
E MA Special Educational Needs University Derby London 2015 30/1/2015

Bristol S.E et al,(1997) . . , , , , . . . Sandin, S.,et al (2012) (.. 1 ). 10-15% . , - , . , 25.687 , 35 20 . , . . (2014), . . PKU . .

, ICD-10 DSM-IV , . Kanner , Asperger . : Kanner. . Rett. Heller. . Asperger . . , . Newson (1977) :1. .2. 3. . Rutter M (1990) Newson (1977) , Jordan R & Powell S (1995) . ( , (2004). . . , . . . . . . . . . , . . . (2005) . , . . . Bates (1988) . perlocutionary stage, . , . illocutionary stage, , . . locutionary stage.

Turner (1999),Green et al.,(2001), , , , Hartley et al.,(2008) et al,(2009), . Di Gennaro Reed (Di Gennaro et al,.2012) , . (, , ) , . . , (2006) . Denver II, Denver Developmental Screening Test Revised ; Frankenburg et al (1992). 6 . Revised Denver Pre- Screening Developmental Questionnaire (R-DPDQ, Frankenburg 1986) . :1. Age and stage Questionnaire (ASQ), Bricker and Squires 1994, 1999; Squires, Bricker and Potter 1997. 3 (- ).2. Brigance Screens (Brigance 1986, Glascoe 1996) 7 , .3. Child Developmental Inventories (Ireton 1992;Ireton and Glascoe 1995) 3 , 72 .4. Bayley scales II (Bayley 1993) 1- 42 .5. Parents Evaluation of Developmental status (PEDS;Qlascoe 1998).6. Bayley scales III (Bayley 2006). , (2006) 100 , 30 . . :1. TEACH (Division teacch.)2. Behavioral Approaches Applied.3. Daily Life Therapy Behavior Analysis.4. PECS and MAKATON. 5. ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis). , , . (ABA), , : ABA, Floor time, Gluten Free- Casein Free Diet, Occupational Therapy, PECS, Relationship Development Integration Therapy, Speech Therapy, TEAACH, Verbal Behavior Interventional. SCERTS (Social Communication and Emotional Regulation Transaction Supports ) , SCERTS . , . Barry Prizant, Amy Wetherby, Emily Rubin, Amy Laurent Patrick Rydell (2006). , . . , .

(2002) : , , . :1. 2. 3. 4. Stuart Poweel and Rita Jordan(1995), . (2002) 1960 . Ivar Lovaas (Cottey 2005,Bipolar Disorder). Harris et al,.(2005) : ( ) . . . , (Harris et al.,(2005). , McLanghin (2005) . Morroco Aguilar (2002) . Nelson (2001).

Marocco & Aguilar (2002) , .

(Alternate Teaching & Supporting) () () , .

(Parallel Teaching) . , .

(Station Teaching) .

(Alternate Teaching) (). .

(Team Teaching) . .

(Flexible Grouping) -.

National Autistic Society , .

( )1. .2. (simple language).3. .

Social Skills ( )1. Consistent, explicit 2. , .3. .4. ().

Flexible Thinking ( , )1. .4 .2. 3. .

Sensory Perception ( )1. .2. , .3. .