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  • 8/13/2019 AP Biochemistry 11


    How Matter is Organized

    Chemistry is the science of thestructure and interactions ofmatter. all living things consist of matter.

    Matter is anything thatoccupies space. mass is the amount of matter in

    any object. weight is the force of gravityacting on matter

    Does air have matter?

  • 8/13/2019 AP Biochemistry 11


    Chemical Elements

    Elements are substances that can not be splitinto simpler substances by ordinary means. 112 elements ( 92 occur naturally )

    26 of naturally occurring elements are in the body

    represented by chemical symbols ( first 1-2 lettersof name )

    4 elements form 96 % of the bodys mass hydrogen, oxygen, carbon and nitrogen

    Trace elements are present in tiny amounts such as copper, tin, selenium & zinc

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    Structure of Atoms Atoms are the smallest units of

    matter that retain theproperties of an element

    Atoms consist of 3 types ofsubatomic particles

    protons, neutrons andelectrons

    Nucleus contains protons (p+) &

    neutrons (neutral charge) Electrons (e-) surround the

    nucleus as a cloud (electronshells are designated regions of

    the cloud)

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    Atomic Number & Mass Number Atomic number is number of protons in the nucleus. .

    Mass number is the sum of its protons and neutrons.

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    Molecule, Element, compound

    Molecule= more than one atom existing in union Element= Molecule contains identical atoms

    Compound: Molecule contains different atoms

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    IONS: Charged particles

    When an atom gains or loses electrons ions areformed

    Positively charged= cation

    Negatively charged = anion

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    Chemical Bonds Bonds hold together the

    atoms in molecules andcompounds An atom with a full outer

    electron shell is stable andunlikely to form a bond with

    another atom Octet rule states thatbiologically importantelements interact toproduce chemically stablearrangements of 8electrons in the valenceshell.

    Whether electrons areshared, donated or acquireddetermines the types of

    bonds formed

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    Covalent Bonds Atoms share electrons

    to form covalent bonds Electrons spend most of

    the time between the 2

    atomic nuclei single bond = share 1pair double bond = share 2 pair triple bond = share 3 pair

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    Polar Covalent Bonds Unequal sharing of electrons between atoms.

    In a water molecule, oxygen attracts thehydrogen electrons more strongly Oxygen has greater electronegativity as

    indicated by the negative Greek delta sign.

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    Ionic Bonds

    Positively and negativelycharged ions attract eachother to form an ionic bond

    In the body, ionic bondsare found mainly in teethand bones

    An ionic compound that

    dissociates in water into +and - ions is called anelectrolyte

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    The Ionic Bond in Sodium Chloride

    Sodium loses an electronto become Na+ (cation)

    Chlorine gains an electron

    to become Cl- (anion) Na+ and Cl- are attracted

    to each other to form thecompound sodium chloride(NaCl) -- table salt

    Ionic compounds generallyexist as solids

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    Hydrogen bonds Hydrogen bonds are the most important inter

    molecular force of attraction . Formed by the attraction between slightly positive

    Hydrogen atom and a slightly negative atom ofanother element.

    Too weak to create molecules but creates shapesand stabilizes large molecules like proteins ornucleic acids

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    Chemical Reactions

    When new bonds form or old bonds are broken

    Metabolism is all the chemical reactions in the body

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    Energy and Chemical Reactions

    Chemical reactions involve energy changes

    Law of conservation of energy energy can neither be created nor destroyed--just

    converted from one form to another

    Reactions that yield energy = Exergonic reactions(Larger to smaller molecules)

    ABA + B

    Reactions that require energy to occur= Endergonicreactions (smaller to larger molecules )

    A + B AB

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    Energy Transfer in ChemicalReactions

    Chemical reactions usually involveboth

    Human metabolism couplesexergonic and endergonicreactions, so that the energyreleased from one reaction will

    drive the other. Glucose breakdown releases energy

    used to build ATP molecules thatstore that energy for later use in

    other reactions

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    Activation Energy Atoms, ions & molecules

    are continuously moving& colliding

    Activation energy is thecollision energy needed

    to break bonds & begin areaction

    Increases in concentration & temperature, increase the

    probability of 2 particles colliding more particles in a given space as concentration is raised

    particles move more rapidly when temperature is raised

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    Catalysts/Enzymes Normal body temperatures

    and concentrations are too

    low to cause chemicalreactions to occur

    Catalysts speed up chemicalreactions by lowering the

    activation energy needed toget it started Catalysts orient the

    colliding particles properlyso that they touch at the

    spots that make thereaction happen Catalyst molecules are

    unchanged and can be usedrepeatedly to speed upsimilar reactions.

