אוניברסיטת תל אביב היסטוריה אירופית מודרנית החוג למדע המדינה פרופ' אנגלוס גיאנקופולוס תכנית תעודה בלימודי האיחוד האירופי סמסטר ב' תשע" ו1 Course Modern European History: The Evolution of the Idea of Europe SYLLABUS Instructor: PD Dr. Angelos Giannakopoulos

SYLLABUS European History SS 2016 A. …...תינרדומ תיפוריא הירוטסיה ביבא לת תטיסרבינוא סולופוקנאיג סולגנא 'פורפ הנידמה

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Page 1: SYLLABUS European History SS 2016 A. …...תינרדומ תיפוריא הירוטסיה ביבא לת תטיסרבינוא סולופוקנאיג סולגנא 'פורפ הנידמה

היסטוריה אירופית מודרנית אוניברסיטת תל אביב

אנגלוס גיאנקופולוס' פרופ למדע המדינההחוג

ו"תשע' בסמסטר תכנית תעודה בלימודי האיחוד האירופי



Modern European History: The Evolution of the Idea of Europe


Instructor: PD Dr. Angelos Giannakopoulos

Page 2: SYLLABUS European History SS 2016 A. …...תינרדומ תיפוריא הירוטסיה ביבא לת תטיסרבינוא סולופוקנאיג סולגנא 'פורפ הנידמה

היסטוריה אירופית מודרנית אוניברסיטת תל אביב

אנגלוס גיאנקופולוס' פרופ למדע המדינההחוג

ו"תשע' בסמסטר תכנית תעודה בלימודי האיחוד האירופי


Course Description The course offers a broad overview of modern European history from the end of the eighteenth century to the aftermath of World War II. This outstanding period of European history will be examined not only by referring to major events, movements and figures. The examination of major historical events provide rather the grounds for the exploration of main intellectual, cultural, social and political traditions of Europe which finally shaped modern European and in general Western societies as well as the majority of societies around the world. Thus, single historical events and developments should be understood as the evolutionary path which finally led to the complex relationship between society, politics, culture and religion in Europe. However, modern European history is not only a “success story” but a story enmeshed in antagonism, imperialism, war, destruction and mass murder. It also belongs to the priorities of the course to discuss which role can be attached to this negative historical diachronic experience for the establishment of a “new continent” especially after World War II. Text accounts will be accompanied by the presentation of exemplary works of art, literature, and eventually cinema by the lecturer. Course Aims The course aims to:

• provide a learning environment for all students, free of bias • provide support by understanding some of the core themes in modern European

history • stimulate analysis of historical events and critical study of the European past of the

last two centuries • develop appreciation of a range of single thematic course elements • stimulate students’ active involvement, logical argumentation and communicative

capacity • advance the ability of students to work independently on the basis of text accounts and

other seminar materials provided • develop the ability of students to engage effectively in their work by applying

scientific oral and writing standards Course Requirements

1. Completing basic text readings prior to each class, attending regularly and participating actively during the course are highly required. Attendance and active participation will account for 30% of the overall grading.

2. A final exam will take place after the completion of the course. The final exam will consist in four different questions which have to be answered by the students. The final exam will be an open book and take home exam and will account for 70% of the overall grading.

3. Finally, there will be 6 homeworks during the semester. Completion and submission to the lecturer of all homeworks will be a prerequisite for the participation in the final exam.

Page 3: SYLLABUS European History SS 2016 A. …...תינרדומ תיפוריא הירוטסיה ביבא לת תטיסרבינוא סולופוקנאיג סולגנא 'פורפ הנידמה

היסטוריה אירופית מודרנית אוניברסיטת תל אביב

אנגלוס גיאנקופולוס' פרופ למדע המדינההחוג

ו"תשע' בסמסטר תכנית תעודה בלימודי האיחוד האירופי


Course Planner Reading materials to be read prior to the beginning of the course: 1. European unity: The history of an idea, The Economist, http://www.economist.com/node/2313040 2. Michael Wintle: The History of the Idea of Europe: Where are We Now? Perspectives on Europe, Council for European Studies, Spring 2013, Volume 43, Issue 1 3. Richard Schwedberg: The Idea of “Europe” and the Origin of the European Union – A Sociological Approach, Zeitschrift für Soziologie, Jg. 23, Heft 5, Oktober 1994, S. 378-387. CLASS 1 Course Overview and Introduction. The Foundations of Europe

• Greek philosophy, Judaism, Christianity and the Islamic contributions to medieval Europe

• The shaping of early modern Europe Literature 1. Compulsory Short Readings (included in the seminar tool) 1. Lecture: Greek Thought Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, The History Guide, at: http://www.historyguide.org/ancient/lecture8b.html 2. Lecture: The Athenian Origins of Direct Democracy, The History Guide, at: http://www.historyguide.org/ancient/lecture6b.html 3. Lecture: Shaping of Western Europe, by Lynn H. Nelson, Department of History,

University of Kansas 4. Islamic Contributions to Medieval Europe, in Wikipedia, at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islamic_contributions_to_Medieval_Europe 5. Elliott Horowitz: The “Jewish contribution” to Christianity, in: Jeremy Cohen & Richard I.

