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TTUJUANUJUAN PPENGAJARANENGAJARANTujuan mata ajaran adalah untuk meningkatkan kemampuan para pesertadalam memahami dan menggunakan pengetahuan dan perangkat analisismikroekonomi dan organisasi industri untuk merumuskan strategi bisnisperusahaan. Selain itu, penetapan strategi bisnis harus mempertimbangkanaturan main yang ada, seperti persaingan usaha yang sehat.

MMETODEETODE PPENGAJARANENGAJARAN Metode pengajaran mata kuliah ini mengacu pada PCL ( participant-centered 

learning ), yang terdiri atas tiga komponen yaitu kuliah kelas, partisipasimahasisa dan tugas kelompok. !alam pertemuan kelas, mahasisadiajibkan hadir sesuai dengan peraturan program, mahasisa diharuskanmembaca materi kuliah sebelum kuliah dimulai.


• "aye, M.#., Managerial Economics & Business Strategy, $th  ed.,%rin&Mc'ra ill, *+* (MB).

• "esanko, !., !. !ranoe, M. Shanley dan S.Schae-er, Economics of 

Strategy, th ed., /ohn 0iley 1 Sons, %nc., **$ (BD)

• "akan, /., The Corporations: The Pathological Pursuit of Profit andPower , 2ree Press, **. B!"

• "esanko, !., dan #.#. "raeutigam, Microeconomics, nd  ed., /ohn0iley 1 Sons, %nc, **3. B#"


• 'reenald, "., dan /. 4ahn, Competition Demystified: $ #adically

Simplified $pproach to Business Strategy, Port-olio, Penguin 'roup,**5 (%)

• 66 7o. 58+999 tentang Larangan Praktek Monopoli dan Persaingan6saha Tidak Sehat.

SSISTEMISTEM PPENILAIANENILAIAN Penilaian mahasisa dicerminkan melaui kinerja indiidu, kemampuanbekerja sama dalam kelompok, kemampuan berargumentasi dalam kelasmaka bobot penilaian mata ajaran ini adalah sebagai berikut:





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A 092, B 092, F092+SY & G092+SY

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1-2 Esensi Ek Manajerial dan Mekanisme Pasar MB: Ch. 1,2  

3-4 Analisis !antitati" dan #e$ri Perilak! $ns!menMB: Ch. 3,4

%-& Pr$ses Pr$d!ksi dan dan Bia'a MB: Ch. %  



7.8 (rganisasi Per!sahaan dan )nd!stri B*: Ch 1-3

MB: Ch. &,+ 

9.10   tr!kt!r Pasar MB: Ch.  

B*: Ch. &,1 


11-12 Basic (lig$p$l', /ame #he$r' )nside $lig$p$l' MB: Ch. 0,1

13.14 trategi Penent!an arga dan Bisnis trategik MB: Ch. 11, 13


1%-1& Ec$n$mics $" )n"$rmati$n MB: Ch. 12   

1+-1 P$sisi trategis dan Mempertahankan e!ngg!lan B*: Ch. 11-13$mpetitit" MB: Ch. 13

10-2 Market ail!re dan Peran Pemerintah dalam ek$n$mi MB: Ch. 14


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uliah 'The (undamentals of 

Managerial Economics

Chapter + Michael "aye

+. 0hat is the manager;. 0hat is economics;<. !e-ine managerial economics. =erie the basic principles that comprise e--ectie

management5. 0hat is the pro-it;3. 0hat is the eksplicit cost

$. 0hat is the implicit cost>. 0hat is the opportunity cost9. 0hat is di--erence beteen economic pro-it and accounting pro-it+*. 0hat is the goal o- -irms in global economy;++. #ecogni?e the time alue o- money+. 0hat is the present alue+<. 0hat is the meaning o- pro-it ma@imi?ation

Problems:+. The cost o- attending a priate college -or one year is A 3,*** -or

tuition, A ,*** -or the room, A+,5** -or meals and A5** -or booksand supplies. The student could also hae earned A+5,*** bygetting a job instead o- going to college and +*B interest one@penses he or she incurs at the beginning o- the year. Calculatethe e@plicit, implicit and the total economic costs o- attendingcollege.

