
an adverb.

an adverbial adverb phrase an adverbial adverb clause.

1 the rest the remainder the remnant the surplus the balance leavings things left over after a meal the leftovers from supper the remains remnants of dinner remainder

remaining surplus excess spare

divide something equally among the members with nothing left over

, . He took what he wanted and threw the rest away.


too too much excessively to excess not very not quite not much none too stable

be too large

work too hard overwork oneself

be not very hot

do not have much money

. He speaks so fast that I cannot understand him. He speaks too fast for me to follow.

. Dont expect too much of from me.

. I havent seen much of him lately.

. The service in this store is none too good.

. There is no great difference.

. It is nothing to be proud of.

. The saying, Know thyself, known to have been inscribed on the Temple of Apollo at Delphi, is exceedingly extremely famous.


5 over more than five years.

40. He died early when he was only a little over forty years old.

1. He was ordered home a bit more than a month after that.


in ones joy for joy.

. I was so ashamed that I couldnt raise my head.

. His merits more than offset his demerits.

. His death cannot be deplored too much.

. It is downright unkind heartless, cruel of you to say a thing like that.

=.New College Japanese-English Dictionary, 4th edition (C) Kenkyusha Ltd.

a corner a nook in a corner

. I put a bookshelf in a corner of my room.

. You are a smart knowing fellow.

, , . Although he looks clumsy, he is actually rather clever at handling girls.

EQ \* jc2 \* "Font: " \* hps11 \o\ad(\s\up 10(),). I know every inch of this neighborhood.


1 EQ \* jc2 \* "Font: " \* hps11 \o\ad(\s\up 10(),) stuffing filling

EQ \* jc2 \* "Font: " \* hps11 \o\ad(\s\up 10(),)EQ \* jc2 \* "Font: " \* hps11 \o\ad(\s\up 10(),) see how well the peas are filling in the pods.

2 the end .

3 after all in the long run to sum up in short in a word in brief.

. The long and short of it is that nobody is to blame.

, . I would like to say a lot more, but to put it in a nutshell, your plan was a complete failure.

4 that is to say namely in other words

, . We have found no trace of him in this period, that is, during the several years after the war.


1 suddenly

stop suddenly short come to a dead stop

. The wind died down suddenly.

EQ \* jc2 \* "Font: " \* hps11 \o\ad(\s\up 10(),). The pendulum has come to a dead stop.

2 EQ \* jc2 \* "Font: " \* hps11 \o\ad(\s\up 10(),) tightly = 1.

3 perfectly = 2.

2. These two shells fit each other perfectly.

. The two peoples opinions agree with each other completely entirely.

= 2.

. Thats too much. Thats going too far.

. It is too heartless unkind of you to do such a thing.


abruptly suddenly all of a sudden out of the blue without preparation hit somebody without any warning quit without notice.


carelessly thoughtlessly inadvertently absent-mindedly in an unguarded moment in spite of oneself rashly

blurt out a secret let the truth slip out inadvertently talk about something. I carelessly forgot to put a stamp on the letter.


1 EQ \* jc2 \* "Font: " \* hps11 \o\ad(\s\up 10(),)

be disappointed about at something, with in somebody

disappoint let somebody down.

. To my disappointment, I found that she was not at home.

. I am disappointed in with him. He is a disappointment to me.

EQ \* jc2 \* "Font: " \* hps11 \o\ad(\s\up 10(),). I felt let down when he failed to do what he had promised.

EQ \* jc2 \* "Font: " \* hps11 \o\ad(\s\up 10(),),. We count on you dont let us down.


lose heart be heartbroken be disheartened be cast down

make somebody lose heart discourage

. Why are you so depressed?

. I lost heart My heart sank when I heard of the failure of our plan.


closely tightly fully

EQ \* jc2 \* "Font: " \* hps11 \o\ad(\s\up 10(),) be closely packed with be cram-full crammed full of notes be crowded to capacity

a full crammed schedule

EQ \* jc2 \* "Font: " \* hps11 \o\ad(\s\up 10(),). The stands were crowded solidly filled with spectators.

. The bookcase was packed with books.


sleep soundly

be fast sound, heavily asleep.


secretly in secret on the quiet sly stealthily by stealth

tell somebody secretly about something tip somebody off that, about something

EQ \* jc2 \* "Font: " \* hps11 \o\ad(\s\up 10(),) slip off creep away go away leave unobserved

. He came in with stealthy noiseless steps.


