Unit 2 What’s the matter? period 1 SECTION A(1a- 2c) 单单 单单 单单 1 2 3 单单 单单

Unit 2 What’s the matter? period 1 SECTION A(1a-2c) 单词新授 听力 1 2 3 练习作业

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Page 1: Unit 2 What’s the matter? period 1 SECTION A(1a-2c) 单词新授 听力 1 2 3 练习作业

Unit 2 What’s the

matter?period 1

SECTION A(1a-2c)

单词 新授 听力




练习 作业

Page 2: Unit 2 What’s the matter? period 1 SECTION A(1a-2c) 单词新授 听力 1 2 3 练习作业
Page 3: Unit 2 What’s the matter? period 1 SECTION A(1a-2c) 单词新授 听力 1 2 3 练习作业













Where is his neck?

Page 4: Unit 2 What’s the matter? period 1 SECTION A(1a-2c) 单词新授 听力 1 2 3 练习作业

Touch and say

• Touch the parts of body on the drawing when you hear your partner say…

Page 5: Unit 2 What’s the matter? period 1 SECTION A(1a-2c) 单词新授 听力 1 2 3 练习作业

What’s the matter?

I have a cold.

I have a fever.

Page 6: Unit 2 What’s the matter? period 1 SECTION A(1a-2c) 单词新授 听力 1 2 3 练习作业

What’s the matter?

I have a headache.

I have a stomachache.

Page 7: Unit 2 What’s the matter? period 1 SECTION A(1a-2c) 单词新授 听力 1 2 3 练习作业

What’s the matter?

I have a toothache.

I have a sore back.

Page 8: Unit 2 What’s the matter? period 1 SECTION A(1a-2c) 单词新授 听力 1 2 3 练习作业

A: What’s the matter?B: I/He/She/…

Page 9: Unit 2 What’s the matter? period 1 SECTION A(1a-2c) 单词新授 听力 1 2 3 练习作业

Listen and look at the picture. Then number the names 1-5.

• Nancy _____

• Sarah _____

• David _____

• Ben _____

• Judy _____




Page 10: Unit 2 What’s the matter? period 1 SECTION A(1a-2c) 单词新授 听力 1 2 3 练习作业

Miming the illnesses and guessing

-What’s the matter?-Do you have a sore throat.-Yes, I do./ No…

Page 11: Unit 2 What’s the matter? period 1 SECTION A(1a-2c) 单词新授 听力 1 2 3 练习作业

1. toothache a. lie sown and rest

2. sore throat b. hot tea with honey

3. stomachache c. see a dentist

4. fever d. drink lots of water

Listen. Match the problems with the advice.

Page 12: Unit 2 What’s the matter? period 1 SECTION A(1a-2c) 单词新授 听力 1 2 3 练习作业

What’s the matter with YaoMing?He has…

Page 13: Unit 2 What’s the matter? period 1 SECTION A(1a-2c) 单词新授 听力 1 2 3 练习作业


A: I have a toothache.B: You should see a dentist.

A: I have a stomachache.B: You should lie down and rest.

Page 14: Unit 2 What’s the matter? period 1 SECTION A(1a-2c) 单词新授 听力 1 2 3 练习作业

Listen again. Fill in the blanks.

You should drink some hot tea with honey

You should see a dentist.

You should lie down and rest.

You should drink lots of water.

Page 15: Unit 2 What’s the matter? period 1 SECTION A(1a-2c) 单词新授 听力 1 2 3 练习作业


A: What’s the matter?

B: I have a toothache.

A: Maybe you should see a dentist.

B: That’s a good idea.

Page 16: Unit 2 What’s the matter? period 1 SECTION A(1a-2c) 单词新授 听力 1 2 3 练习作业

Giving advice

-What’s the matter with Jim?-He has a fever. -Maybe he should drink lots of water.…

Page 17: Unit 2 What’s the matter? period 1 SECTION A(1a-2c) 单词新授 听力 1 2 3 练习作业

Task 1

I’m a magical doctor.-What’s the matter?-I have a sore throat /…-Maybe you should drink lots of water /…-That’s a good idea.

Page 18: Unit 2 What’s the matter? period 1 SECTION A(1a-2c) 单词新授 听力 1 2 3 练习作业

Task 2

神医义诊活动A: Good morning!B: Morning!A: What’s the matter? Who is ill?B: My granny has a headache.A: Maybe she should…

Page 19: Unit 2 What’s the matter? period 1 SECTION A(1a-2c) 单词新授 听力 1 2 3 练习作业


1 、 Copy and read each new words & dialogues of P7 & 8 three times(☆) .2 、 Finish the related exercises in workbook (☆☆) .3 、 Interview your family members and write 2dialogues on their health(☆☆☆) .

Page 20: Unit 2 What’s the matter? period 1 SECTION A(1a-2c) 单词新授 听力 1 2 3 练习作业