Morning Service Առավոտեան Ժամերգություն– 9 am Divine Liturgy – Badarak- Սուրբ Պատարագ - 10:00 am Sunday school- Կիրակնօրեա Դպրոց – 10:15 AM UPCOMING EVENTS Առաջիկա Միջոցառումներ Saturday, April 7, 2018 7:30 PM – Women’s Guild presents Armenian /American Dance Featuring – Jay Baronian – Dumbeg/Vocal, Mal Barsamian – Clarinet, Joy Koyumjian – Oud, Bruce Gigarjian – Guitar, Kory Sirmaian – DJ. Complimentary coffee, Pastry, Snacks, Cash Bar & Light food for sale. Donation $25 per, 10 and under free. Seating is limited, RSVP: Melanee Naroian – 978-683-0613, Stephanie Naroian – [email protected] Cheryl Sarkisian – [email protected] Saturday, April 14, 2018 The Women's Guild of Hye Pointe will be hosting Saintly Women's Day. Program starts at 10AM. Donation $35. Please reserve by contacting Co-Chairs Sylvia Tavitian 603 458-6057 or Barbara Arthur 978 372-6360. Cell phone reminder: Please turn off your cell phones prior to entering the Church, out of respect for the Divine Liturgy, the sanctity of the Sanctuary and your fellow worshiping parishioners. Thank you for your cooperation! Sunday, April 1, 2018 Կիրակի, Ապրիլ 1, 2018 THE ARMENIAN APOSTOLIC CHURCH AT HYE POINTE ՀԱՅ ՓՕԻՆԹ ՀԱՅԱՍՏԱՆՅԱՑ ԱՌԱՔԵԼԱԿԱՆ ԵԿԵՂԵՑԻ Rev. Fr. Vart Gyozalyan - Pastor 1280 Boston Road, Bradford, MA 01835 “Daily Lectionary Readings” Աստվածաշնչական Ընթերցումներ Acts 1:15-26, Mark 16:2-8 Easter Sunday Feast of the Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ - Սբ. Հարության Տոն After the divine Liturgy Antastan – Անդաստան there will be second plate collection for Choir

T A C H P UPCOMING ԱՅEVENTS Հ Փ Հ Rev. Fr. Vart …of the Armenian Church, including Զատիկ: Today the immortal and heavenly bridegroom has risen from the dead…Today is

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Page 1: T A C H P UPCOMING ԱՅEVENTS Հ Փ Հ Rev. Fr. Vart …of the Armenian Church, including Զատիկ: Today the immortal and heavenly bridegroom has risen from the dead…Today is

Morning Service – Առավոտեան Ժամերգություն– 9 am Divine Liturgy – Badarak- Սուրբ Պատարագ - 10:00 am Sunday school- Կիրակնօրեա Դպրոց – 10:15 AM

UPCOMING EVENTS Առաջիկա Միջոցառումներ

Saturday, April 7, 2018 7:30 PM – Women’s Guild presents Armenian /American Dance Featuring – Jay Baronian – Dumbeg/Vocal, Mal Barsamian – Clarinet, Joy Koyumjian – Oud, Bruce Gigarjian – Guitar, Kory Sirmaian – DJ. Complimentary coffee, Pastry, Snacks, Cash Bar & Light food for sale. Donation $25 per, 10 and under free. Seating is limited, RSVP: Melanee Naroian – 978-683-0613, Stephanie Naroian – [email protected] Cheryl Sarkisian – [email protected] Saturday, April 14, 2018 The Women's Guild of Hye Pointe will be hosting Saintly Women's Day. Program starts at 10AM. Donation $35. Please reserve by contacting Co-Chairs Sylvia Tavitian 603 458-6057 or Barbara Arthur 978 372-6360.

Cell phone reminder: Please turn off your cell phones prior to entering the Church, out of respect for the Divine Liturgy, the sanctity of the Sanctuary and your fellow worshiping parishioners. Thank you for your cooperation!