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    Free Energy andActivation

    Energy Tutorial

    S th i R ti D iti R ti
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    Synthesis Reactions--Anabolism

    Two or more atoms, ions or

    molecules combine to formnew & larger molecules

    All the synthesis reactionsin the body together are

    called anabolism Usually are endergonic

    because they absorb moreenergy than they release

    Example combining amino acids to

    form a protein molecule

    Large molecules are split into

    smaller atoms, ions ormoleculesAll decomposition reactionsoccurring together in the bodyare known as catabolismUsually are exergonic sincethey release more energy thanthey absorb

    Decomposition Reactions--Catabolism

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    Inorganic Compounds & Solvents

    Most of the chemicals in the body arecompounds Inorganic compounds

    usually lack carbon & are structurally simple water, salts, acids and bases

    Organic compounds contain carbon & usually hydrogen

    always have covalent bonds

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    DissociationpH - measure or acidity/alkalinity pH = - log [H+]

    acidic < 7 < basicAcids-raise H+ contentBases-lower H+ content:

    release OH- or accepts H+

    1pH unit = 10x difference1000 as many H+ in a pH of 5 as there are in 8

    Buffer-takes up or releases H+ or OH- to preventchanges in pH. In the bicarbonate system, H2CO3H+base acceptor, HCO3- acid acceptor

    What happens to shells in carbonated drinks?

    Does Sea Ice Speed Up Ocean Acidification?How does the bicarbonate s stem work in a blood lasma? In the ocean?

    O A idifi ti : 2 3
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    Ocean Acidification: 2, 3
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    Carbon dioxide

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    Carbon dioxideconcentration inmetabolically active cells ismuch greater than incapillaries, so carbon

    dioxide diffuses from thecells into the capillaries.About 7% of the CO2directly dissolves in theplasma. Another 23% bindsto the amino groups in

    hemoglobin. The remaining70% is transported in theblood as bicarbonate ion.

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    Concept of pH

    pH scale runs from 0 to14 (concentration of H+in soln.)

    pH of 7 is neutral(distilled water)

    pH below 7 is acidic andabove 7 is alkaline
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    What is more acid than lemon?

    In a test of pH levels, a glass of milk was found to have a pH of 6.0. Aglass of grape juice had a pH of 3.0. What is the relationship betweenthe pH levels of the milk and grape juice?

    A The milk is 100 times more acidic than the grape juiceB The grape juice is 3 times more acidic than the milk

    C The milk is 3 times more acidic than the grape juice

    D The grape juice is 1000 times more acidic than the milk

    How many more H+s do tomatoes have than bananas? Lemons than milk?Bleach than soap?

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    Inorganic Acids, Bases & Salts Acids, bases and salts always dissociate into ions

    if they are dissolved in water acids dissociate into H+

    and one or more anions

    bases dissociate into OH-and one or more cations

    salts dissociate into anionsand cations, none of whichare either H+ or OH-

    Acid & bases react in the body to form salts Electrolytes are important salts in the body that

    carry electric current (in nerve or muscle)
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    Water & Its Properties Most important inorganic compound in living

    systems, Medium of nearly all chemical reactions Polarity

    uneven sharing of electrons makes it an excellent solvent for ionic or polar substances gives water molecules cohesion

    allows water to moderate temperature changes Participates as a product or reactant in certainreactions in the body hydrolysis reactions

    water is added to a large molecule to separate it intotwo smaller molecules

    digestion of food dehydration synthesis reaction

    two small molecules are joined to form a larger

    molecule releasing a water molecule

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    Water as a Solvent Most versatile solvent known

    polar covalent bonds (hydrophilic vs hydrophobic) its shape allows each water molecule to interactwith neighboring ions/molecules

    Water dissolves many substances

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    Water has a high surface tension Water is wet

    Water is attracted to itself, and this attraction,due to H bonds is stronger than the attraction tothe air above

