If aliens landed on Earth Id like to talk to them and know about their technology. If I talked to them and knew about their technology, I d be invincible. If I were invincible, I would attack all the bad people. If I attacked all the bad people, the world would be a better place. The world would be a better place if all people were rich. If I could be any animal, I would be a wolf. If I were a wolf, I would hurt people. I would hurt a lot of people if I have enough time. If I had enough time, I would paint landscapes. If I painted landscapes, Id paint landscapes with impressionist style. If I painted landscapes with impressionist style, I would be very happy.

Segundo Condicional Ejemplos

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Page 1: Segundo Condicional Ejemplos

If aliens landed on Earth I’d like to talk to them and know about their technology.

If I talked to them and knew about their technology, I’d be invincible.

If I were invincible, I would attack all the bad people.

If I attacked all the bad people, the world would be a better place.

The world would be a better place if all people were rich.

If I could be any animal, I would be a wolf.

If I were a wolf, I would hurt people.

I would hurt a lot of people if I have enough time.

If I had enough time, I would paint landscapes.

If I painted landscapes, I’d paint landscapes with impressionist style.

If I painted landscapes with impressionist style, I would be very happy.

Page 2: Segundo Condicional Ejemplos

If I won the lottery next week, I’d leave my job and buy an expensive car.

If I left my job and bought an expensive car, I’d buy a Jaguar.

If I bought a Jaguar, I’d travel to France.

If I travelled to France, I would learn French.

If I learnt French, I’d speak with my French friends in their mother tongue.

If I had magic powers, I would buy food for everybody.

If I could buy food for everybody, I’d buy only healthy food.

If I bought only healthy food, I’d live a long time.

If I live a long time, I would like to know all the new technologies.

If I knew all new technologies, I’d want new clean cars.

If I wanted new clean cars, I’d be happy.

If I was happy, I wouldn’t have any problems.

I wouldn’t have any problems if I don’t worry for anything.

Page 3: Segundo Condicional Ejemplos

If I were the richest person in the world, I’d try to help poor people.

If I could help poor people, I’d do it.

When I was retaired because I would have more spare time.

If I had more spare time, I would travel a lot and would read many books.

If I travel a lot and read many books, I’d be very rich.

If I was very rich, I’d spend all my money to buy Jaguars.

If I spent all my money to buy Jaguars, I’d haven’t got money for the fuel.

I’d haven’t got money for the fuel if I had bought all accessories for my car.

Page 4: Segundo Condicional Ejemplos

If I could change sex for a day, I would like to go out to the party.

If I go out to a party, I ‘d get drunk.

If I’d get drunk, I’d swim in the sea.

If I swam in the sea, I’d see sharks.

If I see shark if I asked for help quickly.

If I asked for help, I’d expect to have it.

If I expect have it, I’d buy a big car.

If I bought a big car, I would go for a drive round the city.

If I went for a drive round the city, I’d know some interesting places.

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If I were a bird, I would fly over the world.

If I flew over the world, I would know a lot of countries.

If I knew a lot of countries, I would have an open mind.

If I had an open mind, I’d be more considerated.

If I were more considerated, I’d try to be famous.

If I tried to be famous, I’d pay 20€ for a drink.

If I paid 20 € for a drink, I’d be crazy.

I’d be crazy if I spend all my money.

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If I could go to the moon, I’d fly with a friend.

If I flew with a friend, I’d visit other places.

If I visited other places, I would learn a lot of things.

If I learnt a lot of things, I’d be an important person.

If I was an important person, I’d like to help people.

If I helped poor people, I would be a good person.

If I was a good person, I would give all my money for the poor people.