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  • @scr.railnet.gov.in


    !"" 86499 27822874 86500 27825309 99# $#

    % % ! 86497 27824216 89970 27826464 531#&' ()*97013 70004 86483* 27824216* agm+,$ -+, !. 86495 27830516 89099 27006005 303#&' ()*97013 70006 86482* 27830516* sdgm$ / 0. . 86493 27823640 27732814 197013 70011 86493* 27823640* dgmg$ / 0.2. 86491 27833020 27675755 13 4

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    86440 8948697013 70096 86484* 27833203*/4%-)

    8644097013 70093%4 !0. . 86483 27824216 85312 567/2# 8.97013 70079%%-)

    97013 70030$4

  • NameOffice Residence Address

    Email: @scr.railnet.gov.inRly BSNLRly BSNL


    1FAX *


    GM JAYANTH M.S. 86499 27822874 86500 27825309 99,RAIL HOUSELANCER LINES

    AGM Vijaya Mohan R. 86497 27824216 89970 27016464 531 South Lallaguda97013 70004 86483* 27824216* agmSDGM Vashishta Johri 86495 27830516 89099 27006005 303South Lallaguda97013 70006 86482* 27830516* sdgmDGM/Genl Srinivasa Rao C. 86493 27823640 27732814 Pvt.97013 70011 86493* 27823640* dgmgDGM/Co-ord& Srikanth Reddi K. 86491 27833020 27675755 Pvt.Secy to GM97013 70010 secygmSecy (PG) A.K. Singh 86490 27830098 85292 27355576 624/4, RN Colony97013 70012 secypgDy.Secy/Proto Francis K. 86488 27822334 86393 27821549 563/6,OCO Compound97013 70020 dysecyprotoAsst.Secy/Genl Nagarajan A. 86487 27822334 2008333697013 70027 asgenAsst.Secy/Confi Md. Karamathulla Khan 86489 27822334 2720421997013 70029 asconfiAsst.Secy/Proto@NDLS Birendra Sharama 030/097176 40070 22826TI 8536097013 70041Steno/Secy/GM 86440 8948697013 70096 86484* 27833203*Steno/Secy/GM 8644097013 70093PPS to AGM Jayasree B. 86483 27824216 85312 567/2, RN Colony97013 70079Sr.Steno to AGM97013 70030PS to SDGM Jhansi Maharani P. 86482 27830516 88372 566/5, RN Colony97013 70031Chief OS/Genl 8811997013 70087HC/R & D 85331

    General AdministrationHead Quarters

  • @scr.railnet.gov.in


    % .&/ 86454% (> )7( 88660


    /!-& 85083 pgcellhq

    - .& 8508397013 70042

    /4 885759701370094

    /* 881219701370028)9 '! . 886609701370038)91%81 864919701370035%)% / ? 864549701370078%)% ./9


    18 .& 881179701370039

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    9701370040)% . 867739701370037"./ 868379701370043*.& 8811597013 70036( )&/ 86485%$*

    - !.3A1 861769701370076!.3 A1 861769701370077%)( 88280

    . A%)( 85471(.%)( 88730(> 88182; 85450 helpcentre

    ) 85064


  • NameOffice Residence Address

    Email: @scr.railnet.gov.inRly BSNLRly BSNL


    2FAX *

    OS/Works 86454ORH Booking 88660

    88770*HC/PG Cell 85083 pgcellhqCompl. Insp 850839701370042HC/Optg. 885759701370094HC/Stores 881219701370028Sr.CCI 886609701370038CTO 8649197013 70035SSO/Arbitration 8645497013 70078SSO/Acct.9701370095Protocol Insp. 881179701370039Protocol Insp/II9701370040PSO to GM 8677397013 70037S&WI/SCRWWO 868379701370043Sr.CDI 8811597013 70036CD Office/EOC 86485SE/Computers 861769701370076JE/Computers 861769701370077Genl Sec. 88280PQ Section 85471Confidential Sec. 88730Conference Hall 88182Help Centre 85450 helpcentreLibrary 85064

    General AdministrationHead Quarters

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    !4 .& 86346!4% .& 85265/ 155210A1& 86482.//B/


















  • NameOffice Residence Address

    Email: @scr.railnet.gov.inRly BSNLRly BSNL


    5FAX *

    EI 86346EOs Room 85265Help Line/Vig. 155210Computer Room 86482VI/Trafic/1/HQ97013 70048VI/Trafic/2/HQ97013 70049VI/Trafic/3/HQ97013 70050VI/Trafic/4/HQ97013 70051VI/Trafic/5/HQ97013 70052VI/Trafic/6/HQ97013 70053VI/Elec/HQ97013 70054VI/Mech./HQ97013 70055VI/S&T/HQ97013 70056VI/Accts/1/HQ97013 70057VI/Accts/2/HQ97013 70058VI/Accts/3/HQ97013 70059VI/Engg/1/HQ97013 70060VI/Engg/2/HQ97013 70061VI/Engg/3/HQ97013 70062VI/Engg/4/HQ97013 70063VI/Stores/2/HQ97013 70065

    VigilanceHead Quarters

  • @scr.railnet.gov.in










    9701370072)9% .


    $ / )) 86467 27832716 27735442 19701370018 dgmlaw

    % . 864639701370025)9 88107 895709701370075)9 5K% 6

    9701370090)9 5$446


    97013 70092

  • NameOffice Residence Address

    Email: @scr.railnet.gov.inRly BSNLRly BSNL


    6FAX *

    VI/Stores/3/HQ97013 70066VI/RPF/1/HQ97013 70067VI/P/1/HQ97013 70068VI/P/2/HQ97013 70069VI/P/3/HQ97013 70070VI / P/HQ97013 70064VI/Comp/HQ97013 70071VI/Medical/HQ97013 70072Chief OS97013 70089


    Dy.GM/Law Sukumaran E. 86467 27832716 27735442 Pvt.97013 70018 dgmlawLO 8646397013 70025CLA 88107 8957097013 70075CLA (CAT)97013 70090CLA (HC)97013 70091CLA (CC&RA)97013 70092

    LawHead Quarters

  • @scr.railnet.gov.in


    /& A L .. 865699701370134 /"% IMN " 86567 278209329701370140 /"" (!. 86561 85240 27530865 560/6 ()*9701370138 /-&'/"1.. " 896109701370133 /9 . 1.. 86559 27821698 27245542 19701370135 aobooks / 0. " 86562 270627189701370139 /"."*" !.! 86564 88167 27822618 564/1#%.% $*9701370142 /O %!P)Q. 86572 27822586 88223 449 9701370145 /.""*."/ 0.% 865669701370137 /""*/ )R' "!. 8655897013 70144 // &7( 1. 8655597013 70132 /R ('-" 8656497013 70143 /74( ..". 865519701370141 /."*./%"./@@ "." 8857118/".. 86560 /- . 86752%)(% ./O 86349%)% ./""*%)( 88380%)% ./9 86509%)% ./""%) 88380%) /"//?/. 86718%) /!I%)( 88325%) /1."/"..%)( 85027%)(% ./% 85151%) /%)( 86371%) /O/ 85502


  • NameOffice Residence Address

    Email: @scr.railnet.gov.inRly BSNLRly BSNL


    8FAX *

    AccountsHead Quarters

    AO/Effi&IT Raghava Rao P.V. 8656997013 70134AO/SI Tiruvallavan S. 86567 2782093297013 70140AO/SF Nagoji Rao K. 86561 85240 27530865 560/6 Bhoiguda97013 70138AO/TRG/STC Bhaskar A. 8961097013 70133AO/Books Desikan T.V. 86559 27821698 27245542 Pvt.97013 70135 aobooksAO/Goods Srinivas Rao M. 86562 2706271897013 70139AAO/SV&S Prema G.Rajan 86564 88167 27822618 564/1,OCO Compound97013 70142AAO/Finance Md. Afzaluddin 86572 27822586 88223 449 Lancer Lines97013 70145AAO/PN&PF/HQ Srivallavan R. 8656697013 70137AAO/S&Bills/HQ Subramanian S.G. 8655897013 70144AAO/Exp/HQ Mokshalingam T. 8655597013 70132AAO/Purchase Ganeshan A.K. 8656497013 70143AAO/Chg. Prasad V.V.A.V 8655197013 70141AAO/BAD/RAB/II Prasad M.B.S. 88571Stock Verification Sec. 86560Stock Verifier/Accounts 89757Sr.SO/Admin Policy 86752Sr.SO/F 86349Sr.SO/S&F Sec. 88380Sr.SO/Acct. 86509Sr.SO/SF Sec. 88380SO/A/Bill/Est/Insp 86718SO/GAZ Sec. 88325SO/TA/LPC Sec. 85027SO/R 85151SO/PF Section 86371SO/F/Con. 85502

  • @scr.railnet.gov.in


    %) %%"" 851511.%"/ 85026

    .. 88701

    %)( 88702%) /%)( 887031.%"/.%" 866101.%"/ 88108%""/()* 89556p%""/ST()* 89359%""/Q.* 89528

    .%/".. 86575&%)( 886391.%%)( 853151." 85204."%)( 8GFUB

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    K-%)( 853049%)( 881389%)( 85517!1%)( 86FFD18 %)( 85264?%)( 8GWGW*9%)( 88146*%)(/9 8FXUB

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    -%%)( 85077 &%)( 88108; 88442"..%)( 86753""%)( 86349"*Z[1- 88669


  • NameOffice Residence Address

    Email: @scr.railnet.gov.inRly BSNLRly BSNL


    9FAX *

    SO&ISA 85151TIA/HQ 85026PC Cell 88701Pass Section 88702SO/Outstanding 88703TIA/PRS 86610TIA/HQ 88108ISA/LGD 89556ISA/MFT 89359ISA/Scrap Depo. 89528PI/MPP Cell 86575Effi. Sec. 88639TI Sec. 85315TAE 85204BA Sec. 86581PL Section/MFT 89359Pension Section 85304Book Sec. 88138Book Sec. 85517Budget Sec. 86553Stock Verification Sec. 85264Estt. Sec. 86767Stores Accounts Sec. 88146StoresSec/L.Bhavan 85081Bill Sec./L.Bhavan 85091Stores/W&S 85091Traffic/Audit 85395Expenditure Sec. 85167Expenditure Sec. 88723Coaching Sec. 86105Settelment Sec. 85425Statistical Sec. 85426Goods Sec./Sundry 86105Admin&Bills Sec. 85077Traffic Efficiency Sec. 88108Felicitation Centre 88442LPC Sec. 86753FX Sec. 86349FE & Draft Para Sec. 88669

    AccountsHead Quarters

  • @scr.railnet.gov.in


    "- 863489 A4 884889 A4 882549 A4 88229(> 86565A1& 86557A1&/9- 88417*Z 89716./



    97013 70153./




    97013 70157./










  • NameOffice Residence Address

    Email: @scr.railnet.gov.inRly BSNLRly BSNL


    10FAX *

    FE Sec. 86348Lekha Information 88488Lekha Information 88254Lekha Information 88229Conference Hall 86565Computre Cell 86557Computer Cell/SA Sec 88417Driver 89716Sr.TIA/HQ97013 70151Sr.TIA/HQ97013 70152Sr.TIA/HQ97013 70153Sr.TIA/HQ97013 70154Sr.TIA/HQ97013 70155Sr.TIA/HQ97013 70156Sr.TIA/HQ97013 70157Sr.TIA/HQ97013 70158Sr. TIA/HQ97013 70592Sr.ISA/HQ97013 70593Sr.ISA/HQ97013 70594Sr.ISA/HQ97013 70595Sr.ISA/HQ97013 70596Sr.ISA/HQ97013 70597Sr.ISA/HQ97013 70643

    AccountsHead Quarters

  • @scr.railnet.gov.in





    97013 70646/












    - ! ) . 89714 2700135897013 70104 dirctara%- *. 89457 27001359 88225 27820538 75/1 97013 70105$ - %\ !. 89762 89594 27000155 951/3&' ()*97013 701239-&'; 89610%)% 89719


  • NameOffice Residence Address

    Email: @scr.railnet.gov.inRly BSNLRly BSNL


    11FAX *

    Sr.ISA/HQ97013 70644Sr.ISA/HQ97013 70645Sr.ISA/HQ97013 70646Sr.ISA/HQ97013 70647Sr.ISA/HQ97013 70648Sr.ISA/CON97013 70676Sr.ISA/CON97013 70677Sr.ISA/CON97013 70678Sr.ISA/CON97013 70679Sr.ISA/CON97013 70691Sr.ISA/CON97013 70692Sr.ISA/M&E/Lgd97013 70693Sr.ISA/MFT/Lgd97013 70694Sr.ISA/SD/Lgd97013 70695


    Director Vijay Kumar P. 89714 2700135897013 70104 dirctaraAddl.Director Ramaiah D.K. 89457 27001359 88225 27820538 75/1,Lancer Lines97013 70105Dy.Director Ammeswara Rao G. 89762 89594 27000155 951/3South Lallaguda97013 70123ATC 89610SSO 89719

    Accounts / C-TARAHead Quarters

  • @scr.railnet.gov.in


    %)% /-%)( 89769]^I

    _!/]^I 89755 101 89901 102 89902 103 89903 104 89904 105 89905 106 88906 107 88907 108 88908 109 89909 110 89910 111 89911 112 89912 113 89913 114 89914 201 89921 202 89922 203 89923 204 89924 205 89925 206 89926 207 89927 208 89928 209 89929 210 89930 211 89931 212 89932- " 89915!&9 89916 89920)& 89765

    ! "

    *.." % 86547 27833194 23408347 19866340969 sredpm '. (\ P . 86546 278344609701370762

    # $ ! "

  • NameOffice Residence Address

    Email: @scr.railnet.gov.inRly BSNLRly BSNL


    12FAX *

    SSO/Admn Sec. 89769HostelLounge 89755Room No. 101 89901Room No. 102 89902Room No. 103 89903Room No. 104 89904Room No. 105 89905Room No. 106 89906Room No. 107 89907Room No. 108 89908Room No. 109 89909Room No. 110 89910Room No. 111 89911Room No. 112 89912Room No. 113 89913Room No. 114 89914Room No. 201 89921Room No. 202 89922Room No. 203 89923Room No. 204 89924Room No. 205 89925Room No. 206 89926Room No. 207 89927Room No. 208 89928Room No. 209 89929Room No. 210 89930Room No. 211 89931Room No. 212 89932GYM & RR 89915Housing Keeping 89916Mess 89920Security 89765


