Nama : Adela Ramadhani NIM : 30101306851

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Nama : Adela Ramadhani

NIM : 30101306851

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1. General practicioner : the person that do thepractition in the medical institution

2. Micro skills : communication skills from doctor

to patient to help us make interaction skillsprocess basic skills in


3. Listening skills : the ability of person for

listening a patient problem4. Emphaty : the ability to understand and feel the

feeling and thoughts of others

5. Message : the information from one person toother person

6. Communication skills : the ability to conveyinformation to another effectivelly and eficiently.

7. Attending behavior : respect from a person tothe other person and environment

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8. Body language :body reaction with movement part of bodygive some message with part of body9. Anamnesis :the process to gather the information from

patientThe case history of a patientTo do by the doctorData collection is done by doctorThe early stage of medicine examination using

conducted from doctor to the patient to getbest therapy10. Nausea : sensation or reaction of

discomfort in upper abdomen following withurgger to vommit

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1. What the purpose of anamnesis ?

2. How to do good anamnesis ?

3. How the step of micro skills of communication ?

4. How we can develop our effective communiativeskills ?

5. what is the benefit become a communicativedoctor ?

6. How to be a good listener ?7. What are the disadvantages of communicative

skills ?8. The advantages and disadvantages of emphaty ?9. What is the kind of anamnesis ?

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8. What is the different of micro skills andcommunication skills for get a good anamnesis ?

9. Why the anamnesis is needed ?

10. What is the relation of doctor andcommunicatin skills ?11. How to become communicative doctor ?12. What the include micro skills of

communication ?

13. What is the problem to be a communicativedoctor ?14. How to develope micro skills of

communication ?15. When communication skills is needed

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A general practitioner is an appropriatelyqualified medical graduate who has particularknowledge and skills to provide personal,family, and community-oriented,comprehensive primary care.

(Sebuah dokter umum adalah lulusan medis yangmemenuhi syarat yang memiliki pengetahuandan keterampilan tertentu untuk menyediakanpribadi, keluarga dan berorientasi masyarakat,perawatan primer yang komprehensif )


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  Microskills refer to specific competencies forcommunicating effectively with others.

(Microskills mengacu pada kompetensi khususuntuk berkomunikasi secara efektif dengan

orang lain)





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Counselling Microskills are specific skills acounsellor can use to enhance theircommunication with clients.

(Microskills Konseling adalah keterampilan khusus

konselor dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkankomunikasi mereka dengan klien)



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  Keterampilan mendengarkan adalah kemampuan

untuk secara akurat menerima pesan dalamproses komunikasi.

Mendengarkan, bagaimanapun, adalah lebih darisekedar mampu mendengar dan memahami apayang orang lain katakan. Keterampilanmendengarkan melibatkan etiket, memintaklarifikasi, menunjukkan empati dan memberikan

respon yang tepat

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  “The most basic and powerful way to connectto another person is to listen. Justlisten. Perhaps the most important thing weever give each other is our attention.” 

Rachel Naomi Remen

Find moreat: http://www.skillsyouneed.com/ips/listening-skills.html#ixzz2huFrOHIe 

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The feeling that you understand and shareanother person's experiences and emotions ; theability to understand and share the feelings ofanother.

(perasaan bahwa Anda memahami dan berbagipengalaman dan emosi orang lain, kemampuanuntuk mengerti dan berbagi perasaan lain)



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Is something that conveyed the messagesender to the recipient. Messages can bedelivered face-to-face communication or themedia. Contents can be science, entertainment,information, advice or propaganda.

(Adalah sesuatu yang disampaikan pengirimpesan ke penerima. Pesan dapatdisampaikan komunikasi tatap muka atau

media. Isi dapat ilmu pengetahuan, hiburan,informasi, nasihat atau propaganda.)

(Cangara, 2006 : 23).

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Communication is the process by whichinformation is exchanged between individuals

Komunikasi adalah proses dimana informasi

dipertukarkan antara individu

Read more:



Skills.html ixzz2huOVSDqG

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Body language is the way in which you showyour feelings or thoughts to other peopleby means of the position or movements ofyour body

(bahasa tubuh adalah cara di mana Andamenunjukkan perasaan Anda atau pikiran kepadaorang lain dengan cara posisi atau gerakan tubuhAnda)



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Silent (non-verbal) messages communicatedthrough the sender's body movements,facial expressions, voice tone and loudness,etc.

