Page 1: 本烹饪本集结了专门为老年人的营养需要所€¦ ·  · 2014-11-03required protein intake. ... Dehydration occurs when a person loses more water than he or she
Page 2: 本烹饪本集结了专门为老年人的营养需要所€¦ ·  · 2014-11-03required protein intake. ... Dehydration occurs when a person loses more water than he or she

Eating healthy can be simpleThis cookbook features a collection of wholesome recipes specially designed to meet the nutritional needs of the elderly. Contributed by dietitians from local healthcare institutions, these dishes are easy to prepare, full of flavour and packed with nutrients. Happy cooking!



Published in conjunction with配合新加坡保健亲乐龄周出版














Eating Well (and Right!) in Your Silver Years银发族如何吃得老当益壮!

Soy Custard with Minced Chicken 豆奶鸡茸蒸蛋

Yogurt and Fruit Pancake 酸奶水果煎饼

Tangy Spiced Fish 辛香鱼柳

Thai Chicken Salad 泰式沙律鸡

Fish and Potato Pie 鱼香马铃薯派

Mee Sua Soup with Egg 蛋汤面线

Pasta Salad with Chickpeas 豆香意粉沙拉

Steamed Fish with Ginger 姜片蒸鱼

Baked Vegetable Cutlets 蔬菜烤饼

Silken Tofu with Wolfberries 枸杞嫩豆腐

Carrot and Chicken Porridge 红萝卜香鸡粥

Papaya and White Fungus Soup 杏仁雪耳燉木瓜First published in November 2014首次出版于2014年11月Photos are for illustration purposes only照片仅供参考 Suitable for vegetarians 适合素食者

Page 3: 本烹饪本集结了专门为老年人的营养需要所€¦ ·  · 2014-11-03required protein intake. ... Dehydration occurs when a person loses more water than he or she

Eating Well (and Right!) in Your Silver Years

Everybody’s got a different plan when it comes to his or her silver years. Some

take up a new sport or pursue a second career. Others prefer to kick back and

enjoy life. However you plan to spend your retirement, good nutrition should

form an important part of that lifestyle. Especially since the aging process is

one of the risk factors for malnutrition – a condition where your body doesn’t

have enough of the nutrients it needs. The risk of malnutrition increases as

you age. Factors like dentition, loss of taste, decline in functional ability and

illness can affect your food intake.

Quantity vs. QualityBut it’s not simply a case of eating more of everything. In fact, it is normal to actually be eating less as we grow older. Our physical activities lessen as we age. So as you’re moving around less, naturally, your energy needs also decrease. As do your food portions.

What’s more, we experience sarcopenia – the loss of muscle mass – as we age. As a result, our metabolic rate slows down by about 30 per cent by the age of 80. So it becomes a question of not simply how much we should be eating in our silver years, but also what.

Healthy Diet, Healthy LifestyleA healthy diet is about choosing the right types and right amount of food.

Brown Rice, Wholemeal Bread and othersThis food group provides most of the energy for our daily living. It includes rice, noodles, bread, cereals and potatoes.

Healthy eating guidelines recommend about four to six servings daily, of which half should consist of wholegrain foods. Wholegrain foods such as brown rice are rich sources of nutrients, like B vitamins, folic acid, iron and copper. They have been associated with lower risk of cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes and colorectal cancer. They also maintain good digestive health thanks to their high fibre content.

Yet, the average older Singaporean (50 to 69 years old) consumes less than one serving of wholegrain products a day.

Image courtesy of Health Promotion Board, Singapore

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Use monounsaturated or polyunsaturated oils such as canola or grapeseed oil. Do not reuse oil.

Have small, frequent meals: Aim for 6 small meals a day and chew food well. Chop food into smaller pieces if you have problems chewing.

Wholegrain foods are readily available at all major supermarkets. Best of all, prices are comparable to non-wholegrain staples.

Fruits and VegetablesIt is important to eat two servings of fruit and two servings of vegetables daily for good health. Yet, most elderly in Singapore aren’t doing so. More than 70 per cent of adults aged between 60 to 69 years do not meet the dietary guidelines for fruit and vegetables. This is worrying as a lack of fruit and vegetables means reduced intake of essential vitamins, minerals and fibre.

Meeting the two-fruit daily requirement is really not that difficult. Have an apple or pear in the day, and a wedge of pineapple, watermelon or papaya after dinner, and you’re done!

