UNIT 8 STATES OF MATTER A. LET’S LISTEN Task 1 Listen and repeat. phase change chemical physical solid liquid evaporation gas plasma condense heat boil 66 Tujuan pembelajaran Pada akhir unit ini kalian diharapkan mampu : 1. melafalkan kata-kata dalam bacaan terkait dengan states of matter. 2. mengidentifikasi makna kata-kata yang berhubungan dengan states of matter. 3. mengidentifikasi berbagai informasi yang terdapat dalam teks yang berhubungan dengan states of matter. 4. menggunakan pola kalimat imperative. 5. melengkapi kalimat rumpang yang tersedia dengan kata berejaan benar.

Unit 8 States of Matter

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Page 1: Unit 8 States of Matter



Task 1Listen and repeat.

phase change chemical physical solid liquid evaporation gas plasma condense heat boil

Task 2


Tujuan pembelajaranPada akhir unit ini kalian diharapkan mampu :

1. melafalkan kata-kata dalam bacaan terkait dengan states of matter.2. mengidentifikasi makna kata-kata yang berhubungan dengan states of matter.3. mengidentifikasi berbagai informasi yang terdapat dalam teks yang berhubungan dengan states of matter. 4. menggunakan pola kalimat imperative.5. melengkapi kalimat rumpang yang tersedia dengan kata berejaan benar.

Page 2: Unit 8 States of Matter

Label the three states of matter (solid, liquid, and gas) in the following picture.

B. LET’S READ. Read the text.Task 3

States of Matter

There are three main states of matter. Solids, liquids, gases, and plasmas. Each of these states is also known as a phase. Elements and compounds can move from one phase to another phase when special physical forces are present. One example of those forces is temperature. The phase or state of matter can change when the temperature changes. Generally, as the temperature rises, matter moves to a more active state.


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Answer the questions.

1. How many states of matter do you know?2. Mention the main states of matter.3. What is the cause of change among the states of matter?4. What is one of the examples of force?5. What happens to the matter if the temperature rises?

Task 4

Phase describes a physical state of matter. The key word to notice is physical. Things only move from one phase to another by physical means. If energy is added (like increasing the temperature or increasing pressure) or if energy is taken away (like freezing something or decreasing pressure) you have created a physical change.

Answer the questions.

1.What does phase describe?2. What moves things from one phase to another phase?3. What will happen if energy is added/4. What will happen if energy is added to solid?5. What will happen if the energy is taken away from gases?

Task 5

One compound or element changes frrom phase to phase, but it is still in the same substance. You can see water vapor over a boiling pot of water. That vapor (or gas) condenses and becomes a drop of water. If you put that drop in the freezer, it would become a solid. No matter what phase it is in, it is always water. It always has the same chemical properties.

Answer the questions.

1. What do you see over a boiling pot of water?


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2. If vapor (gas) condenses what does it become?3. If you put a drop of water in the freezer what does it become?4. What is the basic form of matter?5. What has the same chemical properties?

Task 6Practice the following dialog.

Teacher : Do you know how to change solid into liquid?Student : Boil the ice cube, mam.Teacher : Right. You heat the ice cube. It melts into liquid.Student : When you boil water, it produces ‘smoke’Teacher : Sure, when the water is boiled, it produces water vapour.

Answer the following questions.

1. How do you change the ice cube into water?2. What happens to the ice cube when you heat it?3. What is the form of the ice cube when it is heated?4. What is produced when water is boiled?5. Do you know how to change water vapour into liquid?


Imperative Sentences

Positive Imperative Sentence Negative Imperative SentenceBoil the water. Don’t boil the water.Drop the glass. Don’t drop the glass.Heat the ice. Don’t heat the iceDecrease the pressure. Don’t decrease the pressure.Condense the vapor. Don’t condense the vapor.

Task 7Put the following words into imperative sentences (both positive and negative)a. heat/the water

Heat the water. Don’t heat the water.

b. explain/ the states of matter/to your friend _____________________. _____________________.

c. describe/ the process _____________________.


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_____________________.d. change/ the process

_____________________. _____________________.

e. increase/ the pressure _____________________. _____________________.

Task 8Rearrange the following jumbled words.

a. s-P-a-h-e-sb. d-i-q-L -u-ic. r-a-p-o-Vd. e-r-s-P -s-u-e-re. r-e-p-r-t-m-e-a-T-e-u

Task 9Complete the following sentencse, by mentioning the states of matter.

a. A plastic ball is __________.b. Gas vapour is __________.c. The rain is __________.d. Ice cube is __________.e. Water in the river _________.


Task 10Practice the dialog.

Dialog 1

Student A : Do you know how many states of matter are there?Student B : There are three; solid, gas, and liquid.

Dialog 2Student A : Is ice cube solid or liquid?Student B : Ice cube is solid.Student A : What are the examples of gas?Student B : They are water vapour, smoke, and air.Student A : Thank you for the information.Student B : Don’t mention it.


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E. LET’S WRITE Task 11Arrange the jumbled words into good sentences.

a. metal- The- is-made-bridge-of b. is-air-The-gas-matter-ofc. liquid-state-The-water-is-ofd. solid-is-wood-The-of-statee. freezing-The-is-water-solid

Task 12Complete the following text with the words in the box.

Gas matter solid phases liquid

States of matter are the distinct forms that different _________(1) of _________(2) take on. __________ (3) is the state in which matter maintains a fixed volume and shape; __________ (4) is the state in which matter maintains a fixed volume but adapts to the shape of its container; and _________ (5) is the state in which matter expands to occupy whatever volume is available.


Task 13Cross Word PuzzlesFind the 5 words related to the states of matters.



What did the baby digital clock say to the mother alarm clock?‘Look ma, no hands’


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Why did the man throw the clock out of the window?He wanted to see time fly.

What do elves do after school?Gnomework!

What has forty feet and sings?The school choir!

If two's company and three a crowd, what are four and five?Nine!

What is the quickest way to double your money?Fold it in half!

What happens when you throw a green stone in the red sea?It gets wet!

What is a volcano?A mountain with hiccups!

Why is Alabama the smartest state in the USA?Because it has 4 A's and one B!

3. Jokes 

Teacher: If 1+1=2 and 2+2=4, what is 4+4?Pupil: That's not fair!  You answered the easy ones and left me with the hard one!


Task 14Mention the state of the following matters.

a. airb. vaporc. ice cubed. syrupe. rainf. oilg. stoneh. wateri. sand


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j. smoke

Task 15Put a check (V) on the right column.

Things Solid Liquid Gas Salt

oxygen water

air moisture ice cube

vapor sugar rain



How well can you do these things? Check (√) the boxes.

Very well

OK A little

1. I can pronounce and understand words related to matters

2. I can differentiate the state of matters3. I can mention some forms of the state

of matters4. I can express ideas related to the

states of matters in simple English5. I can mention imperative sentence

Part of this unit that I like most is ____________________________________.


become verb   menjadi

boil verb   merebus

change noun   perubahan


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chemical noun   kimiawi

condense verb    mengembun

drop verb   jatuh

energy noun   energi


noun   penguapan

freezer noun   pendingin

gas noun   uap

heat verb   memanaskan

liquid noun   cair

phase noun   fase

physical noun   fisik

plasma noun   plasma

shape noun   bentuk

solid noun   padat

volume noun   isi