Cohen (eds.): The Jewish Contribution to Civilization, The Littman Library of Jewish Civilization, Oxford 2008, pp.

2. Further Recommended Readings A. Articles (included in the seminar tool) 1. Abridged versions of R. R. Palmer/J. Colton/L. Kramer: A History of the Modern World,

Ninth Edition, Alfred A. Knopf Publisher, New York 2002 Chapter 1 - The Rise of Europe Chapter 2 - The Upheaval in Christendom 1300 - 1560 Chapter 3 - Economic Renewal and the Wars of Religion 1560 - 1648 Chapter 4 - The Establishment of West - Europe Leadership

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היסטוריה אירופית מודרנית אוניברסיטת תל אביב

אנגלוס גיאנקופולוס' פרופ למדע המדינההחוג

ו"תשע' בסמסטר תכנית תעודה בלימודי האיחוד האירופי


2. Lecture Christianity as a Cultural Revolution, The History Guide, at: http://www.historyguide.org/ancient/lecture15b.html

3. Tarek Mitri: Christians and Muslims: memory, amity and enmities, in Aziz Al-Azmeh/Effie Fokas (eds.): Islam in Europe: Diversity, Identity and Influence, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2007, pp. 16-33

3. Auxiliary Materials A. Pictures (Paintings, Photos, included in the seminar tool) 1. The School of Athens 2. The Parthenon 3. The Alexander Mosaic 4. Pieter Bruegel - The Triumpf of Death 5. City of the Ladies 6. Dante Alighieri 7. Albrecht Dürer - Peasants on Market B. Primary Sources (Short Excerpts from Novels, Diaries, Letters, Speeches, Original Historical Publications, International Treaties, etc., included in the seminar tool) 1. The Bill of Rights - England C. Historical Maps (included in the seminar tool) 1. Greece at the Beginning of 5th Century B.C. 2. Conquests of Alexander the Great 3. Christianity in 300-600 A.C. 4. The Spread of Islam to 733 5. Political Map of Renaissance Italy 6. Printing Centers in Europe 15th-16th Century 7. Central Europe 1745 8. Eastern Europe showing the expansion of Russia 9. Europe 1763-1789 10. Europe in 1660 11. Europe in 1763

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היסטוריה אירופית מודרנית אוניברסיטת תל אביב

אנגלוס גיאנקופולוס' פרופ למדע המדינההחוג

ו"תשע' בסמסטר תכנית תעודה בלימודי האיחוד האירופי


CLASS 2 The French Revolution, Part 1

• A. The story behind: 1. The scientific view of the world 2. The age of enlightenment 3. The age of absolutism and constitutionalism

• B. The French revolution

1. A short history of the French revolution Literature 1. Compulsory Short Readings (included in the seminar tool) 1. Abridged versions of R. R. Palmer/J. Colton/L. Kramer: A History of the Modern World,

Ninth Edition, Alfred A. Knopf Publisher, New York 2002 Chapter 7 - The Scientific View of the World Chapter 8 - The Age of the Enlightenment Chapter 9 - The French Revolution

2. Jeremy D. Popkin: A short history of the French revolution, third edition, Pearson Education, Upper Saddle River, N. J. 2002, Chapter 1: The origins of the French revolution, pp. 1-20

2. Further Recommended Readings A. Articles (included in the seminar tool) 1. The Origins of the French Revolution, The History Guide, at: http://www.historyguide.org/intellect/lecture11a.html 2. Marisa Linton: The intellectual origins of the French revolution, in: Campbell, Peter R.

(ed.): The origins of the French revolution, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke 2006, pp. 139-159

3. Censer, Jack R./Hunt, Lynn Avery: Liberty, equality, fraternity. Exploring the French Revolution, Pennsylvania State University Press, University Park, Pa. 2001. Book Chapter: 1. France on the Eve of 1789: A society in Crisis?, pp. 1-21

4. Geoffrey Best: The French revolution and human rights, in: Best, Geoffrey (ed.): The permanent revolution. The French Revolution and its legacy 1789 – 1989, Fontana Press, London 1989, pp. 101-127

3. Auxiliary Materials A. Pictures (Paintings, Photos, included in the seminar tool) 1. Comets in the Skies - England 2. Galileo's Paintings of the Moon

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היסטוריה אירופית מודרנית אוניברסיטת תל אביב

