启德 SAT 教学团队 以专业的态度和教学服务的理念,关注你进步的每一个小细节 爱优秀的孩子最赛达 启德教育报名热线:400-080-0918 启德教育网址:www.91lx.org 启德 SAT 团队微博:http://weibo.com/satbest

SAT May 2008

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Page 1: SAT May 2008

启德 SAT 教学团队 以专业的态度和教学服务的理念,关注你进步的每一个小细节


启德教育报名热线:400-080-0918 启德教育网址:www.91lx.org

启德 SAT 团队微博:http://weibo.com/satbest

Page 2: SAT May 2008


SAT Reasoning TestTM Ouestion-and-Answer Service May 2008 Administration


• Test questions and correct answers

• The difficulty level for each question

• Your essay prompt and all other essay prompts administered on your lest day

• Instructions for scoring your test

• SuggestIons for using this report

Not for reproduction and resale.

02006 Tb< COU<'J<" Ikuonl. ~II ri,tb<> ....... ,,'..,!. CDU"", 6 ... ,,1. SAT ••• d ,b. IKGm I"", ........ b«mI "'dt .... <b 01 lb. CoUov Boa..!, '0""«' to <.11.,. '~"""'. SAT • ...,.. .. '1"" C ... m • ."d SAT 1I •• .....w.~ T .. , .... , .......... t\. 0W1I«I ~ ,I>< CoIJrst If>d.

UOllegeBOard SAT connect to college success'~


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Page 3: SAT May 2008

= Using Your Question-and-Answer Service (OAS) Report

This booklet contains the SAT Reasoning Tes'''' yOll look In May 2008. 11 also includes lliecoITCcI answer!;. the difficulty level for elIch question. u,lditional ~y prompts. and scoring information. [fthe SAT RC1lsoninl Tes! yoo lOOK included an unscored "equaling" <;<:clion. Ihis bookltl will not include Illat section.

Reviewing Your S AT Results To make the best use arthis ~pon. do Ih" folioll'inS'

• Read each question. [ocUl>ing on the type of question. the correct answer. 00" YOIl answered ii, and [h, difficulty Jc\el.

• Analyze lest queo;liolls you answered !ncom:clly 10 understand why your answer WIIS inCOTT<~CI, Check see whether you might have misre:ld the question Of misgridded the answer.

• Usc the table belo,", lu k~ep trock of how you did 00 the different types of questions (as labeled on yOl: QAS report). You can al50 find Ihis infon'llalion in your online score report at coltegtboard.eom/5ai TIlis can hclp you undcrslund your academic strengths and identify areas for unpro'·ement.

Reviewing Your Essay You can ,ie\l a COP)' of you essay online lit '1'1 ',.(ollreeboard.com"·ie"e.5Sa~ . Your essay prompl is mcludl in this bookie\. Othcr essay promp1!i used on the dny )'ou took your lest are ;also included. On Ille prolllce $h~ m the back Oflbl$ booklct. you can try wriling your ('S$3y again. or YOll can try writing a pmctite (~$3) for 0

different prompt.

Scoring Your Test If you would like to .core your test. u~~ tbe S,onng \Vork~hcet. SAT Essay Scoring Guide, and score conl'ersion tables at the back of this bookkt. YOll \I ill need 10 use Ihe '"Fono Code" sbown at the top of your personalized QAS report to locale your particular score conversion tables. The Scoring Worksheet lind score conversion tabks arc specific to the tesl you look. Do notlry 10 scor~ :my other tests using them.

Preparing to Take the SAT Aga in Taking the SAT again mlghl be to your ad'lmlnge. Now thnt you're familiar with Ihe les\. you're morc prcpared for Ihe kinds of qucslions on II You're olso more comfortable wilh Ihe lesl-lilking process. including tbe lime limils, On avcr.lge. ~tlldcnlS who luke Ih~ SAT a second time increase their combmcd critical reading. mathcm81ies. lind \lriling score, by uprroximatcly 40 points.

The best way to prepare for the SAT is to mke challenglllg higb scbool cl!lSscs. read e."ltnsll'ely. und pmcti wrillng as often as possible. For prncl1ce qUCS1J{)II$ and 3pproachl.'s. !IS well as aceess 10 the rrl.' l.' Insights ab SAT Skills, vil;ilme SAT Prep3J1ltion Center ~ at coll l.'gcboard.com/niprep. Use the infonnation to belp you undenaand!he SAT and prepare for (ulure academiC suecess. You an: providcd Iluh the types or skills Ih81 are Icsled on the SA T. $ugge'IIOIl~ for imprn,emeol nnd sample SAT qUe5lioru; nnd answers to help you do bener in the classroom. on Ihe t~t and in college. You can register to take the SAT agam 31 collegeboard.comlnt. -2-


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Page 4: SAT May 2008


Timc_ 2S mlnut".


The ~<S<ly giws lOU :ul "I'P"f'Uoi'Y 10 \how huw effcell"ely ;,ou can lksclop and .'1""'" ;<k~. YO" should. m.,d.,.... ,ok. core to dev.kIp your poi", ohle .... pre""" YOUf idea, I!)£icolly and clearly. and "'" IMl:ua~. pm:;""'y.

Your cSSoly must lit ",rillen 0fI the Ii"", pro.idod on your ""'Vior ,heel_you will n:eei". "0 other paper on whicb 10 wnle. Y"" will h ••• enough space if )'011 "Til. On .'-cry Ii"". a"oid "'ide margins. ".11 keep your hnndwriting Lo " reasonable ,iu. Remember lh.l people who an: n<>I f;unili.,. ,..IIh yUllf' handwri,ing wilt «ad wh., Y"" "Tile. Try 10 wrill: or prinL so thaI "'hot yUll'''' writing is legible!O l00.e read.".

Im portant Rrm ind.",,:

• A !",neil isroqulrt<l for the tMIll. An ""ay wrinon in ink w'illlttcive a ,coc< "r,,,,,,,, • 00 nol write )'oor 6. ... y In )"ur II'SI I:>oo~. Vou will mod ... r.:dil only for ",hal you write on your

.",Wef ,1=1. • ,\n olf-Iopic essay ... ill """'he a !iron of UfO. • If) our <':SSay d0C:5 nol ",neel) our ori~inal and il!di>';d ua l .. "r~. your 1",1 ..., ...... may be ""neeled .

y"" ~'" I".nl}'-Ih. minule' to "nle "" '''''y on Ihe lopic .",igned below.

11unI: <.artfully ~oo.,t the i,su. p",sented In the follo"'ing elICCrpl and the as,ignment below,

Technologic.l ad,':lJICe>. hi". freed <ociely from ~re"ome labor. ",ch '" w",hin~ tI,~1Ie'< by hand, hauling h.av:-' lu.:od,.1UId walkinS long di"an~', IIIId h,,,. ~i\'.n J'I'OI'I. i""",asetl ace." (0 inform.tion and en1<1'l0lnment. Yet. when giwn • choke. many pcopk ~tin ""i.t u"n~ m<>dcm con.'""i."""" l1>ere mu.t be ",mothing to be goitmJ from not u.ing teChnology.

As-,Ig nmcnt' Are lhe", benefil, !O be 8.ined rrom ~"oiding the uS!! of moocm technolog)', e,'en when "sing it ,,'ooW m~h lif •• 3.;.,11'1l1li and ,,'riLe an "''''y in which you de,'dop your point uf view on IhlS i .. ue. Suppon you, position with <e'....,.,ninJ: and elI""'I'les 13ken from your ",ading •• lud;'., elI""rion ••. or ob .. ,..".tionJ.


If you fi nish before time Is called, you may check your work on Ihla section only. 00 nollurn 10 any olhar section In the test.



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Page 5: SAT May 2008

1 ESSAY Unouo'>oo_«111Y"'9 '" _ Of -_ ..... _ .. 1IogoO

ESS,\ \' Time- 15 IlIilltn.,;


n,. e.,",y gi'.s yOll an opportunity ", ,h~w how effect;".I}' ;'ou can del-.lop .nd exp"",> ,dea • . You should. Ih.",fono. Inl<. care !II "" __ olop yoor po,nl of "jew. p"""'"! }'oor ,dea, logloruly and <Iearly, nncl "'" lang",,~e precisely.

Y<)<Jr .,say InU" ~ ,",'ri"en "0 'he line, pru"iJed OIl )'our :tn,we. ~h«I-YOU win !'Ceci,. 100 other p;<per on which 10 ",'rit • .

You w,1I h,,'e enough .pac. if i'oU wnle on ne!)' lin". avoid wHle margin,. :md Leer }'Ot" hnndwri lin g to a reason. ble s ize. Remember thai I"'ople ",hu ure nol familiar ,,·lth your h,ndwrit ing 10.',11 read whal yOll write. Try 10 wrile or pnnl SO 'hot lI'h. you life .... riling i.leglble to tllost !<adcJS.

Imporlonl Reminders:

• A pencil Is ..... qulrt'll ror lh •• ",') . An ,,;.a)' wn"en in ;n~ ,,',11 moei". a sco", of zero. • no ""I wtite in". <'5.'") In lour I .. , hook. You will =ive cf'l:dil only for ,,;hal you wrile on yo",

"n '''o,.heet. • An off-topic tsSa}' "ill rttt'i"c a ...,0 ,.., of zr ..... • I f Jour """')' doo:s nol ,..·n .... 'L J""r ori~il1l'l and indh'idu.1 "ori<. your lest ...,OT($ mQ,' I>e c.ncelf<!.

You hJv~ 1"'cnLy·fh'e min" le, 10 ""t •• n ~=y on th. h,pi~ ",,'igDCd Iltluw,

Think carefully .boullhe i.sue presented in the foUo""ing cxcerpl:wd the "'''gnmrnl ~I"",

From loJenl conlem, Lo Ibe Olymp1cs 10 lhe ~00e1 "nd Pulit(cr pri .. c<, w. Cf\n",mly """~ !" re,,"ord Ih<)l.e ",-ho are "numlle, OIle_" Thj, emphasis on recognlzing the "lnll<' ,-,.ale.< the imp""";OIl lhal oth"r COtopc!!!O". d",P'!' "''''ling hord OM ..... ll. h~ .. 10'" In mony ."'"s. hov.'.' er. Ille difference hoe!"een Ihe "inne, ""d th~ io"", .. ' Iighl, Tho wrong I"r· .. ,m may Cl en I>e ,dCC1ro a, II", ",inne" Aw:trd, and P"'"' morely dim-.cl u< from ".iu.ble qu"h!ICS p<>S"s..,.j by 01""", be<ides ,'''' winn ....

Ass.i.o:nment : Do prople pi""" too much .mph",,, on """"'ng" Plan IllIIl ",rite an "'''''~ in which Y''" deyelop you r point " "i",,' on thi, i,,-, uc. SuPfJ<'l1 your 1'<,,;110," "'ith "',,'Do ing ""d ex,mples .. kcn from Io"r ",ooln~. >l udie" e'perienee. or obsen'JilOn,.


II you finish berore lime Is cslled, you may check your work on this section only. Do not turn to any other section In the test .

. ,.


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Page 6: SAT May 2008

1 ® ESSAY -=--­"'1-"'-- ~ ESSA \'

Tlnlf _ 15 ' ninu,,,,,


l'he =y s,n,.)'(lU 1/1 "I"I"'"Unlly .0 !.hoIA' hov. elfccu,'.ly )'011 C2III de, .. ]"" and <.\1'f1'J-' i<leu. YOll shook!. !hemin. like carr iii de,,,,,,,, YOU' P<Hn. of ,..., .... P"''''h' )"JU' ide.>s Iot;lQlly ~nd darty. and U.Ie L.ngu.oge p ••• uely_

Y 00' e<say must ~ """tltn on llIe I' .... ' p"""ded 011 )0<1' :inS"., lJIeeI - yOll w,ll ......,1,·. no 00.... pAf"'t on "hich 10 ,mI. Yoo ... ,11 have enouah 'I''''''' If)"" "Tn. On .''''1' line. "uld ",Ill: marilin" and l ccp yoo. handwnllng '0 " rc:.......able size, Remcmb<:r tho. people who arc nol (am,h .. with yoo, h.ndwrilon~ will read "hi! yOll wnl._ T 1)110 "'ril. Or plinl W ,hal wh., yOll ore ".,.;tin~ j. k~ lbl.'o ~ "",ok"

Important Ren'lnM .... '

• A pond] b ~ut~ (<I' lit<- ..... 1. An ossa)' "mIen In 'nk "Ill mo.,,'. ~~n( ",ro. o 1>0 .... , writ. ,'our ess:o, In l'oor In! book. You w,lI ~"e credil onl) fUl' ,,1\:1, you VI"flt.: on YOll,

an,,,., we •. • An " rr"opl o "MIll ,,-III .... <." .• a ~O" orz.J'(I. • If ,our "'''')' dotS nul .... n"'" )'our orill]".' and Indh'ld .... 1 ,,-ark. lour 1";1 srores Ina) 10" .. notll'd.

Tho,., are lhost ... 1>0 bd",,~ mal rv"ym,n& lOt 00 i. msplI'Od b~ (he ~~i .... for PO" or in II> ,oriou, forms_ TIley nwnl:l1Jl m.. our xtI\III$ lin noLlllog bill .... 1""' ... 01'1. of. StrivIng (Of 1"""''<'. In !his , ........ ~, ... "heq ""r 1IC\ kill<l!)' lO"wd Other 1'"91'1<:. ,,~ ..., moti,,,LN .... btthtr ... kilo ... II or not. by a do,,.,, II> ",,,. somt ronunl "'-'f .00. 1,,'0. for our ... of lul>dne» pUtlO

IhI'm parr;"'I)' In our JIll'"'' Adap1ed from J.cs7r1. KI)/,ko",k ,. Fru,lorn. f'um~, L,·,n/l. u"'ll:l~ml)'"I: E,,"),s 1m E'-"r)J",' /..if ..

A~gn .... nt' Are po'OIIIe', -..uon. ""~I"'1<-d primaril) by • lINin: fOf po .. er 0'.,. od>el"~ Plan .nd "nl. All """'Y in "hleh )"'" okI'.lap Y"'" pot"' of \'''0''- "" !hi' ,os",,-- Suppon Y'"", 1""'11011 ",th re"""'IDJ and .. ampks .nn. from )00' reading. "",hOI. nl"''''''''''. Of ob>o ...... uon.,


If you IInlsh before lime Is called, you may cheek your work on this seellon only. Do not turn to any olher lecllon In Ihe IIISI.



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Page 7: SAT May 2008

1 ESSAY -=-_. Ml'J>O'IOI ... _ iOogol

F"sSA \' 11"" _ lS mlnu'f:<


Tho c .... )· S" e, )'OU 4n OJ'plUlunill' to show bo .. ' "ffeW,'.ly you CaU dlwclop .vId "'Iw~" iile.l..,. YOU 'IIOIIIJ, mereton:. We c~ ... ' " ,Je'dop l"'" pom' of \leW, J1~1 )VIII iJus k>j;,.~lIy Ind dearly. and "'" L1n~""~'1' 1"«';,.01\

""ure"""l IIIIISl be "n"e" 00 "'" Jillt> " .. ",oded 01> yaw .... "n ~I-)OU .. ill mo"". no 0Iher 1"'1"'" 011 .. 11",11 h' "'nl~ Villi ... iII hJ.", """"~h space If you "'nle "" "'-elY It .... ~"'''' .. ide m.ugin>. and kOl'p Y<IIIf h.u>Jv,nMr ,,,. ~ "u Ikmemho, 1M peopk .. 1m = I!OI familiae .. ,Ill )"'" band"'rilln!! .. ,II red "Iw ) ...... me Try 10 "nlC (If mo, 00 thll .. -hot

I"" Ill" ""ung ;, legible 10 ,how: n:3<lcr<.

ImlMlr'''''' R.mlnd .... '

• "pondl ls 1'1'qul l'1'd r"r Ih. ">$al". An <»lOy ... nllon in 'n~ ",ill recc,," ..... ....., "r lem. • 1)0 nol .. rhe 1 our ~l' In , 'our I"SI book. y,'II ... ,II !n'oi •• CTcdi\mly I". ",11>1 ),OU "'n!o (m 1'00'

DIU'."" sbec1. o \n orr.u>pl. ~"') .. Ill ,.m.'. a 0<01'1' "r ,.ro. o If IOU' rMIIJ- docs not .. non }OO, ori~ln~1 .00 iOOi.'jdu.al .. "d. Jour 1.,;1 ",""no mal b.. ....... I.d.

Com""", ~ ... ~ "" ot"'; .... , II" ' .... n bel"'«n !he p"" and rro..m. betY.'UD hi,k .. } ..nd CWTefI' ~.enl' In m;wy ca~ oo..c'.r. llus bounda:)- i. nQI ck ... "",,,, 1><0 .... =licr """II. &Ie ...,. Iotkll a",~y in Iho p.l>l. E'-cnl> ffOfll 11111"'1' ",m:ritI ali". lhmu", JICOple·.I!IettIOIie. """ through b""h. IlIm)C. 300 OIixr "",<Ii. f« both indi'iduaJ, ... ,11 ''''''I''. mew" frnnt Ibc p;L>l continUe 11'1 mnlltncc lhc p"scnl _Wnlr!in"" p<)"'lj,ely ""J ",meti""" neg.Ii"fi)'.

,b, l~nm.nl: D<I ",.ideo", rro", Ill< pasl .""tinu. 10 mnuonec the pro .. nt'! P1Jn und "'tIlr on t";!i3y in '" hi<h }'f>Il dc,d"" your poinl of ~,.w OIIlh;. is""" Support \,00. 1""'liOo "ilb rca,,,",", .00 .umpl .... tak" r""n Jour roadln;:. ,SIudj«, OIPC:""IlO'I. or ot...-n"lllion,


If you Ilnlth belo.e Umn I, called. you may cheek your work on this seetlon only. 00 not turn 10 any olher seet!onln the teat .


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Page 8: SAT May 2008

2 D D D ~-"'-'" __ '' ___ *'Il0l D D D 2 SECTION 2

TIm~ _ 15 mlnu"", ZO Qur:sll .....

Turn to Section 2 (page 4) 01 your answer sheet to answer the quesllons In this soctlon.

OI,""iol1\' Ftlr this 5eCIitJo, whe each proIIlem aod dtti« "bich is !he ~I of tho dlOitt$Ii' en. Fill in the: t'tIf'nO'ponilin& I curle oa tho om".,. \heel Y .... """- usc ;ull """'.~k""",,e ('" «n,eh" ort. . .

, Th~ u<,( "r" ""kullo,." ;, permillro

2. .... 11 numbt-ni u'<'<l "'" "'~I numller<

, , Fi.u",~ liI.:oL accompan) probkm.,;o ,1u.lCSI ~,~ int<:ndcd '0 pn>'<i.k ,nf"""",i",, " .. lui in .... hior lhe prot.lom"

" lllt} ;arc d,..,,," Q. :I<:curalely .. ' 1'O'"hleUCIiPT' "'hen ;. j. "~'N lu • 'I""'i(": prulIkm ,h"the fii"n: is "'~ , Z

dr."," 10 ",,"k. All fi~urt!o li< III Q plane "nil:", !)I1It""i'" indica"'iI. , Unlc" ",be",,; .. -r«ifiC'd. !hc ""mdin of an)' (uJlCliO<l fl' ""ur,,,," 1<> be tile .." of ~II roal "",,,he,,, J for ,,·hi<h

/I,', j, ~ ",:01 aum1>er

I G , ~ LlJ." EJ- -~ n"~ D" ~ -

:10' ~S'

" ~~3 • , A;.lrr' 11= ~I>h V=f"h Sl""'ial RIghi Tnangit<.

(.'3 :!Jor .... '" '''' 1'",,,,.'1, ~'=,,!..,hJ , • Tile n"mho. "r rlr8~ "I 11ft tn a clf1;le (, .\f(J. " • "The ~m ,,' ,he: _ ..... In.s.~ '" ,ho ",,¥l=; oh 'ri:lnJ;ic' j< ,110.

t. If ,ho de~rtC m.",-,W<'!, of ll1r !hire IIII~I,,-< '" • lnangle Uf •. r' .. ,", and 30", .... h,' I, 'ho 'lIluc "r , 1

2. 1>1>. S",ilh boup., mire ~lnds of fnn', and eACh kind "r frull had a r;oe<! prke. Sh<c l.p<n' S I ,SO for 6 mange', $120 for6 plurTU.lIIld S2-1O fot 10 'I'P~ From mi> frull.,>be Ihca ImUlred • ~ of 2 orange>. 3 plum., "'l/J 411'Pic'>. \\~ ,,'u thc toW W'1 tlf II", frull In

(A) 45 tBl SO Ie) 60 (0) 70 (E) 7~

l~ ba,k.,'

(A) Si.SO (8) $190 (el 52.1t> 10) 52.26 (fit S5,10




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Page 9: SAT May 2008

2 D D D 3. \\fh,eh of th~ fQII""'ing up",,,,,;oos ;, C«("i"~knl In

6 mOr~ lh." Ih. rroolll:t vi 1 ~"d ,-1

I" x+y+6

I" :<:0'+6

let 6_<:>'

IO! 6{.\ + ''l 'e) (.r + 6),



~. Th. figun: ooo"c sho,,·, a ",lid ",jlh. I>ex3~onol b,,,,. If each roBe of !he base has I.nglh j ,nd <:JCh of (he oth .. edges ", the ""lid has length 15, "'hal,, the "Un of 'he length, of all 12 ed~"" ~

(A) 100 (B) lOS (C) tlO (D) liS (E) I~O


D D D 2 0.1.2.J,4,5,6,7

S. 113 number i,..,lcclC<l nl m"""m from Ih. lisl .bo.o, whll il Ill< pmh.bilily Iho, il ,,-ill be 1«, 111"" 4 ~

(AI 3 • "I , lei 5 • (0) 3 ,

6. Scg,""", AB h~, nlidroinl .II If tho I"ogth of AM "

2.1. whnl" Il><: longlh or ,\8 in ,om» of k ~

IAI k (8) ~k

lei 34 (0) 44 (E) 5*



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Page 10: SAT May 2008

2 0 0 o un. .....m~ .. _ .. .... p.t"' ... _ ...... o o o 2

If 5, ,"'" ", • ,

'" ~5 ,

'" ,

,c, , ,


'Of , ,

8. A h~g ronl~;nsonl)· I"') In>e, lIt <'~m", n,., 101,1 \'aille 01 the 37 ""in~ in Ih~ "'~ j, ~ 15. or lhe 31 coin<. x coins ~ .... """ ~1.1O " ... h and \' ~oi!l'> Ilrl: "onh SO.2.'i .... h. [I 11kT~ "". DO OIh<t ""ill, '0 lbc bo.~. "Mh or lIIc folio" '. t)"lelll-' "r """"';"'" .alI '-": ~I,·"" to lind lIIc num"". ,.f c~b ~"" "I ~"in IR lhc bag'!