. oman managing a duplicating (photocopy) establishment -orA5,*** per year decides to open her on duplicating place. erreenue during the -irst year o- operation is A+*,*** and here@penses are as -ollos:

Salaries to hired help A5,***Supplies +5,***#ent +*,***6tilities +,***%nterest on bank loan +*,***

Calculate (a) the e@plicit costs (b) implicit costs (c) thebusiness8accounting pro-it (d) economic pro-it (e) the normalreturn on inestment in this business

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<. ccording to Milton 2riedman, D"usiness has only one socialresponsibility & to make pro-its ( as long as its stays ithin thelegal and morals rules o- the game established by society). 2etrends could so thoroughly undermine the ery -oundations o- oursociety as the acceptance by corporate o--icials o- a socialresponsibility other than to make as much money -or their

stockholders as possibleE. F@plain hy you agree or disagree ithsuch a statement

. F@ercise -rom "aye page > G >

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 Managerial economics refers t t!e a""li#atin f e#nmi# t!er$ and de#isin s#ien#e

tls t find t!e "timal sl%tin t mana&erial de#isin "r'lems(

FIGURE 1-1 The Nature of Managerial Economics

Management DecisionProblems

Economic Theory



Decision sciences




M"N"GERI"# E$%N%MI$&

"''lication of economic theory an(

(ecision science tools to sol)e managerial

(ecision 'roblems

%PTIM"# &%#UTI%NT%



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Market (orces : Demand and Supply

Chapter , Michael "aye

+. !e-ine demand. !e-ine supply. List non price -actors that in-luence demand and

supply<. %n de-ining demand and supply, hy do you think

economists -ocus on price hile holding constant

other -actors that might hae an impact on thebehaior o- buyers and sellers;

. The la o- demand and the la o- supply5. Moement along the demand and the supply3. Shi-t the demand cure and supply cure$. 0hat is the market eHuilibrium and restriction o-

market eHuilibrium;

>. !e-ine consumer surplus9. !e-ine producer surplus

+*. 'oernment controlled prices0hat is the price ceilings;0hat is the price -loors;

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+uliah , )uantitati*e Demand $nalysis

Baye chp +

+. F@plain hat an elasticity o- demand represents and ho it ismeasured

. %denti-y hat -actors determine hether demand is elastic or

inelastic<. 2actors a--ecting the on price elasticity o- demand. #elation o- elasticity and total reenue

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5. Per-ectly elastic demand3. Per-ectly inelastic o- demand$. F@plain the meaning o- cross price elasticity o- demand>. F@plain the meaning o- income elasticity o- demand9. F@plain the meaning elasticity o- supply+*. 6nderstand the distinction beteen arc elasticity and point


&hort Problems for elasticity

1 a 0ould you e@pect the price elasticity o- demand to be higher -or Cherolet automobilesor -or automobiles in general ; 0hy ; 5 0ould you e@pect the price elasticity o- demand-or electricity -or resindential use to be higher or loer than -or industrial use ; 0hy ; c 0ould you e@pect the price elasticity o- demand -or electricity to be higher or loer in theshort run as compared ith the long run ; 0hy ;

.  gricultural commodities are knon to hae a price I inelastic demand and to be

necessities. o can this in-ormation allo us to e@plain hy the income o- -armers -alls (a)a-ter a good harest ; (b) %n relation to the incomes in other sectors o- the economy ;

, . Suppose that the cross&price elasticity o- demand beteen Mc%ntosh and 'olden !eliciousapples is *,>, beteen apples and apple juice is *,5, beteen apples and cheese is

*,, and beteen apples and beer is *,+. 0hat can you say about the relationship beteeneach set o- commodities ;

/ . researcher estimated that the price elasticity o- demand -or automobiles in the 6nitedStates is I +., hile the income elasticity o- demand is <.*. 7e@t year, 6.S. automakersintend to increase the aerage price o- automobiles by 5 percent, and they e@pectconsumersJ disposable income to rise by < percent. a %- sales domestically producedautomobiles are > million this year, ho many automobiles do you e@pect 6.S.automakers to sell ne@t year ; (b). "y ho much should domestic automakersincrease the price o- automobiles i- they ish to increase sales by 5 percent ne@t year ;

0 .The management o- the Mini Mill Steel Company estimated the -olloing elasticities -or aspecial type o- steel : Fp K & , F%K +, and F@y K +,5, here re-ers to steel and toaluminum. 7e@t year, the -irm ould like to increase the price o- the steel it sells by 3percent. The management -orecasted that income ill rise by percent ne@t year and thatthe price o- aluminum ill -all by percent. a %- the sales this year are +,** tons o- thesteel, ho many tons can the -irm e@pect to sell ne@t year ; 5 "y hat percentagemust the -irm change the price o- steel to keep its sales at +,** tons ne@t year ;

Suppose the on price elasticity o- demand -or good is & , its income elasticity is <, itsadertising elasticity is , and its cross price elasticity o- demand beteen it and good is I 3. !etermine ho much the consumption o- this good ill change i-:

a. The price o- good increases by 5Bb. The price o- good increases by +*Bc. dertising decreases by Bd. %ncome -alls by <B

$. The CMF Corporation determines that at current prices, the demand -or its computer chips hasa price elasticity o- & in the short run. The price elasticity o- its disc driers is I +. a). %-  CMF decides to raise the price o- both products by +*B, hat ill happen to its sales; To itssales reenue; b) Can you tell -rom the aboe in-ormation hich product ill generate morereenue; %- yes, hich one;

