their  respective  documents  

• A  document  standard  exists  

• Documents  are  stored  electronically,  backed-­‐up,  archived,  secured,  comply  with  retention  requirements,  accessible  by  role,  assigned  a  unique  identifier  and  properly  disposed  

• Most  documents  are  accessible  by  Help  Desk,  IMAC  and  the  technicians  

• Most  ITAM  documents  are  formally  reviewed  

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• Warranties  are  tied  to  their  respective  IT  assets  

WEAKNESSES • Documents  are  not  summarized  based  on  needs  of  a  particular  role  

• Documents  do  not  adhere  to  the  organization's  document  standards  

• Software  contracts  (licensing  agreements)  are  not  categorized  by  the  license  type  

• Proof  of  purchase,  service  contracts  and  software  contracts  are  not  linked  to  the  appropriate  software  asset  

• Historical  vendor  data  and  research  is  not  available  to  the  ITAM  team  

• Events  such  as  renewals  do  not  trigger  automated  notifications  

• Version  control  is  not  applied  where  applicable  

• ITAM  project  management  documentation  is  not  maintained  

• Help  desk  records  are  not  linked  to  the  corresponding  software  asset  

• Documentation  processes  are  not  documented  

CONCLUS IONS The  infrastructure  for  Document  Management  exists  (which  is  why  the  KPA's  score  is  so  high);  however,  ITAM  needs  to  leverage  the  system  further  to  make  the  documents  more  usable  by  the  individuals  who  need  the  IT  asset's  information.  This  means  designing  documents  with  the  roles  in  mind.  For  example,  design  documents  for  Help  Desk  personnel  whereby  Help  Desk  will  only  see  the  information  pertinent  to  their  role  and  responsibilities.    


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Financial Management KPA

Score: 2


DEF IN I T ION The  Financial  Management  KPA  is  the  process  of  managing  IT  Asset  Financial  information  and  data  within  an  organization.  IT  Asset  Financial  Management  maintains  cost  controls,  financial  data,  and  budgeting  information  for  the  IT  Asset  Management  Program,  as  well  as  reconciliation  processes  and  financial  audit  information.  The  Financial  IT  Asset  Management  group  should  be  involved  with  any  financial  transactions  for  the  IT  Asset  Management  Program.  

SCOPE The  scope  of  this  Financial  Management  KPA  is  all  financial  processes  surrounding  IT  assets.  This  includes  ROI  and  TCO  calculations,  invoice  reconciliation  and  analyzing  the  financial  conditions  found  in  contracts.  This  KPA  is  also  critical  for  managing  and  creating  service  costing  models  and  chargebacks.  

STRENGTHS • There  exists  a  Financial  Management  KPA  owner  and  the  process  is  periodically  


• Invoice  reconciliation  of  financial  values  is  performed  

• Lease  payments  are  verified  

• ITAM  budget  is  accurate  

• IT  asset  types  are  aligned  with  chart  of  accounts  

• Returned  and  disposed  IT  assets  are  accurately  reflected  in  the  financial  system  

• Financial  model  is  reviewed  by  ITAM  

• Maintenance  payments  are  reviewed  

• Financial  processes  are  documented  

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WEAKNESSES • IT  financials  are  not  available  or  easily  accessible  by  the  appropriate  personnel  

• TCO  of  assets  is  not  estimated,  monitored  and  finalized  

• ROI  of  assets  is  not  estimated,  monitored  and  finalized  

• Low  percentage  of  the  IT  budget  is  spent  on  strategic  investments,  however,  this  may  be  the  nature  of  the  business  

CONCLUS IONS The  overall  financial  processes  are  in  place  to  support  the  ITAM  Program.  ROI  and  TCO  will  need  further  support  in  order  to  understand  the  true  benefits  and  costs  associated  with  IT  assets.  IAITAM  strongly  recommends  that  the  ITAM  Program  support  a  service  costing  model  whereby  departments  are  accurately  charged  for  their  use  of  IT  assets.  The  recommendation  is  made  regardless  of  whether  or  not  this  model  is  actually  implemented.  IAITAM  recognizes  the  decision  to  implement  a  service  costing  model  is  a  business  decision  made  by  the  executive  team.  However,  the  ability  to  clearly  understand  the  costs  associated  with  IT  assets  is  a  core  competency  and  responsibility  of  the  ITAM  Program.  