(AI O,lx _ O.~5,·

37(, + ,I') ~ 6.15

(II10,lr - ll,:!5,-


lei .<+, -37 OJ~I'+~IEh:!~

.0, .,+\,=,>1

0.1 .• + O.1!i,. '" t>.~~

, -, ,. ,,6.25

II I, + 0.2S1- '" 37


,. If l i •• fIO>iu,. """.,jlt" ,nlegY. "hichuf lbe (.,110 ... ·;0& i, "'OT. l'I".ibl. ",["" or 1 - i •

'AI -9 (SI -5 lCi -~ (OJ -I 11:) (}

" ----;,~. '----,

-.LJ--- .

HI. In the figo .... at>o,,,, if 111m and " " lx. lh." x _

(AI ]0 1111 ~j

Ie) 60 101 90 lEi 11(1



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Page 11: SAT May 2008

2 D D D II. 11:10 ond M ih ,hnml a bo~ of pop<om. If ,IIer a1. all

\he popoonl in the bo~.nd Mi~c nl. !l1I« lim .... much popcorn IS Hao. "hall""f«nl of the """"""" did Hao ... 1

(AI 11»

(81 25,}

(Ii) .wIf

12. Whicb of m. r.,llowing is the ~ of "'" <olu';on ~l <If 1M inoqu,lil) -) :s; 6..- _ 1 < 3 1

'A) , , ~ , , , 0 , ,

3 3 ) 3

'" , 0 , , 0 ,

3 3 , 3

"" , -, , , 0 ,

3 , 3 , '"'

, ~ , , , 0 , , , , 3 .,

lEI , • -, , , 0 , , 3 , , 3

D D D ,

U. If the gr>ph 3bo'~ IS r\'flocled about the .r-.. ls.

"hll i. the local numher of .( .• 00 "in.<1'Ctf'I' Ih., !he <c.,ulling grnph "ill haH?

(AI 0.... IBI T"o Ie) "I'h= 10) Fnu, lEI Fi,"

". What is 1he I~"'t '"«ie, ,~I"" 01 , for whioh

IHI ' 3., --- , , , (A, 0

'" ,

(C) , '"' 3 U'I ,




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Page 12: SAT May 2008

2 D D D ..,....... \&AfIrtl &I T .... n S and 1r_1nl !J\ ""In ~ =11<> T""", \" Ii<' ll>tn Q:II,.ekJ ~1 .III m,Les h "N '" T",,~ r "The ~1 .... """, lhnllla'cled .~ mlln due .. ",II> In T ",,-n P. IUId lho:n , ... ,01«1 hacl 6Om,l .. du< ... 1Ith lOT""" Q . .... 'lw j. ,"" d;~. '''lillie<. brI" ..... T""" Q .>tid Tn .... I ~

.-\, S

.81 12 lei Il ~!)I 15 (Ill 20

16. For • >~ .• I"c" ,.,. tho fol~l""ft' IlIIWIOU .. eqII".nl ~,!he "'!U.,ina .ro,e

'" , l{ , - ~)

." 3_.1(, " ,C< .,. ~ ~(. .. , ,0, '1_2{. " lEI 9 .. 4( •• 2)

-11 -

D D D 2 • R". 101

/} 111'.5) II. ~l

-J-":::::::!l"~. ,:;.... '--o '

17. In ll>t IifUl" 000, c. paml M h ,"" "'111 ... 01 lhe ,",,,,It. WIw;, lhc.Iope!lf W(nIo<nI lilt'

IAI 3 , (B) 4 , ,co

(D) 5 , lEI 6 ,

IS. l..cl the IUn<,N'IQ p bl'dc:hl>C<Jhl /'IT) " D(% _lj'.

"h<tr " and l ..., p"'U" ""Cl-tAnU r..,.. .. 1w ,-aIw of • ",Utile fllllCtioa P Iu". II> mIn"""'" ,~ ... ~

(A) -<I

(Bl -I. (e) 0 (m " (EI k



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- • 2 o o o o o o 2

1'1. If - J < " < O. ,,-hal is the med,an of the r;". "U",bers

in "'" ~51 abov.1

20, Eoch ,,"dto. io. StOUp of 30.',"<1<015 "udi" ~a ItalIan. or both. 'Tho lOI.&I number or Sludcn1> $Iudy; Gnmad IS m= ....,... lhm "'" 10bJ numba of .. siudyinl! Jmhan. If the number of >tude"'S lhal Slud) both .<ubj«ls j, the Jamt: ... Ih. number uf slud .... IIw MOOr ."Clty QIIC .Ubjc<:t. bo .. ' ltWIy IDIdents

(A) ,J

(B) ~~

(el ~



, I , "

in the II""'P "tidy (01)' l"'lian~

(Al 6 (B) 9 (e) I~

(D) 21 (E) 24

STOP II you IInlsh btlfore time II cilled, you may e ..... k your work on Ihls ellClton only.

Do nol tum to any olhet .ecllon In thelelL



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4~D D D D D SECT10 ' "'

nm~_!5 ",Inut.,. UQuNk",.

Turn to SectIon 4 (page 5) of your answer sheet to answer the questions In this section. ~

1lim:lloM: For exh queM""" In th .. -"'<ti" ... ",1c<1llle bc-o .'"'''''' fJl'm .. m"r'~ Ibe d",;,,~ ... gil en .IIIil1l1l in lIN.- C'l)<Te\ponding I cude "" the :an,"'cr Wet

f'.a,;h "' .,lonCe be low hM one or It •• " blanl, .• :u;h hl.ok ,n<l icaun, Ihal .... ",.liI ing ha5 \Ieton ",nillru. lIene.uh lbc scn lO'llCe are ' h'e ,,-on!, 'v"''' of \\0,," 1..h<1r<J A Iltrou&h E. Cl.u"", tho ... ",\1 or "'. of "Ml' Ih,L "h<n ,n'CIod in rhe .. nl<ntt.IIuIIi" the "'."."'"' 01 IIIe ",ole""".,. ,.bol.

f,,"'''''pl .. ,

lIop'"lI l<.> ._-_. tbc d'''I"ue. nc!.,.j,."" ~d a romp",n",", thallhey rdl "ould bc --._ '" I:><oth labor :I.IId m;magrmcnl.

tAl enf"",. __ "",rul (8) end, .. dil; , i,'. Iq U, en:ome. "n.U!XC"". (D ) " \lend , .. ';<f6l:1(1) (Il) re",hc, """",pt.1h1c

I. A • ..ci.QUill. ;lIthe Snlllh"""ian I,:"" ,*,,.,,,.11. 'he IIl, III"l iM" flmg<- of ..cicnlific Inquiry may he _~~~ hUI it< fi n:an~ial "'sou"'" Un:' for Ie" ._

(M "'Wi~lM 5ub5lil1lUJI iii) uabour>do:l • C(lfIlined Ie) odmir~blc lim"ro 10 ) "1" ,. ,Ieo",. (EI d'm lmsl"n~ __ s'able


Z • • \, "d''''',Ilt, "f f",e 'f'O'"b ",,,,front tbooc .... h" ", ,,,Id "'~"Iale 'nl<n.u" '~"nl !'nc' I ~ . the d.ba'e "".r "',"'~;ov .""",n' in ,no' ie, .... '"li l . ly •.•

IAI;ili..t. ,III coocu' (e) m • .',h"e ,0) ron hoJc rEI <...:0.1".

J. n.: aUI)",'" I",. uj h .... "'ml<'1" and plu""g l>(IIlod, "a, rcncc(cd 'n Ihe . ph"''''' of her flc ,;on

rA) ,,,",,,Iul'" !HI perlid,O\I' le i bcllicu,"" (OJ eurboo,,,,,. lEI '"mpathetic

~. TIle 1\"f'<<1 .,;<onkd .hoR<>p;tplYr M.Ifth.I Gntham by he, ,,,.leOI< and C'OII"a~""" .h~c. ",,-< '" g",al Ihal i, """""tl'd ,,,. _ .. (A) .'"'1'''''';''' IBl ",,""""'''''100

1<1 "" ... ltm~I"''' IDJ i't<:",,('iliation (EI rmtIal ..

~. The 'll('~lcr .. ,"our,,:.d Ib~1 her 1"'""1) fo<u, .... ou ld be Oil h,u,Kl ~1"b.I."n..:.n" ""I"" tha n " n •.•.. ;, Ye,

,A 1 """'elnpolflll) lei d"puloIli,."

IF I f"ito.:",0.1

III) ,uN"",[\'. 1011"""'''-'''.



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-o o o o

'The P=~'$ below"'" foll""'OO by question, based on [boir eonlonl; question, following> pair of rel.ted pllSs~g.s mol' .Iso be: based on 'he relali"",hip be,,,.e" the pai""d passage •. Answer the queslinns on the b:tSis of what i, ~ ('If iml!Iil:II in lh< p"''''ge' and in any introductory maleriallh'l may bo provided.

PlI5SIIl:e I

Kneeling mMinnl",. em the grollJld, [",",,,hed a. o husky eas!<:1'tI di"""",dbac~ r'"~",na~ e 'tid from my j·g.llon can inlo ilS winler hom~. a dar!< ~op/t<r lonoi ..

Un< burrow. "See you soon:" I whispored. expeclipg 10 j ,"eaplll'" thi. and eight othe, ",ulesnakes [hOO ,,,,,.od),

caught. marhd nnd rclea><:d in the open p,ne forem ofnonh.m Florida. wnen 1 beg.n my Woe""'h. 1 • .-'" .maud .llhe de.nIl of ""ie"tilic informa,i"" on .",lem dia,nondb""k;, I h.". ,ubs-:quenll)' filled In many dewit,

10 ur the life hiSlory of the ,ped",_ I h.ve d]o<o" .. d oIla, iliiJ orUtu,... long despbed by pcoplo. is highly evolv<:<l. incredibly complex. and suJJHi.ingly g<ntle.

P~<li8g. 1

Raule.o";'es ha,·. long held. 'ninglcd dread ~nd fascin. tion for Americans. In the Eastern part of the

IJ Uni ted St.,<; many American Indi.n uibe, ,·cner.no;J them. refening to rattlesnakes .. ··GF.lndf.lIIer"· and In'.ting ,hem with "'<p<:ct. The Coloni>!. d id not follow suit. The ~belled viper'· ..... one of the more ",nsati"".1 find~ in ,h. Now World. and almost everyone agreed 'h .. 'h • ...,rpent< "·ere

YJ unspeakably ... il.1llHl should be killed on si~ht. Benjamin Fmnklin enlled r.mlesn.kos ··Felon< ... from the Be~inn'n~ of the World:· hut •• "ernl R.,·olu'ionary War nag, carried raule .... inelud,ng tho famous G.,hd". nag with [1, ··Don·' Tread on Mo"· "'".>ming 10 Greal Britain.

6. Compared to P""sagc 1. Passage 1 is more conccmetl .. ith

(A) .d,·oxatinlt ch:tllge (8) pro'·iding hi!torical per;pe<tive (C) identifying simil";t'e. between cullure. (D) pointing nut potcn,i.l d:mgrn; (E) judging the >COUntey of c.<!<Iin vie"'~

7. Unlik< Passage 2. Passa~e I m:,kes u~ of

(A) pc""n.1 anecdote (II) direct qno'""ioo (C) r,~u"'ti'·" language (D) "'pli.i, compari"'" (E) hi>torical dlJtion

8. !n line 22. ··camed·· mOSI ""arly mean>

(A) ,upp<lnod (8) lnln,mit1ed (C) e~t.nded (D) e.'pre=<! (E) bore

9. Unlil:e lhe author of P'>Sage I. 'he "uthnf of P"-'-"'lIe .cknowlcJg'" ,h ..

tA} ",ien,iS!> ha,·olong slud,ed rnruesn:ll:e. (8) many people h3\·e h.d a great 'ppreciation

for rn11\e<n.kc< (C) ruul"'n"k"1U •• ~tn:mely difficult to tro<.

and '1Udy (D) ;eicnlific <ludies M rJul .. nal:es an: I""valent

in the Eastern United Slale, (El Am.ri~""s rear raI~ •• nakes more lhan any O1hcij




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4~D D D ~-",-oj ... -..... _.- D D

}<JII" .. mf ".....,~<'. uJvi>.rJ {rom .. ~ "",.-I~ piJ>l;;h(J 2,.IfI,jP.""-,,,-' .." U p' .. h"'l<J~ /au ,"", .. ,i.,,. dup "~m~ ,Ir .. ",,'arr',," kt ~"p. In 101:16. 1M drillin/l proj«f

-nI''''''.'/ In fh .. f'/I""~" '"'' rrJumrd

To "l\~&ill" LaL~ V,,,,,,~. )'011 mu<, r. ... , on,;.ion. gr •• , I.IJ.. in ~ I" 'JIg 'OIld><:>\pc. ~ y,"l'CL". "ill. (l'I'm onJ 10 ,00. 100 .. ,<I.: hi >«,.,...,.., fro," ,11<- hi",">! hill_ "" II< /bnL"­-.;"'. "mphll En1'< "'" 'ul'lWnding ,,000, and r",kU; ~I.Ie I.h< ."cuding 11111>. Rom!w" the """'sing ">e.loOn' anJ .~ n:pk"hhing roin. Shut /lUl''''' _l )'. ~3'" mlly Ih~ ".or ..... Ih. ,nin .... I •• the ",uddy JO(l4h', n.." u-.p . .'ijJu •• ~. .nd ".lJ1I.nge them frum ."0.",1""8 ,hal ti\., aDd dics. From YWt ..,...aliad ."""'ie>.. ,implt "'<'4'ld (lui hung ....

""-Tn ", .. nu.u,lAk. V""nt;;, l>onr.:>lb !~ ,mlu uf iOlid >c .. , " u"ix'"""bly.n"",,,,. If;I.' or h...J u d,rcc' Iml. "ub lh. ~ir .1:><1,. il. that cllnne<,'rnI "nd"d "m", million' N )"u" .ga. II> ....Ji"~nh .ool:Un. uni4uc =<lld of -\n'"""lea', di"",~ lh'll rould ~"olou"n"c 1M ""e,ICC <>f the fmu" ..... u""nl TIIo", CClU.ld be prol,,>I<";, life in It, ............ "" indil'lIOII. teo'l "em WI'" in, ,,'im fe" ~n:.. no "'n1;,h~ Ih. Iini~1 M r",.h-lo<l<I inpu~­~ncl 'f'Ilning oidaplOlion. JI<!,'er _" hd .. ",_ We", l.:Ike VO""~ open hI tho ",'I "rille ",,,Id, 111 f.illl lewnl' • 11\1 rrAJil. lif.-fon", w"old h., e bet" ",.",ritten ""'Itt!"-

V""K'l'. cti'.lence " ... , ,,"\.nov." "",,1 1/) lean. ~g>;t. .hc:n....w and "'i~n"'llTllpll. QJk> .. .,.J ", ... nll," to 1"""" ~ .. hc. ~ ""'I', TIIo r,"1 h,n" of .. ,1<:. "nd« lhe = ".re oIclccled "' lhe 197(J" """'h I"e" ,n Ih. e,rl)' 1990>, ..... lIiles ""d .I,,,, ffl'"'' •• tller ",;"nk .0(\ q' re,'<&ltd U. V"'>lok', fulle'I<:"1 In 1995, a t..""bt,1< W"-' dnll.,.J ",'III Ru'''~', v~,,,, '1J1iM quilr b~' "h_c, Ioog ""f"", _)11'" "''J'"drd $Onotthln, IIJIIX"UIII m.~hl be bekt" Tho """'lOle ca_ ""hon .400 r .. , "r cn(mna the Ill., b<J( II>< <1,,110" .1"Pp<tl \bt." tlr hn:al,", thmogh 10 the ""lie" ......

""~In. OO"'''Cf, nlllli,'n, of)'~ "f i",I,",," may _, ... eDd, ~an:h<" Inlln ... "rntI roumriC$ h>\f

, obit) iog Ihtil fO'''lnJIlnIl> for. mulllm,IIi",,· • ',·n,rm cfrQl( k' falhom V"""k', <k'J>I1u- If

""""alIrJ"" or >ei."li,,. ~.t Ih." ""Y' the '" "f Lake V"'I,'l_pcrhal" Ih. mOSI .mhit;'lu,

,:::::-~~" ",I.milie ulld.naki~g An~l"'~ Ita, )'01 """" , ,.- in (e<,\ I",," r,,·., y ...... _ S ... I;>.tl",. "ill be

, """1""""), 'tl ..... pem>Ol><~l, no" II'g'''''''ol .... ~_ •... -' "ill be ~"'~I.,.J 1<l "'(\c th.,,,; fktlS of ~ ~ n.:o,I"''' 111.", ... "". of g.lfon, of fuel "il I, _.wn.JI omounl or .norgy I" S" Inn'u",

: \ ""'" .. ke I T ."'·uI"'mlrd nnd "uuw"nou, dec". e.q- rub"", .illl ,"""h the",,,,h ~ from the borebo,k.

IOU/lhe ar.~' laLe', w.,,", ~lI<llh<n ';n~ throuMh Ih. blac"""-" W Ib" ,H.nl 001. ""10,,", Long-dru-k Vn>lok

$II "iU be I'fird open r .... inlp«ll(lll_a ~\ lhat. Ito"·"",,, c=full), Wltl<-nakn, non\ the ,isl; of ."""$In, the W;c

rOo1:'crand ~'iog "IW IIU nudt ,I """' .... Why tal. WI oluut",~ SOme ""Ii.,,, V",w~ 5bou1d be

lefl.l"". beC""'" .'rlo""li"" mlghl perm"""nll), Jom"ge '5 ,IS pri<Utk' ~"'~'.lom, BOII""I"",<nl< of drillin, beli"ve

V<>Slol: rould pro",,," n." In-ishl> imoj'OOna £ar1h', <pnutU11II' ewlOj!i<aI <:n!oO>, dunng "hieh 1M "hole pbnt, ,,"-, frolCft .mill, no 0I.'ftII. red....., 10 I"" ""'1' tonnL uf lifd""""' .... ADd il m"ld illum"';u" Iht ~"blhl"'" of

w life f..,hc. nlf-on. ,',,1 ,,,,.,n on ""rop>, lUl'ila'S founh,largeM Ill<IUT\, 4gl ""11"," mild from lh. Sun and, ojOllg "'itll Mm, the 11>0»1 h~oly plO>pe<:I fn. e.idcnee of lif. 1><:)""" Earth. l<.Owed from h~ .. 4I11If<l ooly f(QIII belli .. ·• """,cd of numenl., lilt life·form. of V,..wl rould

~! leach ",;0,,11"'-' Itow Iir. mi!hl pc .... i'" in EUm)Ia' J fri,id din'~I., "hc:t'C "mp<t:llu",' ~'·omg. minu\ !.~l do:gree, Fllhn:nh.il. II would «"ainly .00"- lhem 00'" I" lou~ for "Ihere; .~pklnng V"'I<!L "'ntlld "" tho n • ...," Ihing 10

~ <p:lCe mi"i"" ",1h<lu1 1<1' .nllbe pbntl_


10. TIIo ""mary pIIJJlOloeof'h< ~~ ,. tu

fA) enronJ1lj1e flltlhor .~rl""""on of Anla"'lie1 (H) dc-cnbt. how an Anl=lic bi .... ~, ~I-co\.red eel U4m,"" IhC'Orie, abool the po<>,billl}' of lif •

"")~"" Eanh (0) dl""'-'" the "gailie ...... and. lilt frllg;lily "r:ln

AnlDn:'li~ IA" (El con'f'3Ic H,. fOrm, un Eanh to ,ho-><: on JUl'ile.',

rnllon Eu""",

J I, TIto opening ",air"". of IIle f"'U>!l< (1),,,,. 1-31 eml'fta)i/e5 Lake V",'oL '.

IAI ""IOIKlD fBI \;I.>1ne» (el h<~uIY (0) diHr-;t) lEI d'plh

12. la h"" 9, ~"mpl.~ _ ... "'1)' ..... "'"

IAI n~II" 1111 Ikn,u ... lei lund~m."",j

{Ol 00""""" fEI uneondlulKlll



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4~D D D ........,.,_~"'_01 ... """ .. __ ..... D D 13. !~ hMS 14-19 (-I", <ali"",,,!> _ b<f,,",~). tht author

doe\ "hieh oflhc r"llo""ng'

(AI Specul)ICS ~boul. p<mibihl) (11) ~nbes III K'lull place. Ie) CilCS a known authority. (0) DIM'u~~f an ""pon",,, expe"ment. (E) Q"",",OOO' no" hypothesis.