    Adhesion and cohesion allow for capillary actionwater transport in plants

    Occurs as solid, liquid and gas within normaltemperature ranges on Earth
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    Water = good evaporative coolant Heat of vaporization is also high

    amount of heat needed to change from liquid to gas evaporation of water from the skin removes large amount of


    B/c it takes a lot of energy to change water from a liquid to

    a gas, it takes energy with it Heat capacity is high

    can absorb a large amount of heat with only a small increase inits own temperature

    large number of hydrogen bonds in water bonds are broken as heat is absorbed instead of

    increasing temperature of water

    large amount of water in body helps lessen the impact of

    environmental changes in temperature

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    Chemical Reactions energy causes rearrangement of e-'s and new bonds, new

    compounds are formed, E can be force of collision, heat,electricity etc.

    reactants yield product(s) Balanced equations (energy cannot be created or

    destroyed). Balance the following equations:CH4+ O2CO2+ H2OCuO + NH3Cu + H2O + N2NH3+ O2NO + H2O

    CH4+ 2O2= CO2+ 2H2O3CuO + 2NH3= 3Cu + 3H2O + N24NH3+ 5O2= 4NO + 6H2O


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    Mixtures-- combination of substances inwhich the individual components retaintheir own properties

    solutions-- or more substances isdistributed evenly in another substance


    suspension-- particles of materials are

    temporarily mixed together (blood)

    colloid-- particles larger than solution,smaller than suspension (cytosol)

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    Chemistry Tutorial

    The Biology Project:

    Carbon & Its Functional Groups
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    Properties of carbon atoms

    forms bonds with other carbon atoms produce large,

    stable molecules with many different shapes (rings, straight or

    branched chains)

    Many functional groups can attach to carbon skeleton

    esters, amino, carboxyl, phosphate groups (Table 2.5) Very large molecules called macromolecules (polymers if all

    monomer subunits are similar)

    Carbon & Its Functional Groups

    The properties of different biological molecules

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    The properties of different biological moleculesdepend on certain characteristic groupings ofatoms called functional groups.

    If you know the properties of some of thefunctional groups, you will be able to quickly lookat many simple biological molecules and get someidea of their solubility and possible identity. The

    names of the six most important functional groupsare:


    Carbonyl Carboxyl Amino Sulfhydryl


    d l

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    Hydroxyl Two functional groups containing oxygen, the

    hydroxyl and carbonyl groups, contribute towater solubility.

    Hydroxyl groups have one hydrogen paired

    with one oxygen atom (symbolized as -OH).Hydroxyl groups are not highly reactive, butthey readily form hydrogen bonds and

    contribute to making molecules soluble inwater.Alcohols and sugars are "loaded" withhydroxyl groups.

    Genistein and daidzein, two phytoestrogens from legumes

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    p y g g

    Notice that the only difference between these two moleculesis the additional hydroxyl (-OH) group on genistein. Bothare typical isoflavones. Genistein, however, is considerablymore estrogenic than daidzein; chemists attribute this tothe influence of the additional hydroxyl group. The hydroxylgroups are important for binding to estrogen receptors.

    b l

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    Carbonyl Carbonyl groups have one oxygen atom double-

    bonded to a carbon atom (symbolized as -C=O).Like hydroxyl groups, carbonyl groups contributeto making molecules water-soluble.All sugarmolecules have one carbonyl group, in addition tohydroxyl groups on the other carbon atoms. Aldehyde groups, where the C=O group is at the end of

    an organic molecule. A hydrogen atom is also located onthe same carbon atom.

    Keto groups, where the C=O group is located within anorganic molecule. All sugars have either a keto or analdehyde group.

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    Carbonyl -COH C3H6Oaldehyde = end (propanol)

    ketone = inside (acetone)

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    C b li A id

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    Carboxylic Acids Carboxyl groups are weak acids, dissociating

    partially to release hydrogen ions.The carboxylgroup (symbolized as COOH) has both a carbonyland a hydroxyl group attached to the same carbonatom, resulting in new properties.

    Carboxyl groups frequently ionize, releasing the H from thehydroxyl group as a free proton (H+), with the remaining Ocarrying a negative charge. Molecules containing carboxyl

    groups are called carboxylic acids and dissociate partiallyinto H+and COO.

    Carboxyl groups are common in many biological molecules,

    including amino acids and fatty acids.