אנגלוס גיאנקופולוס' פרופ למדע המדינההחוג

ו"תשע' בסמסטר תכנית תעודה בלימודי האיחוד האירופי


3. An Image of St. Petersburg - Russia 4. Victory at Poltava - Peter the Great 5. The Barber – Russian Painting 6. Frederick the Great and Voltaire 7. Cover Page of Diderot's Encyclopaedia 8. Louis XIV 9. French Chateaus 10. Versailles Apartment 11. Versailles Garden 12. Versailles Hall of Mirrors 13. Storming of the Bastille B. Primary Sources (Short Excerpts from Novels, Diaries, Letters, Speeches, Original Historical Publications, International Treaties, etc., included in the seminar tool) 1. The scientific view of the world Bacon on the New Science Bacon's Reasoning Copernicus on the Earth Revolution Newton's Principles Revolutionizing Science The Starry Messenger - Galileo Galiliei Ingenious Pursuits - Scientific Revolution The World Turned Upside Down-Eighteenth Century 2. The age of enlightenment Candide -Voltaire Forced to Be Free - Rousseau, Jean-Jacques Frederick the Great Writes Voltaire I Think, Therefore I Am - Rene Descartes Montesquieu on the Ideal Form of Government The Spirit of Intolerance - Montesquieu Rousseau Presents His Ideal Form of Government The Proper Study of Mankind - Alexander Pope, 18th Century The Spirit of Tolerance - Philosophers of the Enlightenment Voltaire and Catherine the Great Will We Ever Grow Up? - Kant, Immanuel 3. The age of absolutism and constitutionalism The Absolutist Roots of Modern Civilization The Anti-Machiavel The Theory of Absolutism 4. The French revolution How Ideas Caused the French Revolution Observing the French Peasantry on the Eve of Revolution Members of the Lower Classes Voice Their Grievances Nobles Attempt to Preserve Ancient Privileges

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היסטוריה אירופית מודרנית אוניברסיטת תל אביב

אנגלוס גיאנקופולוס' פרופ למדע המדינההחוג

ו"תשע' בסמסטר תכנית תעודה בלימודי האיחוד האירופי


Louis XV Asserts His Absolute Authority over the Parliaments The French Revolutionaries Declare Their Rights The Third Estate Is the Nation A Justification of Terror - Robespierre, Maximilien The Cultural Origins of Revolutionary Violence Reactions to the Death of Louis XIV Political Conflict Caused the French Revolution Popular Misery and a Rising Middle Class Led to French Revolution C. Historical Maps (included in the seminar tool) 1. Centers of Reformation in Germany 2. Austrian and Ottoman Empires in the 16th-17th Century 3. Europe during the Age of Absolutism

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היסטוריה אירופית מודרנית אוניברסיטת תל אביב

אנגלוס גיאנקופולוס' פרופ למדע המדינההחוג

ו"תשע' בסמסטר תכנית תעודה בלימודי האיחוד האירופי


CLASS 3 The French Revolution, Part 2 The significance of the French Revolution for the European consciousness Literature 1. Compulsory Short Readings (included in the seminar tool) 1. Jeremy D. Popkin: A short history of the French revolution, third edition, Pearson

Education, Upper Saddle River, N. J. 2002, Chapter 9: The revolutionary heritage, pp. 139-150

2. W. Doyle: The principles of the French revolution, in: H. T. Mason/W. Doyle (eds.): The impact of the French revolution on European consciousness, pp. 1-10

2. Further Recommended Readings A. Articles (included in the seminar tool) 1. Conor Cruise O’Brien: Nationalism and the French Revolution, in: Best, Geoffrey (ed.):

The permanent revolution. The French Revolution and its legacy 1789 – 1989, Fontana Press, London 1989, pp. 17-48

2. Mars Unshackled: The French revolution in world-historical perspective, in: Ferenc Feher: The French revolution and the birth of modernity, University of California Press, Berkeley 1990, pp. 13-29

3. Immanuel Wallerstein: The French revolution as a world-historical event, in: Ferenc Feher: The French revolution and the birth of modernity, University of California Press, Berkeley 1990, pp. 117-130

3. Auxiliary Materials A. Pictures (Paintings, Photos, included in the seminar tool) 1. The Abolition of Slavery - French Revolution 2. Dr. Guillotin's Invention 3. Creating a Martyr for the Revolution (Marat) 4. The Revolution's New Calendar B. Primary Sources (Short Excerpts from Novels, Diaries, Letters, Speeches, Original Historical Publications, International Treaties, etc., included in the seminar tool) 1. Women in the French Revolution 2. The Thirteen American Colonies Declare Independence

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ו"תשע' בסמסטר תכנית תעודה בלימודי האיחוד האירופי


