Table of Content - Amazon Web Services · 3.主耶穌復活的大能大力 (弗1:19 23) a.從死裡復活 b.坐在天上的權柄 c.作教會的元首 討論問題: I. 我們對傳福音有甚麼具體行動的表現呢?

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Page 1: Table of Content - Amazon Web Services · 3.主耶穌復活的大能大力 (弗1:19 23) a.從死裡復活 b.坐在天上的權柄 c.作教會的元首 討論問題: I. 我們對傳福音有甚麼具體行動的表現呢?
Page 2: Table of Content - Amazon Web Services · 3.主耶穌復活的大能大力 (弗1:19 23) a.從死裡復活 b.坐在天上的權柄 c.作教會的元首 討論問題: I. 我們對傳福音有甚麼具體行動的表現呢?


Page 3: Table of Content - Amazon Web Services · 3.主耶穌復活的大能大力 (弗1:19 23) a.從死裡復活 b.坐在天上的權柄 c.作教會的元首 討論問題: I. 我們對傳福音有甚麼具體行動的表現呢?

目錄Table of Content

營歌 Camp Theme Song…………... P.4­5, 22

營規 Regulations………………...….. P.6­7, 23­25

職員 Committee………………….… P.8­10, 26­28

事奉輪席表 Roster……………………..... P.11, 29

主題講員 Keynote Speakers………….. P.12, 30­32

證道 Sermons……………………… P.13­16, 33­38

工作坊簡介Brief Description of Workshops P.17, 39­40

每日靈修 Daily Devotions………… P.18­21, 41­46

渡假村戶外活動地圖 Camp Grounds Map…. P.47

聚會地圖 Convention Floor Plan…………..... P.48

筆記 Notes……………………………..…. P.49­50

個人反思 Personal Reflections….…………... P.51

夏令會時間表 Summer Camp Schedule……..P.52


Page 4: Table of Content - Amazon Web Services · 3.主耶穌復活的大能大力 (弗1:19 23) a.從死裡復活 b.坐在天上的權柄 c.作教會的元首 討論問題: I. 我們對傳福音有甚麼具體行動的表現呢?

營歌(國語) 伴我行 曲: 林蕊雅 詞: 林蕊雅, 楊鋭, 及李明晟 请圣灵充满 赐力量战胜黑暗 永不分心把我牵 照亮我路途 带领我不会迷失 放下愁烦将心献 伴我行,伴我停,患难时给我勇气 鼓励我,扶持我,风雨中永不放弃 感谢主,感谢主,恩典慈爱遍全地 颂赞主,颂赞主,荣耀尊贵直到万代 伴我行,伴我停,患难时给我勇气 鼓励我,扶持我,风雨中永不放弃


Page 5: Table of Content - Amazon Web Services · 3.主耶穌復活的大能大力 (弗1:19 23) a.從死裡復活 b.坐在天上的權柄 c.作教會的元首 討論問題: I. 我們對傳福音有甚麼具體行動的表現呢?

營歌(粵語) 伴我行 曲: 林蕊雅 詞: 林蕊雅, 楊鋭, 及李明晟 請聖靈充滿 賜力量戰勝黑暗 永遠伴我分擔 照亮我道路 走失時你會指引 你會常在我身邊 你陪我,等着我,風雨中伴我行 你在我,生命裡,患難時賜我鼓勵 神偉大,真偉大,他的慈愛遍全地 神恩惠,神愛護,他尊貴高過於一切 你陪我,等着我,風雨中伴我行 你在我,生命裡,患難時賜我鼓勵


Page 6: Table of Content - Amazon Web Services · 3.主耶穌復活的大能大力 (弗1:19 23) a.從死裡復活 b.坐在天上的權柄 c.作教會的元首 討論問題: I. 我們對傳福音有甚麼具體行動的表現呢?


所有營友必須遵守大會及Nottawasaga Inn Resort 營地一切規則。 1. 營友出席聚會時均需配戴名牌,以作識別。此外

,亦方便營友使用營內設施及參與營地活動。 2. 營友必須準時出席所有聚會。 3. 營友要作好的見證。 在禮堂、酒店、宴會廳及洗

手間內須保持整潔。 4. 因事故中途退出或暫離營者,須先知會大會財務

范毛鳳安姊妹 (416­951­7632), 或常務理事陶君毅弟兄 (647­989­4651) ([email protected])。

5. 請小心保管個人貴重財物,如有遺失,大會及營地管理恕不負責。

6. 時刻保持房門關閉及鎖上,以免嘈音騷擾他人,及不讓小偷有機可乘。

7. 請小心使用場內任何設備, 如有任何損壞,請盡快知會大會職員,並須照價賠償。

8. 每節項目進行期間, 請緊記把手提電話或傳呼機關上或靜音。

9. 禁用高科技: 夏令會期間, 請關掉或盡可能減少使用高科技電子產品, 並盡情投入享受團契生活.

