Page 1: A Sb ± Au mineralizing peak at 360 Ma in the Variscan belt...(e.g. Lescuyer et al., 1997) and the Iberian Pyrite Belt (Yesares etal.,2015andreferencetherein)werealsoformed around

BSGF - Earth Sciences Bulletin 2019, 190, 4© A. Pochon et al., Published by EDP Sciences 2019

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A Sb±Au mineralizing peak at 360Ma in the Variscan belt

Anthony Pochon1,2,*, Yannick Branquet1,3, Eric Gloaguen2,3, Gilles Ruffet1, Marc Poujol1,Philippe Boulvais1, Charles Gumiaux3, Florence Cagnard2, Jean-Marc Baele4, Inoussa Kéré1 and Denis Gapais1

1 Université Rennes, CNRS, Géosciences Rennes –UMR 6118, 35000 Rennes, France2 BRGM, 45060 Orléans, France3 ISTO, UMR 7327, Université d’Orléans, CNRS, BRGM, 45071 Orléans, France4 Géologie Fondamentale et Appliquée, Université de Mons, Rue de Houdain 9, 7000 Mons, Belgium

Received: 28 May 2018 / Accepted: 16 February 2019


This is anOp

Abstract –40Ar/39Ar absolute dating on tobelite (a

n ammonium-rich white mica) has been performed in

order to provide geochronological constraints on the Sb ±Au mineralization and hydrothermalism at theSaint-Aubin-des-Châteaux base metal-Sb ±Au occurrence (Variscan Central Armorican Domain, France).The results show that the Sb ±Au deposition occurred at ca. 360Ma. Coupled with recent results obtained inneighboring areas, this occurrence seems to belong to a large-scale Early Carboniferous economic Sb ±Aumineralizing peak in the southeastern part of the Central Armorican Domain. The emplacement of a coevalwidespread mafic magmatism in the region appears to represent a major trigger for this mineralizing systemat shallow depths (less than 3 km). In the light of these new data, this Early Carboniferous mafic magmaticevent must be considered for the overall understanding of the genesis of mineralizing systems at the scale ofthe whole Variscan belt. Finally, at Saint-Aubin-des-Châteaux, evidence of an Early Permian hydrothermalevent is also reported through LA-ICP-MSU-Pb dating of fluorapatite, arguing for the re-use and re-openingof Early Carboniferous mineralizing plumbing system by late (i.e. Permian) fluid flow pulses although nometal mobilization was associated with this event.

Keywords: Sb ±Au mineralization / Armorican Massif / 40Ar/39Ar dating / tobelite

Résumé – Un pic minéralisateur à Sb±Au à 360Ma au sein de la chaîne varique. La datation surtobelite (mica blanc riche en ammonium) par la méthode 40Ar/39Ar a été effectuée afin de fournir descontraintes géochronologiques sur la minéralisation Sb ±Au et l’hydrothermalisme associé à l’occurrencepolymétallique de Saint-Aubin-des-Châteaux (Domaine Centre Armoricain, France). Les résultats montrentque les métaux Sb et Au se sont déposés aux alentours de 360Ma. Couplés avec les résultats récemmentobtenus au sein de zones voisines, cette occurrence semble appartenir à un pic de grande échelle,minéralisateur et économique en Sb ±Au dans la partie sud-est du Domaine Centre Armoricain. La mise enplace synchrone d’un magmatisme mafique relativement répandu dans la région apparaît comme un élémentdéclencheur, majeur pour ce système minéralisé à faible profondeur (moins de 3 km de profondeur). À lalumière de ces données nouvelles, le magmatisme mafique dévono-carbonifère doit dorénavant être pris enconsidération pour la compréhension de la genèse des systèmes minéralisés à l’échelle de la chaîne varisque.Enfin, à Saint-Aubin-des-Châteaux, un événement hydrothermal du Permien précoce est également identifiépar la datation U-Pb de la fluorapatite par LA-ICP-MS, plaidant pour une réutilisation et une réouverture dusystème minéralisés dévono-carbonifère par des circulations de fluides tardives (i.e. Permien) sans qu’il n’yait de mobilisation de métaux associés à cet évènement.

Mot clés : minéralisations à Sb ±Au / Massif Armoricain / datation 40Ar/39Ar / tobelite

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1 Introduction

Dating hydrothermal events remains a major challenge forgeochronologists. This is often linked to the lack of mineralssuitable for radiochronological dating within the mineraliza-tion paragenetic sequence itself. If such suitable minerals exist,this can also be due to either:

– poorly-constrained paragenetic sequence; – low parent isotopes contents in these phases (low-uraniumcontent in apatite for example);

their incapacity to retain sufficient amounts of daughterisotopes (e.g. Ar loss in mica). In addition, overprints due to thermal input and/or

successive fluid flow frequently disturb the isotopic systemof the chronometers, which might yield meaningless ages (e.g.Tartèse et al., 2011, 2015).