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Legislation Management KPA

Score: 3


DEF IN I T ION The  purpose  of  the  Legislation  Management  Process  Area  is  to  help  you  learn  to  stay  current  on  legislation  that  will  impact  an  organization  in  terms  of  non-­‐compliance  threats  and  risks,  thus  allowing  an  organization  to  proactively  adapt,  prepare,  and  respond  to  all  compliance  requirements.  

SCOPE The  scope  of  the  Legislation  Management  KPA  involves  the  monitoring  of  all  government  regulations  that  impact  the  organization  and  can  be  supported  by  the  ITAM  Program.  Regulations  that  need  monitored  and  managed  include  disposal,  copyright,  Sarbanes-­‐Oxley,  HIPAA,  international  trade  and  privacy.  

STRENGTHS • Legislation  processes  are  reviewed  and  updated  

WEAKNESSES • There  is  no  owner  of  the  Legislation  processes  

• Legislation  processes  are  not  documented  

• Legislation  affecting  the  ITAM  Program  is  not  reviewed  

• Legislation  requirements  behind  the  organization's  policies  is  not  communicated  

• Legislation  requirements  are  not  backed  by  policy.  This  may  not  be  an  issue  if  the  legislation  requirements  are  communicated  to  the  organization's  employees  

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CONCLUS IONS Legislation  is  an  area  that  needs  to  be  monitored  and  the  complexity  of  laws  that  face  international  organizations  requires  further  attention  and  monitoring  by  the  ITAM  group  with  great  assistance  from  the  organization's  legal  department.  

A  key  take-­‐away  for  the  ITAM  group  is  content  for  educating  the  organization's  employees  on  legislation  requirements  and  each  individual's  responsibility  to  the  organization.  

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Policy Management KPA

Score: 5


DEF IN I T ION Having  appropriate  and  correct  policies  defined  is  a  critical  success  factor  for  any  IT  Asset  Management  program.    Policies  need  to  be  clearly  defined,  understandable  and  enforced.    As  a  best  practice,  IAITAM  has  identified  more  than  thirty  policy  areas  that  relate  directly  to  IT  asset  management  and  must  be  defined  for  any  organization.    Once  defined,  the  policies  must  be  accessible  and  presented  in  a  way  that  employees  can  readily  understand  exactly  what  is  required  of  them,  and  why  it  is  beneficial  for  the  organization.  

SCOPE The  proper  way  to  view  the  Policy  Management  KPA  is  as  a  service.  The  KPA  is  responsible  for  the  creation  and  management  of  all  policies  associated  with  IT  assets.  Note  Human  Resources  and  Legal  may  perform  the  functions  of  this  KPA.  

STRENGTHS • There  exists  a  Policy  Management  KPA  owner  and  the  process  is  periodically  reviewed  

• All  IT  assets  are  governed  under  ITAM  policies  

• New  or  modified  policies  are  under  change  control  management  and  are  communicated  

• Policies  are  developed  by  a  cross-­‐functional  team  

• Policies  are  clearly  defined,  accessible  and  are  easy  to  understand  

• Policies  are  reviewed  every  six  months  

• A  feedback  mechanism  exists  for  policies  

WEAKNESSES • Well  defined  metrics  are  not  used  to  measure  the  effectiveness  of  policies  

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• Policies  are  not  enforced  

• Employee  records  do  not  indicate  which  policies  were  presented  to  the  employee  

• New  asset  types  do  not  trigger  a  policy  review  

• New  hires  are  not  trained  on  ITAM  policies  

• Policy  processes  are  not  documented  

• There  appears  to  be  a  disconnect  between  executive  support  of  policies  and  the  lack  of  enforcement  of  the  policies  

CONCLUS IONS A  solid  foundation  for  policy  creation  and  management  is  in  place  -­‐  thus  the  high  score  for  this  KPA.  The  ITAM  specific  policies  however  need  to  be  measured  for  their  effectiveness.  Existing  policies  must  be  enforced.  The  change  of  the  organization's  culture  can  start  with  new  hire  orientation.  Sadly,  policy  enforcement  is  one  of  the  key  challenges  in  many  organizations.  At  some  point  the  ITAM  Program  may  need  to  concede  this  fact  and  depend  more  on  procedures  and  communication  and  education  so  that  individuals  may  police  themselves.  