10. 營內不得大聲喧嘩,或製造嘈音。 每節項目進行期間, 不得使用個人影音及電子數碼器材。 如違者, 大會保留權利暫作保管,至營期完止。

11. 不要在走廊聚集, 以免產生過量嘈音打擾他人。 12. 父母及監護人要負責照顧各自攜來的小孩。


Page 7: Table of Content - Amazon Web Services · 3.主耶穌復活的大能大力 (弗1:19 23) a.從死裡復活 b.坐在天上的權柄 c.作教會的元首 討論問題: I. 我們對傳福音有甚麼具體行動的表現呢?

13. 切勿疏忽照顧小孩。 14. 不可攜帶寵物進入營地。 15. 不準吸煙及飲用含酒精飲品。 16. 不可攜帶用完即棄的膠裝水,在營地購買除外。

可循環再用的個人飲用器皿不在此限。 17. 外面帶來的乾糧及飲品, 只可在自己房間內食

用。嚴禁在房間內使用任何煮食器具煮食。 18. 除房租,預設餐飲及有關稅項外,大會不負責營

友任何額外費用 (包括電話費、付費電視及任何損毀等)。

19. 請於每日晚上十一時至早上七時之間保持安靜。 20. 八月三日星期一正午十二點前, 請到櫃台辦理退



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顧問 伍福民牧師 副顧問 馬天俊傳道

長老代表 沈道孝 余國培

主席 林劉美娥 副主席 黃祥舜 財務 范毛鳳安 推廣 梁文傑


范嘉敏 簡詠晞 林蕊雅 楊鋭


Page 9: Table of Content - Amazon Web Services · 3.主耶穌復活的大能大力 (弗1:19 23) a.從死裡復活 b.坐在天上的權柄 c.作教會的元首 討論問題: I. 我們對傳福音有甚麼具體行動的表現呢?



林蕊雅 陳郭慧慈 楊鋭 Phi Nguyen

兒童節目 李劉美珍傳道 杜迎安

小組遊戲 徐子殷

急救 何詠恩 (416­837­0854) 黎潘瑞玲 (416­471­0435) 余陳錦萱 (416­452­0382)

營地手冊 杜歐麗梅 王月鵬

大會攝影師 劉路加 影音視聽 陳廸強

常務理事 陶君毅 (647­989­4651) ([email protected])


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中文 區應毓博士 英文 Rev. Eugene Neudorf 普通話翻譯

葉紅 陳峰


粵語 許佐倩傳道 國語 周恩華牧師 英語

鮑福羣牧師 馬天俊傳道


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主題講員 : 中文堂 ­ 區應毓博士 英文堂 ­ Rev. Eugene Neudorf 8/1 (六) 8/2 (日) 8/3 (一) 開幕及閉幕

合堂 讚美: Fluid Team

合堂 讚美: 粵語及國語組

早堂 / 主日祟拜

聯合聖餐祟拜: 區應毓博士 證道: 區應毓博士 Rev. Eugene Neudorf


專題工作坊 粵語 ­ 禱告 (許佐倩傳道) 國語 ­ 基督為我家之主 (周恩華牧師) 英語 ­ Divine Healing (鮑褔羣牧師) 青少年 ­ Gen Y (馬天俊傳道)


主題講員 主題講員


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區應毓博士為現任加拿大華人神學院院長(多倫多)。 他專門教授的學科包括中國文化, 護教學, 系統神學, 及舊約神學。 區博士綜合了聖經及神學學問, 並結集 中國文化背景, 牧會及差傳。 他曾任菲律賓聖經神學 院院長及Nyack University College and Seminary 當客 座教授。 他長期往返中國內地, 並於當地不同大學, 神學院及教學中心任教。 區博士出版超過20本中文 書籍, 及製作無數有關聖經的DVD教材。 他亦曾參與 新中文譯本及中文 Defender's Bible 的製作。 區博士 自1996年起加入SEND International 成為會員, 他把宣 教遠景引入他的教學當中。 區博士的太太 Mabel 師母, 他們在四十年前就讀於滑 鐵盧大學時已經相識。 他們婚後育有三名子女, 兩個 女兒名字是 Alicia 和 Beatrice, 長子 Justin 已婚, 現有 兩個孩子並居住於美國費城。


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證道 方向、定向、意向 區應毓博士

主要經文: 可 12:29-31

耶穌回答說:「第一要緊的就是說:『以色列啊,你要聽,主我們神是獨一的主。 你要盡心、盡性、盡意、盡力愛主你的神。』 其次就是說:『要愛人如己。』再沒有比這兩條誡命更大的了。」



1、方向: 盡心 – 神國降臨 ( 太6:9­13, 33; 弗1:17)