For these main reasons and with the exception of Udeposits (Ballouard et al., 2017, 2018a), the timing of theArmorican metallic mineralized systems remains poorlyconstrained. This is particularly true for the Sb ±Aumineralization from the Variscan Central Armorican Domain(CAD, Fig. 1a) that hosts numerous deposits such as the giantLa Lucette deposit. In this study, we focus on mineralizingsystem where Sb is described, either as the dominant economicmetal resource or as secondary valuable metal. In addition toSb, we compiled data from Au± Sb occurrences because Auand Sb are intimately associated in paragenetic sequences fromthe Variscan belt (e.g. Bouchot et al., 1997, 2005). To date, thetiming of Armorican Sb ±Au mineralization is constrained byonly a few radiometric ages and mainly by indirect and relativegeological relationships (see Fig. 1b for a compilation of theavailable data and constraints). Sb ±Au mineralization isconsidered to be Late Variscan in age (ca. 310–295Ma) andassociated with major shear zones in the region (Chauris &Marcoux, 1994). Similar chronological constraints have beenproposed for the Sb ±Aumineralization of the Variscan IberianMassif in northern Portugal (Fig. 1b). For the French MassifCentral, Bouchot et al. (2005) proposed a general unifiedtectonic-hydrothermal model, the so-called Or 300Ma event(“Or” stands for gold in French), involving large-scale fluidflow related to thermal event during the post-thickeningcollapse of the orogen (Costa & Rey, 1995). In such scenario,the mineralizing peak is associated with the coeval emplace-ment of W±Sn-rich leucogranites and rare-metal granites(Costa & Rey, 1995; Bouchot et al., 2005; Chauvet et al.,2012). Consequently, the Armorican Sb ±Au occurrences,including those of the CAD (i.e. La Lucette or the Le Semnondeposits, Fig. 1a), were associated with this metalliferous peakaround 300Ma (Bouchot et al., 1997).

However, several lines of evidence argue against suchmodel for the Sb ±Au mineralization in the CAD. Indeed, theCAD represents the external domain of the orogen and did notexperience significant thickening (i.e. no metamorphic nappestacking, see Gumiaux et al., 2004 and references therein).Furthermore, there is no evidence for late to post-orogenicextension in the CAD, in contrast to the South Armoricandomain (SAD). Then, subsequent fluid flows driven by thermaleffect, as evidenced by granite emplacements or migmatizationduring post-orogenic collapse, are missing all together andmake therefore this Late Carboniferous fluid flows scenariounlikely. Furthermore, recent works by Pochon et al. (2016a,

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b, 2018) highlighted a strong spatial and temporal relation-ship between a widespread mafic magmatism at ca. 360Maand the Le Semnon Sb ±Au mineralization (Figs. 1a and 1b).Indeed, the Le Semnon Sb ±Au deposit was formed before340Ma with an unequivocal contribution of a 360–350Maevent revealed by 40Ar/39Ar and U-Pb ages on hydrothermalillite and apatite, respectively. Although geometry, hydro-thermal evolution, alteration processes and the nature offluids are comparable (Chauris et al., 1985; Chauris &Marcoux, 1994; Bouchot et al., 1997, 2005; Pochon et al.,2018), at least one Sb ±Au deposit was so far identified asolder than the Late Variscan orogenic evolution in the CAD.

In this study, we focus on the Saint-Aubin-des-ChâteauxSb ±Au occurrence within the CAD (see location Fig. 1a),because several fluid flows are recorded in this location(Fig. 1b, Tartèse et al., 2015). This occurrence is a famous localityfor metallogenists (type locality for oolitic ironstone-hosted golddeposit, Gloaguen et al., 2007, 2016) and mineralogists dealingwith rare mineral species (Lulzacite: Léone et al., 2000; Moëloet al., 2000; Frost et al., 2014; Pretulite: Moëlo et al., 2002;Tobelite:Mestoet al., 2012;Capitani et al., 2016)orhydrothermalphosphates (Sr-Apatite: Moëlo et al., 2008; Xenotime: Tartèseet al., 2015). Therefore, based on these numerous studies, thisoccurrence presents the advantage to have a well-constrainedhydrothermal paragenetic sequence.

We report a new 40Ar/39Ar 360Ma old age on this Sb ±Auhydrothermal system performed on tobelite (an uncommonammonium-rich white mica, (NH4, K)Al2(Si3Al)O10(OH)2).Then, we discuss the meaning of this age with respect toregional tectonics, magmatism and hydrothermalism. Inaddition, a new U-Pb data on apatite allow to yield asubordinate Permian late hydrothermal perturbation.