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Program Management KPA

Score: 4


DEF IN I T ION The  Program  Management  process  area  encompasses  providing  centralized  procedures,  cost  saving  strategies,  accountability  for  compliance,  tools  and  tracking  for  all  ITAM  related  efforts.    This  also  includes  the  complete  lifecycle  of  assets,  which  follows  a  “birth-­‐to-­‐death”  analogy  of  lifecycle  management.    Installs,  Moves,  Adds,  Changes  (IMAC)  is  also  part  of  the  process,  and  represents  the  underpinnings  of  a  successful  software  compliance  program,  leasing  program,  and  the  capability  of  strategic  business  planning  that  is  supported  by  an  accurate  inventory  

SCOPE The  scope  of  the  Program  Management  KPA  is  the  entire  ITAM  Program.  This  KPA  is  responsible  for  managing  all  other  KPAs  which  in  practice  will  involve  activities  in  other  departments.  

STRENGTHS • There  exists  a  Program  Management  KPA  owner  and  the  process  is  periodically  


• Strong  executive  support  of  the  ITAM  Program  

• Hardware  asset  moves  are  tracked  

• Hard  and  soft  dollar  savings  by  the  ITAM  Program  are  reported  

• ITAM  participates  in  mergers  and  acquisitions  

• IT  budget  planning  uses  ITAM  data  

• Software  and  hardware  incidents  are  accessible  

• Hardware  asset  location  status  is  known  (i.e.  deployed,  in-­‐stock,  received)  

• ITAM  initiatives  have  a  budget  

• Other  functional  areas  cooperate  with  the  ITAM  team  more  often  than  not  

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• ITAM  roles  are  assigned  and  understood  by  the  employee  

• Software  and  hardware  assets  meet  the  needs  of  the  end  user  

• The  majority  of  software  and  hardware  assets  are  deployed  and  in  use  

• An  educated  staff  and  tools  for  the  most  part  are  sufficient  for  the  ITAM  Program  at  this  time  

• The  ITAM  Program  is  aligned  with  the  organization's  goals  and  objectives  

• The  ITAM  Program  goals  and  successes  are  frequently  communicated  

• The  ITAM  Program  has  visibility  within  the  organization  and  is  supported  by  the  organization  

WEAKNESSES • Software  asset  location  status  is  unknown  (i.e.  deployed,  in-­‐stock,  received)  

• Not  all  software  titles  are  being  managed  to  the  degree  required  

• Too  few  ITAM  process  are  automated  

• Too  few  ITAM  initiatives  are  considered  strategic  

• End  user  satisfaction  with  the  ITAM  Program's  services  is  not  measured  

• Maintenance  contracts  associated  with  disposed  assets  are  not  terminated  

• Warranty  and  maintenance  information  is  not  available  to  the  Help  Desk  

ROOM FOR IMPROVEMENT The  following  actions  occur  the  majority  of  the  time  but  not  enough  to  qualify  as  a  strength  and  therefore  can  be  improved  upon:  

• IT  asset  moves  need  to  be  performed  by  authorized  staff  and  the  move  accurately  recorded  

• Increase  the  IT  asset's  ROI  through  re-­‐use  

• Complete  documentation  of  the  ITAM  processes  

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CONCLUS IONS While  all  KPAs  are  equal  in  importance,  in  many  ways  this  KPA  is  the  face  of  the  ITAM  Program.  The  ITAM  Program's  challenge  is  to  coordinate  all  of  the  activities  between  all  KPAs,  which  means  coordinating  departments  and  individuals  who  do  not  directly  report  to  IT  Asset  Management.  Another  way  of  describing  this  is  "all  of  the  responsibility  but  none  of  the  authority".  However,  this  does  not  make  the  IT  Asset  Management  discipline  unique  to  organizations.  Project  management  in  matrix  organizations  faces  this  challenge,  as  does  Product  management.  These  disciplines  have  been  successful  under  these  conditions  because  they  are  older  professions  and  organizations  have  come  to  embrace  their  methodologies.  This  means  the  ITAM  Program  must  continue  to  educate  the  entire  organization  on  the  ITAM  Program.  