1. 登山寶訓的教示(太6:33)

a. 先求神的國和祂的義 b. 地上的東西神會按時供應

2. 主禱文的教導(太6:9­13)

a. 尊父的名為聖 b. 願神的國降臨 c. 願神的旨意成就


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3. 以弗所書保羅的禱告:真知道祂(弗1:17) 討論問題: I. 我們人生及教會的優先次序是甚麼呢? II. 如何具體讓父神的名為聖、神的國得以降

臨、神的旨意得以成就呢? III. 我們個人及教會整體怎樣可以達到 “真知道


2、定向: 盡性 – 像基督 (太4:18­20; 約15:1­10; 弗1:18)

1. “來跟從”(太4:18­20) a. 生命的委身 b. 作主的門徒 c. 像基督

2. “多結果子”(約15:1­10)

a. 父神修剪 b. 主的道潔淨 c. 常在主裡面 d. 遵守主道

3. “恩召的指望”(弗1:18)

a. 主的基業 b. 主的盼望 c. 全備救恩:稱義、成聖、得榮 討論問題: I. 跟從耶穌的具體表現及行動是甚麼呢? II. 如何在我們的生命中多結果子呢? III. 試分享你的得救見證和永生的盼望。


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3、意向: 盡意 – 聖靈能力 (太4:23­25; 28:18­20; 弗1:19­23) 1. 主耶穌事奉的能力 (太4:23­25)

a. 傳講天國的福音 b. 全民皆兵、人人傳道 c. 得時不得時,務要傳道 d. 言語傳道、生活見證

2. 主賜予門徒的大使命 (太28:18­20)

a. 最大的權柄: 天上地上的權柄 b. 最大的使命:作主的門徒 c. 最大的群眾:萬民 d. 最大的參與:聖父、聖子、聖靈 e. 最大的教導:凡主所吩咐的 f. 最大的應許:主常與我們同在 g. 最大的回應:我的參與

3. 主耶穌復活的大能大力 (弗1:19­23)

a. 從死裡復活 b. 坐在天上的權柄 c. 作教會的元首 討論問題: I. 我們對傳福音有甚麼具體行動的表現呢? II. 試分享主耶穌所賜的大使命中有哪一件事最

觸動你呢? III. 試分享過去在生活上你如何經歷神的大能大



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4、力向: 盡力 – 彼此互相 (太22: 39­40; 弗4:1; 羅12­16) 1. 愛人如己(太22:39­40)

2. 彼此互相 (羅12­16章)

a. 彼此互作肢體 (羅12:5) b. 彼此親熱 (羅12:10) c. 彼此推讓 (羅12:10) d. 彼此同心 (羅12:16) e. 彼此相愛 (羅13:8) f. 彼此不論斷 (羅14:13) g. 彼此建立 (羅14:19) h. 彼此接納 (羅15:7) i. 彼此勸戒 (羅15:14) j. 彼此問安 (羅16:16) k. 彼此服事 (加5:13­26);彼此擔當重擔(加

6:1­5);彼此寬容(弗 4:1­3);彼此順服(弗


討論問題: I. 我們對愛人如己的誡命有甚麼具體行動的表

現呢? II. 試分享保羅對彼此互相的教導中有哪一件事

最觸動你呢? III. 試分享你將採取怎樣的行動來改變自己,使



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工作坊簡介 基督为我家之主

周恩華牧師 (國語)

§ 基督徒家庭与世人家庭的不同,乃是基督为我家之主。家庭中的任何关系,任何事情,任何工作都需要在基督里。夫妻关系乃是家庭关系中最重要的关系。夫妻关系要在主里合而为-。彼此相爱。彼此包容。子女是神所赐的产业。子女是要扶养的。子女是要教导时的。教导子女要在主里,要在圣经真里上。孝敬父母是神的诫命。是带允許,蒙福的诫命。离开父母,二人合为一体也是神的吩付。在主里孝敬父母是神所喜悦的!



許佐倩傳道 (粵語)

§ 今天教會信徒常被忙碌操控,在每天生活中為家庭、工作、學業、甚至事奉疲於奔命, 與神的關係 淪為頭腦知識,甚至只是風聞有神, 從未親身經歷 神, 禱告很多時也變得公式化,向神列出需要清單 而已。今天的講座介紹大家認識一些教會古代信徒的禱告操練,像聖言誦讀(Lectio Divina)、默想福音 (Gospel Contemplation) 、用聖經禱告、反省察驗禱告 等。若時間許可, 會在講座內有一至兩個實習, 並 鼓勵大家在夏令營期間嘗試操練。


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每日靈修 8月2日(日)

內容提供 : 伍福民牧師



(靈修筆記參希臘文版本) 參考筆記:

1. v.14­17節只有兩個動詞:他是我們的和睦 (是);他傳

(「傳」這個動詞包括福音或好消息的意思) 。 2. v.14 他是我們的和睦(原文的意思)比他使我們和睦更清

晰 3. 有五個分詞 (participles) 形容他傳和平福音這個句子:


;d)藉自己廢掉寃仇;e) 來。 4. 以色列人與外邦人在基督裡成為或稱為聖徒同國

(fellow­citizens of the saints) 和神家的人 (members of the family of God) 。

5. 神的家可以被稱為和平或和睦之家。 默想問題:

1. 耶穌付出生命的代價建立和睦或和平之家,你要付出甚

麼代價建立和維繫教會這和平之家? 2. 耶穌是我們的和睦或和平,對我們與弟兄姊妹之間的和

睦有何啓發? 3. 你怎樣看差異裡的和睦 (diversity in harmony)?