For greens, you could cook two vegetable dishes to complement one meat or fish dish for lunch or dinner.

Meat, Beans, Fish and DairySurveys have shown that 50 per cent of Singaporeans aged 60 to 69 years are not meeting the dietary guidelines for this food group. Older adults should consume three servings of meat, beans, fish and dairy, of which one serving should come from dairy or calcium-fortified foods.

Rich in protein, meat and its alternatives are essential for the building and repairing of body tissues.

Try to have 2 servings of vegetables and 2 servings of fruits daily. Dark green leafy vegetables are high in calcium, which is beneficial for bone health.

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If you’re not used to the taste of brown rice, you can start by mixing half a bowl of white rice with half a bowl of brown rice. Then gradually increase the proportion of brown rice till you become used to it.

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A lack of protein results in slower repair of worn-out tissue and delayed healing of wounds, making them more vulnerable to infection.

Meat and its alternatives are also a good source of B vitamins, zinc, selenium, phosphorus and iron. Most of us can have lean meat, poultry, fish and eggs to meet the required protein intake.

Controlling our sodium intake can help to reduce the risk of high blood pressure, and stomach and nasopharyngeal cancers.

Vegetarians can go for tofu, beans and legumes. These are extremely good sources of protein which are low in fat and loaded with fibre.

CalciumThe most abundant mineral in our body, calcium gives our bones the structural strength they need to support our body. A lack of calcium increases the risk of osteoporosis – a medical condition in which bones become brittle and weak.

Unfortunately, 60 per cent of Singaporeans aged 60 to 69 years have insufficient calcium intake. Dairy products like milk, yoghurt and cheese are rich sources of calcium. Calcium can also be found in tofu, tau kwa, almonds, sardines and other fish with edible bones, as well as dark green leafy vegetables.

Salt (Sodium)The average Singaporean consumes about 9g of salt a day, which is more than the recommended daily intake of 5g (one teaspoon).

FluidsDehydration occurs when a person loses more water than he or she takes in. Contrary to popular belief, it can happen even when we’re indoors – where many elderly spend most of their time.

We need fluids to regulate our body temperature, maintain blood pressure and eliminate waste products from our body. Go for plain water or unsweetened drinks instead of sugar-sweetened beverages. Generally, aim to drink about 8 glasses of water a day. Those with fluid restrictions due to medical conditions should consult their dietitian or doctor to determine how much they can drink.

So how can we eat less sodium? When eating out:• Taste your food first before adding extra salt or soy sauce • Ask for less salt or sauce to be added to your food • Avoid drinking up soups and sauces

When cooking at home:• Limit your use of salt, soy sauce, stock cubes, MSG and seasonings • Flavour your food with natural herbs and spices like garlic, onion, ginger or cinnamon • Avoid using salty, preserved foods like salted egg, salted vegetables, luncheon meat, salted fish and ham

Our taste buds get less sensitive as we age. Try seasoning food with healthy condiments such as lemon, lime, herbs, vinegar and Chinese wine instead of soy sauce, salt and sugar.


fafafaf tstsss3.3.33 2828288888ggggg

prprprprppp ototototteieieiee nsnsnsnsss29292999.8.8.8ggg

SSSSSttttteeeeeeaaaammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmeeeeedddddd FFFFFiiiiiissssshhhhh wwwwwiiiiitttttthhhhhh GGGGGiiiiinnnnngggggeeeeerrrrr(R(R(R(R((R(Rececececececipipipipipee e ee e ononononon PPPPPPagagagagagagaaaa eeeeeee 313131313133 ))))

NuNuNuNuutrtrtrititititioioioii nanaanal l VaVaVaVaVVVV lululueee

8 9

Source: Health Xchange, with expert input from the Department of Dietetics, Singapore General Hospital, a member of the SingHealth group. For more recipes and health tips, visit:

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肉类、豆类 、 鱼与乳制品




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肉类及其替代品也是维生素B、锌、硒 、磷和铁的良好来源。




• 在添加额外的盐或酱青前,先品尝食物

• 点菜时,要求少放盐或酱料

• 避免把菜肴里的汤或调味汁喝完


• 减少使用盐、酱青、汤料块和味精之类的调味料

• 烹调时尽量选用天然调料,如:大蒜、 葱、姜、


• 避免食用腌制食品,如:咸蛋、咸菜、午餐肉、








盐 (钠)