    Sr.EDPM Lalith Mohan R. 86547 27833194 23408347 Pvt.98663 40969 sredpmSr.Systems Manager Nageswara Rao B. 86546 2783446097013 70762

    C-TARA / IT CentreHead Quarters

  • @scr.railnet.gov.in


    ( ) . 86544 27821006 89442 27002447 952/4 &' ()*97013 70121*.."3@ -9 )A - 86542 197013 70114*.."3@@ ( " 86541 197013 701281..% AJ!." 86540 88487 623/4 8.97013 70125 !./* 88123 !./ 85018A4 H(.; 86503%%% ./ 86545)1 %$1)1- 85286 86444

    % & '

    /* *. 86538 27830502 27050334 197013 70112 srafacnp)99!4. $ \ % . 865379701370147% .&3@ 86506**` 86618*1 88765* *`//* 86506$.&/)// 85093 / 85246

    $) - 89432 27000472 89630 128&'()*9701370496 dyfacaows $\ .. 89583 270140859701370497%)% /- 89265%)% /." 89753%)% //? 89466%)% //." 89433%)% // 89683 !" () 89415

    % & ' $ $

  • NameOffice Residence Address

    Email: @scr.railnet.gov.inRly BSNLRly BSNL


    13FAX *

    Sr.Programmer Sudhakar P. 86544 27821006 89442 27002447 952/4 South Lallaguda97013 70121EDPM-I Sk.Yousuf Basha 86542 27065819 Pvt.97013 70114EDPM-II Gopal Naik M. 86541 27240210 Pvt.97013 70128TCO Murthy G.S. 86540 88487 623/4 RN Colony97013 70125SE/Stores 88123SE/Genl. 85018IT Sec. 86503IO Supdt./Pay Roll 86545Input&Output Sec. 85286LAN 86444

    CASH & PAY

    Sr.AFA/C&P Vinayaka Rao D. 86538 27830502 27050334 Pvt.97013 70112 srafacnpAsst.Chief Cashier Umamaheswara Rao R.V. 865379701370147OS-I 86506Divl.Cashier 86618DPM 88765Divl Cashier/Pay/Squad 86506SI/RPF/Pay Office/HQ 85093Pay Office/HQ 85246


    Dy.FA&CAO Kishore Koram 89432 27000472 89630 128 South Lallaguda97013 70496 dyfacaowsAWAO Umamaheswar B.V. 89583 2701408597013 70497SSO/Admn. 89265SSO/PL 89753SSO/A/Est.&Exp. 89466SSO/A/PL 89433SSO/A/PF 89683IT Sec. 89415

    Cash & Pay / WS AccountsHead Quarters

  • NameOffice Residence Address

    Email: @scr.railnet.gov.inRly BSNLRly BSNL


    14FAX *


    Pr.Director of Audit Dolly Chakraborthy 86535 2783072085113* 27832554* pda

    PS to PDA Shabana Khan 86535 27830720 85396 65447463 453/4 Chilkalgudapspda

    Director P.A. Ratnaparkhi 86536 27830686 86043 27535983 559/6 Bhoigudadiraudit

    Steno to DIR 86533 83265Dy.Director/CWS Sunder Rajan N. 86534 27832551 85294 27534156 522/5 Bhoiguda

    dydirauditSteno 85509 84460Sr.AuO/COR Subba Rao P.V. 86527 27832552Sr.AuO/A&Bills Acharyulu R.O. 85508 27832439 27177780Sr.AuO/Reports Nageswara Rao V. 86528 27131096Sr.AuO/BHQ Venkat Naidu Ch. 88538Sr.AuO/SAG Nageswara Rao V. 86529Sr.AuO/IT&EDP/I Subba Reddy K. 86506 24735452Sr.AuO/SAG&IA/II Ext.21Sr.AuO/Con 85306Sr.AuO/Costing&XHQ Ratna Kumari B. 86527 27823626 24018654 Pvt.AAuO/Bills/HQ Rajyalakshmi M. 86531 65194553 Pvt.AuO/ECPA Bhavani Shankar 85513AuO/TAI/I Raja Sekhar D. 86522Sr.AUO/TAI/II Krishna Kumar Ch.V. 86522 27831669Sr.AuO/TAI/III Chary P.L.B. 86523Sr.AuO/TAI/IV Srikumar V. 86522Sr.AuO/TAI/V 86522Sr.AuO/THQ Prasad Rao Ch.T.V.S. 86523 27128126 Pvt.Sr.AuO/ECPA 86530Auo/Con&HQ Nageswara Rao T.P. 85309AuO/SHQ&CA Sitakumari Ch. 86523 27532288 Pvt.AuO 86532AuO/Con 86511AuO/IHQ Siva Kumar Reddy M. 86514 27054408 Pvt.AAuO/A&OM Srinivasan K. Ext.17 30604570 Pvt.AAuO/Reports/I Lalitha Suman S. 85509AAuO/Reports/II Ravindra M.C. 85509AAuO/ECPA/II Ravindra Kumar B. 86530

    AuditHead Quarters

  • @scr.railnet.gov.in


    . /.."/@@@ 85513. /.." 85512. /%1. 7 " 86516 89726 554/2&' ()*. /%" % . 86529. /.%% ;%" 86529 27750221 1. //@ 86511. //@@ 86522. /1."% %"" 86512. /1."!. ! . 86512. /1.". 86512. /""4A K1- 86512. /."4A ('!. 86526 27823626. /%". 86514. /%"4A !)""" 86514. /""4A." AJ."4"% 86513 85152 58/1()*. 86524. /""4A "." 88571. !-9"4 86530 27530492 1. /1."% . 86530 86273 561/3 ()*. /@/ ')(" 86529%)% /- 85510*../9 .& 86532 27823625 86617 2754CBGW%)% /9.&.& 86512'.&/9.& 86531 89746' 19*.. /.*." 24*.. 25I. & 294. 865154. 15

    . \. % 89384 27003448 27907796 1. ! -9"4 89373 27670438 1

    & 89373 27957799 1

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    Email: @scr.railnet.gov.inRly BSNLRly BSNL


    15FAX *

    AAuO/ECPA/III 85513AAuo/ECPA 85512AAuO/IT Narasimha Rao S. 86516 89726 554/2 SouthLallagudaAAuO/IA Ananda Rao V. 86529AAuO/COR Indira R.M. 86529 27750221 Pvt.AAuO/Con/I 86511AAuO/Con/II 86522AAuO/TAI Anandam M.A. 86512AAuO/TAG Jyoti Prasad P. 86512AAuO/TAC 86512AAuO/SHQ Venkatram 86512AAuO/BHQ Nagamani G. 86526 27823626AAuO/RAP 86514AAuO/IHQ Vijaya Kumar M.S.L. 86514Sr.AuO/SHQ&CA Murthy Ch.S.R.K. 86513 85152 58/1, BhoigudaAAuO 86524AuO/SHQ Prasad M.V.S. 88571AAuO Rajasekhar H. 86530 27530492 Pvt.AuO/TAI Prabhakar P. 86530 86273 561/3 BhoigudaAAuO/IHQ Venugopal N. 86529SO/Admn 85510Sr.DP/Audit 86532 27823625 86617 27542167SO/Audit Insp 86512WI/Audit 86531 89746Welfare Asst. Ext.19EDP Cell Ext.24New EDP Room Ext.25Millenium Hall Ext.29Watchman 86515Watchman Ext 15WS AuditSr.AuO Maheswari R. 89384 27003448 27907796 Pvt.AAuO Raja Sekhar H. 89373 27670438 Pvt.Supervisor 89373 27957799 Pvt.

    AuditHead Quarters

  • @scr.railnet.gov.in


    /9A11- 85223 ./*%)( 85044 .//@@ 85035 85156 ./' 88128 ./. . 85271 .//@@@ 88495 ./74( . 85155 ./*." 85229 ./9 88187 ./7.%)( 85079 .//@ 88359 .//@a 88782 ./? 88668%&'%)( 88354

    -+9/.%. 88337

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    9701370178)./ /B

    9701370179)./ /C

    9701370180)./ /D

    9701370181)./ /E



  • NameOffice Residence Address

    Email: @scr.railnet.gov.inRly BSNLRly BSNL


    17FAX *

    CI/Catering Unit at SC Stn. 85223OS/Stores Sec. 85044OS/Genl/II 85035 85156OS/Marketing 88128OS/GR&R 85271OS/Genl/III 88495OS/CR 85155OS/D&S 85229OS/Catering 88187OS/Hindi Sec. 85079OS/Genl/I 88359OS/Genl/IV 88782OS/Esst. 88668Reservation Sec. 88354SPL Catering/VIP 88337PAD Stores 86003Computer Centre 88414Driver 85349CCI/Genl/HQ/197013 70173CCI/Genl/HQ/297013 70174CCI/Genl/HQ/397013 70175CCI/Genl/HQ/497013 70176CCI/Genl/HQ/597013 70177CCI/Genl/HQ/697013 70178CCI/Rates&Devp/197013 70179CCI/Rates&Devp/297013 70180CCI/Rates&Devp/397013 70181CCI/Rates&Devp/497013 70182

    CommercialHead Quarters

  • @scr.railnet.gov.in


    / R1.*. 86223 278214459701370968/ .#-K ).." 86217 27821923 272476729701370970/ !" 8622097013 70980 8621897013 70971/ 86219)9% .&/1 88525)9% .&/ 85EBY ./ 85247 ./7( -9 88763)9 8GCXU% .& 8GCBC* . 8FCDW%= 86253%= 86457%= 86215+,

    89248)L1& 86296 2782BYCDA1& 86699).3@/ .97013 70998).3@@/ .97013 70993).3@/97013 70994).3@@/97013 70995).3@@@/97013 70996).3@a/97013 70997).//B97013 70189).//C97013 70190).//D97013 70191).//E

    97013 70192

  • NameOffice Residence Address

    Email: @scr.railnet.gov.inRly BSNLRly BSNL


    21FAX *

    SCM/Claims Christopher B.D. 86223 2782144597013 70968SCM/Ref,G&C Ravi Kumar P.V.N. 86217 27821923 2724767297013 70970ACM/Court Ram Jayaram M. 8622097013 70980ACM 8621897013 70971ACM/Claims 86219Chief OS/Court 88525Chief OS/Genl. 85419OS/CLG 85247OS/Copying Branch 88763CLA 86208OS 86212Stores Incharge 85237NR Cell 86253NR Cell 86457NR Cell 86215Sr.Clark 89248Accident Cell 86296 27821923Computer Cell 86699Sr.CCI-I/Refunds97013 70998Sr.CCI-II/Refunds97013 70993Sr.CCI-I/Claims97013 70994Sr.CCI-II/Claims97013 70995Sr.CCI-III/Claims97013 70996Sr.CCI-IV/Claims97013 70997CCI/I/Claims97013 70189CCI/II/Claims97013 70190CCI/III/Claims97013 70191CCI/IV/Claims97013 70192

    ClaimsHead Quarters

  • @scr.railnet.gov.in


    .//@@ 85506!.// 86917!./%9 88490!.//%9 88490!.//@@/)!. 88682!./"""/)!. 88646!.//=9. 85170 85007!./ 86831!./%9'/! 88463!./!/1."/ 88427!./*./1."". 88296!./""/+' 8UFCW!./H) 88713

    *!P1*Z(-/+' 88648)/)!. 88653: 88654 27822657K;.1Z 85507* 27822657*!.//%/ 8UEUE!./1.."/"" 88257!./*./ 88463!./ 85322!./. 88427!./*./1."". 86702!.// 86914 85287!.//%9 85456)9+'/( 86702/+' 85168/+'/H) 88544.1."./ 851761."./K;. 88131*/Wb / 88365A1& 88367""A& 88296 (> 86300*Z/)!. 89289*Z 85097*Z/)!. 89307!./../



  • NameOffice Residence Address

    Email: @scr.railnet.gov.inRly BSNLRly BSNL


    23FAX *

    OS/G/II 85506SSE/TRD/HQ 86917SSE/Drg Office 88490SSE/TRD/Drg 88490SSE/TRS/TechII/CELE 88682SSE/NSS/CELE 88646SSE/TRS/St. 85170 85007SSE/TRS 86831SSE/D/Plg. 88463SSE/P/TL/HQ 88427SSE/D/TL&AC 88296SSE/NS/Tr. 88527SSE/Elec. 88713DDS/Tr. 88648CTLC/CELE 88653TLC @ 88654 27822657Central Control 85507* 27822658*SE/TRS/D/W 88484SE/TPS/NS 88257SE/D/Proj 88463SE/TRD 85322SE/P 88427SE/D/TL&AC 86702SE/TRS/Elec 86914 85287JE/TRS/Drg 85456CTA/TLI 86702SLI/TR 85168SLI/TR/Elec. 88544CTLC/HQ 85176TLC/Central Control 88131Stores/7th/RN 88365Computer Room 88367MEMU Cell 88296Conference Hall 86300Driver/CEE 89289Driver 85097Driver/CEDE 89307SSE/Tech./HQ97013 70320

    ElectricalHead Quarters

  • @scr.railnet.gov.in








    97013 70329!./../+''












    9701370341!.3@@/*. *.