14. "tum the PO'"' ofvicw 01 Ih_ " .. ho ",i,h 10 ~",p We Vostok prilline. the ""Irome of tho ,,,,,,dent descrilxd in lin.~ Jl-JJ ('11>0 ~hoI<' .. ,

be""alh"j '"''

IA) fOf'tS«lbk (H) ronulIOII. fCl prt."" ... blc WI d'loappOinling IE) '~Ia>UOphi.c

15. In <1001<\1. Ihc oommrn, III lin<:< ~J5 ("Soon ,

end" I """.' 10

(A) challenge I "".l RPf"'l"I'h (II) r.hin 1M focu! of the di><us>ion (e) lub~l.nli~le lh" p",,'ious cl.im (0 ) pro"id •• l>rkr~IM (E) qu.lify. romple~ position


16. Tht ... lbor """I lIkely ,,,,,luth lhe 11>1 in Ii,.,... J J-l9 (-Nc.. 1><10" ., in I'O'dtr 10

IA) cmp/l.l>i'" Ihc: .""I1My 0'-' rroJII""" undc".~inB

(BI Iughliahl tho COSt of 00'"£ ", .. nu r", """"'''h (e) point 001 !he imporlanco: of robo... I .~a

"perjrnon!s (Il) co •• 'ey the ... ·;enthl'· e."il."",nl "'" 10 new

dn.lopmem (E) on~ioa!O lbe dilf,,,,,lly or ",,,,,,,,,,1 opl'ling

m project

17. 11>< ~"'''O'''I ""tude in 1i1\< • ..\Q·' ~ ""L uniqutMI i, bnt dt",ribcd 0< """ of

(A' reID:unl (0, ambh·~le""e (e, _m (D, be,.-,Idtrmeol (EI outnlge

18, In the- fUl31 pangnlph. 1be IUthor , _ .'1 tht rollowing EXCEPT-

(A) S1udyin~ V<»lok O\~j' pr .. ,id<' a!>Qut lbe pol>ihilily "f iii. "" Wt!

(a) E'p1nrinll V"slok would be .... g how 10 .. plo,. certain eel"'"

(C) Undc"'l;mdin~ VO!IIO~ coold '" on Eanb', .",ly pl"""L.lI} d",

(0) V"""I,; may h>'e h.>d"""", <Ill ..-.: 10 ,""lilb1 than "'M pro';"""-2' ,.

(EI V",1OI: may ILI", .... me "m'.... _ on disunl «Ieui'" hndle'



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4~D D D ~..,.,...- .. --"' ... _ .... D D

"u""~r I II aJ<ll'uJ/rom u 1998 rUDY PDU<lt<'~_ ...J.lr •• J I""" uti IM~ n,,, ... I. if~' " ~IJ.-.Jr """ .... ,,""',. """,.d I..apIoopt. ... ·100 mmrw,a.:twrrl ,\.-... ,. 1"""', /" 1M ''''''''It. UJrI!./m IS /H"'t ",I("',.~ I'd h" 8",1/". U 1<>""",1",

1'._1t" I

AllhooJb I ",j~r k' • """,I .. ~ ,,!>to l"1n rn ... · -.,. .u"'l. t am 'lull no! UUSl .... ,nh)' on !he d,flemICC btl",cm. "'"""~ and "'". Bill kI m.:, <m.>.IkiI po«<' of romJ\Wft,..J.poo.:u"", n.t. appear >ko:J, "'" Ir.III and I <aD

J"'.)1lU tho lp(C>t>. ~ and p/I)lum nO>') ~ ....... '1",11 of tho hn ..... " bnD~ ,,"h U ..... 0 Lbo: ""kItrnc:» "

<1fth< ...... u1 ":anti). ~. ~n po!IIl. our "ulld .... a1ll = ... ,. pp pIK'" IIw "'" rumplmll Ubh-fm:. The '''11<'''''''' can ....... '''@bceo ;" !he middle ..r. ""fIIIIl'CdLy pmll~ .. 'kltmu_ romp>'1C pm'"<ll~ OIl. """., •• nd d",USI. of coo,...,. HUI underneath ,i'Iosoe f«hng<, .1Id I." 'OO'Ir,"'"~I. '" admu. I. a "n:lll """"'01 or """"nl,;on ","I .'.n ... hof The ....... "atI i! w, .• fle. 011. In iIIc ""'.'renlh .. muf)' ... hen .11< <:\III of the &=ie' Iud JU>1 IIo,un.

u ... 1\ .'''''''' ,I"I1«;llLy in N." En,lw,.ool tfI pll\.1o"", I,"nllld. <Ill"", .~ .. ~ on !he ""'n<!) '1><'11. 11; .... '" .. he> to;o,;ht'd inri) \00II:"", poinl' in 1M Adill':lDd.o<l .... tho Iklllh",... '*ClIIIJ,..,. IM"...w; "ISITOAK IIALL on a rocl rltt In 1M pn>I{It<", befen tbcm, ,M IWI .... " 11<", .. " 'k'ltbo.aI .,"'" I E ... ·" ~ ~ .. "'"' fev. of thnn _m 10 ha,lI' rompbJlKd

....... ' -'In \too.o·n >11 _Ills Ihcn: ... tiJI·u "'-d·f~ ......

s bo,d,~-.mkt. "'" ,,«.lid .. -~U ..... " t.lnI, ""fa Ion (>( roo;k ,n dLo ... " .. Ie rqiGn 1Iw d,dn', ,,",.e 'upwn'~

I' .\1''''' ... .1 P:lJn1_· Spttim.-n· on " In "'" """" rokn .. e I'<'j;un by m.~' ... ,-

Lof'/tam (l1ll1,"Ii<d. '"]",.. board ~ ~ okal or ,al~ abou. .hal ,l().·.,blllCk'n~ man and lIIe l,dne) -CUI"C m.n. bf\.·.uw Ihey ,.j"'I1,~ '" Ih~, ""y. and 1',-.,..."" 0:1,<1., .bool;1

II! In Ihe i'Ol'<"". hilt I don', -'« "h<1-c !he joke c'.mc' in. .,..,lly, So 1'\fI$ II> 1M people thai 0"" lhe tw,,, .rId knc.,,' don', ob~l. I don', 51'<' wh..l!he public mo, ,oll(} II" ... ,111" A'ld I ",,,.r ..... 1II1ythm, '" Hf)" ~rcd about • ~'I ""'l . • kwt,. m'Cf or;n. 1'">'=. thai 11 ... 001 ... ·' do

n ~'I"" n "",01 1"0/11 <III ., in Ihrtt cnIor;, I "',s/! 100II>< u( tbt pn>J>Ic Ih.oI Wl oIooullbc Imdiapt". and WRrTf. "bou1l~ Iud I<l t.'~ ODe I'IIhnn rnd::I Ot.:T oflht ~ .. ,tit J!O'II ckr. IX <iii " II<lIc 10 bur) iI ilL as .. e InCd 10 h.". 10 do

up on lIIe C....,; r B""'" lIIey"d \1"1 " 1,I11e \l,trm:nl'u"" 4D Itbooo, 1M pro(an.:ltion or KnIft)" _ T1on. 1 .. '1 any m:t.n

onj<lys " ... h~y bll of naIUn:_1 _h ri= of ,n.<IV>1 .... ilt! half ~ 00""" JOOd·"ud .. , ..... ta." .Im, ,n u_"""" lIwo I do. Bu, r ain', a'l"'n,I~.und"p rtlfc.cry b,. ullly rock r come ""US$. .u if 10. "m: .11 " I<:t of dumn Druid;..

~> I!ooIY tloc Imd"cap<" ... tS II"IlI'k rOf man. and IiOIIIWI for ,he lorKbcal"'.~

"Yc>.~".,d 1bnJ<y """,INI~;""it "I-' macle for the \IO' .... poIisb IIWIW lhe ~..:!n.c~-cwr man,~

~h ...... made ror ... y man tit.,. 1""". ho» .... u .... i~ ~ ..., lapIwn ,...Loamed. ;"""',bk ,n IbttJq"~ lI0II)'


·~ __ .·k_~,loorm= ~ ... ,. __ _

19. Tho:- \.Wrm<tI! --n... t.od.l~ .. ,. ....-. aforr In~ !I,M 13. ~e I) em bc>I be> undclllOQll 1<1 meat! ,~

4A) U2>h;< rom""",ly CClIInd ,n lIIe .. 'kknwss (8) Ir.lOb maltS the ",Idcmc" fee-I Ie .. oJ", .. tel I""",, cu rn:dc lhe .. ,w.,,,,,~. """" p"'IU~'" (0) m.tny proplo cnj<ly roIl'UlflCf SOOd, lilc.oo. lEI m:tny hiler> bnn, ~on'un"'r rood .... ,lh Ihcm

2&, Tho:- -cull of !he Sc."it:~ U"", I~. p_,. I);, be>" ,...prncru<d by "hit:h or Ihc fonu .. ln, ,n Paua~. 2 ~

(AI ~1...apIwn~4hne271

(8) -n..,~·poopk·~lh .... )ll (e, Tho:-*'peopIc'~I~""J61

(0, *'""y mm·~!liPc.uJJ 1101 Tho:- M ......... po!i'" _ .• U"", 481

11. Whal do the od.cru ........ l. "VISrrOAK IlALL~ 110 ... lB. rau..,. LJ BId ~'L.:oplwn', M,nmll Patn.­Spccuncn"~ W .... ~-'-2j. p,",~ ~l ha.'ola rom""",7

1 A) BoIh ".,... p:I.In~ in Ih...., roIon f BI BoIh" ... cosily ~C"eloSihic (C) BoIh " ...... vIS,bl. in Ihe Adirond><:k,. ( OJ IImh 'pp".rcd nn n>c~' IE) £l.ot.k •• h'en,scd p:1inl



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I 4~D o o I.O'-...~ .. _" ......... -_ . ..,.. o o n. In <.'Onllbl co 1M ~Hlk<",* Ihn< 16. 1',,, .. ,< II.IiIc

"'proplo'-Ihn< 36. Pa~e~) "'"

I ", ""hid) hM.tik to "'" cIcf"""ll! of thr boId.~ !DI ope,d,·........,.j b) -.nl \oIO'o~.JIOlOO ad, ""

"",to Ie, e<4\prmcd by It.. publ",', d,_s,n! <>t' {~'r

"",I<.lnaI. (DJ ~ of"'" , .. ,...",..... . ...ai In I .......

~r pouducl> lEI IUUI"'_ oflhe ~~ llIao. ><h<rnwlIJ ~

23. Up/!:un', ~1I!;on.'n i'»>agc ~ ~wnpar<'d .,Ih lhe llIthor', "b~rnl;on, in P:w.;\B<' I .'"

I AI It" ....... 1.'" fBI .... , .,.nlurdcd Ie) k" "'<U"lIOf)' (0) IntlR' ",sign«l (Ii ) mote c;rruntSl"'c,

24. Wbith" a t>clid c.pm.....J b) uplum In ""''''r<:! IIw i. "OT c'~by tho ... Ilo: ... <>t I":t< ..... I '

tAl nw """"- <>n:Uf'l" a P'''lirJc'd 11<'" '" In 1M lWo;rrol .arid

(8) llutlnun.1n. "'" onl) mar"Q;dI, «onttmed ",nh fI!'<>(" .... g """""

leI i1w one .... 100. D.1IUr./ bc-... t' aIId..w1 br inllutno.'<'d b) billk>an1~

tD) T1W \III: df«lJ.'''''''''' (If IdHro .. , "",,, br ... Iw!.:cd 10) .1_ Incas".,

,1'.1 'fh.>I """"Ie idO:""if) ,,'jtll lhr " ............ ,...,..,. 1M they pmd"".

NOTL no.. ~ ... ;.~ .... _ in till. I". on IK>ri "Clry<. ... 001.0",,,,,,,,, III ........ ""'" ,~. ,..~11 .......... ' .... L n.. w. •• .D.lOlnnll. Ih.", "" n'" ....... ,il' <'<pm<"' ,'''' ""nlon •• 1 Ih, <:"11~< 8 .. rd ur £du<o.iDnl l T .. ,inl ~n·I< •• To .,,~. ,h. ,,0< ,ul •• bl. for ''''1~1 P~'P"'<'lI,'" "'.yln ................ ' • • 11 ...... ,b •• ,,'1 •• ''''''''''', or pal., '" <It .. '" lb • ...ttl...!.

STOP If yo u flnll h belorelllTNll, called, you mey ehl<:k you r work on this HC110n only,

00 nOllUm 10 eny ol llttt Hellon In the le.l.


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5 5 ........... """"""''''_rII ... _ .. ---..,.. 5 5 SECTION S

n ..... _ 15 mlnut .... 1M QoInIIom.

Tum to Section 5 (Pllge 5) 01 your anlwltt ,heet to Inswer the questlonaln this MCtloR.

1>I......uon.: Tht~ '\C'C1 ..... ~ ... ,.u .• , .• t ... at'~ ofquc>lKlll" y"", IL, .. .., 15 "unuu".lo ctI<lIp~ bndI typa For qll«lion. I-&. soh .. ~~h problem """ <1«.« .~,,"h .. I/><' "".r ,,(!be d'Iooce\ '''~II. Fi ll In the <:OITI."\pondIll~ cud .. on !be IllS"'''' "-t. "OIl mal o<c Illy .""iL1hk .p.o." ,.,.. ",""""'urk

I. The "", "f .. "~k"loInr I I'<J11!UIN,

1. All n"",b~" • .cd ...... 1 ",,",hm.. , , "'PI'<" It..t ~ , .......... in 1Iu. Ie," arf .nlcndc<J In "",,,oX Infonnao."", "",rU' in .,.~, lA,liIc pr'IlbIem>. Tlx) ......... -_ 'I &'> 1'0"",1* E.XC'U'T .. ~ " .\ ..wtd III • !>f'<'.'.ti.: I'f\'I'oInn IbM !he Ii,_ ''Il0l , ,;lwu, 1>, '........ All f'"",," k III ~ rWo= u,*,-, ",limo _ ,nd .. .Mcd , Un"",,, uo/I(no '''' 'P"'('cr4, ... d;>nI::un of ... ) fUllc""" J " .... \.lIInttl '" be the loCI .. f all 101 nul1lh<". r ... "'hid! I .. I .. ~ "'~I numho,

! G , ~B' EJ· .~ 4"~ j D·

" , III" ~s·

• " t .1 s • A ~ .. r' 0. • C,,!.1r,

, "

, , • 1 .. ·/1 r •• , 'A r'",,,'.h' SI'<"'".I R'~hL Tn"",."" "

] The IIIU11bcr vI' ~ ,,' on; ., nit i~360 • • n.: ...... 01 thc ~ ,n G; ,,-,-, uf!he: .... ~ III ~ 1n.III.1o: .. 1100.

I. To "'01 a room f"", • pan) .. OIl Io,~. -.Loti"!! nllk, ,II< c"-!;c i. ~ ptr hour rl"> i.l p'" f""""I ~ltend;", !he- par1l ""'b.,.h nf tho 1". ....... , ... I"""""",. ""JlK$<ftt' (he choq;e. In doll .... III ... n( a If"lIfI a( the rinl (Of.

2·hout panY If " people oucnJ It.:- pany"

(A) f(n)-I02n

(a) f{n} .. !OOo!

Ie, II .. ) - 100.. • 2

to) II .. )" 100 .. 211

(101 lin) .. ,00 .. 2"

1. I ....... I. ....:and It IlI(m.ccI .. >how" obQ.e. Whit ;. (he ... 11 .. of T ~

(A) 145 (Il ) 140 Ie) 130 (01 12.'1 lEI 120




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5 5 __ """'" or_'" """"',,. .... _.- 5 5 :-<UMIIEIt 01, GRM)t: /I. TF.S II" \1.\1OK

I\,\'J) YEAR

.\lnjOl' !OO:I !IXl1

P,y"hol(>jt}' " B

Sodo,,,,)-~--t- " En,I"'" "

Bu.;""" " -- " ~3Lor~ " - - " .1, Acc'Ol'lhng '0 !he lable .bo' e .... h., "'''' 1M iocl"'''-'o( In

Ihe totol number <lr p:oduate, ;1\ ,h.", the <lcp"tlmcnt< from 2HOO ,,,:!OIlI "'

(AI H (B) -10 Ie) .(5 (0) ~O IE) ~5



~. In ,he figure lObo" •• ,,,. l~n8~' 01 lhe darkened .", "II , " '6 "f the "n:<llnk"".". nr!he """I. "'lIh .;"'"~ (I

If lbe d,,,,,,,,,<. "r w .nde" 18 ... h .. " ,he kn~th "r the du~.ncJ OK '

• IA) 6

• (81 )


5. 1[" .. " ):ond, + 1 ",-I "ha'15Ihe'alueof ~,+bk+""->-'~'

{AI 7 1111 I~ ,e\ 14 (DJ 20 {lil 24

~. l1!.: 1:u!e<1 "I""'" .b,,,. 11.1. ,KIt, ,,( !ro,lb 8 aad i. divided Inln ~,c , .. " ,h.ded ,,·<tnn~le'\ and '''''' ,m.lkr "I""'"" l:d!cled 1.1Id 11. TIle \h.:odtd m:t3llt1" .",,11 h.,-•. In =. "r 12. ""dille l.nglh~oflhr <ide, uf lhe "I1I.In"'> au inlejlc,,_ \\1101 ;, Ihe arr, or "I113rt' II if il\ ""'. I. b'1!<r ,tun ,he a ... . of ..qu .. , 1?

1M 9 .81 ," ,("I 25 11), 'III lEI 49



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5 5 ~~ ... - .. .., -""", --Ioogol 5 5 7. Whol pe=nt 01 the inlege" from 3 to 12. ,nclusi"e.

1ft nci""', prj""'!> IIOf muluple< of of ? 8. If;x' ~ 2 OtId It' - 16. y ...... , dou ",'-' "'1 .... 1'

(A) ~ (8) lO'l> (e) 4O'K (I) 6O\t-(EI 71)'].

·2:1 .

(AI -I~

'" -. , •

(0/ 8

IE) 32



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5 t 5 ~- .. - .. ............... oogo.- 5 "

\0 que"i .. ,U rrqu,,.,, you to ",l\~ tho rrublom .... .I cn,., ~our 0"'"'''' h) """"in~ II .. ci",b lhe namrl~ bclm\ Yu" may u,", on} ~"~II,hk '1'''':'' rolf .... """<h" .. ",k

\\ril< "'''''''''' in h'"",,_

Grid in rC/Iull

• M2It. 1>0 ""',. tIwI one d",1.0 In fill}' rolumn.

• 1Jtt:I",.., lilt """' -rr "",=, ",11 he trlKhin<· ,.",n,d, )IMI ..-l11rttrh t nTdl l nnly If Ih. d .d.,; arT n lll'd In rorroall .

• ,\lth""g/l "''' roqUirro. ;I ;' ,ugg.-,eJ .hal YIO" "'rile,'""r "","'er in the 1>(" ... ~llhc lop ,,1111< rolumn'~' ""II" )'Qu fi ll," th<- .",:b OK'CW'III<ly

• Soo!e rn"'ltm, ~)' h:t,. """'" ,l\;In (one_I ""'''''<r. In ,u<h """"". gnJ <>nl)' "',. lIM .. · ••.

• NI' que,lion ~~. a ,,<g.tive '","-cr,

• ;\ 11.:«1 nu,,,t ... n wch ,,-, 34 mu'l bc gridd<.J .. ,

1,5 vr7/2!11 ;. ,nlklN. il ,. ill be

o..:,m.' PO"'

II"",." 21)1

:-;. 1<: ,',OJ '''''l ,wnl'OW """ •• " ,n ""J ""I .. mo, .~.., ""rmi",", Cnlo .. ,", n," nccdO<J <iKruld "" len hl;",1..

• 1~..!')aL,\n~ I f ~,)U """'In a <l<-<in..,L .'''''el ",Ib ~ di~I' !han ,Ilco r:n.J can "'-'-Vl!llTl<'ll.olt. " ""'~ too ... ,he< rounded "'" l!UnaI.:d. IxIIll ""' .. ron the rnme 1"d.I'". e .. nlJ'k. if }'''' "buln an an,,,..,. ""'h n, O.t\IJ6tI .)<lO """'IJ , ... :"rd

-",ur ,~,"I, "' .M6 ,,,- .M;~7.,;A~;";;;' ;.;n;,";"~;';';';,":l u. ,uoh 'n .66 or .67 ..-in I. "-"Of".,I>I ..... ~·.IO ~rid ",,"'


9, S"""""h.1 <.><I WIIl~ 14 mil"S In.t Il0\l .. , At mi. l1lle. /trnA" "",nr m'l ••• ." S.manl'" "'"ll ,n} """!'t'

16. II ~'''I < " + JIXlO < ~'IUI mil " i. an in'.g ....... ·iw , . ,he \caol p(><,;hk .~IUt "f ~ ,



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5 5 .-.........-.v'li"'_ .. .., .......... _.- 5 5 I

m-----;t-/7--.' /I ,

II. In lh. fig"", abo,-•. tile ~".e bnn '. ", ~OJ l

,nltlRCllO r,>rm6 ;IlI;I., "'i1h "'lUll "",a'Uf.'. If~ .. docu:d ""';""'01> bl',"' 2 01 "" ..... m~I<,.

"h~1 j. Ih. m.:;tWn:, in dq;...e., or ~'" an~l.

inlliel",d by !he arm" lIDim'~",d ,he .kg"'. 5jl1Q00I ",,",n gridditls }OW ""'''''''_1

12. In. group !If 212 ~I •. !hen: lOt'" ,12 .".,... m.k-~ Ihun fem.l a, Ilu"" many male- '''". in Ill<- S,,'"P?


IJ. In Lhc fisa", abo\e • ... BCD II. :sqll","" "'1m pcrim<<<r 11. Th. 4 lrian~l~ "'" fiI"il~"'I"IIJ. Wh;u i. the peri,,,,,!« of !he ,haded resi<ln'.'

.0, ii , , • , , , , , , • , ~ J , , Z

• • • • • • • • • • • • •

123~~67 ",amlin" ut lloon


1~. In a ,u""o)". 15 Mud.,,!> "'On' .~ch :ukcd 10 gho lhe numb<!r of t.our. they >!udied one d:ly and the numbcc, of hour; they >ler< ilia! n,gIH Tho ...,,,h .. :ft plotted .bol't. "'!1m .""h dot """" .... n1. one pf the ",,,donh. Th. " .. d,nn "umlll'! uf h"",<,< ""died is how much 1c" Ih>n 111e rr.:dian numbornf hour< <!<pi?



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~~======~-------5.'> C:=J ~5 --"'-" ~ ,,",,""" _ .. ""VO' 5 5

'lI.1" + ~3(1 ,,45!3

15. " " .00 I' Itt """U\t IUU'i«''' in the «1">1;"" ;0100, c. "I> .. i> no. "" .. iblc "~I "e "f n + II?

