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What I Learned in Death, · 2019-09-26 · What I Learned in Death, from Sheryl Sandberg & Steve Jobs Stanford Commencement Speech 2005 by Steve Jobs, ... Don’t ever give up on

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Material for your English session

What I Learned in Death,

from Sheryl Sandberg & Steve Jobs

Stanford Commencement Speech 2005 by Steve Jobs, and

Berkeley Commencement Speech 2016 by Sheryl Sandberg.

[Source: Facebook]

[Source: Stanford]

Ringle Great people. Great conversation. Great English. Just for you.

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[Summary in English]

In his speech to Stanford’s 2005 graduating class, Steve Jobs described how he endured the

difficulties he had faced (being fired from the company he founded, his battle with cancer)

and left the graduates with the message, “Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish.”

● Don’t let your expectations about the future guide your present. Learn from your past and

trust in your intuitions.

● Find a line of work to which you can wholeheartedly dedicate yourself. Never compromise,

and seek until you find. Don’t settle.

● Life is short, and time does not come back again. Don’t try to live someone else’s life.

● Don’t ever give up on your pursuit to make the world a better place. Stay hungry, stay


In the 2016 UC Berkeley commencement, Sheryl Sandberg also talked about how she had

endured her own difficulties (sudden death of her husband), and emphasized resilience in

oneself and building resilient organizations/communities.

● What determines a person’s character is not the outcome of one’s efforts but how one

endures the most difficult of situations.

● When something bad occurs, don’t place the entirety of the blame on yourself. More likely

than not, the occurrence is not entirely your fault.

● When faced with difficulties, do not let such challenges negatively influence the course of

your entire life. Do not let these events turn you into a pessimist.

● Sorrow is not eternal. Allow yourself to forget the sadness of loss gradually with the

passing of time.

● No one is born strong. As you overcome painful experiences, grow in your capacity to

overcome life’s obstacles with wisdom.

Over a period of 10 years, Apple and Facebook’s heads shared the lessons they had learned

from death and loss with the graduating classes of rivaling schools, Stanford and Berkeley.

● Up to the day of his death, Steve Jobs dedicated his every living minute to the development

and refinement of a mobile device that would change the world for the better.

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● Even through the pain of the loss of a loved one, Sheryl Sandberg has learned to better

express her thanks to those around her and worked to spread a message of gratitude to

people around the world.

In recent years, Koreans have been struggling under the weight of a growing defeatist

attitude about their country. As deaths caused by governmental errors mingles with the

subsequent sorrow of the losses, more and more Koreans are submitting to the pessimistic

“Hell Joseon” mindset.

Is there nothing we can do but to accept reality the way it is? Is it really futile for individuals

to make an effort to make the world a better place? Although Korea’s situation is different

from that of Jobs and Sandberg, what are some lessons we can take away from these leaders?

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[Summary in Korean]

2005 년 스티브잡스는 Stanford 대학 졸업식에서, 그가 힘든 시기 (본인이 만든 회사에서 쫓겨났던 아픔,

암투명의 고통)를 어떻게 견뎌냈는지 전하며 “Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish” 라는 큰 메시지를 남겼습니다.

미래를 의식하며 인생을 설계 (5 년 뒤 이 정도는 되어야 하지 않나?)하지 마십시오. 과거에 내가

좋아했던 일들을 돌이켜보고, 지금 내 마음이 움직이는 방향으로 삶을 설계 하십시오.

온 마음을 바칠 수 있는 일을 찾아야 합니다. 절대 타협하지 말고, 그 일을 찾을 때까지 멈추지 마십시오.

인생은 짧고, 지나간 시간은 돌아오지 않습니다. 다른 사람의 삶을 살지 마시고, 당신의 인생을 사세요.

더 나은 세상을 만들기 위한 도전을 숨이 멎는 순간까지 멈추지 마세요. Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish

2016 년 셰릴 샌드버그는 Berkeley 대학 졸업에서, 그녀가 힘든 시기 (남편의 갑작스런 죽음)을 어떻게

견뎌냈는지 전하며, Resilience (절망으로부터의 회복력)를 강조했습니다.

당신이 만들어 낸 성과가 당신을 정의하지는 못합니다. 죽을 만큼 힘든 시기를 어떻게 버텨 냈느냐가

당신이라는 사람을 결정합니다.

안좋은 일이 생겼을 때, 모두 내 탓이라 자책하지 마십시오. 모두가 당신 탓일 수는 없습니다.

힘든 일이 생겼을 때, 그 일이 인생 전반에 악영향을 주는 것은 피하십시오. 인생을 부정하지는 마세요.

슬픔은 영원하지 않습니다. 상실의 감정을 애써 붙잡지 마세요. 서서히 잊혀질 수 있도록 놓아 두세요.

처음부터 강한 사람은 없습니다. 아픔을 극복해 나가며, 인생의 난관을 “현명하게 극복해 나가는

회복력”을 키워 나가세요.

Apple 의 수장과 Facebook 의 여제는 Stanford 와 Berkeley 라는 미국 서부의 라이벌 대학교에서, 10년

터울로 “죽음과 상실”을 통해 배운 교훈을 세상과 나누며, 그에 부합하는 인생을 살았습니다.

Steve Jobs 는 사망 전날까지, 세상을 더 크게 바꿀 수 있는 제품/서비스 개발에 온 힘을 다 바쳤습니다.

Sheryl Sandberg 는, 상실의 아픔을 마음 깊이 간직하면서도, 주변 사람들에게 더 감사하는 법을

배우고, 그 감사함을 전 세계에 전파하기 위한 노력을 멈추지 않고 있습니다.