2 Geological background

2.1 Regional geology

Located in the Variscan Armorican belt, the Saint-Aubin-des-Châteaux (SADC) occurrence belongs to the CentralArmorican Domain (CAD), which is bounded by two dextralcrustal-scale wrench zones (Gumiaux et al., 2004 andreferences therein): the North Armorican Shear Zone (NASZ)and the South Armorican Shear Zone (SASZ) (Fig. 1a),respectively. The CAD is mostly composed of a LateNeoproterozoic to Cambrian pelitic basement with anOrdovician to Devonian sedimentary cover, both affected bya low greenschist facies metamorphism. During the Carbonif-erous, the whole CAD underwent a N125°E trending regional-scale dextral simple shearing that produced upright folds withN110°E trending sub-horizontal axes and sub-vertical axialplanes (Gapais & Le Corre, 1980; Gumiaux et al., 2004).Large-scale wavelength folds are mechanically controlled bythe thickness of the competent Armorican quartzite formation(Fig. 2a) and are associated with a weakly developed sub-vertical N110°E trending cleavage bearing a sub-horizontalstretching lineation (Gapais & Le Corre, 1980; Gumiaux et al.,2004). Strain intensity increases from North to South reachingits maximum near the northern branch of the SASZ (Gapais &Le Corre, 1980). A dominant N160°E trending regionalfaulting (Figs. 1a and 2a) is compatible with the regionaldextral simple shear (Choukroune et al., 1983).

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Fig. 1. A. Geological map of the Armorican Massif with location of the different Sb-Au mineralization types. The eastern parts of both theCentral Armorican Domain (CAD) and the Cadomian northern domain suffered important basic magmatism attested by numerous dolerite dykeswarms and sills (in green) at ca. 360Ma (Pochon et al., 2016b). A high-density network of kilometre-scale NNW-SSE-trending vertical faultsaffects the CAD to the south of Rennes city. NASZ: North Armorican Shear Zone; SASZ.n,.s: South Armorican Shear Zone, northern andsouthern branches respectively; Champt: Champtoceaux metamorphic complex; PR, L, P: Pontivy-Rostrenen, Lizio and Le Pertre granitesrespectively; SADC: Saint-Aubin-Des-Châteaux (red star). B. Age compilation of Sb-Au mineralized systems through the Western EuropeanVariscan orogenic segments. Armorican Base metal VMS and Umineralization have also been reported. The deposits or districts are localized on1A (name abbreviation). (1) Tartèse et al. (2015), (2) Pochon et al. (2018), (3) Chauris and Marcoux (1994), (4) Bouchot et al. (1997), (5)Marcoux and Fouquet (1980), (6) Pierrot et al. (1975), (7) Marcoux et al. (1984), (8) Lescuyer et al. (1997), (9) Ballouard et al. (2018a), (10)Charonnat (2000), (11) Bouchot et al. (2005), (12) Chauvet et al. (2012), (13) Couto et al. (1990), (14) Neiva et al. (2008), (15) Hall et al. (1997),(16) Pochon et al. (2016b), (17) Augier et al. (2015), (18) Capdevila (2010), (19) Ballouard et al. (2018b).

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Fig. 2. A. Geological map of the area around the SADC base metal-Sb-Au occurrence located in the very low dipping anticline southern flank.The SADC quarry is located within an important N160-150-E-trending fault corridor. B. Simplified and synthetic structural framework of theSADC mineralizing system. Second-order faults (e.g. Riedel shear) are not shown. All stages of hydrothermal fluid flows are channelized byvertical strike-slip faults. Intersection of this fault system with OIH triggered the intense massive sulphidation of this reactive horizon.

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Contrary to the western part of the CAD, the eastern partof the region experienced rather limited granitic intrusions.Some synkinematic granite intrusions were emplaced at ca.320–315Ma along the northern branch of the SASZ, such asthe Lizio granite (Tartèse et al., 2011) while an older graniticintrusion occurs near the NASZ, the Le Pertre granite(343 ± 3Ma by U-Pb on zircon, Vernhet et al. (2009),Fig. 1a). On the other hand, the CAD is intruded by awidespread network of mafic dikes and sills (Fig. 1a) linkedto a regional magmatic event dated at ca. 360Ma (Pochonet al., 2016b). This magmatic event is therefore coeval withthe high-pressure metamorphic event identified in the South

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Armorican Domain (Bosse et al., 2000, 2005) and with thebeginning of the bulk dextral wrenching of the CAD(Gumiaux et al., 2004). As mentioned in the introduction,this mafic magmatic event has strong spatiotemporal andlikely genetic relationships with some Sb ±Au deposits fromthe CAD (Pochon et al., 2016a, 2017, 2018, Fig. 1a). Notethat the base metal VMS-type deposits recognized in theChâteaulin Carboniferous Basin (Figs. 1a and 1b), as well asother VMS-type deposits in the French Massif Central(e.g. Lescuyer et al., 1997) and the Iberian Pyrite Belt(Yesares et al., 2015 and reference therein) were also formedaround ∼360Ma.