CLASS 4 The Napoleonic Era The Napoleonic Europe and the European system of powers in the early 19th century Literature 1. Compulsory Short Readings (included in the seminar tool) Abridged versions of R. R. Palmer/J. Colton/L. Kramer: A History of the Modern World, Ninth Edition, Alfred A. Knopf Publisher, New York 2002 Chapter 10 - Napoleonic Europe 2. Further Recommended Readings A. Articles (included in the seminar tool) Peter Alter: Playing with the nation: Napoleon and the culture of nationalism, in: Blanning,

Timothy C. W./Schulze, Hagen (eds.): Unity and diversity in European culture c.1800, Proceedings of the British Academy, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2006, pp. 61-74

3. Auxiliary Materials A. Pictures (Paintings, Photos, included in the seminar tool) 1. Napoleon in Russia 2. Napoleon's Coronation B. Primary Sources (Short Excerpts from Novels, Diaries, Letters, Speeches, Original Historical Publications, International Treaties, etc., included in the seminar tool) The Napoleonic Europe Napoleon Enacts the Continental System A Description of Napoleon Reflections from Exile - Napoleon How to Interpret Napoleon C. Historical Maps (included in the seminar tool) 1. Europe after Napoleon 1815 2. France and Europe in 1810-1812 3. Europe in 1815

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היסטוריה אירופית מודרנית אוניברסיטת תל אביב

אנגלוס גיאנקופולוס' פרופ למדע המדינההחוג

ו"תשע' בסמסטר תכנית תעודה בלימודי האיחוד האירופי


CLASS 5 The Agricultural and Industrial Revolutions

• The preconditions of the agricultural and industrial revolutions • How it began: British economy in the early 19th century • Industrialisation across Europe • The origins of capitalism • Reaction versus progress 1815-1848: Popular protest

Literature 1. Compulsory Short Readings (included in the seminar tool) 1. First Industrial Revolution, Lecture by Lynn H. Nelson, Department of History, University

of Kansas 2. The Origins of the Industrial Revolution in England, The History Guide, at:

http://www.historyguide.org/intellect/lecture17a.html 3. M. W. Flinn: Origins of the industrial revolution, Longman, Harlow 1966, Chapter 1: The

industrial revolution, pp. 1-18 6. Abridged versions of R. R. Palmer/J. Colton/L. Kramer: A History of the Modern World,

Ninth Edition, Alfred A. Knopf Publisher, New York 2002 Chapter 11 - Reaction Versus Progress 1815 - 1848 Chapter 12 - Revolutions and Re-imposition of Order

2. Further Recommended Readings A. Articles (included in the seminar tool) 1. Pat Hudson: The industrial revolution, Edward Arnold, London 1992, Chapter 4: Regions

and Industries 2. Sima Lieberman (ed.): Europe and the industrial revolution, Schenkman Publishing

Company, Cambridge Massachusetts 1972, Chapter: Introduction: Modern industrialization: Evolutionary or revolutionary?, pp. 1-79

3. Alexander Gerschenkron: Reflections on the Concept of “prerequisites” of modern industrialisation, in: Sima Lieberman (ed.): Europe and the industrial revolution, Schenkman Publishing Company, Cambridge Massachusetts 1972, pp. 9-27

4. Lecture: The French Revolution and the Socialist Tradition, English Democratic Socialists, The History Guide, at: http://www.historyguide.org/intellect/lecture20a.html

5. Lecture: The Age of Ideologies. Reflexions on Karl Marx, The History Guide, at: http://www.historyguide.org/intellect/lecture24a.html

3. Auxiliary Materials A. Pictures (Paintings, Photos, included in the seminar tool) 1. Industrialisation in Manchester

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אנגלוס גיאנקופולוס' פרופ למדע המדינההחוג

ו"תשע' בסמסטר תכנית תעודה בלימודי האיחוד האירופי


2. Industrialisation - Slums of England 3. Industrialisation - German Ironworks 4. Karl Marx 5. Revolution of 1848 - Heroines of the Barricades 6. Daumier on the Emancipation of Women, 1848 7. Nature and Romanticism 8. Nature Is Spirit Visible - Romanticism 9. Transforming Paris B. Primary Sources (Short Excerpts from Novels, Diaries, Letters, Speeches, Original Historical Publications, International Treaties, etc., included in the seminar tool) 1. And Machines Replace Men 2. Arkwright's Establishment of the Factory System 3. Industrious Activity and Improved Processes in Agriculture 4. Prometheus Unbound - Industrial Revolution 5. A Working Girl in Mid-Nineteenth-Century in Germany 6. Factory Discipline in Berlin 7. Socialist Ideas in the First Half of the Nineteenth Century 8. Alienated Labor - Karl Marx 9. One Thing Leads to Another - Karl Marx, Das Kapital 10. The Communist Manifesto 11. On Liberty for Women - John Stuart Mill 12. De Tocqueville on the Revolution in France 1848 13. There Shall Be No Appeal - Von Metternich 14. Evaluating 1848 15. State and Religion - Mendelssohn, Moses 16. The Benevolent Invisible Hand of Natural Liberty - Adam Smith 17. The Course of World History - Georg Hegel 18. The Most Important Book of the Century - Darwin's Theory C. Historical Maps (included in the seminar tool) 1. Industrialisation in Britain 2. Continental Industrialisation 1850 3. European Rails 4. European Urbanisation

