Download pptx - 認識老人 身心狀態


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3 (Halfan, & Hochstein2002)Grossman(1972)(2002;Licy et al.,1999)(1999)(Gee & Kimball,1987)(Litwak & Longina,1988)(,2006)(Kirby & Kaneda,2005)6,(),,,,--(,),-,,,,





(Social Environment andBiomarkers of Aging Study, SEBAS)2000 54()()()



(90CM80CM)(BMI)27 130/80mmHg150mg/dl 110ng/dl 40mg/dl 50mg/dl


,,,,,,,,,(),,,,(,,),,Ebersole,P.& Hess, P.(1998)ADLsIADLs(SPMSQMMSE) -DEMENTIA ~~B12,,DEMENTIADdrug and alcohol-E--electrolyteMmetabolism and nutrition, MS, B12, EN-endocrine and neurological diseaseTtumorNPC,hepatoma, Colon CA, pancrea Iinfection , HIV,Aautoimmune disorder,such as RA 40-50% 45% 45% 40% 25-30% 20% ( Buckman ,1999) 50% Montano1999 30-60%20-40%8-30%2-3 Robinson1990Burvill1996Singh1998 --- periventriclular 6538.8450.7827.18(2006)1985-20061.697565-741.451993...4-71-212(,2009)(,2006)(5-HT,Serotonin)71%4%~87%()40%70%()(,2007)10%20%2020(2008) (2009-2012)US CDC 15:5.No leisure-time physical activity7.Obesity:6.Eating five fruits and vegetables daily7. Obesity:243.Oral health : complete tooth loss:8.Current smoking:9.Fluvaccine in past year 10.Pneumonia vaccineUS CDC 15:()11.Mammogram within past two years12.Ever had a sigmoidscopy or colonscopy13.up-to-date on select preventive services14.Cholesterol screening:15.Hip fracture hospitalizations

2.Frequent mental distress(Social capital, EU)-