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Fig. 3. A. Typical Pb-Sb-Au vein of the stage 3 from SADC. Wallrocks (to the left) are rich in sphalerite (Sp) and galena (Gn) whereasvein centre (to the right) shows sulfosalts (here boulangerite, Blg) andtobelite (Tob) enclosed within a quartz gangue. B. Polished thinsection microphotograph (reflected polarized light) of boulangerite(Blg) and electrum (El) of the stage 3 assemblage at SADC. C. Quartzvein with sphalerite in the Armorican quartzite. D. SADC76 sampleconsists of quartz vein with tobelite crystals. E. Sample rock ofArmorican quartzite with veinlets of quartz, chlorite (Chl), tobelite. F.Zoom of mineralogical association of chlorite, tobelite and quartz.

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2.2 The Saint-Aubin-des-Châteaux base metal-Sb±Auoccurrence

The SADC polymetallic deposit, located on the southernflank of the Châteaubriant anticline (Fig. 2a), is mainly hostedby the lower member of the Armorican Quartzite that consistsof homogeneous massive sandstone beds intercalated with cmthick dark pelitic beds. At a regional scale, four main ooliticironstone horizons (OIH; Fig. 2b) intercalated within the lowerpart of the Armorican Quartzite have been recognized(Chauvel, 1974). In the SADC deposit, only the uppermostOIH is currently cropping out. OIH were affected bydiagenesis and by the regional low-grade metamorphism(Le Corre, 1978), as indicated by the growth of a low-grade Sr-bearing fluorapatite (Moëlo et al., 2008). Early metal freehydrothermal circulations and alterations are recorded in theOIH by several successive growth of hydrothermal xenotime(Tartèse et al., 2015) and early quartz-chlorite veins (Gloaguenet al., 2007). Following early barren fluid circulations, fourmain successive stages of OIH epigenetic hydrothermalalteration have been distinguished (see Gloaguen et al.,2007 for detailed paragenetic sequence). A strong hydrother-mal alteration began with a massive epigenetic sulphidationevent evidenced along cross-cutting vertical strike-slip faults(stage 1 Fe-As, Fig. 2b), where the OIH is pervasively replacedby a pyrite-pyrrhotite-arsenopyrite assemblage. The sulphi-dation front across the OIH front is marked by the growth ofhydrothermal apatite and REE-phosphates (Moëlo et al., 2002,2008). Then, a second base-metal stage is characterized byextensional and shear veins, crosscutting the massive sulphidelenses, and mainly filled with a quartz, pyrite, chalcopyrite,sphalerite and galena assemblage (stage 2, Cu-Zn(-Pb), Fig. 2b).A subsequent Pb-Sb ±Au stage 3 (hereafter named Sb±Austage 3), still related to vertical strike-slip faults activity(Fig. 2b), is characterized by veins filled with Sb-sulphosaltsandbase-metal sulphides (bournonite,boulangerite, tetrahedrite,pyrite, sphalerite, chalcopyrite, galena; Figs. 3a–3c) andassociated electrum (Fig. 3b). A maximum temperature of390–350 °C has been established for stage 1, while stage 2 and 3took place at temperature of 300 and 275 °C (Gloaguen et al.,2007), respectively. En-echelon veins arrays and polymetallicveins of stage 3 are often filled with peculiar mm to cm-sizedammonium-rich white micas (tobelite and NH4

þ-rich musco-vite) (Figs. 2b, Figs. 3a–3f). Tobelite occurrences are controlledby organic matter enclosed in OIH and in dark pelitic thininterbeds, and are therefore associated with antimony and golddeposition. A fourth stage led to carbonate deposition.

The hydrothermal plumbing system of the SADC is fullycontrolled by right-lateral wrenching accommodated byN160E-trending sub-vertical faults (Fig. 2b) crosscutting alocal-scale N120°E-trending anticline. In detail, the kinematicanalysis of shear and extensional veins shows that successiveincrements of non-coaxial dextral shearing are recorded by thedifferent vein orientations and their respective hydrothermalmineral fillings (i.e. stage 1, 2 or 3, Gloaguen et al., 2007).Based on the structural analysis and coupled with the regionalstrain restoration of Gumiaux et al. (2004), Gloaguen et al.(2007) suggested a long-time span for the SADC hydrothermalsystem: the massive sulphidation stage 1 might have initiatedaround 340–330Ma, while the final Sb ±Au stage 3 formedlater around 310–300Ma, i.e. in accord with published relative

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age constraints for such mineralization elsewhere in theArmorican Massif (e.g. Chauris & Marcoux, 1994; Fig. 1b).More recently, based on their REE characteristics, Tartèse et al.(2015) dated three generations of xenotime found as epitaxialovergrowths on detrital zircon within the OIH. Their growthsare attributed to successive hydrothermal events (Moëlo et al.,2002). U-Pb systematics of xenotime grains were disturbed bythese successive events resulting in the scatter of apparent agesbetween ∼420 and ∼330Ma (Fig. 1b). Tartèse et al. (2015)interpreted the younger dates cluster around ∼340–330Ma ascoeval with stages 1 and 2.