    97013 70343


  • NameOffice Residence Address

    Email: @scr.railnet.gov.inRly BSNLRly BSNL


    24FAX *

    SSE/Tech./2/TR97013 70321SSE/St/TR97013 70322SSE/Stores/2/TRD97013 70323SSE/D/TRD97013 70324SSE/P/D/HQ97013 70325SSE/Tech./TL&AC97013 70329SSE/Tech/TRD97013 70330SE/St/TR97013 70331SSE/D/Plg97013 70332SSE/D/Proj.97013 70333SSE/MEMU97013 70334SE/D/Tr.97013 70335SLI/297013 70336SLI/397013 70337CTLC/197013 70338TLC/197013 70339TLC/297013 70340JE/I/St97013 70341JE-II/D&D97013 70342JE-I/D/Loco97013 70343

    ElectricalHead Quarters

  • @scr.railnet.gov.in


    !./%%. !2." 863669701370234 ./!1 86342% .&/ 86344% .&/? 85047% .&/*A." 88576)9% .&//()* 89793 ./A%)( 88387 ./* 86370% .&/ 85BUC ./ 85420 ./1."./)!./4 85080% .& 85385 .3@@ 85047 89422 . 88397 83326)9(- 8UWEY!./) 86343 ./) 88515!./) 86310 89580!.//c` 85193 89503!./%9 85293!./% 88452 8YCDE!./%9 86369!./%! 85175!./? 88397!./?/!.I' 86725 27824143 89281!./% 89681!.//) 85278!./A1 & 85227 ./*% ./!. 89516

    H)$1-/!. 894844/!. 89252

    .&'%)( 86318

    )%)( 86310 (%)( 8FXDG%9'%)( 89516%9'%)( 89474 (%)( 85056

    ."..- 88397


  • NameOffice Residence Address

    Email: @scr.railnet.gov.inRly BSNLRly BSNL


    28FAX *

    AXEN/ROB/HQ Janardhana Reddy N. 8636697013 70234OS/Budget 86342OS/Genl 86344OS/Track 85047OS/W&CA 88576Chief OS/EWS/LGD 89793OS/Land Sec. 88387OS/Stores 86370OS/Works 85182OS/Works 85420OS/TMC/CE/OL 85080OS 85385OS/II 85047 89422OS 88397 83326CLA 88749SSE/Brdg. 86343OS/Brdg. 88515SE/Brdg . 86310 89580SSE/W/Floods 85193 89503SSE/Drawings 85293SSE/D 88452 89234SSE/Drawing 86369SE/Plg 85175SSE/PW 88397SE/PW/EC 86725 27824143* 89281SE/D 89681SE/W/Soil Mech. Lab 85278SE/Computer Room 85227SS/ADMS/EWS 89516Elec.SubStn/EWS 89484Structural Shop/EWS 89252Inspection Sec. 86318Bridge Sec. 86310Works Programme Sec. 85036Drawing. Sec. 89516Drawing. Sec. 89474Wrks Programme Sec. 85056PSC Sleeper Sec. 88397

    EngineeringHead Quarters

  • @scr.railnet.gov.in


    * - 85579c` - 85193?%)( 8UFXW!%)( 88423!..I'/1 8GWCF

    88WGX(. & 8GDWF(> 88399.. ) 85XUF*Z& 8GXXW!./%/

    97013 70249!./? -.

    97013 70254!./A""*./@

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    97013 70262!./%)A4.%)(

    97013 70263!./A%)(

    97013 70264!./?-.%)(

    97013 70265!./?%)(/B

    97013 70266


  • NameOffice Residence Address

    Email: @scr.railnet.gov.inRly BSNLRly BSNL


    29FAX *

    Yard Sec. 85579Flood Sec. 85193Estt.Sec. 88507Plan Sec. 88423Engg.Control/CTC 86725

    88760*Confidential Cell 86375Conference Hall 88399Technical Library 85085Drivers Room 86007SSE/D/HQ97013 70249SSE/TM97013 70254SSE/USFD/197013 70255SSE/USFD/297013 70256SSE/P.Way/HQ97013 70257SSE/PW/W/EC97013 70258SE/Sig/EC/HQ97013 70259SSE/W/Brdg97013 70260SSE/W/Floods97013 70261SSE/D/Genl97013 70262SSE/SOR Sec97013 70263SSE/Land Sec97013 70264SSE/TM Sec97013 70265SSE/Tr Sec/197013 70266

    EngineeringHead Quarters

  • @scr.railnet.gov.in



    97013 70267!./?%)(/C

    97013 70268!./%9'/

    97013 70269!./. %

    97013 70270!./%

    97013 70271!./% )

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    97013 70277!./%9'/*A.

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    97013 70292!.//.

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    97013 72216.& /

    97013 70282!.3@@/?/.

    97013 70288!.3B/?/1."

    97013 70290!.3B/?/

    97013 70291


  • NameOffice Residence Address

    Email: @scr.railnet.gov.inRly BSNLRly BSNL


    30FAX *

    SSE/TMC Sec97013 70267SSETr Sec/297013 70268SSE/Drg97013 70269SSE/P&R97013 70270SSE/Desig97013 70271SSE/D Brdg97013 70272SSE/TM97013 70296SSE/EWS97013 70274SE/PW/EC97013 70277SE/Desig./WP97013 70278SE/Br/HQ97013 70292SE/W/EC97013 70289Dy.SS/BTC97013 70281Sr.Insp/Civil/ - HFZ&SKP97013 72216Sr.Insp /Civil97013 70282JE-II/PW/EC97013 70288JE-1/P.Way/TA97013 70290JE-1/PW/Comp97013 70291

    EngineeringHead Quarters

  • @scr.railnet.gov.in


    !./*/*.!P 85135!./9 86722!./(*`. .& 86720 27833266!./* 892119. .& 85008%9/* 85434%9/ 85284A1& 86507".& 85296*Z& 88667(> 88679*Z/)!. 85028*Z/)!. 89315*Z/)41!. 89236!.//@/

    97013 70424!.//@@/

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    97013 70427!./74(/@@/

    97013 70428!./

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    97013 70430!./*.!P//C/

    97013 70431!./*.!P/"/B

    97013 70432!./*A"/

    97013 70433!./*A"/*

    97013 70434!./*A"/

    97013 70435


  • NameOffice Residence Address

    Email: @scr.railnet.gov.inRly BSNLRly BSNL


    32FAX *

    SSE/C&W/D 85135SSE/WS 86722SSE/TXR 86720 27833266JE/C&W 89211STI 85008Drg Offi. / C&W 85434Drg.Offi. /Loco 85284Computer Cell 86507M&P Cell 85296Drivers Room 88667Conference Hall 88679Driver/CME 85028Driver/CWE 89315Driver/CRSE 89236SSE/Goods/I/HQ97013 70424SSE/Goods/II/HQ97013 70425SSE/Stores/C&W97013 70426SSE/Chg./I/HQ97013 70427SSE/Chg./II/HQ97013 70428SSE/Punctuality97013 70429SSE/DSL/E/1/HQ97013 70430SSE/DSL/E/2/HQ97013 70431SSE/DSL/M/197013 70432SSE/WS/Liason97013 70433SSE/WS/Stores97013 70434SSE/WS/Tech.97013 70435

    MechanicalHead Quarters

  • @scr.railnet.gov.in



    97013 70436!./!3@@/

    97013 70437!./-.I3@/

    97013 70438!./-.I3@@/

    97013 70439!./%9/*/

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    97013 70443!.///

    97013 70444!./%9//

    97013 70445!./A1/

    97013 704473@@/*/K

    97013 704483@/*/K

    97013 70449

    * " + %

    7/K '% 89589 27823513 27222176 19701370412 stc . 89482]^I & 89497]^I 89482%)-K& 89543


  • NameOffice Residence Address

    Email: @scr.railnet.gov.inRly BSNLRly BSNL


    33FAX *

    SSE/Plg.-I/HQ97013 70436SSE/Plg.-II/HQ97013 70437SSE/M&P -I/HQ97013 70438SSE/M&P/II/HQ97013 70439SSE/D/C&W97013 70440SE/C&W/1- Central Control97013 70441SE/C&W/2- Central Control97013 70442SSE/DSL/M/297013 70443SSE/WS/G/HQ97013 70444SSE/Drg/Loco97013 70445SE/Computer/HQ97013 70447JE-II/C&W/ - Central Control97013 70448JE-I/C&W/- Central Control97013 70449


    Principal Ramana Alla 89589 27823513 86151 562/1,Bhoiguda97013 70412 stcOS 89482HS 89497Hostel 89482Insts Room 89543

    Mechanical / STCHead Quarters

  • @scr.railnet.gov.in



  • NameOffice Residence Address

    Email: @scr.railnet.gov.inRly BSNLRly BSNL


    35FAX *

    SSE/Welding 8936797013 70460SSE/Budget 8937197013 70488SSE/Trimming 8936197013 70463SSE/Material 8952297013 70479SSE/CTR 8934997013 70461SSE/NTXR 8928497013 70463SSE/Computer 8946197013 70478SSE/AIR Break 8929497013 70481SSE/Modern 894939701370467SSE/Insp. 8929697013 70482SSE/RS 89207SSE/Corrossion 89247SSE/Smithy Shop 89440SSE/Machi.Shop 89445SSE/Mech 89479SSE/MS 89297SSE/Progress 8955997013 70487SSE/Chg97013 70456SSE/New Bogie97013 70458SSE/tech/CTA 8946797013 70462SSE/Tinsmith97013 70464SSE/ER97013 70466SSE/Bogie St.97013 70468SSO/Finance97013 70470

    Mechanical WS,LgdHead Quarters

  • @scr.railnet.gov.in


    ...97013 70471!.//"97013 70472!./".97013 70473!./..%97013 70474!./)!d 89456!./A1 89EFU1% ./.*1 8952397013 704761% ./.* 8952397013 704771% .//%"*" 89522""/1 895249701370469!. 89467+,1-+ 89471./9 894139701370EWF.//9 8YWEE&% . 897779701370459-.%81 89445 89381.- 83205(> 89458,& 89523

    %7.%)( 89405

    ."%3..% 89559

    7*(%)( 89711%9' 89418%"% A4& 89462

    H)-8 89455.1.. 89533"%".1 85317.." A]^]^ 89408) 1/ (1 89EUY"."- 89492I.%&' '. 89717e1. 89621%."/) 89244YWXBDWXEGF$)/)/()* 89411 27041859 88203%()& 89321

    * ) " + %

  • NameOffice Residence Address

    Email: @scr.railnet.gov.inRly BSNLRly BSNL


    36FAX *

    PPC97013 70471SSE/E/M97013 70472SSE/AC97013 70473SSE/PCO97013 70474SE/Components 89456SE/Computer 89458SS/Cariage,St 8952397013 70476SS/Cariage 8952397013 70477SS/Plg/R&F 89522SS/Millwright 895249701370469SSE/Tech/CTA 89467Sr.SystemsAnalyst 89471Sr.WI 8941397013 70475PI/WS/Lgd 89744Safety Officer 8977797013 70459Machi. Operator 89445 89381Technician 83205ConferenceHall 89458Meeting Room 89523Pass&Hindi Sec 89405PFO-PCO 89559Rewinding Sec. 89711Drawing Office 89418ISO&Information Cell 89462Elec.Repairs Shop 89455BTC 89533LOFP Plant 85317CCS Enquiry 89408RPF Post / Mani Gate 89489MBF Section 89492PRS 89717Canteen 89621IPF/RPF 892449701370465IPF/WS 89411 27041859 88203Visitor's Room 89321

    Mechanical WS,LgdHead Quarters

  • @scr.railnet.gov.in


    )4 *81%" 86809 27821373 88809 27735969 19701370500 85209* 27821373* cmd)4= !&. 0.." 86827 27821373 89428 27001233 924/4 &' ()*9701370504 pscmd)9?- *8'2.". 86808 27822893 UYFWU BCB/&' ()*9701370501$)4/1."*" *8!;" 86807 27822608 89129 27004453 954/4&' ()*9701370502$)4/?%' *8b;-. 86806 27820966 271764809701370503- / ) R ' \ 850329701370505! / ). 85001 85130 565/6 ()*9701370506 / ! !)!. 85339 89563 7/1&'()*9701370507)9% .& 85267 ./@@ 86805 ./@@/* 85351

    4%)( 88511(> 86803

    * " + %

    )4#%()* K *81%" 89199 88809 277359699701370500 cmd

    4 *8) . 89198 27000285 88132 27735272 623/1 8.9701370510 md

    4 89169."/? 891929701370512)9( 4 89196 270012389701370513)9 !- *8%!1. 89186 27003215 200701119701370514

    )9 !-3@@ *8 S4!f" 89104 27007260 89425 27018874 106&'()*9701370515


  • NameOffice Residence Address

    Email: @scr.railnet.gov.inRly BSNLRly BSNL


    37FAX *


    CMD Dr. R.M.Batwara 86809 27821373 88809 27735969 Pvt97013 70500 85209* 27821373* cmdPS to CMD Smt. Vijayalakshmi M. 86827 27821373 89428 27001233 924/4 South Lallaguda97013 70504 pscmdCHD Dr.Ramana Reddy M.V. 86808 27822893 89578 121 South Lallaguda97013 70501 chdDy.CMD/T&A Dr. Rajendra Prasad M. 86807 27822608 89129 27004453 954/4,South Lallaguda97013 70502 dycmdtnaDy.CMD/H&FW Dr. Ravindra Sharma C. 86806 27820966 27176480 Pvt97013 70503 dycmdhnfwAHEO/HQ Subramanyeswara Rao Y. 8503297013 70505APHO/RN Hanumaiah V. 85001 85130 565/6 Bhoiguda9701370506AHO/HQ Israil Raju G. 85339 89563 7/1 South Lallaguda97013 70507Chief OS 85267OS/II 86805OS/II/Stores 85351Medical Sec. 88511Conference Hall 86803


    CMD Dr. R.M.Batwara 89199 88809 27735969 Pvt.97013 70500 cmdMD Dr. Sudhakar B. 89198 27000285 88132 27735272 623/1,RN Colony97013 70510 mdPA to MD 89169CS/Path. 8919297013 70512Chief Pediatrician 89196 270012389701370513Chief Physician Dr. Anjaiah T. 89186 27003215 2007011197013 70514Chief Physician-II Dr. Bhattacharjee S. 89104 27007260 89425 27018874 106,South Lallaguda97013 70515

    Medical / Central Hospital, LgdHead Quarters

  • @scr.railnet.gov.in


    /@ )&. 0..1. 89167 89118 552/1 &'()*970137XFFG /@@ . ! 0.. 89113! ". 89336 85382 565/2 ()*9701370559! %-1 89178 89652 3/4&'()*9701370555) ./"*. 89168) ./."" 89195 89692) ./.""/ 8YBYW) / 89120)/&'()* 89161)4/? ()* 89491*!1 89125