    A i G

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    Amino Group Nitrogen in biological molecules usually occurs in

    the form of basic amino groups.Nitrogen isanother abundant element in biological molecules.Having a valence of 3, nitrogen normally formsthree covalent bonds, either single, double, or

    triple bonds.

    Amino groups (-NH2) are common functional groupscontaining nitrogen. Amino groups are basic, andoften become ionized by the addition of a hydrogenion (H+), forming positively charged amino groups (-NH3


    S lfh d l

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    Sulfhydryl Sulfur is found mainly in proteins in the form of

    sulfhydryl groups or disulfide groups.Like oxygen,sulfur typically has a valence of 2, although it canalso have a valence of 6, as in sulfuric acid.

    Sulfur is found in certain amino acids and proteinsin the form of sulfhydryl groups (symbolized as -SH). Two sulfhydryl groups can interact to form adisulfide group (symbolized as -S-S-).

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    Importance of Functional Groups in

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    Importance of Functional Groups inBiology

    Function Groups Practice
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    Function Groups PracticeMatch the columns







    Types of Organic compounds
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    Four major groups of organiccompounds, necessary for life are:

    polymers monomers____

    Carbohydrates monosacchrides Lipids fatty acids

    Proteins amino acids

    Nucleic acids nucleotides

    Types of Organic compounds


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    Diverse group of substances from C, H, and O

    ratio of one carbon atom for each water molecule(carbohydrates means watered carbon)

    glucose is 6 carbon atoms and 6 water molecules (H20)

    Main function is to produce energy

    3 sizes of carbohydrate molecules




    Mono saccharides

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    Mono saccharidesone sugar

    Called simple sugars Contain 3 to 7 carbon atoms


    We can absorb only 3 simple sugarswithout further digestion in our smallintestine

    glucose found in syrup or honey fructose found in fruit

    galactose found in dairy products

    Disaccharides (two)

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    Disaccharides ( two )

    Formed by combining 2 monosaccharides bydehydration synthesis (releases a water molecule)

    Name of bond= Glycosidic bond sucrose = glucose & fructose

    Condensation Rxn & Dehydration
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    Condensation Rxn & DehydrationSynthesis

    2 Condensation & Hydrolysis QT Mov

    Dis h id s f distin ti n
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    Disacchrides of distinction

    glucose + fructose = sucrose

    glucose + glucose = maltose

    glucose + galactose = lactose
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    Lipids = fats oils steroids waxes

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    Lipids = fats, oils, steroids, waxes Formed from C, H and O 18-25% of body weight

    Hydrophobic fewer polar bonds because of fewer oxygen atoms insoluble in water

    Combines with proteins for transport in blood

    Lipoproteins Three functional classes:Storage lipid:-Triglycerides: Common body fat.Regulatory lipid:

    - Steroids: act as hormone- Eicosanoids: hormonesStructural lipid: Phospholipids: Cell membrane

    Glycolipids: Cell membrane


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    Triglycerides Fats composed of a single glycerol molecule and 3

    fatty acid molecules three-carbon glycerol molecule is the backbone

    Very concentrated form of energy 9 calories/gram compared to 4 for proteins &


    our bodies store triglycerides in fat cells if we eat

    extra food

    Triglyceride Formation

  • 8/13/2019 AP Biochemistry 11


    Triglycerides =three fatty

    acids attachedby dehydrationsynthesis to

    one molecule ofglycerol by anester bond

    Triglyceride Formation

    Figure 2.15

    Saturation of Triglycerides

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    Saturation of Triglycerides Determined by the

    number of single or

    double covalent bondsin fatty acid

    Saturated fats containsingle covalent bonds

    and are covered withhydrogen atoms----lard Unsaturated are not

    completely coveredwith hydrogen----

    safflower oil, corn oil Polyunsaturated fats

    contain even lesshydrogen atoms----oliveand peanut oil

    Regulatory lipids: Steroids

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    Regulatory lipids: Steroids Formed from 4 rings of

    carbon atoms joinedtogether

    Common steroids

    sex hormones, bile salts,

    vitamins & cholesterol Cholesterol found in animal

    cell membranes

    starting material for

    synthesis of othersteroids

    Which is most soluble inwater?