3 Mineralogical characterization of tobelite

Tobelite is a rare mineral species and has never been usedfor dating of hydrothermal mineralization. It generally occursas very fine grains (< 1mm) within sedimentary rocks rich inorganic components where NH4-mica formation is attributedto N liberation during the thermal decomposition of organicmatter (Bentabol & Cruz, 2016 and references therein).Nevertheless, black shales-hosted tobelite-bearing quartz veinsassociated with a hydrothermal gold event have been already

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Fig. 4. Tobelite (Tob) crystal in the core of the quartz (Qz) vein from the SADC76 sample (A. in plane-polarized light and B. between crossedpolars). Tobelite crystals with Chlorite (Chl) along the vein border from the SADC76 sample (C. in plane-polarized light and D. between crossedpolars). E. Plot of M site vs. I site of tobelite grains, from the SADC76 sample, analyzed by electron microprobe. In addition to this, the averageof tobelite analyses from Mesto et al. (2012) is plotted.

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described in Utah (Wilson et al., 1992). Tobelite (crystal size∼500mm) from Utah is associated with kaolinite, quartz,chlorite, Fe-oxides, interstratified illite/smectite and pyrite inquartz veins enriched in Hg, As, Se, T1, Sb, Sc, and Mo(Wilson et al., 1992). At SADC, scarce tobelite may occur asexceptionally large crystals up to 1 cm within epigenetichydrothermal veins (Figs. 3a, 3d). This rather unusual large

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size permitted a crystallographic characterization of thetobelite species (Mesto et al., 2012; Capitani et al., 2016).The infill of tobelite-bearing quartz veins (up to 10 cm thick) isheterogeneous. It could be made of sulphides-only ordisseminated sulphides and tobelite within quartz associatedwith a rim of chlorite or tobelite. Then, tobelite occurs asisolated radiating crystal aggregates in quartz (Figs. 3d–3f and

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Fig. 5. A. Single grain 40Ar/39Ar dating of tobelite (from SADC76sample) fromveinof the hydrothermal stage 3 (Pb-Sb-Au).The age errorbars for each temperature steps and plateau age are given at the 1s level.B. Inverse isochron analysis of the SADC76a tobelite experiment.

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4a, 4b) or crystals that grew between the vein wall and thequartz (Figs. 3d and 4c, 4d). Tobelite crystals from theSADC76 sample were analysed using Cameca SX50 electronprobe micro-analysers (BRGM-CNRS-Orleans University).Compositions of tobelite and the analytical conditions areprovided in Electronic Supplementary Materials 1 (ESM1).Figure 4e shows that radiating tobelite crystals from the core ofthe vein are slightly distinct from the tobelite grains located atthe selvage of the quartz vein. These grains are indeed moreenriched in K2O than the tobelite crystals from the core (i.e.depleted in NHþ

4 and with a chemical evolution towards theNHþ

4-muscovite trend).

4 40Ar/39Ar and U-Pb Geochronology

4.1 Tobelite 40Ar/39Ar dating

Tobelite crystals are only found within the quartz veinsbelonging to stage 3 in association with gold and antimony(Figs. 3a and 3b, Gloaguen et al., 2007). Tobelite aggregateswere thus selected for 40Ar/39Ar dating. They were carefullyhandpickedunder a binocularmicroscope from the0.25–1.0mm

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fractions and analysed by 40Ar/39Ar step-heating with a CO2

laser probe, following the analytical procedure described inRuffet et al. (1991, 1995). Details on the method, calculationparameters and analytical data are given in ESM2.

Duplicated tobelite experiments (a and b) yielded twodistinct but consistent age spectra. Experiment a displayed aplateau age (ca. 99.4% of 39ArK released) at 359.0 ± 0.9Ma(1s); whereas duplicate experiment b provided a saddle-shaped age spectrum (Fig. 5a). The inverse isochron analysisof experiment a (Fig. 5b; Turner, 1971; Roddick et al., 1980;Hanes et al., 1985), with a calculated 40Ar/39Ar initial ratiocompliant with atmospheric one, rules out the possibility ofexcess argon s.s. and seemingly supports previous plateau agecalculation. Nevertheless, it must be kept in mind that inverseisochron analysis does not allow detecting inherited argon, asshown by Ruffet et al. (1995) for a biotite (High Pressuretectonic context), and that such contamination is compatiblewith achievement of flat age spectra for biotite (e.g. Pankhurstet al., 1973; Roddick et al., 1980; Dallmeyer and Rivers, 1983;Foland, 1983) or phengite in HP context (e.g. Ruffet et al.,1995, 1997). On the other hand, such behavior has never beendocumented for white micas out of the HP context.