요즘 한국은 많이 힘들어합니다. 세상이 만든 죽음과, 이를 슬퍼하는 사람들의 마음이 뒤섞여, 헬조선이라는 현실

부정적 마음이 사람들의 마음에 침투해 들어가고 있습니다. 그렇게, 서서히 패배의식에 잠겨가고 있습니다.

우리는 현실을 받아들일 수밖에 없는 것일까요? 더 나은 세상을 만들기 위한 노력은 무의미한 것일까요? 상황은

다르지만, 세상을 바꾼 대가들로부터 우리가 배울 수 있는 교훈은 무엇이 있을까요?

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[Today’s Video clip]

Please watch these video clips, first.

Video #1

[Source: Wallstreet journal]

Sheryl Sandberg Gives UC Berkeley Commencement Keynote

Speech in 2016


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Video #2

[Source: Stanford]

Steve Jobs Stanford Commencement Speech 2005


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[Today’s article]

Please read the article

Article #1

Sheryl Sandberg says the '3 P's' have helped her become a stronger

person after her husband's tragic death



Article #2

'You've got to find what you love,' Jobs says

This is a prepared text of the Commencement address delivered by Steve Jobs,

CEO of Apple Computer and of Pixar Animation Studios, on June 12, 2005.


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[12 Key Questions]

1. Why did you choose this topic for today’s class discussion?

[About Steve Jobs]

2. What did you like most about Steve Jobs’s commencement address? What is the key takeaway

for you?

3. There were three main messages in Steve Jobs’s Stanford address. Which of the three messages

was most meaningful to you? Why?

● The first story is about connecting the dots.

● My second story is about love and loss.

● My third story is about death.

[About Sheryl Sandberg]

4. What was your favorite part of Sheryl Sandberg’s address? What are your key takeaways?

5. Sheryl Sandberg discussed the importance of resilience and the three P’s. Which of these four

keywords was the most meaningful to you? Why?

● The first P is personalization—the belief that we are at fault. This is different from taking

responsibility, which you should always do. Thi

● The second P is pervasiveness—the belief that an event will affect all areas of your life.

You know that song “Everything is awesome?” This is the flip: “Everything is awful.”

There’s no place to run or hide from the all-consuming sadness.

● The third P is permanence—the belief that the sorrow will last forever. For months, no

matter what I did, it felt like the crushing grief would always be there.

● And when the challenges come, I hope you remember that anchored deep within you is the

ability to learn and grow. You are not born with a fixed amount of resilience. Like a

muscle, you can build it up, draw on it when you need it. In that process you will

figure out who you really are—and you just might become the very best version of


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[About Steve Jobs & Sheryl Sandberg]

6. In what ways are Jobs and Sandberg similar? What similarities did you find in their

commencement speeches?

7. In what ways are Jobs and Sandberg different? What differences did you find in their

commencement speeches?

[About Your life]

8. Which of the two speeches did you enjoy more? Why?

9. Can you think of the most difficult moment in your own life? How did you overcome the


10. Both speakers tell us to find follow our hearts and be resilient in our pursuit of making the

world a better place. Are you following your heart? What moves and motivates you?

11. Many Koreans have become disheartened and saddened by the train of accidents and casualties

caused by various human errors. According to Jobs and Sandberg, what are the best ways Korean

citizens overcome these periods of adversity?

[Final speech to Steve Jobs or Sheryl Sandberg]

12. Imagine that you are able to have a coffee chat with one of the two speakers. Please talk about

your impressions of the speech given by the person of your choice, and share a greeting of gratitude

with the speaker as well.

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[Key business-related terms and expressions]

[1] pore over: 세세히 보다[읽다]

● [영영사전] to look at and study something, usually a book or document, carefully:

● [Ringle에서 드리는 팁] When you pore over something, you may be reading something

carefully or you may be studying something in great detail, so as not to miss anything.

● [예문] She spends her evenings poring over textbooks. 그녀는 교과서를 세세히 읽어

보는 데에 저녁 시간을 사용했다.

[2] split second: (1초의 몇 분의 1에 해당할 정도로) 아주 짧은 순간

● [영영사전] a very brief moment of time.

● [Ringle에서 드리는 팁] As the definition suggests, a split second does not literally mean

“part of a second” but figuratively denotes a very quick period of time in which something

new or unexpected occurs.

● [예문] Their eyes met for a split second. 그들의 눈이 아주 짧은 순간 마주쳤다.

● [예문] All this happened in a split second. 이 모든 것이 눈 깜짝할 순간에 일어났다.

[3] connect the dots: 단편적 사실에서 어떤 결론을 도출하다

● [영영사전] bringing together information from different places:

● [Ringle에서 드리는 팁] Connect the dots primarily means to extract a truth from a scarce

smattering of facts, but it can also mean to see the relatedness of several seemingly

unrelated events. This phrase originates from a game in which a player must literally

connect dots with lines in order to form a coherent picture.

● [예문] Of course it was impossible to connect the dots looking forward when I was in

college. 물론, 당시 내가 대학을 다녔을 때에는, 미래와 연관해 그것이 어떻게 될지 알지


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[4] relent (sound): (거부하다가 마침내) 동의하다

● [영영사전] abandon or mitigate a harsh intention or cruel treatment.

● [Ringle에서 드리는 팁] Another useful word is relentless, an adjective used to describe

someone who will not give up.

● [예문] There's only one way that I would ever relent. 내가 마음을 누그러뜨릴 수 있는

방법이 딱 한가지 있지.

● [예문] They would not relent on that point. 그들은 그 부분에 있어서는 절대 물러서지

않을 것이다.