    1 89168 89705!./ 89189* 9 89124!-& 89117

    A& 8YBXD%-O/* 89103!. &/%. 89111"3 ( 89125

    -+ * 89127 27002268*3C543@@@6 89139*3D543@@6 89138"%.A/.%* 89137*3F5J!3@6 8YBDG*3G5I. 46 89135*3W546 89134*3U%?d5J!3@@6 8YBDC*3Y 5]^.6 89131*3BX5A6 89130%..A 89140%..A 89286 27007260!.& 89577.!. & 89123

    (-%. 89143* (- 891334/%.% 89165 89166 27002271


  • NameOffice Residence Address

    Email: @scr.railnet.gov.inRly BSNLRly BSNL


    40FAX *

    ANO/I Smt.Subbalakshmi T. 89167 89118 552/1,South lallaguda97013 70556ANO/II Smt. Navneetham Rajan 89113APHO Hemalatha M.P. 89336 85382 565/2,Bhoiguda97013 70559APHO Ashok Matey 89178 89652 3/4,South Lallaguda97013 70555Chief OS/MD 89168Chief OS/CMS/SC 89195 89692Chief OS/CMS/HYB 89197Sr.CHI/SC 89120CHI/SLGD 89161CHI/NLGD 89491Sr.Radiologist 89125Head Typist 89168 89705JE/W 89189Sr.DA 89124Injection Room 89117Labour Room 89103PostOperativeWard 89103Sur. Room/OP 89111X-Ray Dept. 89125Special Ward 89127 27002268Ward-2(Medical-III) 89139Ward-3/Medical-II 89138SICU/PO Ward 89137Ward-5/Surgical-I 89136Ward-6 /Female Medical 89135Ward-7/Pediatric 89134Ward-8 Ortho/Surgical-II 89132Ward-9/Chest 89131Ward-10/Maternity 89130ICCU 89140ICCU 89286 27007260EEG Room 89577ECG Room 89123Laboratory OP 89143Indoor Lab 89133Skin/OP Room 89165Casualty 89166 27002271

    Central Hospital, LgdHead Quarters

  • @scr.railnet.gov.in


    "=?"& 89191

    1?!.%31Z. 89436)9(-% .& 89BDD

    (-% .& 89763%8- ?1 89170 27002267% .3%./%.*.889106%./ E 89163

    --) %. 89171

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    4.& 89172! 89174*gA1.*810& 89177

    A]^]^/$VL+' 89176I. (5%1.6 89159I. ( 5% .6 89185"%.A/A 89119 27002270]^. = 89188"1.5% .6 89190)1Z 8911397013 70557R !. 89146$/1 89148J!*3 89110%)

    .%"/."4/()* 89147"." 89101 89114%1Z$*"1Z* 89141%1$*"

    3* 89150

    -+ * 89102

    -+4=/ 89187

    -+ *

    1 89001


  • NameOffice Residence Address

    Email: @scr.railnet.gov.inRly BSNLRly BSNL


    41FAX *

    Anaesthesians Room 89191Histo Pathology& 89436 - Bio ChemistryChief Lab Suptd. 89133Lab Suptd. 89763Operation Theatre 89170 27002267Officers-OP/OPD Block 89106Female OP/R.No.4 89163Childrens OP 89171Family Planning 89179Dental Clinic 89180Genl-Male OP 89181Physiotherapy Room 89178Eye Clinic 89142

    89126Central Steril ization 89175Oxygen Room 89157Medical Exam Room 89172Surgeons' Room 89174Duty Doctors' Rest Room 89177Enquiry 89176Gynec(OT) 89159Gynec OP 89185NICU/Labour Room 89119 27002270Chest Clinic 89188ENT (OP) 89190Chief Matron 8911397013 70557Micro Biology 89146Coun. Cell/Sister Room 89148Female Surgical Ward 89110& LibraryPRS/CH/LGD 89147MCM 89101 89114Ultra Sound& Tread Mill 89141Ultra Sound & 89150Colour Dappler RoomSpl.Ward 89102Spl. Medical Clinic/R.No.9 89187Spl. WardsRoom No. 1 89001

    Central Hospital, LgdHead Quarters

  • @scr.railnet.gov.in


    . 2 89002. 3 89003. 4 89004. 5 89005. 6 89006. 7 89007. 8 89008. 9 89009 10 89010 11 89011. 12 89012% ./% . 8910G4 h 89106%8!- * 89151

    1 89182*.".MN%) 89154*gA1.d1 89122d1/"" 89155 270002879701370561d1/!." 89194 270022699701370560 1 89194A1 89144! 1 89152?. R 89114A1& 89109*Z . & 89128 L 89164%&K1. 89721$31/*K. 89184G/%?d/%%. 89121?./%)d*K. 89112* 891054 8 89156=1ZMN/%) 89344"%".%"1." 89306*e 89173"AK 89444 27001134"AK*Z 8910197013 70563


  • NameOffice Residence Address

    Email: @scr.railnet.gov.inRly BSNLRly BSNL


    42FAX *

    Room No. 2 89002Room No. 3 89003Room No. 4 89004Room No. 5 89005Room No. 6 89006Room No. 7 89007Room No. 8 89008Room No. 9 89009Room No. 10 89010Room No. 11 89011Room No. 12 89012OP/Officers 89106Dermotology 89106Observation Ward 89151Sick List 89182DNB Class Room&Library 89154Duty Pharmacist 89122Pharmacist/MSK 89155 270002879701370561Pharmacist/GSK 89194 270022699701370560Main Stores 89194New Main Stores 89144General Stores 89152Local Purchase 89114Computer Room 89109Laundry Supervisor 89128Kitchen 89164Akshya Canteen 89721Sub-Stores/Dispensary 89184R.No.6/Ortho/Officers OP 89121Homeopathy/ 89112 - Ayurvedic Disp.Dialasis Room 89105Lecture Hall 89156Electrical Room/M 89344AISC&STA 89306Blood Bank 89173Ambulance 89444 27001134Ambulance/Drivers 8910197013 70563

    Central Hospital, LgdHead Quarters

  • @scr.railnet.gov.in


    )91Z 85330 278208879701370926K;. I' 86778 centralcontrol9701370085 *88815%. 86404%.& 86412 emergencycell9701370086 88524* punchq%.& 88122 27823486'! ./ 88144'! I' 86834 278340449701370083'! I' 88585$)9I/ 881609701370929$)9I/


    9701370931)41 85310).// 86410)./.%"/ 86461)./

    9701370932./" . 86411/K;.1Z 85507 278226FU/ 88131

    .&/K;.1Z 85DDX!./*/K;.1Z 88195 85435!./8 861529676904373"../8/ 88339%../8 88345 27820518%.%/8 85050!%)( 85556*%)( 88552%*..%)( 85234!./(.1Z 86720 2782DCGG!&/*."& 88516"% 86457


  • NameOffice Residence Address

    Email: @scr.railnet.gov.inRly BSNLRly BSNL


    45FAX *

    Chief Power Controller 85330 2782088797013 70926Central Control 8677897013 70085 *88815 centralcontrolGoods Emergency 86404Emergency Cell 86412 emergencycell97013 70086 88524* punchqEmergency Cell 88122 27823486Comml Insp/G 88144Commercial Controller 86834 2783404497013 70083Commel Control 88585Dy.Chief Controller 8816097013 70929Dy.Chief Controller97013 70930Dy.Chief Controller97013 70931CTTI 85310CTI/Coal/HQ 86410CTI/POL/HQ 86461CTI/Goods97013 70932SLI/F&P 86411TLC/Central Control 85507 27822658*TLC/Operating 88131Insp.'s/Central Control 85330JE/C&W/CentralControl 88195 85435SSE/FOIS 861529676904373NCC/FOIS/HQ 88339OCC/FOIS 88345 27820518OCO/FOIS 85050Plg. Section 85556Stores Sec. 88552ODC Sec. 85234SSE/TXR Control 86720 27823266Dining Room/DM Room 88516NR Cell 86457

    OperatingHead Quarters

  • @scr.railnet.gov.in


    -& 88311!%)( 88407*Z 85172 .&//B

    97013 70933 .&//C

    97013 70934 .&//D

    97013 70935 .&//E

    97013 70936 .&//F

    97013 70937 .&//G

    97013 70938+, .&/B

    97013 70939+, .&/C

    97013 70941+, .&/D

    97013 70942+, .&/E

    97013 70943+' .&/B

    97013 70940+' .&/C

    97013 70945+' .&/D

    97013 70946+' .&/E

    97013 70947+' .&/F

    97013 70948+' .&/G

    97013 70949.//B

    97013 70159.//C

    97013 70160


  • NameOffice Residence Address

    Email: @scr.railnet.gov.inRly BSNLRly BSNL


    46FAX *

    Grievance Cell 88311Plg Sec. 88407Driver 85172TI/Goods/197013 70933TI/Goods/297013 70934TI/Goods/397013 70935TI/Goods/497013 70936TI/Goods/597013 70937TI/Goods/697013 70938SLI/197013 70939SLI/297013 70941SLI/397013 70942SLI/497013 70943TLC/197013 70940TLC/297013 70945TLC/397013 70946TLC/497013 70947TLC/597013 70948TLC/697013 70949TI/Plg./197013 70159TI/Plg./297013 70160

    OperatingHead Quarters

  • @scr.railnet.gov.in



    97013 70161.//E

    97013 70162./%/B

    97013 70163./%3C

    97013 70164./%3D

    97013 70165.//B74(%)(

    97013 70166.//

    97013 70169./74(/B

    97013 70170./74(/C

    97013 70171./74(/D

    97013 70172./B/1Z

    97013 70194./C/1Z

    97013 70195./D1Z

    97013 70196./E/1Z

    97013 70197./8/B

    97013 70927./8/C

    97013 701928./8/D

    97013 701346./8/E

    97013 70198./8/F

    97013 70199./8/F

    97013 70347


  • NameOffice Residence Address

    Email: @scr.railnet.gov.inRly BSNLRly BSNL


    47FAX *

    TI/Plg./397013 70161TI/Plg./497013 70162TI/R/197013 70163TI/R-297013 70164TI/R-397013 70165TI/P/1/Chg Sec97013 70166TI/Genl97013 70169TI/Chg/197013 70170TI/Chg/297013 70171TI/Chg./397013 70172TI/1/Control97013 70194TI/2/Control97013 70195TI/3Control97013 70196TI/4/Control97013 70197TI/FOIS/197013 70927TI/FOIS/297013 70928TI/FOIS/397013 70346TI/FOIS/497013 70198TI/FOIS/597013 70199TI/FOIS/697013 70347

    OperatingHead Quarters

  • @scr.railnet.gov.in



    97013 70351!./%*../

    97013 70326!./"%1./B/

    97013 70327!./"%1./C/

    97013 70328


    97013 70987


    97013 70988


    97013 70989


    97013 70990


    97013 70944


    97013 70992

    , -

    ./%/ 86407 8966797013 70193%/9 88564%/'! 854309701370084% /H) 88512%/!.. 88561%/I 88560%/4 88435%/4 88430 27821430%/4 88431 27821466%/& 88432%/)& 88434%/ A 88513% & BXWC

    % & 88433* 278214UU

    4/ , -

  • NameOffice Residence Address

    Email: @scr.railnet.gov.inRly BSNLRly BSNL


    48FAX *

    Insp./FOIS97013 70351SSE/ODC/HQ97013 70326SSE/ART/1/HQ97013 70327SSE/ART/2/HQ97013 70328Power Controllor -I97013 70987Power Controllor -II97013 70988Power Controllor -III97013 70989Power Controllor -IV97013 70990Power Controller -V97013 70944Power Controller -VI97013 70992


    TI/DM/HQ 86407 8966797013 70193DM/Accounts 88564DM/Commercial 8543097013 70084DM/Electrical 88512DM/Engineering 88561DM/Mechanical 88560DM/Medical 88435DM/Operating 88430 27821430DM/Operating 88431 27821466DM/Safety 88432DM/Security 88434DM/S&T 88513DM Cell 1072DM Cell 88433* 27821488*

    Operating / Disaster Management CellHead Quarters

  • @scr.railnet.gov.in


    /f % 86955 88221 5FU/F ()*9701370626 / 86948 / ). " 86947 89606 785&'()*9701370620 / 4 86946 / 8694F / >+'. 86944 88181 5GW/F 8.9701370621 /!. -% 869439701370622 /%"**. 86942 / $+ 8694197013706259A% ./%%./@ 86940 85232 5GG/G 8.97013706289A% ./@@ '... 8693997013706299A% ./@@@ .) 85334 27821618 86617 560/1&' ()*9701370630)9 ./I 88217 83231)9 ./! 88180 ./ 1 85314 ./H) 88217 ./!. 86905 ./ 86603

    /!. 89259 ./ 86701 ./ 86108) ./ 86975 ./1 88551 89617 ./- 86971) ./A 86350 ./ 8GYWB) ./4 85115 ./f 8UFWE ./%)( 86353 89737 ./%!I/A 89704


  • NameOffice Residence Address

    Email: @scr.railnet.gov.inRly BSNLRly BSNL


    51FAX *

    APO/Rectt Prabhakar R. 86955 88221 558/5,Bhoiguda97013 70626APO/Co-ordi 86948APO/Bills Balamuralidhar M. 86947 89606 785,South Lallaguda97013 70620APO/W&M 86946APO/Rules 86945APO/M Radha Krishna P. 86944 88181 567/5,RN Colony97013 70621APO/E&HQ Roshan Ahmed 8694397013 70622APO/R&D 86942APO/Genl Usha K. Rao 8694197013 70625ASO/I Md. Naim 86940 85232 566/6,RN Colony97013 70628ASO/II Ramana P.V. 8693997013 70629ASO/III Khareemullah 85334 27821618 86617 560/1 South Lallaguda97013 70630Chief OS/Mech 88217 83231Chief OS/Gaz 88180OS/Bills&Settelment 85314OS/Elec 88217OS/Engg. 86905OS/SBF 86603HC/Engg 89259OS/T&C 86701OS/Bills 86108Ch.OS/Rules 86975OS/Stores 88551 89617OS/Admn. 86971Ch.OS/S&T 86350OS/P 86971Ch.OS/Medical 85115OS/Recrutment 88574OS/Pass Sec. 86353 89737OS/NonGaZ/S&T 89704