Sunday, April 1, 2018



1280 Boston Road, Bradford, MA 01835

“Daily Lectionary Readings”

Աստվածաշնչական Ընթերցումներ

Acts 1:15-26, Mark 16:2-8 Easter Sunday

Feast of the Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ -

Սբ. Հարության Տոն

After the divine Liturgy Antastan – Անդաստան

there will be second plate collection for Choir

Page 2: T A C H P UPCOMING ԱՅEVENTS Հ Փ Հ Rev. Fr. Vart …of the Armenian Church, including Զատիկ: Today the immortal and heavenly bridegroom has risen from the dead…Today is


Mark 16:2-8

2 And very early on the first day of the week, when the sun had risen, they went to the tomb. 3 They had been saying to one

another, “Who will roll away the stone for us from the entrance to the tomb?” 4 When they looked up, they saw that the stone, which was very large, had already been rolled back. 5 As they entered the tomb, they saw a young man, dressed in a white

robe, sitting on the right side; and they were alarmed. 6 But he said to them, “Do not be alarmed; you are looking for Jesus of

Nazareth, who was crucified. He has been raised; he is not here. Look, there is the place they laid him. 7 But go, tell his disciples and Peter that he is going ahead of you to Galilee; there you will see him, just as he told you.” 8 So they went out and fled from the tomb, for terror and amazement had seized them; and they

said nothing to anyone, for they were afraid.

And all that had been commanded them they told briefly to those around Peter. And afterward Jesus himself sent out

through them, from east to west, the sacred and imperishable proclamation of eternal salvation.

Name Day

Անվանակոչության օր



Աղօթքի Խնդրանք Special get well prayers & heartfelt wishes to all who are ill, recovering from

surgery from – Michael & Sona Naroian Happy Easter & welcome to the month of April from – Michael & Sona Naroian Special get well prayers to all who are ill from – Eva Naroian, Barbara Naroian,

Բարի Նպատակ – Paree Nebadag from – Bea Ohanian In honor of Lazarus Name Day from – Bazarian, Beeney & Gardner Families

Prayer & get well wishes for all who are ill from – M/M John Mosto, M/M Scott Sahagian

Happy Easter to our Church Family, Christ is risen from the dead, Blessed is the Resurrection of Christ from – M/M John Mosto

Բարի Նպատակ – Paree Nubadag from – M/M John Mosto Happy Name Day to Larry Pahigian & Connor Richards from - M/M Scott

Sahagian Prayers for all the Children who were blessed on Palm Sunday from – M/M

Scott Sahagian Happy Easter to our Church Family from – M/M Scott Sahagian

Prayers & get well wishes to Kim Dandurant, Esther Tanaian, Bob Colombosian & to all who are ill from – Manoog Baghdayan, Annette


Upcoming Hokehankist

Առաջիկա Հոկեհանգիստներ

Sunday, April 8, 2018 for the soul of Nazaret Sarkis Kibarian (1 years) requested by Ervant & Anahit Kibarian & Family

Donations for Hokehankist Հոգեհանգիստյան Նվիրատվություններ

For the Souls of Vartan Ellian, Ogaper Ellian, Angelo Vecchio, Maria Vecchio from – M/M Charles Bazarian ALTAR DONATIONS

Նվիրատվություններ Սուրբ Խորանին Altar candles are given to the Glory of God & in loving memory of the

Thomassian Family from her Marie Thomassian.

Flowers for the Tomb of Christ are given to the Glory of God & in loving memory of Jenine Tomaselli

The butter for the Holy Thursday is donated from Hajji Gabriel

Goshdigian Endowment Fund.

Page 3: T A C H P UPCOMING ԱՅEVENTS Հ Փ Հ Rev. Fr. Vart …of the Armenian Church, including Զատիկ: Today the immortal and heavenly bridegroom has risen from the dead…Today is

Holy Communion In the Armenian Church Holy Communion is distributed in the

following manner. The communicant stands before the priest, makes the sign of the cross and says:

“Megha Asdoodzo”, "I have sinned against God."

The priest then places a small particle of our Lord's Body and Blood -- the bread having been dipped into the wine -- directly into the mouth

of the communicant. The communicant again makes the sign of the Cross and steps aside for others to approach the blessed sacrament.

After all have received Holy Communion, using the chalice to imprint the sign of the Cross over the communicants, the priest imparts the

blessing of Psalm 28:9 : "Save your people, Lord, and bless your inheritance; shepherd them and lift them up from henceforth until


distribution of ‘mas’ in the armenian ChurCh takinG “mas”

The Person giving Should say;

Մաս եւ բաժին եղիցի քեզ ի Սուրբ Պատարագիս Mas yev pajin yeghitzi kez ee Sourp Badarakis

May this be to you a share and a portion from the Divine Liturgy.