Furthermore, the duplicate experiment b intrinsicallysubstantiates the previously calculated ca. 359Ma age. As amatter of fact, the saddle shape yielded by experiment bprobably expresses the mixing of two tobelite componentscoming from the partial recrystallization of a primary tobelitecrystals during a subsequent disturbing event (Cheilletz et al.,1999; Alexandrov et al., 2002; Castonguay et al., 2007;Tartèse et al., 2011; Tremblay et al., 2011). According to theinterpretation proposed by Alexandrov et al. (2002), saddlesidewalls apparent ages yield a minimum estimate of theprimary component age, in this case, at least ca.358.5 ± 1.5Ma according to low to intermediate temperaturesteps. This apparent age is consistent with the plateau ageobtained from experiment a and suggests that part of theprimary tobelite was preserved during this recrystallizationevent and its radiogenic signal was fully isolated duringdegassing. However, this may not hold for the componentthat crystallized during the disturbing event. Referring backto the model proposed by Alexandrov et al. (2002) andaccording to the degree of separation achieved duringdegassing experiment, the apparent age of the base of thesaddle (ca. 340Ma in the present case) would represent amaximum age estimate for the secondary component, moreor less close to the age of the subsequent disturbing event.The difference between the two experiments might beexplained by the fact that the tobelite a was more enclosed (i.e. preserved) inside the quartz than the tobelite b (Figs. 3dand 4a, 4d), and consequently less sensitive to subsequentdisturbing fluid flows. Indeed, EPMA analyses show a slightdifference in the composition of the tobelite crystals from theborder of the quartz vein (Fig. 4e). This could be related tofluid-tobelite interactions (e.g. more important at the borderas evidenced by chlorite) as suggested by the followingreaction (Pöter et al., 2004): TobeliteþKCl (fluid) =Musco-viteþNH4Cl (fluid). The partition coefficient of NHþ


indicates that fluids incorporate NHþ4 more easily than

tobelite (Pöter et al., 2004). Fluids are able to exchange NHþ4

and K gradually replacing tobelite in NHþ4-rich muscovite

and partially resetting the chronometer.

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Fig. 6. A. CL image of a large fluoroapatite IV crystal from SADC(cold cathode type CITL Mk5, 15 kV, 500mA, defocalized beam of4mm diameter, 20° incidence angle, Mons Polytechnique University,Belgium). The black circle is cylindrical hollow formed by laserablation performed in Moëlo et al. (2008). The growth banding is dueto Sr (green)↔Ca (blue) substitution. Labelled laser spots correspondto U-Pb analyses reported in ESM2 (analysis No. 6 failed, whereasNo. 22 and 23 are outside the photo framework). Labeled red circlescorrespond to analyses with radiogenic lead. B. Tera-Wasserburgdiagram and intercept age obtained on fluorapatite IV from SADC.

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We thus assume that tobelite would have initiallycrystallized at (or slightly before) ca. 359Ma, which wouldbe a minimum estimate for the age of the hydrothermalfluid flow responsible for the deposition of gold andantimony. Results further suggest that tobelite was partlyrecrystallized during a subsequent event at or younger thanca. 340Ma.

4.2 Apatite U-Pb dating

Four generations of fluorapatite (hereafter named I to IVfrom older to younger, Moëlo et al., 2008) have been described

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in the paragenetic sequence of the SADC mineralization: (1)the fluorapatite I resulted from recrystallization processesduring a diagenetic/metamorphic event, (2) the fluorapatite IIcrystallized during the epigenetic massive sulphidation of OIH(stage 1), and (3) the fluorapatite III and IV post-dated thismain sulphidation stage within OIH and crystallized at lowertemperature conditions (Moëlo et al., 2008). Fluorapatite IVformed from the dissolution of fluorapatite I and appears aseuhedral zoned crystals within OIH cavities. Furthermore,neither mineralogical nor textural relationships allowed us toestablish the precise timing of these last apatite generationswith respect to the Sb ±Au stage 3. LA-ICP-MS U-Pbanalytical procedure followed the method described in Pochonet al. (2016b). Details and standards analyses are given inESM3. All errors are provided at 2s level.

Attempts to date the first three generations of apatite wereunsuccessful because of the absence (or quasi absence) ofuranium. Only the large fluorapatite IV crystal (Fig. 6a) studiedby Moëlo et al. (2008) returned meaningful data. Plotted in aTera-Wasserburg diagram (Fig. 6b), all data are discordant tovery discordant.

A first group of analyses returned data that are almostradiogenic Pb free (black ellipses in Fig. 4b). A second groupyielded less discordant data (red ellipses in Fig. 6b) allowing todraw a discordia, which returns a lower intercept date of277 ± 10Ma (MSWD=4.6) and an initial 207Pb/206Pb value ofca. 0.86 compatible with the common Pb value given by theStacey & Kramers (1975) Pb evolution model. Both groups ofanalyses are randomly distributed with respect to the Sr↔Casubstitution within growth bands and sealed micro-cracks (Fig.6a and compared with electron microprobe mapping in Moëloet al., 2008). Therefore, despite of the erratic distribution ofradiogenic Pb across the crystal, the fluorapatite IV within theOIH recorded an Early Permian event. These data also showthat uranium was available in the fluids only during the EarlyPermian. Another explanation could be that all the availableuranium was captured by xenotime and/or pretulite during theolder fluid flow events, thus depleting the former apatitegenerations in uranium.