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1. v.22是沒有動詞的經文,翻譯聖經的學者加上去讓讀者

能明白,「順服」的意思是來自v.21順服一詞。 2. v.24妻子凡事「順服」丈夫,經文也沒有「順服」這個



「順服」這個詞,但意義上並沒有任何疑問。 3. 「順服」與敬畏基督有密切的關係,v.21存敬畏基督的

心彼此順服 (the fear of Christ);基督是教會的頭、教會



丈夫­fear敬畏丈夫) 默想問題:

1. 作妻子的因對基督的敬畏而順服丈夫,對比因為其他原


呢? 2. 作丈夫的要愛妻子,像基督愛教會犧牲生命。我們作丈

夫的對妻子的愛又如何呢?有甚麽需要改變呢? 3. 我與教會的關係上,我的順服是建基於甚麼呢?



聖法蘭西斯的禱告 使我作你和平之子,在憎恨之處播下你的愛。 在傷痕之處播下你寬恕,在懷疑之處播下信心。 使我作你和平之子,在絕望之處播下你盼望。 在幽暗之處播下你光明,在憂愁之處播下喜樂。

哦主啊! 使我少為自己求, 少求受安慰但求安慰人,少求被瞭解但求瞭解人。

少求愛但求全心付出愛。 使我作你和平之子,在赦免時我們便蒙赦免。



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每日靈修 8月3日(一)




1. v.9我們被揀選有一個獨特的身份和角色。

2. v.10這揀選是一個蒙憐恤的揀選。

3. 「叫」表達了揀選而有的重要目的,是要宣揚那召你們


4. 這目的也是要叫別人得蒙憐恤的揀選。


1. 我們被揀選是有獨特的身份和角色,我們怎樣看和活出


2. 我們是被揀選蒙恩的人,也被神差派去使別人蒙神恩


3. 試想今日你可以作一件甚麼事叫別人得恩典。



1. 神是聖潔的,而我們又是神的兒女,有神本質聖潔的生


2. 專心盼望耶穌基督顯現與約束你們的心和謹慎自守有密


3. 盼望耶穌基督再來與聖潔的生活也有重要的關係。


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4. 我們既稱神為父,有神生命的本質,就應過一個與父聖



1. 專心盼望主再來與過聖潔生活有甚麼關係?這盼望對你


2. 聖潔既是我們生命的本質之一,聖潔生活應否是一個選


3. 你可以作甚麼去維持教會有聖潔的生活?


教 會 與 我











我會全心,全意,全然委身教會 – 甚而獻上我自己。

- 夏樂福 -


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Camp Theme Song Walk with Me Music by: Isabella Ling Lyrics by: Isabella Ling, Richard Yang and Tommy Li Spirit fill me be my strength to fight the day and stay with me always light my path Lord be my guide so I won't stray I'll need you by my side walk with me, stay with me, be with me in all ways live with me, stand with me, I'll need you all the days How great is, His glory, His never­ending love and His passion, His kindness, we'll all exalt His name on high walk with me, stay with me, be with me in all ways live with me, stand with me, I'll need you all the days


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Camp Regulations All registered summer camp participants must comply by the regulations of the camp and the policies of the Nottawasaga Inn Resort.

1. Wear your name badges at all times for identification purpose. This will authorize you to access the Resort amenities and participate in the summer camp activities.

2. Refer to the camp timetable and be punctual to the scheduled events.

3. Be a good witness. Keep the conference site (including the auditorium, hotels and ballrooms) clean at all times.

4. If you need to leave the camp due to emergencies, contact Ann Fan (Registrar) @ 416­951­7632, or Ken Dao (GM) @ 647­989­4651 ([email protected]).

5. Take care of your personal belongings and valuables. Neither MCAC nor Nottawasaga is responsible for any loss.

6. Keep your rooms closed and locked at all times to avoid noise disturbances and theft of personal possessions from your rooms.

7. Handle all facilities and equipment with care. Any damage should be reported to the Summer Camp planning committee immediately. The person(s)


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causing the damage will be responsible to pay for the cost of repair or replacement.

8. Switch off or mute your smart device / phone / pager during each scheduled event.

9. Hi­Tech FASTING: Turn off your hi­tech smart devices as much as you can, and enjoy hi­touch warm fellowship this weekend.

10.Be sensitive to the noise level and do not contribute to noise disturbance / distraction during the camp. No audio­video / smart devices are allowed for personal use during scheduled camp events. The Summer Camp planning committee reserves the right to withhold of the device(s) until the close of the camp.