The Person receiving should say; Բաժին իմ Աստուած յաւիտեան

Pajin im Asdvadz Havidian God is my portion for ever

Page 4: T A C H P UPCOMING ԱՅEVENTS Հ Փ Հ Rev. Fr. Vart …of the Armenian Church, including Զատիկ: Today the immortal and heavenly bridegroom has risen from the dead…Today is

Family Life and Cultural Center

“Building the Legacy”

If you would like to donate to our Building Fund, you may send your donation, made payable to: "The Armenian Church at Hye Pointe

Building Fund", PO Box 8069, Bradford, MA 01835


The Armenian Apostolic Church at Hye Pointe has developed an

option for those who wish to make a donation to their church in the

form of stocks, bonds, mutual funds or other securities.

The church has established a brokerage account and for those

individuals who wish to make such a donation.

The church will benefit by the donation, and you as the donor will

receive a tax deduction for your donation. It is a win – win for both

your church and yourself.

Please contact a Parish Council for more details if you are interested.

Church Office: 978-372-9227

Weekly Wisdom

Today is the Resurrection of Christ When we allow a secularized linear view of history to dominate our

thinking, the life and events of Christ become reduced, nothing more than

calendar events, annual memorials celebrating an historical event locked

in the past. But when the Church prayerfully and liturgically recounts the

resurrection of Christ, we enter into God’s time where there is no

“before” or “after,” only an unending “today” in which both the event and

the powerful consequences therein become present. In other words,

during Liturgy, we don’t just mentally recall the events of Theophany,

Pentecost, Transfiguration, Resurrection (Zadeeg), rather we transcend

the limits of space and time and truly and mystically participate in those

events! Therefore, for the Church, the resurrection of Christ is not a past

event, but “today!” This perspective is pronounced in many of the hymns

of the Armenian Church, including Զատիկ: Today the immortal and

heavenly bridegroom has risen from the dead…Today is our Passover

through the sacrifice of Christ. Let us…celebrate, saying, “Christ has risen

from the dead!”

Through His resurrection, we are a “new creation” (II Corinthians 5:17)

and now He commissions the Church as such to do the work that awaits

us. What tasks are involved in Jesus’ command to “preach the Gospel”

(Mark 13:10)? What is the mission of the Church that flows out of His

resurrection? What does Zadeeg compel us to do today, right now?

Celebrate and proclaim, not just the message that Jesus has risen from

the dead, but the living person of Jesus Christ by radiating the same love,

humility, and forgiveness to the world that He first showed us and

demonstrated throughout Holy Week: His celebration of the Last Supper,

washing the feet of His disciples, praying to His Father, sacrificing His life

on the Cross, forgiving those who nailed Him to it, descending to Hades to

set free those chained by death, and conquering death to share new life

Page 5: T A C H P UPCOMING ԱՅEVENTS Հ Փ Հ Rev. Fr. Vart …of the Armenian Church, including Զատիկ: Today the immortal and heavenly bridegroom has risen from the dead…Today is

with His creation. Live as though we have been forgiven, loved, healed,

and set free to be and do what we were created to be and do: to be the

Church, to worship God, to live as citizens of His Kingdom, forgiving and

healing the world, giving thanks for everything, walking with others

through their suffering, and preparing for His return.

Peter, addressing the crowd in Jerusalem (Acts 2:31-33), said, “[David]

foresaw and spoke of the resurrection of the Christ, that he was not

abandoned to Hades, nor did his flesh see corruption. This Jesus God

raised up, and of that we all are witnesses. Being therefore exalted at the

right hand of God, and having received from the Father the promise of

the Holy Spirit, he has poured out this which you see and hear.” In this

moment, the resurrection of Jesus is being accomplished as He

continually liberates souls from death (Hades) and sin. Indeed, in this

moment, today, as disciples of Christ sealed with the Holy Spirit from

baptism, when we celebrate and share Holy Communion, when we

experience the transforming power of the Holy Spirit in our lives and in

the life of the Church, even we are witnesses to the resurrection of Christ!

The resurrection is made present and we are witnesses to it even now

and whenever we greet one another with the words:

Kreesdos haryav ee merelots! Քրիստոս յարեաւ ի մեռելոց՜

Orhnyal eh harootyoonun Kreesdosee! Օրհնեալ է յարութիւնն


Christ is risen from the dead!

Blessed is the resurrection of Christ!