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Project Management KPA

Score: 1


DEF IN I T ION A  project  can  be  described  as  an  organized  and  managed  set  of  activities  that  when  properly  executed,  results  in  the  achievement  of  a  unique  and  well  defined  product.    Such  a  work  product  is  often  referred  to  as  a  deliverable.    Resources  are  mobilized  and  deployed  to  perform  the  activities  in  a  controlled  fashion.    A  project  is  classified  as  having  a  definitive  start,  and  a  calculated  end.    Therefore,  a  project  differs  from  recurring  operational  activities  that  may  be  performed  many  times  repeatedly  in  a  typical  corporate  environment.    In  essence,  a  project  can  be  characterized  by  the  following:  

• A  Project  produces  unique  results  or  deliverables  which  are  accomplished  through  an  organized  and  managed  sequence  of  activities  performed  by  qualified  personnel  according  to  a  finite  schedule,  with  a  defined  start  and  end  date  

• The  Project  Management  process  area  defines  those  characteristics  of  a  project  team  that  are  essential  to  successfully  conducting  the  initiatives  that  are  needed  to  meet  the  goals  of  the  ITAM  Program  

SCOPE The  proper  way  to  view  the  Project  Management  KPA  is  as  a  service.  The  KPA  is  responsible  for  managing  all  ITAM  projects  using  a  project  management  methodology.  Note,  the  Project  Management  Office  (PMO)  may  perform  the  functions  of  this  KPA.  

STRENGTHS • There  exists  a  Project  Management  KPA  owner  and  the  process  is  periodically  reviewed  

• The  strategic  purpose  of  the  project  is  defined,  presented  and  accepted  by  the  organization  

• ITAM  projects  are  supported  by  the  executives  and  are  monitored  

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WEAKNESSES • The  ITAM  team  has  limited  project  management  knowledge  

• ITAM  projects  do  not  utilize  the  organization's  project  management  program  

• Projects  are  not  reviewed  for  ITAM  requirements  

• ITAM  projects  are  poorly  defined  and  staffed  

• Project  management  processes  are  not  defined  

CONCLUS IONS Project  management  is  essential  to  the  success  of  ITAM  related  projects.  IAITAM  recommends  the  ITAM  team  utilize  the  organization's  Project  Management  Office  (PMO)  whenever  possible,  however,  it  is  also  recommended  that  a  project  manager  be  part  of  the  ITAM  team  only  if  the  primary  ITAM  roles  are  fulfilled.  Project  management  is  a  time  consuming  job  when  done  correctly  and  if  the  ITAM  group  is  spending  the  majority  of  time  managing  projects  then  they  are  not  managing  the  ITAM  Program.  It  is  also  important  to  point  out  that  many  ITAM  projects  involve  changes  to  human  behavior.  This  will  threaten  the  successful  completion  of  the  ITAM  projects  and  therefore  must  be  monitored  very  closely.  Finally,  accurate  project  planning  can  demonstrate  to  executive  management  the  resources  required  to  successfully  manage  the  ITAM  Program.  


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Vendor Management KPA

Score: 4


DEF IN I T ION The  Vendor  Management  process  area  will  focus  on  the  steps  required  to  develop  a  successful  vendor  management  program.    The  objective  of  a  Vendor  Management  program  should  be  to  implement  a  “Fair  and  Consistent”  enterprise  wide  strategy  to  develop  and  manage  vendor  relationships  that  enable  our  corporate  strategy.  

SCOPE The  scope  of  the  Vendor  Management  KPA  is  to  manage  all  IT  vendors  designated  as  important  enough  to  warrant  assigning  a  resource.    This  resource  manages  the  relationship  between  the  vendor  and  the  organization  for  the  purpose  of  obtaining  the  most  value  from  the  vendor's  IT  assets  or  services.    

STRENGTHS • There  exists  a  Vendor  Management  KPA  owner  and  the  process  is  periodically  reviewed  

• Vendor  communications  monitored  and  recorded  and  contact  information  maintained  

• Disputes  are  managed  through  the  organization's  process  

WEAKNESSES • Too  few  vendors  are  formally  managed  and  follow  a  score  card  process  

• Vendors  are  not  educated  on  vendor  policies  including  the  organization's  communication  policy  

• Building  a  "win-­‐win"  relationship  is  not  a  goal  of  the  organization  

• The  vendor  management  policy  is  not  documented  

• Vendor  management  does  not  provide  input  into  IT  strategic  planning  

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CONCLUS IONS Vendor  Management  is  the  opportunity  to  maximize  the  value  of  an  organization's  IT  assets.  The  ITAM  Program  needs  to  establish  a  scorecard  system  whereby  the  feedback  from  the  organization's  employees  can  be  collected  for  the  purpose  of  evaluating  the  vendor's  performance.  Vendor  communication  policies  need  to  be  communicated  to  both  employees  of  the  organization  as  well  as  the  vendors.  This  will  ensure  the  organization's  control  of  the  negotiations  process  and  how  much  influence  a  vendor  will  have  on  the  organization's  strategic  IT  initiatives.