11.Do not gather in the hotel hallways as this may create excessive noise which disturbs other guests.

12.Parents and guardians are personally and legally responsible for children under their care.

13.Do not leave children unattended.

14.Pets are not permitted on Nottawasaga property.

15.Smoking and alcohol are not permitted.

16.Water in disposable bottles is not permitted unless purchased onsite. However water in personal water containers is permitted.

17.Consumption of food, snacks and beverages not purchased from Nottawasaga is limited to your rooms


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only. But preparation of food in the rooms by any appliances is strictly prohibited.

18.Beside room charges, scheduled meals and taxes, MCAC is not be responsible for extra charges incurred including telephone calls, pay movies or music, damages, etc.. Additional charges will be charged to the guests.

19.Maintain peace and quiet between 11 pm and 7 am.

20.Check­out is Monday, August 3, by NOON. Check­ out at the Front Desk.


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Planning Committee Advisor Rev. Joshua Ng Assistant Advisor Pastor John Mah Board of Elders Representatives

Clement Shim Victor Yu

Chairperson Eunice Law Vice­Chair Wes Wong Treasurer Ann Fan Promotion Andy Leung

Other Committee Members

Denise Fan Alan Kan Isabella Ling Richard Yang


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Camp Co­Workers

Praise Team Leaders

Isabella Ling Amy Kwok Richard Yang Phi Nguyen

Children Program Pastor Faith Lee Peony To

Group Games Felix Chui

First Aid Responders Michelle Ho (416­837­0854) Rosana Lai (416­471­0435) Emily Yu (416­452­0382)

Camp Handbook Grace To Penny Wang

Camp Photographer Luke Lau Audio­Visual Eddy Chan

General Manager Ken Dao (647­989­4651) ([email protected])


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Camp Keynote Speakers Chinese­speaking Track Rev. Dr. Peter Au English­speaking Track Rev. Eugene Neudorf Translators for the Chinese­speaking sessions

Sofie Ye Nina Chan

Workshop Speakers Cantonese Pastor Pauline Hsu Mandarin Rev. David Zhou

English Rev. Franklin Pyles Pastor John Mah


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Keynote Speakers : Chinese­speaking Track ­ Rev. Dr Peter Au English­speaking Track ­ Rev. Eugene Neudorf 8/1 (Sat) 8/2 (Sun) 8/3 (Mon) Opening & Closing Ceremonies

Joint Praise: Fluid Team

Joint Praise: Cantonese & Mandarin Teams

Morning / Sunday Service

Joint Communion : Dr. Peter Au Sermons: Dr. Peter Au Rev. Eugene Neudorf

Keynote Speakers

Pastoral Workshops

Cantonese ­ Prayer (Pastor Pauline Hsu) Mandarin ­ Christ is the LORD of MY Family (Rev. David Zhou) English ­ Divine Healing (Rev. Franklin Pyles) Youth ­ Gen Y (Pastor John Mah)

Evening Service

Keynote Speakers

Keynote Speakers


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Keynote Speakers

Dr. Rev. Peter Au

Rev. Dr. Peter Au currently serves as the Principal of the Canadian Chinese School of Theology (Toronto). His areas of academic specialization include Chinese Culture, Apologetics, Systematic Theology, and Old Testament Theology. Dr. Au integrates biblical and theological scholarship with a strong background in Chinese culture, pastoral ministries and missions. He has served as Principal of the Biblical Seminary of Philippines and has taught as adjunct professor at Nyack University College and Seminary. He continually travels to China and teaches at various Universities, Seminaries, and Training Centres there. Dr. Au has published over 20 books in Chinese and produced numerous DVD teaching materials on the Bible. He has also been involved in the production of the Chinese New Translation Version and the Chinese Defender's Bible. Dr. Au has been a full member of SEND International since 1996. He brings in a missional perspective to his teachings.


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Dr. Au is married to Mabel. They met when they were students at the University of Waterloo over 40 years ago. They have three adult children, daughters Alicia and Beatrice, and two grandchildren with their eldest son Justin who lives in Philadelphia.


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Rev. Eugene Neudorf

After 15 years as both an assistant and solo pastor, Rev. Eugene Neudorf now serves as a Church Consultant and Transitional Pastor. Since 2003, Pastor Eugene has worked with churches that are going through some type of transition. He has a passion to see churches reach their full potential in Christ – to see Christ followers truly be the church Jesus envisions in the 21st Century. Depending on what is needed he works with churches through short term seminars & retreats, but most often in longer term contracts (lasting anywhere from 3 – 24 months). The areas he consults in are as follows: taking churches through a process of reflection (evaluation), reconciliation (peace­making), refocusing (visioning), restructuring, restarting (helping churches start over, or find a godly pastoral fit) and spiritual renewal. In addition he provides help in leadership development and team building. Rev. Neudorf is married to Rhona (a registered nurse) for 40 wonderful years, they have two adult sons, Randy and Regan, both of whom are married and serving in full time ministry; one in Hamilton, the other in Caledonia. They also have five grandchildren between the ages of 21 months and 12 years.