    PersonnelHead Quarters

  • @scr.railnet.gov.in


    ./!I/A 85437 84415)/ 86949""*A%/9A 8GYDY)/ 86707 89747./ 86857./0%) 86UFG./0- 8GFWF./%&'%)( 85117 89406!I%)( 86855%)%%)( 86856(>%(%)( 86GGY%)( 86603

    %)( 88681%)( 88GUG1'%)( 8UDXUA%)( 883BD4.%)(/' 869FC& 885WD0/L1 %)( 88683

    %)( 86984%)% )= 86687 3%)(

    *%)( 85054

    %)( 85314A%)( 8FDUXA1& 85089(> 85431K;/.*. 893204 & 85408

    %) 85407*Z/) 85379/'%)(

    97013 70633) .3A% %

    97013 706350./) /

    97013 70636


  • NameOffice Residence Address

    Email: @scr.railnet.gov.inRly BSNLRly BSNL


    52FAX *

    OS/GAZ/S&T 85437 84415CSWI/HQ 86949SLWI/Sports 86939CSWI 86707 89747PI/PQ 86857PI/LE Sec. 86856PI/MPP 86575PI/Res. Sec. 85117 89406Gaz Sec 86855DAR Sec. 86856HBA Sec. 86669SBF Sec. 86603Rules Sec. 88681Traffic Sec. 88686Typing Sec. 88308School Sec. 88313Staff Sec/Con. 86952Felicitation Cell 88573LE/HOUR Sec. 88683Law Sec. 86984Compassionate 86687 -Appoinment Sec.Stores Sec. 85054Bill Sec. 85314Union Sec. 85380Computer Cell 85089Confarence Hall 85431Welfare Centre/STPD 89320Staff Assitance Cell 85408R&D Sec. *85407Driver/CPO 85379HRI/Welfare sec97013 70633Ch.S&WI-RTI Inspector97013 70635SLWI/CPO/HQ97013 70636

    PersonnelHead Quarters

  • @scr.railnet.gov.in


    !./1./*A.. 860349701370850!./1./ 860349701370848!./1./%%."A9701370897 .& 86026

    88594*!./1./.A!. 8666X9701370855

    14/.A!." 853941. -9701370873!./*./! 86037!./*! 86202 832439701370856) . 86033 89670

    88324* ./(. UUWBW)A!. ./" 86BXB3 ./@3."/ ./? 85343 ./9.&"% 8833G ./%i"4./"1. 88321 ./@/.%) 88687 ./@/!1 88655 ./@@/1.%) 86028%-)

    K& 8FCGB!./1./!./A 866949701370854!./1/A/9701370849!./1./A"4"/."4"/A 881779701370863!./1./ )$1 863569701370847 ) (' ( 85318 ./A 86836*/A 86698/A 86785*Z 896759701370853

    " -

  • NameOffice Residence Address

    Email: @scr.railnet.gov.inRly BSNLRly BSNL


    56FAX *

    SSE/T/WPC 8603497013 70850SSE/T/HQ 8603497013 70848SSE/T/IRPMU97013 70897Cipher Insp. 86026

    88594*SSE/T/CUG Bill 8666097013 70855HTO / CUG & - 85394-Tele. Directory97013 70873SSE/D/Plg 86037SSE/D 86202 8324397013 70856Chief OS 86033 89670

    88324*OS/Confidential 88717OS/W & OS/PS/G 86101OS/Est. 85343OS/Audit&WS 88336OS/I&HC/St. 88321OS/I/Insp. Sec 88687OS/I/Bud. 88655OS/II/Tele. Sec. 86028Steno's Room 85261SSE/T/MW Lab 8669497013 70854SSE/T/MW Lab97013 70849SSE/T/UHF/VHF/MW Lab 8817797013 70863SE/T/Axle CounterLab 8635697013 70847Axle Counter Lab 85318OS / MW Lab 86836MW Lab Stores 86698Vehicals/MW Lab 86785Driver 8967597013 70853

    Signal & TelecommunicationHead Quarters

  • @scr.railnet.gov.in



    97013 70880!./3@@/1.

    97013 70881 .//1./. 86358 ./"!1 88602 ./? 886034 88369

    " - . / 0 1 " + %

    $ )A!. ) . 89271 20070328 27502554 197013 70812 89272* 27830442* dycstews$ !. !8 . 89269 200703239701370824 89225 200703169701370UDY 89263!./ . 89275 88379 552/1()*)% .? 89262)% ./ 89450!./..% 89268!./d71(/() 8YGED!./(/ 8YCCG!.//%) 89622!./8$' 8YDCW1. 8 * / 8YCWG!./%"**. 89223!./j*( 89311!./71( -8 UYDGY

    !./-. -8 89235!./%9' 89262!./1 89481!./1.%.%) 89231!./-8 89369!./H) -8 89270!./71(-8 89235/(3@/%"**.%) 89223 89757%

    !%)( 89304%*."%/0(> 89209)./) 89264

    " - . / 0 1 " + %

  • NameOffice Residence Address

    Email: @scr.railnet.gov.inRly BSNLRly BSNL


    59FAX *

    JE/P-I/T97013 70880JE/P-II/T97013 70881OS/Genl/T/P 86358OS/Tender&Bud 88602OS/Estt. 88603Watchman 88369


    Dy. CSTE Hanumatha Rao B. 89271 20070328 27502554 Pvt.97013 70812 89272* 27830442* dycstewsPE John P. 89269 2007032397013 70824APO 89225 2007031697013 70839AWM 89263AEEE/RE Rao Y.V. 89275 88379 552/1,BhoigudaChief OS/Estt. 89262Chief OS/Bills 89450SSE/PCO 89268SSE/Mrkg&QCC 89643SSE/Sig/Relay 89226SSE/Elec/M 89622SSE/Block Instrument 89327Telecom Stores/RE 89276SSE/R&D 89223SSE/Moulding Shop 89311SSE/Rivitting Shop 89369SSE/Machine Shop 89235SE/DRG 89262SE/Mill Wright Sec 89481SSE/TRC Sec. 89231SE/Black Smith Shop 89369SE/Elec. Shop 89270SSE/Fitting Shop 89235Tech/Gr.I/R&D Sec. 89223 89757OBC Sec. 89304RDSO Rest House 89209SI/RPF 89264

    S&T WS, MettugudaHead Quarters

  • @scr.railnet.gov.in


    " 2 - % % * 0 1 " + %

    $ )/!."*" ')( 89519 20070332 24090077 19701370761 dycmmgns/!."*" . ) 8951797013 70780) ./""*!.#*K1%)( 89542 ./ 84162?%)( 89401 .3@/*K1 84178/

    /". 89521)*/!."*" 895419701370662&/". 89612%""/ST()* 89377!./@@/.." 84177A1& 89659*K1%)( 89511)A4.%)( 841791 841619(./*3BB 89476)/ (1 89562


    +, ." 86308 27833528 27114183 19701370764 srmanagerprint ( >+'. 86307 27833528 27227741 19701370788/ %)(A 86305 278207129701370789 ./ 88277!./ 863419701370797!./1.. 86306)/1.. 85277!./17( 85128!./..%%)( 85127


  • NameOffice Residence Address

    Email: @scr.railnet.gov.inRly BSNLRly BSNL


    63FAX *


    Dy.CMM/G&S Venugopal Rao K. 89519 20070332 24090077 Pvt.9701370761 dy.cmmgnsAMM/G&S Vineeth Kumar 8951797013 70780Ch OS/L&G, Indent Sec 89542LP Sec. 84162Esst. Sec. 89401OS-I/Indent 84178DMS/Receipt/LP 89521CDMS/G&L 895419701370662DMS/LP 89612ISA/MFT 89377JE/II/CCF 84177Computer Room 89659Indent Sec. 89511Inventory Sec. 84179Time Office 84161Stationary/Ward-11 89476RPF/Main Gate 89562


    Sr.Manager Mohanan P.M. 86308 27833528 27114183 Pvt.-9701370764 srmanagerprintAsst.Manager Gopala Krishnan C. 86307 27833528 27227741 Pvt9701370788AMM/S&F Abdul Gafoor 86305 278207129701370789OS/General 88277SSE/Genl 863419701370797SSE/TP 86306RPF/TP 85277SSE/Plate Making 85128SSE/PCO Sec. 85127

    General & Signal Stores Depot, Mettuguda / Printing PressHead Quarters

  • @scr.railnet.gov.in


    ?%)( 85541d&'%)( 85545?/@a 85549?%)( 85550 .&/ 88219"*.""/ 85031*9/$)!./3B 88207*9/$)!./3@@ 85487 ./$)!./3B 88656 ./?/$)!.33B 88657 ./4./$)!.33B 88657*."!.//$)!.//@ 88572 ./$)!./3@@ 88384 ./$)!./3@@ 85166

    /1/$)!./3@@ 85165 ./$)!./3@@@ 86510 ./!.//@ 86871 .//$)!.//@@@ 86502 ./$)!.//!( 85049 ./$)!.// 88619!./%/$)!./ 88658!.//$)!./3@ 85061!.//%/$)!./3@@ 86550e / 868643$)!.//.(

    *Z& 86357!.//

    97013 72153!.//@

    97013 72163!.//a

    97013 72164!.//@

    97013 72165!.//@@@/

    97013 72166


    97013 72522


  • NameOffice Residence Address

    Email: @scr.railnet.gov.inRly BSNLRly BSNL


    67FAX *

    Track Sec.I&II 85541Survey Sec. 85545Track Sec. IV 85549Estt. Sec. 85550TI/Con. 88219ADMS/Con. 85031DA/Dy.CE/C/I 88207DA/Dy.CE/C/II 85487OS/Dy.CE/C/I 88656OS/Estt./Dy.CE/C/I 88657OS/Staff/Dy.CE/C/I 88657DMK&SSE/W - 88572- Dy.CE/C/IOS/Dy.CE/C/II 88384OS//Dy.CE/C/II 85166HC/St/Dy.CE/C/II 85165OS/Dy.CE/C/III 86510OS/AXEN/C/I 86871OS/St./Dy.CE/C/III 86502OS/Dy/CE/C/JGTL 85049OS/Dy.CE/C/W 88619SSE/D/Dy.CE/C 88658SSE/W/Dy.CE/C/I 85061SSE/C/D/Dy.CE/C/II 86550Camp Office/ 86864-Dy.CE/C/KRMRDrivers Room 86357XEN/C/G97013 72153XEN/C/I97013 72163XEN/C/V97013 72164AXEN/C/I97013 72165AXEN/C/III97013 72166Sup./P.Way/ST97013 72522

    Construction Org. / EngineeringHead Quarters

  • @scr.railnet.gov.in



    97013 72523!.//*."

    97013 72524!.//

    97013 72526!.//

    97013 72527!./

    97013 72528!.//@@

    97013 72529!.//@

    97013 72530!.//D

    97013 72531!.//C

    97013 72532!.//E

    97013 72533!.//

    97013 72534!.//B

    97013 72535!.//

    97013 71269!./@/?/

    97013 71165!.//3B

    97013 71223!./3B/

    97013 71275!./3C/

    97013 71276!./3D/

    97013 71277!./3@@@/

    97013 71278


  • NameOffice Residence Address

    Email: @scr.railnet.gov.inRly BSNLRly BSNL


    68FAX *

    SSE/C/DOS97013 72523SSE/C/Des.97013 72524SSE/C/Comp.97013 72526SE/W/C97013 72527SE/C97013 72528SSE/C/II97013 72529SSE/C/I97013 72530JE/C/397013 72531JE/C/297013 72532JE/C/SC/497013 72533JE/C/P.Way/SC97013 72534JE/C/197013 72535SSE/C/Wrks97013 71269JE-I/PW/C97013 71165SSE/W/C-197013 71223SE/W-1/C97013 71275SE/W-2/C97013 71276SE/W-3/C97013 71277SE/W/C-III97013 71278

    Construction Org. / EngineeringHead Quarters

  • @scr.railnet.gov.in


    3 " 4 * - ,

    !./ 86988 2782047197013 722781 88901 27820996B/" 88900 "900 2 88902 27820829 3 88903 27820997 4 88904 27820831 5 88905 27833348 6 88906 27820834 7 88907 "907 8 88908 "908 9 88909 "909 10 88910 "910 11 88911 "911 12 88912 "912 13 88913 "913 14 88914 "914 15 88915 "915 16 88916 "916 17 88917 "917 18 88918 "918 19 88919 "919 20 88920 "920 21 88921 "921 22 88922 "922 23 88923 "923 24 88924 "924 25 88925 "925 26 88926 "926 27 88927 "927 28 88928 "928 29 88929 "929 30 88930 "930 31 88931 "931 DX/ 88934 "934 31/ 88935 "935

    % .0(>3

  • NameOffice Residence Address

    Email: @scr.railnet.gov.inRly BSNLRly BSNL


    74FAX *


    JE/Works 86988 2782047197013 72278Room No.1 88901 27820996Room No.1/A 88900 Ext.900Room No.2 88902 27820829Room No.3 88903 27820997Room No.4 88904 27820831Room No.5 88905 27833348Room No.6 88906 27820834Room No.7 88907 Ext.907Room No.8 88908 Ext.908Room No.9 88909 Ext.909Room No.10 88910 Ext.910Room No.11 88911 Ext.911Room No.12 88912 Ext.912Room No.13 88913 Ext.913Room No.14 88914 Ext.914Room No.15 88915 Ext.915Room No.16 88916 Ext.916Room No.17 88917 Ext.917Room No.18 88918 Ext.918Room No.19 88919 Ext.919Room No.20 88920 Ext.920Room No.21 88921 Ext.921Room No.22 88922 Ext.922Room No.23 88923 Ext.923Room No.24 88924 Ext.924Room No.25 88925 Ext.925Room No.26 88926 Ext.926Room No.27 88927 Ext.927Room No.28 88928 Ext.928Room No.29 88929 Ext.929Room No.30 88930 Ext.930Room No.31 88931 Ext.931RoomNo.30/RE 88934 Ext.934RoomNo.31/RE 88935 Ext.935