>. ,ntegrating Pro-lem

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The research depertment o- the Corn 2lakes Corporation (C2C) estimated the -olloingregression -or the demand o- the corn-lakes it sells :

67  K +.* I .* P7  N +.5) N *.>P'  I <.* Pm N +.* A

0here 67  K sales o- C2C corn-lakes, in millions o- +& ounce bo@es per year   P7  K the price o- C2C corn-lakes, in dollars per +* ounce bo@

 ) 8 personal disposable income, in trillions o- dollars per year P'  K price o- competitie brand o- corn-lakes, in dollars per +* ounce bo@Pm K price o- milk, in dollars per Huart A K adertising e@penditures o- C2C corn-lakes, in hundreds o- thousands o- 

dollars per year 

This year, P7  K A, %KA, P'  K A,5*, PmK A+, and A KA. a Calculate the sales o- C2C corn-lakesthis yearJ 5 calculate the elasticity o- sales ith respect to each ariable in the demand -unctionJ cestimate the leel o- sales ne@t year i- C2C reduces P7  by +* percent, increase adertising by *percent, ) rises by 5 percent, P'  is reduced by +* percent, and Pm  remains unchanged. (d) "yho much should C2C change its adertising i- it ants its sales to be <* percent higher than thisyear ;

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Chp . / M0 Baye

'0 1hat is indifference cur*e230 Mention . properties of indifference cur*e+0 Distinguish -etween good and -ad.0 1hat is -udget line40 1hat is income consumption cur*e ,CC"50 1hat is price consumption cur*ePCC"60 Distinguish -etween the income and su-stitution effects when price change70 Distinguish -etween the inferior and normal goods when income change80 E9plain the deri*ation of a demand cur*e using indifference analysis'0 E9plain the difference -etween each of the following term:

a0 Price consumption cur*e and demand cur*e-0 $n indi*idual demand cur*e and a market demand cur*ec0 $n Engel cur*e and demand cur*ed0 $n income effect and su-stitution effect

Chp 5 M. "aye

+. 0hat is the production -unction. !istinguish beteen short run, long run and ery long run

production -unction<. F@plain < stages o- production -unction. 0hat is increasing, decreasing and negatie marginal return5. !e-ine isoHuant and isocost and compare ith indi--erence cure

and budget line3. F@plain cost minimi?ing rule$. 0hat is -i@ed cost and ariable cost>. 0hy is sunk cost irreleance by decision maker;9. 0hen is it economies o- scale8diseconomies o- scale and

constant return to scale e@ist;

Chapter 3 M "aye

+. 0hat is the transaction cost

. F@plain types o- speciali?ed inestments<. o is the -irm optimal procurement o- inputs. 0hat is the ertical integration;5. !escribe the principle&agent problem. o is the solution;

4uliah $ dan >

OuestionsChapter + I < "esanko

+. 0here do economies o- scale come -rom;. 0hat is the de-inition o- economies o- scale;

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<. 0hat is the de-inition o- economies o- scope;. Mention three special sources o- economies o- scale and scope

that hae to do ith area other than production;5. 0hat is the sources o- dieseconomies o- scale3. 0hat is the concept o- the learning cure$. 0hat is the product li-e cycle;>. Ouestion -rom chp , page +*+ "esanko

Ouestion G +, , < and >

9. F@plain ertical chain o- production -or -urniture;+*. F@plain bene-it and cost using the market, make I or & buy

decision;++. F@plain reason to buy;+. F@plain reason to make;+<. 0hy does asymmetric in-ormation lead to ine--icient action;

uliah 8 dan '


Chapter 7 and 8

+. 0hat is the principal agent problem, and ho is solution -or that problem;

. 0hat is the key conditions -or per-ect competition market;<. 0hy does asymmetric in-ormation lead to ine--icient action

. F@plain ho a -irm determines pro-it ma@imi?ing output under per-ect competition (graph)

5. F@plain ho the short run industry supply cure can be deried under per-ect competition(graph)

3. !escribe the role o- entry and e@it o- -irms in achieing long run market eHuilibrium

$. 6nder hat condition should a -irm continue to produce in the short run i- it incurs lossesat the best leel o- output; 0hat is shut don point;

>. !e-ine sources o- monopoly poer 

9. F@plain ho a -irm determines pro-it ma@imi?ing output under monopoly (graph)

+*. Compare supply cure under monopoly and per-ect competition

++. !e-ine deadeight loss

+. !e-ine consumer surplus

+<. !e-ine producer surplus

+. #egardless o- the economic enironment, eery -irm ill ma@imi?e pro-its byoperating at the minimum point o- its aerage total cost cure. %s this statement true or

-alse; F@plain.

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