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    Eicosanoids Lipid type derived from a fatty

    acid called arachidonic acid prostaglandins = wide variety of

    functions modify responses to hormones

    contribute to inflammatory response prevent stomach ulcers

    dilate airways

    regulate body temperature

    influence formation of blood clots leukotrienes = allergy &

    inflammatory responses

    Structural lipids

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    Structural lipidsPhospholipids: Glycerol+ fatty acids + phosphate

    Part of cell membrane. Ex. Lecithin.

    Glycolipid: Glycerol+ fatty acid+ sugar chain.

    Part of cell membrane surface.

    Chemical Nature of Phospholipids

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    Chemical Nature of Phospholipidsamphi pathic

    head tails

    Lipid Behavior in Various
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    Lipid Behavior in VariousEnvironments

    How do phospholipids behave

    In an oil spill?

    Submerged in water? In a living cell?

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    Whatdeterminesthe densityof


    Nucleic acids are chains of nucleotides
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    Three types: DNA, RNA, ATP

    Function: Storage of geneticinformation and energy

    Nucleotides are composed of:

    sugar, phosphate,nitrogenous base Sugar = deoxyribose (DNA) or ribose (RNA & ATP)

    DNA Bases = adenine, thymine, cytosine, guanine

    RNA bases = adenine, uracil, cytosine, guanine

    Base Pairing: A-T, G-C or A-U. Held together byhydrogen bonds

    Nucleic acids are chains of nucleotides

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    DNA Structure

  • 8/13/2019 AP Biochemistry 11


    DNA Structure

    Huge molecules containing

    C, H, O, N and phosphorus Each gene of our genetic

    material is a piece of DNAthat controls the synthesis

    of a specific protein A molecule of DNA is a

    chain of nucleotides

    Nucleotide = nitrogenous

    base (A-G-T-C) + pentosesugar + phosphate group

    RNA Structure

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    RNA Structure

    Differs from DNA single stranded ribose sugar not

    deoxyribose sugar

    uracil nitrogenous basereplaces thymine Types of RNA within the

    cell, each with a specific

    function messenger RNA ribosomal RNA transfer RNA

    Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP)
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    Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) Temporary molecular storage of energy as it is

    being transferred from exergonic catabolicreactions to cellular activities muscle contraction, transport of substances across cell

    membranes, movement of structures within cells andmovement of organelles

    Consists of 3 phosphategroups attached toadenine & 5-carbon

    sugar (ribose)

    Formation & Usage of ATP
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    Formation & Usage of ATP Hydrolysis of ATP (removal of terminal phosphate

    group by enzyme -- ATPase) releases energy

    leaves ADP (adenosine diphosphate)

    Synthesis of ATP enzyme ATP synthase catalyzes the addition of

    the terminal phosphate group to ADP

    energy from 1 glucose molecule is used duringaerobic respiration to create 36 to 38 moleculesof ATP

    Amino Acid Structure

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    Amino Acid Structure

    Central carbon atom

    Amino group (NH2)

    Carboxyl group (COOH)


    Side chains (R groups) vary between amino acids


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    Contain carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, andnitrogen

    Constructed from combinations of 20amino acids.

    Levels of structural organization primary, secondary and tertiary

    shape of the protein influences its ability to form


    Which Amino Acidsare hydrophobic?

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    are hydrophobic?How do you know?

    Which AminoAcids arealkaline?Why?

    Formation of a peptide Bond

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    Formation of a peptide Bond

    Dipeptides formed from 2 amino acids joined by acovalent bond called a peptide bond dehydration synthesis

    Polypeptides chains formed from 10 to 2000 aminoacids.

    Levels of Structural Organization
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    Primary is unique sequence of amino acids Secondary is alpha helix or pleated sheet folding

    Tertiary is 3-dimensional shape of polypeptide chain

    Quaternary is relationship of multiple polypeptide chains

    L f g

    The four levels of protein
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    Primary is uniquesequence of amino acids

    Secondary is alpha helixor pleated sheet folding

    Tertiary is 3-dimensionalshape of polypeptidechain

    Quaternary isrelationship of multiplepolypeptide chains

    Protein Folding Tutorial:

    Protein folding in Water

    f f pconfiguration

    Bonds of protein Structure
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    Bonds of protein Structure

    Hydrogen bond formsthe secondary structure

    Disulfide bonds stabilizethe tertiary structure of

    protein molecules Disulfide bond between

    2 polypeptide chains

    create quaternarystructure

    Protein Denaturation
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    Function of a protein dependson its ability to recognize andbind to some other molecule

    Hostile environments such as

    heat, acid or salts will changea proteins 3-D shape anddestroy its ability to function

    raw egg white when cooked isvastly different

    Protein Denaturation

    Glycoprotein and Proteoglycan
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    Glycoprotein and Proteoglycan

    Proteins exist in combination with sugar.