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Sermons Walking With God Rev. Eugene Neudorf Resources:

“With – Reimagining the Way you Relate to God” by Skye Jethani; Thomas Nelson; 2011

“Primal – A Quest for the Lost Soul of Christianity” by Mark Batterson; Multnomah; 2009

“My One Word – Change your Life with Just One Word” by Mike Ashcraft & Rachel Olsen; Zondervan; 2012

Five Postures in Relating to God


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◊ In his book “With”, Skye Jethani says that we generally relate to God in one of five ways (he calls them 5 Postures), only one of which is ultimately healthy.

◊ Fear & Control – Apparently these two factors are behind every “human” religion. According to Skye, if we bring them into Christianity, not only can they change the way we view God but can also warp the way we related to Him.

Posture #1 – Life “over” God ◊ Atheists (there is no God), Agnostics (we can’t know if

there is a God), & Deists (God is inactive in the world today) would be the extreme example of living life “over” God.

◊ Christians who primarily live life out of this posture: o use the Bible only as an Instruction Manual – often

have a relationship with the Bible, not God o see the Bible, not as a love letter from God, but as a

self­help book o An example from the Bible – the Pharisees

◊ Result of this Posture – Lose the wonder, mystery and awesomeness of God.

Posture #2 – Life “under” God

◊ Christians who primarily live life out of this posture: o Want to know God’s laws & commands – want to

know what He expects, so they can obey Him. o However, their obedience doesn’t really lead to a

healthy relationship with God


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o Instead, it’s more about wanting God to do two things: either bless them, or, not punish them.

o Through obedience, people living out this posture want to put God in their debt.

◊ Result of this Posture: o When obedience doesn’t bring us the results we

were hoping for, believers can lose faith or get angry with God.

o This kind of “posture” actually finds its roots in the pagan religions – “where people tried to appease capricious (unpredictable) gods through obedience and sacrifices”.

o This kind of posture can lead to legalism, another trait of the Pharisees

o In the end says Skye – “life under God simply makes us afraid of God” (With ­ p. 25­27)

◊ Biblical Examples of living out this Posture – The Story of the Blind Man in John 9, The Wealthy Man of Mark 10; Job’s friends (i.e. Job 8:1­6);

Posture #3 – Life “from” God

◊ Christians who primarily live life out of this posture: o Project a consumerist attitude toward God – who

will meet their needs and desires. o View God as a “divine butler”, “cosmic therapist”

(With ­ p. 63), or a Santa Claus figure. o Give the appearance of simply wanting God’s help,

rather than a close walk with Him. ◊ Result of this Posture:

o People use God for their own personal gain, with a focus more on their happiness rather than a desire to


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obey, serve, or bring glory to Him (i.e. to elevate Him in the eyes of others).

o Even though there is an element of truth to this posture (i.e. Luke 11:9), when this is our primary way of relating to God, we might be tempted to believe that we as believers are entitled to both wealth and health.

o This kind of posture never removes our fears, it just distracts us from them (With ­ p. 69)

◊ Biblical Example of living this posture: the actions of the people of Israel throughout the Old Testament.

Posture #4 – Life “for” God

◊ This posture is the one most often championed in the church,

o This is not surprising when you consider how many passages in the Bible speak to this – God calling his people to serve Him to use their gifts and abilities for His purposes (i.e. Romans 12, I Corinthians 12; Ephesians 4)

◊ However, when this is their primary posture in relating to God, Christians eventually:

o Look for significance first and foremost in what they do for Him, not their relationship with Him.

o Seek God’s love and acceptance out of what they do for Him, not their relationship with Him.

o (Note: their “being in Christ” is subservient to their “doing for Christ”).

◊ A Biblical Example of someone who lived out this posture – Martha (Luke 10:38­42)


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Posture #5 – LIFE “WITH” GOD ◊ This posture is all about us walking with God as “Saviour,

Lord and friend”. This is the primary way in which we need to relate to God:

o Immersing ourselves in loving God with all our heart, mind, soul and strengths (Mark 12:30)

o Experiencing the wonder of his loving kindness (Hebrew – “Hesed”); holiness (Hebrew – “Qadosh”); justice (Hebrew – “Mishpat”); and His righteousness (Hebrew – “Tsedeq”)

o Realizing that what matters first & foremost, is our relationship with Him, not what we do for Him.