14 15



人进入老年时,味蕾会萎缩。 与其用酱青、盐、或糖来调味,您可选用柠檬、酸柑、香草、醋还有绍兴酒这类更健康的调味品来为菜肴添加风味。

15155777777 3.3.3333 282828222 2929299.8888.8

资料来源: Health Xchange,并由新加坡保健服务集团属下的新加坡中央医院营养部门提供专家意见。更多食谱与保健资讯,请浏览:

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100g minced chicken,marinated with 1½ tsp reduced salt light soy sauce, 1½ tsp oyster sauce and 2 tsp corn flour

3 eggs

½ tsp reduced salt light soy sauce

¼ tsp white pepper

500ml unsweetened soy bean milk

1 tbsp canola oil

1 shallot, chopped

3 garlic cloves, chopped

spring onions and coriander leaves, chopped (garnish)

1. Season chicken for 10 minutes.

2. In a bowl, gently beat eggs. Add soy sauce and pepper, mix well.

3. Pour soy bean milk and beaten eggs into a heatproof bowl, mix well. Remove any air bubbles that may form by sieving mixture. Steam custard over medium heat for 20 minutes.

4. Heat oil in a wok. Stir-fry shallots and garlic until fragrant. Add minced chicken. Stir-fry until lightly brown and cooked.

5. Remove custard from steamer. Spread minced chicken evenly on top of custard.

6. Garnish with spring onion and coriander leaves before serving.









少许青葱、芫荽 (点缀用)

1. 将鸡肉碎腌泡10分钟。2. 在碗里轻轻把鸡蛋打散。加入 酱青和胡椒粉,拌匀。 3. 把豆奶与蛋液倒入耐热的碗里, 搅拌均匀。将蛋糊过筛,减少 气泡,用中火蒸蛋20分钟。 4. 在锅中把油烧热,爆香葱蒜。 加入鸡肉碎炒熟。 5. 把蒸蛋取出,将鸡肉铺在 蛋上。 6. 用切碎的青葱、芫荽点缀即可。

Soy Custard with Minced Chicken 豆奶鸡茸蒸蛋

min to prepare 分钟预备40 servings


Recipe contributed by Ang Mo Kio – Thye Hua Kwan Hospital I 食谱由太和观医院提供

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Suitable for vegetarians 适合素食者

180g self raising flour

100g wholemeal flour

1 tub low fat yogurt (plain or with berries)

100ml low fat milk

3 eggs

½ tsp cinnamon powder

1 tsp canola oil

toppings: chopped nuts, raisin, banana, dried cranberries

1. Combine wholemeal flour, self raising flour and cinnamon powder in a bowl.

2. Whisk eggs and yogurt in a separate bowl. Add milk and whisk until well combined. Stir in flour slowly till batter is smooth.

3. Heat a non-stick pan, add in oil.

4. Pour batter ¼ cups at a time. Sprinkle with optional ingredients if desired.

5. Turn over pancake when bubbles start to form on the surface. Cook both sides until golden brown.

6. Serve warm with toppings.



1小罐低脂酸奶 (原味/添加浆果)






1. 在碗里混合全麦面粉、自发粉 和肉桂粉。 2. 在另一个碗里把蛋和酸奶打匀。 加入牛奶,继续搅打均匀。慢慢 加入面粉,搅至面糊光滑。 3. 烧热不沾锅,加入适量油。 4. 将面糊逐次加入 (每次¼杯)。 按喜好,加入配料。5. 煎饼表面开始出现气泡时, 便可翻面。煎至两面呈金黄色。 6. 撒上配料,趁热食用。

Yogurt and Fruit Pancake酸奶水果煎饼

min to prepare 分钟预备25 servings


Recipe contributed by Ang Mo Kio – Thye Hua Kwan Hospital I 食谱由太和观医院提供


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(A) Paste300g cashew nuts2 cloves garlic2 slices young ginger1 red capsicum, roasted and diced1 tomato, diced1 red onion, diced½ tsp of turmeric powder½ cup water

(B) Cooking4 pcs fish fillet2 tbsp oil1 onion, diced20 curry leaves1 diced tomato1 tbsp lemon juice1 tsp garam masala/salt1 tsp sugar½ cup waterchopped coriander (garnish)

