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  • 8/7/2019 5-D Cara F.


    Twist and Turns

    By Cara Foster


  • 8/7/2019 5-D Cara F.



    I have sprained both my arms. My left arm when I was five and

    my right arm when I was ten. When I was four my family and

    the Puskers went to a festival and we went on a blow up

    trampoline. We were getting off and I got pushed. I fell on my

    arm wrong and I sprained it. Luckily Mrs. Pusker was a doctor

    and she helped me get through it.

    The second time was in fourth grade. I sprained my right arm. I

    was at my grandparents house. Courtney was in her rough

    playing mood so she started tackling me to the ground. I gotmad and I through a ball at her head. Then she pushed me

    and I fell on the ground. Now Courtney is to afraid to admit

    she sprained her arm so she says I tripped over an invisible


  • 8/7/2019 5-D Cara F.


    Up and Down

    For the spring break of 2011, my family went to Colorado. I went

    skiing and my two sisters went snowboarding. We had some

    pretty big wipeouts! There were Slow Down signs andCourtney ran into one and slid under it. Then Corinne had a

    big fall.

    We went skiing and Corinne said, I havent fallen once on skis.

    Then, of course, two seconds later, she fell. She lost both her

    skis and it took ten minutes to get them back on. Then, my

    big fall. I was going down a steep hill. Then I fell down it. I got

    back up for three more minutes; my skis got tangled and I did

    a flip and I fell!

  • 8/7/2019 5-D Cara F.



    Finn is my butt wagging, stuffed animal stealing, really cute dog!

    He is so cute! He is an Australian Sheppard so they dont have

    tails, so when he is happy he wags his butt. Finn and Micaalways follow me around and I mean always. Without me they

    are lost. I watch out for them more than anyone.

    Who feeds them day and night, me. Who gives them baths, me.

    Who do they sleep with, me. Who takes care of them? Me. I

    am not complaining or anything because I love them. But

    sometimes they do get on my nerves.

  • 8/7/2019 5-D Cara F.



    My favorite after school activity is horseback riding. I love

    horseback, I have been doing it since I was six. The first horse I

    ever rode name was Vorvi. He was the fastest horse at mybarn. Once I was riding Vorvi and I couldnt get him to go. So I

    kicked him really hard and he started galloping.

    I was in the ring so he couldnt get very far. I tried my best to

    hang on but I couldnt. I came tumbling off the side. I fell inmud thankfully so it didnt hurt very much. I was fine so I just

    got right back on.

  • 8/7/2019 5-D Cara F.



    Olivia is one of my best friends. I have known her since we were

    babies. She lived with me for two years while her house was

    being built. She is a big part of my life. We have our ups and

    downs but we get through them together.

    When I go to her house we always have trouble deciding on what

    to do. Once we went outside to play basketball and a ladybug

    flew in Olivias mouth! She started screaming and running

    around everywhere. I started laughing my head off. Believe

    me; if you were there you would have been laughing yourhead off too.

  • 8/7/2019 5-D Cara F.



    Emily is my best friend. We started being friends in fourth grade, and since

    then we have become closer and closer. Our friendship started when we

    got our class list in the mail. Out teacher was Mrs. Wilson and our class

    was Me, Emily, Victoria, MC, Becky, Annie, Molly, Theresa, Will B, Will C,

    Hal, Karl, Cliff, Alston, Veronica, Christian, and Cole. And some morepeople I cant remember.

    Emily, Grace and I were playing a game of hangman. It was Emilys turn and

    she didnt know what to write. So Grace whispered something to her and

    then Emily wrote _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _? We started guessing

    and it turned out to be, Will you be my friend? Then it was my turn and I

    wrote _ _ _ which was yes!

  • 8/7/2019 5-D Cara F.



    During this project I learned when you look back

    at what has happened to you, you laugh. Even

    if it was really embarrassing then. I was a little

    nervous at first because we had to write two

    whole paragraphs for each letter of the

    alphabet. I had a lot of fun editing with Emily

    and Cliff. I wasn't scared to tell them anythingabout my life because theyre my best friends.