◊ Biblical Examples of this Posture: o Moses (Exodus 33:7­11); The Psalmist who wrote

Psalm 136 o Paul (Ephesians 3:15­19; Philippians 3:8­11);

Joshua (Deuteronomy 31:7­8; Joshua 1:5­17) o David (Psalm 101); Mary (Luke 10, John 12);

Jeremiah (Lamentations 3)

Conclusion ◊ Skye Jethani says that when used as the primary way of

relating to God, at their worst, the first four postures run the risk of using God as a means to an end. For example:

o the “life over God” posture uses God (only) as the source of principles or laws;

o the “life under God” posture tries using obedience to God to manipulate Him into giving us blessings and keeping bad stuff away;

o the “life from God” posture uses him to supply our material desires;


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o the “life for God” posture uses him and his mission to gain His love & a sense of purpose;

o The LIFE WITH GOD posture is different – the goal is not to use God or get something from Him. The goal is God! (With ­ p. 102)

◊ Concluding Questions: Skye states that if you want to figure out which of the five postures you’re actually living out of at any given time, ask yourself these three questions: What do I treasure most? What is my goal and desire in life? What would I give everything to possess? (With – p. 105)


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Brief Description of Workshops Reaching The Millennials, learning how to connect to North America’s largest generation Pastor John Mah (English) § The birth years 1980 and 2000 have surpassed the Boomers as the larger and more influential generation in North America. Now, as its members begin to reach adulthood, where the traits of a generation really take shape, Pastor John Mah has a BIG passion for this demographical cohort and will present research from a Christian worldview perspective with additional implications to the Chinese Church.

A Biblical Basis for Healing

Rev. Franklin Pyles (English)

§ A biblical basis for looking to the Lord for healing of emotional and physical needs will be presented. Isaiah 53:5 will be examined and how that worked out in the ministry of Jesus Christ, cast into an historic framework of the teachings of the C&MA. Also the difference between the ministry of healing for Christians and signs and wonders for non­Christians will be explained. Finally, an exposition of James 5:14 – 16 will be presented. There will be an opportunity for people to be prayed for.


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In Touch With the Father’s Heart

Ancient Prayer Practices for Today’s Christian

Pastor Pauline Hsu (Cantonese)

§ Christians in today’s world are often overcome by busyness。 We are so busy doing things for our families , our work, our studies and some of us are even so busy serving in church that our relationship with God is on the intellectual level only。 We have knowledge about God, but never experience Him personally。Our prayers become formulas and lists of our needs and wants 。 This workshop aims to introduce some ancient Christian prayer practices like Lectio Divina, Gospel contemplation, praying with Scripture, prayers of confession, etc。 that can help us draw close to the Father’s heart and let the Holy Spirit speak to us through His words。 If time permits, there will be opportunity to practice one or two of the prayers together during the workshop。


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Daily Devotions August 2 (Sunday)

Contributor : Rev. Joshua Ng

Theme: My Church and I

Scripture 1: Ephesians 2: 11­22

(Notes reference to Greek text, New Testament) Notes:

1. v.14­17 There are only two verbs: He is our peace (is); He preached ("preached" includes the meaning of the Gospel or good tidings).

2. v.14 He is our peace which is present in Jesus Christ. 3. There are 5 participles to describe the phrase "preaching

good tidings": a) having made both in one; b) having broken the enmity, the wall of partition; c) having abolished the law of the commandments in decrees; d) killing the enmity in Himself; e) coming.

4. The Jews and Gentiles together become the fellow­citizens of the saints and members of the family of God.

5. The family of God can be called the family of peace.

Meditation and reflection:

1. Jesus paid the price with His blood to establish family harmony or the family of peace. What price do you have to pay to establish and maintain harmony in our church?

2. Jesus being our peace, our bond of harmony, what insights do we gain and apply in our relationship with brothers and sisters?

3. How do you see the diversity in harmony?


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Scripture 2: Ephesians 5: 22­25


1. v.22 is a verse without a verb; Bible translators include "submit" to help the readers to understand. The meaning of "submit" comes from v.21 "submit to one another".

2. It carries the same meaning as in v.24 that wives "submit" to their husbands in everything. The word "submit" is not present, but the word submit is used for the church to submit to Christ. The meaning of submission used in the relationship between the husband and wife is evident.

3. Submission and fear of Christ are closely related ideas. (v. 21) Christ is the head of the church, the Saviour of the body of Christ. Just as the church should fear and submit to Christ, the wife should have the same attitude of submission to her husband.

Meditation and reflection:

1. What is the difference between a wife's submission to her husband in response to her fear of Christ in comparison to her submission to her husband because of other reasons? Why do you show submission unto your husband?

2. Husbands are to love their wives just as Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her. In our role as husbands, what about our love for our wives? What needs to be changed?

3. In our relationship with the church, what is our submission built on?


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In our relationship with the church, what does her love and care for me mean to me?

Oh Lord! My prayer is:

Peace Prayer of St. Francis

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace;

where there is hatred, let me sow love;

where there is injury, pardon;

where there is doubt, faith;

where there is despair, hope;

where there is darkness, light;

and where there is sadness, joy.

Grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console;

to be understood, as to understand,

to be loved as to love;

for it is in giving that we receive,

it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,

and it is in dying

that we are born to eternal life.