16. AI. C<fUln Jocr.po",1. 89 clnkJ~n "en: born in Ill< mo.1I1> of June. If"""" childre" ... ,,'" born "n the Mltemh of lUll< Ibm 01'1l1li}' """'" do} in I ...... "I\.ai j, Ibt k;d number Ilf child ... n tho! .,,.,Id h",-. been b<om nn lhe (iflC'en,h or Ju ... ~

, I fL') I ~( , 1

'--I -, ~ , I ,

r 0

± - , , , ,

, , , 17. The funcli "'-, j ""d 8 ..... ".:Ii",," r<>r all '·'I .... s

"r • and , ..... um ,;oJut' '" .... '" ,ullnin'" "'" g",'en

In the .. hie 0Ib0." •. If ,he (""",ion /, I> denn.<! hl

hi., ~f{'I+II(2r) (Qr.lhOl.lIl","I ,,,II:., l',ht",lucnl b(lI"

18. In 1M n_pl ..... [i"" h.uhl"""OQ' i-.... 1. ""d

ill lht 1"';'" ""b CrorJII."", I .. 121) ... h., il ,he ,-,1 ...

", It ~

STOP 1\ you flnllh belore time Is called. you may che<:k your work on Ihla section only.

Do not turn 10 any oI lier nellon In U\e lell.



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Page 26: SAT May 2008

6 6 6 SECTION 6

'Iim~_15 mlnul .. 35 Quts,lm,'I

Turn to Section 6 (page 6) 01 your answer sheet to answer the questions In this section.

Dlre<lio[J>: f{IT ";1<h q"~"hm in a.;\ <;«lin" . .ekel me be<1 n"",'er from al1lQn~ 11>0 choite. ~"'en .nd fill in .Il<: ';OfltSpunding c;rck un I"" on''''cf -.h~~

ll\c foli"" ing «"tenc", "'" <='0'" and dfec:U\'.",," of exprt'''ion. Pun of ~""h ","ten,. ", the cn,i", "'.!OnCe " undorh""<l; bo""",h ~""h ""nlo"". ore Ii,. "'U)" 01 ph""'"g!he undrrllncd mateml. Choice A "'J"'iI!' ,"" ,,';~j".1 p/",,-"ng; Ih,' <I,he, (OUf <hoio", W~ differtm. If )'OU tl"nllhe OIl~iru.l phra<.\n~ prod"" .... " hoene, ""mente than "") or Ih •• \'om"i,'es. "'\«1 ch<>ice A: if nut, sclC<1 one "fthe O1h.,. ch<>kcs.

In rolling ; oUf ..,1<01;,,". fullow til. rtquire",<"" of ,t;lndanl "'nllen Engl;,h; lh:u "~. r'y at!cntiun 10 gr.unm.,.. .hoice "r "'Old>. ",,,,cnre ro"-'Iru<~"". and punctua,ill" You, ""I",'i"" .h"uld ""ull in Ihe 1Mll ~ffecli"e semenc<--cloar ond pre.i",. ",i<llOOl ~"'k"'..ro""" or ombi~"ilJ',


Laum IngalJ. Wil<k:r publilhrtl hor fiN b<K>l .Dd i he wal 'ixIY-'h'e \ears old lbo:n


'" IC,

nnd ~h. was <i,,)-r,"e )ea" oidlheD when >he was .i~I}-f". ~1 uge <i~Il'-'h'e ~'eor; <>Id


'" "p<ln <lie """,hinR 01 ",,~'.n,e ye"" ",!he IOrne "'he" ,k ":1.< ,,,w·llve

. 0 e @@@

I. In ",me <<'IIInlt, •• much or!be ""Id Ihal i, produced ne'~r cOm'" 10 mmel bo:<'lI"'" ;1 i5 «m,un\c"<l ''','all} or ~.b.anaw~ I .... O!h« goods,

(A) =<xchangmg (B) ","chonge ~C) .><honged (0) had e,c""n~eJ lEI were nehanging


, he,y Aug"". COO) and AIJ~ ,'acallo. '" Ihawatha Nallnnat FMC". whe,.. lhe,' miny hil;jng, Jjlbmg. aDd 10 ~iIlliP wah th.Ir 'nend.,

(A I whcrt Ihey cOJn)' h",ng, fi,hing .• 00 10 camp (B) woore Ihey enj"Y h,~ing. fjlhing. and campinR IC) where Ihe~ enjoy 10 hile. nsh. ""d can'l' I D) which lIle)' .nj")' 1!) hi'e. nIh. om' camp . , (EI Ihey eoin) hi~'ng. n~hi"~. nod ... roping !here

.1 , ~1e~",,,g~r ribo;l"ud.ic "oid, <1/ ",RNA. c>1li"lb~ rh<mi<:al iP)UlllOUlllli,lbaJ Ii\'w~ ttl!. Il«d 10 prOOu<~ rroldo IlIOl.<u1<>.

I A I c"1ll1ic, the chemi",,1 iO<"".I;on, Ih~1 Ih iug ""II, noed

(~I il c""';" th. chemi".1 in'lruoli~n'. and I" iog cell> noed!be«

lei III< l'hom;c .... 1 in\lrucLinn .• "allied by il "'" nudrtl by li,ing ~elh

I DJ com'iog lb. "homi,',1 in'lruclion' 'h,' living c~lI, nt't:d

lEI .. 'hieh <~m", the cherni,,"1 in,lm",i"", needod hi' \i"in~ t"lI,

~. In Ihe n,n""""oh "M"ry '1'41 when a.lwmomm used lhe: ne"'l~ dnolQ!!Oll '~lroKQII" III ~'lb<f infnm,"'ion .00011he: ,'bem",.1 compo<llinn und m,,'i~n' "r "ele,lIial ,,~j~I'

I A 1 """lUI) \la' \I'b"" .. ""'nome'" u«e<l ,be newly del doP<"d 'fI<'C'">\C"P<" ,,, gather

!O) ""DIU!) \I~ when the nc .. 'ly <Ie".lup<"d 'fl<'Cl,n,><,'fiC W,I> u;,cd by ~,tronO"l<n gnth<nng

(C! 1''''"111). \I hen amonon~ u,ing lhe newly de<igncd ,!,,-'CIrl!"'''1''' ~"thon'd

101 """IU1)' "-'trun",m,,, u"'" lIle newly do"elopc:d 'f'C<lm",,,1'" to ~.'her

(f.) tcnlO,} ",'"",omer..- who u«d th< mwJy J",'oloped ~pe<In><C""" for ~,thering



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-6 6 UNuIhonl .. ~ .. _ 01

.." .... 0/ .. _ '"1I090I 6 6 5. .\d,<:11,>td ,(I<clab lh:al .... loc~l..s in the (mal of lhe .~ lOin!,! '00ppr" [" <.II)JI. the bell buy> w: pOro Coons! io kiU nmmillCol ,~

/A I the !:>c,l OOl' "'" "n.n (ougd in Ie$$ Pf'I>mi .. nl

''POI' 1111 il" ~'" br->l bul ~ llul .",oOen (<lUnd .. ~ the)

are I.~, p.nmincni lei tim lhe be" btly, = oft<o fOlln" in k" I""min<nl .... ' 1O1 >Ir'IIl till' be;! bu)1 ..,., 0["'0 (,>un<! Itss rrronu ..... tly II!I in <pile <If Ihi'.lh. be'l!>up m found ,<> be: les,


6 , 5.:'0111;\1) b;r,lt "em <!I' glue ljuw • !I011I/lI,' Idbcm: !DW by Rld:(;linWln~ mell",!.:.. il could proyjdt on em irolllll('QlAlly friendly 0.],=,,,-. lD """""I .. 0Qd.


(AI Sdenm,< h~,·. d.n~od a glue from ~ n,turnlll<lhe."'" m:ule by n"'k:(;li"~I"~ "",llu..b. " """I.l pro' Ilk

rill Sc,ell1"l, .. bQ hII,. dtn.od {rum • n~lunll ,,,II,,,,,,. m~<k by .... ·~...,hnglng """llu'k, • ~Iuo tm<, .. """ld I""'nd"

ler A &111< thai "";"n~~ Iu,. dcn~rd from , O>lU"'! ~." • ...- by nld,-clin!!m~ oluliu,b ~Il\IIJ pit>' ide

(01 A ~uc ... Nch "",cmi"h hole <!tn_cd f<vlll a "","r:tlIdbesl.'.1I\lIOk b~ roxl· c~nll'ng oIDllIIlol>, powbly pn>~Kl;D'

(El 11;' po..ible Ih". glue, ",hl"h ",ionlhl> J<ori .... "1 frot" 3 n'"u ........ "".,vt nw.b: b} mci;-<:linllin, ,nolh,,""'I'"" Klin~

7, W"h lho,. u"co,,'oml ~"JI top;..."nd w.,. UIi'pan"s lIo1lmeni ,,( I.ht lim!. of 01 ... """ .... "flen ;~MrC'd b) rnain"''';:un fICtion, R, Crumb'~ ~"'ic QU\J:l$aK teQClllIly COP'11kml cl~ or tho:: t= (A I 11., C",nlb" ~ S"'phi<: 00'01, An! ~en .... U)

«m,iJ<orro IBI R. Crumb 113, "ollen ~IC no,'.h Itw

An! ~CII"f1Il1)" cOlbldoroJ ICI the 8raf'h'" """d. or R. Crumh ,."" ... 11)

Cl,>!I"dered 101 peoplo F"C'r.tJly ronsidcr <he ""pILi<' M,d.

ofR.Crumb IE) pc<!ple ~."'J1IlIt coo"J<or thot R. Crumb',

I~ic "",'d. "'"


H, In Ala.h, Ihe ,roIIod ;, nJ.llcel "'Ih Ice ,,'ceIlle>. mlllly <1"". 4IIO;'lcnt. L"JII.\Ctl by <he mid eaoh nII.:b. and I"" Cr.I<:LJ rill "ith "~I.r

(A) b)'theC(lWe:trthL"T1lCk. 1111 by ,II< MId • .n/I """'kin, IC) "'''''n'bo:ct>ld"..nh~lJ 101 ",he", IlI<y <:r.ICk lho c<>IJ c:uth I EJ ,ltmup. the wid eru1h ",""",ling

'J. To al1cmpl a Cl>m1""11<",,,'c IMpping of ,II< h"""'" J!(oom, jl uwlc""~ID~ an c:xtrcmdy IlmbillnoS proj""l.

rAI ~.n"mci<urdcruki.., IBI ~~; .. oulldcrtaU lei ~cno"", undc".~.s ID) ~c"'",",. il ulldcrtnl; .. lEI !,,""I1IC. thu. und.n.:U.llItI

10. The", " • 'l""'i31 "'1'li""~lr b«WOOn • ron<iu<,Of .. nd th. "",m\><'" of un "",h."Ito, Wlltll ot ;113\1 can '" err .... e ape! .1! ill WOO! ,kYehili.jog

~A I ""11<'0 a, I\.< ~ can hc .rcal"" :ood at ;L> ""om. tI."~bthl1nY

(B) "lI<'n 111 ih<olf bn, can he: ~"'.lI\C """ ., II .. " "1JI"oI. ~tlizjn!t

IC) "lID lit bel, i> ...... ,i'" ond al "'~I. ok\l3billllng 101 "'hid, 011\< hcll O'n bc orca',,'. "lid ~11l> "<lrI1.

d.""hili~J"g eEl '" hi'" III their ~ il, ..... "Ii>" and '" IJI<" "ON

iJ de\t!lbl1i""~

I I. ".. d"",,1Ur ,'::!Iued ,he IOCtvr IIOl '10 m~"h for hi> hro.ad """",,,,,,,,Ial 2pp<'11 bill brgYK b( III!WlJId!rd CI'lXY mi' II lIb """100 Pm! im.lhW.Qo:e,

fA I bIll ....... "u!C ~ OJlll"Xl"II«l .'ef)' 1I,Ie "ilh I'U""" and '"LCI~Ben....,

I B I 001 bee.""" of hi. Il'JII1)GChlnl! "'..,. role: ,,-nlt J\ll!\it>n:utd ,nldli~eflt.

IC, bul for heing 1"'>';0""'" IUId 'n'.IIi~cnt tn ~lt;n, ."CI)' rolt

(0) ., (1'1" him II.f'I'C'lo"'hinl ''''1) rt>1.1II'-'"oo.",I)' .Illd intdligemly

lEI '" f, .. hi> pa •• ;.oIl,..1lII<l Intelligent .pp,,*,h'~ .,..,.",10



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- --

6 6 ....--"'P!InII '" _" "'f OIl" 00 _ _ ''1I090I 6 6 '"'" f"l~".ift~ ",",,,,.,,..,,1.1:., )''''' >bi!,!) I<J _"I:n,lC I'r.unmot and U","~e error. ,*,h """te""" cQ01"~' ".,ho, n '>ln~l" (mlf '" "" om,.. nl 011. Su """len,, ... ~mlain, mQre In"" "no cnur. TIle mllf. if ,""'''' i. "nc. il ull<lc,I1"cd ltId 1.1tcmJ. If the "'Ql~"'''' .""LlLim an OITOI" ... Iec"h. OlIO undcdltl.d p2I1lh.1 In'" I be .Iwlgo;l \0 PlAI.c In. "'Ill ..... .., ",wm,1 If m., ...".",' .... " """""" "' .... 1 ."""",, E. III dl"O'''" . an''' ...... foll"" the n:quin:rnonll "f ,WJo.I..ro ,..,ilton I'-"¥h'>h_


""m",' ,~,_ N"u .'(1)f - -, l" • ®®

12. \11 .... "'11Ij! hI> "'''''' 10 ,he: bueb"., 1""'. thl/ ,""00) , Ju ,ed uffh" hoo" "",I lu~.n off hI> hOI, Ca"',lng. , , thc "''"'' 10 -Me ,,, m."" l\ii0.il1li>''' around u ....... I)_


M u=n and 1 .. ere oN. w ]U<f~. thl: 1''''"11111' In

A " ,h. M,,'>Cum of M,.uc:", ,\(, """" "",ka' lhan w" had


bdutc So enu' I) E


.00 raise awm: .... " or ""o,nglCol ,~'''''' h whl

, " ,hey hi"" bc<omo llICI"O:O!iingly JlO!lIII# ";lb


IS. "The wort..,,( Ibe in",,"""'''' lIId ~lu",. «ulplll' A

dunnE Ihc:.~rl~ 1%Os. a time ... hen the public om.<>I , C

art"';' 1X)\'ehl and .;n,H:« r""", on ,"" pwiO<I3l lI,c, D

Iii. The nigh' ""r"", ,"" ~l.yofr. ~. ,I", roac;h , ""',,'led "", pli~" 10 cal ~ b3)"""od dmllCr. to "'lax

""" enjo)' ,hc:mr.cl"u. and Ihophouid S'" pl<:nly of


"'51. No"",,,. , 17. If prorerly tarod roll. ~ hundml')~IIH'ld ~iolin ... ,11


produce • mon: full.". ><lUnd ,han ,I did "hen i, "" • C D



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Page 29: SAT May 2008

6 tfJ\ \IiJ)I 6 Ill. The fi,.." A.ion American to be c1C'C1ed go"ernor in the


Un ited S.",.5. Gror~c AriYD>h i of H.wa)i has • ."..,ed , longer !hon .ny of his pml""."",,,, when he retired

e rmm of lice in 1986. No error

D ,

19. 1..<", ror many years. and presumed 'tolen. the ponrnil A ,

of the ninc',..,mh-cenlUry ",-riter had been stored C

i"",homenl in ,h. museum b ... ",enL No error D

20. In th. b",,~ of the , .. ,book are • 1;';1 of worus thaI C,," A

be casily lcamed by those .. ho "'l1li1 10 ""pro. c , e

!bt;< tomm:>rld of Engli5.h. Nn error

D '"

II. In ~'. Send. AI.b:.rn •• lmdilionnlly made quill. A

ore aired oUldoo" on '"nny .pring day •. ,um"i"!; , 1"".1 quill"'" who enjoy II". dilpl"y of one ""mho,' s , emu ions. NoelTIll'

D ,


6 6 22. Mler All il! tM Fomily m:lde their lele,' j,ion debut,


other '''"3UOII cumc~i<s beg"" 10 npl"'" , e

a variety of """ial i~,u"",_ No error D ,

Whon recipe' ror lecd 1.3 "l'P'?""d in A ,

nfew --C

iOlc.nine'ttnth·cenlUry ,,,,,,kbooh, Ihe drink did nOl

I-«omo popular untillhc 19().I World', Fair. D

N,,.rro, , U . Allhe high .. , 1.,-.] of cornpctill'-c .he,>, pia)',,"!


"no so fllmil;", ,,, """ ""OIh.,', ,1r.11<1\I<> that they , can prnt'tical1y ",ad lII.ir opponent.<' mind,; ,h.

e ""ult i. dn:arily prNi<1:lble

o pl,y. Nllerror ,

25. In adJilion 10 having a IhcQrcliCal und .. ".nding of ,

in 1",,,;ng palienu. if heorolle i. , e

illnessnattur.llely. NO<:m)r , 10 kam to diag~




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" " .

6 @ 6 ...--.."....."'-'" 6 ® 6 """"""oI .... OOI/O .. "'voI

26. M<>$I of ,h. boo~_< oroond thi' old hous< ,10<11 of - A- ,

mild"",. and if you picton. up. }'OII will find tha, the

,pine has dt«riOIlUed :lJld ,heir (,"' .... h.'e C D

roned. Nnerror E

21. S"",.."., who ">cs" pelWn,1 romput.r to perfonn , onl)' ,urh 10 •• 1:.< as w<mJ f'IOC ... ,;ng ""d ... ding .-ma,1 , nud nO! bu;' the moslodHIIl<'Cd moo<1 n.il,bl. un

e D

Ih. m,rtct. Noerror E

28. Dc'p'le th. foe, thai cooking \'cg".lbles ~e""rnll} A

kod. 10 "it:unin I",s, the nUlril;"".1 ,Ill". of row , IOntJlotS j, ,,,," ally I"" thon I(lIJUlOCS thai h.,-. e D -

been thoroughly cooked. Nu error C

29. Quine)' tD<lk Don to De",l'~ hom<: fOrK ,-j>il. A

nc." im.glulng th.t ft,-. ye, ... "'OIlld e .... , c

beron: ....,10$ Dcrc:l "gain. No..-rror D C

DirecHons: The folio," tog p"''''se is an .ar!~ Jl'llfl of OIl """'Y _ Some pan, of Ih. P'''''.gc "«d 10 be ",wrillen.

Road !be pal\;gc and "'lee! ,h. best an,,,,.,,, for ,'''' ~u",";ons Ihal follow, Some quest;",,, "'" .bout porIicular ",nlencn or pru1< of ""nlcnee, and a~k )"ou to imp""" ",mo.". ,Iruclure or ~'onl <hokt, Other <lUOlilion, ~sk ~O" 10 cun::.idc, "rg~ni<Olion allll del dopmem. In ohoruing an,w.I'>. follow Ih. mjuhrnt"" nf "ondard ,"rillen Engli,h,

Questions JU·35 rt'fu 10 th~ f"lIo ... ln~ palSlOl;t.

(I I Todoy m,nj' peopl. lake for g,arllffilhot IhO)' con eumnllm;c,," c',il)', :>1m"" in<l.nt"""ou,ly. with nearly llI1y01le >nywh.re in the ,",'orld. (21 For moM of human hi,tor:.'. 00",.' cr. 10ng·di,l:Ince communication was slow llI1d "oorious.IJ) It w., only wilh Ihe ad"em of the "."m,hip 0l1li the IOlegrnph in Ih. mid·nmclc..,nth «nlury IhOlllle po," ~(gloool ,'omm"niCOli,," bogan 10 qu ick.n dr.lInalically _ IJ ) Ad"ncc' in "ommunlCl1tion oDd tn"e' hOl'. continued 10 n",lt. ,he world" mueh ,m.ller plocc_

15) The inl'ention of lhe ,Icam,hip "'I"'dil'" Irn>.1 trem~nd~"'I)'. (lSI In the 1170. i, lool fmm Il,'. 10 eighl lnon,h, 10 ""il from EnglllI1d to India. (7) A Eu",I""" wndng 0 leu« 10 >omMf'Ie In Indi. ",,,ally had 10 W"" IW<l yoars lorn '''ron'''_ ill) By Ism the loy"go l<llndi, ~l' ".,m,hip had he •• <OOn.ned to lh~. ",..,ks. and corre~ponJcn" could .'petl """.-or} to lheir !e"o,., in los, Ihan 111'0 monlh,- a long time by modem SI.ndnrJs. bUI .horter Iha" an}'ORe would h."o dreamed, cenlury earlier

(9) Boginning in the IM~0..10Je8raph ",ire< ""r. "rung Ihwu~1 die ",,,,,.,.,, Uni'ed $101<'5 nnd "oSlern Euwpe. ( tOJ In 'he 1 S61};. c,ble, Inld across the ""e," floor olio"'''' them I" u.", nUlenrodcd ",,,,,~e~ belw..,n conlinonl>_ (11 ) In June "f I 870 !he ehainn." of Ih. Easlern T.legrnph C{lrn~n}' '''' .blolo ",nd. telc~ram from London 10 Bomb,y _ and ,.,,,i\'c "n nn,w« in ju" 4 minul", and 22 ",~ond" i 12) Toda} you Can ,.,"" on "-tnail eVen fa;!.". in =ond,. in fact. (lJ) Deeply imp~,ud wilh this Jemon5tr:lliOll. one romemporary .. ",,,,ked !h., Ihe inl'cntion' or lh. IOlogroph and Me,m>!1ip m .. ~oJ Ihe bo~inl\i"g of "Ihc annihilalion of UnIC ""d

'P""" JU. In cont«l. which of lh. following phrase. would

nlO<1 'ppropri",dy be io"""cd '" Ihe beginning of SCn[<= ~ ~

'" '" ,c, ,D, (E)

For ,o.l:Incc, Since thaI 'ime. No"",h.!.<s. After.l!. l11old.nt~lIy.


