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Unit 3 Job Hunting 全国成人高等教育规划教材 英语 4 (非英语专业专科用). Menu Pre-readingWhile-reading Post-reading Background information Vocabulary Grammar

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Unit 3Job Hunting

全国成人高等教育规划教材英语 4


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Pre-reading While-reading Post-reading


VocabularyGrammar Focus


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Pre-reading activity: Background information

Background information

Introductory Remarks of the Passage

Background Remarks


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Introductory Remarks of the Passage

Job interview now is very popular in China. Nearly all college students have to face it before they finish their college study. It is very important for them to be successful in getting their desired work. But how to be successful in the job interview is a serious problem to most college students. This passage tells us the graduates how to prepare their job interview.


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Background Remarks

1) Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh --- is located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania U.S.A.

2) Job hunter---a person who is eager to find a job.

3) Job interview---a face to face talk between the employer and the potential employee who wants to get a job from the employer’s company.

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While-reading activity

Main words

Grammar focus

Language points


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1. clinch: v. 拥抱 Eg. The two boys clinched when they met with e

ach other. 两个男孩相见时紧紧拥抱在一起。 2. compassion: n. pity or sympathy for the sufferi

ngs and misfortunes of the others 同情 Eg. We should have compassion on those who s

uffered a loss. 我们对那些遭受损失的人深表同情。 We gave them some money and clothes out of c

ompassion. 出于同情,我们给他们一些钱和衣物。

Main Words

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3. conflict: n. a state of being in opposition (to another or each other) 冲突

Eg. Your behavior is in conflict with the law. 你的行为与法律冲突。 an armed conflict 武装冲突 4. contrive: v. make a great effort in doing sth.

设计,策划,发明 Eg. The young engineer contrived a new kind of

machine. 那个年轻的工程师设计了一种新机器。 We have to contrive to live on our own income.


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5. credentials: n. a letter or other written proof of a person’s position 凭证,证明

Eg. If you don’t have the best credentials, you’ll fail the job interview.

如果没有好的学业证明,工作面试是不会成功的。 6. episode: n. one separate event 一段情节,一

个事件 Eg. He recalled to us an episode

about his country life. 他给我们回忆了他在农村生活 的一个片断。

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7. glimpse: n. a quick look at or incomplete view of 一瞥,一眼

Eg. Her answer provides a glimpse of her character and interest.

她的回答有助于我们了解她的性格和兴趣。 8. interfere: v. to get in the way of another, block th

e action of another 干扰 Eg. Don’t interfere with me while I’m reading. 别打

扰我读书。 You must not let pleasure interfere with business.


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9. naturally: ad. According to the nature of someone or something 天生地 , 自然地

E.g. Some people are naturally better

at singing songs than others. 有的人天生比别人会唱歌 . 10. occur: v. to happen, take place 发生 e.g. This occurred during the anti-Japanese war.

这件事发生在抗日战争时期 . e.g. Don’t let this occur again. 别让这事再发生 .

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11. outgoing: a. having or showing eagerness to mix socially with others; friendly 外向的

e.g. That girl has an outgoing personality. 这个女孩性格外向 .

12. positive: a. having no doubt about something, sure 积极的 , 建设性的 , 肯定的

e.g. She answered my question with a positive manner. 她对我的问题给予了肯定的答复 .

e.g. How can you be positive about his innocence?你怎么能肯定他是无辜的呢 ?

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13. ramble: v. to talk or writhe in an aimless disordered way 闲聊 , 漫谈 , 闲逛

e.g. They like to ramble along the street after dinner. 饭后他喜欢沿街闲逛 .

e.g. The old lady began to ramble about her days of youth. 老太太开始漫谈她的青年时代 .

Rambler: n. a person that rambles 闲聊者 , 漫谈者

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14. relate: v. to see or show a connection between 联系,涉及

e.g. If you can relate some unique experience in your former work, you may clinch a new job.