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CLASS 6 Nation-Building and the Period of Nationalism in Europe

• The consolidation of the European nation states 1830-1871 • Nation and language • The role of national historiography and literature in shaping a nation • The invention of the nation: how far are nations a fiction?

Literature 1. Compulsory Short Readings (included in the seminar tool) 1. Abridged version of R. R. Palmer/J. Colton/L. Kramer: A History of the Modern World,

Ninth Edition, Alfred A. Knopf Publisher, New York 2002 Chapter 13 - The Consolidation of the Large Nation States

2. Federico Chabod: The idea of nation, in: Stuart Woolf (ed.): Nationalism in Europe, 1815 to the present. A reader, Routledge, London and New York 1996, pp. 124-136

3. Benedict Anderson: Imagined Communities, 11th Edition, Verso, London/New York 2002, Chapter 3: The Origins of National Consciousness, pp. 37-47

2. Further Recommended Readings: A. Articles (included in the seminar tool) 1. Michael Jeismann: National identity and enmity. Towards a theory of political

identification, in: Timothy Baycroft/Mark Hewitson (eds.): What is a Nation?. Europe 1789-1914, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2006, pp. 17-27

2. Jörn Leonhard: Nation-states and Wars, in: Timothy Baycroft/Mark Hewitson (eds.): What is a Nation?. Europe 1789-1914, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2006, pp. 231-254

3. Brian Vick: Language and nation, in: Timothy Baycroft/Mark Hewitson (eds.): What is a Nation?. Europe 1789-1914, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2006, pp. 155-169

4. Otto Dann: The invention of national languages, in: Blanning, Timothy C. W./Schulze, Hagen (eds.): Unity and diversity in European culture c.1800, Proceedings of the British Academy, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2006, pp. 121-132

5. E. J. Feuchtwanger: Conservatism and nationalism, in: Martin Pugh: A companion to modern European history 1871-1945, Blackwell Publishers, Oxford 1997, pp. 93-110

3. Auxiliary Materials A. Pictures (Paintings, Photos, included in the seminar tool) 1. Medieval Modernism - German Nationalism 2. Nelson's Death - British Nationalism 3. Greek National Art 4. Polish National Art

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B. Primary Sources (Short Excerpts from Novels, Diaries, Letters, Speeches, Original Historical Publications, International Treaties, etc., included in the seminar tool) 1. Art and Nationhood 2. Constructing Nationhood 3. Herzl's State 4. Nationalism as a Modern Phenomenon 5. What Is a Nation - Ernest Renan 6. Joseph Manzini - An Essay on the Duties of Man C. Historical Maps (included in the seminar tool) 1. The Unification of Germany 2. The Unification of Italy 3. Italian states 1690 4. Italian states 1790 5. The European empires in 1870 6. The unification of Germany 7. The World in 1800

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ו"תשע' בסמסטר תכנית תעודה בלימודי האיחוד האירופי


CLASS 7 European Imperialism and Colonialism

• Europe’s world supremacy • Geopolitics and colonialism • Colonialism in the Middle East

Literature 1. Compulsory Short Readings (included in the seminar tool) 1. Abridged versions of R. R. Palmer/J. Colton/L. Kramer: A History of the Modern World,

Ninth Edition, Alfred A. Knopf Publisher, New York 2002 Chapter 15 - Europe's World Supremacy

2. David Omissi: European imperialism, in: Martin Pugh: A companion to modern European history 1871-1945, Blackwell Publishers, Oxford 1997, pp. 236-261

3. Benedict Anderson: Imagined Communities, Verso, London/New York, 11th Edition, 2002, Chapter 6: Official Nationalism and Imperialism, pp. 83-111

2. Further Recommended Readings A. Articles (included in the seminar tool) 1. Robin A. Butlin: Geographies of empire. European empires and colonies c. 1880-1960,

Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2009, Chapter 1: Geography, imperialism and colonialism: concepts and frameworks, pp. 1-45

2. Robin A. Butlin: Geographies of empire. European empires and colonies c. 1880-1960, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2009, Chapter 2: Chronologies, spaces and places, pp. 46-117

3. Robin A. Butlin: Geographies of empire. European empires and colonies c. 1880-1960, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2009, Chapter 8: Geographies of the “civilising mission”, pp. 350-395

