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Page 1: 관사특강

1. 가산명사 vs 불가산명사

1.1. 사물인가? 동작인가?

treatment vs. treatments

Surveys have found that only about half of those thought to need treatment actually seek it out. [= need to be treated.]

Addicts are far less likely to commit violent crimes if they receive treatment. [= if they are treated]

Patients can receive treatments like aromatherapy and shoulder massage as well as dental treatments.

Some patient advocates are also troubled by very expensive treatments like Avastin coming into routine use

policy vs. policies

The defining economic policy of the last decade, of course, was the Bush tax cuts.

There is plenty of debate over how effective Mr. Obama’s economic policies have been.

government vs. the government/ a government

Government needs to be more transparent.

The government should encourage Apple to develop several American suppliers.

They argue that government should step up subsidies for basic research.

service vs. services vs. the service

In Jerusalem last month, ultra-Orthodox Jews protested a court ruling that will end exemptions from military service for theology students. (복무)

Judge Berman sentenced him to 300 hours of community service.

Sister Agnes was the first to join Mother Teresa in her service to the poor 29 years ago. (봉사)

He said he also frequently attended evening religious services and had visited and done some work at an orphanage run by the church. (예배)

We will seek to rid the civil service of corruption (공무원조직)

As societies become richer, citizens tend to want better schools, better medical care and other government services.

The government needs to pump money into job placement services. (직업알선 서비스)

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Job placement services report strong demand in biotechnology, energy and construction. (직업알선 업체)

Mr. Lebed can help restore discipline to Russia's dangerously demoralized military services (육해공군)

Given that cigarette smoking is a formidable enemy to health, it seems strange that the military services continue to encourage the habit.

Globalization tends to reduce prices of goods and services and bolster economic growth

Sales of arms and military services increased to $411.1 billion in 2010 (군사적 서비스 판매)

1.2. 막연한 사물인가? 구획 지어진 사물인가?

sentiment vs. sentiments

British newspapers have been full of antiwar sentiment.

Despite growing antiwar sentiment and the president’s own declining poll numbers...

His anti-war sentiments led to a hunger strike. [beliefs, convictions]

A U.S. war with Iraq would further fuel already considerable anti-American sentiment.

Is anti-American sentiment as rampant as it seems?

He is known for his anti-American sentiments.

They have harbored anti-American sentiments.

work vs. works

Picasso is an artist who never let anything get in the way of his work. (일, 작업)

He took more than 50000 pictures of Picasso and his works. (작품)

In 1945 his works were displayed at the Galerie Vendome.

(레오나르도 다빈치) Much attention has been devoted to his work as a scientist. (작업, 업적)

Page 3: 관사특강


1. THE 와 A 의 기본적 의미 차이


Tom is a problem. 톰은 문제야. “문제인가? 아닌가?” “문제다!”

Tom is the problem. 톰이 문제야. “누가 문제인가? 톰인가? 잭인가?” “톰이야!”

EX) Will China’s leaders increase gas taxes to make expensive alternatives like plug-in electric cars more acceptable to consumers? That is going to be the tough decision. 그것이 어려운 결정이 될 것이다. (무엇이 어려운 결정이 될 것인가? 다른 문제가 아니라 연료비 인상여부가 어려운 결정일 것이다.)

That is going to be a tough decision. 그것은 어려운 결정이 될 것이다. (어려울 것인가? 아닌가? 어려울 것이다!)


English is an international language. 영어는 국제어다. 국제어인가 아닌가? 국제어다! (불어, 독어 등도 국제어일 수 있다)

English is the international language. 영어가 국제어다. 영어야말로 진짜 국제어다!어느 언어가 국제어인가? 영어다. (불어나 독어가 아니라)

Samsung is the leading Korean company. 1 위 기업

Samsung is a leading Korean company. 선두권 기업

Jane is the most beautiful girl. 제일 예뻐.Jane is a most beautiful girl. 매우 예뻐.

“매우 예뻐”의 뜻으로 말하려면 부정관사 “a”를 사용하는 것이 원래 문법 규칙이다. 그런데 실제 생활에서는 “

매우 예뻐”의 의미로 말을 할 때도 “the”를 쓰는 경향이 있다.

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Alarmed by the development, the livestock industry banned feeding animal parts to cows.그 사태에 놀라서 축산업계는 소에게 동물성 사료를 먹이는 것을 금지했다.

An alarmed livestock industry banned feeding animal parts to cows.축산업계는 놀라서 소에게 동물성 사료를 먹이는 것을 금지했다.

여기서 부정관사는 명사의 본질적 특징이 아닌 일시적인 상태를 지시한다. 즉 alarmed 라는 상태가 일시적임을

나타낸다. 따라서 “an alarmed livestock industry”는 사물이 아니라 상황이다.

Unlike the eloquent Obama, McCain does not know how to connect with voters by citing their everyday experiences.달변인 오바마와는 달리 매케인은 …하지 못한다. (“달변인 오바마”는 사물이다.)

A beaming Obama signed the health care law in a nationally televised ceremony interrupted repeatedly by applause. 환하게 웃으며 오바마는 의료개혁법에 서명했다. (“환하게 웃는 오바마”는 하나의 상황이다.)

오바마의 달변은 그의 본질적 성격에 속한다. 환하게 웃는 것은 우연적인 사건.

China, after decades of setting their border quarrels to one side in the interests of the broader relationship with India, has in recent years hardened its position on the disputes in Tibet and Kashmir that in 1962 led to war.수십년 동안 중국은 기존의 인도와의 전반적인 관계를 해치지 않으려고 인도와의 국경분쟁을 중요하게 다루지

않았었다. 그러나 최근 1962 년에 전쟁의 원인이 되기도 했던 티벳과 카시미르에서의 국경분쟁에 대해 태도가


China, after decades of setting their border quarrels to one side in the interests of a broader relationship with India, has in recent years hardened its position on the disputes in Tibet and Kashmir that in 1962 led to war.수십년 동안 중국은 인도와의 더욱 폭넓은 관계를 맺기 위해 인도와의 국경분쟁을 중요하게 다루지 않았었다.

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2. 전체성

There were police on the street outside the civic center.

The police have decided to close the case with no charges filed.

The Turks were tolerant of other religions.

Turks were tolerant of other religions.

Koreans love spicy food.

The Koreans have chosen change.

There are few economies and societies on earth more complementary than China’s and Japan’s. The Chinese are relatively young, poor and restless and fiercely committed to economic growth. The Japanese are relatively old and sated, but technologically advanced and devoted to guarding their high standard of living.