1. Put all ingredients in (A) into blender and blend into a paste.

2. Heat oil in pan and sauté diced onion for 5 minutes until golden. Add curry leaves.

3. Add paste and cook for 5 minutes.

4. Add diced tomato. Simmer until soft and add salt, sugar and lemon juice. Add fish and simmer.

5. Garnish with chopped coriander and serve.

Tangy Spiced Fish辛香鱼柳

min to prepare 分钟预备35 servings


(A) 酱料300克腰果2瓣大蒜2片嫩姜1个烤红甜椒,切丁1粒番茄,切丁1粒红洋葱,切丁半茶匙黄姜粉半杯水

(B) 烹调4片鱼柳2汤匙食用油1粒洋葱,切丁20片咖喱叶1粒番茄,切丁1汤匙柠檬汁1茶匙印度马萨拉调料或盐1茶匙糖半杯水少许芫荽 (点缀用)

1. 将所有(A)的食材放入搅拌机 中打成酱泥。2. 在锅中热油后,将洋葱丁翻炒 5分钟至金黄色。加入咖喱叶。3. 倒入酱料,继续烹煮5分钟。4. 加入番茄丁。用文火煮软后, 添加适量盐、糖和柠檬汁调味。 将鱼柳放入锅中煮熟,装盘。5. 加入芫荽,即可享用。

Recipe contributed by Bright Vision Hospital I 食谱由观明综合医院提供


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(A) Saladjuice from 5 limes3 tbsp plum sauce3 tbsp fresh lemon juice½ tbsp sugar100g blanched peanuts, crushed30g white sesame seed2 red chilli7 cloves garlic½ cucumber5 shallots½ carrot½ green papayachopped coriander (garnish)

(B) Fried Chicken 500g chicken drumstick, marinated with salt and black pepper for half an hour1 cup corn flour½ cup oil

1. Shred cucumber, carrot, shallot and green papaya. Mince chilli and garlic.

2. Coat chicken with corn flour. Deep fry in hot oil until golden brown. Set aside.

3. In a bowl, mix plum sauce, lemon juice, lime juice, and sugar.

4. Add peanut, sesame seed, chilli, garlic, carrot, cucumber, shallot and green papaya. Toss well.

5. Top fried chicken with salad and garnish with chopped coriander.

Thai Chicken Salad泰式沙律鸡

min to prepare 分钟预备40 servings


(A) 沙律5粒酸柑的汁3汤匙酸梅酱3汤匙鲜榨柠檬汁半汤匙糖100克去皮花生碎30克白芝麻2条红辣椒7瓣大蒜半条黄瓜5个小葱头半条红萝卜半条青木瓜少许芫荽 (点缀用)

(B) 炸鸡500克鸡腿, 用盐与黑胡椒粉腌半小时1杯生粉半杯食用油

1. 将黄瓜 、红萝卜、小葱头和青 木瓜切丝。将辣椒和大蒜剁碎。2. 在热油锅里,把裹上生粉的鸡腿 炸至金黄色,置旁待用。3. 将酸梅酱、柠檬汁、酸柑汁与糖 在碗里搅拌均匀。4. 加入花生、芝麻、切好的辣椒与 蒜末。把所有切丝的食材加入, 拌匀。5. 把沙律摆在鸡腿上,用芫荽 点缀。

Recipe contributed by Bright Vision Hospital I 食谱由观明综合医院提供


Page 13: 本烹饪本集结了专门为老年人的营养需要所€¦ ·  · 2014-11-03required protein intake. ... Dehydration occurs when a person loses more water than he or she

(A) Mashed Potatoes400g floury potatoes,boiled till soft, peeled and mashed roughly½ tsp saltpinch of pepperpinch of paprika30g butter, softened

(B) Fish Fillet200g skinless snapper fillets,cut into medium-sized chunks and marinated in juice of ½ lemon1 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil30g yellow onion, chopped150g frozen mixed vegetables½ tsp sea salt flakes¼ tsp pepper1 tbsp fresh parsley, chopped90g shredded mozzarella

1. Mix all ingredients in (A). Set aside.

2. For (B): Heat oil in skillet. Fry onions lightly until softened but not browned. Add marinated fish chunks. Flake with spatula. Add mixed vegetables, salt and pepper.

3. Add (B) to (A), sprinkle parsley and gently combine all ingredients. Transfer to an ovenproof casserole dish. Top with mozzarella.