    ORH,SCHead Quarters

  • @scr.railnet.gov.in


    DC/ 88932 "932 33/ 88933 "933. 9*/% (>

    "1 88941"2 88942"3 88943"4 88944"5 88945"6 88946"7 88947"8 UUYEU.1 88951 .2 88952 .3 88953 .4 88954 .5 88955 .6 88956 .7 88957 .8 88958 .1 88961 .2 88962 .3 88963 .4 88964 .5 88965 .6 88966 .7 88967 .8 889684.//(> 86820/%(> 85328"11)7(& 88660

    .& . 868143% . 88391*1Z. 883928! 1/()* 85364J*1 (1$/ 85136

    % .0(>3

  • NameOffice Residence Address

    Email: @scr.railnet.gov.inRly BSNLRly BSNL


    75FAX *

    RoomNo.32/RE 88932 Ext.932RoomNo.33/RE 88933 Ext.933New Block/ORHRoom No.A1 88941Room No.A2 88942Room No.A3 88943Room No.A4 88944Room No.A5 88945Room No.A6 88946Room No.A7 88947Room No.A8 88948Room No.B1 88951Room No.B2 88952Room No.B3 88953Room No.B4 88954Room No.B5 88955Room No.B6 88956Room No.B7 88957Room No.B8 88958Room No.C1 88961Room No.C2 88962Room No.C3 88963Room No.C4 88964Room No.C5 88965Room No.C6 88966Room No.C7 88967Room No.C8 88968Watchman/RERH 86820Kitchen/ORH/SC 85328AIR Ticket - 88660Booking CellProbationary - 86814 - - Officers - 88391 - Dormitory 88392

    Boys Hostel/BGD 85364Subordinate - 85136- Guest House

    ORHHead Quarters

  • NameOffice Residence Address

    Email: @scr.railnet.gov.inRly BSNLRly BSNL


    76FAX *


    OA 86448 27820431POA 86449 27821587SCRMU 86466 27821351SCRES 86402 27825747APRPFA 85302 27821442


    President 86448 27820431Genl.Secy Prasad N.S.R. 86448 27820431 27178770 Pvt.


    President Sukumaran E. 86449 27821587 27735442 Pvt.Genl. Secy Srinivasa Murthy K. 86449 27821587 27016593SC & HYB Divns. 86770


    President Pillai V.P.R. 88312 84439 A1/TP-III,Kacheguda9701370650Genl Secretary Shankara Rao Ch. 86994 27834279 88335 27820800 566/3,RN Colony9701370651Steno to GS Krishna Prasad T.S. 86727 89314 A-26,SeethaphalmandiAsst.Genl Secy. Venkateshwarlu P. 89203 85344 204/2,ChikalgudaAsst. Genl. Secy Arundathi N. 86141Treasurer Sreedhar S. 86131Computers/Treasurer 85143OS Raman T.T. 85239

    86114*HQ Branch/RN Satyanarayana R. 85024Accounts Branch Murthy A.G.K. 85157Stores/M&E/Lgd 89584Engineering/C/Br. Narasinga Rao A. 88608EDB Medical Br. 89616 DS/EDB&Secy Yugandhar P. 86629

    PREM, OA, POA,SCRMUHead Quarters

  • @scr.railnet.gov.in


    * 4/ .!) 89586 88224 347 4()*9/-/()* 2.1. 89368 9-9/()* 0." 89581A/9-/ST()* K1\) . 89203*/ST()* " 89359 !./() ) . 89774);'-9 ! 882701 -9 .". 89897 89771 %.III-29/4, 11V

    1 -9 85897%. -9 83254


    *.!P -9 83352

    A-9 84142


    *% & K1" 86616* 4 - ) 86826 278320474 2. 80503 80501 -".%! 85489? -9 7(. 85052k-9 >+'" 81461-/()* 89253A/-9 - 86713 86713

    .%" 86981 27832047


    *% & . !!. 86501*4 MN9%. 88130!.-9 '". 86762 85378 505/2#K!4.()* AJ!.."" 84447

    .%" 88130 27820102

    ' - 5

    % & )O)>+'" 88398 27505083 27016660 1YWXBDWXGFC

    .% & !(b 2. 636794 L" 86973 27505083 86680 27507911 428/1# 4()*9701370653 86974* 27502043* 277322344 "*l!. 853994 ! (" 85029 86508 365/4 4()*


  • NameOffice Residence Address

    Email: @scr.railnet.gov.inRly BSNLRly BSNL


    77FAX *

    Divl.Secy/WS Divn Veeraraju Y. 89586 88224 347,ChilkalgudaWS Elec. Br./Lgd Balreddy T. 89368 .WS Br./WS/Lgd 89581S&T/WS Br./MFT Venkateswarlu P. 89203Stores/MFT Prasad M. 89359EWS/Lgd Subba Rao P. 89774Printing Press Br. Balaraj 88270IRISET Branch Prasad B.L.V. 89897 89771 RBIII-29/4,IRISET QrtsIRISET Branch 85897MLY Branch 83254DSL Branch 83352S&T/HYB Branch 84142Secunderabad Divn.Divl. President Venkataiah N. 86616Divl.Secretary Siva Kumar K. 86826Asst.Divl.Secy Yadava Reddy K. 80503 80501DOB Sharma S.V.R.J. 85489PW Branch Lingaiah V. 85052HYB Branch Krishnaiah A. 81461ELS/LGD 89253S&T,Elec.Branch Shanker K. 86713 86713PREM 86981 27832047

    86616*Hyderabad Divn.Divn.President Ravinder Raj K.G. 86501Divl.Secy. Farooqu Ali Md. 88130Asst. Divl.Secy. Ramana A.V. 86762 85378 505/2,Rifle RangeKCG Branch Murthy G.V.S.N. 84447PREM 88130 27820102


    President Muthukrishnan S. 88398 27505083 27016660 Pvt.9701370652Working President Joginder Reddy K. 63679Genl Secretary Raghavaiah M. 86973 27505083 86680 27507911 428/1, Chilkalguda9701370653 86974* 27502043* 27732234Jt.Genl.Secy Prabhakar Andrew G. 85399Jt.Genl.Secy Raj Gopal A. 85029 86508 365/4 Chilkalguda

    SCRMU / SCRESHead Quarters

  • @scr.railnet.gov.in


    + & -.." 861434 "'. ) 887954/5(3..6 ."4 867039 -9 m 85212

    A/*/ 89566!./ MN;2." 85088 9 -9 !. 86668 9 -9 ) 86728 867289-9/()* !K. 89380);'-9 !% 88445

    - -9 89352!.-9 . 89760

    -9 89623

    A /-9 ( " 89215k-9 81471 81471%. -9 832534.()* -9 84457!."*"/ST()* 89383*.!P-9 833514/*/4.()* 844124.()*-9 84457-9 841414/( -9 81396


    *% & 86615*4 MN ." 86615

    A/4-9 ).>+' 88761

    .%"/k 88319 27825627*

    *% & -. 88448*4 & 88247*L 88241* 86668

    88247 27505689


  • NameOffice Residence Address

    Email: @scr.railnet.gov.inRly BSNLRly BSNL


    78FAX *

    Treasurer Sharma C.P.S. 86143Asst. Genl Secy Bharani Bhanu Prasad M. 88795HQ(Non-Tech) Br. Hari Ch. 86703Accounts Branch Rahuf 85212S&T/St/WS 89566Engineering/C/Br Rudhra Reddy M. 85088Divl.Secy/WS Br. Mohan Rao G. 86668Dy.Divn. Secy/WS Br. Hemanth Kumar K. 86728 86728WS Branch/Lgd Rajender B. 89380Printing Press Br. Jaipal R. 88445ELS Branch Sai Prasad Y. 89352Engg.WS Branch Swamy 89760EWS Branch 89623S&T/WS Branch Ranga Rao A. 89215HYB Bracnch 81471 81471MLY Branch 83253KCG Branch 84457G&S/MFT 89383DSL Loco Branch 83351C&W / KCG Br. 84412KCG Branch 84457HYB Branch 84141SNFBranch 81396Secunderabad Divn.Divl.President 86615Divl.Secy Perumal P.S. 86615S&T/Medical Br. Murali Krishna K. 88761PREM 88319 27825627Hyderabad Divn.Divn.President Mallesh B. 88448Divl.Secy. Bikshapathy K. 88247Divl.Sangh Offi. 88241WS Division Offi. 86668PREM 88247 27505689

    SCRMUHead Quarters

  • @scr.railnet.gov.in


    2 + 6 + 6 6 ' - " 7 3&I

    % & .. 88415 89662 "320 $O ()*4 (\ *. 85086% 4 ). 85338%*4/k 1" 85338% &/k (.. 85087* 4/k ,* 85087 83284 "357# %.

    --9/k 881974.()* 81407%. 832974.()* -9 844011 -9 85795ST()*-9 84139

    H)/-9 89654

    4/."4/-9 89306()* ! ". 89531

    A/ST()* - . 89255")"-9 83360);'-9 %" 85174);'-9 0.)). 851749/ -?>+' 85190

    2 + , - " 7

    % & 2.1. 88201 23418826 U/D (14 ? ?. 85302 27178565 19701370654

    8 9 % & 6 ' - " 7 $

    &I.% & ('-. 88692 1002/2# 4()*&I. 4 ) % 854409/()*-9 895079/ST()*-9 89304k* 850054/()* ) !. 89507

    %%!%!!4.(,/ ) 2 ) ) + ) , ) - " 7 $ ) ) 6 ) ) - " 7

  • NameOffice Residence Address

    Email: @scr.railnet.gov.inRly BSNLRly BSNL


    79FAX *


    President Naik V.V. 88415 89662 A-20 North LallagudaGenl Secretary Nageswara Rao D. 85086Divi Secy/SC Ravi Kumar P. 85338Addl.Divi.Secy/SC Kistaiah A. 85338President/HYB Yadagiri B. 85087Divl. Secy/HYB Rathod Mohan 85087 83284 A-57, Moula-AliAdmn Br./HYB 88197HYB Branch 81407MLY Branch 83297KCG Branch 84401IRISET Branch 85795MFT Branch 84139Elec. WS Branch 89654Medical/CH Br. 89306WS/LGD Jadhav A.V. 89531WS/S&T/MFT Shankar P. 89255EMUCS Br. 83360Printing Press Br. Sreeramulu V. 85174Acct./HQ Br. Dasaradha Krishna 85190


    President Varaprasad Reddy T. 88201 23418826 Rly.Q.8/3 BegumpetGenl. Secretary Pardhasaradhi K. 85302 27178565 Pvt.9701370654


    Zonal President Ganesh B. 88692 1002/2, Chilkalguda Zonal Genl Secy Sundara Ramaiah O. 85440WS Bracnch/LGD 89507WS/MFT Branch 89304Hyb Division 85005Secy/Lgd Babu Rao G. 89507

    AI SC & ST A, AIRPFA,OBCAHead Quarters

  • NameOffice Residence Address

    Email: @scr.railnet.gov.inRly BSNLRly BSNL


    80FAX *


    CRS Singh D.K. 86979 27820104 89981 27000219 302 South Lallaguda97013 70005 88729* 27820104* crsSr.PS to CRS Rao P.M.M. 869799701370032 pscrsOS . 86980CRS Office 85323


    Magistrate Koteswara Rao P.B.V. 86112 23446254 89435 957/4 South LallagudaPP/RPF Srinivasa Reddy 887369701371718PP Nanoji Rao I. 85206 85499OS & CTI 86112 23446254


    Member Judicial Gopa Kumar N.S. 89464 27002073 2773020580084 04900Member Technical Smt.Sabitagopal 89293 27000350 27860344 Pvt.80084 04901Addl.Registrar Rao T.V.S. 89490 2700435580084 04902 27004355*Asst.Registrar Samson Sundeep M. 89494 2701739680084 04903AO/RCT/LGD Vijayalaxmi P.N. 89363 2701739680084 04904OS/PO&Judicial 89593OS/Esst 89666PS 8449480084 04905Computer Cell 89322Court Masters' Sec. 89206

    CRS / SC, Rly. Court / RCTHead Quarters

  • @scr.railnet.gov.in


    !* -9 68359 257023568360

    () -9 26958 220829). -9 46973

    2 : ; < - " = %

    "%. !"!*" 86998 27820763.""*!..!.*.K 85443.""*!.*K.K 88349.""*!. K 85468.""*!.&'()*K 89708

    )9 %- 86258 27804891 2.% 86833 23446828 27171736 19000081713% ')1. 27700046 23204382 855679701371906)9 '. 4% 277000479849219893)/1 !1. 27700045 23818819) ?* 27700047 2750273094400 46951)/A1." (!. 27700045 272414268[1!. 85033 27702116

    I' 85568 27823335

    -&'; 85569 27823335

    = > - ' ? ; @ ; %

    / )-" 27818470 27894191 1094800 88650 27818470* [email protected]

    2 : ; < - " = % /A;/8

  • NameOffice Residence Address

    Email: @scr.railnet.gov.inRly BSNLRly BSNL


    83FAX *


    ED Seshagiri Rao A. 88001 27820429 88333 27831602 628/2 Lancer Barracks9866247950 [email protected]/Marketing Satyanarayana P.V.V. 88030 27822609 89742 27002017 954/2 South Lallaguda99893 55255 [email protected]/O&M Sreekanth P.V. 88004 27822537 27173355 Pvt.97013 00052 [email protected]/Proj Murali Krishna P.V. 88002 27820428 27064455 Pvt.99592 62000 murali@railtel india.comDy.GM/F Sukanth Khan 88003 2782253797013 00772Secy to ED Sivaprasad A. 88018 27820429 27223084Secy toGGM/Mktg Sunita Ms.M. 88029Secy to AGM/Proj Sudheer K.V. 88017Reception 88000 27821134