. , ::::


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Page 31: SAT May 2008

6 6 ..---.. .. _ .. 6 6 "'I """ of _ __ 1IOgoI

Jl. IA (ClnlCll .... luch of the ro[""" In, .. \be beit .. ~) 10 ... ,;'" the undnl",.d poruon of ".,n......,.,. 6 IlIId 7 ( ... pro.Iu=I hcJoa-I ~

frt W I Zllh U wok (rrHR fire /a t .. /I! _.," m ",J/

r,."" t.,."" ... d ~I 1trdi4. II E/lmptan M nlin~ " Jm~r ItJ

.-, ..... '" ItlJia 1UUGlJ," /tQd '" "'(III "''' 'N" /r>r .. rtlptJf1"

(A) Con"'4u.m1y. in ,he 17m. II look from Ii •• In .lih, ,nonths 10 >ai l from !;nllland 10 ItId,., Ind a

(II) r ... n<p<!nali<m i, al>Olhcr eJllnlrk: in 1110- 1170. it lOOI. 1.00n Ii,'. 10 elp.lmoolh> 10.,.;1 from "".!arId 10 [~~Ilw.

Ie) la Ill< 177Ql, ",boa it loot (tool Ii, .... 10 co&hl IIII>IGJu 10 WI frum Ulland 11,1 [""12.. a

IDI .... C¥l) ... the InOr., J;l>w., from EooaLuld 10 lnduo tool fh.1O eiJh! mo"HhI.. ","",..aj. I

lEI 8r lhe I no.. h,"""", ...u\'"1 (rom En.bond II) lNli~ '''' ... fi", 10 eigh, """'lhs ... h,1e 1

ll. n..1tM"W)" ba"'CUIibe """""" ond Lh'nl~. ... ",,1<1 he ItII>\I unp",,'rd bl ,_"; "h"'h " I tbc (oIlov. in, ..... 1""""" 1mmC'd ... lCly l,.,r"", "'Ritner 9 AI tht be"nnIP, P( P'U"1r:p/> 3 ~

IA) The lciollruph ",d "" ••• n n~"" profOllI1<l HllP:'; ' on 110b41 coMlUlunicAIIOtU

(8) The .. idc>prud ..se of 1M lclellllph " D ,rwIc PD'>,ble b) tbc i"...,,,_ or lbt .~'"" ba!~1)' an ..... 'Il00

(e) OIl bond \hi: -.1D<umoo.'.,...,.. tn. ..... , mooch ....,.., efliacm on tbc bntt I*" of tbc ru""""",\h t:enM)'

(D) Ber""" lbc ,"'''''_ of tIK ~k",..pII, pc<JIIk IIlI.eled "" bDncbx110 IIlIn'Mlil fI>C>.!oIJCl _ puI di""nn=s 0I111/11J,

fE'! s.mu.1 Mone IYd wd.ed ","",lInJ '" EnJ ...... ond "" ..... a ~111 1111,1( bef""" to.. ok>elorcd!he world', (IN rn<toalteJeanrh

lJ. In .,..,lell ... boclI .. !be t>c<c 'cN<>n of the .......... ,iMd pon."", or .. a~ .... 'C 10 l"'l""ll<luad beJo..') ~

I~ Ihr 11J6()s. nl"'~J laid II< ,.,,, I~r <lu(mj/am .. 11m. rd /bur W 1IIi/W!!!I cttm4cJ I!IQ!I!'CI bt .... u~ ...... ''''r~1J IAlIUU;'_1 IBI them /0 C1><odI: _ ... ~'" for InInsn""'OCI (e) fur ~~.no:o.Int JllC<WIll •• 10 be lJarI>mi!1N (DI c",,\I<ICJ m." .... Il •• !IIIM: """ .. n,utd IE) ,u<h """sages I" Ix encoded.nd 'ran>l"intd

.1..1. In "ome~l. ""h",h of !be.< '011"",,01 p/In><'< I> toe.< II.)

III"",,,!be ~IUIIIIJ <II "', .... c II (~ bo_l~

111)"""" IS7Qdor (I",,,~ ",.it; E.w~m T~I~,. CtM1fKJ1l,_ ~ ..... DbI~ ID Mild" "'''1I1TJ1ft '""" Ltwfd,1fI /() B_hal' - and Tt'ai,', .m "", .. ~"" JIIJ1 J ""nmn and n ..... ,WId. (AI SI,II.mc,.,tbl!lnlt~doDOl

fully upwn hIl_ (II) Sol .rr ..... ." ..... ,hi, """ noo.lc of

lei II '.", ... 00 ,ul'l"i>< .. Il<n I DJ Unli ke 1" ptevill'J' 'Il)(.., (E) De.pl1.so""'ny,,"bac~'

35. In 000' ''''. ",hK.h i, 1M tor" ,,~, It) d<:1l '" IIh ""n\rlle. 12 ("'JIf'ldutcd be_, ~

T""n I"" ...... JnlJ ... ~·"""I ... ," /<Ur.t,-u. J«<...a, 0/<0 IAI ChoLnlle "Tocs.y" I" ··In ........ m ti ..... M

(B) C'lwtJlC ')ouM 10 -.,..,,,,,,,. tCl Ch&n,~ tho: d...h ~_ ~ III • c.X,,,"" U. (DI PLat.. il din ~ I !EI I)o~ II. from lbc,....~

STOP II you IIntah bator. lime 'I cilled, you mey ctleck YOIJrwork on this HC1lon only.

00 not fum to Iny other ,""lion In the t •• t.


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---------~- --":=---

~7 -=._­...,_ ...... - ..,..

SECTION 7 TImt - lSmln.Ues

:s Quts!!U"'

Turn to Section 7 (page 6) 01 your ans ..... er sheello answer the que, tlons In thl, saclion.

I>lrftlioru : 1'<1, ~xb 4""ltion in II", <celion, "')C:Clli>e be" anS""~r fmm am<~I~ 'he clHlir", j!1\ en 3nd f,lI on ,I\< ~<'ll"nding CIrcle on the """,-n ",,",L

E",," semenoe belo" ha. one or Iwn blan". eoch blan ~ ""',,,ali"J \lul.1 .om''1Jlln~ It.o< I><'<:n I)tIl l1lC'd. Ik""alb !be ~lI1e",c ;are ii,,, ",Old, .,.. S<'I> of .. ""'" Jobrled A lIIroogh Ii a- thc .. on! or "'I of .. "OI'\b thot. ,,""" in",I1ed in Ihe ""mencc.1!cI fits Ih. meaning <,)( the !lenlonCl: nt a "bole


Il""i n~ !<l--Ih. disrul<, .... lI'm.l~ p~ acompru""1C lh:Illbcy r.lI "-(MIld he --10 both bbor .uwl ~menl.

(Ai enlortt_ u..eful (B) end J;,'"". lei O"r",,,,,,e. unall""",,'. (01 .~I.1I<l _ -"''-''factory lEI "'.nh~ lCC.p1~l. 2® @@.

I . 11>0 r.ctem;" ,,'lII11eJ \h3I J:JOh.:al "'amlm~ m,ghl--" • d""J<1OIl> ,-- of _ """'Iwto-bom<: d, ....... '''. ""ulling ;n nn ulCn::tSing number of "p".itmlC.' ruooOO Ihe wo,ld

(AI """," <1«1",.

'" '"nlulalc ....... !.ne<

<C' .lim;"",, pl~guc (D, dOlO' , "'I""'~ion

'" il><luce _ quonnll ""

2. lhe <CI.nl..,nlh lind .ifl" .... th "",,'Un"" ""'" thr O,..~ wh." "".~I" ptlIICI)' "'.' 1.""I; •• ly '" be --­and from" hich. ~Q~""nill. the [.w ... ,",henl,C <um!'les--.

(AI d,,,,,,,emj . ""gIn,,. (Bj r~'.d ." ........ Ie) I'f'm""ed ,cli"'l'pea. )0) tOOnledci"'<l ~">l (EI m,\lo:tndlod _ .nol"",

J. Some p,ydlllloli"l ""'u. th~1 B ___ of d,,,,ceHnn be p.mtlyring. ,in~. 100 IIWIY "'PI"'"' c"" impede mnningCul..,lttli",,_

It\) prohibil;on (B)

Ie) mi "pl'h~'li"n IE) plethonl

manir""laUO<I (01 rn<>dic","




tl!< g'!<II ....... < to III< "t"nmll~'~ ""Jibe",,,,,,, •. and a m.",.re IIf hI' ,ucc...s ",'al the ~ "nth "'hieh a dec.>fO/I .... , r=W

(M tr:m,1.,. CD, ,..,rll"""" leI f..,"il.l< (0) dehihtJle rEI •.• """male

",.. C1 .. "",al A~e <or Groe«. 500 II.C. 10 32.111.C •• ..... e"-krilcd b) """'DIli.:uono: iI ,,, ... m" of 5Up<1'\II'iun """ ---- - ..... f - COIICCfK' and .<n lunc.,-<lld lroJi,;",,\

'M lQ,ijl"<>II n>d1"~1

'" """nll"~ •• ,<,lutioDDJ) <C, reA<On rq>Illllhl. (D, re,'.I,'ion _ .,,,hh,heJ

," Coo)",",,,,e prIlJI.-e<.';'.

ed;~ T"",h"",,, pel'-<'fl;fi .. · ,heo'el'Qme p<>"cr1y. *""I1.og< b.;m.". and d,'.mm;n.""" 10 [""nol. ""n. :tnd """nile her o;JWn cnJ!.lnecnng c'oml""'l_

(t\) len,,-"), tilt no.>n<t..tI:tn..", (el d"'Um~I"'<II,'n (0) •• p<di.ncy

IE) munifj.., .... "t

7. lbc enIdc ""'''''''.~ dlC'C" -, . I"'lj«ttd IlNfe!o flOln .."-.nt..,n"'",,,ntury J;"ltm .!ides ha' r DO" betn r«o8n;",d ., - . "r Il'IOdcm /11", .nin>ol;on,


'" (e, (0,


."Omrlnn<mnI ~} ,",,~l' fOl1'.r..U"d by lwbiofCl"' oJcrict.d In C • .,un:<! in .rr""led b)

deri., .. i,'e.< l'1'lir3S h","",n~

8. lbc _ of imp;ao:l c'~I.", l1l'i V.nu_ <uUt"'" th.l om,illn on"~ hal. "OOQlh.d It> ,urr"". ""0' the p.1S1 billion ~'~""

tA) ","~nllude (81 pMIIIply Ie) '('Ole (0) ",uedno:" !E) ~""")'




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........,.--"'-'" "'-"'''''''-''- ~7 Each pru;<IIge btiow is folio\l·ed by qUes1ioos ba.ed on ilsc<,lmonl. An,,, Of 'he 4UO!lion! On lho !>a,i, of "ha, is SlolIl:lI or IlIIJlli£lI in cach pa$<IIge "nd in ony in'roduc'o!), maIO rial Iha, n,a)' he pro.Jded

Qu"'ion' 9-10 Qre bused on the foU .... lng passag •.

A' a prufes.';unallele,i,ion critic,! haw had 10 cndure • foreed. controelU.l ""1'amlioo from Ihc discriminlting TV ";ewo, ~ fo",mlo ph ... ",: "You couldn', P"J' me 10

liIu wOIoh ,ha, ." B,lI Ih'!', """. J f",,1 aboul mini",ri ... To me. 5 lhoy Me be.ch reading ... ·j'oout ,be beach. ai!p<ln reading

with 'he a;rport. They 1.<1 ju>1 Ihe wrong untounl of IIme­lhey doo', ha". the c"mprc._d .n~r8Y <,If. 'hon slory. Rnd Ihey·,." nOI .<part,,, .• "nd opcn·cnded. like. regul", ",rie, or a novel. A mini",ri .. is lik •• n infomerei.l - b)"lhc

/Q time }'OU de<:i<le whether )'OU """,1 10 buy the pruduc~ you',·. logged too m.ny houn; 10 front of !he tele,'i,ion

9. The slJltemcnt in Hne. ~·6 ("'To me ...• irpon") ",,,',, to

(A) advance an op,nion through. comical <lQI)'

is) justify. cri,icism by ci,iog ",'id.o"o (C) <xpn:u. n<g:lli\"~ ",nlim<nt in hultMJrol" lem" (0) analy,.e a tllc:ol)' by citing .,'«yd.y • .,mpkl (E) nOle. p,.,,;;;n~ pmblc,n by d=ribing its


10. In line. 9-11 ("A miniseri .... t.levi,ion~). 'he .utho, mak .. u'" of which of 1M following?

(A) Allusion (II) An.logy (C) UndorS'RI~m.n' (0) Personification (El Euphemism

QUl'Slions 11_12 "IT based 0" tilt folln .. in~ P.~'~R"

From the <tort. Cirque do Soleil \I .... hanl]) ~ con,'.uti"".1 ~ircu'. lt hall 1MJtrJY«'"' ,·(»lume ... origin.1 music .• nd .kl'" ""nl>rm.'" ~ut Ill' anim"ls. [lfo,pi'"

Lin. Ihe <leanh of be",,,. " "'as 3 ro"'.1"~ ,"ceo!,. Tho", ;nll'31 .1 deci';<,ln' were brilli.nl. ,inte lhe> ",,,nti.ll} ",defined the

genre . Il~' not fC3luri"~ 3o,n",I,. Cirque el,mlllaleJ one of 'he 01051 cO>lly and conlm>",..i,1 paI'1' 01 Unj' Cln:O'. And bj' shifting the focu, from DO ",'enl ~:ued to ktds 10 one de<,gned for .dult,. Cirque pulled to.n .udience Ihe

m In>clilional "i",u, had no,'cr <.ern: nd"l, thc:ueq;ocn; accustomed 10 pa)'ing 'Ice""r ,idel pn'"',


1 , . The ""')a~e focuses primarilj on "hi"1I <h.J1ICICT;'t;' of the found .. " of C'rqllC du SQJot1 .

IA) Their ;nno"ati"enes, ( II ) Their imp"",,;,,.I;,} (e) The" pc .... ,',,,,,,oe (0) Th"ir iOI"",,, io the peri,m"'n~ n, (E) Their Jisdoin for InLlnint ",,;nlal,

12. Why doe5 the ~"thor con,i~rCi'4u" Ju S~I .. 1 n

.'""co<" ~A) It ,,""'i"«I a ....,ric< of ""~rl~' tlo'·;1."."ns


181 It prnviJcd a new <!Iuree or omorwmmen! for parent.<.

Ie) It ... "" an outlet for the desi~'" c"'~ti,·e implJl <c<.

(D) It made a number "f 'hrcw d r.'~\""'JI de"i,,"n, IE) It ",scued an obwlcl. ~ .. n'" fn>m "eor nhh"j""



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--.--_ .. _ .. --,,-_ ..... (3)7 TIl .. ptJJJ<1«' .. -.po,.oJ /n '." It",~t ba~J .... /M I,!. c{ Dr . . 11 ... · a.""c " '" II ".,"'~" '" If",lnrr J~n"t 1M 191rh. H." Ih. I"' .... ~ ""II """t> Mwml c{ hr. childhood r.f".."r,.~ ...

The <UmIDo, J l~ ("c. \'...,... dcc,dW ' ... ·d b..J ellOllgb oflbc I.owct !:.a., Sill< Al k!a..c r, ....... She h.o.bfl tokl P>p.. or ""~.-.. to.u ,lord ~Q .. " ... """"'} ."":0

~ bef"", .. ~<""", ... :-.< ... 'ron, AD<l ......... ."..,<'lUdled'~ ~ _ for f"od •• !UrI ... ,'JochM.. Tlw _) .... !IU ... She

• ool. lilt ~ ohc"d •• "cd. rDd otJ. run ~c2l"ol WllJOa,

aad bOOIJII! III"Ifn ucl .. f' ..... 10 tbc ~'''' Sd ... ,,~. ~ lOp pri ......... "..b,'OII", Ol.oo;l ~1u\drl'tI1ll1ho b.I. "dod "")' """'I«p) ~ ...... s., .. inv). ato. .......

10 hundmI ....... ~I~ "'c", )'on.

h .. ;as III) frfll to"", .... ~ I .. "" ............ fIN limo ill my ~r. tIw J ..... II> ~ <,en. ""hi ~ fl\ll1l my 11IC.'!her. I tn«! ""lal~ lilt on,,,,, Inl' lIul "hnI r am'...! III Ibc ",bool ro,e., Olooo-ll"",."Io.'o1\-,.n '" Il'l} hllk-,lft

/$ r •• ", •• 1IjI(.'tlI'",J A gorreQIIl cb"" .. I.,.·.lm"e\l ,,,,m..n n.ui.nl M,,,

Morrison '110 ....... 111<' up ,n Ihe 'oCI:<lOO' lioor <lc>rmuory, 111m:: I ..... · the "" .. , AtIlJIO", Ihln~ In on\!!" roomful of fidMc';ng. ~i"h..,. I'''''''':'"~ 1,111. t.rh JUI' hl. mo. J h;ul

10 ","1::, bttn ...:mild <hlldml "'~ " ... n .~., mdlhry ~lIl<'d .0 ...... 0 N .1""". f.nl.:l.'"'' I,l. ,II<' louk d'e'lUld fain(1. Ih:tI mJ ["beI otu<k up '"''"''' .1>< ..... [bo:h""N then. in my uu..t 1I<"2n.1hoal ~'d '-' mOoS<.""" 1.ffoo,,·o 1ft Ill .. place ~,rlCJ.u) flit .......

!$ '"""'" d..} ... IItwdaol,,,,, ... -m """" 01 the ~ 0( n,) chiJdboo..! lk,a,!Iv )."..,e>l ,hlidfl:n .. the "'Ilool. my ow.. of Ii", ~.., nk!. ...... ·1 .... .....m) 1I1o. ... ,1l>r<d a, the

otbuo. ....... , "" ... < .pm' ..-fIlii.,. u .... ,n do"h~ PUml''' .... _., Clw todd-o IIOJ J"'*'" >lIrtQ\lnd,",

JQ ,II< !oChoot _.rna, 1", lIw.,.llll .. -...I"", ... t u>cd u, mold ,II<' .on!>..., ,all> the IIIICIo:II ()Q!he ._J!d ....... tUIC:utbciJ ... ,Id at1 .. hul .... .-d lilt lhrm r,I. ..... "'hilo ,II<') ... = .\IiLl "eI r""" th< ......mIll ~ 10, ... [,uJe ,ul; l.y. ill tho: din"" \JU' hdl>n 1IIol ........... ltl('> """ bl ... lbmi ..

J.I aod SIJa",bcmeo Plf Ihr.,.. il ... r", ... tlripp...d pI1Il'k "';lhjllri.

I. tho: .. ,lQIl,..,." 1M niI!oedn.;l.1h.ti rail be_ tho: n>1::f. \baT bid.,," tw.. ~1"'.anl II hod loaf J,i""" pt:I"'1I '''ft .. idllhi<u.. " • ..ad<d ill """"" the

... ' 1na>Ne<o lC>f"'l ~ COl 11\" "'""'*' -.I tN, ..... .... tb.alL ... &n..: andjulc) Ihr) ko>I.n,l.I_ N",l w • .iead,l) 'J1I<W'<d the ....,l .... Mde ... ad all OIher n\1IIIItI

or "",cI"u",1hOI .. ,'" SUf'\">'I<d 1<1 'ItIld """ ["tJ...,u[ ~h •• .. IT ~ns~bw II."CI .1111

4j Ofl/>< IIe.m"" 1 "",,', ""'all m .... h C~'1::'pI w,l e<~ ~ cQ!» of a bo,,~ 1:» ("h.o.I<. Kln~.I.)· callc:d Il'mrr B<l/>io •• a ",,, atd f", h'Sh """,IIlI'hlp 1'11.\ <lth.io, .. ",·.,mlll .\Ii" M<:JI1i ...... h",,1k-d tnt lilt b,,(1~ and >Iud. "M")', )'.'" kftO"

you 'n: vrwt. We kilo,. ),ou'''' """"" Wc'n: 11<1< ,. ..... J: 1<1 ~ Itt you b.:ock ~'uJ from ~ - And tlwIIl .... dl""".....J.

Iof,lIutoc "'Ill • pride ""elhnr ,n m) <hnI ... bo~ .III t'l'>l th.o, [ <0010.1,1"' Sptak. I ju>I \.:I' "'1111 my l!oo.,'" .. ,Ill my f"'lln~. and CQddIed i, silo"'I). dn:am'"1 of pmto'Qtt up <0 I rouid ~ • ",xher too. and <I~y Jd ,,,1I00I .. ,Ill \I",

<J M"",,,,,, f"",.·~ •. In Ill,s ".). 1 N!"" lodisro,~ my ",11, 1\1 u~

lho (.fin !lI'U [ n'<lN op.ut from 1IXlIbo:r, f:rlhrf. ",,,,,her 11 w. .. ntd ",,11110 "'" thall "b mon: <han.~' th.u ,,",Jed .. 11m _cbej.tQJk<! onoJ .. Mkd .. ,Ill.

6J> ,~h>nd.I .. wldn·, e'Cf ~ .... '" \:nil/l(' m~ l1IOIlICfuuncd ""'aligb! ODd .. alknl .... a) alolaJ~ . o/fby """",If

Lipaa IeaumSIhis obwI m~",If. nunon """_ 1IftDCU'. 10 '"" r"" tho: fIN WD< '" m) hf~ Rdkctmr

~, puoI .. l/>< ~'. "'.#pOI-Iny,"i", tII.ot """"1'4 my rae Tho l.unpbc:$id< my b<d .... ytd ... donn, the OI,h, b<c."", the- I\limmrnll.l Ii&,,' d"'l'f"'d. CIUUJII ., ,1M: "·,ndo,,,. rnlSm, field<. CJ:Illlftocbe,,1IlId lbt n'JII' and rull 0;",1. of tho: Moon, Only my rlC~ ",m.,nN

1'0 I f.","" that I rould ",al. ""rror; 00' '" !lI\)1h11l8 In.ido. (l\I,.ido,lIlIy",hen: II ~ ..... m. moak "n,l, 11.' II', In

Ih. n"'"'~ (If children '0 d",,,· "' dOl<: '" """. a' p<""ble nnd lid''''' ".'h. ""' .. children bela .. to 10". "10 1.",1. ,1.1. fllllo,,'~d Ill<' ,nd fought o ... r ... "n •• Mlld "<lid 01)

11 h~,\oJ nU, Utile boj"$ gOi qUlei ",hen I po_"'Il >nd mAde 'mall .,n:k~ ,n the d1n ""IIlIl/>< .. !<>C.. 1lI<." ,.""hen. ItuUN and cuddled me. .... E"lfing .... in "'""I> Ilf ,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .... t:."~r. And I doll', tbi .... the)' CHII W .. ",by Bu, t d,d. [uodcntood euctly ... h) 8« ... "", ,""nly alia M ...