4. Bake for 15-20 minutes in a pre-heated oven, at 170ºC until lightly golden.

5. Cool for 10 minutes before serving.

Fish and Potato Pie香鱼马铃薯派

min to prepare 分钟预备40 servings


(A) 马铃薯泥400克粉质马铃薯,煮软,去皮并稍加捣烂半茶匙盐少许胡椒粉少许辣椒粉30克软化的牛油

(B) 鱼柳200克鲷鱼鱼柳,去皮,切成块状,用半个柠檬榨出的汁腌泡1汤匙特级初榨橄榄油30克黄洋葱,切碎150克冰冻三色杂菜半茶匙海盐¼茶匙胡椒粉1汤匙荷兰芹,切碎90克马苏里拉奶酪碎

1. 将 (A) 食材搅搅匀,置旁待用。2. 料理 (B) : 用平底锅把油烧热后, 轻轻翻炒洋葱至软,不要炒变色。 加入腌好的鱼块,把鱼稍微弄散。 加入三色杂菜,用盐和胡椒粉调味。3. 把 (B) 倒入 (A) 中,撒上荷兰芹碎, 并轻轻将所有食材拌匀,倒入耐 热的瓷焙盘中。撒上马苏里拉奶酪。4. 在预热过的烤箱中,用170度高温 烤15至20分钟,直至略呈金黄色。5. 取出置凉10分钟,即可上桌。

Recipe contributed by KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital I 食谱由竹脚妇幼医院提供


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2 eggs, lightly beaten with 1 tsp light soy sauce

½ tbsp canola oil

150ml of water

30g of lean chicken or beef

3- 4 pcs of prawn with heads removed

light soy sauce to taste

1 bundle of brown rice mee sua (flour vermicelli)

½ tsp sesame oil

spring onions and coriander leaves, chopped (garnish)

1 red chilli, chopped

1. Heat oil in a pan.

2. Pour lightly beaten eggs and scramble into large chunks, taking care not to overcook it. Set cooked eggs aside.

3. To make the soup base, add chicken and prawns to boiling water and simmer until cooked.

4. Add mee sua and cook for half a minute.

5. Season with soy sauce and sesame oil.

6. Add cooked egg. Garnish with chopped red chilli, spring onions, coriander leaves and serve.

Mee Sua Soup with Egg蛋汤面线

min to prepare 分钟预备15 serving


两粒鸡蛋, 加一茶匙酱青, 轻轻打散










1. 在锅中把油烧热。2. 将打好的鸡蛋翻炒成大块,小心 不要过熟。蛋炒好后,置旁待用。3. 制作汤底:在沸水中加入鸡块与 大虾,用文火煮熟。4. 加入面线,煮半分钟。5. 用少许酱青与麻油调味。6. 加入炒好的蛋,用红辣椒、葱花、 芫荽叶点缀,即可享用。

Recipe contributed by Ren Ci Hospital and Tan Tock Seng Hospital I 食谱由仁慈医院与陈笃生医院提供


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Suitable for vegetarians 适合素食者

½ packet (230g) of wholemeal Farfalle or Penne pasta

½ cup chickpeas,soaked and cooked

juice from ½ lemon

2 tbsp of low fat Italian dressing

½ cucumber, chopped

½ tomato, chopped

½ white onion, chopped

½ tsp of sugar

salt and pepper

parmesan cheese

1. Cook pasta according to directions on packet. Drain and rinse under cold water.

2. Toss cucumber, tomato and white onion in a bowl with sugar, lemon juice, pinch of salt and pepper to taste.

3. Add pasta, chickpeas and salad dressing. Mix well.

4. Cover and refrigerate salad.

5. Serve with grated parmesan cheese.

Pasta Salad with Chickpeas豆香意粉沙拉

min to prepare 分钟预备25 servings


Recipe contributed by Ren Ci Hospital and Tan Tock Seng Hospital I 食谱由仁慈医院与陈笃生医院提供


半包 (230克) 全麦蝴蝶面或意式通心粉










1. 按照包装说明,将意粉煮熟。 沥干水分并过冷水。2. 将黄瓜、番茄与白洋葱在碗里拌 匀。加糖,柠檬汁,少许盐和 胡椒调味。3. 加入意粉、鹰嘴豆与沙拉酱, 搅拌均匀。4. 盖上盖子,放入冰箱冷藏。5. 在享用前,撒上帕玛森芝士碎末。

