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  • 8/14/2019 SATNAC 68 (ABDULKAREEM)


    Abstract The high cost of fuel cells compared toother energy sources creates uncertainty about theprojected full scale commercialization of this device. Thispaper describes the synthesis of a proton exchangemembrane from the locally available polystyrenebutadiene for fuel cell applications. Chlorosulphonic acidwas used as the sulphonating agent and the effect ofdegree of sulphonation on membrane characteristics wasdetermined. The sulphonated membranes werecharacterized according to its ion exchange capacity(IEC), degree of sulphonation (DS), proton conductivity,thermal stability and performance in a PEM fuel cellstack. These membranes were found to have protonconductivities in the order of 10 -3-10 -2S/cm in their fullyhydrated state, which increases with an increase indegree of sulphonation. Other results revealed that thesynthesized membranes are thermally stable and itsperformance in a PEM fuel cell stack is influenced by thedegree of sulphonation.

    Index: Current density, Degree of sulphonation, Fuelcell, Proton exchange membrane, Polystyrene butadienerubber, Power density

    I. INTRODUCTIONuel cells have been identified as one of the mostpromising and potential clean energy technologies which

    meet all the requirement for energy security, economicgrowth and environmental sustainability and have attracted

    considerable attention as a possible replacement for powergeneration system [1]-[5]. They have been described asperfect combination of the advantages of many existingenergy sources [6], [7]. This being the ease of refueling aswell as continuous operation potential from internalcombustion engines and the highly efficient and quietoperation of batteries. Fuel cells therefore appear as the idealenergy alternative [8]-[11]. Fuel cells generate electricitydirectly from fuel (i.e. hydrogen) through an efficientelectrochemical reaction. They can be used in different waysand have been deployed among electricity consumers as astrategy to their substantial market penetration [12]-[14]. The

    interest in research and development in fuel cell technology isincreasingly rapidly, such that government, universities andcompanies are gradually implementing this technology [15].For instance, fuel cells have been successfully deliveringpower to several prototypes and specialized application fordecades [16]-[18]. The power output of a fuel cell stack caneasily be scaled up to provide sufficient voltage/power forlaptops, small cars, and city buses etc [19]-[21]. However,fuel cells have not been fully commercialized for many yearsdue to the high cost of the development of applications forpractical purposes [22], [23]. This has led to fuel cells beingfar behind when compared to heat engines such as steam andthe internal combustion engines which are the competitivetechnologies. In order to achieve the commercialization ofthe fuel cells especially the proton exchange membrane fuelcell (PEMFC), there is the need to reduce the cost of the

    membrane, which is the heart of the PEMFC. This can beachieved by utilizing the locally available material i.e.polystyrene butadiene rubber to synthesize proton exchangemembrane with good qualities such as low methanolpermeability, good proton conductivity, good thermalstability and good performance in a PEM fuel cell which isthe focus of this work.

    II. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDUREA known weight (10g) of polystyrene butadiene rubber

    (Karbochem, South Africa) was dissolved in 250ml of 1,2dichloroethane in a stirred 4-neck round bottom flask and1.6M of chilled chlorosulphonic acid was added to the

    solution of the rubber in drop wise over a period of time.Ethanol was added to terminate the reaction and theprecipitated sulphonated polymer was recovered and washedwith deionized water until the pH of 6-7 was achieved. Thesulphonated rubber was dried in an oven at 80 oC for 2-3 hoursand characterized using elemental analysis (to determine thesulphur content), thermo gravimetric analysis (TGA),differential scanning analysis (to determine the thermalstability), FTIR, HNMR (to confirm the sulphonation).

    The ion exchange capacity (IEC) and degree ofsulphonation (DS) of the sulphonated polystyrene butadienerubber (SPSBR) were determined by measuring the sulphur

    Abdulkareem A.S, Afolabi A.S, Idibie C.A, Iyuke S.E.

    School of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment, University ofthe Witwatersrand, P/Bag X3 Wits 2050 Johannesburg

    Tel: +27117177576, Fax: +27117177591 email ( [email protected] ; [email protected] ;[email protected] ; [email protected] )

    Development of Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) forTelecom Fuel Cell Applications

    Pienaar H.C.Vz

    Institute of Applied Electronics, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Vaal University of Technology, P/BagX021, Vanderbijlpark 1900, South Africa

    Tel: +27169509381, Fax: +27866128678, email: [email protected]


  • 8/14/2019 SATNAC 68 (ABDULKAREEM)


    content in the dry sample of SPSBR using elemental analysismethod. The IEC was then calculated using Equation 1 [24]:


    Where: S c is the sulphur content (percentage weight rate),MW s is the Molecular weight of sulphur and 1000 is themultiplying factor to obtain IEC value in mmol/g.