如果你能在面试中谈一谈你以前的工作经历 , 这将有助于你得到新的工作机会 .

e.g. This letter relates to the sale of the house. 这封信与卖房有关 .

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15. shatter: v. to (cause to) break suddenly into small pieces 使破碎 , 震落

e.g. His dream of employment was shattered, because of his illness. 他因病而使他工作的梦想破灭了 .

16. trap: n. an apparatus for catching and holding animals or birds, or a plan for deceiving or tricking people 陷阱

e.g. You should know that there is always a trap for ramblers in a job interview.

你应该知道面试总是给那些 漫谈者设下许多陷阱 .

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17. trial: n. testing to find quality, value, usefulness, etc 试验 , 实验a. related to tests 实习的 , 实验的

e.g. He is engaged in a trial work in a school factory.

他在校办工厂实习。 We shall put the machine into further trail. 这台机器还需要进一步实验。

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18. trick: n. an act needing special skill 计谋,诡计E.g. You should know that there ate many tricks desi

gned to bring out your weaknesses when you talk with the employer.


19. unique: a. being the only one of its type 特别的,唯一的

e.g. He has some unique experience in teaching.他的教学经历很特别。


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Language points Para 1. The coming early summer is again the

time when college students are busy with job interviews in hope that four years high priced education was not in vain.

Senior students are usually busy with job interviews in the coming early summer. Interviews are very important for them. If they fail in the interview, their four years’ high priced education will go in vain.

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Para 2: If that happens his dreams of employment are shattered at least with one employer.

If they fail the job interview, he will lose at least one chance of employment.  

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Para3. …thanks to an outgoing personality

Here thanks to just means because of .

The whole sentence can be paraphrased as : some people are naturally better than others just because they are quite open in personality.

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Para 6: This occurs during the small talk before the hard questions begin. If you can relate some unique experience that will make the interviewer remember you, you may clinch a job.

The small talk refers to the first 60 to 80 seconds of the interview.

The sentence means: though not many hard questions are asked in it, yet if you can give some special experience to let the interviewer remember you, it may help you get the job.

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Para 7: But it must be done without appearing to be contrived.

The phrase without appearing to be contrived means naturally.

This sentence can be paraphrased as: It must be done naturally, don’t let others know it is done with an intention.

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Para 13. :One should always try to present a weakness in a positive light.

The phrase in a positive light means positively.

The sentence can be rewritten like this: One should give positive comment on his own weakness.

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Para 15: Never bad-mouth anyone. The sentence means: Don’t speak ill of som



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Grammar focus: Subjunctive Mood Notes 1. 虚拟语气用于非真实条件句 虚拟条件句与主句中谓语动词的形式如下表:

Type Adverbial Clause of Condition

Main Clause

Supposition contrary to the present fact

V-ed1 or were Would/should + V

Supposition contrary to the past fact

Had + V-ed2 Would/should + have + V-ed2

Future doubtful supposition

should + V or were + to V

Would /should + V

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2. 除虚拟条件句外,虚拟语气还可以用于以下几种情况:

1) 表示建议、要求、愿望和命令时,从句的谓语动词用 should + V或 V 。如:

It is recommended that electronic computers be used in the bank.

The director’s order is that we should complete the task this week.

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2) 用于 wish 后的宾语从句中,表示不能实现的愿望,谓语动词用 V-ed1或 were , had + V-ed2,或 would (could)+ V, 分别表示对目前,过去或将来事件的愿望。如:

I wish I knew how to operate the electronic computer. We wish our teacher had joined us in our discussion last evening. 3) 用于方式、让步和目的状语从句中。如: He shouted as if his life were in danger. The doctor did everything he could in order that

he might save the life of the patient.

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Complete the following sentences with the proper forms of the words given in the brackets.