..., \Inrri ..... 'a;e .... ",OUT ~~. r~ ....... " undoor n,), b<d and. ",lb. lorJe ""ill peD. "TlI1C1I "" lhr m,1lIe <!I" ...

This is /'.IIIY·S,

1.1. I.l ..... ~.~ ("Sbe ~'" m,ne"j.mp/l.,;,. ,1\3, Morna

tAl .,,'" pl3ruMl< 10 mo\t .".Y from N." Yon; tB) had ... 'er ... ""Ied ,I> Ii,. io the .'1), Ie) put """ d;wt!ntr'Hd""",M ... lib",. h.a: i<

....... 'Iues CO) ...... ""' •• ,...!.boor! IlOl be"" obi< '" PO) ... ..", IE) "30 unpaIlef\\ ... ,111 her dO<IJI*t .• ""Iu,,,,,



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• ~~ .. - .. ... -"'--.~

14. The I,amtcr'. <lctrnpriOll of Ibc 1Ionit""""" Sc:hrooI in line> 8-10 l"tll<kcd 1'"", YOfl~1 JUUC"'w, fill lh. 1o" n '" " hich ,be "'hool WllS I""",ed h3d

hnl< 01'1"'0.1 fot M.y (8) the 10" n pf BonIonto,," ..... , unknu .. n """itk

ofS~ ... Jm.ey te) w ""'hooI .... .....rn vn.aJ1tr 1h.uI...,..,.\dIaoI. In .. ~. !Ot the ""hoo~ .. '" JIIlW<'d In _ QII~ IIId _tOOcd

k><:~lian 1101 W ",lion! Il>d lIllie .OIIn(dlOll to."" I_n of

Iklnlonh!" n

15. The «<and p.m,~ !Ii .... , 11- 1'1 f\X'll'>r>

pnn ..... l) ""

IAI tho "-""Lc,,,",ot of I!HDI on Imp (BI • ,umn, account 01 "" ~)I'" (CJ ..n .nICn'" emotional 111 .. ",1,,,,, (0) \he ~a",." for Mama', <1«,,_ (EI \by·.lkf~oIhn~·'''i~

16. Ia Iiac: 21. 4';anWbC" _ .. arty mnm;

fA) 1"""'!o<fU<' (B) 18;I"hnl Ie) ,",Oenlric {OJ \upcrtJ lEI fAflCiful

17. ThtIWnlOf' • .taacmmI ... I....,. n·24 ("I ~t.c.'cd .... -1 pri""';l) ~ ... IO

''') /ornIudovo' a I ...... d,QI'Pollumcn' Ull cmplu.wo ,lie """0 of. miKOllCq>UOO Ie) ""'.31th< 'In.'nllth of. CQfII'IClion

(D) wnf.~, .1.".1 nrS(If.~1OO lEI "pl ... " "" alannillJ I"'rt"",,,,,,,

Ill. In llne~ ..... ~,l>H mou .... 'Iy .........

11.1 Sloo..-. IB) rt"",." leI 'OC1Iooru IOI~ lEI ma.c.


19. li"'" ~~ lll"onn;h"" ' ",.",:an pnmaril) "'iI!~" IIuI!he dtiJ,Jr.,n "'= IA I OOI""J!, IQ d",ovt. 11<:', 'P«'C$ of planlS ..,d

,,,,imul. ral '>t'(~rnM 'Q Uroclt"lQnd """,I'-'Ill: Il"nll~ I">W 10 11}1n' '" find an .... " u.!hoe" quarioauhoul

101 u .. n~ tbci, III>qIa.I'" '" p<ttt,,~!hoe .. or\.l dtffctmd)

lEI ."'''1'i"M fn"" on <JPPI'r"'''. CLuUt>OIIIIWI,II('

20. \\-'hi<h J.\.Olcmom bt.., &",,,ho. tho way lhr Iml. ,Itl' ... pt>nJc.llu ilIo ""'.al" .... · 11111<: ·u} ""~. III, TIlty .. ott" unfUN b) !hoe .. CfIt1)I.In",,, with !hoem. IIh lbt) .n~')N pby,,,, .. ,Ih lhcm. lei -nw,). did .":t}th'n~ tho) ",,,,W 10 l~ooJ """IIU

"'''h lbem IDf TIlt) prt~ '" bo !l;:mfltd \If thorn. lEI n.ty .... ·.cd U> lhom ,n G prcdiClohl. r' ..... "'"

21. n..~pbo. .... ",Imn'\lll1, ,.\J>ddlm ... ltnIl}"1 ~. ,tlac \II) e,~'Cd a.,... ""'~ Df

'" w:JI~ teem ,"l dUll' ,OJ ,mp' .. "il) ,Dl ne" ,,,,.ne_, (iiI , ... " =

11. u..,.. S~-61, hd.>,.nrd bondf""''''U.'l th.>I ~b) came: •• ,.""" I. Ilw ,\It

(AI .. ;n no! tho: pen<' l~he. f'C""I'Ic th<lu,ln w .. n IBI .,,,,«1 It. on in<kf'l"\<knl por.ort Ie) did nOl "",e to !'fl',ol\d 10 ho dt",rf"ul when ,he ..... "'" 101 no kwt,.r noultd the ~u,dmn<:. nr ""ul,~ IEl ""'Ill .. i.h"""" t-cin, 1't"JC<\td hJ IlIhtr prorlt

lJ. III "",'.\1, ,he Irl .... ~ ,n ....... mn" Ilm<'\ IIlIUIII 701 "'U." 111.>1 \t.y ''''-' (..,lInr

CAl ~lr""""IiJcnl and 'UlOO(>mOU' 18, .. If·'''~'''1IJ on.! </ut'ItId leI ,,,If·l''-''R'..-<i IID<l colm !OI ",[(-ala"'"",, on.t ~<cd <E) ...,If dl~"'J and """'hI<"



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U. It ca" be inf<fJ'«l from the diSCU$\ion of-rnagl<" beginning in li ... 71 ,ha, ~Iay

(A) wllS my~'ifiro hy 1><-, d""matcs' all'-.&<:'ion

"." (B) was uncomf<)f!.ble with her cla.smO!ts' • nenlion

(C) used her ne'" populanly In m.ke others do h., bidding

(DJ encouraged people 10 m.:l~e • fuss o"e, her (1';) radia,ed •• u"' ... ,~ .nd poise Ih'l "pP",led


, ""'

25. The narml"e poinl of view in lht. 1'=g" is Ih.1 of

(A) • doclor explainin g why 'he <h= "",diem.


as a cortt, (B) a child anOOllnd ng an impoM:llll ",.Iizalion

au.intt! while Ii,int away from ho,,"· (C) a mother de",rlbing her daughl .. · •

eXp"ri.n<:ts at "'hool IU) an obj~tive narra'or prest"ting multiple

p",.,peclivcs wllhin a SlOry (E) "" aduh 'oflttling on <cnain memorable

childhood e"enlS

If you finIsh belore time Is called, you may check your ..... ork on this section only. 00 not turn to Bny other section In the lest


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8000 .-_",_c< ..., ..... __ .- 0008 SECTION 8

llm~_ 20 nlinuus

Hi Qu""'i"". Tum to Section 8 (page 7) 01 your answer sheel lo answer the questions In this section.

Oir-«I klns' For ,t.", -eel;"'" sol'~ eoe" problem 1UI<1 ~ "hk" j. 1M 1.;<. , f tho cl\oj....,. 1''''''- Foil In the wrnipondin,g circle on the 11:1>"'", ,h~L YO\I may U~ an)' ovnll.bl. liP"''' for ... · .. 'ohwtlf~

I. Th. """ ufo c.kululur i. [lC'nniued.

~. All num ........ u'\O:d are """ ,,"mbono , J. FIll""'" ,h,. IICroI1lp;10) prubkm. In 'h" 'C" "'" ,nlrn<i<'d In pro' ,<10< InfofTn:uioo "",(ul 'n ",I"", ,"" probl<m>.

~ l1...y "'" d",,,,, '" 8CCU'"Ucl)' "" f'U"'i~1< £xCI'!>'r "I>c:n;, i< '1~I.d in U <peCir ... problem thai ,..., figo", I, 1\01

~ ..... n W <nlc. All liguf"Clo he In ./'r...., unl .... , .Ilhcrv.,,,, ,ooi..-:unJ , Unl~" OII ...... ·j .. 'pccificd. the domaIn of UIl)' fu",ml" r" ~,,"me<.lIO b<" ,1>0 "', (Of ~II ",.1 "urn""" J: for ,,·h,d. 11"<. i, a md numb<r

.~ G , 6 u" 8" .~ ~, ,~ ~ D" , , "" 0 " n3 ,

! II '" Ifrl

A" !bh \' .. (M'1t Special Rtfht Trian~kl. C~m .~ .. I~ I' ~ ",rIft r 1 aa 1 -j-h ' , ,

11", "urn"", of Ik~"""'$ "r"", ,n • ""do" )(,(), 0

" n.. .Urn of lhe n~ in ik""",, of lhe .nsle, ob 1';""Sit " l!lll.

, , C " " sussm",," COMPUTER SALES , , , , , , , , , "" , ~ , ."" , . If .. Ilthe lIck II\M~S em lhc nurnbtr h""- 'Ibo,.~ = , .

«j ... Uy 'f'l'W'l ",hich kU~"'" pOinl ;< d!><CS1 ,n R.6 1 " JOO , '00 -

IA) " 1 '00 '" " , Ie) c 0 ,


"'" '''''' 2002 """ "'" "'" ID) D {Il) F. YOM

~ n.. It ... VoIph ~Ix>'< .""'". the- oumbtr of rornpul"" '<Old by SUnlhino Compuler Sal •• in .""h of ii' fi"" <i. ) e.U'\ of "PI'I'I';OII. MronIi!lS 10 lhc Staph. II>< numlltl of mmpu~1$ $Old in 2003 "laO bow m:lfIy time.. tho number <tI1d in 200 I ~

,AI , (B) 3 (e) "' (01 S ", ,





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-----~---- '.~ - -y-

8000 ~-..ng",- .. .... - ..... _ . ..,. 0008 .I. 1be "''''''go (tIlnhn>euc me.,,) of ,litre numb:A ,5

C<jUllllO SO. If ~ of "'" ""mboBII 10. ",11.:11 i. ,be .wm of!bcothcr ''''0 numbo~'! (AJ 40 (8) 91)

(e) 100 (D) 1.10 (E) ISO

4. The ebb-ping r.llc of slIOwy tftt ~rkk.'s oun be .'led 10 .ppm,ion'l<: me 'empcmlu", In <ki~' !':>h",,,h.il, This con be done by COO",inllh. numbo, of chirps 1"" minute. d,,'iding Ih>l nurnbt, by 4. nnd 'httl lidding -10 10 the muh. Aoxonlmg 10 ll1i. method. if n "'P'''''.''tS lh<: numllt. of ohl.". In ~ min"'e. "hal ;, Ihe lemponuu...,. in deg""'_' F"" .. ,,""il. in ,cnn. of n "

{AI .,," , (" ~ -+.to , (C) !!. - 40 , (D) ,,-+.;()

(E) 411 +.1()

, •


A{-~. 'I E(4. I) • •

D(O. _)j

S. Whocll of"'" Lobelctl pointS on the ~ abo,-. satisr",. tho <'qU31ion '.<1'" '" .. 31


(8) B

(e) c

(DJ 0

(E) E



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8000 "'*""'<lroo COOI'II"l co ....... .. 0008 ...,. ........... """" .. .....

6. If 2 I;"",' ~ ""It:lin num~ i, 4 b< than the Dumber. "h .. i. the numb","'

'M ., '"

., OCl ,0, , ,E) ,




7. tn 1"" .n-ruonli"'l( 'll",m abo'~. [,,'" , tOOl """'01 doc. IIllI cQnl~m point< in oil .... ' quadran' 11 <)r

quadran, IV. Whi<h or Iht foil", ... , rook! be the "'I"~li"" orlone ,.,

,M v " 3

'" .. , ,C) " .. 3 .• ,D, , 3.< ~ 3

lEI y~-J,-3


8. o"c., u plonllUUt> to gn)w." doubl •• ,ll; ~.igh' by tbe.- end of.",," d>.y. II i, ~ millim<tel'llall at the end of iI, St"rnth d~y. In millim .... ..,. how much lall.,. i, n III ,"" end oflll •• 1"'~nth ..b}' I/wl III ..... end "r!he ""'<",1l1

(AI 3,000 (B1 1 .... 00 leI 1.400 ID1 IlOO rEI t>OO



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8000 ..-_ .. _01 ...,_01 __ ..... 0008 , ,

9. If X·" \,- + 50. ,,'bieh of 'he following <.'pre"';""' mu', e<tu"1 SO?

'" 2{.< .. I} , ,

'" ,'f ,,+

,c, Il-l'N.T-'-.

'0' e.< .. \If< - '-j

(E( (.T .. ,-x'" + n

I{I. LAu"," mi • .., :uId rnal<l>"" .11 of her jean._ <.hiru. and \'..,U 10 n13ke dirf~"",' oulfil> If .be r:LII m».c a IOQl ofN d,rrem>t outfits. cach ,'(Jnl.j"'as of one p;lir of F""I. one .run. """ onr \'.". "hieb "fill. follow,n, could NOT be llIc "umbc, of \h,n, 1hal Lauren hu?

IAI 2 (BI 1 (0 ~ (D) j IE) (,

",, ____ --,c .. ,'--___ ---=:oJ.D

II. In the r.,ure abo,., if AIICf) il' """>nglc and

.r .. 60 ... h:lt i. ,I>< 1""SIb uflid< AD 1

(AI ~./i i"l'P"'," ... Ltly 3.4(;) (8 ) 4 (e) 4Ji (~ppm_<ima,dy S.(6)

(D) 4 J3 (~ppl"';m,'oly69)1 !£) 8



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r"~-------------" "

8000 ......-..,..,..,. .. _ .. ....,_01 ... _ ....... 0008 12. Ir{~·ttJ)' _bm ond{b'l' _b6A . ,,-hero b:>.

~nd "> L ,,-n>!;. the prod"", of .• ond }' 1

'" " ," n <CI " ,01 192 (ll) ""

IJ . CUbe It 11&.< ,'olum< I ' n.. cd,~s of cu,,", B "'" 3 lime. a, 10ft, is lhc cdge. of cube ..... Wllal;' lbe '-olumo "fc""" 8. in lennI of V?

IA) 3V (Bl 61' Ie) 91' (0) lav (EI 27V

14. When , IS ",,,,,,,;alit> • dttinW. the huo<b-edlhs dl,"

i.8. wh.( is lbe ~,...",( l'O'.jblc >al"" or! 1

(AI 0110125

(81 0.010101

(0 0.98999


(Ill I ~.~




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··--- ---·-·-·-·------·---· __ • __ I· ____ ~""" __ ~ •• ~~"~~~Q.>~~.~

80 00

l~. TI'e fij;.u,e abl" •• "",,," or four mde,. rael1 \\ ah il. ~nl"r "" "'gmrn' ilL Poin; /) i.;he nntc, " .. ;he tar,.,; ""do. If MI E IIC = CD = 1. "h.u i,;br .....

0(;"" l iaded ... ~,on!

(i\} ~ ..

"I ,. iCl

,. , ,01 9. , IE} ". ,

0008 . ., , .. 9.I~+(

16. 11 " > 0 ,n the C<jua"""1 01>0,-•• ",t..1 j, .l" '" 'OrIO' of _. 7

,,, ~ ., ... (

,OJ I ' -~. + 9 , <01 .!. ~ +1


'01 ,

, .... I

IE) • ~ • 'I

S T OP If you Ilnllh belo", time I. 1;81100, you may clleGk you, work on Ulil section only.

Do not tum to any othar l!!Clion In tlla test.



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9 ~ A A _-.,_. A A \(J:I L.::.. L...:::l. ...,""' ..... _.... L.:l. L.:l. --~~--------------------

S!-;CflOX9 n .... _ 111 mlnut ...

I. 0 .. .",10",


UI ...... 'I0"" 1'01' ~;IO,h '1\It>UOO in thu .0<"1'1)11, OC'1«,1 the "" ..... ,,,'or (toni :omon~ ,"" dl<~'''''' S"Cl ,01 IIIL 101M rotn'lP""'illl& cin:lc un lh. WI"'" ,I"""

F....,h ""'''''''' .... """ Iw """ or ,,, .... blanlJ. each bWlk ,ndl<OIiaSIllll .. ~ntlhtnt II.>< been om,Utd Ikntath W \eIIItnn' '"" r" ... onk or ..:Ii 0I,.<lnl!. bbckd1'l thmup E. CIIc>ow: W .. VnI or sn III ... <'fIJ. "*- "hta ,n,,",'" In tho ..... 1<1I<'C.1!cI filS the "..2/1111, of the

"""~ "', • :0' hu"

·:.:·"'1 .... : Hl)(IOnt 10·.... W disputt. O<fIOI~ ~ ~ co.npn .. ,,, ... Ih.aIIhcy reh """lei toe _ II> bnOo t..hor and "LlIU~tmtllt.

IAI fnr,lln' ~;c(ul 18 ) roo di",,,. (e) 0>'0n;,"11. unall "", ',, . (D) .>I<nd . ""I,r.."ory (f.) ",,,,h. KCOpYble

I . Cenau> • ..,. p:a!"""'" ,n m. mttamo.wpII<. .... 01. bwwrtlr ,nd",~ .. WI the ~ IS_.

IAI ')'lI'rtI.llK: { 8 ) ,'olunlll')' Ie) ~,_! (OJ .'I"""mtru>J lEI d,nio.]

1.. 1M hc>o>l.', r"w chapter em Mildmll..-h a..,hIIm ",II"", fn"" .... ""''''''' __ : It r.dl ' " <0\'.' Otghtlm', I ...... .., ApKbo Inballcadef.

fA) om,,,,.,", lUI Ie) nlt1l".~"'C.

(E) A"U 'lIplion

Incomi,,,,!IC) (D) oni>«l""fplion


lilt I • ...!. .... 3. To ~""r Weir ""MOll'H,,'" (>(';,.1 ~mut" In Ilo: ~ thilla=

Lrna~od """tin"

IAI ~l"N rlQ 18, ,;",~n ~p:lU Ie, _~, mdnimt"

'Dl f'I'tlIIu<'" ~ un .. hnlulN lE.I d'rl,""""" ,I,,,,

'" 03=t0 .• ...mt'!"", .h • ..,Iot }<I"'IIl>""",h'"I "".,.,r_ ...... ""~IIHr~' \hII,,~bd"OI"

\hII) \hIIn ... I'"...., (1'1) .... _uf tbc:m

'A, ,"""rilu""" . 8"'''') Ifli uJh'unlJj li('nal ["«,,.11 (0 I'II't~""'tur.1 .llltiClpdlU IU, '"'tnn'Rahk f" .. mub,,· lEI k,<1>dar)· II11/Ullllr..:

!. Ik=>n OIbo<krd \hII ,w;Iy'_ rn:.>n:blnu~ lul""""..lI

"" 'AI hll"~bc:. 181

ICl 1II<"\h.d.,',~ lEI Rfle~'t>iIiLy

r'<J"Io1ho!ll~ ,I), .....mbo ..... ,"'"

'- Tho "",.",al S",u""in/ F~.. . \hII --", the lbc:aln,~I .... Id. r",I,,", lun:ll ;11;1"'''' dl""'~"', pia} ",n~hl ... nd a"",~",· ... .ol,l~

IAI s.lnfli"o., h.m", ," '1><'''(' fOR"" ,r. .. ,,,d. I'"fall. ,0, ,",lin -=. <> ~- f .... b ....