By Dn. Eric Vozzy


Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern)

2018 STEWARDSHIP “The Joy of the Generosity” is on the way

to reaching its $50,000 goal. You do not need to be a dues paying

member of the Church to be a steward. For the benefit of our

Church, please help us reach our end. Please see one of our

Stewardship Committee members Armen Derderian, Treasurer or

Charlie Bazarian, Linda Doherty or Marilyn Shahian for additional

details or to ask questions. You can reached them

1. Armen at (978) 794-9200 or at [email protected]

2. Charlie can be reached at (978) 686-6050 or at

[email protected].

3. Marilyn Shahian - [email protected]

4. Linda Doherty [email protected]

or (603) 560-1308

Please be a part of our goal!


Նվիրատվություններ Սուրբ Խորանին Parishioners requesting Altar Flowers and Candles for any

occasion or Sunday should approach a member of the Parish Council for an Altar Flower or Candle Donation form. For Altar

Flowers please contact Alice Kasparian at [email protected]. Name of the donor will be listed in the

weekly Bulletin and Newsletter. Requests for the Altar Donations can also be done by calling or emailing the Church.

Page 6: T A C H P UPCOMING ԱՅEVENTS Հ Փ Հ Rev. Fr. Vart …of the Armenian Church, including Զատիկ: Today the immortal and heavenly bridegroom has risen from the dead…Today is

Fr. Vart & Parish Council thanks all our ACYOA members for

preparing the Palm Sunday dinner and the program. Your hard

work is much appreciated. We thank you all our parishioners

and friends who attended our Palm Sunday Dinner.

Applications for Diocesan scholarships are now available online. The

application deadline for the 2018-19 academic year is May 20, 2018.

Each year the Diocese awards scholarships to promising youth who

are headed to college. The Diocese seeks students who are active in

their local parishes and have assumed leadership roles in their

communities. To be eligible, applicants must be U.S. citizens enrolled

in four-year undergraduate programs.

For information, contact Maria Barsoumian at (212) 686-0710.

Page 7: T A C H P UPCOMING ԱՅEVENTS Հ Փ Հ Rev. Fr. Vart …of the Armenian Church, including Զատիկ: Today the immortal and heavenly bridegroom has risen from the dead…Today is

Dear Sisters and Brothers in the Risen Lord:

The Lord is truly risen, alleluia. To him be glory and power for all the ages of eternity, alleluia, alleluia. (Luke 24.34; cf Revelation 1:6)

The Lord is truly risen. This is the truth of Easter. This is the truth that we

celebrate. This is the truth that we give witness to. This is the truth of Easter. Our Lord Jesus Christ who died on the Cross

has risen and is now alive. He rose from the dead and opened for us eternal life with God. In the Gospel, the message of the Angel to the

women who went to see the tomb is encouraging: “Do not be afraid; I know that you are looking for Jesus who was crucified. He is not here; for he has been raised, as he said. Come, see the place where he lay. Then go

quickly and tell his disciples, ‘He has been raised from the dead, and indeed he is going ahead of you to Galilee; there you will see him.’” (Mt.

28.5-7) Like Mary Magdalene and the other Mary, this good news should be a cause of great joy for us! This is the truth that we celebrate. Our Lord Jesus Christ is with us and will forever be present in our midst. He is true

to his promise. He is alive. My sincere appreciation to all of you for making our Lenten and Easter

celebrations prayerful and beautiful. Let us continue to renew our faith in the Risen Lord as we gather weekly to celebrate God’s everlasting

presence among us in the Divine Liturgy/Soorp Badarak. Քրիստոս Յարեա՜ւ Ի Մեռելոց

Օրհնեալ է Յարութիւնն Քրիստոսի KRISDOS HARIAV I MERELOTS



Rev. Fr. Vart Gyozalyan Pastor

Page 8: T A C H P UPCOMING ԱՅEVENTS Հ Փ Հ Rev. Fr. Vart …of the Armenian Church, including Զատիկ: Today the immortal and heavenly bridegroom has risen from the dead…Today is

Palm Sunday 2018

Every Year after the Divine Liturgy we do the blessing of the


Deacon Anthony Giragosian is teaching Sunday School students how to

make palm crosses

Palm Sunday is the ACYOA day. Our ACYOA members orgnized the

dinner and the program

ACYOA member Even Sahagian is speaking about his trip to Jerusalem.

Every year our Diocese is sponsoring young adults pilgrimage to Jerusalem. Evan participated last year's pilgrimage.