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200g salmon or tenggiri fillet,cut into 4 pcs1 slice of ginger2 stalks spring onion

(A) Marinade¼ tsp light soy sauce ¼ tsp sesame oil pinch of saltpinch of pepper

(B) Sauce½ tbsp of canola oil1 slice of ginger, minced2 cloves garlic, minced2 tbsp water chopped coriander leaves½ tsp sugarpepper to taste

1. Marinate fish with (A).

2. Heat oil in a pan and fry minced ginger and garlic until fragrant.

3. Add light soya sauce and fry.

4. Add water and coriander leaves. Season with sugar and pepper, mix well. Set sauce aside.

5. Place ginger and spring onion on top of fish and steam for 8-10 minutes.

6. Discard ginger and spring onion. Pour prepared sauce (B) over steamed fish. Serve hot.

Steamed Fish with Ginger姜片蒸鱼

min to prepare 分钟预备20 servings



(A) 腌料¼茶匙酱青¼茶匙麻油少许盐少许胡椒

(B) 调味料半汤匙菜籽油1片姜,剁碎2瓣大蒜,剁碎2汤匙水少许芫荽叶,切细½ 茶匙糖少许胡椒,调味用

1. 用 (A) 酱料腌鱼。2. 在锅中把油烧热,将姜蒜末爆香。3. 加入酱青,翻炒均匀。4. 加入水、芫荽。用糖和胡椒调味, 搅拌均匀后,置旁待用。5. 把姜与青葱铺在鱼上, 蒸8-10分钟。6. 除去姜与青葱。将预备好的调 味料 (B) 淋在蒸好的鱼身上, 趁热享用。

Recipe contributed by Ren Ci Hospital and Tan Tock Seng Hospital I 食谱由仁慈医院与陈笃生医院提供


Page 17: 本烹饪本集结了专门为老年人的营养需要所€¦ ·  · 2014-11-03required protein intake. ... Dehydration occurs when a person loses more water than he or she

Suitable for vegetarians 适合素食者

80g mixed vegetables

1 dried Chinese mushroom,soaked to soften and finely chopped

coriander leaves, chopped

200g potatoes,cooked and mashed

½ tsp canola oil

½ tsp sesame oil

1 slice ginger

pinch of pepper

¼ tsp salt

1 tsp cornflour

1. Heat oil in a pan. Add sesame oil and ginger. Fry until fragrant. Discard ginger.

2. Add mixed vegetables, mushroom and coriander leaves, fry well.

3. Add mashed potatoes. Season with pepper and salt. Cool to room temperature.

4. Divide mixture into 8 portions. Shape each portion into a cutlet.

5. Sprinkle cutlets with cornflour and grill in oven until golden.

Baked Vegetable Cutlets蔬菜烤饼

servings 人份2

Recipe contributed by Singapore General Hospital I 食谱由新加坡中央医院提供












1. 在锅中把油烧热。加入麻油和姜, 爆香。把姜捞出,弃之。 2. 加入三色杂菜、香菇和芫荽, 翻炒均匀。3. 加入马铃薯泥。用胡椒粉和盐 调味,置旁,降至室温。4. 将混合物分成8份,捏成肉饼状。 5. 在其表面撒上生粉,放进烤炉 烘烤至金黄色。

min to prepare 分钟预备40

Page 18: 本烹饪本集结了专门为老年人的营养需要所€¦ ·  · 2014-11-03required protein intake. ... Dehydration occurs when a person loses more water than he or she

400g silken tofu, sliced

1 tsp canola oil

10g ginger, minced

200ml water

1 tsp vegetarian mushroom sauce

20g wolfberries, soaked

¼ tsp salt

1 tsp sugar

80g frozen green peas or baby mushrooms

½ tsp cornflour,mix with 1 tsp water

1. Steam tofu for 5 minutes. Set aside.

2. Heat oil in a pan over high heat. Fry ginger until fragrant.

3. Add water, vegetarian mushroom sauce and wolfberries. Bring to boil.

4. Reduce to low heat and simmer for 2 minutes. Season with salt and sugar. Add green peas or baby mushrooms. Stir well.

5. Use cornflour mixture to thicken gravy. Stir well.

6. Remove from heat and pour gravy over steamed tofu before serving.

Silken Tofu with Wolfberries 枸杞嫩豆腐

servings 人份4

Recipe contributed by Singapore General Hospital I 食谱由新加坡中央医院提供











半茶匙生粉, 和1茶匙水混合

1. 豆腐蒸5分钟,置旁待用。 2. 用高火把油烧热,爆香姜末。 3. 加入水、香菇酱和枸杞子,煮滚。 4. 调至文火,煮2分钟。 以少许盐 和糖调味。加入青豆、小蘑菇, 搅拌均匀。 5. 用生粉勾芡,搅拌均匀。 6. 起锅,将酱汁淋在蒸好的豆腐 上即可。