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9 ~-.. - .. --"' ... _ ..... 9 T1Io p.:o''''¥~ ""1"", j. folk, .. cd b) 'I"""'M"" hl.oed "" 'l",."'I~DL An, .. ,.. the <JU<"IM'''' "" the ~ of ,,-hat ,,~ or IDlI!lIs:IJ ,n ,he J'3.'''''p';II1d In On) ,mmduc1(111 m~I,,""llbal m'l' he pn"'idcd,

In ,hi> 2002 "'1<"'~~. "or 111"10,,, ,Ii.,~u"., Ihe fal,n.~ tm''''I1'''' '·,h. ",1>111'1'" .- "~Irh h~ "'I ... ';~nu' ~'hil .. "III ,lIng in Ih. Ii,,,,,, th., ... n.., d,{jm,WfI ,,, -'M ",M,.,.. - J,,,. ~'" rh~ ,uby,-' vf ,"u,/r Ji., ...... ",,'" "n" ,/rbatr

In my bKkpo<k 1m carrying' n .. <hIip,I.. \U" haL;on,J Edmupd IIw .... In PSI,., \lie "Ie of 1"~I)·rr'llr.>nd .h.r g" IJ\JI up hi> 10,11 \l.u,II., In Lon<k>n. Burl~ C"ITI~ iI. I'hliu.wp/oinll linqui" In,,, Ihe O'i~'" orO", I.J'<J.$ <if ,It. SubliIM UM tlroulffol II~ ",a~ ,-.tero>'''''] ,uillimil)' twit" de) .. itb I fcclio& uf .. ~. \I.mr 1am1","P'" 'r.", buut,!\Jl-m.:adnws in <pring ..... /1 ,,,lie} ,. 041.11""" biIIn\', uf n" ...... s Idai.IOl> e'l'«ially)-l)u1 they"'.", 11<>1 <ul>lime ...",., iolc::u olth •• "blimt ond """ur,/ul "'" fT«j1l(l111y c\Jnl<.JWKl<d.- be eompl.i"""- ~lk1Ih me mdi .... "lin'iMlely ~I'plo.:d 10 ~'lnjt. gre"dy differing and """.I1n1e. of "alure, d,reclly 01'(1('1'"'''' . -. InCe "r irril.u.," on 1M I"'" of 'hr ~'OO"I philoooph<' ""th ~ '" ho ~o'ral '" ... 1JUIn aOO alJnl th~1 wbh ...... A land ..... a ... W ....... '" ,"" "'1<10 ..... only "he" il ,uag",tro 1"'''''' .• PO" of sre.,.r 'h~n ,ho, "r hun .. " •• ond lhrt:J!enin~ I" lhem. Su~I'''''' place, en,hoJiod • <icfi>nee ... hu,n.u\ "'ill Bmle ;11.i.u;u.:d 1m "'I"lOe," "'nh on ~. aN"" "'.., on.! 1><111,' -An til ;" • ,,'eJ'= t,t ,~" .• ucn~lh' b1J, he " an ," ... "~m "'<~I",e, ."",m.ly ",,·;ce.ble. Bnd "",., 1111 d.!"~"",,,-,. J, .. "hioh te.uQ<l!he ilk. of"" (" ;, I<r 11(1_, ~tand. A hull" W\lTllIOO; iIu,iu, ""'''alii .. "f._ klrd;oflefl H'1 de<!rud"e. u.. "kanfl 1><111 i. ,he,.f"", V"OI. ""d 11 h .. hequonlly .. pi,,, In ,ubli"", dr,;criplionl. IUId .Ie, "u"~ .~""p;on"'n'."

rhert "'en: ",hu Imd~.f'<" ,n"",,(fIl:md "1I<~;l! oJl d.n~OR)1l" - pli.hlt l(I hUlIIoIn ,,·,lI: 1a1l1l~ nf ,"""" o"'h~,d" hedS." '" ert. QM ~Ai<kn' "'1(:" ,hrrc "ert tHlll like lalllls.upM. The: "''''~i'' e"umcrn'.:d IMi, '1u>l"""" !he) "'=, 01<1. empl~. 011." d.>rl...oo opp.1mllly InC",;,. bee_ <>f !he ""ifamllly Ind """,~,it .. of 111<" "k"","". The Sin.i " ... , "mong llI<m

Bu, why !he pl.",IIIC" Why.....,k '>Ill thi' f •• liliB of "'l'>l~" - . <lt1 ...... 1 in il. •• ""~ \\'hy to .. ,. lhe C<.~~r""-' 01 homo.joln "V""P of do""" & .. ~ ... Ilnd ,,-al~ r<>r mil ... Wllh a ho.,)' Jl$<~. ~n 10 moch , pi .... "f roc,-, 1llI1l.ilenL:< "he", one n,u,l .""1"" froln tho ~un h~< " fUII'U" in the S<>an, ""0)(10" Q( 8i •• , boololc-r<? Why e,h,J.r:u" In ..... It ... en' tronmenl. r~r than ~",

01\0 ."-''''' i< 'h" nO( e"''Y1h1ng IhJl i' m<lrc "",,·.rrul tha" I" mu" a l"J}' bt h.",lUllo us. Whll <kfiu (><I, "ill Qn pnwole~, and ", .. nllTl""1. bu," may Ill", """'''''

."'. and ~ II dtpond. on ".1tC'tbe! \be obOIxle "f'P' ..... noble ;n us defiance Of ~uol;d .nd In",r"" .. W. ""~n>dg.: Ihe <lefi"" •• nr a coeky aequa;n"""" " .. en : .. W~ honor Ih.1

., "r Ih. mi .... hm<Kkd moonUun W~ ore hum'lial.:d by "Iwl >. po"rrful lind mean bon .,,<'<1 b)' "Iu, i, """,,""I and IIOIIk T" .".Illl Burke', anlmnl'ermlll(llIl8Y." bul1 may"""'''' 0 ( .. l ing or Ihe ,uhl,me. whe"'a' ~ p"""h; ~"n!Ml'. II ."o~ U ,"~I"" (If mou, os' ". inl<!pRI,be plranlu', """,or ... be,nlt

~ ~kious:mll pred.lwry. and ,he bull'. as !I"lel .... lind .n'penonai

I!.-cn whon "" a ..... " on tksen •• ,h. """""iorof o,IIe" MIl tI\If nwn n..,,~ 1lr< Pl'Ofl( I(l 100'" u' fcehng 'm.:IlI. Hum.jl.1"on h ~ pelJlCnW ria ,n Ibt hunw> "(!fl>!. 11 j, II!lI unurual f(!f

jj /IIIf "'ill'o be <kfi.:d ;tr.d 00' ",,>!leo f""u .. ltd. Subl;me I.nol""pe, do nO! II~ .. ("", 'ntrudu •• u> 10 our ina<ieqIlXY: ... ,""r. lQ !OU<h on !he <tWo of lhei. Appe'll. they 4llov- 11110 cnr.ce;"e orl f:arrulw,~ In 1_' and more helpful w.)' Sublime piKeS ~., in Srand ,."", II .. """ ,ha,

Il<J ord in ary hf. 'YPlC311y i11l""'ue« ok,oo.ly, IhOl In. uo;,""" ;, !lIIghl;.r ,Iw! ". "",.,hol " .• are (nlil and .. mp;nry InIl Iu. •• no altenl21i .. t..., ~J ~ IIm" .. tiom '''' our ,,;11. ,'''', ". must ho" 11, nec~",u"" grea'" lh"" 00 .... 11 ....

'Thi'" Ih. lesson wnt!.n ;"!o ,h. "0"'" of the de>on ArId o\!I !he >« field, of ,'''' P',IeI Sop-andly if il "nn.n thott lhol " .•

may rome ~ ... ~ from \UCh p~. IlOl eruWd bul i!I5JIlted hy "bt Ii", beyoocl u •. pm 'k~ocd 10 bt ,ubj.." hI ,,.,h rnA",s.li • ".".i,n''''_ 7. ",. lif'll ''''0 ~ (l1~ I 'II) s"". ,,"nunl) '0

(A) ".'k" ,h. rtl~Il\'. ""'"~\ of 1"0 dlsunclly diffe.en, 'y, .. ,ru of thouglll

IS) e..plou the di,unclKln bel"""" ,..-" cWly confu,"", CI>fI<-q>l<

(C) dlKIM Ih" ronl<:mporuty •• Iev.nee of two uno;ent ,Jt.\ aiJool 311

(OJ d;ff~"'n'i ... bel""",,!he nincl""nlll",,,,,,ul) mol Ill. II>(>J"< ..... nl deli"il,""" of n l<:m!

lEI e~plotn one ~I of,".\\' and then di>1l1i.\, u",nl In fa'",. of IUlOthcr 'iel



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9 I. n... ~ '" '''leO s.~ ('"}Ie ".' "'" ...t.i, .... -,

iaol;, .. ~ ,hoi. f~ 1I.n.t. l~ ""bc.wnfur' "Ehh <1,<1 ~OT

(AI < .... al~ r"~"'1 tmoI. n. 'Ill "1.'1"'" ! ... I<ol' or "eanc.. iCl IcadllJ."i<lltlCOmon~, IDj 'u~~." mel.ocbol)' Ihough" tEl J"'"l) n,.n.Itd Ir.i,d [o.ct!hem

9. In II .... 10. ·,,,,,f"u11<l.~" mOM n .... I) "",un,

IAI .... ,u ...... (III r",,,, ... d lei <IwDnI iIll cuno:d leI ,"'Onlllv:d

10. 1.01'1<' l.j lfl (',\ land",>{'e

• wtotune ~" u.",,"1,nJ,,-.,hJl

I AI "' ...... hclml/lg and ,m.mid.olmg til! ;1<>0. ... ,) and _le.:huIj Ie, ,~.,.1Id .'1)' 101 n"",~. &nil de<t>11'" lEI .... n. and 11""""'"

II . Lill<' If>.lll-S"t.h.... pand'l '"W" th.1 ... ,1\ "-,,,,1.1 "'" he ~hh"", hto..'lI ..... I,

("" "",,.n un;'tr.I<Ii\(' """"~ 1111 .Jcm',.II.rnI~' .... ~ PO"''' (el lhn'e< in <ulu,~l<:d ",!i<ln. ID, I,,~~ .. lIIIboamaa 1101 .... m".h~m;rulh<m>ch· ••

n. n.. ml.rn~ 10""" In l~ 25-.11 _ ... IhII .. hi<h of IlK' foil .... ,n~ '''1U1d be., iii Bu,~.·' ,<Ita ,,(. ",hlime


III) An , .. ,j, ""h'n a b"l1e <k",n rll! Ab Im_ne "'poll'" "r ''1'<'" ",a lei 1\ "'~'ldor """,cd ,ntri"'''.!) ~I {Ill" ",n<i (1)1 ... ~Iknl and ,n.,,, .... """''''.! vit1>~. al <.1.1,,,, (1.;1 A ",II 1""1","" !fUN II) healthy fum .",miI'

9 ll, 'The WlCmnn III II ... ~II-n.. 5,,,,,, .. ~-.

Ibtm-) fu!ICuoos U I ' ...... '11"'" ,n Ibt pU>II'c ffOP\ ,.,

'" ,c, ,D,


• d,'>CU,,_ 01"'" h,!.IOry of Bou\~'$ "nUnp 10 • COM'.k"",,,,, o( Ibt coo,e."porar}' rrlevance

"f~""u",. • n.mo.U'. ahi .. " • 'I"",Ii" .,'en, in !be au.hor',

llfe.o . nled,,~,ion nn ,!tn.1 ","nC. broad(.'!'

<lloir ... ~,," 3 n,n".knlllOn <I( the moOIll "l ll ulle', idc:o:s 10

• d,,,-w,,,,,,, 0( 11M: L,nuMIOa. or lI>o>c idc.os .., .,pbalJOrl or Buo1.." ' ...... 011 • JU*", hi

!be aulhor'. 0"'0 .. """UOII' "" lilli, """'" ",bjc:cl • mbutt 10 Ibt onl'lIAIiI) or B""""'IboaPIIO • "»",,, ... 1 of!l\le ..sea. of 1'Wl) "r!he author's -.,....

I~, 'The q\le'<QOII' in ~1It' n, IS 1"8u, pnnw11}'10

IA 1 ""'~e ."emau,-•• 'plm'lIon' IBI ""'uWe ....... >t:cblul.~pmcac<J Ie) aU al1em_,O paroOO\1aI1 bell.""" 101 .,-01; •• lIypolh.ual "u,,,,i(lll 1101 d,\CRtlill fb .. ft!lfEumonl

15, 'The • ."hor ",,,eol> th.>, p«'P1o ok> _ "dHpltt" 110 ... 381 in ,"bl" ... I.nd><.~ ~."'" well pI~

.Al1o'I"K.......cIo, (BI ~ opbm,,,,, ICI oIfrrrru.n.ain .... n. 101 ...... ~ perw"""""" lEI '">lilI perftroon,,,,,

16, 'The ""..""..,,, ,n lone> 4146 n". bepudse ooblc"llfcl>lsftl on "-11,,,11 ... ,umpllon'

1'\) Adulb at>d <h'l~n "." ."''' <Jlhu l>milarly, (8) A)I p«'P1e rratl .imlilfly "' "",min phellO<ll<n3, (CI Ind;" ..... I' orren ""'C .... par ... ill",.,..,.... II>

I""",,, .[10.<, /DJ Tt>uri'>U and 1ncal .. ,i.koll' arrrt<;.,cllflds<'ape>

d,1I=l.Iy from .... 11 odIc._ IE\ Elplorct' ull!llho>c .. hoc) (0110\1.' R~ 1.II!I<ClI~

difkrrnl.ly from .... b IlIber



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_.---- -9

17. In lone 46. "me3ll" most 11.; .. 1) mean<

(A) base: (8} dull (e) "' .... g~ (D) humble

tEl "'"I)

9 18. Lil>C'l ~2- S~ ,-E.'ctI "hen . sm31n in,roduu 'he

idea Iha!


(A) ~ubli"", 1311dsc1op<'S ~tT~,. b<M alrum and adminuion

(8 ) hullWI ",LoI;onMl'PS In a. roII1p"'~ as any ,ubi""" lan/heal'<"

ICI .uhhme IMd",.pes ... no. unique;n J'foo.h.cillg a ""n~ Or;nl;&nlfic~

(0) • rea, or in.dequ.ac:y impair> onc". enjo)'menl of ,II<' sub!."",

(E) • de",,, In e>.""rience ,h. Mlbhm. ,ni,hl ."""or fooli'" 10 ""'"Y pouple

If you finish before time Is calied, YOII may c:heck your work on thle section only. 00 not lum to any other sKtlon In the te.t.


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~-...... .. - .. ""'_ .. -_ ..... (3) 10 SECfIQN 10

TIIH_ IO",inu, .. I" Question.

TUm to Section 10 (Pllge 7) 01 your IInswer sheet to answer the questions In this section.

m""'tlo"" hlt E:l<h QU<=I'ion in Ill .. <ttIi ......... I.c' ,,,., ..... " "',""~, from .mon~ 0", cooie •• ,i<en .00 roll tn 1M """"-<poOOln, <ire'" on 1M """ .. ', ,bttI.

n.e f"I1"" In, oeRlm«. Ie', rom:<:u..... ...J ~rr"'li,'clI'''' ur e'lR""'" Pan of eoch ~ ClI"!be ",,",e "'''lnke " Ir1Idnbntd. bcnc.:olh eKh..,.~ an: fi, .. "'l" uf p/ua>ln, 1M ~nd<'rl,,'etl m;uaUl. Chaocc A frptaU 1M m"Nl p/ttawnl" the ocbcr fou, cho.IOCe) .... Ollfcmll II , ... tlnnl.1hr onflNl pItrIsiq ~ a btlr.or.......,< ilion aI) "I Ihr oJ.,.,.."."" ",1.:c1.1Ott 1I. • .t 1IOl...,1ta """ of ,he 'Miler choote<.

In mUJ", )0Uf .. Ioe"""" follow "'" fl'qUil'l:tllo<lIb "I ~ ""1t1C1l ~h"'. 1Iw l'. PO)" au ... h .... I" p-am ...... ,boI"" of ,,<>nil, """''''"1! <:o<>.>lt"Wl,on, and 111'""',,",,,011 You ..... 1..,",'" .l>oul,1 re,ul1 in llIe mOSlerr..,I". .. n"'"c",-dc:U- and p!'«i><. "'ithnul .".~", ;anJ".,,; or alllbilUll)"


Lawa 1nK~I. W,Idt, pubh.bed her r~ boo:>i. agd Jbc u, ,!I!) .fhe )AD oW Il!cD

IAI and <he 10M "'\ll·fi'~ )'e .... oW lhen IBI .. he" ~ ..... lUll-fi,'. ICI ..... ' .. I)·ro'.)cMI"oid 101 a ...... !he n2;;""'. oh"'~ ·fi,. )0;11"> IE) ., Ihr IIrnc " hell -.be """ \1>1) ·r".

L. ~ pubh.!!i", len poeU) ,oIlcc1J"", 1..- odulb. Gary SOIU • .,.,00 i> wriling ""'nemuS .uJt",lj(HI~ 01 >lion .,,>rio and """~I, 10< chiM ... n.

til. I Suw. "'\10 " "nung rB} S.M" •• II< .... n'e. or Ie ) s,l(,,'" "un, fDI St~o ..... "n"en lEI Si>t..'.1II add,tioxI to "nil ...

• Th< ",,"'" ... , ~::::; ::.;'::.~ ; ==, .';;:. n6~:',."1wI -.l Wale<

(AI .. h',h "' .. , rft~n'ctl ,81 "hen'I .. ~'rftl'."<d (0 ha,',a, noll1l'N it

{OJ ..... ,,' ""',, .. «I (E l "nee ha, In, been rft, ... "",

.1. If} ......... etku ,,,," ...... -e~ ~h. "N .,11 rccl wnfldr'lt ~U!>" dlol.lJw;d

(A) n, 10 )'<>Il' 'BUrtt"'"I' ,I dl.1lkn .. ~J (B, II,,~ d ... llena~. }"Ur'I~I~menl' 10 ,f cll.1llenretll<IMI!in, .... Ittt>CnI' "'"""

hy roo , (OJ 'f tilt", "'" otutlkn~.' .... 'Ih 'IlU. "~I~n"'nl5 IE) """"') "'" .1,1""",nl< ... ho..,. I<>mf:>."'"

,Iwllrtocc< them

~. A <Ij'lr!nm of newly I"IPC.! Fp!bij:.i1W!; fin:figblCQ ur'U!ItOE ....,h )UI from ",jA'n, """Icmao to helm ,,-or\. in the ..... ,,1oeL III. I ~ >«!l;Idron ", ...... ty ontncd. cnd"","",C

firefi&h' '''' ,..ru..lIn, ... h)ear lrom ,mOtnr ~<ni'"

/Bl A""""""" af ...... Zl' inmed. catln ... ;utic flrelighler. [",m ''''nlng """"""", •. ,. c;o;;h Y •• ' Il><y i •• du,l.

10 When och )ur 11<Iu.J"", ", nc",ly '",ned. cnlhu.i .. ,II< ",eligh",,' ,.-.d"",,,,", fll.llll Inlln,n~ ""o.kml~'

WI \""h leal" • "'~ "r lie" I)' troll,,,d. .n1lw..;a.u" firelirh, ... ~I'" from 11"""'"1 ;oo:altfttoc"

lEI A ... "ly U"l.lned .... thu".,!JC ~ of rUcfi,m",r. " ... , ~ ... .., [MIl =",n, .. ~ .ab year



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-------------_.----------10~ ......... ....,... .. _ . ... -.. __ ..... ~10 5. l:.mh', do)" "'" .1.,,, I)' ,cnonl long .. I!«'uu"" ,h. mlll

elf"",. or tIx....'I ....... fm '[')'jonal !ll!1I 0", CQIIlt.o!ly ,10,,;"1 Ew/J',mUliOO

11\1 ,he \1"",,'. p""t.tl~ puO :In: ronWlnlly ,I0I0 on .. E.alh', f1)taUOIl

10J Ilw< ", .. ",'. p~' '1Rl1ODl1 pull conwuwl) >low. n. 1'..1nh', " .... 11 • ..,

tel tile ,,,,,,!-tilt ..... , pull by tbt Moon on Earth', rot>llnJ .~'" 01 """'\IluuJ)'

/01 1M U.-,l;atio. ..... 1 pul~n' 11)' m. MOOIIon Eanh'~ tcQlo.'n Iu> '""'" ""'''l~tlr , ..... In, 11

lEI ,he "''''~ pull 1"'1 font. by tbt M_ "" F..mb'. ""alloo il ,[00,0, >nd em,lIot

6. 0rI0. "In ...... ~n"~I)' dcWllCd 10 pmeAPI'ic prodUC1ion. '",'mil. II "'" Co ... JI. l1l!!IIg'31O 'Rib .nd ll.il~rc R!EKI1d. on: ,.,'" )1!!J<1"" I!! Ik jll ... ! pf ! 'Do;

II. I "","",- .. lin .... ,,) I~,,,,.,....u;n Iml. and IWlIrI:

(n'n'e<. ~ lI(IOI. aIUXI<!d It! tho ,.taIId of ..... tDl mounI.lIn "0.,1. and ItIIltrt prt.'<T"'('\ ate COJOl'-.l

"y WUn-1> n<W< 0I1rx1<'<1 ".Ih the "land or lanai lei moonl3,n tnul. oI\IJl\lIl"'" p~" •• "'" oojo)'o<!

b)'IOU';'''. \\1\0.,.. oow .1frJoC.M to Ihe ill.nd or[~

IDJ il "" .. allrao:l> 1OIlruU. "ho COJO)' IlwIlOO\In~ U1li1. oad IIOIW"< ~ ... on 1M ,.1aroJ of u.w

lEI Lbo: '~,>l '- _ IIIJXI> 1ourub, .. 1100 .... ~ "' ...... , .... IQIJ1U .. md ........ ~ ...

IA I if J"Rlf'ffiy u" •• "'""Id Iu". "",. 101 If I'""fI<'1IY ~~. "-00010.1 ti.., lei Irpmpm)\o. ... hxln..,n 10, halpmpmylnOSrtl6< rEI • .,..,JlmI'<"fIyliU"'''' ....

K. \\'1111111. Lou;',;nn, " ",,·h;uc. the i;nilctl S,u'e, ow:quin:d a lllla IcajIIID !B;\In ' han if n.'Il.~m.mooI Dnl41'1 FnDtt II3I~ G.:!!!I4p)' Sr,ln.;&qd Pvnu~,l

I" I Wz'" terril"')" III .... allwl if) ....... ....b,Ded Dtil.Ull. f'r.In<t. hoI). Gtrman,. ~p.uII. ;&qd Ponu!al

IA) brier territor)' In 1If'C, 1lwI "om~inln~ Bnuin. Franrc, hoJy. at"""")' SIU'". and 1't>ftu,~1

lei 1"";10<} I~ In ..... !h:uI dll"IaIn. ,.1':UIt'e, Iw), GtrnDII). S"",n,1bd Pt-.tutol ""'" combIned

101 tern,"'} l:rycr III ..... tlw! Dnwn, ~1'2Ik:~. I ... .ll. German)', SlU'n. and f'ltnupl romt.ned

rEI terri,or} btr~ I.h;m If the m, of Bm~in. Fnm .. ". It:tly. Gtrmllny. Spain. and P""u~'1 ~,""",nnl

t. Ik£ll"" CQQ\!IIIlCD m:fCI1u!ln 'bel( (1H' GIIIO, do>tc to ~, ~n <ho.i ... IIf'C ""'" """,.knn, Ihe ""-,,II ollhe...wl"comer'" ~ ,""" 10 ....... 0 ,,,,j,vidtW lIti¥bborhood, IU'Id ~" .....


{AI 8t<czu..oomumtn prcf .. InOO tholf f,oo.!