(Diam pesan (non-verbal) dikomunikasikanmelalui gerakan pengirim tubuh, ekspresiwajah, nada suara dan kenyaringan, dll)



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Anamnesis anamneses derived from the Greek, meaningrecall.Anamnesis is a data retrieval is done by a doctor or

nurse by performing a series of interviews with thepatient or the patient's family or in certaincircumstances the patient helper

(Anamnesis berasal dari bahasa Yunani anamneses, yangartinya mengingat kembali. Anamnesis merupakanpengambilan data yang dilakukan oleh seorang doktermaupun perawat dengan cara melakukan serangkaianwawancara dengan pasien atau keluarga pasien ataudalam keadaan tertentu dengan penolong pasien)



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A feeling of sickness with an inclination tovomit

(perasaan sakit dengan kecenderungan untukmuntah)



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Sickness at the stomach, especially when accompanied by aloathing for food andan involuntary impulse to vomit.

sakit di perut, terutama bila disertaidengan kebencian untuk makanan dandorongan paksa untuk muntah.



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To obtain comprehensive information of patientsconcerned.

Information in question is organobiologismedical data, psychosocial as well as thepatient's environment

(untuk mendapatkan informasi menyeluruh dari

pasien yang bersangkutan. Informasi yangdimaksud adalah data medis organobiologis,psikososial



serta lingkungan pasien)

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1. How to do good anamnesis ?

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Understanding the Basics of

Communication Skills

Know what communication really isHave courage to say what you think

Practice.2. Engage Your Audience

Make eye contact

Use gesturersDont send mixed messagesBe aware of what your body is sayingManifest constructive attitudes and beliefs

Develop effective listening skills

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1. Memahami dasar-dasar KetrampilanKomunikasi

Tahu apa komunikasi benar-benar Memiliki keberanian untuk mengatakan apa yang

Anda pikirkan Praktek.2. Libatkan Audiens Anda Lakukan kontak mata Gunakan gesturers  Jangan mengirim pesan campuran Sadari apa yang tubuh Anda mengatakan

Sikap konstruktif Manifest dan keyakinan Mengembangkan keterampilan mendengarkan

yang efektif

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3. Use Your Words

Enunciate your words

Pronounce your words correctly

Use the right words

Slow your speech down

4. Use Your Voice

Develop your voice – A high or whiny voice is notperceived to be one of authority.

Animate your voice

Use appropriate volume.



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3. Gunakan Kata-kata Anda

Mengucapkan kata-kata Anda

Ucapkan kata-kata Anda dengan benar

Gunakan kata-kata yang tepat

Memperlambat bicara Anda ke bawah

4. Gunakan Suara Anda Mengembangkan suara Anda - Sebuah suara

tinggi atau cengeng tidak dianggap sebagaisalah satu otoritas.

Animasikan suara Anda Gunakan volume yang sesuai.

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1. Make eye contact2.

Be present3. Give NO Sign You are Ready to Respond4.  Wait Two Seconds to Respond5. Let Them Go First6.  Care About What’s Being Said 

7.  Listen For The Message Within The Message8. Don’t Change The Subject 9. Respond By Asking Questions10.   Don’t Start a Side Conversation 



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Disadvantages: People will rob you, play you,use you, mislead you.

Advantages: Connection with other peoplewhich will benefit both of you. Satisfaction

that others feel like you or you feel like them.




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Auto-anamnesis (the patient's own)2. Hetero Anamnesis / Allo-anamnesis (eople are

supposed to understand about the condicitionof the patient)



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8. What is the different of micro skills andcommunication skills for get a goodanamnesis ?

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A doctor's communication and interpersonal skills encompassthe ability to gather information in order to facilitate accuratediagnosis, counsel appropriately, give therapeutic instructions,and establish caring relationships with patients.

Effective doctor-patient communication is a central clinicalfunction in building a therapeutic doctor-patient relationship,which is the heart and art of medicine. This is important in thedelivery of high-quality health care. Much patient dissatisfactionand many complaints are due to breakdown in the doctor-patient relationship. However, many doctors tend tooverestimate their ability in communication. Over the years,much has been published in the literature on this importanttopic. We review the literature on doctor-patient communication. 



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(1) listening effectively; (2) eliciting information using effective

questioning skills; (3) providing information using effective

explanatory skills; (4) counseling and educating patients; and (5) making informed decisions based on

patient information and preference



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12. What the include micro skills ofcommunication ?

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13. What is the problem to be acommunicative doctor ?

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14. How to develope micro skills ofcommunication ?

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