    The degree of sulphonation of the SPSBR was determinedusing the value of IEC calculated from Equation 1 in

    Equation 2 [25]:


    Where: IEC is the ion exchange capacity (mol/g), M SPBR isthe wolecular weight of the repeating unit of the PSBR(g/mol) and M SO3H is the molecular weight of SO 3H (g/mol)


    The sulphonated polystyrene butadiene rubber (10g) wasdissolved in 200ml of 1, 2 dichloroethane at elevatedtemperature to form a casting solution. The solution of thesulphonated polystyrene butadiene rubber was then castusing a laboratory scale casting tape to form a thin sheet ofmembrane. The cast membrane was cured for 4 days byexposing it to the air and then peeled it off from the support.The membrane was further dried in an oven at 75 oC for 4-5hours and vacuum dried for 4 hours to remove the residualsolvent. The membrane was then analyzed to determine itsproton conductivity and methanol cross over.

    MEMBRANE TESTINGThe membrane electrode assembly (MEA) was fabricated

    by sandwiching the synthesized membrane between two40wt% PtCNT electrodes and then hot pressing at 100 oC for3 minutes at a pressure of 173.53 Psi. The MEA fabricatedwas then tested in a single fuel cell stack shown in Fig.1. Thefuel gases (hydrogen and oxygen) diffused through the

    porous backing layer to the electrolyte/electrode interfacewhere electrocatalytic reactions occurred. The voltage andcurrent were measured using a digital multimeter and theperformance of the MEA was evaluated from the polarizationcurves of voltage versus current density.

    Fig. 1: Schematic of MEA and single cell testing [26]

    III RESULTS AND DISCUSSION OF RESULTSFuel cells are described as a potentially viable alternatives

    backup power particularly in telecom industry [17], [19]. Thetraditional backup power technologies use batteries andgenerator that depend on diesel, gasoline etc. to operate. As atthe moment, most of the backup power communication andcontrol system employ a combination of generators andbatteries to provide a redundancy and good servicedistribution. These systems have been proved reliable andwell established, but growing concerns about theenvironmental pollution of batteries and generators aremotivating many users to seek for an alternative source ofenergy that can provide high reliability and durability at areasonable cost without emission. Compared to batteries, fuelcells offer a continuous and greater durability in harshoutdoor environment. They require lesser maintenance thangenerators because they have fewer moving parts and theycan also be monitored with remote thereby reducing themaintenance time [17]. This paper therefore describes thesynthesis of proton exchange membrane for fuel cellapplication via sulphonation.

    Sulphonation is a process used to convert a polymer to beproton conductive. Figs. 2 and 3 represent the Fouriertransform infrared (FT-IR) and nuclear magnetic resonance


    HNMR) spectra of the unsulphonated and sulphonatedpolystyrene butadiene rubber. Fig.2 is the FT-IR spectra ofthe unsulphonated and sulphonated polymer at differentdegrees of sulphonation. The weak broad band observed at3573cm -1 is the O-H vibration from sulphonic acid groupupon sulphonation. While the band observed at 1364cm -1 isas a result of symmetric and asymmetric stretching of S=Owhich simultaneously increase the intensity of the aromaticC=C and C-C at 1649cm -1 and 1494cm -1 respectively and thatof the non-aromatic at 2846 and 2919cm -1.

    Fig 2: FT-IR spectra of unsulphonated and sulphonatedPSBR

    The 1HNMR spectra of the unsulphonated and sulphonatedpolystyrene butadiene presented in Fig. 3 also confirms thepresence of sulphonic group in the sulphonated rubber. The

    peak appearing between 4 and 5 ppm indicates the presenceof sulphonic acid linkage on the aromatic benzene ring,which confirms the substitution to be limited to the para-position of the phenyl group [27]. It can be observed from1HNMR spectra (Fig.3) that there is no significant change inthe signals at 7.3 and 7.6ppm for both unsulphonated andsulphonated rubber.

    The results obtained on the various analyses conducted onthe synthesized membrane at different sulphonation time arepresented in Table 1. These results reveal that both ionexchange capacity and degree of sulphonation increases withincrease in sulphonation time. Ion exchange capacity

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    describes the number of milliequivalent of ions in 1g of thedry polymer and is used to confirm the extent to which thepolymer is converted from non-conductive to protonconductive material. It is seen that a sulphonation time of24hrs gives the maximum ion exchange capacity of 2mmol/g.