4. H. L. Wesseling: Imperialism and Colonialism. Essay on the history of European expansion, Greenwood Press, Westport 1997, Chapter 2: Colonial wars and armed peace, 1871-1914: A reconnaissance, pp. 12-26

5. Andrew Porter: European imperialism 1860-1914, MacMillan Press, Basingstoke 1994 3. Auxiliary Materials A. Pictures (Paintings, Photos, included in the seminar tool) 1. British Imperialism 2. Displaying the Orient 3. Family Life in East Africa 4. Horse Racing in German China 5. Imperial Soap 6. The Imperial Adventure

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ו"תשע' בסמסטר תכנית תעודה בלימודי האיחוד האירופי


7. World Exibition 1851 - The Crystal Palace B. Primary Sources (Short Excerpts from Novels, Diaries, Letters, Speeches, Original Historical Publications, International Treaties, etc., included in the seminar tool) 1. A European Critique of Imperialism 2. Orientalism - Said, Edward 3. The Imperial Domino Effect 4. The White Man's Burden - Kipling, Rudyard C. Historical Maps (included in the seminar tool) 1. The African Slave Trade 2. Africa after the First World War 3. Africa in 1914 4. British imperial territories in 1939 a 5. British imperial territories in 1939 b 6. European conquests in Southeast Asia 7. European empires and colonies in the Americas 1700 8. European rule in Africa 1914

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CLASS 8 The Emergence of the Labour Movement and its Demands for Social Justice

• The 2nd Industrial Revolution and its repercussions • Social Democratic, Labour and Marxist movements • The rise of mass politics

Literature 1. Compulsory Short Readings (included in the seminar tool) 1. Abridged version of R. R. Palmer/J. Colton/L. Kramer: A History of the Modern World,

Ninth Edition, Alfred A. Knopf Publisher, New York 2002 Chapter XIV European Civilization, 1871-1914

2. Second Industrial Revolution, Lecture by Lynn H. Nelson, Department of History, University of Kansas

3. Walter Kendall: The labour movement in Europe, Allen Lane, London 1975, Chapter 2: The rise of the labour movement, pp. 11-23

2. Further Recommended Readings A. Articles (included in the seminar tool) 1. Walter Kendall: The labour movement in Europe, Allen Lane, London 1975, Chapter 3:

The modern labour movement, pp. 24-34 2. James D. White: Revolutionary Europe, in: Martin Pugh: A companion to modern

European history 1871-1945, Blackwell Publishers, Oxford 1997, pp. 174-193 3. Joel Mokyr: The second industrial revolution, 1870-1914, at:


3. Auxiliary Materials A. Pictures (Paintings, Photos, included in the seminar tool) 1. The Scream - Munch, Edvard B. Primary Sources (Short Excerpts from Novels, Diaries, Letters, Speeches, Original Historical Publications, International Treaties, etc., included in the seminar tool) 1. History and Getting on with Life – Nietzsche, Friedrich 2. Liberty-Freedom from, or Freedom to – Berlin, Isaiah 3. The Intellectual Revolution of the 1890s 4. The Unconscious-Sigmund Freud 5. The Gotha Program 1875 6. The Erfurt Program 1891

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ו"תשע' בסמסטר תכנית תעודה בלימודי האיחוד האירופי


CLASS 9 The First World War

• European Empires 1870-1917 and the balance of powers • A short history of the First World War • The Paris Peace Conference and the Versailles Treaty 1919 • The economic and social impact of the war

Literature 1. Compulsory Short Readings (included in the seminar tool) 1. Abridged version of R. R. Palmer/J. Colton/L. Kramer: A History of the Modern World,

Ninth Edition, Alfred A. Knopf Publisher, New York 2002 Chapter 16 - The First World War

2. First World War, Lecture by Lynn H. Nelson, Department of History, University of Kansas 3. Annika Mombauer: The origins of the First World War. Controversies and consensus,

Chapter Introduction, pp. 1-19 2. Further Recommended Readings A. Articles (included in the seminar tool) 1. Richard F. Hamilton/Holger H. Herwig: World wars. Definitions and causes, in: Richard F.

