Scenario Design Process

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Scenario Design Process Handout

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§  What we are going to do today

§  Previous Case

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For Day One

Introducing the Scenario Approach and its potentials

Macro Forces X 3 + Top 10 (4 posters)

Key Idea Generation + 1 poster (at least 5 product ideas 4 positive 1 negative)

Target User

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Macro Forces I

§  Social – market culture, life style, political atmosphere

§  Economic – purchasing power, consumer factor

§  Technical – new technology for the market, material, your specialty

§  Brainstorming top 10

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Current Product

Product opportunity

gaps Anticipatory


How to predict the trend

§  Using set theory

§  It is Hard to predict

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Examples of set

§  911

ú  Bad for international aviation & tourism

ú  Good for domestic travel, mine safety appliance mask, nB sneakers (patriotism)

§  Red zone robot

ú  Bad bankrupt, chernobyl + three mile island

ú  Sewer repair (1200~2000 millions) 6 Scenario Design Process

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Ready to work

§  SET factor - Discuss one topic at a time

§  brainstorm

§  Use markers to write down BIG letters in the post-it for people to see & discuss

§  Overlapping is okay

§  Group similar ideas

§  Prepare your company name and 6 minutes presentation

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Macro Forces brainstorm

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Macro Forces poster

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§  Knowledge EconoMY PS2 vs PS2 game

§  The world is flat §  2005 世界是平的 - 把握這個趨勢,在 21世紀才有競爭力 The

World is Flat 作者:佛里曼/著 原文作者:Thomas Friedman 譯者:楊振富‧潘勛 出版社:雅言文化 出版日期:2005年11月23日

§  The World Is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century 作者:Friedman, Thomas L. 出版社:Farrar Straus & Giroux 出版日期:2007年08月07日

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Key Idea Generation •  Using the 30 issues to develop 8 product ideas

•  Discuss and vote for the best from the 8 product ideas •  TOP 8 Product Ideas should include 5 positive + 3 negative

•  Some details could be added to the ideas. •  Please mark the relationships to the original macro FORCES

•  Text and graphics are both fine

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Basic function and needs Brainstorm the functions and needs of the primary idea of your company

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Target User Think about the representative users of the target product

Using 5W1H to render the target users, the character, problem, and needs will be more clear


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Target User II

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Scenario Brainstorming I Using scenario brainstorming sketches (情境腦力激盪圖) to develop details about the relationships between user and product and additional functions

Example: the shopping process and related CI & KI of TAO(陶美惠)

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Scenario brainstorming II

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§  實地觀察

§  SET/ 生理心理 / 實地觀察 ◊ 銀髮族生活型態 (一般與台灣) ◊ 生活需求

§  Why Our Product Is Needed?

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For Day two & Three

Character Mapping 代表族群角色選樣

Scenario & Situation 人/事/時/地/物-狀況腦力激盪

Scenario Story Board 情境故事板

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Situation Brainstorming Using 5w1H to thank about Event Situation & Flow Chart Try to generate a serial process of an event Group work/ one user per participants

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Character Mapping Except the representative user, please generate other target users to think about the range of user characters Group work/ one user per participants

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§  SET/ 生理心理 / 實地觀察 à◊銀髮族生活型態 (一般與台灣) à 生活需求 à Why Our Product Is Needed?

§  Character Mapping

§  實地觀察 Report

§  Storyboard X 3

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Storyboard I §  Each slot of flow chart could be a storyboard

§  Please generate 10 storyboards where we can see event sketches, and related CI & KI


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Storyboard II § All the storyboards of the targets users together could help us to think about the details and different dimensions of the idea

§ Different storyboards verify the necessary of the idea as well.

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For the final day

關鍵議題與設計訴求課題 (Critical Issue & Key Theme)

設計訴求及概念發展 (Key Theme & Concept Development)

概念構想整合+ 構想提案規劃 (Concept Drawing + Concept Synthesis)

提案發表 (Presentation) 5mins VIDEOS

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Critical issue & Key theme All group members discuss their critical issues and key ideas.

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Final top 10 themes § Using the storyboards to synthesize the final top 10 themes (設計訴求) § Each theme could include KI, design concept, and its illustrations of.

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Using the top 10 themes to propose a solid design concept

Writing up the Scenarios for presentation Present the Scenario

Concept Synthesis (概念構想整合)

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