    88000* 27820682*Sr.Manager/F Sridhar A. 88005 27821134 27135131 Pvt.Manager/F Murthy K.G.K. 88068NOC 88020 27820835Sr..Mngr (NOC) Rao K.V. 88010 27822193 27535986 Pvt.Network Mngr Siva Prasad A. 88040Manager/Mktg Moses Paul 88031 27822538Manager/O&M Murali Krishna M. 88011 27060775 Pvt.Manager/Admn. Prasad A.V.R.G.N. 88013 27821314 27899134 Pvt.Manager/UTS Pazhanivelan 88038 27823586Manager/Proj Ramesh T. 88041 27822536Manager (Proj) Rajasekhar K. 88056Asst.Mngr/Tele Sanjeeva Kumar 88015Asst Mngr/POM Sambha Shivudu U. 88009 27822536Asst.Mngr / Proj Shailendra Dusa 88026Sr.Office Asst. Srinivasa Rao P. 88014Sr.Office Asst. Kiran O. 88035

    RCILHead Quarters

  • @scr.railnet.gov.in


    2 ; " ; %

    . - -+(. " 88001 27820429 88333 27831602 628/2 9866247950 aseshagirirao

    @railtelindia.com/' '... 88030 27822609 89742 27002017 954/2 South Lallaguda99893 55255 [email protected]/ 0... 88004 27822537 27173355 197013 00052 [email protected]%/! ). >+'.. 88002 27820428 27064455 199592 62000 murali@railtel india.com$/ )9 88003 27822537 97013 00772 4 -" 88018 27820429 27223084()/'4 )0. )." 88029%/ 4 ) .. 88017( & 88000 27821134

    88000* 27820682* / 0. " 88005 27821134 27135131 1

    / AJ!. 88068"%. 88020 27820835 5"%.6 . 88010 27822193 27535986 11 - " 88040

    /' 8 88031 27822538

    /% ).>+'" 88011 27060775 1

    /- ".%!." 88013 27821314 27899134 1

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    / -1. 88041 27822536

    56 !-9 88056 /1. !. ) 88015 /.%" -*)A UUXXY CWUCCFDG

    / -K;) 88026 0. . 88014 '% 88035


  • NameOffice Residence Address

    Email: @scr.railnet.gov.inRly BSNLRly BSNL


    83FAX *


    ED Seshagiri Rao A. 88001 27820429 88333 27831602 628/2 Lancer Barracks9866247950 [email protected]/Marketing Satyanarayana P.V.V. 88030 27822609 89742 27002017 954/2 South Lallaguda99893 55255 [email protected]/O&M Sreekanth P.V. 88004 27822537 27173355 Pvt.97013 00052 [email protected]/Proj Murali Krishna P.V. 88002 27820428 27064455 Pvt.99592 62000 murali@railtel india.comDy.GM/F Sukanth Khan 88003 2782253797013 00772Secy to ED Sivaprasad A. 88018 27820429 27223084Secy toGGM/Mktg Sunita Ms.M. 88029Secy to AGM/Proj Sudheer K.V. 88017Reception 88000 27821134

    88000* 27820682*Sr.Manager/F Sridhar A. 88005 27821134 27135131 Pvt.Manager/F Murthy K.G.K. 88068NOC 88020 27820835Sr..Mngr (NOC) Rao K.V. 88010 27822193 27535986 Pvt.Network Mngr Siva Prasad A. 88040Manager/Mktg Moses Paul 88031 27822538Manager/O&M Murali Krishna M. 88011 27060775 Pvt.Manager/Admn. Prasad A.V.R.G.N. 88013 27821314 27899134 Pvt.Manager/UTS Pazhanivelan 88038 27823586Manager/Proj Ramesh T. 88041 27822536Manager (Proj) Rajasekhar K. 88056Asst.Mngr/Tele Sanjeeva Kumar 88015Asst Mngr/POM Sambha Shivudu U. 88009 27822536Asst.Mngr / Proj Shailendra Dusa 88026Sr.Office Asst. Srinivasa Rao P. 88014Sr.Office Asst. Kiran O. 88035

    RCILHead Quarters

  • @scr.railnet.gov.in


    /%." 0. .." 42615406 19701360611 /"." .- ). 27241122 19701360605 / 9)-.*A" 24562581 19701360612 /- !))." 40184269 19701360628 /9/@@-)R'. 27058434 19701360635 //9 -*."!..

    9701360689/()!.4 )A 27170110 19701360683

    /k %O$" 88337 27716145 27060122 19701360615 /.%.9/k .1.% 27673892 19701360629/.%.-+/9 -.. 27152829 19701360609 Rn." 85340 278006489701360607 /9 %-.

    9701360639 /9/ 2.1. 23200235 27716145 19701360618/*/K 2.% 850219701360617&I. /* >+'.."% 67244 2572240 3256622 19701360622 /* )!( "*. 6523417 19701360621 /.%%/* )) 2531480 19701360623 /k* %

    9701360625 /k* ). %".



  • NameOffice Residence Address

    Email: @scr.railnet.gov.inRly BSNLRly BSNL


    85FAX *

    AM/OBS Sridhar Rao V.V.L. 42615406 Pvt.9701360611AM/LCS Satish Kumar K.V. 27241122 Pvt.9701360605AM/HRD Qureshi W.A. 24562581 Pvt.9701360612AM/ADMN Somayajulu V.N.Y. 40184269 Pvt.9701360628AM/DCS/II Siva Subrahmaniam V. 27058434 Pvt.9701360635AM/T/IRCTC Kishor D.S.G.P.9701360689Consultant/PS to GGM Mulla U.K. 27170110 Pvt.9701360683Manager/SC Ataullah S.K. 88337 27716145 27060122 Pvt.9701360615AM/VIP Catg/SC Ravinder T.R. 27673892 Pvt.9701360629AM/VIP SPL/Catg. Ramesh B.V. 27152829 Pvt.9701360609AM Brahmanand B.S. 85340 278006489701360607AM/Catg. Ambashankar V.9701360639AM/C&T/HYB Balaram Reddy T. 23200235 27716145 Pvt.9701360618AM/NED@SC Pratap Reddy R. 850219701360617Area. Mngr /BZA Krishna Prasad V.V.S.R. 67244 2572240 3256622 Pvt.9701360622AM/BZA Bhujang Rao N.D. 6523417 Pvt.9701360621AM/VRR/BZA Madhusudhan Rao K. 2531480 Pvt.9701360623AM/BZA Amma Rao K.9701360625AM/BZA Muralidhar I.S.V.9701360626

    IRCTCHead Quarters

  • @scr.railnet.gov.in


    / (\ ."4 85527 2782903697013427009 .&% . &.)0.. 85329!./ 855249701342330!./ 85525!./%" 855259701342321!./%

    9701342333!./*. 855269701342328 ./A 88228!./1. 85542!./( 85592J%)( 85530!./ 85537%)% /9 855299701342121 .3@/ 85528 ./!. 85537 ./J UFFDF

    *Z 89386

    = ;

    ) " 27812817 65874427 19000616115 27813894* [email protected]% /O AJ"% 27818397 271371979989315651$ / -".. 23834239 19440897850/ ) *." 27841499 27568381 19849992345) >+' 23831355 19848581770

    /"*" ."%" 27806140 1

    5.6 !8! 27240371 1

    5.6 )R'" 27133311 1

    ! + - " 7 $ = ;

  • NameOffice Residence Address

    Email: @scr.railnet.gov.inRly BSNLRly BSNL


    88FAX *

    AMM/HQ Nageswara Rao Ch. 85527 2782903697013 42700AuO Laxmi Kumari Smt. 85329SSE/HQ 855249701342330SSE/EL 85525SSE/OS 8552597013 42321SE/Drg.97013 42333SSE/D 8552697013 42328OS/S&T 88228SSE/Tele 85542SSE/Sig 85592Per.&Pass Sec. 85530JE/W 85537SSO/Acct. 855299701342121OS-I/ 85528OS/Engg 85537OS/P 85535Driver 89386


    GM Sudhakara Rao L. 27812817 65874427 Pvt.90006 16115 27813894* [email protected]/F Murthy Y.S.R.K. 27818397 2713719799893 15651Dy.GM/Civil Mahesh S.P.V. 23834239 Pvt.94408 97850Jt.GM/Civl Sudha D.L. 27841499 27568381 Pvt.98499 92345Jt.GM Ramakrishna K. 23831355 Pvt.98485 81770Manager/E&S Rao B.S.R.S. 27806140 Pvt.Manager (C)I John K. Jacob 27240371 Pvt.Manager (C) II Subrahmanyam S. 27133311 Pvt.

    Railway Electrification Organisation / RITESHead Quarters

  • @scr.railnet.gov.in


    < - > 6

    4/* . . 0 . . * . . * 8 89339 27018202 27178614 14 -.? *8 85055 27530209 558/2 ()*

    4/!A 0..*8. 89239 27018804 89329 19701372610A

    *1/A/$()* ")"4 89238 89624 552/2&' ()*97013 72611*1/A/()* -. 89237 270004419701372612*1/(A/$()* !.0.. 89619 27007803 27240239 19701372613*1/HA )4I.! 869929985885772

    H.A 88601*1/1.A/&'()* !" 89312*1/A"*A ( 89657 27000589 317/"ST()**1/1.11.A !.*." 89644

    2 " = - 6 < - - - A # - ,

    - %"() 89800 27830008 89801 278201219701341800 89888* 27823922* [email protected]

    -!.43@ 0. 2." 89838 27830008YWXBDEBUCC

    *. %7O 89802 27822073 89400 27001310 124&'()*9701341801 [email protected]/( ."4 89804 27820099 270140229701341803 [email protected]/1. (. 89806 27820058 89807 20070250 961/3 .1 19701341810 [email protected]

    /- %(. 89808 27820090 89809 27822627 %.@a/BE$OST()*9701341817 [email protected]

    /( " . 89810 27820132 89811 960/21 9701341804 [email protected]

    < - > 6 $ 2 ) ) ) = - ) < - ) - A # ) ,

  • NameOffice Residence Address

    Email: @scr.railnet.gov.inRly BSNLRly BSNL


    89FAX *


    Principal/RDC Nalini Devi Smt.D.V. Dr. 89339 27018202 27178614 Pvt.Lecturer/RDC Sopan Kasinath Dr. 85055 27530209 558/2 BhoigudaPrincipal/RJC Indira Smt.Dr.V. 89239 27018804 89329 Pvt.97013 72610SchoolsHM/RBHS/N.LGD Yesudas H. 89238 89624 552/2 South Lallaguda97013 72611HM/MHS/LGD Shabeer Md. 89237 2700044197013 72612HM/RGHS/N.LGD Janaki Smt. 89619 27007803 27240239 Pvt.9701372613HM/Vidyavihar High School Suchitra B.J. 8699299858 85772Vidyavihar Primary School 88601HM/Montessori Regina A. 89312 - School/S.LGDHM/Blue Bells Sofia Begum 89657 27000589 317/A, Mettuguda Co-Educa.SchoolHM/Tiny - Jayanthi D.S. 89644-Tots Nursary School


    Director R.-L. Gupta 89800 27830008 89801 2782012197013 41800 89888* 27823922* [email protected] to Director Srinivasa Reddy A. 89838 2783000897013 41822Dean Arvind Mital 89802 27822073 89400 27001310 124,South Lallaguda97013 41801 [email protected]/Sig. Mohan Ch. 89804 27820099 2701402297013 41803 [email protected]/Tele. Goel V.K. 89806 27820058 89807 20070250 961/3,IRISET Qrts97013 41810 [email protected]/Trg. Agarwal B.K. 89808 27820090 89809 27822627 RB IV/14, North MFT9701341817 [email protected]/Sig. Rao S.V. 89810 27820132 89811 960/2 IRISET Campus97013 41804 [email protected]

    SCR - Schools & Colleges / IRISETHead Quarters

  • @scr.railnet.gov.in


    /1./@@ %! 89812 27830651 89813 27003060 130/2&'()*9701341812 [email protected]

    /1./@ 1\ " 89814 89815 961/4 1 97013418114 (/@ " 8983497013418074 (/@@ 0.. 89822 8982397013418194 (/@@@ ) ".% 89820 89821 25 1 1#97013418164 (/@a 898164 1./@@ 4Rf 89832 89833 19 1 197013418154 1./@@@ - ). 898269701341814/( 898189701341805/( !J 89836 89837 962/2 1 19701341806/- )A 89830 89831 18#%.@a#1197013418134/- A-" 89840 89841 27821931 2/4&'()*9701341821

    - %1.1. 89842 27115568 19701341820% . ()'-. " 898449701341823!+% . 0.. )4I " 89828 27155222 19701341824) . 89847 27820315 ./@/-/ 89846%)-/%*.1. 89891%)-/%*.1. 89845]^I% .& 89848 20070259 89849A1 (- 89890 278310211. (- 89892I.%&' '. 89893(> 89895%*.1. (- 89891 UYUDY

    2 ) ) ) = - ) < - ) - A # ) ,

  • NameOffice Residence Address

    Email: @scr.railnet.gov.inRly BSNLRly BSNL


    90FAX *

    Professor/Tele/II Amit Jain 89812 27830651 89813 27003060 130/2,South Lallaguda97013 41812 [email protected]/Tele/I Koteswara Rao M. 89814 89815 961/4,IRISET Campus97013 41811Lecturer Signal/I Nanda S.K. 898349701341807Lecturer Signal/II Srinivas P. 89822 898239701341819Lecturer Signal/III Subba Rao A.V.R. 89820 89821 25,IRISET Qrts,9701341816Lecturer Signal/IV 89816Lecturer Tele./II Vivek Chakravarthy 89832 89833 19,IRISET Qrts9701341815Lecturer Tele/III Kishore Kumar P. 898269701341814Asst.Professor/Sig 898189701341805Asst. Professor/Sig Jyotirmoy Ray 89836 89837 962/2,IRISET Qrts.9701341806Asst.Professor/Trg Sampath Kumar U. 89830 89831 18,RB,IV,IRISET Qrts9701341813Asst.Secy./Director Bhushaiah L. 89840 89841 27821931 2/4,South Lallaguda9701341821EA to Director Anand T.T. 89842 27115568 Pvt.9701341820ALIO Gunaseelan A. 898449701341823RBA Suchitra Smt. K. 898289701341824Chief OS 89847 27820315OS/I/Trg/ 89846Instructor/ODT 89891Instructor/ODT 89845Hostel Suptd. 89848 20070259 89849Computer Lab 89890 27831021Telephony Lab 89892PRS 89893Conference Hall 89895ODT Lab 89891