Hamilton/Holger H. Herwig (eds.): The origins of World War I., Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2003, pp. 1- 44

2. Richard F. Hamilton: The European wars, in: Richard F. Hamilton/Holger H. Herwig (eds.): The origins of World War I., Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2003, pp. 45-91

3. Auxiliary Materials A. Pictures (Paintings, Photos, included in the seminar tool) 1. The Great European War 2. Destruction after First World War - The Menin Road 3. Help Us Win - Germany 4. Socialist Realism and the Collective Farm - Russia 5. A Year of Revolution - Russian Revolution 6. Civil War - Revolutionary Russia 7. The place where Prince Ferdinand was killed in Sarajevo 8. Destruction at Dixmude Belgium B. Primary Sources (Short Excerpts from Novels, Diaries, Letters, Speeches, Original Historical Publications, International Treaties, etc., included in the seminar tool) 1. Austria's Ultimatum

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2. The Outbreak of War-First World War 3. The Source of Future Conflict-First World War 4. All Quiet - Erich Maria Remarque 5. Order Number 1 - February Revolution in Russia 6. What Is to Be Done - Lenin 7. Lenin's Testament 8. The Legacies of Russian Revolution C. Historical Maps (included in the seminar tool) 1. Europe before the war 2. Europe after the war 3. Europe in 1914 4. European alliances before the First World War 5. German territorial losses following the Treaty of Versailles 6. The Balkans 1912-1914 7. The Eastern Front 8. The Eastern Front 1914-1918 9. The European Peace Settlement 10. The Italian Front 1915-1918 11. The Middle East 1914-1918 12. The Western Front 1914 13. The Western Front 1915-1918 14. The Western Front 1918

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ו"תשע' בסמסטר תכנית תעודה בלימודי האיחוד האירופי


CLASS 10 The Interwar Period, Part 1

• The European search for stability 1920-1939 • The great depression 1929

Literature 1. Compulsory Short Readings (included in the seminar tool) 1. Abridged versions of R. R. Palmer/J. Colton/L. Kramer: A History of the Modern World,

Ninth Edition, Alfred A. Knopf Publisher, New York 2002 Chapter 18 - Apparent Victory of Democracy Chapter 19 - Democracy and Dictatorship

2. Lecture The Age of Anxiety after 1920 1, The History Guide, at: http://www.historyguide.org/europe/lecture8.html

3. Lecture The Age of Anxiety after 1920 2, The History Guide, at: http://www.historyguide.org/europe/lecture9.html

2. Auxiliary Materials A. Pictures (Paintings, Photos, included in the seminar tool) 1. A Preview of the Future - Fritz Lang’s Metropolis 2. Bolshevism Brings War - Poster Germany 3. Bolshevism Unmasked - Poster Germany 10. Workers and Peasants - Stalin's Russia 11. Great Depression Picture 12. Great Depression Picture 2 B. Primary Sources (Short Excerpts from Novels, Diaries, Letters, Speeches, Original Historical Publications, International Treaties, etc., included in the seminar tool) An Appeal to Reason - Thomas Mann C. Historical Maps (included in the seminar tool) 1. European Frontiers 1919-1937 2. The expansion of Germany 1935-July 1939

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CLASS 11 The Interwar Period, Part 2 The rice of totalitarianism and dictatorship in Europe: Germany, Italy and Russia 1. Compulsory Short Readings (included in the seminar tool) 1. Lecture The Age of Totalitarianism, Hitler-Stalin, The History Guide, at:

http://www.historyguide.org/europe/lecture10.html 2. Martin Blinkhorn: Fascism and the right in Europe, 1919-1945, Longman, Harlow 2000,

Chapter 3: Interwar Europe in crisis, pp. 19-30 2. Further Recommended Readings A. Articles (included in the seminar tool) 1. Martin Blinkhorn: Fascism and the right in Europe, 1919-1945, Longman, Harlow 200,

Chapter 2: Foretastes of fascism in pre-1914 Europe, pp. 8-15 2. Martin Blinkhorn: Fascism and the right in Europe, 1919-1945, Longman, Harlow 200,

Chapter 7: Understanding Fascism, pp. 107-115 3. Martin Blinkhorn: Fascism and the right in Europe, 1919-1945, Longman, Harlow 200,

Chapter 5: Fascist and right-wing regimes, pp. 65-93 4. Martin Blinkhorn: Fascism and the right in Europe, 1919-1945, Longman, Harlow 200,

Chapter 4: Fascist and right-wing movements 1919-1939, pp. 31-64 5. Michael Mann: Fascists, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2004, Chapter 2:

Explaining the rise of interwar authoritarianism and fascism, pp. 31-91 6. Richard Thurlow: European fascism, in: Martin Pugh: A companion to modern European

history 1871-1945, Blackwell Publishers, Oxford 1997, pp. 194-209 3. Auxiliary Materials A. Pictures (Paintings, Photos, included in the seminar tool) 1. Der Führer - Germany 2. Il Duce - Italy 3. Munich 1914 - Hitler 4. The Last Hope – Poster Hitler 5. Stalinist Socialist Realism 6. The Stalin Cult 7. After the Anschluss 1938 B. Primary Sources (Short Excerpts from Novels, Diaries, Letters, Speeches, Original Historical Publications, International Treaties, etc., included in the seminar tool) 1. A New Civilization - Mussolini's Speech 2. A Total Conception of Life - Italian Fascism 3. The Hitler Myth