-", (II) Duo II> ronl",I1<'", "h,.h prefer f,1Od 'bnI'\'log (e) While con.""I1'~ r~fcr $horrl!l~ rill Their fllOll (I)) n.. prt'f=l1Ce "f lhe ron,UJIIC" for (ood '*"'f'I"01 ,I':I The moon tIw ~OO,U",", 1'<"1", to 1" lond ...... (A) Sc""din.vian P«'rlc tt.,,, lII'en 1JI.i!;nt IIII' "'''

tllmugbtJu, ",,·,\f!lc:d 1I"'OI)-,II>';r hll ing cn""""'~ hiliM "orld by the eOO of tht 1>!JdoJl. A.t;n

(8) Scmd."",i,ut pro.>J'Ic, "no Iu.,. twn "",110, tho 'iO'S """"~..u .",coded 1u,]o~.1ud cn~ IWf tht .",1<1 1»' !be ftI<I 01 tht Middle Arc'

(el ScOlld,na""" pro.>J'lc II, .. httI1 ""hoR the "", """"pO.1I recanlcd hl"'''l'' IIII'} ~n''''''''~ IuIf!lll' "arid h) !III' fII<l of !III' 'hJdie A,,,,

(OJ Dy!lll' end of till' \lMldIt "'''''' """''''''''111~ hoi! ....... nOd. IIII' s.:~OOlq, laII p."p'" ,",IN till' ~~ ihruu,i'ono!l tt,mktl hl""'1'

!EI Standiu, ... " pcopl. Mle httI1 o;Ilhn~ IIII' .. ~, ,hmug"""" fl'<'OI'Ikd hlllOO'), 1u.1! III< ,,""" .n~r<J:I.ioed b)' IIII' eoo of ,he M..s.lle .\~'"



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Page 49: SAT May 2008

10 (!) ............. _ .. _d .......... _.-I I. EquipmclI1 '" boIh fa<lO\iC$ bal"C 00" krn "rs:CJCkd

from .. hicb "" gg jI'<Jt1Il!' ,he,., "ill be "" further dUfUptioR! of OUT prodl>Ctioo ..,Md").

(A) h •• ,. no" been upgrWd, from "blob Yo. can

(B) h .. ,. now b<:<'n upgrodod. ond ... ,''''' .s.ume Ie) ba> "U'" been upg.-.ded ..... can a«u ,,,,, (0) h;l5 now boco urgrodod. SO "'. can Il>S"'1"IC <1'"1 (EI b"'in~ no .. been "pgnule.J 10 ... he, .... CO"

... ume ,h., I 2. I'Ij1Y"'n~hl Arthu. M,llet" '" """" ... ,w.ilrd f('l< hi'

ble"'" ponroyal of Ameri= ""I'"rod'ir •. Iu$ rtin 1M!!!' Il£.mi: "'larded by mo<I critios as ," .. 1 ond ul~""".ly dfimung 1mSIetpi«es of American li1em,,",

IA) b,~ pby~ "" ... be,ng (B) hlspl.1oysarcn"". (e) h,~ pl.), """ (D) but hI, plop"" now (Il) bu. "'ilh hi. pial' now being

13. Th< r.din~, .!ta<hW I<) IIlt .. on! ~kInll~ ''''''1 "'111<1), l!.iIh ~ h;<lOt} ond polilicallfodili<on< nf tho people ..bo use i!.

IA) '<lrie''' idety,,;,h (BI ,':trio, wi<k'l)" in (e) '111)' .. idel)" \l l tn (0) ,'ul)'I'o,rlely", IE} "aI)' "iudy 10

14. Aft .. lisl.run~ 10 lh. ex.."..,,,o', nn, mo,'cmenl . .. hieh <oo1I<ktl like • mt<lkl or nrlY bad IUne I h3d e'er heard. lbe ",·cund I!IOHmeDilUrpri:;rd me "jib 11> bc.:July and on"IDa!.!)

fA 1 !be >rt"On<l mo'e ..... ~1 <1IfJIIl'<:d "'" ",nil ;1> be""l) aad ori'I .... III)

I Bl !he...oond mo'~m.ol ,,~ \",!",i!ingly beautiful 3IIIl on~\n>!

lei [,,'" surpri.ed h) IlK: beauly ond ori,in>!i!)· of !he .ecood """,."",nl

(0) ,,, my surpri ... lbe !o«ond m'" emonl bod beauIY ""d uriginallty

(Ej tbe beauty ""d originall!y or lbe "'rond mo,"ornen! SUrJl"scd me

STOP If you flnlsll before lime II called , you may check your work on Ihla nellon only.

00 not turn to eny other section In the test.


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Page 50: SAT May 2008


5 ... 11 •• 4

COLD,,!. ~"I (;1\'_ , "

, " , , , ". , " , " , , , " , , ; " • • , " , • , '" "

, , w • • • " '" , , II

" • • " " , • " --N"",/>or loam«:.

Correct Answers and Difficulty Levels Form Codes AEEC, BWEC, CFEC

S .. d.~ 1 5<.01 .. , cOLbU' cOLM' tb£Dut cOLm". "" .. IX" A><S. J.t~_ M"'. ",,', '" ", • , , • ,

" " , • ,

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, , , , , "

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" , , , • ,

" , , " 0 , n • , • , , " , ,

'" • , " , , • • " , ., " , , , ,

" " • .- , ••

" 0 , ,,--, N""""" _

Numller In..,,,,,,. NwnI!o<r InCU<T«l

NiL btl, A"" Wo' • ,

0 , • • "

, , , , , • • • , 0 ,

S«dnl 5<'.,100 ! S""tI •••

CO'.I>" f. eu .. "", Nluhl,I •• Choin S,.a.nHroa."a COO."'" ""' .. 1.n ...,.l. LI\'. o. •• do •• ' .. po ... <t ••• lIGo. .~ '" , , ,

" • , ~o •. p,,' roO ""'. 0 , • , , , " • , "'-'<' Ln. M' "'. , • ,

'" , • , "

, .' , , • ll/l .. IO~ , , " , " , , ,

" , , , , ,

'" ,00, , , • ,

" • " , "

, , , • , " ,w , • • • " • " , " , , , , • " '"

, • , , " • , ,

" , , • • " " • , C ,

" • " , " , • • " , "

, • • • • " • • , " • , • • ,

" ,1, !!~ ... (~~ , '" 0 , W • , , ,

" , ,

" " , " 1/2« ' ,

'.",bt. «"'~'" FlumI>a ..,,,«, Numbtr <On"'" Numb<r ,"",cO!

'~-I~' ''''''00 .....,...... ~"""""" '-f<Q. ,,-~

S.«l ... _,i .. 10

~OL""' ro. ., """-.,," ~"LD'" ~,,'.",", COL"'" ...... uv. .... "). "",', A.,'<$. UV. .~~.I..n ""~ I,.(Y. 1I!<l. u" , 0 , ,. , ,

" " • " , • , " , • , , " • • ,

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r"'bn «>rr«:' N"mll<t M,,,,.

UD'.b<r In<OI'l'<Cl

N __

OTE, Otlllool" lcv<1< . " .,,,Im,, .. '" ~.,..u"" dUl,,"II~ !ut ... I.",,,,,. poopol C\lU<!>'_buund knI.,.. OiJtKul,y!coW f",,# _ I ' ....... " 10, ''''''Iko"

COL"'" AI<$. LlV

" , "

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, • •

&J ... ", .... AM. "'. , , , , , ,

0 ,


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Page 51: SAT May 2008

The Scoring Process

I. S~nlming. Your ans\\er sheet is scanned elC'Clronically. and Ihe circle you filled in for each question IS re~orded in a computer file.

2. ScorIng. 111e computer compares the circle filled in for each question with the correct response.

• Each correct answcr n:ceil'cs one poin!.

• Omiued questions do not count 100001Im your scon:.

• One-fourth of Q POint is subtracted for each wrong answer to mu!liple.ehoice questions. No points are subtrncted tor wrong ~ to the student-produced response mnthenuuics qucstioru;.


The mtieai n:adin!! ~ction. for example. has 67 questions with five iUlSwcr chokes eu~h. If you baH: 37 right. 28 wron!!.:md 2 omitted. the resulling row score of)O is delenmned as follOWS:

31-28(1-1) 31-7 - 30

• If the m\\' scon: is:I fmetional number. It is n)unded to the neart'St whole number. For example. a raw score of 36.25 is rounded to 36. the nearest whole number. A raw score of 36.50 ;s rounded upward to 37.

3. EUH~ scoring. Using the scoring guide shQ\\'n on page 51. e)[periencro. trained high school and college faculty 'ICon: the essay. Each essay is rcad Independently by twO rt'aders who IUtc it on a scale of 1 to 6. (If the two scores differ by morc Ihan one poin!. a third reader scores the essay.J The two readen;' scores an: added togelher. and the essay subscore IS reponed on a scale of2 to 12. The e~y section 1<; worth apPn)ximately 30 percent of Ihe r~", score. and the nmltlple-choiee wnting set;!ion COlints for approximately 10 percent.

-I. Con,·rr!lng raw SCOn'S 10 sulcd scort'S. Raw scores are lhen placed on the scale of 200-800 through 11 process that adjusts !i(:ores to account for minor differences in difficulty among different edllioll& of the l e.'>t. This process, known:lS equaling. is perfonncd so that a student's rcll'Qrtcd score is not affected by the edition of the tesl laken or by the abilitie!l of the group with whom Ih~ student tokes the teSI. AS:I result of placing SAT seOll-'! on the College Board scale. scores earned hy students ut different times enn b<l compurcd. For example. nn SAT mathematics !i(:orc of 400 on II testlllkcn al one administratinn IIIdicates the same lc"c) of developed mathematics ability 3S n -100 seoro obUlined on a different edition of the tCSI laken at another lime .



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Page 52: SAT May 2008

.-------------------------------------------------------- .... ----.... --.. -------~ ""~~ ~ AT Essay Scoring Guide

~ in tit;. ':11"8"'" dmlO'l>tratcs r ,,~,I ... ,,,,isullf ...... ml'. oI!hough

m,y hnl: a (ow mlilOf uron;. A '""I ~y

rff«tivdy and imi[<htfully develop • • point of view on lbt iJ.tue .nd demons1r.l[~ oUl>t~nding .mica! lhinkins.ll'iog d .... lly 'ppropril.'e rumple<.. tn>On<. and o,h.,. ovid.nc. 10 SUpp<lfl ill!""iliu!!

;. ~I\ orgilniLed Jnd de~rly fOCwN. demo<l>,numg .to'''' cuhert"" and ,mooth p~;on wide ...

•. dtihju~ ~ ,,\ tan~u2tJ;t. ruing a " .. jed, acCUnl1~. ~nd 'Pi I'ocJbulaq'

dcmon,u';UI'$ me.ningl'ul ...... ;ety in """ence ,trua=

;. (= ofm"" "'''m in granurw, u .. g •• ~nd meehan;.;.

COM OF 3 ($S.iII~ in Ihis CI(<'gOry danollS\ .... \CS

rlop'~K IlUlJI"'I< .1>(\ is IllJrknI. bv NE OR MOREofthe following e,knel«S:

Ikvclops a poin! or"iow On lhe Wue. demOn<lr;1ling some crilic.\ thinking. bur mar do 5<1

incumislemly or ..... i~eq",'e uamples. 'taSOns, Of OIher • ,·idenc. 10 ruppon iI, prn.itinn

is limi'e<.l in it.< (J'JI.'nia\,on or foaL!, Of may dtmo"'tr.lI~ '!OII1t

upsoes in roh.,..,nc" or pros .... ion of ideas

diwlays d('Ycloping facilny in the u« of bnguage.l>uI sometimes uses weak ''XlIbuJary 0. inJpP'''I',iatt word ,h"ice

lad'i '·"iny or ","mo ... tr~t"" probl<t1U in ..."tcnce Sltuctu,e

""nt.ins an "c.:umulalion "f crro~ in ~,.mm ... u~~g •• ""d m«bania


An ~y in \his catrgory demo"'!r.Itrs ,(ilWIl/l!.ly """;Sltn/ m<UftfJ.

;lh .... ugh it will hl\'<' (Ka.sK>naJ ...... ... ..,r I.~in qu.lity. A Iypic:ol .... y

• cifC"<:li,·dy drvdops. point of vi~ on the issue and dcmGn!lr.1tes Slrong 'Tili~ thinking. gener.llly ",ing arProptillc u.>mpl .... ~asolU. and Ulh ... tvilkn,e to

upPGn iii pam1<ln

• I. ,,·ell organized .nd focU>td. dcmotutr.;\ing cuheren,. and pror,r=ion of ideU

uhibir:. &ci]ily in Ih. UIt of lonsuag<, mins approp..ut' H><.bubry

• d,monsl.'les ,""Tiny in ..."1.,,,", >itu(1ure

ilo S"nrnUl· f~ of mosl ...... rs in grammar. =11<. and mtd!an,(j

SCORE OF 2 An t:l>3y in tIili ... trgory demOru!r.lt., lurk m ... ray, and is fbw'" byONE OR ~!ORE ofthc following .... raknCSloeS;

dewlnps. point of view 0" tb. ~ .. e lhat is v.~uc or sc.iously lintit"'!. and d"mOnll"lI<o; ..... ,..}; ,.itical thinkinl\> p"",idinll inappropriate or i"suffici""l cumple<. ",asons, or oth .. ('V,dence to 5ul'J>Ort ils !'Osition

1.$ POOlIy org:IIl"ed .nd!or foem...!. Or Ikmoll$lra."" ",riom probkms with coherenceo. p.",=sion of ideas

displays vrry tinl. facility in th ... It of l.ng\l3ge. u,ing very limit"" vocabulary or inatTTeet word choi,.

demonslr.tl .. (rcqumt probt<:m5 in

..ent.""" Olru<;1"" rontallU; errors in grammar, u""g<. und mechonia SO ~rious thot ml'3nin~ i. somewhat ob«:ur""

ys n." written on thc .... y ... ign",,,,,' will rudv •• KG .. of ItC1"O.


An l:$W). in this c:otq;ory Ikmons.r.n"" ~d,",/u~'r nUll/try! although it will ha,.., b~ in qualily. A t)"pical ...... y

• tkvdo~ a poinl ofvi~ on Ihe iSiu, and demount •• es compelcnt criticat Ihinking. using a<kqualc ... ,nnrl"", f'<"UOl\$, ;md other <'Vidm,. III wppon i~ po>ilion

• is ~"".rally orpniu..:l and (oc:used. drn1on.rra.ing .lOme coherence ~nd prog'''''iion "rideal;

• tthibiu oIdcqu,ltr b ... inoon,i;Iml f~cility in Ihe usr of language. U$;ng I!"neraJlj· "pprop ria ,e 'lICabubry

• dtmonslrat.,. .\Ome VlIri("lf in ,...nlenee I'n,nu ..

• h .. some erm~ in grammJr, .... ge. and rnnhanio

SCORE OF I An CSAj. m thil Ol1q;oT)' dmt.onl'<ales ''<'rJ' bilk Or no m4l"Ury. and is <t=dy n.1«rl by ONE OR MORE of Ih. f"Uowing weakn....,.,

• devdorJ nn viabl. p<.linl of view On the issue. or provides linic or no ... 'i<lcTKc,o JUPp<.lrl its posilion

• is disnrpnlw.l or unfocused. ,"",ulting in a dis;"int'" 0' inrohertnt """,y

_dispby> fundtmentalerrors in ,·ocabuLlry

dmlon5lraln ..e'.'" flaws in 'IC1Il<nee ,tructll"

• ront.,ns pervasi ...... 01"$ in gr:lmmJr. '*'8c. or mecha"ics th3' persistently intene", "ith meaning


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Page 53: SAT May 2008

Scoring Worksheet for Fonn Codes AEEC, BWEC, CFEC From I\JW '<>pO"'" ,," " ... , QAS 'qonn. f,U ,n "'" bLanL. bdow and rio> Ill< ....... "00 ... 10 '" l"'" mucol rnJ",~ ~, .... • IId .'ttl"".-.......... Lx tl>< ..... "" lilt ~'" ........ r.> 10

find """ ... .w """"'"

Get Your Critical Reading Score How ""'''l' cri,ial ,.od"" q .... lion. diJ "'" ,.., <ish!!

<rcct"," 4: Qum." .. 1_!4

'0;::-,:;;:;-;::;' " ,_ -.., mt..rr:.oJ 1'CIOdrnc.,... .. did _ ... wro"l'

lro<boa., l)ut<!""" I-!+

!I«,-7: Quno"'" 1_25. ____ _

ScctIOfI" Ou<>orono 1_18 + ____ _

T'"', __ _

"O.25~' _____ ",

A-B - ~C-~~' D;I>r;.1llWrll", -~,

Itouad "'" <nllr:.II r<..!rrrt .-....... ., ""'_ ---Get Your Mathematics Score 11_ mUIr ItU,bnn.o, .... QU<>tIOru JiJ ",.., &<1 rl,hll

5tcuoD !: Qurw.,... 1-211 5«1_ 5, ~""" 1_11. ___ _

5«1",n 1:Q.in'.>n, 1_16 + ___ _

""' -----'"


~_""lipl< -t '= ..... I.N .. r<·~dtd,.... ... w ....

r..., .... l:O'-- 1-211 So<b'laS:O'D«_ , .... ____ _

5«1 .... "Quosuonr '_16. ____ _

T" ... .. ____ _

1< O.:S ~ _ ____ '"'

Round ""' .... _ , .... or:ot<" '" tht .... raI .. _ nwnbct

Get Your Writing Score ~ _ muil,pk..,;hoo.. ~ 'u,"".........-. dod "'" V' ri&hU

s.c.- '" Quc>uon. 1·15 S«uon lll:~ 1_14. ____ _

Tho' _, ____ '"

11_ .... "" mulhpk-<lIoi<Y ... ,,''''' """'", ... d.IJ "'" '" wrnnl'

500.:'-6:~ l..,u

SmO<III ,O:~ 1_14.:==== , ... 1C IUS ,BI

. ' -,-~~ II'nI"'1 MulIrrIo·a..;.;., b.""" Ilound ,n. ",.,"n~ mui"rl.·d>o"< row""'" tu ,n .......... ",'1101< .-.. ------'" l .. ,1>< • .bIt "" _ 'J '0 60.1 """ ... ,,"" """"pk~ .... -


Ii ....... • W"'!"' .... ,.n"", 'umpo>l<l< .. bIt (,.... ~-!r6J fo, form ,od< and IooIr up " ... _unl miJ"pt..<hoor:< row ><ot. (e,

and """ n»l' 0<0« (0110 find ""'" ""'''''I """"""'. K:aIrd


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Page 54: SAT May 2008

••• Seon'

" 66

" .. '" " 61

'" 59

" 57

" 55

" " 52 51 \0

" " " .. " " " ., " " J9 .18 J7 J6 35

." M


SAT Score Conversion Table Form Codes AEEC, BWEC, CFEC

Writin& Criliul Mult iple. Criliul Rudin, Mnh Cboice Rudillt Mlth Scaled Sca led Scaled ••• Scated Scal~d

Seon' Score Seole Scnre Seon' Score 800 " 500 ~,IO

800 10 500 5.10 800 " <90 520

"" '" ,"0 ,,10 no 27 ,"0 >10 7SO ,. "0 "" 7" L' "0 ,"0 720 " "0 4~0

no L' .'" '" 700 II ';0 "0

"'" 2L ." "" 670 20 "" ~;(I

"" " "" "0 .50 800 " .20 "" ... 0 7" " "'0 "0

'" 7~0 " 410 420 630 no I., '00 410 620 72' " "" ,,0 610 '" so .., JOO ~(j\)

"" 690 78 12 .,so NO

"" "" 7; " "" ,"0 '00 ." 7.' 00 FO 7'0

'"" "" " , "" PO

5RO '" 69 " JSO '" 570 '" 68 7 ."" "0

"" '" " , JJO "0

560 "" os • .n.o '20 .SO 620 "

, ]10 "0 .SO ",0 '" 7 700 .700 .. 0 600 61 ,

"" 290 540 590 60 ,

'" 270 "0 580 59 0 '''' "" 520 570 50 ., '" )~O

520 "" 51 , ,,. lID 510 ;;0 \7 7 200 200 500 5;0 56 Md


This table i$ fur <a<: only wuh th~ le,1 In !Ius booklel

Writinll Multiple.

Cbuke Staled Score

" " " " "I ;0

." " '" .' " " " " " ." " ., " '" " .~

." " " " J!

" '" " " lJ 2L 20 20


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Page 55: SAT May 2008

SAT Writing Composite Score Conversion Table Form Code AEEC

Wri, la • • "c.: "" ... w$< ....

~=!,l; ".5<0" , , • • , .- .00 ~, ,~ '00 ,~ , , 'W W ~,

'" ~ .. ,~ n, '" '00 '00 ~ ~ ... '" " "" ,. '00 'w 'w ~ ~, ... •• - ~

# ~ '00 '00 ~ "" - ~ ~, '00 .w "" ., 'M 'w '" n' .." ~ ~ ... ~ ." ~ '" 'w .. , n' - .. •• ... '" .. ' ". ,~

" ,. '00 ~ .., - ~ ~. .. .. .ro ~

" '00 n, ". • ro .." .00 .m .. ~ - •• " '" ". .., ~ "" ." ~, '"' ,ro ,. ~

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Page 56: SAT May 2008

SAT Writing Composite Score Conversion Tab le Form Code BWEC

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Page 57: SAT May 2008

SAT Writing Compositc Score Conversion Table Form Code CFEC

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Page 58: SAT May 2008

Practice Sheet for Essay ""'1$. COpy <Ii ItIot __ , ptfMdMJ ro J"<'U on ItIot rJq J"<'U res*,.

o I Plate, NOT '0 ""'"' the ea.. Board l1l4I ,IgIIIO u .... ,.ptO<Iuco. or publIS/'I my O""y lor IIt'I)I PU<pOM beyonCIlt>I as.-smeN 01 my wrlllnllll<rlls. ... n !hough my """'" wi nor be "*"<I ., Nfl way In cor,uncIion WIIh rnv ~ I .....wstaro;I ""I I am IrH 10 marl< I!IIs _ willi no etIect on rnv 1OOf1I.

'MPORTANT: U .... No. 2 PENCIL. Do NOT wrft. ou' .1de !hoi bO"M ... Wordlr wnII<In out_the essay 00>< 01 w,rrten in Ink Will NOT APPEAR ., IhII 00f1f ...." '0 be sc:ored. and YOU' swril WI~ be 8!!oc1..o

a.v'nyow _ .... __ . 11 _____ ....., • • conllroMt .... IfM"..,_.

ConlIn<» "" ..... our _" _oery.


, .


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