1 ,

EQ \* jc2 \* "Font: " \* hps11 \o\ad(\s\up 10(),) clean tidy neat frank openhearted plain light

be neatly dressed

. In both food and clothing, I like things that are plain and simple.

, EQ \* jc2 \* "Font: " \* hps11 \o\ad(\s\up 10(),). No, its me that is to blame for it, he answered candidly.


feel refreshed much better feel relieved

. Now that I have had my say, I feel much better for it.

3 not at all not in the least entirely altogether completely

. I cannot understand a word they say. I cant make head or tail of what theyre saying.

EQ \* jc2 \* "Font: " \* hps11 \o\ad(\s\up 10(),). Our strenuous efforts came to nothing.



1 , firmly fast tightly securely

hold on tight to something tie fasten something tightly make the rope fast to the ring

a solid structure

EQ \* jc2 \* "Font: " \* hps11 \o\ad(\s\up 10(),) a firm foundation

. Hold on tight when Daddy pushes the swing, he said to his son.

2 definitely decidedly sufficiently

EQ \* jc2 \* "Font: " \* hps11 \o\ad(\s\up 10(),). Ive had plenty of sleep, thank you.

3. Its a good three kilometers from here.

, . I think he still lives there, but I couldnt say for sure for certain.

3 ,

EQ \* jc2 \* "Font: " \* hps11 \o\ad(\s\up 10(),) strong character EQ \* jc2 \* "Font: " \* hps11 \o\ad(\s\up 10(),) reliable trustworthy hard-headed sound

level-headed sound-thinking

. He has no backbone. He lacks firmness of character.

4 ,

with steady steps

EQ \* jc2 \* "Font: " \* hps11 \o\ad(\s\up 10(),). He keeps his head even after a few drinks.

! Cheer up! Pull yourself together! Come on! Play up! Look out!

, . . Well, keep your chin up Im sure youll do a good job.

EQ \* jc2 \* "Font: " \* hps11 \o\ad(\s\up 10(),). My father remained lucid to the end.

5 ,

EQ \* jc2 \* "Font: " \* hps11 \o\ad(\s\up 10(),), . There has been a steady, though small, demand, and prices continue steady.

EQ \* jc2 \* "Font: " \* hps11 \o\ad(\s\up 10(),). Stock prices are firm.

a person of strong firm character. There was an air of efficiency and reliability about her which commanded respect.


1 hear listen to be told , know understand.

, EQ \* jc2 \* "Font: " \* hps11 \o\ad(\s\up 10(),). I hear youve been ill. How do you feel?

EQ \* jc2 \* "Font: " \* hps11 \o\ad(\s\up 10(),). Please let me know tell me about the details of the plan.

, . Whats the use of it, Id like to know?

2 receive a command take an order

. I will certainly comply with your request.


all quite completely utterly thoroughly entirely perfectly in its entirety

EQ \* jc2 \* "Font: " \* hps11 \o\ad(\s\up 10(),) make all the preparations for be all set ready for

know something from A to Z

change completely undergo a complete change

. She has quite grown up.

. It is broad daylight now.

. I havent been to see him for ages.

. Id clean forgotten it.

. It startled him no end.

EQ \* jc2 \* "Font: " \* hps11 \o\ad(\s\up 10(),). You are quite a stranger to me.



feel be refreshed feel fine

neat streamlined clear-cut elegant clear lucid

a formula of great elegance.

. It is not a question which has a neat and tidy answer solution.

EQ \* jc2 \* "Font: " \* hps11 \o\ad(\s\up 10(),). I feel much better neater after my now Ive had a haircut.

. I felt much better now that Ive said everything that I wanted to say got it all off my chest.


1 all altogether entirely in its entirety wholly completely

leave something intact untouched, as it is

EQ \* jc2 \* "Font: " \* hps11 \o\ad(\s\up 10(),). The dog ate up the fish, bone and all.

EQ \* jc2 \* "Font: " \* hps11 \o\ad(\s\up 10(),)EQ \* jc2 \* "Font: " \* hps11 \o\ad(\s\up 10(),). As no one claimed the money, it was all given to him.


be just exactly like somebody be a look-alike for somebody be a dead ringer for somebody EQ \* jc2 \* "Font: " \* hps11 \o\ad(\s\up 10(),) be as like as two peas in a pod

President Clintons look-alike Mr. Look-Like President Clinton.