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4. Total Revolution - Nazi Ideology 5. Those Who Fall Behind Get Beaten - Stalin's Programme C. Historical Maps (included in the seminar tool) The two interwar Europes

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CLASS 12 The Second World War and the Cold War, Part 1

• What caused the Second World War? • A short history of the Second World War • On the crest of inhumanity: Death Camps and the Holocaust

Literature 1. Compulsory Short Readings (included in the seminar tool) 1. Lecture Hitler and World War Two, The History Guide, at:

http://www.historyguide.org/europe/lecture11.html 2. Second World War, Lecture by Lynn H. Nelson, Department of History, University of

Kansas 3. A. W. Purdue: The Second World War, in: Martin Pugh: A companion to modern European

history 1871-1945, Blackwell Publishers, Oxford 1997, pp. 322-341 4. Walter Robson: The Second World War Era, Oxford University Press, Oxford 1993 5. Martin Gilbert: The Holocaust, Hill and Wang, New York 1978 2. Further Recommended Readings A. Articles (included in the seminar tool) 1. John Keegan: The Second World War, Hutchinson, London 1989, Chapter 1: Every Man a

Soldier, pp. 10-30 2. John Keegan: The Second World War, Hutchinson, London 1989, Chapter 2: Fomenting

World War, pp. 31-51 3. Philip M. H. Bell: The origins of the Second World War, Longman, London 1987, Chapter

1: On war and the causes of war, pp. 3-13 4. Stephen A. Schuker: The end of Versailles, in: Gordon Martel (ed.): The origins of the

Second World War reconsidered, Allen and Unwin, London 1986, pp. 49-72 5. Jonathan Wright: Germany and the origins of the Second World War, Palgrave,

Basingstoke 2007, Chapter 7: To World War: September 1939-Dezember 1941, pp. 146-

3. Auxiliary Materials A. Pictures (Paintings, Photos, included in the seminar tool) 1. Never Was So Much Owed - Britain 2. The Costs of Second World War 3. The Eternal Jew - Nazi Propaganda 4. Triumph of the Will - Nazism 5. Death Camps 6. The Great Fatherland War - Poster Russia

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7. Hitler greets Muller the Bishop of the Reich 8. Hitler at Nazi party rally in Nürnberg B. Primary Sources (Short Excerpts from Novels, Diaries, Letters, Speeches, Original Historical Publications, International Treaties, etc., included in the seminar tool) 1. Barbarism on the Eastern Front 2. Birth of the Modern Age 3. Blood, Toil, Tears, and Sweat - Speeches by Winston Churchil 4. Stalin's Call to Arms 5. Russia's War (The Great Fatherland War) 6. Understanding the Third Reich 7. Hitler on the Jews 8. A Total Solution - Hermann Goering 9. The Nürnberg Laws - Authentic Text 10. Banal Evil - Protocol of the Wannsee Conference 11. Kristallnacht 12. Ordinary Germans - Holocaust 13. Ordinary Men - Holocaust 14. The Definition of Genocide by Raphael Lemkin C. Historical Maps (included in the seminar tool) 1. World War II. - European Theatres of the War 2. World War II. - Main Places 3. The Territorial Impact of World War II. 4. Europe 1941-42 5. Europe in summer 1939

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CLASS 13 The Second World War and the Cold War, Part 2 Europe in ruins: the establishment of a new continent and a global order Literature 1. Compulsory Short Readings 1. Lecture The Origins of the Cold War, The History Guide, at:

http://www.historyguide.org/europe/lecture14.html 2. Ruth Henig: The origins of the Second World War, Methuen, London 1985 2. Further Recommended Readings A. Articles (included in the seminar tool) 1. Anthony P. Adamthwaite: The making of the Second World War, Allen and Unwin,

London 1977, Chapter 6: The approach of the war, 1938-9, pp. 76-95 2. Avraham Barkai: Volksgemeinschaft, “Aryanization” and the Holocaust, in: David

Cesarani (ed.): The final solution, Routledge, London 1994, pp. 33-50 3. Auxiliary Materials A. Pictures (Paintings, Photos, included in the seminar tool) 1. A-Bomb Dom in Hiroshima 2. Hiroshima one day after bombing 3. The City of Cologne before World War II 4. The City of Cologne after World War II B. Primary Sources (Short Excerpts from Novels, Diaries, Letters, Speeches, Original Historical Publications, International Treaties, etc., included in the seminar tool) 1. Jewish Life after the War 2. Germany Divided - 1949 3. The End of the Revolution - Russia 4. Soviet Insecurity and the Origins of the Cold War 5. Stalin Father of the Cold War 6. The Cold War and Decolonization C. Historical Maps (included in the seminar tool) 1. Post-War Europe 2. The German Mastery of Europe