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Daily Devotions August 3 (Monday)

Theme: My Church and I

Scripture 1: 1 Peter 2: 9­10


1. v.9 we have been chosen with a status and role. 2. v.10 being chosen is an act of God's grace and mercy. 3. There is a purpose of being chosen which is to declare the

praises of him. 4. The purpose is let people be blessed.

Meditation and reflection:

1. We are a chosen people with a unique identity and role. How do we see and live our lives in light of our role and identity in Christ?

2. We are a chosen people who have found grace in the eyes of God and sent by Him to bless others. What can you do to accomplish the mission of helping others find grace in the eyes of God?

3. Think of one thing that you can do today to draw people to God's throne of grace?

Scripture 2: 1 Peter 1: 13­17



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1. Holiness is the nature of God. As the children of God, we have His DNA, His essence of holiness. So we need to live it out. Holiness is not an option for Christians.

2. The hope of Christ's coming has significant impact on "preparing your mind in action and having self­control" in our lives.

3. The hope of Christ's coming and living in holiness are closely related.

4. We call God our Father; as obedient children, we should live a life of holiness.

Meditation and reflection: 1. What is the relationship between our hope of Christ's coming being revealed and living a holy life? How does this hope affect you in living a holy life?

2. Since holiness is the nature of God reflected in and through our lives, should living a life of holiness be an option for us? Why?

3. How can you help to maintain holiness in the lives of the body of Christ?

Oh Lord! My prayer is:

My Church and I

I am part of the Church, one among many, but I am one.

I need the Church for the development of the buried life within me,

the Church in turn needs me.


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The Church may be human in its organization, but it is divine in its purpose.

That purpose is to point me to God.

Participating in the privileges of the Church, I shall also share in its

responsibilities, taking it upon myself to carry my fair share of the load,

not grudgingly but joyfully.

To the extent that I fail in my responsibility, the Church fails;

to the extent that I succeed, the Church succeeds.

I shall not wait to be drafted for service to my Church;

I shall volunteer, saying, “Here I am, send me!”

I shall be loyal in my attendance, generous in my gifts,

kind in my criticisms, creative in my suggestions, loving in attitudes.

I shall give to the Church my interests, my enthusiasm,

my devotion – most of all, MYSELF!

­ Harold W. Rouff ­


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筆記 Notes (1)


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筆記 Notes (2)


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個人反思 Personal Reflections


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2015年夏令會時間表 Summer Camp Schedule

時間Time 8/1 (六) Sat 8/2 (日) Sun 8/3 (一) Mon

7 am

自由活動 Free Time

讚美操 Praise Dance

讚美操 Praise Dance

7:30am 靈修 Devotions

靈修 Devotions

8 am 早餐 Breakfast ROOM 12 (A&B)

早餐 Breakfast ROOM 12 (A&B)

9 am 退房 Check­out 開始 START

9:30 am 聯合聖餐崇拜 Holy Communion Worship

Service (JOINT) (ROOM#15)

證道 Sermons C & M ­ ROOM #15 E ­ ROOM #7 Ch­ROOMS #11

信息 Session 4 C & M ­ ROOM #15 E ­ ROOM #7 Ch­ROOMS #11

10 am

11 am 退房 Check­out 完成 COMPLETED

11:30 am 午餐 Lunch 薄餅 Pizza

ROOM 12 (A&B)

午餐 Lunch 薄餅 Pizza

ROOM 12 (A&B) 12:30pm 自由活動

Free Time 閉幕禮(合堂)

Closing Ceremony (JOINT) 1 pm 迎賓 (地面大堂) Welcome Table

(LOBBY ­ Main Floor) 1:30 pm 專題講座

Pastoral Workshops C ­ ROOM #15 M ­ ROOM #23 E ­ ROOM #7 E ­ ROOM #8

離營 Departure

自由留下享用酒店設施 Free to stay and enjoy


2 pm 開幕禮(合堂) Opening Ceremony (JOINT)


全體合照 Group Pix 3 pm 自由活動

Free Time 歡樂 /自由時間 Fun / Free Time

4 pm 住宿登記 Check­in

6 pm 晚宴 Dinner 肉醬意粉

Pasta with Meat Sauce ROOM 12 (A&B)

遊戲 Table Games

晚宴 Dinner 雞肉炒飯

Chicken Fried Rice ROOM 12 (A&B)

遊戲 Table Games

7:30 pm 晚堂 Session 1 C & M ­ ROOM #15 E ­ ROOM #7 Ch­ROOMS #11

晚堂 Session 3 C & M ­ ROOM #15 E ­ ROOM #7 Ch­ROOMS #11

9:30 pm 分享禱告 Sharing and Prayer

分享禱告 Sharing and Prayer

11 pm 晚安 Good Night

晚安 Good Night

C:粵語Cantonese M:國語Mandarin E:英語English Ch:兒童Children