. The boy is the spitting image very picture of his father.

EQ \* jc2 \* "Font: " \* hps11 \o\ad(\s\up 10(),). She is turning out to be her mothers daughter.


1 fully amply generously in plenty plentifully abundantly

15 a good full quarter of an hour

10 a good ten kilometers

eat plenty of sushi as much sushi as one wants eat to ones hearts content

have plenty of money have money enough and to spare

EQ \* jc2 \* "Font: " \* hps11 \o\ad(\s\up 10(),) spread butter thickly generously on a slice of bread

2. It is a good full two days journey on foot.

EQ \* jc2 \* "Font: " \* hps11 \o\ad(\s\up 10(),)EQ \* jc2 \* "Font: " \* hps11 \o\ad(\s\up 10(),)EQ \* jc2 \* "Font: " \* hps11 \o\ad(\s\up 10(),)300. I judged the range to be all of three hundred meters.

. I ate a big large breakfast.


EQ \* jc2 \* "Font: " \* hps11 \o\ad(\s\up 10(),) most charmingly

EQ \* jc2 \* "Font: " \* hps11 \o\ad(\s\up 10(),) answer in a voice loaded with sarcasm irony talk very sarcastically

EQ \* jc2 \* "Font: " \* hps11 \o\ad(\s\up 10(),) speak, behave in an overconfident a complacent, a cocky way voice, manner, etc.

be very confident be full of oneself of ones own importance, of selfimportance.


a loose loosely-fitting blouse.


=. She greeted me with a smile.

. An unconscious smile came to her lips.


feel easy at ones ease take it easy make oneself at home

calm peaceful tranquil free and easy carefree

grow up be brought up free from all care

EQ \* jc2 \* "Font: " \* hps11 \o\ad(\s\up 10(),) live in quiet retirement

. I took it easy yesterday, just reading a novel.



clear plain obvious EQ \* jc2 \* "Font: " \* hps11 \o\ad(\s\up 10(),)

a plain an obvious fact

in a clear voice

become clear plain clear

make something clear plain clarify

vague indistinct inarticulate


speak distinctly articulate

write clearly plainly

. Is that clear? Have I made myself understood?

. The difference becomes clear in writing.

EQ \* jc2 \* "Font: " \* hps11 \o\ad(\s\up 10(),). Let us make this clear by considering a more specific case.

. My head is beginning to clear.

. Even though he is old, he is still clear-headed.

. I am feeling a bit fuzzy-headed today.


clear vivid

EQ \* jc2 \* "Font: " \* hps11 \o\ad(\s\up 10(),) a clear distinct image

EQ \* jc2 \* "Font: " \* hps11 \o\ad(\s\up 10(),) vivid memories of ones childhood

EQ \* jc2 \* "Font: " \* hps11 \o\ad(\s\up 10(),). This photograph has not come out clear.

. I remember it very clearly well. I have a vivid recollection of it.


definite distinct

EQ \* jc2 \* "Font: " \* hps11 \o\ad(\s\up 10(),) clear-cut features

EQ \* jc2 \* "Font: " \* hps11 \o\ad(\s\up 10(),) a distinct personality

a definite lexical meaning

EQ \* jc2 \* "Font: " \* hps11 \o\ad(\s\up 10(),) a distinct difference

definitely distinctly

EQ \* jc2 \* "Font: " \* hps11 \o\ad(\s\up 10(),). EQ \* jc2 \* "Font: " \* hps11 \o\ad(\s\up 10(),)EQ \* jc2 \* "Font: " \* hps11 \o\ad(\s\up 10(),). Time has two distinct characteristics it never stops and it always moves in one direction.


a definite reply

give a definite answer.

. Nothing definite is known about Shakespeares early life.

, EQ \* jc2 \* "Font: " \* hps11 \o\ad(\s\up 10(),). Make up your mind whether youll go or not.

. The weather is unsettled. The weather seems unable to make up its mind today.

. I dont seem to be getting any better.


the exact number

put ones finger on the difference

. I dont know for certain.

. He did not tell me the exact time of his departure.


tell somebody something frankly definitely

to be frank with you, to put it plainly bluntly, baldly, .

. Speak out!

. To put it bluntly baldly, it is phoney.

. Be more specific. Dont beat about the bush.


1 with a thud

fall down with a thud.


run into somebody come on across somebody.