    Fig. 3: 1HNMR spectra of unsulphonated and sulphonatedpolymer.

    The degree of sulphonation which represent the averagenumber of sulphonic groups present in the sulphonatedpolymer was investigated and the results obtained are shownin Table 1. It is seen from this Table that the sulphonationtime influence the degree of sulphonation of the sulphonatedpolymer. For instance, sulphonation time of 0.5hrs produceda degree of sulphonation of 2.39% while the sulphonationtime of 24hrs resulted in membrane with degree ofsulphonation of 37.23%. The effect of sulphonated time onthe methanol permeability of the synthesized membranes wasalso investigated. Methanol crossover is the capacity of themembrane to block the fuel passing through the membrane,and it is considered as the quality of the membrane thatdetermines its performance in fuel cell application [27].

    Table 1: Effects of sulphonation time on the qualities of thesynthesized membrane


    SC (%) DS (%) (S/cm) P(mol/cm 2s)

    0.5 0.48 2.39 0.00198 7.31X10 -7 2.711.0 1.62 8.25 0.0027 6.48X10 -7 4.192.0 1.91 9.80 0.0034 6.30X10 -7 5.40

    20.0 5.04 28.17 0.0072 4.81X10 -7 14.924.00 6.40 37.23 0.0129 4.62X10 -7 27.9

    SC = sulphur content, DS = degree of sulphonation, =

    proton conductivity, P = methanol permeability, =characteristic factor.The fuel crossover through the membrane results in

    decrease in the cathode potential and energy efficiency [28].Hence, it is important to use a synthesized membrane withlow methanol permeability. The results obtained on the effectof sulphonation time on the methanol permeability (Table 1)show that as the sulphonation time increases and thepermeability to membrane decreases. Increase insulphonation time increased the degree of sulphonationwhich also resulted to reduction in equivalent weight thatproduces more sites for the distribution of methanol in the

    membrane matrix. The results obtained on the methanolpermeability reveal that the methanol permeability of thesynthesized membrane is lower than that of the Nafion (3.15X10 -6mol/cm 2s), the commercially available membrane.

    The proton conductivity of the synthesized membraneswas measured by alternating current impedance over afrequency range of 1-10 6 Hz using 1M H 2SO 4 as electrolyte.The value of the intersection of the high frequencyimpedance curve (Fig.4) with the real axis was taken as themembrane resistance and the proton conductivity wascalculated from Equation 3:


    Where: is the proton conductivity (S/cm), T is themembrane thickness (cm) and S is the surface area of themembrane (cm 2). The membrane sample was soaked indistilled water until full hydration of the membrane wasattained before the proton conductivity of the synthesizedmembrane was measured. Hydration is necessary for amembrane that relies on sulphonic acid to conduct protonsbefore it can attain a desirable level of proton conductivity.The results obtained on the effects of sulphonation time onproton conductivity of the synthesized membranes reveal thatproton conductivity of the synthesized membrane is in theorder of 10 -3 10 -2S/cm.

    Fig. 4: Impedance curve

    A characteristic factor ( ) which is the ratio of protonconductivity to the methanol permeability of the membraneas shown in Equation 4 is used to verify the performance ofthe proton exchange membrane in fuel cell application.Comparing the characteristic values of the synthesizedmembrane with that of Nafion (which is 8) shows that thesynthesized membrane samples with higher degree ofsulphonation (i.e. DS = 28.17% and DS = 37.23%) exhibitecharacteristic factor of 14.85 and 27.89 respectively as shownin Table 1.

    (4)Where: is the proton conductivity (S/cm) and P is the

    methanol permeability (mmol/cm 2s)Thermal stability is a major factor affecting the use of








    0.00E+00 5.00E+05 1.00E+06

    L o g

    ( - Z i i ) / o h m s

    Log (Zi)/ohms

  • 8/14/2019 SATNAC 68 (ABDULKAREEM)


    Nafion in fuel cell applications operating at temperature inthe range of 100-150 oC. The thermal stability of thesynthesized membrane was investigated using differentialscanning (DSC) and thermo gravimetric analysis (TGA)methods. The DSC analysis of the sulphonated andunsulphonated polystyrene butadiene rubber was carried outusing 822E DSC analyzer. Measurement was obtained overthe range of 30-400 oC at the heating rate of 5 oC/minute undernitrogen atmosphere flushed at 75ml/min, the resultsobtained are presented in Fig. 5. The DSC curve shown in Fig5 reveals that polystyrene butadiene rubber is highly stablethermally with a glass transition temperature T g of 198

    oC(This is the point of inflexion on the slope of change of DSCcurve). This curve also shows that the T g of the sulphonatedmembrane is in the range of 200-220 oC which is influencedby the degree of sulphonation. The final peak on the curverepresent the final scission of the main chain of themembrane which is in the range of 360-364 oC.