min to prepare 分钟预备35

Suitable for vegetarians 适合素食者

Page 19: 本烹饪本集结了专门为老年人的营养需要所€¦ ·  · 2014-11-03required protein intake. ... Dehydration occurs when a person loses more water than he or she

Nutrition Tips• Carrot and wolfberries are high in Vitamin A – good for the eyes and skin. • Chicken is a good source of protein. • The brown rice, carrots and wolfberries provide fibre.


• 红萝卜与枸杞富含维他命A,对眼睛与肌肤有益。• 鸡肉是蛋白质的优质来源。• 糙米、红萝卜以及枸杞子也富含纤维。

½ cup baby carrots,diced

½ cup brown rice,soaked for 30 minutes

¼ cup wolfberries

100g chicken breast,diced

8 cups water

½ tsp salt

1 stalk spring onion, finely chopped

sliced red chilli (optional)

1. Bring brown rice and water to a boil.

2. When rice starts to soften, add chicken breast, carrots, wolfberries and lower heat to a simmer.

3. Once chicken is cooked and carrots softened, add salt.

4. Garnish with spring onion and red chilli before serving.

Carrot and Chicken Porridge 红萝卜香鸡粥

min to prepare 分钟预备30 servings









切好的红辣椒 (可选)

1. 将糙米与水煮滚。2. 当米粒变软时,加入鸡胸肉、 红萝卜、枸杞子,转文火慢熬。3. 待鸡肉煮熟,红萝卜煮软, 加少许盐调味。4. 撒上葱花与辣椒,即可享用。

Recipe contributed by SingHealth Polyclinics I 食谱由新加坡保健服务集团综合诊疗所提供


Page 20: 本烹饪本集结了专门为老年人的营养需要所€¦ ·  · 2014-11-03required protein intake. ... Dehydration occurs when a person loses more water than he or she

50g bitter almonds (Northern almonds)

50g sweet almonds (Southern almonds)

300g white fungus

900ml water

1 papaya

Pinch of sugar (optional)

1. Soak the almond and white fungus in water until soft.

2. Optional step if you have difficulty chewing: Place softened contents in blender with some water and sugar, blend and set aside.

3. Cut papaya into thirds, widthwise.

4. Using a small spoon, remove the seeds from the papaya “cups”.

5. Add water, almond and white fungus into the “cups” and steam for 20-25 minutes.

Papaya and White Fungus Soup 杏仁雪耳燉木瓜

min to prepare 分钟预备35 servings


Nutrition Tips• According to TCM, bitter and sweet almonds are believed to help reduce overall body “heat” and toxins. Almonds are also a good source of fibre and protein. • Soaked wolfberries or chia seeds can be added for an extra boost of fibre. • Wolfberries are also an excellent source of Vitamin A.


• 根据中医理论, 南 、 北杏仁有助于人体清火与排毒, 同时也是纤维与蛋白质的优质来源。• 可以添加浸泡过的枸杞子或奇亚籽, 以增加纤维含量。• 枸杞子也是维他命A的绝佳来源。

Recipe contributed by SingHealth Polyclinics I 食谱由新加坡保健服务集团综合诊疗所提供

50克苦杏仁 (北杏)

50克甜杏仁 (南杏)




少许糖 (可选)

1. 将杏仁与白木耳浸泡在水中至软。2. 有困难咀嚼食物者,可把泡软的食材 放进搅拌机,加入清水与糖搅拌后, 置旁待用。3. 将木瓜横切成三段。4. 用小勺把木瓜盅的种子挖出来。5. 把水 、 杏仁与白木耳倒入木瓜盅, 燉20至25分钟。


Suitable for vegetarians 适合素食者

Page 21: 本烹饪本集结了专门为老年人的营养需要所€¦ ·  · 2014-11-03required protein intake. ... Dehydration occurs when a person loses more water than he or she