    Glycoprotein: Protein + sugar chain. Found in cellmembrane. Serve as surface proteins.

    Proteoglycan: Protein + sugar chain. Also present in

    cell membrane. Can have enzymatic activity.

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    y Enzymes are protein molecules that act as

    catalysts by lowering Activation Energy Enzyme = apoenzyme + cofactor Apoenzymes are the protein portion Cofactors are nonprotein portion

    may be metal ion (iron, zinc, magnesium or calcium) may be organic molecule derived from a vitamin

    Enzymes usually end in suffix -ase and are namedfor the types of chemical reactions they catalyze

    How Enzymes Work Enzyme Tutorial Enzyme Catalysis
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    Enzyme Structure Interactions
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    yLock and Key: shape and active

    site of enz is only compatiblew/ substrate, formingsubstrate enzyme complex

    -enz reused but are eventually

    decomposed=constant synthesis-usually end in "ase" and takename of substrate

    Factors Affecting Enzyme Action
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    g y


    40oC, denaturationEnzyme Saturation

    Concentration of substrate

    pH pepsin ( gastric protease) pH2

    trypsin (pancreatic protease)

    pH 8
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    Cofactors can aid how enzymeworks. If they are organic, thenthey are coenzymes these areenzyme activators

    Allosteric & Competitive


    Pharmacological EnzymeInhibitorsAllosteric RegulationBiochemical PathwayCompetitive vs Noncompetitive


    Competitive vs Noncompetitive Inhibitors
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    p p
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    In this animation, the enzyme is olive, the substrate is green,the competitive inhibitor is red and the products A & B are

    yellow and blue. The enzyme has binding site into which eitherthe substrate or the competitive inhibitor may fit.

    Which product, A or B, would most likely be a competitiveinhibitor?

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    The enzyme has 2 binding sites, one for thesubstrate (the active site) and the other for theallosteric activator (the regulatory site). Allosteric

    Activation Nerve gas permanently blocks pathways involved in nervemessage transmission, resulting in death.

    Penicillin, the first of the "wonder drug" antibiotics,permanently blocks the pathways certain bacteria use to

    assemble their cell wall components.

    Examples of Enzyme function
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    p y

    Ethylene levels cause changes in the production of differentenzymes, allowing fruits to ripen.

    In eukaryotic cells the mRNA transcript undergoes a seriesof enzyme regulated modifications.

    The enzyme RNA-polymerase reads the DNA molecule in the3' to 5' direction and synthesizes complementary mRNAmolecules that determine the order of amino acids in thepolypeptide.

    ATP Synthase

    DNA polymerase, ligase, RNA polymerase, helicase andtopoisomerase,

    Positive Feedback

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    Amplification occurs when the stimulus is furtheractivated, which in turn initiates an additional

    response that produces system change

    Lactation in mammals

    Onset of labor in childbirth

    Ripening of fruit Blood clotting

    Estrogen & Progesterone in Female System

    Negative Feedback/ FeedbackInhibition
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    When the product is in abundance,it binds competitively with itsenzyme's active site; as theproduct is used up, inhibition isreduced and more product can beproduced. In this way theconcentration of the product isalways controlled within a certainrange.

    Operons in gene regulation

    Temperature regulation in animals

    Plants response to water

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    1 A

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    Resources Animations:
  • 8/13/2019 AP Biochemistry 11


    n mat ons Microbiology: BioTopics Contents:

    What is an Enzyme: Lipid Behavior in Various Environments Organic Molecules Interactive Animations for Biochemical Processes Biology Project Chemistry Tutorial Chemistry Target Practice

    Importance of Functional Groups Functional groups Matching Identify the Biomolecules Matching "Hot Potatoes" Practice matching exercises Factors that affect the rate of Chemical Reactions with Alka Seltzer

    Properties of Water Properties of Water & Transpiration Enzyme Specificity Tutorial Enzyme Kinetics Animation