    IRISETHead Quarters

  • @scr.railnet.gov.in


    %-)/-&' 89839!./ 89860

    -&' - 89850.-# B". 89899%8*1 89894R.*& 89855) 89896*Z 89898 89656* 89727]^I*/]^I@ 89851 27820095]^I @ 89861

    89865]^I @@ 89862]^I @@/"" 89857]^I*/]^I@@ 89852 20070147]^I*/]^I@@@ia 89853 27824190]^I/@@@i@a 89866]^I @@@ia 89863]^I*/% .]^I UYUFE 200702599701341818% . ]^I 89864]^I @a

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    ]^I*/A1"2 85964A1/. 89868A1/*. 89869

    2 ) ) ) = - ) < - ) - A # ) ,

  • NameOffice Residence Address

    Email: @scr.railnet.gov.inRly BSNLRly BSNL


    91FAX *

    Sr.Steno/P.Trg. 89839SE/W . 89860JE/D 89759TRA 89850Tech/I/MV 89899Auditorium 89894Games Room 89855RPF 89896Driver 89898 89656Warden 89727HW/Hostel I 89851 27820095Hostel I 89861

    89865Hostel II 89862Hostel II/FF 89857HW/Hostel II 89852 20070147HW/Hostel III&V 89853 27824190Hostel/III&IV 89866Hostel III&V 89863HW/Officers Hostel 89854 200702599701341818Officers Hostel 89864Hostel IVRoom No.470 89870Room No.471 89871Room No.472 89872Room No.473 89873Room No.474 89874Room No.475 89875Room No.476 89876Room No.477 89877Room No.478 89878Room No 479 89879Room No.480 89880Room.No.481 89881Room No.482 89882Room No.483 89883Room No.484 89884Suit A1 85963HW/Suit A2 85964Suit/C 89868Suit/D 89869

    IRISETHead Quarters

  • @scr.railnet.gov.in


    ( ,

    >+'% 89544 2007026189420 27830616

    .7( A 89620[1. 89785( 89653-11 89620

    ! K1 89767".e! 89290

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    4./)& 8557438.

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    AK11Z/ 86695 277016021.1gA1/&'()* 895201.1gA1/$O()* 89430 1.1gA1/()* 86714(/()* 86714'*/4()* 88504'/ST()* 892207*1e/ 85213e1./ 85224%8*1/ 86309*1*/%%. 886099A ]^I 88611

    % ./

  • NameOffice Residence Address

    Email: @scr.railnet.gov.inRly BSNLRly BSNL


    92FAX *


    Manager Krishna O. 89544 2007026189420 27830616

    Swimming Pool 89620Cafeteria 89785Golf Club 89653Shuttle Court 89620GYM Center 89767AC Lounge 89290


    Andhra Lalithakala 88234 - SamitiWatchman/Security 88183 - LB Rly QrtsWatchman/Security 85574 - RN ColonySecurity/Bgd Qrts. 88172Heritage Museum/RN 85501SCMS/SC 89504SCMS 89605Workers Trg.& 85029-Research CentreMCO/SC 86695 27701602Rly.Institute/S.Lgd 89520Rly.Institute/N.Lgd 89430Rly.Institute/Bgd 86714Rail Kalarang/Bgd 86714Kalayanamandapam/CKL 88504Rail Kalyan/MFT 89220Syndicate Bank/RN 85213Canteen/RN 85224Auditorium/RN 86309Indoorstadium/RRC 88609Sports Hostal/RRC 88611

    Rly Officers Club, MiscellaneousHead Quarters

  • @scr.railnet.gov.in


    4 - " 7

    86837%&e1. 89721 %/()*. 88734 .&/"1.*./ 88316 27829292 3!/*.1..6

    hA13 89730 278311703-&'K; 89750


    h A13 850513-&'"R$7(

    / 85575%)(R4 86772%)( A 883281.A3 867723

    '/1'-&' 89312 --) /()*%-/? 89426 27822209pq(


  • NameOffice Residence Address

    Email: @scr.railnet.gov.inRly BSNLRly BSNL


    93FAX *


    Office 86837Akshaya Canteen 89721 Central Hospital/LgdCoffee Cafe 88734 Rail Nilayam

    Deeksha(STD/FAX/ 88316 27829292 Rail Nilayam - Xerox/DTP)Vignan Computer- 89730 27831170- Trg Centre 89750


    SC Br Office 85575Anurag Creche 86772Anurag School 88328Montissori School- 86772 -DRM's OffiPrerana/Vocal, 89312 Sisu Vihar/LGD-Typing Trg. CentreAakanksha / Insti. 89426 27822209- Mently Retarded

    South Central Railway Womens Welfare OrganisationHead Quarters

  • @scr.railnet.gov.in


    ./* 85514'! .&/ 86505(.%)( 85551A1*& 85551)1./ 88425)1./ 86625)1./"" 86625 27705547)1./.% 85177)%/ 86688)1./)7(()* 88185 8500241/0& UFCUX

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    '! I 86678 27833099 commctlsc85004

    $ 1 ./ 88360

    / 86611 27705547% )7( 88643! )7( 88644

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    %)( 8551441%)/% 86633K;.A]^]^ 86666 131.1.. & 88532)7( 86691)/(1 861061- A]^]^ 86139

    0 86802%&'A]^]^ 139%A]^/ 86677 135*Z 85355

    - %

  • NameOffice Residence Address

    Email: @scr.railnet.gov.inRly BSNLRly BSNL


    96FAX *

    OS/Stores 85514Comml Insp./Goods 86505Confidential Sec. 85551Comp.Record Room 85551CTI/Genl 88425CTI/Squad/SC 86625CTI/SL 86625 27705547CTI/BR 85177CRS/SC 86688CTI/Booking Office/BGD 88185 85002CTI/HYB at F.No.6/KCG 88565CTI Stn./PFNo.6&7 88185CTI/HYB PF.No.7/KCG 88565Commel. Controller 86678 27833099 commctlscCommel. Controller 85004TTE Rest Room 85280Dy.SS/Comml 88360Parcel Office/SC 86611 27705547Inward Booking 88643Outword Booking 88644Supervisor/Parcel Offi 88645Container Service 85192BTO/JVS Tech 85010Tender Section 85514Chart Section/PRS 86633Central Enquiry 86666 131ECTV Room 88532Booking Office 86691BSR/Begumpet 86106Enquiry at Station 86139Retiring Room 86802Res. Enquiry 139Res. Enquiry/SC 86677 135Driver 85355


  • @scr.railnet.gov.in


    %)%?%)/418 88142!./*/- 89731!./*/ 85110!./1."/418/ 85179 88215!./""*/H) 89736!.//- 89735!./..%/- 89568 85406!.//%) 85186 27507564 89626!.//( 88292 27822093!.//(/ 88151!.//%. 88290!./ 86165!./ 88651!./*. *./ 88662!.//(/. 853271 ./..%/- 893521 .//..*d/- 89789!./""*K1/- 89798!. 56% 86901!./ 88714 27822029!./A/%"**. 88449!.//"./%) 85218!.//". 86351!./%/ 86165!.//(/()* 85145)( 86017!.//4 85160!.//1- 85181 85017 27532167!./.1."/418 85202 84488!./@@/H)/ 85144!./@@/(/." 85144!./%// 86165 89703

    .&/418 86902./418 85153 85356/%. 88290 85022

    882209246231053f I/418 85132

    K ; . 1 Z 88418

    - %

  • NameOffice Residence Address

    Email: @scr.railnet.gov.inRly BSNLRly BSNL


    98FAX *

    DAR & Estt. Sec/TRSO 88142SSE/Stores/ELS 89731SSE/C&W/Mech. 85110SSE/TS/TRS/E 85179 88215SSE/NS-St./Elec. 89736SSE/G/ELS 89735SSE/PPO/ELS 89568 85406SSE/Elec/M 85186 27507564 89626SSE/Elec/TL 88292 27822093SSE/E/TL/HYB 88151SEE/Elec/RC 88290SSE/TRD 86165SSE/Elec 88651SSE/D&D/Elec 88662SSE/Elec/TL/MG 85327SS/EPPO/ELS 89352SS/Elec/PP Cardex/ELS 89789SE/NSI/ELS 89798SE/D (Electrical) 86901SSE/AC 88714 27822029SE/AC/R&D 88449SE/Elec/AC/M 85218SE/Elec/AC 86351SE/D/TRD 86165SE/Elec/TL/BGD 85145CTLC 86017JE/E/S.Bhavan 85160JE/Elec. Stn. 85181 85017 27532167JE/PTA/TRSO 85202 84488JE/II/Elec/WS 85144JE/II/TL/PF1 85144JE/D/Elc./TRD 86165 89703Inspector's/TRS 86902SLI/TRSO 85153 85356Tech./RC 88290 85022PTA 882209246231053Crew Control/TRSO 85132Elec. Central Control 88418


  • @scr.railnet.gov.in


    ..%)(/%) 88162

    H) I'& 88652+'41(, 88623+'8/!.1/- 86644 27823137+'8I/!.1/!* 85325.-/(*`.-? 88363

    H)$ 1- 882674

    !.) 88220!./H)/%)/ 85186

    1Z -*/(

    !1/ 85181".1/4 88267".!1&/.%" 867574/+'' 88134*Z 88439*Z/ 88437A/-/()* 89253

    = - 6

    !./ %! 2.*. 86163 27822896 89642 20070282 19701371200 86163* 27822896* srdencoordsc!./&' 0. *. 86162 27822169 89434 27002741 955/4, &' ()*9701371202 srdenssc!./$O >+'2.. 86161 27820632 85244 628/5, 9701371203 srdennsc!./=-4 )' *. 86160 27822889 89414 956/1, &' ()*9701371201 srdenwsc!./ K1 . 86158 27821724 89309 27534149 7/3#&'()*9701371205!./? 0.) !. 86282 27821364 27000160 19701371206!./) 4;1. 86157 27823698 88582 36/1# ()*9701371207 !./A ) ". 88454 278207929701371211 !./ . 86154 27820792 27062201 19701371209

    - %

  • NameOffice Residence Address

    Email: @scr.railnet.gov.inRly BSNLRly BSNL


    99FAX *

    Tech. Sec/ M 88162Elec.ControlRoom 88652TRSO Office 88623TPC/KZJ to BPQ 86644 27823137TPC/KZJ to BZA 85325Tech/TL 88363Elec.Sub-Stations- 88267-Sanchalan BhavanCTA to Sr.DEE/M 88220SSE/Elec/M/St. 85186Trip Shed/SNFGenerator/SC 85181AC Plant/S. Bhavan 88267AC Generator Room/PRS 86757Driver/TRD Offi. 88134Driver 88439Driver/TRD 88437SCRMU/ELS/LGD 89253


    Sr.DEN/Co-Ord Anjaneya Reddy D. 86163 27822896 89642 20070282 Pvt.9701371200 86163* 27822896* srdencoordscSr.DEN/South Srinivasa Rao D. 86162 27822169 89434 27002741 955/4,South Lallaguda9701371202 srdensscSr.DEN/North Krishna Reddy B. 86161 27820632 85244 628/5 Lancer Barracks9701371203 srdennscSr.DEN/West Suryanarayana K.. 86160 27822889 89414 956/1,South Lallaguda9701371201 srdenwscDEN/Central Venkat Rao B. 86158 27821724 89309 27534149 7/3,South Lallaguda9701371205DEN/Track Srinivasu G. 86282 27821364 27000160 Pvt.9701371206DEN/Bridges Ramachandran T. 86157 27823698 88582 36/1, Bhoiguda9701371207ADEN/East Sudhakar P.V. 88454 278207929701371211ADEN/SW Mohan Rao B. 86154 27820792 27062201 Pvt.9701371209


  • @scr.railnet.gov.in


    !./*/*3 86662-.I#74(

    !./7-(7*( 86015*7-(7*(/"4 85447!.//fI' 86626 27821244!.//1B 85461//.!.*.//()* 86015!./*/1BX 85129!./*/74(* 86627 . 88732!./*/I' 86651 27820383!./? 85192!./*/ 86621!.//%"**./"3DG 86631!./*/I' 86206 27820383!./*/1 85192".""/(*`..& 89508".1. 85282

    .&' ! 851911.1Z8./*1- 85010f I 86626 27821244

    )94% . *8"*. 88626 88152 628/3 9701371500 cmssc4 /4()* *8)+. 85366 27542229 89438 27004000 123/2#&'()*97013 715064 /4()* *8)=44)" 85369 27542229 2750073497013 715074 /4()* *8). 85367 2705488997013 715084 /4()* *8-)" 8536797013 715014 /4()* *8- . 85369) ./)4% . 86031 89692). 89120

    *K./4()* 85371 844091/4()* 85370 85372"" 89723

    - %

  • NameOffice Residence Address

    Email: @scr.railnet.gov.inRly BSNLRly BSNL


    101FAX *

    SSE/C&W/Strs- 86662-M&P,Goods,ChgSSE/Washing Siding 86015Cloth Washing Siding /- 85447 - AC Coach/BgdSSE/Loco/Crew Control 86626 27821244SSE/Loco at F.No.1 85461SSE/C&W//LowerYard/BGD 86015SSE/C&W at PF No.10 85129SSE/C&W/Chg. Depo. 86627SLI 88732SSE/C&W Control 86651 27820383SE/PW 85192SE/C&W/SL 86621SE/C&W/R&D/F-3 & F-6 86631SE/C&W Control 86206 27820383JE/C&W/ContainerService 85192SCMS/TXR 89508SPT 85282Inspection Carriges Office 85191Battery Trolly/C&W Stn. 85010Crew Control 86626 27821244


    CMS Dr. Prasad S.D. 88626 88152 628/3,Lancer Barracks9701371500 cmsscSr.DMO/CKL Dr. Sushma Dr.B. 85366 27542229 89438 27004000 123/2, South Lallaguda97013 71506Sr.DMO/C