3 =.



be surprised at, that EQ \* jc2 \* "Font: " \* hps11 \o\ad(\s\up 10(),) be astonished at, that be alarmed at be startled at take fright at

surprising amazing startling

in surprise in astonishment in amazement

surprise startle

be absolutely astonished amazed, astounded, staggered, flabbergasted at be taken aback.

. I was surprised at to hear the news. The news gave me a turn start when I heard it.

EQ \* jc2 \* "Font: " \* hps11 \o\ad(\s\up 10(),). The burglar was frightened away by the barking of the dog.

, . Oh, you scared me!

a jack-in-the-box -boxes.

1 tightly closely

close the door tightly

keep up against the wall

sit close together.

2 exactly

fit one perfectly to a T, to a nicety be perfectly correct fit right in with

an apt remark the right word for

. Youve guessed right.

3 completely perfectly.

50. Father gave up smoking completely on his 50th birthday.


1 a blockhead a careless person a dunce.

2 vacantly absentmindedly

be absentminded be dazed be careless

EQ \* jc2 \* "Font: " \* hps11 \o\ad(\s\up 10(),) gaze blankly at

be lost in thought

stand around.

. I was careless enough to take the wrong train.

EQ \* jc2 \* "Font: " \* hps11 \o\ad(\s\up 10(),). Some students just daydream are inattentive in class.

3 idly aimlessly

idle ones time away let time slip by

lie around.

. This is no time for idling.

4 vaguely dimly indistinctly.

EQ \* jc2 \* "Font: " \* hps11 \o\ad(\s\up 10(),). I still have a faint recollection of my childhood.

EQ \* jc2 \* "Font: " \* hps11 \o\ad(\s\up 10(),). My mind is still fuzzy from fuddled by sleeping tablets.

EQ \* jc2 \* "Font: " \* hps11 \o\ad(\s\up 10(),). I came up to Tokyo without any particular purpose in mind.


remarkably considerably very much markedly

. My brother has lost a lot of weight lately.

. My fathers hair is rapidly turning gray.


=EQ \* jc2 \* "Font: " \* hps11 \o\ad(\s\up 10(),), EQ \* jc2 \* "Font: " \* hps11 \o\ad(\s\up 10(),). I ran as fast as I could, but I was late all the same.

1 as I you, he thought said as I told you you see! EQ \* jc2 \* "Font: " \* hps11 \o\ad(\s\up 10(),), EQ \* jc2 \* "Font: " \* hps11 \o\ad(\s\up 10(),) be

! You see, it didnt rain!

EQ \* jc2 \* "Font: " \* hps11 \o\ad(\s\up 10(),), EQ \* jc2 \* "Font: " \* hps11 \o\ad(\s\up 10(),). I tried to carry it, but it was too heavy as you had said it would be.

. You failed, as I feared.

2 , too also as well likewise

. That wont do, either.

EQ \* jc2 \* "Font: " \* hps11 \o\ad(\s\up 10(),). He works as hard as before.

. That is also the case with us.

EQ \* jc2 \* "Font: " \* hps11 \o\ad(\s\up 10(),)EQ \* jc2 \* "Font: " \* hps11 \o\ad(\s\up 10(),), . She is no doubt a terribly education-minded mother, but you are another so are you.

3 still all the same

EQ \* jc2 \* "Font: " \* hps11 \o\ad(\s\up 10(),)EQ \* jc2 \* "Font: " \* hps11 \o\ad(\s\up 10(),). Even if he were penniless, I would respect him none the less.

, 1. I cannot do without my golf game once a week no matter how busy I am.

4 after all is said and done

, . After traveling in many countries I have come to the conclusion that ones own country is the best.

, . Ive been around with a lot of girls, but now I see that you are the only one for me, after all.


1 EQ \* jc2 \* "Font: " \* hps11 \o\ad(\s\up 10(),) slowly unhurriedly without any hurry at a slow speed leisurely at ones leisure without haste

take ones time in doing take it easy stay for a while stay longer

take time to think stop to think ponder over a matter

. Please take your time. Please dont hurry. Please make yourself at home.

. We walked at a more leisurely pace.

. Make haste slowly.

. You may think over the matter at your leisure.

. Ill come again for a longer visit.

. You must stay longer next time.

. After I am up, I take my time in looking through the paper.

. I cant stay long.


. We arrived at the airport in plenty of time.

, . Youll have plenty of ample time to do that later sit down at the table now and have a meal.

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