5 Discussion

5.1 Timing of Sb±Au deposition in the CentralArmorican Domain

The oldest 40Ar/39Ar plateau date measured at359.0 ± 0.9Ma (Fig. 4a) is interpreted as the crystallizationage of tobelite. Because tobelite growth was contemporaneouswith the deposition of Sb-sulfosalts and gold (Figs. 3a and 3b,Gloaguen et al., 2007), this age also corresponds to the Sb ±Aumineralizing event (stage 3). Moreover, the temperature of thefluid responsible for this mineralizing event is estimated ataround 275 °C (Gloaguen et al., 2007). Assuming a closingtemperature for tobelite, similar to that of white micas (around300 °C), this 40Ar/39Ar plateau age, is likely not a cooling age.The oldest apparent age of the disturbed saddle-shapedspectrum, around 358Ma (Fig. 5a), also strengthens thisinterpretation. As the Sb ±Au hydrothermal stage 3 isunequivocally the last metal-bearing mineralizing event atSADC (Gloaguen et al., 2007), the massive sulphidation andbase-metal stages (1 and 2) are older than 359Ma, in contrast

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to the former interpretation of Gloaguen et al. (2007) solelybased on extensional veins analysis.

The ageobtainedon tobelite, coupledwith theLateDevonian-Early Carboniferous ages recently obtained for the Le SemnonSb±Aumineralization (Fig. 1b, Pochon et al., 2018), argues for aregional Sb±Aumineralizing event that occurred around 360Main theCAD.Therefore,weevidenceanearlymineralizingSb±Auevent that predates the Late Carboniferous hydrothermalmineralizing event assumed for the CAD (Chauris & Marcoux,1994; Bouchot et al., 1997, 2005). However, a small-scale Sboccurrence described in Scubériou crosscuts the Viseansedimentary rocks in theChâteaulin basin (Fig. 1a). This indicatesthat another Sb mineralization event took place after 360Ma.Although it is not the purpose of this study, it would be interestingto better characterize these distinct Sb±Au events in theArmorican Massif.

Although the mineralizing event is relatively well datedaround 360Ma for SADC, there is geochronological evidencefor subsequent hydrothermal activity. Indeed, the saddle-shape 40Ar/39Ar spectrum of tobelite b (Fig. 5a) indicates apartial re-equilibration of the isotopic system after 360Ma (ata maximum age around 340Ma). Such disturbance of the40Ar/39Ar spectrum is also identified for illites from the LeSemnon Sb ±Au deposit (Pochon et al., 2018). Furthermore,Tartèse et al. (2015) have shown that the U-Pb system ofxenotime from the OIH were disturbed by one or severalhydrothermal events, one of them occurring around of 340–330Ma. Finally, our U-Pb data on the fluoroapatite IV fromthe OIH (Fig. 6b) indicates that an Early Permian fluid flow(ca. 280Ma) was responsible for a (re-) crystallization ofapatite. This last event could be in relation with the well-documented continental Early Permian hydrothermal eventsassociated with the formation of numerous uranium depositswithin the Armorican Massif (Ballouard et al., 2017, 2018aand Fig. 1b).

Thus, the hydrothermal history of the SADC quarryappears to be polyphased with successive and discontinuousfluid pulses. At SADC, the last hydrothermal Permian eventdid not induce any significant remobilization or new depositionof metals.

5.2 Depth and hydrodynamics of the Sb±Audeposition in the Central Armorican Domain

At SADC, the Sb ±Aumineralization is hosted by the earlyOrdovician Armorican Quartzite. At 360Ma, the sedimentarythickness overlying the Sb ±Au active hydrothermal systemcannot have exceeded 2800meters at SADC (i.e. around72MPa without a potential free water column, see Pochonet al., 2018 for further details). This constraint implies ashallow depth for the metal deposition. Considering anelevated geothermal gradient of 50 °C/km, a maximumtemperature of around 140 °C can be estimated for theOrdovician rock hosting mineralization at SADC.With respectto the temperature estimate for the mineralizing stage (300–275 °C; Gloaguen et al., 2007), it appears that the mineralizingfluids may have been in a strong thermal disequilibrium withthe host rocks. Therefore, a hot advective upward fluid flow isrequired. Similar shallow formation depth and advective

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regime are also recognized for the Le Semnon Sb ±Au oredeposit (Pochon et al., 2018). In this hydrothermal context, theN160°E-trending faults of the CAD (Fig. 1a) probably acted ashigh permeability zones enhancing advective mineralizingfluid flows. By inference, most of these N160°E-trending faults(e.g. at SADC, Figs. 2a, 2b) were already active during theEarly Carboniferous. These structures may well have beenactive subsequently during the Variscan history, localizing thehydrothermal fluids up to Permian times.