1. If metals had not such good properties, they would not be used (use) to make machines.

2. Had the teacher explained the law clearly, it would have been understood (understand ) better.

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3. Without electricity, there would be (be) no modern industry

4. In the absence of memory, man could not learn (learn) from experience.

5. If there were no water and food, men and animals might die out (die out).

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Rewrite the following sentences after the example. Example: If there were no water on the earth, plants and

animals could not live. Were there no water on the earth, plants and animals could

not live. 1. If there were no friction, we could not stop a car.

2. If he had been very careful, he would not have made such a mistake in the exam.

3. What would happen to oxygen in the air if there were no plants?Were there no plants, what would happen to oxygen in the air?

Had he been very careful, he would not have made such a mistake in the exam.

Were there no friction, we could not stop a car.

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省略译 为了使译文符合汉语习惯,将原

文中的有些词语省略不译。 Hydrogen is the lightest element with an at

omic weight of 1.008. 氢是最轻的元素,原子量为 1.008 。 The finished products should be sampled to

check their quality before they leave the factory.


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Applied Writing Simulated Writing



Practicing Language Skills

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Build up your language stock The following experiences are taken from the passage

you have just read. Match these expressions with the Chinese equivalents given in the table by putting the corresponding letters in the brackets.

A. outgoing personality G. on shaky ground B. relate unique experience H. provide a glimpse of C. play the game of hard questions I. catch sb off guard D. clinch a job J. in a positive light E. have the best credentials K. interfere F. trial work L. the most dangerous booby trap M. bad-mouth sb N. personality conflicts O. small talk P. in vain

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妨碍,干扰 ( k ) 讲述独特经历 ( B ) 性格不合 ( N ) 说别人坏话 ( M ) 实习工作 ( F ) 性格开朗 ( A ) 使人放松警惕 ( I) 从积极的方面 ( J ) 持有最好的文凭 ( E ) 徒劳无益 ( P ) 最危险的陷阱 ( L ) 获得一份工作 ( D )


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Practice your language skills

Scanning (查读 )所谓查读,就是带着问题去阅读。查读首先需要确定要通过阅读去获得那些信息,然后用目光扫射全文,捕捉有关信息,不必字字句句地详读。


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Translate the following sentences into English with the given words or phrases.

1. 有时最好的毕业生也难通过面试,使他就业的梦想破碎。( fail, shatter)

The best graduates can still fail the job interview sometimes and their dreams of employment are shattered.

2. 班长熟练的处理了那一困难的争论。( handle) The monitor handled that difficult argument skillfully. 3. 街上嘈杂的声音干扰了我的工作。( interfere )The noise in the street interfered with my job.


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4. 不要一遇到麻烦就强调工作中的困难( stress, whenever)

Don’t stress the difficulties in work whenever you meet with trouble.

5. 亏得你的帮忙,我才及时完成了工作。( owe to) I finished my job in time owing to your help.

6. 我们没能说服他放弃出国的计划。( persuade, in vain)

We tried in vain to persuade him to give up the plan to go abroad.

7. 他的行为有悖于公众利益。( in conflict with) His behavior is in conflict with the public’s interest.


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Applied WritingResume

英语个人简历一般包括姓名( name) , 地址 (address) ,年龄 ( age) , 学历 (education) , 个人经历 (work experience)等内容。其写法没有固定的格式,由于使用目的的不同,个人简历可以突出不同的内容, 或增减部分内容。

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Address Name, mailing address, telephone number

Personal Data Date of birth, nationality, marital status, health, sex

Work Experience



Education 199_--199_:



Interests Singing, dancing, playing the piano…

Others Back

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Simulated writing

Here are more patterns and expressions which are often used in a resume.

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Male/female, Single/married/divorced

Permanent/ Temporary address

About Educational Background

In 199_, I graduated from_ ,

Have a thorough knowledge of the English language

About Work Experience

Secretary to the general manager, Good at the PC computer

About Personal Hobbies

Singing/dancing/playing piano/driving/traveling


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Thank you !!!