    Fig. 5: DSC curve of the unsulphonated and sulphonatedmembrane

    The TGA analysis which determines the change in weightrelative to temperature was also used to investigate thethermal stability of unsulphonated and sulphonatedmembrane samples. The TGA analysis was conducted withPerker Elmer Pyris TGA/DTA analyzer where the samples

    were heated to 800o

    C at 10o

    C/minute in nitrogen gas flushedat 150ml/min. The results obtained on the TGA analysis ofthe unsulphonated and sulphonated membrane (Fig 6) revealthat the synthesized membrane is thermally stable with threetransition of loss in weight. The first transition temperature(about 22 oC) can be attributed to the loss of moisture andsome other chemicals such as dichloro ethane in the samples.The second drop in mass (between 312-316 oC) represents thesplitting off of the sulphonic group in the membrane. Thefinal drop in weight (between 354-365 oC) represents thedecomposition temperature of the membrane. It can beinferred from the thermal stability analyses that the

    synthesized membrane is thermally stable and can beemployed at high temperature fuel cell applications.

    The cell performance is one of the main evaluationparameters of fuel cells. The test results obtained in a singlePEM fuel cell stack at different degrees of sulphonation using40 wt% PtCNT catalyst electrodes are presented in Figs. 7and 8. Fig.7 represents the voltage generated by themembrane at different degree of sulphonation while Fig. 8shows the power density of the synthesized membranes.These results reveal that increase in degree of sulphonationenhanced the performance of the membrane. This can beexplained by the fact that increase in degree of sulphonationincreased the sulphonic acid group in the membrane matrixwhich in turn facilitated proton transfer ability of themembrane. The higher the proton transfer the higher thevoltage generated and the more the power density produced.For instance, at the degree of sulphonation is equal to 2.39%the maximum density of 10.38mW/cm 2, while at higherdegree of sulphonation (DS = 37.23%), the maximum powerdensity produced by the membrane is 71.47mW/cm 2 whichtranslate to 58.85 %

    Fig 6: TGA curve of unsulphonated and sulphonatedmembrane.








    0 200 400 600

    H e a

    t f l o w

    ( m W )

    Temperature ( oC)

    Unsulphonated membrane

    DS = 2.39%DS = 37.23%








    0 500 1000

    W e i g

    h t l o s s

    ( % )

    Temperature ( oC)

    Unsulphonated membrane

    DS = 2.39%

    DS = 37.23%

  • 8/14/2019 SATNAC 68 (ABDULKAREEM)


    Fig. 7: Effect of degree of sulphonation on theperformance of membrane


    The concern for the efficient use of clean energy all overthe world has gathered rapid momentum and there isawareness on the advantages of electrochemical power assource of clean energy. Fuel cells have been identified asalternative source of energy for power backup in telecomindustry. On a life cycle basis, fuel cells can offer significantcost saving over battery generator system. High cost of thefuel cell components especially the PEM hinders theavailability of fuel cell for commercial purpose. AlternativePEM was synthesized in this work and the results obtained

    revealed that the membrane produced from the local materialis thermally stable with moderate proton conductivity. Thesynthesized membrane produced power density in the rangeof 10.38-71.47mW/cm 2 dependimg on the sulphonation time.The synthesized membrane can therefore be used for telecomfuel applications

    Fig. 8: Effect of degree of sulphonation on the powerdensity.

    ACKNOWLEDGMENT Vall University of Technology is acknowledged for

    providing fund for this work. Karbochem (Pty) Ltd, SouthAfrica is appreciated for making the polymer available.Professor Sigalas and Dr Liversage are also appreciated formaking the laboratory scale casting tape available.


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    0 100 200 300

    V o l t a g e

    ( V )

    Current density mA/cm 2

    DS = 2.39% DS = 9.80%DS = 28.17% DS = 37.23%



    0 100 200 300

    P o w e r

    d e n s i

    t y ( m W / c m

    2 )

    Current density mA/cm 2

    DS = 2.39% DS = 9.80%

    DS = 28.17% DS = 37.23%

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