5.3 Tectonic, magmatic and metallogenesis regionalframework

At 360Ma, the CADwas an unthickened incipient fold beltsubjected to the initiation of a regional-scale simple shear(Gumiaux et al., 2004). At a larger scale, this incipient CADfold belt was in supra-continental subduction context, asdemonstrated by the early Carboniferous ages of high-pressure/low-temperature metamorphism peak recorded inthe South Armorican Variscan internal domain, which wasassociated with northward-dipping subduction of the NorthGondwana margin (Bosse et al., 2000, 2005; Ballèvre et al.,2014; Gapais et al., 2015). In detail, this period corresponds toa plate dynamic shift from Gondwana-Armorica continentalsubduction to collision with subsequent Middle-Late Carbon-iferous nappe stacking and exhumation in the internal domains.This tectonic shift temporarily coincides with the large-scalemafic magmatism spreading over the Central and NorthArmorican external domains (Fig. 1a; Pochon et al., 2016b).Plate-scale boundary conditions are not yet clearly established,but the coeval occurrence of a HP-LT metamorphic event thatproduced eclogites in the internal part of the belt, to the southof the suture zone, and the widespread development of a maficmagmatism in the upper plate is noteworthy. Furtherinvestigations are necessary to understand this first-orderobservation.

Within Carboniferous basins, Late Devonian-EarlyCarboniferous volcanism was responsible for a majormetallogenic event, leading to base metal volcanogenicmassive sulphides (VMS) deposition, located in the Devono-Carboniferous basins at the scale of the whole Variscan belt(Lescuyer et al., 1997 and Fig. 1b). Although there is noapparent genetic relationships between Sb ±Au mineraliza-tion and base metal VMS through the Armorican Massif, itcould be interesting to investigate potential relationshipsbetween these two events, because Lescuyer et al. (1997) didnot evaluate the extent of the magmatism (responsible forVMS deposits) outside the basins. Based on our data and therecent works of Pochon et al. (2016a, b, 2018), we infer thatthis mafic magmatism and the related thermal anomaly mighthave affected the external whole domains of the belt around360Ma. Indeed, the Central Iberian Zone (i.e. the CADcounterpart in the Iberian Massif) hosts the twin deposit ofSADC (Gloaguen et al., 2016) as well as numerous similarSb ±Au deposits and various mafic magmatic bodies (e.g.Couto et al., 1990). This ca. 360Ma magmatic event haslocally triggered hydrothermal fluid flow favourable forSb ±Au mineralization, probably by expelling fluids from thesurroundings rocks. This might have important consequencefor exploration strategy throughout the Variscan belt.

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6 Conclusions

New 40Ar/39Ar and U-Pb dating of tobelite and apatitefrom the Saint-Aubin-des-Châteaux base metal-Sb ±Auoccurrence allow us to underline the following points:

– the Sb ±Au deposition is Late Devonian –Early Carbonif-erous in age. Coupled with recent results obtained on the LeSemnon northernmost Sb ±Au district, a 360Ma oldeconomic Sb ±Au mineralizing peak is identified in thesoutheastern part of the Central Armorican Domain;

post-dating this ca. 360Ma Sb ±Au mineralizing peak,absolute dating of fluorapatite allows identifying asubordinate Early Permian hydrothermal event. This latealteration did not induce any significant metal deposition orremobilization at SADC;

the Sb ±Au mineralizing hydrothermal event coincideswith a widespread mafic magmatism, which can beconsidered as a major trigger for the mineralizing systemsand a major heat source for the initiation of hot advectivefluid flows at shallow depths (less than 3 km). This EarlyCarboniferous mafic magmatism has to be (re-) consideredin mineralizing system genesis studies within the Variscanbelt. In particular, the potential relationships between theVariscan Sb ±Au deposits and the base metal volcanogenicmassive sulfides deposits in Devono-Carboniferous basinsshould be further explored;

first dating of tobelite crystals show that this mineral can beused to date gold deposits hosted in carbonaceous matter-rich rocks using the 39Ar/40Ar method.

Acknowledgements. We are very grateful to Yves Moëlo whoprovided us the “historical” polished section of apatite grainsfrom the Saint-Aubin-des-Châteaux deposit. We also thankSylvain Janiec and Xavier Le Coz for thin sectionpreparation. F. Grasset and C. Friot from the HERVE SAgroup have greatly facilitated access to the Saint-Aubin-des-Châteaux quarry. This study has been granted by INSUthrough the CESSUR Project 2016 (Coord.M. Poujol), theBRGM and the Région Bretagne. We gratefully thank theeditors L. Jolivet and R. Augier who helped to greatlyimprove the manuscript as well as three anonymous reviewersfor their constructive comments.


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Cite this article as: Pochon A, Branquet Y, Gloaguen E, Ruffet G, Poujol M, Boulvais P, Gumiaux C, Cagnard F, Baele J-M, Kéré I, GapaisD. 2019. A Sb ±Au mineralizing peak at 360Ma in the Variscan belt, BSGF - Earth Sciences Bulletin 190: 4.

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